Search results for: recurrent artificial neural network
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 6941

Search results for: recurrent artificial neural network

6101 ANN Modeling for Cadmium Biosorption from Potable Water Using a Packed-Bed Column Process

Authors: Dariush Jafari, Seyed Ali Jafari


The recommended limit for cadmium concentration in potable water is less than 0.005 mg/L. A continuous biosorption process using indigenous red seaweed, Gracilaria corticata, was performed to remove cadmium from the potable water. The process was conducted under fixed conditions and the breakthrough curves were achieved for three consecutive sorption-desorption cycles. A modeling based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was employed to fit the experimental breakthrough data. In addition, a simplified semi empirical model, Thomas, was employed for this purpose. It was found that ANN well described the experimental data (R2>0.99) while the Thomas prediction were a bit less successful with R2>0.97. The adjusted design parameters using the nonlinear form of Thomas model was in a good agreement with the experimentally obtained ones. The results approve the capability of ANN to predict the cadmium concentration in potable water.

Keywords: ANN, biosorption, cadmium, packed-bed, potable water

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6100 Role of Artificial Intelligence in Nano Proteomics

Authors: Mehrnaz Mostafavi


Recent advances in single-molecule protein identification (ID) and quantification techniques are poised to revolutionize proteomics, enabling researchers to delve into single-cell proteomics and identify low-abundance proteins crucial for biomedical and clinical research. This paper introduces a different approach to single-molecule protein ID and quantification using tri-color amino acid tags and a plasmonic nanopore device. A comprehensive simulator incorporating various physical phenomena was designed to predict and model the device's behavior under diverse experimental conditions, providing insights into its feasibility and limitations. The study employs a whole-proteome single-molecule identification algorithm based on convolutional neural networks, achieving high accuracies (>90%), particularly in challenging conditions (95–97%). To address potential challenges in clinical samples, where post-translational modifications affecting labeling efficiency, the paper evaluates protein identification accuracy under partial labeling conditions. Solid-state nanopores, capable of processing tens of individual proteins per second, are explored as a platform for this method. Unlike techniques relying solely on ion-current measurements, this approach enables parallel readout using high-density nanopore arrays and multi-pixel single-photon sensors. Convolutional neural networks contribute to the method's versatility and robustness, simplifying calibration procedures and potentially allowing protein ID based on partial reads. The study also discusses the efficacy of the approach in real experimental conditions, resolving functionally similar proteins. The theoretical analysis, protein labeler program, finite difference time domain calculation of plasmonic fields, and simulation of nanopore-based optical sensing are detailed in the methods section. The study anticipates further exploration of temporal distributions of protein translocation dwell-times and the impact on convolutional neural network identification accuracy. Overall, the research presents a promising avenue for advancing single-molecule protein identification and quantification with broad applications in proteomics research. The contributions made in methodology, accuracy, robustness, and technological exploration collectively position this work at the forefront of transformative developments in the field.

Keywords: nano proteomics, nanopore-based optical sensing, deep learning, artificial intelligence

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6099 A Hybrid Fuzzy Clustering Approach for Fertile and Unfertile Analysis

Authors: Shima Soltanzadeh, Mohammad Hosain Fazel Zarandi, Mojtaba Barzegar Astanjin


Diagnosis of male infertility by the laboratory tests is expensive and, sometimes it is intolerable for patients. Filling out the questionnaire and then using classification method can be the first step in decision-making process, so only in the cases with a high probability of infertility we can use the laboratory tests. In this paper, we evaluated the performance of four classification methods including naive Bayesian, neural network, logistic regression and fuzzy c-means clustering as a classification, in the diagnosis of male infertility due to environmental factors. Since the data are unbalanced, the ROC curves are most suitable method for the comparison. In this paper, we also have selected the more important features using a filtering method and examined the impact of this feature reduction on the performance of each methods; generally, most of the methods had better performance after applying the filter. We have showed that using fuzzy c-means clustering as a classification has a good performance according to the ROC curves and its performance is comparable to other classification methods like logistic regression.

Keywords: classification, fuzzy c-means, logistic regression, Naive Bayesian, neural network, ROC curve

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6098 Image Instance Segmentation Using Modified Mask R-CNN

Authors: Avatharam Ganivada, Krishna Shah


The Mask R-CNN is recently introduced by the team of Facebook AI Research (FAIR), which is mainly concerned with instance segmentation in images. Here, the Mask R-CNN is based on ResNet and feature pyramid network (FPN), where a single dropout method is employed. This paper provides a modified Mask R-CNN by adding multiple dropout methods into the Mask R-CNN. The proposed model has also utilized the concepts of Resnet and FPN to extract stage-wise network feature maps, wherein a top-down network path having lateral connections is used to obtain semantically strong features. The proposed model produces three outputs for each object in the image: class label, bounding box coordinates, and object mask. The performance of the proposed network is evaluated in the segmentation of every instance in images using COCO and cityscape datasets. The proposed model achieves better performance than the state-of-the-networks for the datasets.

Keywords: instance segmentation, object detection, convolutional neural networks, deep learning, computer vision

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6097 Feature Engineering Based Detection of Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in Source Code Using Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Mst Shapna Akter, Hossain Shahriar


One of the most important challenges in the field of software code audit is the presence of vulnerabilities in software source code. Every year, more and more software flaws are found, either internally in proprietary code or revealed publicly. These flaws are highly likely exploited and lead to system compromise, data leakage, or denial of service. C and C++ open-source code are now available in order to create a largescale, machine-learning system for function-level vulnerability identification. We assembled a sizable dataset of millions of opensource functions that point to potential exploits. We developed an efficient and scalable vulnerability detection method based on deep neural network models that learn features extracted from the source codes. The source code is first converted into a minimal intermediate representation to remove the pointless components and shorten the dependency. Moreover, we keep the semantic and syntactic information using state-of-the-art word embedding algorithms such as glove and fastText. The embedded vectors are subsequently fed into deep learning networks such as LSTM, BilSTM, LSTM-Autoencoder, word2vec, BERT, and GPT-2 to classify the possible vulnerabilities. Furthermore, we proposed a neural network model which can overcome issues associated with traditional neural networks. Evaluation metrics such as f1 score, precision, recall, accuracy, and total execution time have been used to measure the performance. We made a comparative analysis between results derived from features containing a minimal text representation and semantic and syntactic information. We found that all of the deep learning models provide comparatively higher accuracy when we use semantic and syntactic information as the features but require higher execution time as the word embedding the algorithm puts on a bit of complexity to the overall system.

Keywords: cyber security, vulnerability detection, neural networks, feature extraction

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6096 Solving Directional Overcurrent Relay Coordination Problem Using Artificial Bees Colony

Authors: M. H. Hussain, I. Musirin, A. F. Abidin, S. R. A. Rahim


This paper presents the implementation of Artificial Bees Colony (ABC) algorithm in solving Directional OverCurrent Relays (DOCRs) coordination problem for near-end faults occurring in fixed network topology. The coordination optimization of DOCRs is formulated as linear programming (LP) problem. The objective function is introduced to minimize the operating time of the associated relay which depends on the time multiplier setting. The proposed technique is to taken as a technique for comparison purpose in order to highlight its superiority. The proposed algorithms have been tested successfully on 8 bus test system. The simulation results demonstrated that the ABC algorithm which has been proved to have good search ability is capable in dealing with constraint optimization problems.

Keywords: artificial bees colony, directional overcurrent relay coordination problem, relay settings, time multiplier setting

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6095 The Classification Accuracy of Finance Data through Holder Functions

Authors: Yeliz Karaca, Carlo Cattani


This study focuses on the local Holder exponent as a measure of the function regularity for time series related to finance data. In this study, the attributes of the finance dataset belonging to 13 countries (India, China, Japan, Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Mexico, United Kingdom, Argentina, Brazil, USA) located in 5 different continents (Asia, Europe, Australia, North America and South America) have been examined.These countries are the ones mostly affected by the attributes with regard to financial development, covering a period from 2012 to 2017. Our study is concerned with the most important attributes that have impact on the development of finance for the countries identified. Our method is comprised of the following stages: (a) among the multi fractal methods and Brownian motion Holder regularity functions (polynomial, exponential), significant and self-similar attributes have been identified (b) The significant and self-similar attributes have been applied to the Artificial Neuronal Network (ANN) algorithms (Feed Forward Back Propagation (FFBP) and Cascade Forward Back Propagation (CFBP)) (c) the outcomes of classification accuracy have been compared concerning the attributes that have impact on the attributes which affect the countries’ financial development. This study has enabled to reveal, through the application of ANN algorithms, how the most significant attributes are identified within the relevant dataset via the Holder functions (polynomial and exponential function).

Keywords: artificial neural networks, finance data, Holder regularity, multifractals

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6094 Weed Classification Using a Two-Dimensional Deep Convolutional Neural Network

Authors: Muhammad Ali Sarwar, Muhammad Farooq, Nayab Hassan, Hammad Hassan


Pakistan is highly recognized for its agriculture and is well known for producing substantial amounts of wheat, cotton, and sugarcane. However, some factors contribute to a decline in crop quality and a reduction in overall output. One of the main factors contributing to this decline is the presence of weed and its late detection. This process of detection is manual and demands a detailed inspection to be done by the farmer itself. But by the time detection of weed, the farmer will be able to save its cost and can increase the overall production. The focus of this research is to identify and classify the four main types of weeds (Small-Flowered Cranesbill, Chick Weed, Prickly Acacia, and Black-Grass) that are prevalent in our region’s major crops. In this work, we implemented three different deep learning techniques: YOLO-v5, Inception-v3, and Deep CNN on the same Dataset, and have concluded that deep convolutions neural network performed better with an accuracy of 97.45% for such classification. In relative to the state of the art, our proposed approach yields 2% better results. We devised the architecture in an efficient way such that it can be used in real-time.

Keywords: deep convolution networks, Yolo, machine learning, agriculture

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6093 Efficacy and Safety of Updated Target Therapies for Treatment of Platinum-Resistant Recurrent Ovarian Cancer

Authors: John Hang Leung, Shyh-Yau Wang, Hei-Tung Yip, Fion, Ho Tsung-chin, Agnes LF Chan


Objectives: Platinum-resistant ovarian cancer has a short overall survival of 9–12 months and limited treatment options. The combination of immunotherapy and targeted therapy appears to be a promising treatment option for patients with ovarian cancer, particularly to patients with platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer (PRrOC). However, there are no direct head-to-head clinical trials comparing their efficacy and toxicity. We, therefore, used a network to directly and indirectly compare seven newer immunotherapies or targeted therapies combined with chemotherapy in platinum-resistant relapsed ovarian cancer, including antibody-drug conjugates, PD-1 (Programmed death-1) and PD-L1 (Programmed death-ligand 1), PARP (Poly ADP-ribose polymerase) inhibitors, TKIs (Tyrosine kinase inhibitors), and antiangiogenic agents. Methods: We searched PubMed (Public/Publisher MEDLINE), EMBASE (Excerpta Medica Database), and the Cochrane Library electronic databases for phase II and III trials involving PRrOC patients treated with immunotherapy or targeted therapy plus chemotherapy. The quality of included trials was assessed using the GRADE method. The primary outcomes compared were progression-free survival, the secondary outcomes were overall survival and safety. Results: Seven randomized controlled trials involving a total of 2058 PRrOC patients were included in this analysis. Bevacizumab plus chemotherapy showed statistically significant differences in PFS (Progression-free survival) but not OS (Overall survival) for all interested targets and immunotherapy regimens; however, according to the heatmap analysis, bevacizumab plus chemotherapy had a statistically significant risk of ≥grade 3 SAEs (Severe adverse effects), particularly hematological severe adverse events (neutropenia, anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia). Conclusions: Bevacizumab plus chemotherapy resulted in better PFS as compared with all interested regimens for the treatment of PRrOC. However, statistical differences in SAEs as bevacizumab plus chemotherapy is associated with a greater risk for hematological SAE.

Keywords: platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer, network meta-analysis, immune checkpoint inhibitors, target therapy, antiangiogenic agents

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6092 Smart Sensor Data to Predict Machine Performance with IoT-Based Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Authors: C. J. Rossouw, T. I. van Niekerk


The global manufacturing industry is utilizing the internet and cloud-based services to further explore the anatomy and optimize manufacturing processes in support of the movement into the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The 4IR from a third world and African perspective is hindered by the fact that many manufacturing systems that were developed in the third industrial revolution are not inherently equipped to utilize the internet and services of the 4IR, hindering the progression of third world manufacturing industries into the 4IR. This research focuses on the development of a non-invasive and cost-effective cyber-physical IoT system that will exploit a machine’s vibration to expose semantic characteristics in the manufacturing process and utilize these results through a real-time cloud-based machine condition monitoring system with the intention to optimize the system. A microcontroller-based IoT sensor was designed to acquire a machine’s mechanical vibration data, process it in real-time, and transmit it to a cloud-based platform via Wi-Fi and the internet. Time-frequency Fourier analysis was applied to the vibration data to form an image representation of the machine’s behaviour. This data was used to train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn semantic characteristics in the machine’s behaviour and relate them to a state of operation. The same data was also used to train a Convolutional Autoencoder (CAE) to detect anomalies in the data. Real-time edge-based artificial intelligence was achieved by deploying the CNN and CAE on the sensor to analyse the vibration. A cloud platform was deployed to visualize the vibration data and the results of the CNN and CAE in real-time. The cyber-physical IoT system was deployed on a semi-automated metal granulation machine with a set of trained machine learning models. Using a single sensor, the system was able to accurately visualize three states of the machine’s operation in real-time. The system was also able to detect a variance in the material being granulated. The research demonstrates how non-IoT manufacturing systems can be equipped with edge-based artificial intelligence to establish a remote machine condition monitoring system.

Keywords: IoT, cyber-physical systems, artificial intelligence, manufacturing, vibration analytics, continuous machine condition monitoring

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6091 Empirical and Indian Automotive Equity Portfolio Decision Support

Authors: P. Sankar, P. James Daniel Paul, Siddhant Sahu


A brief review of the empirical studies on the methodology of the stock market decision support would indicate that they are at a threshold of validating the accuracy of the traditional and the fuzzy, artificial neural network and the decision trees. Many researchers have been attempting to compare these models using various data sets worldwide. However, the research community is on the way to the conclusive confidence in the emerged models. This paper attempts to use the automotive sector stock prices from National Stock Exchange (NSE), India and analyze them for the intra-sectorial support for stock market decisions. The study identifies the significant variables and their lags which affect the price of the stocks using OLS analysis and decision tree classifiers.

Keywords: Indian automotive sector, stock market decisions, equity portfolio analysis, decision tree classifiers, statistical data analysis

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6090 The Fibonacci Network: A Simple Alternative for Positional Encoding

Authors: Yair Bleiberg, Michael Werman


Coordinate-based Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) are known to have difficulty reconstructing high frequencies of the training data. A common solution to this problem is Positional Encoding (PE), which has become quite popular. However, PE has drawbacks. It has high-frequency artifacts and adds another hyper hyperparameter, just like batch normalization and dropout do. We believe that under certain circumstances, PE is not necessary, and a smarter construction of the network architecture together with a smart training method is sufficient to achieve similar results. In this paper, we show that very simple MLPs can quite easily output a frequency when given input of the half-frequency and quarter-frequency. Using this, we design a network architecture in blocks, where the input to each block is the output of the two previous blocks along with the original input. We call this a Fibonacci Network. By training each block on the corresponding frequencies of the signal, we show that Fibonacci Networks can reconstruct arbitrarily high frequencies.

Keywords: neural networks, positional encoding, high frequency intepolation, fully connected

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6089 Amazon and Its AI Features

Authors: Leen Sulaimani, Maryam Hafiz, Naba Ali, Roba Alsharif


One of Amazon’s most crucial online systems is artificial intelligence. Amazon would not have a worldwide successful online store, an easy and secure way of payment, and other services if it weren’t for artificial intelligence and machine learning. Amazon uses AI to expand its operations and enhance them by upgrading the website daily; having a strong base of artificial intelligence in a worldwide successful business can improve marketing, decision-making, feedback, and more qualities. Aiming to have a rational AI system in one’s business should be the start of any process; that is why Amazon is fortunate that they keep taking care of the base of their business by using modern artificial intelligence, making sure that it is stable, reaching their organizational goals, and will continue to thrive more each and every day. Artificial intelligence is used daily in our current world and is still being amplified more each day to reach consumer satisfaction and company short and long-term goals.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, Amazon, business, customer, decision making

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6088 Comparison of ANFIS Update Methods Using Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, and Artificial Bee Colony

Authors: Michael R. Phangtriastu, Herriyandi Herriyandi, Diaz D. Santika


This paper presents a comparison of the implementation of metaheuristic algorithms to train the antecedent parameters and consequence parameters in the adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The algorithms compared are genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and artificial bee colony (ABC). The objective of this paper is to benchmark well-known metaheuristic algorithms. The algorithms are applied to several data set with different nature. The combinations of the algorithms' parameters are tested. In all algorithms, a different number of populations are tested. In PSO, combinations of velocity are tested. In ABC, a different number of limit abandonment are tested. Experiments find out that ABC is more reliable than other algorithms, ABC manages to get better mean square error (MSE) than other algorithms in all data set.

Keywords: ANFIS, artificial bee colony, genetic algorithm, metaheuristic algorithm, particle swarm optimization

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6087 PhenoScreen: Development of a Systems Biology Tool for Decision Making in Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections

Authors: Jonathan Josephs-Spaulding, Hannah Rettig, Simon Graspeunter, Jan Rupp, Christoph Kaleta


Background: Recurrent urinary tract infections (rUTIs) are a global cause of emergency room visits and represent a significant burden for public health systems. Therefore, metatranscriptomic approaches to investigate metabolic exchange and crosstalk between uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), which is responsible for 90% of UTIs, and collaborating pathogens of the urogenital microbiome is necessary to better understand the pathogenetic processes underlying rUTIs. Objectives: This study aims to determine the level in which uropathogens optimize the host urinary metabolic environment to succeed during invasion. By developing patient-specific metabolic models of infection, these observations can be taken advantage of for the precision treatment of human disease. Methods: To date, we have set up an rUTI patient cohort and observed various urine-associated pathogens. From this cohort, we developed patient-specific metabolic models to predict bladder microbiome metabolism during rUTIs. This was done by creating an in silico metabolomic urine environment, which is representative of human urine. Metabolic models of uptake and cross-feeding of rUTI pathogens were created from genomes in relation to the artificial urine environment. Finally, microbial interactions were constrained by metatranscriptomics to indicate patient-specific metabolic requirements of pathogenic communities. Results: Metabolite uptake and cross-feeding are essential for strain growth; therefore, we plan to design patient-specific treatments by adjusting urinary metabolites through nutritional regimens to counteract uropathogens by depleting essential growth metabolites. These methods will provide mechanistic insights into the metabolic components of rUTI pathogenesis to provide an evidence-based tool for infection treatment.

Keywords: recurrent urinary tract infections, human microbiome, uropathogenic Escherichia coli, UPEC, microbial ecology

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6086 Neural Style Transfer Using Deep Learning

Authors: Shaik Jilani Basha, Inavolu Avinash, Alla Venu Sai Reddy, Bitragunta Taraka Ramu


We can use the neural style transfer technique to build a picture with the same "content" as the beginning image but the "style" of the picture we've chosen. Neural style transfer is a technique for merging the style of one image into another while retaining its original information. The only change is how the image is formatted to give it an additional artistic sense. The content image depicts the plan or drawing, as well as the colors of the drawing or paintings used to portray the style. It is a computer vision programme that learns and processes images through deep convolutional neural networks. To implement software, we used to train deep learning models with the train data, and whenever a user takes an image and a styled image, the output will be as the style gets transferred to the original image, and it will be shown as the output.

Keywords: neural networks, computer vision, deep learning, convolutional neural networks

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6085 On Dialogue Systems Based on Deep Learning

Authors: Yifan Fan, Xudong Luo, Pingping Lin


Nowadays, dialogue systems increasingly become the way for humans to access many computer systems. So, humans can interact with computers in natural language. A dialogue system consists of three parts: understanding what humans say in natural language, managing dialogue, and generating responses in natural language. In this paper, we survey deep learning based methods for dialogue management, response generation and dialogue evaluation. Specifically, these methods are based on neural network, long short-term memory network, deep reinforcement learning, pre-training and generative adversarial network. We compare these methods and point out the further research directions.

Keywords: dialogue management, response generation, deep learning, evaluation

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6084 Neural Network Approach for Solving Integral Equations

Authors: Bhavini Pandya


This paper considers Hη: T2 → T2 the Perturbed Cerbelli-Giona map. That is a family of 2-dimensional nonlinear area-preserving transformations on the torus T2=[0,1]×[0,1]= ℝ2/ ℤ2. A single parameter η varies between 0 and 1, taking the transformation from a hyperbolic toral automorphism to the “Cerbelli-Giona” map, a system known to exhibit multifractal properties. Here we study the multifractal properties of the family of maps. We apply a box-counting method by defining a grid of boxes Bi(δ), where i is the index and δ is the size of the boxes, to quantify the distribution of stable and unstable manifolds of the map. When the parameter is in the range 0.51< η <0.58 and 0.68< η <1 the map is ergodic; i.e., the unstable and stable manifolds eventually cover the whole torus, although not in a uniform distribution. For accurate numerical results we require correspondingly accurate construction of the stable and unstable manifolds. Here we use the piecewise linearity of the map to achieve this, by computing the endpoints of line segments which define the global stable and unstable manifolds. This allows the generalized fractal dimension Dq, and spectrum of dimensions f(α), to be computed with accuracy. Finally, the intersection of the unstable and stable manifold of the map will be investigated, and compared with the distribution of periodic points of the system.

Keywords: feed forward, gradient descent, neural network, integral equation

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6083 Comparative Study on Daily Discharge Estimation of Soolegan River

Authors: Redvan Ghasemlounia, Elham Ansari, Hikmet Kerem Cigizoglu


Hydrological modeling in arid and semi-arid regions is very important. Iran has many regions with these climate conditions such as Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province that needs lots of attention with an appropriate management. Forecasting of hydrological parameters and estimation of hydrological events of catchments, provide important information that used for design, management and operation of water resources such as river systems, and dams, widely. Discharge in rivers is one of these parameters. This study presents the application and comparison of some estimation methods such as Feed-Forward Back Propagation Neural Network (FFBPNN), Multi Linear Regression (MLR), Gene Expression Programming (GEP) and Bayesian Network (BN) to predict the daily flow discharge of the Soolegan River, located at Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, in Iran. In this study, Soolegan, station was considered. This Station is located in Soolegan River at 51° 14՜ Latitude 31° 38՜ longitude at North Karoon basin. The Soolegan station is 2086 meters higher than sea level. The data used in this study are daily discharge and daily precipitation of Soolegan station. Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Network(FFBPNN), Multi Linear Regression (MLR), Gene Expression Programming (GEP) and Bayesian Network (BN) models were developed using the same input parameters for Soolegan's daily discharge estimation. The results of estimation models were compared with observed discharge values to evaluate performance of the developed models. Results of all methods were compared and shown in tables and charts.

Keywords: ANN, multi linear regression, Bayesian network, forecasting, discharge, gene expression programming

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6082 A Polyimide Based Split-Ring Neural Interface Electrode for Neural Signal Recording

Authors: Ning Xue, Srinivas Merugu, Ignacio Delgado Martinez, Tao Sun, John Tsang, Shih-Cheng Yen


We have developed a polyimide based neural interface electrode to record nerve signals from the sciatic nerve of a rat. The neural interface electrode has a split-ring shape, with four protruding gold electrodes for recording, and two reference gold electrodes around the split-ring. The split-ring electrode can be opened up to encircle the sciatic nerve. The four electrodes can be bent to sit on top of the nerve and hold the device in position, while the split-ring frame remains flat. In comparison, while traditional cuff electrodes can only fit certain sizes of the nerve, the developed device can fit a variety of rat sciatic nerve dimensions from 0.6 mm to 1.0 mm, and adapt to the chronic changes in the nerve as the electrode tips are bendable. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurement was conducted. The gold electrode impedance is on the order of 10 kΩ, showing excellent charge injection capacity to record neural signals.

Keywords: impedance, neural interface, split-ring electrode, neural signal recording

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6081 Ground Surface Temperature History Prediction Using Long-Short Term Memory Neural Network Architecture

Authors: Venkat S. Somayajula


Ground surface temperature history prediction model plays a vital role in determining standards for international nuclear waste management. International standards for borehole based nuclear waste disposal require paleoclimate cycle predictions on scale of a million forward years for the place of waste disposal. This research focuses on developing a paleoclimate cycle prediction model using Bayesian long-short term memory (LSTM) neural architecture operated on accumulated borehole temperature history data. Bayesian models have been previously used for paleoclimate cycle prediction based on Monte-Carlo weight method, but due to limitations pertaining model coupling with certain other prediction networks, Bayesian models in past couldn’t accommodate prediction cycle’s over 1000 years. LSTM has provided frontier to couple developed models with other prediction networks with ease. Paleoclimate cycle developed using this process will be trained on existing borehole data and then will be coupled to surface temperature history prediction networks which give endpoints for backpropagation of LSTM network and optimize the cycle of prediction for larger prediction time scales. Trained LSTM will be tested on past data for validation and then propagated for forward prediction of temperatures at borehole locations. This research will be beneficial for study pertaining to nuclear waste management, anthropological cycle predictions and geophysical features

Keywords: Bayesian long-short term memory neural network, borehole temperature, ground surface temperature history, paleoclimate cycle

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6080 An Accurate Computer-Aided Diagnosis: CAD System for Diagnosis of Aortic Enlargement by Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors: Mahdi Bazarganigilani


Aortic enlargement, also known as an aortic aneurysm, can occur when the walls of the aorta become weak. This disease can become deadly if overlooked and undiagnosed. In this paper, a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system was introduced to accurately diagnose aortic enlargement from chest x-ray images. An enhanced convolutional neural network (CNN) was employed and then trained by transfer learning by using three different main areas from the original images. The areas included the left lung, heart, and right lung. The accuracy of the system was then evaluated on 1001 samples by using 4-fold cross-validation. A promising accuracy of 90% was achieved in terms of the F-measure indicator. The results showed using different areas from the original image in the training phase of CNN could increase the accuracy of predictions. This encouraged the author to evaluate this method on a larger dataset and even on different CAD systems for further enhancement of this methodology.

Keywords: computer-aided diagnosis systems, aortic enlargement, chest X-ray, image processing, convolutional neural networks

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6079 A Combination of Independent Component Analysis, Relative Wavelet Energy and Support Vector Machine for Mental State Classification

Authors: Nguyen The Hoang Anh, Tran Huy Hoang, Vu Tat Thang, T. T. Quyen Bui


Mental state classification is an important step for realizing a control system based on electroencephalography (EEG) signals which could benefit a lot of paralyzed people including the locked-in or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Considering that EEG signals are nonstationary and often contaminated by various types of artifacts, classifying thoughts into correct mental states is not a trivial problem. In this work, our contribution is that we present and realize a novel model which integrates different techniques: Independent component analysis (ICA), relative wavelet energy, and support vector machine (SVM) for the same task. We applied our model to classify thoughts in two types of experiment whether with two or three mental states. The experimental results show that the presented model outperforms other models using Artificial Neural Network, K-Nearest Neighbors, etc.

Keywords: EEG, ICA, SVM, wavelet

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6078 Instance Segmentation of Wildfire Smoke Plumes using Mask-RCNN

Authors: Jamison Duckworth, Shankarachary Ragi


Detection and segmentation of wildfire smoke plumes from remote sensing imagery are being pursued as a solution for early fire detection and response. Smoke plume detection can be automated and made robust by the application of artificial intelligence methods. Specifically, in this study, the deep learning approach Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (RCNN) is being proposed to learn smoke patterns across different spectral bands. This method is proposed to separate the smoke regions from the background and return masks placed over the smoke plumes. Multispectral data was acquired using NASA’s Earthdata and WorldView and services and satellite imagery. Due to the use of multispectral bands along with the three visual bands, we show that Mask R-CNN can be applied to distinguish smoke plumes from clouds and other landscape features that resemble smoke.

Keywords: deep learning, mask-RCNN, smoke plumes, spectral bands

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6077 Forecasting Thermal Energy Demand in District Heating and Cooling Systems Using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks

Authors: Kostas Kouvaris, Anastasia Eleftheriou, Georgios A. Sarantitis, Apostolos Chondronasios


To achieve the objective of almost zero carbon energy solutions by 2050, the EU needs to accelerate the development of integrated, highly efficient and environmentally friendly solutions. In this direction, district heating and cooling (DHC) emerges as a viable and more efficient alternative to conventional, decentralized heating and cooling systems, enabling a combination of more efficient renewable and competitive energy supplies. In this paper, we develop a forecasting tool for near real-time local weather and thermal energy demand predictions for an entire DHC network. In this fashion, we are able to extend the functionality and to improve the energy efficiency of the DHC network by predicting and adjusting the heat load that is distributed from the heat generation plant to the connected buildings by the heat pipe network. Two case-studies are considered; one for Vransko, Slovenia and one for Montpellier, France. The data consists of i) local weather data, such as humidity, temperature, and precipitation, ii) weather forecast data, such as the outdoor temperature and iii) DHC operational parameters, such as the mass flow rate, supply and return temperature. The external temperature is found to be the most important energy-related variable for space conditioning, and thus it is used as an external parameter for the energy demand models. For the development of the forecasting tool, we use state-of-the-art deep neural networks and more specifically, recurrent networks with long-short-term memory cells, which are able to capture complex non-linear relations among temporal variables. Firstly, we develop models to forecast outdoor temperatures for the next 24 hours using local weather data for each case-study. Subsequently, we develop models to forecast thermal demand for the same period, taking under consideration past energy demand values as well as the predicted temperature values from the weather forecasting models. The contributions to the scientific and industrial community are three-fold, and the empirical results are highly encouraging. First, we are able to predict future thermal demand levels for the two locations under consideration with minimal errors. Second, we examine the impact of the outdoor temperature on the predictive ability of the models and how the accuracy of the energy demand forecasts decreases with the forecast horizon. Third, we extend the relevant literature with a new dataset of thermal demand and examine the performance and applicability of machine learning techniques to solve real-world problems. Overall, the solution proposed in this paper is in accordance with EU targets, providing an automated smart energy management system, decreasing human errors and reducing excessive energy production.

Keywords: machine learning, LSTMs, district heating and cooling system, thermal demand

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6076 Effect of Fatiguing Hip Muscles on Dynamic Posture Control in Recurrent Ankle Sprain

Authors: Radwa El Shorbagy, Alaa El Din Balbaa, Khaled Ayad, Waleed Reda


Ankle sprain is a common lower limb injury that is complicated by high recurrence rate. The cause of recurrence is not clear; however, changes in motor control have been postulated.Objective: to determine the contribution of proximal hip strategy to dynamic posture control in patients with recurrent ankle sprain. Methods:Fifteen subjects with recurrent ankle sprain (Group A) and fifteen healthy control subjects (Group B) participated in this study. Abductor-adductor as well as flexor-extensor hip musculature control was abolished by fatigue using the Biodex Isokinatic System. Dynamic posture control was measured before and after fatigue by the Biodex Balance System. Results: Repeated measures MANOVA was used to compare within group differences. In group A fatiguing of hip muscles (flexors-extensors and abductors-adductors) lowered overall stability index (OASI), anteroposterior stability index (APSI) and mediolateral stability index (MLSI) significantly (p=0.00) whereas; in group B fatiguing of hip flexors-extensors lowered significantly OASI and APSI only (p= 0.017, 0.010; respectively) while fatiguing of hip abductors-adductors has no significant effect on these variables. Conclusion: fatiguing of hip muscles has a significant deleterious effect on dynamic posture control in patient with recurrent ankle sprain indicating their increased dependence on hip strategy.

Keywords: ankle sprain, fatigue hip muscles, dynamic balance, ankle sprain

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6075 A Study on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Society and the Necessity for Setting up the Boundaries on AI Intrusion

Authors: Swarna Pundir, Prabuddha Hans


As AI has already stepped into the daily life of human society, one cannot be ignorant about the data it collects and used it to provide a quality of services depending up on the individuals’ choices. It also helps in giving option for making decision Vs choice selection with a calculation based on the history of our search criteria. Over the past decade or so, the way Artificial Intelligence (AI) has impacted society is undoubtedly large.AI has changed the way we shop, the way we entertain and challenge ourselves, the way information is handled, and has automated some sections of our life. We have answered as to what AI is, but not why one may see it as useful. AI is useful because it is capable of learning and predicting outcomes, using Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) with the help of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). AI can also be a system that can act like humans. One of the major impacts be Joblessness through automation via AI which is seen mostly in manufacturing sectors, especially in the routine manual and blue-collar occupations and those without a college degree. It raises some serious concerns about AI in regards of less employment, ethics in making moral decisions, Individuals privacy, human judgement’s, natural emotions, biased decisions, discrimination. So, the question is if an error occurs who will be responsible, or it will be just waved off as a “Machine Error”, with no one taking the responsibility of any wrongdoing, it is essential to form some rules for using the AI where both machines and humans are involved.

Keywords: AI, ML, DL, ANN

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6074 Deep Learning Approach for Chronic Kidney Disease Complications

Authors: Mario Isaza-Ruget, Claudia C. Colmenares-Mejia, Nancy Yomayusa, Camilo A. González, Andres Cely, Jossie Murcia


Quantification of risks associated with complications development from chronic kidney disease (CKD) through accurate survival models can help with patient management. A retrospective cohort that included patients diagnosed with CKD from a primary care program and followed up between 2013 and 2018 was carried out. Time-dependent and static covariates associated with demographic, clinical, and laboratory factors were included. Deep Learning (DL) survival analyzes were developed for three CKD outcomes: CKD stage progression, >25% decrease in Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR), and Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT). Models were evaluated and compared with Random Survival Forest (RSF) based on concordance index (C-index) metric. 2.143 patients were included. Two models were developed for each outcome, Deep Neural Network (DNN) model reported C-index=0.9867 for CKD stage progression; C-index=0.9905 for reduction in eGFR; C-index=0.9867 for RRT. Regarding the RSF model, C-index=0.6650 was reached for CKD stage progression; decreased eGFR C-index=0.6759; RRT C-index=0.8926. DNN models applied in survival analysis context with considerations of longitudinal covariates at the start of follow-up can predict renal stage progression, a significant decrease in eGFR and RRT. The success of these survival models lies in the appropriate definition of survival times and the analysis of covariates, especially those that vary over time.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, chronic kidney disease, deep neural networks, survival analysis

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6073 A Deep Learning Based Method for Faster 3D Structural Topology Optimization

Authors: Arya Prakash Padhi, Anupam Chakrabarti, Rajib Chowdhury


Topology or layout optimization often gives better performing economic structures and is very helpful in the conceptual design phase. But traditionally it is being done in finite element-based optimization schemes which, although gives a good result, is very time-consuming especially in 3D structures. Among other alternatives machine learning, especially deep learning-based methods, have a very good potential in resolving this computational issue. Here convolutional neural network (3D-CNN) based variational auto encoder (VAE) is trained using a dataset generated from commercially available topology optimization code ABAQUS Tosca using solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) method for compliance minimization. The encoded data in latent space is then fed to a 3D generative adversarial network (3D-GAN) to generate the outcome in 64x64x64 size. Here the network consists of 3D volumetric CNN with rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation in between and sigmoid activation in the end. The proposed network is seen to provide almost optimal results with significantly reduced computational time, as there is no iteration involved.

Keywords: 3D generative adversarial network, deep learning, structural topology optimization, variational auto encoder

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6072 Graph Clustering Unveiled: ClusterSyn - A Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Anti-Cancer Drug Synergy Scores

Authors: Babak Bahri, Fatemeh Yassaee Meybodi, Changiz Eslahchi


In the pursuit of effective cancer therapies, the exploration of combinatorial drug regimens is crucial to leverage synergistic interactions between drugs, thereby improving treatment efficacy and overcoming drug resistance. However, identifying synergistic drug pairs poses challenges due to the vast combinatorial space and limitations of experimental approaches. This study introduces ClusterSyn, a machine learning (ML)-powered framework for classifying anti-cancer drug synergy scores. ClusterSyn employs a two-step approach involving drug clustering and synergy score prediction using a fully connected deep neural network. For each cell line in the training dataset, a drug graph is constructed, with nodes representing drugs and edge weights denoting synergy scores between drug pairs. Drugs are clustered using the Markov clustering (MCL) algorithm, and vectors representing the similarity of drug pairs to each cluster are input into the deep neural network for synergy score prediction (synergy or antagonism). Clustering results demonstrate effective grouping of drugs based on synergy scores, aligning similar synergy profiles. Subsequently, neural network predictions and synergy scores of the two drugs on others within their clusters are used to predict the synergy score of the considered drug pair. This approach facilitates comparative analysis with clustering and regression-based methods, revealing the superior performance of ClusterSyn over state-of-the-art methods like DeepSynergy and DeepDDS on diverse datasets such as Oniel and Almanac. The results highlight the remarkable potential of ClusterSyn as a versatile tool for predicting anti-cancer drug synergy scores.

Keywords: drug synergy, clustering, prediction, machine learning., deep learning

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