Search results for: assessment index
8005 Investigating Best Strategies Towards Creating Alternative Assessment in Literature
Authors: Sandhya Rao Mehta
As ChatGpt and other Artificial Intelligence (AI) forms are becoming part of our regular academic world, the consequences are being gradually discussed. The extent to which an essay written by a student is itself of any value if it has been downloaded by some form of AI is perhaps central to this discourse. A larger question is whether writing should be taught as an academic skill at all. In literature classrooms, this has major consequences as writing a traditional paper is still the single most preferred form of assessment. This study suggests that it is imperative to investigate alternative forms of assessment in literature, not only because the existing forms can be written by AI, but in a larger sense, students are increasingly skeptical of the purpose of such work. The extent to which an essay actually helps the students professionally is a question that academia has not yet answered. This paper suggests that using real-world tasks like creating podcasts, video tutorials, and websites is a far better way to evaluate students' critical thinking and application of ideas, as well as to develop digital skills which are important to their future careers. Using the example of a course in literature, this study will examine the possibilities and challenges of creating digital projects as a way of confronting the complexities of student evaluation in the future. The study is based on a specific university English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context.Keywords: assessment, literature, digital humanities, chatgpt
Procedia PDF Downloads 878004 Improvement of Egyptian Vacuum Distillates by Solvent Dewaxing
Authors: Ehssan M. R. Nassef
De-waxing of vacuum distillates by using solvent was investigated in the present study. The present work deals with studying solvent dewaxing system which have been developed to give better dewaxing performance with respect to the important factors in the choice of solvents which are good solubility of oil in the solvent and low solubility of wax in the solvent. In this study, solvent dewaxing process using Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) and toluene are used for Egyptian vacuum distillates using two types of distillates. The effect of varying the composition of(MEK to toluene) on the percent yield of the oil, percent of wax, pour point, refractive index at 20 and 70°C, viscosity at 40 and 100°C, viscosity index and specific gravity of the oil produced for the two types of distillates (I & II) were evaluated. In the present study, the operating conditions of solvent dewaxing using MEK toluene mixture achieved the best pour point at -15°C for distillate I at (1:1) solvent composition mixture. At the same ratio of MEK to toluene the best specific gravity of oil produced changed from 0.871 to 0.8802, with refractive index of 1.84. Percent yield of 65% for oil was obtained. The results for distillate II, of higher specific gravity, are comparatively higher than those for distillate I. The effect of temperature was also investigated and the best temperature was -20°C.Keywords: dewaxing, solvent dewaxing, pour point, lubricating oil production, wax
Procedia PDF Downloads 5348003 Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge of the Glasgow Coma Scale in a Saudi Tertiary Care Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Roaa Al Sharif, Salsabil Abo Al-Azayem, Nimah Alsomali, Wjoud Alsaeed, Nawal Alshammari, Abdulaziz Alwatban, Yaseen Alrabae, Razan Orfali, Faisal Alqarni, Ahmad Alrasheedi
from various countries have revealed that nurses possess only a basic understanding of the GCS. Regarding this matter, limited knowledge is available about the situation in Saudi Arabia. Overall, the available research suggests that there is room for improvement in the knowledge of the GCS among nurses in Saudi Arabia. Further training and education programs may be beneficial in enhancing nurses' understanding and application of the GCS in clinical practice. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge and competence in assessing the GCS among staff nurses and to identify factors that might influence their knowledge at King Fahd Medical City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional survey involving 199 KFMC staff nurses was conducted. Nurses were provided with a structured questionnaire, and data were collected and analyzed using SPSS version 16, employing descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests. Results: The majority, 81.4% of nurses, had an average level of knowledge in assessing the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). The mean score for measuring the level of knowledge among staff nurses in GCS assessment was 8.8 ± 1.826. Overall, 13.6% of respondents demonstrated good knowledge of the GCS, scoring between 11 and 15 points, while only 5% of nurses exhibited poor knowledge of the GCS assessment. There was a significant correlation between knowledge and nurses' departments (χ2(2) = 19.184, p < 0.001). χ2(2) = 19.184," representing a Chi-square statistic with 2 degrees of freedom used to test the association between categorical variables in the data analysis. Conclusion: The findings indicate that knowledge of GCS assessment among staff nurses in a single center in Saudi Arabia is moderate. Therefore, there is a need for continuous education programs to enhance their competence in using this assessment.Keywords: Glasgow Coma Scale, brain injury, nurses’ knowledge assessment, continuous education programs
Procedia PDF Downloads 278002 Effects of Four Dietary Oils on Cholesterol and Fatty Acid Composition of Egg Yolk in Layers
Authors: A. F. Agboola, B. R. O. Omidiwura, A. Oyeyemi, E. A. Iyayi, A. S. Adelani
Dietary cholesterol has elicited the most public interest as it relates with coronary heart disease. Thus, humans have been paying more attention to health, thereby reducing consumption of cholesterol enriched food. Egg is considered as one of the major sources of human dietary cholesterol. However, an alternative way to reduce the potential cholesterolemic effect of eggs is to modify the fatty acid composition of the yolk. The effect of palm oil (PO), soybean oil (SO), sesame seed oil (SSO) and fish oil (FO) supplementation in the diets of layers on egg yolk fatty acid, cholesterol, egg production and egg quality parameters were evaluated in a 42-day feeding trial. One hundred and five Isa Brown laying hens of 34 weeks of age were randomly distributed into seven groups of five replicates and three birds per replicate in a completely randomized design. Seven corn-soybean basal diets (BD) were formulated: BD+No oil (T1), BD+1.5% PO (T2), BD+1.5% SO (T3), BD+1.5% SSO (T4), BD+1.5% FO (T5), BD+0.75% SO+0.75% FO (T6) and BD+0.75% SSO+0.75% FO (T7). Five eggs were randomly sampled at day 42 from each replicate to assay for the cholesterol, fatty acid profile of egg yolk and egg quality assessment. Results showed that there were no significant (P>0.05) differences observed in production performance, egg cholesterol and egg quality parameters except for yolk height, albumen height, yolk index, egg shape index, haugh unit, and yolk colour. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) observed in total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein levels of egg yolk across the treatments. However, diets had effect (P<0.05) on TAG (triacylglycerol) and VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) of the egg yolk. The highest TAG (603.78 mg/dl) and VLDL values (120.76 mg/dl) were recorded in eggs of hens on T4 (1.5% sesame seed oil) and was similar to those on T3 (1.5% soybean oil), T5 (1.5% fish oil) and T6 (0.75% soybean oil + 0.75% fish oil). However, results revealed a significant (P<0.05) variations on eggs’ summation of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). In conclusion, it is suggested that dietary oils could be included in layers’ diets to produce designer eggs low in cholesterol and high in PUFA especially omega-3 fatty acids.Keywords: dietary oils, egg cholesterol, egg fatty acid profile, egg quality parameters
Procedia PDF Downloads 3118001 Comprehensive Risk Analysis of Decommissioning Activities with Multifaceted Hazard Factors
Authors: Hyeon-Kyo Lim, Hyunjung Kim, Kune-Woo Lee
Decommissioning process of nuclear facilities can be said to consist of a sequence of problem solving activities, partly because there may exist working environments contaminated by radiological exposure, and partly because there may also exist industrial hazards such as fire, explosions, toxic materials, and electrical and physical hazards. As for an individual hazard factor, risk assessment techniques are getting known to industrial workers with advance of safety technology, but the way how to integrate those results is not. Furthermore, there are few workers who experienced decommissioning operations a lot in the past. Therefore, not a few countries in the world have been trying to develop appropriate counter techniques in order to guarantee safety and efficiency of the process. In spite of that, there still exists neither domestic nor international standard since nuclear facilities are too diverse and unique. In the consequence, it is quite inevitable to imagine and assess the whole risk in the situation anticipated one by one. This paper aimed to find out an appropriate technique to integrate individual risk assessment results from the viewpoint of experts. Thus, on one hand the whole risk assessment activity for decommissioning operations was modeled as a sequence of individual risk assessment steps, and on the other, a hierarchical risk structure was developed. Then, risk assessment procedure that can elicit individual hazard factors one by one were introduced with reference to the standard operation procedure (SOP) and hierarchical task analysis (HTA). With an assumption of quantification and normalization of individual risks, a technique to estimate relative weight factors was tried by using the conventional Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) and its result was reviewed with reference to judgment of experts. Besides, taking the ambiguity of human judgment into consideration, debates based upon fuzzy inference was added with a mathematical case study.Keywords: decommissioning, risk assessment, analytic hierarchical process (AHP), fuzzy inference
Procedia PDF Downloads 4258000 Bird Diversity along Boat Touring Routes in Tha Ka Sub-District, Amphawa District, Samut Songkram Province, Thailand
Authors: N. Charoenpokaraj, P. Chitman
This research aims to study species, abundance, status of birds, the similarities and activity characteristics of birds which reap benefits from the research area in boat touring routes in Tha Ka sub-district, Amphawa District, Samut Songkram Province, Thailand. from October 2012 – September 2013. The data was analyzed to find the abundance, and similarity index of the birds. The results from the survey of birds on all three routes found that there are 33 families and 63 species. Route 3 (traditional coconut sugar making kiln – resort) had the most species; 56 species. There were 18 species of commonly found birds with an abundance level of 5, which calculates to 28.57% of all bird species. In August, 46 species are found, being the greatest number of bird species benefiting from this route. As for the status of the birds, there are 51 resident birds, 7 resident and migratory birds, and 5 migratory birds. On Route 2 and Route 3, the similarity index value is equal to 0.881. The birds are classified by their activity characteristics i.e. insectivore, piscivore, granivore, nectrivore and aquatic invertebrate feeder birds. Some birds also use the area for nesting.Keywords: bird diversity, boat touring routes, Samut Songkram, similarity index
Procedia PDF Downloads 3377999 Spatio-temporal Distribution of the Groundwater Quality in the El Milia Plain, Kebir Rhumel Basin, Algeria
Authors: Lazhar Belkhiri, Ammar Tiri, Lotfi Mouni
In this research, we analyzed the groundwater quality index in the El Milia plain, Kebir Rhumel Basin, Algeria. Thirty-three groundwater samples were collected from wells in the El Milia plain during April 2015. In this study, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were conducted at each sampling well. Eight hydrochemical parameters such as calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chlorid (Cl), sulfate (SO4), bicarbonate (HCO3), and Nnitrate (NO3) were analysed. The entropy water quality index (EWQI) method was employed to evaluate the groundwater quality in the study area. Moran’s I and the ordinary kriging (OK) interpolation technique were used to examine the spatial distribution pattern of the hydrochemical parameters in the groundwater. It was found that the hydrochemical parameters Ca, Cl, and HCO3 showed strong spatial autocorrelation in the El Milia plain, indicating a spatial dependence and clustering of these parameters in the groundwater. The groundwater quality was evaluated using the entropy water quality index (EWQI). The results showed that approximately 86% of the total groundwater samples in the study area fall within the moderate groundwater quality category. The spatial map of the EWQI values indicated an increasing trend from the south-west to the northeast, following the direction of groundwater flow. The highest EWQI values were observed near El Milia city in the center of the plain. This spatial pattern suggests variations in groundwater quality across the study area, with potentially higher risks near the city center. Therefore, the results obtained in this research provide very useful information to decision-makers.Keywords: entropy water quality index (EWQI), moran’s i, ordinary kriging interpolation, el milia plain
Procedia PDF Downloads 627998 Property Rights and Trade Specialization
Authors: Sarma Binti Aralas
The relationship between property rights and trade specialization is examined for developing and developed countries using panel data analysis. Property rights is measured using the international property rights index while trade specialization is measured using the comparative advantage index. Cross country differences in property rights are hypothesized to lead to differences in trade specialization. Based on the argument that a weak protection of natural resources implies greater trade in resource-intensive goods, developing countries with less defined property rights are hypothesized to have a comparative advantage in resource-based exports while countries with more defined property rights will not have an advantage in resource-intensive goods. Evidence suggests that developing countries with weaker environmental protection index but are rich in natural resources do specialize in the trade of resource-intensive goods. The finding suggests that institutional frameworks to increase the stringency of environmental protection of resources may be needed to diversify exports away from the trade of resource-intensive goods.Keywords: environmental protection, panel data, renewable resources, trade specialization
Procedia PDF Downloads 4507997 In Vitro Evaluation of the Antimitotic and Genotoxic Effect by the Allium cepa L. Test of the Aqueous Extract of Peganum harmala L. Leaves (Laghouat, Algeria)
Authors: Ouzid Yasmina, Aiche-Iratni Ghenima, Harchaoui Lina, Saadoun Noria, Houali Karim
Medicinal plants are an important source of bioactive molecules with biological activities such as anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimitotic.... These molecules include alkaloids, polyphenols and terpenes. The latter can be extracted by different solvents, namely: water, ethanol, methanol, butanol, acetone... This is why it seemed interesting to us to evaluate in vitro the antimitotic and genotoxic effect of these secondary metabolites contained in the aqueous extract of the leaves of Peganum harmala L. by the Allium cepa L. test on meristematic cells by calculating the mitotic parameters (The mitotic index, the aberration index and the limit value of cytotoxicity).A spectrophotometric determination of secondary metabolites, namely alkaloids and flavonoids in the aqueous extract of this essence, was performed. As a result, the alkaloid content is estimated to be 28.42 μg EC/mg extract, and the flavonoid content is 12.52 μg EQ/mg extract. The determination of the mitotic index revealed disturbances in cell division with a highly significant difference between the negative control (distilled water) and the different samples (aqueous extracts, colchicine and quecetin). The exposure of meristematic cells to our samples resulted in a large number of chromosomal, nuclear and cellular aberrations with an aberration index reaching 16.21±1.28% for the 4mg/ml aqueous extract and 11.71±3.32% for the 10mg/ml aqueous extract. The limit value of cytotoxicity revealed that our samples are sublethal on Allium cepa L. meristematic cells.Keywords: allium cepa l., antimitotic and genotoxic effect, aqueous leaf extract, laghouat (algeria), peganum harmala l., secondary metabolites
Procedia PDF Downloads 967996 Utility of Geospatial Techniques in Delineating Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems in Arid Environments
Authors: Mangana B. Rampheri, Timothy Dube, Farai Dondofema, Tatenda Dalu
Identifying and delineating groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) is critical to the well understanding of the GDEs spatial distribution as well as groundwater allocation. However, this information is inadequately understood due to limited available data for the most area of concerns. Thus, this study aims to address this gap using remotely sensed, analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and in-situ data to identify and delineate GDEs in Khakea-Bray Transboundary Aquifer. Our study developed GDEs index, which integrates seven explanatory variables, namely, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI), Land-use and landcover (LULC), slope, Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), flow accumulation and curvature. The GDEs map was delineated using the weighted overlay tool in ArcGIS environments. The map was spatially classified into two classes, namely, GDEs and Non-GDEs. The results showed that only 1,34 % (721,91 km2) of the area is characterised by GDEs. Finally, groundwater level (GWL) data was used for validation through correlation analysis. Our results indicated that: 1) GDEs are concentrated at the northern, central, and south-western part of our study area, and 2) the validation results showed that GDEs classes do not overlap with GWL located in the 22 boreholes found in the given area. However, the results show a possible delineation of GDEs in the study area using remote sensing and GIS techniques along with AHP. The results of this study further contribute to identifying and delineating priority areas where appropriate water conservation programs, as well as strategies for sustainable groundwater development, can be implemented.Keywords: analytical hierarchy process (AHP), explanatory variables, groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs), khakea-bray transboundary aquifer, sentinel-2
Procedia PDF Downloads 1087995 Vitamin D Status in Relation to Body Mass Index: Population of Carpathian Region
Authors: Vladyslav Povoroznyuk, Ivan Pankiv
The present research has attempted to link a higher body weight with a lower vitamin D status. Objective: Vitamin D status of Carpathian region population in Ukraine was studied to examine whether serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] are associated with body mass index (BMI). Methods: Data collected from 302 adults (18–84 years) were analyzed. Variables measured included serum 25(OH)D, weight and height used to determine BMI status. Results: Mean 25(OH)D level was 23.2 ± 8.1 ng/mL for the group; 26.3 ± 8.4 ng/mL and 22.8 ± 9.1 ng/mL for males and females, respectively. Based on BMI, 3.6% were underweight, 21.2% had a normal weight, 46.4% were overweight and 28.8% obese. Only in 28 cases (9.3%), content of 25(ОН)D in the serum of blood was within the normal limits, and there were vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency observed in other cases (90.7%). Thus, severe vitamin D deficiency was revealed in 1.7% of the inspected. A significant interrelation between levels of 25(OH)D in blood and BMI was found among persons with BMI 25-29.9 kg/m2. Mean value of 25(OH)D levels among persons with obesity did not differ to a significant extent from indexes in persons with normal body weight. Conclusion: Status of vitamin D among the population of Carpathian region remains far from optimal and requires urgent measures in correction and prevention. Results confirmed a poor inverse relationship between vitamin D status and BMI. Intercommunication between maintenance of vitamin D and BMI requires further investigations.Keywords: body mass index, Carpathian region, obesity, vitamin D
Procedia PDF Downloads 3917994 The Relationship between Spanish Economic Variables: Evidence from the Wavelet Techniques
Authors: Concepcion Gonzalez-Concepcion, Maria Candelaria Gil-Fariña, Celina Pestano-Gabino
We analyze six relevant economic and financial variables for the period 2000M1-2015M3 in the context of the Spanish economy: a financial index (IBEX35), a commodity (Crude Oil Price in euros), a foreign exchange index (EUR/USD), a bond (Spanish 10-Year Bond), the Spanish National Debt and the Consumer Price Index. The goal of this paper is to analyze the main relations between them by computing the Wavelet Power Spectrum and the Cross Wavelet Coherency associated with Morlet wavelets. By using a special toolbox in MATLAB, we focus our interest on the period variable. We decompose the time-frequency effects and improve the interpretation of the results by non-expert users in the theory of wavelets. The empirical evidence shows certain instability periods and reveals various changes and breaks in the causality relationships for sample data. These variables were individually analyzed with Daubechies Wavelets to visualize high-frequency variance, seasonality, and trend. The results are included in Proceeding 20th International Academic Conference, 2015, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES), Madrid.Keywords: economic and financial variables, Spain, time-frequency domain, wavelet coherency
Procedia PDF Downloads 2417993 Crack Initiation Assessment during Fracture of Heat Treated Duplex Stainless Steels
Authors: Faraj Ahmed E. Alhegagi, Anagia M. Khamkam Mohamed, Bassam F. Alhajaji
Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are widely employed in industry for apparatus working with sea water in petroleum, refineries and in chemical plants. Fracture of DSS takes place by cleavage of the ferrite phase and the austenite phase ductile tear off. Pop-in is an important feature takes place during fracture of DSS. The procedure of Pop-ins assessment plays an important role in fracture toughness studies. In present work, Zeron100 DSS specimens were heat treated at different temperatures, cooled and pulled to failure to assess the pop-ins criterion in crack initiation prediction. The outcome results were compared to the British Standard (BS 7448) and the ASTEM standard (E1290) for Crack-Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) fracture toughness measurement. Pop-in took place during specimens loading specially for those specimens heat treated at higher temperatures. The standard BS7448 was followed to check specimen validity for fractured toughness assessment by direct determination of KIC. In most cases, specimens were invalid for KIC measurement. The two procedures were equivalent only when single pop-ins were assessed. A considerable contrast in fracture toughness value between was observed where multiple pop-ins were assessed.Keywords: fracture toughness, stainless steels, pop ins, crack assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1277992 Digital Self-Identity and the Role of Interactivity in Psychiatric Assessment and Treatment
Authors: Kevin William Taylor
This work draws upon research in the fields of games development and mental health treatments to assess the influence that interactive entertainment has on the populous, and the potential of technology to affect areas of psychiatric assessment and treatment. It will use studies to establish the evolving direction of interactive media in the development of ‘digital self-identity,’ and how this can be incorporated into treatment to the benefit of psychiatry. It will determine that this approach will require collaborative production between developers and psychiatrists in order to ensure precise goals are met, improving the success of serious gaming for psychiatric assessment and treatment. Analysis documents the reach of video games across a growing global community of gamers, highlighting cases of the positives and negatives of video game usage. The games industry is largely oblivious to the psychological negatives, with psychiatrists encountering new conditions such as gaming addiction, which is now recognized by the World Health Organization. With an increasing amount of gamers worldwide, and an additional time per day invested in online gaming and character development, the concept of virtual identity as a means of expressing the id needs further study to ensure successful treatment. In conclusion, the assessment and treatment of game-related conditions are currently reactionary, and while some mental health professionals have begun utilizing interactive technologies to assist with the assessment and treatment of conditions, this study will determine how the success of these products can be enhanced. This will include collaboration between software developers and psychiatrists, allowing new avenues of skill-sharing in interactive design and development. Outlining how to innovate approaches to engagement will reap greater rewards in future interactive products developed for psychiatric assessment and treatment.Keywords: virtual reality, virtual identity, interactivity, psychiatry
Procedia PDF Downloads 1477991 Use of Fuzzy Logic in the Corporate Reputation Assessment: Stock Market Investors’ Perspective
Authors: Tomasz L. Nawrocki, Danuta Szwajca
The growing importance of reputation in building enterprise value and achieving long-term competitive advantage creates the need for its measurement and evaluation for the management purposes (effective reputation and its risk management). The paper presents practical application of self-developed corporate reputation assessment model from the viewpoint of stock market investors. The model has a pioneer character and example analysis performed for selected industry is a form of specific test for this tool. In the proposed solution, three aspects - informational, financial and development, as well as social ones - were considered. It was also assumed that the individual sub-criteria will be based on public sources of information, and as the calculation apparatus, capable of obtaining synthetic final assessment, fuzzy logic will be used. The main reason for developing this model was to fulfill the gap in the scope of synthetic measure of corporate reputation that would provide higher degree of objectivity by relying on "hard" (not from surveys) and publicly available data. It should be also noted that results obtained on the basis of proposed corporate reputation assessment method give possibilities of various internal as well as inter-branch comparisons and analysis of corporate reputation impact.Keywords: corporate reputation, fuzzy logic, fuzzy model, stock market investors
Procedia PDF Downloads 2487990 Sensitive Analysis of the ZF Model for ABC Multi Criteria Inventory Classification
Authors: Makram Ben Jeddou
The ABC classification is widely used by managers for inventory control. The classical ABC classification is based on the Pareto principle and according to the criterion of the annual use value only. Single criterion classification is often insufficient for a closely inventory control. Multi-criteria inventory classification models have been proposed by researchers in order to take into account other important criteria. From these models, we will consider the ZF model in order to make a sensitive analysis on the composite score calculated for each item. In fact, this score based on a normalized average between a good and a bad optimized index can affect the ABC items classification. We will then focus on the weights assigned to each index and propose a classification compromise.Keywords: ABC classification, multi criteria inventory classification models, ZF-model
Procedia PDF Downloads 5087989 Developing Index of Democratic Institutions' Vulnerability
Authors: Kamil Jonski
Last year vividly demonstrated, that populism and political instability can endanger democratic institutions in countries regarded as democratic transition champions (Poland) or cornerstones of liberal order (UK, US). So called ‘illiberal democracy’ is winning hearts and minds of voters, keen to believe that rule of strongman is a viable alternative to perceived decay of western values and institutions. These developments pose a serious threat to the democratic institutions (including rule of law), proven critical for both personal freedom and economic development. Although scholars proposed some structural explanations of the illiberal wave (notably focusing on inequality, stagnant incomes and drawbacks of globalization), they seem to have little predictive value. Indeed, events like Trump’s victory, Brexit or Polish shift towards populist nationalism always came as a surprise. Intriguingly, in the case of US election, simple rules like ‘Bread and Peace model’ gauged prospects of Trump’s victory better than pundits and pollsters. This paper attempts to compile set of indicators, in order to gauge various democracies’ vulnerability to populism, instability and pursuance of ‘illiberal’ projects. Among them, it identifies the gap between consensus assessment of institutional performance (as measured by WGI indicators) and citizens’ subjective assessment (survey based confidence in institutions). Plotting these variables against each other, reveals three clusters of countries – ‘predictable’ (good institutions and high confidence, poor institutions and low confidence), ‘blind’ (poor institutions, high confidence e.g. Uzbekistan or Azerbaijan) and ‘disillusioned’ (good institutions, low confidence e.g. Spain, Chile, Poland and US). It seems that this clustering – carried out separately for various institutions (like legislature, executive and courts) and blended with economic indicators like inequality and living standards (using PCA) – offers reasonably good watchlist of countries, that should ‘expect the unexpected’.Keywords: illiberal democracy, populism, political instability, political risk measurement
Procedia PDF Downloads 2047988 Joint Simulation and Estimation for Geometallurgical Modeling of Crushing Consumption Energy in the Mineral Processing Plants
Authors: Farzaneh Khorram, Xavier Emery
In this paper, it is aimed to create a crushing consumption energy (CCE) block model and determine the blocks with the potential to have the maximum grinding process energy consumption for the study area. For this purpose, a joint estimate (co-kriging) and joint simulation (turning band method and plurigaussian methods) to predict the CCE based on its correlation with SAG power index (SPI), A×B, and ball mill bond work Index (BWI). The analysis shows that TBCOSIM and plurigaussian have the more realistic results compared to cokriging. It seems logical due to the nature of the data geometallurgical and the linearity of the kriging method and the smoothing effect of kriging.Keywords: plurigaussian, turning band, cokriging, geometallurgy
Procedia PDF Downloads 737987 Optimising GIS in Cushioning the Environmental Impact of Infrastructural Projects
Authors: Akerele Akintunde Hareef
GIS is an integrating tool for storing, retrieving, manipulating, and analyzing spatial data. It is a tool which defines an area with respect to features and other relevant thematic delineations. On the other hand, Environmental Impact Assessment in short is both positive and negative impact of an infrastructure on an environment. Impact of infrastructural projects on the environment is an aspect of development that barely get extensive portion of pre-project execution phase and when they do, the effects are most times not implemented to cushion the impact they have on human and the environment. In this research, infrastructural projects like road constructions, water reticulation projects, building constructions, bridge etc. have immense impact on the environment and the people that reside in location of construction. Hence, the need for this research tends to portray the relevance of Environmental Impact assessment in calculating the vulnerability of human and the environment to imbalance necessitated by this infrastructural development and how the use of GIS application can be optimally applied to annul or minimize the effect.Keywords: environmental impact assessment (EIA), geographic information system (GIS), infrastructural projects, environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 5527986 Cross Matching: An Improved Method to Obtain Comprehensive and Consolidated Evidence
Authors: Tuula Heinonen, Wilhelm Gaus
At present safety, assessment starts with animal tests although their predictivity is often poor. Even after extended human use experimental data are often judged as the core information for risk assessment. However, the best opportunity to generate true evidence is to match all available information. Cross matching methodology combines the different fields of knowledge and types of data (e.g. in-vitro and in-vivo experiments, clinical observations, clinical and epidemiological studies, and daily life observations) and gives adequate weight to individual findings. To achieve a consolidated outcome, the information from all available sources is analysed and compared with each other. If single pieces of information fit together a clear picture becomes visible. If pieces of information are inconsistent or contradictory careful consideration is necessary. 'Cross' can be understood as 'orthographic' in geometry or as 'independent' in mathematics. Results coming from different sources bring independent and; therefore, they result in new information. Independent information gives a larger contribution to evidence than results coming repeatedly from the same source. A successful example of cross matching is the assessment of Ginkgo biloba where we were able to come to the conclusive result: Ginkgo biloba leave extract is well tolerated and safe for humans.Keywords: cross-matching, human use, safety assessment, Ginkgo biloba leave extract
Procedia PDF Downloads 2877985 ePLANETe Idea and Functionalities: Agricultural Sustainability Assessment, Biodiversity, and Stakeholder Involvement
Authors: S. K. Ashiquer Rahman
A cutting-edge online knowledge mediation system called "ePLANETe" provides a framework for building knowledge, tools and methods for all education, research and sustainable practices and elsewhere, as well as the deliberative assessment support of sustainability, biodiversity, and stakeholder involvement issues of the territorial development sector, e.g., agriculture.The purpose is to present, as sectorial and institutional perception, the 'ePLANETe' concept and functionalities as an experimental online platform for contributing the sustainability assessment, biodiversity, and stakeholder involvement. In the upshot, the concept of 'ePLANETe'isan investigation of the challenges of "online things, technology and application". The new digital technologies are exploited to facilitate collaborative technology and application to territorial development issues, e.g., agriculture. In order to investigate the dealing capacity (Qualitative and Quantitative) of sustainability, biodiversity, and stakeholder involvement of the agriculture sector through the stakeholder-based integrated assessment "Deliberation Support Tools (DST) and INTEGRAAL method" of collective resources. Specifically, this paper focuses on integrating system methodologies with deliberation tools for collective assessment and decision-making in implementing regional plans of agriculture. The aim of this report is to identify effective knowledge and tools and to enable deliberation methodologies regarding practices on the sustainability of agriculture and biodiversity issues, societal responsibilities, and regional planning that will create the scope for qualitative and quantitative assessments of sustainability as a new landmark of the agriculture sector.Keywords: sustainability, biodiversity, stakeholder, dst, integraal
Procedia PDF Downloads 1197984 Probabilistic Safety Assessment of Koeberg Spent Fuel Pool
Authors: Sibongiseni Thabethe, Ian Korir
The effective management of spent fuel pool (SFP) safety has been raised as one of the emerging issues to further enhance nuclear installation safety after the Fukushima accident on March 11, 2011. Before then, SFP safety-related issues have been mainly focused on (a) controlling the configuration of the fuel assemblies in the pool with no loss of pool coolants and (b) ensuring adequate pool storage space to prevent fuel criticality owing to chain reactions of the fission products and the ability for neutron absorption to keep the fuel cool. A probabilistic safety (PSA) assessment was performed using the systems analysis program for hands-on integrated reliability evaluations (SAPHIRE) computer code. Event and fault tree analysis was done to develop a PSA model for the Koeberg SFP. We present preliminary PSA results of events that lead to boiling and cause fuel uncovering, resulting in possible fuel damage in the Koeberg SFP.Keywords: computer code, fuel assemblies, probabilistic risk assessment, spent fuel pool
Procedia PDF Downloads 1727983 Behind Egypt’s Financial Crisis: Dollarization
Authors: Layal Mansour
This paper breaks down Egypt’s financial crisis by constructing a customized financial stress index by including the vulnerable economic indicator “dollarization” as a vulnerable indicator in the credit and exchange sector. The Financial Stress Index for Egypt (FSIE) includes informative vulnerable indicators of the main financial sectors: the banking sector, the equities market, and the foreign exchange market. It is calculated on a monthly basis from 2010 to December 2022, so to report the two recent world’s most devastating financial crises: Covid 19 crisis and Ukraine-Russia War, in addition to the local 2016 and 2022 financial crises. We proceed first by a graphical analysis then by empirical analysis in running under Vector Autoregression (VAR) Model, dynamic causality tests between foreign reserves, dollarization rate, and FSIE. The graphical analysis shows that unexpectedly, Egypt’s economy seems to be immune to internal economic/political instabilities, however it is highly exposed to the foreign and exchange market. Empirical analysis confirms the graphical observations and proves that dollarization, or more precisely debt in foreign currency seems to be the main trigger of Egypt’s current financial crisis.Keywords: egypt, financial crisis, financial stress index, dollarization, VAR model, causality tests
Procedia PDF Downloads 957982 The Importance of Analysis of Internal Quality Management Systems and Self-Examination Processes in Engineering Accreditation Processes
Authors: Wilfred Fritz
The accreditation process of engineering degree programmes is based on various reports evaluated by the relevant governing bodies of the institution of higher education. One of the aforementioned reports for the accreditation process is a self-assessment report which is to be completed by the applying institution. This paper seeks to emphasise the importance of analysis of internal quality management systems and self-examination processes in the engineering accreditation processes. A description of how the programme fulfils the criteria should be given. Relevant stakeholders all need to contribute in the writing and structuring of the self-assessment report. The last step is to gather evidence in the form of supporting documentation. In conclusion, the paper also identifies learning outcomes in a case study in seeking accreditation from an international relevant professional body.Keywords: accreditation, governing bodies, self-assessment report, quality management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1237981 A Mixed Methods Research Design for the Development of the Xenia Higher Education Institutions' Inclusiveness Index
Authors: Achilles Kameas, Eleni Georgakakou, Anna Lisa Amodeo, Aideen Quilty, Aisling Malone, Roberta Albertazzi, Moises Carmona, Concetta Esposito, Ruben David Fernandez Carrasco, Carmela Ferrara, Francesco Garzillo, Mojca Pusnik, Maria Cristina Scarano
While researchers, especially in academia, study and research the phenomena of inclusion of sexual minority and gender marginalized groups, seldom the European Higher Education Institutions (HEI) act on lowering the cultural and educational barriers to their proactive inclusion. The challenge in European HEIs is that gender, and sexual orientation discrimination remains an issue not adequately addressed. Following a mixed methods research design of quantitative and qualitative research techniques and tools, which is applied in five (5) European countries (Italy, Greece, Ireland, Slovenia, and Spain) and that combines desk research, evaluation, and weighting processes for a Matrix-based on Objective indicators and Survey for students and staff of the HEI to gauge the perception of inclusiveness in the HEI context, XENIA HEI Inclusiveness Index is an instrument that will allow universities to gauge and assess their inclusiveness in the domain of discrimination and exclusion based on gender identity and sexual orientation. The index will allow capturing the depth and reach of policies, programmes, and initiatives of HEIs in tackling the phenomena and dynamics of exclusion of LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and other marginalized groups on the basis of gender and sexual identity) and cisgender women exposed to the risk of discrimination.Keywords: gender identity, higher education, LGBT+ rights, XENIA inclusiveness index
Procedia PDF Downloads 1637980 Multi-Dimension Threat Situation Assessment Based on Network Security Attributes
Authors: Yang Yu, Jian Wang, Jiqiang Liu, Lei Han, Xudong He, Shaohua Lv
As the increasing network attacks become more and more complex, network situation assessment based on log analysis cannot meet the requirements to ensure network security because of the low quality of logs and alerts. This paper addresses the lack of consideration of security attributes of hosts and attacks in the network. Identity and effectiveness of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) are hard to be proved in risk assessment based on alerts and flow matching. This paper proposes a multi-dimension threat situation assessment method based on network security attributes. First, the paper offers an improved Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) calculation, which includes confident risk, integrity risk, availability risk and a weighted risk. Second, the paper introduces deterioration rate of properties collected by sensors in hosts and network, which aimed at assessing the time and level of DDoS attacks. Third, the paper introduces distribution of asset value in security attributes considering features of attacks and network, which aimed at assessing and show the whole situation. Experiments demonstrate that the approach reflects effectiveness and level of DDoS attacks, and the result can show the primary threat in network and security requirement of network. Through comparison and analysis, the method reflects more in security requirement and security risk situation than traditional methods based on alert and flow analyzing.Keywords: DDoS evaluation, improved CVSS, network security attribute, threat situation assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2107979 Household Survey on Food Behaviors and Nutrition Status in Suburb of Thailand
Authors: P. Chonsin, N. Neelapaichit, N. Piaseu
This household survey aimed to describe food behaviors and nutritional status of households in suburb nearby Bangkok, Thailand. Through convenience sampling, sample included 187 food providers from 125 households in three communities. Data were collected by structured interview and nutritional assessment. Results revealed that majority of the sample were female (68.4 %), aged between 18 to 91 years. The households selected raw foods concerning quality as the first priority (46.5%), cooking for their family members as 91.2%, using seasonings as 71.2%. The most favorite tastes were sweet (19.8%), salty (20.3%), and fatty (1.6%). Food related health problems were hypertension (40.1%), diabetes (26.7%), and dyslipidemia (19.3%). Approximately half of the overall samples (55.1%) and the sample with hypertension (84.5%) had excessive body mass index (BMI). Moreover, one-fourth of the sample with hypertension (25.3%) had salty food preference. Results suggest approaches to promote behavioral modification for sodium reduction particularly in food providers of households with hypertension and excessive BMI.Keywords: food behavior, nutrition status, household, suburb
Procedia PDF Downloads 3947978 Forecast of Polyethylene Properties in the Gas Phase Polymerization Aided by Neural Network
Authors: Nasrin Bakhshizadeh, Ashkan Forootan
A major problem that affects the quality control of polymer in the industrial polymerization is the lack of suitable on-line measurement tools to evaluate the properties of the polymer such as melt and density indices. Controlling the polymerization in ordinary method is performed manually by taking samples, measuring the quality of polymer in the lab and registry of results. This method is highly time consuming and leads to producing large number of incompatible products. An online application for estimating melt index and density proposed in this study is a neural network based on the input-output data of the polyethylene production plant. Temperature, the level of reactors' bed, the intensity of ethylene mass flow, hydrogen and butene-1, the molar concentration of ethylene, hydrogen and butene-1 are used for the process to establish the neural model. The neural network is taught based on the actual operational data and back-propagation and Levenberg-Marquart techniques. The simulated results indicate that the neural network process model established with three layers (one hidden layer) for forecasting the density and the four layers for the melt index is able to successfully predict those quality properties.Keywords: polyethylene, polymerization, density, melt index, neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 1447977 Digital Wellbeing: A Multinational Study and Global Index
Authors: Fahad Al Beyahi, Justin Thomas, Md Mamunur Rashid
Various definitions of digital well-being have emerged in recent years, most of which center on the impacts -beneficial and detrimental- of digital technology on health and well-being (psychological, social, and financial). Other definitions go further, emphasizing the attainment of balance, viewing digital well-being as wholly subjective, the individual’s perception of optimal balance between the benefits and ills associated with online connectivity. Based on this broad conceptualization of digital well-being, we undertook a global survey measuring various dimensions of this emerging construct. The survey was administered across 35 nations and 7 world regions, with 1000 participants within each territory (N= 35000). Along with attitudinal, behavioral, and sociodemographic variables, the survey included measures of depression, anxiety, problematic social media use, gaming disorder, and other relevant metrics. Coupled with nation-level policy audits, these data were used to create a multinational (global) digital well-being index. Nations are ranked based on various dimensions of digital well-being, and predictive models are used to identify resilience and risk factors for problem technology use. In this paper, we will discuss key findings from the survey and the index. This work can inform public policy and shape our responses to the emerging implications of lives increasingly lived online and interconnected with digital technology.Keywords: technology, health, behavioral addiction, digital wellbeing
Procedia PDF Downloads 817976 Advances in Health Risk Assessment of Mycotoxins in Africa
Authors: Wilfred A. Abiaa, Chibundu N. Ezekiel, Benedikt Warth, Michael Sulyok, Paul C. Turner, Rudolf Krska, Paul F. Moundipa
Mycotoxins are a wide range of toxic secondary metabolites of fungi that contaminate various food commodities worldwide especially in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Such contamination seriously compromises food safety and quality posing a serious problem for human health as well as to trade and the economy. Their concentrations depend on various factors, such as the commodity itself, climatic conditions, storage conditions, seasonal variances, and processing methods. When humans consume foods contaminated by mycotoxins, they exert toxic effects to their health through various modes of actions. Rural populations in sub-Saharan Africa, are exposed to dietary mycotoxins, but it is supposed that exposure levels and health risks associated with mycotoxins between SSA countries may vary. Dietary exposures and health risk assessment studies have been limited by lack of equipment for the proper assessment of the associated health implications on consumer populations when they eat contaminated agricultural products. As such, mycotoxin research is premature in several SSA nations with product evaluation for mycotoxin loads below/above legislative limits being inadequate. Few nations have health risk assessment reports mainly based on direct quantification of the toxins in foods ('external exposure') and linking food levels with data from food frequency questionnaires. Nonetheless, the assessment of the exposure and health risk to mycotoxins requires more than the traditional approaches. Only a fraction of the mycotoxins in contaminated foods reaches the blood stream and exert toxicity ('internal exposure'). Also, internal exposure is usually smaller than external exposure thus dependence on external exposure alone may induce confounders in risk assessment. Some studies from SSA earlier focused on biomarker analysis mainly on aflatoxins while a few recent studies have concentrated on the multi-biomarker analysis of exposures in urine providing probable associations between observed disease occurrences and dietary mycotoxins levels. As a result, new techniques that could assess the levels of exposures directly in body tissue or fluid, and possibly link them to the disease state of individuals became urgent.Keywords: mycotoxins, biomarkers, exposure assessment, health risk assessment, sub-Saharan Africa
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