Search results for: principal component analysis PCA
28934 Identifying Environmental Adaptive Genetic Loci in Caloteropis Procera (Estabragh): Population Genetics and Landscape Genetic Analyses
Authors: Masoud Sheidaei, Mohammad-Reza Kordasti, Fahimeh Koohdar
Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T.Aiton, (Apocynaceae), is an economically and medicinally important plant species which is an evergreen, perennial shrub growing in arid and semi-arid climates, and can tolerate very low annual rainfall (150 mm) and a dry season. The plant can also tolerate temperature ran off 20 to30°C and is not frost tolerant. This plant species prefers free-draining sandy soils but can grow also in alkaline and saline soils.It is found at a range of altitudes from exposed coastal sites to medium elevations up to 1300 m. Due to morpho-physiological adaptations of C. procera and its ability to tolerate various abiotic stresses. This taxa can compete with desirable pasture species and forms dense thickets that interfere with stock management, particularly mustering activities. Caloteropis procera grows only in southern part of Iran where in comprises a limited number of geographical populations. We used different population genetics and r landscape analysis to produce data on geographical populations of C. procera based on molecular genetic study using SCoT molecular markers. First, we used spatial principal components (sPCA), as it can analyze data in a reduced space and can be used for co-dominant markers as well as presence / absence data as is the case in SCoT molecular markers. This method also carries out Moran I and Mantel tests to reveal spatial autocorrelation and test for the occurrence of Isolation by distance (IBD). We also performed Random Forest analysis to identify the importance of spatial and geographical variables on genetic diversity. Moreover, we used both RDA (Redundency analysis), and LFMM (Latent factor mixed model), to identify the genetic loci significantly associated with geographical variables. A niche modellng analysis was carried our to predict present potential area for distribution of these plants and also the area present by the year 2050. The results obtained will be discussed in this paper.Keywords: population genetics, landscape genetic, Calotreropis procera, niche modeling, SCoT markers
Procedia PDF Downloads 9428933 Assessing Remote and Hybrid Education Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights and Innovations from Secondary School Educators
Authors: Azzeddine Atibi, Khadija El Kababi, Salim Ahmed, Mohamed Radid
The principal objective of this study is to undertake a comprehensive comparative analysis of distance learning and blended learning modalities, with a particular emphasis on evaluating their effectiveness during the confinement period mandated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This investigation is rooted in the firsthand experiences of educators at the high school and secondary levels within both private and public educational institutions. To acquire the requisite data, we meticulously designed and distributed a survey to these educators, soliciting detailed narratives of their professional experiences throughout this challenging period. The survey aims to elucidate the specific difficulties encountered by teachers, as well as to highlight the innovative pedagogical strategies they devised in response to these challenges. By synthesizing the insights garnered from this survey, our goal is to foster an exchange of experiences among educators and to generate informed recommendations that will inform future educational reforms. Ultimately, this study aspires to contribute to the ongoing discourse on optimizing educational practices in the face of unprecedented disruptions.Keywords: distance learning, blended learning, covid 19, secondary/ high school, teachingperformance, evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3428932 Downhole Corrosion Inhibition Treatment for Water Supply Wells
Authors: Nayif Alrasheedi, Sultan Almutairi
Field-wide, a water supply wells’ downhole corrosion inhibition program is being applied to maintain downhole component integrity and keep the fluid corrosivity below 5 MPY. Batch treatment is currently used to inject the oil field chemical. This work is a case study consisting of analytical procedures used to optimize the frequency of the good corrosion inhibition treatments. During the study, a corrosion cell was fitted with a special three-electrode configuration for electrochemical measurements, electrochemical linear polarization, corrosion monitoring, and microbial analysis. This study revealed that the current practice is not able to mitigate material corrosion in the downhole system for more than three months.Keywords: downhole corrosion inhibition, electrochemical measurements, electrochemical linear polarization, corrosion monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 18628931 Investigating the Thermal Characteristics of Reclaimed Solid Waste from a Landfill Site Using Thermogravimetry
Authors: S. M. Al-Salem, G.A. Leeke, H. J. Karam, R. Al-Enzi, A. T. Al-Dhafeeri, J. Wang
Thermogravimetry has been popularized as a thermal characterization technique since the 1950s. It aims at investigating the weight loss against both reaction time and temperature, whilst being able to characterize the evolved gases from the volatile components of the organic material being tested using an appropriate hyphenated analytical technique. In an effort to characterize and identify the reclaimed waste from an unsanitary landfill site, this approach was initiated. Solid waste (SW) reclaimed from an active landfill site in the State of Kuwait was collected and prepared for characterization in accordance with international protocols. The SW was segregated and its major components were identified after washing and air drying. Shredding and cryomilling was conducted on the plastic solid waste (PSW) component to yield a material that is representative for further testing and characterization. The material was subjected to five heating rates (b) with minimal repeatable weight for high accuracy thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) following the recommendation of the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC). The TGA yielded thermograms that showed an off-set from typical behavior of commercial grade resin which was attributed to contact of material with soil and thermal/photo-degradation.Keywords: polymer, TGA, pollution, landfill, waste, plastic
Procedia PDF Downloads 13028930 Investigation of Extreme Gradient Boosting Model Prediction of Soil Strain-Shear Modulus
Authors: Ehsan Mehryaar, Reza Bushehri
One of the principal parameters defining the clay soil dynamic response is the strain-shear modulus relation. Predicting the strain and, subsequently, shear modulus reduction of the soil is essential for performance analysis of structures exposed to earthquake and dynamic loadings. Many soil properties affect soil’s dynamic behavior. In order to capture those effects, in this study, a database containing 1193 data points consists of maximum shear modulus, strain, moisture content, initial void ratio, plastic limit, liquid limit, initial confining pressure resulting from dynamic laboratory testing of 21 clays is collected for predicting the shear modulus vs. strain curve of soil. A model based on an extreme gradient boosting technique is proposed. A tree-structured parzan estimator hyper-parameter tuning algorithm is utilized simultaneously to find the best hyper-parameters for the model. The performance of the model is compared to the existing empirical equations using the coefficient of correlation and root mean square error.Keywords: XGBoost, hyper-parameter tuning, soil shear modulus, dynamic response
Procedia PDF Downloads 20328929 Component Comparison of Polyaluminum Chloride Produced from Various Methods
Authors: Wen Po Cheng, Chia Yun Chung, Ruey Fang Yu, Chao Feng Chen
The main objective of this research was to study the differences of aluminum hydrolytic products between two PACl preparation methods. These two methods were the acidification process of freshly formed amorphous Al(OH)3 and the conventional alkalization process of aluminum chloride solution. According to Ferron test and 27Al NMR analysis of those two PACl preparation procedures, the reaction rate constant (k) values and Al13 percentage of acid addition process at high basicity value were both lower than those values of the alkaline addition process. The results showed that the molecular structure and size distribution of the aluminum species in both preparing methods were suspected to be significantly different at high basicity value.Keywords: polyaluminum chloride, Al13, amorphous aluminum hydroxide, Ferron test
Procedia PDF Downloads 37628928 Impact of Anthropogenic Stresses on Plankton Biodiversity in Indian Sundarban Megadelta: An Approach towards Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainability
Authors: Dibyendu Rakshit, Santosh K. Sarkar
The study illustrates a comprehensive account of large-scale changes plankton community structure in relevance to water quality characteristics due to anthropogenic stresses, mainly concerned for Annual Gangasagar Festival (AGF) at the southern tip of Sagar Island of Indian Sundarban wetland for 3-year duration (2012-2014; n=36). This prograding, vulnerable and tide-dominated megadelta has been formed in the estuarine phase of the Hooghly Estuary infested by largest continuous tract of luxurious mangrove forest, enriched with high native flora and fauna. The sampling strategy was designed to characterize the changes in plankton community and water quality considering three diverse phases, namely during festival period (January) and its pre - (December) as well as post (February) events. Surface water samples were collected for estimation of different environmental variables as well as for phytoplankton and microzooplankton biodiversity measurement. The preservation and identification techniques of both biotic and abiotic parameters were carried out by standard chemical and biological methods. The intensive human activities lead to sharp ecological changes in the context of poor water quality index (WQI) due to high turbidity (14.02±2.34 NTU) coupled with low chlorophyll a (1.02±0.21 mg m-3) and dissolved oxygen (3.94±1.1 mg l-1), comparing to pre- and post-festival periods. Sharp reduction in abundance (4140 to 2997 cells l-1) and diversity (H′=2.72 to 1.33) of phytoplankton and microzooplankton tintinnids (450 to 328 ind l-1; H′=4.31 to 2.21) was very much pronounced. The small size tintinnid (average lorica length=29.4 µm; average LOD=10.5 µm) composed of Tintinnopsis minuta, T. lobiancoi, T. nucula, T. gracilis are predominant and reached some of the greatest abundances during the festival period. Results of ANOVA revealed a significant variation in different festival periods with phytoplankton (F= 1.77; p=0.006) and tintinnid abundance (F= 2.41; P=0.022). RELATE analyses revealed a significant correlation between the variations of planktonic communities with the environmental data (R= 0.107; p= 0.005). Three distinct groups were delineated from principal component analysis, in which a set of hydrological parameters acted as the causative factor(s) for maintaining diversity and distribution of the planktonic organisms. The pronounced adverse impact of anthropogenic stresses on plankton community could lead to environmental deterioration, disrupting the productivity of benthic and pelagic ecosystems as well as fishery potentialities which directly related to livelihood services. The festival can be considered as multiple drivers of changes in relevance to beach erosion, shoreline changes, pollution from discarded plastic and electronic wastes and destruction of natural habitats resulting loss of biodiversity. In addition, deterioration in water quality was also evident from immersion of idols, causing detrimental effects on aquatic biota. The authors strongly recommend for adopting integrated scientific and administrative strategies for resilience, sustainability and conservation of this megadelta.Keywords: Gangasagar festival, phytoplankton, Sundarban megadelta, tintinnid
Procedia PDF Downloads 23528927 Performance Based Road Asset Evaluation
Authors: Kidus Dawit Gedamu
Addis Ababa City Road Authority is responsible for managing and setting performance evaluation of the city’s road network using the International Roughness Index (IRI). This helps the authority to conduct pavement condition assessments of asphalt roads each year to determine the health status or Level of service (LOS) of the roadway network and plan program improvements such as maintenance, resurfacing and rehabilitation. For a lower IRI limit economical and acceptable maintenance strategy may be selected among a number of maintenance alternatives. The Highway Development and Management (HDM-4) tool can do such measures to help decide which option is the best by evaluating the economic and structural conditions. This paper specifically addresses flexible pavement, including two principal arterial streets under the administration of the Addis Ababa City Roads Authority. The roads include the road from Megenagna Interchange to Ayat Square and from Ayat Square to Tafo RA. First, it was assessed the procedures followed by the city's road authority to develop the appropriate road maintenance strategies. Questionnaire surveys and interviews are used to collect information from the city's road maintenance departments. Second, the project analysis was performed for functional and economic comparison of different maintenance alternatives using HDM-4.Keywords: appropriate maintenance strategy, cost stream, road deterioration, maintenance alternative
Procedia PDF Downloads 6128926 The Design of Fire in Tube Boiler
Authors: Yoftahe Nigussie
This report presents a final year project pertaining to the design of Fire tube boiler for the purpose of producing saturated steam. The objective of the project is to produce saturated steam for different purpose with a capacity of 2000kg/h at 12bar design pressure by performing a design of a higher performance fire tube boiler that considered the requirements of cost minimization and parameters improvement. This is mostly done in selection of appropriate material for component parts, construction materials and production methods in different steps of analysis. In the analysis process, most of the design parameters are obtained by iterating with related formulas like selection of diameter of tubes with overall heat transfer coefficient optimization, and the other selections are also as like considered. The number of passes is two because of the size and area of the tubes and shell. As the analysis express by using heavy oil fuel no6 with a higher heating value of 44000kJ/kg and lower heating value of 41300kJ/kg and the amount of fuel consumed 140.37kg/hr. and produce 1610kw of heat with efficiency of 85.25%. The flow of the fluid is a cross flow because of its own advantage and the arrangement of the tube in-side the shell is welded with the tube sheet, and the tube sheet is attached with the shell and the end by using a gasket and weld. The design of the shell, using European Standard code section, is as like pressure vessel by considering the weight, including content and the supplementary accessories such as lifting lugs, openings, ends, man hole and supports with detail and assembly drawing.Keywords: steam generation, external treatment, internal treatment, steam velocity
Procedia PDF Downloads 9828925 Role of Machine Learning in Internet of Things Enabled Smart Cities
Authors: Amit Prakash Singh, Shyamli Singh, Chavi Srivastav
This paper presents the idea of Internet of Thing (IoT) for the infrastructure of smart cities. Internet of Thing has been visualized as a communication prototype that incorporates myriad of digital services. The various component of the smart cities shall be implemented using microprocessor, microcontroller, sensors for network communication and protocols. IoT enabled systems have been devised to support the smart city vision, of which aim is to exploit the currently available precocious communication technologies to support the value-added services for function of the city. Due to volume, variety, and velocity of data, it requires analysis using Big Data concept. This paper presented the various techniques used to analyze big data using machine learning.Keywords: IoT, smart city, embedded systems, sustainable environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 57728924 Parents’ Opinions on Compulsory Pre-school Attendance in the Czech Republic
Authors: Beata Hornickova, Sona Lorencova
The study deals with the presentation of the results of qualitatively oriented research, which was carried out in the scope of determining the attitudes of parents to preschool education in the Czech Republic. The research is conceived as an entry into the field of the researched issue and aimed to support the effectiveness of the items of the questionnaire, which was subsequently created based on the parents’ statements from interviews. The research method was interview with 15 parents of preschool children. The main aim of the interviews was to find out their views on the compulsory attendance of their children in kindergarten. Compulsory pre-school attendance has been introduced in the Czech Republic since 2017/18 with the aim of reducing delays in the entry of children into primary school and eliminating subsequent school failures. The findings offered a look at the differing views on compulsory kindergarten school influenced by the different socio-economic status of parents. Parents with a higher socio-economic status attached greater importance to the educational component of compulsory preschool attendance as a preparation for primary school, while parents with a lower socio-economic status emphasized the educational component. An interesting finding is also a statement from interviews of a parent who does not find benefits in compulsory preschool attendance.Keywords: compulsory pre-school education, education of pre-school children, kindergarten, parents’ opinions on pre-school education
Procedia PDF Downloads 17028923 Analytical-Behavioral Intervention for Women with Fibromyalgia: Evaluation of Effectiveness Clinical Significance and Reliable Change
Authors: Luziane De Fatima Kirchner, Maria De Jesus Dutra Dos Reis, Francine Nathalie Ferraresi Rodrigues Queluz
This study evaluated the effect of two components of analytic-behavioral intervention (1-management of conditions of the physical environment, 2-management of the interpersonal relationship) of women with fibromyalgia (FM), besides Clinical Significance and Reliable Change at the end of the intervention. Self-report instruments were used to evaluate stress, anxiety, depression, social skills and disability due to pain and Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR). Four women with a medical diagnosis of FM (mean age 52.7; sd = 6.65), participated of the following procedures: initial evaluation, 10 sessions of component 1, intermediate evaluation, 10 sessions of component 2, and final evaluation. The 20 sessions were effective, with positive changes in the scores of all the self-report instruments, highlighting the results of the stress symptoms that had improvement in the intermediate evaluation. There was, however, no change in the cortisol response on awakening. The Clinical Significance or Reliable Change observed, according to the scores of the stress, anxiety, depression and social skills instruments, corroborated the reports of the participants in the session and the objectives of the treatment. Implications for future studies are discussed, above all, the importance in conducting evaluations with the use of direct measures together with self-report measures.Keywords: behavioral intervention, clinical significance, fibromyalgia, reliable change
Procedia PDF Downloads 13828922 A Systematic Review Investigating the Use of EEG Measures in Neuromarketing
Authors: A. M. Byrne, E. Bonfiglio, C. Rigby, N. Edelstyn
Introduction: Neuromarketing employs numerous methodologies when investigating products and advertisement effectiveness. Electroencephalography (EEG), a non-invasive measure of electrical activity from the brain, is commonly used in neuromarketing. EEG data can be considered using time-frequency (TF) analysis, where changes in the frequency of brainwaves are calculated to infer participant’s mental states, or event-related potential (ERP) analysis, where changes in amplitude are observed in direct response to a stimulus. This presentation discusses the findings of a systematic review of EEG measures in neuromarketing. A systematic review summarises evidence on a research question, using explicit measures to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant research papers. Thissystematic review identifies which EEG measures are the most robust predictor of customer preference and purchase intention. Methods: Search terms identified174 papers that used EEG in combination with marketing-related stimuli. Publications were excluded if they were written in a language other than English or were not published as journal articles (e.g., book chapters). The review investigated which TF effect (e.g., theta-band power) and ERP component (e.g., N400) most consistently reflected preference and purchase intention. Machine-learning prediction was also investigated, along with the use of EEG combined with physiological measures such as eye-tracking. Results: Frontal alpha asymmetry was the most reliable TF signal, where an increase in activity over the left side of the frontal lobe indexed a positive response to marketing stimuli, while an increase in activity over the right side indexed a negative response. The late positive potential, a positive amplitude increase around 600 ms after stimulus presentation, was the most reliable ERP component, reflecting the conscious emotional evaluation of marketing stimuli. However, each measure showed mixed results when related to preference and purchase behaviour. Predictive accuracy was greatly improved through machine-learning algorithms such as deep neural networks, especially when combined with eye-tracking or facial expression analyses. Discussion: This systematic review provides a novel catalogue of the most effective use of each EEG measure commonly used in neuromarketing. Exciting findings to emerge are the identification of the frontal alpha asymmetry and late positive potential as markers of preferential responses to marketing stimuli. Predictive accuracy using machine-learning algorithms achieved predictive accuracies as high as 97%, and future research should therefore focus on machine-learning prediction when using EEG measures in neuromarketing.Keywords: EEG, ERP, neuromarketing, machine-learning, systematic review, time-frequency
Procedia PDF Downloads 11428921 Adaptation of Projection Profile Algorithm for Skewed Handwritten Text Line Detection
Authors: Kayode A. Olaniyi, Tola. M. Osifeko, Adeola A. Ogunleye
Text line segmentation is an important step in document image processing. It represents a labeling process that assigns the same label using distance metric probability to spatially aligned units. Text line detection techniques have successfully been implemented mainly in printed documents. However, processing of the handwritten texts especially unconstrained documents has remained a key problem. This is because the unconstrained hand-written text lines are often not uniformly skewed. The spaces between text lines may not be obvious, complicated by the nature of handwriting and, overlapping ascenders and/or descenders of some characters. Hence, text lines detection and segmentation represents a leading challenge in handwritten document image processing. Text line detection methods that rely on the traditional global projection profile of the text document cannot efficiently confront with the problem of variable skew angles between different text lines. Hence, the formulation of a horizontal line as a separator is often not efficient. This paper presents a technique to segment a handwritten document into distinct lines of text. The proposed algorithm starts, by partitioning the initial text image into columns, across its width into chunks of about 5% each. At each vertical strip of 5%, the histogram of horizontal runs is projected. We have worked with the assumption that text appearing in a single strip is almost parallel to each other. The algorithm developed provides a sliding window through the first vertical strip on the left side of the page. It runs through to identify the new minimum corresponding to a valley in the projection profile. Each valley would represent the starting point of the orientation line and the ending point is the minimum point on the projection profile of the next vertical strip. The derived text-lines traverse around any obstructing handwritten vertical strips of connected component by associating it to either the line above or below. A decision of associating such connected component is made by the probability obtained from a distance metric decision. The technique outperforms the global projection profile for text line segmentation and it is robust to handle skewed documents and those with lines running into each other.Keywords: connected-component, projection-profile, segmentation, text-line
Procedia PDF Downloads 12428920 Parameter Estimation in Dynamical Systems Based on Latent Variables
Authors: Arcady Ponosov
A novel mathematical approach is suggested, which facilitates a compressed representation and efficient validation of parameter-rich ordinary differential equation models describing the dynamics of complex, especially biology-related, systems and which is based on identification of the system's latent variables. In particular, an efficient parameter estimation method for the compressed non-linear dynamical systems is developed. The method is applied to the so-called 'power-law systems' being non-linear differential equations typically used in Biochemical System Theory.Keywords: generalized law of mass action, metamodels, principal components, synergetic systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 35728919 Enhancing Project Management Performance in Prefabricated Building Construction under Uncertainty: A Comprehensive Approach
Authors: Niyongabo Elyse
Prefabricated building construction is a pioneering approach that combines design, production, and assembly to attain energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and economic feasibility. Despite continuous development in the industry in China, the low technical maturity of standardized design, factory production, and construction assembly introduces uncertainties affecting prefabricated component production and on-site assembly processes. This research focuses on enhancing project management performance under uncertainty to help enterprises navigate these challenges and optimize project resources. The study introduces a perspective on how uncertain factors influence the implementation of prefabricated building construction projects. It proposes a theoretical model considering project process management ability, adaptability to uncertain environments, and collaboration ability of project participants. The impact of uncertain factors is demonstrated through case studies and quantitative analysis, revealing constraints on implementation time, cost, quality, and safety. To address uncertainties in prefabricated component production scheduling, a fuzzy model is presented, expressing processing times in interval values. The model utilizes a cooperative co-evolution evolution algorithm (CCEA) to optimize scheduling, demonstrated through a real case study showcasing reduced project duration and minimized effects of processing time disturbances. Additionally, the research addresses on-site assembly construction scheduling, considering the relationship between task processing times and assigned resources. A multi-objective model with fuzzy activity durations is proposed, employing a hybrid cooperative co-evolution evolution algorithm (HCCEA) to optimize project scheduling. Results from real case studies indicate improved project performance in terms of duration, cost, and resilience to processing time delays and resource changes. The study also introduces a multistage dynamic process control model, utilizing IoT technology for real-time monitoring during component production and construction assembly. This approach dynamically adjusts schedules when constraints arise, leading to enhanced project management performance, as demonstrated in a real prefabricated housing project. Key contributions include a fuzzy prefabricated components production scheduling model, a multi-objective multi-mode resource-constrained construction project scheduling model with fuzzy activity durations, a multi-stage dynamic process control model, and a cooperative co-evolution evolution algorithm. The integrated mathematical model addresses the complexity of prefabricated building construction project management, providing a theoretical foundation for practical decision-making in the field.Keywords: prefabricated construction, project management performance, uncertainty, fuzzy scheduling
Procedia PDF Downloads 5128918 SOTM: A New Cooperation Based Trust Management System for VANET
Authors: Amel Ltifi, Ahmed Zouinkhi, Mohamed Salim Bouhlel
Security and trust management in Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANET) is a crucial research domain which is the scope of many researches and domains. Although, the majority of the proposed trust management systems for VANET are based on specific road infrastructure, which may not be present in all the roads. Therefore, road security should be managed by vehicles themselves. In this paper, we propose a new Self Organized Trust Management system (SOTM). This system has the responsibility to cut with the spread of false warnings in the network through four principal components: cooperation, trust management, communication and security.Keywords: ative vehicle, cooperation, trust management, VANET
Procedia PDF Downloads 43428917 Encephalon-An Implementation of a Handwritten Mathematical Expression Solver
Authors: Shreeyam, Ranjan Kumar Sah, Shivangi
Recognizing and solving handwritten mathematical expressions can be a challenging task, particularly when certain characters are segmented and classified. This project proposes a solution that uses Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and image processing techniques to accurately solve various types of equations, including arithmetic, quadratic, and trigonometric equations, as well as logical operations like logical AND, OR, NOT, NAND, XOR, and NOR. The proposed solution also provides a graphical solution, allowing users to visualize equations and their solutions. In addition to equation solving, the platform, called CNNCalc, offers a comprehensive learning experience for students. It provides educational content, a quiz platform, and a coding platform for practicing programming skills in different languages like C, Python, and Java. This all-in-one solution makes the learning process engaging and enjoyable for students. The proposed methodology includes horizontal compact projection analysis and survey for segmentation and binarization, as well as connected component analysis and integrated connected component analysis for character classification. The compact projection algorithm compresses the horizontal projections to remove noise and obtain a clearer image, contributing to the accuracy of character segmentation. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution in solving a wide range of mathematical equations. CNNCalc provides a powerful and user-friendly platform for solving equations, learning, and practicing programming skills. With its comprehensive features and accurate results, CNNCalc is poised to revolutionize the way students learn and solve mathematical equations. The platform utilizes a custom-designed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with image processing techniques to accurately recognize and classify symbols within handwritten equations. The compact projection algorithm effectively removes noise from horizontal projections, leading to clearer images and improved character segmentation. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed solution in solving a wide range of equations, including arithmetic, quadratic, trigonometric, and logical operations. CNNCalc features a user-friendly interface with a graphical representation of equations being solved, making it an interactive and engaging learning experience for users. The platform also includes tutorials, testing capabilities, and programming features in languages such as C, Python, and Java. Users can track their progress and work towards improving their skills. CNNCalc is poised to revolutionize the way students learn and solve mathematical equations with its comprehensive features and accurate results.Keywords: AL, ML, hand written equation solver, maths, computer, CNNCalc, convolutional neural networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 12428916 Comparison of Real-Time PCR and FTIR with Chemometrics Technique in Analysing Halal Supplement Capsules
Authors: Mohd Sukri Hassan, Ahlam Inayatullah Badrul Munir, M. Husaini A. Rahman
Halal authentication and verification in supplement capsules are highly required as the gelatine available in the market can be from halal or non-halal sources. It is an obligation for Muslim to consume and use the halal consumer goods. At present, real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is the most common technique being used for the detection of porcine and bovine DNA in gelatine due to high sensitivity of the technique and higher stability of DNA compared to protein. In this study, twenty samples of supplements capsules from different products with different Halal logos were analyzed for porcine and bovine DNA using RT-PCR. Standard bovine and porcine gelatine from eurofins at a range of concentration from 10-1 to 10-5 ng/µl were used to determine the linearity range, limit of detection and specificity on RT-PCR (SYBR Green method). RT-PCR detected porcine (two samples), bovine (four samples) and mixture of porcine and bovine (six samples). The samples were also tested using FT-IR technique where normalized peak of IR spectra were pre-processed using Savitsky Golay method before Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was performed on the database. Scores plot of PCA shows three clusters of samples; bovine, porcine and mixture (bovine and porcine). The RT-PCR and FT-IR with chemometrics technique were found to give same results for porcine gelatine samples which can be used for Halal authentication.Keywords: halal, real-time PCR, gelatine, chemometrics
Procedia PDF Downloads 24128915 Mathematical Modeling of District Cooling Systems
Authors: Dana Alghool, Tarek ElMekkawy, Mohamed Haouari, Adel Elomari
District cooling systems have captured the attentions of many researchers recently due to the enormous benefits offered by such system in comparison with traditional cooling technologies. It is considered a major component of urban cities due to the significant reduction of energy consumption. This paper aims to find the optimal design and operation of district cooling systems by developing a mixed integer linear programming model to minimize the annual total system cost and satisfy the end-user cooling demand. The proposed model is experimented with different cooling demand scenarios. The results of the very high cooling demand scenario are only presented in this paper. A sensitivity analysis on different parameters of the model was performed.Keywords: Annual Cooling Demand, Compression Chiller, Mathematical Modeling, District Cooling Systems, Optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 20228914 Site Specific Ground Response Estimations for the Vulnerability Assessment of the Buildings of the Third Biggest Mosque in the World, Algeria’s Mosque
Authors: S. Mohamadi, T. Boudina, A. Rouabeh, A. Seridi
Equivalent linear and non-linear ground response analyses are conducted at many representative sites at the mosque of Algeria, to compare the free field acceleration spectra with local code of practice. Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) technique was adopted to measure the in-situ shear wave velocity profile at the representative sites. The seismic movement imposed on the rock is the NS component of Keddara station recorded during the earthquake in Boumerdes 21 May 2003. The site-specific elastic design spectra for each site are determined to further obtain site specific non-linear acceleration spectra. As a case study, the results of site-specific evaluations are presented for two building sites (site of minaret and site of the prayer hall) to demonstrate the influence of local geological conditions on ground response at Algerian sites. A comparison of computed response with the standard code of practice being used currently in Algeria for the seismic zone of Algiers indicated that the design spectra is not able to capture site amplification due to local geological conditions.Keywords: equivalent linear, non-linear, ground response analysis, design response spectrum
Procedia PDF Downloads 44928913 Hand Motion Trajectory Analysis for Dynamic Hand Gestures Used in Indian Sign Language
Authors: Daleesha M. Viswanathan, Sumam Mary Idicula
Dynamic hand gestures are an intrinsic component in sign language communication. Extracting spatial temporal features of the hand gesture trajectory plays an important role in a dynamic gesture recognition system. Finding a discrete feature descriptor for the motion trajectory based on the orientation feature is the main concern of this paper. Kalman filter algorithm and Hidden Markov Models (HMM) models are incorporated with this recognition system for hand trajectory tracking and for spatial temporal classification, respectively.Keywords: orientation features, discrete feature vector, HMM., Indian sign language
Procedia PDF Downloads 37328912 Engineering Microstructural Evolution during Arc Wire Directed Energy Deposition of Magnesium Alloy (AZ31)
Authors: Nivatha Elangovan, Lakshman Neelakantan, Murugaiyan Amirthalingam
Magnesium and its alloys are widely used for various lightweight engineering and biomedical applications as they render high strength to low weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. These alloys possess good bio-compatibility and similar mechanical properties to natural bone. However, manufacturing magnesium alloy components by conventional formative and subtractive methods is challenging due to their poor castability, oxidation potential, and machinability. Therefore, efforts are made to produce complex-design containing magnesium alloy components by additive manufacturing (AM). Arc-wire directed energy deposition (AW-DED), also known as wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM), is more attractive to produce large volume components with increased productivity than any other AM technique. In this research work, efforts were made to optimise the deposition parameters to build thick-walled (about 10 mm) AZ31 magnesium alloy components by a gas metal arc (GMA) based AW-DED process. By using controlled dip short-circuiting metal transfer in a GMA process, depositions were carried out without defects and spatter formation. Current and voltage waveforms were suitably modified to achieve stable metal transfer. Moreover, the droplet transfer behaviour was analysed using high-speed image analysis and correlated with arc energy. Optical and scanning electron microscopy analyses were carried out to correlate the influence of deposition parameters with the microstructural evolution during deposition. The investigation reveals that by carefully controlling the current-voltage waveform and droplet transfer behaviour, it is possible to stabilise equiaxed grain microstructures in the deposited AZ31 components. The printed component exhibited an improved mechanical property as equiaxed grains improve the ductility and enhance the toughness. The equiaxed grains in the component improved the corrosion-resistant behaviour of other conventionally manufactured components.Keywords: arc wire directed energy deposition, AZ31 magnesium alloy, equiaxed grain, corrosion
Procedia PDF Downloads 12728911 Avoidance of Brittle Fracture in Bridge Bearings: Brittle Fracture Tests and Initial Crack Size
Authors: Natalie Hoyer
Bridges in both roadway and railway systems depend on bearings to ensure extended service life and functionality. These bearings enable proper load distribution from the superstructure to the substructure while permitting controlled movement of the superstructure. The design of bridge bearings, according to Eurocode DIN EN 1337 and the relevant sections of DIN EN 1993, increasingly requires the use of thick plates, especially for long-span bridges. However, these plate thicknesses exceed the limits specified in the national appendix of DIN EN 1993-2. Furthermore, compliance with DIN EN 1993-1-10 regulations regarding material toughness and through-thickness properties necessitates further modifications. Consequently, these standards cannot be directly applied to the selection of bearing materials without supplementary guidance and design rules. In this context, a recommendation was developed in 2011 to regulate the selection of appropriate steel grades for bearing components. Prior to the initiation of the research project underlying this contribution, this recommendation had only been available as a technical bulletin. Since July 2023, it has been integrated into guideline 804 of the German railway. However, recent findings indicate that certain bridge-bearing components are exposed to high fatigue loads, which necessitate consideration in structural design, material selection, and calculations. Therefore, the German Centre for Rail Traffic Research called a research project with the objective of defining a proposal to expand the current standards in order to implement a sufficient choice of steel material for bridge bearings to avoid brittle fracture, even for thick plates and components subjected to specific fatigue loads. The results obtained from theoretical considerations, such as finite element simulations and analytical calculations, are validated through large-scale component tests. Additionally, experimental observations are used to calibrate the calculation models and modify the input parameters of the design concept. Within the large-scale component tests, a brittle failure is artificially induced in a bearing component. For this purpose, an artificially generated initial defect is introduced at the previously defined hotspot into the specimen using spark erosion. Then, a dynamic load is applied until the crack initiation process occurs to achieve realistic conditions in the form of a sharp notch similar to a fatigue crack. This initiation process continues until the crack length reaches a predetermined size. Afterward, the actual test begins, which requires cooling the specimen with liquid nitrogen until a temperature is reached where brittle fracture failure is expected. In the next step, the component is subjected to a quasi-static tensile test until failure occurs in the form of a brittle failure. The proposed paper will present the latest research findings, including the results of the conducted component tests and the derived definition of the initial crack size in bridge bearings.Keywords: bridge bearings, brittle fracture, fatigue, initial crack size, large-scale tests
Procedia PDF Downloads 4628910 Application of Multilayer Perceptron and Markov Chain Analysis Based Hybrid-Approach for Predicting and Monitoring the Pattern of LULC Using Random Forest Classification in Jhelum District, Punjab, Pakistan
Authors: Basit Aftab, Zhichao Wang, Feng Zhongke
Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) is a critical environmental issue that has significant effects on biodiversity, ecosystem services, and climate change. This study examines the spatiotemporal dynamics of land use and land cover (LULC) across a three-decade period (1992–2022) in a district area. The goal is to support sustainable land management and urban planning by utilizing the combination of remote sensing, GIS data, and observations from Landsat satellites 5 and 8 to provide precise predictions of the trajectory of urban sprawl. In order to forecast the LULCC patterns, this study suggests a hybrid strategy that combines the Random Forest method with Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Markov Chain analysis. To predict the dynamics of LULC change for the year 2035, a hybrid technique based on multilayer Perceptron and Markov Chain Model Analysis (MLP-MCA) was employed. The area of developed land has increased significantly, while the amount of bare land, vegetation, and forest cover have all decreased. This is because the principal land types have changed due to population growth and economic expansion. The study also discovered that between 1998 and 2023, the built-up area increased by 468 km² as a result of the replacement of natural resources. It is estimated that 25.04% of the study area's urbanization will be increased by 2035. The performance of the model was confirmed with an overall accuracy of 90% and a kappa coefficient of around 0.89. It is important to use advanced predictive models to guide sustainable urban development strategies. It provides valuable insights for policymakers, land managers, and researchers to support sustainable land use planning, conservation efforts, and climate change mitigation strategies.Keywords: land use land cover, Markov chain model, multi-layer perceptron, random forest, sustainable land, remote sensing.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3528909 Energy Efficient Clustering with Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization
Authors: KumarShashvat, ArshpreetKaur, RajeshKumar, Raman Chadha
Wireless sensor networks have principal characteristic of having restricted energy and with limitation that energy of the nodes cannot be replenished. To increase the lifetime in this scenario WSN route for data transmission is opted such that utilization of energy along the selected route is negligible. For this energy efficient network, dandy infrastructure is needed because it impinges the network lifespan. Clustering is a technique in which nodes are grouped into disjoints and non–overlapping sets. In this technique data is collected at the cluster head. In this paper, Adaptive-PSO algorithm is proposed which forms energy aware clusters by minimizing the cost of locating the cluster head. The main concern is of the suitability of the swarms by adjusting the learning parameters of PSO. Particle Swarm Optimization converges quickly at the beginning stage of the search but during the course of time, it becomes stable and may be trapped in local optima. In suggested network model swarms are given the intelligence of the spiders which makes them capable enough to avoid earlier convergence and also help them to escape from the local optima. Comparison analysis with traditional PSO shows that new algorithm considerably enhances the performance where multi-dimensional functions are taken into consideration.Keywords: Particle Swarm Optimization, adaptive – PSO, comparison between PSO and A-PSO, energy efficient clustering
Procedia PDF Downloads 24928908 On the Seismic Response of Collided Structures
Authors: George D. Hatzigeorgiou, Nikos G. Pnevmatikos
This study examines the inelastic behavior of adjacent planar reinforced concrete (R.C.) frames subjected to strong ground motions. The investigation focuses on the effects of vertical ground motion on the seismic pounding. The examined structures are modeled and analyzed by RUAUMOKO dynamic nonlinear analysis program using reliable hysteretic models for both structural members and contact elements. It is found that the vertical ground motion mildly affects the seismic response of adjacent buildings subjected to structural pounding and, for this reason, it can be ignored from the displacement and interstorey drifts assessment. However, the structural damage is moderately affected by the vertical component of earthquakes.Keywords: nonlinear seismic behavior, reinforced concrete structures, structural pounding, vertical ground motions
Procedia PDF Downloads 59328907 The Economics of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity: Valuing Ecotourism-Local Perspectives to Global Discourses-Stakeholders’ Analysis
Authors: Diptimayee Nayak
Ecotourism has been recognised as a popular component of alternative tourism, which claims to guard host local environment and economy. This concept of ecological tourism (eco-tourism) has become more meaningful in evaluating the recreational function and services of any pristine ecosystem in context of ‘The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity (TEEB)’. This ecotourism is said to be a local solution to the global problem of conserving ecosystems and optimising the utilisations of their services. This paper takes a case of recreational services of an Indian protected area ecosystems ‘Bhitarakanika mangrove protected area’ discussing how ecotourism is functioning taking the perspectives of different stakeholders. Specific stakeholders are taken for analysis, viz., tourists and local people, as they are believed to be the major beneficiaries of ecotourism. The stakeholders’ analysis is evaluated on the basis of travel cost techniques (by using truncated Poisson distribution model) for tourists and descriptive and analytical tools for local people. The evaluation of stakeholders’ analysis of ecotourism has gained its impetus after the formulation of Ecotourism guidelines by the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), Government of India. The paper concludes that ecotourism issues and challenges are site-specific and region-specific; without critically focussing challenges of ecotourism faced at local level the discourses of ecotourism at global level cannot be tackled. Mere integration and replication of policies at global level to be followed at local level will not be successful (top down policies). Rather mainstreaming the decision making process at local level with the global policy stature helps to solve global issues to a bigger extent (bottom up).Keywords: ecosystem services, ecotourism, TEEB, economic valuation, stakeholders, travel cost techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 25128906 Iranian Sexual Health Needs in Viewpoint of Policy Makers: A Qualitative Study
Authors: Mahnaz Motamedi, Mohammad Shahbazi, Shahrzad Rahimi-Naghani, Mehrdad Salehi
Introduction: Identifying sexual health needs, developing appropriate plans, and delivering services to meet those needs is an essential component of health programs for women, men, and children all over the world, especially in poor countries. Main Subject: The aim of this study was to describe the needs of sexual health from the viewpoint of health policymakers in Iran. Methods: A qualitative study using thematic content analysis was designed and conducted. Data gathering was conducted through semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 25 key informants within the healthcare system. Key informants were selected through both purposive and snowball sampling. MAXQUDA software (version 10) was used to facilitate transcription, classification of codes, and conversion of data into meaningful units, by the process of reduction and compression. Results: The analysis of narratives and information categorized sexual health needs into five categories: culturalization of sexual health discourse, sexual health care services, sexual health educational needs, sexual health research needs, and organizational needs. Conclusion: Identifying and explaining sexual health needs is an important factor in determining the priority of sexual health programs and identification of barriers to meet these needs. This can help other policymakers and health planners to develop appropriate programs to promote sexual and reproductive health.Keywords: sexual health, sexual health needs, policy makers, health system, qualitative study
Procedia PDF Downloads 22328905 The Fantasy of the Media and the Sexual World of Adolescents: The Relationship between Viewing Sexual Content on Television and Sexual Behaviour of Adolescents
Authors: Ifeanyi Adigwe
The influence of television on adolescents is prevalent and widespread because television is a powerful sex educator for adolescents. This study examined the relationship between viewing sexual content on television and sexual behaviour of adolescents in public senior secondary schools in Lagos, Nigeria. The study employed a survey research design with a structured questionnaire as instrument. The multi-stage sampling technique was adopted. Firstly, purposive sampling was adopted in selecting 3 educational districts namely: Agege, Maryland, and Agboju. These educational districts were chosen for convenience and its wide coverage area of public senior secondary schools in Lagos State. Secondly, the researcher adopted systematic sampling to select the schools. The schools were listed in alphabetical order in each district and every 10th school were selected, yielding 13 schools altogether. A total of 501 copies of questionnaire were administered to the students and a total 491 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved. Only 453 copies of the questionnaire met the inclusion criteria and were used for analysis. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation, Principal components analysis, and regression analysis. Results of correlation analysis showed a positive and significant relationship between adolescent sexual belief and their preference for sexual content in television (r =0.117, N =453, p=0.13), viewing sexual content on television and adolescent sexual behavior, (r =-0.112, N =453, p<0.05), adolescent television preference and their preference for sexual content in television (r =0.328, N =453, p<0.05), adolescent television preference and adolescent’s sexual behavior (r=0.093, N =453, p<0.05). However, a negative but significant relationship exists between adolescent’s sexual knowledge and their sexual behavior (r=-122, N=453, p=0.0009). Pearson’s correlation between adolescents’ sexual knowledge and sexual behavior shows that there is a positive significant but strong relationship between adolescent’s sexual knowledge and their sexual behavior (r=0.967, N=453, p<0.05). The results also show that adolescent’s preference for sexual content in television informs them about their sexuality, development and sexual health. The descriptive and inferential analysis of data revealed that the interaction among adolescent sexual belief, knowledge and adolescents’ preference of sexual in television and its resultant effect on adolescent sexual behavior is apparent because sexual belief and norms about sex of an adolescent can induce his television preference of sexual content on television. The study concludes that exposure to sexual content in television can impact on adolescent sexual behaviour. There is no doubt that the actual outcome of television viewing and adolescent sexual behavior remains controversial because adolescent sexual behavior is multifaceted and multi-dimensional. Since behavior is learned overtime, the frequency of exposure and nature of sexual content viewed overtime induces and hastens sexual activity.Keywords: adolescent sexual behavior, Nigeria, sexual belief, sexual content, sexual knowledge, television preference
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