Search results for: parent infant relationship
6393 Industry 4.0 Adoption, Control Mechanism and Sustainable Performance of Healthcare Supply Chains under Disruptive Impact
Authors: Edward Nartey
Although the boundaries of sustainable performance and growth in the field of service supply chains (SCs) have been broadened by scholars in recent years, research on the impact and promises of Industry 4.0 Destructive Technologies (IDTs) on sustainability performance under disruptive events is still scarce. To mitigate disruptions in the SC and improve efficiency by identifying areas for cost savings, organizations have resorted to investments in digitalization, automation, and control mechanisms in recent years. However, little is known about the sustainability implications for IDT adoption and controls in service SCs, especially during disruptive events. To investigate this paradox, survey data were sought from 223 public health managers across Ghana and analyzed via covariance-based structural equations modelling. The results showed that both formal and informal control have a positive and significant relationship with IDT adoption. In addition, formal control has a significant and positive relationship with environmental and economic sustainability but an insignificant relationship with social sustainability. Furthermore, informal control positively impacts economic performance but has an insignificant relationship with social and environmental sustainability. While the findings highlight the prevalence of the IDTs being initiated by Ghanaian public health institutions (PHIs), this study concludes that the installed control systems in these organizations are inadequate for promoting sustainable SC behaviors under destructive events. Thus, in crisis situations, PHIs need to redesign their control systems to facilitate IDT integration towards sustainability issues in SCs.Keywords: industry 4.0 destructive technologies, formal control, informal control, sustainable supply chain performance, public health organizations
Procedia PDF Downloads 666392 Relationship of Arm Acupressure Points and Thai Traditional Massage
Authors: Boonyarat Chaleephay
The purpose of this research paper was to describe the relationship of acupressure points on the anterior surface of the upper limb in accordance with Applied Thai Traditional Massage (ATTM) and the deep structures located at those acupressure points. There were 2 population groups; normal subjects and cadaver specimens. Eighteen males with age ranging from 20-40 years old and seventeen females with ages ranging from 30-97 years old were studies. This study was able to obtain a fundamental knowledge concerning acupressure point and the deep structures that related to those acupressure points. It might be used as the basic knowledge for clinically applying and planning treatment as well as teaching in ATTM.Keywords: acupressure point (AP), applie Thai traditional medicine (ATTM), paresthesia, numbness
Procedia PDF Downloads 2406391 Neural Network Analysis Applied to Risk Prediction of Early Neonatal Death
Authors: Amanda R. R. Oliveira, Caio F. F. C. Cunha, Juan C. L. Junior, Amorim H. P. Junior
Children deaths are traumatic events that most often can be prevented. The technology of prevention and intervention in cases of infant deaths is available at low cost and with solid evidence and favorable results, however, with low access cover. Weight is one of the main factors related to death in the neonatal period, so the newborns of low birth weight are a population at high risk of death in the neonatal period, especially early neonatal period. This paper describes the development of a model based in neural network analysis to predict the mortality risk rating in the early neonatal period for newborns of low birth weight to identify the individuals of this population with increased risk of death. The neural network applied was trained with a set of newborns data obtained from Brazilian health system. The resulting network presented great success rate in identifying newborns with high chances of death, which demonstrates the potential for using this tool in an integrated manner to the health system, in order to direct specific actions for improving prognosis of newborns.Keywords: low birth weight, neonatal death risk, neural network, newborn
Procedia PDF Downloads 4486390 Infestation in Omani Date Palm Orchards by Dubas Bug Is Related to Tree Density
Authors: Lalit Kumar, Rashid Al Shidi
Phoenix dactylifera (date palm) is a major crop in many middle-eastern countries, including Oman. The Dubas bug Ommatissus lybicus is the main pest that affects date palm crops. However not all plantations are infested. It is still uncertain why some plantations get infested while others are not. This research investigated whether tree density and the system of planting (random versus systematic) had any relationship with infestation and levels of infestation. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems were used to determine the density of trees (number of trees per unit area) while infestation levels were determined by manual counting of insects on 40 leaflets from two fronds on each tree, with a total of 20-60 trees in each village. The infestation was recorded as the average number of insects per leaflet. For tree density estimation, WorldView-3 scenes, with eight bands and 2m spatial resolution, were used. The Local maxima method, which depends on locating of the pixel of highest brightness inside a certain exploration window, was used to identify the trees in the image and delineating individual trees. This information was then used to determine whether the plantation was random or systematic. The ordinary least square regression (OLS) was used to test the global correlation between tree density and infestation level and the Geographic Weight Regression (GWR) was used to find the local spatial relationship. The accuracy of detecting trees varied from 83–99% in agricultural lands with systematic planting patterns to 50–70% in natural forest areas. Results revealed that the density of the trees in most of the villages was higher than the recommended planting number (120–125 trees/hectare). For infestation correlations, the GWR model showed a good positive significant relationship between infestation and tree density in the spring season with R² = 0.60 and medium positive significant relationship in the autumn season, with R² = 0.30. In contrast, the OLS model results showed a weaker positive significant relationship in the spring season with R² = 0.02, p < 0.05 and insignificant relationship in the autumn season with R² = 0.01, p > 0.05. The results showed a positive correlation between infestation and tree density, which suggests the infestation severity increased as the density of date palm trees increased. The correlation result showed that the density alone was responsible for about 60% of the increase in the infestation. This information can be used by the relevant authorities to better control infestations as well as to manage their pesticide spraying programs.Keywords: dubas bug, date palm, tree density, infestation levels
Procedia PDF Downloads 1936389 Teachers’ and Students’ Causal Explanations for Classroom Misbehavior: Similarities and Differences
Authors: Rachel C. F. Sun
This study aimed to examine the similarities and differences between teachers’ and students’ causal explanations of classroom misbehavior. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve teachers and eighteen Grade 7-9 students. The qualitative data were analyzed, in which the attributed causes of classroom misbehavior were categorized into student, family, school, and peer factors. Findings showed that both interviewed teachers and students shared similarity in attributing to student factors, such as ‘fun and pleasure seeking’ and ‘attention seeking’ as the leading causes of misbehavior. However, the students accounted to school factors, particularly ‘boring lessons’ as the next attributed causes, while the teachers accounted to family factors, such as ‘lack of parent demandingness’. By delineating the factors at student, family, school, and peer levels, these findings help drawing corresponding implications for preventing and mitigating misbehavior in school.Keywords: causal explanation, misbehavior, student, teacher
Procedia PDF Downloads 3586388 A Study of the Relationship between Time Management Behaviour and Job Satisfaction of Higher Education Institutes in India
Authors: Sania K. Rao, Feza T. Azmi
The purpose of the present study is to explore the relationship between time management behaviour and job satisfaction of academicians of higher education institutes in India. The analyses of this study were carried out with AMOS (version 20.0); and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) were conducted. The factor analysis and findings show that perceived control of time serves as the partial mediating factor to have a significant and positive influence on job satisfaction. Further, at the end, a number of suggestions to improve one’s time management behaviour were provided.Keywords: time management behaviour, job satisfaction, higher education, India, mediation analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3916387 University Under Terror: Explaining the Deviant Activities in the Tribhuvan University
Authors: Tek Nath Subedi
Violent activities used previously to erupt in specific societies owing to unequal, oppressive and unjust social practices have crossed out of their usual place of occurrence and entered the peace-zones such as schools and universities. The recent history of Universities in Nepal is marked with violent activities of students targeting to professors and other university officials. A student in a university is supposed to involve in scholarly activities and cooperate the teacher so as to achieve the academic degree and to enhance knowledge. Besides, the relationship between a teacher and a student is supposed to be the most sacred, which, in other words, is explained as the relationship between deity and devotee in a spiritual ground, carer and the kid in a moral ground, and mutually dependent in a functionalist view. Above all, the interdependence between teacher and student is illustrated as the two sides of the same coin. But the targeted attack on teachers and the degrading relationship between university and students raises serious questions on what makes a student violent and why the academia is terrorized. Therefore, this research aims to find the nexus of deviant activities of students to other social, political, economic and cultural areas of their life. To find possible answer of a few analytical questions, this paper takes an in-depth interview into consideration based on a snowball sampling and inquires some professors and officials how and why they are terrorized. It also reaches to some students who have witnessed or been part of any terror, following the same research method and ask them why violence has become recurring in the university and how university can be converted into a peace-zone. This research has simply hypothesized that the terror-inspired activities carried out by students in the university are the extended version of their deviant activities out of the university premises. But, it was found that the deviant activities of students were connected in particular to their culture and political identity.Keywords: deviance, relationship, student, teacher, terror, university
Procedia PDF Downloads 666386 The Relationships between Market Orientation and Competitiveness of Companies in Banking Sector
Authors: Patrik Jangl, Milan Mikuláštík
The objective of the paper is to measure and compare market orientation of Swiss and Czech banks, as well as examine statistically the degree of influence it has on competitiveness of the institutions. The analysis of market orientation is based on the collecting, analysis and correct interpretation of the data. Descriptive analysis of market orientation describe current situation. Research of relation of competitiveness and market orientation in the sector of big international banks is suggested with the expectation of existence of a strong relationship. Partially, the work served as reconfirmation of suitability of classic methodologies to measurement of banks’ market orientation. Two types of data were gathered. Firstly, by measuring subjectively perceived market orientation of a company and secondly, by quantifying its competitiveness. All data were collected from a sample of small, mid-sized and large banks. We used numerical secondary character data from the international statistical financial Bureau Van Dijk’s BANKSCOPE database. Statistical analysis led to the following results. Assuming classical market orientation measures to be scientifically justified, Czech banks are statistically less market-oriented than Swiss banks. Secondly, among small Swiss banks, which are not broadly internationally active, small relationship exist between market orientation measures and market share based competitiveness measures. Thirdly, among all Swiss banks, a strong relationship exists between market orientation measures and market share based competitiveness measures. Above results imply existence of a strong relation of this measure in sector of big international banks. A strong statistical relationship has been proven to exist between market orientation measures and equity/total assets ratio in Switzerland.Keywords: market orientation, competitiveness, marketing strategy, measurement of market orientation, relation between market orientation and competitiveness, banking sector
Procedia PDF Downloads 4766385 Accessibility of the Labor Market in Indonesian Cities
Authors: Hananto Prakoso, Jean-Pierre Orfeuil
The relationship between city size, urban transport efficiency (speed), employment proximity (distance) and accessibility of labour market is rarely examined especially in developing countries. This paper reveals the relationship using 2 points of views (active population and company). Then the analysis is divided according to 3 transport modes (car, public transport and motorcycle) and takes into account the vehicle ownership rate. We employ data across 111 districts in 4 big cities of Indonesia. In our result, speed indicator contributed positively to accessibility of labour market while distance elasticity is negative. In absolute value, elasticity of speed indicator is higher than that of distance.Keywords: labour market, travel time, travel cost threshold, transportation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3776384 Protection of a Doctor’s Reputation Against the Unjustified Medical Malpractice Allegations
Authors: Anna Wszołek
For a very long time, the doctor-patient relationship had a paternalistic character. The events of the II World War, as well as fast development of the biotechnology and medicine caused an important change in that relationship. Human beings and their dignity were put in the centre of philosophical and legal debate. The increasing frequency of clinical trials led to the emergence of bioethics, which dealt with the topic of the possibilities and boundaries of such research in relation to individual’s autonomy. Thus, there was a transformation from a paternalistic relationship to a more collaborative one in which the patient has more room for self-determination. Today, patients are more and more aware of their rights and the obligations placed on doctors and the health care system, which is linked to an increase in medical malpractice claims. Unfortunately, these claims are not always justified. There is a strong concentration around the topic of patient’s good, however, at the other side there are doctors who feel, on the example of Poland, they might be easily accused and sued for medical malpractice even though they fulfilled their duties. Such situation may have a negative impact on the quality of health care services and patient’s interests. This research is going to present doctor’s perspective on the topic of medical malpractice allegations. It is supposed to show possible damage to a doctor’s reputation caused by frivolous and weakly justified medical malpractice accusations, as well as means to protect this reputation.Keywords: doctor's reputation, medical malpractice, personal rights, unjustified allegations
Procedia PDF Downloads 926383 Hybrid Molecules: A Promising Approach to Design Potent Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs
Authors: Blessing Atim Aderibigbe
A series of amine/ester-linked hybrid compounds containing pharmacophores, such as ursolic acid, oleanolic acid, ferrocene and bisphosphonates, were synthesized in an attempt to develop potent antibacterial and anticancer agents. Their structures were analyzed and confirmed using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, and mass spectroscopy. All the synthesized hybrid compounds were evaluated for their antibacterial activities against eleven selected bacterial strains using a serial dilution method. Some of the compounds displayed significant antibacterial activity against most of the bacterial and fungal strains. In addition, the in vitro cytotoxicity of these compounds was also performed against selected cancer cell lines. Some of the compounds were also found to be more active than their parent compounds, revealing the efficacy of designing hybrid molecules using plant-based bioactive agents.Keywords: ursolic acid, hybrid drugs, oleanolic acid, bisphosphonates
Procedia PDF Downloads 896382 Pharmaceutical Applications of Newton's Second Law and Disc Inertia
Authors: Nicholas Jensen
As the effort to create new drugs to treat rare conditions cost-effectively intensifies, there is a need to ensure maximum efficiency in the manufacturing process. This includes the creation of ultracompact treatment forms, which can best be achieved via applications of fundamental laws of physics. This paper reports an experiment exploring the relationship between the forms of Newton's 2ⁿᵈ Law appropriate to linear motion and to transversal architraves. The moment of inertia of three discs was determined by experiments and compared with previous data derived from a theoretical relationship. The method used was to attach the discs to a moment arm. Comparing the results with those obtained from previous experiments, it is found to be consistent with the first law of thermodynamics. It was further found that Newton's 2ⁿᵈ law violates the second law of thermodynamics. The purpose of this experiment was to explore the relationship between the forms of Newton's 2nd Law appropriate to linear motion and to apply torque to a twisting force, which is determined by position vector r and force vector F. Substituting equation alpha in place of beta; angular acceleration is a linear acceleration divided by radius r of the moment arm. The nevrological analogy of Newton's 2nd Law states that these findings can contribute to a fuller understanding of thermodynamics in relation to viscosity. Implications for the pharmaceutical industry will be seen to be fruitful from these findings.Keywords: Newtonian physics, inertia, viscosity, pharmaceutical applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 1186381 The Metaproteomic Analysis of HIV Uninfected Exposed Infants’ Gut Microbiome to Help Understand Their Poor Health Statuses in An African Cohort
Authors: Tara Miller, Tariq Ganief, Jonathan Blackburn
Millions of babies are still born to HIV-infected mothers each year despite the ramped-up HAART use. However, these infants are HIV uninfected but exposed, which is now a growing population that has weakened immune systems and poorer outcomes. Due to HIV exposure and possible ARV exposure during pregnancy and breastfeeding, these infants are believed to have altered immune responses and microbiomes when compared to their healthy counterparts. The gut microbiome roles an important role in infant development, specifically in the immune system. Research has shown these HIV-exposed, uninfected infants have weaker immune responses to their neonate vaccines, and in developing countries, this leaves them vulnerable to opportunistic disease. By gaining a deeper understanding of the gut microbiome and the products of the microbes via metaproteomic analysis, we can hopefully understand and improve the immune system and health of these infants. To investigate the metaproteome of the infants’ guts, mass spectrometry will be used, followed by data analysis using DIA-NN. The hypothesized results are that the HIV-exposed, uninfected infants have an altered microbiome compared to their healthy counterparts. Additionally, the differences found are hypothesized to be involved with inflammation which would contribute to the poor health of the infants.Keywords: HIV, mass spectrometry, metaproteomics, microbiome
Procedia PDF Downloads 926380 The Relationship between Dispositional Mindfulness, Adult Attachment Orientations, and Emotion Regulation
Authors: Jodie Stevenson, Lisa-Marie Emerson, Abigail Millings
Mindfulness has been conceptualized as a dispositional trait, which is different across individuals. Previous research has independently identified both adult attachment orientations and emotion regulation abilities as correlates of dispositional mindfulness. Research has also presented a two-factor model of the relationship between these three constructs. The present study aimed to further develop this model and investigated theses relationships in a sample of 186 participants. Participants completed the Five Factor Mindfulness Questionnaire Short Form (FFMQ-SF), the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale for global attachment (ECR), the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERC), and the Adult Disorganized Attachment scale (ADA). Exploratory factor analysis revealed a 3-factor solution accounting for 59% of the variance across scores on these measures. The first factor accounted for 32% of the variance and loaded highly on attachment and mindfulness subscales. The second factor accounted for 15% of the variance with strong loadings on emotion regulation subscales. The third factor accounted for 12% of the variance with strong loadings on disorganized attachment, and the mindfulness observes subscale. The results further confirm the relationship between attachment, mindfulness, and emotion regulation along with the unique addition of disorganized attachment. The extracted factors will then be used to predict well-being outcomes for an undergraduate student population.Keywords: adult attachment, emotion regulation, mindfulness, well-being
Procedia PDF Downloads 3826379 Evaluation of the Relationship between Fluorosis and Stylohyoid Ligament Calcification Detected on Panoramic Radiograph
Authors: Recep Duzsoz, Ozlem Gormez, Umit Memis, Selma Demer, Hikmet Orhan
Stylohyoid ligament is a connective tissue extending from apex of the styloid process to small horn of the hyoid bone. The normal length of styloid process ranges from 20 to 30 mm and measurements more than 30 mm is named stylohyoid ligament calcification (SLC). Fluorosis is a health problem that arises in individuals who intake large amounts of fluor long periods of time. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of fluorosis on SLC. This study has been conducted on 100 patients who had SLC detected on panoramic radiograph. The study group was consisted of 50 patients with dental fluorosis and control group was consisted of 50 patients without dental fluorosis. Length and thickness of SLC were measured and the type of SLC was determined on panoramic radiographs. There was no statistically significant differences between the study and control group for SLC length, thickness and type. The thickness of left and right SLC of severe dental fluorosis group was statistically significant higher than moderate dental fluorosis group (p < 0,05). Cervicopharyngeal trauma, tonsillectomy, endocrine disease in menopause, persistent mesenchymal tissue, mechanical stress have reported as etiology of SLC in the literature and studies are still ongoing. It was reported that fluorosis as a factor on calcification of some ligaments in body (posterior longitudunal ligament, ligamentum flavum and transverse atlantal ligament) previously but relationship between fluorosis with SLC was not investigated. Our study is unique because it is the first study on SLC thickness measurements on panoramic radiographs and the relationship between fluorosis and SLC to our knowledge. According to the obtained results, it is thought that fluorosis may have an effect on SLC in thickness due to the relationship between dental fluorosis severity with SLC thickness and this study will contribute to the progress of the future studies.Keywords: calcification, fluorosis, ligament, stylohyoid
Procedia PDF Downloads 2276378 The Relationship between Land Use Change and Runoff
Authors: Thanutch Sukwimolseree, Preeyaphorn Kosa
Many problems are occurred in watershed due to human activity and economic development. The purpose is to determine the effects of the land use change on surface runoff using land use map on 1980, 2001 and 2008 and daily weather data during January 1, 1979 to September 30, 2010 applied to SWAT. The results can be presented that the polynomial equation is suitable to display that relationship. These equations for land use in 1980, 2001 and 2008 are consisted of y = -0.0076x5 + 0.1914x4–1.6386x3 + 6.6324x2–8.736x + 7.8023(R2 = 0.9255), y = -0.0298x5 + 0.8794x4 - 9.8056x3 + 51.99x2 - 117.04x + 96.797; (R2 = 0.9186) and y = -0.0277x5 + 0.8132x4 - 8.9598x3 + 46.498x2–101.83x +81.108 (R2 = 0.9006), respectively. Moreover, if the agricultural area is the largest area, it is a sensitive parameter to concern surface runoff.Keywords: land use, runoff, SWAT, upper Mun River basin
Procedia PDF Downloads 3746377 Green Intellectual Capital and Green Supply Chain Performance
Authors: Mohammed Ibrahim Bu Haya, Abdelmoneim Bahyeldin Mohamed Metwally
This paper examines the impact of Green Intellectual Capital (GIC) on Green Supply Chain Performance (GSCP). Further, the study examines the moderating role of external pressures (EP) on the relationship between GIC and GSCP. Data were collected from employees working in Egyptian hotels and tourism companies (N= 366). The collected data were analyzed using smart partial least squares (Smart-PLS) software. The current research indicated that there is a positive and significant impact of all GIC components on GSCP. The results also revealed that EP were found to moderate the relationship between GIC and GSCP. The study model was able to explain 63.1% of the variance in GSCP. The findings of this study serve as a pivotal yardstick for guiding corporate policy formulation, offering valuable insights to drive continuous improvements in supply chain management and performance. Furthermore, the research holds substantial implications for managerial strategies by shedding light on the potential of GIC and EP to elevate GSCP. Positioned as one of the initial studies to delve into the moderating role of EP in the relationship between GIC and GSCP, this research offers insights within an emerging market context.Keywords: green intellectual capital, green supply chain, supply chain performance, external pressures, emerging economy, Egypt
Procedia PDF Downloads 576376 Relationship Between Employee Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Its Employees in Chennai
Authors: Sudharshana J.
Employee engagement is considered as one of the major issues of IT sectors. Most of the IT sectors in India is confronted with it. However, one IT sector is different from another. In today’s scenario Employee engagement and organizational citizenship behavior are generally considered as prominent concepts. The main reason is that they are really important for the success of any organization. Both are popular concepts and have their own values in the IT sector. The current study is different in terms of its population and area. So due to the above said reason, the present study strongly analyses the relationship between employee engagement and organizational citizen behavior (OCB) in IT sectors in Chennai. Organizational citizenship behaviour improves social harmony in the workplace. This study elucidates the relationship that exists between employee engagement and organizational citizenship behavior with reference to employees working in IT sectors that are located in Chennai. Data was collected with the help of a questionnaire. The findings of the present study will help employers to clearly understand the importance of employee engagement and organizational citizenship behavior in IT sectors in Chennai. The employees who work in IT sectors in Chennai and take measures according to it. This study aims to explore the relationship between employee engagement and organizational citizenship behavior in the IT sector. The IT sectors in Chennai were selected for the conduction of the study. A standardized questionnaire was circulated for the collection of data. This study gives an in-depth insight into employee engagement in the IT sector in Chennai. Limitations and future tangents of this current study were also discussed. Sample: the respondents of this present study are employees of IT sectors that are situated in Chennai. Personnel from various IT sectors are incorporated and benefit from a broader range of their perspectives and also their experiences. This enhances the findings and the capacity for applying them to a broader context. This study is designed for statistical context. This study is designed for statistical details while considering practical and constraints in the resource. The sample size for this present study has been determined to be 100 employees from IT sectors in Chennai.Keywords: organizational citizenship behavior, employee engagement., IT Employees, correlation between, employee engagement and organizational citizenship behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 66375 Habitual Residence and the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction
Authors: Molshree A. Sharma
As a result of globalization, it is increasingly common for people to live in different parts of the world. However there is a corresponding rise of international family law issues and competing jurisdictions. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction is a multilateral treaty that provides an expeditious method to return a child to their country of habitual residence when ‘internationally abducted’ by a parent from one member country to another. Specifically, the Convention provides a protocol for expeditious return of the child to their habitual residence unless there is a valid exception, the most common being that return would result in an intolerable situation or cause grave risk of harm to the child. This paper analyzes case law from various signatory countries including the United States, highlighting the differences in interpretation of key terms under the Convention, as well as case law in non-Hague signatory countries, with a focus on India and the Middle East.Keywords: best interest of the child, grave risk of harm, habitual residence, well-settled
Procedia PDF Downloads 2106374 Mediation Role of Teachers’ Surface Acting and Deep Acting on the Relationship between Calling Orientation and Work Engagement
Authors: Yohannes Bisa Biramo
This study examined the meditational role of surface acting and deep acting on the relationship between calling orientation and work engagement of teachers in secondary schools of Wolaita Zone, Wolaita, Ethiopia. A predictive non-experimental correlational design was performed among 300 secondary school teachers. Stratified random sampling followed by a systematic random sampling technique was used as the basis for selecting samples from the target population. To analyze the data, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the association between the independent variables and the dependent variables. Furthermore, the goodness of fit of the study variables was tested using SEM to see and explain the path influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to test the validity of the scales in the study and to assess the measurement model fit indices. The analysis result revealed that calling was significantly and positively correlated with surface acting, deep acting and work engagement. Similarly, surface acting was significantly and positively correlated with deep acting and work engagement. And also, deep acting was significantly and positively correlated with work engagement. With respect to mediation analysis, the result revealed that surface acting mediated the relationship between calling and work engagement and also deep acting mediated the relationship between calling and work engagement. Besides, by using the model of the present study, the school leaders and practitioners can identify a core area to be considered in recruiting and letting teachers teach, in giving induction training for newly employed teachers and in performance appraisal.Keywords: calling, surface acting, deep acting, work engagement, mediation, teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 856373 Relationship between ICTs Application with Production and Protection Technology: Lesson from Rural Punjab-Pakistan
Authors: Tahir Munir Butt, Gao Qijie, Babar Shahbaz, Muhammad Zakaria Yousaf Hassan, Zhnag Chuanhong
The main objective of this paper is to identify the relationship between Information Communication Technology (ICTs) applications with Agricultural development in the process of communication at rural Punjab-Pakistan. The authors analyzed the relationship of ICTs applications with the most prominent factor for the Agricultural Information Services (AIS) in the Agricultural Extension Approaches (AEA). The data collection procedure was started from Jan. 2015 and completed in July 2015. It is the one of the part in PhD studies at China Agriculture, University Hadian-Beijng China. It was observed that on major constraint in the AIS disseminated was the limited number of farmers especially and unknown the farmers about new ICTs technology for Agriculture at rural areas. Majority of ICTs application e.g. Toll free number; Robo Calls; Text message was highly significances in the AIS approach. The recommendation is communication and capacity building one of the indispensable elements for sustainable and agricultural development and Agricultural extension should be provided training to farmer about new ICTs technologies to access and use of it for Sustainable Agriculture Development (SAD) and update the scenario of flow of information also with try to established ICTs hub at the village level.Keywords: ICTs, AEA, AIS, SAD, rural farmers
Procedia PDF Downloads 3016372 Evaluation of the Quality of Care for Premature Babies in the Neonatology Unit of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Kamenge
Authors: Kankurize Josiane, Nizigama Mediatrice
Introduction: Burundi records a still high infant mortality rate. Despite efforts to reduce it, prematurity is still the leading cause of death in the neonatal period. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of care for premature babies hospitalized in the neonatology unit of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Kamenge. Method: This was a descriptive and evaluative prospective carried out in the neonatology unit of the CHUK (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Kamenge) from December 1, 2016, to May 31, 2017, including 70 premature babies, 65 mothers of premature babies and 15 providers including a pediatrician and 14 nurses. Using a tool developed by the World Health Organization and adapted to the local context by national experts, the quality of care for premature babies was assessed. Results: Prematurity accounted for 44.05% of hospitalizations in neonatology at the University Hospital of Kamenge. The assessment of the quality of care for premature babies was of low quality, with an average global score of 2/5 (50%), indicating that there is a considerable need for improvement to reach the standards. Conclusion: Efforts must be made to have infrastructures, materials, and human resources sufficient in quality and quantity so that the neonatology unit of the CHUK can be efficient and optimize the care of premature babies.Keywords: quality of care, evaluation, premature, standards
Procedia PDF Downloads 656371 Drivers for Relationship Building in the Supply Chain: The Case of Luxury Food
Authors: Kateryna Merkulova, Alessio Castello, Maria Kreuzer
This research investigates the drivers of long-term relationship building between customers and suppliers within the luxury food supply chain, a topic that remains largely unexplored in the current state of academic literature. This paper identifies for the first time the key elements that influence the formation and maintenance of effective supply chain relationships, which are crucial for navigating the complexities of the luxury food industry. In particular, it explores the critical role of trust in a business-to-business context, specifically emphasizing its significance in the luxury food supply chain. Empirically, this research is contextualized in the region of the French Riviera, which offers a gastronomic playground for food enthusiasts, making it ideally suited to explore the luxury food sector. Qualitative in-depth interviews with stakeholders along the luxury supply chain (i.e., suppliers, chefs, restaurant owners, and fine food shop managers) allow identifying key drivers of trustful business relationships. Triangulating different perspectives of stakeholders within the luxury supply chain adds validity and robustness to the findings. The findings have important theoretical and managerial implications for the effective functioning of long-term supplier-buyer relationships.Keywords: luxury food, relationship building, B2B, supply chain, trust
Procedia PDF Downloads 526370 Assessment of the Impact of CSR on the Business Performance of Australian Banks
Authors: Montoya C.A., Erina J., Erina I.
The purpose of this research is to assess the performance and impact of CSR on business in the banking sector in Australia by applying the financial indicators of 20 ASX banks for the period from 2016-2017. The authors carried out CSR assessment in several stages of research: 1) gathering the nonfinancial and financial indicators of 20 ASX listed banks (available were only 16) from the annual reports of Australian banks for 2016 and 2017; 2) calculation of bank performance indicators using such financial indicators as return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), efficiency ratio and net interest margin; 3) analysis of financial data using cross-sectional regression and answers to the research questions. Based on the obtained research results, the authors obtained answers to the initially raised research questions and came to a conclusion that Q1 - Insignificant positive coefficient result - slight positive relationship between CSR disclosure and business performance 2016; Q2 - Insignificant negative coefficient result - slight negative relationship between CSR disclosure and business performance 2017; Q3 - Insignificant positive coefficient result - slight positive relationship between CSR disclosure and business performance.Keywords: Australia, banks, business performance, CSR
Procedia PDF Downloads 756369 Moderators of the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Expected Firm Growth
Authors: Laszlo Szerb, Zsofia Voros
In this article, we seek to answer why many attempts to empirically link entrepreneurial self-efficacy to growth expectations have failed. While doing so, we reconcile the literature on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and overconfidence. By analyzing GEM APS (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Adult Population Survey) data, we show that early-stage entrepreneurs’ self-efficacy statements are systematically inflated. Our results also indicate that entrepreneurial overconfidence is fading and its form changes as business owners learn and gather experience. In addition, by using Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (2006) as a modeling framework, we illustrate that early stage business owners’ overconfidence results in overly high firm growth expectations. However, the changes in the form of overconfidence and the adjustments of expectations on market conditions as a venture ages alter the relationship between overconfidence and growth expectations across the business life-cycle stages. Overall, our study empirically links young entrepreneurs’ overconfidence to their growth expectations at the firm level. This link is important to establish as expected growth was linked to realized growth both on micro and macro levels. Moreover, we detected several moderators of this relationship providing a potential answer to why many studies failed to link entrepreneurial self-efficacy to growth expectations.Keywords: self-efficacy, overconfidence, entrepreneurship, expected growth
Procedia PDF Downloads 2736368 Relationship between Quality of Life and Perceived Stress among Teachers of Physical Education
Authors: Minu Lakra
The present study was done on 100 (male=50 and female=50) teachers of physical education at tertiary level from Varanasi city. They were chosen according to the stratified sampling method. Data collection tool was Perceived Stress Scale: 14 items (Cohen, Kamarck and mermelstain 1983) and Quality of Life was developed by THE WHOQOL GROUP in 1991. Data was analyzed with the help of correlation. Findings explore that perceived stress and quality of life has been positively correlated in female teachers of higher education from physical education whereas in male teachers the relationship was found insignificant.Keywords: higher education, male and female teachers , percieved stress, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 3556367 The Use of Knowledge Management Systems and Information Communication Technology Service Desk Management to Minimize the Digital Divide Experienced in the Museum Sector
Authors: Ruel A. Welch
Since the introduction of ServiceNow, the UK’s Science Museum Group’s (SMG) ICT service desk portal. There has not been an analysis of the tools available to SMG staff for just-in-time knowledge acquisition (knowledge management systems) and reporting ICT incidents with a focus on an aspect of professional identity, namely, gender. This study is conducted in the milieu of UK museums, galleries, arts, academic, charitable, and cultural heritage sectors. Numerous authors suggest that males and females experience ICT usage differently. Therefore, it is important for SMG to investigate the apparent disparities so that solutions can be derived to minimize this digital divide if one exists. It is acknowledged at SMG that there are challenges with keeping up with an ever-changing digital landscape. Subsequently, this entails the rapid upskilling of staff and developing an infrastructure that supports just-in-time technological knowledge acquisition and reporting technology-related issues. This problem was addressed by analyzing ServiceNow ICT incident reports and reports from knowledge articles from a six-month period from February to July. This study found a statistically significant relationship between gender and reporting an ICT incident. There is also a significant relationship between gender and the priority level of ICT incidents. Interestingly, there is no statistically significant relationship between gender and reading knowledge articles. Additionally, there is no statistically significant relationship between gender and reporting an ICT incident related to the knowledge article that was read by staff. The knowledge acquired from this study is useful to service desk management practice as it will help to inform the creation of future knowledge articles and ICT incident reporting processes.Keywords: digital divide, ICT service desk practice, knowledge management systems, workplace learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1276366 Psychoanalytic Understanding of the Autistic Self
Authors: Aastha Chaudhry
This continuous structuring of the ego through the developmental ages, starting with the body, has been understood through various perspectives from the object-relations world. Klein, Ogden, Winnicott to name a few, have been masters at helping mark a trajectory for the self to come to fruition. However, what constitutes those states, those relational structures, the dynamics of transference and the concept of inner objects has been more or less left unexplored in the psychoanalytic developmental theory. In this paper, through the help of a case study, Ogden’s ideas of an autistic contagious position and Kleinian theory of object relations is proposed to visualize a lens that helps to understand the relationship of the autistic self and body and allows us to take a look at object relations through countertransference. With the help of case vignettes, an understanding of experience is seen as dominated in the autistic contagious position with the help of defensive structuring that is not only self-fulfilling and sensorial oriented, but is also a pre symbolic mode of relating to the other. The aim of this clinical, experiential study is to better understand the self-body and the self-other relationships, or the absence thereof, in the autistic world and states. The goal of the study was to find such a relationship between play, body, structuring of experience and an autistic self in these individuals through that. Aim being that psychotherapy is brought to fore in the world of autism. The method was case study with one on one intervention, that was psychodynamically informed and play therapy based. Some of the findings after a year of work with these individuals were that: in the absence of a shared vocabulary, communication in two contrasting individuals happens primarily through the assistance of the body. Somatic countertransference, for instance, is how one can be with someone in a therapeutic relationship – and with autistic adolescents it is a further complicated relationship. With a mind somewhere in infanthood, and body experiencing adulthood, it becomes a challenge for the therapist to meet the client where they are. With pre-verbal states, play becomes such a potential space where two individuals could meet – a safe ground for forces to be contained. Play, then, becomes a mode of communication with such a population.Keywords: autism, psychoanalytic, play, self
Procedia PDF Downloads 1336365 Impact of Forgiveness Therapy on Quality of Life of Parents of Children with Intellectual Disability
Authors: Prajakta Bhadgaonkar
Forgiveness is taught since birth in Indian tradition. However, delivering a disabled child is a trauma for the parents. They keep on blaming themselves for the fault, which they are not responsible. Hence, due to lack of forgiving oneself the quality of life of both parent and child gets affected. In forgiveness, person tries to relieve oneself from the feeling of hatred towards oneself or other person. Forgiveness helps move ahead in the life. Hence, one can handle problem more efficiently resulting into better quality of life. In this study, the 30 parents of children with intellectual disability were contacted to find out quality of life. They were administered standardized measure of quality of life (QOL). The children were between 6 to 8 years of age. Out of these 30 parents, 12 parents (7 females and 5 males) were given forgiveness therapy for three months span. After every one month, the QOL scale was administered. At the end of three months, the significant difference was observed in quality of life of parents of children with intellectual disability. Genderwise there was no significant difference between male and female on quality of life.Keywords: children with intellectual disability, forgiveness, parents, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 3316364 From the Lack of Trust Law to a Controversial Judicial Case Law: Implications for Perfecting Vietnam’s Legal System
Authors: Le Bich Thuy
A trust is an alien notion in Vietnamese law until 2021, which not only dissatisfies the practical demands of the nation’s civilians but also results in some detrimental shortcomings. The Judicial Case Law No 2 to be applied in adjudicating subsequent cases is a typical example of such negative consequences, implying a need for an application of trust law into Vietnam’s legal system. This paper first presents the similarity in nature between parties’ relationship in the mentioned case and a proprietary trust relationship, followed by an analysis of such a case from a trusted perspective. Subsequently, an introduction of potential obstacles hindering the introduction of trust law into the Vietnamese legal framework is presented. Finally, some implications are suggested for perfecting Vietnam’s legal system.Keywords: Vietnamese case law no 2, trust law, private property management, patrimony
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