Search results for: infectious complications
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 1391

Search results for: infectious complications

581 Entrepreneurship in Pakistan: Opportunities and Challenges

Authors: Bushra Jamil, Nudrat Baqri, Muhammad Hassan Saeed


Entrepreneurship is creating or setting up a business not only for the purpose of generating profit but also for providing job opportunities. Entrepreneurs are problem solvers and product developers. They use their financial asset for hiring a professional team and combine the innovation, knowledge, and leadership leads to a successful startup or a business. To be a successful entrepreneur, one should be people-oriented and have perseverance. One must have the ability to take risk, believe in his/her potential, and have the courage to move forward in all circumstances. Most importantly, have the ability to take risk and can assess the risk. For STEM students, entrepreneurship is of specific importance and relevance as it helps them not just to be able to solve real life existing complications but to be able to recognize and identify emerging needs and glitches. It is becoming increasingly apparent that in today’s world, there is a need as well as a desire for STEM and entrepreneurship to work together. In Pakistan, entrepreneurship is slowly emerging, yet we are far behind. It is high time that we should introduce modern teaching methods and inculcate entrepreneurial initiative in students. A course on entrepreneurship can be included in the syllabus, and we must invite businessmen and policy makers to motivate young minds for entrepreneurship. This must be pitching competitions, opportunities to win seed funding, and facilities of incubation centers. In Pakistan, there are many good public sector research institutes, yet there is a void gap in the private sector. Only few research institute are meant for research and development. BJ Micro Lab is one of them. It is SECP registered company and is working in academia to promote and facilitate research in STEM. BJ Micro Lab is a women led initiative, and we are trying to promote research as a passion, not as an arduous burden. For this, we are continuously arranging training workshops and sessions. More than 100 students have been trained in ten different workshops arranged at BJ Micro Lab.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, STEM, challenges, oppurtunties

Procedia PDF Downloads 130
580 Visual Outcome After 360-Degree Retinectomy in Total Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment with Advanced Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy: A Case Series

Authors: Andriati Nadhilah Widyarini, Ezra Margareth


Introduction: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is a condition where there’s a break in the retina, which allows the vitreous to directly enter the subretinal space. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) may develop due to this condition and can result in a new break, which could cause traction on the previously detached retina. Various methods of therapy can be done to treat this complication. Case: This case series involved 2 eyes of 2 patients who had total retinal detachment with advanced PVR. Pars plana vitrectomy was performed, and a 360-degree retinectomy procedure with perfluorocarbon liquid usage was done. This was followed by endo laser retinopexy to surround the border of retinectomy. 5000 cs silicone oil was used in 1 eye, whereas 12% of perfluoropropane gas was used in the other eye as a tamponade. These procedures were performed with meticulous attention to prevent any fluid from entering the subretinal space. Postoperative examination showed attachment of the retina and improvement of the patient’s visual acuity. Both eyes’ intraocular pressure was in the normal range. One eye developed retinal displacement, but no other complications occurred. Discussion: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with advanced PVR is a complex situation for vitreoretinal surgeons. PVR is characterized by the growth and migration of preretinal or subretinal membranes. PVR is the most common cause of retinal reattachment failure. A 360-degree retinectomy is an alternative surgical method to overcome this condition. Objectives of this procedure are releasing retinal traction caused by PVR, reducing the recurrence rate of PVR, and reattaching the retina to the pigment epithelial surface. Conclusion: 360-degree retinectomy provides satisfactory retinal reattachment and visual outcome improvement in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with advanced PVR.

Keywords: RRD, retinectomy, pars plana, advanced PVR

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579 STAT6 Mediates Local and Systemic Fibrosis and Type Ii Immune Response via Macrophage Polarization during Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis in Murine Model

Authors: Hager Elsheikh, Matthias Sendler, Juliana Glaubnitz


In pancreatitis, an inflammatory reaction occurs in the pancreatic secretory cells due to premature activation of proteases, leading to pancreatic self-digestion and necrotic cell death of acinar cells. Acute pancreatitis in patients is characterized by a severe immune reaction that could lead to serious complications, such as organ failure or septic shock, if left untreated. Chronic pancreatitis is a recurrence of episodes of acute pancreatitis resulting in a fibro-inflammatory immune response, in which the type 2 immune response is primarily driven by AAMs in the pancreas. One of the most important signaling pathways for M2 macrophage activation is the IL-4/STAT6 pathway. Pancreatic fibrosis is induced by the hyperactivation of pancreatic stellate cells by dysregulation in the inflammatory response, leading to further damage, autodigestion and possibly necrosis of pancreatic acinar cells. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of STAT6 knockout in disease severity and development of fibrosis wound healing in the presence of different macrophage populations, regulated by the type 2 immune response, after inducing chronic and/or acute pancreatitis in mice models via cerulean injection. We further investigate the influence of the JAK/STAT6 signaling pathway on the balance of fibrosis and regeneration in STAT6 deficient and wild-type mice. The characterization of resident and recruited macrophages will provide insight into the influence of the JAK/STAT6 signaling pathway on infiltrating cells and, ultimately, tissue fibrosis and disease severity.

Keywords: acute and chronic pancreatitis, tissue regeneration, macrophage polarization, Gastroenterology

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578 Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Women Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Authors: Nicolas Galazis, Nikolina Docheva, Constantinos Simillis, Kypros Nicolaides


Background: Obese women are at increased risk for many pregnancy complications, and bariatric surgery (BS) before pregnancy has shown to improve some of these. Objectives: To review the current literature and quantitatively assess the obstetric and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women who have undergone BS. Search Strategy: MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane databases were searched using relevant keywords to identify studies that reported on pregnancy outcomes after BS. Selection Criteria: Pregnancy outcome in firstly, women after BS compared to obese or BMI-matched women with no BS and secondly, women after BS compared to the same or different women before BS. Only observational studies were included. Data Collection and Analysis: Two investigators independently collected data on study characteristics and outcome measures of interest. These were analysed using the random effects model. Heterogeneity was assessed and sensitivity analysis was performed to account for publication bias. Main Results: The entry criteria were fulfilled by 17 non-randomised cohort or case-control studies, including seven with high methodological quality scores. In the BS group, compared to controls, there was a lower incidence of preeclampsia (OR, 0.45, 95% CI, 0.25-0.80; p=0.007), GDM (OR, 0.47, 95% CI, 0.40-0.56; P<0.001) and large neonates (OR 0.46, 95% CI 0.34-0.62; p<0.001) and a higher incidence of small neonates (OR 1.93, 95% CI 1.52-2.44; p<0.001), preterm birth (OR 1.31, 95% CI 1.08-1.58; p=0.006), admission for neonatal intensive care (OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.02-1.72; p=0.03) and maternal anaemia (OR 3.41, 95% CI 1.56-7.44, p=0.002). Conclusions: BS as a whole improves some pregnancy outcomes. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding does not appear to increase the rate of small neonates that was seen with other BS procedures. Obese women of childbearing age undergoing BS need to be aware of these outcomes.

Keywords: bariatric surgery, pregnancy, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, birth weight

Procedia PDF Downloads 407
577 Comparative Study Between Oral and Intralesional Injection of Beta Blocker in the Treatment of Infantile Capillary Hemangioma

Authors: Nadeen Eltoukhy, Sahar S. Sheta, Walaa Elnaggar, Karim Bakr


Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare the clinical efficacy and side effects of oral versus intralesional propranolol treatment of infantile capillary hemangiomas in infants. Methods: The study enrolled 40 infants diagnosed with infantile capillary hemangiomas. Patients were divided into 2 groups: Group A (Non-invasive group) included 20 infants who received oral propranolol hydrochloride starting at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day BID, then increased to a max of 2 mg/kg/day BID gradually over 2 weeks for 3 months. Group B (Invasive group) included 20 infants who received intralesional propranolol injection at a dose of 1 mg/mL; the volume of the injected drug depended on the size of the lesion (0.2 mL injected per cm of lesion diameter), with a maximum volume of 1 mL for a lesion of 5 cm diameter under complete aseptic conditions in the operating theater. Results: At three months after initiating treatment, the circumferential size of the hemangioma showed a statistically significant decrease in both groups; in Group A from 3.66±2.89 cm to 1.56±1.26 cm with p-value <0.05 and in Group B from 2.99±2.73 cm to 1.32±1.18 cm with p-value <0.05. There is no statistically significant comparative difference between the two groups (p-value = 0.538 = insignificant). Regarding the complications of oral propranolol, one patient (5%) had bradycardia, and one patient (5%) had diarrhea. In the injection group, 20 patients (100%) had local edema, and one patient (5%) had a local infection. Conclusions: Both oral non-invasive and intralesional invasive propranolol are safely used to successfully treat and decrease the size of infantile hemangioma while showing no statistically comparative difference between both treatment techniques.

Keywords: hemangioma, oral beta blocker, intralesional beta blocker, infants

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576 Implementation of an Image Processing System Using Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnosis of Malaria Disease

Authors: Mohammed Bnebaghdad, Feriel Betouche, Malika Semmani


Image processing become more sophisticated over time due to technological advances, especially artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Currently, AI image processing is used in many areas, including surveillance, industry, science, and medicine. AI in medical image processing can help doctors diagnose diseases faster, with minimal mistakes, and with less effort. Among these diseases is malaria, which remains a major public health challenge in many parts of the world. It affects millions of people every year, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. Early detection of malaria is essential to prevent serious complications and reduce the burden of the disease. In this paper, we propose and implement a scheme based on AI image processing to enhance malaria disease diagnosis through automated analysis of blood smear images. The scheme is based on the convolutional neural network (CNN) method. So, we have developed a model that classifies infected and uninfected single red cells using images available on Kaggle, as well as real blood smear images obtained from the Central Laboratory of Medical Biology EHS Laadi Flici (formerly El Kettar) in Algeria. The real images were segmented into individual cells using the watershed algorithm in order to match the images from the Kaagle dataset. The model was trained and tested, achieving an accuracy of 99% and 97% accuracy for new real images. This validates that the model performs well with new real images, although with slightly lower accuracy. Additionally, the model has been embedded in a Raspberry Pi4, and a graphical user interface (GUI) was developed to visualize the malaria diagnostic results and facilitate user interaction.

Keywords: medical image processing, malaria parasite, classification, CNN, artificial intelligence

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575 Investigating Medical Practitioners’ Healthcare Waste Management in Liberian Hospitals: A Case Study of Margibi and Bong Counties

Authors: Josephine Brent Yeanga, Kenichi Matsui


Effective healthcare waste management (HCWM) is crucial for improving hospital care and public health. In African countries, the management quality is largely based on the knowledge and attitudes of in-site medical practitioners. Among increasing studies on healthcare waste management, relatively little is known about practices in African countries like Liberia. This paper investigates medical practitioners’ perceptions and practices of healthcare waste management in Liberian hospitals. In particular, it examines two large hospitals: C.H. Rennie Government Hospital and Phebe Hospital. The primary data were collected by administering a questionnaire survey among 200 medical practitioners, including doctors, physician assistants, nurses, midwives, laboratory technicians, and environmental health officers from October to November 2024. The questionnaire is designed by drawing on the Health Belief Model (HBM) and WHO healthcare waste management guidelines. The analysis was done using Microsoft Excel. The results revealed that 87% of the respondents demonstrated adequate knowledge, but significant barriers existed in terms of compliance. Over two-thirds reported experiencing injuries, and one-third did not have timely access to post-exposure prophylaxis. The absence of a specific HCWM budget was identified by 68% of the respondents. Within hospital premises, 63% observed insufficient waste transportation trolleys. Confidence in handling infectious waste, including Ebola and COVID-19 materials, was low due to inadequate personal protective equipment. These findings highlight critical gaps between guidelines and actual practices, underscoring the need for targeted interventions to strengthen compliance and safety practices in Liberian hospitals.

Keywords: healthcare waste management, medical practitioners' perceptions, hospital safety, liberia, policy implementation

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574 Oral Health Status in Sickle Cell Anemia Subjects

Authors: Surekha Rathod


Sickle cell disease is a vascular disorder characterized by chronic, ongoing organ damage that is punctuated by episodes of acutely painful vascular complications.1 It is the most common genetic blood disorder in the United States, with about 2000 infants being identified through routine blood screenings annually, and an estimated 104,000-138,000 affected individuals living in the United States. Approximately 0.3%-1.3% of African American are affected by Sickle Cell Diseases (SCD).3 The aim of this paper is to present oral health status of patients with SCD. A total of 200 subjects of both sexes in the age group 18- 40 years were included in this study. The subjects were examined and the following indices were recorded • Oral hygiene index – Simplified (OHI-S). • Probing depths (PD). • Clinical Attachment Levels (CAL). • Gingival Index - Loe and Sillness. • Turesky Gillmore Glickman Modification of the Quigley Hein Plaque Index. (1970) • DMFT index. • Sickle Cell Disease Severity Index. A total of 1478 patients were screened of which 200 subjects were found to be diagnosed with SCD by electrophoresis. The study thus, included 200 subjects (111 females & 89 males) diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease in the age group of 18-40 years. The probing pocket depths (PPD) were measured in millimeters. 36% had PPD in the range of 2-4mm, 48% had PPD in the range of 4-6mm while 16% had PPD of more than 6mm. Similar results were obtained for the Clinical Attachment Levels (CAL). 29.5 % subjects had CAL 2-4mm, 44.5% had 4-6mm & 26% had CAL 6mm & above. We can thus conclude that although oral health is not a priority for patients with SCD, it is supported by increased plaque accumulation. Because of the chronic anemic state of the patients with SCD, they should be encouraged to pay strict attention to oral hygiene instructions and practice.

Keywords: chronic, genetic, oral, sickle cell disease, vascular

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573 HLA-DPB1 Matching on the Outcome of Unrelated Donor Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Authors: Shi-xia Xu, Zai-wen Zhang, Ru-xue Chen, Shan Zhou, Xiang-feng Tang


Objective: The clinical influence of HLA-DPB1 mismatches on clinical outcome of HSCT is less clear. This is the first meta-analysis to study the HLA-DPB1 matching statues on clinical outcomes after unrelated donor HSCT. Methods: We searched the CIBMTR, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and related databases (1995.01–2017.06) for all relevant articles. Comparative studies were used to investigate the HLA-DPB1 loci mismatches on clinical outcomes after unrelated donor HSCT, such as the disease-free survival (DFS), overall survival, GVHD, relapse, and transplant-related mortality (TRM). We performed meta-analysis using Review Manager 5.2 software and funnel plot to assess the bias. Results: At first, 1246 articles were retrieved, and 18 studies totaling 26368 patients analyzed. Pooled comparisons of studies found that the HLA-DPB1 mismatched group had a lower rate of DFS than the DPB1-matched group, and lower OS in non-T cell depleted transplantation. The DPB1 mismatched group has a higher incidence of aGVHD and more severe ( ≥ III degree) aGvHD, lower rate of relapse and higher TRM. Moreover, compared with 1-antigen mismatch, 2-antigen mismatched led to a higher risk of TRM and lower relapse rate. Conclusions: This meta-analysis indicated HLA-DPB1 has important influence on survival and transplant-related complications during unrelated donor HSCT and HLA-DPB1 donor selection strategies have been proposed based on a personalized algorithm.

Keywords: human leukocyte antigen, DPB1, transplant, meta-analysis, outcome

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572 Cross-Sectional Association between Socio-Demographic Factors and Paid Blood Donation in Half Million Chinese Population

Authors: Jiashu Shen, Guoting Zhang, Zhicheng Wang, Yu Wang, Yun Liang, Siyu Zou, Fan Yang, Kun Tang


Objectives: This study aims to enhance the understanding of paid blood donors’ characteristics in Chinese population and devise strategies to protect these paid donors. Background: Paid blood donation was the predominant mode of blood donation in China from the 1970s to 1998 and caused several health and social problems including largely increased the risk of infectious diseases with nonstandard operation in unhygienic conditions. Methods: This study utilized the cross-sectional data from the China Kadoorie Biobank with about 0.5 million people from 10 regions of China from 2004 to 2008. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to examine the associations between socio-demographic factors and paid blood donation. Furthermore, a stratified analysis was applied in education level and annual household income by rural and urban areas. Results: The prevalence of paid blood donation was 0.50% in China and males were more likely to donate blood than females (Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) =0.81, 95%Confident Intervals (CI): 0.75-0.88). Urban people had much lower odds than rural people (AOR =0.24, 95%CI: 0.21-0.27). People with a high annual household income had lower odds of paid blood donation compared with that of people with low income (AOR=0.37, 95%CI: 0.31-0.44). Compared with people who didn’t receive school education, people in a higher level of education had increased odds of paid blood donation (AOR=2.31, 95%CI: 1.94-2.74). Conclusion: Paid blood donors in China were associated with those who were males, living in rural areas, with low annual household income and educational background.

Keywords: China Kadoorie Biobank, Chinese population, paid blood donation, socio-demographic factors

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571 Comparative Analysis of Glycated Hemoglobin (hba1c) Between HPLC and Immunoturbidimetry Method in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patient

Authors: Intanri Kurniati, Raja Iqbal Mulya Harahap, Agustyas Tjiptaningrum, Reni Zuraida


Background: Diabetes mellitus is still increasing and has become a health and social burden in the world. It is known that glycation among various proteins is increased in diabetic patients compared with non-diabetic subjects. Some of these glycated proteins are suggested to be involved in the development and progression of chronic diabetic complications. Among these glycated proteins, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) is commonly used as the gold standard index of glycemic control in the clinical setting. HbA1C testing has some methods, and the most commonly used is immunoturbidimetry. This research aimed to compare the HbA1c level between immunoturbidimetry and HbA1C level in T2DM patients. Methods: This research involves 77 patients from Abd Muluk Hospital Bandar Lampung; the patient was asked for consent in this research, then underwent phlebotomy to be tested for HbA1C; the sample was then examined for HbA1C with Turbidimetric Inhibition Immunoassay (TINIA) and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method. Result: Mean± SD of the samples with the TINIA method was 9.2±1,2; meanwhile, the level HbA1C with the HPLC method is 9.6±1,2. The t-test showed no significant difference between the group subjects. (p<0.05). It was proposed that the two methods have high suitability in testing, and both are eligibly used for the patient. Discussion: There was no significant difference among research subjects, indicating that the high conformity of the two methods is suitable to be used for monitoring patients clinically. Conclusion: There is increasing in HbA1C level in a patient with T2DM measured with HPLC and or Turbidimetric Inhibition Immunoassay (TINIA) method, and there were no significant differences among those methods.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, glycated albumin, HbA1C, HPLC, immunoturbidimetry

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570 Human Endogenous Retrovirus Link With Multiple Sclerosis Disease Progression

Authors: Sina Mahdavi


Background and Objective: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease of the CNS that affects the myelination process in the central nervous system (CNS). Complex interactions of various "environmental or infectious" factors may act as triggers in autoimmunity and disease progression. The association between viral infections, especially human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) and MS is one potential cause that is not well understood. This study aims to summarize the available data on HERV infection in MS disease progression. Materials and Methods: For this study, the keywords "Multiple sclerosis", "Human endogenous retrovirus", and "central nervous system" in the databases PubMed, Google Scholar, Sid, and MagIran between 2016 and 2022 were searched and 14 articles chosen, studied, and analyzed. Results: In the leptomeningeal cells of MS patients, a retrovirus-like element associated with reverse transcriptase (RT) activity called multiple sclerosis-associated retroviruses (MSRV) has been identified. HERVs are expressed in the human CNS despite mechanisms to suppress their expression. External factors, especially viral infections such as influenza virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and herpes simplex virus type 1, can activate HERV gene expression. The MSRV coat protein is activated by activating TLR4 at the brain surface, particularly in oligodendroglial progenitor cells and macrophages, leading to immune cascades followed by the downregulation of myelin protein expression. The HERV-K18 envelope gene (env) acts as a superantigen and induces inflammatory responses in patients with MS. Conclusion: There is a high expression of endogenous retroviruses during the course of MS, which indicates the relationship between HERV and MS, that this virus can play a role in the development of MS by creating an inflammatory state. Therefore, measures to modulate the expression of endogenous retroviruses may be effective in reducing inflammatory processes in demyelinated areas of MS patients.

Keywords: multiple sclerosis, human endogenous retrovirus, central nervous system, MSRV

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569 Hybridization of Manually Extracted and Convolutional Features for Classification of Chest X-Ray of COVID-19

Authors: M. Bilal Ishfaq, Adnan N. Qureshi


COVID-19 is the most infectious disease these days, it was first reported in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei in China then it spread rapidly throughout the whole world. Later on 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared it a pandemic. Since COVID-19 is highly contagious, it has affected approximately 219M people worldwide and caused 4.55M deaths. It has brought the importance of accurate diagnosis of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and COVID-19 to the forefront. In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach for the automated detection of COVID-19 using medical imaging. We have presented the hybridization of manually extracted and convolutional features. Our approach combines Haralick texture features and convolutional features extracted from chest X-rays and CT scans. We also employ a minimum redundancy maximum relevance (MRMR) feature selection algorithm to reduce computational complexity and enhance classification performance. The proposed model is evaluated on four publicly available datasets, including Chest X-ray Pneumonia, COVID-19 Pneumonia, COVID-19 CTMaster, and VinBig data. The results demonstrate high accuracy and effectiveness, with 0.9925 on the Chest X-ray pneumonia dataset, 0.9895 on the COVID-19, Pneumonia and Normal Chest X-ray dataset, 0.9806 on the Covid CTMaster dataset, and 0.9398 on the VinBig dataset. We further evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed model using ROC curves, where the AUC for the best-performing model reaches 0.96. Our proposed model provides a promising tool for the early detection and accurate diagnosis of COVID-19, which can assist healthcare professionals in making informed treatment decisions and improving patient outcomes. The results of the proposed model are quite plausible and the system can be deployed in a clinical or research setting to assist in the diagnosis of COVID-19.

Keywords: COVID-19, feature engineering, artificial neural networks, radiology images

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568 The Effect of Jujube Extract and Resistance Training on the Reduction of Complications Caused by the Induction of Anabolic Steroid Boldenone on the Histopathological Changes of Pancreatic Tissue of Male Wistar Rats

Authors: Sayyed-javad Ziaolhagh, Ali-Reza Saadatifar


Introduction: Athletes frequently perform anabolic steroid resistance exercise, but the effects of medical doses and abuse along with resistance exercise on structural damage to the Pancreases and also jujube extract are unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of resistance training on body weight and hip fractures induced by boldenone injection in male rats. Materials and methods: In this experimental study, 30 male Wistar rats aged 8-12 weeks (weight 202±9.34 g) were randomly divided into five groups: control, boldenone, extract of iujuba+boldenone, boldenone+resistance training and boldenone+resistance training +extract of jujuba. The resistance training program included climbing the ladder for 8 weeks, 3 days a week, 1 session training in a day and each session consisted of the 3 sets and 5 repetitions. Injection was conducted in depth in the hamstring once a week on an appointed day. After anesthesia, autopsy was performed, and the cardiac tissue was isolated. Results: Results showed that boldenone caused tissue damage, congestion, and nuclei unclear and diffuse. In the group "resistance + Boldenone," The Pancreases tissue showed a high degree of hyperemia, and the muscle cells were somewhat abnormal. In boldenone + jujube, the appearance of the tissue was normal, and the rejuvenating effect was visible. Conclusion: Boldenone appears to cause structural damage to the Pancreases tissue. Strength training with Jujube Extract can reduce part of the pancreatic system disorders (necrosis and inflammation) caused by anabolic steroid use.

Keywords: boldenone, Jujube extract, pancreases tissue, resistance training

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567 Patterns of Self-Medication with Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, and Aspirin) among the Kuwaiti Population

Authors: Nabil Ahmed Kamal Badawy, Ali Falah Alhajraf, Mawaheb Falah Alsamdan


Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of self-medication with over-the-counter pain relievers (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin) among Kuwaiti citizens above the age of 16 years old and describe their patterns of use, perceived awareness of, and concerns about the drugs’ potential side effects. Design: A descriptive cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey. Setting: Samples were selected from the six Kuwaiti governorates. Subjects: The data were collected over a four-month period in 2012, from 850 subjects who identified as Kuwaiti citizens. These subjects were recruited using stratified random sampling. Results: Overall, a 67% response rate was obtained. In total, 68% (573) of the respondents reported the use of over-the-counter pain relievers. Women, middle-aged or single individuals, and those who had completed higher education used these drugs more than any other subgroup (p<0.05). We found evidence of inappropriate use of these drugs, with 15% (88) of the consumers using them almost daily. Further, 19% (111) of the consumers exceeded the recommended dosage at least once. Not only were 81% of the consumers unaware of the potential side effects, but also more than 61% were not concerned about them. Women were more knowledgeable than men regarding the maximum dose (p=0.036, OR 1.49, CI 1.03–2.17). Consumers with higher levels of education did not show distinct knowledge regarding the maximum allowed dose of the drugs (p=0.252, OR 1.71, CI 0.68-4.25). Conclusion: The results showed a high prevalence of self-medication with over-the-counter pain relievers among Kuwaiti citizens. The subjects showed marked unawareness and a lack of concern regarding the potential complications resulting from the inappropriate use of these analgesics. This demonstrates the need for educational interventions directed toward both patients and health care workers.

Keywords: awareness of side effects, concern, patterns of use, prevalence

Procedia PDF Downloads 502
566 The Evaluation of Adjuvant Effects of CD154 in a Subunit Vaccine against Classical Swine Fever Virus

Authors: Yu-Chieh Chen, Li-Yun Wang, Chi-Chih Chen, Huy Hùng Đào, Ya-Mei Chen, Ming-Chu Cheng, Wen-Bin Chung, Hso-Chi Chaung, Guan-Ming Ke


Many recent researches have demonstrated that CD154, a protein primarily expressed on activated T cell molecules, has potentially acted as a molecular adjuvant to improve the immunogenicity of subunit vaccines against viral infections. Classical swine fever (CSF) affects the swine industry worldwide that is one of the most devastating and highly contagious pig diseases. It is listed by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) as an infectious animal disease that must be reported. Although pigs vaccinated with subunit vaccines can be differentially diagnosed from those infected animals, subunit vaccines usually need adjuvants to enhance and elicit immune responses. In this study, CD154 was linked with CSFV E2 sequences and then expressed in CHO cells to produce the fusion protein as E2-CD154. The porcine specific CpG adjuvant was also used in one of the formulations. The specific pathogen-free pigs (SPF) at the age of 4-week-old were randomly separated into four groups, vaccinated with E2-CpG, E2-CD154, E2-CD154-CpG or the commercial Bayovac® CSF-E2 vaccine and boosted two weeks after primary vaccination. The results showed that the percentages of CD4+ and CD4+IL2+ in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in E2-CD154 vaccinated piglets seven days after primary vaccination were gained by 1-5% relative to the control group. In addition, the percentages of CD4+IFNγ+ T cells had slightly edged up 0.1-0.3% compared with the control group. Also, increased E2-specific IFNγ levels had edged up CD4+CD8+ T cells found in E2-CD154 and E2-CD154-CpG groups, particularly in the E2-CD154-CpG group. These results implicate that CD154 may enhance cellular immunity and synergistically act with species-specific CpG adjuvant as a dual-phase adjuvant. Therefore, the CD154 may be beneficial as a promising adjuvant in subunit vaccines.

Keywords: CD154, CpG adjuvant, cellular immunity, subunit vaccine, pig

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565 Predictability of Pupil Mydriasis as a Biomarker for Diabetes

Authors: Naveen Kumar Challa, Pavan Verıkıcherla, Madhubalan, Ashısh Sharma


Aim: Aim of the study was to find whether any difference exists in pupil mydriasis measured with Orbscan in non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic patients at various intervals after installation of Tropicamide 0.8% and Phenylephrine 5%. Methods: the Observational study conducted at a tertiary care eye hospital during September 2014 to March 2015. 240 eyes from 120 patients (40 non-diabetic, 80 diabetic) were dilated with Tropicamide 0.8% and Phenylephrine 5%. One drop of a drug was installed twice. The second drop is installed at 20 minutes after installation of the first drop. In two groups’ pupil diameter was measured before installation of drops and also at 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after installation of the first drop using both Orbscan. Result: Mean age of the non-diabetic group is 48.67 ± 7.93 years; Diabetic group is 59.97 ± 8.77 years. Mean duration of Diabetes was 7.01 ± 5.05 years. Mean pupil diameter measured with Orbscan before installation of the drops and also at 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after installation of first drop in non-diabetic group was 4.18 ± 0.64mm, 6.15 ± 0.41mm, 7.76 ±0.34, 9.59 ± 0.30, and 9.97 ± 0.10 mm respectively and for the diabetic group it was 4.00 ± 0.56 mm, 5.53 ± 0.52 mm, 7.018 ± 0.58mm, 8.25±0.51mm and 9.18 ± 0.46mm respectively. The mean difference between the mean pupil diameters of the non-diabetic and diabetic group shows a significant difference (P< 0.01) at all intervals except before dilatation. There is a significant negative correlation (r = 0.78 – 0.92) between the duration of diabetes and pupil dilatation at all intervals after installation of the drops. There is also significant difference (P< 0.005) in the mean values of pupil diameter between non retinopathy diabetic subjects and diabetic retinopathy subjects at all intervals after installation of drops. Conclusion: People attending eye clinic, whose pupil mydriasis values falls below the normal may be referred for diabetic evaluation. If normative data is established for the pupil size in Indian population using Orbscan then the values fall under normative data could be a predictor for diabetes. This would in turn help ophthalmologist to detect the diabetes at an early stage and prevent the complications resulting from the diabetes.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, pupil diameter, orbscan, tropicamide

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564 Necrotising Anterior Scleritis and Scleroderma: A Rare Association

Authors: Angeliki Vassila, Dimitrios Kalogeropoulos, Rania Rawashdeh, Nigel Hall, Najiha Rahman, Mark Fabian, Suresh Thulasidharan, Hossain Parwez


Introduction: Necrotising scleritis is a severe form of scleritis and poses a significant threat to vision. It can manifest in various systemic autoimmune disorders, systemic vasculitis, or as a consequence of microbial infections. The objective of this study is to present a case of necrotizing scleritis associated with scleroderma, which was further complicated by a secondary Staphylococcus epidermidis infection. Methods: This is a retrospective analysis that examines the medical records of a patient who was hospitalised in the Eye Unit at University Hospital Southampton. Results: A 78-year-old woman presented at the eye casualty department of our unit with a two-week history of progressively worsening pain in her left eye. She received a diagnosis of necrotising scleritis and was admitted to the hospital for further treatment. It was decided to commence a three-day course of intravenous methylprednisolone followed by a tapering regimen of oral steroids. Additionally, a conjunctival swab was taken, and two days later, it revealed the presence of S. epidermidis, indicating a potential secondary infection. Given this finding, she was also prescribed topical (Ofloxacin 0.3% - four times daily) and oral (Ciprofloxacin 750mg – twice daily) antibiotics. The inflammation and symptoms gradually improved, leading to the patient being scheduled for a scleral graft and applying an amniotic membrane to cover the area of scleral thinning. Conclusions: Rheumatoid arthritis and granulomatosis with polyangiitis are the most commonly identifiable systemic diseases associated with necrotising scleritis. Although association with scleroderma is extremely rare, early identification and treatment are necessary to prevent scleritis-related complications.

Keywords: scleritis, necrotizing scleritis, scleroderma, autoimmune disease

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563 Hemodialysis Technique in a Diabetic Population

Authors: Daniel Thompson, Sophie Cerutti, Muhammad Peerbux, Hansraj Bookun


Introduction: Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause end stage renal failure in Australia, responsible for 36% of cases. Patients who require dialysis may be suitable for haemodialysis through an arteriovenous fistula (AVF), and preoperatively careful planning is required to select suitable vessels for a long-lasting fistula that provides suitable dialysis access. Due to high levels of vascular disease in diabetic patients, we sought to investigate whether there is a difference in the types of autologous AVFs created for diabetic patients in renal failure compared to their non-diabetic counterparts. Method: Data was collected from the Australasian Vascular Audit, for all vascular surgery completed at St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne between 2011-2020. Patients were selected by operative type, creation of AVF, and compared in two groups, diabetic patients and patients without diabetes. Chi-squared test was utilised to determine significance. Results: Data analysis is ongoing and will be complete with updated abstract in time for the conference. Discussion: Diabetic nephropathy is the cause for roughly a third of end stage renal failure in Australia. Diabetic patients present with a unique set of challenges when it comes to dialysis access due to increased risk of peripheral vascular disease and arterial calcification. Care must be taken in the creation of fistulas to minimise complications and increase the chance of long-lasting access. Our study investigates the difference in autologous AVFs between diabetics and non-diabetics, and results may be used to influence location of fistula creation. Further research may be used to investigate patency rates of fistulas in diabetics vs non-diabetics which would further influence treatment decisions.

Keywords: dialysis, diabetes, renal access, fistula

Procedia PDF Downloads 140
562 Regulating Issues concerning Data Protection in Cloud Computing: Developing a Saudi Approach

Authors: Jumana Majdi Qutub


Rationale: Cloud computing has rapidly developed the past few years. Because of the importance of providing protection for personal data used in cloud computing, the role of data protection in promoting trust and confidence in users’ data has become an important policy priority. This research examines key regulatory challenges rose by the growing use and importance of cloud computing with focusing on protection of individuals personal data. Methodology: Describing and analyzing governance challenges facing policymakers and industry in Saudi Arabia, with an account of anticipated governance responses. The aim of the research is to describe and define the regulatory challenges on cloud computing for policy making in Saudi Arabia and comparing it with potential complied issues rose in respect of transported data to EU member state. In addition, it discusses information privacy issues. Finally, the research proposes policy recommendation that would resolve concerns surrounds the privacy and effectiveness of clouds computing frameworks for data protection. Results: There are still no clear regulation in Saudi Arabia specialized in legalizing cloud computing and specialty regulations in transferring data internationally and locally. Decision makers need to review the applicable law in Saudi Arabia that protect information in cloud computing. This should be from an international and a local view in order to identify all requirements surrounding this area. It is important to educate cloud computing users about their information value and rights before putting it in the cloud to avoid further legal complications, such as making an educational program to prevent giving personal information to a bank employee. Therefore, with many kinds of cloud computing services, it is important to have it covered by the law in all aspects.

Keywords: cloud computing, cyber crime, data protection, privacy

Procedia PDF Downloads 262
561 Late Presentation of Pseudophakic Macula Edema from Oral Kinase Inhibitors: A Case and Literature Review

Authors: Christolyn Raj, Lewis Levitz


Introduction: Two cases of late presentation ( > five years ) of bilateral pseudophakic macula edema related to oral tyrosine kinase inhibitors are described. These cases are the first of their type in the published literature. A review of ocular inflammatory complications of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the current literature is explored. Case Presentations(s): Case 1 is an 83-year-old female who has been stable on Ibrutinib (Imbruvica ®) for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). She presented with bilateral blurred vision from severe cystoid macula edema seven years following routine cataract surgery. She was treated with intravitreal steroids with complete resolution without relapse. Case 2 is a 76-year-old female who was on therapy for polycythemia vera with Ruxolitinib (Jakafi®). She presented with bilateral blurred vision from mild cystoid macula edema six years following routine cataract surgery. She responded well to topical steroids without relapse. In both cases, oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor agents were presumed to be the underlying cause and were ceased. Over the last five years, there have been increasing reports in the literature of the inflammatory effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors on the retina, uvea and optic nerve. Conclusion: Late presentation of pseudophakic macula edema following routine cataract surgery is rare. Such presentations should prompt investigation of the chronic use of systemic medications, especially oral kinase inhibitors. Patients who must remain on these agents require ongoing ophthalmologic assessment in view of their long-term inflammatory side effects.

Keywords: macula edema, oral kinase inhibitors, retinal toxicity, pseudo-phakia

Procedia PDF Downloads 100
560 Development of Personal Protection Equipment for Dental Surgeon

Authors: Thi. A. D. Tran, Matthieu Arnold, Dominique Adolphe, Laurence Schcher, Guillaume Reys


During daily oral health cares, dental surgeons are in contact with numerous potentially infectious germs from patients' saliva and blood. In order to take into account these risks, a product development process has been unrolled to propose to the dental surgeon a personal protection equipment that is suitable with their expectations in terms of images, protection and comfort. After a consumer study, to evaluate how the users wear the garment and their expectations, specifications have been carried out and technical solutions have been developed in order to answer to the maximum of the desiderata. Thermal studies and comfort studies have been performed. The obtained results lead to define the technical solutions concerning the design of the new scrub. Three main functions have been investigated, the ergonomic aspect, the protection and the thermal comfort. In terms of ergonomic aspect, instrumented garments have been worn and pressure measurements have been done. The results highlight that a raglan shape for the sleeves has to be selected for a better dynamic comfort. Moreover, spray tests helped us to localize the potential contamination area and therefore protection devices have been placed on the garment. Concerning the thermal comfort, an I-R study was conducted in consulting room under the real working conditions; the heating zones have been detected. Based on these results, solutions have been proposed and implemented in a new gown. This new gown is currently composed of three different parts; a protective layer placed in the chest area to avoid contamination; a breathable layer placed in the back and in the armpits and a normal PET/Cotton fabric for the rest of the gown. Through the fitting tests conducted in hospital, it was obtained that the new design was highly appreciated. Some points can nevertheless be further improved. A final product will be produced based on necessary improvements.

Keywords: comfort, dentists, garment, thermal

Procedia PDF Downloads 312
559 The Fast Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba Keratitis Using Real-Time PCR Assay

Authors: Fadime Eroglu


Acanthamoeba genus belongs to kingdom protozoa, and it is known as free-living amoebae. Acanthamoeba genus has been isolated from human bodies, swimming pools, bottled mineral water, contact lens solutions, dust, and soil. The members of the genus Acanthamoeba causes Acanthamoeba Keratitis which is a painful sight-threatening disease of the eyes. In recent years, the prevalence of Acanthamoeba keratitis has been high rate reported. The eight different Acanthamoeba species are known to be effective in Acanthamoeba keratitis. These species are Acanthamoeba castellanii, Acanthamoeba polyphaga, Acanthamoeba griffini, Acanthamoeba hatchetti, Acanthamoeba culbertsoni and Acanhtamoeba rhysodes. The conventional diagnosis of Acanthamoeba Keratitis has relied on cytological preparations and growth of Acanthamoeba in culture. However molecular methods such as real-time PCR has been found to be more sensitive. The real-time PCR has now emerged as an effective method for more rapid testing for the diagnosis of infectious disease in decade. Therefore, a real-time PCR assay for the detection of Acanthamoeba keratitis and Acanthamoeba species have been developed in this study. The 18S rRNA sequences from Acanthamoeba species were obtained from National Center for Biotechnology Information and sequences were aligned with MEGA 6 programme. Primers and probe were designed using Custom Primers-OligoPerfectTMDesigner (ThermoFisherScientific, Waltham, MA, USA). They were also assayed for hairpin formation and degree of primer-dimer formation with Multiple Primer Analyzer ( ThermoFisherScientific, Watham, MA, USA). The eight different ATCC Acanthamoeba species were obtained, and DNA was extracted using the Qiagen Mini DNA extraction kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The DNA of Acanthamoeba species were analyzed using newly designed primer and probe set in real-time PCR assay. The early definitive laboratory diagnosis of Acanthamoeba Keratitis and the rapid initiation of suitable therapy is necessary for clinical prognosis. The results of the study have been showed that new primer and probes could be used for detection and distinguish for Acanthamoeba species. These new developing methods are helpful for diagnosis of Acanthamoeba Keratitis.

Keywords: Acathamoeba Keratitis, Acanthamoeba species, fast diagnosis, Real-Time PCR

Procedia PDF Downloads 121
558 Nutritionists' Perspective on the Conception of a Telenutrition Platform for Diabetes Care: Qualitative Study

Authors: Choumous Mannoubi, Dahlia Kairy, Brigitte Vachon


The use of technology allows clinicians to provide an individualized approach in a cost-effective manner and to reach a broader client base more easily. Such interventions can be effective in ensuring self-management and follow-up of people with diabetes, reducing the risk of complications by improving accessibility to care services, and better adherence to health recommendations. Consideration of users' opinions and fears to inform the design and implementation stages of these telehealth services seems to be essential to improve their acceptance and usability. The objective of this study is to describe the telepractice of nutritionists supporting the therapeutic management of diabetic patients and document the functional requirements of nutritionists for the design of a tele-nutrition platform. To best identify the requirements and constraints of nutritionists, we conducted individual semi-structured interviews with 10 nutritionists who offered tele-nutrition services. Using a qualitative design with a descriptive approach based on the Nutrition Care Process Model (mNCP) framework, we explored in depth the state of nutritionists' telepractice in public and private health care settings, as well as their requirements for teleconsultation. Qualitative analyses revealed that nutritionists primarily used telephone calls during the COVID 19 pandemic to provide teleconsultations. Nutritionists identified the following important features for the design of a tele-nutrition platform: it should support interprofessional collaboration, allow for the development and monitoring of a care plan, integrate with the existing IT environment, be easy to use, accommodate different levels of patient literacy, and allow for easy sharing of educational materials to support nutrition education.

Keywords: telehealth, nutrition, diabetes, telenutrition, teleconsultation, telemonitoring

Procedia PDF Downloads 136
557 Anti-Parasite Targeting with Amino Acid-Capped Nanoparticles Modulates Multiple Cellular Processes in Host

Authors: Oluyomi Stephen Adeyemi, Kentaro Kato


Toxoplasma gondii is the etiological agent of toxoplasmosis, a common parasitic disease capable of infecting a range of hosts, including nearly one-third of the human population. Current treatment options for toxoplasmosis patients are limited. In consequence, toxoplasmosis represents a large global burden that is further enhanced by the shortcomings of the current therapeutic options. These factors underscore the need for better anti-T. gondii agents and/or new treatment approach. In the present study, we sought to find out whether preparing and capping nanoparticles (NPs) in amino acids, would enhance specificity toward the parasite versus the host cell. The selection of amino acids was premised on the fact that T. gondii is auxotrophic for some amino acids. The amino acid-nanoparticles (amino-NPs) were synthesized, purified and characterized following established protocols. Next, we tested to determine the anti-T. gondii activity of the amino-NPs using in vitro experimental model of infection. Overall, our data show evidence that supports enhanced and excellent selective action against the parasite versus the host cells by amino-NPs. The findings are promising and provide additional support that warrants exploring the prospects of NPs as alternative anti-parasite agents. In addition, the anti-parasite action by amino-NPs indicates that nutritional requirement of parasite may represent a viable target in the development of better alternative anti-parasite agents. Furthermore, data suggest the anti-parasite mechanism of the amino-NPs involves multiple cellular processes including the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), modulation of hypoxia-inducing factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) as well as the activation of kynurenine pathway. Taken together, findings highlight further, the prospects of NPs as alternative source of anti-parasite agents.

Keywords: drug discovery, infectious diseases, mode of action, nanomedicine

Procedia PDF Downloads 112
556 Plausible Influence of Hydroxycitric Acid and Garcinol in Garcinia indica Fruit Extract in High Fat Diet Induced Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Authors: Hannah Rachel Vasanthi, Paomipem Phazang, Veereshkumar, Sali, Ramesh Parjapath, Sangeetha Marimuthu Kannan


Garcinia indica (G. indica) fruit rind extract commonly used in South Indian culinary and Indian System of medicines is reported to exhibit various biological activities. The present study envisages the influence of the phytoconstituents in G. indica extract (Vrikshamla capsules- a herbal supplement) on diabetic condition. The condition of type 2 diabetes was triggered in experimental animals by feeding high fat diet for 8 weeks followed by a sub-diabetogenic dose of 35mg/kg bw of streptozotocin intraperitoneally. Oral supplementation of the extract at two doses (100 and 200 mg/kg body weight) for 14 days reduced hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia and dyslipidemia (p< 0.001). Pathophysiological changes of obesity and diabetes associated complications majorly mediated by oxidative stress were analyzed by measuring the markers of oxidative stress such as lipid peroxidation, enzymatic (SOD, Catalase, GPx) and non-enzymatic markers (GSH). Conspicuous changes markers were noticed in diabetic condition which was reverted by the G. indica extract. Screening the extract by AccuTOF-DART (MS) revealed the presence of hydroxycitric acid and garcinol in abundant quantity which probably has influenced the biological activity. This was also corroborated through docking studies of hydroxycitric acid and garcinol both individually and synergistically with the antioxidant proteins. Altogether, hydroxycitric acid and garcinol present in G. indica fruit extract alleviates the pathophysiological conditions such as hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and oxidative stress mediated by diabesity.

Keywords: antioxidants , diabesity, hydroxycitric acid, garcinol, Garcinia indica, sreptozotocin

Procedia PDF Downloads 266
555 Performance Evaluation of Next Generation Shale Stabilizer

Authors: N. K. Thakur


A major proportion of the formations drilled for the production of hydrocarbons consists of clay containing shales. The petroleum industry has hugely investigated the role of clay minerals and their subsequent effect on wellbore stability during the drilling and production of hydrocarbons. It has been found that when the shale formation comes in contact with water-based drilling fluid, the interaction of clay minerals like montmorillonite with infiltrated water leads to hydration of the clay minerals, which causes shale swelling. When shale swelling proceeds further, it may lead to major drilling complications like caving, pipe sticking, which invariably influences wellbore stability, wellbore diameter, the mechanical strength of shale, stress distribution in the wellbore, etc. These problems ultimately lead to an increase in nonproductive time and additional costs during drilling. Several additives are used to prevent shale instability. Among the popular additives used for shale inhibition in drilling muds, ionic liquids and nanoparticles are emerging to be the best additives. The efficiency of the proposed additives will be studied and compared with conventional clay inhibitors like KCl. The main objective is to develop a highly efficient water-based mud for mitigating shale instability and reducing fluid loss which is environmentally friendly and does not alter the formation permeability. The use of nanoparticles has been exploited to enhance the rheological and fluid loss properties in water-based drilling fluid ionic liquid have attracted significant research interest due to its unique thermal stability. It is referred to as ‘green chemical’. The preliminary experimental studies performed are promising. The application of more effective mud additives is always desirable to make the drilling process techno-economically proficient.

Keywords: ionic liquid, shale inhibitor, wellbore stability, unconventional

Procedia PDF Downloads 196
554 Chikungunya Virus Detection Utilizing an Origami Based Electrochemical Paper Analytical Device

Authors: Pradakshina Sharma, Jagriti Narang


Due to the critical significance in the early identification of infectious diseases, electrochemical sensors have garnered considerable interest. Here, we develop a detection platform for the chikungunya virus by rationally implementing the extremely high charge-transfer efficiency of a ternary nanocomposite of graphene oxide, silver, and gold (G/Ag/Au) (CHIKV). Because paper is an inexpensive substrate and can be produced in large quantities, the use of electrochemical paper analytical device (EPAD) origami further enhances the sensor's appealing qualities. A cost-effective platform for point-of-care diagnostics is provided by paper-based testing. These types of sensors are referred to as eco-designed analytical tools due to their efficient production, usage of the eco-friendly substrate, and potential to reduce waste management after measuring by incinerating the sensor. In this research, the paper's foldability property has been used to develop and create 3D multifaceted biosensors that can specifically detect the CHIKVX-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to characterize the produced nanoparticles. In this work, aptamers are used since they are thought to be a unique and sensitive tool for use in rapid diagnostic methods. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), which were both validated with a potentiostat, were used to measure the analytical response of the biosensor. The target CHIKV antigen was hybridized with using the aptamer-modified electrode as a signal modulation platform, and its presence was determined by a decline in the current produced by its interaction with an anionic mediator, Methylene Blue (MB). Additionally, a detection limit of 1ng/ml and a broad linear range of 1ng/ml-10µg/ml for the CHIKV antigen were reported.

Keywords: biosensors, ePAD, arboviral infections, point of care

Procedia PDF Downloads 100
553 Evaluation of Adequacy of Caspofungin Prescription in a Tunisian Hospital Cohort

Authors: Mariem Meddeb Sidhom, Souhayel Hedfi, Rjaibia Houda, Mehdi Dridi, Mohamed Ali Yousfi, Sâadia Gargouri


Considering the important increase in costs of caspofungin treatments and ahead the evolution of its indication, pharmacy department was prompted to realize a review of the adequacy of prescriptions in the medical intensive care units (ICU). A retrospective observational study was conducted in Tunis military hospital concerning ICU prescriptions of caspofungin from 2008 until 2013. A pharmacist had returned to the patient’s medical records to collect data and to the microbiology department for parasitological results. The adequacy of prescriptions was evaluated by a pharmacist and an infectiologist parasitologist, referring to predefined scale of criteria resuming the indications of the marketing authorization (MA) and grade AI-AII of the guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). Sixty two ICU patients have been treated with caspofungin during the period of study; however, 8 files were lost. Thus, 54 patients were included in the study having received 55 prescriptions of caspofungin. Males were a majority with 64.8% of the population. Mean age was 51 years. Caspofungin was indicated in accordance with the IDSA recommendations in 43.6% of the cases. The most case of non respect to the guidelines was the indication of caspofungin as empirical treatment in non neutropenic patients. Caspofungin was utilized as a first line treatment in 9 cases where it was possible to give fluconazole first, as germs were fluconazole- sensitive. Caspofungin was indicated in 2 patients with good renal function and in which nor amphotericin B, liposomal ampho B neither itraconazole had been previously used, as indicates the MA. The posology of caspofungin was respected in all prescriptions with a loading dose of 70 mg in the first day and a maintenance dose of 50 mg daily. Seven patients had received a daily dose of 70 mg, the recommended dose for people weighing more than 80 Kg. Caspofungin prescriptions are far to be adequately done. There is a clear need of optimization in indicating this molecule and that must be done in collaboration between the pharmacy department, the ICUs and parasitology department.

Keywords: caspofungin, prescription, intensive care units, marketing authorization, Tunisian hospital cohort

Procedia PDF Downloads 339
552 A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Diabetes Ketoacidosis in Ethiopia

Authors: Addisu Tadesse Sahile, Mussie Wubshet Teka, Solomon Muluken Ayehu


Background: Diabetes is one of the common public health problems of the century that was estimated to affect one in a tenth of the world population by the year 2030, where diabetes ketoacidosis is one of its common acute complications. Objectives: The aim of this review was to assess the magnitude of diabetes ketoacidosis among patients with type 1 diabetes in Ethiopia. Methods: A systematic data search was done across Google Scholar, PubMed, Web of Science, and African Online Journals. Two reviewers carried out the selection, reviewing, screening, and extraction of the data independently by using a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. The Joanna Briggs Institute's prevalence critical appraisal tool was used to assess the quality of evidence. All studies conducted in Ethiopia that reported diabetes ketoacidosis rates among type 1 diabetes were included. The extracted data was imported into the comprehensive meta-analysis version 3.0 for further analysis. Heterogeneity was checked by Higgins’s method, whereas the publication bias was checked by using Beggs and Eggers’s tests. A random-effects meta-analysis model with a 95% confidence interval was computed to estimate the pooled prevalence. Furthermore, subgroup analysis based on the study area (Region) and the sample size was carried out. Result and Conclusion: After review made across a total of 51 articles, of which 12 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled prevalence of diabetes ketoacidosis among type 1 diabetes in Ethiopia was 53.2% (95%CI: 43.1%-63.1%). The highest prevalence of DKA was reported in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, whereas the lowest was reported in the Southern region of Ethiopia. Concerned bodies were suggested to work on the escalated burden of diabetes ketoacidosis in Ethiopia.

Keywords: DKA, Type 1 diabetes, Ethiopia, systematic review, meta-analysis

Procedia PDF Downloads 61