Search results for: environment saving
8756 Highlighting Adverse Effects of Privatization of Heritage on Taj Mahal and Providing Solutions to Improve the Condition without Privatizing
Authors: Avani Saraswat
The paper studies the present condition of Taj Mahal (the UNESCO world heritage site) and the reasons behind deterioration. Analysis is done to explore the reasons behind this building to be included in the list of adopt heritage scheme, by the Government of India. The aim is to find out the future effects on Taj Mahal after being adopted by a private body. Finally, it suggests solutions which can lead to improvement of the present condition of the building. In order to establish a research, a further analysis is done through a case study of Red Fort, New Delhi (another UNESCO world heritage site). This monument was given to Dalmia Group of India Pvt. Ltd. for the tenure of 5 years. Paper discusses the consequences of privatization on Red Fort and then analyze it for Taj Mahal. It terms monument as riches of a heritage chest, not as a commercial tourist place. The study is concluded with the ideas and suggestions proposed for saving Taj Mahal and advantages on improving the health of the building.Keywords: privatisation of heritage, heritage, Taj Mahal, adopt heritage scheme
Procedia PDF Downloads 1498755 Preliminary Study on Using of Thermal Energy from Effluent Water for the SBR Process of RO
Authors: Gyeong-Sung Kim, In-soo Ahn, Yong Cho
SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor) process is usually applied to membrane water treatment plants to treat its concentrated wastewater. The role of SBR process is to remove COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and NH3 from wastewater before discharging it outside of the water treatment plant using microorganism. Microorganism’s nitrification capability is influenced by water temperature because the nitrification rate of the concentrated wastewater becomes ‘zero’ as water temperature approach 0℃. Heating system is necessary to operate SBR in winter season even though the operating cost increase sharply. The operating cost of SBR at ‘D’ RO water treatment plant in Korea was 51.8 times higher in winter (October to March) compare to summer (April to September) season in 2014. Otherwise the effluent water temperature maintained around 8℃ constantly in winter. This study focuses on application heat pump system to recover the thermal energy from the effluent water of ‘D’ RO plant so that the operating cost will be reduced.Keywords: water treatment, water thermal energy, energy saving, RO, SBR
Procedia PDF Downloads 5178754 Application of Artificial Neural Network in Assessing Fill Slope Stability
Authors: An-Jui. Li, Kelvin Lim, Chien-Kuo Chiu, Benson Hsiung
This paper details the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of slope stability whereby quick and convenient solutions can be obtained using the developed tool. The AI tool used in this study is the artificial neural network (ANN), while the slope stability analysis methods are the finite element limit analysis methods. The developed tool allows for the prompt prediction of the safety factors of fill slopes and their corresponding probability of failure (depending on the degree of variation of the soil parameters), which can give the practicing engineer a reasonable basis in their decision making. In fact, the successful use of the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) algorithm shows that slope stability analysis is no longer confined to the conventional methods of modeling, which at times may be tedious and repetitive during the preliminary design stage where the focus is more on cost saving options rather than detailed design. Therefore, similar ANN-based tools can be further developed to assist engineers in this aspect.Keywords: landslide, limit analysis, artificial neural network, soil properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 2098753 Audio-Visual Recognition Based on Effective Model and Distillation
Authors: Heng Yang, Tao Luo, Yakun Zhang, Kai Wang, Wei Qin, Liang Xie, Ye Yan, Erwei Yin
Recent years have seen that audio-visual recognition has shown great potential in a strong noise environment. The existing method of audio-visual recognition has explored methods with ResNet and feature fusion. However, on the one hand, ResNet always occupies a large amount of memory resources, restricting the application in engineering. On the other hand, the feature merging also brings some interferences in a high noise environment. In order to solve the problems, we proposed an effective framework with bidirectional distillation. At first, in consideration of the good performance in extracting of features, we chose the light model, Efficientnet as our extractor of spatial features. Secondly, self-distillation was applied to learn more information from raw data. Finally, we proposed a bidirectional distillation in decision-level fusion. In more detail, our experimental results are based on a multi-model dataset from 24 volunteers. Eventually, the lipreading accuracy of our framework was increased by 2.3% compared with existing systems, and our framework made progress in audio-visual fusion in a high noise environment compared with the system of audio recognition without visual.Keywords: lipreading, audio-visual, Efficientnet, distillation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1358752 Resource Management Framework in Cloud Computing
Authors: Gagandeep Kaur, Sonal Chawla
In a Cloud Computing environment, resource provisioning, resource allocation and resource scheduling is the most complex issues these days. Cloud User expects the best resource utilization and Cloud Provider expects revenue maximization by considering budget and time constraints. In this research paper, Resource Management Framework has been proposed to allocate the resources to Cloud Users and Cloud Providers in Cloud environment. The main aim of the proposed work is to provide the resources and services to Cloud Providers and Cloud Users in an efficient and effective manner. The proposed framework has been simulated and tested using the CloudSim simulator tool.Keywords: cloud computing, resource allocation, auction, provisioning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1508751 The Influence of Smart Tourism Applications on Memorable Tourism Experience in Bangkok, Thailand
Authors: Wikanda Boonma, Jang Hyunmi
Smart tourism applications (STAs) play an important role in tourism to enhance the quality tourism experience and add value to tourists with accurate information, better decision support, greater time-saving, and providing more personalized information to meet tourists’ expectations. This paper intends to develop and investigate the effect of smart tourism applications on memorable tourism experiences in enhancing tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty. Questionnaires were distributed to tourists who are traveling in Bangkok, Thailand. A structural equation method was used to find the relationship among smart tourism technology attributes, the perceived value of the STAs, memorable tourism experience, tourist satisfaction, and destination loyalty. The findings of this study provide insight into the critical role of smart tourism applications, which create chances for smart tourism development. Additionally, some theoretical and managerial implications were derived from the findings.Keywords: smart tourism applications, memorable tourism experience, tourist satisfaction, destination loyalty
Procedia PDF Downloads 1098750 The Potential of 48V HEV in Real Driving Operation
Authors: Mark Schudeleit, Christian Sieg, Ferit Küçükay
This publication focuses on the limits and potentials of 48V hybrid systems, which are especially due to the cost advantages an attractive alternative, compared to established high volt-age HEVs and thus will gain relevant market shares in the future. Firstly, at market overview is given which shows the current known 48V hybrid concepts and demonstrators. These topologies will be analyzed and evaluated regarding the system power and the battery capacity as well as their implemented hybrid functions. The potential in fuel savings and CO2 reduction is calculated followed by the customer-relevant dimensioning of the electric motor and the battery. For both measured data of the real customer operation is used. Subsequently, the CO2 saving potentials of the customer-oriented dimensioned powertrain will be presented for the NEDC and the customer operation. With a comparison of the newly defined drivetrain with existing 48V systems the question can be answered whether current systems are dimensioned optimally for the customer operation or just for legislated driving cycles.Keywords: 48V hybrid systems, market comparison, requirements and potentials in customer operation, customer-oriented dimensioning, CO2 savings
Procedia PDF Downloads 5518749 Peril´s Environment of Energetic Infrastructure Complex System, Modelling by the Crisis Situation Algorithms
Authors: Jiří F. Urbánek, Alena Oulehlová, Hana Malachová, Jiří J. Urbánek Jr.
Crisis situations investigation and modelling are introduced and made within the complex system of energetic critical infrastructure, operating on peril´s environments. Every crisis situations and perils has an origin in the emergency/ crisis event occurrence and they need critical/ crisis interfaces assessment. Here, the emergency events can be expected - then crisis scenarios can be pre-prepared by pertinent organizational crisis management authorities towards their coping; or it may be unexpected - without pre-prepared scenario of event. But the both need operational coping by means of crisis management as well. The operation, forms, characteristics, behaviour and utilization of crisis management have various qualities, depending on real critical infrastructure organization perils, and prevention training processes. An aim is always - better security and continuity of the organization, which successful obtainment needs to find and investigate critical/ crisis zones and functions in critical infrastructure organization models, operating in pertinent perils environment. Our DYVELOP (Dynamic Vector Logistics of Processes) method is disposables for it. Here, it is necessary to derive and create identification algorithm of critical/ crisis interfaces. The locations of critical/ crisis interfaces are the flags of crisis situation in organization of critical infrastructure models. Then, the model of crisis situation will be displayed at real organization of Czech energetic crisis infrastructure subject in real peril environment. These efficient measures are necessary for the infrastructure protection. They will be derived for peril mitigation, crisis situation coping and for environmentally friendly organization survival, continuity and its sustainable development advanced possibilities.Keywords: algorithms, energetic infrastructure complex system, modelling, peril´s environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 4038748 Influence of Roofing Material on Indoor Thermal Comfort of Bamboo House
Authors: Thet Su Hlaing, Shoichi Kojima
The growing desire for better indoor thermal performance with moderate energy consumption is becoming an issue for challenging today’s built environment. Studies related to the effective way of enhancing indoor thermal comfort had been done by approaching in numerous ways. Few studies have been focused on the correlation between building material and indoor thermal comfort of vernacular house. This paper analyzes the thermal comfort conditions of Bamboo House, mostly located in a hot and humid region. Depending on the roofing material, how the indoor environment varies will be observed through monitoring indoor and outdoor comfort measurement of Bamboo house as well as occupants’ preferable comfort condition. The result revealed that the indigenous roofing material mostly influences the indoor thermal environment by performing to have less effect from the outdoor temperature. It can keep the room cool with moderate thermal comfort, especially in the early morning and night, in the summertime without mechanical device assistance. After analyzing the performance of roofing material, which effect on indoor thermal comfort for 24 hours, it can be efficiently managed the time for availing mechanical cooling devices and make it supply only the necessary period of a day, which will lead to a partially reduce energy consumption.Keywords: bamboo house, hot and humid climate, indoor thermal comfort, local indigenous roofing material
Procedia PDF Downloads 1888747 Creating a Profound Sense of Comfort to Stimulate Workers Innovation and Productivity: Exploring Research and Case Study Applications
Authors: Rana Bazaid, Debajyoti Pati
Purpose: The aim of this research is to explore and discuss innovative workspaces, and how the design of the space has the potential to facilitate the work process and employees’ satisfaction which can lead to innovative results. Background: The relationship between the workforce and the work environment has a strong potential to enhance human capabilities associated with innovation outcomes. The need for innovation in workplaces can benefit employees’ satisfaction, health, and performance. To understand this complicated relationship, this research explores and comprehends innovative work environments. Methods: A review of 26 peer-reviewed articles, seven books, and 23 companies’ websites was conducted, along with analysis for five case studies on successful types of research and development fields to detect appropriate examples for the study. Results: The analysis of the five case studies showed the similarity-characteristics of innovation work environments among those five fields and observed what is unique about each field that makes them stand out in their industries. Conclusion: Understanding the psychological, cultural, physiological, and social needs of workers, physical workplaces, and issues found in the work environment may help enhance multifaceted innovation and productivity.Keywords: innovation, productivity , work environment, workers satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 908746 Theoretical Approach to Kinetic of Heat Transfer under Irradiation
Authors: Pavlo Selyshchev
A theoretical approach to describe kinetic of heat transfer between an irradiated sample and environment is developed via formalism of the Complex systems and kinetic equations. The irradiated material is a metastable system with non-linear feedbacks, which can give rise to different regimes of buildup and annealing of radiation-induced defects, heating and heat transfer with environment. Irradiation with energetic particles heats the sample and produces defects of the crystal lattice of the sample. The crystal with defects accumulates extra (non-thermal) energy, which is transformed into heat during the defect annealing. Any increase of temperature leads to acceleration of defect annealing, to additional transformation of non-thermal energy into heat and to further growth of the temperature. Thus a non-linear feedback is formed. It is shown that at certain conditions of irradiation this non-linear feedback leads to self-oscillations of the defect density, the temperature of the irradiated sample and the heat transfer between the sample and environment. Simulation and analysis of these phenomena is performed. The frequency of the self-oscillations is obtained. It is determined that the period of the self-oscillations is varied from minutes to several hours depending on conditions of irradiation and properties of the sample. Obtaining results are compared with experimental ones.Keywords: irradiation, heat transfer, non-linear feed-back, self-oscillations
Procedia PDF Downloads 2318745 Surface Nanocrystalline and Hardening Effects of Ti–Al–V Alloy by Electropulsing Ultrasonic Shock
Authors: Xiaoxin Ye, Guoyi Tang
The effect of electropulsing ultrasonic shock (EUS) on the surface hardening and microstructure of Ti6Al4V alloy was studied. It was found that electropulsing improved the microhardness dramatically both in the influential depth and maximum value, compared with the only ultrasonic-shocked sample. It’s indicated that refined surface layer with nanocrystalline and improved microhardness were obtained on account of surface severe plastic deformation, dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and phase change, which was implemented at relative low temperature and high strain rate/capacity due to the coupling of the thermal and athermal effects of EUS. It’s different from conventional experiments and theory. It’s discussed that the positive contributions of EPT in the thermodynamics and kinetics of microstructure and properties change were attributed to the reduction of nucleation energy barrier and acceleration of atomic diffusion. Therefore, it’s supposed that EUS is an energy-saving and high-efficiency method of surface treatment technique with the help of high-energy electropulses, which is promising in cost reduction of the surface engineering and energy management.Keywords: titanium alloys, electropulsing, ultrasonic shock, microhardness, nanocrystalline
Procedia PDF Downloads 2928744 Development of Configuration Software of Space Environment Simulator Control System Based on Linux
Authors: Zhan Haiyang, Zhang Lei, Ning Juan
This paper presents a configuration software solution in Linux, which is used for the control of space environment simulator. After introducing the structure and basic principle, it is said that the developing of QT software frame and the dynamic data exchanging between PLC and computer. The OPC driver in Linux is also developed. This driver realizes many-to-many communication between hardware devices and SCADA software. Moreover, an algorithm named “Scan PRI” is put forward. This algorithm is much more optimizable and efficient compared with "Scan in sequence" in Windows. This software has been used in practical project. It has a good control effect and can achieve the expected goal.Keywords: Linux OS, configuration software, OPC Server driver, MYSQL database
Procedia PDF Downloads 2898743 Student Motivation as an Important Factor in Teaching and Learning English Language
Authors: Deborah Asibu Abu
Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It is one of the most important ingredients in teaching and learning yet it does not come by chance; it involves necessary strategies appropriate to achieve a common goal. In learning, the psychological attention of the student is very important. This helps them to imagine whatever is being taught for a simple understanding, nonetheless, many students will be able to imagine how the environment is in social studies or how the bones or plant is, in integrated Science but will find it difficult to imagine what subject-verb agreement or phrases and clauses actually looks like until they are motivated or with the use of TLM’s to stir their interest to learn and forever remember. For students to be able to receive the motivation they need, there must be an effective relationship between the teacher and the student as well as the use of strategies for effectual execution of achievable goals. Every teacher must understand the importance of motivation by applying various kinds of teaching methodology, especially in the English Language as a subject. Hence this paper suggests some important factors necessary for student’s motivation in teaching and learning English Language, it handles what teaching method is, types of motivation, educational curriculum structure of many, what suitable teaching methods can achieve, appropriate teachers’ disposition, learning environment as tool for motivation and some other domestic factors that can also influence student motivation.Keywords: english language, teacher-student relationship, curriculum structure, learning environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 518742 Probing The Electronic Excitation Induced Structural Phase Transition In Nd2zr2o7 Using X-ray Techniques
Authors: Yogendar Singh, Parasmani Rajput, Pawan Kumar Kulriya
Understanding the radiation response of the pyrochlore structured ceramics in the nuclear reactor core-like environment is of quite an interest for their utilization as host matrices. Electronic excitation (100 MeV I7+) induced crystalline to amorphous phase transition in Nd2Zr2O7 pyrochlore synthesized through three steps solid-state sintering method was investigated. The x-ray diffraction, along with Raman spectroscopy and x-ray absorption spectroscopy experiments conducted on pristine and irradiated pyrochlore, showed an increase in the rate of amorphization with ion fluence. XRD results indicate that specimen is completely amorphized on irradiation at the highest fluence of 5×1013 ions/cm2. The EXAFS spectra of the K-Zr edge and the Nd LIII edge confirmed a significant change in the chemical environment of Nd upon swift heavy ion irradiation. Observation of a large change in the intensity of K-Zr pre-edge spectra is also a good indicator of the phase transition from pyrochlore to the amorphous phase, which is supported by the FT modulus of the LIII-Nd edge. However, the chemical environment of Zr is less affected by irradiation, but it clearly exhibits an increase in the degree of disorder.Keywords: nuclear host matrices, swift heavy ion irradiation, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, pyrochlore oxides
Procedia PDF Downloads 1058741 The Impact of the Urban Planning and Environmental Problems over the Quality of Life Case Study: Median Zone of Bucharest's Sector 1, Romania
Authors: Cristian Cazacu, Bela Kobulniczky
Even though nowadays the median area of the Bucharest’s Sector 1 owns one of the best reputations in terms of quality of life level, the problems in urban planning from the last twenty years, as well as those related to the urban environment, became more and more obvious and shrill. And all this happened as long as non-compliance with urban and spatial planning laws, corroborated with uncontrolled territorial expansion on certain areas and faulty management of public and private spaces were more acute. The action of all these factors has been felt more and more strongly in the territory in the last twenty years, generating the degradation of the quality of the urban environment and affecting in parallel the general level of the inhabitants¬’ quality of life. Our methodology is based on analyzing a wide range of environmental parameters and it is also based on using advanced resources and skills for mapping planning and environmental dysfunctions as well as the possibility of integrating information into GIS programs, all data sets corroborated with problems related to spatial planning management and inaccuracies of the urbanistic sector. In the end, we managed to obtain a calculated and realistic image of the dysfunctions and a quantitative view of their magnitude in the territory. We also succeeded to create a full general map of the degree of degradation of the urban environment by typologies of urban tissues. Moreover, the methods applied by us can also be used globally to calculate and create realistic images and intelligent maps over the quality of the environment in areas larger than this one. Our study shows that environmental degradation occurred differently in the urban tissues from our study area, depending on several factors, reviewing the faulty way in which the processes of recovery / urban regeneration of the gap in recent years have led to the creation of new territorial dysfunctions. The general, centralized results show that the analyzed space has a much wider range of problems than initially thought, although notoriety and social etiquette place them far above other spaces from the same city of study.Keywords: environment, GIS, planning, urban tissues
Procedia PDF Downloads 1498740 Robust and Dedicated Hybrid Cloud Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication
Authors: Aishwarya Shekhar, Himanshu Sharma
Data deduplication is one of important data compression techniques for eliminating duplicate copies of repeating data, and has been widely used in cloud storage to reduce the amount of storage space and save bandwidth. In this process, duplicate data is expunged, leaving only one copy means single instance of the data to be accumulated. Though, indexing of each and every data is still maintained. Data deduplication is an approach for minimizing the part of storage space an organization required to retain its data. In most of the company, the storage systems carry identical copies of numerous pieces of data. Deduplication terminates these additional copies by saving just one copy of the data and exchanging the other copies with pointers that assist back to the primary copy. To ignore this duplication of the data and to preserve the confidentiality in the cloud here we are applying the concept of hybrid nature of cloud. A hybrid cloud is a fusion of minimally one public and private cloud. As a proof of concept, we implement a java code which provides security as well as removes all types of duplicated data from the cloud.Keywords: confidentiality, deduplication, data compression, hybridity of cloud
Procedia PDF Downloads 3848739 International Conference on Comparative Religion and Mythology
Authors: Mara Varelaki
In response to the challenge of the environmental crisis the discipline of environmental ethics examines the relation of human beings towards the environment and the value of the non-human constituents of the surrounding world. In the face of this crisis, assumptions regarding human and nature relations ought to be traced and reexamined because they can cause difficulties in diagnosing problematic attitudes towards the environment and non-human animals. This paper presents the claims that European and the Judea-Christian cosmogonic myths place the human figure in the core of the creation of the cosmos, thus verifying a hierarchical structure where humans occupy the top, and they establish a perception of nature as a non-human other. By doing so, these narratives provide some justification to the notion of the human-nature dichotomy and the human domination over other life forms and ecosystems. These anthropocentric assumptions evolved into what Hilde Lindemann terms master narratives and their influence extents to ecocentric ethical theories which attempt, and often fail, to shed the anthropocentrism of the western ethical tradition. The goal of this paper is (1) to trace the anthropocentric assumptions embedded in western thought and (2) articulate how they maintain their grip on our contemporary understanding of the human relation to and position within the environment, thus showing the need for a method of detecting and bracketing anthropocentric assumptions in social narratives and ethical frameworks.Keywords: cosmogonies, anthropocentrism, human/nature dichotomy, master narratives, ecocentrism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1088738 Automated Marker Filling System
Authors: Pinisetti Swami Sairam, Meera C. S.
Marker pens are widely used all over the world, mainly in educational institutions due to their neat, accurate and easily erasable nature. But refilling the ink in these pens is a tedious and time consuming job. Besides, it requires careful handling of the pens and ink bottle. A fully automated marker filling system is a solution developed to overcome this problem. The system comprises of pneumatics and electronics modules as well as PLC control. The system design is done in such a way that the empty markers are dumped in a marker container which then sent through different modules of the system in order to refill it automatically. The filled markers are then collected in a marker container. Refilling of ink takes place in different stages inside the system. An ink detecting system detects the colour of the marker which is to be filled and then refilling is done. The processes like capping and uncapping of the cap as well as screwing and unscrewing of the tip are done with the help of robotic arm and gripper. We make use of pneumatics in this system in order to get the precision while performing the capping, screwing, and refilling operations. Thus with the help of this system we can achieve cleanliness, accuracy, effective and time saving in the process of filling a marker.Keywords: automated system, market filling, information technology, control and automation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4998737 Natural Interaction Game-Based Learning of Elasticity with Kinect
Authors: Maryam Savari, Mohamad Nizam Ayub, Ainuddin Wahid Abdul Wahab
Game-based Learning (GBL) is an alternative that provides learners with an opportunity to experience a volatile environment in a safe and secure place. A volatile environment requires a different technique to facilitate learning and prevent injury and other hazards. Subjects involving elasticity are always considered hazardous and can cause injuries,for instance a bouncing ball. Elasticity is a topic that necessitates hands-on practicality for learners to experience the effects of elastic objects. In this paper the scope is to investigate the natural interaction between learners and elastic objects in a safe environment using GBL. During interaction, the potentials of natural contact in the process of learning were explored and gestures exhibited during the learning process were identified. GBL was developed using Kinect technology to teach elasticity to primary school children aged 7 to 12. The system detects body gestures and defines the meanings of motions exhibited during the learning process. The qualitative approach was deployed to constantly monitor the interaction between the student and the system. Based on the results, it was found that Natural Interaction GBL (Ni-GBL) is engaging for students to learn, making their learning experience more active and joyful.Keywords: elasticity, Game-Based Learning (GBL), kinect technology, natural interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 4848736 Benefit Of Waste Collection Route Optimisation
Authors: Bojana Tot, Goran BošKović, Goran Vujić
Route optimisation is a process of planning one or multiple routes, with the purpose of minimizing overall costs, while achieving the highest possible performance under a set of given constraints. It combines routing or route planning, which is the process of creating the most cost-effective route by minimizing the distance or travelled time necessary to reach a set of planned stops, and route scheduling, which is the process of assigning an arrival and service time for each stop, with drivers being given shifts that adhere to their working hours. The objective of this paper is to provide benefits on the implementation of waste collection route optimisation and thus achieve economic efficiency for public utility companies, better service for citizens and positive environment and health.Keywords: waste management, environment, collection route optimisation, GIS
Procedia PDF Downloads 1648735 Using Scrum in an Online Smart Classroom Environment: A Case Study
Authors: Ye Wei, Sitalakshmi Venkatraman, Fahri Benli, Fiona Wahr
The present digital world poses many challenges to various stakeholders in the education sector. In particular, lecturers of higher education (HE) are faced with the problem of ensuring that students are able to achieve the required learning outcomes despite rapid changes taking place worldwide. Different strategies are adopted to retain student engagement and commitment in classrooms to address the differences in learning habits, preferences, and styles of the digital generation of students recently. Further, the onset of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in online teaching being mandatory. These changes have compounded the problems in the learning engagement and short attention span of HE students. New agile methodologies that have been successfully employed to manage projects in different fields are gaining prominence in the education domain. In this paper, we present the application of Scrum as an agile methodology to enhance student learning and engagement in an online smart classroom environment. We demonstrate the use of our proposed approach using a case study to teach key topics in information technology that require students to gain technical and business-related data analytics skills.Keywords: agile methodology, Scrum, online learning, smart classroom environment, student engagement, active learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1638734 A Case Study of Assessing the Impact of Electronic Payment System on the Service Delivery of Banks in Nigeria
Authors: Idris Lawal
Electronic payment system is simply a payment or monetary transaction made over the internet or a network of computers. This study was carried out in order to assess how electronic payment system has impacted on banks service delivery, to examine the efficiency of electronic payment system in Nigeria and to determine the level of customer's satisfaction as a direct result of the deployment of electronic payment systems. It is an empirical study conducted using structured questionnaire distributed to officials and customers of Access Bank plc. Chi-square(x2) was adopted for the purpose of data analysis. The result of the study showed that the development of electronic payment system offer great benefit to bank customers including improved services, reduced turn-around time, ease of banking transaction, significant cost saving etc. The study recommends that customer protection laws should be properly put in place to safeguard the interest of end users of e-payment instruments.Keywords: bank, electronic payment systems, service delivery, customer's satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3998733 Environmental Degradation and Globalization with Special Reference to Developing Economics
Authors: Indira Sinha
According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary of Current English, environment is the complex of physical, chemical and biotic factors that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determines its form and survival. It is defined as conditions and circumstances which are affecting people's lives. The meaning of environmental degradation is the degradation of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil and the destruction of ecosystems and extinction of wildlife. Globalization is a significant feature of recent world history. The aim of this phenomenon is to integrate societies, economies and cultures through a common link of trading policies, technology and communication. Undoubtedly it has opened up the world economy at a very high speed but at the same time it has an adverse impact on the environment. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the impact of globalization on the environmental conditions. An overview of what the forces of globalization have in store for the environment with constructing large number of industries and destroying large forests lands will be given in this paper. The forces of globalization have created many serious environmental problems like high temperature, extinction of many species of plant and animal and outlet of poisonous chemicals from industries. The revelation of this study is that in case of developing economics these problems are more critical. In developing countries like India many factories are built with less environmental regulations, while developed economies maintain positive environmental practices. The present study is a micro level study which aims to employ a combination of theoretical, descriptive, empirical and analytical approach in addition to the time tested case method.Keywords: globalization, trade policies, environmental degradation, developing economies, large industries
Procedia PDF Downloads 2408732 Simulation of Obstacle Avoidance for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles in a Dynamic Environment Using Q-Learning
Authors: Andreas D. Jansson
The availability of inexpensive, yet competent hardware allows for increased level of automation and self-optimization in the context of Industry 4.0. However, such agents require high quality information about their surroundings along with a robust strategy for collision avoidance, as they may cause expensive damage to equipment or other agents otherwise. Manually defining a strategy to cover all possibilities is both time-consuming and counter-productive given the capabilities of modern hardware. This paper explores the idea of a model-free self-optimizing obstacle avoidance strategy for multiple autonomous agents in a simulated dynamic environment using the Q-learning algorithm.Keywords: autonomous vehicles, industry 4.0, multi-agent system, obstacle avoidance, Q-learning, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1388731 The Strategies to Improve the Pedestrian System in the Context of Old Aging
Authors: Yuxiao Jiang, Dong Ma, Mengyu Zhan, Yingxia Yun
China now is entering the phase of old aging and the aging speed is on acceleration. The proportion of the aged citizens in the urban areas is getting larger. Traveling on foot is one of the main travel methods for the old, but the bad walking environment and unsystematic pedestrian system cause inconvenience to the old who travel on foot. The paper analyzes the behavioral characteristics and the spatial preferences of the elderly group as well as the new traffic demands of them, finding out that some problems exist in the current pedestrian system. Thus, the paper proposes strategies in the areas of planning and design, and engineering technology so as to promote the traffic environment and perfect the pedestrian system for the old people.Keywords: old aging, pedestrian system, perfection strategies, travel characteristics, future demand
Procedia PDF Downloads 3948730 Drape Simulation by Commercial Software and Subjective Assessment of Virtual Drape
Authors: Evrim Buyukaslan, Simona Jevsnik, Fatma Kalaoglu
Simulation of fabrics is more difficult than any other simulation due to complex mechanics of fabrics. Most of the virtual garment simulation software use mass-spring model and incorporate fabric mechanics into simulation models. The accuracy and fidelity of these virtual garment simulation software is a question mark. Drape is a subjective phenomenon and evaluation of drape has been studied since 1950’s. On the other hand, fabric and garment simulation is relatively new. Understanding drape perception of subjects when looking at fabric simulations is critical as virtual try-on becomes more of an issue by enhanced online apparel sales. Projected future of online apparel retailing is that users may view their avatars and try-on the garment on their avatars in the virtual environment. It is a well-known fact that users will not be eager to accept this innovative technology unless it is realistic enough. Therefore, it is essential to understand what users see when they are displaying fabrics in a virtual environment. Are they able to distinguish the differences between various fabrics in virtual environment? The purpose of this study is to investigate human perception when looking at a virtual fabric and determine the most visually noticeable drape parameter. To this end, five different fabrics are mechanically tested, and their drape simulations are generated by commercial garment simulation software (Optitex®). The simulation images are processed by an image analysis software to calculate drape parameters namely; drape coefficient, node severity, and peak angles. A questionnaire is developed to evaluate drape properties subjectively in a virtual environment. Drape simulation images are shown to 27 subjects and asked to rank the samples according to their questioned drape property. The answers are compared to the calculated drape parameters. The results show that subjects are quite sensitive to drape coefficient changes while they are not very sensitive to changes in node dimensions and node distributions.Keywords: drape simulation, drape evaluation, fabric mechanics, virtual fabric
Procedia PDF Downloads 3398729 Thermal, Chemical, and Mineralogical Properties of Soil Building Blocks Reinforced with Cement
Authors: Abdelmalek Ammari
This paper represents an experimental study to determine the effect between thermal conductivity of Compressed Earth Block Stabilized (CEBs) by cement and the mineralogical and chemical analyses of soil, all the samples of CEB in the dry state and with different content of cement, the samples made by soil stabilized by Portland Cement. The soil used collected from fez city in Morocco. That determination of the thermal conductivity of CEBs plays an important role when considering its suitability for energy saving insulation. The measurement technique used to determine thermal conductivity is called hot ring method, the thermal conductivity of the tested samples is strongly affected by the quantity of the cement added. The soil of Fez, mainly composed of calcite, quartz, and dolomite, improved the behaviour of the material by the addition of cement. The findings suggest that to manufacture lightweight samples with high thermal insulation properties, it is advisable to use clays that contain quartz. . In addition, quartz has high thermal conductivity.Keywords: compressed earth blocks, thermal conductivity, mineralogical, chemical, temperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 1558728 Children’s Experience of the Built Environment in the Initial Stages of a Settlement Formation: Case Study of Shahid-Keshvari New Settlement, Isfahan, Iran
Authors: Hassan Sheikh, Mehdi Nilipour, Amiraslan Fila
Many conventional town planning processes do little to give children and young people a voice on what is important about the urban environment. As a result of paying little attention to the children, their physical, social and mental needs are hardly met in urban environments. Therefore, urban spaces are impotent to attract children, while their recreational space has been confined to home or virtual spaces. Since children are just taking the first steps to learn the world beyond house borders, their living environment will profoundly influence almost all aspects of their lives. This puts a great deal of responsibility on the shoulders of planners, who need to balance a number of different issues in urban design to make places more child-friendly. The main purpose of present research is to analyze and plan a child-friendly environment in an on-going urban settlement development for the benefit of all residents. Assessing children’s needs and regard them in development strategies and policies will help to “plan for children”. Following this purpose, based on child-friendly environment studies, indicators of child-friendly environments were collected. Then three distinct characteristics of case study, which are being under-construction, lack of social ties between dwellers and high-rise building, determined seven indicators included basic services, Urban and environmental qualities, Family, kin, peers and community, Sense of belonging and continuity, participation, Safety, security and freedom of movement and human scale. With the survey, Informal observation and participation in small communities, essential data has been collected and analyzed by SPSS software. The field study is Shahid-Keshvari town in Isfahan, Iran. Eighty-six middle childhood, children (ages 8-13) participated. The results show Children's satisfaction is correlated with basic services and the quality of the environment, social environment and the safety and security. The considerable number of children and youth (55%) like to live somewhere other than the town. Satisfaction and sense of belonging and continuity have a strong inverse correlation with age. In other words, as age increases, satisfaction and consequently a sense of belonging will be reduced; thus children and youth consider their future somewhere out of the town. The main reason for dissatisfaction was the basic services and social environment. More than half of children (55%) expressed their wish to develop basic services in terms of availability, hierarchy, and quality. Among all recreational places, children showed more interest to the parks. About three-quarters (76%) considered building a park as a crucial item for residents. The significant number of children (54%) want to have a relationship with more friends. This could be due to the serious shortage of the leisure spaces such as parks or playgrounds. Also, the space around the house or space between the apartments has not been designed for play or children’s activities. Moreover, the presence of strangers and construction workers have a negative impact on children's sense of peace and security; 60% of children are afraid of theft and 36% of children found strangers as a menace. The analysis of children’s issues and suggestions provides an insight to plan and design of child-friendly environment in new towns.Keywords: child-friendly city (CFC), child-friendly environment, child participation, under-construction environment, Isfahan Shahid-Keshvari Town
Procedia PDF Downloads 3788727 Special Single Mode Fiber Tests of Polarization Mode Dispersion Changes in a Harsh Environment
Authors: Jan Bohata, Stanislav Zvanovec, Matej Komanec, Jakub Jaros, David Hruby
Even though there is a rapid development in new optical networks, still optical communication infrastructures remain composed of thousands of kilometers of aging optical cables. Many of them are located in a harsh environment which contributes to an increased attenuation or induced birefringence of the fibers leading to the increase of polarization mode dispersion (PMD). In this paper, we report experimental results from environmental optical cable tests and characterization in the climate chamber. We focused on the evaluation of optical network reliability in a harsh environment. For this purpose, a special thermal chamber was adopted, targeting to the large temperature changes between -60 °C and 160 C° with defined humidity. Single mode optical cable 230 meters long, having six tubes and a total number of 72 single mode optical fibers was spliced together forming one fiber link, which was afterward tested in the climate chamber. The main emphasis was put to the polarization mode dispersion (PMD) changes, which were evaluated by three different PMD measuring methods (general interferometry technique, scrambled state-of-polarization analysis and polarization optical time domain reflectometer) in order to fully validate obtained results. Moreover, attenuation and chromatic dispersion (CD), as well as the PMD, were monitored using 17 km long single mode optical cable. Results imply a strong PMD dependence on thermal changes, imposing the exceeding 200 % of its value during the exposure to extreme temperatures and experienced more than 20 dB insertion losses in the optical system. The derived statistic is provided in the paper together with an evaluation of such as optical system reliability, which could be a crucial tool for the optical network designers. The environmental tests are further taken in context to our previously published results from long-term monitoring of fundamental parameters within an optical cable placed in a harsh environment in a special outdoor testbed. Finally, we provide a correlation between short-term and long-term monitoring campaigns and statistics, which are necessary for optical network safety and reliability.Keywords: optical fiber, polarization mode dispersion, harsh environment, aging
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