Search results for: Volterra integral equations
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 2596

Search results for: Volterra integral equations

1786 Determination of Temperature Dependent Characteristic Material Properties of Commercial Thermoelectric Modules

Authors: Ahmet Koyuncu, Abdullah Berkan Erdogmus, Orkun Dogu, Sinan Uygur


Thermoelectric modules are integrated to electronic components to keep their temperature in specific values in electronic cooling applications. They can be used in different ambient temperatures. The cold side temperatures of thermoelectric modules depend on their hot side temperatures, operation currents, and heat loads. Performance curves of thermoelectric modules are given at most two different hot surface temperatures in product catalogs. Characteristic properties are required to select appropriate thermoelectric modules in thermal design phase of projects. Generally, manufacturers do not provide characteristic material property values of thermoelectric modules to customers for confidentiality. Common commercial software applied like ANSYS ICEPAK, FloEFD, etc., include thermoelectric modules in their libraries. Therefore, they can be easily used to predict the effect of thermoelectric usage in thermal design. Some software requires only the performance values in different temperatures. However, others like ICEPAK require three temperature-dependent equations for material properties (Seebeck coefficient (α), electrical resistivity (β), and thermal conductivity (γ)). Since the number and the variety of thermoelectric modules are limited in this software, definitions of characteristic material properties of thermoelectric modules could be required. In this manuscript, the method of derivation of characteristic material properties from the datasheet of thermoelectric modules is presented. Material characteristics were estimated from two different performance curves by experimentally and numerically in this study. Numerical calculations are accomplished in ICEPAK by using a thermoelectric module exists in the ICEPAK library. A new experimental setup was established to perform experimental study. Because of similar results of numerical and experimental studies, it can be said that proposed equations are approved. This approximation can be suggested for the analysis includes different type or brand of TEC modules.

Keywords: electrical resistivity, material characteristics, thermal conductivity, thermoelectric coolers, seebeck coefficient

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1785 The Influence of Thermal Radiation and Chemical Reaction on MHD Micropolar Fluid in The Presence of Heat Generation/Absorption

Authors: Binyam Teferi


Numerical and theoretical analysis of mixed convection flow of magneto- hydrodynamics micropolar fluid with stretching capillary in the presence of thermal radiation, chemical reaction, viscous dissipation, and heat generation/ absorption have been studied. The non-linear partial differential equations of momentum, angular velocity, energy, and concentration are converted into ordinary differential equations using similarity transformations which can be solved numerically. The dimensionless governing equations are solved by using Runge Kutta fourth and fifth order along with the shooting method. The effect of physical parameters viz., micropolar parameter, unsteadiness parameter, thermal buoyancy parameter, concentration buoyancy parameter, Hartmann number, spin gradient viscosity parameter, microinertial density parameter, thermal radiation parameter, Prandtl number, Eckert number, heat generation or absorption parameter, Schmidt number and chemical reaction parameter on flow variables viz., the velocity of the micropolar fluid, microrotation, temperature, and concentration has been analyzed and discussed graphically. MATLAB code is used to analyze numerical and theoretical facts. From the simulation study, it can be concluded that an increment of micropolar parameter, Hartmann number, unsteadiness parameter, thermal and concentration buoyancy parameter results in decrement of velocity flow of micropolar fluid; microrotation of micropolar fluid decreases with an increment of micropolar parameter, unsteadiness parameter, microinertial density parameter, and spin gradient viscosity parameter; temperature profile of micropolar fluid decreases with an increment of thermal radiation parameter, Prandtl number, micropolar parameter, unsteadiness parameter, heat absorption, and viscous dissipation parameter; concentration of micropolar fluid decreases as unsteadiness parameter, Schmidt number and chemical reaction parameter increases. Furthermore, computational values of local skin friction coefficient, local wall coupled coefficient, local Nusselt number, and local Sherwood number for different values of parameters have been investigated. In this paper, the following important results are obtained; An increment of micropolar parameter and Hartmann number results in a decrement of velocity flow of micropolar fluid. Microrotation decreases with an increment of the microinertial density parameter. Temperature decreases with an increasing value of the thermal radiation parameter and viscous dissipation parameter. Concentration decreases as the values of Schmidt number and chemical reaction parameter increases. The coefficient of local skin friction is enhanced with an increase in values of both the unsteadiness parameter and micropolar parameter. Increasing values of unsteadiness parameter and micropolar parameter results in an increment of the local couple stress. An increment of values of unsteadiness parameter and thermal radiation parameter results in an increment of the rate of heat transfer. As the values of Schmidt number and unsteadiness parameter increases, Sherwood number decreases.

Keywords: thermal radiation, chemical reaction, viscous dissipation, heat absorption/ generation, similarity transformation

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1784 A Tutorial on Network Security: Attacks and Controls

Authors: Belbahi Ahlam


With the phenomenal growth in the Internet, network security has become an integral part of computer and information security. In order to come up with measures that make networks more secure, it is important to learn about the vulnerabilities that could exist in a computer network and then have an understanding of the typical attacks that have been carried out in such networks. The first half of this paper will expose the readers to the classical network attacks that have exploited the typical vulnerabilities of computer networks in the past and solutions that have been adopted since then to prevent or reduce the chances of some of these attacks. The second half of the paper will expose the readers to the different network security controls including the network architecture, protocols, standards and software/ hardware tools that have been adopted in modern day computer networks.

Keywords: network security, attacks and controls, computer and information, solutions

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1783 When Talk Is the Cure for the Morning After: Talking Therapy in Conor Mcpherson’s Dublin Carol and Shining City

Authors: Maha Hamoud Alatawi


Drawing on the work of John McLeod and Ariel Watson, this paper explains the relationship between narrative and psychotherapy in two plays by the Irish playwright Conor McPherson. Dublin Carol presents John’s chequered past through his reminiscences of alcohol addiction and Shining City tells the story of John who is haunted by the ghost of his wife, recently died in a car accident, and who seeks the help of Ian, a therapist. At first, the significance of storytelling as an integral part of Irish culture is highlighted. Such a tradition features prominently in contemporary Irish drama. The paper concludes that it is the power of narrative and its therapeutic impact and not the act of psychotherapy and treatment which brings signs of change to characters’ lives.

Keywords: Conor McPherson, drama, psychotherapy, storytelling

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1782 Transient Heat Conduction in Nonuniform Hollow Cylinders with Time Dependent Boundary Condition at One Surface

Authors: Sen Yung Lee, Chih Cheng Huang, Te Wen Tu


A solution methodology without using integral transformation is proposed to develop analytical solutions for transient heat conduction in nonuniform hollow cylinders with time-dependent boundary condition at the outer surface. It is shown that if the thermal conductivity and the specific heat of the medium are in arbitrary polynomial function forms, the closed solutions of the system can be developed. The influence of physical properties on the temperature distribution of the system is studied. A numerical example is given to illustrate the efficiency and the accuracy of the solution methodology.

Keywords: analytical solution, nonuniform hollow cylinder, time-dependent boundary condition, transient heat conduction

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1781 Spectral Properties of Fiber Bragg Gratings

Authors: Y. Hamaizi, H. Triki, A. El-Akrmi


In this paper, the reflection spectra, group delay and dispersion of a uniform fiber Bragg grating (FBG) are obtained. FBGs with two types of apodized variations of the refractive index were modeled to show how the side-lobes can be suppressed. Apodization techniques are used to get optimized reflection spectra. The simulation is based on solving coupled mode equations together with the transfer matrix method.

Keywords: fiber bragg gratings, coupled-mode theory, reflectivity, apodization

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1780 Numerical Investigation of Thermal Energy Storage System with Phase Change Materials

Authors: Mrityunjay Kumar Sinha, Mayank Srivastava


The position of interface and temperature variation of phase change thermal energy storage system under constant heat injection and radiative heat injection is analysed during charging/discharging process by Heat balance integral method. The charging/discharging process is solely governed by conduction. Phase change material is kept inside a rectangular cavity. Time-dependent fixed temperature and radiative boundary condition applied on one wall, all other walls are thermally insulated. Interface location and temperature variation are analysed by using MATLAB.

Keywords: conduction, melting/solidification, phase change materials, Stefan’s number

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1779 Gas Flow, Time, Distance Dynamic Modelling

Authors: A. Abdul-Ameer


The equations governing the distance, pressure- volume flow relationships for the pipeline transportation of gaseous mixtures, are considered. A derivation based on differential calculus, for an element of this system model, is addressed. Solutions, yielding the input- output response following pressure changes, are reviewed. The technical problems associated with these analytical results are identified. Procedures resolving these difficulties providing thereby an attractive, simple, analysis route are outlined. Computed responses, validating thereby calculated predictions, are presented.

Keywords: pressure, distance, flow, dissipation, models

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1778 Two Dimensional Steady State Modeling of Temperature Profile and Heat Transfer of Electrohydrodynamically Enhanced Micro Heat Pipe

Authors: H. Shokouhmand, M. Tajerian


A numerical investigation of laminar forced convection flows through a square cross section micro heat pipe by applying electrohydrodynamic (EHD) field has been studied. In the present study, pentane is selected as working fluid. Temperature and velocity profiles and heat transfer enhancement in the micro heat pipe by using EHD field at the two-dimensional and single phase fluid flow in steady state regime have been numerically calculated. At this model, only Coulomb force is considered. The study has been carried out for the Reynolds number 10 to 100 and EHD force field up to 8 KV. Coupled, non-linear equations governed on the model (continuity, momentum, and energy equations) have been solved simultaneously by CFD numerical methods. Steady state behavior of affecting parameters, e.g. friction factor, average temperature, Nusselt number and heat transfer enhancement criteria, have been evaluated. It has been observed that by increasing Reynolds number, the effect of EHD force became more significant and for smaller Reynolds numbers the rate of heat transfer enhancement criteria is increased. By obtaining and plotting the mentioned parameters, it has been shown that the EHD field enhances the heat transfer process. The numerical results show that by increasing EHD force field the absolute value of Nusselt number and friction factor increases and average temperature of fluid flow decreases. But the increasing rate of Nusselt number is greater than increasing value of friction factor, which makes applying EHD force field for heat transfer enhancement in micro heat pipes acceptable and applicable. The numerical results of model are in good agreement with the experimental results available in the literature.

Keywords: micro heat pipe, electrohydrodynamic force, Nusselt number, average temperature, friction factor

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1777 Features of Rail Strength Analysis in Conditions of Increased Force Loading

Authors: G. Guramishvili, M. Moistsrapishvili, L. Andghuladze


In the article are considered the problems arising at increasing of transferring from rolling stock axles on rail loading from 210 KN up to 270 KN and is offered for rail strength analysis definition of rail force loading complex integral characteristic with taking into account all affecting force factors that is characterizing specific operation condition of rail structure and defines the working capability of structure. As result of analysis due mentioned method is obtained that in the conditions of 270 KN loading the rail meets the working assessment criteria of rail and rail structures: Strength, rail track stability, rail links stability and its transverse stability, traffic safety condition that is rather important for post-Soviet countries railways.

Keywords: axial loading, rail force loading, rail structure, rail strength analysis, rail track stability

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1776 A New Approach to the Digital Implementation of Analog Controllers for a Power System Control

Authors: G. Shabib, Esam H. Abd-Elhameed, G. Magdy


In this paper, a comparison of discrete time PID, PSS controllers is presented through small signal stability of power system comprising of one machine connected to infinite bus system. This comparison achieved by using a new approach of discretization which converts the S-domain model of analog controllers to a Z-domain model to enhance the damping of a single machine power system. The new method utilizes the Plant Input Mapping (PIM) algorithm. The proposed algorithm is stable for any sampling rate, as well as it takes the closed loop characteristic into consideration. On the other hand, the traditional discretization methods such as Tustin’s method is produce satisfactory results only; when the sampling period is sufficiently low.

Keywords: PSS, power system stabilizer PID, proportional-integral-derivative PIM, plant input mapping

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1775 Normalized P-Laplacian: From Stochastic Game to Image Processing

Authors: Abderrahim Elmoataz


More and more contemporary applications involve data in the form of functions defined on irregular and topologically complicated domains (images, meshs, points clouds, networks, etc). Such data are not organized as familiar digital signals and images sampled on regular lattices. However, they can be conveniently represented as graphs where each vertex represents measured data and each edge represents a relationship (connectivity or certain affinities or interaction) between two vertices. Processing and analyzing these types of data is a major challenge for both image and machine learning communities. Hence, it is very important to transfer to graphs and networks many of the mathematical tools which were initially developed on usual Euclidean spaces and proven to be efficient for many inverse problems and applications dealing with usual image and signal domains. Historically, the main tools for the study of graphs or networks come from combinatorial and graph theory. In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the investigation of one of the major mathematical tools for signal and image analysis, which are Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) variational methods on graphs. The normalized p-laplacian operator has been recently introduced to model a stochastic game called tug-of-war-game with noise. Part interest of this class of operators arises from the fact that it includes, as particular case, the infinity Laplacian, the mean curvature operator and the traditionnal Laplacian operators which was extensiveley used to models and to solve problems in image processing. The purpose of this paper is to introduce and to study a new class of normalized p-Laplacian on graphs. The introduction is based on the extension of p-harmonious function introduced in as discrete approximation for both infinity Laplacian and p-Laplacian equations. Finally, we propose to use these operators as a framework for solving many inverse problems in image processing.

Keywords: normalized p-laplacian, image processing, stochastic game, inverse problems

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1774 Orbit Determination from Two Position Vectors Using Finite Difference Method

Authors: Akhilesh Kumar, Sathyanarayan G., Nirmala S.


An unusual approach is developed to determine the orbit of satellites/space objects. The determination of orbits is considered a boundary value problem and has been solved using the finite difference method (FDM). Only positions of the satellites/space objects are known at two end times taken as boundary conditions. The technique of finite difference has been used to calculate the orbit between end times. In this approach, the governing equation is defined as the satellite's equation of motion with a perturbed acceleration. Using the finite difference method, the governing equations and boundary conditions are discretized. The resulting system of algebraic equations is solved using Tri Diagonal Matrix Algorithm (TDMA) until convergence is achieved. This methodology test and evaluation has been done using all GPS satellite orbits from National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) precise product for Doy 125, 2023. Towards this, two hours of twelve sets have been taken into consideration. Only positions at the end times of each twelve sets are considered boundary conditions. This algorithm is applied to all GPS satellites. Results achieved using FDM compared with the results of NGA precise orbits. The maximum RSS error for the position is 0.48 [m] and the velocity is 0.43 [mm/sec]. Also, the present algorithm is applied on the IRNSS satellites for Doy 220, 2023. The maximum RSS error for the position is 0.49 [m], and for velocity is 0.28 [mm/sec]. Next, a simulation has been done for a Highly Elliptical orbit for DOY 63, 2023, for the duration of 6 hours. The RSS of difference in position is 0.92 [m] and velocity is 1.58 [mm/sec] for the orbital speed of more than 5km/sec. Whereas the RSS of difference in position is 0.13 [m] and velocity is 0.12 [mm/sec] for the orbital speed less than 5km/sec. Results show that the newly created method is reliable and accurate. Further applications of the developed methodology include missile and spacecraft targeting, orbit design (mission planning), space rendezvous and interception, space debris correlation, and navigation solutions.

Keywords: finite difference method, grid generation, NavIC system, orbit perturbation

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1773 Asymptotic Expansion of Double Oscillatory Integrals: Contribution of Non Stationary Critical Points of the Second Kind

Authors: Abdallah Benaissa


In this paper, we consider the problem of asymptotics of double oscillatory integrals in the case of critical points of the second kind, the order of contact between the boundary and a level curve of the phase being even, the situation when the order of contact is odd will be studied in other occasions. Complete asymptotic expansions will be derived and the coefficient of the leading term will be computed in terms of the original data of the problem. A multitude of people have studied this problem using a variety of methods, but only in a special case when the order of contact is minimal: the more cited papers are a paper of Jones and Kline and an other one of Chako. These integrals are encountered in many areas of science, especially in problems of diffraction of optics.

Keywords: asymptotic expansion, double oscillatory integral, critical point of the second kind, optics diffraction

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1772 A Qualitative Description of the Dynamics in the Interactions between Three Populations: Pollinators, Plants, and Herbivores

Authors: Miriam Sosa-Díaz, Faustino Sánchez-Garduño


In population dynamics the study of both, the abundance and the spatial distribution of the populations in a given habitat, is a fundamental issue a From ecological point of view, the determination of the factors influencing such changes involves important problems. In this paper a mathematical model to describe the temporal dynamic and the spatiotemporal dynamic of the interaction of three populations (pollinators, plants and herbivores) is presented. The study we present is carried out by stages: 1. The temporal dynamics and 2. The spatio-temporal dynamics. In turn, each of these stages is developed by considering three cases which correspond to the dynamics of each type of interaction. For instance, for stage 1, we consider three ODE nonlinear systems describing the pollinator-plant, plant-herbivore and plant-pollinator-herbivore, interactions, respectively. In each of these systems different types of dynamical behaviors are reported. Namely, transcritical and pitchfork bifurcations, existence of a limit cycle, existence of a heteroclinic orbit, etc. For the spatiotemporal dynamics of the two mathematical models a novel factor are introduced. This consists in considering that both, the pollinators and the herbivores, move towards those places of the habitat where the plant population density is high. In mathematical terms, this means that the diffusive part of the pollinators and herbivores equations depend on the plant population density. The analysis of this part is presented by considering pairs of populations, i. e., the pollinator-plant and plant-herbivore interactions and at the end the two mathematical model is presented, these models consist of two coupled nonlinear partial differential equations of reaction-diffusion type. These are defined on a rectangular domain with the homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. We focused in the role played by the density dependent diffusion term into the coexistence of the populations. For both, the temporal and spatio-temporal dynamics, a several of numerical simulations are included.

Keywords: bifurcation, heteroclinic orbits, steady state, traveling wave

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1771 On-Screen Disability Delineation and Social Representation: An Evaluation

Authors: Chetna Jaswal, Nishi Srivastava, Ahammedul Kabeer AP, Puja Prasad


We are a culture of mass media consumers and cinema as its integral part has high visibility and potential influence on public attitude towards disability which maintains no sociocultural boundaries but experiences substantial social marginalization. Given the lack of awareness and direct experience with disability, on-screen or film representations can give powerful and memorable definitions for the public that can contribute to framing the perception and attitude change. Social representation refers to common ways of thinking, conceiving about and evaluating social reality. It is a product of collective cognition, common sense and thought system. This study aims at analyzing the representations and narratives of disability in Indian cinema and Hollywood with the help of a conceptual understanding of social representation and its theoretical framework.

Keywords: disability, social representation, mainstream cinema, diversity

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1770 Determination of the Axial-Vector from an Extended Linear Sigma Model

Authors: Tarek Sayed Taha Ali


The dependence of the axial-vector coupling constant gA on the quark masses has been investigated in the frame work of the extended linear sigma model. The field equations have been solved in the mean-field approximation. Our study shows a better fitting to the experimental data compared with the existing models.

Keywords: extended linear sigma model, nucleon properties, axial coupling constant, physic

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1769 Hardware Co-Simulation Based Based Direct Torque Control for Induction Motor Drive

Authors: Hanan Mikhael Dawood, Haider Salim, Jafar Al-Wash


This paper presents Proportional-Integral (PI) controller to improve the system performance which gives better torque and flux response. In addition, it reduces the undesirable torque ripple. The conventional DTC controller approach for induction machines, based on an improved torque and stator flux estimator, is implemented using Xilinx System Generator (XSG) for MATLAB/Simulink environment through Xilinx blocksets. The design was achieved in VHDL which is based on a MATLAB/Simulink simulation model. The hardware in the loop results are obtained considering the implementation of the proposed model on the Xilinx NEXYS2 Spartan 3E1200 FG320 Kit.

Keywords: induction motor, Direct Torque Control (DTC), Xilinx FPGA, motor drive

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1768 The Nature of Intelligence and Its Forms: An Ontological-Modeling Approach

Authors: Husam El-Asfour, Fateh Adhnouss, Kenneth McIsaac, Abdul Mutalib Wahaishi, Raafat Aburukba, Idris El-Feghia


Although intelligence is commonly referred to as the observable behavior in various fields and domains, it must also be shown how it develops by exhibiting multiple forms and without observing the inherent behavior. There have been several official and informal definitions of intelligence in various areas; however, no scientific agreement on a definition has been agreed upon. There must be a single definition, structure, and precise modeling for articulating how intelligence is perceived by people and machines in order to comprehend intelligence. Another key challenge is defining the different environment types based on the integral elements (agents) and their possible interactions. On the basis of conceptualization, this paper proposes a formal model for defining and developing intelligence. Forms of intelligence are derived from an ontological view, and thus intelligence is defined, described, and modeled based on the various types of environments.

Keywords: intelligence, forms, transformation, conceptualization, ontological view

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1767 A Research on the Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on the Dynamic Response of Symmetrical Reinforced Concrete Buildings

Authors: Adinew Gebremeskel Tizazu


The effect of soil-structure interaction on the dynamic response of reinforced concrete buildings of regular and symmetrical geometry are considered in this study. The structures are presumed to be generally embedded in a homogenous soil formation underlain by very stiff material or bedrock. The structure-foundation–soil system is excited at the base by an earthquake ground motion. The superstructure is idealized as a system with lumped masses concentrated at the floor levels, and coupled with the substructure. The substructure system, which comprises of the foundation and soil, is represented, and replaced by springs and dashpots. Frequency-dependent impedances of the foundation system are incorporated in the discrete model in terms of the springs and dashpots coefficients. The excitation applied to the model is field ground motions of actual earthquake records. Modal superposition principle is employed to transform the equations of motion in geometrical coordinates to modal coordinates. However, the modal equations remain coupled with respect to damping terms due to the difference in damping mechanisms of the superstructure and the soil. Hence, proportional damping for the coupled structural system may not be assumed. An iterative approach is adopted and programmed to solve the system of coupled equations of motion in modal coordinates to obtain the displacement responses of the system. Parametric studies for responses of building structures with regular and symmetric plans of different structural properties and heights are made for fixed and flexible base conditions, for different soil conditions encountered in Addis Ababa. The displacement, base shear and base overturning moments are used in the comparison of different types of structures for various foundation embedment depths, site conditions and height of structures. These values are compared against those of fixed base structure. The study shows that the flexible base structures, generally exhibit different responses from those structures with fixed base. Basically, the natural circular frequencies, the base shears and the inter-story displacements for the flexible base are less than those of the fixed base structures. This trend is particularly evident when the flexible soil has large thickness. In contrast, the trend becomes less predictable, when the thickness of the flexible soil decreases. Moreover, in the latter case, the iteration undulates significantly making the prediction difficult. This is attributed to the highly jagged nature of the impedance functions of frequencies for such formations. In this case, it is difficult to conclude whether the conventional fixed-base approach yields conservative design forces, as is the case for soil formations of large thickness.

Keywords: effect of soil structure, dynamic response corroborated, the modal superposition principle, parametric studies

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1766 A General Strategy for Noise Assessment in Open Mining Industries

Authors: Diego Mauricio Murillo Gomez, Enney Leon Gonzalez Ramirez, Hugo Piedrahita, Jairo Yate


This paper proposes a methodology for the management of noise in open mining industries based on an integral concept, which takes into consideration occupational and environmental noise as a whole. The approach relies on the characterization of sources, the combination of several measurements’ techniques and the use of acoustic prediction software. A discussion about the difference between frequently used acoustic indicators such as Leq and LAV is carried out, aiming to establish common ground for homologation. The results show that the correct integration of this data not only allows for a more robust technical analysis but also for a more strategic route of intervention as several departments of the company are working together. Noise control measurements can be designed to provide a healthy acoustic surrounding in which the exposure workers but also the outdoor community is benefited.

Keywords: environmental noise, noise control, occupational noise, open mining

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1765 The Use of Emoticons in Polite Phrases of Greeting and Thanks

Authors: Zuzana Komrsková


This paper shows the connection between emoticons and politeness in written computer-mediated communication. It studies if there are some differences in the use of emoticon between Czech and English written tweets. My assumptions about the use of emoticons were based on the use of greetings and thanks in real, face to face situations. The first assumption, that welcome greeting phrase would be accompanied by positive emoticon was correct. But for the farewell greeting both positive and negative emoticons are possible. My results show lower frequency of negative emoticons in this context. I also found quite often both positive and negative emoticon in the same tweet. The expression of gratitude is associated with positive emotions. The results show that emoticons accompany polite phrases of greeting and thanks very often both in Czech and English. The use of emoticons with studied polite phrases shows that emoticons have become an integral part of these phrases.

Keywords: Czech, emoticon, english, politeness, twitter

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1764 A Neural Network for the Prediction of Contraction after Burn Injuries

Authors: Ginger Egberts, Marianne Schaaphok, Fred Vermolen, Paul van Zuijlen


A few years ago, a promising morphoelastic model was developed for the simulation of contraction formation after burn injuries. Contraction can lead to a serious reduction in physical mobility, like a reduction in the range-of-motion of joints. If this is the case in a healing burn wound, then this is referred to as a contracture that needs medical intervention. The morphoelastic model consists of a set of partial differential equations describing both a chemical part and a mechanical part in dermal wound healing. These equations are solved with the numerical finite element method (FEM). In this method, many calculations are required on each of the chosen elements. In general, the more elements, the more accurate the solution. However, the number of elements increases rapidly if simulations are performed in 2D and 3D. In that case, it not only takes longer before a prediction is available, the computation also becomes more expensive. It is therefore important to investigate alternative possibilities to generate the same results, based on the input parameters only. In this study, a surrogate neural network has been designed to mimic the results of the one-dimensional morphoelastic model. The neural network generates predictions quickly, is easy to implement, and there is freedom in the choice of input and output. Because a neural network requires extensive training and a data set, it is ideal that the one-dimensional FEM code generates output quickly. These feed-forward-type neural network results are very promising. Not only can the network give faster predictions, but it also has a performance of over 99%. It reports on the relative surface area of the wound/scar, the total strain energy density, and the evolutions of the densities of the chemicals and mechanics. It is, therefore, interesting to investigate the applicability of a neural network for the two- and three-dimensional morphoelastic model for contraction after burn injuries.

Keywords: biomechanics, burns, feasibility, feed-forward NN, morphoelasticity, neural network, relative surface area wound

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1763 Existence Solutions for Three Point Boundary Value Problem for Differential Equations

Authors: Mohamed Houas, Maamar Benbachir


In this paper, under weak assumptions, we study the existence and uniqueness of solutions for a nonlinear fractional boundary value problem. New existence and uniqueness results are established using Banach contraction principle. Other existence results are obtained using scheafer and krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem. At the end, some illustrative examples are presented.

Keywords: caputo derivative, boundary value problem, fixed point theorem, local conditions

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1762 Role of Power Electronics in Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems

Authors: M. N. Tandjaoui, C. Banoudjafar, C. Benachaiba, O. Abdelkhalek, A. Kechich


Advanced power electronic systems are deemed to be an integral part of renewable, green, and efficient energy systems. Wind energy is one of the renewable means of electricity generation that is now the world’s fastest growing energy source can bring new challenges when it is connected to the power grid due to the fluctuation nature of the wind and the comparatively new types of its generators. The wind energy is part of the worldwide discussion on the future of energy generation and use and consequent effects on the environment. However, this paper will introduce some of the requirements and aspects of the power electronic involved with modern wind generation systems, including modern power electronics and converters, and the issues of integrating wind turbines into power systems.

Keywords: power electronics, renewable energy, smart grid, green energy, power technology

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1761 Effect of Baffles on the Cooling of Electronic Components

Authors: O. Bendermel, C. Seladji, M. Khaouani


In this work, we made a numerical study of the thermal and dynamic behaviour of air in a horizontal channel with electronic components. The influence to use baffles on the profiles of velocity and temperature is discussed. The finite volume method and the algorithm Simple are used for solving the equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy. The results found show that baffles improve heat transfer between the cooling air and electronic components. The velocity will increase from 3 times per rapport of the initial velocity.

Keywords: electronic components, baffles, cooling, fluids engineering

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1760 Simulations of a Jet Impinging on a Flat Plate

Authors: Reda Mankbadi


In this paper we explore the use of a second-order unstructured-grid, finite-volume code for direct noise prediction. We consider a Mach 1.5 jet impinging on a perpendicular flat plate. Hybrid LES-RANS simulations are used to calculate directly both the flow field and the radiated sound. The ANSYS Fluent commercial code is utilized for the calculations. The acoustic field is obtained directly from the simulations and is compared with the integral approach of Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (FWH). Results indicate the existence of a preferred radiation angle. The spectrum obtained is in good agreement with observations. This points out to the possibility of handling the effects of complicated geometries on noise radiation by using unstructured second-orders codes.

Keywords: CFD, Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (FWH), imping jet, ANSYS fluent commercial code, hybrid LES-RANS simulations

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1759 Theoretical Approach of Maritime Transport Sector’s Specialist’s Resilience Enhancement

Authors: Elena Valionienė, Genutė Kalvaitienė


The issue of resilience of an individual, an organisation, or an entire ecosystem of organisations has recently become an integral part of the education system, where the uncertainties that lead to societal development in the short term create economic, social, and psycho-emotional instability. The Maritime Transport Sector (MTS) is no exception, and the aim of the article is to model the possibilities of enhancing the professional, sociocultural, and psycho-emotional resilience of MTS specialists to proactively respond to crises caused by uncertainties. The research consists of theoretical model creation that helps to identify general maritime business resilience factors and critical success factors. This can develop high resilience and achieve business excellence in a highly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment.

Keywords: maritime transport sector, resilience, uncertainties, VUCA

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1758 Statistical Convergence of the Szasz-Mirakjan-Kantorovich-Type Operators

Authors: Rishikesh Yadav, Ramakanta Meher, Vishnu Narayan Mishra


The main aim of this article is to investigate the statistical convergence of the summation of integral type operators and to obtain the weighted statistical convergence. The rate of statistical convergence by means of modulus of continuity and function belonging to the Lipschitz class are also studied. We discuss the convergence of the defined operators by graphical representation and put a better rate of convergence than the Szasz-Mirakjan-Kantorovich operators. In the last section, we extend said operators into bivariate operators to study about the rate of convergence in sense of modulus of continuity and by means of Lipschitz class by using function of two variables.

Keywords: The Szasz-Mirakjan-Kantorovich operators, statistical convergence, modulus of continuity, Peeters K-functional, weighted modulus of continuity

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1757 Finite Volume Method in Loop Network in Hydraulic Transient

Authors: Hossain Samani, Mohammad Ehteram


In this paper, we consider finite volume method (FVM) in water hammer. We will simulate these techniques on a looped network with complex boundary conditions. After comparing methods, we see the FVM method as the best method. We compare the results of FVM with experimental data. Finite volume using staggered grid is applied for solving water hammer equations.

Keywords: hydraulic transient, water hammer, interpolation, non-liner interpolation

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