Search results for: rate of fertilizer application
7487 The Use of Lane-Centering to Assure the Visible Light Communication Connectivity for a Platoon of Autonomous Vehicles
Authors: Mohammad Y. Abualhoul, Edgar Talavera Munoz, Fawzi Nashashibi
The new emerging Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology has been subjected to intensive investigation, evaluation, and lately, deployed in the context of convoy-based applications for Intelligent Transportations Systems (ITS). The technology limitations were defined and supported by different solutions proposals to enhance the crucial alignment and mobility limitations. In this paper, we propose the incorporation of VLC technology and Lane-Centering (LC) technique to assure the VLC-connectivity by keeping the autonomous vehicle aligned to the lane center using vision-based lane detection in a convoy-based formation. Such combination can ensure the optical communication connectivity with a lateral error less than 30 cm. As soon as the road lanes are detectable, the evaluated system showed stable behavior independently from the inter-vehicle distances and without the need for any exchanged information of the remote vehicles. The evaluation of the proposed system is verified using VLC prototype and an empirical result of LC running application over 60 km in Madrid M40 highway.Keywords: visible light communication, lane-centerin, platooning, intelligent transportation systems, road safety applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 1757486 Stereotypical Motor Movement Recognition Using Microsoft Kinect with Artificial Neural Network
Authors: M. Jazouli, S. Elhoufi, A. Majda, A. Zarghili, R. Aalouane
Autism spectrum disorder is a complex developmental disability. It is defined by a certain set of behaviors. Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) frequently engage in stereotyped and repetitive motor movements. The objective of this article is to propose a method to automatically detect this unusual behavior. Our study provides a clinical tool which facilitates for doctors the diagnosis of ASD. We focus on automatic identification of five repetitive gestures among autistic children in real time: body rocking, hand flapping, fingers flapping, hand on the face and hands behind back. In this paper, we present a gesture recognition system for children with autism, which consists of three modules: model-based movement tracking, feature extraction, and gesture recognition using artificial neural network (ANN). The first one uses the Microsoft Kinect sensor, the second one chooses points of interest from the 3D skeleton to characterize the gestures, and the last one proposes a neural connectionist model to perform the supervised classification of data. The experimental results show that our system can achieve above 93.3% recognition rate.Keywords: ASD, artificial neural network, kinect, stereotypical motor movements
Procedia PDF Downloads 3087485 Microfiltration of the Sugar Refinery Wastewater Using Ceramic Membrane with Kenics Static Mixer
Authors: Zita Šereš, Ljubica Dokić, Nikola Maravić, Dragana Šoronja Simović, Cecilia Hodur, Ivana Nikolić, Biljana Pajin
New environmental regulations and the increasing market preference for companies that respect the ecosystem had encouraged the industry to look after new treatments for its effluents. The sugar industry, one of the largest emitter of environmental pollutants, follows this tendency. Membrane technology is convenient for separation of suspended solids, colloids and high molecular weight materials that are present in a wastewater from the sugar industry. The idea is to microfilter the wastewater, where the permeate passes through the membrane and becomes available for recycle and re-use in the sugar manufacturing process. For microfiltration of this effluent a tubular ceramic membrane was used with a pore size of 200 nm at transmembrane pressure in range of 1 – 3 bars and in range of flow rate of 50 – 150 l/h. Kenics static mixer was used for permeate flux enhancement. Turbidity and suspended solids were removed and the permeate flux was continuously monitored during the microfiltration process. The flux achieved after 90 minutes of microfiltration was in a range of 50-70 L/m2h. The obtained turbidity decrease was in the range of 50-99% and the total amount of suspended solids was removed.Keywords: ceramic membrane, microfiltration, permeate flux, sugar industry, wastewater
Procedia PDF Downloads 5287484 Characterization of an Isopropanol-Butanol Clostridium
Authors: Chen Zhang, Fengxue Xin, Jianzhong He
A unique Clostridium beijerinckii species strain BGS1 was obtained from grass land samples, which is capable of producing 8.43g/L butanol and 3.21 isopropanol from 60g/L glucose while generating 4.68g/L volatile fatty acids (VFAs) from 30g/L xylan. The concentration of isopropanol produced by culture BGS1 is ~15% higher than previously reported wild-type Clostridium beijerinckii under similar conditions. Compared to traditional Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) fermentation species, culture BGS1 only generates negligible amount of ethanol and acetone, but produces butanol and isopropanol as biosolvent end-products which are pure alcohols and more economical than ABE. More importantly, culture BGS1 can consume acetone to produce isopropanol, e.g., 1.84g/L isopropanol from 0.81g/L acetone in 60g/L glucose medium containing 6.15g/L acetone. The analysis of BGS1 draft genome annotated by RAST server demonstrates that no ethanol production is caused by the lack of pyruvate decarboxylase gene – related to ethanol production. In addition, an alcohol dehydrogenase (adhe gene) was found in BGS1 which could be a potential gene responsible for isopropanol-generation. This is the first report on Isopropanol-Butanol (IB) fermentation by wild-type Clostridium strain and its application for isopropanol and butanol production.Keywords: acetone conversion, butanol, clostridium, isopropanol
Procedia PDF Downloads 2957483 Model Evaluation of Nanosecond, High-Intensity Electric Pulses Induced Cellular Apoptosis
Authors: Jiahui Song, Ravindra Joshi
High-intensity, nanosecond, pulsed electric fields have been shown to be useful non-thermal tools capable of producing a variety of specific cellular responses. While reversible and temporary changes are often desired based on electromanipulation, irreversible effects can also be important objectives. These include elimination of tumor cells and bacterial decontamination. A simple model-based rate-equation treatment of the various cellular biochemical processes was used to qualitatively predict the pulse number-dependent caspase activation and cell survival trends. The model incorporated the caspase-8 associated extrinsic pathway, the delay inherent in its activation, cytochrome c release, and the internal feedback mechanism between caspase-3 and Bid. Results were roughly in keeping with the experimental cell-survival data. A pulse-number threshold was predicted followed by a near-exponential fall-off. The intrinsic pathway was shown to be much weaker as compared to the extrinsic mechanism for electric pulse induced cell apoptosis. Also, delays of about an hour are predicted for detectable molecular concentration increases following electrical pulsing.Keywords: apoptosis, cell survival, model, pathway
Procedia PDF Downloads 2407482 Evaluation of Hard Rocks Destruction Effectiveness at Drilling
Authors: Ekaterina Leusheva, Valentin Morenov
Well drilling in hard rocks is coupled with high energy demands which negates the speed of the process and thus reduces overall effectiveness. Aim of this project is to develop the technique of experimental research, which would allow to select optimal washing fluid composition while adding special hardness reducing detergent reagents. Based on the analysis of existing references and conducted experiments, technique dealing with quantitative evaluation of washing fluid weakening influence on drilled rocks was developed, which considers laboratory determination of three mud properties (density, surface tension, specific electrical resistance) and three rock properties (ultimate stress, dynamic strength, micro-hardness). Developed technique can be used in the well drilling technologies and particularly while creating new compositions of drilling muds for increased destruction effectiveness of hard rocks. It can be concluded that given technique introduces coefficient of hard rocks destruction effectiveness that allows quantitative evaluation of different drilling muds on the drilling process to be taken. Correct choice of drilling mud composition with hardness reducing detergent reagents will increase drilling penetration rate and drill meterage per bit.Keywords: detergent reagents, drilling mud, drilling process stimulation, hard rocks
Procedia PDF Downloads 5517481 A Survey on Intelligent Connected-Vehicle Applications Based on Intercommunication Techniques in Smart Cities
Authors: B. Karabuluter, O. Karaduman
Connected-Vehicles consists of intelligent vehicles, each of which can communicate with each other. Smart Cities are the most prominent application area of intelligent vehicles that can communicate with each other. The most important goal that is desired to be realized in Smart Cities planned for facilitating people's lives is to make transportation more comfortable and safe with intelligent/autonomous/driverless vehicles communicating with each other. In order to ensure these, the city must have communication infrastructure in the first place, and the vehicles must have the features to communicate with this infrastructure and with each other. In this context, intelligent transport studies to solve all transportation and traffic problems in classical cities continue to increase rapidly. In this study, current connected-vehicle applications developed for smart cities are considered in terms of communication techniques, vehicular networking, IoT, urban transportation implementations, intelligent traffic management, road safety, self driving. Taxonomies and assessments performed in the work show the trend of studies in inter-vehicle communication systems in smart cities and they are contributing to by ensuring that the requirements in this area are revealed.Keywords: smart city, connected vehicles, infrastructures, VANET, wireless communication, intelligent traffic management
Procedia PDF Downloads 5287480 Effect of Particle Size on Sintering Characteristics of Injection Molded 316L Powder
Authors: H. Özkan Gülsoy, Antonyraj Arockiasamy
The application of powder injection molding technology for the fabrication of metallic and non-metallic components is of growing interest as the process considerably saves time and cost. Utilizing this fabrication method, full dense components are being prepared in various sizes. In this work, our effort is focused to study the densification behavior of the parts made using different size 316L stainless steel powders. The metal powders were admixed with an adequate amount of polymeric compounds and molded as standard tensile bars. Solvent and thermal debinding was carried out followed by sintering in ultra pure hydrogen atmosphere based on the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) cycle. Mechanical property evaluation and microstructural characterization of the sintered specimens was performed using universal Instron tensile testing machine, Vicker’s microhardness tester, optical (OM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffraction were used. The results are compared and analyzed to predict the strength and weakness of the test conditions.Keywords: powder injection molding, sintering, particle size, stainless steels
Procedia PDF Downloads 3667479 Gold–M Heterobimetallic Complexes: Synthesis and Initial Reactivity Studies
Authors: Caroline Alice Rouget-Virbel, F. Dean Toste
Heterobimetallic systems have been precedented in a wide array of bioinorganic and heterogeneous catalytic settings, in which cooperative bond-breaking and bond-forming events mediated by neighboring metal sites have been proposed but are challenging to study and characterize. Heterodinuclear transition-metal catalysis has recently emerged as a promising strategy to tackle challenging chemical transformations, including C−C and C−X couplings as well as small molecule activation. It has been shown that these reactions can traverse nontraditional mechanisms, reactivities, and selectivities when homo- and heterobimetallic systems are employed. Moreover, stoichiometric studies of transmetallation from gold complexes have demonstrated that R transfer from PPh3–Au(I)R to Cp- and Cp*-ligated group 8/9 complexes is a viable elementary step. With these considerations in mind, we hypothesized that heterobimetallic Au–M complexes could serve as a viable and tunable catalyst platform to explore mechanisms and reactivity. In this work, heterobimetallic complexes containing Au(I) centers tethered to Ir(III) and Rh(III) piano stool moieties were synthesized and characterized. Preliminary application of these complexes to a catalytic allylic arylation reaction demonstrates bimetallic cooperativity relative to their monomeric metal components.Keywords: heterobimetallic, catalysis, gold, rhodium
Procedia PDF Downloads 1867478 Laboratory Calibration of Soil Pressure Transducer for a Specified Field Application
Authors: Mohammad Zahidul Islam Bhuiyan, Shanyong Wang, Scott William Sloan, Daichao Sheng
Nowadays soil pressure transducers are widely used to measure the soil stress states in laboratory and field experiments. The soil pressure transducers, investigated here, are traditional diaphragm-type earth pressure cells (DEPC) based on strain gauge principle. It is found that the output of these sensors varies with the soil conditions as well as the position of a sensor. Therefore, it is highly recommended to calibrate the pressure sensors based on the similar conditions of their intended applications. The factory calibration coefficients of the EPCs are not reliable to use since they are normally calibrated by applying fluid (a special type of oil) pressure only over load sensing zone, which does not represent the actual field conditions. Thus, the calibration of these sensors is utmost important, and they play a pivotal role for assessing earth pressures precisely. In the present study, TML soil pressure sensor is used to compare its sensitivity under different calibration systems, for example, fluid calibration, and static load calibration with or without soil. The results report that the sensor provides higher sensitivity (more accurate results) under soil calibration system.Keywords: calibration, soil pressure, earth pressure cell, sensitivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2457477 Light Emission Enhancement of Silicon Nanocrystals by Gold Layer
Authors: R. Karmouch
A thin gold metal layer was deposited on the top of silicon oxide films containing embedded Si nanocrystals (Si-nc). The sample was annealed in gas containing nitrogen, and subsequently characterized by photoluminescence. We obtained 3-fold enhancement of photon emission from the Si-nc embedded in silicon dioxide covered with a Gold layer as compared with an uncovered sample. We attribute this enhancement to the increase of the spontaneous emission rate caused by the coupling of the Si-nc emitters with the surface plasmons (SP). The evolution of PL emission with laser irradiated time was also collected from covered samples, and compared to that from uncovered samples. In an uncovered sample, the PL intensity decreases with time, approximately with two decay constants. Although the decrease of the initial PL intensity associated with the increase of sample temperature under CW pumping is still observed in samples covered with a gold layer, this film significantly contributes to reduce the permanent deterioration of the PL intensity. The resistance to degradation of light-emitting silicon nanocrystals can be increased by SP coupling to suppress the permanent deterioration. Controlling the permanent photodeterioration can allow to perform a reliable optical gain measurement.Keywords: photodeterioration, silicon nanocrystals, ion implantation, photoluminescence, surface plasmons
Procedia PDF Downloads 4237476 The Ductile Fracture of Armor Steel Targets Subjected to Ballistic Impact and Perforation: Calibration of Four Damage Criteria
Authors: Imen Asma Mbarek, Alexis Rusinek, Etienne Petit, Guy Sutter, Gautier List
Over the past two decades, the automotive, aerospace and army industries have been paying an increasing attention to Finite Elements (FE) numerical simulations of the fracture process of their structures. Thanks to the numerical simulations, it is nowadays possible to analyze several problems involving costly and dangerous extreme loadings safely and at a reduced cost such as blast or ballistic impact problems. The present paper is concerned with ballistic impact and perforation problems involving ductile fracture of thin armor steel targets. The target fracture process depends usually on various parameters: the projectile nose shape, the target thickness and its mechanical properties as well as the impact conditions (friction, oblique/normal impact...). In this work, the investigations are concerned with the normal impact of a conical head-shaped projectile on thin armor steel targets. The main aim is to establish a comparative study of four fracture criteria that are commonly used in the fracture process simulations of structures subjected to extreme loadings such as ballistic impact and perforation. Usually, the damage initiation results from a complex physical process that occurs at the micromechanical scale. On a macro scale and according to the following fracture models, the variables on which the fracture depends are mainly the stress triaxiality ƞ, the strain rate, temperature T, and eventually the Lode angle parameter Ɵ. The four failure criteria are: the critical strain to failure model, the Johnson-Cook model, the Wierzbicki model and the Modified Hosford-Coulomb model MHC. Using the SEM, the observations of the fracture facies of tension specimen and of armor steel targets impacted at low and high incident velocities show that the fracture of the specimens is a ductile fracture. The failure mode of the targets is petalling with crack propagation and the fracture facies are covered with micro-cavities. The parameters of each ductile fracture model have been identified for three armor steels and the applicability of each criterion was evaluated using experimental investigations coupled to numerical simulations. Two loading paths were investigated in this study, under a wide range of strain rates. Namely, quasi-static and intermediate uniaxial tension and quasi-static and dynamic double shear testing allow covering various values of stress triaxiality ƞ and of the Lode angle parameter Ɵ. All experiments were conducted on three different armor steel specimen under quasi-static strain rates ranging from 10-4 to 10-1 1/s and at three different temperatures ranging from 297K to 500K, allowing drawing the influence of temperature on the fracture process. Intermediate tension testing was coupled to dynamic double shear experiments conducted on the Hopkinson tube device, allowing to spot the effect of high strain rate on the damage evolution and the crack propagation. The aforementioned fracture criteria are implemented into the FE code ABAQUS via VUMAT subroutine and they were coupled to suitable constitutive relations allow having reliable results of ballistic impact problems simulation. The calibration of the four damage criteria as well as a concise evaluation of the applicability of each criterion are detailed in this work.Keywords: armor steels, ballistic impact, damage criteria, ductile fracture, SEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 3167475 Integrating the Modbus SCADA Communication Protocol with Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Authors: Despoina Chochtoula, Aristidis Ilias, Yannis Stamatiou
Modbus is a protocol that enables the communication among devices which are connected to the same network. This protocol is, often, deployed in connecting sensor and monitoring units to central supervisory servers in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, or SCADA, systems. These systems monitor critical infrastructures, such as factories, power generation stations, nuclear power reactors etc. in order to detect malfunctions and ignite alerts and corrective actions. However, due to their criticality, SCADA systems are vulnerable to attacks that range from simple eavesdropping on operation parameters, exchanged messages, and valuable infrastructure information to malicious modification of vital infrastructure data towards infliction of damage. Thus, the SCADA research community has been active over strengthening SCADA systems with suitable data protection mechanisms based, to a large extend, on cryptographic methods for data encryption, device authentication, and message integrity protection. However, due to the limited computation power of many SCADA sensor and embedded devices, the usual public key cryptographic methods are not appropriate due to their high computational requirements. As an alternative, Elliptic Curve Cryptography has been proposed, which requires smaller key sizes and, thus, less demanding cryptographic operations. Until now, however, no such implementation has been proposed in the SCADA literature, to the best of our knowledge. In order to fill this gap, our methodology was focused on integrating Modbus, a frequently used SCADA communication protocol, with Elliptic Curve based cryptography and develop a server/client application to demonstrate the proof of concept. For the implementation we deployed two C language libraries, which were suitably modify in order to be successfully integrated: libmodbus ( and ecc-lib The first library provides a C implementation of the Modbus/TCP protocol while the second one offers the functionality to develop cryptographic protocols based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography. These two libraries were combined, after suitable modifications and enhancements, in order to give a modified version of the Modbus/TCP protocol focusing on the security of the data exchanged among the devices and the supervisory servers. The mechanisms we implemented include key generation, key exchange/sharing, message authentication, data integrity check, and encryption/decryption of data. The key generation and key exchange protocols were implemented with the use of Elliptic Curve Cryptography primitives. The keys established by each device are saved in their local memory and are retained during the whole communication session and are used in encrypting and decrypting exchanged messages as well as certifying entities and the integrity of the messages. Finally, the modified library was compiled for the Android environment in order to run the server application as an Android app. The client program runs on a regular computer. The communication between these two entities is an example of the successful establishment of an Elliptic Curve Cryptography based, secure Modbus wireless communication session between a portable device acting as a supervisor station and a monitoring computer. Our first performance measurements are, also, very promising and demonstrate the feasibility of embedding Elliptic Curve Cryptography into SCADA systems, filling in a gap in the relevant scientific literature.Keywords: elliptic curve cryptography, ICT security, modbus protocol, SCADA, TCP/IP protocol
Procedia PDF Downloads 2787474 Enhancing Photocatalytic Activity of Oxygen Vacancies-Rich Tungsten Trioxide (WO₃) for Sustainable Energy Conversion and Water Purification
Authors: Satam Alotibi, Osama A. Hussein, Aziz H. Al-Shaibani, Nawaf A. Al-Aqeel, Abdellah Kaiba, Fatehia S. Alhakami, Mohammed Alyami, Talal F. Qahtan
The demand for sustainable and efficient energy conversion using solar energy has grown rapidly in recent years. In this pursuit, solar-to-chemical conversion has emerged as a promising approach, with oxygen vacancies-rich tungsten trioxide (WO₃) playing a crucial role. This study presents a method for synthesizing oxygen vacancies-rich WO3, resulting in a significant enhancement of its photocatalytic activity, representing a significant step towards sustainable energy solutions. Experimental results underscore the importance of oxygen vacancies in modifying the properties of WO₃. These vacancies introduce additional energy states within the material, leading to a reduction in the bandgap, increased light absorption, and acting as electron traps, thereby reducing emissions. Our focus lies in developing oxygen vacancies-rich WO₃, which demonstrates unparalleled potential for improved photocatalytic applications. The effectiveness of oxygen vacancies-rich WO₃ in solar-to-chemical conversion was showcased through rigorous assessments of its photocatalytic degradation performance. Sunlight irradiation was employed to evaluate the material's effectiveness in degrading organic pollutants in wastewater. The results unequivocally demonstrate the superior photocatalytic performance of oxygen vacancies-rich WO₃ compared to conventional WO₃ nanomaterials, establishing its efficacy in sustainable and efficient energy conversion. Furthermore, the synthesized material is utilized to fabricate films, which are subsequently employed in immobilized WO₃ and oxygen vacancies-rich WO₃ reactors for water purification under natural sunlight irradiation. This application offers a sustainable and efficient solution for water treatment, harnessing solar energy for effective decontamination. In addition to investigating the photocatalytic capabilities, we extensively analyze the structural and chemical properties of the synthesized material. The synthesis process involves in situ thermal reduction of WO₃ nano-powder in a nitrogen environment, meticulously monitored using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to ensure precise control over the synthesis of oxygen vacancies-rich WO₃. Comprehensive characterization techniques such as UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) provide deep insights into the material's optical properties, chemical composition, elemental states, structure, surface properties, and crystalline structure. This study represents a significant advancement in sustainable energy conversion through solar-to-chemical processes and water purification. By harnessing the unique properties of oxygen vacancies-rich WO₃, we not only enhance our understanding of energy conversion mechanisms but also pave the way for the development of highly efficient and environmentally friendly photocatalytic materials. The application of this material in water purification demonstrates its versatility and potential to address critical environmental challenges. These findings bring us closer to a sustainable energy future and cleaner water resources, laying a solid foundation for a more sustainable planet.Keywords: sustainable energy conversion, solar-to-chemical conversion, oxygen vacancies-rich tungsten trioxide (WO₃), photocatalytic activity enhancement, water purification
Procedia PDF Downloads 717473 Automated Heart Sound Classification from Unsegmented Phonocardiogram Signals Using Time Frequency Features
Authors: Nadia Masood Khan, Muhammad Salman Khan, Gul Muhammad Khan
Cardiologists perform cardiac auscultation to detect abnormalities in heart sounds. Since accurate auscultation is a crucial first step in screening patients with heart diseases, there is a need to develop computer-aided detection/diagnosis (CAD) systems to assist cardiologists in interpreting heart sounds and provide second opinions. In this paper different algorithms are implemented for automated heart sound classification using unsegmented phonocardiogram (PCG) signals. Support vector machine (SVM), artificial neural network (ANN) and cartesian genetic programming evolved artificial neural network (CGPANN) without the application of any segmentation algorithm has been explored in this study. The signals are first pre-processed to remove any unwanted frequencies. Both time and frequency domain features are then extracted for training the different models. The different algorithms are tested in multiple scenarios and their strengths and weaknesses are discussed. Results indicate that SVM outperforms the rest with an accuracy of 73.64%.Keywords: pattern recognition, machine learning, computer aided diagnosis, heart sound classification, and feature extraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2667472 Political Economy of Electronic News Media in Pakistan
Authors: Asad Ullah Khalid
This paper encompasses the application of the concept of political economy of mass media in Pakistan. The media has developed at a massive pace and now is considered as one of the vital parts in having better administration furthermore helps in conveying the issues identified with the government to the public. Albeit Pakistani media has gained much independence after 2003 but there are many social, political and economy factors which influence the content of the media. The study employs triangulation of quantitative and qualitative methods. In terms of methods, content analysis and interview method both are used. The content of Pakistani media is analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Moreover, interviews with various journalists are conducted, and their findings are disclosed in this paper. Pakistan's communication landscape is neither well documented nor well understood, leaving its public off guard with regards to reviewing the role and impact of news inflow, correspondence and media in political, economic and social life. It has been found out that on particular issues some media channels have strong affiliations with certain political parties, moreover reporting and coverage have also been affected by the factors like terrorism, state policies(written and verbal), advertising/economic and demographic factors like the composition of the population.Keywords: political economy, news media, Pakistan, electronic news media, journalism, mass media
Procedia PDF Downloads 3347471 Application of Random Forest Model in The Prediction of River Water Quality
Authors: Turuganti Venkateswarlu, Jagadeesh Anmala
Excessive runoffs from various non-point source land uses, and other point sources are rapidly contaminating the water quality of streams in the Upper Green River watershed, Kentucky, USA. It is essential to maintain the stream water quality as the river basin is one of the major freshwater sources in this province. It is also important to understand the water quality parameters (WQPs) quantitatively and qualitatively along with their important features as stream water is sensitive to climatic events and land-use practices. In this paper, a model was developed for predicting one of the significant WQPs, Fecal Coliform (FC) from precipitation, temperature, urban land use factor (ULUF), agricultural land use factor (ALUF), and forest land-use factor (FLUF) using Random Forest (RF) algorithm. The RF model, a novel ensemble learning algorithm, can even find out advanced feature importance characteristics from the given model inputs for different combinations. This model’s outcomes showed a good correlation between FC and climate events and land use factors (R2 = 0.94) and precipitation and temperature are the primary influencing factors for FC.Keywords: water quality, land use factors, random forest, fecal coliform
Procedia PDF Downloads 2007470 E-Government, China Internet Plus, and the One Belt One Road Initiative: The Africa Connection
Authors: Isaac Kofi Mensah, Mi Jianing
The lack of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) infrastructure in African countries is hampering the successful adoption, development and implementation of e-government in Africa. Electronic government is the use of ICTs to modernize government public administration processes and to provide government services to citizens with a purpose to enhance efficiency, accountability, and transparency in government’s interaction with the citizenry. ICT application in public administration has the potential to modernize and create smarter government and improvement in public service delivery. China’s Internet Plus policy and One Belt One Road strategy present a golden opportunity for countries in Africa to attract the huge financial investment through Chinese IT companies to develop and close Africa’s ICT infrastructure gap. This study recommends the establishment of One Belt One Road ICT Infrastructure Fund for Africa (OBOR ICT Fund for Africa) to enable countries in Africa to source solely for the purpose of ICT infrastructure development in the public sector/government machinery which would in turn promote the adoption and development of e-government in the public sectors of respective countries in Africa.Keywords: e-government, public service delivery, internet plus, one belt one road initiative, China, Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 6807469 Application of Electrical Resistivity, Induced Polarization and Statistical Methods in Chichak Iron Deposit Exploration
Authors: Shahrzad Maghsoodi, Hamid Reza Ranazi
This paper is devoted to exploration of Chichak (hematite) deposit, using electrical resistivity, chargeability and statistical methods. Chichak hematite deposit is located in Chichak area west Azarbaijan, northwest of Iran. There are some outcrops of hematite bodies in the area. The goal of this study was to identify the depth, thickness and shape of these bodies and to explore other probabile hematite bodies. Therefore nine profiles were considered to be surveyed by RS and IP method by utilizing an innovative electrode array so called CRSP (Combined Resistivity Sounding and Profiling). IP and RS sections were completed along each profile. In addition, the RS and IP data were analyzed and relation between these two variables was determined by statistical tools. Finally, hematite bodies were identified in each of the sections. The results showed that hematite bodies have a resistivity lower than 125 Ωm and very low chargeability, lower than 8 mV⁄V. After geophysical study some points were proposed for drilling, results obtained from drilling confirm the geophysical results.Keywords: Hematite deposit, Iron exploration, Electrical resistivity, Chargeability, Iran, Chichak, Statistical, CRSP electrodes array
Procedia PDF Downloads 807468 Digital Learning Repositories for Vocational Teaching and Knowledge Sharing
Authors: Prachyanun Nilsook, Panita Wannapiroon
The purpose of this research is to study a Digital Learning Repository System (DLRS) on vocational teachers and teaching in Thailand. The is a DLRS being utilized by the Office of Vocational Education Commission and operationalized by the Bureau of Personnel Competency Development for vocational education teachers. The aim of the system is to support and enhance the process of vocational teaching and to improve staff development by providing teachers with a variety of network connections and information. The system provides centralized hosting and access to content, and the ability to share digital objects or files, to set permissions and controls for access to content that can be used vocational education teachers for their teaching and for their own development. The elements of DLRS include; Digital learning system, Media Library, Knowledge-based system and Mobile Application. The system aims to link vocational teachers to the most effective emerging technologies available for learning, so they are better resourced to support their vocational students. The initial results from this evaluation indicate that there is a range of services provided by the system being used by vocational teachers and this paper indicates which facilities have the greatest usage and impact on vocational teaching in Thailand.Keywords: digital learning repositories, vocational education, knowledge sharing, learning objects
Procedia PDF Downloads 4687467 Missing Link Data Estimation with Recurrent Neural Network: An Application Using Speed Data of Daegu Metropolitan Area
Authors: JaeHwan Yang, Da-Woon Jeong, Seung-Young Kho, Dong-Kyu Kim
In terms of ITS, information on link characteristic is an essential factor for plan or operation. But in practical cases, not every link has installed sensors on it. The link that does not have data on it is called “Missing Link”. The purpose of this study is to impute data of these missing links. To get these data, this study applies the machine learning method. With the machine learning process, especially for the deep learning process, missing link data can be estimated from present link data. For deep learning process, this study uses “Recurrent Neural Network” to take time-series data of road. As input data, Dedicated Short-range Communications (DSRC) data of Dalgubul-daero of Daegu Metropolitan Area had been fed into the learning process. Neural Network structure has 17 links with present data as input, 2 hidden layers, for 1 missing link data. As a result, forecasted data of target link show about 94% of accuracy compared with actual data.Keywords: data estimation, link data, machine learning, road network
Procedia PDF Downloads 5117466 Capability Prediction of Machining Processes Based on Uncertainty Analysis
Authors: Hamed Afrasiab, Saeed Khodaygan
Prediction of machining process capability in the design stage plays a key role to reach the precision design and manufacturing of mechanical products. Inaccuracies in machining process lead to errors in position and orientation of machined features on the part, and strongly affect the process capability in the final quality of the product. In this paper, an efficient systematic approach is given to investigate the machining errors to predict the manufacturing errors of the parts and capability prediction of corresponding machining processes. A mathematical formulation of fixture locators modeling is presented to establish the relationship between the part errors and the related sources. Based on this method, the final machining errors of the part can be accurately estimated by relating them to the combined dimensional and geometric tolerances of the workpiece – fixture system. This method is developed for uncertainty analysis based on the Worst Case and statistical approaches. The application of the presented method is illustrated through presenting an example and the computational results are compared with the Monte Carlo simulation results.Keywords: process capability, machining error, dimensional and geometrical tolerances, uncertainty analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3097465 Drainage Management In A Cascade Hydroponic System: Combination Of Cucumber And Melon Crops
Authors: Nikolaos Katsoulas, Ioannis Naounoulis, Sofia Faliagka
Cascade hydroponic systems have the potential to minimize environmental impact and improve resource efficiency by recycling the nutrient solution drained from a hydroponic (primary-donor) crop to irrigate another (secondary-receiver), less sensitive to salinity crop. However, it remains unclear if the drained solution from the primary crop can fully meet the nutritional requirements of a secondary crop and whether the productivity of the secondary crop is affected. To address this question, a prototype cascade hydroponic system was designed and tested using a cucumber crop as the donor crop and a melon as secondary crop. The performance of the system in terms of productivity and water and nutrient use efficiency was evaluated by measuring plant growth, fresh and dry matter production, nutrients content, and photosynthesis rate in the secondary crop. The amount of water and nutrients used for the primary and secondary crops was also recorded. This work was carried out under the ECONUTRI project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Horizon Europe Grant agreement: 101081858.Keywords: hydroponics, salinity, water use efficiencu, nutrients use efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 847464 Protective Effect of Germinated Fenugreek Seeds on Keratoachantoma Cancer Skin
Authors: Zahra Sokar, Sara Oufquir, Brahim Eddafali, Abderrahman Chait
Fenugreek is one of the oldest plants used in traditional herbal medicine. Several studies have demonstrated the anticancer effects of seeds by inhibiting the proliferation, angiogenesis, invasion and metastasis of various cancers. While there is plenty of research demonstrating the antineoplastic effects of dormant seeds, little is known about the potential of sprouts in fighting cancer. Therefore, we propose to study the chemoprotective effect of germinating fenugreek seeds on keratoacanthoma skin cancer induced by cutaneous exposure to DMA/Croton oil in mice. The results obtained show that oral administration of 250 and 500 mg/kg aqueous sprout seed extract reduces the incidence, rate, volume, and tumor weight in a very significant manner. Histological examination revealed that mice treated with 250 mg/kg showed strong inhibition of squamous cell carcinoma formation with thickening of the epithelial layer and mild acanthosis and hyperkeratosis. A dose of 500 mg/kg prevented invasion and the occurrence of hyperkeratosis. Fenugreek sprouts appear to be a promising natural product for preventing keratoacanthoma skin cancer. Nevertheless, further studies in the same field need to be developed to evaluate the antineoplastic potential of germinated seeds.Keywords: anticancer, fenugreek, keratoacanthoma, sprouts
Procedia PDF Downloads 807463 Smart Brain Wave Sensor for Paralyzed- a Real Time Implementation
Authors: U.B Mahadevswamy UBM, Siraj Ahmed Siraj
As the title of the paper indicates about brainwaves and its uses for various applications based on their frequencies and different parameters which can be implemented as real time application with the title a smart brain wave sensor system for paralyzed patients. Brain wave sensing is to detect a person's mental status. The purpose of brain wave sensing is to give exact treatment to paralyzed patients. The data or signal is obtained from the brainwaves sensing band. This data are converted as object files using Visual Basics. The processed data is further sent to Arduino which has the human's behavioral aspects like emotions, sensations, feelings, and desires. The proposed device can sense human brainwaves and detect the percentage of paralysis that the person is suffering. The advantage of this paper is to give a real-time smart sensor device for paralyzed patients with paralysis percentage for their exact treatment. Keywords:-Brainwave sensor, BMI, Brain scan, EEG, MCH.Keywords: Keywords:-Brainwave sensor , BMI, Brain scan, EEG, MCH
Procedia PDF Downloads 1577462 Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Natural Convective Nanofluid Flow within a Trapezoidal Enclosure Using Meshfree Method
Authors: S. Nandal, R. Bhargava
The paper contains a numerical study of the unsteady magneto-hydrodynamic natural convection flow of nanofluids within a symmetrical wavy walled trapezoidal enclosure. The length and height of enclosure are both considered equal to L. Two-phase nanofluid model is employed. The governing equations of nanofluid flow along with boundary conditions are non-dimensionalized and are solved using one of Meshfree technique (EFGM method). Meshfree numerical technique does not require a predefined mesh for discretization purpose. The bottom wavy wall of the enclosure is defined using a cosine function. Element free Galerkin method (EFGM) does not require the domain. The effects of various parameters namely time t, amplitude of bottom wavy wall a, Brownian motion parameter Nb and thermophoresis parameter Nt is examined on rate of heat and mass transfer to get a visualization of cooling and heating effects. Such problems have important applications in heat exchangers or solar collectors, as wavy walled enclosures enhance heat transfer in comparison to flat walled enclosures.Keywords: heat transfer, meshfree methods, nanofluid, trapezoidal enclosure
Procedia PDF Downloads 1597461 Leveraging Digital Technologies for Smart Waste Management in CE: A Literature Review
Authors: Anne-Marie Tuomala
The study focuses on literature review of leveraging digital technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics (BDA), and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize waste collection, sorting, and recycling processes, thus promoting a circular economy (CE). The purpose of the study is to introduce how the smart waste management (SWM) systems boost the field compared with the traditional waste management. 27 articles highlight the tangible benefits of digitalization, but addressing barriers to adoption is essential for realizing the full potential of SWM technologies. The results show how digital technologies can be used to monitor and optimize waste collection, resource allocation, and improve efficiency and reduction of the contamination rates. In conclusion, this literature review underscores the transformative potential of digital technologies in advancing SWM systems and promoting CE. Future application should focus strategically 9R or other R strategies to speed up the transformation. Future research should focus on especially addressing challenges and identifying innovative strategies to accelerate the transition toward a more sustainable and circular waste management ecosystem.Keywords: circular economy, digital technologies, smart waste management, waste management strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 67460 Deep Graph Embeddings for the Analysis of Short Heartbeat Interval Time Series
Authors: Tamas Madl
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) constitutes a large proportion of cardiovascular mortalities, provides little advance warning, and the risk is difficult to recognize based on ubiquitous, low cost medical equipment such as the standard, 12-lead, ten second ECG. Autonomic abnormalities have been shown to be strongly predictive of SCD risk; yet current methods are not trivially applicable to the brevity and low temporal and electrical resolution of standard ECGs. Here, we build horizontal visibility graph representations of very short inter-beat interval time series, and perform unsuper- vised representation learning in order to convert these variable size objects into fixed-length vectors preserving similarity rela- tions. We show that such representations facilitate classification into healthy vs. at-risk patients on two different datasets, the Mul- tiparameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care II and the PhysioNet Sudden Cardiac Death Holter Database. Our results suggest that graph representation learning of heartbeat interval time series facilitates robust classification even in sequences as short as ten seconds.Keywords: sudden cardiac death, heart rate variability, ECG analysis, time series classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 2377459 Enhancing Dents through Lean Six Sigma
Authors: Prateek Guleria, Shubham Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Shukla, Harshit Sharma
Performance measurement of small and medium-sized businesses is the primary need for all companies to survive and thrive in a dynamic global company. A structured and systematic, integrated organization increases employee reliability, sustainability, and loyalty. This paper is a case study of a gear manufacturing industry that was facing the problem of rejection due to dents and damages in gear. The DMAIC cycle, along with different tools used in the research work includes SIPOC (Supply, Input, Process, Output, Control) Pareto analysis, Root & Cause analysis, and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis). The six-sigma level was improved from 4.06 to 3.46, and the rejection rate was reduced from 7.44% to 1.56%. These findings highlighted the influence of a Lean Six Sigma module in the gear manufacturing unit, which has already increased operational quality and continuity to increase market success and meet customer expectations. According to the findings, applying lean six sigma tools will result in increased productivity. The results could assist businesses in deciding the quality tools that were likely to improve efficiency, competitiveness, and expense.Keywords: six sigma, DMAIC, SIPOC, failure mode, effect analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1167458 Semiconducting Nanostructures Based Organic Pollutant Degradation Using Natural Sunlight for Water Remediation
Authors: Ankur Gupta, Jayant Raj Saurav, Shantanu Bhattacharya
In this work we report an effective water filtration system based on the photo catalytic performance of semiconducting dense nano-brushes under natural sunlight. During thin-film photocatalysis usually performed by a deposited layer of photocatalyst, a stagnant boundary layer is created near the catalyst which adversely affects the rate of adsorption because of diffusional restrictions. One strategy that may be used is to disrupt this laminar boundary layer by creating a super dense nanostructure near the surface of the catalyst. Further it is adequate to fabricate a structured filter element for a through pass of the water with as grown nanostructures coming out of the surface of such an element. So, the dye remediation is performed through solar means. This remediation was initially limited to lower efficiency because of diffusional restrictions but has now turned around as a fast process owing to the development of the filter materials with standing out dense nanostructures. The effect of increased surface area due to microholes on fraction adsorbed is also investigated and found that there is an optimum value of hole diameter for maximum adsorption.Keywords: nano materials, photocatalysis, waste water treatment, water remediation
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