Search results for: soil stabilization technique
1460 Spatial Distribution and Habitat Preference of Indian Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) in Madhesh Province, Nepal
Authors: Asmit Neupane, Narayan Prasad Gautam, Prabin Bhusal
Indian pangolin, locally called as ‘Salak’, ‘Sal machha’, ‘Pakho machha’, is a globally endangered species, nationally categorized as a critically endangered species, protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (NPWC) Act 1973 and appended in Appendix I of CITES. Indian pangolins occur in the tropical areas of Terai region and Chure foothills of eastern Nepal, and India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. They utilize a wide range of habitats, including primary and secondary tropical forest, limestone forest, bamboo forest, grassland, and agricultural lands. So, in regard to this fact, this research is aimed to provide detailed information regarding the current distribution pattern, status, habitat preference, prevailing threats and attitude of local people towards species conservation in Madhesh Province, Nepal. The study was conducted in four CFs, two from Bara district and two from Dhanusha district. The study area comprised of Churia range and foothills with tropical and sub-tropical vegetation. A total of 24 transects were established, each of 500*50 m2, where indirect signs of Indian pangolin, including active/old burrows, pugmarks and scratches, were found. Altogether 93 burrows were found, where only 20 were active burrows. Similarly, a vegetation survey and social survey was also conducted. The data was analyzed using Stata 16 and SPSS software. Distance from settlement, ground cover, aspect, presence/absence of ants/termites and human disturbance were the important habitat parameters having statistically significant relationship with the distribution of Indian pangolin in the area. The species was found to prefer an elevation of 360 to 540m, 0-15º slope, red soil, North-east aspect, moderate crown and ground cover, without fire and rocks, vicinity of water, roads, settlement, Sal dominated forest and minimum disturbed by human activities. Similarly, the attitude of local people towards Indian pangolin conservation was found to be significantly different with respect to age, sex and education level. The study concludes that majority of active burrows were found in Churia hills, which indicates that Indian pangolin population is gradually moving uphill towards higher elevation as hilly area supports better prey availability and also less human disturbance. Further studies are required to investigate microhabitat preferences, seasonal variability and impacts of climate change on the distribution, habitat and prey availability of Indian pangolin for the sustainable conservation of this species.Keywords: conservation, IUCN red list, local participation, small mammal, status, threats
Procedia PDF Downloads 801459 Active Control Effects on Dynamic Response of Elevated Water Storage Tanks
Authors: Ali Etemadi, Claudia Fernanda Yasar
Elevated water storage tank structures (EWSTs) are high elevated-ponderous structural systems and very vulnerable to seismic vibrations. In past earthquake events, many of these structures exhibit poor performance and experienced severe damage. The dynamic analysis of the EWSTs under earthquake loads is, therefore, of significant importance for the design of the structure and a key issue for the development of modern methods, such as active control design. In this study, a reduced model of the EWSTs is explained, which is based on a tuned mass damper model (TMD). Vibration analysis of a structure under seismic excitation is presented and then used to propose an active vibration controller. MATLAB/Simulink is employed for dynamic analysis of the system and control of the seismic response. A single degree of freedom (SDOF) and two degree of freedom (2DOF) models of ELSTs are going to be used to study the concept of active vibration control. Lab-scale experimental models similar to pendulum are applied to suppress vibrations in ELST under seismic excitation. One of the most important phenomena in liquid storage tanks is the oscillation of fluid due to the movements of the tank body because of its base motions during an earthquake. Simulation results illustrate that the EWSTs vibration can be reduced by means of an input shaping technique that takes into account the dominant mode shape of the structure. Simulations with which to guide many of our designs are presented in detail. A simple and effective real-time control for seismic vibration damping can be, therefore, design and built-in practice.Keywords: elevated water storage tank, tuned mass damper model, real time control, shaping control, seismic vibration control, the laplace transform
Procedia PDF Downloads 1521458 Combination Method Cold Plasma and Liquid Threads
Authors: Nino Tsamalaidze
Cold plasma is an ionized neutral gas with a temperature of 30-40 degrees, but the impact of HP includes not only gas, but also active molecules, charged particles, heat and UV radiation of low power The main goal of the technology we describe is to launch the natural function of skin regeneration and improve the metabolism inside, which leads to a huge effect of rejuvenation. In particular: eliminate fine mimic wrinkles; get rid of wrinkles around the mouth (purse-string wrinkles); reduce the overhang of the upper eyelid; eliminate bags under the eyes; provide a lifting effect on the oval of the face; reduce stretch marks; shrink pores; even out the skin, reduce the appearance of acne, scars; remove pigmentation. A clear indication of the major findings of the study is based on the current patients practice. The method is to use combination of cold plasma and liquid threats. The advantage of cold plasma is undoubtedly its efficiency, the result of its implementation can be compared with the result of a surgical facelift, despite the fact that the procedure is non-invasive and the risks are minimized. Another advantage is that the technique can be applied on the most sensitive skin of the face - these are the eyelids and the space around the eyes. Cold plasma is one of the few techniques that eliminates bags under the eyes and overhanging eyelids, while not violating the integrity of the tissues. In addition to rejuvenation and lifting effect, among the benefits of cold plasma is also getting rid of scars, kuperoze, stretch marks and other skin defects, plasma allows to get rid of acne, seborrhea, skin fungus and even heals ulcers. The cold plasma method makes it possible to achieve a result similar to blepharoplasty. Carried out on the skin of the eyelids, the procedure allows non-surgical correction of the eyelid line in 3-4 sessions. One of the undoubted advantages of this method is a short rehabilitation and rapid healing of the skin.Keywords: wrinkles, telangiectasia, pigmentation, pore closing
Procedia PDF Downloads 841457 Fabrication Methodologies for Anti-Microbial Polypropylene Surfaces with Leachable and Non-leachable Anti-Microbial Agents
Authors: Saleh Alkarri, Dimple Sharma, Teresa M. Bergholz, Muhammad Rabnawaz
Aims: Develop a methodology for the fabrication of anti-microbial polypropylene (PP) surfaces with (i) leachable copper, (II) chloride dihydrate (CuCl₂·₂H₂O) and (ii) non-leachable magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)₂) biocides. Methods and Results: Two methodologies are used to develop anti-microbial PP surfaces. One method involves melt-blending and subsequent injection molding, where the biocide additives were compounded with PP and subsequently injection-molded. The other method involves the thermal embossing of anti-microbial agents on the surface of a PP substrate. The obtained biocide-bearing PP surfaces were evaluated against E. coli K-12 MG1655 for 0, 4, and 24 h to evaluate their anti-microbial properties. The injection-molded PP bearing 5% CuCl2·₂H₂O showed a 6-log reduction of E. coli K-12 MG1655 after 24 h, while only 1 log reduction was observed for PP bearing 5% Mg(OH)2. The thermally embossed PP surfaces bearing CuCl2·2H2O and Mg(OH)₂ particles (at a concentration of 10 mg/mL) showed 3 log and 4 log reduction, respectively, against E.coli K-12 MG1655 after 24 h. Conclusion: The results clearly demonstrate that CuCl₂·2H₂O conferred anti-microbial properties to PP surfaces that were prepared by both injection molding as well as thermal embossing approaches owing to the presence of leachable copper ions. In contrast, the non-leachable Mg(OH)₂ imparted anti-microbial properties only to the surface prepared via the thermal embossing technique. Significance and Impact of The Study: Plastics with leachable biocides are effective anti-microbial surfaces, but their toxicity is a major concern. This study provides a fabrication methodology for non-leachable PP-based anti-microbial surfaces that are potentially safer. In addition, this strategy can be extended to many other plastics substrates.Keywords: anti-microbial activity, E. coli K-12 MG1655, copper (II) chloride dihydrate, magnesium hydroxide, leachable, non-leachable, compounding, thermal embossing
Procedia PDF Downloads 781456 Fabrication Methodologies for Anti-microbial Polypropylene Surfaces with Leachable and Non-leachable Anti-microbial Agents
Authors: Saleh Alkarri, Dimple Sharma, Teresa M. Bergholz, Muhammad Rabnawa
Aims: Develop a methodology for the fabrication of anti-microbial polypropylene (PP) surfaces with (i) leachable copper (II) chloride dihydrate (CuCl2·2H2O) and (ii) non-leachable magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) biocides. Methods and Results: Two methodologies are used to develop anti-microbial PP surfaces. One method involves melt-blending and subsequent injection molding, where the biocide additives were compounded with PP and subsequently injection-molded. The other method involves the thermal embossing of anti-microbial agents on the surface of a PP substrate. The obtained biocide-bearing PP surfaces were evaluated against E. coli K-12 MG1655 for 0, 4, and 24 h to evaluate their anti-microbial properties. The injection-molded PP bearing 5% CuCl2·2H2O showed a 6-log reduction of E. coli K-12 MG1655 after 24 h, while only 1 log reduction was observed for PP bearing 5% Mg(OH)2. The thermally embossed PP surfaces bearing CuCl2·2H2O and Mg(OH)2 particles (at a concentration of 10 mg/mL) showed 3 log and 4 log reduction, respectively, against E.coli K-12 MG1655 after 24 h. Conclusion: The results clearly demonstrate that CuCl2·2H2O conferred anti-microbial properties to PP surfaces that were prepared by both injection molding as well as thermal embossing approaches owing to the presence of leachable copper ions. In contrast, the non-leachable Mg(OH)2 imparted anti-microbial properties only to the surface prepared via the thermal embossing technique. Significance and Impact of The Study: Plastics with leachable biocides are effective anti-microbial surfaces, but their toxicity is a major concern. This study provides a fabrication methodology for non-leachable PP-based anti-microbial surfaces that are potentially safer. In addition, this strategy can be extended to many other plastics substrates.Keywords: anti-microbial activity, E. coli K-12 MG1655, copper (II) chloride dihydrate, magnesium hydroxide, leachable, non-leachable, compounding, thermal embossing
Procedia PDF Downloads 851455 Radiofrequency Ablation: A Technique in the Management of Low Anal Fistula
Authors: R. Suresh, C. B. Singh, A. K. Sarda
Background: Over the decades, several surgical techniques have been developed to treat anal fistulas with variable success rates and complications. Large amount of work has been done in radiofrequency excision of the fistula for several years but no work has been done for ablating the tract. Therefore one can consider for obliteration ofanal fistula by Radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Material and Methods: A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted at Lok Nayak Hospital, where a total of 40 patients were enrolled in the study and they were randomly assigned to Group I (fistulectomy)(n=20) and Group II (RFA) (n=20). Aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of RFA of fistula versus fistulectomy in the treatment of a low anal fistula and to evaluate RFA as an effective alternative to fistulectomy with respect to time taken for wound healing as primary outcome and post-operative pain, time taken to return to work as secondary outcomes. Patients with simple low anal fistulas, single internal and external opening, not more than two secondary tracts were included. Patients with high complex fistula, fistulas communicating with cavity, fistula due to condition like tuberculosis, Crohn's, malignancy were excluded from the study. Results: Both groups were comparable with respect to age, sex ratio, type of fistula. Themean healing time was significantly shorter in group II (41.02 days) than in group I(62.68 days).The mean operative time was significantly shorter in groupII (21.40 min) than in group I(28.50 min). The mean time taken to return to work was significantly shorter in group II(8.30 days)than in group I(12.01 days).There was no significant difference in the post operative hospital stay, mean postoperative pain score, wound infection and recurrence between the two groups. Conclusion: The patients who underwent RFA of fistula had shorter wound healing time, operative time and time taken to return to work when compared to those who underwent fistulectomy and therefore RFA shows outcome comparable to fistulectomy in the treatment of low anal fistula.Keywords: fistulectomy, low anal fistula, radio frequency ablation, wound healing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3461454 Rheological Evaluation of Wall Materials and β-Carotene Loaded Microencapsules
Authors: Gargi Ghoshal, Ashay Jain, Deepika Thakur, U. S. Shivhare, O. P. Katare
The main objectives of this work were the rheological characterization of dispersions, emulsions at different pH used in the microcapsules preparation and the microcapsules obtain from gum arabic (A), guar gum (G), casein (C) and whey protein isolate (W) to keep β-carotene protected from degradation using the complex coacervation microencapsulation technique (CCM). The evaluation of rheological properties of dispersions, emulsions of different pH and so obtained microencapsules manifest the changes occur in the molecular structure of wall materials during the encapsulation process of β-carotene. These dispersions, emulsions of different pH and formulated microencapsules were subjected to go through various conducted experiments (flow curve test, amplitude sweep, and frequency sweep test) using controlled stress dynamic rheometer. Flow properties were evaluated as a function of apparent viscosity under steady shear rate ranging from 0.1 to 100 s-1. The frequency sweep test was conducted to determine the extent of viscosity and elasticity present in the samples at constant strain under changing angular frequency range from 0.1 to 100 rad/s at 25ºC. The dispersions and emulsion exhibited a shear thinning non-Newtonian behavior whereas microencapsules are considered as shear-thickening respectively. The apparent viscosity for dispersion, emulsions were decreased at low shear rates 20 s-1 and for microencapsules, it decreases up to ~50 s-1 besides these value, it has shown constant pattern. Oscillatory shear experiments showed a predominant viscous liquid behavior up to crossover frequencies of dispersions of C, W, A at 49.47 rad/s, 57.60 rad/s and 21.45 rad/s emulsion sample of AW at pH 5.0 it was 17.85 rad/s and GW microencapsules 61.40 rad/s respectively whereas no such crossover was found in G dispersion, emulsion with C and microencapsules still it showed more viscous behavior. Storage and loss modulus decreases with time also a shift of the crossover towards lower frequencies for A, W and C was observed respectively. However, their microencapsules showed more viscous behavior as compared to samples prior to blending.Keywords: viscosity, gums, proteins, frequency sweep test, apparent viscosity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2471453 Revolutionizing Autonomous Trucking Logistics with Customer Relationship Management Cloud
Authors: Sharda Kumari, Saiman Shetty
Autonomous trucking is just one of the numerous significant shifts impacting fleet management services. The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has defined six levels of vehicle automation that have been adopted internationally, including by the United States Department of Transportation. On public highways in the United States, organizations are testing driverless vehicles with at least Level 4 automation which indicates that a human is present in the vehicle and can disable automation, which is usually done while the trucks are not engaged in highway driving. However, completely driverless vehicles are presently being tested in the state of California. While autonomous trucking can increase safety, decrease trucking costs, provide solutions to trucker shortages, and improve efficiencies, logistics, too, requires advancements to keep up with trucking innovations. Given that artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automated procedures enable people to do their duties in other sectors with fewer resources, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) can be applied to the autonomous trucking business to provide the same level of efficiency. In a society witnessing significant digital disruptions, fleet management is likewise being transformed by technology. Utilizing strategic alliances to enhance core services is an effective technique for capitalizing on innovations and delivering enhanced services. Utilizing analytics on CRM systems improves cost control of fuel strategy, fleet maintenance, driver behavior, route planning, road safety compliance, and capacity utilization. Integration of autonomous trucks with automated fleet management, yard/terminal management, and customer service is possible, thus having significant power to redraw the lines between the public and private spheres in autonomous trucking logistics.Keywords: autonomous vehicles, customer relationship management, customer experience, autonomous trucking, digital transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1101452 The Adequacy of Antenatal Care Services among Slum Residents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Authors: Yibeltal T. Bayou, Yohana S. Mashalla, Gloria Thupayagale-Tshweneagae
Background: Maternal mortality has been shown to be lower in urban areas than in rural areas. However, disparities for the fast-growing population of urban poor who struggle as much their rural counterparts to access quality healthcare are masked by the urban averages. The aim of this paper is to report on the findings of antenatal adequacy among slum residents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methods and Materials: A quantitative and cross-sectional community-based study design was employed. A stratified two-stage cluster sampling technique was used to determine the sample and data was collected using structured questionnaire administered to 837 women aged 15-49 years. Binary logistic regression models were employed to identify predictors of adequacy of antenatal care. Results: The majority of slum residents did not have adequate antenatal care services i.e., only 50.7%, 19.3% and 10.2% of the slum resident women initiated early antenatal care, received adequate antenatal care service contents and had overall adequate antenatal care services. Pregnancy intention, educational status and place of ANC visits were important determinant factors for adequacy of ANC in the study area. Women with secondary and above educational status were 2.9 times more likely to have overall adequate care compared to those with no formal education. Similarly, women whose last pregnancy was intended and clients of private healthcare facilities were 1.8 and 2.8 times more likely to have overall adequate antenatal care compared to those whose last pregnancy was unintended and clients of public healthcare facilities respectively. Conclusion: In order to improve ANC adequacy in the study area, the policymaking, planning, and implementation processes should focus on the poor adequacy of ANC among the disadvantaged groups in particular and the slum residents in general.Keywords: Addis Ababa, adequacy of antenatal care, slum residents, maternal mortality
Procedia PDF Downloads 4251451 Technology Assessment of the Collection of Cast Seaweed and Use as Feedstock for Biogas Production- The Case of SolrøD, Denmark
Authors: Rikke Lybæk, Tyge Kjær
The Baltic Sea is suffering from nitrogen and phosphorus pollution, which causes eutrophication of the maritime environment and hence threatens the biodiversity of the Baltic Sea area. The intensified quantity of nutrients in the water has created challenges with the growth of seaweed being discarded on beaches around the sea. The cast seaweed has led to odor problems hampering the use of beach areas around the Bay of Køge in Denmark. This is the case in, e.g., Solrød Municipality, where recreational activities have been disrupted when cast seaweed pile up on the beach. Initiatives have, however, been introduced within the municipality to remove the cast seaweed from the beach and utilize it for renewable energy production at the nearby Solrød Biogas Plant, thus being co-digested with animal manure for power and heat production. This paper investigates which type of technology application’s have been applied in the effort to optimize the collection of cast seaweed, and will further reveal, how the seaweed has been pre-treated at the biogas plant to be utilized for energy production the most efficient, hereunder the challenges connected with the content of sand. Heavy metal contents in the seaweed and how it is managed will also be addressed, which is vital as the digestate is utilized as soil fertilizer on nearby farms. Finally, the paper will outline the energy production scheme connected to the use of seaweed as feedstock for biogas production, as well as the amount of nitrogen-rich fertilizer produced. The theoretical approach adopted in the paper relies on the thinking of Circular Bio-Economy, where biological materials are cascaded and re-circulated etc., to increase and extend their value and usability. The data for this research is collected as part of the EU Interreg project “Cluster On Anaerobic digestion, environmental Services, and nuTrients removAL” (COASTAL Biogas), 2014-2020. Data gathering consists of, e.g., interviews with relevant stakeholders connected to seaweed collection and operation of the biogas plant in Solrød Municipality. It further entails studies of progress and evaluation reports from the municipality, analysis of seaweed digestion results from scholars connected to the research, as well as studies of scientific literature to supplement the above. Besides this, observations and photo documentation have been applied in the field. This paper concludes, among others, that the seaweed harvester technology currently adopted is functional in the maritime environment close to the beachfront but inadequate in collecting seaweed directly on the beach. New technology hence needs to be developed to increase the efficiency of seaweed collection. It is further concluded that the amount of sand transported to Solrød Biogas Plant with the seaweed continues to pose challenges. The seaweed is pre-treated for sand in a receiving tank with a strong stirrer, washing off the sand, which ends at the bottom of the tank where collected. The seaweed is then chopped by a macerator and mixed with the other feedstock. The wear down of the receiving tank stirrer and the chopper are, however, significant, and new methods should be adopted.Keywords: biogas, circular bio-economy, Denmark, maritime technology, cast seaweed, solrød municipality
Procedia PDF Downloads 2941450 Transcriptional Evidence for the Involvement of MyD88 in Flagellin Recognition: Genomic Identification of Rock Bream MyD88 and Comparative Analysis
Authors: N. Umasuthan, S. D. N. K. Bathige, W. S. Thulasitha, I. Whang, J. Lee
The MyD88 is an evolutionarily conserved host-expressed adaptor protein that is essential for proper TLR/ IL1R immune-response signaling. A previously identified complete cDNA (1626 bp) of OfMyD88 comprised an ORF of 867 bp encoding a protein of 288 amino acids (32.9 kDa). The gDNA (3761 bp) of OfMyD88 revealed a quinquepartite genome organization composed of 5 exons (with the sizes of 310, 132, 178, 92 and 155 bp) separated by 4 introns. All the introns displayed splice signals consistent with the consensus GT/AG rule. A bipartite domain structure with two domains namely death domain (24-103) coded by 1st exon, and TIR domain (151-288) coded by last 3 exons were identified through in silico analysis. Moreover, homology modeling of these two domains revealed a similar quaternary folding nature between human and rock bream homologs. A comprehensive comparison of vertebrate MyD88 genes showed that they possess a 5-exonic structure. In this structure, the last three exons were strongly conserved, and this suggests that a rigid structure has been maintained during vertebrate evolution. A cluster of TATA box-like sequences were found 0.25 kb upstream of cDNA starting position. In addition, putative 5'-flanking region of OfMyD88 was predicted to have TFBS implicated with TLR signaling, including copies of NFB1, APRF/ STAT3, Sp1, IRF1 and 2 and Stat1/2. Using qPCR technique, a ubiquitous mRNA expression was detected in liver and blood. Furthermore, a significantly up-regulated transcriptional expression of OfMyD88 was detected in head kidney (12-24 h; >2-fold), spleen (6 h; 1.5-fold), liver (3 h; 1.9-fold) and intestine (24 h; ~2-fold) post-Fla challenge. These data suggest a crucial role for MyD88 in antibacterial immunity of teleosts.Keywords: MyD88, innate immunity, flagellin, genomic analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4161449 Ruta graveolens Fingerprints Obtained with Reversed-Phase Gradient Thin-Layer Chromatography with Controlled Solvent Velocity
Authors: Adrian Szczyrba, Aneta Halka-Grysinska, Tomasz Baj, Tadeusz H. Dzido
Since prehistory, plants were constituted as an essential source of biologically active substances in folk medicine. One of the examples of medicinal plants is Ruta graveolens L. For a long time, Ruta g. herb has been famous for its spasmolytic, diuretic, or anti-inflammatory therapeutic effects. The wide spectrum of secondary metabolites produced by Ruta g. includes flavonoids (eg. rutin, quercetin), coumarins (eg. bergapten, umbelliferone) phenolic acids (eg. rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid), and limonoids. Unfortunately, the presence of produced substances is highly dependent on environmental factors like temperature, humidity, or soil acidity; therefore standardization is necessary. There were many attempts of characterization of various phytochemical groups (eg. coumarins) of Ruta graveolens using the normal – phase thin-layer chromatography (TLC). However, due to the so-called general elution problem, usually, some components remained unseparated near the start or finish line. Therefore Ruta graveolens is a very good model plant. Methanol and petroleum ether extract from its aerial parts were used to demonstrate the capabilities of the new device for gradient thin-layer chromatogram development. The development of gradient thin-layer chromatograms in the reversed-phase system in conventional horizontal chambers can be disrupted by problems associated with an excessive flux of the mobile phase to the surface of the adsorbent layer. This phenomenon is most likely caused by significant differences between the surface tension of the subsequent fractions of the mobile phase. An excessive flux of the mobile phase onto the surface of the adsorbent layer distorts the flow of the mobile phase. The described effect produces unreliable, and unrepeatable results, causing blurring and deformation of the substance zones. In the prototype device, the mobile phase solution is delivered onto the surface of the adsorbent layer with controlled velocity (by moving pipette driven by 3D machine). The delivery of the solvent to the adsorbent layer is equal to or lower than that of conventional development. Therefore chromatograms can be developed with optimal linear mobile phase velocity. Furthermore, under such conditions, there is no excess of eluent solution on the surface of the adsorbent layer so the higher performance of the chromatographic system can be obtained. Directly feeding the adsorbent layer with eluent also enables to perform convenient continuous gradient elution practically without the so-called gradient delay. In the study, unique fingerprints of methanol and petroleum ether extracts of Ruta graveolens aerial parts were obtained with stepwise gradient reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography. Obtained fingerprints under different chromatographic conditions will be compared. The advantages and disadvantages of the proposed approach to chromatogram development with controlled solvent velocity will be discussed.Keywords: fingerprints, gradient thin-layer chromatography, reversed-phase TLC, Ruta graveolens
Procedia PDF Downloads 2891448 Achieving Sustainable Agriculture with Treated Municipal Wastewater
Authors: Reshu Yadav, Himanshu Joshi, S. K. Tripathi
Fresh water is a scarce resource which is essential for humans and ecosystems, but its distribution is uneven. Agricultural production accounts for 70% of all surface water supplies. It is projected that against the expansion in the area equipped for irrigation by 0.6% per year, the global potential irrigation water demand would rise by 9.5% during 2021-25. This would, on one hand, have to compete against the sharply rising urban water demand. On the other, it would also have to face the fear of climate change, as temperatures rise and crop yields could drop from 10-30% in many large areas. The huge demand for irrigation combined with fresh water scarcity encourages to explore the reuse of wastewater as a resource. However, the use of such wastewater is often linked to the safety issues when used non judiciously or with poor safeguards while irrigating food crops. Paddy is one of the major crops globally and amongst the most important in South Asia and Africa. In many parts of the world, use of municipal wastewater has been promoted as a viable option in this regard. In developing and fast growing countries like India, regularly increasing wastewater generation rates may allow this option to be considered quite seriously. In view of this, a pilot field study was conducted at the Jagjeetpur Municipal Sewage treatment plant situated in the Haridwar town of Uttarakhand state, India. The objectives of the present study were to study the effect of treated wastewater on the production of various paddy varieties (Sharbati, PR-114, PB-1, Menaka, PB1121 and PB 1509) and emission of GHG gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) as compared to the same varieties grown in the control plots irrigated with fresh water. Of late, the concept of water footprint assessment has emerged, which explains enumeration of various types of water footprints of an agricultural entity from its production to processing stages. Paddy, the most water demanding staple crop of Uttarakhand state, displayed a high green water footprint value of 2966.538 m3/ton. Most of the wastewater irrigated varieties displayed upto 6% increase in production, except Menaka and PB-1121, which showed a reduction in production (6% and 3% respectively), due to pest and insect infestation. The treated wastewater was observed to be rich in Nitrogen (55.94 mg/ml Nitrate), Phosphorus (54.24 mg/ml) and Potassium (9.78 mg/ml), thus rejuvenating the soil quality and not requiring any external nutritional supplements. Percentage increase of GHG gases on irrigation with treated municipal waste water as compared to control plots was observed as 0.4% - 8.6% (CH4), 1.1% - 9.2% (CO2), and 0.07% - 5.8% (N2O). The variety, Sharbati, displayed maximum production (5.5 ton/ha) and emerged as the most resistant variety against pests and insects. The emission values of CH4 ,CO2 and N2O were 729.31 mg/m2/d, 322.10 mg/m2/d and 400.21 mg/m2/d in water stagnant condition. This study highlighted a successful possibility of reuse of wastewater for non-potable purposes offering the potential for exploiting this resource that can replace or reduce existing use of fresh water sources in agricultural sector.Keywords: greenhouse gases, nutrients, water footprint, wastewater irrigation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3211447 Financial Liberalization, Exchange Rates and Demand for Money in Developing Economies: The Case of Nigeria, Ghana and Gambia
Authors: John Adebayo Oloyhede
This paper examines effect of financial liberalization on the stability of the demand for money function and its implication for exchange rate behaviour of three African countries. As the demand for money function is regarded as one of the two main building blocks of most exchange rate determination models, the other being purchasing power parity, its stability is required for the monetary models of exchange rate determination to hold. To what extent has the liberalisation policy of these countries, for instance liberalised interest rate, affected the demand for money function and what has been the consequence on the validity and relevance of floating exchange rate models? The study adopts the Autoregressive Instrumental Package (AIV) of multiple regression technique and followed the Almon Polynomial procedure with zero-end constraint. Data for the period 1986 to 2011 were drawn from three developing countries of Africa, namely: Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria, which did not only start the liberalization and floating system almost at the same period but share similar and diverse economic and financial structures. Its findings show that the demand for money was a stable function of income and interest rate at home and abroad. Other factors such as exchange rate and foreign interest rate exerted some significant effect on domestic money demand. The short-run and long-run elasticity with respect to income, interest rates, expected inflation rate and exchange rate expectation are not greater than zero. This evidence conforms to some extent to the expected behaviour of the domestic money function and underscores its ability to serve as good building block or assumption of the monetary model of exchange rate determination. This will, therefore, assist appropriate monetary authorities in the design and implementation of further financial liberalization policy packages in developing countries.Keywords: financial liberalisation, exchange rates, demand for money, developing economies
Procedia PDF Downloads 3731446 A One-Dimensional Modeling Analysis of the Influence of Swirl and Tumble Coefficient in a Single-Cylinder Research Engine
Authors: Mateus Silva Mendonça, Wender Pereira de Oliveira, Gabriel Heleno de Paula Araújo, Hiago Tenório Teixeira Santana Rocha, Augusto César Teixeira Malaquias, José Guilherme Coelho Baeta
The stricter legislation and the greater demand of the population regard to gas emissions and their effects on the environment as well as on human health make the automotive industry reinforce research focused on reducing levels of contamination. This reduction can be achieved through the implementation of improvements in internal combustion engines in such a way that they promote the reduction of both specific fuel consumption and air pollutant emissions. These improvements can be obtained through numerical simulation, which is a technique that works together with experimental tests. The aim of this paper is to build, with support of the GT-Suite software, a one-dimensional model of a single-cylinder research engine to analyze the impact of the variation of swirl and tumble coefficients on the performance and on the air pollutant emissions of an engine. Initially, the discharge coefficient is calculated through the software Converge CFD 3D, given that it is an input parameter in GT-Power. Mesh sensitivity tests are made in 3D geometry built for this purpose, using the mass flow rate in the valve as a reference. In the one-dimensional simulation is adopted the non-predictive combustion model called Three Pressure Analysis (TPA) is, and then data such as mass trapped in cylinder, heat release rate, and accumulated released energy are calculated, aiming that the validation can be performed by comparing these data with those obtained experimentally. Finally, the swirl and tumble coefficients are introduced in their corresponding objects so that their influences can be observed when compared to the results obtained previously.Keywords: 1D simulation, single-cylinder research engine, swirl coefficient, three pressure analysis, tumble coefficient
Procedia PDF Downloads 1071445 Microwave Assisted Rapid Synthesis of Nano-Binder from Renewable Resource and Their Application in Textile Printing
Authors: K. Haggag, N. S. Elshemy
Due to limited fossil resource and an increased need for environmentally friendly, sustainable technologies, the importance of using renewable feed stocks in textile industry area will increase in the decades to come. This research highlights some of the perspectives in this area. Alkyd resins for high characterization and reactive properties, completely based on commercially available renewable resources (sunflower and/or soybean oil) were prepared and characterized. In this work, we present results on the synthesis of various alkyd resins according to the alcoholysis – polyesterification process under different preparation conditions using a microwave synthesis as energy source to determine suitable reaction conditions. Effects of polymerization parameters, such as catalyst ratio, reaction temperature and microwave power level have been studied. The prepared binder was characterized via FT-IR, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), in addition to acid value (AV), iodine value (IV), water absorbance, weight loss, and glass transition temperature. The prepared binder showed high performance physico-mechanical properties. TEM analysis showed that the polymer latex nanoparticle within range of 20–200 nm. The study involved the application of the prepared alkyd resins as binder for pigment printing process onto cotton fabric by using a flat screen technique and the prints were dried and thermal cured. The optimum curing conditions were determined, color strength and fastness properties of pigment printed areas to light, washing, perspiration and crocking were evaluated. The rheological properties and apparent viscosity of prepared binders were measured in addition roughness of the prints was also determined.Keywords: nano-binder, microwave heating, renewable resource, alkyd resins, sunflower oil, soybean oil
Procedia PDF Downloads 3741444 Electrospun NaMnPO₄/CNF as High-Performance Cathode Material for Sodium Ion Batteries
Authors: Concetta Busacca, Leone Frusteri, Orazio Di Blasi, Alessandra Di Blasi
The large-scale extension of renewable energy led, recently, to the development of efficient and low-cost electrochemical energy storage (EES) systems such as batteries. Although lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology is relatively mature, several issues regarding safety, cyclability, and high costs must be overcome. Thanks to the availability and low cost of sodium, sodium-ion batteries (NIB) have the potential to meet the energy storage needs of the large-scale grid, becoming a valid alternative to LIB in some energy sectors, such as the stationary one. However, important challenges such as low specific energy and short cyclic life due to the large radius of Na+ must be faced to introduce this technology into the market. As an important component of SIBs, cathode materials have a significant effect on the electrochemical performance of SIBs. Recently, sodium layer transition metal oxides, phosphates, and organic compounds have been investigated as cathode materials for SIBs. In particular, phosphate-based compounds such as NaₓMPO₄ (M= Fe, Co, Mn) have been extensively studied as cathodic polyanion materials due to their long cycle stability and appropriate operating voltage. Among these, an interesting cathode material is the NaMnPO₄ based one, thanks to the stability and the high redox potential of the Mn²⁺/Mn³⁺ ion pair (3÷4 V vs. Na+/Na), which allows reaching a high energy density. This work concerns with the synthesis of a composite material based on NaMnPO₄ and carbon nanofibers (NaMnPO₄-CNF) characterized by a mixed crystalline structure between the maricite and olivine phases and a self-standing manufacture obtained by electrospinning technique. The material was tested in a Na-ion battery coin cell in half cell configuration, and showed outstanding electrocatalytic performances with a specific discharge capacity of 125 mAhg⁻¹ and 101 mAhg⁻¹ at 0.3C and 0.6C, respectively, and a retention capacity of about 80% a 0.6C after 100 cycles.Keywords: electrospinning, self standing materials, Na ion battery, cathode materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 711443 Conflicts and Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS: Gender Dimension in Rain Forest Zone of Nigeria
Authors: K. K. Bolarinwa, A. F. O. Ayinde, B. B. Abiona, O. Oyekunle
Conflict and HIV/AIDS infection have had a profound impact on the Sub-Saharan African societies, individually and collectively. Nigeria has been experiencing several violent conflicts in many communities across the geographical spread of the country. These conflicts which often lead to loss of lives, properties and loss of livelihoods are mainly felt by women in terms of increased responsibility towards affected family members with attendant decrease in livelihood options. Despite these, conflict issues have not really received enough focal attention by Nigerian academics. It is against this backdrop that this study was undertaken to describe the respondents, the most prevalent conflict repercussions and most prevalent STDs, in conflict areas. Data were collected using interview schedule to elicit a response from 122 respondents in Southwest Nigeria, through a multi-stage sampling technique involving stratification of respondents into violent conflict areas (VCA) and non-violent conflict areas (NVCA). The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. Results revealed that majority (86.5% and 70.5 %) of the respondents were in the age bracket of 10-39 years in both the VCA and NVCA respectively; 35.5% and 40.2% of the respondents were literate in VCA and NVCA, respectively while 76.5% and 55.8% of the respondents were in the lower income groups in VCA and NVCA, respectively. HIV/AIDS and gonorrhoea were the more predominant (75.2% and 55.6% respectively) STDs in the VCA as against 33.2% and 38.3% respectively in the NVCA. Further, significant (p<0.05) correlation existed between conflict incidence and spread of HIV/AIDS, rape and torture, maltreatment of women as well as sexual harassment; in both VCA and NVCA among others. The study concluded that conflict situations in the study area aggravated incidence of HIV/AIDS and made the women more vulnerable to inhuman treatments such as rape, torture and harassment with attendant reduction in sources of livelihoods. The study recommended among others that sensitisation on control and preventive measures of HIV/AID and other sexually transmitted diseases should be included in programme designed to mitigate against conflicts in the study areas.Keywords: conflict, gender dimension, HIV/AIDS epidemiology, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 2591442 The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Electric Machines and Welding
Authors: Mina Malak Zakaria Henin
The finite detail evaluation of magnetic fields in electromagnetic devices shows that the machine cores revel in extraordinary flux patterns consisting of alternating and rotating fields. The rotating fields are generated in different configurations variety, among circular and elliptical, with distinctive ratios between the fundamental and minor axes of the flux locus. Experimental measurements on electrical metal uncovered one-of-a-kind flux patterns that divulge distinctive magnetic losses in the samples below the test. Therefore, electric machines require unique interest throughout the core loss calculation technique to bear in mind the flux styles. In this look, a circular rotational unmarried sheet tester is employed to measure the middle losses in the electric-powered metallic pattern of M36G29. The sample becomes exposed to alternating fields, circular areas, and elliptical fields with axis ratios of zero.2, zero. Four, 0.6 and 0.8. The measured statistics changed into applied on 6-4 switched reluctance motors at 3 distinctive frequencies of interest to the industry 60 Hz, 400 Hz, and 1 kHz. The effects reveal an excessive margin of error, which can arise at some point in the loss calculations if the flux pattern difficulty is overlooked. The mistake in exceptional components of the gadget associated with considering the flux styles may be around 50%, 10%, and a couple of at 60Hz, 400Hz, and 1 kHz, respectively. The future paintings will focus on the optimization of gadget geometrical shape, which has a primary effect on the flux sample on the way to decrease the magnetic losses in system cores.Keywords: converters, electric machines, MEA (more electric aircraft), PES (power electronics systems) synchronous machine, vector control Multi-machine/ Multi-inverter, matrix inverter, Railway tractionalternating core losses, finite element analysis, rotational core losses
Procedia PDF Downloads 311441 Application of Pyridine-based Water-soluble Corrosion Inhibitor in Offshore Sweet Oil Pipeline
Authors: M. S. Yalfani, J. Kohzadi, P. Ghadimi, S. Sobhani, M. Ghadimi
The use of oil and water-soluble corrosion inhibitors has been established in Iranian oil and gas production systems for a long time. Imidazoline and its derivatives are being extensively used which are known as conventional corrosion inhibitors. This type of product has shown significant performance and low side effects, so that could monopolize the market of inhibitors in this region. However, the price growth of imidazolines, as well as the development of new lower-cost components with similar or even higher performance than imidazoline, have influenced the exclusive market of imidazoline-based products. During the latest years, pyridine and its derivatives have challenged imidazoline due to their remarkable anticorrosive properties and lower prices as well. Recently, we presented a formulated water-soluble inhibitor based on pyridine - an alkyl pyridine quaternary salt (APQS) - which could successfully pass all lab tests and eventually succeeded in being applied in an offshore sweet oil pipeline. The product was able to achieve high corrosion protection (> 90 %) with the LPR technique at low dosages of 15-25 ppm under severe corrosion conditions. Moreover, the lab test results showed that the APQS molecule is able to form a strong and persistent bond with the metal surface. The product was later nominated to be evaluated through a field trial in an offshore sweet oil pipeline where PH2S < 0.05 psi and CO2 is 6.4 mol%. The three-month trial - extended to six months- resulted in remarkable internal protection obtained by continuous injection of 10 ppm inhibitor, which was as low as 1 mpy measured by both weight loss corrosion coupons and online ER probes. In addition, no side effects, such as tight emulsion and stable foaming, were observed. The residual of the corrosion inhibitor was measured at the end of the pipeline to ensure the full coverage of the inhibitor throughout the pipeline. Eventually, these promising results were able to convince the end user to consider pyridine-based inhibitors as a reliable alternative to imidazoline.Keywords: corrosion inhibitor, pyridine, sweet oil, pipeline, offshore
Procedia PDF Downloads 151440 “In Their Own Words”: An Exploration of the Use of Narratives with Children in Counselling
Authors: Alison Brown
Through stories, children make sense of their world, see themselves through the eyes of another, and process emotions and lived experiences in a non-threatening and indirect manner. Building on research around the use of narrative techniques with adults and families, this research looked directly at the use of narratives as a therapeutic technique with children in counseling. Based on individual therapy sessions with children over a six-year period, this work of collective case studies tells the story of a practice incorporating children’s narratives, of children’s experiences in writing and sharing their narratives, and of the clinical impact of the use of narratives with children. Not all stories were narratives of success or happiness. Children documented their fears and anger as well as their achievements and hope for the future. What emerged through this study was an awareness of recurring themes in the way children responded to the narrative process and in the benefits and limitations of story writing with children. Consistent with previous studies focusing on narrative work with adults and families, the use of narratives with children provided opportunities for healing, acceptance, developing greater understanding, externalizing, and re-authoring a preferred future. In terms of the children’s experiences in writing and sharing their narratives, consistent themes emerged again, with many children finding the experience cathartic and liberating, empowering and hopeful, but most importantly, an opportunity that allowed them to feel and understand that they were not alone. Whilst a small collection of case studies tells the stories of a limited number of children, it is hoped that this research provides both a model and inspiration for others to explore similar uses of narratives with children. As a greater number of children’s narratives are created, the potential to share and benefit from the many rich stories and experiences of other children becomes more of a reality. Across cultures, economic and social settings, rural and urban environments, and varying family structures, it is important that we hear the voices of our children – ‘In their own words’.Keywords: narrative therapy children counselling, social, emotional, zone of proximal development, scaffolding
Procedia PDF Downloads 921439 Vibration Analysis of FGM Sandwich Panel with Cut-Outs Using Refined Higher-Order Shear Deformation Theory (HSDT) Based on Isogeometric Analysis
Authors: Lokanath Barik, Abinash Kumar Swain
This paper presents vibration analysis of FGM sandwich structure with a complex profile governed by refined higher-order shear deformation theory (RHSDT) using isogeometric analysis (IGA). Functionally graded sandwich plates provide a wide range of applications in aerospace, defence, and aircraft industries due to their ability to distribute material functions to influence the thermo-mechanical properties as desired. In practical applications, these structures generally have intrinsic profiles, and their response to loads is significantly affected due to cut-outs. IGA is primarily a NURBS-based technique that is effective in solving higher-order differential equations due to its inherent C1 continuity imposition in solution space for a single patch. Complex structures generally require multiple patches to accurately represent the geometry, and hence, there is a loss of continuity at adjoining patch junctions. Therefore, patch coupling is desired to maintain continuity requirements throughout the domain. In this work, a novel strong coupling approach is provided that generates a well-defined NURBS-based model while achieving continuity. The methodology is validated by free vibration analysis of sandwich plates with present literature. The results are in good agreement with the analytical solution for different plate configurations and power law indexes. Numerical examples of rectangular and annular plates are discussed with variable boundary conditions. Additionally, parametric studies are provided by varying the aspect ratio, porosity ratio and their influence on the natural frequency of the plate.Keywords: vibration analysis, FGM sandwich structure, multipatch geometry, patch coupling, IGA
Procedia PDF Downloads 841438 Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Mitochondria on Transmission Electron Microscopy Images Using Live-Wire and Surface Dragging Methods
Authors: Mahdieh Farzin Asanjan, Erkan Unal Mumcuoglu
Mitochondria are cytoplasmic organelles of the cell, which have a significant role in the variety of cellular metabolic functions. Mitochondria act as the power plants of the cell and are surrounded by two membranes. Significant morphological alterations are often due to changes in mitochondrial functions. A powerful technique in order to study the three-dimensional (3D) structure of mitochondria and its alterations in disease states is Electron microscope tomography. Detection of mitochondria in electron microscopy images due to the presence of various subcellular structures and imaging artifacts is a challenging problem. Another challenge is that each image typically contains more than one mitochondrion. Hand segmentation of mitochondria is tedious and time-consuming and also special knowledge about the mitochondria is needed. Fully automatic segmentation methods lead to over-segmentation and mitochondria are not segmented properly. Therefore, semi-automatic segmentation methods with minimum manual effort are required to edit the results of fully automatic segmentation methods. Here two editing tools were implemented by applying spline surface dragging and interactive live-wire segmentation tools. These editing tools were applied separately to the results of fully automatic segmentation. 3D extension of these tools was also studied and tested. Dice coefficients of 2D and 3D for surface dragging using splines were 0.93 and 0.92. This metric for 2D and 3D for live-wire method were 0.94 and 0.91 respectively. The root mean square symmetric surface distance values of 2D and 3D for surface dragging was measured as 0.69, 0.93. The same metrics for live-wire tool were 0.60 and 2.11. Comparing the results of these editing tools with the results of automatic segmentation method, it shows that these editing tools, led to better results and these results were more similar to ground truth image but the required time was higher than hand-segmentation timeKeywords: medical image segmentation, semi-automatic methods, transmission electron microscopy, surface dragging using splines, live-wire
Procedia PDF Downloads 1691437 Synthesis and Properties of Chitosan-Graft-Polyacrylamide/Gelatin Superabsorbent Composites for Wastewater Purification
Authors: Hafida Ferfera-Harrar, Nacera Aiouaz, Nassima Dairi
Super absorbents polymers received much attention and are used in many fields because of their superior characters to traditional absorbents, e.g., sponge and cotton. So, it is very important but challenging to prepare highly and fast-swelling super absorbents. A reliable, efficient and low-cost technique for removing heavy metal ions from waste water is the adsorption using bio-adsorbents obtained from biological materials, such as polysaccharides-based hydrogels super absorbents. In this study, novel multi-functional super absorbent composites type semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (Semi-IPNs) were prepared via graft polymerization of acrylamide onto chitosan backbone in presence of gelatin, CTS-g-PAAm/Ge, using potassium persulfate and N,N’ -methylenebisacrylamide as initiator and cross linker, respectively. These hydrogels were also partially hydrolyzed to achieve superabsorbents with ampholytic properties and uppermost swelling capacity. The formation of the grafted network was evidenced by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and thermo gravimetric Analysis (TGA). The porous structures were observed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). From TGA analysis, it was concluded that the incorporation of the Ge in the CTS-g-PAAm network has marginally affected its thermal stability. The effect of gelatin content on the swelling capacities of these super absorbent composites was examined in various media (distilled water, saline and pH-solutions).The water absorbency was enhanced by adding Ge in the network, where the optimum value was reached at 2 wt. % of Ge. Their hydrolysis has not only greatly optimized their absorption capacity but also improved the swelling kinetic. These materials have also showed reswelling ability. We believe that these super-absorbing materials would be very effective for the adsorption of harmful metal ions from waste water.Keywords: chitosan, gelatin, superabsorbent, water absorbency
Procedia PDF Downloads 4671436 Prevalence and Distribution of Verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (Vtec) Non-O157 Serotypes in Cattle in Abuja, Nigeria
Authors: S. I. Enem, S. I. Oboegbulem
Objective: The most frequently implicated E. coli serotype causing haemorrhagic colitis and haemorrhagic uraemic syndrome (HUS) is VTEC 0157. However, non-O157 VTEC is now known to be as prevalent as VETC O157 infection (or even more) in most parts of the world. The objective of the study was to establish the occurrence of non-O157 VTEC serotypes in cattle in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria. The level of significance of the infection with sex, age and season were also tested. Methods: The study was carried out in the FCT, Abuja, Nigeria which is located between latitude 8o and 90 25` North of the equator and longitude 60 45` and 7045` East of the Greenwich meridian. The cross sectional epidemiological method and multi-staged sampling technique were used in this study. Samples were collected from the freshly voided faeces of both apparently healthy and diarrhoeic cattle in selected abattoirs and cattle herds. Enriched samples were analyzed bacteriologically and biochemically after which they were characterised using commercially prepared latex agglutination test kits. Results: A total of 718 faecal samples from cattle were analyzed for the presence of VTEC non-O157. Thirty eight (5.23%) were positive for non-O157. There was no significant association (p > 0.05) between sex and infection with non-O157 VTEC in cattle. There was a significant association (P < 0.05) between age and infection with non-O157 VTEC in cattle. Calves were more associated than the adults. There was also a significant association (P < 0.05) between season and infection with non-O157 VTEC in cattle. The dry season was more associated than the wet season. Conclusion: The study established the occurrence and prevalence of non-O157 VTEC in cattle in FCT, Abuja, Nigeria. As a major food animal in Nigeria, infection in cattle provides an epidemiological causal association to the infection in humans. The result showed that warmer seasons (dry season) stimulate the presence of VTEC infection in animals and thus, as a consequence, increases the number of human cases. The prevalence was also higher in younger calves (< 6 months) probably as a result of undeveloped immune system.Keywords: prevalence, distribution, Verocytotoxigenic escherichia coli (VTEC), non-O157 serotypes, cattle
Procedia PDF Downloads 5811435 Taguchi Robust Design for Optimal Setting of Process Wastes Parameters in an Automotive Parts Manufacturing Company
Authors: Charles Chikwendu Okpala, Christopher Chukwutoo Ihueze
As a technique that reduces variation in a product by lessening the sensitivity of the design to sources of variation, rather than by controlling their sources, Taguchi Robust Design entails the designing of ideal goods, by developing a product that has minimal variance in its characteristics and also meets the desired exact performance. This paper examined the concept of the manufacturing approach and its application to brake pad product of an automotive parts manufacturing company. Although the firm claimed that only defects, excess inventory, and over-production were the few wastes that grossly affect their productivity and profitability, a careful study and analysis of their manufacturing processes with the application of Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) tool showed that the waste of waiting is the fourth waste that bedevils the firm. The selection of the Taguchi L9 orthogonal array which is based on the four parameters and the three levels of variation for each parameter revealed that with a range of 2.17, that waiting is the major waste that the company must reduce in order to continue to be viable. Also, to enhance the company’s throughput and profitability, the wastes of over-production, excess inventory, and defects with ranges of 2.01, 1.46, and 0.82, ranking second, third, and fourth respectively must also be reduced to the barest minimum. After proposing -33.84 as the highest optimum Signal-to-Noise ratio to be maintained for the waste of waiting, the paper advocated for the adoption of all the tools and techniques of Lean Production System (LPS), and Continuous Improvement (CI), and concluded by recommending SMED in order to drastically reduce set up time which leads to unnecessary waiting.Keywords: lean production system, single minute exchange of dies, signal to noise ratio, Taguchi robust design, waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 1271434 Micropropagation and in vitro Conservation via Slow Growth Techniques of Prunus webbii (Spach) Vierh: An Endangered Plant Species in Albania
Authors: Valbona Sota, Efigjeni Kongjika
Wild almond is a woody species, which is difficult to propagate either generatively by seed or by vegetative methods (grafting or cuttings) and also considered as Endangered (EN) in Albania based on IUCN criteria. As a wild relative of cultivated fruit trees, this species represents a source of genetic variability and can be very important in breeding programs and cultivation. For this reason, it would be of interest to use an effective method of in vitro mid-term conservation, which involves strategies to slow plant growth through physicochemical alterations of in vitro growth conditions. Multiplication of wild almond was carried out using zygotic embryos, as primary explants, with the purpose to develop a successful propagation protocol. Results showed that zygotic embryos can proliferate through direct or indirect organogenesis. During subculture, stage was obtained a great number of new plantlets identical to mother plants derived from the zygotic embryos. All in vitro plantlets obtained from subcultures underwent in vitro conservation by minimal growth in low temperature (4ºC) and darkness. The efficiency of this technique was evaluated for 3, 6, and 10 months of conservation period. Maintenance in these conditions reduced micro cuttings growth. Survival and regeneration rates for each period were evaluated and resulted that the maximal time of conservation without subculture on 4ºC was 10 months, but survival and regeneration rates were significantly reduced, specifically 15.6% and 7.6%. An optimal period of conservation in these conditions can be considered the 5-6 months storage, which can lead to 60-50% of survival and regeneration rates. This protocol may be beneficial for mass propagation, mid-term conservation, and for genetic manipulation of wild almond.Keywords: micropropagation, minimal growth, storage, wild almond
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281433 Role of Spatial Variability in the Service Life Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Bridges Affected by Corrosion
Authors: Omran M. Kenshel, Alan J. O'Connor
Estimating the service life of Reinforced Concrete (RC) bridge structures located in corrosive marine environments of a great importance to their owners/engineers. Traditionally, bridge owners/engineers relied more on subjective engineering judgment, e.g. visual inspection, in their estimation approach. However, because financial resources are often limited, rational calculation methods of estimation are needed to aid in making reliable and more accurate predictions for the service life of RC structures. This is in order to direct funds to bridges found to be the most critical. Criticality of the structure can be considered either form the Structural Capacity (i.e. Ultimate Limit State) or from Serviceability viewpoint whichever is adopted. This paper considers the service life of the structure only from the Structural Capacity viewpoint. Considering the great variability associated with the parameters involved in the estimation process, the probabilistic approach is most suited. The probabilistic modelling adopted here used Monte Carlo simulation technique to estimate the Reliability (i.e. Probability of Failure) of the structure under consideration. In this paper the authors used their own experimental data for the Correlation Length (CL) for the most important deterioration parameters. The CL is a parameter of the Correlation Function (CF) by which the spatial fluctuation of a certain deterioration parameter is described. The CL data used here were produced by analyzing 45 chloride profiles obtained from a 30 years old RC bridge located in a marine environment. The service life of the structure were predicted in terms of the load carrying capacity of an RC bridge beam girder. The analysis showed that the influence of SV is only evident if the reliability of the structure is governed by the Flexure failure rather than by the Shear failure.Keywords: Chloride-induced corrosion, Monte-Carlo simulation, reinforced concrete, spatial variability
Procedia PDF Downloads 4731432 Antibacterial Property of ZnO Nanoparticles: Effect of Intrinsic Defects
Authors: Suresh Kumar Verma, Jugal Kishore Das, Ealisha Jha, Mrutyunjay Suar, SKS Parashar
In recent years nanoforms of inorganic metallic oxides has attracted a lot of interest due to their small size and significantly improved physical, chemical and biological properties compared to their molecular precursor. Some of the inorganic materials such as TiO2, ZnO, MgO, CaO, Al2O3 have been extensively used in biological applications. Zinc Oxide is a Wurtzite-type semiconductor and piezo-electric material exhibiting excellent electrical, optical and chemical properties with a band energy gap of 3.1-3.4 eV. Nanoforms of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) are increasingly recognised for their utility in biological application. The significant physical parameters such as surface area, particle size, surface charge and Zeta potential of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles makes it suitable for the uptake, persistance, biological, and chemical activities inside the living cells. The present study shows the effect of intrinsic defects of ZnO nanocrystals synthesized by high energy ball milling (HEBM) technique in their antibacterial activities. Bulk Zinc oxide purchased from market were ball milled for 7 h, 10 h, and 15 h respectively to produce nanosized Zinc Oxide. The structural and optical modification of such synthesized particles were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). The antibacterial property of synthesized Zinc Oxide nanoparticles was tested using well diffusion, minimum inhibitory Concentration, minimum bacteriocidal concentration, reactive oxygen species (ROS) estimation and membrane potential determination methods. In this study we observed that antibacterial activity of ZnO nanoparticles is because of the intrinsic defects that exist as a function of difference in size and milling time.Keywords: high energy ball milling, ZnO nanoparticles, EPR, Antibacterial properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4291431 Isolation and Molecular Detection of Marek’s Disease Virus from Outbreak Cases in Chicken in South Western Ethiopia
Authors: Abdela Bulbula
Background: Marek’s disease virus is a devastating infection, causing high morbidity and mortality in chickens in Ethiopia. Methods: The current study was conducted from March to November, 2021 with the general objective of performing antemortem and postmortem, isolation, and molecular detection of Marek’s disease virus from outbreak cases in southwestern Ethiopia. Accordingly, based on outbreak information reported from the study sites namely, Bedelle, Yayo, and Bonga towns in southwestern Ethiopia, 50 sick chickens were sampled. The backyard and intensive farming systems of chickens were included in the sampling and priorities were given for chickens that showed clinical signs that are characteristics of Marek’s disease. Results: By clinical examinations, paralysis of legs and wings, gray eye, loss of weight, difficulty in breathing, and depression were recorded on all chickens sampled for this study and death of diseased chickens was observed. In addition, enlargement of the spleen and gross lesions of the liver and heart were recorded during postmortem examination. The death of infected chickens was observed in both vaccinated and non-vaccinated flocks. Out of 50 pooled feather follicle samples, Marek’s disease virus was isolated from 14/50 (28%) by cell culture method and out of six tissue samples, the virus was isolated from 5/6(83.30%). By Real time polymerization chain reaction technique, which was targeted to detect the Meq gene, Marek’s disease virus was detected from 18/50 feather follicles which accounts for 36% of sampled chickens. Conclusion: In general, the current study showed that the circulating Marek’s disease virus in southwestern Ethiopia was caused by the oncogenic Gallid herpesvirus-2 (Serotype-1). Further research on molecular characterization of revolving virus in current and other regions is recommended for effective control of the disease through vaccination.Keywords: Ethioi, Marek's disease, isolation, molecular
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