Search results for: support intention
6912 Improving Early Detection, Diagnosis And Intervention For Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Cross-sectional Survey In China
Authors: Yushen Dai, Tao Deng, Miaoying Chen, Baoqin Huang, Yan Ji, Yongshen Feng, Shaofei Liu, Dongmei Zhong, Tao Zhang, Lifeng Zhang
Background: Detection and diagnosis are prerequisites for early interventions in the care of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, few studies have focused on this topic. Aim: This study aims to characterize the timing from symptom detection to intervention in children with ASD and to identify the potential predictors of early detection, diagnosis, and intervention. Methods and procedures: A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 314 parents of children with ASD in Guangzhou, China. Outcomes and Results: This study found that most children (76.24%) were diagnosed within one year after detection, and 25.8% of them did not receive the intervention after diagnosis. Predictors to ASD diagnosis included ASD-related symptoms identified at a younger age, more serious symptoms, and initial symptoms with abnormal development and sensory anomalies. ASD-related symptoms observed at an older age, initial symptoms with the social deficit, sensory anomalies, and without language impairment, parents as the primary caregivers, family with lower income and less social support utilization increased the odds of the time lag between detection and diagnosis. Children whose fathers had a lower level of education were less likely to receive the intervention. Conclusions and Implications: The study described the time for detection, diagnosis, and interventions of children with ASD. Findings suggest that the ASD-related symptoms, the timing at which symptoms first become a concern, primary caregivers’ roles, father’s educational level, and the family economic status should be considered when offering support to improve early detection, diagnosis, and intervention. Helping children and their families take full advantage of support is also important.Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, child, detection, diagnosis, intervention, social support
Procedia PDF Downloads 936911 Simple Model of Social Innovation Based on Entrepreneurship Incidence in Mexico
Authors: Vicente Espinola, Luis Torres, Christhian Gonzalez
Entrepreneurship is a topic of current interest in Mexico and the World, which has been fostered through public policies with great impact on its generation. The strategies used in Mexico have not been successful, being motivational strategies aimed at the masses with the intention that someone in the process generates a venture. The strategies used for its development have been "picking of winners" favoring those who have already overcome the initial stages of undertaking without effective support. This situation shows a disarticulation that appears even more in social entrepreneurship; due to this, it is relevant to research on those elements that could develop them and thus integrate a model of entrepreneurship and social innovation for Mexico. Social entrepreneurship should be generating social innovation, which is translated into business models in order to make the benefits reach the population. These models are proposed putting the social impact before the economic impact, without forgetting its sustainability in the medium and long term. In this work, we present a simple model of innovation and social entrepreneurship for Guanajuato, Mexico. This algorithm was based on how social innovation could be generated in a systemic way for Mexico through different institutions that promote innovation. In this case, the technological parks of the state of Guanajuato were studied because these are considered one of the areas of Mexico where its main objectives are to make technology transfer to companies but overlooking the social sector and entrepreneurs. An experimental design of n = 60 was carried out with potential entrepreneurs to identify their perception of the social approach that the enterprises should have, the skills they consider required to create a venture, as well as their interest in generating ventures that solve social problems. This experiment had a 2K design, the value of k = 3 and the computational simulation was performed in R statistical language. A simple model of interconnected variables is proposed, which allows us to identify where it is necessary to increase efforts for the generation of social enterprises. The 96.67% of potential entrepreneurs expressed interest in ventures that solve social problems. In the analysis of the variables interaction, it was identified that the isolated development of entrepreneurial skills would only replicate the generation of traditional ventures. The variable of social approach presented positive interactions, which may influence the generation of social entrepreneurship if this variable was strengthened and permeated in the processes of training and development of entrepreneurs. In the future, it will be necessary to analyze the institutional actors that are present in the social entrepreneurship ecosystem, in order to analyze the interaction necessary to strengt the innovation and social entrepreneurship ecosystem.Keywords: social innovation, model, entrepreneurship, technological parks
Procedia PDF Downloads 2796910 Building Organisational Culture That Stimulates Creativity and Innovation
Authors: Ala Hanetite
The purpose of this article is to present, by means of a model, the determinants of organisational culture which influence creativity and innovation. A literature study showed that a model, based on the open systems theory and the work of Schein, can offer a holistic approach in describing organisational culture. The relationship between creativity, innovation and culture is discussed in this context. Against the background of this model, the determinants of organisational culture were identified. The determinants are strategy, structure, support mechanisms, behaviour that encourages innovation, and open communication. The influence of each determinant on creativity and innovation is discussed. Values, norms and beliefs that play a role in creativity and innovation can either support or inhibit creativity and innovation depending on how they influence individual and group behaviour. This is also explained in the article.Keywords: attitudes, creativity, innovation, organisational culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 5936909 Delineating Concern Ground in Block Caving – Underground Mine Using Ground Penetrating Radar
Authors: Eric Sitorus, Septian Prahastudhi, Turgod Nainggolan, Erwin Riyanto
Mining by block or panel caving is a mining method that takes advantage of fractures within an ore body, coupled with gravity, to extract material from a predetermined column of ore. The caving column is weakened from beneath through the use of undercutting, after which the ore breaks up and is extracted from below in a continuous cycle. The nature of this method induces cyclical stresses on the pillars of excavations as stress is built up and released over time, which has a detrimental effect on both the installed ground support and the rock mass itself. Ground support capacity, especially on the production where excavation void ratio is highest, is subjected to heavy loading. Strain above threshold of the elongation of support capacity can yield resulting in damage to excavations. Geotechnical engineers must evaluate not only the remnant capacity of ground support systems but also investigate depth of rock mass yield within pillars, backs and floors. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a geophysical method that has the ability to evaluate rock mass damage using electromagnetic waves. This paper illustrates a case study from the Grasberg mining complex where non-invasive information on the depth of damage and condition of the remaining rock mass was required. GPR with 100 MHz antenna resolution was used to obtain images of the subsurface to determine rehabilitation requirements prior to recommencing production activities. The GPR surveys were used to calibrate the reflection coefficient response of varying rock mass conditions to known Rock Quality Designation (RQD) parameters observed at the mine. The calibrated GPR survey allowed site engineers to map subsurface conditions and plan rehabilitation accordingly.Keywords: block caving, ground penetrating radar, reflectivity, RQD
Procedia PDF Downloads 1366908 Aircraft Line Maintenance Equipped with Decision Support System
Authors: B. Sudarsan Baskar, S. Pooja Pragati, S. Raj Kumar
The cost effectiveness in aircraft maintenance is of high privilege in the recent days. The cost effectiveness can be effectively made when line maintenance activities are incorporated at airports during Turn around time (TAT). The present work outcomes the shortcomings that affect the dispatching of the aircrafts, aiming at high fleet operability and low maintenance cost. The operational and cost constraints have been discussed and a suggestive alternative mechanism is proposed. The possible allocation of all deferred maintenance tasks to a set of all deferred maintenance tasks to a set of suitable airport resources have termed as alternative and is discussed in this paper from the data’s collected from the kingfisher airlines.Keywords: decision support system, aircraft maintenance planning, maintenance-cost, RUL(remaining useful life), logistics, supply chain management
Procedia PDF Downloads 5066907 Assessing Soft Skills In Accounting Programmes: Insights From South African University Lecturers
Authors: Dolly Nyaguthii Wanjau
This study contributes to our understanding of how lecturers assess soft skills in accounting programmes, with the intention of producing graduates that are better prepared for the world of work. Insights were obtained through semi-structured interviews with twelve South African universities that offer chartered accountant training and accredited by SAICA. It was found that the lecturers assessed soft skills using traditional methods of assessments such as tests, assignments, and examinations. However, there were missed opportunities to embrace ICT tools in the assessment process, and this could be attributed to a lack of resources within the participating universities. Given the increasing use of digital tools for business activities, it is important that ICT tools be embraced as an inseparable part of soft skills because employers are increasingly looking for accounting graduates with digital skills.Keywords: accounting, assessment, ICT skills, SAICA, soft skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 1306906 Improved FP-Growth Algorithm with Multiple Minimum Supports Using Maximum Constraints
Authors: Elsayeda M. Elgaml, Dina M. Ibrahim, Elsayed A. Sallam
Association rule mining is one of the most important fields of data mining and knowledge discovery. In this paper, we propose an efficient multiple support frequent pattern growth algorithm which we called “MSFP-growth” that enhancing the FP-growth algorithm by making infrequent child node pruning step with multiple minimum support using maximum constrains. The algorithm is implemented, and it is compared with other common algorithms: Apriori-multiple minimum supports using maximum constraints and FP-growth. The experimental results show that the rule mining from the proposed algorithm are interesting and our algorithm achieved better performance than other algorithms without scarifying the accuracy.Keywords: association rules, FP-growth, multiple minimum supports, Weka tool
Procedia PDF Downloads 4876905 Fusion Models for Cyber Threat Defense: Integrating Clustering, Random Forests, and Support Vector Machines to Against Windows Malware
Authors: Azita Ramezani, Atousa Ramezani
In the ever-escalating landscape of windows malware the necessity for pioneering defense strategies turns into undeniable this study introduces an avant-garde approach fusing the capabilities of clustering random forests and support vector machines SVM to combat the intricate web of cyber threats our fusion model triumphs with a staggering accuracy of 98.67 and an equally formidable f1 score of 98.68 a testament to its effectiveness in the realm of windows malware defense by deciphering the intricate patterns within malicious code our model not only raises the bar for detection precision but also redefines the paradigm of cybersecurity preparedness this breakthrough underscores the potential embedded in the fusion of diverse analytical methodologies and signals a paradigm shift in fortifying against the relentless evolution of windows malicious threats as we traverse through the dynamic cybersecurity terrain this research serves as a beacon illuminating the path toward a resilient future where innovative fusion models stand at the forefront of cyber threat defense.Keywords: fusion models, cyber threat defense, windows malware, clustering, random forests, support vector machines (SVM), accuracy, f1-score, cybersecurity, malicious code detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 726904 Numerical Modeling of Various Support Systems to Stabilize Deep Excavations
Authors: M. Abdallah
Urban development requires deep excavations near buildings and other structures. Deep excavation has become more a necessity for better utilization of space as the population of the world has dramatically increased. In Lebanon, some urban areas are very crowded and lack spaces for new buildings and underground projects, which makes the usage of underground space indispensable. In this paper, a numerical modeling is performed using the finite element method to study the deep excavation-diaphragm wall soil-structure interaction in the case of nonlinear soil behavior. The study is focused on a comparison of the results obtained using different support systems. Furthermore, a parametric study is performed according to the remoteness of the structure.Keywords: deep excavation, ground anchors, interaction soil-structure, struts
Procedia PDF Downloads 4166903 Meteorological Risk Assessment for Ships with Fuzzy Logic Designer
Authors: Ismail Karaca, Ridvan Saracoglu, Omer Soner
Fuzzy Logic, an advanced method to support decision-making, is used by various scientists in many disciplines. Fuzzy programming is a product of fuzzy logic, fuzzy rules, and implication. In marine science, fuzzy programming for ships is dramatically increasing together with autonomous ship studies. In this paper, a program to support the decision-making process for ship navigation has been designed. The program is produced in fuzzy logic and rules, by taking the marine accidents and expert opinions into account. After the program was designed, the program was tested by 46 ship accidents reported by the Transportation Safety Investigation Center of Turkey. Wind speed, sea condition, visibility, day/night ratio have been used as input data. They have been converted into a risk factor within the Fuzzy Logic Designer application and fuzzy rules set by marine experts. Finally, the expert's meteorological risk factor for each accident is compared with the program's risk factor, and the error rate was calculated. The main objective of this study is to improve the navigational safety of ships, by using the advance decision support model. According to the study result, fuzzy programming is a robust model that supports safe navigation.Keywords: calculation of risk factor, fuzzy logic, fuzzy programming for ship, safety navigation of ships
Procedia PDF Downloads 1916902 Using Digital Innovations to Increase Awareness and Intent to Use Depo-Medroxy Progesterone Acetate-Subcutaneous Contraception among Women of Reproductive Age in Nigeria, Uganda, and Malawi
Authors: Oluwaseun Adeleke, Samuel O. Ikani, Fidelis Edet, Anthony Nwala, Mopelola Raji, Simeon Christian Chukwu
Introduction: Digital innovations have been useful in supporting a client’s contraceptive user journey from awareness to method initiation. The concept of contraceptive self-care is being promoted globally as a means for achieving universal access to quality contraceptive care; however, information about this approach is limited. An important determinant of the scale of awareness is the message construct, choice of information channel, and an understanding of the socio-epidemiological dynamics within the target audience. Significant gains have been made recently in expanding the awareness base of DMPA-SC -a relatively new entrant into the family planning method mix. The cornerstone of this success is a multichannel promotion campaign themed Discover your Power (DYP). The DYP campaign combines content marketing across select social media platforms, chatbots, Cyber-IPC, Interactive Voice Response (IVR), and radio campaigns. Methodology: During implementation, the project monitored predefined metrics of awareness and intent, such as the number of persons reached with the messages, the number of impressions, and meaningful engagement (link-clicks). Metrics/indicators are extracted through native insight/analytics tools across the various platforms. The project also enlists community mobilizers (CMs) who go door-to-door and engage WRA to advertise DISC’s online presence and support them to engage with IVR, digital companion (chatbot), Facebook page, and DiscoverYourPower website. Results: The result showed that the digital platforms recorded 242 million impressions and reached 82 million users with key DMPA-SC self-injection messaging in the three countries. As many as 3.4 million persons engaged (liked, clicked, shared, or reposted) digital posts -an indication of intention. Conclusion: Digital solutions and innovations are gradually becoming the archetype for the advancement of the self-care agenda. Digital innovations can also be used to increase awareness and normalize contraceptive self-care behavior amongst women of reproductive age if they are made an integral part of reproductive health programming.Keywords: digital transformation, health systems, DMPA-SC, family planning, self-care
Procedia PDF Downloads 836901 A Decision Support System to Detect the Lumbar Disc Disease on the Basis of Clinical MRI
Authors: Yavuz Unal, Kemal Polat, H. Erdinc Kocer
In this study, a decision support system comprising three stages has been proposed to detect the disc abnormalities of the lumbar region. In the first stage named the feature extraction, T2-weighted sagittal and axial Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) were taken from 55 people and then 27 appearance and shape features were acquired from both sagittal and transverse images. In the second stage named the feature weighting process, k-means clustering based feature weighting (KMCBFW) proposed by Gunes et al. Finally, in the third stage named the classification process, the classifier algorithms including multi-layer perceptron (MLP- neural network), support vector machine (SVM), Naïve Bayes, and decision tree have been used to classify whether the subject has lumbar disc or not. In order to test the performance of the proposed method, the classification accuracy (%), sensitivity, specificity, precision, recall, f-measure, kappa value, and computation times have been used. The best hybrid model is the combination of k-means clustering based feature weighting and decision tree in the detecting of lumbar disc disease based on both sagittal and axial MR images.Keywords: lumbar disc abnormality, lumbar MRI, lumbar spine, hybrid models, hybrid features, k-means clustering based feature weighting
Procedia PDF Downloads 5216900 Role of Machine Learning in Internet of Things Enabled Smart Cities
Authors: Amit Prakash Singh, Shyamli Singh, Chavi Srivastav
This paper presents the idea of Internet of Thing (IoT) for the infrastructure of smart cities. Internet of Thing has been visualized as a communication prototype that incorporates myriad of digital services. The various component of the smart cities shall be implemented using microprocessor, microcontroller, sensors for network communication and protocols. IoT enabled systems have been devised to support the smart city vision, of which aim is to exploit the currently available precocious communication technologies to support the value-added services for function of the city. Due to volume, variety, and velocity of data, it requires analysis using Big Data concept. This paper presented the various techniques used to analyze big data using machine learning.Keywords: IoT, smart city, embedded systems, sustainable environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 5776899 The Role of Teaching Assistants for Deaf Pupils in a Mainstream Primary School in England
Authors: Hatice Yildirim
This study was an investigation into the role of teaching assistants (TAs) for deaf pupils in an English primary school. This study aimed to provide knowledge about how TAs support deaf pupils in mainstream schools in England. It is accepted that TAs have an important role in the inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream schools. However, there has been a lack of attention paid to the role of TAs for deaf pupils in the literature. A qualitative case study approach was used to address the research questions. Twelve semi-structured classroom observations and six semi-structured interviews were carried out with four TAs and two teachers in one English mainstream primary school. The data analysis followed a thematic analysis framework. The results indicated that TAs are utilised based on a one-on-one support model and are deployed under the class teachers in the classroom. The classroom activities are carried out in small groups with the TAs and the class teacher’s agreement, as per the school’s policy. Findings show that TAs carried out seven different roles in the education of deaf pupils in an English mainstream primary school. Supporting the academic and social development of deaf pupils is TA`s main role. Also, they record pupils’ progress, communicate with pupils’ parents, take on a pastoral care role, tutor pupils in additional support lessons and raise awareness of deaf pupils’ issues.Keywords: deaf, mainstream primary school, teaching assistant, teaching assistant`s roles
Procedia PDF Downloads 2056898 Voice in Music Therapy and Adult Trauma Research: Presenting a Meta-Synthesis of Lived Experience Perspectives
Authors: Kirsten B. Hillman
There is a growing body of qualitative research in adult mental health and music therapy contexts which highlights user perspectives; however, only a very small sub-section of this literature pertains to people with lived experiences of psychological trauma. This paper will provide a meta-synthesis of this existing body of research, with the intention to present a cohesive overview of salient themes in this research and a platform for the under-represented voices of those with lived experience. This synthesis will be contextualised within a broader discussion of ‘Voice’ in trauma and music therapy research, considering its layered meanings: including literal expressive vocalising and musical expression, voicing after experiences of silencing, and the possibilities of experiencing self-determination and agency in therapy after trauma.Keywords: lived experience, music therapy, trauma, user perspectives
Procedia PDF Downloads 2346897 The Asymmetric Proximal Support Vector Machine Based on Multitask Learning for Classification
Authors: Qing Wu, Fei-Yan Li, Heng-Chang Zhang
Multitask learning support vector machines (SVMs) have recently attracted increasing research attention. Given several related tasks, the single-task learning methods trains each task separately and ignore the inner cross-relationship among tasks. However, multitask learning can capture the correlation information among tasks and achieve better performance by training all tasks simultaneously. In addition, the asymmetric squared loss function can better improve the generalization ability of the models on the most asymmetric distributed data. In this paper, we first make two assumptions on the relatedness among tasks and propose two multitask learning proximal support vector machine algorithms, named MTL-a-PSVM and EMTL-a-PSVM, respectively. MTL-a-PSVM seeks a trade-off between the maximum expectile distance for each task model and the closeness of each task model to the general model. As an extension of the MTL-a-PSVM, EMTL-a-PSVM can select appropriate kernel functions for shared information and private information. Besides, two corresponding special cases named MTL-PSVM and EMTLPSVM are proposed by analyzing the asymmetric squared loss function, which can be easily implemented by solving linear systems. Experimental analysis of three classification datasets demonstrates the effectiveness and superiority of our proposed multitask learning algorithms.Keywords: multitask learning, asymmetric squared loss, EMTL-a-PSVM, classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 1376896 Using Short Narrative Film to Drive Healthcare Policy: A Case Study
Authors: T. L. Granzyk, S. Scarborough, J. DeCosmo
The use of health-related or medical narratives has gained increasing anecdotal and research-based support as a successful device for changing health behavior and outcomes. These narratives, in the form of oral storytelling, short films, and educational documentaries, for example, are most effective when including empathetic characters that transport viewers into the story and command both their attention and emotional response. This case study outlines how and why one large health system created a short narrative film for their internal Sepsis Awareness campaign, which told the dramatic story of a patient recovering from a missed sepsis diagnosis, leaving her a quad-amputee. Results include positive global anecdotal response to the film from healthcare professionals and patients, as well as use of the film to support legislation, ultimately passed in favor of the formation of Sepsis Awareness Workgroups in Maryland. Authors conclude that narrative films can be used successfully to initiate healthcare legislation and to increase internal and external awareness of health-related areas in need of greater improvement and support. As such, healthcare leaders and stakeholders would benefit from learning how to intentionally create, cultivate, and curate narratives from within their own health systems that elicit an empathetic response.Keywords: healthcare policy, healthcare narratives, sepsis awareness, short films
Procedia PDF Downloads 1036895 Surface Modification of Poly High Internal Phase Emulsion by Solution Plasma Process for CO2 Adsorption
Authors: Mookyada Mankrut, Manit Nithitanakul
An increase in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) resulting from anthropogenic CO2 emission has been a concerned problem so far. Adsorption using porous materials is feasible way to reduce the content of CO2 emission into the atmosphere due to several advantages: low energy consumption in regeneration process, low-cost raw materials and, high CO2 adsorption capacity. In this work, the porous poly(divinylbenzene) (poly(DVB)) support was synthesized under high internal phase emulsion (HIPE) polymerization then modified with polyethyleneimine (PEI) by using solution plasma process. These porous polymers were then used as adsorbents for CO2 adsorption study. All samples were characterized by some techniques: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron spectroscopy (SEM), water contact angle measurement and, surface area analyzer. The results of FT-IR and a decrease in contact angle, pore volume and, surface area of PEI-loaded materials demonstrated that surface of poly(DVB) support was modified. In other words, amine groups were introduced to poly(DVB) surface. In addition, not only the outer surface of poly(DVB) adsorbent was modified, but also the inner structure as shown by FT-IR study. As a result, PEI-loaded materials exhibited higher adsorption capacity, comparing with those of the unmodified poly(DVB) support.Keywords: polyHIPEs, CO2 adsorption, solution plasma process, high internal phase emulsion
Procedia PDF Downloads 2736894 Faculty Members' Acceptance of Mobile Learning in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Case Study of a Saudi University
Authors: Omran Alharbi
It is difficult to find an aspect of our modern lives that has been untouched by mobile technology. Indeed, the use of mobile learning in Saudi Arabia may enhance students’ learning and increase overall educational standards. However, within tertiary education, the success of e-learning implementation depends on the degree to which students and educators accept mobile learning and are willing to utilise it. Therefore, this research targeted the factors that influence Hail University instructors’ intentions to use mobile learning. An online survey was completed by eighty instructors and it was found that their use of mobile learning was heavily predicted by performance experience, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions; the multiple regression analysis revealed that 67% of the variation was accounted for by these variables. From these variables, effort expectancy was shown to be the strongest predictor of intention to use e-learning for instructors.Keywords: acceptance, faculty member, mobile learning, KSA
Procedia PDF Downloads 1546893 Customers’ Priority to Implement SSTs Using AHP Analysis
Authors: Mohammad Jafariahangari, Marjan Habibi, Miresmaeil Mirnabibaboli, Mirza Hassan Hosseini
Self-service technologies (SSTs) make an important contribution to the daily life of people nowadays. However, the introduction of SST does not lead to its usage. Thereby, this paper was an attempt on discovery of the most preferred SST in the customers’ point of view. To fulfill this aim, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied based on Saaty’s questionnaire which was administered to the customers of e-banking services located in Golestan providence, north of Iran. This study used qualitative factors in association with the intention of consumers’ usage of SSTs to rank three SSTs: ATM, mobile banking, and internet banking. The results showed that mobile banking get the highest weight in consumers’ point of view. This research can be useful both for managers and service providers and also for customers who intend to use e-banking.Keywords: analytical hierarchy process, decision-making, e-banking, self-service technologies, Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 3186892 Frenectomy With Lateral Pedicle Graft - A Case Series
Authors: Nikita Sankhe
A Frenum is a band or fold of mucous membrane, which is usually with enclosed muscle fibers, that attaches the lip and cheek to the alveolar mucosa or the gingiva and the underlying periosteum. It curbs or limits the movements of an organ. A frenum becomes a problem if its attachment is too close to the marginal or papillary gingiva, namely localized gingival recession and a midline diastema or it may pull the gingival margin away from the tooth allowing plaque accumulation and inhibit toothbrushing. Frenectomy is the complete removal of the frenum including its attachment to the underlying bone. Miller suggested a technique where by a closure was done across the midline by laterally positioned gingiva. Healing by primary intention resulted in aesthetically acceptable attached gingiva across the midline. This paper aims at showing how a lateral pedicle graft technique combined with frenectomy proves to be more advantageous than any other technique.Keywords: frenum , frenectomy , lateral pedicle graft , classical frenectomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2486891 Policy Guidelines to Enhance the Mathematics Teachers’ Association of the Philippines (MTAP) Saturday Class Program
Authors: Roselyn Alejandro-Ymana
The study was an attempt to assess the MTAP Saturday Class Program along its eight components namely, modules, instructional materials, scheduling, trainer-teachers, supervisory support, administrative support, financial support and educational facilities, the results of which served as bases in developing policy guidelines to enhance the MTAP Saturday Class Program. Using a descriptive development method of research, this study involved the participation of twenty-eight (28) schools with MTAP Saturday Class Program in the Division of Dasmarinas City where twenty-eight school heads, one hundred twenty-five (125) teacher-trainer, one hundred twenty-five (125) pupil program participants, and their corresponding one hundred twenty-five (125) parents were purposively drawn to constitute the study’s respondent. A self-made validated survey questionnaire together with Pre and Post-Test Assessment Test in Mathematics for pupils participating in the program, and an unstructured interview guide was used to gather the data needed in the study. Data obtained from the instruments administered was organized and analyzed through the use of statistical tools that included the Mean, Weighted Mean, Relative Frequency, Standard Deviation, F-Test or One-Way ANOVA and the T-Test. Results of the study revealed that all the eight domains involved in the MTAP Saturday Class Program were practiced with the areas of 'trainer-teachers', 'educational facilities', and 'supervisory support' identified as the program’s strongest components while the areas of 'financial support', 'modules' and 'scheduling' as being the weakest program’s components. Moreover, the study revealed based on F-Test, that there was a significant difference in the assessment made by the respondents in each of the eight (8) domains. It was found out that the parents deviated significantly from the assessment of either the school heads or the teachers on the indicators of the program. There is much to be desired when it comes to the quality of the implementation of the MTAP Saturday Class Program. With most of the indicators of each component of the program, having received overall average ratings that were at least 0.5 point away from the ideal rating 5 for total quality, school heads, teachers, and supervisors need to work harder for total quality of the implementation of the MTAP Saturday Class Program in the division.Keywords: mathematics achievement, MTAP program, policy guidelines, program assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2126890 Case Study about Women Driving in Saudi Arabia Announced in 2018: Netnographic and Data Mining Study
Authors: Majdah Alnefaie
The ‘netnographic study’ and data mining have been used to monitor the public interaction on Social Media Sites (SMSs) to understand what the motivational factors influence the Saudi intentions regarding allowing women driving in Saudi Arabia in 2018. The netnographic study monitored the publics’ textual and visual communications in Twitter, Snapchat, and YouTube. SMSs users’ communications method is also known as electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Netnography methodology is still in its initial stages as it depends on manual extraction, reading and classification of SMSs users text. On the other hand, data mining is come from the computer and physical sciences background, therefore it is much harder to extract meaning from unstructured qualitative data. In addition, the new development in data mining software does not support the Arabic text, especially local slang in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, collaborations between social and computer scientists such as ‘netnographic study’ and data mining will enhance the efficiency of this study methodology leading to comprehensive research outcome. The eWOM communications between individuals on SMSs can promote a sense that sharing their preferences and experiences regarding politics and social government regulations is a part of their daily life, highlighting the importance of using SMSs as assistance in promoting participation in political and social. Therefore, public interactions on SMSs are important tools to comprehend people’s intentions regarding the new government regulations in the country. This study aims to answer this question, "What factors influence the Saudi Arabians' intentions of Saudi female's car-driving in 2018". The study utilized qualitative method known as netnographic study. The study used R studio to collect and analyses 27000 Saudi users’ comments from 25th May until 25th June 2018. The study has developed data collection model that support importing and analysing the Arabic text in the local slang. The data collection model in this study has been clustered based on different type of social networks, gender and the study main factors. The social network analysis was employed to collect comments from SMSs owned by governments’ originations, celebrities, vloggers, social activist and news SMSs accounts. The comments were collected from both males and females SMSs users. The sentiment analysis shows that the total number of positive comments Saudi females car driving was higher than negative comments. The data have provided the most important factors influenced the Saudi Arabians’ intention of Saudi females car driving including, culture and environment, freedom of choice, equal opportunities, security and safety. The most interesting finding indicted that women driving would play a role in increasing the individual freedom of choice. Saudi female will be able to drive cars to fulfill her daily life and family needs without being stressed due to the lack of transportation. The study outcome will help Saudi government to improve woman quality of life by increasing the ability to find more jobs and studies, increasing income through decreasing the spending on transport means such as taxi and having more freedom of choice in woman daily life needs. The study enhances the importance of using use marketing research to measure the public opinions on the new government regulations in the country. The study has explained the limitations and suggestions for future research.Keywords: netnographic study, data mining, social media, Saudi Arabia, female driving
Procedia PDF Downloads 1556889 Kinetic Rate Comparison of Methane Catalytic Combustion of Palladium Catalysts Impregnated onto ɤ-Alumina and Bio-Char
Authors: Noor S. Nasri, Eric C. A. Tatt, Usman D. Hamza, Jibril Mohammed, Husna M. Zain
Climate change has becoming a global environmental issue that may trigger irreversible changes in the environment with catastrophic consequences for human, animals and plants on our planet. Methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide are the greenhouse gases (GHG) and as the main factor that significantly contributes to the global warming. Mainly carbon dioxide be produced and released to atmosphere by thermal industrial and power generation sectors. Methane is dominant component of natural gas releases significant of thermal heat, and the gaseous pollutants when homogeneous thermal combustion takes place at high temperature. Heterogeneous catalytic Combustion (HCC) principle is promising technologies towards environmental friendly energy production should be developed to ensure higher yields with lower pollutants gaseous emissions and perform complete combustion oxidation at moderate temperature condition as comparing to homogeneous high thermal combustion. Hence the principle has become a very interesting alternative total oxidation for the treatment of pollutants gaseous emission especially NOX product formation. Noble metals are dispersed on a support-porous HCC such as γ- Al2O3, TiO2 and ThO2 to increase thermal stability of catalyst and to increase to effectiveness of catalytic combustion. Support-porous HCC material to be selected based on factors of the surface area, porosity, thermal stability, thermal conductivity, reactivity with reactants or products, chemical stability, catalytic activity, and catalyst life. γ- Al2O3 with high catalytic activity and can last longer life of catalyst, is commonly used as the support for Pd catalyst at low temperatures. Sustainable and renewable support-material of bio-mass char was derived from agro-industrial waste material and used to compare with those the conventional support-porous material. The abundant of biomass wastes generated in palm oil industries is one potential source to convert the wastes into sustainable material as replacement of support material for catalysts. Objective of this study was to compare the kinetic rate of reaction the combustion of methane on Palladium (Pd) based catalyst with Al2O3 support and bio-char (Bc) support derived from shell kernel. The 2wt% Pd was prepared using incipient wetness impregnation method and the HCC performance was accomplished using tubular quartz reactor with gas mixture ratio of 3% methane and 97% air. Material characterization was determined using TGA, SEM, and BET surface area. The methane porous-HCC conversion was carried out by online gas analyzer connected to the reactor that performed porous-HCC. BET surface area for prepared 2 wt% Pd/Bc is smaller than prepared 2wt% Pd/ Al2O3 due to its low porosity between particles. The order of catalyst activity based on kinetic rate on reaction of catalysts in low temperature is prepared 2wt% Pd/Bc > calcined 2wt% Pd/ Al2O3 > prepared 2wt% Pd/ Al2O3 > calcined 2wt% Pd/Bc. Hence the usage of agro-industrial bio-mass waste material can enhance the sustainability principle.Keywords: catalytic-combustion, environmental, support-bio-char material, sustainable and renewable material
Procedia PDF Downloads 3916888 Intergenerational Succession within Family Businesses: The Role of Sharing and Creation Knowledge
Authors: Wissal Ben Arfi, Jean-Michel Sahut
The purpose of this paper is to provide a deeper understanding of the succession process from a knowledge management perspective. By doing that, succession process in family businesses, as an environment for creating and sharing knowledge, was explored. Design/Methodology/Approach: To support our reasoning, we collected qualitative data through 16 in-depth interviews conducted with all decision makers involved in the family businesses succession process in France. These open-ended responses were subsequently exposed to thematic discourse analysis. Findings: Central to this exhibit is the nature and magnitude of knowledge creation and sharing among the actors within the family succession context and how can tacit knowledge sharing facilitate the succession process. We also identified factors that inhibit down the knowledge creation and sharing processes. The sharing and creation of knowledge among members of a family business appear to be a complex process that must be part of a strategy for change. This implies that it requests trust and takes a certain amount of time because it requires organizational change and a clear and coherent strategic vision that is accepted and assimilated by all the members. Professional and leadership skills are of particular importance in knowledge sharing and creation processes. In most cases, tacit knowledge is crucial when it is shared and accumulated collectively. Our findings reveal that managers should find ways of implementing knowledge sharing and creation processes while acknowledging the succession process within family firms. This study highlights the importance of generating knowledge strategies in order to enhance the performance and the success of intergenerational succession. The empirical outcomes contribute to enrich the field of succession management process and enhance the role of knowledge in shaping family performance and longevity. To a large extent, the lessons learned from the study of succession processes in family-owned businesses are that when there is a deliberate effort to introduce a knowledge-based approach, this action becomes a seminal event in the life of the organization. Originality/Value: The paper contributes to the deep understanding of interactions among actors by examining the knowledge creation and sharing processes since current researches in family succession focused on aspects such as personal development of potential, intra-family succession intention, decision-making processes in family businesses. Besides, as succession is one of the key factors that determine the longevity and the performance of family businesses, it also contributes to literature by examining how tacit knowledge is transferred, shared and created in family businesses and how this can facilitate the intergenerational succession process.Keywords: family-owned businesses, succession process, knowledge, performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2096887 Exploring Mental Health Triggers, Challenges, and Support Across Different Roles in the UK Construction Industry: Perspectives from Clients, Consultants, and Contractors
Authors: Abigail Amoah, George Ofori, George Agyekum-Mensah, Matthew Brian Wright, Job Momoh
The objective of this study was to examine the mental health triggers, challenges, and support for mental health needs within the UK construction industry, which is seen as one of the high-pressure working environments with jobs that can be physically demanding and, traditionally, suffer from ‘Macho’ culture. The sector makes a substantial contribution to the UK’s economy, but despite this economic significance, mental health issues are still thoroughly attended to due to stigmatisation. Through semi-structured interviews with clients, consultants, and contractors, the research helps to understand better how mental health is perceived by these key stakeholders in the UK construction industry. Clients identify high-pressure deadlines and financial risks as major stressors, consultants point to the incessant workload culture coupled with project constraints, and contractors emphasize insufficient resource concerns and physical demands. this study reveals significant organisational and cultural barriers to mental health. The study proposes the following recommendations: the need to implement bespoke mental health programmes for the industry, better communication channels, and implementing industry-standard policies to enhance a supportive environment. These specifications provide actionable insights to support well-being and productivity within the sector.Keywords: construction industry, mental health, supportive mechanisms, workplace stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 346886 Artificial Intelligence in Ethiopian Higher Education: The Impact of Digital Readiness Support, Acceptance, Risk, and Trust on Adoption
Authors: Merih Welay Welesilassie
Understanding educators' readiness to incorporate AI tools into their teaching methods requires comprehensively examining the influencing factors. This understanding is crucial, given the potential of these technologies to personalise learning experiences, improve instructional effectiveness, and foster innovative pedagogical approaches. This study evaluated factors affecting teachers' adoption of AI tools in their English language instruction by extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to encompass digital readiness support, perceived risk, and trust. A cross-sectional quantitative survey was conducted with 128 English language teachers, supplemented by qualitative data collection from 15 English teachers. The structural mode analysis indicated that implementing AI tools in Ethiopian higher education was notably influenced by digital readiness support, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, and trust. Digital readiness support positively impacted perceived ease of use, usefulness, and trust while reducing safety and privacy risks. Perceived ease of use positively correlated with perceived usefulness but negatively influenced trust. Furthermore, perceived usefulness strengthened trust in AI tools, while perceived safety and privacy risks significantly undermined trust. Trust was crucial in increasing educators' willingness to adopt AI technologies. The qualitative analysis revealed that the teachers exhibited strong content and pedagogical knowledge but needed more technology-related knowledge. Moreover, It was found that the teachers did not utilise digital tools to teach English. The study identified several obstacles to incorporating digital tools into English lessons, such as insufficient digital infrastructure, a shortage of educational resources, inadequate professional development opportunities, and challenging policies and governance. The findings provide valuable guidance for educators, inform policymakers about creating supportive digital environments, and offer a foundation for further investigation into technology adoption in educational settings in Ethiopia and similar contexts.Keywords: digital readiness support, AI acceptance, perceived risc, AI trust
Procedia PDF Downloads 236885 Application Potential of Selected Tools in Context of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Risk Analysis
Authors: Hromada Martin
Risk analysis is considered as a fundamental aspect relevant for ensuring the level of critical infrastructure protection, where the critical infrastructure is seen as system, asset or its part which is important for maintaining the vital societal functions. Article actually discusses and analyzes the potential application of selected tools of information support for the implementation and within the framework of risk analysis and critical infrastructure protection. Use of the information in relation to their risk analysis can be viewed as a form of simplifying the analytical process. It is clear that these instruments (information support) for these purposes are countless, so they were selected representatives who have already been applied in the selected area of critical infrastructure, or they can be used. All presented fact were the basis for critical infrastructure resilience evaluation methodology development.Keywords: critical infrastructure, protection, resilience, risk analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 6396884 A Polyphonic Look at Trends
Authors: Turquesa Topper
The reflection focuses on recording and explaining the considerations, conceptualizations and methodological approach with which from the University, that is to say, from the academic field, the study of Trends is addressed with the intention of training professionals in the area, an area that requires disciplinary boundaries and builds a polyphonic vision. When referring to the objective of our Laboratory the detection of aesthetic trends of consumption, we find ourselves in the requirement to define our object: trends, aesthetic trends of consumption, more specifically. The pages cover a conception of trends from a theoretical framework that incorporates contributions from linguistics, semiotics, sociology, cultural studies and project disciplines, in order to consolidate a polyphonic look. The text investigates in the pre-discursive aspect of the trends, in the circulation of the notion of style and in the dynamics of affirmation - denial as the constitutive dynamics of Fashion linked to any process of innovation. From such inquiry, it is presented to Fashion as a system that operates directly on the construction of socio-individual identities unfolding through the liquefaction of signs in trends.Keywords: fashion, methodology, narrative, trends
Procedia PDF Downloads 2506883 Optimising Participation in Physical Activity Research for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Authors: Yetunde M. Dairo, Johnny Collett, Helen Dawes
Background and Aim: Engagement with physical activity (PA) research is poor among adults with intellectual disabilities (ID), particularly in those from residential homes. This study explored why, by asking managers of residential homes, adults with ID and their carers. Methods: Participants: A convenient sample of 23 individuals from two UK local authorities, including a group of ID residential home managers, adults with ID and their support staff. Procedures: A) Residential home managers (n=6) were asked questions about their willingness to allow their residents to participate in PA research; B) eleven adults with ID and their support workers (n=6) were asked questions about their willingness to accept 7-day accelerometer monitoring and/or the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-short version (IPAQ-s) as PA measures. The IPAQ-s was administered by the researcher and they were each provided with samples of accelerometers to try on. Results: A) Five out of six managers said that the burden of wearing the accelerometer for seven days would be too high for the people they support, the majority of whom might be unable to express their wishes. They also said they would be unwilling to act as proxy respondents for the same reason. Additionally, they cited time pressure, understaffing, and reluctance to spend time on the research paperwork as further reasons for non-participation. B) All 11 individuals with ID completed the IPAQ-s while only three accepted the accelerometer, one of whom was deemed inappropriate to wear it. Reasons for rejecting accelerometers included statements from participants of: ‘too expensive’, ‘too heavy’, ‘uncomfortable’, and two people said they would not want to wear it for more than one day. All adults with ID (11) and their support workers (6) provided information about their physical activity levels through the IPAQ-s. Conclusions: Care home managers are a barrier to research participation. However, adults with ID would be happy for the IPAQ-s as a PA measure, but less so for the 7-day accelerometer monitoring. In order to improve participation in this population, the choice of PA measure is considered important. Moreover, there is a need for studies exploring how best to engage ID residential home managers in PA research.Keywords: intellectual disability, physical activity measurement, research engagement, research participation
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