Search results for: social research networks sites (SRNS)
32155 Data Recording for Remote Monitoring of Autonomous Vehicles
Authors: Rong-Terng Juang
Autonomous vehicles offer the possibility of significant benefits to social welfare. However, fully automated cars might not be going to happen in the near further. To speed the adoption of the self-driving technologies, many governments worldwide are passing laws requiring data recorders for the testing of autonomous vehicles. Currently, the self-driving vehicle, (e.g., shuttle bus) has to be monitored from a remote control center. When an autonomous vehicle encounters an unexpected driving environment, such as road construction or an obstruction, it should request assistance from a remote operator. Nevertheless, large amounts of data, including images, radar and lidar data, etc., have to be transmitted from the vehicle to the remote center. Therefore, this paper proposes a data compression method of in-vehicle networks for remote monitoring of autonomous vehicles. Firstly, the time-series data are rearranged into a multi-dimensional signal space. Upon the arrival, for controller area networks (CAN), the new data are mapped onto a time-data two-dimensional space associated with the specific CAN identity. Secondly, the data are sampled based on differential sampling. Finally, the whole set of data are encoded using existing algorithms such as Huffman, arithmetic and codebook encoding methods. To evaluate system performance, the proposed method was deployed on an in-house built autonomous vehicle. The testing results show that the amount of data can be reduced as much as 1/7 compared to the raw data.Keywords: autonomous vehicle, data compression, remote monitoring, controller area networks (CAN), Lidar
Procedia PDF Downloads 16432154 Gender Effects in EEG-Based Functional Brain Networks
Authors: Mahdi Jalili
Functional connectivity in the human brain can be represented as a network using electroencephalography (EEG) signals. Network representation of EEG time series can be an efficient vehicle to understand the underlying mechanisms of brain function. Brain functional networks – whose nodes are brain regions and edges correspond to functional links between them – are characterized by neurobiologically meaningful graph theory metrics. This study investigates the degree to which graph theory metrics are sex dependent. To this end, EEGs from 24 healthy female subjects and 21 healthy male subjects were recorded in eyes-closed resting state conditions. The connectivity matrices were extracted using correlation analysis and were further binarized to obtain binary functional networks. Global and local efficiency measures – as graph theory metrics– were computed for the extracted networks. We found that male brains have a significantly greater global efficiency (i.e., global communicability of the network) across all frequency bands for a wide range of cost values in both hemispheres. Furthermore, for a range of cost values, female brains showed significantly greater right-hemispheric local efficiency (i.e., local connectivity) than male brains.Keywords: EEG, brain, functional networks, network science, graph theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 44432153 The Role of Community Participation in the Socialization of the Child within the Saudi Family in Riyadh City
Authors: Ohoud Abdullatif Alshaiji
Child-rearing is considered as the most important family role and with the modern lifestyle and busy families social institutions has taken this role from the family to encourage the individuals active's role in the social life, this study aimed to acknowledge the contributions of the social institutions in child-rearing the Saudi children and to acknowledge The Role of the community's partnership in activating the social child-rearing for the Saudi children. The research main question was how much the community's partnership is actually participating in activating the process of the social development of the Saudi children. The importance of this study comes from the massive care that has been given from all over the world, children international organizations, and this research is focusing on the participating of five social organization in child-rearing the Saudi children. The study was limited on the mothers of the children who are enrolled in the government's kindergarten the tool that has been used was the Questionnaire, using the descriptive and analytical approach. The important role of the family in encouraging the social development for the Saudi child, and the results has shown the importance of the mosque in encouraging the good social behaviors. And the kindergarten role has shown after the mosque because of the changes that made most of the families relying on the educational institutions to help the child to adapt in a different cultures. To spread the community's partnership in all the social actions, to support and encourage the role of community's partnership in activating the process of the social development of the Saudi children, to minimize the difficulties and the provide the need to fully support the community's partnership.Keywords: child-rearing, social development, acknowledge the contributions
Procedia PDF Downloads 34532152 Enabling Affirmative Futures: Making Use of Virtual Spaces and New Social Technologies in Co-Production Research with Marginalised Young People
Authors: Kirsty Liddiard
In this paper, we detail the politics and practicalities of co-produced disability research with disabled young people with life-limiting and life-threatening impairments in our ESRC funded project, Life, Death, Disability and the Human: Living Life to the Fullest. We centre our Co-Researcher Collective of disabled young people who, through virtual research methods and social technologies, are co-leading this innovative project exploring the lives, hopes, desires and ambitions of young disabled people living short(er) lives. Co-production is an established approach; however, our co-researchers have led us to develop inclusive and transformative research practices that engage with online social research methods in innovative ways. Through this discussion, we demarcate the Academy and ‘research process’ as potentially deeply ableist spaces that propogate the normative researcher as non-disabled; someone integrated into the Academy and insecure employment; and who enacts normative modes of leadership. We use our experiences of co-production in Living Life to the Fullest, then, to show that research – as a discipline, a set of politics, and scholarly practice – must be transformed in order to enable new inclusive research futures that support meaningful co-production with marginalised young people. In conclusion, as we detail our experiences, we aim to encourage disability studies researchers and others to adopt virtual environments and social technologies when researching with and for the lives of disabled people.Keywords: co-production, illness, youth, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 15732151 The Role of Social Isolation and Its Relevance Towards the Intersex Condition for Policy Management of Inclusive Education
Authors: Hamza Iftikhar
The intersex person’s social isolation condition is the leading concern in inclusive educational practices. It provides for the relevance of intersex communities with the influence of social isolation on their education and well-being. Given the underlying concern, this paper stresses the isolation-free condition of the intersex community by facilitating inclusive education. The Atkinson and Shiffrin Model and Behaviorism-Based Intersex Theory supports inclusive education by extending the desire for the significant management of stereotypes, quality teaching, parental beliefs, expressions, physique, and intersex attribution. The reducing role of social isolation for inclusive education is analyzed using the qualitative research method. The semi-structured interview research instrument is used for the data collection from the Ministry of Human Rights, Educational Institutions, and inter-sex Representatives. The results show that managing directors and heads of educational institutions frame policy management for the free social isolation of intersex persons, which is relevant through inclusive education. The implication of this paper is to provide a better social condition for intersex persons towards inclusive education through effective policy management.Keywords: social isolation, inter-sex, relevance, inclusive education, policy management
Procedia PDF Downloads 10232150 Synthesis of Iso-Amyl, Benzyl and Cinnamyl Esters over Active, Selective, Reusable and Eco-Friendly Natural Silica Catalyst
Authors: Abd El-Aziz Said
In this study, natural silica was used as an active, selective, reusable and eco-friendly catalyst for the liquid phase synthesis of iso-amyl, benzyl and cinnamyl esters. The original and calcined natural silica were characterized by TG-DTA, XRF, XRD, FTIR, SEM, and N2-sorption analysis. The surface acidity of the catalysts was determined using isopropanol dehydration and the strength of available acid sites was measured using chemisorption of pyridine (PY) and dimethyl pyridine (DMPY). The results of acidity specified that the acidic sites are of Brönsted type, while PY-TPD demonstrated that almost of the acidic sites over the surface of natural silica are of weak and intermediate strength. The catalytic activity of natural silica towards esterification of acetic acid with alcohols was extensively studied. The results revealed that natural silica had high catalytic activity with 100% selectivity to all targeted esters. In addition, the yields obtained in batch methods were 83, 81, and 80%, respectively, whereas these yields after simple distillation were improved 97, 99.5, and 90%, respectively.Keywords: liquid-phase esterification, natural silica, acidity esters, characterization
Procedia PDF Downloads 13432149 Improving Axial-Attention Network via Cross-Channel Weight Sharing
Authors: Nazmul Shahadat, Anthony S. Maida
In recent years, hypercomplex inspired neural networks improved deep CNN architectures due to their ability to share weights across input channels and thus improve cohesiveness of representations within the layers. The work described herein studies the effect of replacing existing layers in an Axial Attention ResNet with their quaternion variants that use cross-channel weight sharing to assess the effect on image classification. We expect the quaternion enhancements to produce improved feature maps with more interlinked representations. We experiment with the stem of the network, the bottleneck layer, and the fully connected backend by replacing them with quaternion versions. These modifications lead to novel architectures which yield improved accuracy performance on the ImageNet300k classification dataset. Our baseline networks for comparison were the original real-valued ResNet, the original quaternion-valued ResNet, and the Axial Attention ResNet. Since improvement was observed regardless of which part of the network was modified, there is a promise that this technique may be generally useful in improving classification accuracy for a large class of networks.Keywords: axial attention, representational networks, weight sharing, cross-channel correlations, quaternion-enhanced axial attention, deep networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 8432148 Questioning the Relationship Between Young People and Fake News Through Their Use of Social Media
Authors: Marion Billard
This paper will focus on the question of the real relationship between young people and fake news. Fake news is one of today’s main issues in the world of information and communication. Social media and its democratization helped to spread false information. According to traditional beliefs, young people are more inclined to believe what they read through social media. But, the individuals concerned, think that they are more inclined to make a distinction between real and fake news. This phenomenon is due to their use of the internet and social media from an early age. During the 2016 and 2017 French and American presidential campaigns, the term fake news was in the mouth of the entire world and became a real issue in the field of information. While young people were informing themselves with newspapers or television until the beginning of the ’90s, Gen Z (meaning people born between 1997 and 2010), has always been immersed in this world of fast communication. They know how to use social media from a young age and the internet has no secret for them. Today, despite the sporadic use of traditional media, young people tend to turn to their smartphones and social networks such as Instagram or Twitter to stay abreast of the latest news. The growth of social media information led to an “ambient journalism”, giving access to an endless quantity of information. Waking up in the morning, young people will see little posts with short texts supplying the essential of the news, without, for the most, many details. As a result, impressionable people are not able to do a distinction between real media, and “junk news” or Fake News. This massive use of social media is probably explained by the inability of the youngsters to find connections between the communication of the traditional media and what they are living. The question arises if this over-confidence of the young people in their ability to distinguish between accurate and fake news would not make it more difficult for them to examine critically the information. Their relationship with media and fake news is more complex than popular opinion. Today’s young people are not the master in the quest for information, nor inherently the most impressionable public on social media.Keywords: fake news, youngsters, social media, information, generation
Procedia PDF Downloads 16332147 Multidimensional Sports Spectators Segmentation and Social Media Marketing
Authors: B. Schmid, C. Kexel, E. Djafarova
Understanding consumers is elementary for practitioners in marketing. Consumers of sports events, the sports spectators, are a particularly complex consumer crowd. In order to identify and define their profiles different segmentation approaches can be found in literature, one of them being multidimensional segmentation. Multidimensional segmentation models correspond to the broad range of attitudes, behaviours, motivations and beliefs of sports spectators, other than earlier models. Moreover, in sports there are some well-researched disciplines (e.g. football or North American sports) where consumer profiles and marketing strategies are elaborate and others where no research at all can be found. For example, there is almost no research on athletics spectators. This paper explores the current state of research on sports spectators segmentation. An in-depth literature review provides the framework for a spectators segmentation in athletics. On this basis, additional potential consumer groups and implications for social media marketing will be explored. The findings are the basis for further research.Keywords: multidimensional segmentation, social media, sports marketing, sports spectators segmentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 30732146 Experiences of Social Participation among Community Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Qualitative Research
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a clinical stage that occurs between normal aging and dementia. Although MCI increases the risk of developing dementia, individuals with MCI may maintain stable cognitive function and even recover to a typical cognitive state. An intervention to prevent or delay the progression to dementia in individuals with MCI may involve promoting social engagement. Social participation is the engagement in socially relevant social exchanges and meaningful activities. Older adults with MCI may encounter restricted cognitive abilities, mood changes, and behavioral difficulties during social participation, influencing their willingness to engage. Therefore, this study aims to employ qualitative research methods to gain an in-depth comprehension of the authentic social participation experiences of older adults with mild cognitive impairment, which will establish a foundation for designing appropriate intervention programs. A phenomenological research was conducted. The study participants were selected using the purposive sampling method in combination with the maximum differentiation sampling strategy. Face-to-face semistructured interviews were conducted among 12 elderly individuals suffering from mild cognitive impairment in a community in Zhengzhou City from May to July 2023. Colaizzi 7-step method was used to analyze the data and extract the theme. The real experience of social participation in older adults with mild cognitive impairment can be summarized into 3 themes: (1) a single social relationship but a strong desire to participate, (2) a dual experience of social participation with both positive and negative aspects, (3) multiple barriers to social participation, including impaired memory capacity, heavy family responsibilities and lack of infrastructure. The study found that elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment and one social interaction display an increased desire to engage in society. To improve social participation levels and reduce cognitive function decline, healthcare providers should work with relevant government agencies and the community to create a comprehensive social participation system. It is important for healthcare providers to note the social participation status of the elderly with mild cognitive impairment.Keywords: mild cognitive impairment, the elderly, social participation, qualitative research
Procedia PDF Downloads 9332145 Efficient Broadcasting in Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Min Kyung An, Hyuk Cho
In this paper, we study the Minimum Latency Broadcast Scheduling (MLBS) problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The main issue of the MLBS problem is to compute schedules with the minimum number of timeslots such that a base station can broadcast data to all other sensor nodes with no collisions. Unlike existing works that utilize the traditional omni-directional WSNs, we target the directional WSNs where nodes can collaboratively determine and orientate their antenna directions. We first develop a 7-approximation algorithm, adopting directional WSNs. Our ratio is currently the best, to the best of our knowledge. We then validate the performance of the proposed algorithm through simulation.Keywords: broadcast, collision-free, directional antenna, approximation, wireless sensor networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 34732144 Location Management in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobility
Authors: Amrita Anil Agashe, Sumant Tapas, Ajay Verma Yogesh Sonavane, Sourabh Yeravar
Due to advancement in MEMS technology today wireless sensors network has gained a lot of importance. The wide range of its applications includes environmental and habitat monitoring, object localization, target tracking, security surveillance etc. Wireless sensor networks consist of tiny sensor devices called as motes. The constrained computation power, battery power, storage capacity and communication bandwidth of the tiny motes pose challenging problems in the design and deployment of such systems. In this paper, we propose a ubiquitous framework for Real-Time Tracking, Sensing and Management System using IITH motes. Also, we explain the algorithm that we have developed for location management in wireless sensor networks with the aspect of mobility. Our developed framework and algorithm can be used to detect emergency events and safety threats and provides warning signals to handle the emergency.Keywords: mobility management, motes, multihop, wireless sensor networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 42132143 Evaluation of Interaction Between Fans and Celebrities in New Media
Authors: Mohadese Motahari
In general, we consider the phenomenon of "fandism" or extreme fandom to be an aspect of fandom for a person, a group, or a collection, which leads to extreme support for them. So, for example, we consider a fan or a "fanatic" (which literally means a "fanatical person") to be a person who is extremely interested in a certain topic or topics and has a special passion and fascination for that issue. It may also be beyond the scope of logic and normal behavior of the society. With the expansion of the media and the advancement of technology, the phenomenon of fandom also underwent many changes and not only became more intense, but a large economy was also formed alongside it, and it is becoming more and more important every day. This economy, which emerged from the past with the formation of the first media, has now taken a different form with the development of media and social networks, as well as the change in the interaction between celebrities and audiences. Earning huge amounts of money with special methods in every social network and every media is achieved through fans and fandoms. In this article, we have studied the relationship between fans and famous people with reference to the economic debates surrounding it.Keywords: fandism, famous people, social media, new media
Procedia PDF Downloads 9132142 Exploring the Influence of Climate Change on Food Behavior in Medieval France: A Multi-Method Analysis of Human-Animal Interactions
Authors: Unsain Dianne, Roussel Audrey, Goude Gwenaëlle, Magniez Pierre, Storå Jan
This paper aims to investigate the changes in husbandry practices and meat consumption during the transition from the Medieval Climate Anomaly to the Little Ice Age in the South of France. More precisely, we will investigate breeding strategies, animal size and health status, carcass exploitation strategies, and the impact of socioeconomic status on human-environment interactions. For that purpose, we will analyze faunal remains from ten sites equally distributed between the two periods. Those include consumers from different socio-economic backgrounds (peasants, city dwellers, soldiers, lords, and the Popes). The research will employ different methods used in zooarchaeology: comparative anatomy, biometry, pathologies analyses, traceology, and utility indices, as well as experimental archaeology, to reconstruct and understand the changes in animal breeding and consumption practices. Their analysis will allow the determination of modifications in the animal production chain, with the composition of the flocks (species, size), their management (age, sex, health status), culinary practices (strategies for the exploitation of carcasses, cooking, tastes) or the importance of trade (butchers, sales of processed animal products). The focus will also be on the social extraction of consumers. The aim will be to determine whether climate change has had a greater impact on the most modest groups (such as peasants), whether the consequences have been global and have also affected the highest levels of society, or whether the social and economic factors have been sufficient to balance out the climatic hazards, leading to no significant changes. This study will contribute to our understanding of the impact of climate change on breeding and consumption strategies in medieval society from a historical and social point of view. It combines various research methods to provide a comprehensive analysis of the changes in human-animal interactions during different climatic periods.Keywords: archaeology, animal economy, cooking, husbandry practices, climate change, France
Procedia PDF Downloads 6032141 An Approach to Building a Recommendation Engine for Travel Applications Using Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks
Authors: Adrian Ionita, Ana-Maria Ghimes
The lack of features, design and the lack of promoting an integrated booking application are some of the reasons why most online travel platforms only offer automation of old booking processes, being limited to the integration of a smaller number of services without addressing the user experience. This paper represents a practical study on how to improve travel applications creating user-profiles through data-mining based on neural networks and genetic algorithms. Choices made by users and their ‘friends’ in the ‘social’ network context can be considered input data for a recommendation engine. The purpose of using these algorithms and this design is to improve user experience and to deliver more features to the users. The paper aims to highlight a broader range of improvements that could be applied to travel applications in terms of design and service integration, while the main scientific approach remains the technical implementation of the neural network solution. The motivation of the technologies used is also related to the initiative of some online booking providers that have made the fact that they use some ‘neural network’ related designs public. These companies use similar Big-Data technologies to provide recommendations for hotels, restaurants, and cinemas with a neural network based recommendation engine for building a user ‘DNA profile’. This implementation of the ‘profile’ a collection of neural networks trained from previous user choices, can improve the usability and design of any type of application.Keywords: artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, DNA profile, genetic algorithms, machine learning, neural networks, optimization, recommendation system, user profiling
Procedia PDF Downloads 16432140 Towards Developing Social Assessment Tool for Siwan Ecolodge Case Study: Babenshal Ecolodge
Authors: Amr Ali Bayoumi, Ola Ali Bayoumi
The aim of this research is enhancing one of the main aspects (Social Aspect) for developing an eco-lodge in Siwa oasis in Egyptian Western Desert. According to credible weightings built in this research through formal and informal questionnaires, the researcher detected one of the highest credible aspects, 'Social Aspect': through which it carries the maximum priorities among the total environmental and economic categories. From here, the researcher suggested the usage of ethnographic design approach and Space Syntax as observational and computational methods for developing future Eco-lodge in Siwa Oasis. These methods are used to study social spaces of Babenshal eco-lodge as a case study. This hybrid method is considered as a beginning of building Social Assessment Tool (SAT) for ecological tourism buildings located in Siwa as a case of Egyptian Western desert community. Towards livable social spaces, the proposed SAT was planned to be the optimum measurable weightings for social aspect's priorities of future Siwan eco-lodge(s). Finally, recommendations are proposed for enhancing SAT to be more correlated with sensitive desert biome (Siwa Oasis) to be adapted with the continuous social and environmental changes of the oasis.Keywords: ecolodge, social aspect, space syntax, Siwa Oasis
Procedia PDF Downloads 12832139 The Impact of Social Enterprises on Women Empowerment in South Asia: A Systematic Review
Authors: Saba Aziz
Social enterprises are playing a growing role in transforming the lives of individuals and communities around the world, providing innovative solutions to critical social and environmental issues such as education, job creation, and health care. Women are increasingly utilising services of these enterprises to overcome socio-economic constraints and increase their access to business and market. This article systematically reviews the available literature on the role of social enterprises on women's empowerment in South Asia. Twelve key terms were specified and researched on five databases. Some of the literature was excluded based on the lack of evidence on the involvement of social enterprises. Remaining literature was rated according to the quality; due to methodological inconsistency, the findings are presented in a descriptive form. The relevant studies review the impact of social enterprises on women’s economic, social, relational, health, personal and political aspects of empowerment. In discussion, we outline areas for further research on social enterprises activity that impacts women’s overall empowerment specifically in South Asia.Keywords: social enterprise, women empowerment, systematic review, well-being, social impact, micro finance, South Asia, Pakistan
Procedia PDF Downloads 17432138 Geometrical Analysis of Tiling Patterns in Azari Style: The Case of Tabriz Kaboud Mosque
Authors: Seyyedeh Faezeh Miralami, Sahar Sayyadchapari, Mona Laleh, Zahra Poursafar
Tiling patterns are magnificent display of decoration in Islamic period. They transform the dusty and dreary facades to splendid and ornate ones. Due to ideological factors and elements of Azari style decorations, geometrical patterns and vegetative designs became prevalent and pervasive in religious sites like mosques. Objectives: The objective of this research is a study of tiling patterns in Tabriz Kaboud mosque, as a splendid work of architecture in Azari style. In this study, the geometrical designs and tiling patterns employed in the mosque decorations are examined and analyzed. Method: The research is based on a descriptive analysis method. Data and information are collected based on documents library and field study. Then, polished and brushed, the study resulted in an illustrative conclusion. Findings: In religious sites such as mosques, geometry represents ‘divination’ in Christian theology and ‘Unity with God’ or ‘Tawhid’ in Islamic terminology. In other words, science, literature, architecture, and all forms of human expression and representation are pointed towards one cause, unity or divination. Tiling patterns of Kaboud Mosque, mostly hexagonal, circular, square and triangle, form outstanding architectonic features which recount a story, a narration of divination or unification with the One.Keywords: tiling, Azari style, Tabriz Kaboud Mosque, Islamic architecture
Procedia PDF Downloads 32532137 The Third Level Digital Divide: Millennials and Post-Millennials Online Activities in South Africa
Authors: Ayanda Magida, Brian Armstrong
The study aimed to assess the third level of the digital divide among the millennials and post-millennials in South Africa. The millennials are people born from 1981-to 1996, that is, people between the ages of 25-40 years old and post-millennials are people born from 1997 to date. For the study, only post-millennials born between 1997-2003 were included as they were old enough to consent to participation in the study. Data was collected as part of the Ph.D. project that focuses on the relationship between income inequality, the digital divide, and social cohesion in South Africa. The digital divide has three main levels, namely the first, second and third. The first and second focus on access and usage, respectively. The third-level digital divide can be defined as the differences in the benefits associated with being online. The current paper focuses on the third level: the benefits derived by being online using four domains: economic, educational, social, and personal benefits. The economic benefits include income, employment and finance-related activities; the social benefits include socializing belonging, identity, and informal networks. The personal benefits include personal wellbeing and self-actualization. A total of 763 participants completed the survey, and 61.3% were post-millennials between the ages of 18-24 and s 38.6 % were millennials between 25 and 40. The majority of the respondents were female (62%), male (34%) and nonbinary (1%), respectively. Most of the respondents were black, followed by whites, Indians and colored, respectively. Thus, they represented the status of the demographics of the country. Most of the respondents had access to the internet and smartphone. Most expressed that they use laptops (68%) or mobile (71%) to access the internet and 54 % access the internet using wireless/Wi-Fi. There were no differences between the millennial and post-millennial economic and educational benefits of being online. However, the post-millennials were more inclined to use the internet for social and personal benefits than the millennials. This could be attributed to many factors, such as age. The post-millennials are still discovering themselves and therefore would derive social and personal benefits associated with being online. The findings confirm studies that argue that younger generations derive more benefits from being online than the older generation. Based on the findings, it is evident that the post-millennials are not using the internet or online activities for social networks and socializing but can derive economic benefits such as job looking and education benefits from being online. It can be inferred that there are no significant differences between the two groups, and it seems like the third-level digital divide is not evident among the two groups as they both have been able to derive meaningful benefits from being online. Further studies should focus on the third-level divide between the baby boomers and Generation X.Keywords: third-level digital divide, millennials, post-millennials, online activities
Procedia PDF Downloads 10632136 NR/PEO Block Copolymer: A Chelating Exchanger for Metal Ions
Authors: M. S. Mrudula, M. R. Gopinathan Nair
In order to utilize the natural rubber for developing new green polymeric materials for specialty applications, we have prepared natural rubber and polyethylene oxide based polymeric networks by two shot method. The polymeric networks thus formed have been used as chelating exchanger for metal ion binding. Chelating exchangers are, in general, coordinating copolymers containing one or more electron donor atoms such as N, S, O, and P that can form coordinate bonds with metals. Hydrogels are water- swollen network of hydrophilic homopolymer or copolymers. They acquire a great interest due to the facility of the incorporation of different chelating groups into the polymeric networks. Such polymeric hydrogels are promising materials in the field of hydrometallurgical applications and water purification due to their chemical stability. The current study discusses the swelling response of the polymeric networks as a function of time, temperature, pH and [NaCl] and sorption studies. Equilibrium swelling has been observed to depend on both structural aspects of the polymers and environmental factors. Metal ion sorption shows that these polymeric networks can be used for removal, separation, and enrichment of metal ions from aqueous solutions and can play an important role for environmental remediation of municipal and industrial wastewater.Keywords: block copolymer, adsorption, chelating exchanger, swelling study, polymer, metal complexes
Procedia PDF Downloads 34332135 Effect of Social Media on Online Buyer Behavior
Authors: Zebider Asire Munyelet, Yibeltal Chanie Manie
In the modern digital landscape, the increase of social media platforms has become identical to the evolution of online consumer behavior. This study investigates the complicated relationship between social media and the purchasing decisions of online buyers. Through an extensive review of existing literature and empirical research, the aim is to comprehensively analyze the multidimensional impact that social media exerts on the various stages of the online buyer's journey. The investigation encompasses the exploration of how social media platforms serve as influential channels for information dissemination, product discovery, and consumer engagement. Additionally, the study investigates the psychological aspects underlying the role of social media in shaping buyer preferences, perceptions, and trust in online transactions. The methodologies employed include both quantitative and qualitative analyses, incorporating surveys, interviews, and data analytics to derive meaningful insights. Statistical models are applied to distinguish patterns in online buyer behavior concerning product awareness, brand loyalty, and decision-making processes. The expected outcomes of this research contribute not only to the academic understanding of the dynamic interplay between social media and online buyer behavior but also offer practical implications for marketers, e-commerce platforms, and policymakers.Keywords: social platforms, buyer behavior, consumer behavior, digital era
Procedia PDF Downloads 8032134 Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility in Indonesia
Authors: Bela Sulistyaguna, Yuli Chomsatu Samrotun, Endang Masitoh Wahyuningsih
The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of company size, liquidity, profitability, leverage, company age, industry type, board of director, board of commissioner, audit committee and public ownership on the corporate social responsibility disclosure. The grand theories of this research are agency theory, stakeholders theory, and legitimacy theory. Analysis of data using multiple linear regression method with SPSS 22.0 for mac. The sample consists of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and disclosed the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability reports from 2013 to 2018. The final sample of this research was 19 companies that obtained by purposive sampling. The results of the research showed that, simultaneously, company size, liquidity, profitability, leverage, company age, industry type, board of director, board of commissioner, audit committee and public ownership has an influence on the corporate social responsibility disclosure. Partially, the results showed that liquidity and leverage has an influence on the corporate social responsibility disclosure. Meanwhile, company size, profitability, company age, industry type, board of director, board of commissioner, audit committee and public ownership has no influence on corporate social responsibility disclosure.Keywords: corporate social responsibility, CSR disclosure, Indonesia
Procedia PDF Downloads 15432133 Adaptive Routing Protocol for Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Fayez Mostafa Alhamoui, Adnan Hadi Mahdi Al- Helali
The main issue in designing a wireless sensor network (WSN) is the finding of a proper routing protocol that complies with the several requirements of high reliability, short latency, scalability, low power consumption, and many others. This paper proposes a novel routing algorithm that complies with these design requirements. The new routing protocol divides the WSN into several sub-networks and each sub-network is divided into several clusters. This division is designed to reduce the number of radio transmission and hence decreases the power consumption. The network division may be changed dynamically to adapt with the network changes and allows the realization of the design requirements.Keywords: wireless sensor networks, routing protocols, AD HOC topology, cluster, sub-network, WSN design requirements
Procedia PDF Downloads 53832132 The Perceived Impact of Consultancy Organisations and Social Enterprises: Converging and Diverging Discourses
Authors: Seda Muftugil-Yalcin
With the proliferation of the number of social enterprises worldwide, there is now a whole ecosystem full of different organisational actors revolving around social enterprises. Impact hubs, incubation centers, and organisations (profit or non-profit) that offer consultancy services to social enterprises can be said to constitute one such cluster in the eco-system. These organisations offer a variety of services to social enterprises which desire to maximize their positive social impact. Especially with regards to impact measurement, there are numerous systems/guides/approaches/tools developed that claim to benefit social enterprises. Many organisations choose one of the existing tools and craft programs that help social enterprises to measure and to manage their social impacts. However, empirical evidence with regards to how the services of these consultancy organisations are precisely utilized on the field is scarce. This inevitably casts doubt on the impact of these organisations themselves. This research dwells on four case studies from the Netherlands and Turkey. In each country, two university-affiliated impact centers and two independent consultancy agencies that work with social entrepreneurs in the area of social impact measurement are closely examined. The overarching research question has been 'With regards to impact measurement, how do the founders/managers of these organisations perceive and make sense of their contribution to social enterprises and to the social entrepreneurship eco-system at large?' As for methodology, in-depth interviews were carried out with the managers/founders of these organisations and discourse analysis method has been used for data analysis together with grounded theory. The comparison between Turkey and Netherlands elucidate common denominators of impact measurement hype and discourses that are currently existing worldwide. In addition, it also reveals differing priorities of social enterprises in these different settings, which shape the expectations of social enterprises of consultancy organisations. Comparison between university affiliated impact hubs and independent consultancy organisations also give away important data about how different forms of consultancy organisations (in this case university based and independent) position themselves in relation to alike organisations with similar aims. The overall aim of the research is to reveal the contribution of the consultancy organisations that work with social enterprises to the social entrepreneurship field as perceived by them through a cross cultural study. The findings indicate that in both settings, the organisations that were claiming to bring positive social impact on the social entrepreneurship eco-system through their impact measurement trainings were themselves having a hard time in concretizing their own contributions; which indicated that these organisations were in need of a different impact measurement discourse than the ones they were championing.Keywords: consultancy organisations, social entrepreneurship, social impact measurement, social impact discourse
Procedia PDF Downloads 12532131 The Using of Social Marketing Approach for Conducting Anti-Corruption Campaign: A Review of Literature
Authors: Rosidah Rosidah
The paper aims to identify and examine the effectiveness of social marketing as an approach for conducting anti-corruption campaign. Social marketing has been widely used to promote social change for the benefit of individual and society; such as for promoting healthy foods consumption, encouraging breastfeeding, reducing smoking, solving alcohol problem and drunk driving. Therefore, it is believed that this approach can be promising to be used in anti-corruption campaign. It is because social marketing can be useful of prompting people to act in accordance to the existing norms that denounce corruption, or help to establish new norms that more averse to corruption. It has established into evidence and insight based approaches to social campaign that focus on changing people’s behavior. Qualitative approach will be used in this study, with the using of literature review and secondary data analysis as the research methods. This paper is still on preliminary stage, which its results is expected to provide fundamental basis for designing model of intervention (anti-corruption campaign) using social marketing approaches.Keywords: anti-corruption campaign, behavioral change, social influence, social marketing
Procedia PDF Downloads 33332130 Temporal Effects on Chemical Composition of Treated Wastewater and Borehole Water Used for Irrigation in Limpopo Province, South Africa
Authors: Pholosho M. Kgopa, Phatu W. Mashela, Alen Manyevere
Increasing incidents of drought spells in most Sub-Saharan Africa call for using alternative sources of water for irrigation in arid and semi-arid regions. A study was conducted to investigate chemical composition of borehole and treated wastewater from different sampling disposal sites at University of Limpopo Experimental Farm (ULEF). A 4 × 5 factorial experiment, with the borehole as a reference sampling site and three other sampling sites along the wastewater disposal system was conducted over five months. Water samples were collected at four sites namely, (a) exit from Pond 16 into the furrow, (b) entry into night-dam, (c) exit from night dam to irrigated fields and (d) exit from borehole to irrigated fields. Water samples were collected in the middle of each month, starting from July to November 2016. Samples were analysed for pH, EC, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Al, B, Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Cd and As. The site × time interactions were highly significant for Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Cd, and As variables, but not for Na and K. Sampling site was highly significant on all variables, with sampling period not significant for K and Na. Relative to water from the borehole, Na concentration in wastewater samples from the night-dam exit, night-dam entry and Pond16 exit were lower by 69, 34 and 55%, respectively. Relative to borehole water, Al was higher in wastewater sampling sites. In conclusion, both sampling site and period affected the chemical composition of treated wastewater.Keywords: irrigation water quality, spatial effects, temporal effects, water reuse, water scarcity
Procedia PDF Downloads 23932129 To Present and Explain Effective Methods in Teaching Social Science
Authors: Sulmaz Mozaffari, Zahra Mozaffari, Saman Mozaffari
Training is a counting and orderly process which purpose is to grow all as peals of the students to get the human knowledge and have the social norms. Also to help them grow their talents. Social science as in educational and training science at the sometime is very important for schools and universities. Unfortunately the method which is mostly used for teaching and training at present is student- teacher method and because of its ease the other methods are ignored. This research is to consider the most efficient methods in social science and analyse them. The Results show that the best methods in which the students are present during the teaching procedure.Keywords: social science, methodology, student base methodology, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 43732128 Exploring Deep Neural Network Compression: An Overview
Authors: Ghorab Sara, Meziani Lila, Rubin Harvey Stuart
The rapid growth of deep learning has led to intricate and resource-intensive deep neural networks widely used in computer vision tasks. However, their complexity results in high computational demands and memory usage, hindering real-time application. To address this, research focuses on model compression techniques. The paper provides an overview of recent advancements in compressing neural networks and categorizes the various methods into four main approaches: network pruning, quantization, network decomposition, and knowledge distillation. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive outline of both the advantages and limitations of each method.Keywords: model compression, deep neural network, pruning, knowledge distillation, quantization, low-rank decomposition
Procedia PDF Downloads 4532127 Enhancing Throughput for Wireless Multihop Networks
Authors: K. Kalaiarasan, B. Pandeeswari, A. Arockia John Francis
Wireless, Multi-hop networks consist of one or more intermediate nodes along the path that receive and forward packets via wireless links. The backpressure algorithm provides throughput optimal routing and scheduling decisions for multi-hop networks with dynamic traffic. Xpress, a cross-layer backpressure architecture was designed to reach the capacity of wireless multi-hop networks and it provides well coordination between layers of network by turning a mesh network into a wireless switch. Transmission over the network is scheduled using a throughput-optimal backpressure algorithm. But this architecture operates much below their capacity due to out-of-order packet delivery and variable packet size. In this paper, we present Xpress-T, a throughput optimal backpressure architecture with TCP support designed to reach maximum throughput of wireless multi-hop networks. Xpress-T operates at the IP layer, and therefore any transport protocol, including TCP, can run on top of Xpress-T. The proposed design not only avoids bottlenecks but also handles out-of-order packet delivery and variable packet size, optimally load-balances traffic across them when needed, improving fairness among competing flows. Our simulation results shows that Xpress-T gives 65% more throughput than Xpress.Keywords: backpressure scheduling and routing, TCP, congestion control, wireless multihop network
Procedia PDF Downloads 51932126 Studying Perceived Stigma, Economic System Justification and Social Mobility Beliefs of Socially Vulnerable (Poor) People: The Case of Georgia
Authors: Nazi Pharsadanishvili, Anastasia Kitiashvili
The importance of studying the social-psychological features of people living in poverty is often emphasized in international research. Building a multidimensional economic framework for reducing poverty grounded in people’s experiences and values is the main goal of famous Poverty Research Centers (such as Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab). The aims of the proposed research are to investigate the following characteristics of socially vulnerable people living in Georgia: 1) The features of the perceived stigma of poverty; 2) economic system justification and social justice beliefs; 3) Perceived social mobility and actual attempts at upward social mobility. Qualitative research was conducted to address the indicated research goals and descriptive research questions. Conducting in-depth interviews was considered to be the most appropriate method to capture the vivid feelings and experiences of people living in poverty. 17 respondents (registered in the unified database of socially vulnerable families) participated in in-depth interviews. According to the research results, socially vulnerable people living in Georgia perceive stigma targeted toward them. Two sub-dimensions were identified in perceived stigma: experienced stigma and internalized stigma. Experienced stigma reflects the instances of being discriminated and perceptions of negative treatment from other members of society. Internalized stigma covers negative personal emotions, the feelings of shame, the fear of future stigmatization, and self-isolation. The attitudes and justifications of the existing economic system affect people’s attempts to cope with poverty. Complex analysis of those results is important during the planning and implementing of social welfare reforms. Particularly, it is important to implement poverty stigma reduction mechanisms and help socially vulnerable people to see real perspectives on upward social mobility.Keywords: coping with poverty, economic system justification, perceived stigma of poverty, upward social mobility
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