Search results for: earnings management
8969 Artificial Intelligence Aided Improvement in Canada's Supply Chain Management
Authors: Mohammad Talebi
Supply chain administration could be a concern for all the countries within the world, whereas there's no special approach towards supportability. Generally, for one decade, manufactured insights applications in keen supply chains have found a key part. In this paper, applications of artificial intelligence in supply chain management have been clarified, and towards Canadian plans for smart supply chain management (SCM), a few notes have been suggested. A hierarchical framework for smart SCM might provide a great roadmap for decision-makers to find the most appropriate approach toward smart SCM. Within the system of decision-making, all the levels included in the accomplishment of smart SCM are included. In any case, more considerations are got to be paid to available and needed infrastructures.Keywords: smart SCM, AI, SSCM, procurement
Procedia PDF Downloads 898968 An Appraisal of Maintenance Management Practices in Federal University Dutse and Jigawa State Polytechnic Dutse, Nigeria
Authors: Aminu Mubarak Sadis
This study appraised the maintenance management practice in Federal University Dutse and Jigawa State Polytechnic Dutse, in Nigeria. The Physical Planning, Works and Maintenance Departments of the two Higher Institutions (Federal University Dutse and Jigawa State Polytechnic) are responsible for production and maintenance management of their physical assets. Over–enrollment problem has been a common feature in the higher institutions in Nigeria, Data were collected by the administered questionnaires and subsequent oral interview to authenticate the completed questionnaires. Random sampling techniques was used in selecting 150 respondents across the various institutions (Federal University Dutse and Jigawa State Polytechnic Dutse). Data collected was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and t-test statistical techniques The conclusion was that maintenance management activities are yet to be given their appropriate attention on functions of the university and polytechnic which are crucial to improving teaching, learning and research. The unit responsible for maintenance and managing facilities should focus on their stated functions and effect changes were possible.Keywords: appraisal, maintenance management, university, Polytechnic, practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 2538967 Managing Business Processes in the Age of Digital Transformation: A Literature Review
Authors: Ana-Marija Stjepić, Dalia Suša Vugec
Today, digital transformation is one of the leading topics that occupy the attention of scientific circles and business experts. Organizational success is most often reflected through the successful managing of business processes. Given the growing market for digital innovations and its ever-increasing impact on business, organizations need to be prepared for organizational changes that come with the digital era. In order to maintain their competitive advantage in the global market, organizations must adapt their processes to new digitalization conditions. The main goal of this study is to point out the link between the digital transformation and the business process management concept. Therefore, in order to contribute to the scientific field that explores the potential relation between business process management concept and digital transformation, a literature review has been conducted. Papers have been searched within the Business Process Management Journal by keywords related to the term digital transformation. Selected papers have been analyzed according to the topic, type of publication, year of publication, keywords, etc. The results reveal a growing number of papers published on the topic of digital transformation to the Business Process Management Journal, but the lack of case studies. This paper contributes to the extension of academic literature in this important, yet insufficiently researched, scientific field that creates the bond between two strong concepts of digital transformation and business process management.Keywords: business process management, digital transformation, digitalization, process change
Procedia PDF Downloads 1758966 Integrated Imaging Management System: An Approach in the Collaborative Coastal Resource Management of Bagac, Bataan
Authors: Aljon Pangan
The Philippines being an archipelagic country, is surrounded by coastlines (36,289 km), coastal waters (226,000 km²), oceanic waters (1.93 million km²) and territorial waters (2.2 million km²). Studies show that the Philippine coastal ecosystems are the most productive and biologically diverse in the world, however, plagued by degradation problems due to over-exploitation and illegal activities. The existence of coastal degradation issues in the country led to the emergence of Coastal Resource Management (CRM) as an approach to both national and local government in providing solutions for sustainable coastal resource utilization. CRM applies the idea of planning, implementing and monitoring through the lens of collaborative governance. It utilizes collective action and decision-making to achieve sustainable use of coastal resources. The Municipality of Bagac in Bataan is one of the coastal municipalities in the country who crafts its own CRM Program as a solution to coastal resource degradation and problems. Information and Communications Technology (ICT), particularly Integrated Imaging Management System (IIMS) is one approach that can be applied in the formula of collaborative governance which entails the Government, Private Sector, and Civil Society. IIMS can help policymakers, managers, and citizens in managing coastal resources through analyzed spatial data describing the physical, biological, and socioeconomic characteristics of the coastal areas. Moreover, this study will apply the qualitative approach in deciphering possible impacts of the application of IIMS in the Coastal Resource Management policy making and implementation of the Municipality of Bagac.Keywords: coastal resource management, collaborative governance, integrated imaging management system, information and communication technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 4008965 The Impact of Environmental Dynamism on Strategic Outsourcing Success
Authors: Mohamad Ghozali Hassan, Abdul Aziz Othman, Mohd Azril Ismail
Adapting quickly to environmental dynamism is essential for an organization to develop outsourcing strategic and management in order to sustain competitive advantage. This research used the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) tool to investigate the factors of environmental dynamism impact on the strategic outsourcing success among electrical and electronic manufacturing industries in outsourcing management. Statistical results confirm that the inclusion of customer demand, technological change, and competition level as a new combination concept of environmental dynamism, has positive effects on outsourcing success. Additionally, this research demonstrates the acceptability of PLS-SEM as a statistical analysis to furnish a better understanding of environmental dynamism in outsourcing management in Malaysia. A practical finding contributes to academics and practitioners in the field of outsourcing management.Keywords: environmental dynamism, customer demand, technological change, competition level, outsourcing success
Procedia PDF Downloads 5038964 The Impact of Family Involvement in Management on Firm’s Innovation: Evidence From Chinese Family Firms
Authors: Chen Jun
This study investigates the impact of family involvement, a pivotal factor shaping the management structure of family firms, on the firm’s innovation outputs. The independent variable focuses on the percentage number of family members serving as directors, supervisors and senior management. Our hypothesis suggests that family involvement tends to make management more conservative, thereby increasing the likelihood of impeding innovation investments and resulting in adverse effects on innovation output. Our findings reveal that Chinese family firms with high family involvement exhibit poorer innovation outputs compared to those with lower family involvement. Subsample analyses indicate that this negative influence of family involvement on innovation output is strengthened as the firm faces higher industry competition and a low marketization context. The findings of our paper contribute to the literature on family involvement by empirically illustrating how family involvement hinders innovation efforts and performance in Chinese family firms.Keywords: family firm, family involvement, firm innovation, Chinese family firm
Procedia PDF Downloads 658963 Opportunities for Effective Conflict Management Caused by Global Crises
Authors: Marine Kobalava
The article analyzes current global crises in the world, explains the causes of crises, substantiates that in the main cases the process accompanying the crisis are conflict situations. The paper argues that crises can become predictable if threats are identified and addressed by a company, organization, corporation, and others. Accordingly, mechanisms for the neutralization of conflict potential are proposed, the need to develop a communication strategy and create and redistribute information flows is justified. Conflict situations are assessed according to the types of crisis and it is considered that the conflict can become a prerequisite for the crisis. The paper substantiates the need to differentiate theories of crises and conflicts. Based on the evaluative judgment, conflict management measures are proposed taking into account institutionalization, conflict resolution norms and rules. The paper identifies the potential for conflicts created in the context of global crises and suggests local ways and mechanisms for their effective management. The involvement of the company's Public relations (PR) and relevant communication from the qualified staff is considered important. Conclusions are drawn on the problems of effective conflict management caused by global crises and recommendations for conflict resolution have been proposed.Keywords: global crises, conflict situations, conflict identification, conflict management, conflict potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 1438962 Development of Electronic Waste Management Framework at College of Design Art, Design and Technology
Authors: Wafula Simon Peter, Kimuli Nabayego Ibtihal, Nabaggala Kimuli Nashua
The worldwide use of information and communications technology (ICT) equipment and other electronic equipment is growing and consequently, there is a growing amount of equipment that becomes waste after its time in use. This growth is expected to accelerate since equipment lifetime decreases with time and growing consumption. As a result, e-waste is one of the fastest-growing waste streams globally. The United Nations University (UNU) calculates in its second Global E-waste Monitor 44.7 million metric tonnes (Mt) of e-waste were generated globally in 2016. The study population was 80 respondents, from which a sample of 69 respondents was selected using simple and purposive sampling techniques. This research was carried out to investigate the problem of e-waste and come up with a framework to improve e-waste management. The objective of the study was to develop a framework for improving e-waste management at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT). This was achieved by breaking it down into specific objectives, and these included the establishment of the policy and other Regulatory frameworks being used in e-waste management at CEDAT, the determination of the effectiveness of the e-waste management practices at CEDAT, the establishment of the critical challenges constraining e-waste management at the College, development of a framework for e-waste management. The study reviewed the e-waste regulatory framework used at the college and then collected data which was used to come up with a framework. The study also established that weak policy and regulatory framework, lack of proper infrastructure, improper disposal of e-waste and a general lack of awareness of the e-waste and the magnitude of the problem are the critical challenges of e-waste management. In conclusion, the policy and regulatory framework should be revised, localized and strengthened to contextually address the problem. Awareness campaigns, the development of proper infrastructure and extensive research to establish the volumes and magnitude of the problems will come in handy. The study recommends a framework for the improvement of e-waste.Keywords: e-waste, treatment, disposal, computers, model, management policy and guidelines
Procedia PDF Downloads 798961 The Role of Information and Communication Technology to Enhance Transparency in Public Funds Management in the DR Congo
Authors: Itulelo Matiyabu Imaja, Manoj Maharaj, Patrick Ndayizigamiye
Lack of transparency in public funds management is observed in many African countries. The DR Congo is among the most corrupted countries in Africa, and this is due mainly to lack of transparency and accountability in public funds management. Corruption has a negative effect on the welfare of the country’s citizens and the national economic growth. Public funds collection and allocation are the major areas whereby malpractices such as bribe, extortion, embezzlement, nepotism and other practices related to corruption are prevalent. Hence, there is a need to implement strong mechanisms to enforce transparency in public funds management. Many researchers have suggested some control mechanisms in curbing corruption in public funds management focusing mainly on law enforcement and administrative reforms with little or no insight on the role that ICT can play in preventing and curbing the corrupt behaviour. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), there are slight indications that the government of the DR Congo is integrating ICT to fight corruption in public funds collection and allocation. However, such government initiatives are at an infancy stage, with no tangible evidence on how ICT could be used effectively to address the issue of corruption in the context of the country. Hence, this research assesses the role that ICT can play for transparency in public funds management and suggest a framework for its adoption in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This research uses the revised Capability model (Capability, Empowerment, Sustainability model) as the guiding theoretical framework. The study uses the exploratory design methodology coupled with a qualitative approach to data collection and purposive sampling as sampling strategy.Keywords: corruption, DR congo, ICT, management, public funds, transparency
Procedia PDF Downloads 3518960 Metastatic Polypoid Nodular Melanoma Management During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Stefan Bradu, Daniel Siegel, Jameson Loyal, Andrea Leaf, Alana Kurtti, Usha Alapati, Jared Jagdeo
Compared with all other variants of nodular melanoma, patients with polypoid nodular melanoma have the lowest 5-year survival rate. The pathophysiology and management of polypoid melanoma are scarcely reported in the literature. Although surgical excision is the cornerstone of melanoma management, treatment of polypoid melanoma is complicated by several negative prognostic factors, including early metastasis. This report demonstrates the successful treatment of a rapidly developing red nodular polypoid melanoma with metastasis using surgery and adjuvant nivolumab in a SARS-CoV-2-positive patient who delayed seeking care due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to detailing the successful treatment approach, the immunosuppressive effects of SARS-2-CoV and its possible contribution to the rapid progression of polypoid melanoma are discussed. This case highlights the complex challenges of melanoma diagnosis and management during the COVID-19 pandemic.Keywords: covid-19, dermatology, immunotherapy, melanoma, nivolumab
Procedia PDF Downloads 2108959 Collaborative Managerial Practices of Heads of Educational Institutions: Principals and Students Perspective
Authors: Nasir Ahmed
The study was designed to explore the managerial practices of secondary school principals in collaboration with different school stakeholder’s i.e. Teachers, students and school councils. The population of the study comprised 41 principals of government secondary schools, 249 Secondary school teachers (SSTs), 3360 students of 10th class and 300 members of the school councils of government secondary schools (both boys and girls) in Wazirabad, Pakistan. 50 percentage principals, 40 percentage SSTs, 3 percentage students and 15% members of the school councils were taken as a sample of the study. Data was collected through different four-questionnaire design on a five point rating scale. The questionnaires for teachers, students, and school councils were developed to see their involvement in school management. The questionnaire for the secondary school principals was designed to find out to see their perceptions about the involvement of these stakeholders in school’s management. The results of the students indicated that, the remaining stakeholders were not cooperating with the school management. It was recommended that all the stakeholders be provided equal opportunities to take an active part in the school management. This may be based on a formal mechanism for the collaborative efforts of all the stakeholders.Keywords: collaboration, management, school stakeholders, school councils, managerial practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 2848958 Evaluation of the Impact of Community Based Disaster Risk Management Applied In Landslide Prone Area; Reference to Badulla District
Authors: S. B. D. Samarasinghe, Malini Herath
Participatory planning is a very important process for decision making and choosing the best alternative options for community welfare, development of the society and its interactions among community and professionals. People’s involvement is considered as the key guidance in participatory planning. Presently, Participatory planning is being used in many fields. It's not only limited to planning but also to disaster management, poverty, housing, etc. In the past, Disaster management practice was a top-down approach, but it raised many issues as it was converted to a bottom-up approach. There are several approaches that can aid disaster management. Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) is a very successful participatory approach to risk management that is often successfully applied by other disaster-prone countries. In the local context, CBDRM has been applied to prevent Diseases as well as to prevent disasters such as landslides, tsunamis and floods. From three years before, Sri Lanka has initiated the CBDRM approach to minimize landslide vulnerability. Hence, this study mainly focuses on the impact of CBDRM approaches on landslide hazards. Also to identify their successes and failures from both implementing parties and community. This research is carried out based on a qualitative method combined with a descriptive research approach. A successful framework was prepared via a literature review. Case studies were selected considering landslide CBDRM programs which were implemented by Disaster Management Center and National Building Research Organization in Badulla. Their processes were evaluated. Data collection is done through interviews and informal discussions. Then their ideas were quantified by using the Relative Effectiveness index. The resulting numerical value was used to rank the program effectiveness and their success, failures and impacting factors. Results show that there are several failures among implementing parties and the community. Overcoming those factors can make way for better conduction of future CBDRM programs.Keywords: community-based disaster risk management, disaster management, preparedness, landslide
Procedia PDF Downloads 1498957 Development of Management System of the Experience of Defensive Modeling and Simulation by Data Mining Approach
Authors: D. Nam Kim, D. Jin Kim, Jeonghwan Jeon
Defense Defensive Modeling and Simulation (M&S) is a system which enables impracticable training for reducing constraints of time, space and financial resources. The necessity of defensive M&S has been increasing not only for education and training but also virtual fight. Soldiers who are using defensive M&S for education and training will obtain empirical knowledge and know-how. However, the obtained knowledge of individual soldiers have not been managed and utilized yet since the nature of military organizations: confidentiality and frequent change of members. Therefore, this study aims to develop a management system for the experience of defensive M&S based on data mining approach. Since individual empirical knowledge gained through using the defensive M&S is both quantitative and qualitative data, data mining approach is appropriate for dealing with individual empirical knowledge. This research is expected to be helpful for soldiers and military policy makers.Keywords: data mining, defensive m&s, management system, knowledge management
Procedia PDF Downloads 2568956 Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM): A Simplified Alternative for Implementing SCRM for Small and Medium Enterprises
Authors: Paul W. Murray, Marco Barajas
Recent changes in supply chains, especially globalization and collaboration, have created new risks for enterprises of all sizes. A variety of complex frameworks, often based on enterprise risk management strategies have been presented under the heading of Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM). The literature on promotes the benefits of a robust SCRM strategy; however, implementing SCRM is difficult and resource demanding for Large Enterprises (LEs), and essentially out of reach for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This research debunks the idea that SCRM is necessary for all enterprises and instead proposes a simple and effective Vendor Selection Template (VST). Empirical testing and a survey of supply chain practitioners provide a measure of validation to the VST. The resulting VSTis a valuable contribution because is easy to use, provides practical results, and is sufficiently flexible to be universally applied to SMEs.Keywords: multiple regression analysis, supply chain management, risk assessment, vendor selection
Procedia PDF Downloads 4668955 Investigating the Public’s Perceptions and Factors Contributing to the Management of Household Solid Waste in Rural Communities: A Case Study of Two Contrasting Rural Wards in the Greater Tzaneen Municipality
Authors: Dimakatso Machetele, Clare Kelso, Thea Schoeman
In developing countries such as India, China, and South Africa, disposal of household solid waste in rural areas is of great concern. Rural communities face numerous challenges that include the absence of waste collection services and sanitation facilities. The inadequate provision of waste collection and sanitation services results to the occurrence of infectious diseases e.g., malaria. The gap in the management of household solid waste between rural and urban communities, whereby urban communities have better waste management services compared to rural areas is an environmental injustice towards rural communities. The unequal distribution of infrastructure in South Africa’s waste management is a concern that stems from the spatial inequalities of the country’s apartheid history. The Limpopo province has a higher proportion of households without waste collection services from the municipality. The present research objectives are to investigate the public’s perceptions and factors contributing to the management of household solid waste in two contrasting rural Wards in the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. There is limited data and studies that have been conducted to understand the management of household solid waste in rural areas, and specifically, for the Greater Tzaneen Municipality located in the Limpopo province, South Africa. The findings of the study will propose recommendations to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, rural municipalities in South Africa, and globally to explore sustainable methods to manage household solid waste and explore economic opportunities within the waste management sector to alleviate poverty in rural communities.Keywords: rural, household solid wase, perceptions, waste management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1168954 A New Profile of Engineer: From Management Engineering to Entrepreneurial Engineering
Authors: Roberto Cerchione, Emilio Esposito, Mario Raffa
The relevance and the strategic importance of engineering skills in innovation and in the development of businesses and organizations push to investigate the role of the engineer in society today. In the twentieth century the emergence of a variety of technical and scientific knowledge has led to the rise of new areas of skills going from a "all-comprehensive" engineering to an engineering characterized by many specializations. Organizational and structural changes within companies and the emergence of an industrial society based on multiple interrelationships led to the transformation of engineering education. The objective of this work is to report main steps and many pioneering experiences, both national and international, that have led to establish a graduate degree program in Engineering Management and its subsequent evolution in Entrepreneurial Engineering. The first section of this article focuses on the origins and precursors of Engineering Management education. The second section concerns main Italian education programs. Then the attention is focused on the evolution of Engineering Management in Naples, on the intersectoral nature of this degree program, on the relationship with business community, associations, labor market, small businesses and environment. Finally, the discussion of recent years about the skills that characterize entrepreneurial engineer in society are presented.Keywords: education, engineering management, entrepreunerial engineering, engineering skills, managerial skills, entrepreneurial skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 4898953 Implementation of Human Resource Management in Greek Law Enforcement Agencies
Authors: Konstantinos G. Papaioannou, Panagiotis K. Serdaris
This study, examines the level of implementation of Human Resource Management (HRM) activities in law enforcement agencies in Greece. Recognizing that HRM is crucial for maximizing organizational performance, the study aims to evaluate its application within Greek law enforcement. A quantitative-descriptive survey was conducted, involving 996 executives from Greek Law Enforcement Agencies (477 from the Hellenic Police and 519 from the Hellenic Coast Guard), through random sampling. The survey, revealed significant concerns regarding the minimal implementation of HRM practices, in both agencies. The findings indicate that HRM practices, such as HR planning, recruitment, job position, selection, training and development, personnel management, compensation, labor relations and health and safety, are minimally applied. Neither the Hellenic Police nor the Hellenic Coast Guard appears to follow a comprehensive HRM plan. The study, contributes both theoretically and practically by highlighting the lack of HRM implementation in these agencies. The data suggest that by adopting strategic HRM practices, these organizations can enhance personnel performance and better fulfill their societal roles. Future research should extend to law enforcement agencies in other countries to draw more representative conclusion.Keywords: coastguard, human resources management, law enforcement agencies, performance management, police
Procedia PDF Downloads 468952 Knowledge Management in the Interactive Portal for Decision Makers on InKOM Example
Authors: K. Marciniak, M. Owoc
Managers as decision-makers present in different sectors should be supported in efficient and more and more sophisticated way. There are huge number of software tools developed for such users starting from simple registering data from business area – typical for operational level of management – up to intelligent techniques with delivering knowledge - for tactical and strategic levels of management. There is a big challenge for software developers to create intelligent management dashboards allowing to support different decisions. In more advanced solutions there is even an option for selection of intelligent techniques useful for managers in particular decision-making phase in order to deliver valid knowledge-base. Such a tool (called Intelligent Dashboard for SME Managers–InKOM) is prepared in the Business Intelligent framework of Teta products. The aim of the paper is to present solutions assumed for InKOM concerning on management of stored knowledge bases offering for business managers. The paper is managed as follows. After short introduction concerning research context the discussed supporting managers via information systems the InKOM platform is presented. In the crucial part of paper a process of knowledge transformation and validation is demonstrated. We will focus on potential and real ways of knowledge-bases acquiring, storing and validation. It allows for formulation conclusions interesting from knowledge engineering point of view.Keywords: business intelligence, decision support systems, knowledge management, knowledge transformation, knowledge validation, managerial systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 5138951 Introduction of Knowledge Management in a Public Sector Organization in India
Authors: Siddharth Vashisth, Varun Mathur
This review provides an overview of the impact that implementation of various Knowledge Management (KM) strategies has had on the growth of a department in a Public Sector Company in India. In a regulated utility controlled by the government, the growth of an organization such as Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) had depended largely on the efficiencies of the systems and its people. However, subsequent to the de-regularization & to the entry of the private competition, the need for a ‘systematic templating’ of knowledge was recognized. This necessitated the introduction of Knowledge Management Centre (KMC). Projects & Pipelines Department (P&P) of HPCL introduced KMC that contributed significantly towards KM by adopting various strategies such as standardization, leveraging information system, competency enhancement, and improvements & innovations. These strategies gave both tangible as well as intangible benefits towards KM. Knowledge, technology & people are the three pillars that need to be catered for effective knowledge management in any organization. In HPCL, the initiative of KMC has served as an intermediary between these three major pillars as each activity of the strategy was centered on them and contributed significantly to their growth and up-gradation, ensuring overall growth of KM in the department.Keywords: knowledge, knowledge management, public sector organization, standardization, technology, people, skill, information system, innovation, competency, impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 4558950 Screening of Strategic Management Criterions in Hospitals Using Delphi-Fuzzy Method
Authors: Helia Moayedi, Mahdi Moaidi
Nowadays, the managing and planning of hospitals is facing many problems. Failure to recognize the main criteria for strategic management to ensure long-term hospital performance can lead to many health problems. To achieve this goal, a qualitative-quantitate method titled Delphi-Fuzzy has been applied. This strategy makes it possible for experts to screen among the most important criteria in strategic management. To conduct this operation, a statistical society consisting of 20 experts in Ahwaz hospitals has been questioned. The final model confirms the key criterions after three stages of Delphi. This model provides the possibility to focus on the basic criteria and can determine the organization’s main orientation.Keywords: Delphi-fuzzy method, hospital management, long-term planning, qualitative-quantitate method, screening of strategic criteria, strategic planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1328949 Endeavor in Management Process by Executive Dashboards: The Case of the Financial Directorship in Brazilian Navy
Authors: R. S. Quintal, J. L. Tesch Santos, M. D. Davis, E. C. de Santana, M. de F. Bandeira dos Santos
The objective is to identify the contributions from the introduction of the computerized system deal within the Accounting Department of Brazilian Navy Financial Directorship and its possible effects on the budgetary and financial harvest of Brazilian Navy. The relevance lies in the fact that the management process is responsible for the continuous improvement of organizational performance through higher levels of quality in their activities. Improvements in organizational processes have direct effects on crops cost, quality, reliability, flexibility and speed. The method of study of this research is the case study. The choice of case study attended, among other demands, a need for greater flexibility to study processes related to a computerized system. The sources of evidence were used literature, documentary and direct observation. Direct observation was made by monitoring the implementation of the computerized system in the Division of Management Analysis. The main findings of the study point to the fact that the computerized system may contribute significantly to the standardization of information. There was improvement of internal processes in the division of management analysis, made possible the consolidation of a standard management and performance analysis that contribute to global homogeneity in the treatment of information essential to the process of decision making. This study has limitations related to the fact the search result be subject exclusively to the case studied, and it is impossible to generalize to other organs of government.Keywords: process management, management control, business intelligence, Brazilian Navy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2398948 The Role of Social Isolation and Its Relevance Towards the Intersex Condition for Policy Management of Inclusive Education
Authors: Hamza Iftikhar
The intersex person’s social isolation condition is the leading concern in inclusive educational practices. It provides for the relevance of intersex communities with the influence of social isolation on their education and well-being. Given the underlying concern, this paper stresses the isolation-free condition of the intersex community by facilitating inclusive education. The Atkinson and Shiffrin Model and Behaviorism-Based Intersex Theory supports inclusive education by extending the desire for the significant management of stereotypes, quality teaching, parental beliefs, expressions, physique, and intersex attribution. The reducing role of social isolation for inclusive education is analyzed using the qualitative research method. The semi-structured interview research instrument is used for the data collection from the Ministry of Human Rights, Educational Institutions, and inter-sex Representatives. The results show that managing directors and heads of educational institutions frame policy management for the free social isolation of intersex persons, which is relevant through inclusive education. The implication of this paper is to provide a better social condition for intersex persons towards inclusive education through effective policy management.Keywords: social isolation, inter-sex, relevance, inclusive education, policy management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1028947 Features of Formation and Development of Possessory Risk Management Systems of Organization in the Russian Economy
Authors: Mikhail V. Khachaturyan, Inga A. Koryagina, Maria Nikishova
The study investigates the impact of the ongoing financial crisis, started in the 2nd half of 2014, on marketing budgets spent by Fast-moving consumer goods companies. In these conditions, special importance is given to efficient possessory risk management systems. The main objective for establishing and developing possessory risk management systems for FMCG companies in a crisis is to analyze the data relating to the external environment and consumer behavior in a crisis. Another important objective for possessory risk management systems of FMCG companies is to develop measures and mechanisms to maintain and stimulate sales. In this regard, analysis of risks and threats which consumers define as the main reasons affecting their level of consumption become important. It is obvious that in crisis conditions the effective risk management systems responsible for development and implementation of strategies for consumer demand stimulation, as well as the identification, analysis, assessment and management of other types of risks of economic security will be the key to sustainability of a company. In terms of financial and economic crisis, the problem of forming and developing possessory risk management systems becomes critical not only in the context of management models of FMCG companies, but for all the companies operating in other sectors of the Russian economy. This study attempts to analyze the specifics of formation and development of company possessory risk management systems. In the modern economy, special importance among all the types of owner’s risks has the risk of reduction in consumer activity. This type of risk is common not only for the consumer goods trade. Study of consumer activity decline is especially important for Russia due to domestic market of consumer goods being still in the development stage, despite its significant growth. In this regard, it is especially important to form and develop possessory risk management systems for FMCG companies. The authors offer their own interpretation of the process of forming and developing possessory risk management systems within owner’s management models of FMCG companies as well as in Russian economy in general. Proposed methods and mechanisms of problem analysis of formation and development of possessory risk management systems in FMCG companies and the results received can be helpful for researchers interested in problems of consumer goods market development in Russia and overseas.Keywords: FMCG companies, marketing budget, risk management, owner, Russian economy, organization, formation, development, system
Procedia PDF Downloads 3778946 A Model Approach of Good Practice Based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge® Guide in the Project Owner
Authors: Claudia Marcela Munoz Gonzalez, Diego Fernando Hernandez Losada, Hugo Alberto Herrera Fonseca
The project owner's role in the public-private investment consists of controlling and verifying the correct execution of the project's objectives and resources. Likewise, it is a discipline little explored in the academic field, whereby this work wishes to contribute with a model of good practices based on the project management methodology proposed by the Project Management Body of Knowledge® Guide. In the same way, highlight what are the controls that an integral project owner should take into account in its exercise and application, through the stages in which its contract runs. This proposal aims to structure its practice and integrate its functions according to a project management methodology. In addition, these practices will be applied in a case study of projects in the agricultural sector, particularly in the construction of irrigation district in Cundinamarca, Colombia.Keywords: controls, construction of irrigation district, PMBOK®, project owner
Procedia PDF Downloads 4598945 Effectiveness of Management Transfer Programs for Managing Irrigation Resources in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Farmer- and Agency-Managed Schemes from Nepal
Authors: Tirtha Raj Dhakal, Brian Davidson, Bob Farquharson
Irrigation management transfer has been taken as the important policy instrument for effective irrigation resource management in many developing countries. The change in governance of the irrigation schemes for its day-to-day operation and maintenance has been centered in recent Nepalese irrigation policies also. However, both farmer- and agency-managed irrigation schemes in Nepal are performing well below than expected. This study tries to link the present concerns of poor performance of both forms of schemes with the institutions for its operation and management. Two types of surveys, management and farm surveys; were conducted as a case study in the command area of Narayani Lift Irrigation Project (agency-managed) and Khageri Irrigation System (farmer-managed) of Chitwan District. The farm survey from head, middle and tail regions of both schemes revealed that unequal water distribution exists in these regions in both schemes with greater percentage of farmers experiencing this situation in agency managed scheme. In both schemes, the cost recovery rate was very low, even below five percent in Lift System indicating poor operation and maintenance of the schemes. Also, the institution on practice in both schemes is unable to create any incentives for farmers’ willingness to pay as well as for its economical use in the farm. Thus, outcomes from the study showed that only the management transfer programs may not achieve the goal of efficient irrigation resource management. This may suggest water professionals to rethink about the irrigation policies for refining institutional framework irrespective of the governance of schemes for improved cost recovery and better water distribution throughout the irrigation schemes.Keywords: cost recovery, governance, institution, irrigation management transfer, willingness to pay
Procedia PDF Downloads 2938944 Utilizing IoT for Waste Collection: A Review of Technologies for Eco-Friendly Waste Management
Authors: Fatemehsadat Mousaviabarbekouh
Population growth and changing consumption patterns have led to waste management becoming a significant global challenge. With projections indicating that nearly 67% of the Earth's population will live in megacities by 2050, there is a pressing need for smart solutions to address citizens' demands. Waste collection, facilitated by the Internet of Things (IoT), offers an efficient and cost-effective approach. This study aims to review the utilization of IoT for waste collection and explore technologies that promote eco-friendly waste management. The research focuses on information and communication technologies (ICTs), including spatial, identification, acquisition, and data communication technologies. Additionally, the study examines various energy harvesting technologies to further reduce costs. The findings indicate that the application of these technologies can lead to significant cost savings, energy efficiency, and ultimately reshape the future of waste management.Keywords: waste collection, IoT, smart cities, eco-friendly, information and communication technologies, energy harvesting
Procedia PDF Downloads 1148943 The Impact of Using Building Information Modeling Technology in Construction Projects Management
Authors: Mohammad Ashraf
This research links the use of Building Information Modeling technology in constructions and infrastructure projects, starting from the moment when considering the establishment of a project to demolishing or renovating it, going through the design work, planning, procurement and implementation. BIM Software's which used are Revit, Navisworks and Asta Project in the case study for the Atletico Madrid Stadium project (Wanda Stadium). Also, the project improves through various phases of construction (planning - implementation - management). Besides, the level of the details managed within this project advances gradually. In addition, the construction process problems become about 30 % less than before, resulting from high coordination between designing, implementation and follow through that is done by the project management office (PMO). The current disposition in the industry is to tightly manage the detail contained within the planning and coordination phases of construction, but we miss the opportunity to manage that data as it matures and grows into the execution and commissioning phases.Keywords: construction management, BIM technology, planning, design, procurements, critical path method
Procedia PDF Downloads 2808942 The Impact of a Lower Health Literacy in the Self-Management of Patients with a Multiple Sclerosis: A Literature Review
Authors: Helga Martins, Idália Matias
Background:Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune demyelinating disease that affects young adults. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease in which the patient needs to self-manage the disease and the therapeutic regimen. Consequently, the promotion of health literacy assumes a relevant role for the accessibility, understanding, and use of information in order to promote and maintain the health of patients with multiple sclerosis. Aim: To determine the impact of lower health literacy in the self-management of patients with a multiple sclerosis. Methods: Literature review based on a search on the following electronic databases: CINAHLand MEDLINE; comprising all results published between September 2016 and September 2021. The search strategy was: (“Self-management [MeSH]” AND “Multiple sclerosis[MeSH]”AND “Health literacy[MeSH]”). The inclusion criteria were: original papers reporting about multiple sclerosis patients; participants with age above 18 years old, written in English, Spanish, French, or Portuguese. Two independent reviewers have done the screening and analysis of the results. 38 citations were identified, and after duplicates removal, a total of 25 results were screened; 14 were included after the application of the inclusion criteria. Results: The lower health literacy in the self-management of patients with a multiple sclerosis is related toless healthy choices, riskier health behavior, poor health outcomes, decreased of adhering to the therapeutic regimen after discharge, less self-management of chronic illness, and increased the time of hospitalization. Conclusion: Inadequate levels of health literacy contribute to poor health outcomes, unsuccessful self-management of chronic illness, and inadequate adherence to the therapeutic regimen. Therefore, health literacy is important for health policy and the healthcare services, as it can be understood as a mediator of self-management of multiple sclerosis disease.Keywords: health literacy, multiple sclerosis, review, self-management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1548941 Assets Integrity Management in Oil and Gas Production Facilities through Corrosion Mitigation and Inspection Strategy: A Case Study of Sarir Oilfield
Authors: Iftikhar Ahmad, Youssef Elkezza
Sarir oilfield is in North Africa. It has facilities for oil and gas production. The assets of the Sarir oilfield can be divided into five following categories, namely: (i) well bore and wellheads; (ii) vessels such as separators, desalters, and gas processing facilities; (iii) pipelines including all flow lines, trunk lines, and shipping lines; (iv) storage tanks; (v) other assets such as turbines and compressors, etc. The nature of the petroleum industry recognizes the potential human, environmental and financial consequences that can result from failing to maintain the integrity of wellheads, vessels, tanks, pipelines, and other assets. The importance of effective asset integrity management increases as the industry infrastructure continues to age. The primary objective of assets integrity management (AIM) is to maintain assets in a fit-for-service condition while extending their remaining life in the most reliable, safe, and cost-effective manner. Corrosion management is one of the important aspects of successful asset integrity management. It covers corrosion mitigation, monitoring, inspection, and risk evaluation. External corrosion on pipelines, well bores, buried assets, and bottoms of tanks is controlled with a combination of coatings by cathodic protection, while the external corrosion on surface equipment, wellheads, and storage tanks is controlled by coatings. The periodic cleaning of the pipeline by pigging helps in the prevention of internal corrosion. Further, internal corrosion of pipelines is prevented by chemical treatment and controlled operations. This paper describes the integrity management system used in the Sarir oil field for its oil and gas production facilities based on standard practices of corrosion mitigation and inspection.Keywords: assets integrity management, corrosion prevention in oilfield assets, corrosion management in oilfield, corrosion prevention, inspection activities
Procedia PDF Downloads 908940 Infrastructure Project Management and Implementation: A Case Study Of the Mokolo-Crocodile Water Augmentation Project in South Africa
Authors: Elkington Sibusiso Mnguni
The Mokolo-Crocodile Water Augmentation Project (MCWAP) is located in the Limpopo Province in the northern-western part of South Africa. Its purpose is to increase water supply by 30 million cubic meters per year to meet current and future demand for users, including power stations, mining houses, and the local municipality in the Lephalale area. This paper documents the planning and implementation aspects of the MCWAP infrastructure project. The study will add to the body of knowledge with respect to bulk water infrastructure development in water-scarce regions. The method used to gather and collate relevant data and information was the desktop study. The key finding was that the project was successfully completed in 2015 using conventional project management and construction methods. The project is currently being operated and maintained by the National Department of Water and Sanitation.Keywords: construction, contract management, infrastructure project, project management
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