Search results for: body weight gain
7608 Aperiodic and Asymmetric Fibonacci Quasicrystals: Next Big Future in Quantum Computation
Authors: Jatindranath Gain, Madhumita DasSarkar, Sudakshina Kundu
Quantum information is stored in states with multiple quasiparticles, which have a topological degeneracy. Topological quantum computation is concerned with two-dimensional many body systems that support excitations. Anyons are elementary building block of quantum computations. When anyons tunneling in a double-layer system can transition to an exotic non-Abelian state and produce Fibonacci anyons, which are powerful enough for universal topological quantum computation (TQC).Here the exotic behavior of Fibonacci Superlattice is studied by using analytical transfer matrix methods and hence Fibonacci anyons. This Fibonacci anyons can build a quantum computer which is very emerging and exciting field today’s in Nanophotonics and quantum computation.Keywords: quantum computing, quasicrystals, Multiple Quantum wells (MQWs), transfer matrix method, fibonacci anyons, quantum hall effect, nanophotonics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3907607 An Investigation into the Impacts of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Utilized in the 5G Technology on Insects
Authors: Veriko Jeladze, Besarion Partsvania, Levan Shoshiashvili
This paper addresses a very topical issue today. The frequency range 2.5-100 GHz contains frequencies that have already been used or will be used in modern 5G technologies. The wavelengths used in 5G systems will be close to the body dimensions of small size biological objects, particularly insects. Because the body and body parts dimensions of insects at these frequencies are comparable with the wavelength, the high absorption of EMF energy in the body tissues can occur(body resonance) and therefore can cause harmful effects, possibly the extinction of some of them. An investigation into the impact of radio-frequency nonionizing electromagnetic field (EMF) utilized in the future 5G on insects is of great importance as a very high number of 5G network components will increase the total EMF exposure in the environment. All ecosystems of the earth are interconnected. If one component of an ecosystem is disrupted, the whole system will be affected (which could cause cascading effects). The study of these problems is an important challenge for scientists today because the existing studies are incomplete and insufficient. Consequently, the purpose of this proposed research is to investigate the possible hazardous impact of RF-EMFs (including 5G EMFs) on insects. The project will study the effects of these EMFs on various insects that have different body sizes through computer modeling at frequencies from 2.5 to 100 GHz. The selected insects are honey bee, wasp, and ladybug. For this purpose, the detailed 3D discrete models of insects are created for EM and thermal modeling through FDTD and will be evaluated whole-body Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) at selected frequencies. All these studies represent a novelty. The proposed study will promote new investigations about the bio-effects of 5G-EMFs and will contribute to the harmonization of safe exposure levels and frequencies of 5G-EMFs'.Keywords: electromagnetic field, insect, FDTD, specific absorption rate (SAR)
Procedia PDF Downloads 917606 Simulating the Unseen: David Cronenberg’s Body Horror through Baudrillard’s Lens
Authors: Mario G. Rodriguez
This paper undertakes an in-depth exploration of David Cronenberg's filmography through Jean Baudrillard's theory of simulacra and simulation. Little has been written to show how Cronenberg’s cinema exemplifies Baudrillard’s conceptualization of postmodernity. The study employs Baudrillard’s historical orders of simulacra, as well as his definitions of hyperreality and simulation, to recontextualize Cronenberg’s films in an era characterized by the increasing influence of media and technology and Cronenberg's oeuvre presents a compelling canvas for examining the interplay between the real and the simulated. Through films like "Videodrome" (1983), "The Fly" (1986), and "eXistenZ" (1999), Cronenberg navigates the complex terrain of the human body, technology, and societal perceptions, echoing Baudrillard's concerns about the hyperreal and the dissolution of reality. The study concludes with a consideration of the role of "body-horror" as it pertains to Baudrillard's theory. It sheds light on how fear of loss of bodily autonomy, the relationship between technology and the human body, and the intersection of science, medicine, and horror reflect the nature of hyperreality and simulation.Keywords: Cronenberg, hyperreality, simulation, Baudrillard
Procedia PDF Downloads 737605 The Role of Polar Body in the Female Gamete
Authors: Parsa Sheikhzadeh
Polar bodies are cells that form by oogenesis in meiosis which differentiate and develop from oocytes. Although in many animals, these cells often die following meiotic maturation of the oocyte. Oocyte activation is during mammalian fertilization, sperm is fused with the oocyte's membrane, triggering the resumption of meiosis from the metaphase II arrest, the extrusion of the second polar body, and the exocytosis of cortical granules. The origin recognition complex proteins 4 (ORC4) forms a cage around the set of chromosomes that will be extruded during polar body formation before it binds to the chromatin shortly before zygotic DNA replication. One unique feature of the female gamete is that the polar bodies can provide beneficial information about the genetic background of the oocyte without potentially destroying it. Testing at the polar body (PB) stage was the least accurate, mainly due to the high incidence of post-zygotic events. On the other hand, the results from PB1-MII oocyte pair validated that PB1 contains nearly the same methylome (average Pearson correlation is 0.92) with sibling MII oocyte. In this article, we comprehensively examine the role of polar bodies in female human gametes.Keywords: polar bodies, ORC4, oocyte, genetic, methylome, gamete, female
Procedia PDF Downloads 947604 Maximum Power and Bone Variables in Young Adult Men
Authors: Anthony Khawaja, Jacques Prioux, Ghassan Maalouf, Rawad El Hage
The regular practice of physical activities characterized by significant mechanical stresses stimulates bone formation and improves bone mineral density (BMD) in the most solicited sites. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between maximum power and bone variables in a group of young adult men. Identification of new determinants of BMD, bone mineral content (BMC) and hip geometric indices in young adult men, would allow screening and early management of future cases of osteopenia and osteoporosis. Fifty-three young adult men (18 – 35yr) voluntarily participated in this study. Weight and height were measured, and body mass index was calculated. Body composition, BMC and BMD were determined for each individual by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA; GE Healthcare, Madison, WI) at whole body (WB), lumbar spine (L1-L4), total hip (TH), and femoral neck (FN). FN cross-sectional area (CSA), strength index (SI), buckling ratio (BR), FN section modulus (Z), cross-sectional moment of inertia (CSMI) and L1-L4 TBS were also evaluated by DXA. The vertical jump was evaluated using a field test (sargent test). Two main parameters were retained: vertical jump performance (cm) and power (w). The subjects performed three jumps with 2 minutes of recovery between jumps. The highest vertical jump was selected. Maximum power (P max, in watts) was calculated. Maximum power was positively correlated to WB BMD (r = 0.41; p < 0.01), WB BMC (r = 0.65; p < 0.001), L1-L4 BMC (r = 0.54; p < 0.001), FN BMC (r = 0.35; p < 0.01), TH BMC (r = 0.50; p < 0.001), CSMI (r = 0.50; p < 0.001), CSA (r = 0.33; p < 0.05). Vertical jump was positively correlated to WB BMC (r = 0.31; p < 0.05), L1-L4 BMC (r = 0.40; p < 0.01), CSMI (r = 0.29; p < 0.05). The current study suggests that maximum power is a positive determinant of BMD, BMC and hip geometric indices in young adult men. In addition, it shows also that maximum power is a stronger positive determinant of bone variables than vertical jump in this population. Implementing strategies to increase maximum power in young adult men may be useful for preventing osteoporotic fractures later in life.Keywords: bone variables, maximum power, osteopenia, osteoporosis, vertical jump, young adult men
Procedia PDF Downloads 1787603 Chronic Aflatoxin Exposure During Pregnancy Is Associated With Lower Fetal Growth Trajectories: A Prospective Cohort Study in Rural Ethiopia
Authors: K. Tesfamariam, S. Gebreyesus, C. Lachat, P. Kolsteren, S. De Saeger, M. De Boevre, A. Argaw
Aflatoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by Aspergillus fungi, which are ubiquitously present in the food supplies of low- and middle-income countries. Studies of maternal aflatoxin exposure and fetal outcomes are mainly focused on size at birth and the effect on intrauterine fetal growth has not been assessed using repeated longitudinal fetal biometry across gestation. Therefore, this study intends to assess the association between chronic aflatoxin exposure during pregnancy and fetal growth trajectories in a rural Ethiopian setting. In a prospective cohort study, we enrolled 492 pregnant women. A phlebotomist collected 5 mL of a venous blood sample from eligible women before 28 completed weeks of gestation and aflatoxin B1-lysine concentration was determined using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The mean (±SD) gestational age was 19.1 (3.71) weeks at enrollment, and 28.5 (3.51) and 34.5 (2.44) weeks of gestation at the second and third rounds of ultrasound measurements, respectively. Estimated fetal weight was expressed in centiles using the INTERGROWTH-21st reference. We fitted a multivariable linear mixed-effects model to estimate the rate of fetal growth between aflatoxin-exposed (i.e., aflatoxin B1-lysine concentration above or equal to the limit of detection) and non-exposed mothers in the study. Mothers had a mean (±SD) age of 26.0 (4.58) years. The median (P25, P75) serum AFB1-lysine concentration was 12.6 (0.93, 96.9) pg/mg albumin, and aflatoxin exposure was observed in 86.6% of maternal blood samples. Eighty-five percent of the women enrolled provided at least two ultrasound measurements for analysis. On average, the aflatoxin-exposed group had a significantly lower change over time in fetal weight-for-gestational age centile than the unexposed group (ß = -1.01 centiles/week, 95% CI: -1.87, -0.15, p = 0.02). Chronic maternal AF exposure is associated with lower fetal weight gain over time. Our findings emphasize the importance of nutrition-sensitive strategies to mitigate dietary aflatoxin exposure as well as adopting food safety measures in low-income settings, particularly during the fetal period of development.Keywords: aflatoxin, fetal growth, low-income setting, mycotoxins
Procedia PDF Downloads 1467602 Analysis of Nonlinear Pulse Propagation Characteristics in Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Different Input Pulse Shapes
Authors: Suchi Barua, Narottam Das, Sven Nordholm, Mohammad Razaghi
This paper presents nonlinear pulse propagation characteristics for different input optical pulse shapes with various input pulse energy levels in semiconductor optical amplifiers. For simulation of nonlinear pulse propagation, finite-difference beam propagation method is used to solve the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. In this equation, gain spectrum dynamics, gain saturation are taken into account which depends on carrier depletion, carrier heating, spectral-hole burning, group velocity dispersion, self-phase modulation and two photon absorption. From this analysis, we obtained the output waveforms and spectra for different input pulse shapes as well as for different input energies. It shows clearly that the peak position of the output waveforms are shifted toward the leading edge which due to the gain saturation of the SOA for higher input pulse energies. We also analyzed and compared the normalized difference of full-width at half maximum for different input pulse shapes in the SOA.Keywords: finite-difference beam propagation method, pulse shape, pulse propagation, semiconductor optical amplifier
Procedia PDF Downloads 6087601 Potency of Some Dietary Acidifiers on Productive Performance and Controlling Salmonella enteritidis in Broilers
Authors: Mohamed M. Zaki, Maha M. Hady
Salmonella spp. have been categorized as the world’s biggest threats to human health and poultry products are mostly incriminated sources. In Egypt, it was found that S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium are the most prevalent ones in poultry farms. It is recommended to eliminate salmonella from living bird by competing for salmonella contamination in feed in order to establish a healthy gut. The Feed acidifiers are the group of feed additives containing low-molecular-weight organic acids and/ or their salts which act as performance promoters by lowering the pH in the gut, optimizes digestion and inhibit bacterial growth. The inclusion of organic acid in pure form nonetheless effective in feed, yet, it is difficult to handle in feed mills as it is corrosive and produce more losses during pelleting process. The current study aimed at to evaluate the impact of incorporation of sodium diformate (SDF) and a commercial acidifier, CA (a mixture of butyric and propionic acids and their ammonium salts) at 0.4% dietary levels on broilers performance and the control S. enteritidis infection. Two hundreds and seventy unsexed cobb chickens were allotted in one of three treatments (90/ group) which were, the control (no acidifier, C- &C+), the 0.4% SDF (SDF- & SDF +) and the 0.4% CA (CA- & CA +) dietary levels for 35 days. Before the allocation of the groups, ten extra birds and a diet sample were bacteriologically examined to ensure negative contamination with salmonella. The birds were raised on deep-litter separated pens and had free access to feed and water all the time. The experimentally formulated diets were kept at 40C. After 24h access to the different dietary treatments, all the birds in the positive groups (n=15/ replicate) were inoculated intra-crop with 0.2 ml of 24 h broth culture of S. entertidis containing 1X 107 organisms while the negative-treated groups were inoculated with the same amount of the negative broth and second inoculation was done at 22 d of age. Colocal swabs were collected individually from all birds 2 h pre-inoculation to assure the absence of salmonella, then 1, 3, 5, 7, 21 days post-inoculation to recover salmonella. Performance parameter (body weight gain and feed efficiency) were calculated. Mortalities were recorded and reisolation of the salmonella was adopted to ensure it was the inoculated ones. The results revealed that the dietary acidification with sodium diformate significantly improved broilers performance and tends to produce heavier birds as compared to the negative control and CA groups. Moreover, the dietary inclusion of both acidifiers at level of 0.4% was able to eliminate mortalities completely at the relevant inoculation time. Regarding the shedding of S. enteritidius in positive groups, the SDF treatment resulted in significant (p<0.05) cessation of the shedding at 3 days post-inoculation compared to 7 days post-inoculation for the CA-group. In conclusion, sodium diformate at 0.4% dietary level in broiler diets has a valuable effect not only on broilers performance but also by eliminating S. enteritidis the main source of salmonella contamination in poultry farms which is feed.Keywords: acidifier, broilers, Salmonalla spp, sodium diformate
Procedia PDF Downloads 2887600 A Low Cost Gain-Coupled Distributed Feedback Laser Based on Periodic Surface p-Contacts
Authors: Yongyi Chen, Li Qin, Peng Jia, Yongqiang Ning, Yun Liu, Lijun Wang
The distributed feedback (DFB) lasers are indispensable in optical phase array (OPA) used for light detection and ranging (LIDAR) techniques, laser communication systems and integrated optics, thanks to their stable single longitudinal mode and narrow linewidth properties. Traditional index-coupled (IC) DFB lasers with uniform gratings have an inherent problem of lasing two degenerated modes. Phase shifts are usually required to eliminate the mode degeneration, making the grating structure complex and expensive. High-quality antireflection (AR) coatings on both lasing facets are also essential owing to the random facet phases introduced by the chip cleavage process, which means half of the lasing energy is wasted. Gain-coupled DFB (GC-DFB) lasers based on the periodic gain (or loss) are announced to have single longitudinal mode as well as capable of the unsymmetrical coating to increase lasing power and efficiency thanks to facet immunity. However, expensive and time-consuming technologies such as epitaxial regrowth and nanoscale grating processing are still required just as IC-DFB lasers, preventing them from practical applications and commercial markets. In this research, we propose a low-cost, single-mode regrowth-free GC-DFB laser based on periodic surface p-contacts. The gain coupling effect is achieved simply by periodic current distribution in the quantum well caused by periodic surface p-contacts, introducing very little index-coupling effect that can be omitted. It is prepared by i-line lithography, without nanoscale grating fabrication or secondary epitaxy. Due to easy fabrication techniques, it provides a method to fabricate practical low cost GC-DFB lasers for widespread practical applications.Keywords: DFB laser, gain-coupled, low cost, periodic p-contacts
Procedia PDF Downloads 1287599 Design and Performance Comparison of Metamaterial Based Antenna for 4G/5G Mobile Devices
Authors: Jalal Khan, Daniyal Ali Sehrai, Shakeel Ahmad
This paper presents the design and performance evaluation of multiband metamaterial based antenna operating in the 3.6 GHz (4G), 14.33 GHz, and 28.86 GHz (5G) frequency bands, for future mobile and handheld devices. The radiating element of the proposed design is made up of a conductive material supported by a 1.524 mm thicker Rogers-4003 substrate, having a relative dielectric constant and loss tangent of 3.55 and 0.0027, respectively. The substrate is backed by truncated ground plane. The future mobile communication system is based on higher frequencies, which are highly affected by the atmospheric conditions. Therefore, to overcome the path loss problem, essential enhancements and improvements must be made in the overall performance of the antenna. The traditional ground plane does not provide the in-phase reflection and surface wave suppression due to which side and back lobes are produced. This will affect the antenna performance in terms of gain and efficiency. To enhance the overall performance of the antenna, a metamaterial acting as a high impedance surface (HIS) is used as a reflector in the proposed design. The simulated gain of the metamaterial based antenna is enhanced from {2.76-6.47, 4.83-6.71 and 7.52-7.73} dB at 3.6, 14.33 and 28.89 GHz, respectively relative to the gain of the antenna backed by a traditional ground plane. The proposed antenna radiated efficiently with a radiated efficiency (>85 %) in all the three frequency bands with and without metamaterial surface. The total volume of the antenna is (L x W x h=45 x 40 x 1.524) mm3. The antenna can be potentially used for wireless handheld devices and mobile terminal. All the simulations have been performed using the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) software.Keywords: CST MWS, fourth generation/fifth generation, 4G/5G, high gain, multiband, metamaterial
Procedia PDF Downloads 1617598 Improved Cooperative Communication Scheme in the Edge of Cell Coverage
Authors: Myoung-Jin Kim, Yeong-Seop Ahn, Hyun-Jee Yang, Hyoung-Kyu Song
This paper proposes the new cooperative communication scheme for the wireless communication system. When the receiver is located in the edge of coverage, the signal from the transmitter is distorted by the inter-cell interference (ICI) and power reduction by distance. In order to improve communication performance, the proposed scheme adds the relay. By using the relay, the receiver receives the signal from the transmitter and relay at the same time. Therefore, the new cooperative communication scheme obtains diversity gain and is improved by the relay.Keywords: cooperative communication, diversity gain, OFDM, MIMO
Procedia PDF Downloads 6107597 Analysis of Latest Fitness Trends in India
Authors: Amita Rana
From the ancient to modern times, the nature of fitness activities has varied. We can choose any form of exercise that is suitable for our particular need. Watchers of fitness trends say that the road to better health is paved with new possibilities along with some old ones that are poised to make a comeback. Educated, certified and experienced fitness professionals; strength training; fitness programmes for older adults; exercise and weight loss; children and obesity; personal training; core training; group personal training; Zumba and other dance workouts; functional fitness; yoga; comprehensive health promotion programmes at worksite; boot-camp; outdoor activities; reaching new markets; spinning; sport-specific training; worker incentive programmes; wellness coaching; and physician referrals are among the fitness trends included in worldwide surveys. However, trends related to fitness in India could be the same or different. Hence, the present paper makes an attempt to analyze the latest fitness trends in India. A total of eighteen (18) surveys were shortlisted on the basis of their relevance to the present topic of study and were arranged in descending order of their chronology. Content analysis was done after the preliminary set of data collection, which formed the basis of a group of data. Further, frequency and percentage were used to statistically represent the data. It can be concluded from the analysis of data regarding recent fitness trends in India that yoga dominates the fitness activity list, followed by numerous other activities including running, Zumba and sh’bam, boot camp, boxing, kickboxing, cycling, swimming, TRX, ass-pocalypse, ballet, biking, bokwa fitness, dance-iso-bic, masala bhangra, outdoor activities, pilates, planks, push-ups, sofa workouts, stairs Workouts, tabata training, and twerking. The body weight/ gym-specified/ strength training as well as high intensity interval training dominate the preferred workouts; followed by mixed work-outs, cross training work-outs, express work-outs, functional fitness, natural body movements, personalized training, and stay-at-home workouts. General areas that featured in the latest fitness trends in India demonstrates that the fitness is making an impact on all sections of the society be it children, women, older adults, senior citizens, worksite fitness. Fitness is becoming the lifestyle of the masses. People are doing exercise for weight-loss, combining diet with exercising; prefer sweating, making groups participate in fitness activities and wellness programmes. Technology is another area which has a high impact on the lives of people. They are using wearable technology for workout tracking and following numerous mobile friendly apps.Keywords: fitness, India, survey, trend
Procedia PDF Downloads 3147596 Bodies in Transit: The African Woman and Migration Ordeals
Authors: Okikiola Olusanu
The us/other relationship between the colonizer and the colonized, which continues to inform the oppression of Africans and highlights the intersectional oppression of postcolonial African women because of the colonialization of the identity of African women, inspired this poem. It reflects 'the body' and the 'embodied' as it journeys through the constructed distance between the white feminine body and colonized bodies in the context of travel. Through vivid imagery, repetition, and powerful language, this poem analyzes the effect of otherness on African women as they struggle with their internalized otherness and a poor sense of belonging, which hinges on the politics of difference which makes it impossible to complement the sameness of another within the liminal space of transition. This poem examines the discourse on the complexities of migration for the African woman by critically examining bodies, space, mobility, and how they interact. Our focus is on their relationship and how it affects African women's place and pace when moving to and through the First World. Through literary and feminist perspectives, this study aims to represent the portrait of the African woman and to decolonize the concept of border. It seeks to address the uniqueness of the African woman’s body, not as the same or different, but as distinct and wholesome to foster fairness, friendship, belonging, and equity in travel. To develop our argument and to establish our findings, we look at the dynamics of the oppression of the postcolonial African woman's body and her resistance.Keywords: body, identity, African woman, decolonization
Procedia PDF Downloads 177595 Anti-Diabetic Effect of High Purity Epigallocatechin Gallate from Green Tea
Authors: Hye Jin Choi, Mirim Jin, Jeong June Choi
Green tea, which is one of the most popular of tea, contains various ingredients that help health. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is one of the main active polyphenolic compound possessing diverse biologically beneficial effects such as anti-oxidation, anti-cancer founding in green tea. This study was performed to investigate the anti-diabetic effect of high-purity EGCG ( > 98%) in a spontaneous diabetic mellitus animal model, db/db mouse. Four-week-old male db/db mice, which was induced to diabetic mellitus by the high-fat diet, were orally administered with high-purity EGCG (10, 50 and 100 mg/kg) for 4 weeks. Daily weight and diet efficiency were examined, and blood glucose level was assessed once a week. After 4 weeks of EGCG administration, fasting blood glucose level was measured. Then, the mice were sacrificed and total abdominal fat was sampled to examine the change in fat weight. Plasma was separated from the blood and the levels of aspartate amino-transferase (ALT) and alanine amino-transferase (AST) were investigated. As results, blood glucose and body weight were significantly decreased by EGCG treatment compared to the control group. Also, the amount of abdominal fat was down-regulated by EGCG. However, ALT and AST levels, which are indicators of liver function, were similar to those of control group. Taken together, our study suggests that high purity EGCG is capable of treating diabetes mellitus based in db / db mice with safety and has a potent to develop a therapeutics for metabolic disorders. This work was supported by Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture, Forestry (IPET) through High Value-added Food Technology Development Program, funded by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) (317034-03-2-HD030)Keywords: anti-diabetic effect, db/db mouse, diabetes mellitus, green tea, epigallocatechin gallate
Procedia PDF Downloads 1877594 Development of Long and Short Range Ordered Domains in a High Specific Strength Steel
Authors: Nikhil Kumar, Aparna Singh
Microstructural development when annealed at different temperatures in a high aluminum and manganese light weight steel has been examined. The FCC matrix of the manganese (Mn)-rich and nickel (Ni)-rich areas in the studied Fe-Mn-Al-Ni-C-light weight steel have been found to contain anti phase domains. In the Mn-rich region short order range of domains manifested by the diffuse scattering in the electron diffraction patterns was observed. Domains in the Ni-rich region were found to be arranged periodically validated through lattice imaging. The nature of these domains can be tuned with annealing temperature resulting in profound influence in the mechanical properties.Keywords: Anti-phase domain boundaries, BCC, FCC, Light Weight Steel
Procedia PDF Downloads 1427593 Study of Storms on the Javits Center Green Roof
Authors: Alexander Cho, Harsho Sanyal, Joseph Cataldo
A quantitative analysis of the different variables on both the South and North green roofs of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center was taken to find mathematical relationships between net radiation and evapotranspiration (ET), average outside temperature, and the lysimeter weight. Groups of datasets were analyzed, and the relationships were plotted on linear and semi-log graphs to find consistent relationships. Antecedent conditions for each rainstorm were also recorded and plotted against the volumetric water difference within the lysimeter. The first relation was the inverse parabolic relationship between the lysimeter weight and the net radiation and ET. The peaks and valleys of the lysimeter weight corresponded to valleys and peaks in the net radiation and ET respectively, with the 8/22/15 and 1/22/16 datasets showing this trend. The U-shaped and inverse U-shaped plots of the two variables coincided, indicating an inverse relationship between the two variables. Cross variable relationships were examined through graphs with lysimeter weight as the dependent variable on the y-axis. 10 out of 16 of the plots of lysimeter weight vs. outside temperature plots had R² values > 0.9. Antecedent conditions were also recorded for rainstorms, categorized by the amount of precipitation accumulating during the storm. Plotted against the change in the volumetric water weight difference within the lysimeter, a logarithmic regression was found with large R² values. The datasets were compared using the Mann Whitney U-test to see if the datasets were statistically different, using a significance level of 5%; all datasets compared showed a U test statistic value, proving the null hypothesis of the datasets being different from being true.Keywords: green roof, green infrastructure, Javits Center, evapotranspiration, net radiation, lysimeter
Procedia PDF Downloads 1157592 Contrastive Analysis of Parameters Registered in Training Rowers and the Impact on the Olympic Performance
Authors: Gheorghe Braniste
The management of the training process in sports is closely related to the awareness of the close connection between performance and the morphological, functional and psychological characteristics of the athlete's body. Achieving high results in Olympic sports is influenced, on the one hand, by the genetically determined characteristics of the body and, on the other hand, by the morphological, functional and motor abilities of the athlete. Taking into account the importance of properly understanding the evolutionary specificity of athletes to assess their competitive potential, this study provides a comparative analysis of the parameters that characterize the growth and development of the level of adaptation of sweeping rowers, considering the growth interval between 12 and 20 years. The study established that, in the multi-annual training process, the bodies of the targeted athletes register significant adaptive changes while analyzing parameters of the morphological, functional, psychomotor and sports-technical spheres. As a result of the influence of physical efforts, both specific and non-specific, there is an increase in the adaptability of the body, its transfer to a much higher level of functionality within the parameters, useful and economical adaptive reactions influenced by environmental factors, be they internal or external. The research was carried out for 7 years, on a group of 28 athletes, following their evolution and recording the specific parameters of each age stage. In order to determine the level of physical, morpho-functional, psychomotor development and technical training of rowers, the screening data were applied at the State University of Physical Education and Sports in the Republic of Moldova. During the research, measurements were made on the waist, in the standing and sitting position, arm span, weight, circumference and chest perimeter, vital capacity of the lungs, with the subsequent determination of the vital index (tolerance level to oxygen deficiency in venous blood in Stange and Genchi breath-taking tests that characterize the level of oxygen saturation, absolute and relative strength of the hand and back, calculation of body mass and morphological maturity indices (Kettle index), body surface area (body gait), psychomotor tests (Romberg test), test-tepping 10 s., reaction to a moving object, visual and auditory-motor reaction, recording of technical parameters of rowing on a competitive distance of 200 m. At the end of the study it was found that highly performance is sports is to be associated on the one hand with the genetically determined characteristics of the body and, on the other hand, with favorable adaptive reactions and energy saving, as well as morphofunctional changes influenced by internal and external environmental factors. The importance of the results obtained at the end of the study was positively reflected in obtaining the maximum level of training of athletes in order to demonstrate performance in large-scale competitions and mostly in the Olympic Games.Keywords: olympics, parameters, performance, peak
Procedia PDF Downloads 1257591 From Private Bodies to a Shareable Body Politic. A Theological Solution to a Foundational Political Problem.
Authors: Patrick Downey
The political problem besetting all nations, tribes, and families, as illuminated by Plato in the fifth book of his Republic, is the problem of our own private body with its own particular pleasures and pains. This problem we might label the “irrational love of one’s own.” The reasonable philosopher loves reality just because it is, but we love things only if we can convince ourselves that they are “ours” or an imaginative extension of “ours.” The resulting problem, that can only be medicated, but not cured, is that the “body private,” whether our own, our family, tribe, or nation, always lies underneath any level of “body politic” and threatens the bloodshed and disintegration of civil war. This is also the political problem the Bible deals with throughout, beginning with Adam and Eve’s fall from rationally shareable bodies (“the two were one flesh”) into unshareable bodies whose now shameful “privacy” must be hid behind a bloody rather than bloodless veil. The blood is the sign of always threatening civil war, whether murder between brothers, feuds within tribes, or later, war between nations. The scarlet thread of blood tying the entire Bible together, Old and New Testament, reminds us that however far our loves are pushed out beyond our private body to family, tribe or nation, they remain irrational because unshareable. Only by loving the creator God who first loved us, can we rationally love anything of our own, but it must be loved as gift rather than as a possession. Such a love renders all bodies and nations truly shareable, and achieving this shareability is the paradoxical plot of the Bible, wherein the Word becomes flesh in a particular body amidst a particular people and nation. Yet even with His own nation and His own Son, this Lord is not “partial” and demands justice towards widows, orphans, and sojourners, because the irrational love of only our own can become rational solely through the resurrection of this particular body, king of this particular nation and these particular people. His body, along with all other bodies, can thus now retain their particular wounds and history, while yet remaining shareable. Likewise, all nations will share in the nation of Israel, in the same way all distinct languages will share an understanding through the inner rational word that we see illustrated in Pentecost. Without the resurrection, however, this shareability of bodies and nations remains merely a useful fiction, as Plato saw, and the equally fictitious “rationality” of some sort of deductive universalism will not go away. Reading Scripture in terms of Plato’s “irrational love of one’s own” therefore raises questions for both a Protestant and Catholic understanding of nations, questions that neither can answer adequately without this philosophical and exegetical attention.Keywords: body private, nations, shareability, body politic
Procedia PDF Downloads 897590 Interval Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling and Nutritional Counseling Improves Lean Mass to Fat Mass Ratio and Decreases Cardiometabolic Disease Risk in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
Authors: David Dolbow, Daniel Credeur, Mujtaba Rahimi, Dobrivoje Stokic, Jennifer Lemacks, Andrew Courtner
Introduction: Obesity is at epidemic proportions in the spinal cord injury (SCI) population (66-75%), as individuals who suffer from paralysis undergo a dramatic decrease in muscle mass and a dramatic increase in adipose deposition. Obesity is a major public health concern which includes a doubling of the risk of heart disease, stroke and type II diabetes mellitus. It has been demonstrated that physical activity, and especially HIIT, can promote a healthy body composition and decrease the risk cardiometabolic disease in the able-bodied population. However, SCI typically limits voluntary exercise to the arms, but a high prevalence of shoulder pain in persons with chronic SCI (60-90%) can cause increased arm exercise to be problematic. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) cycling has proven to be a safe and effective way to exercise paralyzed leg muscles in clinical and home settings, saving the often overworked arms. Yet, HIIT-FES cycling had not been investigated prior to the current study. The purpose of this study was to investigate the body composition changes with combined HIIT-FES cycling and nutritional counseling on individuals with SCI. Design: A matched (level of injury, time since injury, body mass index) and controlled trail. Setting: University exercise performance laboratory. Subjects: Ten individuals with chronic SCI (C5-T9) ASIA impairment classification (A & B) were divided into the treatment group (n=5) for 30 minutes of HIIT-FES cycling 3 times per week for 8 weeks and nutritional counseling over the phone for 30 minutes once per week for 8 weeks and the control group (n=5) who received nutritional counseling only. Results: There was a statistically significant difference between the HIIT-FES group and the control group in mean body fat percentage change (-1.14 to +0.24) respectively, p = .030). There was also a statistically significant difference between the HIIT-FES and control groups in mean change in legs lean mass (+0.78 kg to -1.5 kg) respectively, p = 0.004. There was a nominal decrease in weight, BMI, total fat mass and a nominal increase in total lean mass for the HIIT-FES group over the control group. However, these changes were not found to be statistically significant. Additionally, there was a nominal decrease in the mean blood glucose levels for both groups 101.8 to 97.8 mg/dl for the HIIT-FES group and 94.6 to 93 mg/dl for the Nutrition only group, however, neither were found to be statistically significant. Conclusion: HIIT-FES cycling combined with nutritional counseling can provide healthful body composition changes including decreased body fat percentage in just 8 weeks. Future study recommendations include a greater number of participants, a primer electrical stimulation exercise program to better ready participants for HIIT-FES cycling and a greater volume of training above 30 minutes, 3 times per week for 8 weeks.Keywords: body composition, functional electrical stimulation cycling, high-intensity interval training, spinal cord injury
Procedia PDF Downloads 1177589 Loss of Control Eating as a Key Factor of the Psychological Symptomatology Related to Childhood Obesity
Authors: L. Beltran, S. Solano, T. Lacruz, M. Blanco, M. Rojo, M. Graell, A. R. Sepulveda
Introduction and Objective: Given the difficulties of assessing Binge Eating Disorder during childhood, episodes of Loss of Control (LOC) eating can be a key symptom. The objective is to know the prevalence of food psychopathology depending on the type of evaluation and find out which psychological characteristics differentiate overweight or obese children who present LOC from those who do not. Material and Methods: 170 children from 8 to 12 years of age with overweight or obesity (P > 85) were evaluated through the Primary Care Centers of Madrid. Sociodemographic data and psychological measures were collected through the Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders & Schizophrenia, Present & Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL) diagnostic interview and self-applied questionnaires: Children's eating attitudes (ChEAT), depressive symptomatology (CDI), anxiety (STAIC), general self-esteem (LAWSEQ), body self-esteem (BES), perceived teasing (POTS) and perfectionism (CAPS). Results: 15.2% of the sample exceeded the ChEAT cut-off point, presenting a risk of pathological eating; 5.88% presented an Eating Disorder through the diagnostic interview (2.35% Binge Eating disorder), and 33.53% had LOC episodes. No relationship was found between the presence of LOC and clinical diagnosis of eating disorders according to DSM-V; however, the group with LOC presented a higher risk of eating psychopathology using the ChEAT (p < .02). Significant differences were found in the group with LOC (p < .02): higher z-BMI, lower body self-esteem, greater anxious symptomatology, greater frequency of teasing towards weight, and greater effect of teasing both towards weight and competitions; compared to their peers without LOC. Conclusion: According to previous studies in samples with overweight children, in this Spanish sample of children with obesity, we found a prevalence of moderate eating disorder and a high presence of LOC episodes, which is related to both eating and general psychopathology. These findings confirm that the exclusion of LOC episodes as a diagnostic criterion can underestimate the presence of eating psychopathology during this developmental stage. According to these results, it is highly recommended to promote school context programs that approach LOC episodes in order to reduce associated symptoms. This study is included in a Project funded by the Ministry of Innovation and Science (PSI2011-23127).Keywords: childhood obesity, eating psychopathology, loss-of-control eating, psychological symptomatology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1067588 Effect of Varying Zener-Hollomon Parameter (Temperature and Flow Stress) and Stress Relaxation on Creep Response of Hot Deformed AA3104 Can Body Stock
Authors: Oyindamola Kayode, Sarah George, Roberto Borrageiro, Mike Shirran
A phenomenon identified by our industrial partner has experienced sag on AA3104 can body stock (CBS) transfer bar during transportation of the slab from the breakdown mill to the finishing mill. Excessive sag results in bottom scuffing of the slab onto the roller table, resulting in surface defects on the final product. It has been found that increasing the strain rate on the breakdown mill final pass results in a slab resistant to sag. The creep response for materials hot deformed at different Zener–Holloman parameter values needs to be evaluated experimentally to gain better understanding of the operating mechanism. This study investigates this identified phenomenon through laboratory simulation of the breakdown mill conditions for various strain rates by utilizing the Gleeble at UCT Centre for Materials Engineering. The experiment will determine the creep response for a range of conditions as well as quantifying the associated material microstructure (sub-grain size, grain structure etc). The experimental matrices were determined based on experimental conditions approximate to industrial hot breakdown rolling and carried out on the Gleeble 3800 at the Centre for Materials Engineering, University of Cape Town. Plane strain compression samples were used for this series of tests at an applied load that allow for better contact and exaggerated creep displacement. A tantalum barrier layer was used for increased conductivity and decreased risk of anvil welding. One set of tests with no in-situ hold time was performed, where the samples were quenched after deformation. The samples were retained for microstructure analysis of the micrographs from the light microscopy (LM), quantitative data and images from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), sub-grain size and grain structure from electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD).Keywords: aluminium alloy, can-body stock, hot rolling, creep response, Zener-Hollomon parameter
Procedia PDF Downloads 867587 Effects of Cellular Insulin Receptor Stimulators with Alkaline Water on Performance, Plasma Cholesterol, Glucose, Triglyceride Levels and Hatchability in Breeding Japanese Quail
Authors: Rabia Göçmen, Gülşah Kanbur, Sinan Sefa Parlat
Aim of this study is to determine the effects of cellular insulin receptor stimulators on performance, plasma glucose, high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), total cholesterol, triglyceride, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) hormone levels, and incubation features in the breeding Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica). In the study, a total of 84 breeding quails was used, 6 weeks’ age, 24 are male and 60, female. Rations used in experiment are 2900 kcal/kg metabolic energy and 20% crude protein. Water pH is calibrated to 7.45. Ration and water were administered ad-libitum to the animals. As metformin source, metformin-HCl was used and as chrome resource, chromium picolinate was used. Trial groups were formed as control group (basal ration), metformin group (basal ration, added metformin at the level of feed of 20 mg/kg), and chromium picolinate (basal ration, added feed of 1500 ppb Cr) group. When regarded to the results of performance at the end of experiment, it is seen that live weight gain, feed consumption, egg weight, feed conversion ratio (Feed consumption/ egg weight), and egg production were affected at the significant level (p < 0.05). When the results are evaluated in terms of incubation features, hatchability and hatchability of fertile egg ratio were not affected from the treatments. Fertility ratio was significantly affected by metformin and chromium picolinate treatments and fertility rose at the significant level compared to control group (p < 0.05). According to results of experiment, plasma glucose level was not affected by metformin and chromium picolinate treatments. Plasma, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglyceride levels were significantly affected from insulin receptor stimulators added to ration (p < 0.05). Hormone level of Plasma T3 and T4 were also affected at the significant level from insulin receptor stimulators added to ration (p < 0.05).Keywords: chromium picolinate, cholesterol, hormone, metformin, quail
Procedia PDF Downloads 2207586 Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Hydrogels Based on Chitosan Derivatives
Authors: Mahmoud H. Abu Elella, Riham R. Mohamed, Magdy W. Sabaa
Firstly, synthesis of N-Quaternized Chitosan (NQC), then it was proven by FTIR and 1H-NMR analysis. The degree of quaternization(DQ 35% ) was determined by equation. Secondly, synthesis of cross-linked hydrogels composed of NQC and poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in different weight ratios in presence of glutaraldehyde (GA) as cross-linking agent. Characterization of the prepared hydrogels was done using FTIR, SEM, XRD,and TGA. Swellability in simulated body fluid (SBF) solutions applied on NQC / PVA hydrogels and swelling rate(Wt%) and metal ions uptake was done on it.Keywords: hydrogel, metal ions uptake, N-quaternized chitosan, poly (vinyl alcohol), swellability
Procedia PDF Downloads 4307585 Weight Loss and Symptom Improvement in Women with Secondary Lymphedema Using Semaglutide
Authors: Shivani Thakur, Jasmin Dominguez Cervantes, Ahmed Zabiba, Fatima Zabiba, Sandhini Agarwal, Kamalpreet Kaur, Hussein Maatouk, Shae Chand, Omar Madriz, Tiffany Huang, Saloni Bansal
The prevalence of lymphedema in women in rural communities highlights the importance of developing effective treatment and prevention methods. Subjects with secondary lymphedema in California’s Central Valley were surveyed at 6 surgical clinics to assess demographics and symptoms of lymphedema. Additionally, subjects on semaglutide treatment for obesity and/or T2DM were monitored for their diabetes management, weight loss progress, and lymphedema symptoms compared to subjects who were not treated with semaglutide. The subjects were followed for 12 months. Subjects who were treated with semaglutide completed pre-treatment questionnaires and follow-up post-treatment questionnaires at 3, 6, 9, 12 months, along with medical assessment. The untreated subjects completed similar questionnaires. The questionnaires investigated subjective feelings regarding lymphedema symptoms and management using a Likert-scale; quantitative leg measurements were collected, and blood work reviewed at these appointments. Paired difference t-tests, chi-squared tests, and independent sample t-tests were performed. 50 subjects, aged 18-75 years, completed the surveys evaluating secondary lymphedema: 90% female, 69% Hispanic, 45% Spanish speaking, 42% disabled, 57 % employed, 54% income range below 30 thousand dollars, and average BMI of 40. Both treatment and non-treatment groups noted the most common symptoms were leg swelling (x̄=3.2, ▁d= 1.3), leg pain (x̄=3.2, ▁d=1.6 ), loss of daily function (x̄=3, ▁d=1.4 ), and negative body image (x̄=4.4, ▁d=0.54). Subjects in the semaglutide treatment group >3 months of treatment compared to the untreated group demonstrated: 55% subject in the treated group had a 10% weight loss vs 3% in the untreated group (average BMI reduction by 11% vs untreated by 2.5%, p<0.05) and improved subjective feelings about their lymphedema symptoms: leg swelling (x̄=2.4, ▁d=0.45 vs x̄=3.2, ▁d=1.3, p<0.05), leg pain (x̄=2.2, ▁d=0.45 vs x̄= 3.2, ▁d= 1.6, p<0.05), and heaviness (x̄=2.2, ▁d=0.45 vs x̄=3, ▁d=1.56, p<0.05). Improvement in diabetes management was demonstrated by an average of 0.9 % decrease in A1C values compared to untreated 0.1 %, p<0.05. In comparison to untreated subjects, treatment subjects on semaglutide noted 6 cm decrease in the circumference of the leg, knee, calf, and ankle compared to 2 cm in untreated subjects, p<0.05. Semaglutide was shown to significantly improve weight loss, T2DM management, leg circumference, and secondary lymphedema functional, physical and psychosocial symptoms.Keywords: diabetes, secondary lymphedema, semaglutide, obesity
Procedia PDF Downloads 627584 Assessment of Reproductive Toxicity of Diazinon Pesticide in Male Wistar Rats
Authors: Mohammad Alfaifi
Organophosphates are among the most widely used synthetic insect pesticides. The widespread use of organophosphates has stimulated research into the possible existence of effects related with their reproductive toxic activity. The present study aimed to assess the effects of diazinon (DIZ) on male reproductive system. DIZ at the dose levels of 1.5, 3.0 and 9.0 mg/kg b. wt./day was administered orally to male rats of Wistar strain for 30 days to evaluate the toxic alterations in testicular histology, biochemistry, sperm dynamics, and testosterone levels. The body weight of animals did not show any significant changes, however, a significant reduction was observed in testes weight. DIZ also brought about marked reduction in epididymal and testicular sperm counts in exposed males and a decrease in serum testosterone concentration. Histopathological examination of testes showed mild to severe degenerative changes in seminiferous tubules at various dose levels. Fertility test showed 79% negative results. All these toxic effects are moderate at low doses and become severe at higher dose levels. From the results of the present study it is concluded that DIZ induces severe testicular damage and results in reduction in sperm count and thus affect fertility. Small changes in sperm counts are known to have adverse affects on human fertility. Therefore, application of such insecticide should be limited to a designed programme.Keywords: reproductive toxicity, fertility, diazinon, sperm count
Procedia PDF Downloads 3197583 Design Modification in CNC Milling Machine to Reduce the Weight of Structure
Authors: Harshkumar K. Desai, Anuj K. Desai, Jay P. Patel, Snehal V. Trivedi, Yogendrasinh Parmar
The need of continuous improvement in a product or process in this era of global competition leads to apply value engineering for functional and aesthetic improvement in consideration with economic aspect too. Solar industries located at G.I.D.C., Makarpura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India; a manufacturer of variety of CNC Machines had a challenge to analyze the structural design of column, base, carriage and table of CNC Milling Machine in the account of reduction of overall weight of a machine without affecting the rigidity and accuracy at the time of operation. The identified task is the first attempt to validate and optimize the proposed design of ribbed structure statically using advanced modeling and analysis tools in a systematic way. Results of stress and deformation obtained using analysis software are validated with theoretical analysis and found quite satisfactory. Such optimized results offer a weight reduction of the final assembly which is desired by manufacturers in favor of reduction of material cost, processing cost and handling cost finally.Keywords: CNC milling machine, optimization, finite element analysis (FEA), weight reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2777582 Length/Length-Length/Weight Relationships for 2 Erythrean mantis Shrimp Species, Erugosquilla massavensis (Kossmann, 1883), and Clorida albolitura (Ahyong&Naiyanetr, 2000) from the Yumurtalik Cove, Northeastern Mediterranean of Turkey
Authors: Canan Türeli̇, İrem Nur Yeşi̇lyurt
A total of nine stomatopod crustaceans have been reported from the eastern Mediterranean, with the eight from the Turkey coasts and three from the Levantine coast of Turkey (Squilla massavensis (Linnaeus,1758), Erugosquilla massavensis (Kossmann, 1880), Clorida albolitura (Ahyong&Naiyanetr, 2000). E. massavensis is the most successful Red Sea immigrant, and it is now the dominant eastern Levantine stomatopod. At this research, carapace length/total length- weight relationship of 2 erythrean mantis shrimp, E. massavensis and C. albolitura was studied in Yumurtalık Cove, in the Northeastern Mediterranean of Turkey. Samples were collected monthly from July 2014 to June 2015 (except February), using bottom trawl net into three different depth strata; 0- 10 m, 10-20 m, 20-50m. E. massavensis samples were caught all studied time, except winter, in the three depth range but C. albolitura samples were caught only in July, October and May's months. A total of 572 specimens of the E. massavensis and 12 specimens of the C. albolitura were collected and analyzed. Morphometric equations for the conversions of total length and weight, carapace lengths were constructed for males, females, combined sexes for E. massavensis and C. albolitura. The b-values for total length (TL)-weight (W) in males and females for E. massavensis were 2.738 and 2.725 respectively and for carapace length (CL)-total length (TL) they were 1.041 and 0.978, relatively. The b-values (total length-weight) were determined for combined sexes of E. massavensis and C. albolitura as: 2.771, 1.852 relatively. In both species, the relative growth of weight and total length was found highly positively allometric. However, carapace length showed negative allometry in females of E. Massavensis.Keywords: Clorida albolitura, Erugosquilla massavensis, Erythrean stomatopod, length/length-weight relationships
Procedia PDF Downloads 2957581 Evaluation of Reproductive Toxicity of Diazinon Pesticide in Male Wistar Rats
Authors: Mohammad Alfaifi, Mohammed Alshehri
Organophosphates are among the most widely used synthetic insect pesticides. The widespread use of organophosphates has stimulated research into the possible existence of effects related with their reproductive toxic activity. The present study aimed to assess the effects of diazinon (DIZ) on male reproductive system. DIZ at the dose levels of 1.5, 3.0 and 9.0 mg/kg b. wt./day was administered orally to male rats of Wistar strain for 30 days to evaluate the toxic alterations in testicular histology, biochemistry, sperm dynamics and testosterone levels. The body weight of animals did not show any significant changes; however, a significant reduction was observed in testes weight. DIZ also brought about a marked reduction in epididymal and testicular sperm counts in exposed males and a decrease in serum testosterone concentration. Histopathological examination of testes showed mild to severe degenerative changes in seminiferous tubules at various dose levels. Fertility test showed 79% negative results. All these toxic effects are moderate at low doses and become severe at higher dose levels. From the results of the present study, it is concluded that DIZ induces severe testicular damage and results in a reduction in sperm count and thus affect fertility. Small changes in sperm counts are known to have adverse effects on human fertility. Therefore, application of such insecticide should be limited to a designed programme.Keywords: organophosphates, reproductive toxicity, diazinon, fertility
Procedia PDF Downloads 4127580 Histological and Ultrastructural Study on the Effect
Authors: Olfat Mohamed Hussien Yousef
Tamoxifen (TM) is a synthetic non-steroidal antiestrogen. It is one of the most effective drugs for treatment of estrogen-dependent cancer by binding to estrogen receptors, suppressing of epithelial proliferation and as a chemotherapeutic agent. Recently, more attention has been paid to the protective effects of natural antioxidants against toxicities induced by anti-cancer drugs involving free radical-mediated oxidative stress and tissue injury. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that has the ability to scavenge factors causing free radical formation in animals receiving tamoxifen. The present study aims at pinpointing the TM-induced histopathological and ultrastructural changes in the kidneys and to assess the possible chemoprotective role of vitamin C against such TM-induced microscopic changes. Thirty adult male CD-1 mice, 25-30 g in weight and 3 months old, were divided into three groups. The first group served as control. The second group received the therapeutic dose of TM at daily oral dose of 40 mg/kg body weight for 28 days. The third group received the therapeutic dose of vitamin C at a daily dose of 500 mg/kg body weight simultaneously with the therapeutic dose of TM used in group two for 28 days. Animals were sacrificed and kidney samples were obtained and processed for histological and ultrastructural examination. Histological changes induced by TM included damage of the renal corpuscles including obliteration of the subcapsular space, congestion of the glomerular blood capillaries, segmental mesangial cell proliferation with matrix expansion, capsular adhesions with the glomerular tuft especially at the urinary pole of the corpuscles. Moreover, some proximal and distal tubules suffered various degrees of degeneration in some lining cells. Haemorrhage and inflammatory cell infiltration were also observed in the intertubular spaces. Ultrastructural observations revealed damage of the parietal epithelium of Bowman’s capsule, fusion and destruction of the foot processes of podocytes and great increase of mesangial cells and mesangial matrix. The cells of the proximal convoluted tubules displayed marked destruction of the microvilli constituting the brush borders and degeneration of the mitochondria; besides, abundant lysosomes, numerous vacuoles and pyknotic nuclei were observed. The distal convoluted tubules displayed marked distruction of both the basal infolding and the mitochondria in some areas. Histological and ultrastructural results revealed that treatment of male mice with TM simultaneously with vitamin C led to apparent repair of the injured renal tissue. This might suggest that vitamin C (an antioxidant agent) can minimize the toxic effects of TM (an antiestrogen).Keywords: tamoxifen, vitamin c, mammalian kidney, histology, ultrastructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 3797579 Correlation between Dynamic Knee Valgus with Isometric Hip External Rotators Strength during Single Leg Landing
Authors: Ahmed Fawzy, Khaled Ayad, Gh. M. Koura, W. Reda
The excessive frontal plane motion of the lower extremity during sports activities is thought to be a contributing factor to many traumatic and overuse injuries of the knee joint, little is known about the biomechanical factors that contribute to this loading pattern. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate if there is a relationship between hip external rotators isometric strength and the value of frontal plane projection angle (FPPA) during single leg landing tasks in normal male subjects. Methods: One hundred (male) subjects free from lower extremity injuries for at least six months ago participated in this study. Their mean age was (23.25 ± 2.88) years, mean weight was (74.76 ± 13.54) (Kg), mean height was (174.23 ± 6.56) (Cm). The knee frontal plane projection angle was measured by digital video camera using single leg landing task. Hip external rotators isometric strength were assessed by portable hand held dynamometer. Muscle strength had been normalized to the body weight to obtain more accurate measurements. Results: The results demonstrated that there was no significant relationship between hip external rotators isometric strength and the value of FPPA during single leg landing tasks in normal male subjects. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is no relationship between hip external rotators isometric strength and the value of FPPA during functional activities in normal male subjects.Keywords: 2-dimensional motion analysis, hip strength, kinematics, knee injuries
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