Search results for: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 4812

Search results for: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

4062 Electrochemical Bioassay for Haptoglobin Quantification: Application in Bovine Mastitis Diagnosis

Authors: Soledad Carinelli, Iñigo Fernández, José Luis González-Mora, Pedro A. Salazar-Carballo


Mastitis is the most relevant inflammatory disease in cattle, affecting the animal health and causing important economic losses on dairy farms. This disease takes place in the mammary gland or udder when some opportunistic microorganisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Corynebacterium bovis, etc., invade the teat canal. According to the severity of the inflammation, mastitis can be classified as sub-clinical, clinical and chronic. Standard methods for mastitis detection include counts of somatic cells, cell culture, electrical conductivity of the milk, and California test (evaluation of “gel-like” matrix consistency after cell lysed with detergents). However, these assays present some limitations for accurate detection of subclinical mastitis. Currently, haptoglobin, an acute phase protein, has been proposed as novel and effective biomarker for mastitis detection. In this work, an electrochemical biosensor based on polydopamine-modified magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs@pDA) for haptoglobin detection is reported. Thus, MNPs@pDA has been synthesized by our group and functionalized with hemoglobin due to its high affinity to haptoglobin protein. The protein was labeled with specific antibodies modified with alkaline phosphatase enzyme for its electrochemical detection using an electroactive substrate (1-naphthyl phosphate) by differential pulse voltammetry. After the optimization of assay parameters, the haptoglobin determination was evaluated in milk. The strategy presented in this work shows a wide range of detection, achieving a limit of detection of 43 ng/mL. The accuracy of the strategy was determined by recovery assays, being of 84 and 94.5% for two Hp levels around the cut off value. Milk real samples were tested and the prediction capacity of the electrochemical biosensor was compared with a Haptoglobin commercial ELISA kit. The performance of the assay has demonstrated this strategy is an excellent and real alternative as screen method for sub-clinical bovine mastitis detection.

Keywords: bovine mastitis, haptoglobin, electrochemistry, magnetic nanoparticles, polydopamine

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4061 Phage Therapy as a Potential Solution in the Fight against Antimicrobial Resistance

Authors: Sanjay Shukla


Excessive use of antibiotics is a main problem in the treatment of wounds and other chronic infections and antibiotic treatment is frequently non-curative, thus alternative treatment is necessary. Phage therapy is considered one of the most effective approaches to treat multi-drug resistant bacterial pathogens. Infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus are very efficiently controlled with phage cocktails, containing a different individual phages lysate infecting a majority of known pathogenic S. aureus strains. The aim of current study was to investigate the efficiency of a purified phage cocktail for prophylactic as well as therapeutic application in mouse model and in large animals with chronic septic infection of wounds. A total of 150 sewage samples were collected from various livestock farms. These samples were subjected for the isolation of bacteriophage by double agar layer method. A total of 27 sewage samples showed plaque formation by producing lytic activity against S. aureus in double agar overlay method out of 150 sewage samples. In TEM recovered isolates of bacteriophages showed hexagonal structure with tail fiber. In the bacteriophage (ØVS) had an icosahedral symmetry with the head size 52.20 nm in diameter and long tail of 109 nm. Head and tail were held together by connector and can be classified as a member of the Myoviridae family under the order of Caudovirale. Recovered bacteriophage had shown the antibacterial activity against the S. aureus in vitro. Cocktail (ØVS1, ØVS5, ØVS9 and ØVS 27) of phage lysate were tested to know in vivo antibacterial activity as well as the safety profile. Result of mice experiment indicated that the bacteriophage lysate was very safe, did not show any appearance of abscess formation which indicates its safety in living system. The mice were also prophylactically protected against S. aureus when administered with cocktail of bacteriophage lysate just before the administration of S. aureus which indicates that they are good prophylactic agent. The S. aureus inoculated mice were completely recovered by bacteriophage administration with 100% recovery which was very good as compere to conventional therapy. In present study ten chronic cases of wound were treated with phage lysate and follow up of these cases was done regularly up to ten days (at 0, 5 and 10 d). Result indicated that the six cases out of ten showed complete recovery of wounds within 10 d. The efficacy of bacteriophage therapy was found to be 60% which was very good as compared to the conventional antibiotic therapy in chronic septic wounds infections. Thus, the application of lytic phage in single dose proved to be innovative and effective therapy for treatment of septic chronic wounds.

Keywords: phage therapy, phage lysate, antimicrobial resistance, S. aureus

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4060 Epidemiology of Healthcare-Associated Infections among Hematology/Oncology Patients: Results of a Prospective Incidence Survey in a Tunisian University Hospital

Authors: Ezzi Olfa, Bouafia Nabiha, Ammar Asma, Ben Cheikh Asma, Mahjoub Mohamed, Bannour Wadiaa, Achour Bechir, Khelif Abderrahim, Njah Mansour


Background: In hematology/oncology, health care improvement has allowed increasingly aggressive management in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Nevertheless, these intensified procedures have been associated with higher risk of healthcare associated infections (HAIs). We undertook this study to estimate the burden of HAIs in the cancer patients in an onco -hematology unit in a Tunisian university hospital. Materials/Methods: A prospective, observational study, based on active surveillance for a period of 06 months from Mars through September 2016, was undertaken in the department of onco-hematology in a university hospital in Tunisia. Patients, who stayed in the unit for ≥ 48 h, were followed until hospital discharge. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria (CDC) for site-specific infections were used as standard definitions for HAIs. Results: One hundred fifty patients were included in the study. The gender distribution was 33.3% for girls and 66.6% boys. They have a mean age of 23.12 years (SD = 18.36 years). The main patient’s diagnosis is: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): 48.7 %( n=73). The mean length of stay was 21 days +/- 18 days. Almost 8% of patients had an implantable port (n= 12), 34.9 % (n=52) had a lumber puncture and 42.7 % (n= 64) had a medullary puncture. Chemotherapy was instituted in 88% of patients (n=132). Eighty (53.3%) patients had neutropenia at admission. The incidence rate of HAIs was 32.66 % per patient; the incidence density was 15.73 per 1000 patient-days in the unit. Mortality rate was 9.3% (n= 14), and 50% of cases of death were caused by HAIs. The most frequent episodes of infection were: infection of skin and superficial mucosa (5.3%), pulmonary aspergillosis (4.6%), Healthcare associated pneumonia (HAP) (4%), Central venous catheter associated infection (4%), digestive infection (5%), and primary bloodstream infection (2.6%). Finally, fever of unknown origin (FUO) incidence rate was 14%. In case of skin and superficial infection (n= 8), 4 episodes were documented, and organisms implicated were Escherichia.coli, Geotricum capitatum and Proteus mirabilis. For pulmonary aspergillosis, 6 cases were diagnosed clinically and radiologically, and one was proved by positive aspergillus antigen in bronchial aspiration. Only one patient died due this infection. In HAP (6 cases), four episodes were diagnosed clinically and radiologically. No bacterial etiology was established in these cases. Two patients died due to HAP. For primary bloodstream infection (4 cases), implicated germs were Enterobacter cloacae, Geotricum capitatum, klebsiella pneumoniae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Conclusion: This type of prospective study is an indispensable tool for internal quality control. It is necessary to evaluate preventive measures and design control guides and strategies aimed to reduce the HAI’s rate and the morbidity and mortality associated with infection in a hematology/oncology unit.

Keywords: cohort prospective studies, healthcare associated infections, hematology oncology department, incidence

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4059 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection/AIDS Abandoned Children in Kenya

Authors: Ruth Muturi Wanjiku


HIV/AIDS in Kenya for unborn and young kids. HIV/AIDS is a significant health concern in Kenya, with an estimated 1.5 million people living with the disease. Unfortunately, many of these individuals are unaware of their HIV status, and the disease continues to spread among the population or unborn kids. HIV/AIDS can be transmitted from an infected mother during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. However, with early testing and treatment, the risk of mother-to-child transmission can be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is crucial for pregnant women to get tested and receive appropriate medical care. For young kids, HIV/AIDS education is critical to preventing the spread of the disease. It is essential to teach children about the importance of safe sex practices, avoiding risky behaviors such as sharing needles and getting tested regularly. Additionally, children should be taught about the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS and encouraged to treat individuals living with the disease with compassion and respect. In conclusion, HIV/AIDS is a significant health concern in Kenya that affects individuals of all ages. For unborn kids, early testing and treatment are critical to reducing the risk of mother-to-child transmission. For young kids, education about HIV/AIDS and safe sex practices is essential to preventing the spread of the disease and reducing stigma. It is essential to promote awareness and encourage individuals to get tested and seek medical care if they believe they may be infected with HIV/AIDS.

Keywords: AIDS, HIV, children, pregnant

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4058 3D-printing for Ablation Planning in Patients Undergoing Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: 3D-GALA Trial

Authors: Terentes Printzios Dimitrios, Loanna Gourgouli, Vlachopoulos Charalambos


Aims: Atrial fibrillation (AF) remains one of the major causes of stroke, heart failure, sudden death and cardiovascular morbidity. Ablation techniques are becoming more appealing after the latest results of randomized trials showing the overall clinical benefit. On the other hand, imaging techniques and the frontier application of 3D printing are emerging as a valuable ally for cardiac procedures. However, no randomized trial has directly assessed the impact of preprocedural imaging and especially 3D printing guidance for AF ablation. The present study is designed to investigate for the first time the effect of 3D printing of the heart on the safety and effectiveness of the ablation procedure. Methods and design: The 3D-GALA trial is a randomized, open-label, controlled, multicentre clinical trial of 2 parallel groups designed to enroll a total of 100 patients undergoing ablation using cryo-balloon for paroxysmal and persistent AF. Patients will be randomized with a patient allocation ratio of 1: 1 to preprocedural MRI scan of the heart and 3D printing of left atrium and pulmonary veins and cryoablation versus standard cryoablation without imaging. Patients will be followed up to 6 months after the index procedure. The primary outcome measure is the reduction of radiation dose and contrast amount during pulmonary veins isolation. Secondary endpoints will include the percentage of atrial fibrillation relapse at 24h-Holter electrocardiogram monitoring at 6 months after initial treatment. Discussion: To our knowledge, the 3D-GALA trial will be the first study to provide evidence about the clinical impact of preprocedural imaging and 3D printing before cryoablation.

Keywords: atrial fibrillation, cardiac MRI, cryoablation, 3-d printing

Procedia PDF Downloads 178
4057 Pain Management Program in Helping Community-Dwelling Older Adults and Their Informal Caregivers to Manage Pain and Related Situations

Authors: Mimi My Tse


The prevalence of chronic non-cancer pain is high among community-dwelling older adults. Pain affects physical and psychosocial abilities. Older adults tend to be less mobile and have a high tendency to fall risk. In addition, older adults with pain are depressed, anxious, and not too willing to join social activities. This will make them feel very lonely and social isolation. Instead of giving pain management education and programs to older adults/clients, both older adults and their caregivers, it is sad to find that the majority of existing services are given to older adults only. Given the importance of family members in increasing compliance with health-promoting programs, we proposed to offer pain management programs to both older adults with his/her caregiver as a “dyad.” We used the Health Promotion Model and implemented a dyadic pain management program (DPM). The DPM is an 8-week group-based program. The DPM comprises 4 weeks of center-based, face-to-face activities and 4 weeks of digital-based activities delivered via a WhatsApp group. There were 30 dyads (15 in the experimental group with DPM and 15 in the control group with pain education pamphlets). Upon the completion of DPM, pain intensity and pain interference were significantly lower in the intervention group as compared to the control group. At the same time, physical function showed significant improvement and lower depression scores in the intervention group. In conclusion, the study highlights the potential benefits of involving caregivers in the management of chronic pain for older adults. This approach should be widely promoted in managing chronic pain situations for community-dwelling older adults and their caregivers.

Keywords: pain, older adults, dyadic approach, education

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4056 Quality of Life and Willingness to Take Treatment and the Importance of the Disease in the Lives of Patients with Eating Disorders

Authors: Marzena Trojanczyk, Mariusz Jaworski, Ewa Dmoch Gajzlerska


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to assess the relationship between the level of quality of life and willingness to take treatment in patients with eating disorders as anorexia, bulimia and compulsive bingeing. Material and methods: The subjects consisted of 99 women with eating disorders: anorexia, n = 33; bulimia, n = 35; compulsive overeating, n = 31 and 35 women in the control group. The study used an original questionnaire to assess the overall quality of life, as well as selected areas of the physical, mental, social and spiritual satisfaction. The subjects were also asked about the level of motivation for treatment, and the importance of the disease in the lives of patients. Statistical analyses were performed using the statistical program SPSS 18.0. Results: Women with eating disorders in particular groups did not differ with respect to each other in the aspect of overall quality of life, satisfaction with the development of the spiritual, social functioning and mental health. The severity level of the disease in the lives of patients showed a negative correlation with social functioning in women with anorexia nervosa. In the case of patients with compulsive bingeing a positive relationship between the level of importance of the disease and the satisfaction of spiritual development is reported. Conclusions: Concerning the inferior quality of life, there is no relationship between a willingness to take treatment and the importance of the disease in the lives of patients with anorexia, bulimia and compulsive bingeing.

Keywords: anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating, quality of life

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4055 COVID-19: The Cause or the Confounder

Authors: Praveenkumar Natarajan


A 59-year-old male with no known co-morbidities was admitted to a private hospital for complaints of fever and cough and was diagnosed to haveCOVID-19. CT of the thorax revealed the involvement of 50% of the lungs. Screening ECG and ECHO were normal. The patient was treated with oxygen therapy and drugs and was discharged after 12 days of admission. Post-discharge, the patient remained symptom-free and continued his work. After one month, the patient developed a fever for three days, for which he took antipyretics. Subsequently, the patient developed sudden onset breathlessness, which rapidly progressed to grade 4 NYHA, and developed a cough as well. Suspecting COVID-19 reinfection, the patient visited a nearby hospital, where COVID–19 rt-PCR swabs turned out to be positive, and was referred to our hospital. On receiving, the patient had diffuse lung crepitations and a diastolic murmur in the neo-aortic area. CT thorax revealed pulmonary edema with areas of consolidation. ECHO revealed vegetation on the aortic valve with severe aortic regurgitation. Blood cultures were taken, which revealed the growth of Enterococcus faecalis. The diagnosis of infective endocarditis was made, and the patient was started on appropriate treatment. COVID–19 has effects on various systems, including the cardiovascular system. Even though infective endocarditis is common in the elderly with valvular heart disease, this patient had developed infective endocarditis in an apparently normal aortic valve. Infective endocarditis and COVID–19 can have similar presentations leading to diagnostic difficulties. COVID–19, affecting the heart valves causing valvulitis and predisposing them to the development of infective endocarditis, is also an area to be explored.

Keywords: aortic regurgitation, COVID-19, infective endocarditis, valvulitis

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4054 Investigation of the Role of Lipoprotein a rs10455872 Gene Polymorphism in Childhood Obesity

Authors: Mustafa M. Donma, Ayşen Haksayar, Bahadır Batar, Buse Tepe, Birol Topçu, Orkide Donma


Childhood obesity is an ever-increasing health problem. The Association of obesity with severe chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases makes the problem life-threatening. Aside from psychological, societal and metabolic factors, genetic polymorphisms have gained importance concerning etiology in recent years. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between rs10455872 gene polymorphism in the Lipoprotein (a) locus and the development of childhood obesity. This was a prospective study carried out according to the Helsinki Declarations. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. This study was supported by Tekirdag Namik Kemal University Rectorate, Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit. Project No: NKUBAP.02.TU.20.278. A total of 180 children (103 obese (OB) and 77 healthy), aged 6-18 years, without any acute or chronic disease, participated in the study. Two different groups were created: OB and healthy control. Each group was divided into two further groups depending on the nature of the polymorphism. Anthropometric measurements were taken during the detailed physical examination. Laboratory tests and TANITA measurements were performed. For the statistical evaluations, SPSS version 28.0 was used. A P-value smaller than 0.05 was the statistical significance degree. The distribution of lipoprotein (a) rs10455872 gene polymorphism did not differ between OB and healthy children. Children with AG genotype in both OB and control groups had lower body mass index (BMI), diagnostic obesity notation model assessment index (DONMA II), body fat ratio (BFR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and metabolic syndrome index (MetS index) values compared to children with normal AA genotype. In the OB group, serum iron, vitamin B12, hemoglobin, MCV, and MCH values were found to be higher in the AG genotype group than those of children with the normal AA genotype. A significant correlation was found between the MetS index and BFR among OB children with normal homozygous genotype. MetS index increased as BFR increased in this group. However, such a correlation was not observed in the OB group with heterozygous AG genotype. To the best of our knowledge, the association of lipoprotein (a) rs10455872 gene polymorphism with the etiology of childhood obesity has not been studied yet. Therefore, this study was the first report suggesting polymorphism with AG genotype as a good risk factor for obesity.

Keywords: child, gene polymorphism, lipoprotein (a), obesity, rs10455872

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4053 Clinical Case Report of Fulminating Leptospirosis in a 4-Months Old Caucasian Dog: Public Health Significance and Ramifications

Authors: N. N. Pilau, M. S. Abubakar, A. Danmaigoro, P. C. Mshelia, Y. Sani


A severely debilitated 4months old Caucasian male dog presented dehydration, emaciation, vomiting, icteric ocular and oral mucous membranes, generalized lymphadenopathy, hematuria, anorexia and prolonged recumbency. Clinical workup was done in established protocols for diagnosis based on history, clinical signs and selected laboratory tests. Treatment course were administered over 48hours during which the patient died of overwhelming hepatopathy, nephropathy and pneumonia. Postmortem findings supported by ante mortem laboratory test results tentatively diagnosed leptospirosis, a disease endemic and presenting potentially fatal epidemics and zoonoses in some countries amongst the developing regions of the world. This disease is reviewed and a call for attention on the public health significance of the disease is hereby presented through this case report.

Keywords: canine, endemic, leptospirosis, prevalence

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4052 MICA-TM Peptide Selectively Binds to HLAs Associated with Behçet's Disease

Authors: Sirilak Kongkaew, Pathumwadee Yodmanee, Nopporn Kaiyawet, Arthitaya Meeprasert, Thanyada Rungrotmongkol, Toshikatsu Kaburaki, Hiroshi Noguchi, Fujio Takeuch, Nawee Kungwan, Supot Hannongbua


Behçet’s disease (BD) is a genetic autoimmune expressed by multisystemic inflammatory disorder mostly occurred at the skin, joints, gastrointestinal tract, and genitalia, including ocular, oral, genital, and central nervous systems. Most BD patients in Japan and Korea were strongly indicated by the genetic factor namely HLA-B*51 (especially, HLA-B*51:01) marker in HMC class I, while HLA-A*26:01 allele has been detected from the BD patients in Greek, Japan, and Taiwan. To understand the selective binding of the MICA-TM peptide towards the HLAs associated with BD, the molecular dynamics simulations were applied on the four HLA alleles (B*51:01, B*35:01, A*26:01, and A*11:01) in complex with such peptide. As a result, the key residues in the binding groove of HLA protein which play an important role in the MICA-TM peptide binding and stabilization were revealed. The Van der Waals force was found to be the main protein-protein interaction. Based on the binding free energy prediction by MM/PBSA method, the MICA-TM peptide interacted stronger to the HLA alleles associated to BD in the identical class by 7-12 kcal/mol. The obtained results from the present study could help to differentiate the HLA alleles and explain a source of Behçet’s disease.

Keywords: Behçet’s disease, MD simulations, HMC class I, autoimmune

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4051 History of Pediatric Renal Pathology

Authors: Mostafa Elbaba


Because childhood renal diseases are grossly different compared to adult diseases, pediatric nephrology was founded as a specialty in 1965. Renal pathology specialty was introduced at the London Ciba Symposium in 1961. The history of renal pathology can be divided into two eras: one starting in the 1650s with the invention of the microscope, the second in the 1950s with the implementation of renal biopsy, and the presence of electron microscopy and immunofluorescence study. Prior to the 1950s, the study of diseased human kidneys was restricted to postmortem examination by gross pathology. In 1827, Richard Bright first described his triad of kidney disease, which was confirmed by morbid kidney changes at autopsy. In 1905 Friedrich Mueller coined the term “nephrosis” describing the inflammatory form of “degenerative” diseases, and later F. Munk added the term “lipoid nephrosis”. The most profound influence on renal diseases’ classification came from the publication of Volhard and Fahr in 1914. In 1899, Carl Max Wilhelm Wilms described Wilms' tumor of the kidneys in children. Chronic pyelonephritis was a popular renal diagnosis and the most common cause of uremia until the 1960s. Although kidney biopsy had been used early in the 1930s for renal tumors, the earliest reports of its use in the diagnosis of medical kidney disease were by Iversen and Brun in 1951, followed by Alwall in 1952, then by Pardo in 1953. The earliest intentional renal biopsies were done in 1944 by Nils Alwall, while the procedure was abandoned after the death of one of his 13 patients who biopsied. In 1950, Antonino Perez-Ara attempted renal biopsies, but his results were missed because of an unpopular journal publication. In the year 1951, Claus Brun and Poul Iverson developed the biopsy procedure using an aspiration technique. Popularizing renal biopsy practice is accredited to Robert Kark, who published his distinct work in 1954. He perfected the technique of renal biopsy in the prone position using the Vim-Silverman needle and used intravenous pyelography to improve the localization of the kidney.

Keywords: history, medicine, nephrology, pediatrics, pathology

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4050 An Increase in Glucose Uptake per se is Insufficient to Induce Oxidative Stress and Vascular Endothelial Cell Dysfunction

Authors: Heba Khader, Victor Solodushko, Brian Fouty


Hyperglycemia is a hallmark of uncontrolled diabetes and causes vascular endothelial dysfunction. An increase in glucose uptake and metabolism by vascular endothelial cells is the presumed trigger for this hyperglycemia-induced dysfunction. Glucose uptake into vascular endothelial cells is mediated largely by Glut-1. Glut-1 is an equilibrative glucose transporter with a Km value of 2 mM. At physiologic glucose concentrations, Glut-1 is almost saturated and, therefore, increasing glucose concentration does not increase glucose uptake unless Glut-1 is upregulated. However, hyperglycemia downregulates Glut-1 and decreases rather than increases glucose uptake in vascular endothelial cells. This apparent discrepancy necessitates further study on the effect of increasing glucose uptake on the oxidative state and function of vascular endothelial cells. To test this, a Tet-on system was generated to conditionally regulate Glut-1 expression in endothelial cells by the addition and removal of doxycycline. Glut-1 overexpression was confirmed by Western blot and radiolabeled glucose uptake measurements. Upregulation of Glut-1 resulted in a 4-fold increase in glucose uptake into endothelial cells as determined by 3H deoxy-D-glucose uptake. Increased glucose uptake through Glut-1 did not induce an oxidative stress nor did it cause endothelial dysfunction in rat pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells determined by monolayer resistance, cell proliferation or advanced glycation end product formation. Increased glucose uptake through Glut-1did not lead to an increase in glucose metabolism, due in part to inhibition of hexokinase in Glut-1 overexpressing cells. In summary, this study demonstrates that increasing glucose uptake and intracellular glucose by overexpression of Glut-1 does not alter the oxidative state of rat pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells or cause endothelial cell dysfunction. These results conflict with the current paradigm that hyperglycemia leads to oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in vascular endothelial cells through an increase in glucose uptake.

Keywords: endothelial cells, glucose uptake, Glut1, hyperglycemia

Procedia PDF Downloads 341
4049 Effects of Crisis-Induced Emotions on in-Crisis Protective Behavior and Post-Crisis Perception: An Analysis of Survey Data for the 2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in South Korea

Authors: Myoungsoon You, Heejung Son


Background: In the current study, we investigated the effects of emotions induced by an infectious disease outbreak on the various protective behaviors taken during the crisis and on the perception after the crisis. The investigation was based on two psychological theories of appraisal tendency and action tendency. Methods: A total of 900 participants in South Korea who experienced the 2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome outbreak were sampled by a professional survey agency. To assess the influence of the emotions fear and anger, a regression approach was used. The effect of emotions on various protective behaviors and perceptions was observed using a hierarchical regression method. Results: Fear and anger induced by the infectious disease outbreak were both associated with increased protective behaviors during the crisis. However, the differences between the emotions were observed. While protective behaviors with avoidance tendency (adherence to recommendations, self-mitigation), were raised by both fear and anger, protective behaviors with approach tendency (information-seeking) were increased by anger, but not fear. Regarding the effect of emotion on the risk perception after the crisis, only fear was associated with a higher level of risk perception. Conclusions: This study confirmed the role of emotions in crisis protective behaviors and post-crisis perceptions regarding an infectious disease outbreak. These findings could enhance understanding of the public’s protective behaviors during infectious disease outbreaks and afterward risk perception corresponding to emotions. The results also suggested strategies for communicating with the public that takes into account emotions that are prominently induced by crises associated with disease outbreaks.

Keywords: crisis communication, emotion, infectious disease outbreak, protective behavior, risk perception

Procedia PDF Downloads 277
4048 Transforming Personal Healthcare through Patient Engagement: An In-Depth Analysis of Tools and Methods for the Digital Age

Authors: Emily Hickmann, Peggy Richter, Maren Kaehlig, Hannes Schlieter


Patient engagement is a cornerstone of high-quality care and essential for patients with chronic diseases to achieve improved health outcomes. Through digital transformation, possibilities to engage patients in their personal healthcare have multiplied. However, the exploitation of this potential is still lagging. To support the transmission of patient engagement theory into practice, this paper’s objective is to give a state-of-the-art overview of patient engagement tools and methods. A systematic literature review was conducted. Overall, 56 tools and methods were extracted and synthesized according to the four attributes of patient engagement, i.e., personalization, access, commitment, and therapeutic alliance. The results are discussed in terms of their potential to be implemented in digital health solutions under consideration of the “computers are social actors” (CASA) paradigm. It is concluded that digital health can catalyze patient engagement in practice, and a broad future research agenda is formulated.

Keywords: chronic diseases, digitalization, patient-centeredness, patient empowerment, patient engagement

Procedia PDF Downloads 120
4047 Associated Factors the Safety of the Patient in Hemodialysis Clinics of a Brazilian Municipality: Cross-Sectional Study

Authors: Magda Milleyde de Sousa Lima, Letícia Lima Aguiar, Marina Guerra Martins, Erika Veríssimo Dias Sousa, Lizandra Sampaio de Oliveira, Lívia Moreira Barros, Joselany Áfio Caetano


Patients with chronic kidney disease are vulnerable to episodes which make the safety of their health vulnerable, mainly due to the treatment process that exposes them to high rates of interventions during hemodialysis sessions. Some factors associated with health care contribute to the risk of death and complications. However, there are a small number of scientific studies evaluating the level of safety of hemodialysis clinics, and the sociodemographic characteristics of patients and professionals associated with this safety. Therefore, the present study aims to examine the level of patient safety in hemodialysis clinics in the Brazilian capital, to identify the sociodemographic and clinical factors of patients and nursing staff associated with the level of safety. This is an observational, descriptive and quantitative research conducted in three hemodialysis clinics placed in the city of Fortaleza-CE, Brazil, from September to November 2019. The sample was formed after a sample calculation for finite inhabitants of correlation with 200 chronic renal patients, 30 nursing technicians and seven nurses. Conventional sampling was used based on the inclusion criteria: being present at the hemodialysis session on the day the researcher performed the data collection and being 18 years of age or older. Participants who presented communication difficulties to listen to and/or answer the sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire were excluded. Two instruments were applied: sociodemographic and clinical characterization form and Chronic Renal Patient Safety Assessment Scale on Hemodialysis (EASPRCH). The data were analyzed using the Kruskal Walls Test for categorical variables and Spearman correlation coefficient for non-categorical variables, using the Statistical Package SPSS version 20.0. The present study respected the ethical and legal principles determined by resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council, under the approval of the Ethics and Research Committee with an opinion number: 3,255,635. The results showed that a hemodialysis clinic presented unsafe care practices of 32 points in the EASPRCH (p=0.001). A statistical association was identified between the level of safety and the variables of the patients: level of education (p=0.018), family income (p=0.049), type of employment (p=0.012), venous access site (p=0.009), use of medication during the session (p=0.008) and time of hemodialysis (p=0.002). When evaluating the profile of nurses, a statistical association was evidenced between the level of safety with the variables: marital status (p=0.000), race (p=0.017), schooling (p= 0.000), income (p=0.013), age (p=0.000), clinic workload (p=0.000), time working with hemodialysis (p=0.000), time working in the clinic (p= 0.007) and clinic sizing (p=0.000). In order, the sociodemographic factors of nursing technicians associated with the level of patient safety were: race (p= 0.001) and weekly workload at (p=0.010). Therefore, it is concluded that there is a non-conformity in the level of patient safety in one of the clinics studied and, that sociodemographic and clinical factors of patients and health professionals corroborate the level of safety of the health unit.

Keywords: hemodialysis, nursing, patient safety, quality improvement

Procedia PDF Downloads 196
4046 Evaluation of the Benefit of Anti-Endomysial IgA and Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase IgA Antibodies for the Diagnosis of Coeliac Disease in a University Hospital, 2010-2016

Authors: Recep Keşli, Onur Türkyılmaz, Hayriye Tokay, Kasım Demir


Objective: Coeliac disease (CD) is a primary small intestine disorder caused by high sensitivity to gluten which is present in the crops, characterized by inflammation in the small intestine mucosa. The goal of this study was to determine and to compare the sensitivity and specificity values of anti-endomysial IgA (EMA IgA) (IFA) and anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA (anti-tTG IgA) (ELISA) antibodies in the diagnosis of patients suspected with the CD. Methods: One thousand two hundred seventy three patients, who have applied to gastroenterology and pediatric disease polyclinics of Afyon Kocatepe University ANS Research and Practice Hospital were included into the study between 23.09.2010 and 30.05.2016. Sera samples were investigated by immunofluorescence method for EMA positiveness (Euroimmun, Luebeck, Germany). In order to determine quantitative value of Anti-tTG IgA (EIA) (Orgentec Mainz, Germany) fully automated ELISA device (Alisei, Seac, Firenze, Italy) were used. Results: Out of 1273 patients, 160 were diagnosed with coeliac disease according to ESPGHAN 2012 diagnosis criteria. Out of 160 CD patients, 120 were female, 40 were male. The EMA specificity and sensitivity were calculated as 98% and 80% respectively. Specificity and sensitivity of Anti-tTG IgA were determined as 99% and 96% respectively. Conclusion: The specificity of EMA for CD was excellent because all EMA-positive patients (n = 144) were diagnosed with CD. The presence of human anti-tTG IgA was found as a reliable marker for diagnosis and follow-up the CD. Diagnosis of CD should be established on both the clinical and serologic profiles together.

Keywords: anti-endomysial antibody, anti-tTG IgA, coeliac disease, immunofluorescence assay (IFA)

Procedia PDF Downloads 255
4045 The Impact of Total Parenteral Nutrition on Pediatric Stem Cell Transplantation and Its Complications

Authors: R. Alramyan, S. Alsalamah, R. Alrashed, R. Alakel, F. Altheyeb, M. Alessa


Background: Nutritional support with total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is usually commenced with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) patients. However, it has its benefits and risks. Complications related to central venous catheter such as infections, and metabolic disturbances, including abnormal liver function, is usually of concern in such patients. Methods: A retrospective charts review of all pediatric patients who underwent HSCT between the period 2015-2018 in a tertiary hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Patients' demographics, types of conditioning, type of nutrition, and patients' outcomes were collected. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS version 22. Frequencies and percentages were used to describe categorical variables. Mean, and standard deviation were used for continuous variables. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered as statically significant. Results: a total of 162 HSCTs were identified during the period mentioned. Indication of allogenic transplant included hemoglobinopathy in 50 patients (31%), acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 21 patients (13%). TPN was used in 96 patients (59.30%) for a median of 14 days, nasogastric tube feeding (NGT) in 16 (9.90%) patients for a median of 11 days, and 71 of patients (43.80%) were able to tolerate oral feeding. Out of the 96 patients (59.30%) who were dependent on TPN, 64 patients (66.7%) had severe mucositis in comparison to 17 patients (25.8%) who were either on NGT or tolerated oral intake. (P-value= 0.00). Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) was seen in 14 patients (14.6%) who were receiving TPN compared to none in non-TPN patients (P=value 0.001). Moreover, majority of patients who had SOS received myeloablative conditioning therapy for non-malignant disease (hemoglobinopathy). However, there were no statistically significant differences in Graft-vs-Host Disease (both acute and chronic), bacteremia, and patient outcome between both groups. Conclusions: Nutritional support using TPN is used in majority of patients, especially post-myeloablative conditioning associated with severe mucositis. TPN was associated with VOD, especially in hemoglobinopathy patients who received myeloablative therapy. This may emphasize on use of preventative measures such as fluid restriction, use of diuretics, or defibrotide in high-risk patients.

Keywords: hematopoeitic stem cell transplant, HSCT, stem cell transplant, sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, total parenteral nutrition

Procedia PDF Downloads 159
4044 Response of Diaphragmatic Excursion to Inspiratory Muscle Trainer Post Thoracotomy

Authors: H. M. Haytham, E. A. Azza, E.S. Mohamed, E. G. Nesreen


Thoracotomy is a great surgery that has serious pulmonary complications, so purpose of this study was to determine the response of diaphragmatic excursion to inspiratory muscle trainer post thoracotomy. Thirty patients of both sexes (16 men and 14 women) with age ranged from 20 to 40 years old had done thoracotomy participated in this study. The practical work was done in cardiothoracic department, Kasr-El-Aini hospital at faculty of medicine for individuals 3 days Post operatively. Patients were assigned into two groups: group A (study group) included 15 patients (8 men and 7 women) who received inspiratory muscle training by using inspiratory muscle trainer for 20 minutes and routine chest physiotherapy (deep breathing, cough and early ambulation) twice daily, 3 days per week for one month. Group B (control group) included 15 patients (8 men and 7 women) who received the routine chest physiotherapy only (deep breathing, cough and early ambulation) twice daily, 3 days per week for one month. Ultrasonography was used to evaluate the changes in diaphragmatic excursion before and after training program. Statistical analysis revealed a significant increase in diaphragmatic excursion in the study group (59.52%) more than control group (18.66%) after using inspiratory muscle trainer post operatively in patients post thoracotomy. It was concluded that the inspiratory muscle training device increases diaphragmatic excursion in patients post thoracotomy through improving inspiratory muscle strength and improving mechanics of breathing and using of inspiratory muscle trainer as a method of physical therapy rehabilitation to reduce post-operative pulmonary complications post thoracotomy.

Keywords: diaphragmatic excursion, inspiratory muscle trainer, ultrasonography, thoracotomy

Procedia PDF Downloads 319
4043 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis in Cutaneous Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase-Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: A Narrative Review Apropos of a Case

Authors: Laura Gleason, Sahithi Talasila, Lauren Banner, Ladan Afifi, Neda Nikbakht


Primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma (pcALCL) accounts for 9% of all cutaneous T-cell lymphomas. pcALCL is classically characterized as a solitary papulonodule that often enlarges, ulcerates, and can be locally destructive, but overall exhibits an indolent course with overall 5-year survival estimated to be 90%. Distinguishing pcALCL from systemic ALCL (sALCL) is essential as sALCL confers a poorer prognosis with average 5-year survival being 40-50%. Although extremely rare, there have been several cases of ALK-positive ALCL diagnosed on skin biopsy without evidence of systemic involvement, which poses several challenges in the classification, prognostication, treatment, and follow-up of these patients. Objectives: We present a case of cutaneous ALK-positive ALCL without evidence of systemic involvement, and a narrative review of the literature to further characterize that ALK-positive ALCL limited to the skin is a distinct variant with a unique presentation, history, and prognosis. A 30-year-old woman presented for evaluation of an erythematous-violaceous papule present on her right chest for two months. With the development of multifocal disease and persistent lymphadenopathy, a bone marrow biopsy and lymph node excisional biopsy were performed to assess for systemic disease. Both biopsies were unrevealing. The patient was counseled on pursuing systemic therapy consisting of Brentuximab, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, and Prednisone given the concern for sALCL. Apropos of the patient we searched for clinically evident, cutaneous ALK-positive ALCL cases, with and without systemic involvement, in the English literature. Risk factors, such as tumor location, number, size, ALK localization, ALK translocations, and recurrence, were evaluated in cases of cutaneous ALK-positive ALCL. The majority of patients with cutaneous ALK-positive ALCL did not progress to systemic disease. The majority of cases that progressed to systemic disease in adults had recurring skin lesions and cytoplasmic localization of ALK. ALK translocations did not influence disease progression. Mean time to disease progression was 16.7 months, and significant mortality (50%) was observed in those cases that progressed to systemic disease. Pediatric cases did not exhibit a trend similar to adult cases. In both the adult and pediatric cases, a subset of cutaneous-limited ALK-positive ALCL were treated with chemotherapy. All cases treated with chemotherapy did not progress to systemic disease. Apropos of an ALK-positive ALCL patient with clinical cutaneous limited disease in the histologic presence of systemic markers, we discussed the literature data, highlighting the crucial issues related to developing a clinical strategy to approach this rare subtype of ALCL. Physicians need to be aware of the overall spectrum of ALCL, including cutaneous limited disease, systemic disease, disease with NPM-ALK translocation, disease with ALK and EMA positivity, and disease with skin recurrence.

Keywords: anaplastic large cell lymphoma, systemic, cutaneous, anaplastic lymphoma kinase, ALK, ALCL, sALCL, pcALCL, cALCL

Procedia PDF Downloads 84
4042 Eating Behaviour and the Nature of Food Consumption in a Malaysian Adults Sample

Authors: Madihah Shukri


Research examining whether eating behaviour is related to unhealthy or healthy eating pattern is required to explain the mechanisms underlying obesity, and to inform health intervention aim to prevent and treat obesity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between eating behaviours and nature of food consumption. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 588 adults (males = 231 and females = 357). The Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ) was used to measure restrained, emotional and external eating. Nature of food consumption was assessed by self-reported consumption of fruit and vegetables, sweet food, junk food and snacking. Results: Results revealed that emotional eating was found to be the principal predictor of the consumption of less healthy food (sweet food, junk food and snacking), while external eating predicted sweet food intake. Intake of fruit and vegetable was associated with restrained eating. In light of the significant associations between eating behaviour and nature of food consumption, acknowledging individuals eating styles can have implications for tailoring effective nutritional programs in the context of obesity and chronic disease epidemic.

Keywords: eating behaviour, food consumption, adult, Malaysia

Procedia PDF Downloads 369
4041 Amyloid Deposition in Granuloma of Tuberculosis Patients: A Pilot Study

Authors: Shreya Ghosh, Akansha Garg, Chayanika Kala, Ashwani Kumar Thakur


Background: Granuloma formation is one of the characteristic features of tuberculosis. Besides, chronic inflammation underlying tuberculosis is often indicated by an increase in the concentration of serum amyloid A (SAA) protein. The connection between tuberculosis and SAA-driven secondary amyloidosis is well documented. However, SAA-derived amyloid deposition start sites are not well understood in tuberculosis and other chronic inflammatory conditions. It was hypothesized that granuloma could be a potential site for an amyloid deposition because both SAA protein and proteases that cleave SAA into aggregation-prone fragments are reported to be present in the granuloma. Here the authors have shown the presence of SAA-derived amyloid deposits in the granuloma of tuberculosis patients. Methodology: Over a period of two years, tuberculosis patients were screened, and biopsies were collected from the affected organs of the patients. The gold standard, Congo red dye staining, was used to identify amyloid deposits in the tissue sections of tuberculosis patients containing granulomatous structure. Results: 11 out of 150 FFPE biopsy specimens of tuberculosis patients showed eosinophilic hyaline-rich deposits surrounding granuloma. Upon Congo red staining, these deposits exhibited characteristic apple-green birefringence under polarized light, confirming amyloid deposits. Further, upon immunohistochemical staining with anti-SAA, the amyloid enriched areas showed positive immunoreactivity. Conclusion: In this pilot study, we have shown that granuloma can be a potential site for serum amyloid A-derived amyloid formation in tuberculosis patients. Moreover, the presence of amyloid gave significant cues that granuloma might be a probable amyloid deposition start in tuberculosis patients. This study will set a stage to expand the clinical and fundamental research in the understanding of amyloid formation in granuloma underlying tuberculosis and chronic inflammatory conditions.

Keywords: amyloid, granuloma, periphery, serum amyloid A, tuberculosis

Procedia PDF Downloads 198
4040 Airway Resistance Evaluation by Respiratory İnductive Plethysmography in Subjects with Airway Obstructions

Authors: Aicha Laouani, Sonia Rouatbi, Saad Saguem, Gila Benchetrit, Pascale calabrese


A new approach based on respiratory inductive plethysmography (RIP) signal analysis has been used for bronchoconstriction changes evaluation in 50 healthy controls and in 44 adults with moderate bronchial obstruction treated with a bronchodilatation protocol. Thoracic and abdominal motions were recorded ( 5 min) by RIP. For each recording the thoracoabdominal signals were analysed and a mean distance (D) was calculated. Airway resistance (Raw) and spirometric data were measured with a body plethysmograph. The results showed that both D and Raw were higher in subjects compared to the healthy group. Significant decreases of D and Raw were also observed after bronchodilatation in the obstructive group. There was also a positive and a significant correlation between D and Raw in subjects before and after bronchodilatation. This D calculated from RIP Signals could be used as a non invasive tool for continuous monitoring of bronchoconstriction changes.

Keywords: airway resistance, bronchoconstriction, thorax, respiratory inductive plethysmography

Procedia PDF Downloads 337
4039 Pulmonary Disease Identification Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques

Authors: Chandu Rathnayake, Isuri Anuradha


Early detection and accurate diagnosis of lung diseases play a crucial role in improving patient prognosis. However, conventional diagnostic methods heavily rely on subjective symptom assessments and medical imaging, often causing delays in diagnosis and treatment. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel lung disease prediction system that integrates patient symptoms and X-ray images to provide a comprehensive and reliable diagnosis.In this project, develop a mobile application specifically designed for detecting lung diseases. Our application leverages both patient symptoms and X-ray images to facilitate diagnosis. By combining these two sources of information, our application delivers a more accurate and comprehensive assessment of the patient's condition, minimizing the risk of misdiagnosis. Our primary aim is to create a user-friendly and accessible tool, particularly important given the current circumstances where many patients face limitations in visiting healthcare facilities. To achieve this, we employ several state-of-the-art algorithms. Firstly, the Decision Tree algorithm is utilized for efficient symptom-based classification. It analyzes patient symptoms and creates a tree-like model to predict the presence of specific lung diseases. Secondly, we employ the Random Forest algorithm, which enhances predictive power by aggregating multiple decision trees. This ensemble technique improves the accuracy and robustness of the diagnosis. Furthermore, we incorporate a deep learning model using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with the RestNet50 pre-trained model. CNNs are well-suited for image analysis and feature extraction. By training CNN on a large dataset of X-ray images, it learns to identify patterns and features indicative of lung diseases. The RestNet50 architecture, known for its excellent performance in image recognition tasks, enhances the efficiency and accuracy of our deep learning model. By combining the outputs of the decision tree-based algorithms and the deep learning model, our mobile application generates a comprehensive lung disease prediction. The application provides users with an intuitive interface to input their symptoms and upload X-ray images for analysis. The prediction generated by the system offers valuable insights into the likelihood of various lung diseases, enabling individuals to take appropriate actions and seek timely medical attention. Our proposed mobile application has significant potential to address the rising prevalence of lung diseases, particularly among young individuals with smoking addictions. By providing a quick and user-friendly approach to assessing lung health, our application empowers individuals to monitor their well-being conveniently. This solution also offers immense value in the context of limited access to healthcare facilities, enabling timely detection and intervention. In conclusion, our research presents a comprehensive lung disease prediction system that combines patient symptoms and X-ray images using advanced algorithms. By developing a mobile application, we provide an accessible tool for individuals to assess their lung health conveniently. This solution has the potential to make a significant impact on the early detection and management of lung diseases, benefiting both patients and healthcare providers.

Keywords: CNN, random forest, decision tree, machine learning, deep learning

Procedia PDF Downloads 74
4038 Predictors of Response to Interferone Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection

Authors: Ali Kassem, Ehab Fawzy, Mahmoud Sef el-eslam, Fatma Salah- Eldeen, El zahraa Mohamed


Introduction: The combination of interferon (INF) and ribavirin is the preferred treatment for chronic hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection. However, nonresponse to this therapy remains common and is associated with several factors such as HCV genotype and HCV viral load in addition to host factors such as sex, HLA type and cytokine polymorphisms. Aim of the work: The aim of this study was to determine predictors of response to (INF) therapy in chronic HCV infected patients treated with INF alpha and ribavirin combination therapy. Patients and Methods: The present study included 110 patients (62 males, 48 females) with chronic HCV infection. Their ages ranged from 20-59 years. Inclusion criteria were organized according to the protocol of the Egyptian National Committee for control of viral hepatitis. Patients included in this study were recruited to receive INF ribavirin combination therapy; 54 patients received pegylated NF α-2a (180 μg) and weight based ribavirin therapy (1000 mg if < 75 kg, 1200 mg if > 75 kg) for 48 weeks and 53 patients received pegylated INF α-2b (1.5 ug/kg/week) and weight based ribavirin therapy (800 mg if < 65 kg, 1000 mg if 65-75 kg and 1200 mg if > 75kg). One hundred and seven liver biopsies were included in the study and submitted to histopathological examination. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained sections were done to assess both the grade and the stage of chronic viral hepatitis, in addition to the degree of steatosis. Modified hepatic activity index (HAI) grading, modified Ishak staging and Metavir grading and staging systems were used. Laboratory follow up including: HCV PCR at the 12th week to assess the early virologic response (EVR) and at the 24th week were done. At the end of the course: HCV PCR was done at the end of the course and tested 6 months later to document end virologic response (ETR) and sustained virologic response (SVR) respectively. Results One hundred seven patients; 62 males (57.9 %) and 45 females (42.1%) completed the course and included in this study. The age of patients ranged from 20-59 years with a mean of 40.39±10.03 years. Six months after the end of treatment patients were categorized into two groups: Group (1): patients who achieved sustained virological response (SVR). Group (2): patients who didn't achieve sustained virological response (non SVR) including non-responders, breakthrough and relapsers. In our study, 58 (54.2%) patients showed SVR, 18 (16.8%) patients were non-responders, 15 (14%) patients showed break-through and 16 (15 %) patients were relapsers. Univariate binary regression analysis of the possible risk factors of non SVR showed that the significant factors were higher age, higher fasting insulin level, higher Metavir stage and higher grade of hepatic steatosis. Multivariate binary regression analysis showed that the only independent risk factor for non SVR was high fasting insulin level. Conclusion: Younger age, lower Metavir stage, lower steatosis grade and lower fasting insulin level are good predictors of SVR and could be used in predicting the treatment response of pegylated interferon/ribavirin therapy.

Keywords: chronic HCV infection, interferon ribavirin combination therapy, predictors to antiviral therapy, treatment response

Procedia PDF Downloads 396
4037 Central Vascular Function and Relaxibility in Beta-thalassemia Major Patients vs. Sickle Cell Anemia Patients by Abdominal Aorta and Aortic Root Speckle Tracking Echocardiography

Authors: Gehan Hussein, Hala Agha, Rasha Abdelraof, Marina George, Antoine Fakhri


Background: β-Thalassemia major (TM) and sickle cell disease (SCD) are inherited hemoglobin disorders resulting in chronic hemolytic anemia. Cardiovascular involvement is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in these groups of patients. The narrow border is between overt myocardial dysfunction and clinically silent left ventricular (LV) and / or right ventricular (RV) dysfunction in those patients. 3 D Speckle tracking echocardiography (3D STE) is a novel method for the detection of subclinical myocardial involvement. We aimed to study myocardial affection in SCD and TM using 3D STE, comparing it with conventional echocardiography, correlate it with serum ferritin level and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Methodology: Thirty SCD and thirty β TM patients, age range 4-18 years, were compared to 30 healthy age and sex matched control group. Cases were subjected to clinical examination, laboratory measurement of hemoglobin level, serum ferritin, and LDH. Transthoracic color Doppler echocardiography, 3D STE, tissue Doppler echocardiography, and aortic speckle tracking were performed. Results: significant reduction in global longitudinal strain (GLS), global circumferential strain (GCS), and global area strain (GAS) in SCD and TM than control (P value <0.001) there was significantly lower aortic speckle tracking in patients with TM and SCD than control (P value< 0.001). LDH was significantly higher in SCD than both TM and control and it correlated significantly positive mitral inflow E, (p value:0.022 and 0.072. r: 0.416 and -0.333 respectively) lateral E/E’ (p value.<0.001and 0.818. r. 0.618 and -0. 044.respectively) and septal E/E’ (p value 0.007 and 0.753& r value 0.485 and -0.060 respectively) in SCD but not TM and significant negative correlation between LDH and aortic root speckle tracking (value 0.681& r. -0.078.). The potential diagnostic accuracy of LDH in predicting vascular dysfunction as represented by aortic root GCS with a sensitivity 74% and aortic root GCS was predictive of LV dysfunction in SCD patients with sensitivity 100% Conclusion: 3D STE LV and RV systolic dysfunction in spite of their normal values by conventional echocardiography. SCD showed significantly lower right ventricular dysfunction and aortic root GCS than TM and control. LDH can be used to screen patients for cardiac dysfunction in SCD, not in TM

Keywords: thalassemia major, sickle cell disease, 3d speckle tracking echocardiography, LDH

Procedia PDF Downloads 171
4036 Impact of Television on the Coverage of Lassa Fever Disease in Nigeria

Authors: H. Shola Adeosun, F. Ajoke Adebiyi


This study appraises the impact of television on the coverage of Lassa Fever disease. The objectives of the study are to find out whether television is an effective tool for raising awareness about Lassa fever shapes the perception of members of the public. The research work was based on the theoretical foundation of Agenda – setting and reinforcement theory. Survey research method was adopted in the study to elicit data from the residents of Obafemi Owode Local Government, area of Ogun state. Questionnaire and oral interview were adopted as a tool for data gathering. Simple random sampling techniques were used to draw a sample for this study. Out of filled 400 questionnaires distributed to the respondents. 37 of them were incorrectly filled and returned at the stipulated time. This is about (92.5% Tables, percentages, and figures were used to analyse and interpret the data and hypothesis formulation for this study revealed that Lassa fever diseases with higher media coverage were considered more serious and more representative of a disease and estimated to have lower incidents, than diseases less frequently found in the media. Thus, 92% of the respondents agree that they have access to television coverage of Lassa fever disease led to exaggerated perceptions of personal vulnerability. It, therefore, concludes that there is a need for relevant stakeholders to ensure better community health education and improved housing conditions in southwestern Nigeria, with an emphasis on slum areas and that Nigeria need to focus on the immediate response, while preparing for the future because a society or community is all about the people who inhabit. Therefore every effort must be geared towards their society and survival.

Keywords: impact, television, coverage, Lassa fever disease

Procedia PDF Downloads 213
4035 Calycosin Ameliorates Osteoarthritis by Regulating the Imbalance Between Chondrocyte Synthesis and Catabolism

Authors: Hong Su, Qiuju Yan, Wei Du, En Hu, Zhaoyu Yang, Wei Zhang, Yusheng Li, Tao Tang, Wang yang, Shushan Zhao


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a severe chronic inflammatory disease. As the main active component of Astragalus mongholicus Bunge, a classic traditional ethnic herb, calycosin exhibits anti-inflammatory action and its mechanism of exact targets for OA have yet to be determined. In this study, we established an anterior cruciate ligament transection (ACLT) mouse model. Mice were randomized to sham, OA, and calycosin groups. Cartilage synthesis markers type II collagen (Col-2) and SRY-Box Transcription Factor 9 (Sox-9) increased significantly after calycosin gavage. While cartilage matrix degradation index cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), phosphor-epidermal growth factor receptor (p-EGFR), and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9) expression were decreased. With the help of network pharmacology and molecular docking, these results were confirmed in chondrocyte ATDC5 cells. Our results indicated that the calycosin treatment significantly improved cartilage damage, this was probably attributed to reversing the imbalance between chondrocyte synthesis and catabolism.

Keywords: calycosin, osteoarthritis, network pharmacology, molecular docking, inflammatory, cyclooxygenase 2

Procedia PDF Downloads 106
4034 Bacteriophage Is a Novel Solution of Therapy Against S. aureus Having Multiple Drug Resistance

Authors: Sanjay Shukla, A. Nayak, R. K. Sharma, A. P. Singh, S. P. Tiwari


Excessive use of antibiotics is a major problem in the treatment of wounds and other chronic infections, and antibiotic treatment is frequently non-curative, thus alternative treatment is necessary. Phage therapy is considered one of the most promising approaches to treat multi-drug resistant bacterial pathogens. Infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus are very efficiently controlled with phage cocktails, containing a different individual phages lysate infecting a majority of known pathogenic S. aureus strains. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of a purified phage cocktail for prophylactic as well as therapeutic application in mouse model and in large animals with chronic septic infection of wounds. A total of 150 sewage samples were collected from various livestock farms. These samples were subjected for the isolation of bacteriophage by the double agar layer method. A total of 27 sewage samples showed plaque formation by producing lytic activity against S. aureus in the double agar overlay method out of 150 sewage samples. In TEM, recovered isolates of bacteriophages showed hexagonal structure with tail fiber. In the bacteriophage (ØVS) had an icosahedral symmetry with the head size 52.20 nm in diameter and long tail of 109 nm. Head and tail were held together by connector and can be classified as a member of the Myoviridae family under the order of Caudovirale. Recovered bacteriophage had shown the antibacterial activity against the S. aureus in vitro. Cocktail (ØVS1, ØVS5, ØVS9, and ØVS 27) of phage lysate were tested to know in vivo antibacterial activity as well as the safety profile. Result of mice experiment indicated that the bacteriophage lysate were very safe, did not show any appearance of abscess formation, which indicates its safety in living system. The mice were also prophylactically protected against S. aureus when administered with cocktail of bacteriophage lysate just before the administration of S. aureuswhich indicates that they are good prophylactic agent. The S. aureusinoculated mice were completely recovered by bacteriophage administration with 100% recovery, which was very good as compere to conventional therapy. In the present study, ten chronic cases of the wound were treated with phage lysate, and follow up of these cases was done regularly up to ten days (at 0, 5, and 10 d). The result indicated that the six cases out of ten showed complete recovery of wounds within 10 d. The efficacy of bacteriophage therapy was found to be 60% which was very good as compared to the conventional antibiotic therapy in chronic septic wounds infections. Thus, the application of lytic phage in single dose proved to be innovative and effective therapy for the treatment of septic chronic wounds.

Keywords: phage therapy, S aureus, antimicrobial resistance, lytic phage, and bacteriophage

Procedia PDF Downloads 117
4033 Spironolactone in Psoriatic Arthritis: Safety, Efficacy and Effect on Disease Activity

Authors: Ashit Syngle, Inderjit Verma, Pawan Krishan


Therapeutic approaches used previously relied on disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) that had only partial clinical benefit and were associated with significant toxicity. Spironolactone, an oral aldosterone antagonist, suppresses inflammatory mediators. Clinical efficacy of spironolactone compared with placebo in patients with active psoriatic arthritis despite treatment with prior traditional DMARDs. In the 24-week, placebo-controlled study patients (n=31) were randomized to placebo and spironolactone (2 m/kg/day). Patients on background concurrent DMARDs continued stable doses (methotrexate, leflunomide, and/or sulfasalazine). Primary outcome measures were the assessment of disease activity measures i.e. 28-joint disease activity score (DAS28) and diseases activity in psoriatic arthritis (DAPSA) at week 24. The key secondary endpoint was change from baseline in Health Assessment Questionnaire–Disability Index (HAQ-DI) at week 24. Additional efficacy outcome measures at week 24 included improvements in the markers of inflammation (ESR and CRP) and pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1. At week 24, spironolactone significantly reduced disease activity measure DAS-28 (p<0.001) and DAPSA (p=0.001) compared with placebo. Significant improvements in key secondary measures HAQ-DI (disability index) were evident with spironolactone (p=0.02) versus placebo. After week 24, there was significant reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokines level TNF-α, IL-6 (p<0.01) as compared with placebo group. However, there was no significant improvement in IL-1 in both treatment and placebo groups. There were minor side effects which did not mandate stopping of spironolactone. No change in any biochemical profile was noted after spironolactone treatment. Spironolactone was effective in the treatment of PsA, improving disease activity, physical function and suppressing the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Spironolactone demonstrated an acceptable safety profile and was well tolerated.

Keywords: spironolactone, inflammation, inflammatory cytokine, psoriatic arthritis

Procedia PDF Downloads 338