Search results for: Thai consumers
815 Relation of Consumer Satisfaction on Organization by Focusing on the Different Aspects of Buying Behavior
Introduction. Buyer conduct is a progression of practices or examples that buyers pursue before making a buy. It begins when the shopper ends up mindful of a need or wish for an item, at that point finishes up with the buying exchange. Business visionaries can't generally simply shake hands with their intended interest group people and become more acquainted with them. Research is often necessary, so every organization primarily involves doing continuous research to understand and satisfy consumer needs pattern. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the present study is to examine the different behaviors of the consumer, including pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase behavior. Materials and Methods: In order to get results, face to face interview held with 80 people which comprise a larger part of female individuals having upper as well as middle-class status. The prime source of data collection was primary. However, the study has also used the theoretical contribution of many researchers in their respective field. Results: Majority of the respondents were females (70%) from the age group of 20-50. The collected data was analyzed through hypothesis testing statistical techniques such as correlation analysis, single regression analysis, and ANOVA which has rejected the null hypothesis that there is no relation between researching the consumer behavior at different stages and organizational performance. The real finding of this study is that simply focusing on the buying part isn't enough to gain profits and fame, however, understanding the pre, buy and post-buy behavior of consumer performs a huge role in organization success. The outcomes demonstrated that the organization, which deals with the three phases of research of purchasing conduct is able to establish a great brand image as compare to their competitors. Alongside, enterprises can observe customer conduct in a considerably more proficient manner. Conclusion: The analyses of consumer behavior presented in this study is an attempt to understand the factors affecting consumer purchasing behavior. This study has revealed that those corporations are more successful, which work on understanding buying behavior instead to just focus on the selling products. As a result, organizations perform good and grow rapidly because consumers are the one who can make or break the company. The interviews that were conducted face to face, clearly revealed that those organizations become at top-notch whom consumers are satisfied, not just with product but also with services of the company. The study is not targeting the particular class of audience; however, it brings out benefits to the masses, in particular to business organizations.Keywords: consumer behavior, pre purchase, post purchase, consumer satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 112814 Rice Blessing Ceremony of Thailand and Vietnam: The Relation of Southeast Asia
Authors: Patthida Bunchavalit, Saharot Kittimahacharoen
The objective of this article is to compare rice blessing ceremony between Thailand and Vietnam. Both countries are located in Southeast Asia where agriculture is the main occupation. As a result of the study, it is found that the rice blessing ceremony of Thai and Vietnamese societies have differences and similarities. A person leading the ceremony is a person who has the highest position in the country. For Thailand, it is the king or royal family member while for Vietnam, it is the president. In Thailand, the ceremony began in Ayutthaya period which derived from Buddhism and Brahmanism ideology. It is annually organized in the beginning of raining season. In Vietnam, it is annually organized in the beginning of spring. The first time it occurred was in Tien Le Monarchy period of Thien Phuc era deriving from Chinese ideology. The differences are ideas, believes, objectives and details of the ceremony. It is, in Thailand, to boost farmer’s morale and to predict the fertility of crops in each year. Additionally, there is a prediction using royal cows. Meanwhile, in Vietnam the purpose is to worship god of weather for seasonal rain and productive harvesting. Therefore, it is presumed that the rice blessing ceremony of Thailand and Vietnam somewhat have similarities in spite of having different origin but are on the same basis of belief.Keywords: agriculture, ceremony, culture, Thailand, Vietnam
Procedia PDF Downloads 185813 Market Acceptance of Irradiated Food in the City of Piracicaba, Brazil
Authors: Vanessa de Cillos Silva, Fabrício José Piacente, Sônia Maria De Stefano Piedade, Valter Arthur
The increasing concern in relation to safety and hygiene of food consumption makes it so that food conservation is studied. Food radiation is a technique used for conservation, but many consumers associate this technique with dangers such as environmental contamination and development of diseases. This research had the objective of evaluating the acceptance of radiated products by the consumer market in the city of Piracicaba/SP-Brasil. The methodology adopted was the application of a questionnaire in the city’s supermarkets. After the application, the data was tabulated and analyzed. It was observed that the majority of interviewees would not eat irradiated food. The unfamiliarity and questions about the safety of irradiated food were the main causes of your rejection.Keywords: irradiation, questionnaire, storage, market acceptance
Procedia PDF Downloads 413812 Antioxidant Properties of Rice Bran Oil Using Various Heat Treatments
Authors: Supakan Rattanakon, Jakkrapan Boonpimon, Akkaragiat Bhuangsaeng, Aphiwat Ratriphruek
Rice bran oil (RBO) has been found to lower the level of serum cholesterol, has antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic property, and attenuate allergic inflammation. These properties of RBO are due to antioxidant compositions, especially, phenolic compounds. The higher amount of these active compounds in RBO, the greater value of RBO is. Thermal process of rice bran before solvent RBO extraction has been found to have a higher phenolic contents. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to using different heating methods on rice bran before the solvent extraction. Then, % yield of RBO, total phenolic content (TPC), and antioxidant property of two white Thai rice; KDML105 and RD6 were determined. The Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric assay was used to determine TPC and scavenging of free radicals (DPPH) was used to determine antioxidant property expressed as EC50. The result showed that thermal process did not increase % yield of RBO but increase the TPC with 1.41 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAEmg-1). The highest TPC was found in KDML105 by using sonicator. The highest antioxidant activity was found in RD6 using autoclave. The EC50 of RBO was 0.04 mg/mL. Further study should be performed on different pretreatments to increase the TPC and antioxidant property.Keywords: antioxidant, rice bran oil, total phenol content, white rice
Procedia PDF Downloads 253811 E-Commerce Product Return Management Effects on Consumer Experience and Satisfaction: A Fast-Fashion Perspective
Authors: Nora Alomar, Bianca Alexandra Stefa, Saleh Bazi
This research uncovers the determinants that drive millennial consumers to adhere to product return of fast-fashion products purchases via e-commerce and what effects it has on consumer experience and satisfaction. Online consumption has skyrocketed, with e-commerce being the only, most reliable, and safe method of shopping during and post Covid-19. It has been noted customers are demanding a wide variety of product characteristics and a generous optimal return policy. The authors have selected to examine millennial consumers as they are digital natives and have an affinity for researching, reading product reviews, and shopping online, with a great spending power due to a higher disposable income in comparison to other generations. A multi-study approach is adopted, where study one (interviews, sample of 20 respondents) investigates the factors that drive product return, and study two (PLS-SEM, sample of 250 respondents) looks into the relationships of product return management against behavioral outcomes by having the generated factors (from study one) as moderators. Five themes are generated from study one (return policies, product characteristics, delivery lead time, seasonality, product trial & overspending). The authors identify that two out of the five factors (seasonality, product trial & overspending) have not been highlighted by the literature. The paper examines 11 hypotheses, where 10 are supported. Findings highlight the quality of the product return management influences the overall millennial customer experience and satisfaction. Findings also indicate that product return management was identified to have a significant negative effect on customer experience. Additionally, seasonality has a significant but negative moderation, which means increasing seasonality decreases the relationship between product return management and customer experience and satisfaction. Results highlight that return policies have a significant negative influence on the relationship between returning a product and customer experience and satisfaction. Moreover, product characteristics are also identified to have a significant negative influence on the relationship between returning a product and customer experience and satisfaction. This study further examines the influence of the factors on direct e-commerce websites and third-party e-commerce websites. Findings showcase a strong statistical significance for the increased rate of return of fast-fashion products on third-party websites. This paper aids practitioners in taking strategic decisions related to return management, to improve the quality of logistical services and, in turn, increase profitability.Keywords: customer experience, customer satisfaction, e-commerce, fast-fashion, product returns
Procedia PDF Downloads 110810 Essay on Theoretical Modeling of the Wealth Effect of Sukuk
Authors: Jamel Boukhatem, Mouldi Djelassi
Contrary to the existing literature generally focusing on the role played by Sukuk in enhancing investors' and shareholders' wealth, this paper sheds some light on the Sukuk wealth effect across all economic agents: households, government, and investors by implementing a two-period life-cycle model with overlapping generations to show whether Sukuk is net wealth. The main findings are threefold: i) the effect of a change in Sukuk issuances on the consumers’ utility level will be different from one generation to another, ii) an increase in taxes due to the increase in Sukuk and rents is covered by transfers made by the members of generation 1 in the form of inheritance, and iii) the existence of a positive relationship between the asset prices representative of Sukuk and the real activity.Keywords: Sukuk, households, investors, overlapping generations model, wealth, modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 85809 Exploring Thai Early Childhood Teachers’ Experience and Concerns regarding Teaching Children with Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms
Authors: Sunanta Klibthong
In view of the Thailand government policy creating increasing awareness of opportunity for children with special needs, the number of children with disabilities enrolled in kindergartens in Thailand has increased. This study explores early childhood teachers’ experiences and concerns of teaching children with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. The population of the study was private early childhood teachers who teach in inclusive classrooms in Thailand. Quantitative data obtained through a questionnaire were supplemented by early childhood teachers’ interviews to identify key experiences and concerns of the teachers when teaching children with and without disabilities in the same classrooms. The results of this study indicated that many teachers face challenges including lack of professional development opportunities, difficulty identifying the needs of all children and how to use effective strategies to support inclusive practices in their classrooms. Teachers also expressed concern about parents’ lack of willingness to accept children without disabilities studying together with those with disabilities in the same classrooms. Findings from this study can inform program support for parents and professional support needs of teachers in the provision of high-quality inclusive programs for all students.Keywords: the concern, early childhood, experience, inclusive education, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 166808 A Succinct Method for Allocation of Reactive Power Loss in Deregulated Scenario
Authors: J. S. Savier
Real power is the component power which is converted into useful energy whereas reactive power is the component of power which cannot be converted to useful energy but it is required for the magnetization of various electrical machineries. If the reactive power is compensated at the consumer end, the need for reactive power flow from generators to the load can be avoided and hence the overall power loss can be reduced. In this scenario, this paper presents a succinct method called JSS method for allocation of reactive power losses to consumers connected to radial distribution networks in a deregulated environment. The proposed method has the advantage that no assumptions are made while deriving the reactive power loss allocation method.Keywords: deregulation, reactive power loss allocation, radial distribution systems, succinct method
Procedia PDF Downloads 379807 Searching for an Effective Marketing in the Food Supplement Industry in Japan
Authors: Michiko Miyamoto
The market for "functional foods" and "foods with functional claims" that are effective in maintaining and improving health, has expanded year by year due to the entry of major food and beverage manufacturers following the introduction of the specified health food system in 1991 in Japan. To bring health claims related products or services to the market, it is necessary to let consumers to learn about these products or services; an effective marketing through advertising are important. This research proposes a framework for an effective advertisement medium for the food supplement industry by using survey data of 2,500 people.Keywords: functional foods, dietary supplements, marketing strategy, structural equation modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 145806 The Effects of Anapana Meditation Training Program Monitored by Skin Conductance and Temperature (SC/ST) Biofeedback on Stress in Bachelor’s Degree Students
Authors: Ormanee Patarathipakorn
Background: Stress was the major psychological problem that affecting to physical and mental health among undergraduate students. Aim of study was to determine the effective of meditation training program (MTP) for stress reduction measured by biofeedback (BB) machine. Material and Methods: This was quasi-experimental study conducted in Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University, Thailand. Study period was between August and December 2023. Participants were the first-year Dentistry students. MTP was concentration meditation (Anapana meditation). Stress measurement was evaluated by using Thai version perceived stress scale (T-PSS-10) was performed at one week before study, 14 and 18 weeks. Stress evaluation by biofeedback machine (skin conductance: SC and skin temperature: ST) were performed at one week before study, 4, 8, 14 and 18 weeks. Data from T-PSS-10 and SC/ST biofeedback were collected and analyzed. Results: A total of 28 subjects were recruited. The mean age of participant was 18.4 years old. Two-thirds (19/28) was female. Stress reduction from MTP was detected since 4 and 8 weeks by STBB and SCBB, respectively. T-PSS 10 scores before MTP, 14 and 18 weeks were 17.7± 5.4, 9.8 ± 3.1 and 8.4 ± 3.1 with statistical significance. Conclusion: Meditation training program could reduce stress and measured by skin conductance and temperature biofeedback.Keywords: stress, meditation, biofeedback, student
Procedia PDF Downloads 38805 The Value of Online News: Addressing the Problem of Online Investment Fraud Crimes in Thailand
Authors: Thapthep Paprach, Benya Lertsuwan
Investment fraud is not a new criminal, but there are still more victims during the Internet of Things era. This kind of criminal has been classified as a national and transnational financial crime problem all over the world. In Thailand, the country has also been attacked by this kind of crime. This research concerns whether the mass media that is supposed to cover news about online investment scams realized and warned Thais about this crime. Thus, this study explores the value of news about investment fraud in terms of frequency. The methodology uses web crawling from the top 5 news agency websites that have the most access. We pull out all information reporting about investment fraud. The findings revealed that the ‘Khaosod’ news agency was the first rank in reporting on investment crime. On the other hand, ‘Matichon’ was the least reported. Thairat news agencies frequently reported such criminals from midnight to very early in the morning, while other news agencies reported during the daytime. The results between the frequency of news reporting about investment fraud and the monthly number of victim reports are not correlated. Although the most cases reported to Thai police were in February 2023, but the most news reported was in January 2023. In conclusion, there might be a negative correlation between the amount of investment fraud news reported and the number of victims.Keywords: investment fraud, news value, online news report, Ponzi schemes, Romance scam
Procedia PDF Downloads 78804 Counterfeit Product Detection Using Block Chain
Authors: Sharanya C. H., Pragathi M., Vathsala R. S., Theja K. V., Yashaswini S.
Identifying counterfeit products have become increasingly important in the product manufacturing industries in recent decades. This current ongoing product issue of counterfeiting has an impact on company sales and profits. To address the aforementioned issue, a functional blockchain technology was implemented, which effectively prevents the product from being counterfeited. By utilizing the blockchain technology, consumers are no longer required to rely on third parties to determine the authenticity of the product being purchased. Blockchain is a distributed database that stores data records known as blocks and several databases known as chains across various networks. Counterfeit products are identified using a QR code reader, and the product's QR code is linked to the blockchain management system. It compares the unique code obtained from the customer to the stored unique code to determine whether or not the product is original.Keywords: blockchain, ethereum, QR code
Procedia PDF Downloads 178803 Thai Student Teachers' Prior Understanding of Nature of Science (NOS)
Authors: N. Songumpai, W. Sumranwanich, S. Chatmaneerungcharoen
This research aims to study the understanding of 8 aspects of nature of science (NOS). The research participants were 39 General Science student teachers who were selected by purposive sampling. In 2015 academic year, they enrolled in the course of Science Education Learning Management. Qualitative research was used as research methodology to understand how the student teachers propose on NOS. The research instruments consisted of open-ended questionnaires and semi-structure interviews that were used to assess students’ understanding of NOS. Research data was collected by 8 items- questionnaire and was categorized into students’ understanding of NOS, which consisted of complete understanding (CU), partial understanding (PU), misunderstanding (MU) and no understanding (NU). The findings reveal the majority of students’ misunderstanding of NOS regarding the aspects of theory and law(89.7%), scientific method(61.5%) and empirical evidence(15.4%) respectively. From the interview data, the student teachers present their misconceptions of NOS that indicate about theory and law cannot change; science knowledge is gained through experiment only (step by step); science is the things that are around humans. These results suggest that for effective science teacher education, the composition of design of NOS course needs to be considered. Therefore, teachers’ understanding of NOS is necessary to integrate into professional development program/course for empowering student teachers to begin their careers as strong science teachers in schools.Keywords: nature of science, student teacher, no understanding, misunderstanding, partial understanding, complete understanding
Procedia PDF Downloads 262802 The Value of Store Choice Criteria on Perceived Patronage Intentions
Authors: Susana Marques
Research on how store environment cues influence consumers’ store choice decision criteria, such as store operations, product quality, monetary price, store image and sales promotion, is sparse. Especially absent research on the simultaneous impact of multiple store environment cues. The authors propose a comprehensive store choice model that includes: three types of store environment cues as exogenous constructs; various store choice criteria as possible mediating constructs, and store patronage intentions as an endogenous construct. On the basis of testing with a sample of 561 customers of hypermarkets, the model is partially supported. This study used structural equation modelling to test the proposed model.Keywords: store choice, store patronage, structural equation modelling, retailing
Procedia PDF Downloads 273801 Reverse Innovation in Subsistence and Developed Markets
Authors: Hailu Getnet
This study focus on reverse innovation on performance outcomes across developed and subsistence markets context. The subsistence market consists two third of the world population and the largest international market. To date, it has been neglected because of its issues of perceived challenges and seeming unattractiveness compared to the established markets in the west. However, subsistence markets are becoming source of reverse innovation; an innovation that is likely to be adopted first in developing world and successfully traded globally. In response, there is a growing interest on reverse innovation to power the future. Based on the theories of innovation and growing subsistence market literatures, the study propose drivers and outcomes of reverse innovation, a potential similarities and difference in benefiting and challenging firms and consumers in subsistence and developed markets.Keywords: reverse innovation, subsistence market, developing world, developed market
Procedia PDF Downloads 325800 Review for Identifying Online Opinion Leaders
Authors: Yu Wang
Nowadays, Internet enables its users to share the information online and to interact with others. Facing with numerous information, these Internet users are confused and begin to rely on the opinion leaders’ recommendations. The online opinion leaders are the individuals who have professional knowledge, who utilize the online channels to spread word-of-mouth information and who can affect the attitudes or even the behavior of their followers to some degree. Because utilizing the online opinion leaders is seen as an important approach to affect the potential consumers, how to identify them has become one of the hottest topics in the related field. Hence, in this article, the concepts and characteristics are introduced, and the researches related to identifying opinion leaders are collected and divided into three categories. Finally, the implications for future studies are provided.Keywords: online opinion leaders, user attributes analysis, text mining analysis, network structure analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 223799 Thai Perception on Litecoin Value
Authors: Toby Gibbs, Suwaree Yordchim
This research analyzes factors affecting the success of Litecoin Value within Thailand and develops a guideline for self-reliance for effective business implementation. Samples in this study included 119 people through surveys. The results revealed four main factors affecting the success as follows: 1) Future Career training should be pursued in applied Litecoin development. 2) Didn't grasp the concept of a digital currency or see the benefit of a digital currency. 3) There is a great need to educate the next generation of learners on the benefits of Litecoin within the community. 4) A great majority didn't know what Litecoin was. The guideline for self-reliance planning consisted of 4 aspects: 1) Development planning: by arranging meet up groups to conduct further education on Litecoin and share solutions on adoption into every day usage. Local communities need to develop awareness of the usefulness of Litecoin and share the value of Litecoin among friends and family. 2) Computer Science and Business Management staff should develop skills to expand on the benefits of Litecoin within their departments. 3) Further research should be pursued on how Litecoin Value can improve business and tourism within Thailand. 4) Local communities should focus on developing Litecoin awareness by encouraging street vendors to accept Litecoin as another form of payment for services rendered.Keywords: litecoin, mining, confirmations, payment method
Procedia PDF Downloads 185798 Understanding Consumer Recycling Behavior: A Literature Review of Motivational and Behavioral Aspects
Authors: Karin Johansson, Ola Johansson
Recycling is an important aspect of a sustainable society and depends to a large extent on consumers’ willingness to provide the voluntary work needed to take the first critical step in many return logistics systems. Based on a systematic review of articles on recycling behavior, this paper presents and discusses the findings in relation to Fogg’s Behavioral Model (FBM). Through the analysis of a corpus of 72 articles, the most important research contributions on recycling behavior are summarized and discussed. The choice of using FBM as a framework provides a new way of viewing previous research findings, and aids in identifying knowledge gaps. Based on the review, this work identifies and discusses four areas of potential interest for future research.Keywords: recycling, reverse logistics, solid waste management, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 144797 Service Quality in Thai Tourism: An Experience of Inbound Tourists Visited Bangkok, Thailand
Authors: Sudawan Somjai
The purposes of this research were to investigate the five important perceptions of service quality from inbound tourists who visited Bangkok, Thailand in the first quarter of 2014. Data were collected from over 10 important tourist destinations in Bangkok. The independent variables of this study included gender, age, levels of education, occupation, income, and country of origin while the dependent variables included their experience, opinion, and comment on the service received during visited tourist destinations. A simple random sampling method was performed to obtain 400 respondents. The respondents were both male and female in the same proportion. However, the majority were between 31-40 years old. Most were married with an undergraduate degree. Most were considered themselves as middle income with an average income of the respondents was between $30,001-40,000 per year. The findings revealed that the majority of respondents came to Bangkok because of low cost and high quality of tourism. The majority came to Bangkok for the first time and spent about 10 days in Thailand. The five important service perceptions that were observed by the inbound tourists in descending order according to mean were reliable of service provider, proper time of service provider, competency of service provider, neat and clean of service provider, and politeness of service provider.Keywords: experience, inbound tourists, perception, service quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 359796 Supply Chain Analysis with Product Returns: Pricing and Quality Decisions
Authors: Mingming Leng
Wal-Mart has allocated considerable human resources for its quality assurance program, in which the largest retailer serves its supply chains as a quality gatekeeper. Asda Stores Ltd., the second largest supermarket chain in Britain, is now investing £27m in significantly increasing the frequency of quality control checks in its supply chains and thus enhancing quality across its fresh food business. Moreover, Tesco, the largest British supermarket chain, already constructed a quality assessment center to carry out its gatekeeping responsibility. Motivated by the above practices, we consider a supply chain in which a retailer plays the gatekeeping role in quality assurance by identifying defects among a manufacturer's products prior to selling them to consumers. The impact of a retailer's gatekeeping activity on pricing and quality assurance in a supply chain has not been investigated in the operations management area. We draw a number of managerial insights that are expected to help practitioners judiciously consider the quality gatekeeping effort at the retail level. As in practice, when the retailer identifies a defective product, she immediately returns it to the manufacturer, who then replaces the defect with a good quality product and pays a penalty to the retailer. If the retailer does not recognize a defect but sells it to a consumer, then the consumer will identify the defect and return it to the retailer, who then passes the returned 'unidentified' defect to the manufacturer. The manufacturer also incurs a penalty cost. Accordingly, we analyze a two-stage pricing and quality decision problem, in which the manufacturer and the retailer bargain over the manufacturer's average defective rate and wholesale price at the first stage, and the retailer decides on her optimal retail price and gatekeeping intensity at the second stage. We also compare the results when the retailer performs quality gatekeeping with those when the retailer does not. Our supply chain analysis exposes some important managerial insights. For example, the retailer's quality gatekeeping can effectively reduce the channel-wide defective rate, if her penalty charge for each identified de-fect is larger than or equal to the market penalty for each unidentified defect. When the retailer imple-ments quality gatekeeping, the change in the negotiated wholesale price only depends on the manufac-turer's 'individual' benefit, and the change in the retailer's optimal retail price is only related to the channel-wide benefit. The retailer is willing to take on the quality gatekeeping responsibility, when the impact of quality relative to retail price on demand is high and/or the retailer has a strong bargaining power. We conclude that the retailer's quality gatekeeping can help reduce the defective rate for consumers, which becomes more significant when the retailer's bargaining position in her supply chain is stronger. Retailers with stronger bargaining powers can benefit more from their quality gatekeeping in supply chains.Keywords: bargaining, game theory, pricing, quality, supply chain
Procedia PDF Downloads 279795 Increasing Preference for Culturally Incongruent Offerings in Traditional Cultures
Authors: Najam U. Saqib
Self-construal or an individual’s view of him or herself is an important variable by which culture affects the way people think and act. This notion of self-construal is identified with two distinct perspectives on the self. Within the independent construal, the self is seen as different from others, a way of defining the self, prominent in Western societies. The interdependent perspective which is typical for Eastern cultures emphasizes the connectedness of the self to others. The degree of independence-interdependence in one’s self-construal is thought to affect behavior, acceptance of social values, and decision making. This paper manipulates self-construal of Qatari consumers and investigates its effects on accepting incongruent changes in culture as a result of adopting market offerings and behavior that may be perceived as inconsistent with their self-construal. The research recommends strategies for policy makers in Qatar for successful advocacy of initiatives of national importance such as reducing diabetes and obesity by applying self-construal theory.Keywords: cross-cultural, consumer behavior, self-construal, GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council)
Procedia PDF Downloads 186794 A Security Study for Smart Metering Systems
Authors: Musaab Hasan, Farkhund Iqbal, Patrick C. K. Hung, Benjamin C. M. Fung, Laura Rafferty
In modern societies, the smart cities concept raised simultaneously with the projection towards adopting smart devices. A smart grid is an essential part of any smart city as both consumers and power utility companies benefit from the features provided by the power grid. In addition to advanced features presented by smart grids, there may also be a risk when the grids are exposed to malicious acts such as security attacks performed by terrorists. Considering advanced security measures in the design of smart meters could reduce these risks. This paper presents a security study for smart metering systems with a prototype implementation of the user interfaces for future works.Keywords: security design, smart city, smart meter, smart grid, smart metering system
Procedia PDF Downloads 338793 Insertion of Photovoltaic Energy at Residential Level at Tegucigalpa and Comayagüela, Honduras
Authors: Tannia Vindel, Angel Matute, Erik Elvir, Kelvin Santos
Currently in Honduras, is been incentivized the generation of energy using renewable fonts, such as: hydroelectricity, wind power, biomass and, more recently with the strongest growth, photovoltaic energy. In July 2015 were installed 455.2 MW of photovoltaic energy, increasing by 24% the installed capacity of the national interconnected system existing in 2014, according the National Energy Company (NEC), that made possible reduce the thermoelectric dependency of the system. Given the good results of those large-scale photovoltaic plants, arises the question: is it interesting for the distribution utility and for the consumers the integration of photovoltaic systems in micro-scale in the urban and rural areas? To answer that question has been researched the insertion of photovoltaic energy in the residential sector in Tegucigalpa and Comayagüela (Central District), Honduras to determine the technical and economic viability. Francisco Morazán department, according the National Statistics Institute (NSI), in 2001 had more than 180,000 houses with power service. Tegucigalpa, department and Honduras capital, and Comayagüela, both, have the highest population density in the region, with 1,300,000 habitants in 2014 (NSI). The residential sector in the south-central region of Honduras represents a high percentage being 49% of total consumption, according with NEC in 2014; where 90% of this sector consumes in a range of 0 to 300 kWh / month. All this, in addition to the high level of losses in the transmission and distribution systems, 31.3% in 2014, and the availability of an annual average solar radiation of 5.20 kWh/(m2∙day) according to the NASA, suggests the feasibility of the implementation of photovoltaic systems as a solution to give a level of independency to the households, and besides could be capable of injecting the non-used energy to the grid. The capability of exchange of energy with the grid could make the photovoltaic systems acquisition more affordable to the consumers, because of the compensation energy programs or other kinds of incentives that could be created. Technical viability of the photovoltaic systems insertion has been analyzed, considering the solar radiation monthly average to determine the monthly average of energy that would be generated with the technology accessible locally and the effects of the injection of the energy locally generated on the grid. In addition, the economic viability has been analyzed too, considering the photovoltaic systems high costs, costs of the utility, location and monthly energy consumption requirements of the families. It was found that the inclusion of photovoltaic systems in Tegucigalpa and Comayagüela could decrease in 6 MW the demand for the region if 100% of the households use photovoltaic systems, which acquisition may be more accessible with the help of government incentives and/or the application of energy exchange programs.Keywords: grid connected, photovoltaic, residential, technical analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 265792 Load Forecasting in Short-Term Including Meteorological Variables for Balearic Islands Paper
Authors: Carolina Senabre, Sergio Valero, Miguel Lopez, Antonio Gabaldon
This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the short-term load forecasting (STLF). Since the behavior of consumers and producers continue changing as new technologies, it is an ongoing process, and moreover, new policies become available. The results of a research study for the Spanish Transport System Operator (REE) is presented in this paper. It is presented the improvement of the forecasting accuracy in the Balearic Islands considering the introduction of meteorological variables, such as temperature to reduce forecasting error. Variables analyzed for the forecasting in terms of overall accuracy are cloudiness, solar radiation, and wind velocity. It has also been analyzed the type of days to be considered in the research.Keywords: short-term load forecasting, power demand, neural networks, load forecasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 191791 Strengthening Factors of Family Living with Disabilities
Authors: Supranee Sittikan, Darunee Jongudomkarn, Rutja Phuphaibul
Thai’s families with disabilities are diverse, poor economy, low education disproportionately characterized their living that includes stress and suffering. This article reports a preliminary study using a qualitative case study with six disabilities (five physical and one mental problem) Their six family caregivers who perceived they were managing well with their conditions as well. Data were collected by in-depth interviews during November-December 2017 in North-East of Thailand. Preliminary results were found factors of moving in comprised of three themes as followings Karma: the families believe that the disability happened because of bad-karma which attached to them. From the reason, the members of families have to deserve and accept it. Family attachment: the families believe in the importance of being the family so they have to take good care in one another whether happy or suffering Community support: the families can get more to received helping hands from local health care providers and community health volunteers. These activities are very important to be representative in taking the families through health accessibility, which help them face with disabling problems. Nevertheless, the study needs further exploring on other families’ and health care team's perspective in larger scales leading to develop an appropriate health care service system which can support and promote the well-being of the families living with disabilities in the future.Keywords: families with disabilities, Karma, family attachment, community support
Procedia PDF Downloads 165790 An Analysis of Possible Implications of Patent Term Extension in Pharmaceutical Sector on Indian Consumers
Authors: Anandkumar Rshindhe
Patents are considered as good monopoly in India. It is a mechanism by which the inventor is encouraged to do invention and also to make available to the society at large with a new useful technology. Patent system does not provide any protection to the invention itself but to the claims (rights) which the patentee has identified in relation to his invention. Thus the patentee is granted monopoly to the extent of his recognition of his own rights in the form of utilities and all other utilities of invention are for the public. Thus we find both benefit to the inventor and the public at large that is the ultimate consumer. But developing any such technology is not free of cost. Inventors do a lot of investment in the coming out with a new technologies. One such example if of Pharmaceutical industries. These pharmaceutical Industries do lot of research and invest lot of money, time and labour in coming out with these invention. Once invention is done or process identified, in order to protect it, inventors approach Patent system to protect their rights in the form of claim over invention. The patent system takes its own time in giving recognition to the invention as patent. Even after the grant of patent the pharmaceutical companies need to comply with many other legal formalities to launch it as a drug (medicine) in market. Thus major portion in patent term is unproductive to patentee and whatever limited period the patentee gets would be not sufficient to recover the cost involved in invention and as a result price of patented product is raised very much, just to recover the cost of invent. This is ultimately a burden on consumer who is paying more only because the legislature has failed to provide for the delay and loss caused to patentee. This problem can be effectively remedied if Patent Term extension is done. Due to patent term extension, the inventor gets some more time in recovering the cost of invention. Thus the end product is much more cheaper compared to non patent term extension.The basic question here arises is that when the patent period granted to a patentee is only 20 years and out of which a major portion is spent in complying with necessary legal formalities before making the medicine available in market, does the company with the limited period of monopoly recover its investment made for doing research. Further the Indian patent Act has certain provisions making it mandatory on the part of patentee to make its patented invention at reasonable affordable price in India. In the light of above questions whether extending the term of patent would be a proper solution and a necessary requirement to protect the interest of patentee as well as the ultimate consumer. The basic objective of this paper would be to check the implications of Extending the Patent term on Indian Consumers. Whether it provides the benefits to the patentee, consumer or a hardship to the Generic industry and consumer.Keywords: patent term extention, consumer interest, generic drug industry, pharmaceutical industries
Procedia PDF Downloads 453789 Antmicrobial Packaging, a Step Towards Safe Food: A Review
Authors: Hafiz A. Sakandar, M. Afzaal, U. Khan, M. N. Akhtar
Food is the primary concern of living organisms, provision of diet for maintenance of good physical and mental health is a basic right of an individual and the outcome of factors related to diet on health has been matter of apprehension since ancient times. Healthy and fresh food always demanded by the consumers. Modern research has find out many alternatives of traditional packaging. Now the consumer knows that good packaging system is that which protects the food from the contaminants and increases shelf life of food product. While in Pakistan about 40% of fruits and vegetables lost due to spoilage caused by poor handling, transportation, and poor packaging interaction with other environmental conditions. So it is crucial for developing countries like Pakistan to pay attention to these exacerbating situations for economy losses by considering food packaging an ultimate solution to the problem.Keywords: packaging, food safety, antimicrobial, food losses
Procedia PDF Downloads 552788 Thai Perception on Bitcoin Value
Authors: Toby Gibbs, Suwaree Yordchim
This research analyzes factors affecting the success of Litecoin Value within Thailand and develops a guideline for self-reliance for effective business implementation. Samples in this study included 119 people through surveys. The results revealed four main factors affecting the success as follows: 1) Future Career training should be pursued in applied Litecoin development. 2) Didn't grasp the concept of a digital currency or see the benefit of a digital currency. 3) There is a great need to educate the next generation of learners on the benefits of Litecoin within the community. 4) A great majority didn't know what Litecoin was. The guideline for self-reliance planning consisted of 4 aspects: 1) Development planning: by arranging meet up groups to conduct further education on Litecoin and share solutions on adoption into every day usage. Local communities need to develop awareness of the usefulness of Litecoin and share the value of Litecoin among friends and family. 2) Computer Science and Business Management staff should develop skills to expand on the benefits of Litecoin within their departments. 3) Further research should be pursued on how Litecoin Value can improve business and tourism within Thailand. 4) Local communities should focus on developing Litecoin awareness by encouraging street vendors to accept Litecoin as another form of payment for services rendered.Keywords: bitcoin, cryptocurrency, decentralized, business implementation
Procedia PDF Downloads 291787 Enhancing Air Quality: Investigating Filter Lifespan and Byproducts in Air Purification Solutions
Authors: Freja Rydahl Rasmussen, Naja Villadsen, Stig Koust
Air purifiers have become widely implemented in a wide range of settings, including households, schools, institutions, and hospitals, as they tackle the pressing issue of indoor air pollution. With their ability to enhance indoor air quality and create healthier environments, air purifiers are particularly vital when ventilation options are limited. These devices incorporate a diverse array of technologies, including HEPA filters, active carbon filters, UV-C light, photocatalytic oxidation, and ionizers, each designed to combat specific pollutants and improve air quality within enclosed spaces. However, the safety of air purifiers has not been investigated thoroughly, and many questions still arise when applying them. Certain air purification technologies, such as UV-C light or ionization, can unintentionally generate undesirable byproducts that can negatively affect indoor air quality and health. It is well-established that these technologies can inadvertently generate nanoparticles or convert common gaseous compounds into harmful ones, thus exacerbating air pollution. However, the formation of byproducts can vary across products, necessitating further investigation. There is a particular concern about the formation of the carcinogenic substance formaldehyde from common gases like acetone. Many air purifiers use mechanical filtration to remove particles, dust, and pollen from the air. Filters need to be replaced periodically for optimal efficiency, resulting in an additional cost for end-users. Currently, there are no guidelines for filter lifespan, and replacement recommendations solely rely on manufacturers. A market screening revealed that manufacturers' recommended lifespans vary greatly (from 1 month to 10 years), and there is a need for general recommendations to guide consumers. Activated carbon filters are used to adsorb various types of chemicals that can pose health risks or cause unwanted odors. These filters have a certain capacity before becoming saturated. If not replaced in a timely manner, the adsorbed substances are likely to be released from the filter through off-gassing or losing adsorption efficiency. The goal of this study is to investigate the lifespan of filters as well as investigate the potentially harmful effects of air purifiers. Understanding the lifespan of filters used in air purifiers and the potential formation of harmful byproducts is essential for ensuring their optimal performance, guiding consumers in their purchasing decisions, and establishing industry standards for safer and more effective air purification solutions. At this time, a selection of air purifiers has been chosen, and test methods have been established. In the following 3 months, the tests will be conducted, and the results will be ready for presentation later.Keywords: air purifiers, activated carbon filters, byproducts, clean air, indoor air quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 72786 Advertising Incentives of National Brands against Private Labels: The Case of OTC Heartburn Drugs
Authors: Lu Liao
The worldwide expansion of private labels over the past two decades not only transformed the choice sets of consumers but also forced manufacturers of national brands to design new marketing strategies to maintain their market positions. This paper empirically analyzes the impact of private labels on advertising incentives of national brands. The paper first develops a consumer demand model that incorporates spillover effects of advertising and finds positive spillovers of national brands’ advertising on demand for private label products. With the demand estimates, the researcher simulates the equilibrium prices and advertising levels for leading national brands in a counterfactual where private labels are eliminated to quantify the changes in national brands’ advertising incentives in response to the rise of private labels.Keywords: advertising, demand estimation, spillover effect, structural model
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