Search results for: support activities
4987 The Behavior of Ordinary and Encased Stone Columns in Soft Clay Soil of Egypt: A Finite Element Study
Authors: Mahmoud F. Awad-Allah, Mohammed Rabeih, Eman Abdel Baseer
Soft to very soft soil deposits are widely speared in some areas of Egypt such as East Port Said, Damietta, Kafr El-Sheik, Alexandria, etc. The construction projects in these areas have faced the challenge of the presence of extended deep layers of soft and very soft clays which reach to depths of 40 to 60 m from the ground level. Stone columns are commonly used to support structures overlying soft ground soils and surcharged by embankment type loading. Therefore, this paper introduces a wide comparison numerical study between the ordinary stone columns (OSC) versus the geosynthetic encased stone columns (ESC) installed in soft clay soil deposit using finite element method (FEM). Parametric study of an embankment on soft soils reinforced with stone columns is performed using commercial computer program based on the finite element technique (PLAXIS 2D). The investigation will present the influence of the following parameters: diameter of stone columns, stiffness of geosynthetic encasement, embedded depth of stone column from ground level, and the length encasement of the stone column on the consolidation time, vertical settlement, and lateral displacement of soft clay soil formations.Keywords: finite element method, geosynthetic, lateral displacement, settlement, soft clay
Procedia PDF Downloads 2154986 Solar Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production from Glycerol Reforming Using Ternary Cu/TiO2/Graphene
Authors: Tumelo W. P. Seadira, Thabang Ntho, Cornelius M. Masuku, Michael S. Scurrell
A ternary Cu/TiO2/rGO photocatalysts was prepared using solvothermal method. Firstly, pure anatase TiO2 hollow spheres were prepared with titanium butoxide, ethanol, ammonium sulphate, and urea via hydrothermal method; and Cu nanoparticles were subsequently loaded on the surface of the hollow spheres by wet impregnation. During the solvothermal process, the deposition and well dispersion of Cu-TiO2 hollow spheres composites onto the graphene oxide surface, as well as the reduction of graphene oxide to graphene were achieved. The morphological and structural properties of the prepared samples were characterized by Brunauer-Emmett-Tellet (BET), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and UV-vis DRS, and photoelectrochemical. The activities of the prepared catalysts were tested for hydrogen production via simultaneous photocatalytic water-splitting and glycerol reforming under visible light irradiation. The excellent photocatalytic activity of the Cu-TiO2-hollow-spheres/rGO catalyst was attributed the rGO which acts as both storage and transferor of electrons generated at the Cu and TiO2 heterojunction, thus increasing the electron-hole pairs separation. This paper reports the preparation of photocatalyst which is highly active by coupling reduced graphene oxide with nano-structured TiO2 with high surface area that can efficiently harvest the visible light for effective water-splitting and glycerol photocatalytic reforming in order to achieve efficient hydrogen evolution.Keywords: glycerol reforming, hydrogen evolution, graphene oxide, Cu/TiO2-hollow-spheres/rGO
Procedia PDF Downloads 1594985 Social Strategeries for HIV and STDs Prevention
Authors: Binu Sahayam
HIV/AIDS epidemic is in its third decade and has become a virulent disease that threatens the world population. Many countless efforts had been made yet this has become a social and developmental concern. According to UNAIDS 2013 Report, In India around 2.4 million people are currently living with HIV and third in the infection rate. As every country is facing this health issue, this has become a social and developmental concern for India. In country like India, open discussion on sex and sexuality is not possible due to its conventional culture. Educational institution like schools and colleges can create awareness on sex education, life skill education, information on HIV and STD which is lacking. It is very clear that preventive knowledge remains low and this leads to increase in the HIV/AIDS infection rate. HIV/AIDS is a disease which is not curable but preventable, keeping this in mind religious leaders of various have come forward in addressing the issue of HIV/AIDS using various social strategies. The study has been focused on three main India religious teachings Hinduism, Christianity and Islam in addressing the issue of HIV/AIDS and its possible intervention in dealing with HIV/AIDS prevention. The study is important because it highlights the health issues, stigma discrimination, psychological disturbances and insecurity faced by the infected and affected persons. Therefore, this study privileges the role of religious leadership in the efforts and processes of preventing HIV/AIDS, caring and providing support to People living with HIV/AIDS and argues that intervention of religious leadership is an effective measure to confront many of the barriers associated with HIV/AIDS.Keywords: HIV and AIDS, STDs, religion and religious organisation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3964984 A Panel Cointegration Analysis for Macroeconomic Determinants of International Housing Market
Authors: Mei-Se Chien, Chien-Chiang Lee, Sin-Jie Cai
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the long-run equilibrium and short-run dynamics of international housing prices when macroeconomic variables change. We apply the Pedroni’s, panel cointegration, using the unbalanced panel data analysis of 33 countries over the period from 1980Q1 to 2013Q1, to examine the relationships among house prices and macroeconomic variables. Our empirical results of panel data cointegration tests support the existence of a cointegration among these macroeconomic variables and house prices. Besides, the empirical results of panel DOLS further present that a 1% increase in economic activity, long-term interest rates, and construction costs cause house prices to respectively change 2.16%, -0.04%, and 0.22% in the long run. Furthermore, the increasing economic activity and the construction cost would cause stronger impacts on the house prices for lower income countries than higher income countries. The results lead to the conclusion that policy of house prices growth can be regarded as economic growth for lower income countries. Finally, in America region, the coefficient of economic activity is the highest, which displays that increasing economic activity causes a faster rise in house prices there than in other regions. There are some special cases whereby the coefficients of interest rates are significantly positive in America and Asia regions.Keywords: house prices, macroeconomic variables, panel cointegration, dynamic OLS
Procedia PDF Downloads 3934983 A Machine Learning Model for Predicting Students’ Academic Performance in Higher Institutions
Authors: Emmanuel Osaze Oshoiribhor, Adetokunbo MacGregor John-Otumu
There has been a need in recent years to predict student academic achievement prior to graduation. This is to assist them in improving their grades, especially for those who have struggled in the past. The purpose of this research is to use supervised learning techniques to create a model that predicts student academic progress. Many scholars have developed models that predict student academic achievement based on characteristics including smoking, demography, culture, social media, parent educational background, parent finances, and family background, to mention a few. This element, as well as the model used, could have misclassified the kids in terms of their academic achievement. As a prerequisite to predicting if the student will perform well in the future on related courses, this model is built using a logistic regression classifier with basic features such as the previous semester's course score, attendance to class, class participation, and the total number of course materials or resources the student is able to cover per semester. With a 96.7 percent accuracy, the model outperformed other classifiers such as Naive bayes, Support vector machine (SVM), Decision Tree, Random forest, and Adaboost. This model is offered as a desktop application with user-friendly interfaces for forecasting student academic progress for both teachers and students. As a result, both students and professors are encouraged to use this technique to predict outcomes better.Keywords: artificial intelligence, ML, logistic regression, performance, prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1114982 Domestic Solar Hot Water Systems in Order to Reduce the Electricity Peak Demand in Assalouyeh
Authors: Roya Moradifar, Bijan Honarvar, Masoumeh Zabihi
The personal residential camps of South Pars gas complex are one of the few places where electric energy is used for the bath water heating. The widespread use of these devices is mainly responsible for the high peak of the electricity demand in the residential sector. In an attempt to deal with this issue, to reduce the electricity usage of the hot water, as an option, solar hot water systems have been proposed. However, despite the high incidence of solar radiation on the Assaloyeh about 20 MJ/m²/day, currently, there is no technical assessment quantifying the economic benefits on the region. The present study estimates the economic impacts resulting by the deployment of solar hot water systems in residential camp. Hence, the feasibility study allows assessing the potential of solar water heating as an alternative to reduce the peak on the electricity demand. In order to examine the potential of using solar energy in Bidkhoon residential camp two solar water heater packages as pilots were installed for restaurant and building. Restaurant package was damaged due to maintenance problems, but for the building package, we achieved the result of the solar fraction total 83percent and max energy saving 2895 kWh, the maximum reduction in CO₂ emissions calculated as 1634.5 kg. The results of this study can be used as a support tool to spread the use solar water heaters and create policies for South Pars Gas Complex.Keywords: electrical energy, hot water, solar, South Pars Gas complex
Procedia PDF Downloads 2054981 The Impact of Public Open Space System on Housing Price in Chicago
Authors: Si Chen, Le Zhang, Xian He
The research explored the influences of public open space system on housing price through hedonic models, in order to support better open space plans and economic policies. We have three initial hypotheses: 1) public open space system has an overall positive influence on surrounding housing prices. 2) Different public open space types have different levels of influence on motivating surrounding housing prices. 3) Walking and driving accessibilities from property to public open spaces have different statistical relation with housing prices. Cook County, Illinois, was chosen to be a study area since data availability, sufficient open space types, and long-term open space preservation strategies. We considered the housing attributes, driving and walking accessibility scores from houses to nearby public open spaces, and driving accessibility scores to hospitals as influential features and used real housing sales price in 2010 as a dependent variable in the built hedonic model. Through ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis, General Moran’s I analysis and geographically weighted regression analysis, we observed the statistical relations between public open spaces and housing sale prices in the three built hedonic models and confirmed all three hypotheses.Keywords: hedonic model, public open space, housing sale price, regression analysis, accessibility score
Procedia PDF Downloads 1364980 Major Depressive Disorder: Diagnosis based on Electroencephalogram Analysis
Authors: Wajid Mumtaz, Aamir Saeed Malik, Syed Saad Azhar Ali, Mohd Azhar Mohd Yasin
In this paper, a technique based on electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis is presented, aiming for diagnosing major depressive disorder (MDD) among a potential population of MDD patients and healthy controls. EEG is recognized as a clinical modality during applications such as seizure diagnosis, index for anesthesia, detection of brain death or stroke. However, its usability for psychiatric illnesses such as MDD is less studied. Therefore, in this study, for the sake of diagnosis, 2 groups of study participants were recruited, 1) MDD patients, 2) healthy people as controls. EEG data acquired from both groups were analyzed involving inter-hemispheric asymmetry and composite permutation entropy index (CPEI). To automate the process, derived quantities from EEG were utilized as inputs to classifier such as logistic regression (LR) and support vector machine (SVM). The learning of these classification models was tested with a test dataset. Their learning efficiency is provided as accuracy of classifying MDD patients from controls, their sensitivities and specificities were reported, accordingly (LR =81.7 % and SVM =81.5 %). Based on the results, it is concluded that the derived measures are indicators for diagnosing MDD from a potential population of normal controls. In addition, the results motivate further exploring other measures for the same purpose.Keywords: major depressive disorder, diagnosis based on EEG, EEG derived features, CPEI, inter-hemispheric asymmetry
Procedia PDF Downloads 5484979 Social Aspect in Energy Transition in Frankfurt (Main)
Authors: M. Mokrzecka, A. Aly, A. K. Obwona, Piotrowska M., Richardson S.
Frankfurt am Main, the fifth largest city in Germany, ranked 15th by the Global Financial Centers Index in 2014, and a finalist of European Green Capital 2014, is a crucial player in German Environmental Policy. In 2012 the city authorities agreed a target to reduce the city’s energy consumption by 50%, and fully switch to renewable energy by the year 2050. To achieve this goal, the Municipality of Frankfurt has begun preparing the Master plan, which will be introduced to public by the end of 2015. Transitions theory tells, that to address challenges as complex as Climate Change and the Energiewende, the development of new technologies and systems is not sufficient. Transition by definition is a process, and in such a large scale (city and region transition) can be fulfilled only, when operates within a broad socio – technical system. Thus, the Authors believe that only by close cooperation with citizens, as well as different stakeholders, can the Transition in Frankfurt be successful. The city therefore needs a strategy which will ensure the engagement, sense of ownership and broad support within Frankfurt society for the aims of the Master plan. This paper presents a proposal for how the city can achieve this based therefore, on fostering the citizens’ engagement through a comprehensive, innovative communication strategy. The proposal was originally developed by the authors as a winning submission for the Climate-KIC Transitions PhD Summer School 2014..Keywords: city development, communication strategies, social transition, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3154978 The Socio-Religious, Economic, and Cultural Impacts of Aso-Ebi on South-East Nigeria
Authors: Nwaoga, Theresa Chinyere
The paper examines the impacts of Aso-Ebi, a Yoruba term for ‘uniform’ on the people of south-east Nigeria. Aso-Ebi is used to denote uniform wear which is typical of the people of south-west Nigeria. In the 1980s and 1990s, uniform wears were used only by immediate family members of a deceased person. This is for easy identification by visitors—to know those who are related to the deceased person. Aso-Ebi is now part of a culture that has existed in Nigeria from the Yoruba and transcended to other parts of Nigeria, precisely south-east Nigeria. The buying of Aso-Ebi and attending the occasions in the attire is the only way of showing solidarity and support to the celebrant. Aso-Ebi has led to creating a sense of belonging, opening of doors for marriage by those single, and fundraising. As part of the findings, it was discovered that Aso-Ebi has led to an increase in marital infidelity and divorce, robbery, prostitution, depression, and an increase in enmity between friends in south-east Nigeria. Data was generated through oral interviews, focus group discussion and participant observation. Secondary data were obtained from journals, textbooks, the internet and periodicals. The phenomenological method of research was used as the methodology. This method allows for an objective report and analysis of the research problem. Aso-Ebi has come to stay in Igbo culture, so there should be a proper re-orientation on the uses of Aso-Ebi during occasions like burial in Igbo land. The campaign can start from the church by discouraging people from using Aso-Ebi during burials and wedding ceremonies.Keywords: Asho Ebi, uniformed women, burial ceremonies, August meetings
Procedia PDF Downloads 1484977 Optimal Simultaneous Sizing and Siting of DGs and Smart Meters Considering Voltage Profile Improvement in Active Distribution Networks
Authors: T. Sattarpour, D. Nazarpour
This paper investigates the effect of simultaneous placement of DGs and smart meters (SMs), on voltage profile improvement in active distribution networks (ADNs). A substantial center of attention has recently been on responsive loads initiated in power system problem studies such as distributed generations (DGs). Existence of responsive loads in active distribution networks (ADNs) would have undeniable effect on sizing and siting of DGs. For this reason, an optimal framework is proposed for sizing and siting of DGs and SMs in ADNs. SMs are taken into consideration for the sake of successful implementing of demand response programs (DRPs) such as direct load control (DLC) with end-side consumers. Looking for voltage profile improvement, the optimization procedure is solved by genetic algorithm (GA) and tested on IEEE 33-bus distribution test system. Different scenarios with variations in the number of DG units, individual or simultaneous placing of DGs and SMs, and adaptive power factor (APF) mode for DGs to support reactive power have been established. The obtained results confirm the significant effect of DRPs and APF mode in determining the optimal size and site of DGs to be connected in ADN resulting to the improvement of voltage profile as well.Keywords: active distribution network (ADN), distributed generations (DGs), smart meters (SMs), demand response programs (DRPs), adaptive power factor (APF)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3034976 A Psychophysiological Evaluation of an Effective Recognition Technique Using Interactive Dynamic Virtual Environments
Authors: Mohammadhossein Moghimi, Robert Stone, Pia Rotshtein
Recording psychological and physiological correlates of human performance within virtual environments and interpreting their impacts on human engagement, ‘immersion’ and related emotional or ‘effective’ states is both academically and technologically challenging. By exposing participants to an effective, real-time (game-like) virtual environment, designed and evaluated in an earlier study, a psychophysiological database containing the EEG, GSR and Heart Rate of 30 male and female gamers, exposed to 10 games, was constructed. Some 174 features were subsequently identified and extracted from a number of windows, with 28 different timing lengths (e.g. 2, 3, 5, etc. seconds). After reducing the number of features to 30, using a feature selection technique, K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) methods were subsequently employed for the classification process. The classifiers categorised the psychophysiological database into four effective clusters (defined based on a 3-dimensional space – valence, arousal and dominance) and eight emotion labels (relaxed, content, happy, excited, angry, afraid, sad, and bored). The KNN and SVM classifiers achieved average cross-validation accuracies of 97.01% (±1.3%) and 92.84% (±3.67%), respectively. However, no significant differences were found in the classification process based on effective clusters or emotion labels.Keywords: virtual reality, effective computing, effective VR, emotion-based effective physiological database
Procedia PDF Downloads 2354975 Demographic Factor in Ensuring Sustainable Development of the Western Region of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Authors: Nyussupova Gulnara, Kenespayeva Laura, Kelinbayeva Roza, Aubakirova Gaukhar, Zhumagulov Chingiz, Aidarkhanova Gaukhar
The article analyzes the development of demographic processes in four regions of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Aktobe, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan, and Mangystau) for the period from 2000 to 2022. This study uses theoretical and methodological analysis of scientific literature, methods of comparative, statistical analysis, GIS methods, grouping and systematization, index method and structural analysis. The research identified regional characteristics, development trends, and disproportions in the population of the studied areas within the framework of sustainable demographic development. The population dynamics, the age-sex structure of the population, life expectancy, natural movement of the population, including maternal and infant mortality, are considered as important indicators of the region’s sustainability. The features of migration processes in the Western region of Kazakhstan and the factors that determine them are identified. Conclusions are drawn about the level of sustainable development of the population of the studied region based on demographic processes. The results obtained will provide scientific, methodological and information support in the sectors of economics and science, including the preparation of socio-economic development programs and the development of scientific research using GIS.Keywords: sustainable development, demographic processes, Western Region, Republic of Kazakhstan, population structure, natural population movement, migration
Procedia PDF Downloads 684974 An Ethnographic View of Elementary School English Language Policy Implementation
Authors: Peter Ferguson
In 2018, Japan’s Ministry of Education revised the public elementary school curriculum. As part of widespread reforms, the recent Course of Study established English as an academic subject in Grades 5 and 6 plus lowered the starting age of 'foreign language activities' to Grade 3. These changes were implemented in April 2020. This presentation will examine the process and effects that policy implementation had on schools and teachers. A critical analysis of the 2018 Course of Study policy documents revealed several discourses were expressed concerning not only English education and foreign language acquisition, but that larger political and socioeconomic ideological beliefs on globalization, language, nation, culture, and identity were also articulated. Using excerpts from document analysis, the presenter will demonstrate how competing discourses were expressed in policy texts. Data from interviews with national policymakers also exposed several challenges policymakers faced as they tried to balance competing discourses and articulate important pedagogical concepts while having their voices heard. Findings show that some stakeholders were marginalized during the processes of policy creation, transmission, and implementation. This presentation is part of a larger multiple case study that utilized ethnography of language policy and critical analysis of discourse to examine how English education language policy was implemented into the national elementary school curriculum in Japan, and how stakeholders at the various educational levels contended with the creation, interpretation, and appropriation of the language policy.Keywords: ethnography of language policy, elementary school EFL, language ideologies, discourse analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1214973 Classification of Potential Biomarkers in Breast Cancer Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Anthropometric Datasets
Authors: Aref Aasi, Sahar Ebrahimi Bajgani, Erfan Aasi
Breast cancer (BC) continues to be the most frequent cancer in females and causes the highest number of cancer-related deaths in women worldwide. Inspired by recent advances in studying the relationship between different patient attributes and features and the disease, in this paper, we have tried to investigate the different classification methods for better diagnosis of BC in the early stages. In this regard, datasets from the University Hospital Centre of Coimbra were chosen, and different machine learning (ML)-based and neural network (NN) classifiers have been studied. For this purpose, we have selected favorable features among the nine provided attributes from the clinical dataset by using a random forest algorithm. This dataset consists of both healthy controls and BC patients, and it was noted that glucose, BMI, resistin, and age have the most importance, respectively. Moreover, we have analyzed these features with various ML-based classifier methods, including Decision Tree (DT), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), Logistic Regression (LR), Naive Bayes (NB), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) along with NN-based Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) classifier. The results revealed that among different techniques, the SVM and MLP classifiers have the most accuracy, with amounts of 96% and 92%, respectively. These results divulged that the adopted procedure could be used effectively for the classification of cancer cells, and also it encourages further experimental investigations with more collected data for other types of cancers.Keywords: breast cancer, diagnosis, machine learning, biomarker classification, neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 1424972 Routing Medical Images with Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing: A Study on Quality of Service
Authors: Mejía M. Paula, Ramírez L. Leonardo, Puerta A. Gabriel
In telemedicine, the image repository service is important to increase the accuracy of diagnostic support of medical personnel. This study makes comparison between two routing algorithms regarding the quality of service (QoS), to be able to analyze the optimal performance at the time of loading and/or downloading of medical images. This study focused on comparing the performance of Tabu Search with other heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms that improve QoS in telemedicine services in Colombia. For this, Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing heuristic algorithms are chosen for their high usability in this type of applications; the QoS is measured taking into account the following metrics: Delay, Throughput, Jitter and Latency. In addition, routing tests were carried out on ten images in digital image and communication in medicine (DICOM) format of 40 MB. These tests were carried out for ten minutes with different traffic conditions, reaching a total of 25 tests, from a server of Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (UMNG) in Bogotá-Colombia to a remote user in Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) - Chile. The results show that Tabu search presents a better QoS performance compared to Simulated Annealing, managing to optimize the routing of medical images, a basic requirement to offer diagnostic images services in telemedicine.Keywords: medical image, QoS, simulated annealing, Tabu search, telemedicine
Procedia PDF Downloads 2204971 The Impact of Reshuffle in Indonesian Working Cabinet Volume II to Abnormal Return and Abnormal Trading Activity of Companies Listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index
Authors: Fatin Fadhilah Hasib, Dewi Nuraini, Nisful Laila, Muhammad Madyan
A big political event such as Cabinet reshuffle mostly can affect the stock price positively or negatively, depend on the perception of each investor and potential investor. This study aims to analyze the movement of the market and trading activities which respect to an event using event study method. This method is used to measure the movement of the stock exchange in which abnormal return can be obtained by investor related to the event. This study examines the differences of reaction on abnormal return and trading volume activity from the companies listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII), before and after the announcement of the Cabinet Work Volume II on 27 July 2016. The study was conducted in observation of 21 days in total which consists of 10 days before the event and 10 days after the event. The method used in this study is event study with market adjusted model method that observes market reaction to the information of an announcement or publicity events. The Results from the study showed that there is no significant negative nor positive reaction at the abnormal return and abnormal trading before and after the announcement of the cabinet reshuffle. It is indicated by the results of statistical tests whose value not exceeds the level of significance. Stock exchange of the JII just reflects from the previous stock prices without reflecting the information regarding to the Cabinet reshuffle event. It can be concluded that the capital market is efficient with a weak form.Keywords: abnormal return, abnormal trading volume activity, event study, political event
Procedia PDF Downloads 2944970 FisherONE: Employing Distinct Pedagogy through Technology Integration in Senior Secondary Education
Authors: J. Kontoleon, D.Gall, M.Pidskalny
FisherONE offers a distinct pedagogic model for senior secondary education that integrates advanced technology to meet the learning needs of Year 11 and 12 students across Catholic schools in Queensland. As a fully online platform, FisherONE employs pedagogy that combines flexibility with personalized, data-driven learning. The model leverages tools like the MaxHub hybrid interactive system and AI-powered learning assistants to create tailored learning pathways that promote student autonomy and engagement. This paper examines FisherONE’s success in employing pedagogic strategies through technology. Initial findings suggest that students benefit from the blended approach of virtual assessments and real-time support, even as AI-assisted tools remain in the proof-of-concept phase. The study outlines how FisherONE plans to continue refining its educational methods to better serve students in distance learning environments, specifically in challenging subjects like physics. The integration of technology in FisherONE enhances the effectiveness of teaching and learning, addressing common challenges in online education by offering scalable, individualized learning experiences. This approach demonstrates the future potential of technology in education and the role it can play in fostering meaningful student outcomes.Keywords: AI-assisted learning, innovative pedagogy, personalized learning, senior education, technology in education
Procedia PDF Downloads 204969 Impacts of Extremism and Terrorism on Modern Urdu Poetry: A Case Study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Authors: Naqeeb Ahmad Jan, Rukhsana Bibi
Extremism is once again pushing the globe towards ignorance and darkness. In the present day, the wave of extremist element (tendencies) has affected the people across the globe which led them to believe in manifestation of various ideologies. Likely, the Pakistan’s North-Western province (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) served as a main prey. However, it also served as an equal partner to halt to and control the extremist activities. This current extremist element has also affected the poets herein, and thus they (poets) used their pen as a sword and depicted this havoc, the nature of extremism they witnessed, and also asked for and supported a positive and durable solution to this menace of extremism and terrorism. Their poetic works portrayed and exhibited various examples of the extremism and its possible solution to ensure peace and harmony. The researcher has taken the liberty to argue that a balanced behaviour and attitude play a key role in the fulfillment of desired actions. The imposition of any set of belief, value and attitude leads to the multiplication of extremism and it is so poisonous that it causes to the destruction of whole human society. This study has found that the present day extremism has led to the emergence of new words, similes, metaphor and other figures of speech to be a part of the language and literature to be survived. These words have been analyzed and discussed in a new getup and meanings; the similes and metaphors describing extremism used by poets and writers of this era. The methodology is based on quantitative, analytical and comparative research. Moreover, this research has discussed indication of new words and figures of speech used by the poets and which are in practice, and impacts of extremism on the modern Urdu poetry of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.Keywords: extremism, modern Urdu poetry, subcontinent, terrorism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2644968 Biomphalaria alexandrina Snail as a Bio-Indicator of Pollution With Manganese Metal and Its Effect on Physiological, Immunological, Histopathological Parameters and Larvicidal Potencies
Authors: Amina M. Ibrahim, Ahmed A. Abdel-Haleem, Rania G. Taha
Metal pollution results in many dangerous consequences to the environment and human health due to the bioaccumulation in their tissues. The present study aims to measure the bioaccumulation factor of the Manganese (Mn) heavy metal in Biomphlaria alexandrina snails' tissues and water samples. The present results showed the concentration of Mn heavy metal in water (87.5 mg/l) and its bioaccumulation factor in Helisoma duryi tissue was higher than that in tissues of Physa acuta and B. alexandrina snails. Results showed that 87.5 mg/l Mn concentration had miracidial and cercaricidal activities. Also, this concentration decreased the mean total number of the hemocytes after exposure for 24h or 48h, while increased both the mean mortality and phagocytic indices of the hemocytes of exposed snails. It caused alterations in the cytomorphology of the hemocytes of exposed snails after 24 or 48h, where, the granulocytes had irregular cell membrane, and forming pseudopodia. Besides, both levels of Testosterone (T) and Estradiol (E) were increased after exposure to 87.5mg/l Mn metal compared to the control group. Also, it increased MDA (Malonaldehyde) and TAC (Total antioxidant capacity) contents, while, decreased SOD (superoxide dismutase). Besides, it caused great histopathological damages in both hermaphrodite and digestive glands, represented in the degeneration of the gonadal, digestive, secretory cells and the connective tissues. Therefore, B. alexandrina might be used as sensitive bio-indicator of pollution with Mn heavy metal to avoid ethics rules; beside they are easily available and large in number.Keywords: manganese metal, B. alexandrina, hormonal alterations, histopathology
Procedia PDF Downloads 614967 Research on Public Space Optimization Strategies for Existing Settlements Based on Intergenerational Friendliness
Authors: Huanhuan Qiang, Sijia Jin
Population aging has become a global trend, and China has entered an aging society, implementing an active aging system focused on home and community-based care. However, most urban communities where elderly people live face issues such as monotonous planning, unappealing landscapes, and inadequate aging infrastructure, which do not meet the requirements for active aging. Intergenerational friendliness and mutual assistance are key components in China's active aging policy framework. Therefore, residential development should prioritize enhancing intergenerational friendliness. Residential and public spaces are central to community life and well-being, offering new and challenging venues to improve relationships among residents of different ages. They are crucial for developing intergenerational communities with diverse generations and non-blood relationships. This paper takes the Maigaoqiao community in Nanjing, China, as a case study, examining intergenerational interactions in public spaces. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs and using time geography analysis, it identifies the spatiotemporal behavior characteristics of intergenerational groups in outdoor activities. Then construct an intergenerational-friendly evaluation system and an IPA quadrant model for public spaces in residential areas. Lastly, it explores optimization strategies for public spaces to promote intergenerational friendly interactions, focusing on five aspects: accessibility, safety, functionality, a sense of belonging, and interactivity.Keywords: intergenerational friendliness, demand theory, spatiotemporal behavior, IPA analysis, existing residential public space
Procedia PDF Downloads 124966 Mapping the Sonic Spectrum of Traditional Music and Instruments Used in Malaysian Kavadi Rituals
Authors: Ainolnaim Azizol, Valerie Ross
Music is as old as mankind and rituals using music such as Kavadi have been associated with social, cultural, and spiritual practices in many traditional and modern societies. Recent literature has provided scientific evidence that music affects psychological and physical changes through stimulation of brainwave. Despite such advances, the scientific study of the sonic qualities peculiar to traditional instruments and how it impacts on ritualistic activities is still lacking. This study addresses one such phenomenon. Devotees in Kavadi rituals are known to be in a state of trance state and do not experience pain nor suffer injury despite the hundreds of needles pierced through their skins. Although scientists have sought to understand how this is possible, lesser is known about the music that is used to prepare devotees to enter into the trance state. This study fills this gap of knowledge by providing scientific evidence through the identification and mapping of the sonic spectrum or sound fingerprint of the instruments and the repertoire used in these ritualistic forms in their ethnographic environment and in audio-controlled situations. The objectives are to identify and categorize the different types of traditional music used in Kavadi rituals; to record, transcribe and digitally score the musical repertoire used in the oral tradition of Kavadi rituals; to map the sonic spectrum of ritual music using spectromography and advanced music analytical software a mixed methodology will be used. This comprises ethnographic field studies using interviews, participant observation, audio-video recordings and audio-methodology using spectromography and advanced audio-technology for sonic mapping and the transcription of audio recordings into digital scores.Keywords: sonic, traditional, ritual, Kavadi, music
Procedia PDF Downloads 2444965 Study on the Effect of Weather Variables on the Spider Abundance in Two Ecological Zones of Ogun State, Nigeria
Authors: Odejayi Adedayo Olugbenga, Aina Adebisi
Weather variables (rainfall and temperature) affect the diversity and abundance of both fauna and flora species. This study compared the weather variables with spider abundance in two ecological zones of Ogun State, Nigeria namely Ago-iwoye (Rainforest) in the Ijebu axis and Aiyetoro (Derived Savannah) in the Yewa axis. Seven study sites chosen by Simple Random Sampling in each ecosystem were used for the study. In each sampling area, a 60 m x 120 m land area was marked and sampled, spider collection techniques were; hand picking, use of sweep netting, and Pitfall trap. Adult spiders were identified to the species level. Species richness was estimated by a non-parametric species estimator while the diversity of spider species was assessed by Simpson Diversity Index and Species Richness by One-way Analysis of Variance. Results revealed that spiders were more abundant in rainforest zones than in derived savannah ecosystems. However, the pattern of spider abundance in rainforest zone and residential areas were similar. During high temperatures, the activities of spiders tended to increase according to this study. In contrast, results showed that there was a negative correlation between rainfall and spider species abundance in addition to a negative and weak correlation between rainfall and species richness. It was concluded that heavy downpour has lethal effects on both immature and sometimes matured spiders, which could lead to the extinction of some unknown species of spiders. Tree planting should be encouraged, as this shelters the spider.Keywords: spider, abundance, species richness, species diversity
Procedia PDF Downloads 944964 A Comparative Evaluation of Stone Spout Management Systems in Heritage and Non-heritage Areas of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Authors: Mira Tripathi, Ken Hughey, Hamish G. Rennie
Management of water resources is a major challenge throughout the world and in many long-established societies people still use traditional water harvesting and management techniques. Despite often being seen as efficient and cost effective, traditional methods are in decline or have been abandoned in many countries. Nevertheless, traditional approaches continue to be useful in some countries such as Nepal. The extent to which such traditional measures, in this case via stone spouts, may survive modernization, while fulfilling socio-cultural, tourism, and other needs is the focus of the research. The research develops an understanding of the socio-cultural, tourism and other values of stone spouts for the people of urban and peri-urban heritage and non-heritage areas of the Kathmandu Valley to help ongoing sustainable management of remaining spouts. Three research questions are addressed: the impacts of changes in social and cultural norms and values; development activities; and, the incremental and ongoing loss of traditional stone spout infrastructure. A meta-theory framework has been developed which synthesizes Institutional, Attachment, Central Place and Common Property theories, which form analytical lenses for the mixed-method research approach. From the exploration of the meta-theory approach, it was found that no spouts are in pristine condition but those in non-heritage areas are in better condition than those in heritage areas. “Utility value” is the main driver that still motivates people to conserve spouts.Keywords: stone spouts, social and cultural norms and values, meta-theory, Kathmandu Valley
Procedia PDF Downloads 3134963 The Beneficial Effects of Hydrotherapy for Recovery from Team Sport – A Meta-Analysis
Authors: Trevor R. Higgins
To speed/enhance recovery from sport, cold water immersion (CWI) and contrast water therapy (CWT) have become common practice within the high-level team sport. Initially, research into CWI and CWT protocols and recovery was sparse; athletes relied solely upon an anecdotal support. However, an increase into recovery research has occurred. A number of reviews have subsequently been conducted to clarify scientific evidence. However, as the nature of physiological stress and training status of participants will impact on results, an opportunity existed to narrow the focus to a more exacting review evaluating hydrotherapy for recovery in a team sport. A Boolean logic [AND] keyword search of databases was conducted: SPORTDiscus; AMED; CINAHL; MEDLINE. Data was extracted and the standardized mean differences were calculated with 95% CI. The analysis of pooled data was conducted using a random-effect model, with Heterogeneity assessed using I2. 23 peer reviewed papers (n=606) met the criteria. Meta-analyses results indicated CWI was likely beneficial for recovery at 24h (Countermovement Jump (CMJ): p= 0.05, CI -0.004 to 0.578; All-out sprint: p=0.02, -0.056 to 0.801; DOMS: p=0.08, CI -0.092 to 1.936) and at 72h (accumulated sprinting: p=0.07, CI -0.062 to 1.209; DOMS: p=0.09, CI -0.121 to 1.555) following team sport. Whereas CWT was likely beneficial for recovery at 1h (CMJ: p= 0.07, CI -0.004 to 0.863) and at 48h (fatigue: p=0.04, CI 0.013 to 0.942) following team sport. Athlete’s perceptions of muscle soreness and fatigue are enhanced with CWI and/or CWT, however even though CWI and CWT were beneficial in attenuating decrements in neuromuscular performance 24 hours following team sport, indications are those benefits were no longer Sydney evident 48 hours following team sport.Keywords: cold water immersion, contrast water therapy, recovery, team sport
Procedia PDF Downloads 5094962 Coping Life with Female Autistic and Cerebral Palsy Teenagers: Stress Developed by Parental Care in Ghana
Authors: Edwina Owusu Panin, Derrick Antwi
Autism and cerebral palsy are fraternal twins in the world of communication and social interaction challenges. Caring for autistic and cerebral palsied female teenagers in Ghana can be difficult and stressful for parents. We highlight the findings of dealing with stress, where female teenagers are more daunting than male teenagers, related to the demand for a lot of attention linked to the puberty transition. This brief examines the challenges that parents face in caring for teenagers with autism and cerebral palsy in Ghana and the stress that can develop from parental care. The article also highlights the importance of identifying and addressing mental health and self-care issues in parents of disabled female teenagers, as these issues can significantly affect the well-being of both parents and their children. Parents of teenagers with disabilities often face a variety of challenges, including managing their children's care and medical needs, navigating the educational system, and addressing social and emotional needs. These challenges can be even more disheartening in Ghana, where resources and support for families of children with disabilities are limited. In a nutshell, the challenges of caring for female teenagers with autism and cerebral palsy can be significant in Ghana. The article outlines methods that parents in Ghana can take to manage their stress and provide a brighter future for their female teenagers. Parents are better able to cope with the challenges of parenting and provide the best care possible for their female teenagers with disabilities.Keywords: autism, cerebral palsy, female teenagers, parental care
Procedia PDF Downloads 924961 Research on Spatial Distribution of Service Facilities Based on Innovation Function: A Case Study of Zhejiang University Zijin Co-Maker Town
Authors: Zhang Yuqi
Service facilities are the boosters for the cultivation and development of innovative functions in innovative cluster areas. At the same time, reasonable service facilities planning can better link the internal functional blocks. This paper takes Zhejiang University Zijin Co-Maker Town as the research object, based on the combination of network data mining and field research and verification, combined with the needs of its internal innovative groups. It studies the distribution characteristics and existing problems of service facilities and then proposes a targeted planning suggestion. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) From the perspective of view, the town is rich in general life-supporting services, but lacking of provision targeted and distinctive service facilities for innovative groups; (2) From the perspective of scale structure, small-scale street shops are the main business form, lack of large-scale service center; (3) From the perspective of spatial structure, service facilities layout of each functional block is too fragile to fit the characteristics of 2aggregation- distribution' of innovation and entrepreneurial activities; (4) The goal of optimizing service facilities planning should be guided for fostering function of innovation and entrepreneurship and meet the actual needs of the innovation and entrepreneurial groups.Keywords: the cultivation of innovative function, Zhejiang University Zijin Co-Maker Town, service facilities, network data mining, space optimization advice
Procedia PDF Downloads 1184960 CSR and Its Internal Communication – Effects on the Employee Commitment
Authors: Silke Bustamante, Andrea Pelzeter, Andreas Deckmann, Rudi Ehlscheidt, Franziska Freudenberger
CSR is associated with a great number of positive effects. This also includes the positive impact of CSR on the commitment of its employees. The internal CSR communication here takes the essential function as a mediator of the CSR performance of a company to the employees. The importance of CSR communication is, therefore, essential. Employees can usually only perceive the CSR efforts of a company if it is also communicated to them. Only if the employees perceive the CSR of their employer positively, the employer-CSR can also have a positive impact on their affective commitment. Therefore, organizational and individual factors are crucial and thus need to consider. This relationship between the organizational and individual factors was investigated in a qualitative case study in six companies of the German service sector. Expert interviews and focus group interviews were conducted and questionnaire-based ratings by company representatives were raised. Among the individual factors, in terms of CSR, the expectations and relevance of its employees, as well as the perception of CSR by the staff, are included. The organizational factors include the actual CSR performance and its communication. Ultimately, the impact of CSR on the commitment is examined with this holistic approach. The results show that the individual CSR perception does not always match the corporate CSR performance and its depiction in internal communication. Furthermore, employees have given suggestions on how CSR should be communicated by their employer. Knowledge memory systems (e.g. wiki) on the on hand and media-based information, on the other hand, were highlighted. Primarily the employee-related CSR is most important for the employees, whereas ecological CSR activities hardly play a role. The findings indicate the importance of CSR communication in the CSR concept as it provides the missing link between CSR performance and appreciation by an increase in commitment. It should only be communicated, what is done. CSR communication should also be carried out in a plausible and transparent way.Keywords: CSR, employee commitment, employer brand, internal communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 2674959 Use of Technology Based Intervention for Continuous Professional Development of Teachers in Pakistan
Authors: Rabia Aslam
Overwhelming evidence from all around the world suggests that high-quality teacher professional development facilitates the improvement of teaching practices which in turn could improve student learning outcomes. The new Continuous Professional Development (CPD) model for primary school teachers in Punjab uses a blended approach in which pedagogical content knowledge is delivered through technology (high-quality instructional videos and lesson plans delivered to school tablets or mobile phones) with face-to-face support by Assistant Education Officers (AEOs). The model also develops Communities of Practice operationalized through formal meetings led by the AEOs and informal interactions through social media groups to provide opportunities for teachers to engage with each other and share their ideas, reflect on learning, and come up with solutions to issues they experience. Using Kirkpatrick’s 4 levels of the learning evaluation model, this paper investigates how school tablets and teacher mobile phones may act as transformational cultural tools to potentially expand perceptions and access to teaching and learning resources and explore some of the affordances of social media (Facebook, WhatsApp groups) in learning in an informal context. The results will be used to inform policy-level decisions on what shape could CPD of all teachers take in the context of a developing country like Pakistan.Keywords: CPD, teaching & learning, blended learning, learning technologies
Procedia PDF Downloads 894958 Hydrological Insights: Rock Cover Performance in Wanagon Overburden
Authors: Rasa Sundana, Rusmawan Suwarman
Following the cessation of mining activities at the Grasberg open-pit mine in Papua, Indonesia, in January 2020, PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has shifted its focus to mine closure operations, including the stabilization of overburden, infrastructure dismantling, and reclamation efforts. The Wanagon overburden stabilization project aims to enhance slope stability and mitigate erosion by re-grading the land to a 2:1 slope and reinforcing it with an Engineered Rock Cover (ERC). This study assesses the effectiveness of the ERC under simulated rainfall conditions. Two test plots, each measuring 75 m by 30 m with a 2H:1V slope, were established near the Lower Wanagon Overburden System. Test Plot #1 utilized Run-of-Mine material, while Test Plot #2 featured a two-meter-thick ERC. Both plots were equipped with collection ditches leading to a Parshall flume for runoff measurement. Rainfall simulations were conducted using seven sprinkler lines and rain gauges placed at the top and bottom of each plot, replicating 100-year return period storm events lasting 15 and 60 minutes. Results from six tests revealed that Test Plot #1 (without ERC) experienced higher peak runoff compared to Test Plot #2 (with ERC). Additionally, Test Plot #2 demonstrated a longer hydrograph recession limb, indicative of greater water retention. Further tests focusing on rainfall application to the upper or lower halves of Test Plot #2 indicated that the majority of runoff originated from the lower half.Keywords: engineered rock cover, simulated rainfall events, surface runoff, Wanagon overburden stabilization
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