Search results for: practice education
9905 Debriefing Practices and Models: An Integrative Review
Authors: Judson P. LaGrone
Simulation-based education in curricula was once a luxurious component of nursing programs but now serves as a vital element of an individual’s learning experience. A debriefing occurs after the simulation scenario or clinical experience is completed to allow the instructor(s) or trained professional(s) to act as a debriefer to guide a reflection with a purpose of acknowledging, assessing, and synthesizing the thought process, decision-making process, and actions/behaviors performed during the scenario or clinical experience. Debriefing is a vital component of the simulation process and educational experience to allow the learner(s) to progressively build upon past experiences and current scenarios within a safe and welcoming environment with a guided dialog to enhance future practice. The aim of this integrative review was to assess current practices of debriefing models in simulation-based education for health care professionals and students. The following databases were utilized for the search: CINAHL Plus, Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews, EBSCO (ERIC), PsycINFO (Ovid), and Google Scholar. The advanced search option was useful to narrow down the search of articles (full text, Boolean operators, English language, peer-reviewed, published in the past five years). Key terms included debrief, debriefing, debriefing model, debriefing intervention, psychological debriefing, simulation, simulation-based education, simulation pedagogy, health care professional, nursing student, and learning process. Included studies focus on debriefing after clinical scenarios of nursing students, medical students, and interprofessional teams conducted between 2015 and 2020. Common themes were identified after the analysis of articles matching the search criteria. Several debriefing models are addressed in the literature with similarities of effectiveness for participants in clinical simulation-based pedagogy. Themes identified included (a) importance of debriefing in simulation-based pedagogy, (b) environment for which debriefing takes place is an important consideration, (c) individuals who should conduct the debrief, (d) length of debrief, and (e) methodology of the debrief. Debriefing models supported by theoretical frameworks and facilitated by trained staff are vital for a successful debriefing experience. Models differed from self-debriefing, facilitator-led debriefing, video-assisted debriefing, rapid cycle deliberate practice, and reflective debriefing. A reoccurring finding was centered around the emphasis of continued research for systematic tool development and analysis of the validity and effectiveness of current debriefing practices. There is a lack of consistency of debriefing models among nursing curriculum with an increasing rate of ill-prepared faculty to facilitate the debriefing phase of the simulation.Keywords: debriefing model, debriefing intervention, health care professional, simulation-based education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1429904 Fostering Organizational Learning across the Canadian Sport System through Leadership and Mentorship Development of Sport Science Leaders
Authors: Jennifer Walinga, Samantha Heron
The goal of the study was to inform the design of effective leadership and mentorship development programming for sport science leaders within the network of Canadian sport institutes and centers. The LEAD (Learn, Engage, Accelerate, Develop) program was implemented to equip sport science leaders with the leadership knowledge, skills, and practice to foster a high - performance culture, enhance the daily training environment, and contribute to optimal performance in sport. After two years of delivery, this analysis of LEAD’s effect on individual and organizational health and performance factors informs the quality of future deliveries and identifies best practice for leadership development across the Canadian sport system and beyond. A larger goal for this project was to inform the public sector more broadly and position sport as a source of best practice for human and social health, development, and performance. The objectives of this study were to review and refine the LEAD program in collaboration with Canadian Sport Institute and Centre leaders, 40-50 participants from three cohorts, and the LEAD program advisory committee, and to trace the effects of the LEAD leadership development program on key leadership mentorship and organizational health indicators across the Canadian sport institutes and centers so as to capture best practice. The study followed a participatory action research framework (PAR) using semi structured interviews with sport scientist participants, program and institute leaders inquiring into impact on specific individual and organizational health and performance factors. Findings included a strong increase in self-reported leadership knowledge, skill, language and confidence, enhancement of human and organizational health factors, and the opportunity to explore more deeply issues of diversity and inclusion, psychological safety, team dynamics, and performance management. The study was significant in building sport leadership and mentorship development strategies for managing change efforts, addressing inequalities, and building personal and operational resilience amidst challenges of uncertainty, pressure, and constraint in real time.Keywords: sport leadership, sport science leader, leadership development, professional development, sport education, mentorship
Procedia PDF Downloads 259903 Exclusive Breast Feeding Practices in Bangladesh
Authors: Md. Ashikur Rahman
Optimal breastfeeding practice is essential to reducing childhood morbidity and mortality and helps to achieve Millennium Development Goal (MDG). A cross-sectional study was conducted in a rural area in Dhaka district to explore the barrier to optimal breastfeeding practices. The population of this study constitutes all nursing mothers having children aged 0-6 months, and they were selected purposively. The study adopted a structured and in-depth interview procedure consisting of open and closed-ended questions. Four hundred rural nursing mothers constituted the sample of the structured interview, while 15 were involved in the in-depth interview. Among the respondent's majority (67%) were in the age group 17-25 years, with a mean age of 24.44 years. Most (39.5%) of the mothers were housewives with a secondary level of education (46.5%). About 32% of mothers started breastfeeding within one hour after birth. But delayed initiation was reported in 31.5% of mothers, whereas 36.8% of mothers forgot the exact time of initiation of breastfeeding. The main reason not to practice colostrum was mothers tried to breastfeed, but there was no milk, stated 13.8% of mothers. In addition, about one-third (34.3%) of the respondents practiced pre-lacteal feeding, and among them, 12.8% introduced sugar with water. Reasons given by the mothers for bottle-feeding was that baby was not satisfied with breast milk only; 22.0% of mothers indicated this cause. The main influence to take formula milk by their mother and mothers-in-law was stated by 18.8% of mothers. Some mothers stated that major constraints to EBF were the perception of not having enough milk (25.5 %) and babies crying seems to be hungry (8.8%). One-third of the mothers (31.5%) felt uncomfortable during breastfeeding. Access to antenatal and postnatal counseling in the study area also was a key obstacle to optimal breastfeeding practices. In a qualitative survey, some mothers believed that there was no difference between breast milk and formula milk. Colostrum feeding, pre-lacteal feeding, early initiation of breastfeeding, and exclusive breastfeeding were strongly associated with family type, family member, birth order, religion, husbands' occupation, delivery attendants and delivery type, postnatal care, and health care facilities. To reduce the barriers to the successful practice of exclusive breastfeeding, there is a need for a grass-roots approach to educating and counseling nursing mothers with identifying factors influencing or discouraging the optimal practice.Keywords: exclusive, breast feeding, practices, Bangladesh
Procedia PDF Downloads 959902 Implementing an English Medium of Instruction Policy in Algerian Higher Education: A Study of Teachers’ Attitudes, Agency, and Professional Identity
Authors: Ikram Metalsi
English as a Medium of Instruction known as (EMI) is expanding rapidly in the world. A growing volume of research has been dedicated to investigating its implementation. However, considerably less attention has been given to understanding EMI in a context where its implementation has been discussed but not yet put into practice. One such context is Algeria, where talks about a possible implementation of EMI have been going on for some time. The present study examines the current discourses and university lecturers’ attitudes towards the potential implementation of EMI as well as investigating the current implicit and explicit language policies in scientific courses in Algerian state universities. The focus is specifically on Engineering departments, as this field has gained worldwide importance in EMI research (Macaro et al. 2018), and, traditionally, French has been the MOI for Engineering in Algerian universities. Using the ROADMAPPING framework (Dafouz and Smit 2016) and the mixed method research approach, the present work explores the language in education policy (LEP) and planning situation in Algeria, the current media of instruction as well as the status and use of the English language in the scientific courses of the tertiary sector. Finally, the current study explores the perceived challenges and benefits of the implementation of EMI programmes from teachers’ perspectives with a particular focus on agency and how this potential policy implementation and teachers’ perceptions of agency around it may reflexively influence their professional identity.Keywords: media of instruction, language in education policy, lecturers attitudes, teacher agency, professional identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1219901 Ensuring a Sustainable National Development Through Entrepreneurship Education in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions
Authors: Adeyemi Oluremi Olubusuyi
In most of the developed countries, entrepreneurship education has been and will continue to be, a great economic stimulator. Entrepreneurship advantages cannot be overemphasized in any society that desires sustainable national development because it creates new technologies, production and services; which in turn encourage improved productivity and rapid economic growth. Economic growth will invariably have positive influences on the health, thereby leading to sound body systems, increase in the lifespan, improvement in social status and standard condition of living. Promoting an effective application of entrepreneurship education principle will, in no small measure, propel Nigeria to the much desired enviable national development level which the country is currently yearning for. The focus of this paper is to discuss entrepreneurship education with reference to its concept, nature, objectives and development approaches.Keywords: entreprenuership, entrepreneurship education, national development, tertiary institutions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1149900 Expecting and Experiencing Negotiated Internationalisation: Lived Engagement of Chinese Students in an International Joint University
Authors: Bowen Zhang
Transnational higher education (TNHE) is one of the most prominent symbols of higher education’s internationalisation. The case university, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University (XJTLU), represents an equal collaboration between its parent institutions as they are tied in academic strength. Therefore, compared to the more prescribed route of UNNC, which is working towards creating another UK university in China, XJTLU’s future is fraught with uncertainty. Such kind of uncertainty underpins the rationale of selecting XJTLU as a case university in researching internationalisation -it does not aim to build an international university based on a template; instead, internationalisation in XJTLU is established in a more participatory manner that also reflects an understanding of its staff and students. Therefore, this article focuses on Chinese students' expectations and experiences in XJTLU. While there are research discussing international students' experiences in TNHE institutions, the experiences of Chinese students who attend their domestic TNHE have been less explored. This might be due to the potential issues they confront are not as intuitive as those faced by international students, whose experiences are largely shaped by mobility and cross-cultural transition, a well-documented and conceptualised phenomenon. Research regarding Chinese students mainly focuses on their motivations, for example, enhancing English proficiency, improving competitive advantage in labour market, and gaining an international perspective. However, it should be noted that these motivations are based on the internationalised features of TNHE institutions. Internationalisation in XJTLU is symbolised through 100% English-medium instruction, internationalised curriculum, and the national diversity of its students and staff. However, in practice, these promises for internationalisation are hardly met; for example, in terms of EMI, lecturers may engage in their native language, either out of their hope to enhance students’ understanding or forcibly switch back to Chinese due to limited language capacity. Therefore, it could be seen that the non-application of internationalised policy may result in a negotiated internationalising experience for students. It is important to point out that, in this study, both the expected capital that students hope to access prior to their enrollment to XJTLU and the actual capital that students are accumulating during their attendance, are examined, as the difference between the actual and potential could be an important indicator of the discrepancy between how internationalisation is perceived and how it is enacted in practice. The potential resources implicate perceived compatibility between habitus and field, which is highly relevant to the way that a field makes itself known, whereas the actual resources represent the lived experience and the actual compatibility between habitus and field. This study explores the similarities and differences between the expected and lived capital from XJTLU, and the way that students form and navigate their expectations, in turn providing insights on how XJTLU, or HE internationalisation as a whole, is depicted, imagined, and enacted among Chinese students.Keywords: transnational higher education, English-medium instruction, students' experience, Chinese higher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 709899 Social Learning and the Flipped Classroom
Authors: Albin Wallace
This paper examines the use of social learning platforms in conjunction with the emergent pedagogy of the ‘flipped classroom’. In particular the attributes of the social learning platform “Edmodo” is considered alongside the changes in the way in which online learning environments are being implemented, especially within British education. Some observations are made regarding the use and usefulness of these platforms along with a consideration of the increasingly decentralized nature of education in the United Kingdom.Keywords: education, Edmodo, Internet, learning platforms
Procedia PDF Downloads 5459898 A Framework for Internet Education: Personalised Approach
Authors: Zoe Wong
The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework for internet education. This framework uses the personalized learning approach for everyone who can freely develop their qualifications & careers. The key components of the framework includes students, teachers, assessments and infrastructure. It allows remove the challenges and limitations of the current educational system and allows learners' to cope with progressing learning materials.Keywords: internet education, personalized approach, information technology, framework
Procedia PDF Downloads 3599897 An Initiative for Improving Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematics
Authors: Taik Kim
Mathematics anxiety has an important consequence for teacher practices that influence students’ attitudes and achievement. Elementary prospective teachers have the highest levels of mathematics anxiety in comparison with other college majors. In his teaching practice, the researcher developed a highly successful teaching model to reduce pre-service teachers’ higher math anxiety and simultaneously to improve their pedagogical math content knowledge. There were eighty one participants from 2015 to 2018 who took the Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I and II. As the analysis data indicated, elementary prospective teachers’ math anxiety was greatly reduced with improving their math pedagogical knowledge. U.S encounters a critical shortage of well qualified educators. To solve the issue, it is essential to engage students in a long-term commitmentto shape better teachers, who will, in turn, produce k-12 school students that are better-prepared for college students. It is imperative that new instructional strategies are implemented to improve student learning and address declining interest, poor preparedness, a lack of diverse representation, and low persistence of students in mathematics. Many four year college students take math courses from the math department in the College of Arts& Science and then take methodology courses from the College of Education. Before taking pedagogy, many students struggle in learning mathematics and lose their confidence. Since the content course focus on college level math, instead of pre service teachers’ teaching area, per se elementary math, they do not have a chance to improve their teaching skills on topics which eventually they teach. The research, a joint appointment of math and math education, has been involved in teaching content and pedagogy. As the result indicated, participants were able to math content at the same time how to teach. In conclusion, the new initiative to use several teaching strategies was able not only to increase elementary prospective teachers’ mathematical skills and knowledge but also to improve their attitude toward mathematics. We need an innovative teaching strategy which implements evidence-based tactics in redesigning a education and math to improve pre service teachers’math skills and which can improve students’ attitude toward math and students’ logical and reasoning skills. Implementation of these best practices in the local school district is particularly important because K-8 teachers are not generally familiar with lab-based instruction. At the same time, local school teachers will learn a new way how to teach math. This study can be a vital teacher education model expanding throughout the State and nationwide. In summary, this study yields invaluable information how to improve teacher education in the elementary level and, eventually, how to enhance K-8 students’ math achievement.Keywords: quality of education and improvement method, teacher education, innovative teaching and learning methodologies, math education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1049896 Praxis-Oriented Pedagogies for Pre-Service Teachers: Teaching About and For Social Justice Through Equity Literature Circles
Authors: Joanne Robertson, Awneet Sivia
Preparing aspiring teachers to become advocates for social justice reflects a fundamental commitment for teacher education programs in Canada to create systemic educational change. The goal is ultimately to address inequities in K-12 education for students from multiple identity groups that have historically been marginalized and oppressed in schools. Social justice is described as an often undertheorized and vague concept in the literature, which increases the risk that teaching for social justice remains a lofty goal. Another concern is that the social justice agenda in teacher education in North America ignores pedagogies related to subject-matter knowledge and discipline-based teaching methods. The question surrounding how teacher education programs can address these issues forms the basis for the research undertaken in this study. The paper focuses on a qualitative research project that examines how an Equity Literature Circles (ELC) framework within a language arts methods course in a Bachelor of Education program may help pre-service teachers better understand the inherent relationship between literacy instructional practices and teaching about and for social justice. Grounded in the Freireian (2018) principle of praxis, this study specifically seeks to understand the impact of Equity Literature Circles on pre-service teachers’ understanding of current social justice issues (reflection), their development of professional competencies in literacy instruction (practice), and their identity as advocates of social justice (action) who address issues related to student diversity, equity, and human rights within the English Language Arts program. In this paper presentation, participants will be provided with an overview of the Equity Literature Circle framework, a summary of key findings and recommendations from the qualitative study, an annotated bibliography of suggested Young Adult novels, and opportunities for questions and dialogue.Keywords: literacy, language, equity, social justice, diversity, human rights
Procedia PDF Downloads 699895 Management of English Language Teaching in Higher Education
Authors: Vishal D. Pandya
A great deal of perceptible change has been taking place in the way our institutions of higher learning are being managed in India today. It is believed that managers, whose intuition proves to be accurate, often tend to be the most successful, and this is what makes them almost like entrepreneurs. A certain entrepreneurial spirit is what is expected and requires a degree of insight of the manager to be successful depending upon the situational and more importantly, the heterogeneity as well as the socio-cultural aspect. Teachers in Higher Education have to play multiple roles to make sure that the Learning-Teaching process becomes effective in the real sense of the term. This paper makes an effort to take a close look at that, especially in the context of the management of English language teaching in Higher Education and, therefore, focuses on the management of English language teaching in higher education by understanding target situation analyses at the socio-cultural level.Keywords: management, language teaching, English language teaching, higher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 2459894 Developing Elusive Frame for Creativity, ICT and Teacher Education
Authors: Rahul Malhotra, Anu Malhotra, Veena Bana
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays an imperative part in enhancing the quality of life, together with education. This research work is an important consequence to endow with substantiation for the effective use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools for educational rationale. Perspective teachers and students of technical education from various regions of Rajasthan participated in the survey based research work. Condensed from the analysis and interpretations of the data collected from Perspective teachers and students of technical education from various regions of Rajasthan, it is inevitable that use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for educational purpose can augment student’s creativity and achievement ability. The Chi-Square statistics produce the evidence of the effective use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in enhancing the creativity and achievement ability of the perspective teachers and students of technical education.Keywords: ICT, education, creativity, elusive frame
Procedia PDF Downloads 4669893 Global Best Practice Paradox; the Failure of One Size Fits All Approach to Development a Case Study of Pakistan
Authors: Muhammad Naveed Iftikhar, Farah Khalid
Global best practices as ordained by international organizations comprise a broader top-down approach to development problems, without taking into account country-specific factors. The political economy of each country is extremely different and the failure of several attempts of international organizations to implement global best practice models in developing countries each with its unique set of variables, goes on to show that this is not the most efficient solution to development problems. This paper is a humble attempt at shedding light on some specific examples of failures of the global best practices. Pakistan has its unique set of problems and unless those are added to the broader equation of development, country-specific reform and growth will continue to pose a challenge to reform programs initiated by international organizations. The three case studies presented in this paper are just a few prominent examples of failure of the global best practice, top-down, universalistic approach to development as ordained by international organizations. Development and reform can only be achieved if local dynamics are given their due importance. The modus operandi of international organizations needs to be tailored according to each country’s unique politico-economic environment.Keywords: best practice, development, context
Procedia PDF Downloads 4749892 Cognitive eTransformation Framework for Education Sector
Authors: A. Hol
21st century brought waves of business and industry eTransformations. The impact of change is also being seen in education. To identify the extent of this, scenario analysis methodology was utilised with the aim to assess business transformations across industry sectors ranging from craftsmanship, medicine, finance and manufacture to innovations and adoptions of new technologies and business models. Firstly, scenarios were drafted based on the current eTransformation models and its dimensions. Following this, eTransformation framework was utilised with the aim to derive the key eTransformation parameters, the essential characteristics that have enabled eTransformations across the sectors. Following this, identified key parameters were mapped to the transforming domain-education. The mapping assisted in deriving a cognitive eTransformation framework for education sector. The framework highlights the importance of context and the notion that education today needs not only to deliver content to students but it also needs to be able to meet the dynamically changing demands of specific student and industry groups. Furthermore, it pinpoints that for such processes to be supported, specific technology is required, so that instant, on demand and periodic feedback as well as flexible, dynamically expanding study content can be sought and received via multiple education mediums.Keywords: education sector, business transformation, eTransformation model, cognitive model, cognitive systems, eTransformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1379891 Effects of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Central Venous Catheter to Infection Rate and Nurse’s Satisfaction in Medicine Intensive Care Unit 240 Hat Yai Hospital, Thailand
Authors: Jiranun Sreecharit, Anongnat Boonrut, Kunvadee Munvaradee, Phechnoy Singchungchai
Hatyai Hospital as center of hospital with a capacity of 670 beds. Medicine intensive care units (MICU240) provide care for critically ill patients who are at high risk need to be monitored closely. Intravenous catheter is vital to help assess the level of water in the body fluids and medications. Potential complications such as infection. We need to have guidelines for the care of patients who received intravenous catheter used to achieve good results. The operations research in this study was intended 1) To study the effects of practice for nurses in caring for patients with central venous catheter to infection rate and 2) To assess the satisfaction of nurses and patient care practices in central venous catheterization patients in the MICU 240. The sample of the patient's central venous catheter crisis that everyone who admitted in MICU 240 during the period from October 2013 to May 2014. Samples prior to practice and 148 samples with 249 case of practice. A systematic review of the research NSWHealth Statewide Guideline for Intensive Care. Data were analyzed by statistics, percentages and frequency NON-PARAMETRICS with Mann-Whitney U. The finding revealed that: 1. Results of the practice patient care central venous catheter infection rates were found to be reduced from 35.14 percent to 25.3 percent. 2. The results of the evaluation of nurses and patients in the patient care practices central venous catheter found to be satisfied and happy to work 85 percent.Keywords: clinical practice guidelines, central venous catheter, infection satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 4759890 An Orphan Software Engineering Course: Supportive Ways toward a True Software Engineer
Authors: Haya Sammana
A well-defined curricula must be adopted to meet the increasing complexity and diversity in the software applications. In reality, some IT majors such as computer science and computer engineering receive the software engineering education in a single course which is considered as a big challenged for the instructors and universities. Also, it requires students to gain the most of practical experiences that simulate the real work in software companies. Furthermore, we have noticed that there is no consensus on how, when and what to teach in that introductory course to gain the practical experiences that are required by the software companies. Because all of software engineering disciplines will not fit in just one course, so the course needs reasonable choices in selecting its topics. This arises an important question which is an essential one to ask: Is this course has the ability to formulate a true software engineer that meets the needs of industry? This question arises a big challenge in selecting the appropriate topics. So answering this question is very important for the next undergraduate students. During teaching this course in the curricula, the feedbacks from an undergraduate students and the keynotes of the annual meeting for an advisory committee from industrial side provide a probable answer for the proposed question: it is impossible to build a true software engineer who possesses all the essential elements of software engineering education such teamwork, communications skills, project management skills and contemporary industrial practice from one course and it is impossible to have a one course covering all software engineering topics. Besides the used teaching approach, the author proposes an implemented three supportive ways aiming for mitigating the expected risks and increasing the opportunity to build a true software engineer.Keywords: software engineering course, software engineering education, software experience, supportive approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 3619889 Sexual Behaviors and Condom Attitude among Injecting Drug Users in Hai Phong, Vietnam: Qualitative Findings
Authors: Tanvir Ahmed, Thanh N. Long, Phan T. Huong, Donald E. Stewart
This paper presents views on condom use and the contexts of safe and unsafe sexual practices with different sexual partners and their relationships among Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) in Hai Phong, Vietnam. Fifteen IDUs participated and two local interviewers conducted qualitative semi-structured face-to-face interviews in September-October, 2012 in Vietnamese language. Data were analyzed thematically. Non-protective condom attitudes include negotiate or convince Female Sex Workers (FSW); not realizing risk, importance or necessity; partner doesn’t like, and having extra money/drug from clients. On the other hand, self-awareness, family-consciousness, suspicion of STI presence, fear of getting HIV, and client negotiation sometimes resulted in a safe-sex practice. A thematic diagram was developed to present the relationship (strong/weak) between condom attitude and sexual practice (safe/unsafe) by partner types. The experiences and views reflected in the qualitative information emphasize the heightened need for safe-sex education especially among young IDUs (male/female) highlighting sexual transmission risk.Keywords: AIDS, HIV, injecting drug user, risk behaviors, Vietnam
Procedia PDF Downloads 8579888 The Impact of Online Visit Practice by Midwifery Students on Child-Rearing Midwives during The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
Authors: Mari Murakami, Hiromi Kawasaki, Saori Fujimoto, Yoko Ueno
Background: In Japan, one of the goals of midwifery education is the development of one’s ability to comprehensively support the child-rearing generation in collaboration with professionals from other disciplines. However, in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19, it has become extremely difficult to provide face-to-face support for mothers and children. Early on in the pandemic, we sought help from three parenting midwives as an alternative and attempted an online visit. Since midwives who are raising children respond to the training as both mothers who are care recipients and midwives as care providers. Therefore, we attempted to verify the usefulness of midwives experiencing training as mothers by clarifying the effects on those midwives who are raising children and who have experienced online visit training by students. Methods: The online visitations were conducted in June 2020. The collaborators were three midwives who were devoted to childcare. During the online visit training, we used the feedback records of their questions given by the collaborators (with their permission) to the students. The verbatim record was created from the records. Qualitative descriptive analysis was used, and subcategories and categories were extracted. This study was approved by the Ethical Committee for Epidemiology of Hiroshima University. Results: The average age of the three midwives was 36.3 years, with an average of 12.3 years of experience after graduation. They were each raising multiple children (ranging between a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 children). Their youngest infants were 6.7 months old on average for all. Five categories that emerged were: contributing to the development of midwifery students as a senior; the joy of accepting the efforts of a mother while raising children; recalling the humility of beginners through the integrity of midwifery students; learning opportunities about the benefits of online visits; and suggesting further challenges for online visits. Conclusion: The online visit training was an opportunity for midwives who are raising their own children to reinforce an honest and humble approach based on the attitude of the students, for self-improvement, and to reflect on the practice of midwifery from another person’s viewpoint. It was also noted that the midwives contributed to the education of midwifery students. Furthermore, they also agreed with the use of online visitations and considered the advantages and disadvantages of its use from the perspective of mothers and midwives. Online visits were seen to empower midwives on childcare leave, as their child-rearing was accepted and admired. Online visits by students were considered to be an opportunity to not only provide a sense of fulfillment as a recipient of care but also to think concretely about career advancement, during childcare leave, regarding the ideal way for midwifery training and teaching.Keywords: child-rearing midwife, COVID-19 pandemic, online visit practice, qualitive descriptive study
Procedia PDF Downloads 1439887 Empathy in the Work of Physiotherapists in Slovakia
Authors: Vladimir Littva, Peter Kutis
Based on common practice, we know that an empathic approach to a patient is one of the characteristics of a physiotherapist. Although empathy is regarded as an essential condition of the psychotherapeutic relationship, it has taken quite a while for attention to be paid to it in clinical practice. Patients who are experiencing a sense of understanding from health care providers are more willing to cooperate, and treatment within the optimistic attunes a more comfortable framework of care. Age, experience, family, education and the working environment may have an impact on the degree of empathy for paramedics. Within the KEGA project no. 003KU-4-2021, we decided to investigate the level of empathy in the work of physiotherapists in Slovakia. Research sample and Methods: The sample comprised 194 respondents – physiotherapists working on the territory of Slovakia. 112 were men and 82 women. The age of respondents was between 21 and 64 years of age. 133 were married, 51 were single and ten were divorced. 98 were living in the countryside and 96 in towns. Twenty-two grew up without siblings, 95 with one sibling and 77 with two and more siblings. In the survey, we used the Empathy Assessment Questionnaire (EAQ) with 18 questions with four possible answers: strongly disagree, disagree, agree; and strongly agree, which we validated linguistically and psychometrically. All data were statistically processed by SPSS 25. Results: We evaluated the intrinsic reliability of the questionnaire EAQ using Cronbach's Alpha and the coefficient is 0.756 in the whole set. This means that the questionnaire is a quite strong and reliable measurement tool. The mean for individual questions ranged from 2.39 to 3.74 (maximum was 4). In Pearson's correlations, we confirmed the significant differences between the groups regarding sex in 8 questions out of 18, regarding age in 5 questions, regarding family status in 4 questions and regarding siblings in 4 questions out of 18 at the level 5% (p <0.05). Conclusion: The results obtained during the research show the importance of adequate communication with the patient due to his health and well-being. Empathy in the physiotherapists’ profession is very important. It would be worthwhile if the students of physiotherapy would receive a course during their study that would deal exclusively with empathy, empathic approach, burnout, or psycho-emotional hygiene.Keywords: empathy, approach, clinical practice, physiotherapists
Procedia PDF Downloads 1869886 Delegation or Assignment: Registered Nurses’ Ambiguity in Interpreting Their Scope of Practice in Long Term Care Settings
Authors: D. Mulligan, D. Casey
Introductory Statement: Delegation is when a registered nurse (RN) transfers a task or activity that is normally within their scope of practice to another person (delegatee). RN delegation is common practice with unregistered staff, e.g., student nurses and health care assistants (HCAs). As the role of the HCA is increasingly embedded as a direct care and support role, especially in long-term residential care for older adults, there is RN uncertainty as to their role as a delegator. The assignment is when a task is transferred to a person that is within the role specification of the delegatee. RNs in long-term care (LTC) for older people are increasingly working in teams where there are less RNs and more HCAs providing direct care to the residents. The RN is responsible and accountable for their decision to delegate and assign tasks to HCAs. In an interpretive, multiple case studies to explore how delegation of tasks by RNs to HCAs occurred in long-term care settings in Ireland the importance of the RN understanding their scope of practice emerged. Methodology: Focus group interviews and individual interviews were undertaken as part of a multiple case study. Both cases, anonymized as Case A and Case B, were within the public health service in Ireland. The case study sites were long-term care settings for older adults located in different social care divisions, and in different geographical areas. Four focus group interviews with staff nurses and three individual interviews with CNMs were undertaken. The interactive data analysis approach was the analytical framework used, with within-case and cross-case analysis. The theoretical lens of organizational role theory, applying the role episode model (REM), was used to understand, interpret, and explain the findings. Study Findings: RNs and CNMs understood the role of the nurse regulator and the scope of practice. RNs understood that the RN was accountable for the care and support provided to residents. However, RNs and CNM2s could not describe delegation in the context of their scope of practice. In both cases, the RNs did not have a standardized process for assessing HCA competence to undertake nursing tasks or interventions. RNs did not routinely supervise HCAs. Tasks were assigned and not delegated. There were differences between the cases in relation to understanding which nursing tasks required delegation. HCAs in Case A undertook clinical vital sign assessments and documentation. HCAs in Case B did not routinely undertake these activities. Delegation and assignment were influenced by the organizational factors, e.g., model of care, absence of delegation policies, inadequate RN education on delegation, and a lack of RN and HCA role clarity. Concluding Statement: Nurse staffing levels and skill mix in long-term care settings continue to change with more HCAs providing more direct care and support. With decreasing RN staffing levels RNs will be required to delegate and assign more direct care to HCAs. There is a requirement to distinguish between RN assignment and delegation at policy, regulation, and organizational levels.Keywords: assignment, delegation, registered nurse, scope of practice
Procedia PDF Downloads 1549885 Judicial Independence in Uzbekistan and the United States of America: Comparative-Legal Analysis
Authors: Botirjon Kosimov
This work sheds light on the reforms towards the independence of the judiciary in Uzbekistan, as well as issues of further ensuring judicial independence in the country based on international values, particularly the legal practice of the United States. In every democratic state infringed human rights are reinstated and violated laws are protected by the help of justice based on the strict principle of judicial independence. The realization of this principle in Uzbekistan has been paid much attention since the proclamation of its independence. In the country, a series of reforms have been implemented in the field of the judiciary in order to actualize the principle of judicial independence. Uzbekistan has been reforming the judiciary considering both international and national values and practice of foreign countries. While forming a democratic state based on civil society, Uzbekistan shares practice with the most developed countries in the world. The United States of America can be a clear example which is worth learning how to establish and ensure an independent judiciary. It seems that although Uzbekistan has reformed the judiciary efficiently, it should further reform considering the legal practice of the United States.Keywords: dependent judges, independent judges, judicial independence, judicial reforms, judicial life tenure, obstacles to judicial independence
Procedia PDF Downloads 2669884 Envisioning The Future of Language Learning: Virtual Reality, Mobile Learning and Computer-Assisted Language Learning
Authors: Jasmin Cowin, Amany Alkhayat
This paper will concentrate on a comparative analysis of both the advantages and limitations of using digital learning resources (DLRs). DLRs covered will be Virtual Reality (VR), Mobile Learning (M-learning) and Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) together with their subset, Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in language education. In addition, best practices for language teaching and the application of established language teaching methodologies such as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), the audio-lingual method, or community language learning will be explored. Education has changed dramatically since the eruption of the pandemic. Traditional face-to-face education was disrupted on a global scale. The rise of distance learning brought new digital tools to the forefront, especially web conferencing tools, digital storytelling apps, test authoring tools, and VR platforms. Language educators raced to vet, learn, and implement multiple technology resources suited for language acquisition. Yet, questions remain on how to harness new technologies, digital tools, and their ubiquitous availability while using established methods and methodologies in language learning paired with best teaching practices. In M-learning language, learners employ portable computing devices such as smartphones or tablets. CALL is a language teaching approach using computers and other technologies through presenting, reinforcing, and assessing language materials to be learned or to create environments where teachers and learners can meaningfully interact. In VR, a computer-generated simulation enables learner interaction with a 3D environment via screen, smartphone, or a head mounted display. Research supports that VR for language learning is effective in terms of exploration, communication, engagement, and motivation. Students are able to relate through role play activities, interact with 3D objects and activities such as field trips. VR lends itself to group language exercises in the classroom with target language practice in an immersive, virtual environment. Students, teachers, schools, language institutes, and institutions benefit from specialized support to help them acquire second language proficiency and content knowledge that builds on their cultural and linguistic assets. Through the purposeful application of different language methodologies and teaching approaches, language learners can not only make cultural and linguistic connections in DLRs but also practice grammar drills, play memory games or flourish in authentic settings.Keywords: language teaching methodologies, computer-assisted language learning, mobile learning, virtual reality
Procedia PDF Downloads 2419883 The Effects of Drill and Practice Courseware on Students’ Achievement and Motivation in Learning English
Authors: Y. T. Gee, I. N. Umar
Students’ achievement and motivation in learning English in Malaysia is a worrying trend as it is lagging behind several other countries in Asia. Thus, necessary actions have to be taken by the parties concerned to overcome this problem. The purpose of this research was to study the effects of drill and practice courseware on students’ achievement and motivation in learning English language. A multimedia courseware was developed for this purpose. The independent variable was the drill and practice courseware while the dependent variables were the students’ achievement and motivation. Their achievement was measured using pre-test and post-test scores, while motivation was measured using a questionnaire adapted from Keller’s (1979) Instructional Materials Motivation Scale. A total of 60 students from three vernacular primary schools in a northern state in Malaysia were randomly selected in this study. The findings indicate: (1) a significant difference between the students’ pre-test and post-test scores after using the courseware, (2) no significant difference in the achievement score between male and female students after using the courseware, (3) a significant difference in motivation score between the female and the male students, and (4) while the female students scored significantly higher than the male students in the aspects of relevance, confidence and satisfaction, no significant difference in terms of attention was observed between them. Overall, the findings clearly indicate that although the female students are significantly more motivated than their male students, they are equally good in terms of achievement after learning from the courseware. Through this study, the drill and practice courseware is proven to influence the students’ learning and motivation.Keywords: courseware, drill and practice, English learning, motivation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3079882 The Role of Personality Traits and Self-Efficacy in Shaping Teaching Styles: Insights from Indian Higher Education Faculty
Authors: Pritha Niraj Arya
Education plays a crucial role in societal evolution by promoting economic expansion and creativity. The varied demands of students in India’s higher education setting signify inclusive and efficient teaching methods. The present study examined how teaching styles, self-efficacy, and personality traits interact among Indian higher education faculty members and how these factors collectively affect pedagogical practices. Specifically, the research explored differences in personality traits -agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion- between teachers with high and low self-efficacy and examined how these traits shape teaching strategies, either student-focused or teacher-focused. Data collection took place for three months, ensuring confidentiality and ethical compliance. 268 faculty members from Indian higher education institutions participated in this comparative study. An online questionnaire was used to gather data in which participants completed three well-established tools: the approaches to teaching inventory, which measures teaching styles; the teacher self-efficacy questionnaire, which measures self-efficacy levels; and the big five inventory, which measures personality traits. The results showed that while teachers with low self-efficacy had higher levels of neuroticism, those with high self-efficacy scored much higher on traits such as agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, and extraversion. Despite the traditional belief that high self-efficacy is only associated with student-focused teaching, the findings suggest that teachers with high self-efficacy have cognitive flexibility, which enables them to skillfully use both teacher-focused and student-focused approaches to cater to a wide range of classroom needs. Teachers with low self-efficacy, on the other hand, are less flexible and adopt fewer different strategies in their teaching practice. The findings challenge simplistic associations between self-efficacy and teaching strategies, emphasising that high self-efficacy promotes adaptability rather than a fixed preference for specific teaching methods. This adaptability is crucial in India’s diverse educational settings, where teachers must balance standardised curricula with the varied learning needs of students. This study highlights the importance of integrating personality traits and self-efficacy into teacher training programs. By promoting self-efficacy and tailoring professional development to consider individual personality traits, institutions can enhance teachers’ teaching flexibility, hence improving student engagement and learning outcomes. These findings have practical implications for teacher education, suggesting that adopting cognitive flexibility among teachers can improve instructional quality and classroom dynamics. To gain a deeper knowledge of how personality traits and self-efficacy impact teaching practices over time, future research should investigate causal relationships using longitudinal studies. Examining external factors like institutional policies, availability of resources, and cultural settings will help to clarify the dynamics at play. Furthermore, this study emphasises the need to strike a balance between teacher-focused and student-focused approaches to provide a comprehensive education that covers both conceptual understanding and the delivery of key information. This study offers insights into how the Indian educational system is changing and how, to achieve global standards, effective teaching techniques are becoming increasingly important. This study promotes the larger objective of educational excellence by exploring the interaction of internal and external factors impacting teaching styles and providing practical policy and practice recommendations.Keywords: higher education, personality traits, self-efficacy, teaching styles
Procedia PDF Downloads 149881 The Effect of Aerobics Course on Fitness Ability of the University Students
Authors: Hui-Fang Lee, Hsuan-Jung Hsieh, Wen-Chi Lu, Meng-Chu Liu
The purpose of the study was to examine abnormal BMI students of Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology, implement teaching aerobics course through elementary and advanced curriculum design, dietary education and three-day dietary record, analyze participant fitness improvement, an 10-week course as well as pre-test and post-test were carried out to evaluate the effect of the aerobics course on the fitness ability. The actual participate elementary and advanced courses each of 40 people, with low participation deduction course unfinished fitness testing, access to elementary curriculum valid samples 35 (87.5%) people, advanced courses valid samples 38(95%) people, 16 students participated in two consecutive courses. The fitness activities included sit-bending, one-minute sit-ups, standing long jump, and three minutes to board the stage. Analysis and comparison to the average three-day dietary record difference, an independent samples t-test was conducted to analyze the differences in the four activities between pre-test and post-test. The results showed that the elementary course had significant effects on females’ sit-bending and one minute sit-ups, the females also had high fat intake in three-day dietary record. The advanced course had significant effects on males’ sit-bending and on females’ BMI, sit-bending and standing long jump, males and females in three-day dietary record carbohydrate intake slightly low, slightly higher protein and fat intake. In conclusion, aerobics course teaching, dietary education and three-day, dietary record implementation can significantly enhance the physical fitness indicators, and continued to participate in advanced courses better. In the practice of sport should be the future course planning elementary and advanced courses, while introducing dietary education, achieve concrete results in improving physical fitness.Keywords: physical fitness, aerobics course, dietary education, three-day dietary record
Procedia PDF Downloads 3209880 Confirming the Factors of Professional Readiness in Athletic Training
Authors: Philip A. Szlosek, M. Susan Guyer, Mary G. Barnum, Elizabeth M. Mullin
In the United States, athletic training is a healthcare profession that encompasses the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. Athletic trainers work under the direction of or in collaboration with a physician and are recognized by the American Medical Association as allied healthcare professionals. Internationally, this profession is often known as athletic therapy. As healthcare professionals, athletic trainers must be prepared for autonomous practice immediately after graduation. However, new athletic trainers have been shown to have clinical areas of strength and weakness.To better assess professional readiness and improve the preparedness of new athletic trainers, the factors of athletic training professional readiness must be defined. Limited research exists defining the holistic aspects of professional readiness needed for athletic trainers. Confirming the factors of professional readiness in athletic training could enhance the professional preparation of athletic trainers and result in more highly prepared new professionals. The objective of this study was to further explore and confirm the factors of professional readiness in athletic training. Authors useda qualitative design based in grounded theory. Participants included athletic trainers with greater than 24 months of experience from a variety of work settings from each district of the National Athletic Trainer’s Association. Participants took the demographic questionnaire electronically using Qualtrics Survey Software (Provo UT). After completing the demographic questionnaire, 20 participants were selected to complete one-on-one interviews using GoToMeeting audiovisual web conferencing software. IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, v. 21.0) was used to calculate descriptive statistics for participant demographics. The first author transcribed all interviews verbatim and utilized a grounded theory approach during qualitative data analysis. Data were analyzed using a constant comparative analysis and open and axial coding. Trustworthiness was established using reflexivity, member checks, and peer reviews. Analysis revealed four overarching themes, including management, interpersonal relations, clinical decision-making, and confidence. Management was categorized as athletic training services not involving direct patient care and was divided into three subthemes, including administration skills, advocacy, and time management. Interpersonal Relations was categorized as the need and ability of the athletic trainer to properly interact with others. Interpersonal relations was divided into three subthemes, including personality traits, communication, and collaborative practice. Clinical decision-making was categorized as the skills and attributes required by the athletic trainer whenmaking clinical decisions related to patient care. Clinical decision-making was divided into three subthemes including clinical skills, continuing education, and reflective practice. The final theme was confidence. Participants discussed the importance of confidence regarding relationships building, clinical and administrative duties, and clinical decision-making. Overall, participants explained the value of a well-rounded athletic trainer and emphasized that athletic trainers need communication and organizational skills, the ability to collaborate, and must value self-reflection and continuing education in addition to having clinical expertise. Future research should finalize a comprehensive model of professional readiness for athletic training, develop a holistic assessment instrument for athletic training professional readiness, and explore the preparedness of new athletic trainers.Keywords: autonomous practice, newly certified athletic trainer, preparedness for professional practice, transition to practice skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 1519879 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Science Teacher Training Programme in National Colleges of Education: a Preliminary Study, Perceptions of Prospective Teachers
Authors: A. S. V Polgampala, F. Huang
This is an overview of what is entailed in an evaluation and issues to be aware of when class observation is being done. This study examined the effects of evaluating teaching practice of a 7-day ‘block teaching’ session in a pre -service science teacher training program at a reputed National College of Education in Sri Lanka. Effects were assessed in three areas: evaluation of the training process, evaluation of the training impact, and evaluation of the training procedure. Data for this study were collected by class observation of 18 teachers during 9th February to 16th of 2017. Prospective teachers of science teaching, the participants of the study were evaluated based on newly introduced format by the NIE. The data collected was analyzed qualitatively using the Miles and Huberman procedure for analyzing qualitative data: data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. It was observed that the trainees showed their confidence in teaching those competencies and skills. Teacher educators’ dissatisfaction has been a great impact on evaluation process.Keywords: evaluation, perceptions & perspectives, pre-service, science teachering
Procedia PDF Downloads 3159878 Developing Human Resources through Inclusive Education: A Study of Effectiveness of Government Policies in India
Authors: Sanjay Kumar Srivastava, Rajesh Srivastava
Human resource is the key point of success of any economy. From the past few decades, policies started to move in the route of expanding inclusive education with effective involvement of government.Governments of developing nations are generating policies for educational upliftment. Applying educational policies, the motive of the government is to maintain and develop the effective human resource within a society. The attention of the government includes primary education to higher education. It also involves professional training programmes related to every discipline. The aim of this paper is to find out the government policies in terms of expenditure and achievements for inclusive education to develop human resources in developing countries. A case of Indian experience has been taken into consideration. This approach generates a picture as to how India is enriching its educational system for human resource development and this research study will be useful for the policy makers to determine the appropriate level of overall spending of government and achievements in the education system for human resource development. Analytical research methodology has been adopted.Keywords: government policies, inclusive education, National Educational Policy, NCERT
Procedia PDF Downloads 3279877 Administrative Reform and the Changing Nature of Higher Education: A Lesson from Indonesian Higher Education Reforms
Authors: Nurdiana Gaus, Mahmud Tang
This paper analyses changes being experienced by academics in Indonesian state university systems as a result of government-driven policy and the impacts of these changes on academics work and organisations. This analysis is located in the main concept of neoliberal agenda with its associated discourse of New Public Management. The purpose of this analysis is to show how public administrative reforms adopting neoliberal agenda have been disseminated in Indonesian higher education reform via policies and programmes of the government. This essay is expected to clarify the concept of neoliberalism in the administrative reforms within higher education institutions by examining and understanding its implementation in Indonesian context and how this impacted on the structural changes in universities and academics work.Keywords: neoliberalism, higher education, Indonesia, new public management
Procedia PDF Downloads 4839876 On or Off-Line: Dilemmas in Using Online Teaching-Learning in In-Service Teacher Education
Authors: Orly Sela
The lecture discusses a Language Teaching program in a Teacher Education College in northern Israel. An on-line course was added to the program in order to keep on-campus attendance at a minimum, thus allowing the students to keep their full-time jobs in school. In addition, the use of educational technology to allow students to study anytime anywhere, in keeping with 21st-century innovative teaching-learning practices, was also an issue, as was the wish for this course to serve as a model which the students could then possibly use in their K-12 teaching. On the other hand, there were strong considerations against including an online course in the program. The students in the program were mostly Israeli-Arab married women with young children, living in a traditional society which places a strong emphasis on the place of the woman as a wife, mother, and home-maker. In addition, as teachers, they used much of their free time on school-related tasks. Having careers at the same time as studying was ground-breaking for these women, and using their time at home for studying rather than taking care of their families may have been simply too much to ask of them. At the end of the course, feedback was collected through an online questionnaire including both open and closed questions. The data collected shows that the students believed in online teaching-learning in principle, but had trouble implementing it in practice. This evidence raised the question of whether or not such a course should be included in a graduate program for mature, professional students, particular women with families living in a traditional society. This issue is not relevant to Israel alone, but also to academic institutions worldwide serving such populations. The lecture discusses this issue, sharing the researcher’s conclusions with the audience. Based on the evidence offered, it is the researcher’s conclusion that online education should, indeed, be offered to such audiences. However, the courses should be designed with the students’ special needs in mind, with emphasis placed on initial planning and course organization based on acknowledgment of the teaching context; modeling of online teaching/learning suited for in-service teacher education, and special attention paid to social-constructivist aspects of learning.Keywords: course design, in-service teacher-education, mature students, online teaching/learning
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