Search results for: laser systems
9459 CFD Analysis of Passive Cooling Building by Using Solar Chimney for Mild or Warm Climates
Authors: Naci Kalkan, Ihsan Dagtekin
This research presents the design and analysis of solar air-conditioning systems particularly solar chimney which is a passive strategy for natural ventilation, and demonstrates the structures of these systems’ using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) and finally compares the results with several examples, which have been studied experimentally and carried out previously. In order to improve the performance of solar chimney system, highly efficient sub-system components are considered for the design. The general purpose of the research is to understand how efficiently solar chimney systems generate cooling, and is to improve the efficient of such systems for integration with existing and future domestic buildings.Keywords: active and passive solar technologies, solar cooling system, solar chimney, natural ventilation, cavity depth, CFD models for solar chimney
Procedia PDF Downloads 5759458 An Approach for Multilayered Ecological Networks
Authors: N. F. F. Ebecken, G. C. Pereira
Although networks provide a powerful approach to the study of a wide variety of ecological systems, their formulation usually does not include various types of interactions, interactions that vary in space and time, and interconnected systems such as networks. The emerging field of 'multilayer networks' provides a natural framework for extending ecological systems analysis to include these multiple layers of complexity as it specifically allows for differentiation and modeling of intralayer and interlayer connectivity. The structure provides a set of concepts and tools that can be adapted and applied to the ecology, facilitating research in high dimensionality, heterogeneous systems in nature. Here, ecological multilayer networks are formally defined based on a review of prior and related approaches, illustrates their application and potential with existing data analyzes, and discusses limitations, challenges, and future applications. The integration of multilayer network theory into ecology offers a largely untapped potential to further address ecological complexity, to finally provide new theoretical and empirical insights into the architecture and dynamics of ecological systems.Keywords: ecological networks, multilayered networks, sea ecology, Brazilian Coastal Area
Procedia PDF Downloads 1569457 Mathematical Modeling of District Cooling Systems
Authors: Dana Alghool, Tarek ElMekkawy, Mohamed Haouari, Adel Elomari
District cooling systems have captured the attentions of many researchers recently due to the enormous benefits offered by such system in comparison with traditional cooling technologies. It is considered a major component of urban cities due to the significant reduction of energy consumption. This paper aims to find the optimal design and operation of district cooling systems by developing a mixed integer linear programming model to minimize the annual total system cost and satisfy the end-user cooling demand. The proposed model is experimented with different cooling demand scenarios. The results of the very high cooling demand scenario are only presented in this paper. A sensitivity analysis on different parameters of the model was performed.Keywords: Annual Cooling Demand, Compression Chiller, Mathematical Modeling, District Cooling Systems, Optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2029456 Modeling and Control of an Acrobot Using MATLAB and Simulink
Authors: Dong Sang Yoo
The problem of finding control laws for underactuated systems has attracted growing attention since these systems are characterized by the fact that they have fewer actuators than the degrees of freedom to be controlled. The acrobot, which is a planar two-link robotic arm in the vertical plane with an actuator at the elbow but no actuator at the shoulder, is a representative of underactuated systems. In this paper, the dynamic model of the acrobot is implemented using Mathworks’ Simscape. And the sliding mode control is constructed using MATLAB and Simulink.Keywords: acrobot, MATLAB and simulink, sliding mode control, underactuated system
Procedia PDF Downloads 8009455 A Holistic Approach for Technical Product Optimization
Authors: Harald Lang, Michael Bader, A. Buchroithner
Holistic methods covering the development process as a whole – e.g. systems engineering – have established themselves in product design. However, technical product optimization, representing improvements in efficiency and/or minimization of loss, usually applies to single components of a system. A holistic approach is being defined based on a hierarchical point of view of systems engineering. This is subsequently presented using the example of an electromechanical flywheel energy storage system for automotive applications.Keywords: design, product development, product optimization, systems engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 6269454 Hierarchical Control Structure to Control the Power Distribution System Components in Building Systems
Authors: Hamed Sarbazy, Zohre Gholipour Haftkhani, Ali Safari, Pejman Hosseiniun
Scientific and industrial progress in the past two decades has resulted in energy distribution systems based on power electronics, as an enabling technology in various industries and building management systems can be considered. Grading and standardization module power electronics systems and its use in a distributed control system, a strategy for overcoming the limitations of using this system. The purpose of this paper is to investigate strategies for scheduling and control structure of standard modules is a power electronic systems. This paper introduces the classical control methods and disadvantages of these methods will be discussed, The hierarchical control as a mechanism for distributed control structure of the classification module explains. The different levels of control and communication between these levels are fully introduced. Also continue to standardize software distribution system control structure is discussed. Finally, as an example, the control structure will be presented in a DC distribution system.Keywords: application management, hardware management, power electronics, building blocks
Procedia PDF Downloads 5219453 Observer-Based Leader-Following Consensus of Nonlinear Fractional-Order Multi-Agent Systems
Authors: Ali Afaghi, Sehraneh Ghaemi
The coordination of the multi-agent systems has been one of the interesting topic in recent years, because of its potential applications in many branches of science and engineering such as sensor networks, flocking, underwater vehicles and etc. In the most of the related studies, it is assumed that the dynamics of the multi-agent systems are integer-order and linear and the multi-agent systems with the fractional-order nonlinear dynamics are rarely considered. However many phenomena in nature cannot be described within integer-order and linear characteristics. This paper investigates the leader-following consensus problem for a class of nonlinear fractional-order multi-agent systems based on observer-based cooperative control. In the system, the dynamics of each follower and leader are nonlinear. For a multi-agent system with fixed directed topology firstly, an observer-based consensus protocol is proposed based on the relative observer states of neighboring agents. Secondly, based on the property of the stability theory of fractional-order system, some sufficient conditions are presented for the asymptotical stability of the observer-based fractional-order control systems. The proposed method is applied on a five-agent system with the fractional-order nonlinear dynamics and unavailable states. The simulation example shows that the proposed scenario results in the good performance and can be used in many practical applications.Keywords: fractional-order multi-agent systems, leader-following consensus, nonlinear dynamics, directed graphs
Procedia PDF Downloads 3999452 A Regional Innovation System Model Based on the Systems Thinking Approach
Authors: Samara E., Kilintzis P., Katsoras E., Martinidis G.
Regions play an important role in the global economy by driving research and innovation policies through a major tool, the Regional Innovation System (RIS). RIS is a social system that encompasses the systematic interaction of the various organizations that comprise it in order to improve local knowledge and innovation. This article describes the methodological framework for developing and validating a RIS model utilizing system dynamics. This model focuses on the functional structure of the RIS, separating it in six diverse, interacting sub-systems.Keywords: innovations, regional development, systems thinking, social system
Procedia PDF Downloads 739451 Innovative Design Considerations for Adaptive Spacecraft
Authors: K. Parandhama Gowd
Space technologies have changed the way we live in the present day society and manage many aspects of our daily affairs through Remote sensing, Navigation & Communications. Further, defense and military usage of spacecraft has increased tremendously along with civilian purposes. The number of satellites deployed in space in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), and the Geostationary Orbit (GEO) has gone up. The dependency on remote sensing and operational capabilities are most invariably to be exploited more and more in future. Every country is acquiring spacecraft in one way or other for their daily needs, and spacecraft numbers are likely to increase significantly and create spacecraft traffic problems. The aim of this research paper is to propose innovative design concepts for adaptive spacecraft. The main idea here is to improve existing design methods of spacecraft design and development to further improve upon design considerations for futuristic adaptive spacecraft with inbuilt features for automatic adaptability and self-protection. In other words, the innovative design considerations proposed here are to have future spacecraft with self-organizing capabilities for orbital control and protection from anti-satellite weapons (ASAT). Here, an attempt is made to propose design and develop futuristic spacecraft for 2030 and beyond due to tremendous advancements in VVLSI, miniaturization, and nano antenna array technologies, including nano technologies are expected.Keywords: satellites, low earth orbit (LEO), medium earth orbit (MEO), geostationary earth orbit (GEO), self-organizing control system, anti-satellite weapons (ASAT), orbital control, radar warning receiver, missile warning receiver, laser warning receiver, attitude and orbit control systems (AOCS), command and data handling (CDH)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2969450 Digitizing Masterpieces in Italian Museums: Techniques, Challenges and Consequences from Giotto to Caravaggio
Authors: Ginevra Addis
The possibility of reproducing physical artifacts in a digital format is one of the opportunities offered by the technological advancements in information and communication most frequently promoted by museums. Indeed, the study and conservation of our cultural heritage have seen significant advancement due to the three-dimensional acquisition and modeling technology. A variety of laser scanning systems has been developed, based either on optical triangulation or on time-of-flight measurement, capable of producing digital 3D images of complex structures with high resolution and accuracy. It is necessary, however, to explore the challenges and opportunities that this practice brings within museums. The purpose of this paper is to understand what change is introduced by digital techniques in those museums that are hosting digital masterpieces. The methodology used will investigate three distinguished Italian exhibitions, related to the territory of Milan, trying to analyze the following issues about museum practices: 1) how digitizing art masterpieces increases the number of visitors; 2) what the need that calls for the digitization of artworks; 3) which techniques are most used; 4) what the setting is; 5) the consequences of a non-publication of hard copies of catalogues; 6) envision of these practices in the future. Findings will show how interconnection plays an important role in rebuilding a collection spread all over the world. Secondly how digital artwork duplication and extension of reality entail new forms of accessibility. Thirdly, that collection and preservation through digitization of images have both a social and educational mission. Fourthly, that convergence of the properties of different media (such as web, radio) is key to encourage people to get actively involved in digital exhibitions. The present analysis will suggest further research that should create museum models and interaction spaces that act as catalysts for innovation.Keywords: digital masterpieces, education, interconnection, Italian museums, preservation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1759449 Logical-Probabilistic Modeling of the Reliability of Complex Systems
Authors: Sergo Tsiramua, Sulkhan Sulkhanishvili, Elisabed Asabashvili, Lazare Kvirtia
The paper presents logical-probabilistic methods, models, and algorithms for reliability assessment of complex systems, based on which a web application for structural analysis and reliability assessment of systems was created. It is important to design systems based on structural analysis, research, and evaluation of efficiency indicators. One of the important efficiency criteria is the reliability of the system, which depends on the components of the structure. Quantifying the reliability of large-scale systems is a computationally complex process, and it is advisable to perform it with the help of a computer. Logical-probabilistic modeling is one of the effective means of describing the structure of a complex system and quantitatively evaluating its reliability, which was the basis of our application. The reliability assessment process included the following stages, which were reflected in the application: 1) Construction of a graphical scheme of the structural reliability of the system; 2) Transformation of the graphic scheme into a logical representation and modeling of the shortest ways of successful functioning of the system; 3) Description of system operability condition with logical function in the form of disjunctive normal form (DNF); 4) Transformation of DNF into orthogonal disjunction normal form (ODNF) using the orthogonalization algorithm; 5) Replacing logical elements with probabilistic elements in ODNF, obtaining a reliability estimation polynomial and quantifying reliability; 6) Calculation of “weights” of elements of system. Using the logical-probabilistic methods, models and algorithms discussed in the paper, a special software was created, by means of which a quantitative assessment of the reliability of systems of a complex structure is produced. As a result, structural analysis of systems, research, and designing of optimal structure systems are carried out.Keywords: complex systems, logical-probabilistic methods, orthogonalization algorithm, reliability of systems, “weights” of elements
Procedia PDF Downloads 669448 Using Photogrammetric Techniques to Map the Mars Surface
Authors: Ahmed Elaksher, Islam Omar
For many years, Mars surface has been a mystery for scientists. Lately with the help of geospatial data and photogrammetric procedures researchers were able to capture some insights about this planet. Two of the most imperative data sources to explore Mars are the The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA). HiRISE is one of six science instruments carried by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, launched August 12, 2005, and managed by NASA. The MOLA sensor is a laser altimeter carried by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and launched on November 7, 1996. In this project, we used MOLA-based DEMs to orthorectify HiRISE optical images for generating a more accurate and trustful surface of Mars. The MOLA data was interpolated using the kriging interpolation technique. Corresponding tie points were digitized from both datasets. These points were employed in co-registering both datasets using GIS analysis tools. In this project, we employed three different 3D to 2D transformation models. These are the parallel projection (3D affine) transformation model; the extended parallel projection transformation model; the Direct Linear Transformation (DLT) model. A set of tie-points was digitized from both datasets. These points were split into two sets: Ground Control Points (GCPs), used to evaluate the transformation parameters using least squares adjustment techniques, and check points (ChkPs) to evaluate the computed transformation parameters. Results were evaluated using the RMSEs between the precise horizontal coordinates of the digitized check points and those estimated through the transformation models using the computed transformation parameters. For each set of GCPs, three different configurations of GCPs and check points were tested, and average RMSEs are reported. It was found that for the 2D transformation models, average RMSEs were in the range of five meters. Increasing the number of GCPs from six to ten points improve the accuracy of the results with about two and half meters. Further increasing the number of GCPs didn’t improve the results significantly. Using the 3D to 2D transformation parameters provided three to two meters accuracy. Best results were reported using the DLT transformation model. However, increasing the number of GCPS didn’t have substantial effect. The results support the use of the DLT model as it provides the required accuracy for ASPRS large scale mapping standards. However, well distributed sets of GCPs is a key to provide such accuracy. The model is simple to apply and doesn’t need substantial computations.Keywords: mars, photogrammetry, MOLA, HiRISE
Procedia PDF Downloads 599447 Long-Term Structural Behavior of Resilient Materials for Reduction of Floor Impact Sound
Authors: Jung-Yoon Lee, Jongmun Kim, Hyo-Jun Chang, Jung-Min Kim
People’s tendency towards living in apartment houses is increasing in a densely populated country. However, some residents living in apartment houses are bothered by noise coming from the houses above. In order to reduce noise pollution, the communities are increasingly imposing a bylaw, including the limitation of floor impact sound, minimum thickness of floors, and floor soundproofing solutions. This research effort focused on the specific long-time deflection of resilient materials in the floor sound insulation systems of apartment houses. The experimental program consisted of testing nine floor sound insulation specimens subjected to sustained load for 45 days. Two main parameters were considered in the experimental investigation: three types of resilient materials and magnitudes of loads. The test results indicated that the structural behavior of the floor sound insulation systems under long-time load was quite different from that the systems under short-time load. The loading period increased the deflection of floor sound insulation systems and the increasing rate of the long-time deflection of the systems with ethylene vinyl acetate was smaller than that of the systems with low density ethylene polystyrene.Keywords: resilient materials, floor sound insulation systems, long-time deflection, sustained load, noise pollution
Procedia PDF Downloads 2699446 Kalman Filter for Bilinear Systems with Application
Authors: Abdullah E. Al-Mazrooei
In this paper, we present a new kind of the bilinear systems in the form of state space model. The evolution of this system depends on the product of state vector by its self. The well known Lotak Volterra and Lorenz models are special cases of this new model. We also present here a generalization of Kalman filter which is suitable to work with the new bilinear model. An application to real measurements is introduced to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.Keywords: bilinear systems, state space model, Kalman filter, application, models
Procedia PDF Downloads 4439445 Highly Concentrated Photo Voltaic using Multi-Junction Concentrator Cell
Authors: Oriahi Love Ndidi
High concentration photovoltaic promises a more efficient, higher power output than traditional photovoltaic modules. One of the driving forces of this high system efficiency has been the continuous improvement of III-V multi-junction solar cell efficiencies. Multi-junction solar cells built from III-V semiconductors are being evaluated globally in concentrated photovoltaic systems designed to supplement electricity generation for utility companies. The high efficiency of this III-V multi-junction concentrator cells, with demonstrated efficiency over 40 percent since 2006, strongly reduces the cost of concentrated photovoltaic systems, and makes III-V multi-junction cells the technology of choice for most concentrator systems today.Keywords: cost of multi-junction solar cell, efficiency, photovoltaic systems, reliability
Procedia PDF Downloads 7259444 Artificial Membrane Comparison for Skin Permeation in Skin PAMPA
Authors: Aurea C. L. Lacerda, Paulo R. H. Moreno, Bruna M. P. Vianna, Cristina H. R. Serra, Airton Martin, André R. Baby, Vladi O. Consiglieri, Telma M. Kaneko
The modified Franz cell is the most widely used model for in vitro permeation studies, however it still presents some disadvantages. Thus, some alternative methods have been developed such as Skin PAMPA, which is a bio- artificial membrane that has been applied for skin penetration estimation of xenobiotics based on HT permeability model consisting. Skin PAMPA greatest advantage is to carry out more tests, in a fast and inexpensive way. The membrane system mimics the stratum corneum characteristics, which is the primary skin barrier. The barrier properties are given by corneocytes embedded in a multilamellar lipid matrix. This layer is the main penetration route through the paracellular permeation pathway and it consists of a mixture of cholesterol, ceramides, and fatty acids as the dominant components. However, there is no consensus on the membrane composition. The objective of this work was to compare the performance among different bio-artificial membranes for studying the permeation in skin PAMPA system. Material and methods: In order to mimetize the lipid composition`s present in the human stratum corneum six membranes were developed. The membrane composition was equimolar mixture of cholesterol, ceramides 1-O-C18:1, C22, and C20, plus fatty acids C20 and C24. The membrane integrity assay was based on the transport of Brilliant Cresyl Blue, which has a low permeability; and Lucifer Yellow with very poor permeability and should effectively be completely rejected. The membrane characterization was performed using Confocal Laser Raman Spectroscopy, using stabilized laser at 785 nm with 10 second integration time and 2 accumulations. The membrane behaviour results on the PAMPA system were statistically evaluated and all of the compositions have shown integrity and permeability. The confocal Raman spectra were obtained in the region of 800-1200 cm-1 that is associated with the C-C stretches of the carbon scaffold from the stratum corneum lipids showed similar pattern for all the membranes. The ceramides, long chain fatty acids and cholesterol in equimolar ratio permitted to obtain lipid mixtures with self-organization capability, similar to that occurring into the stratum corneum. Conclusion: The artificial biological membranes studied for Skin PAMPA showed to be similar and with comparable properties to the stratum corneum.Keywords: bio-artificial membranes, comparison, confocal Raman, skin PAMPA
Procedia PDF Downloads 5099443 Highway Lighting of the 21st Century is Smart, but is it Cost Efficient?
Authors: Saurabh Gupta, Vanshdeep Parmar, Sri Harsha Reddy Yelly, Michele Baker, Elizabeth Bigler, Kunhee Choi
It is known that the adoption of solar powered LED highway lighting systems or sensory LED highway lighting systems can dramatically reduce energy consumption by 55 percent when compared to conventional on-grid High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lamps that are widely applied to most highways. However, an initial high installation cost for building the infrastructure of solar photovoltaic devices hampers a wider adoption of such technologies. This research aims to examine currently available state-of-the-art solar photovoltaic and sensory technologies, identify major obstacles, and analyze each technology to create a benchmarking metrics from the benefit-cost analysis perspective. The on-grid HPS lighting systems will serve as the baseline for this study to compare it with other lighting alternatives such as solar and sensory LED lighting systems. This research will test the validity of the research hypothesis that alternative LED lighting systems produce more favorable benefit-cost ratios and the added initial investment costs are recouped by the savings in the operation and maintenance cost. The payback period of the excess investment and projected savings over the life-cycle of the selected lighting systems will be analyzed by utilizing the concept of Net Present Value (NPV). Researchers believe that if this study validates the research hypothesis, it can promote a wider adoption of alternative lighting systems that will eventually save millions of taxpayer dollars in the long-run.Keywords: lighting systems, sensory and solar PV, benefit cost analysis, net present value
Procedia PDF Downloads 3529442 Distributed Energy System - Microgrid Integration of Hybrid Power Systems
Authors: Pedro Esteban
Planning a hybrid power system (HPS) that integrates renewable generation sources, non-renewable generation sources and energy storage, involves determining the capacity and size of various components to be used in the system to be able to supply reliable electricity to the connected load as required. Nowadays it is very common to integrate solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants for renewable generation as part of HPS. The solar PV system is usually balanced via a second form of generation (renewable such as wind power or using fossil fuels such as a diesel generator) or an energy storage system (such as a battery bank). Hybrid power systems can also provide other forms of power such as heat for some applications. Modern hybrid power systems combine power generation and energy storage technologies together with real-time energy management and innovative power quality and energy efficiency improvement functionalities. These systems help customers achieve targets for clean energy generation, they add flexibility to the electrical grid, and they optimize the installation by improving its power quality and energy efficiency.Keywords: microgrids, hybrid power systems, energy storage, grid code compliance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1479441 Designing Electrically Pumped Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers Based on a Honeycomb Nanowire Pattern
Authors: Balthazar Temu, Zhao Yan, Bogdan-Petrin Ratiu, Sang Soon Oh, Qiang Li
Photonic crystal surface emitting lasers (PCSELs) has recently become an area of active research because of the advantages these lasers have over the edge emitting lasers and vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs). PCSELs can emit laser beams with high power (from the order of few milliwatts to Watts or even tens of Watts) which scales with the emission area while maintaining single mode operation even at large emission areas. Most PCSELs reported in the literature are air-hole based, with only few demonstrations of nanowire based PCSELs. We previously reported an optically pumped, nanowire based PCSEL operating in the O band by using the honeycomb lattice. The nanowire based PCSELs have the advantage of being able to grow on silicon platform without threading dislocations. It is desirable to extend their operating wavelength to C band to open more applications including eye-safe sensing, lidar and long haul optical communications. In this work we first analyze how the lattice constant , nanowire diameter, nanowire height and side length of the hexagon in the honeycomb pattern can be changed to increase the operating wavelength of the honeycomb based PCSELs to the C band. Then as an attempt to make our device electrically pumped, we present the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation results with metals on the nanowire. The results for different metals on the nanowire are presented in order to choose the metal which gives the device with the best quality factor. The metals under consideration are those which form good ohmic contact with p-type doped InGaAs with low contact resistivity and decent sticking coefficient to the semiconductor. Such metals include Tungsten, Titanium, Palladium and Platinum. Using the chosen metal we demonstrate the impact of thickness of the metal for a given nanowire height on the quality factor of the device. We also investigate how the height of the nanowire affects the quality factor for a fixed thickness of the metal. Finally, the main steps in making the practical device are discussed.Keywords: designing nanowire PCSEL, designing PCSEL on silicon substrates, low threshold nanowire laser, simulation of photonic crystal lasers.
Procedia PDF Downloads 209440 Methodology for the Integration of Object Identification Processes in Handling and Logistic Systems
Authors: L. Kiefer, C. Richter, G. Reinhart
The uprising complexity in production systems due to an increasing amount of variants up to customer innovated products leads to requirements that hierarchical control systems are not able to fulfil. Therefore, factory planners can install autonomous manufacturing systems. The fundamental requirement for an autonomous control is the identification of objects within production systems. In this approach an attribute-based identification is focused for avoiding dose-dependent identification costs. Instead of using an identification mark (ID) like a radio frequency identification (RFID)-Tag, an object type is directly identified by its attributes. To facilitate that it’s recommended to include the identification and the corresponding sensors within handling processes, which connect all manufacturing processes and therefore ensure a high identification rate and reduce blind spots. The presented methodology reduces the individual effort to integrate identification processes in handling systems. First, suitable object attributes and sensor systems for object identification in a production environment are defined. By categorising these sensor systems as well as handling systems, it is possible to match them universal within a compatibility matrix. Based on that compatibility further requirements like identification time are analysed, which decide whether the combination of handling and sensor system is well suited for parallel handling and identification within an autonomous control. By analysing a list of more than thousand possible attributes, first investigations have shown, that five main characteristics (weight, form, colour, amount, and position of subattributes as drillings) are sufficient for an integrable identification. This knowledge limits the variety of identification systems and leads to a manageable complexity within the selection process. Besides the procedure, several tools, as an example a sensor pool are presented. These tools include the generated specific expert knowledge and simplify the selection. The primary tool is a pool of preconfigured identification processes depending on the chosen combination of sensor and handling device. By following the defined procedure and using the created tools, even laypeople out of other scientific fields can choose an appropriate combination of handling devices and sensors which enable parallel handling and identification.Keywords: agent systems, autonomous control, handling systems, identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 1779439 Advancing Microstructure Evolution in Tungsten Through Rolling in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Authors: Narges Shayesteh Moghaddam
Tungsten (W), a refractory metal known for its remarkably high melting temperature, offers tremendous potential for use in challenging environments prevalent in sectors such as space exploration, defense, and nuclear industries. Additive manufacturing, especially the Laser Powder-Bed Fusion (LPBF) technique, emerges as a beneficial method for fabricating tungsten parts. This technique enables the production of intricate components while simultaneously reducing production lead times and associated costs. However, the inherent brittleness of tungsten and its tendency to crack under high-temperature conditions pose significant challenges to the manufacturing process. Our research primarily focuses on the process of rolling tungsten parts in a layer-by-layer manner in LPBF and the subsequent changes in microstructure. Our objective is not only to identify the alterations in the microstructure but also to assess their implications on the physical properties and performance of the fabricated tungsten parts. To examine these aspects, we conducted an extensive series of experiments that included the fabrication of tungsten samples through LPBF and subsequent characterization using advanced materials analysis techniques. These investigations allowed us to scrutinize shifts in various microstructural features, including, but not limited to, grain size and grain boundaries occurring during the rolling process. The results of our study provide crucial insights into how specific factors, such as plastic deformation occurring during the rolling process, influence the microstructural characteristics of the fabricated parts. This information is vital as it provides a foundation for understanding how the parameters of the layer-by-layer rolling process affect the final tungsten parts. Our research significantly broadens the current understanding of microstructural evolution in tungsten parts produced via the layer-by-layer rolling process in LPBF. The insights obtained will play a pivotal role in refining and optimizing manufacturing parameters, thus improving the mechanical properties of tungsten parts and, therefore, enhancing their performance. Furthermore, these findings will contribute to the advancement of manufacturing techniques, facilitating the wider application of tungsten parts in various high-demand sectors. Through these advancements, this research represents a significant step towards harnessing the full potential of tungsten in high-temperature and high-stress applications.Keywords: additive manufacturing, rolling, tungsten, refractory materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 999438 A Multistep Broyden’s-Type Method for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations
Authors: M. Y. Waziri, M. A. Aliyu
The paper proposes an approach to improve the performance of Broyden’s method for solving systems of nonlinear equations. In this work, we consider the information from two preceding iterates rather than a single preceding iterate to update the Broyden’s matrix that will produce a better approximation of the Jacobian matrix in each iteration. The numerical results verify that the proposed method has clearly enhanced the numerical performance of Broyden’s Method.Keywords: mulit-step Broyden, nonlinear systems of equations, computational efficiency, iterate
Procedia PDF Downloads 6409437 Observation and Experience of Using Mechanically Activated Fly Ash in Concrete
Authors: Rudolf Hela, Lenka Bodnarova
Paper focuses on experimental testing of possibilities of mechanical activation of fly ash and observation of influence of specific surface and granulometry on final properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Mechanical grinding prepared various fineness of fly ash, which was classed by specific surface in accordance with Blain and their granulometry was determined by means of laser granulometer. Then, sets of testing specimens were made from mix designs of identical composition with 25% or Portland cement CEM I 42.5 R replaced with fly ash with various specific surface and granulometry. Mix design with only Portland cement was used as reference. Mix designs were tested on consistency of fresh concrete and compressive strength after 7, 28, 60, and 90 days.Keywords: concrete, fly ash, latent hydraulicity, mechanically activated fly ash
Procedia PDF Downloads 2129436 Normalized Enterprises Architectures: Portugal's Public Procurement System Application
Authors: Tiago Sampaio, André Vasconcelos, Bruno Fragoso
The Normalized Systems Theory, which is designed to be applied to software architectures, provides a set of theorems, elements and rules, with the purpose of enabling evolution in Information Systems, as well as ensuring that they are ready for change. In order to make that possible, this work’s solution is to apply the Normalized Systems Theory to the domain of enterprise architectures, using Archimate. This application is achieved through the adaptation of the elements of this theory, making them artifacts of the modeling language. The theorems are applied through the identification of the viewpoints to be used in the architectures, as well as the transformation of the theory’s encapsulation rules into architectural rules. This way, it is possible to create normalized enterprise architectures, thus fulfilling the needs and requirements of the business. This solution was demonstrated using the Portuguese Public Procurement System. The Portuguese government aims to make this system as fair as possible, allowing every organization to have the same business opportunities. The aim is for every economic operator to have access to all public tenders, which are published in any of the 6 existing platforms, independently of where they are registered. In order to make this possible, we applied our solution to the construction of two different architectures, which are able of fulfilling the requirements of the Portuguese government. One of those architectures, TO-BE A, has a Message Broker that performs the communication between the platforms. The other, TO-BE B, represents the scenario in which the platforms communicate with each other directly. Apart from these 2 architectures, we also represent the AS-IS architecture that demonstrates the current behavior of the Public Procurement Systems. Our evaluation is based on a comparison between the AS-IS and the TO-BE architectures, regarding the fulfillment of the rules and theorems of the Normalized Systems Theory and some quality metrics.Keywords: archimate, architecture, broker, enterprise, evolvable systems, interoperability, normalized architectures, normalized systems, normalized systems theory, platforms
Procedia PDF Downloads 3599435 Intermetallic Phases in the Fusion Weld of CP Ti to Stainless Steel
Authors: Juzar Vohra, Ravish Malhotra, Tim Pasang, Mana Azizi, Yuan Tao, Masami Mizutani
In this paper, dissimilar welding of titanium to stainless steels is reported. Laser Beam Welding (LBW) and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) were employed to join CPTi to SS304. The welds were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). FeTi, Ti2Cr and Fe2Ti dendrites are formed along with beta phase titanium matrix. The hardness values of these phases are high which makes them brittle and leading to cracking along the weld pool. However, it is believed that cracking, hence, fracturing of this weld joint is largely due to the difference in thermal properties of the two alloys.Keywords: dissimilar metals, fusion welding, intermetallics, brittle
Procedia PDF Downloads 4969434 Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems for Community-Scale Applications
Authors: Kuanrong Qiu, Sebnem Madrali, Evgueniy Entchev
To achieve the satisfactory objectives in deploying integrated renewable energy systems, it is crucial to consider all the related parameters affecting the design and decision-making. The multi-criteria evaluation method is a reliable and efficient tool for achieving the most appropriate solution. The approach considers the influential factors and their relative importance in prioritizing the alternatives. In this paper, a multi-criteria decision framework, based on the criteria including technical, economic, environmental and reliability, is developed to evaluate and prioritize renewable energy technologies and configurations of their integrated systems for community applications, identify their viability, and thus support the adoption of the clean energy technologies and the decision-making regarding energy transitions and transition patterns. Case studies for communities in Canada show that resource availability and the configurations of the integrated systems significantly impact the economic performance and environmental performance.Keywords: multi-criteria, renewables, integrated energy systems, decision-making, model
Procedia PDF Downloads 949433 Electric Propulsion Systems in Aerospace Applications - Energy Balance Analysis
Authors: T. Tulwin, M. Gęca, R. Sochaczewski
Recent improvements in electric propulsion systems and energy storage systems allow for the electrification of many sectors where it was previously not feasible. This analysis proves the feasibility of electric propulsion in aviation applications reviewing recent energy storage developments. It can be more quiet, energy efficient and more environmentally friendly. Numerical simulations were done to prove that energy efficiency can be improved for rotorcrafts especially in hover conditions. New types of aircraft configurations are reviewed and future trends are presented.Keywords: aircraft, propulsion , efficiency, storage
Procedia PDF Downloads 1719432 Power System Cyber Security Risk in the Era of Digital Transformation
Authors: Rafat Rob, Khaled Alotaibi, Dana Nour, Abdullah Albadrani, Abdulmohsen Mulhim
Power systems digitization solutions provides a comprehensive smart, cohesive, interconnected network, extensive connectivity between digital assets, physical power plants, and resources to form digital economies. However, digitization has exposed the classical air gapped power plants to the rapid spread of cyber threats and attacks in the process delaying and forcing many organizations to rethink their cyber security policies and standards before they can augment their operation the new advanced digital devices. Cyber Security requirements for power systems (and industry control systems therein) demand a new approach, unique methodology, and design process that is completely different to Cyber Security measures designed for the IT systems. In practice, Cyber Security strategy, as applied to power systems, tends to be closely aligned to those measures applied for IT system purposes. The differentiator for Cyber Security in terms of power systems are the physical assets and applications used, alongside the ever-growing rate of expansion within the industry controls sector (in comparison to the relatively saturated growth observed for corporate IT systems). These factors increase the magnitude of the cyber security risk within such systems. The introduction of smart devices and sensors along the grid initiate vulnerable entry points to the systems. Every installed Smart Meter is a target; the way these devices communicate with each other may instigate a Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Attacking one sensor or meter has the potential to propagate itself throughout the power grid reaching the IT network, where it may manifest itself as a malware infiltration.Keywords: supply chain, cybersecurity, maturity model, risk, smart grid
Procedia PDF Downloads 1169431 Maximizing the Efficiency of Knowledge Management Systems
Authors: Tori Reddy Dodla, Laura Ann Jones
The objective of this study was to propose strategies to improve the efficiency of Knowledge Management Systems (KMS). This study highlights best practices from various industries to create an overall summary of Knowledge Management (KM) and efficiency in organizational performance. Results indicated eleven best practices for maximizing the efficiency of organizational KMS that can be divided into four categories: Designing the KMS, Identifying Case Studies, Implementing the KMS, and Promoting adoption and usage. Our findings can be used as a foundation for scholars to conduct further research on KMS efficiency.Keywords: artificial intelligence, knowledge management efficiency, knowledge management systems, organizational performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1149430 Applying Theory of Self-Efficacy in Intelligent Transportation Systems by Potential Usage of Vehicle as a Sensor
Authors: Aby Nesan Raj, Sumil K. Raj, Sumesh Jayan
The objective of the study is to formulate a self-regulation model that shall enhance the usage of Intelligent Transportation Systems by understanding the theory of self-efficacy. The core logic of the self-regulation model shall monitor driver's behavior based on the situations related to the various sources of Self Efficacy like enactive mastery, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and physiological arousal in addition to the vehicle data. For this study, four different vehicle data, speed, drowsiness, diagnostic data and surround camera views are considered. This data shall be given to the self-regulation model for evaluation. The oddness, which is the output of self-regulation model, shall feed to Intelligent Transportation Systems where appropriate actions are being taken. These actions include warning to the user as well as the input to the related transportation systems. It is also observed that the usage of vehicle as a sensor reduces the wastage of resource utilization or duplication. Altogether, this approach enhances the intelligence of the transportation systems especially in safety, productivity and environmental performance.Keywords: emergency management, intelligent transportation system, self-efficacy, traffic management
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