Search results for: internet health check
10488 Integrating Evidence Into Health Policy: Navigating Cross-Sector and Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Authors: Tessa Heeren
The following proposal pertains to the complex process of successfully implementing health policies that are based on public health research. A systematic review was conducted by myself and faculty at the Cluj School of Public Health in Romania. The reviewed articles covered a wide range of topics, such as barriers and facilitators to multi-sector collaboration, differences in professional cultures, and systemic obstacles. The reviewed literature identified communication, collaboration, user-friendly dissemination, and documentation of processes in the execution of applied research as important themes for the promotion of evidence in the public health decision-making process. This proposal fits into the Academy Health National Health Policy conference because it identifies and examines differences between the worlds of research and politics. Implications and new insights for federal and/or state health policy: Recommendations made based on the findings of this research include using politically relevant levers to promote research (e.g. campaign donors, lobbies, established parties, etc.), modernizing dissemination practices, and reforms in which the involvement of external stakeholders is facilitated without relying on invitations from individual policy makers. Description of how evidence and/or data was or could be used: The reviewed articles illustrated shortcomings and areas for improvement in policy research processes and collaborative development. In general, the evidence base in the field of integrating research into policy lacks critical details of the actual process of developing evidence based policy. This shortcoming in logistical details creates a barrier for potential replication of collaborative efforts described in studies. Potential impact of the presentation for health policy: The reviewed articles focused on identifying barriers and facilitators that arise in cross sector collaboration, rather than the process and impact of integrating evidence into policy. In addition, the type of evidence used in policy was rarely specified, and widely varying interpretations of the definition of evidence complicated overall conclusions. Background: Using evidence to inform public health decision making processes has been proven effective; however, it is not clear how research is applied in practice. Aims: The objectives of the current study were to assess the extent to which evidence is used in public health decision-making process. Methods: To identify eligible studies, seven bibliographic databases, specifically, PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Science Direct, Web of Science, ClinicalKey, Health and Safety Science Abstract were screened (search dates: 1990 – September 2015); a general internet search was also conducted. Primary research and systematic reviews about the use of evidence in public health policy in Europe were included. The studies considered for inclusion were assessed by two reviewers, along with extracted data on objective, methods, population, and results. Data were synthetized as a narrative review. Results: Of 2564 articles initially identified, 2525 titles and abstracts were screened. Ultimately, 30 articles fit the research criteria by describing how or why evidence is used/not used in public health policy. The majority of included studies involved interviews and surveys (N=17). Study participants were policy makers, health care professionals, researchers, community members, service users, experts in public health.Keywords: cross-sector, dissemination, health policy, policy implementation
Procedia PDF Downloads 22610487 Recent Developments in Artificial Intelligence and Information Communications Technology
Authors: Dolapo Adeyemo
Technology can be designed specifically for geriatrics and persons with disabilities or ICT accessibility solutions. Both solutions stand to benefit from advances in Artificial intelligence, which are computer systems that perform tasks that require human intelligence. Tasks such as decision making, visual perception, speech recognition, and even language translation are useful in both situation and will provide significant benefits to people with temporarily or permanent disabilities. This research’s goal is to review innovations focused on the use of artificial intelligence that bridges the accessibility gap in technology from a user-centered perspective. A mixed method approach that utilized a comprehensive review of academic literature on the subject combined with semi structure interviews of users, developers, and technology product owners. The internet of things and artificial intelligence technology is creating new opportunities in the assistive technology space and proving accessibility to existing technology. Device now more adaptable to the needs of the user by learning the behavior of users as they interact with the internet. Accessibility to devices have witnessed significant enhancements that continue to benefit people with disabilities. Examples of other advances identified are prosthetic limbs like robotic arms supported by artificial intelligence, route planning software for the visually impaired, and decision support tools for people with disabilities and even clinicians that provide care.Keywords: ICT, IOT, accessibility solutions, universal design
Procedia PDF Downloads 8710486 Towards the Concept of Global Health Nursing
Authors: Nuruddeen Abubakar Adamu
Background: Global health nursing describes health-related work across borders and focuses more on the differences between the nurses’ role between countries and identified why nursing care in particular country differs from another. It also helps in analyzing the health issues and concerns that transcend national borders class, race, ethnicity and culture. The primary objective of this study is to introduce the concept of global health nursing. And the article also argues for the need for global health nursing. Methods This review assesses available evidence, both published and unpublished, on issues relating to the global health nursing and the nurse's role in global health. The review is qualitative based. Results: Globalization, modern technologies, travel, migration and changes in diseases trend globally has made the nursing role to become more diverse and less traditional. These issues change the nurse’s role in the healthcare industry to become enormous and very challenging. This article considers response to issues of emerging global health nursing concept, challenges, purposes, global health nursing activities in both developed and developing countries and the nurse's role globally in maternal-newborn health; preparedness for advocacy in global health within a framework of social justice, equity; and health system strengthening globally. Conclusion: Global health nursing goes beyond the intervention to care for a patient with a particular health problem but, however health is interconnected to political, economic and social context and therefore this explains the need of a multi-professional and multi-sectoral approach to achieve the goal of global health and the need for global health nursing. Global health equity can be promoted and if the profile of nursing and nurses will be raised and enable nurses to be aware of global health issues so as to enable them to work to their full maximum potential, to attain greater health outcome and wellness.Keywords: global health nursing, double burden of diseases, globalization, health equity
Procedia PDF Downloads 17710485 On the Design of a Secure Two-Party Authentication Scheme for Internet of Things Using Cancelable Biometrics and Physically Unclonable Functions
Authors: Behnam Zahednejad, Saeed Kosari
Widespread deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) has raised security and privacy issues in this environment. Designing a secure two-factor authentication scheme between the user and server is still a challenging task. In this paper, we focus on Cancelable Biometric (CB) as an authentication factor in IoT. We show that previous CB-based scheme fail to provide real two-factor security, Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) and suffer database attacks and traceability of the user. Then we propose our improved scheme based on CB and Physically Unclonable Functions (PUF), which can provide real two-factor security, PFS, user’s unlinkability, and resistance to database attack. In addition, Key Compromise Impersonation (KCI) resilience is achieved in our scheme. We also prove the security of our proposed scheme formally using both Real-Or-Random (RoR) model and the ProVerif analysis tool. For the usability of our scheme, we conducted a performance analysis and showed that our scheme has the least communication cost compared to the previous CB-based scheme. The computational cost of our scheme is also acceptable for the IoT environment.Keywords: IoT, two-factor security, cancelable biometric, key compromise impersonation resilience, perfect forward secrecy, database attack, real-or-random model, ProVerif
Procedia PDF Downloads 10210484 Magnitude of Transactional Sex and Its Determinant Factors Among Women in Sub-Saharan Africa: Systematic Review and Meat Analysis
Authors: Gedefaye Nibret Mihretie
Background: Transactional sex is casual sex between two people to receive material incentives in exchange for sexual favors. Transactional sex is associated with negative consequences, which increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortion, and physiological trauma. Many primary studies in Sub-Saharan Africa have been conducted to assess the prevalence and associated factors of transactional sex among women. These studies had great discrepancies and inconsistent results. Hence, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to synthesize the pooled prevalence of the practice of transactional sex among women and its associated factors in Sub-Saharan Africa. Method: Cross-sectional studies were systematically searched from March 6, 2022, to April 24, 2022, using PubMed, Google Scholar, HINARI, Cochrane Library, and grey literature. The pooled prevalence of transactional sex and associated factors was estimated using DerSemonial-Laird Random Effect Model. Stata (version 16.0) was used to analyze the data. The I-squared statistic was used to assess the studies' heterogeneity. A funnel plot and Egger's test were used to check for publication bias. A subgroup analysis was performed to minimize the underline heterogeneity depending on the study years, source of data, sample sizes and geographical location. Results: Four thousand one hundred thirty articles were extracted from various databases. The final thirty-two studies were included in this systematic review, including 108,075 participants. The pooled prevalence of transactional sex among women in Sub-Saharan Africa was 12.55%, with a confidence interval of 9.59% to 15.52%. Educational status (OR = .48, 95%CI, 0.27, 0.69) was the protective factors of transactional sex whereas, alcohol use (OR = 1.85, 95% CI: 1.19, 2.52), early sex debut (OR = 2.57, 95%CI, 1.17, 3.98), substance abuse (OR = 4.21, 95% CI: 2.05, 6.37), having history of sexual experience abuse (OR = 4.08, 95% CI: 1.38, 6.78), physical violence abuse (OR = 6.59, 95% CI: 1.17, 12.02), and sexual violence abuse (OR = 3.56, 95% CI: 1.15, 8.27) were the risk factors of transactional sex. Conclusion: The prevalence of transactional sex among women in Sub-Saharan Africa was high. Educational status, alcohol use, substance abuse, early sex debut, having a history of sexual experiences, physical violence, and sexual violence were predictors of transaction sex. Governmental and other stakeholders are designed to reduce alcohol utilization, provide health information about the negative consequences of early sex debut, substance abuse, and reduce sexual violence, ensuring gender equality through mass media, which should be included in state policy.Keywords: women’s health, child health, reproductive health, midwifery
Procedia PDF Downloads 9510483 Ecosystems: An Analysis of Generation Z News Consumption, Its Impact on Evolving Concepts and Applications in Journalism
Authors: Bethany Wood
The world pandemic led to a change in the way social media was used by audiences, with young people spending more hours on the platform due to lockdown. Reports by Ofcom have demonstrated that the internet is the second most popular platform for accessing news after television in the UK with social media and the internet ranked as the most popular platform to access news for those aged between 16-24. These statistics are unsurprising considering that at the time of writing, 98 percent of Generation Z (Gen Z) owned a smartphone and the subsequent ease and accessibility of social media. Technology is constantly developing and with this, its importance is becoming more prevalent with each generation: the Baby Boomers (1946-1964) consider it something useful whereas millennials (1981-1997) believe it a necessity for day to day living. Gen Z, otherwise known as the digital native, have grown up with this technology at their fingertips and social media is a norm. It helps form their identity, their affiliations and opens gateways for them to engage with news in a new way. It is a common misconception that Gen Z do not consume news, they are simply doing so in a different way to their predecessors. Using a sample of 800 18-20 year olds whilst utilising Generational theory, Actor Network Theory and the Social Shaping of Technology, this research provides a critical analyse regarding how Gen Z’s news consumption and engagement habits are developing along with technology to sculpture the future format of news and its distribution. From that perspective, allied with the empirical approach, it is possible to provide research orientated advice for the industry and even help to redefine traditional concepts of journalism.Keywords: journalism, generation z, digital, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 8610482 Health Sector Budgetary Allocations and Their Implications on Health Service Delivery and Universal Health Coverage in Uganda
Authors: Richard Ssempala, Francis Kintu, Christine K. Tashobya
Funding for health remains a key constraint facing many developing countries, Uganda inclusive. Uganda’s health sector budget to the national budgetary allocation has stagnated between 8.2% to 10% over the years. Using data collected from different government documents, we sought to establish the implications of the budget allocation over the period (FY2010/11-2018/19) on health services delivery in Uganda to inform policymakers specifically Members of Parliament who are critical in making sectorial allocation on the steps they can adapt to change the terrain of health financing in Uganda. Findings revealed that the contribution of public funding to the health sector is low (15.7%) with private sources (42.6%) and donors contributing much more, with the bulk of private funds, are out of pocket. The study further revealed that low budget allocation had been manifested in inadequate and poorly motivated health workers, essential drug stock-outs that ultimately contribute to poor access to services, catastrophic health expenditures, and high morbidity rates. We recommend for a substantial and sustained increase in the government health budget, optimizing the available resources by addressing wastages, prioritizing health promotion, prevention and finally, institutionalizing the National Health Insurance Scheme.Keywords: budget allocations, universal health coverage, health service delivery, Uganda
Procedia PDF Downloads 19310481 Smart Sensor Data to Predict Machine Performance with IoT-Based Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Authors: C. J. Rossouw, T. I. van Niekerk
The global manufacturing industry is utilizing the internet and cloud-based services to further explore the anatomy and optimize manufacturing processes in support of the movement into the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The 4IR from a third world and African perspective is hindered by the fact that many manufacturing systems that were developed in the third industrial revolution are not inherently equipped to utilize the internet and services of the 4IR, hindering the progression of third world manufacturing industries into the 4IR. This research focuses on the development of a non-invasive and cost-effective cyber-physical IoT system that will exploit a machine’s vibration to expose semantic characteristics in the manufacturing process and utilize these results through a real-time cloud-based machine condition monitoring system with the intention to optimize the system. A microcontroller-based IoT sensor was designed to acquire a machine’s mechanical vibration data, process it in real-time, and transmit it to a cloud-based platform via Wi-Fi and the internet. Time-frequency Fourier analysis was applied to the vibration data to form an image representation of the machine’s behaviour. This data was used to train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn semantic characteristics in the machine’s behaviour and relate them to a state of operation. The same data was also used to train a Convolutional Autoencoder (CAE) to detect anomalies in the data. Real-time edge-based artificial intelligence was achieved by deploying the CNN and CAE on the sensor to analyse the vibration. A cloud platform was deployed to visualize the vibration data and the results of the CNN and CAE in real-time. The cyber-physical IoT system was deployed on a semi-automated metal granulation machine with a set of trained machine learning models. Using a single sensor, the system was able to accurately visualize three states of the machine’s operation in real-time. The system was also able to detect a variance in the material being granulated. The research demonstrates how non-IoT manufacturing systems can be equipped with edge-based artificial intelligence to establish a remote machine condition monitoring system.Keywords: IoT, cyber-physical systems, artificial intelligence, manufacturing, vibration analytics, continuous machine condition monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 8810480 Object Negotiation Mechanism for an Intelligent Environment Using Event Agents
Authors: Chiung-Hui Chen
With advancements in science and technology, the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) has gradually developed. The development of the intelligent environment adds intelligence to objects in the living space by using the IoT. In the smart environment, when multiple users share the living space, if different service requirements from different users arise, then the context-aware system will have conflicting situations for making decisions about providing services. Therefore, the purpose of establishing a communication and negotiation mechanism among objects in the intelligent environment is to resolve those service conflicts among users. This study proposes developing a decision-making methodology that uses “Event Agents” as its core. When the sensor system receives information, it evaluates a user’s current events and conditions; analyses object, location, time, and environmental information; calculates the priority of the object; and provides the user services based on the event. Moreover, when the event is not single but overlaps with another, conflicts arise. This study adopts the “Multiple Events Correlation Matrix” in order to calculate the degree values of incidents and support values for each object. The matrix uses these values as the basis for making inferences for system service, and to further determine appropriate services when there is a conflict.Keywords: internet of things, intelligent object, event agents, negotiation mechanism, degree of similarity
Procedia PDF Downloads 29110479 The Changes in Consumer Behavior and the Decision-making Process After Covid-19 in Greece
Authors: Markou Vasiliki, Serdaris Panagiotis
The consumer behavior and decision-making process of consumers is a process that is affected by the factor of uncertainty. The onslaught of the Covid 19 pandemic has changed the consumer decision-making process in many ways. This change can be seen both in the buying process (how and where they shop) but also in the types of goods and services they are looking for. In addition, due to the mainly economic uncertainty that came from this event, but also the effects on both society and the economy in general, new consumer behaviors were created. Traditional forms of shopping are no longer a primary choice, consumers have turned to digital channels such as e-commerce and social media to fulfill needs. The purpose of this particular article is to examine how much the consumer's decision-making process has been affected after the pandemic and if consumer behavior has changed. An online survey was conducted to examine the change in decision making. Essentially, the demographic factors that influence the decision-making process were examined, as well as the social and economic factors. The research is divided into two parts. The first part included a literature review of the research that has been carried out to identify the factors, and the second part where the empirical investigation was carried out using a questionnaire and was done electronically with the help of Google Forms. The questionnaire was divided into several sections. They included questions about consumer behavior, but mainly about how they make decisions today, whether those decisions have changed due to the pandemic, and whether those changes are permanent. Also, for decision-making, goods were divided into essential products, high-tech products, transactions with the state and others. Αbout 500 consumers aged between 18 and 75 participated in the research. The data was processed with both descriptive statistics and econometric models. The results showed that the consumer behavior and decision-making process has changed. Now consumers widely use the internet for shopping, consumer behaviors and consumer patterns have changed. Social and economic factors play an important role. Income, gender and other factors were found to be statistically significant. In addition, it is worth noting that the percentage who made purchases during the pandemic through the internet for the first time was remarkable and related to age. Essentially, the arrival of the pandemic caused uncertainty for individuals, mainly financial, and this affected the decision-making process. In addition, shopping through the internet is now the first choice, especially among young people, and it seems that it is about to become established.Keywords: consumer behavior, decision making, COVID-19, Greece, behavior change
Procedia PDF Downloads 4810478 Mental Health Literacy in the Arabic Community
Authors: Yamam Abuzinadah
Mental health literacy has become a very influential topic around the world due to the increase of mental health issues that have been reported through national research and surveys. Mental health literacy refers to the awareness, attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and skills when dealing with mental illness. This research explores mental health literacy in the Arabic and the ways culture informs perceptions of mental health in general. Also, the impact of mental health literacy on: help-seeking attitudes, relationships and community interactions. The outcomes of this research will contribute to raising mental health awareness among the Arabic community, develop and enhance mental health service provision and explore new ideas in regards to elevating mental health literacy in the Arabic community. This research aims to explore attitudes, beliefs, perspective, values and perceptions toward mental health in general among the Arabic community. It will also aim to highlight the factors contributing to theses beliefs, perspective, value and perception and accordingly the role these factors play in regards to awareness, services access, recovery and care provided from the family and the community. This thesis will aim to reflect a detailed theorisation and exploration of: (1) The impact of cultural factors on mental health literacy ie. attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and skills. (2) The ways culture informs perceptions of mental health literacy. (3) The impact of mental health literacy on: help-seeking behaviors, and relationships and community interactions.Keywords: Arab, mental health, literacy, awareness
Procedia PDF Downloads 43410477 Psychological Wellbeing, Lifestyle, and Negative and Positive Effects among Adults
Authors: Rahat Zaman
The present study was conducted to investigate psychological well-being and positive and negative affect among adults. The sample comprised 221 adults; the sample was collected from all over Pakistan. Psychological well-being was measured with the help of the psychological well-being scale developed by Ryff and Keyes (1995). Lifestyle was measured with the help of the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile Scale developed by Walker et al. (1995). Positive and negative effects were measured by PANAS, developed by Watson, Clark, and Tellegen (1998). To check the properties of scale, the alpha reliability coefficient was calculated. To test the hypotheses of the research, correlation, independent sample t-rest, and ANOVA were computed. It was hypothesized that there would be a positive relationship between psychological well-being and lifestyles and positive affect. The results show that psychological well-being, lifestyle, and positive affect are positively related. This also supports our hypothesis. The research also searched for relationships in the study variables according to the demographics of the sample. The respondents varied according to their dominant affect levels with respect to their psychological well-being and lifestyles. The research found significant differences for the genders in life appreciation, nutrition, and negative affect. Single and married individuals differed significantly on autonomy, environmental mastery, life appreciation, nutrition, and stress management. Individuals showed significant differences with respect to their living situation, joint and nuclear family members showed significant differences in personal growth, autonomy, health responsibilities, social support, physical activities, and stress management. The sample showed significant differences in environmental mastery, personal growth, purpose in life, life appreciation, health responsibilities, physical activities, stress management, and negative affect when divided in socioeconomic status. Age-wise analysis showed significant differences in autonomy, personal growth, purpose in life, life appreciation, nutrition, and stress management. Provincially significant differences were found in life appreciation, nutrition, social support, physical activities, and stress management, and both positive and negative effects were experienced. Implications of the results are discussed.Keywords: wellbeing, healthy lifestyle, self acceptance, positive
Procedia PDF Downloads 7110476 Digital Literacy Landscape of Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia
Authors: Zainuddin Abuhamid Muhammad Ghozali, Andrew Whitworth
Islamic boarding school or pesantren is a distinctive education institution in Indonesia focusing on religious teachings. Its stance in restricting access to the internet raises a question about its students’ development of digital literacy. Inspired by Luckin’s ecology of resource model, this study aims to map out the digital literacy situation of the institution based on the availability of learning resources, such as digital facilities, digital accessibility, and digital competence. This study was carried out through a survey method involving 50 teachers from pesantrens across the nation. The result shows that pesantrens have provided students with digital facilities at a moderate level, yet the accessibility to using them is still limited. They also incorporated digital competencies into their curriculum, with an emphasis on digital ethics. The study also identifies different patterns of pesantrens’ behavior based on types and educational levels, where certain school types and educational levels tend to give a stricter policy compared to others or vice versa. The restriction of digital resources in pesantren indicated that they had done a filtration process to design their learning environment. The filtration was mainly motivated by sociocultural factors, where they drew concern for the negative impact of the internet. Notably, this restriction also contributes to students’ poor development of digital literacy.Keywords: digital literacy, ecology of resources, Indonesia, Islamic boarding school
Procedia PDF Downloads 7110475 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Yoruba Language Teaching
Authors: Ayoola Idowu Olasebikan
The global community has become increasingly dependent on various kinds of technologies out of which Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) appear to be the most prominent. ICTs have become multipurpose tools which have had a revolutionary impact on how we see the world and how we live in it. Yoruba is the most widely spoken African language outside Africa but it remains one of the badly spoken language in the world as a result of its outdated teaching method in the African schools which prevented its standard version from being spoken and written. This paper conducts a critical review of the traditional methods of teaching Yoruba language. It then examines the possibility of leveraging on ICTs for improved methods of teaching Yoruba language to achieve global standard and spread. It identified key ICT platforms that can be deployed for the teaching of Yoruba language and the constraints facing each of them. The paper concludes that Information and Communication Technologies appear to provide veritable opportunity for paradigm shift in the methods of teaching Yoruba Language. It also opines that Yoruba language has the potential to transform economic fortune of Africa for sustainable development provided its teaching is taken beyond the brick and mortar classroom to the virtual classroom/global information super highway called internet or any other ICTs medium. It recommends that students and teachers of Yoruba language should be encouraged to acquire basic skills in computer and internet technology in order to enhance their ability to develop and retrieve electronic Yoruba language teaching materials.Keywords: Africa, ICT, teaching method, Yoruba language
Procedia PDF Downloads 36210474 The Factors Associated with Health Status among Community Health Volunteers in Thailand
Authors: Lapatrada Numkham, Saowaluk Khakhong, Jeeraporn Kummabutr
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death in worldwide. Thailand also concerns and focuses on reduction a new case of these diseases. Community Health Volunteers (CHV) is important health personnel in primary health care and performs as a health leader in the community. If the health of CHV changes, it would impact on the performance to promote health of families and community. This cross-sectional study aimed to 1) describe the health status of community health volunteers and 2) examine the factors associated with health status among community health volunteers. The sample included 360 community health volunteers in a province in central Thailand during September-December 2014. Data were collected using questionnaires on health information, knowledge of health behaviors, and health behaviors. Body weight, height, waist circumference (WC), blood pressure (BP), and blood glucose (BS) (fingertip) were assessed. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square test. There were three hundred and sixty participants with 82.5% being women. The mean age was 54 + 8.9 years. Forty-seven percent of the participants had co-morbidities. Hypertension was the most common co-morbidity (26.7%). The results revealed that the health status of the volunteers included: no underlying disease, having risk of hypertension (HT) & diabetes mellitus (DM), and having HT&DM at 38.3%, 30.0%, and 31.7% respectively. The chi-square test revealed that the factors associated with health status among the volunteers were gender, age, WC and body mass index (BMI). The results suggested that community health nurses should; 1) implement interventions to decrease waist circumference and lose weight through education programs, especially females; 2) monitor people that have a risk of HT&DM and that have HT&DM by meeting and recording BP level, BS level, WC and BMI; and 3) collaborate with a district public health officer to initiate a campaign to raise awareness of the risks of chronic diseases among community health volunteers.Keywords: community health volunteers, health status, risk of non-communicable disease, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 36010473 Smart Construction Sites in KSA: Challenges and Prospects
Authors: Ahmad Mohammad Sharqi, Mohamed Hechmi El Ouni, Saleh Alsulamy
Due to the emerging technologies revolution worldwide, the need to exploit and employ innovative technologies for other functions and purposes in different aspects has become a remarkable matter. Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most powerful economic countries in the world, where the construction sector participates effectively in its economy. Thus, the construction sector in KSA should convoy the rapid digital revolution and transformation and implement smart devices on sites. A Smart Construction Site (SCS) includes smart devices, artificial intelligence, the internet of things, augmented reality, building information modeling, geographical information systems, and cloud information. This paper aims to study the level of implementation of SCS in KSA, analyze the obstacles and challenges of adopting SCS and find out critical success factors for its implementation. A survey of close-ended questions (scale and multi-choices) has been conducted on professionals in the construction sector of Saudi Arabia. A total number of twenty-nine questions has been prepared for respondents. Twenty-four scale questions were established, and those questions were categorized into several themes: quality, scheduling, cost, occupational safety and health, technologies and applications, and general perception. Consequently, the 5-point Likert scale tool (very low to very high) was adopted for this survey. In addition, five close-ended questions with multi-choice types have also been prepared; these questions have been derived from a previous study implemented in the United Kingdom (UK) and the Dominic Republic (DR), these questions have been rearranged and organized to fit the structured survey in order to place the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in comparison with the United Kingdom (UK) as well as the Dominican Republic (DR). A total number of one hundred respondents have participated in this survey from all regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: southern, central, western, eastern, and northern regions. The drivers, obstacles, and success factors for implementing smart devices and technologies in KSA’s construction sector have been investigated and analyzed. Besides, it has been concluded that KSA is on the right path toward adopting smart construction sites with attractive results comparable to and even better than the UK in some factors.Keywords: artificial intelligence, construction projects management, internet of things, smart construction sites, smart devices
Procedia PDF Downloads 15610472 Problems concerning Legal Regulation of Electronic Governance in Georgia
Authors: Giga Phartenadze
In the legal framework of regulation of electronic governance, those norms are considered which include measures for improvement of functions of public institutions and a complex of actions for raising their standard such as websites of public institutions, online services, some forms of internet interactions and higher level of internet services. An important legal basis for electronic governance in Georgia is Georgian Law about Electronic Communications which defines legal and economic basis for utilizing electronic communication systems in Georgia. As for single electronic basis for e-governance regulation, it can be said that it does not exist at all. The official websites of public institutions do not have standards for proactive spreading of information. At the same time, there is no common legal norm which would make all public institutions have an official website for public relations, accountability, publicity, and raising information quality. Electronic governance in Georgia needs comprehensive legal regulation. Public administration in electronic form is on the initial stage of development. Currently existing legal basis has a low quality for public institutions and officials as well as citizens and business. Services of e-involvement and e-consultation have also low quality. So far there is no established legal framework for e-governance. Therefore, a single legislative system of e-governance should be created which will help develop effective, comprehensive and multi component electronic systems in the country (central, regional, local levels). Such comprehensive legal framework will provide relevant technological, institutional, and informational conditions.Keywords: law, e-government, public administration, Georgia
Procedia PDF Downloads 32410471 Emerging Technologies for Learning: In Need of a Pro-Active Educational Strategy
Authors: Pieter De Vries, Renate Klaassen, Maria Ioannides
This paper is about an explorative research into the use of emerging technologies for teaching and learning in higher engineering education. The assumption is that these technologies and applications, which are not yet widely adopted, will help to improve education and as such actively work on the ability to better deal with the mismatch of skills bothering our industries. Technologies such as 3D printing, the Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, and others, are in a dynamic state of development which makes it difficult to grasp the value for education. Also, the instruments in current educational research seem not appropriate to assess the value of such technologies. This explorative research aims to foster an approach to better deal with this new complexity. The need to find out is urgent, because these technologies will be dominantly present in the near future in all aspects of life, including education. The methodology used in this research comprised an inventory of emerging technologies and tools that potentially give way to innovation and are used or about to be used in technical universities. The inventory was based on both a literature review and a review of reports and web resources like blogs and others and included a series of interviews with stakeholders in engineering education and at representative industries. In addition, a number of small experiments were executed with the aim to analyze the requirements for the use of in this case Virtual Reality and the Internet of Things to better understanding the opportunities and limitations in the day-today learning environment. The major findings indicate that it is rather difficult to decide about the value of these technologies for education due to the dynamic state of change and therefor unpredictability and the lack of a coherent policy at the institutions. Most decisions are being made by teachers on an individual basis, who in their micro-environment are not equipped to select, test and ultimately decide about the use of these technologies. Most experiences are being made in the industry knowing that the skills to handle these technologies are in high demand. The industry though is worried about the inclination and the capability of education to help bridge the skills gap related to the emergence of new technologies. Due to the complexity, the diversity, the speed of development and the decay, education is challenged to develop an approach that can make these technologies work in an integrated fashion. For education to fully profit from the opportunities, these technologies offer it is eminent to develop a pro-active strategy and a sustainable approach to frame the emerging technologies development.Keywords: emerging technologies, internet of things, pro-active strategy, virtual reality
Procedia PDF Downloads 19210470 Examining Occupational Health and Safety Supervision in Turkey by Comparison to EU Countries
Authors: Nuray Gökçek Karaca
This study aims to examine the application of occupational health and safety supervision in Turkey and EU countries in terms of legal regulations. The results of research reveal that occupational health and safety supervision in EU countries, whatever the understanding of welfare state, is effectively carried out and almost all legal regulations on this subject are consistent with the EU directives. On the other hand, there are serious problems in applications, not legal regulations, of occupational health and safety supervision in Turkey by the side of EU countries. Indeed, Turkey has modern regulations on occupational health and safety supervision whereas there are several problems such as ignoring prevention policy on occupational health and safety supervision, understanding of monotype inspector, problems resulting from this understanding and dispersed structure of occupational health and safety organizations in workplaces. As a result, Turkey needs to carry out effective supervision mechanisms.Keywords: legal rules, occupational health and safety, inspection, supervision, legislation
Procedia PDF Downloads 78910469 The Impact of Cybercrime on Youth Development in Nigeria
Authors: Christiana Ebobo
Cybercrime consists of numerous crimes that are perpetrated on the internet on daily basis. The forms include but not limited to Identity theft, Pretentious dating, Desktop counterfeiting, Internet chat room, Cyber harassment, Fraudulent electronic mails, Automated Teller Machine Spoofing, Pornography, Piracy, Hacking, Credit card frauds, Phishing and Spamming. The general term used among the youths for this type of crime in Nigeria is ‘Yahoo Yahoo’. Cybercrime is on the increase among the youths at all levels as such this study aims at examining the impact of cybercrime on youth development in Nigeria. The study examines the impact of cybercrime on youths’ academic performance, integrity, employment and religious practices. The study is a survey which made use of questionnaire and focus group discussion among 150 randomly selected youths in Gwagwalada LCDA, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. The study adopts the systems theory as its theoretical framework. The study also adopts the simple frequency table and percentage for its data analysis. The study reveals that cybercrime has eaten deep into the minds of some youths and some of them are practicing diabolic means to succeed in it. It is also reveals that majority (68%) of the respondents believe that cybercrime impacts negatively on youths’ academic performance in Nigeria. The major recommendation of this study is that cybercrime offenders should be treated like armed robbers in order to discourage other youths from getting involved in it.Keywords: armed robber, cybercrime, integrity, youth
Procedia PDF Downloads 52810468 Netnography Research in Leisure, Tourism, and Hospitality: Lessons from Research and Education
Authors: Marisa P. De Brito
The internet is affecting the way the industry operates and communicates. It is also becoming a customary means for leisure, tourism, and hospitality consumers to seek and exchange information and views on hotels, destinations events and attractions, or to develop social ties with other users. On the one hand, the internet is a rich field to conduct leisure, tourism, and hospitality research; on the other hand, however, there are few researchers formally embracing online methods of research, such as netnography. Within social sciences, netnography falls under the interpretative/ethnographic research methods umbrella. It is an adaptation of anthropological techniques such as participant and non-participant observation, used to study online interactions happening on social media platforms, such as Facebook. It is, therefore, a research method applied to the study of online communities, being the term itself a contraction of the words network (as on internet), and ethnography. It was developed in the context of marketing research in the nineties, and in the last twenty years, it has spread to other contexts such as education, psychology, or urban studies. Since netnography is not universally known, it may discourage researchers and educators from using it. This work offers guidelines for researchers wanting to apply this method in the field of leisure, tourism, and hospitality or for educators wanting to teach about it. This is done by means of a double approach: a content analysis of the literature side-by-side with educational data, on the use of netnography. The content analysis is of the incidental research using netnography in leisure, tourism, and hospitality in the last twenty years. The educational data is the author and her colleagues’ experience in coaching students throughout the process of writing a paper using primary netnographic data - from identifying the phenomenon to be studied, selecting an online community, collecting and analyzing data to writing their findings. In the end, this work puts forward, on the one hand, a research agenda, and on the other hand, an educational roadmap for those wanting to apply netnography in the field or the classroom. The educator’s roadmap will summarise what can be expected from mini-netnographies conducted by students and how to set it up. The research agenda will highlight for which issues and research questions the method is most suitable; what are the most common bottlenecks and drawbacks of the method and of its application, but also where most knowledge opportunities lay.Keywords: netnography, online research, research agenda, educator's roadmap
Procedia PDF Downloads 18810467 Involvement in Health Policy and Political Efficacy among Hospital Nurses in Jordan: A Descriptive Survey
Authors: Raeda F. Abualrub, Amani Abdulnabi
Aim: The aims of this study were to (a) examine the levels of nurses' political efficacy and involvement in health policy; and (b) explore the relationships between political efficacy, involvement in health policy, and participants’ background variables. Background: Nurses as citizens and health care providers have the right to express their opinions and beliefs in regard to issues that are concerned with the health care system or the public health domain. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional design using was utilized. A self-administered questionnaire (Political Efficacy Scale & Involvement in Health Policy Scale) was completed by a convenience sample of 302 nurses. Results: The results of this study showed low levels of involvement in health policy and political efficacy and a positive weak correlation between political efficacy and involvement in health policy. The perceived level of political efficacy was associated positively with nurses’ age and experience. Conclusions: Nurse administrators and managers may empower, support, and encourage nurses to enhance their involvement in health policy. Implications for Nursing Management: The findings have implications for nursing leaders and administrators to design appropriate strategies to enhance nurses’ involvement in health policy development.Keywords: health policy, Jordan, nurses, political efficacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 9810466 Intelligent Chatbot Generating Dynamic Responses Through Natural Language Processing
Authors: Aarnav Singh, Jatin Moolchandani
The proposed research work aims to build a query-based AI chatbot that can answer any question related to any topic. A chatbot is software that converses with users via text messages. In the proposed system, we aim to build a chatbot that generates a response based on the user’s query. For this, we use natural language processing to analyze the query and some set of texts to form a concise answer. The texts are obtained through web-scrapping and filtering all the credible sources from a web search. The objective of this project is to provide a chatbot that is able to provide simple and accurate answers without the user having to read through a large number of articles and websites. Creating an AI chatbot that can answer a variety of user questions on a variety of topics is the goal of the proposed research project. This chatbot uses natural language processing to comprehend user inquiries and provides succinct responses by examining a collection of writings that were scraped from the internet. The texts are carefully selected from reliable websites that are found via internet searches. This project aims to provide users with a chatbot that provides clear and precise responses, removing the need to go through several articles and web pages in great detail. In addition to exploring the reasons for their broad acceptance and their usefulness across many industries, this article offers an overview of the interest in chatbots throughout the world.Keywords: Chatbot, Artificial Intelligence, natural language processing, web scrapping
Procedia PDF Downloads 6610465 Mobile Health Programs by Government: A Content Analysis of Online Consumer Reviews
Authors: Ge Zhan
Mobile health (mHealth) concerns the use of mobile technologies to deliver health care and improve wellness. In this paper, we ask the question of what are the drivers of positive consumer attitude toward mHealth programs. Answers to this question are important to consumer health, but existing marketing and health care service literature does not provide sufficient empirical conclusions on the use of mobile technologies for consumer health. This study aims to fill the knowledge gap by investigating mHealth use and consumer attitude. A content analysis was conducted with sample mHealth programs and online consumer reviews in Hong Kong, UK, US, and India. The research findings will contribute to marketing and health services literature.Keywords: mobile health, consumer attitude, content analysis, online marketing
Procedia PDF Downloads 39910464 Social Media's Roles in the Change of Vietnamese Society: Emerging Public Sphere for Citizens
Authors: Ly Thi Hai Yen
The Internet in Vietnam has developed significantly over the last 20 years and made impressive advances, permeating into every part of daily life, changing people's habits as well as the way people's communication. Under this situation, social media have become useful tools for the citizen to get and share information. About 10 years ago, most Vietnamese people got the information through state media, but thanks to the development of the Internet, nowadays, social media have been giving them rich sources of information at any area of society. By using case study research methods, documentary research method and in-depth interviews conducted with social media users, NGO activists, and Vietnamese scholars in 2017, the paper found that social media has been bringing a cyber public sphere to whom wish to discuss social and political issues. And, more importantly, it gives them a chance to connect with the government and policy makers quickly and effectively. Moreover, people use social media to supervise activities in society to prevent social evils and corruption in Vietnam. However, besides these positive points, people also have to cope with the rising situation of fake news which causing consequences for the society, such as pulling off crimes or cheating money and others. The paper concluded that social media plays important roles in the change of Vietnamese society, giving citizens a cyber public sphere unrestrictedly to discuss social and political issues but also bringing many bad risks to citizens.Keywords: Vietnamese, social media, politics-society
Procedia PDF Downloads 15010463 Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attack and Automatic Detection Technology Research
Authors: Tao Feng, Wei-Wei Zhang, Chang-Ming Ding
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is one of the most popular WEB Attacking methods at present, and also one of the most risky web attacks. Because of the population of JavaScript, the scene of the cross site scripting attack is also gradually expanded. However, since the web application developers tend to only focus on functional testing and lack the awareness of the XSS, which has made the on-line web projects exist many XSS vulnerabilities. In this paper, different various techniques of XSS attack are analyzed, and a method automatically to detect it is proposed. It is easy to check the results of vulnerability detection when running it as a plug-in.Keywords: XSS, no target attack platform, automatic detection,XSS detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 40510462 Effects Of Obesity On Periodontal Tissues.
Authors: Benhamouda Amira Chaimae
Obesity is a significant health concern that not only affects overall well-being but also increases the risk of developing periodontal disease, a serious gum condition that can lead to tooth loss and other complications. Individuals with obesity are more prone to chronic inflammation, which can exacerbate periodontal issues, making them more vulnerable to its onset and progression. Additionally, managing the health complications associated with obesity, including periodontal disease, leads to increased health care costs for these patients. This underscores the importance of addressing obesity as part of a comprehensive approach to improving both oral and systemic health outcomes.Keywords: obesity, periodontal, health, tooth
Procedia PDF Downloads 710461 Telehealth Psychotherapy: A Comparison of Two Swedish Randomized Clinical Trials
Authors: Madeline Foster
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth usage for the delivery of psychotherapy has surged. The evidence base evaluating the success of telehealth interventions continues to grow, with both benefits as well as potential risks identified. This study compared two recent randomized clinical trials (RCTs) from Sweden that looked at the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) delivered via telehealth (TH) versus face-to-face (FTF) for individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The papers had mixed results. The first paper by Aspvall and colleagues compared the effect of a therapist-supported, internet-delivered stepped-care CBT program for children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 with face-to-face CBT (2021). In Aspvall’s study, the control scored a mean Y-BOCS of 10.57 and the TH intervention group scored a mean Y-BOCS of 11.57. The mean difference (0.91) met the criteria for noninferiority (p = 0.03). The second study by Lundström and colleagues also compared therapist-supported, internet-based CBT with FTF CBT for the treatment of those with DSM-5-diagnosed OCD. Conversely, while Lundström’s study reported improved symptoms across all groups, at follow up the difference in symptom severity between FTF and TH was clinically significant, with 77% of FTF participants responding to treatment compared to only 45% of TH participants. Due to the methodological limitations of Lundström’s study, it was concluded that Aspvall’s paper made a stronger scientific argument.Keywords: telehealth, Sweden, RCT, cognitive-behavioral therapy, obsessive-compulsive disorder
Procedia PDF Downloads 6410460 An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health and Safety Induction Practices in the Zambian Construction Industry
Authors: Josephine Mutwale-Ziko, Nonde Lushinga, Inonge Akakandelwa
The study discusses the effectiveness of health and safety induction practices on construction sites against the background of the Zambian construction industry experience. The research design included the literature review of relevant literature. Questionnaires and interviews were administered to regulatory bodies, health, and safety personnel. Observation was also employed on construction sites to assess the health and safety practices being used. Health and safety in the construction industry are not something to be ignored or overlooked. The construction industry needs to take heed of the serious consequences of inadequate health and safety induction practices. The implications of inadequate health and safety induction procedures included among others threats to profitability, corporate social responsibility and increased turnover of the workforce leading to poor productivity. Adequate health and safety practices can improve the health and wellbeing of employees, reduce financial implications on firms and encourage productivity on construction sites. Despite this, accidents are still prevalent on construction sites in Zambia. The overall result of this research denotes that the implementation of health and safety induction practices is inadequate, as indicated by the negligent and non-adherent attitude to health and safety induction aspects on the sites by most stakeholders on construction sites. Therefore, health and safety induction practices are ineffective as preventive measures for reduction of accidents on construction sites in Zambia.Keywords: accidents, health and safety, inadequate, induction
Procedia PDF Downloads 45110459 Micro Celebrities in Social Media Instagram and Their Personal Influence in Business Perspective
Authors: Yoga Maulana Putra, Herry Hudrasyah
The Internet has now become an important part of human life; it can be accessed through a computer or even a smartphone almost anywhere and anytime. The Internet has created many social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Instagram has been acquired by Facebook in 2012. Since then, Instagram is growing fast. And now, Instagram is transforming from photo-sharing social media into business tools. As the result, some new behavior has been discovered. Some of Instagram user is becoming popular. These people also being called minor celebrity and they are also being used as marketing tools by many companies to influencing or promoting their product or service. This minor celebrity is existing because of their behavior in using Instagram. The company is using the personal influence of the minor celebrity to promoting and influencing their product or service, and the minor celebrity gets paid as much as their rate card. And their rate card based on their followers and insight. This research is using a qualitative method. An interview is being done to 6 minor celebrities from many different categories such as photographer, travel blogger, lifestyle, food blogger, fashion, and healthcare. Theory of reasoned behavior is being used as the grounded theory to discover the reason for their behavior and personal influence to describe their way to influencing people. The result of the interview is most of the minor celebrities is influenced by their friend’s circle in the process of using Instagram. They also had a different way to use their personal influence to affect their followers when the company employs them.Keywords: humanities and social sciences, Instagram, minor celebrity, social media
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