Search results for: derivative actions
1172 The Relation Between Social Capital and Trust with Social Network Analysis (SNA)
Authors: Safak Baykal
The purpose of this study is analyzing the relationship between self leadership and social capital of people with using Social Network Analysis. In this study, two aspects of social capital will be focused: bonding, homophilous social capital (BoSC) which implies better, strong, dense or closed network ties, and bridging, heterophilous social capital (BrSC) which implies weak ties, bridging the structural holes. The other concept of the study is Trust (Tr), namely interpersonal trust, willingness to ascribe good intentions to and have confidence in the words and actions of other people. In this study, the sample group, 61 people, was selected from a private firm from the defense industry. The relation between BoSC/BrSC and Tr is shown by using Social Network Analysis (SNA) and statistical analysis with Likert type-questionnaire. The results of the analysis show the Cronbach’s alpha value is 0.73 and social capital values (BoSC/BrSC) is highly correlated with Tr values of the people.Keywords: bonding social capital, bridging social capital, trust, social network analysis (SNA)
Procedia PDF Downloads 5291171 Diagnosis of Logistics Processes: Bibliometric Review and Analysis
Authors: S. F. Bayona, J. Nunez, D. Paez
The diagnostic processes have been consolidated as fundamental tools in the adequate knowledge of organizations and their processes. The diagnosis is related to the interpretation of the data, findings and the relevant information, to determine problems, causes, or the simple state and behavior of a process, without including a solution to the problems detected. The objective of this work is to identify the necessary stages to diagnose the logistic processes in a metalworking company, from the literary revision of different disciplines. A total of 62 articles were chosen to identify, through bibliometric analysis, the most cited articles, as well as the most frequent authors and journals. The results allowed to identify the two fundamental stages in the diagnostic process: a primary phase (general) based on the logical subjectivity of the knowledge of the person who evaluates, and the secondary phase (specific), related to the interpretation of the results, findings or data. Also, two phases were identified, one related to the definition of the scope of the actions to be developed and the other, as an initial description of what was observed in the process.Keywords: business, diagnostic, management, process
Procedia PDF Downloads 1581170 Deviations and Defects of the Sub-Task’s Requirements in Construction Projects
Authors: Abdullah Almusharraf, Andrew Whyte
The sub-task pattern in terms of the deviations and defects should be identified and understand in order to improve the quality practices in construction projects. Therefore, the sub-task susceptibility to exposure to deviations and defects have been evaluated and classified via six classifications that have proposed in this study. 34 case studies on specific sub-task (from compression member in construction concrete structure) have been collected from seven construction projects in order to examined study’s classifications. The study revealed that the sub-task has high sensitive to deviation where (91%) of the cases recorded as deviations, however, only (19%) of cases recorded as defects. Another findings were that the actual work during the execution process has high source of deviation for this sub-task (74%) while only (26%) of the deviation source was due to both design documentations with the actual work. These findings significantly imply that it could be used the study’s classifications to determine the pattern of each sub-task and develop the proactive actions to overcome issues of the sub-task deviations and defects.Keywords: sub-tasks, deviations, defects, quality, construction projects
Procedia PDF Downloads 4441169 Evaluation of a Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor Novaluron in the Shrimp Palaemon Adspersus: Impact on Ecdysteroids and Chitin Contents
Authors: Hinda Berghiche, Hamida Benradia, Noureddine Soltani
Pesticides are widely used in crop production and are known to induce a major contamination of ecosystems especially in aquatic environments. The leaching of a large amount of pollutants derived from agricultural activities (fertilizers, pesticides) might contaminate rivers which diverse into the likes and estuarine and coastal environments affecting several organisms such as crustacean species. In this context, there is searched for new selective insecticides with minimal toxic effects on the environment and human health such as growth insect regulators (GIRs). The current study aimed to examine the impact of novaluron (CE 20%), a potent benzoylphenylurea derivative insecticide on mosquito larvae, against non-target shrimp, Palaemon adspersus (Decapoda, Palaemonidae). The compound was tested at two concentrations (0.91 mg/L and 4.30 mg/L) corresponding respectively to the LC50 and LC90 determined against fourth-instar larvae of Culiseta longiareolata (Diptera, Culicidae). The molting hormone titer was determined in the haemolymph by an enzyme-immunoassay, while chitin was measured in peripheral integument at different stages during the molting cycle. Under normal conditions, the haemolymphatic ecdysteroid concentrations increased during the molting cycle to reach peak at stage D. In the treated series, we note absence of the peak at stage D and an increase at stages B, C and D as compared to the controls. Concerning the chitin amounts, we observe an increase from stage A to stage C followed by a decrease at stage D. Exposition of shrimps to novaluron resulted in a significant decrease of values at all molting stages with a dose-response effect. Thus, the insecticide can present secondary effects on this non-target arthropod species.Keywords: toxicology, novaluron, crustacean, palaemon adspersus, ecdysteroids, cuticle, chitin
Procedia PDF Downloads 2491168 Survey on Malware Detection
Authors: Doaa Wael, Naswa Abdelbaky
Malware is malicious software that is built to cause destructive actions and damage information systems and networks. Malware infections increase rapidly, and types of malware have become more sophisticated, which makes the malware detection process more difficult. On the other side, the Internet of Things IoT technology is vulnerable to malware attacks. These IoT devices are always connected to the internet and lack security. This makes them easy for hackers to access. These malware attacks are becoming the go-to attack for hackers. Thus, in order to deal with this challenge, new malware detection techniques are needed. Currently, building a blockchain solution that allows IoT devices to download any file from the internet and to verify/approve whether it is malicious or not is the need of the hour. In recent years, blockchain technology has stood as a solution to everything due to its features like decentralization, persistence, and anonymity. Moreover, using blockchain technology overcomes some difficulties in malware detection and improves the malware detection ratio over-than the techniques that do not utilize blockchain technology. In this paper, we study malware detection models which are based on blockchain technology. Furthermore, we elaborate on the effect of blockchain technology in malware detection, especially in the android environment.Keywords: malware analysis, blockchain, malware attacks, malware detection approaches
Procedia PDF Downloads 881167 Managing the Water Projects and Controlling Its Boundary Disturbances Which Affect the Water Supply
Authors: Sead A. Bakheet, Salah M. Elkoum, Asharaf A. Almaghribi
Disturbance defined as activity that malfunction, intrusion, or interruption. We have to look around for the source of the disturbance affecting the inputs and outputs of engineering projects, take the necessary actions to control them. In this paper we will present and discuss a production system consisting of three elements, inputs, the production process and outputs. The production process which we chose is the production of large diameter pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipes (out puts), in reality, the outputs are the starting points of the operation (laying the concrete pipes for transporting drinkable water). The main objective also to address the controlling methods of the natural resources and raw materials (basic inputs), study the disturbances affecting them as well as the output quality. The importance of making the right decision, which effect the final product quality will be summarized. Finally, we will address the proposals regarding the managing of secure water supply to the customers.Keywords: disturbances, management, inputs, outputs, decision
Procedia PDF Downloads 621166 Development of Active Learning Calculus Course for Biomedical Program
Authors: Mikhail Bouniaev
The paper reviews design and implementation of a Calculus Course required for the Biomedical Competency Based Program developed as a joint project between The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, and the University of Texas’ Institute for Transformational Learning, from the theoretical perspective as presented in scholarly work on active learning, formative assessment, and on-line teaching. Following a four stage curriculum development process (objective, content, delivery, and assessment), and theoretical recommendations that guarantee effectiveness and efficiency of assessment in active learning, we discuss the practical recommendations on how to incorporate a strong formative assessment component to address disciplines’ needs, and students’ major needs. In design and implementation of this project, we used Constructivism and Stage-by-Stage Development of Mental Actions Theory recommendations.Keywords: active learning, assessment, calculus, cognitive demand, mathematics, stage-by-stage development of mental action theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 3621165 A Study on Game Theory Approaches for Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: M. Shoukath Ali, Rajendra Prasad Singh
Game Theory approaches and their application in improving the performance of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are discussed in this paper. The mathematical modeling and analysis of WSNs may have low success rate due to the complexity of topology, modeling, link quality, etc. However, Game Theory is a field, which can efficiently use to analyze the WSNs. Game Theory is related to applied mathematics that describes and analyzes interactive decision situations. Game theory has the ability to model independent, individual decision makers whose actions affect the surrounding decision makers. The outcome of complex interactions among rational entities can be predicted by a set of analytical tools. However, the rationality demands a stringent observance to a strategy based on measured of perceived results. Researchers are adopting game theory approaches to model and analyze leading wireless communication networking issues, which includes QoS, power control, resource sharing, etc.Keywords: wireless sensor network, game theory, cooperative game theory, non-cooperative game theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 4351164 Exploring Multi-Feature Based Action Recognition Using Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Time Warping
Authors: Guoliang Lu, Changhou Lu, Xueyong Li
In action recognition, previous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of using multiple features to improve the recognition performance. We focus on two practical issues: i) most studies use a direct way of concatenating/accumulating multi features to evaluate the similarity between two actions. This way could be too strong since each kind of feature can include different dimensions, quantities, etc; ii) in many studies, the employed classification methods lack of a flexible and effective mechanism to add new feature(s) into classification. In this paper, we explore an unified scheme based on recently-proposed multi-dimensional dynamic time warping (MD-DTW). Experiments demonstrated the scheme's effectiveness of combining multi-feature and the flexibility of adding new feature(s) to increase the recognition performance. In addition, the explored scheme also provides us an open architecture for using new advanced classification methods in the future to enhance action recognition.Keywords: action recognition, multi features, dynamic time warping, feature combination
Procedia PDF Downloads 4371163 Evaluating the Understanding of the University Students (Basic Sciences and Engineering) about the Numerical Representation of the Average Rate of Change
Authors: Saeid Haghjoo, Ebrahim Reyhani, Fahimeh Kolahdouz
The present study aimed to evaluate the understanding of the students in Tehran universities (Iran) about the numerical representation of the average rate of change based on the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO). In the present descriptive-survey research, the statistical population included undergraduate students (basic sciences and engineering) in the universities of Tehran. The samples were 604 students selected by random multi-stage clustering. The measurement tool was a task whose face and content validity was confirmed by math and mathematics education professors. Using Cronbach's Alpha criterion, the reliability coefficient of the task was obtained 0.95, which verified its reliability. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (chi-squared and independent t-tests) under SPSS-24 software. According to the SOLO model in the prestructural, unistructural, and multistructural levels, basic science students had a higher percentage of understanding than that of engineering students, although the outcome was inverse at the relational level. However, there was no significant difference in the average understanding of both groups. The results indicated that students failed to have a proper understanding of the numerical representation of the average rate of change, in addition to missconceptions when using physics formulas in solving the problem. In addition, multiple solutions were derived along with their dominant methods during the qualitative analysis. The current research proposed to focus on the context problems with approximate calculations and numerical representation, using software and connection common relations between math and physics in the teaching process of teachers and professors.Keywords: average rate of change, context problems, derivative, numerical representation, SOLO taxonomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 931162 A Neuro-Automata Decision Support System for the Control of Late Blight in Tomato Crops
Authors: Gizelle K. Vianna, Gustavo S. Oliveira, Gabriel V. Cunha
The use of decision support systems in agriculture may help monitoring large fields of crops by automatically detecting the symptoms of foliage diseases. In our work, we designed and implemented a decision support system for small tomatoes producers. This work investigates ways to recognize the late blight disease from the analysis of digital images of tomatoes, using a pair of multilayer perceptron neural networks. The networks outputs are used to generate repainted tomato images in which the injuries on the plant are highlighted, and to calculate the damage level of each plant. Those levels are then used to construct a situation map of a farm where a cellular automata simulates the outbreak evolution over the fields. The simulator can test different pesticides actions, helping in the decision on when to start the spraying and in the analysis of losses and gains of each choice of action.Keywords: artificial neural networks, cellular automata, decision support system, pattern recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 4561161 The Lawfulness of the Determination of a Criminal Suspect as a New Pre-Trial's Object
Authors: Muhammad Tanziel Aziezi
In Indonesia, pre-trial (in Indonesia called ‘praperadilan’) is a mechanism that is regulated on Criminal Procedure Code as a form of oversight and check and balance on the process at the stage of inquiry, investigation, and prosecution, so that actions taken by the State (in this case, the police and prosecutor) is carried out in accordance with its authority and not violate human rights. Article 77 of the Criminal Procedure Code has been set that the object may be filed pretrial is just about the lawfulness of the arrest, the lawfulness of the detention, and the legitimacy of stopping investigation and prosecution. However, since the beginning of 2015, there was a further object which is then entered as a pre-trial object, namely the lawfulness of the determination of a criminal suspect. This is because the determination of the suspect is considered as one of the forceful measures that could restrict the rights of a person, so the implementation should have oversight and checks and balances by the courts. This paper will discuss the development of the pre-trial on the lawfulness of the determination of a criminal suspect as a new judicial mechanism as the protection of human rights in Indonesia.Keywords: criminal procedure law, pre-trial, lawfulness of determination of a criminal suspect, check and balance by the court
Procedia PDF Downloads 3391160 Protection towards Investor: Enforcement of the Authorities of Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) during Capital Market Integration
Authors: Muhammad Ilham Agus Salim, Muhammad Ikbal
The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) was set up in 2003 with the objectives of creating a single market and production base, enhancing equitable economic development as well as facilitating the integration into the global economy. The AEC involves liberalization and facilitation of trade in goods, skilled labour, services, and investment, as well as protection and promotion of investment. The thesis outlines the AEC Blueprint actions in scope of globalization of investment and capital market. Free flows of investment and freer flows of capital market urge countries in South East Asia to coordinate and to collaborate in securing the interest of public, and this leads to the importance of financial services authorities in ASEAN to prepare the mechanism of guarding the flows of investment. There is no exception, especially for Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) as one of the authorized body in capital market supervision, to enforce its authorities as supervisory body.Keywords: AEC blueprint, OJK, capital market, integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 3141159 A Case Study of Al-Shifa: A Healthcare Information System in Oman
Authors: Khamis Al-Gharbi, Said M. Gattoufi, Ali H. Al-Badi, Ali Al-Hashmi
The case study presents the progression of a project management of Al-Shifa, a healthcare information system in Oman. The case study describes the evolution of the implementation of a healthcare information system tailored to meet the needs of the healthcare units under the supervision of the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Oman. A focus group methodology was used for collecting the relevant information from the main project's stakeholders. In addition reports about the project made available for the researchers. The case analysis is made based on the Project Management approach developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The main finding that there was no formal project management approach adopted by the MOH for the development and implementation of the herewith mentioned healthcare information system project. Furthermore, the project had suffered a scope creep in terms of features, cost and time-schedule. The recommendations of the authors, for the rescue of the project from its current dilemma, consist of technological, administrative and human resources development actions.Keywords: project management, information system, healthcare, Al-Shifa, Oman
Procedia PDF Downloads 3901158 Egyptian Soil Isolate Shows Promise as a Source of a New Broad-spectrum Antimicrobial Agent Against Multidrug-resistant Pathogens
Authors: Norhan H. Mahdally, Bathini Thissera Riham A. ElShiekh, Noha M. Elhosseiny, Mona T. Kashef, Ali M. El Halawany, Mostafa E. Rateb, Ahmed S. Attia
Multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens pose a global threat to healthcare settings. The exhaustion of the current antibiotic arsenal and the scarcity of new antimicrobials in the pipeline aggravate this threat and necessitate a prompt and effective response. This study focused on two major pathogens that can cause serious infections: carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Multiple soil isolates were collected from several locations throughout Egypt and screened for their conventional and non-conventional antimicrobial activities against MDR pathogens. One isolate exhibited potent antimicrobial activity and was subjected to multiple rounds of fractionation. After fermentation and bio-guided fractionation, we identified pure microbial secondary metabolites with two scaffolds that exhibited promising effects against CRAB and MRSA. Scaling up and chemical synthesis of derivatives of the identified metabolite resulted in obtaining a more potent derivative, which we designated as 2HP. Cytotoxicity studies indicated that 2HP is well-tolerated by human cells. Ongoing work is focusing on formulating the new compound into a nano-formulation to enhance its delivery. Also, to have a better idea about how this compound works, a proteomic approach is currently underway. Our findings suggest that 2HP is a potential new broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings and to develop 2HP into a safe and effective treatment for MDR infections.Keywords: broad-spectrum antimicrobials, carbapenem-resistant acinetobacter baumannii, drug discovery, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, multidrug-resistant, natural products
Procedia PDF Downloads 801157 Vanadium (V) Complexes of a Tripodal Ligand, Their Characterization and Biological Implications
Authors: Mannar R. Maurya, Bhawna Uprety, Fernando Avecilla, Pedro Adão, J. Costa Pessoa
The reaction of the tripodal tetradentate dibasic ligand 6,6'–(2–(pyridin–2–yl)ethylazanediyl)bis(methylene)bis(2,4–di–tert–butylphenol), H2L1 I, with [VIVO(acac)2] in CH3CN gives the VVO–complex, [VVO(acac)(L1)] 1. Crystallization of 1 in CH3CN at ~0 ºC, gives dark blue crystals of 1, while at room temperature it affords dark green crystals of [{VVO(L1)}2µ–O] 3. Upon prolonged treatment of 1 in MeOH [VVO(OMe)(MeOH)(L1)] 2 is obtained. All three complexes are analyzed by single–crystal X–ray diffraction, depicting distorted octahedral geometry around vanadium. In the reaction of H2L1 with VIVOSO4 partial hydrolysis of the tripodal ligand results in elimination of the pyridyl fragment of L1 and the formation of H[VVO2(L2)] 4, containing the ONO tridentate ligand 6,6'–azanediylbis(methylene)bis(2,4–di–tert–butylphenol), H2L2 II. Compound 4, which was not fully characterized, undergoes dimerization in acetone yielding the hydroxido–bridged [{VVO(L2)}2µ–(HO)2] 5, having distorted octahedral geometry around each vanadium. In contrast, from a solution of 4 in acetonitrile, the dinuclear compound [{VVO(L2)}2µ–O] 6 is obtained, with trigonal bipyramidal geometry around each vanadium. The methoxido complex 2 is successfully employed as a functional catechol–oxidase mimic in the oxidation of catechol to o–quinone under air. The process is confirmed to follow a Michaelis–Menten type kinetics with respect to catechol, the Vmax and KM values obtained being 7.66×10–6 M min -1 and 0.0557 M, respectively, and the turnover frequency is 0.0541 min–1. Complex 2 is also used as a catalyst precursor for the oxidative bromination of thymol in aqueous medium. The selectivity shows quite interesting trends, namely when not using excess of primary oxidizing agent, H2O2 the para mono–brominated product corresponds to ~93 % of the products and no dibromo derivative is formed.Keywords: oxidovanadium (V) complexes, tripodal ligand, crystal structure, catechol oxidase mimetic activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3431156 A Pervasive System Architecture for Smart Environments in Internet of Things Context
Authors: Patrick Santos, João Casal, João Santos Luis Varandas, Tiago Alves, Carlos Romeiro, Sérgio Lourenço
Nowadays, technology makes it possible to, in one hand, communicate with various objects of the daily life through the Internet, and in the other, put these objects interacting with each other through this channel. Simultaneously, with the raise of smartphones as the most ubiquitous technology on persons lives, emerge new agents for these devices - Intelligent Personal Assistants. These agents have the goal of helping the user manage and organize his information as well as supporting the user in his/her day-to-day tasks. Moreover, other emergent concept is the Cloud Computing, which allows computation and storage to get out of the users devices, bringing benefits in terms of performance, security, interoperability and others. Connecting these three paradigms, in this work we propose an architecture for an intelligent system which provides an interface that assists the user on smart environments, informing, suggesting actions and allowing to manage the objects of his/her daily life.Keywords: internet of things, cloud, intelligent personal assistant, architecture
Procedia PDF Downloads 5151155 An Intelligent Baby Care System Based on IoT and Deep Learning Techniques
Authors: Chinlun Lai, Lunjyh Jiang
Due to the heavy burden and pressure of caring for infants, an integrated automatic baby watching system based on IoT smart sensing and deep learning machine vision techniques is proposed in this paper. By monitoring infant body conditions such as heartbeat, breathing, body temperature, sleeping posture, as well as the surrounding conditions such as dangerous/sharp objects, light, noise, humidity and temperature, the proposed system can analyze and predict the obvious/potential dangerous conditions according to observed data and then adopt suitable actions in real time to protect the infant from harm. Thus, reducing the burden of the caregiver and improving safety efficiency of the caring work. The experimental results show that the proposed system works successfully for the infant care work and thus can be implemented in various life fields practically.Keywords: baby care system, Internet of Things, deep learning, machine vision
Procedia PDF Downloads 2251154 Intrusion Detection In MANET Using Game Theory
Authors: S. B. Kumbalavati, J. D. Mallapur, K. Y. Bendigeri
A mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET) is a multihop wireless network where nodes communicate each other without any pre-deployed infrastructure. There is no central administrating unit. Hence, MANET is generally prone to many of the attacks. These attacks may alter, release or deny data. These attacks are nothing but intrusions. Intrusion is a set of actions that attempts to compromise integrity, confidentiality and availability of resources. A major issue in the design and operation of ad-hoc network is sharing the common spectrum or common channel bandwidth among all the nodes. We are performing intrusion detection using game theory approach. Game theory is a mathematical tool for analysing problems of competition and negotiation among the players in any field like marketing, e-commerce and networking. In this paper mathematical model is developed using game theory approach and intruders are detected and removed. Bandwidth utilization is estimated and comparison is made between bandwidth utilization with intrusion detection technique and without intrusion detection technique. Percentage of intruders and efficiency of the network is analysed.Keywords: ad-hoc network, IDS, game theory, sensor networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 3881153 Political Views and ICT in Tertiary Institutions in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Authors: Ibe Perpetual Nwakaego
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), were an integrated project formed to eradicate many unnatural situations the citizens of the third world country may found themselves in. The MDGs, to be a sustainable project for the future depends 100% on the actions of governments, multilateral institutions and civil society. This paper first looks at the political views on the MDGs and relates it to the current electoral situations around the country by underlining the drastic changes over the few months. The second part of the paper presents ICT in tertiary institutions as one of the solutions in terms of the success of the MDGs. ICT is vital in all phases of the educational process and development of the cloud connectivity is an added advantage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for sharing a common data bank for research purposes among UNICEF, RED CROSS, NPS, INEC, NMIC, and WHO. Finally, the paper concludes with areas that need twigging and recommendations for the tertiary institutions committed to delivering an ambitious set of goals. A combination of observation and document materials for data gathering was employed as the methodology for carrying out this research.Keywords: MDGs, ICT, database, politics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1991152 Translation of the Verbal Nouns (Masadars) Originating from Three-Letter Verbs in the Holy Quran: Verbal Noun with More than One Pattern (Wazn) As a Model
Authors: Montasser Mohamed Abdelwahab Mahmoud, Abdelwahab Saber Esawi
The language of the Qur’an has a wide range of understanding, reflection, and meanings. Therefore, translation of the Qur’an is inevitably nothing but a translation of the interpretation of the meanings of the Qur’an. It requires special competencies and skills for translators so that they can get close to the intended meaning of the verse of the Qur’an and convey it with precision. In the Arabic language, the verbal noun “AlMasdar” is a very important derivative that properly expresses the verbal idea in the form of a noun. It sounds the same as the base form of the verb with minor changes in the vowel pattern. It is one of the important topics in morphology. The morphologists divided verbal nouns into auditory and analogical, and they stated that that the verbal nouns (Masadars) originating from three-letter verbs are auditory, although they set controls for some of them in order to preserve them. As for the lexicographers, they mentioned the verbal nouns while talking about the lexical materials, and in some cases, their explanation of them exceeded that made by the morphologists, especially in their discussion of structures that the morphologists did not refer to in their books. The verb kafara (disbelief), for example, has three patterns, namely: al-kufْr, al-kufrān, and al-kufūr, and it was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an with different connotations. The verb ṣāma (fasted) with his two patterns (al-ṣaūm and al-ṣīām) was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an while their semantic meaning is different. The problem discussed in this research paper lied in the "linguistic loss" committed by translators when dealing with Islamic religious texts, especially the Qur'an. The study tried to identify the strategy adopted by translators of the Holy Qur'an in translating words that were classified as verbal nouns through analyzing the translation rendered by five translations of the Qur’an into English: Yusuf Ali, Pickthall, Mohsin Khan, Muhammad Sarwar, and Shakir. This study was limited to the verbal nouns in the Quraan that originate from three-letter verbs and have different semantic meanings.Keywords: pattern, three-letter verbs, translation of the Quran, verbal nouns
Procedia PDF Downloads 1631151 Determining the Constituents of the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Light of the Quran: A Clinical Approach
Authors: Aamir I. Yazdani, Dr. Muhammad Nasir J. Qureshi
The term Sunnah has been used both, for Allah Himself and for his messengers in the Quran. The way Allah dealt with people where the messengers (rasuls) were sent is called Sunnatullāh by the Quran. Likewise, the same term is used in the Quran, for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as in following the trodden path (Sunnah) of his forefather Prophet Abraham, Alaihissalam. It implies; therefore, the word Sunnah cannot be applied to things which relates to theoretical knowledge like faith etc. Its ambit remains the practices, actions linked to practical things only. In the case of the Quran, we find that there is complete agreement among all Muslims on what constitutes the book of Allah, based on ijma (unanimity, total agreement, consensus) and tawatur (uninterrupted continuity, without any gap). There seems to be no unanimity on the question on what constitutes Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). There are, therefore, several approaches towards Sunnah adopted by Muslims. This paper is based on Qualitative Methodology to determine the criterion of what constitutes the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and which practices constitute the precincts of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).Keywords: Al-hikmah, Hereafter, practices, Tazkiya
Procedia PDF Downloads 1461150 Enigmatic Identity and Alienated Self: Existential Analysis of Paul Auster's the Brooklyn Follies
Authors: Sapna Bhargav
Contemporary fiction is an intricate exercise where novelist acquires the role of a philosopher, a sociologist and a psychologist. The dilemma of fragmented self that a man experiences, is a crucial subject of contemporary fiction. Paul Auster's fiction is exemplary of the merger of Existentialism and Postmodernism, and while both of these movements insist on isolation of the self from all aspects of social affiliation, Auster's unique blend of these concepts presents man in a state which is not just alienated, but stranded in a desolate abyss, rendering even the release of death as questionable. The conundrums of the self is a compulsory consequence of the existentialist alienation that postmodern man is subjected to, and is further accentuated by the fact that existentialist freedom dictates that not only are one's actions not dictated by any form of external entity, but also the onus of one's destiny lies on an individual's own deeds. This paper will analyse Auster's The Brooklyn Follies from an Existentialist perspective, and will attempt to trace the alienation and identity conflicts of the Auster’s characters along with some of the common Austerian themes. An emphasis will be laid on the characters’ endeavour to reconstruct their lost self.Keywords: alienation, existentialism, identity, postmodernism, self
Procedia PDF Downloads 5921149 Emotional and Embodied Knowledge and Responses
Authors: Salman Khokhar
The geopolitical landscape in Pakistan has become shrouded with suspicion between the state and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The study argues that the social mobility of the community has become severely compromised, especially after the inception of the blasphemy laws and their subsequent enhancements in later years. The securitization of the community has ensured that the daily lives of Ahmadi Muslims have become severely restricted as their integration and assimilation into society become defined through their religious identity and beliefs. Consequently, performing congregational prayers or engaging in any other community activity is carried out secretly as the repercussions of such actions may lead to incarceration or, in some cases, even more extreme apprehension measures. The securitization of Ahmadis, and their daily lives are severely curtailed in Pakistan; however, due to transnational approaches, the community must implement specific measures to ensure the safety of its members, even in the West. The eyes of suspicion are always on the activities of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, and the community’s headquarters in Rabwah is always being viewed with suspicious lenses. The study considers how secrecy has enveloped the everyday life of the Ahmadi Muslim community and how it embodies characteristics which we thought had come to an end many years ago.Keywords: freedom, ideology, Islam, persecution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1241148 Domestic and Foreign Terrorism: Evaluation of the Breeding Ground
Authors: T. K. Hung
Terrorism acts have occurred across both developed and developing states, with well-identified motivation and causes. For many years, terrorism eradication has become a major topic yet only passive actions were taken in response to acts. The linkage between the location of terrorism occurrence and breeding ground is not well-documented, resulting in the passive approach used in counter-terrorism nowadays. The evaluation investigates all post-9/11 terrorism affairs considering their state capacity, safety, ease of border access control, religion diversity, and technology access, to measure the level of breeding ground of the states. Those "weak" states with poor border access control, resources capacity and domestic safety are the best breeding ground for terrorists. Although many attacks were caused by religious motivation, religion diversity does not predict the breeding ground. States with censored technology access, particular computer-mediated communication, predict on the terrorism breeding ground, moderated by the level of breeding ground of neighboring states.Keywords: counter-terrorism, lethality, security, terrorism
Procedia PDF Downloads 3401147 Moral Decision-Making in the Criminal Justice System: The Influence of Gruesome Descriptions
Authors: Michel Patiño-Sáenz, Martín Haissiner, Jorge Martínez-Cotrina, Daniel Pastor, Hernando Santamaría-García, Maria-Alejandra Tangarife, Agustin Ibáñez, Sandra Baez
It has been shown that gruesome descriptions of harm can increase the punishment given to a transgressor. This biasing effect is mediated by negative emotions, which are elicited upon the presentation of gruesome descriptions. However, there is a lack of studies inquiring the influence of such descriptions on moral decision-making in people involved in the criminal justice system. Such populations are of special interest since they have experience dealing with gruesome evidence, but also formal education on how to assess evidence and gauge the appropriate punishment according to the law. Likewise, they are expected to be objective and rational when performing their duty, because their decisions can impact profoundly people`s lives. Considering these antecedents, the objective of this study was to explore the influence gruesome written descriptions on moral decision-making in this group of people. To that end, we recruited attorneys, judges and public prosecutors (Criminal justice group, CJ, n=30) whose field of specialty is criminal law. In addition, we included a control group of people who did not have a formal education in law (n=30), but who were paired in age and years of education with the CJ group. All participants completed an online, Spanish-adapted version of a moral decision-making task, which was previously reported in the literature and also standardized and validated in the Latin-American context. A series of text-based stories describing two characters, one inflicting harm on the other, were presented to participants. Transgressor's intentionality (accidental vs. intentional harm) and language (gruesome vs. plain) used to describe harm were manipulated employing a within-subjects and a between-subjects design, respectively. After reading each story, participants were asked to rate (a) the harmful action's moral adequacy, (b) the amount of punishment deserving the transgressor and (c) how damaging was his behavior. Results showed main effects of group, intentionality and type of language on all dependent measures. In both groups, intentional harmful actions were rated as significantly less morally adequate, were punished more severely and were deemed as more damaging. Moreover, control subjects deemed more damaging and punished more severely any type of action than the CJ group. In addition, there was an interaction between intentionality and group. People in the control group rated harmful actions as less morally adequate than the CJ group, but only when the action was accidental. Also, there was an interaction between intentionality and language on punishment ratings. Controls punished more when harm was described using gruesome language. However, that was not the case of people in the CJ group, who assigned the same amount of punishment in both conditions. In conclusion, participants with job experience in the criminal justice system or criminal law differ in the way they make moral decisions. Particularly, it seems that they are less sensitive to the biasing effect of gruesome evidence, which is probably explained by their formal education or their experience in dealing with such evidence. Nonetheless, more studies are needed to determine the impact this phenomenon has on the fulfillment of their duty.Keywords: criminal justice system, emotions, gruesome descriptions, intentionality, moral decision-making
Procedia PDF Downloads 1901146 The Regional Center for Business Quality of the University Center of the Valleys: Transiting to an Entrepreneurial University
Authors: Carlos Alberto Santamaria Velasco
The study object of this chapter analyzes the case of the Centro Regional para la Calidad Empresarial (CreCE) starting from an analysis of the theoretical discussion about the universities as actors of the development and generation of enterprises. As well as the promotion of the entrepreneurial culture that they carry out in their environment of influence as part of the linkage and extension actions that have as one of their substantive functions, in addition to teaching and research. The objective is to know the theoretical discussion and the state of art about the entrepreneurial universities from the institutional theory of Douglas North, carrying out a theoretical analysis of the formal and informal factors from the universities linking the specific case of the CReCE. A literature review was carried out in the main journals in the topic of entrepreneurship, about the factors that influence the creation and development of entrepreneurial universities, complementing research in the study of a particular case, CreCE, and how this affects in the transformation of the CUVALLES(Centro Universitario de los Valles) in its way towards an entrepreneurial university.Keywords: entrepreneurial university, institutional theory, university, entrepreneurial universities
Procedia PDF Downloads 2351145 An Industrial Wastewater Management Using Cloud Based IoT System
Authors: Kaarthik K., Harshini S., Karthika M., Kripanandhini T.
Water is an essential part of living organisms. Major water pollution is caused due to contamination of industrial wastewater in the river. The most important step in bringing wastewater contaminants down to levels that are safe for nature is wastewater treatment. The contamination of river water harms both humans who consume it and the aquatic life that lives there. We introduce a new cloud-based industrial IoT paradigm in this work for real-time control and monitoring of wastewater. The proposed system prevents prohibited entry of industrial wastewater into the plant by monitoring temperature, hydrogen power (pH), CO₂ and turbidity factors from the wastewater input that the wastewater treatment facility will process. Real-time sensor values are collected and uploaded to the cloud by the system using an IoT Wi-Fi Module. By doing so, we can prevent the contamination of industrial wastewater entering the river earlier, and the necessary actions will be taken by the users. The proposed system's results are 90% efficient, preventing water pollution due to industry and protecting human lives.Keywords: sensors, pH, CO₂, temperature, turbidity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1141144 Measuring Parliamentarian: Towards Analysing Members of Parliaments in Malaysia
Authors: Rosyidah Muhamad
Democracies are premised on the idea that citizens can hold their leaders accountable for their actions by voting for or against them in regular elections. However, in order this ideal to be realized, citizens must possess a minimum amount of information about their leaders’ performance. Citizens should be made aware of the performance of their elected representatives. This study seeks to analyse this critical information with special reference to Malaysian Parliamentarians (MPs). We adopted several existence Parliamentary Performance model with special reference to their performance inside the parliament. Among indicators used by the Scholastic for analysing this performance are the number of bills proposed by parliamentarian, the number of proposals that would benefit their constituency, the number of speeches made by the parliamentarian during plenary and the percentage of laws passed among the proposals made by certain parliamentary. The broad goals of the study include the analysis of the capacity of a representative body to accommodate the diverse claims and demands that are made on it. We find that overall performances of MPs are average. This is due to not only the background characteristic of individuals MPs but also the limitation of the mechanism provides in the Parliament itself.Keywords: member of parliament, democracy, evaluation, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 2241143 Corporate Governance and Corporate Sustainability: Evidence from a Developing Country
Authors: Edmund Gyimah
Using data from 146 annual reports of listed firms in Ghana for the period 2013-2020, this study presents indicative findings which inspire practical actions and future research. Firms which prepared and presented sustainability reports were excluded from this study for a coverage of corporate sustainability disclosures centred on annual reports. Also, corporate sustainability disclosures of the firms on corporate websites were not included in the study considering the tendency of updates which cannot easily be traced. The corporate sustainability disclosures in the annual reports since the commencement of the G4 Guidelines in 2013 have been below average for all the dimensions of sustainability and the general sustainability disclosures. Few traditional elements of the board composition such as board size and board independence could affect the corporate sustainability disclosures in the annual reports as well as the age of the firm, firm size, and industry classification of the firm. Sustainability disclosures are greater in sustainability reports than in annual reports, however, firms without sustainability reports should have a considerable amount of sustainability disclosures in their annual reports. Also, because of the essence of sustainability, this study suggests to firms to have sustainability committee perhaps, they could make a difference in disclosing the enough sustainability information even when they do not present sustainability information in stand-alone reports.Keywords: disclosures, sustainability, board, reports
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