Search results for: focus group research
32171 An Efficient Traceability Mechanism in the Audited Cloud Data Storage
Authors: Ramya P, Lino Abraham Varghese, S. Bose
By cloud storage services, the data can be stored in the cloud, and can be shared across multiple users. Due to the unexpected hardware/software failures and human errors, which make the data stored in the cloud be lost or corrupted easily it affected the integrity of data in cloud. Some mechanisms have been designed to allow both data owners and public verifiers to efficiently audit cloud data integrity without retrieving the entire data from the cloud server. But public auditing on the integrity of shared data with the existing mechanisms will unavoidably reveal confidential information such as identity of the person, to public verifiers. Here a privacy-preserving mechanism is proposed to support public auditing on shared data stored in the cloud. It uses group signatures to compute verification metadata needed to audit the correctness of shared data. The identity of the signer on each block in shared data is kept confidential from public verifiers, who are easily verifying shared data integrity without retrieving the entire file. But on demand, the signer of the each block is reveal to the owner alone. Group private key is generated once by the owner in the static group, where as in the dynamic group, the group private key is change when the users revoke from the group. When the users leave from the group the already signed blocks are resigned by cloud service provider instead of owner is efficiently handled by efficient proxy re-signature scheme.Keywords: data integrity, dynamic group, group signature, public auditing
Procedia PDF Downloads 39432170 National Defense and Armed Forces Development in the Member States of the Visegrad Group
Authors: E. Hronyecz
Guaranteeing the independence of the V4 Member States, the protection of their national values and their citizens, and the security of the Central and Eastern European region requires the development of military capabilities in terms of the capabilities of nations. As a result, European countries have begun developing capabilities and forces, within which nations are seeking to strengthen the capabilities of their armies and make their interoperability more effective. One aspect of this is the upgrading of military equipment, personnel equipment, and other human resources. Based on the author's preliminary researches - analyzing the scientific literature, the relevant statistical data and conducting of professional consultations with the experts of the research field – it can clearly claimed for all four states of Visegrad Group that a change of direction in the field of defense has been noticeable since the second half of the last decade. Collective defense came to the forefront again; the military training, professionalism, and radical modernization of technical equipment becoming crucial.Keywords: armed forces, cooperation, development, Visegrad Group
Procedia PDF Downloads 13432169 The Impact of Professional Development in the Area of Technology Enhanced Learning on Higher Education Teaching Practices Across Atlantic Technological University – Research Methodology and Preliminary Findings
Authors: Annette Cosgrove
The objectives of this research study is to examine the impact of professional development in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and the digitisation of learning in teaching communities across multiple higher education sites in the ATU (Atlantic Technological University *) ( 2020-2025), including the proposal of an evidence based digital teaching model for use in a future pandemic. The research strategy undertaken for this PhD Study is a multi-site study using mixed methods. Qualitative & quantitative methods are being used in the study to collect data. A pilot study was carried out initially , feedback collected and the research instrument was edited to reflect this feedback, before being administered. The purpose of the staff questionnaire is to evaluate the impact of professional development in the area of TEL, and to capture the practitioners views on the perceived impact on their teaching practice in the higher education sector across ATU (West of Ireland – 5 Higher education locations ). The phenomenon being explored is ‘ the impact of professional development in the area of technology enhanced learning and on teaching practice in a higher education institution.’ The research methodology chosen for this study is an Action based Research Study. The researcher has chosen this approach as it is a prime strategy for developing educational theory and enhancing educational practice . This study includes quantitative and qualitative methods to elicit data which will quantify the impact that continuous professional development in the area of digital teaching practice and technologies has on the practitioner’s teaching practice in higher education. The research instruments / data collection tools for this study include a lecturer survey with a targeted TEL Practice group ( Pre and post covid experience) and semi-structured interviews with lecturers.. This research is currently being conducted across the ATU multisite campus and targeting Higher education lecturers that have completed formal CPD in the area of digital teaching. ATU, a west of Ireland university is the focus of the study , The research questionnaire has been deployed, with 75 respondents to date across the ATU - the primary questionnaire and semi- formal interviews are ongoing currently – the purpose being to evaluate the impact of formal professional development in the area of TEL and its perceived impact on the practitioners teaching practice in the area of digital teaching and learning . This paper will present initial findings, reflections and data from this ongoing research study.Keywords: TEL, DTL, digital teaching, digital assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 7332168 A Randomized Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy of Ultrasound Guided Costoclavicular and Supraclavicular Approaches of Brachial Plexus Block for Upper Limb Surgeries
Authors: Anshul, Rajni Kalia, Sachin Kumar
Introduction: The costoclavicular approach, a modification to the infraclavicular approach, has been described for anesthesia for upper limb surgeries. Material And Methods: In this randomized and single-blind study, fourty patients undergoing emergency/elective upper limb surgery were allocated to two groups. Group C and S received ultrasound-guided Costoclavicular block and Supraclavicular block, respectively, with 20 ml 0.5 % ropivacaine with 8 mg dexamethasone under strict asepsis. The primary outcome assessed was the total duration of sensory and motor block in the postoperative period. Secondary outcomes were to compare the time taken to perform the procedure, block characteristics in terms of onset of motor and sensory blockade, the efficacy of analgesia with respect to the time of administration of the first rescue analgesic dose with both the blocks and note the side effects pertaining to either of the blocks. Results: The mean total duration of sensory and motor blockade was longer in group C vs. group S (p=0.002 and 0.024, respectively). The mean duration to perform a block in group S was more than in group C (p=0.012). The mean onset of sensory and motor Blockade Time in group S was more than in group C (p<0.001 and <0.001, respectively). The mean duration to perform a block in group S was more than in group C (p=0.012). Conclusion: The costoclavicular approach is better than supraclavicular in terms of rapid execution, faster onset of sensory-motor blockade, prolonged postoperative analgesia and similar PONV and safety profile.Keywords: costoclavicular, supraclavicular, ropivacaine, dexamethasone
Procedia PDF Downloads 6632167 There's No End in Sight: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Quality of Life in Burning Syndrome Sufferers
Authors: R. McGrath, A. Trace, S. Curtin, C. McCreary
Introduction: Although, in relation to Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS), much energy has been expended on its definition and etiology, it still remains a contentious issue. There is agreement on the symptoms, but on little else; and approaches to treatment vary widely. However, it has been established that the condition has a detrimental effect on the sufferer’s quality of life. Much research focus has been put on the physical impact of the syndrome. Recently, some literature has turned the focus to social, functional, and psychological factors. However, there is very little qualitative research on how burning mouth syndrome affects the lives of sufferer’s and the present study seeks to remedy this. Method: The study recruited five male participants who took part in semi-structured interviews lasting between 30 and 50 minutes. Data was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Results: The study identified four super-ordinate themes: Lack of Control due to Uncertainty about Condition; Disruption to Internal Sense of Self; Negative Future Expectation due to Chronic Symptoms; and Sense of BMS as an Intrusive Force. Aspects of these themes reflect areas of reduction in quality of life. Conclusion: BMS damages an individual’s quality of life in ways that have not been reflected in self-report surveys of health-related quality of life. The condition has serious implications for the individual's sense of self, identity, and future. The study recommends that further qualitative research be carried out in this area. Also, the use of therapeutic interventions with sufferers from BMS is recommended, which would help not only sufferers but best practice in relation to their treatment.Keywords: burning mouth syndrome, interpretative phenomenological analysis, qualitative research, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 44132166 Integrating Service Learning into a Business Analytics Course: A Comparative Investigation
Authors: Gokhan Egilmez, Erika Hatfield, Julie Turner
In this study, we investigated the impacts of service-learning integration on an undergraduate level business analytics course from multiple perspectives, including academic proficiency, community awareness, engagement, social responsibility, and reflection. We assessed the impact of the service-learning experience by using a survey developed primarily based on the literature review and secondarily on an ad hoc group of researchers. Then, we implemented the survey in two sections, where one of the sections was a control group. We compared the results of the empirical survey visually and statistically.Keywords: business analytics, service learning, experiential education, statistical analysis, survey research
Procedia PDF Downloads 11232165 Digital Individual Benefit Statement: The Use of a Triangulation Methodology to Design a Digital Platform for Switzerland
Authors: Catherine Equey Balzli
Old age retirement pensions are an important concern among the Swiss but estimating one’s income after retirement is difficult due to the Swiss insurance system’s complexity. This project’s aim is to prepare for developing a digital platform that will allow individuals to plan for retirement in a simplified manner. The main objective of the platform will be to give individuals the tools to check that their savings and retirement benefits will allow them to continue the lifestyle to which they are accustomed once they are retired. The research results from qualitative (focus group) and quantitative (survey) methodologies, recommend the scope and functionalities for a digital platform to be developed. A main outcome is the need to limit the platform’s scope to old-age pension only (excluding survivors’ or disability pensions, for instance). Furthermore, an outcome regarding the functionalities is the proposition of scenarios such as early retirement, changes to income, or modifications to personal status. The development of the digital platform will be a subsequent project.Keywords: benefit statement, digital platform, retirement financial planning, social insurance
Procedia PDF Downloads 11232164 Hydrodynamics and Hydro-acoustics of Fish Schools: Insights from Computational Models
Authors: Ji Zhou, Jung Hee Seo, Rajat Mittal
Fish move in groups for foraging, reproduction, predator protection, and hydrodynamic efficiency. Schooling's predator protection involves the "many eyes" theory, which increases predator detection probability in a group. Reduced visual signature in a group scales with school size, offering per-capita protection. The ‘confusion effect’ makes it hard for predators to target prey in a group. These benefits, however, all focus on vision-based sensing, overlooking sound-based detection. Fish, including predators, possess sophisticated sensory systems for pressure waves and underwater sound. The lateral line system detects acoustic waves, while otolith organs sense infrasound, and sharks use an auditory system for low-frequency sounds. Among sound generation mechanisms of fish, the mechanism of dipole sound relates to hydrodynamic pressure forces on the body surface of the fish and this pressure would be affected by group swimming. Thus, swimming within a group could affect this hydrodynamic noise signature of fish and possibly serve as an additional protection afforded by schooling, but none of the studies to date have explored this effect. BAUVs with fin-like propulsors could reduce acoustic noise without compromising performance, addressing issues of anthropogenic noise pollution in marine environments. Therefore, in this study, we used our in-house immersed-boundary method flow and acoustic solver, ViCar3D, to simulate fish schools consisting of four swimmers in the classic ‘diamond’ configuration and discussed the feasibility of yielding higher swimming efficiency and controlling far-field sound signature of the school. We examine the effects of the relative phase of fin flapping of the swimmers and the simulation results indicate that the phase of the fin flapping is a dominant factor in both thrust enhancement and the total sound radiated into the far-field by a group of swimmers. For fish in the “diamond” configuration, a suitable combination of the relative phase difference between pairs of leading fish and trailing fish can result in better swimming performance with significantly lower hydroacoustic noise.Keywords: fish schooling, biopropulsion, hydrodynamics, hydroacoustics
Procedia PDF Downloads 6432163 The Simplicity of the Future: Plain Methods of Setting up a Company under the Freedom of Enterprise
Authors: Renata Hrecska
This research aims to present today's corporate law reforms in the micro, small and medium-sized enterprise sector. The UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) currently deals with emerging issues in the sector in its Working Group I that has specifically focused on possible company law simplifications, including the creation of a fully unique company, the UNCITRAL Limited Liability Organization. However, beyond the work at the UN, the different states has also been focusing on simplification efforts and demands in the sphere of commercial law. We can observe that e.g. Slovakia, Serbia, Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Romania and France are undergoing legal reforms aimed at restructuring the sector through simplification of registration or operation. An important objective of the research is to examine where the boundary is for the legal entity to be more transparent and accountable, while the legislator wants to bring the possibility of establishing a company closer to the citizen. The research material presents the advantages and disadvantages of different initiatives with comparative legal instruments and draws conclusions on the possible future vision. The researcher herself attended some of the meetings of the relevant UNCITRAL working group as a national delegated expert, giving her a personal insight into the UNLLO discourse.Keywords: commercial law, company formation, MSME, UNCITRAL
Procedia PDF Downloads 11832162 The Effect of β-Cryptoxanthin on Testicular Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in a Rat Model: Evidence from Testicular Histology
Authors: Kianoush Mohammadnejad, Rahim Mohammadi, Ali Soleimanzadeh, Ali Shalizar Jalai, Farshid Sareafzadeh Rezaei
Testicular torsion and detorsion are significant clinical issues for infertile men. Torsion of the spermatic cord is an emergency condition resulting from the rotation of the testis and epididymis around the axis of the spermatic cord. A rat testis model was used to assess the effects of β-cryptoxanthin on ischemia-reperfusion injury. Twenty healthy male Wistar rats were included and randomized into four investigational groups (n = 5): Group SHAM: In this group, midline incision of the scrotum was performed, and the testicles were taken out for 2 hours with a 720-degree rotation. Group ISCHEMIA: In this group, a midline incision of the scrotum was performed, and the testicles were taken out and underwent ischemia for 2 hours with a 720-degree rotation. Group IS/REP/Oil: In this group, a midline scrotum cut was performed the testicles were taken out, and ischemia was created for 2 hours with a 720-degree rotation and at the end of ischemia 100 µL of corn oil (β-cryptoxanthin solvent) was injected intraperitoneally. Group IS/REP/CRPTXNTN 2.5: The same as group IS/REP/Oil as well as intraperitoneal administration of 100 µL of β-cryptoxanthin (2.5 µg/kg) at the end of ischemia. In all groups, the testes were returned back to the scrotum and, after 60 days, were dissected out and removed for histopathological analyses. β-cryptoxanthin at the dose of 2.5 µg/kg significantly improved histologic indices compared to other treatment groups (p<0.05). β-cryptoxanthin could be helpful in minimizing ischemia-reperfusion injury in testicular tissue exposed to ischemia.Keywords: beta-cryptoxanthin, testis, Ischemia-reperfusion, Intraperitoneal
Procedia PDF Downloads 2032161 Exploring the Efficacy of Context-Based Instructional Strategy in Fostering Students Achievement in Chemistry
Authors: Charles U. Eze, Joy Johnbest Egbo
The study investigated the effect of Context-Based Instructional Strategy (CBIS) on students’ achievement in chemistry. CBIS was used as an experimental group and expository method (EM) as a control group, sources showed that students poor achievement in chemistry is from teaching strategy adopted by the chemistry teachers. Two research questions were answered, and two null hypotheses were formulated and tested. This strategy recognizes the need for student-centered, relevance of tasks and students’ voice; it also helps students develop creative and critical learning skills. A quasi-experimental (non-equivalent, pretest, posttest control group) design was adopted for the study. The population for the study comprised all senior secondary class one (SSI) students who were offering chemistry in co-education schools in Agbani Education zone. The instrument for data collection was a self-developed Basic Chemistry Achievement Test (BCAT). Relevant data were collected from a sample of SSI chemistry students using purposive random sampling techniques from two co-education schools in Agbani Education Zone of Enugu State, Nigeria. A reliability co-efficient was obtained for the instrument using Kuder-Richardson formula 20. Mean and standard deviation scores were used to answer the research questions while two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses. The findings showed that the experimental group taught with context-based instructional strategy (CBIS) obtained a higher mean achievement score than the control group in the post BCAT; male students had higher mean achievement scores than their female counterparts. The difference was significant. It was recommended, among others, that CBIS should be given more emphasis in the training and re-training program of secondary school chemistry teachers.Keywords: context-based instructional strategy, expository strategy, student-centered
Procedia PDF Downloads 22932160 Using Reading to Learn Pedagogy to Promote Chinese Written Vocabulary Acquisition: An Evaluative Study
Authors: Mengping Cheng, John Everatt, Alison Arrow, Amanda Denston
Based on the available evidence, Chinese heritage language learners have a basic level of Chinese language proficiency with lower capability in literacy compared to speaking. Low levels of literacy are likely related to the lack of reading activities in current textbook-based pedagogy used in Chinese community schools. The present study aims to use Reading to Learn pedagogy which is a top-down language learning model and test the effectiveness of Reading to Learn on Chinese heritage learners’ written vocabulary acquisition. A quasi-experiment with the pre-test/post-test non-equivalent group design was conducted. The experimental group received Reading to Learn instructions and the control group had traditional textbook-based instructions. Participants were given Chinese characters tasks (a recognize-and-read task and a listen-and-point task), vocabulary tasks (a receptive vocabulary task and a productive vocabulary task) and a sentence cloze test in pre-tests and post-tests. Data collection is in progress and results will be available shortly. If the results show more improvement of Chinese written vocabulary in the experimental group than in the control group, it will be recommended that Reading to Learn pedagogy is valuable to be used to maintain and develop Chinese heritage language literacy.Keywords: Chinese heritage language, experimental research, Reading to Learn pedagogy, vocabulary acquisition
Procedia PDF Downloads 15432159 Expert Solutions to Affordable Housing Finance Challenges in Developing Economies
Authors: Timothy Akinwande, Eddie C. M. Hui
Housing the urban poor has remained a challenge for many years across the world, especially in developing economies, despite the apparent research attention and policy interventions. It is apt to investigate the prevalent affordable housing (AH) provision challenges using unconventional approaches. It is pragmatic to thoroughly examine housing experts to provide supply-side solutions to AH challenges and investigate informal settlers to deduce solutions from AH demand viewpoints. This study being the supply-side investigation of an ongoing research, interrogated housing experts to determine significant expert solutions. Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were conducted with housing experts in Nigeria. Through descriptive, content, and systematic thematic analyses of data, major findings are that deliberate finance models designed for the urban poor are the most significant housing finance solution in developing economies. Other findings are that adequately implemented rent control policies, deliberate PPP approaches like inclusionary housing and land-value capture, and urban renewal programmes to enlighten and tutor the urban poor on how to earn more, spend wisely, and invest in their own better housing will effectively solve AH finance challenges. Study findings are informative for the best approaches to achieve effective, affordable housing finance for the urban poor in Nigeria, which is indispensable for the achievement of sustainable development goals. This research’s originality lies in the exploration of experts’ opinions in relation to AH finance to produce an equation model of critical solutions to AH finance challenges. Study data are useful resources for future pro-poor housing studies. This study makes housing policy-oriented recommendations toward effective, affordable housing for the urban poor in developing countries.Keywords: affordable housing, effective affordable housing, housing policy, housing research, sustainable development, urban poor
Procedia PDF Downloads 8632158 Household Perspectives and Resistance to Preventive Relocation in Flood Prone Areas: A Case Study in the Polwatta River Basin, Southern Sri Lanka
Authors: Ishara Madusanka, So Morikawa
Natural disasters, particularly floods, pose severe challenges globally, affecting both developed and developing countries. In many regions, especially Asia, riverine floods are prevalent and devastating. Integrated flood management incorporates structural and non-structural measures, with preventive relocation emerging as a cost-effective and proactive strategy for areas repeatedly impacted by severe flooding. However, preventive relocation is often hindered by economic, psychological, social, and institutional barriers. This study investigates the factors influencing resistance to preventive relocation and evaluates the role of flood risk information in shaping relocation decisions through risk perception. A conceptual model was developed, incorporating variables such as Flood Risk Information (FRI), Place Attachment (PA), Good Living Conditions (GLC), and Adaptation to Flooding (ATF), with Flood Risk Perception (FRP) serving as a mediating variable. The research was conducted in Welipitiya in the Polwatta river basin, Matara district, Sri Lanka, a region experiencing recurrent flood damage. For this study, an experimental design involving a structured questionnaire survey was utilized, with 185 households participating. The treatment group received flood risk information, including flood risk maps and historical data, while the control group did not. Data were collected in 2023 and analyzed using independent sample t-tests and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). PLS-SEM was chosen for its ability to model latent variables, handle complex relationships, and suitability for exploratory research. Multi-group Analysis (MGA) assessed variations across different flood risk areas. Findings indicate that flood risk information had a limited impact on flood risk perception and relocation decisions, though its effect was significant in specific high-risk areas. Place attachment was a significant factor influencing relocation decisions across the sample. One potential reason for the limited impact of flood risk information on relocation decisions could be the lack of specificity in the information provided. The results suggest that while flood risk information alone may not significantly influence relocation decisions, it is crucial in specific contexts. Future studies and practitioners should focus on providing more detailed risk information and addressing psychological factors like place attachments to enhance preventive relocation efforts.Keywords: flood risk communication, flood risk perception, place attachment, preventive relocation, structural equation modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3432157 Analyzing the Effectiveness of Elderly Design and the Impact on Sustainable Built Environment
Authors: Tristance Kee
With an unprecedented increase in elderly population around the world, the severe lack of quality housing and health-and-safety provisions to serve this cohort cannot be ignored any longer. Many elderly citizens, especially singletons, live in unsafe housing conditions with poorly executed planning and design. Some suffer from deteriorating mobility, sight and general alertness and their sub-standard living conditions further hinder their daily existence. This research explains how concepts such as Universal Design and Co-Design operate in a high density city such as Hong Kong, China where innovative design can become an alternative solution where government and the private sector fail to provide quality elderly friendly facilities to promote a sustainable urban development. Unlike other elderly research which focuses more on housing policies, nursing care and theories, this research takes a more progressive approach by providing an in-depth impact assessment on how innovative design can be practical solutions for creating a more sustainable built environment. The research objectives are to: 1) explain the relationship between innovative design for elderly and a healthier and sustainable environment; 2) evaluate the impact of human ergonomics with the use of universal design; and 3) explain how innovation can enhance the sustainability of a city in improving citizen’s sight, sound, walkability and safety within the ageing population. The research adopts both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to examine ways to improve elderly population’s relationship to our built environment. In particular, the research utilizes collected data from questionnaire survey and focus group discussions to obtain inputs from various stakeholders, including designers, operators and managers related to public housing, community facilities and overall urban development. In addition to feedbacks from end-users and stakeholders, a thorough analysis on existing elderly housing facilities and Universal Design provisions are examined to evaluate their adequacy. To echo the theme of this conference on Innovation and Sustainable Development, this research examines the effectiveness of innovative design in a risk-benefit factor assessment. To test the hypothesis that innovation can cater for a sustainable development, the research evaluated the health improvement of a sample size of 150 elderly in a period of eight months. Their health performances, including mobility, speech and memory are monitored and recorded on a regular basis to assess if the use of innovation does trigger impact on improving health and home safety for an elderly cohort. This study was supported by district community centers under the auspices of Home Affairs Bureau to provide respondents for questionnaire survey, a standardized evaluation mechanism, and professional health care staff for evaluating the performance impact. The research findings will be integrated to formulate design solutions such as innovative home products to improve elderly daily experience and safety with a particular focus on the enhancement on sight, sound and mobility safety. Some policy recommendations and architectural planning recommendations related to Universal Design will also be incorporated into the research output for future planning of elderly housing and amenity provisions.Keywords: elderly population, innovative design, sustainable built environment, universal design
Procedia PDF Downloads 23032156 The Effect of Music Therapy on Anxiety, Fear and Pain Management in 6-12 Year Old Children Undergoing Surgery
Authors: Özgür Bahadir, Meltem Kurtuncu
The study was designed as quasi-experimental and conducted to determine the effect of music therapy on anxiety, fear and pain management in 6-12-year-old children undergoing surgery. The present study was carried out between 01.01.2016 and 19.08.2016 in BEU. Application and Research Center. The children aged 6 -12 who applied for surgery between the mentioned dates constituted the universe of the study. In the quasi-experimental study that was conducted in the clinics where children received operational treatment, two groups were formed: experimental group (the children who received musical therapy before the surgery) and control group (the children who were administered surveys and the surgery service routines only). Each group consisted of 30 children, and the participants of the study were 60 children in total. Necessary permissions were obtained from the parents of the children hospitalized before the beginning of the implementation. The data was collected through Child Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI), “Fear In Medical Treatment Scale”, Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability Scale (FLACC), Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and Participant Information Form. In the analysis of the data, Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution scale was used to examine the normality of the distribution along with descriptive statistics methods (Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation). Data was presented in the tables in numbers and percentages. Means were demonstrated along with the standard deviations. The research compared children received; case and control groups include socio-demographic perspective, non-significant difference statistically among similar groups are intertwined. The general level of fear regarding the medical processes before returning to service after the operation and 30 minutes before getting discharged was found to be significantly low in the experimental group compared to control group (p<0.05). No statistically significant difference was found between experimental and control groups in terms of general level of fear regarding the medical processes before the operation, during the operation day and in the recovery room after the operation (p>0.05). Total CASI AD (anxiety sensitivity) levels before the operation, day of the operation and 30 minutes before the discharge for patients in experimental group was found to be significantly higher than the control group (p>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the total CASI AD levels for the post-operative recovery room and for returning to the service room after the operation (p>0.05). VAS levels for patients in the experimental group in the post-operative recovery room was significantly higher than the control group (p>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of VAS findings in returning to service room after the operation and in 30 minutes before the discharge (p>0.05). As a result of the research; applied children music therapy in the experimental group anxiety, fear, and pain of the scales, their scores average, is lower than the control group children in this situation an increase in the satisfaction of children and parents was observed. In line with this, music therapy preoperative anxiety, fear, and can be used as an effective method of decreasing postoperative pain clinics is suggested.Keywords: anxiety, children, fear, music therapy, pain
Procedia PDF Downloads 22432155 Views of Middle-Aged Women in Malaysia towards Menopause: A Qualitative Study
Authors: Halimatus Sakdiah Minhat, Hamizah Sulaiman
Introduction: Old age is commonly link with menopause among women. The main purpose of this study is to explore the views of middle-aged women and its association with menopause. Methods: Qualitative interviews in the form of focus group discussions (FGD) were conducted among women aged between 35 and 59 years old living in urban localities in two different states in Malaysia. Selection of respondents were conducted using the maximum variation sampling, focussing on five age categories which are between 35 to 39, 40 to 44, 45 to 49, 50 to 54 and 55 to 59 years old. Each FGD involved 5 to 7 respondents and lasted for 1 to 2 hours each. The content of the interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim after each interview before the next focus group discussion is conducted. Field notes of reflexive observations were recorded by the rapporteur. Individual transcripts were analysed using standard methods of qualitative thematic analysis. The material was read through twice and later coded. The codes were further collapsed into several key themes related to perceptions towards menopause among the respondents. Results: A total number of 36 middle-aged women were consented for the interviews. The contents of the interviews revealed that younger women tend to associate menopause with being old, which were dominated by the younger aged categories of less than 50 years old. Majority of the respondents linked menopause with end of woman’s reproductive capacity or inability to give birth, lethargic or endless feeling of tiredness and insomnia, emotional instability or having more sensitive feelings and also the beginning of many health problems such as osteoarthritis which they perceived very synonyms with being old. Conclusion: The findings of this study indirectly reflect the negative views towards menopause among the middle-aged women in Malaysia. Being residents in the urban areas equipped with advanced technology and health information, do not exclude them from having negative views about menopause. However, this is a qualitative study which only focussing on age ranges, regardless of their socioeconomic and demographic background, which make further studies on related issues are necessaries. The fact that it was a qualitative interview, the findings could not be generalised and only specific to the targeted population.Keywords: Menopause, Middle-aged women, old, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 29332154 Randomized Controlled Trial of Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depressive Symptoms among Menopausal Chinese Women
Authors: Jing Ding
The present study will propose a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) that will assess the efficacy of group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in treating depressive symptoms among menopausal women in China. Considering the high prevalence of menopausal symptoms and depressive disorders among this population, the present study is intended to explore whether group CBT can provide relief for these psychological disturbances commonly linked with hot flashes and night sweats during menopause. Thus, participants will be recruited through gynecologic and psychological outpatient clinics in Beijing, China, and then randomly assigned to either the CBT intervention group or the waitlist control group. The primary outcome measures for major depression will include the PHQ-9, while for menopausal symptoms, the main outcome measure will be the KMI. Secondary measures will include the assessment of sleep quality, quality of life, and general well-being. The current study offers evidence-based intervention for non-pharmacological menopausal symptoms in women and underlines the benefits that group CBT can have, both at a mental health level and for physical symptoms during menopause. This study could set the stage for the wider clinical practice of CBT with this demographic.Keywords: group CBT, depression, women's mental health, menopause
Procedia PDF Downloads 1832153 Improving the Students’ Writing Skill by Using Brainstorming Technique
Authors: M. Z. Abdul Rofiq Badril Rizal
This research is aimed to know the improvement of students’ English writing skill by using brainstorming technique. The technique used in writing is able to help the students’ difficulties in generating ideas and to lead the students to arrange the ideas well as well as to focus on the topic developed in writing. The research method used is classroom action research. The data sources of the research are an English teacher who acts as an observer and the students of class X.MIA5 consist of 35 students. The test result and observation are collected as the data in this research. Based on the research result in cycle one, the percentage of students who reach minimum accomplishment criteria (MAC) is 76.31%. It shows that the cycle must be continued to cycle two because the aim of the research has not accomplished, all of the students’ scores have not reached MAC yet. After continuing the research to cycle two and the weaknesses are improved, the process of teaching and learning runs better. At the test which is conducted in the end of learning process in cycle two, all of the students reach the minimum score and above 76 based on the minimum accomplishment criteria. It means the research has been successful and the percentage of students who reach minimum accomplishment criteria is 100%. Therefore, the writer concludes that brainstorming technique is able to improve the students’ English writing skill at the tenth grade of SMAN 2 Jember.Keywords: brainstorming technique, improving, writing skill, knowledge and innovation engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 36732152 Depth of Field: Photographs, Narrative and Reflective Learning Resource for Health Professions Educators
Authors: Gabrielle Brand, Christopher Etherton-Beer
The learning landscape of higher education environment is changing, with an increased focus over the past decade on how educators might begin to cultivate reflective skills in health professions students. In addition, changing professional requirements demand that health professionals are adequately prepared to practice in today’s complex Australian health care systems, including responding to changing demographics of population ageing. To counteract a widespread perception of health professions students’ disinterest in caring for older persons, the authors will report on an exploratory, mixed method research study that used photographs, narrative and small group work to enhance medical and nursing students’ reflective learning experience. An innovative photo-elicitation technique and reflective questioning prompts were used to increase engagement, and challenge students to consider new perspectives (around ageing) by constructing shared storylines in small groups. The qualitative themes revealed how photographs, narratives and small group work created learning spaces for reflection whereby students could safely explore their own personal and professional values, beliefs and perspectives around ageing. By providing the space for reflection, the students reported how they found connection and meaning in their own learning through a process of self-exploration that often challenged their assumptions of both older people and themselves as future health professionals. By integrating cognitive and affective elements into the learning process, this research demonstrates the importance of embedding visual methodologies that enhance reflection and transformative learning. The findings highlight the importance of integrating the arts into predominantly empirically driven health professional curricula and can be used as a catalyst for individual and/or collective reflection which can potentially enhance empathy, insight and understanding of the lived experiences of older patients. Based on these findings, the authors have developed ‘Depth of Field: Exploring Ageing’ an innovative, interprofessional, digital reflective learning resource that uses Prezi Inc. software (storytelling tool that presents ideas on a virtual canvas) to enhance students’ reflective capacity in the higher education environment.Keywords: narrative, photo-elicitation, reflective learning, qualitative research
Procedia PDF Downloads 28732151 Comparison of the Glidescope Visualization and Neck Flexion with Lateral Neck Pressure Nasogastric Tube Insertion Techniques in Anaesthetized Patients: A Prospective Randomized Clinical Study
Authors: Pitchaporn Purngpiputtrakul, Suttasinee Petsakul, Sunisa Chatmongkolchart
Nasogastric tube (NGT) insertion in anaesthetized and intubated patients can be challenging even for experienced anesthesiologists. Various techniques have been proposed to facilitate NGT insertion in these patients. This study aimed to compare the success rate and time required for NGT insertion between the GlideScope visualization and neck flexion with lateral neck pressure techniques. This randomized clinical trial was performed at a teaching hospital on 86 adult patients undergoing abdominal surgery under relaxant general anaesthesia who required intraoperative NGT insertion. The patients were randomized into two groups, the GlideScope group (group G) and the neck flexion with lateral neck pressure group (group F). The success rate of first and second attempts, duration of insertion, and complications were recorded. The total success rate was 79.1% in Group G compared with 76.7% in Group F (P=1) The median time required for NGT insertion was significantly longer in Group G, for both first and second attempts (97 vs 42 seconds P<0.001) and (70 vs 48.5 seconds P=0.015), respectively. Complications were reported in 23 patients (53.5%) in group G and 13 patients (30.2%) in group F. Bleeding and kinking were the most common complications in both techniques. Using GlideScope visualization to facilitate NGT insertion was comparable to neck flexion with lateral neck pressure technique in degree of success rate of insertion, while neck flexion with lateral neck pressure technique had fewer complications and was less time-consuming.Keywords: anaesthesia, nasogastric tube, GlideScope, intubation
Procedia PDF Downloads 16532150 Parental and Peer Influences on Juvenile Delinquency: Case Studies in Malaysia
Authors: Tan Bee Piang
The family is always seen as the most important agent of socialization, therefore, abusive parents and broken family have often been highlighted as two main factors contributing to juvenile delinquency. However, several studies have indicated that the peer group is one of the most powerful socialization agents in adolescent development, the influences of family are insignificant after peer influences are taken. This study aimed to investigate the relative influence of parents and peers on juvenile delinquency in Malaysia. Malaysia is a multicultural society, so different types of traditional values and religions permeate all aspects of Malaysian society, and the influences of family and parents are always seen as the most important agents of socialization. 80 juveniles from a reform school in Malaysia have been selected to participate in this study. Based on the experiences of juveniles in this study, it found that peer groups play an important role when the adolescents try to create their own identities. Adolescents merely make friends with those who have similar life experiences, so adolescents are easily influenced by their friends and the juvenile delinquency is mostly group behavior. This research found that there is no significant relationship between family factors and delinquency. The data shows that a significant percentage of juveniles come from middle-class family and most of them are not from broken family. However, most of them have strained family relationship. This research suggests that we should take a look into other causes, like peer influence, of juvenile delinquency in Malaysia.Keywords: juvenile delinquency, peer influence, group behaviour, family relationship
Procedia PDF Downloads 51232149 From Shop-Floor to Classroom and from Classroom to Shop-Floor: A Way to Bridge Gap between Industry and Academy
Authors: Muhammad Haris Aziz, Shoaib Sarfraz, Chanchal Saha
The basic functions of a university are research and education. Research develops theories and education provides the link between the theory and the practical. Being an applied science, the link between theory and practice needs to be strong in engineering disciplines. But there remains a gap between industry and academy due lack of understanding and awareness from both sides. This gap is been shorten with an industrial engineering graduate class composed of a mix of students from industrial background and from theoretical background. Results are four industrial case studies which are the outcome of group projects in a course on operations research.Keywords: industrial-academia linkage, operations research, industrial engineering, engineering education.
Procedia PDF Downloads 65632148 Ex-Offenders’ Labelling, Stigmatisation and Unsuccessful Re-Integration as Factors Leading into Recidivism: A South African Context
Authors: Tshimangadzo Oscar Magadze
For successful re-integration, the individual offender must adapt and transform, which requires that the offender should adopt and internalise socially approved norms, attitudes, values, and beliefs. However, the offender’s labelling and community stigmatisation decide the destination of the offender. Community involvement in ex-offenders’ re-integration is an important issue in efforts to reduce recidivism and to control overcrowding in our correctional facilities. Crime is a social problem that requires society to come together to fight against it. This study was conducted in the Limpopo Province in Vhembe District Municipality within four local municipalities, namely Musina, Makhado, Mutale, and Thulamela. A total number of 30 participants were interviewed, and all were members of the Community Corrections Forums. This was necessitated by the fact that Musina is a very small area, which compelled the Department of Correctional Services to combine the two (Musina and Makhado) into one social re-integration entity. This is a qualitative research study where participants were selected through the use of purposive sampling. Participants were selected based on the value they would add to this study in order to achieve the objectives. The data collection method of this study was the focus group, which comprised of three groups of 10 participants each. Thulamela and Mutale local municipalities formed a group with (10) participants each, whereas Musina (2) and Makhado (8) formed another. Results indicate that the current situation is not conducive for re-integration to be successful. Participants raised many factors that need serious redress, namely offenders’ discrimination, lack of forgiveness by members of the community, which is fuelled by lack of community awareness due to the failure of the Department of Correctional Services in educating communities on ex-offenders’ re-integration.Keywords: ex-offender, labeling, re-integration, stigmatization
Procedia PDF Downloads 14732147 Settlement of Group of Stone Columns
Authors: Adel Hanna, Tahar Ayadat, Mohammad Etezad, Cyrille Cros
A number of theoretical methods have been developed over the years to calculate the amount settlement of the soil reinforced with group of stone columns. The results deduced from these methods sometimes show large disagreement with the experimental observations. The reason of this divergence might be due to the fact that many of the previous methods assumed the deform shape of the columns which is different with the actual case. A new method to calculate settlement of the ground reinforced with group of stone columns is presented in this paper which overcomes the restrictions made by previous theories. This method is based on results deduced from numerical modeling. Results obtained from the model are validated.Keywords: stone columns, group, soft soil, settlement, prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 50832146 Impact of Instructional Mode and Medium of Instruction on the Learning Outcomes of Secondary Level School Children
Authors: Dipti Parida, Atasi Mohanty
The focus of this research is to examine the interaction effect of flipped teaching and traditional teaching mode across two different medium (English and Odia) of instructional groups. Both Science and History subjects were taken to be taught in the Class- VIII in two different instructional mode/s. In total, 180 students of Class-VIII of both Odia and English medium schools were taken as the samples of this study; 90 participants (each group) were from both English and Odia medium schools ; 45 participants of each of these two groups were again assigned either to flip or traditional teaching method. We have two independent variables and each independent variable with two levels. Medium and mode of instruction are the two independent variables. Medium of instruction has two levels of Odia medium and English medium groups. The mode of instruction has also two levels of flip and traditional teaching method. Here we get 4 different groups, such as Odia medium students with traditional mode of teaching (O.M.T), Odia medium students with flipped mode of teaching (O.M.F), English medium students with traditional mode of teaching (E.M.T) and English medium students with flipped mode of teaching (E.M.F). Before the instructional administration, these four groups were given a test on the concerned topic to be taught. Based on this result, a one-way ANOVA was computed and the obtained result showed that these four groups don’t differ significantly from each other at the beginning. Then they were taught the concerned topic either in traditional or flip mode of teaching method. After that a 2×2×2 repeated measures ANOVA was done to analyze the group differences as well as the learning outcome before and after the teaching. The result table also shows that in post-test the learning outcome is highest in case of English medium students with flip mode of instruction. From the statistical analysis it is clear that the flipped mode of teaching is as effective for Odia medium students as it is for English medium students.Keywords: medium of instruction, mode of instruction, test mode, vernacular medium
Procedia PDF Downloads 35632145 Effects of in silico (Virtual Lab) And in vitro (inside the Classroom) Labs in the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in General Biology
Authors: Mark Archei O. Javier
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIR) is a major industrial era characterized by the fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. Since this era teaches us how to thrive in the fast-paced developing world, it is important to be able to adapt. With this, there is a need to make learning and teaching in the bioscience laboratory more challenging and engaging. The goal of the research is to find out if using in silico and in vitro laboratory activities compared to the conventional conduct laboratory activities would have positive impacts on the academic performance of the learners. The potential contribution of the research is that it would improve the teachers’ methods in delivering the content to the students when it comes to topics that need laboratory activities. This study will develop a method by which teachers can provide learning materials to the students. A one-tailed t-Test for independent samples was used to determine the significant difference in the pre- and post-test scores of students. The tests of hypotheses were done at a 0.05 level of significance. Based on the results of the study, the gain scores of the experimental group are greater than the gain scores of the control group. This implies that using in silico and in vitro labs for the experimental group is more effective than the conventional method of doing laboratory activities.Keywords: academic performance, general biology, in silico laboratory, in vivo laboratory, virtual laboratory
Procedia PDF Downloads 19032144 Understanding Social Networks in Community's Coping Capacity with Floods: A Case Study of a Community in Cambodia
Authors: Ourn Vimoil, Kallaya Suntornvongsagul
Cambodia is considered as one of the most disaster prone countries in South East Asia, and most of natural disasters are related to floods. Cambodia, a developing country, faces significant impacts from floods, such as environmental, social, and economic losses. Using data accessed from focus group discussions and field surveys with villagers in Ba Baong commune, prey Veng province, Cambodia, the research would like to examine roles of social networks in raising community’s coping capacity with floods. The findings indicate that social capital play crucial roles in three stages of floods, namely preparedness, response, and recovery to overcome the crisis. People shared their information and resources, and extent their assistances to one another in order to adapt to floods. The study contribute to policy makers, national and international agencies working on this issue to pay attention on social networks as one factors to accelerate flood coping capacity at community level.Keywords: social network, community, coping capacity, flood, Cambodia
Procedia PDF Downloads 36632143 ISIS Women Recruitment in Spain and De-Radicalization Programs in Prisons
Authors: Inmaculada Yuste Martinez
Since July 5, 2014, Abubaker al Bagdadi, leader of the Islamic State since 2010 climbed the pulpit of the Great Mosque of Al Nuri of Mosul and proclaimed the Caliphate, the number of fighters who have travelled to Syria to join the Caliphate has increased as never before. Although it is true that the phenomenon of foreign fighters is not a new phenomenon, as it occurred after the Spanish Civil War, Republicans from Ireland and the conflict of the Balkans among others, it is highly relevant the fact that in this case, it has reached figures unknown in Europe until now. The approval of the resolution 2178 (2014) of the Security Council, foreign terrorist fighters placed the subject a priority position on the International agenda. The available data allow us to affirm that women have increasingly assumed operative functions in jihadist terrorism and in the activities linked to it in the development of attacks in the European Union, including minors and young adults. In the case of Spain, one in four of the detainees in 2016 were women, a significant increase compared to 2015. This contrasts with the fact that until 2014 no woman had been prosecuted in Spain for terrorist activities of a jihadist nature. It is fundamental when we talk about the prevention of radicalization and counterterrorism that we do not underestimate the potential threat to the security of countries like Spain that women from the West can assume to the global jihadist movement. This work aims to deepen the radicalization processes of these women and their profiles influencing the female inmate population. It also wants to focus on the importance of creating de-radicalization programs for these inmates since women are a crucial element in radicalization processes. A special focus it is made on young radicalized female inmate population as this target group is the most recoverable and on which it would result more fruitful to intervene. De-radicalization programs must also be designed to fit their profiles and circumstances; a sensitive environment will be prisons and juvenile centers, areas that until now had been unrelated to this problem and which are already hosting the first convicted in judicial offices in Spanish territory. A qualitative research and an empirical and analytical method has been implemented in this work, focused on the cases that took place in Spain of young women and the imaginary that the Islamic State uses for the processes of radicalization for this target group and how it does not fit with their real role in the Jihad, as opposed to other movements in which women do have a real and active role in the armed conflict as YPJ do it as a part of the armed wing of the Democratic Union Party of Syria.Keywords: caliphate, de-radicalization, foreign fighter, gender perspective, ISIS, jihadism, recruitment
Procedia PDF Downloads 17232142 Rutin C Improve Osseointegration of Dental Implant and Healing of Soft Tissue
Authors: Noha Mohammed Ismael Awad Eladal, Aala Shoukry Emara
Background: Wound healing after dental implant surgery is critical to the procedure's success. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of rutin+vitamin C supplementation in wound healing following the placement of dental implants. Methodology: There were 20 participants in this randomized controlled clinical trial who needed dental implants to replace missing teeth. Patients were divided into two groups, and group A received dental implants. Group B received dental implants with vitamin C administration. Follow-up appointments were performed on day 3, day 7, and day 14 post-surgery, during which soft tissue healing and pain response scores were evaluated using the visual analog scale. Postoperative digital panoramas were taken immediately after surgery, 3 months and 6 months postoperatively. Changes in bone density along with the bone-implant interface at the mesial, distal and apical sides were assessed using the digora software. Results: An independent t-test was used to compare the means of variables between the two groups. At the same time, repeated measures were employed to compare the means of variables between two groups. ANOVA was used to compare bone density for the same group at different dates. Significant increased differences were observed at the mesial, distal and apical sides Surrounding the implants of both groups per time. However, the rate of increase was significantly higher in group B The mean difference at the mesial side after 6 months was 21.99 ± 5.48 in the group B and 14.21 ± 4.95 in group A, while it read 21.74 ± 3.56 in the group B and 10.78 ± 3.90 in group A at the distal side and was 18.90 ± 5.91 in the group B and 10.39 ± 3.49 group A at the apical side. Significance was recorded at P = 0.004, P = 0.0001, and 0.001 at the mesial, distal and apical sides respectively. The mean pain score and wound healing were significantly higher in group A as compared to group B, respectively. Conclusion: The rutin c + vitamin c group significantly promoted bone healing and speeded up the osseointegration process and improved soft tissue healing.Keywords: osseointegration, soft tissue, rutin c, dental implant
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