Search results for: experimental technique
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 13166

Search results for: experimental technique

12506 The Effect of Video Using in Teaching Speaking on Students of Non-Native English Speakers at STIE Perbanas Surabaya

Authors: Kartika Marta Budiana


Low competence in speaking for the students of Non English native speakers have been crucial so far for the teachers in language teaching in Indonesia. This study attempts to explore the effect of video using in teaching speaking onstudents of non-native English speakers at STIE Perbanas Surabaya. This includes investigate the students` attitudes toward the video used in classroom. This is a quantitative research that is an experimental one based on analyses derived the concepts of from teaching speaking and the use of video. There are two classes observed, the experimental and the control one. The experimental consist of 28 students and the control class consists of 25 students. Before the treatment given, both of the group is given the pre-test to check their ability level. Then, after the treatment is given, the post-test is given to the both groups. Then, the students were given treatment how to conduct a meeting that they learnt from a video of business English. The post test was held after they undergone a treatment. The instruments to get the data are the oral test and questionnaire. The data of this study is students` score and from the tests` score it can be seen there is a positive significant difference in the experimental group. The t-test to test hypothesize also shows that it is accepted which said that there is an improvement on the students` speaking competence achievement. In conclusion, the video effects on the significant difference on the students speaking competence achievement.

Keywords: video, teaching, speaking, Indonesia

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12505 Transformer Design Optimization Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques

Authors: Zakir Husain


Main objective of a power transformer design optimization problem requires minimizing the total overall cost and/or mass of the winding and core material by satisfying all possible constraints obligatory by the standards and transformer user requirement. The constraints include appropriate limits on winding fill factor, temperature rise, efficiency, no-load current and voltage regulation. The design optimizations tasks are a constrained minimum cost and/or mass solution by optimally setting the parameters, geometry and require magnetic properties of the transformer. In this paper, present the above design problems have been formulated by using genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing (SA) on the MATLAB platform. The importance of the presented approach is stems for two main features. First, proposed technique provides reliable and efficient solution for the problem of design optimization with several variables. Second, it guaranteed to obtained solution is global optimum. This paper includes a demonstration of the application of the genetic programming GP technique to transformer design.

Keywords: optimization, power transformer, genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing technique (SA)

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12504 Structural Behavior of Laterally Loaded Precast Foamed Concrete Sandwich Panel

Authors: Y. H. Mugahed Amran, Raizal S. M. Rashid, Farzad Hejazi, Nor Azizi Safiee, A. A. Abang Ali


Experimental and analytical studies were carried out to investigate the structural behavior of precast foamed concrete sandwich panels (PFCSP) of total number (6) as one-way action slab tested under lateral load. The details of the test setup and procedures were illustrated. The results obtained from the experimental tests were discussed which include the observation of cracking patterns and influence of aspect ratio (L/b). Analytical study of finite element analysis was implemented and degree of composite action of the test panels was also examined in both experimental and analytical studies. Result shows that crack patterns appeared in only one-direction, similar to reports on solid slabs, particularly when both concrete wythes act in a composite manner. Foamed concrete was briefly reviewed and experimental results were compared with the finite element analyses data which gives a reasonable degree of accuracy. Therefore, based on the results obtained, PFCSP slab can be used as an alternative to conventional flooring system.

Keywords: aspect ratio (L/b), finite element analyses (FEA), foamed concrete (FC), precast foamed concrete sandwich panel (PFCSP), ultimate flexural strength capacity

Procedia PDF Downloads 316
12503 A Novel Image Steganography Scheme Based on Mandelbrot Fractal

Authors: Adnan H. M. Al-Helali, Hamza A. Ali


Growth of censorship and pervasive monitoring on the Internet, Steganography arises as a new means of achieving secret communication. Steganography is the art and science of embedding information within electronic media used by common applications and systems. Generally, hiding information of multimedia within images will change some of their properties that may introduce few degradation or unusual characteristics. This paper presents a new image steganography approach for hiding information of multimedia (images, text, and audio) using generated Mandelbrot Fractal image as a cover. The proposed technique has been extensively tested with different images. The results show that the method is a very secure means of hiding and retrieving steganographic information. Experimental results demonstrate that an effective improvement in the values of the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE), Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) and Image Fidelity (IF) over the previous techniques.

Keywords: fractal image, information hiding, Mandelbrot et fractal, steganography

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12502 A Wall Law for Two-Phase Turbulent Boundary Layers

Authors: Dhahri Maher, Aouinet Hana


The presence of bubbles in the boundary layer introduces corrections into the log law, which must be taken into account. In this work, a logarithmic wall law was presented for bubbly two phase flows. The wall law presented in this work was based on the postulation of additional turbulent viscosity associated with bubble wakes in the boundary layer. The presented wall law contained empirical constant accounting both for shear induced turbulence interaction and for non-linearity of bubble. This constant was deduced from experimental data. The wall friction prediction achieved with the wall law was compared to the experimental data, in the case of a turbulent boundary layer developing on a vertical flat plate in the presence of millimetric bubbles. A very good agreement between experimental and numerical wall friction prediction was verified. The agreement was especially noticeable for the low void fraction when bubble induced turbulence plays a significant role.

Keywords: bubbly flows, log law, boundary layer, CFD

Procedia PDF Downloads 278
12501 Extracting an Experimental Relation between SMD, Mass Flow Rate, Velocity and Pressure in Swirl Fuel Atomizers

Authors: Mohammad Hassan Ziraksaz


Fuel atomizers are used in a wide range of IC engines, turbojets and a variety of liquid propellant rocket engines. As the fuel spray fully develops its characters approach their ultimate amounts. Fuel spray characters such as SMD, injection pressure, mass flow rate, droplet velocity and spray cone angle play important roles to atomize the liquid fuel to finely atomized fuel droplets and finally form the fine fuel spray. Well performed, fully developed, fine spray without any defections, brings the idea of finding an experimental relation between the main effective spray characters. Extracting an experimental relation between SMD and other fuel spray physical characters in swirl fuel atomizers is the main scope of this experimental work. Droplet velocity, fuel mass flow rate, SMD and spray cone angle are the parameters which are measured. A set of twelve reverse engineering atomizers without any spray defections and a set of eight original atomizers as referenced well-performed spray are contributed in this work. More than 350 tests, mostly repeated, were performed. This work shows that although spray cone angle plays a very effective role in spray formation, after formation, it smoothly approaches to an almost constant amount while the other characters are changed to create fine droplets. Therefore, the work to find the relation between the characters is focused on SMD, droplet velocity, fuel mass flow rate, and injection pressure. The process of fuel spray formation begins in 5 Psig injection pressures, where a tiny fuel onion attaches to the injector tip and ended in 250 Psig injection pressure, were fully developed fine fuel spray forms. Injection pressure is gradually increased to observe how the spray forms. In each step, all parameters are measured and recorded carefully to provide a data bank. Various diagrams have been drawn to study the behavior of the parameters in more detail. Experiments and graphs show that the power equation can best show changes in parameters. The SMD experimental relation with pressure P, fuel mass flow rate Q ̇ and droplet velocity V extracted individually in pairs. Therefore, the proportional relation of SMD with other parameters is founded. Now it is time to find an experimental relation including all the parameters. Using obtained proportional relation, replacing the parameters with experimentally measured ones and drawing the graphs of experimental SMD versus proportion SMD (〖SMD〗_P), a correctional equation and consequently the final experimental equation is obtained. This experimental equation is specified to use for swirl fuel atomizers and the use of this experimental equation in different conditions shows about 3% error, which is expected to achieve lower error and consequently higher accuracy by increasing the number of experiments and increasing the accuracy of data collection.

Keywords: droplet velocity, experimental relation, mass flow rate, SMD, swirl fuel atomizer

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12500 Experiencing Negative Thoughts? Write It, Crumple It and Throw It

Authors: Yasmin Othman Mydin


When one experiences problems, this may lead to negative thoughts. These thoughts may occur repetitively. The present study investigates the effectiveness of cognitive and behavioural techniques to reduce negative thoughts. 20 undergraduate university students participated as the sample in these experimental therapy sessions. Ten students received the intervention while the other ten students were in control group. 15 items Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire was administered before and after the intervention to test the effectiveness of the techniques. The behavioural techniques applied were such as, write down the negative thoughts, crumple it and throw it away. While the cognitive technique was to imagine that the thoughts are being taken out of the mind while throwing it away. Paired samples t-test analysis revealed that there were significant reductions (t=4.245,df=9, p .003) in the negative thoughts in the group that received the intervention compared to the control group. This indicates that these techniques are effective to reduce the repetitive negative thoughts.

Keywords: behaviour and cognitive intervention, negative thoughts, writing, psychology

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12499 Enhancement Performance of Desalination System Using Humidification and Dehumidification Processes

Authors: Zeinab Syed Abdel Rehim


Water shortage is considered as one of the huge problems the world encounter now. Water desalination is considered as one of the more suitable methods governments can use to substitute the increased need for potable water. The humidification-dehumidification process for water desalination is viewed as a promising technique for small capacity production plants. The process has several attraction features which include the use of sustainable energy sources, low technology, and low-temperature dehumidification. A pilot experimental set-up plant was constructed with the conventional HVAC components such as air blower that supplies air to an air duct inside which air preheater, steam injector and cooling coil of a small refrigeration unit are placed. The present work evaluates the characteristics of humidification-dehumidification process for water desalination as a function of air flow rate, total power input and air inlet temperature in order to study the optimum conditions required to produce distilled water.

Keywords: condensation, dehumidification, evaporation, humidification, water desalination

Procedia PDF Downloads 243
12498 The Design and Implementation of Interactive Storybook Reading to Develop the Reading Comprehension of ESL Learners

Authors: A. van Staden, A. A. van Rhyn


The numerous challenges South African, ESL learners experience were highlighted by the results of several literacy surveys and tests, which demonstrated that our learners’ literacy abilities are far below standard and very weak compared to other international countries. This study developed and implemented an interactive storybook intervention program to support the reading development of ESL learners. The researchers utilized an experimental pre-test/post-test research design, whereby 80 ESL learners from five participating schools, were purposively sampled to take part in this study. This paper, inter alia, discusses the key features of this intervention program whilst also reporting the results of the experimental investigation. Results are promising and show a significant improvement in the mean scores of the learners in the experimental group. Moreover, the results show the value of interactive storybook reading in creating responsive literacy environments to develop the literacy skills of ESL learners.

Keywords: ESL learners, reading comprehension, Interactive story book reading, South Africa

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12497 Simple Multiple-Attribute Rating Technique for Optimal Decision-Making Model on Selecting Best Spiker of World Grand Prix

Authors: Chen Chih-Cheng, Chen I-Cheng, Lee Yung-Tan, Kuo Yen-Whea, Yu Chin-Hung


The purpose of this study is to construct a model for best spike player selection in a top volleyball tournament of the world. Data consisted of the records of 2013 World Grand Prix declared by International Volleyball Federation (FIVB). Simple Multiple-Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) was used for optimal decision-making model on the best spike player selection. The research results showed that the best spike player ranking by SMART is different than the ranking by FIVB. The results demonstrated the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed model.

Keywords: simple multiple-attribute rating technique, World Grand Prix, best spike player, International Volleyball Federation

Procedia PDF Downloads 474
12496 The Impact of Basic TRIZ Training on Psychological Flexibility among University Students

Authors: Bakr M. Saeid


Psychological flexibility is a basic ability that allows people to adapt to a changing, difficult world. TRIZ is a Theory of Solving Inventive Problems that has many applications in both science & technology and creativity development; this research aimed to investigate the impact of basic TRIZ training on psychological flexibility among university students. The research sample included (30) university students divided into two groups: experimental group (n=15) and control group (n=15). The Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PFQ) was conducted in the pre-test and post-test on the experimental and control group, as the study treatment was applied to the experimental group only. Data were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney test and Wilcoxon z test; results showed the effectiveness of the TRIZ training program on the development of psychological flexibility and its five factors. Results were interpreted, recommendations were presented.

Keywords: psychological flexibility, TRIZ, positive perception of change, self as flexible and innovative, perception of reality

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12495 Rapid Green Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Using Eclipta prostrata Leaf Extract

Authors: Siva Prasad Peddi


Silver nanoparticles were successfully synthesized from silver nitrate through a rapid green synthesis method using Eclipta prostrata leaf extract as a reducing cum stabilizing agent. The experimental procedure was readily conducted at room temperature and pressure, and could be easily scaled up. The silver nanoparticles thus obtained were characterized using UV-Visible Spectroscopy (UV-VIS) which yielded an absorption peak at 416 nm. The biomolecules responsible for capping of the bio-reduced silver nanoparticles synthesized using plant extract were successfully identified through FTIR analysis. It was evinced through Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis that the silver nanoparticles were crystalline in nature and spherical in shape. The average size of the particles obtained using Scherrer’s formula was 27.4 nm. The adopted technique for silver nanoparticle synthesis is suitable for large-scale production.

Keywords: silver nanoparticles, green synthesis, characterization, Eclipta prostrata

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12494 A Novel Image Steganography Method Based on Mandelbrot Fractal

Authors: Adnan H. M. Al-Helali, Hamza A. Ali


The growth of censorship and pervasive monitoring on the Internet, Steganography arises as a new means of achieving secret communication. Steganography is the art and science of embedding information within electronic media used by common applications and systems. Generally, hiding information of multimedia within images will change some of their properties that may introduce few degradation or unusual characteristics. This paper presents a new image steganography approach for hiding information of multimedia (images, text, and audio) using generated Mandelbrot Fractal image as a cover. The proposed technique has been extensively tested with different images. The results show that the method is a very secure means of hiding and retrieving steganographic information. Experimental results demonstrate that an effective improvement in the values of the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE), Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC), and Image Fidelity (IF) over the pervious techniques.

Keywords: fractal image, information hiding, Mandelbrot set fractal, steganography

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12493 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Exhibited by Secondary School Students Exposed to Conflict in Kano Metropolis: Efficacy of a Brief Intervention

Authors: Valentine Ayo Mebu


The study examined the efficacy of a brief intervention programme in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms exhibited by secondary school students exposed to conflict in Kano metropolis. The study tested three hypotheses that there is no significant difference between post-test re-experiencing, hyper-arousal, and avoidance mean scores of students exposed to the intervention and those who were not exposed to the intervention. The design of the study was an experimental design, specifically the pre-test and post-test control group design. The purposive sampling technique was used to select 60 research participants (male=30, female=30, Mean Age=15.50) for the study. These participants met the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) criteria of PTSD symptoms and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups, respectively. Instrument for data collection was the University of California Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Reaction Index (UCLA PTSD Index). Findings from the study indicated that there was a significant effect of the intervention on post re-experiencing symptoms scores [ F (1, 57) = 85.97, p=.00, partial eta squared η²=.60], hyper-arousal symptoms scores[ F (1, 57) = 27.81, p=.00, partial eta squared η² =.33], and avoidance symptoms scores [ F (1, 57) = 59.56, p=.00, partial eta squared η² =.51]. The efficacy of this brief psycho-educational intervention as an effective treatment in reducing PTSD symptoms among secondary school students exposed to conflict is supported by the results of this study and this will also add to the existing literature on the effectiveness of psycho-educational intervention in treating PTSD symptoms among students exposed to conflict.

Keywords: avoidance symptoms, hyper-arousal symptoms, re-experiencing symptoms, post-traumatic stress disorder, psycho-education

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12492 Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Electric and Magnetic Fields Behavior in the Vicinity of High-Voltage Power Lines

Authors: Tourab Wafa, Nemamcha Mohamed, Babouri Abdessalem


This paper consists on an experimental and analytical characterization of the electromagnetic environment in the in the medium surrounding a circuit of two 220 Kv power lines running in parallel. The analysis presented in this paper is divided into two main parts. The first part concerns the experimental study of the behavior of the electric field and magnetic field generated by the selected double-circuit at ground level (0 m). While the second part simulate and calculate the fields profiles generated by the both lines at different levels above the ground, from (0 m) to the level close to the lines conductors (20 m above the ground) using the electrostatic and magneto-static modules of the COMSOL multi-physics software. The implications of the results are discussed and compared with the ICNIRP reference levels for occupational and non occupational exposures.

Keywords: HV power lines, low frequency electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic compatibility, inductive and capacitive coupling, standards

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12491 Robust and Transparent Spread Spectrum Audio Watermarking

Authors: Ali Akbar Attari, Ali Asghar Beheshti Shirazi


In this paper, we propose a blind and robust audio watermarking scheme based on spread spectrum in Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) domain. Watermarks are embedded in the low-frequency coefficients, which is less audible. The key idea is dividing the audio signal into small frames, and magnitude of the 6th level of DWT approximation coefficients is modifying based upon the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) technique. Also, the psychoacoustic model for enhancing in imperceptibility, as well as Savitsky-Golay filter for increasing accuracy in extraction, is used. The experimental results illustrate high robustness against most common attacks, i.e. Gaussian noise addition, Low pass filter, Resampling, Requantizing, MP3 compression, without significant perceptual distortion (ODG is higher than -1). The proposed scheme has about 83 bps data payload.

Keywords: audio watermarking, spread spectrum, discrete wavelet transform, psychoacoustic, Savitsky-Golay filter

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12490 Dynamic Self-Scheduling of Pumped-Storage Power Plant in Energy and Ancillary Service Markets Using Sliding Window Technique

Authors: P. Kanakasabapathy, S. Radhika


In the competitive electricity market environment, the profit of the pumped-storage plant in the energy market can be maximized by operating it as a generator, when market clearing price is high and as a pump, to pump water from lower reservoir to upper reservoir, when the price is low. An optimal self-scheduling plan has been developed for a pumped-storage plant, carried out on weekly basis in order to maximize the profit of the plant, keeping into account of all the major uncertainties such as the sudden ancillary service delivery request and the price forecasting errors. For a pumped storage power plant to operate in a real time market successive self-scheduling has to be done by considering the forecast of the day-ahead market and the modified reservoir storage due to the ancillary service request of the previous day. Sliding Window Technique has been used for successive self-scheduling to ensure profit for the plant.

Keywords: ancillary services, BPSO, power system economics, self-scheduling, sliding window technique

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12489 Spectroscopic Studies of Dy³⁺ Ions in Alkaline-Earth Boro Tellurite Glasses for Optoelectronic Devices

Authors: K. Swapna


A Series of Alkali-Earth Boro Tellurite (AEBT) glasses doped with different concentrations of Dy³⁺ ions have been prepared by using melt quenching technique and characterized through spectroscopic techniques such as optical absorption, excitation, emission and photoluminescence decay to understand their utility in optoelectronic devices such as lasers and white light emitting diodes (w-LEDs). Raman spectrum recorded for an undoped glass is used to measure the phonon energy of the host glass and various functional groups present in the host glass (AEBT). The intensities of the electronic transitions and the ligand environment around the Dy³⁺ ions were studied by applying Judd-Ofelt (J-O) theory to the recorded absorption spectra of the glasses. The evaluated J-O parameters are subsequently used to measure various radiative parameters such as transition probability (AR), radiative branching ratio (βR) and radiative lifetimes (τR) for the prominent fluorescent levels of Dy³⁺ ions in the as-prepared glasses. The luminescence spectra recorded at 387 nm excitation show three emission transitions (⁴F9/2→⁶H15/2 (blue), ⁴F9/2→⁶H13/2 (yellow) and ⁴F9/2 → ⁶H11/2 (red)) of which the yellow transition observed at 575 nm is found to be highly intense. The experimental branching ratio (βexp) and stimulated emission crosssection (σse) were measured from luminescence spectra. The experimental lifetimes (τexp) measured from the decay spectral profiles are combined with radiative lifetimes to measure quantum efficiencies of the as-prepared glasses. The yellow to blue intensity ratios and chromaticity color coordinates are found to vary with Dy³⁺ ion concentrations. The aforementioned results reveal that these glasses are aptly suitable for w-LEDs and laser devices.

Keywords: glasses, J-O parameters, photoluminescence, I-H model

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12488 Preventive Effects of Silymarin in Retinal Intoxication with Methanol in Rat: Transmission Electron Microscope Study

Authors: A. Zarenezhad, A. Esfandiari, E. Zarenezhad, M. Mardkhoshnood


The aim of this study was to investigate the ultra-structure of the photoreceptor layer of male rats under the effect of methanol intoxication and protective effect of silymarin against the methanol toxicity. Fifteen adult male rats were divided into three groups: Control group, Experimental group I (received 4g/kg methanol by intraperitoneal injection for five days), Experimental group II (received 4 g/kg methanol by intraperitoneal injection for five days and received 250 mg/kg silymarin orally for three months). At the end of the experiment, the eyes were removed; retina was separated near the optic disc and studied by transmission electron microscope. Results showed that the retina in the experimental group I exhibited loss of outer segments and disorganization in inner segment. Increased extra cellular space, disappearance of outer limiting membrane and pyknotic nuclei were seen in this group. But normal outer segment, organized inner segment and normal outer limiting membrane were obvious after treatment with silymarin in experimental group II. These findings show that methanol causes damage in the photoreceptor layer of the rat retina and silymarin can protect the damage to retina against the methanol intoxication.

Keywords: ultra-structure, photoreceptor layer, methanol intoxication, silymarin, rat

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12487 PIV Measurements of the Instantaneous Velocities for Single and Two-Phase Flows in an Annular Duct

Authors: Marlon M. Hernández Cely, Victor E. C. Baptistella, Oscar M. H. Rodríguez


Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a well-established technique in the field of fluid flow measurement and provides instantaneous velocity fields over global domains. It has been applied to external and internal flows and in single and two-phase flows. Regarding internal flow, works about the application of PIV in annular ducts are scanty. An experimental work is presented, where flow of water is studied in an annular duct of inner diameter of 60 mm and outer diameter of 155 mm and 10.5-m length, with the goal of obtaining detailed velocity measurements. Depending on the flow rates of water, it can be laminar, transitional or turbulent. In this study, the water flow rate was kept at three different values for the annular duct, allowing the analysis of one laminar and two turbulent flows. Velocity fields and statistic quantities of the turbulent flow were calculated.

Keywords: PIV, annular duct, laminar, turbulence, velocity profile

Procedia PDF Downloads 353
12486 Experimental Study of Upsetting and Die Forging with Controlled Impact

Authors: T. Penchev, D. Karastoyanov


The results from experimental research of deformation by upsetting and die forging of lead specimens wit controlled impact are presented. Laboratory setup for conducting the investigations, which uses cold rocket engine operated with compressed air, is described. The results show that when using controlled impact is achieving greater plastic deformation and consumes less impact energy than at ordinary impact deformation process.

Keywords: rocket engine, forging hammer, sticking impact, plastic deformation

Procedia PDF Downloads 372
12485 Silent Culminations in Operas Aida and Mazeppa

Authors: Stacy Jarvis


A silent culmination is a musical technique that creates or increases tension in a piece of music. It is a type of cadence in which the music gradually builds to a climax but suddenly stops without any resolution. This technique can create suspense and anticipation in the listener as they wait to find out what will happen next. It can also draw attention to a particular element of the music, such as a particular instrument or vocal line. Silent culminations can evoke a sense of mystery or ambiguity by not resolving the tension created. This technique has been used by composers of all musical genres, from classical to jazz, as well as in film scores. Silent culminations can also make a piece of music more dynamic and exciting. Verdi’s Aida is a classic example of the use of silent culminations to create tension and suspense. Throughout the opera, Verdi uses a technique of gradually building to a climax, only to abruptly stop without any resolution. This technique brings out the story's drama and intensity and creates anticipation for the climactic moments. For example, at the end of the second act, Verdi reaches a crescendo of tension as Aida and Radamès swear their undying love for one another, only to stop with a moment of silence. This technique also helps to draw attention to the important moments in the story, such as the duets between Aida and Radamès. By stopping the music just before it resolves, Verdi can create an atmosphere of anticipation and suspense that carries through to the opera's end. Silent culminations are used greatly in Aida and are integral to Verdi’s dramatic style. In his symphonic poem Mazeppa, Tchaikovsky uses silent culminations to emphasize the piece's drama and powerful emotions. The piece begins with a gentle introduction but quickly builds to a powerful climax. Throughout the piece, Tchaikovsky uses silent culminations to create tension and suspense, drawing the listener in and heightening the intensity of the music 2. The most dramatic moment of the piece comes when the music builds to a frantic climax and then suddenly cuts out, leaving the listener hanging in anticipation of what will happen next. This technique creates an intense atmosphere and leaves the listener eager to hear what comes next. In addition, the use of silent culminations helps to emphasize the strong emotions of the piece, such as fear, horror, and despair. By not resolving the tension with a resolution, the listener is left with a feeling of uneasiness and uncertainty that helps to convey the story of Mazeppa’s tragic fate.

Keywords: Verdi, Tchaikovsky, opera, culmination

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12484 The Backlift Technique among South African Cricket Players

Authors: Habib Noorbhai


This study primarily aimed to investigate the batting backlift technique (BBT) among semi-professional, professional and current international cricket players. A key question was to investigate if the lateral batting backlift technique (LBBT) is more common at the highest levels of the game. The participants in this study sample (n = 130) were South African semi-professional players (SP) (n = 69) and professional players (P) (n = 49) and South African international professional players (SAI) (n = 12). Biomechanical and video analysis were performed on all participant groups. Classifiers were utilised to identify the batting backlift technique type (BBTT) employed by all batsmen. All statistics and wagon wheels (scoring areas of the batsmen on a cricket field) were sourced online. This study found that a LBBT is more common at the highest levels of cricket batsmanship with batsmen at the various levels of cricket having percentages of the LBBT as follows: SP = 37.7%; P = 38.8%; SAI = 75%; p = 0.001. This study also found that SAI batsmen who used the LBBT were more proficient at scoring runs in various areas around the cricket field (according to the wagon wheel analysis). This study found that a LBBT is more common at the highest levels of cricket batsmanship. Cricket coaches should also pay attention to the direction of the backlift with players, especially when correlating the backlift to various scoring areas on the cricket field. Further in-depth research is required to fully investigate the change in batting backlift techniques among cricket players over a long-term period.

Keywords: cricket batting, biomechanical analysis, backlift, performance

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12483 Modeling Thermionic Emission from Carbon Nanotubes with Modified Richardson-Dushman Equation

Authors: Olukunle C. Olawole, Dilip Kumar De


We have modified Richardson-Dushman equation considering thermal expansion of lattice and change of chemical potential with temperature in material. The corresponding modified Richardson-Dushman (MRDE) equation fits quite well the experimental data of thermoelectronic current density (J) vs T from carbon nanotubes. It provides a unique technique for accurate determination of W0 Fermi energy, EF0 at 0 K and linear thermal expansion coefficient of carbon nano-tube in good agreement with experiment. From the value of EF0 we obtain the charge carrier density in excellent agreement with experiment. We describe application of the equations for the evaluation of performance of concentrated solar thermionic energy converter (STEC) with emitter made of carbon nanotube for future applications.

Keywords: carbon nanotube, modified Richardson-Dushman equation, fermi energy at 0 K, charge carrier density

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12482 Copper Coil Heat Exchanger Performance for Greenhouse Heating: An Experimental and Theoretical Study

Authors: Maha Bakkari, R.Tadili


The present work is a study of the performance of a solar copper coil heating system in a greenhouse microclimate. Our system is based on the circulation of a Heat transfer fluid, which is water in our case, in a closed loop under the greenhouse's roof in order to store heat all day, and then this heat will supply the greenhouse during the night. In order to evaluate our greenhouse, we made an experimental study in two identical greenhouses, where the first one is equipped with a heating system and the second (without heating) is used for control. The heating system allows the establishment of the thermal balance and determines the mass of water necessary for the process in order to ensure its functioning during the night. The results obtained showed that this solar heating system and the climatic parameters inside the experimental greenhouse were improved, and it presents a significant gain compared to a controlled greenhouse without a heating system. This research is one of the solutions that help to reduce the greenhouse effect of the planet Earth, a problem that worries the world.

Keywords: solar energy, energy storage, greenhouse, environment

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12481 The Effect of Elastic-Resistance Training on Postural Control in Sedentary Women

Authors: Yagmur Kocaoglu, Nurtekin Erkmen


The aim of this study was to determine effects of elastic resistance band training on body composition and postural control in sedentary women. Thirty-four sedentary females participated voluntarily for this study. Subjects' age was 21.88 ± 1.63 years, height was 161.50 ± 4.45 cm, and weight was 59.47 ± 7.03 kg. Participants were randomly placed into one of two groups (Experimental = 17, Control = 17). The elastic resistance training program lasted 8 weeks with 3 sessions per week. Experimental Group performed elastic resistance band training with red color for first 3 weeks, blue color for second 3 weeks and for last 2 weeks. The subjects carried out exercises 3 set, 10-15 repetitions with 15 seconds rest between exercises. The rest between sets was 30 seconds. The subjects underwent a standard warm-up for 10 minutes in every session. The elastic resistance training lasted 40 minutes for each session. After the training, all subjects performed a standard cool down for 10 minutes in each session. After and before 8 weeks training period, all subjects in experimental group and control group participated body composition and postural control measurements. Independent t-Test and Mann Whitney U Test were conducted to compare differences between experimental and control groups. Paired t-Test and Wilcoxon Z Test were used to compare differences between pre and posttests. There is no significant difference between pre and posttests in BMI (p>0.05). After the elastic resistance training, postural control scores and body fat significantly decreased in experimental group (p<0.05). In conclusion, it can be concluded that elastic resistance training improves postural control and body composition in sedentary women.

Keywords: body composition, elastic resistance band, postural control, sedentary women

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12480 Thermal Expansion Coefficient and Young’s Modulus of Silica-Reinforced Epoxy Composite

Authors: Hyu Sang Jo, Gyo Woo Lee


In this study, the evaluation of thermal stability of the micrometer-sized silica particle reinforced epoxy composite was carried out through the measurement of thermal expansion coefficient and Young’s modulus of the specimens. For all the specimens in this study from the baseline to those containing 50 wt% silica filler, the thermal expansion coefficients and the Young’s moduli were gradually decreased down to 20% and increased up to 41%, respectively. The experimental results were compared with filler-volume-based simple empirical relations. The experimental results of thermal expansion coefficients correspond with those of Thomas’s model which is modified from the rule of mixture. However, the measured result for Young’s modulus tends to be increased slightly. The differences in increments of the moduli between experimental and numerical model data are quite large.

Keywords: thermal stability, silica-reinforced, epoxy composite, coefficient of thermal expansion, empirical model

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12479 The Effectiveness of Kinesiotaping Methods in Rehabilitation Therapy

Authors: Ana-Katarina Nikich


Background: The kinesiotaping method is often used in physiotherapy and rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of taping in the rehabilitation process of patients. Materials and methods: The study involved 90 male and female patients (the average age was 40-50 years) with various conditions requiring rehabilitation, such as injuries of the musculoskeletal system, sports injuries and other ailments. All patients were divided into two groups: experimental (n=40) and control (n=50). Both groups received 20 days of standard rehabilitation. In the experimental group, kinesiotaping methods were used, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient. The control group performed regular exercises and physical therapy, but without using kinesiotape. During the study, physical parameters were monitored, interviews were conducted and the conditions of patients from both groups were compared. Results and discussion: The use of the kinesiotaping method in the rehabilitation process led to a significant improvement in physical parameters and pain reduction in patients. Significant improvement (p <0.005) was observed in all evaluated parameters among the patients of the experimental group. The control group also showed sufficient improvement (p <0.005), but the percentage of the experimental group was higher. As a result of the observation, the patients of the experimental group showed faster and more complete rehabilitation compared to the control group. The use of the kinesiotaping method allows to reduce the load on the damaged areas, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, as well as increase stability and coordination of movements. Conclusions: Kinesiotaping as one of the modern therapeutic methods has shown its effectiveness in the rehabilitation process, contributing to the optimal recovery of patients with various conditions requiring rehabilitation. The use of tapes should be included in a comprehensive rehabilitation program to achieve the best results and reduce recovery time.

Keywords: kinesiotaping, rehabilitation, therapy, pain

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12478 Indigenous Patch Clamp Technique: Design of Highly Sensitive Amplifier Circuit for Measuring and Monitoring of Real Time Ultra Low Ionic Current through Cellular Gates

Authors: Moez ul Hassan, Bushra Noman, Sarmad Hameed, Shahab Mehmood, Asma Bashir


The importance of Noble prize winning “Patch Clamp Technique” is well documented. However, Patch Clamp Technique is very expensive and hence hinders research in developing countries. In this paper, detection, processing and recording of ultra low current from induced cells by using transimpedence amplifier is described. The sensitivity of the proposed amplifier is in the range of femto amperes (fA). Capacitive-feedback is used with active load to obtain a 20MΩ transimpedance gain. The challenging task in designing includes achieving adequate performance in gain, noise immunity and stability. The circuit designed by the authors was able to measure current in the rangeof 300fA to 100pA. Adequate performance shown by the amplifier with different input current and outcome result was found to be within the acceptable error range. Results were recorded using LabVIEW 8.5®for further research.

Keywords: drug discovery, ionic current, operational amplifier, patch clamp

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12477 Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer of Plate-Fin Heat Sink

Authors: Han-Taw Chen, Tzu-Hsiang Lin, Chung-Hou Lai


This study applies the inverse method and three-dimensional CFD commercial software in conjunction with the experimental temperature data to investigate the heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of the plate-fin heat sink in a rectangular closed enclosure. The inverse method with the finite difference method and the experimental temperature data is applied to determine the approximate heat transfer coefficient. Later, based on the obtained results, the zero-equation turbulence model is used to obtain the heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics between two fins. To validate the accuracy of the results obtained, the comparison of the heat transfer coefficient is made. The obtained temperature at selected measurement locations of the fin is also compared with experimental data. The effect of the height of the rectangular enclosure on the obtained results is discussed.

Keywords: inverse method, fluent, heat transfer characteristics, plate-fin heat sink

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