Search results for: business women in Nigeria
1319 Examining the Contemporary Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi’s Thought: A Bulwark against Terrorism
Authors: Jayita Mukhopadhyay
Even though more than six decades has passed since the death of India’s iconic thinker and mass leader Mahatma Gandhi, the world besieged by terrorism may still take a leaf out of his philosophical discourse on non-violence and attempt to turn his theory into praxis to save mankind. The greatest soul world has ever produced, a man of divine fire, an apostle of peace and non-violence, a revolutionary, a visionary, a social reformer and deliverer of the downtrodden, Father of the nation, these and numerous other epithets have been used by eminent personalities and scholars while describing Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was a relentless fighter and mass mobiliser who awakened a sleeping giant, the common men and women of India, shook them out of their docile, fatalistic mould, invigorated them with his doctrine of ahimsa and satyagraha (non violence and strict adherence to truth), instilled in them nationalist zeal and patriotic fervour and turned them into determined, steadfast freedom fighters. Under his leadership, the national liberation movement got a new life and ultimately succeeded in ending the era of foreign domination. And he did all these while resisting a natural tendency of his people to respond violently to unspeakable violence and atrocities unleashed by the colonial British administration desperate to keep India in its empire. In this paper, an attempt will be made to unravel Gandhi’s elucidation of the concept of non-violent resistance, along with non-cooperation and civil disobedience and their actual application through political practices which succeeded in capturing the imagination of not only India’s teeming millions but the entire world. The methodology of analytical study will be used as Gandhi’s own writings and those by noted scholars on Gandhi will be examined extensively to establish contemporary relevance of his thought, his invaluable guidelines about how to cope with poverty, inequality, exploitation, repression and marginalization of some sections of society and resultant radicalization of some disturbed members of human race, the very conditions which spawn terrorism in today’s world.Keywords: India, non cooperation, non violence, terrorism
Procedia PDF Downloads 3261318 The Importance of Knowledge Innovation for External Audit on Anti-Corruption
Authors: Adel M. Qatawneh
This paper aimed to determine the importance of knowledge innovation for external audit on anti-corruption in the entire Jordanian bank companies are listed in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). The study importance arises from the need to recognize the Knowledge innovation for external audit and anti-corruption as the development in the world of business, the variables that will be affected by external audit innovation are: reliability of financial data, relevantly of financial data, consistency of the financial data, Full disclosure of financial data and protecting the rights of investors to achieve the objectives of the study a questionnaire was designed and distributed to the society of the Jordanian bank are listed in Amman Stock Exchange. The data analysis found out that the banks in Jordan have a positive importance of Knowledge innovation for external audit on anti-corruption. They agree on the benefit of Knowledge innovation for external audit on anti-corruption. The statistical analysis showed that Knowledge innovation for external audit had a positive impact on the anti-corruption and that external audit has a significantly statistical relationship with anti-corruption, reliability of financial data, consistency of the financial data, a full disclosure of financial data and protecting the rights of investors.Keywords: knowledge innovation, external audit, anti-corruption, Amman Stock Exchange
Procedia PDF Downloads 4651317 Effects of Mental Skill Training Programme on Direct Free Kick of Grassroot Footballers in Lagos, Nigeria
Authors: Mayowa Adeyeye, Kehinde Adeyemo
The direct free kick is considered a great opportunity to score a goal but this is not always the case amidst Nigerian and other elite footballers. This study, therefore, examined the extent to which an 8 weeks mental skill training programme is effective for improving accuracy in direct free kick in football. Sixty (n-60) students of Pepsi Football Academy participated in the study. They were randomly distributed into two groups of positive self-talk group (intervention n-30) and control group (n-30). The instrument used in the collection of data include a standard football goal post while the research materials include a dummy soccer wall, a cord, an improvised vanishing spray, a clipboard, writing materials, a recording sheet, a self-talk log book, six standard 5 football, cones, an audiotape and a compact disc. The Weinberge and Gould (2011) mental skills training manual was used. The reliability coefficient of the apparatus following a pilot study stood at 0.72. Before the commencement of the mental skills training programme, the participants were asked to take six simulated direct free kick. At the end of each physical skills training session after the pre-test, the researcher spent at least 15 minutes with the groups exposing them to the intervention. The mental skills training programme alongside physical skills training took place in two different locations for the different groups under study, these included Agege Stadium Main bowl Football Pitch (Imagery Group), and Ogba Ijaye (Control Group). The mental skills training programme lasted for eight weeks. After the completion of the mental skills training programme, all the participants were asked to take another six simulated direct free kick attempts using the same field used for the pre-test to determine the efficacy of the treatments. The pre-test and post-test data were analysed using inferential statistics of t-test, while the alpha level was set at 0.05. The result revealed significant differences in t-test for positive self-talk and control group. Based on the findings, it is recommended that athletes should be exposed to positive self-talk alongside their normal physical skills training for quality delivery of accurate direct free kick during training and competition.Keywords: accuracy, direct free kick, pepsi football academy, positive self-talk
Procedia PDF Downloads 3501316 Elevated Creatinine Clearance and Normal Glomerular Filtration Rate in Patients with Systemic Lupus erythematosus
Authors: Stoyanka Vladeva, Elena Kirilova, Nikola Kirilov
Background: The creatinine clearance is a widely used value to estimate the GFR. Increased creatinine clearance is often called hyperfiltration and is usually seen during pregnancy, patients with diabetes mellitus preceding the diabetic nephropathy. It may also occur with large dietary protein intake or with plasma volume expansion. Renal injury in lupus nephritis is known to affect the glomerular, tubulointerstitial, and vascular compartment. However high creatinine clearance has not been found in patients with SLE, Target: Follow-up of creatinine clearance values in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus without history of kidney injury. Material and methods: We observed the creatinine, creatinine clearance, GFR and dipstick protein values of 7 women (with a mean age of 42.71 years) with systemic lupus erythematosus. Patients with active lupus have been monthly tested in the period of 13 months. Creatinine clearance has been estimated by Cockcroft-Gault Equation formula in ml/sec. GFR has been estimated by MDRD formula (The Modification of Diet in renal Disease) in ml/min/1.73 m2. Proteinuria has been defined as present when dipstick protein > 1+.Results: In all patients without history of kidney injury we found elevated creatinine clearance levels, but GFRremained within the reference range. Two of the patients were in remission while the other five patients had clinically and immunologically active Lupus. Three of the patients had a permanent presence of high creatinine clearance levels and proteinuria. Two of the patients had periodically elevated creatinine clearance without proteinuria. These results show that kidney disturbances may be caused by the vascular changes typical for SLE. Glomerular hyperfiltration can be result of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis caused by a reduction in renal mass. Probably lupus nephropathy is preceded not only by glomerular vascular changes, but also by tubular vascular changes. Using only the GFR is not a sufficient method to detect these primary functional disturbances. Conclusion: For early detection of kidney injury in patients with SLE we determined that the follow up of creatinine clearance values could be helpful.Keywords: systemic Lupus erythematosus, kidney injury, elevated creatinine clearance level, normal glomerular filtration rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 2711315 The Effect of Technology in Improving Tourism Cluster Competitveness
Authors: Nancy Ayman Kamal Mohamed Mehrz
Like the economies of other countries in the Mediterranean region, the tourism sector in our country has excellent economic prospects. Tourism companies are building tourism, a sector that faces various challenges in its activities. These problems have made business activities and competition between companies difficult. In this study, which was conducted to identify the problems of the tourism sector in the Central Anatolia region, most of the problems faced by the tourism sector and consumer information on consumer rights were used. The aim is to contribute to the awareness of workers and managers working in the tourism sector and to attract the attention of companies and legislators working in the tourism sector. E-tourism is one of the newest issues in the field of tourism. Infrastructure and Information Technology (or ICT) and partner government and tourism organizations are required to achieve this type of tourism. This study measures the views of managers and tourism managers in Leman City regarding e-tourism; In addition, the effect of the literacy level of the tourism management system on tourist attractions was also examined. This research has been carried out. One of the suburbs of Isfahan province. This research is a documentary research and source material that includes literature and surveys. The results obtained show that if managers use ICT, it can help the development of e-tourism in the region, and increasing managers' views about e-tourism and improving their literacy levels can affect the development of tourism.Keywords: financial problems, the problems of tourism businesses, tourism businesses, internet, marketing, tourism, tourism management economic competitiveness, enhancing competitiveness
Procedia PDF Downloads 581314 Evaluation of the Cities Specific Characteristics in the Formation of the Safavid Period Mints
Authors: Mahmood Seyyed, Akram Salehi Heykoei, Hamidreza Safakish Kashani
Among the remaining resource of the past, coins considered as an authentic documents among the most important documentary sources. The coins were minted in a place that called mint. The number and position of the mints in each period reflects the amount of economic power, political security and business growth, which was always fluctuated its position with changing the political and economic condition. Considering that, trade has more growth during the Safavid period than previous ones, the mint also has been in greater importance. It seems the one hand, the growth of economic in Safavid period has a direct link with the number and places of the mints at that time and in the other hand, the mints have been formed in some places because of the specific characteristic of cities and regions. Increasing the number of mints in the north of the country due to the growth of silk trade and in the west and northwest due to the political and commercial relation with Ottoman Empire, also the characteristics such as existence of mines, located in the Silk Road and communication ways, all are the results of this investigation. Accordingly, in this article researcher tries to examine the characteristics that give priority to a city for having mint. With considering that in the various historical periods, the mints were based in the most important cities in terms of political and social, at that time, this article examines the cities specific characteristics in the formation of the mints in Safavid period.Keywords: documentary sources, coins, mint, city, Safavid
Procedia PDF Downloads 2681313 Assessing the Effects of Entrepreneurship Education and Moderating Variables on Venture Creation Intention of Undergraduate Students in Ghana
Authors: Daniel K. Gameti
The paper explored the effects of active and passive entrepreneurship education methods on the venture creation intention of undergraduate students in Ghana. The study also examined the moderating effect of gender and negative personal characteristics (risk tolerance, stress tolerance and fear of failure) on students’ venture creation intention. Deductive approach was used in collecting quantitative data from 555 business students from one public university and one private university through self-administered questionnaires. Descriptive statistic was used to determine the dominant method of entrepreneurship education used in Ghana. Further, structural equation model was used to test four hypotheses. The results of the study show that the dominant method of education used in Ghana was lectures and the least method used was field trip. The study further revealed that passive methods of education are less effective compared to active methods which were statistically significant in venture creation intention among students. There was also statistical difference between male and female students’ venture creation intention but stronger among male students and finally, the only personal characteristics that influence students’ intention was stress tolerance because risk tolerance and fear of failure were statistically insignificant.Keywords: entrepreneurship education, Ghana, moderating variables, venture creation intention, undergraduate students
Procedia PDF Downloads 4541312 Determinants of Aggregate Electricity Consumption in Ghana: A Multivariate Time Series Analysis
Authors: Renata Konadu
In Ghana, electricity has become the main form of energy which all sectors of the economy rely on for their businesses. Therefore, as the economy grows, the demand and consumption of electricity also grow alongside due to the heavy dependence on it. However, since the supply of electricity has not increased to match the demand, there has been frequent power outages and load shedding affecting business performances. To solve this problem and advance policies to secure electricity in Ghana, it is imperative that those factors that cause consumption to increase be analysed by considering the three classes of consumers; residential, industrial and non-residential. The main argument, however, is that, export of electricity to other neighbouring countries should be included in the electricity consumption model and considered as one of the significant factors which can decrease or increase consumption. The author made use of multivariate time series data from 1980-2010 and econometric models such as Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Vector Error Correction Model. Findings show that GDP growth, urban population growth, electricity exports and industry value added to GDP were cointegrated. The results also showed that there is unidirectional causality from electricity export and GDP growth and Industry value added to GDP to electricity consumption in the long run. However, in the short run, there was found to be a directional causality among all the variables and electricity consumption. The results have useful implication for energy policy makers especially with regards to electricity consumption, demand, and supply.Keywords: electricity consumption, energy policy, GDP growth, vector error correction model
Procedia PDF Downloads 4371311 The Leadership Criterion: Challenges in Pursuing Excellence in the Jordanian Public Sector
Authors: Shaker Aladwan, Paul Forrester
This paper explores the challenges that face leaders when implementing business excellence programmes in the Jordanian public sector. The study adopted a content analysis approach to analyse the excellence assessment reports that have been produced by the King Abdullah II Centre for Excellence (KACE). The sample comprises ten public organisations which have participated in the King Abdullah Award for Excellence (KAA) more than once and acknowledge in their reports that they have failed to achieve satisfactory results. The key challenges to the implementation of leadership criteria in the public sector in Jordan were found to be poor strategic planning, lack of employee empowerment, weaknesses in benchmarking performance, a lack of financial resources, poor integration and coordination, and poor measurement system: This study proposes a conceptual model for the as assessment of challenges that face managers when seeking to implement excellence in leadership in the Jordanian public sector. Theoretically, this paper fills context gaps in the excellence literature in general and organisational excellence in the public sector in particular. Leadership challenges in the public sector are generally widely studied, but it is important to gain a better understanding of how these challenges can be overcome. In comparison to many existing studies, this research has provided specific and detailed insights these organisational excellence challenges in the public sector and provides a conceptual model for use by other researchers into the future.Keywords: leadership criterion, organisational excellence, challenges, quality awards, public sector, Jordan
Procedia PDF Downloads 3921310 A Review of the Effects of Exercise in Preventing Migraine Headaches
Authors: Afsaneh Soltani, Zahra Mohajer
Migraine is one of the most common chronic neurological diseases. Migraines affect different aspects of life. Severe migraine headaches lead to dysfunction, a reduced presence at work, and decreased ability to think and make decisions. Non-pharmacological treatments play a very important role in controlling and preventing migraine headaches. A healthy lifestyle helps control migraine headaches. Migraine headaches can be reduced by following these steps: Avoiding stress, eating regularly and avoiding hunger and thirst, avoiding stimulants such as chocolate, caffeine, and cigarettes, following a regular bedtime routine, or avoiding sleep deprivation. Exercise a lot, and do regular exercise (and prevent obesity). Non-pharmacological treatment is especially important in pregnant women and children because in these cases, medical treatments are not preferred due to the many side effects. Exercise is one of the most effective and uncomplicated non-pharmacological alternatives in the treatment of migraine headaches. Exercising for episodic migraines is a safe, effective, and promising complementary treatment option. Numerous studies have shown that aerobic exercise reduces the severity and duration of migraine headaches. Effective aerobic exercise includes cycling and brisk walking. Exercise improves the quality of life and reduces the use of medication in people with migraines. Patients who exercise have fewer migraine days, resulting in better personal, social, and occupational performance. Several studies have shown that pain intensity and frequency in patients who exercise regularly decreased significantly after exercise compared to controls who did not exercise. According to a study, regular exercise reduces the levels of interleukins, especially IL-12P70, which reduces anxiety and reduces the number of days of migraine in patients. An article has shown that endurance exercise reduces the number of migraine days and also increases cerebrovascular health in migraine patients. According to studies, the minimum duration of exercise to achieve a positive effect of exercise in patients with migraine is 3 months (12 weeks) and 40 minutes three times a week.Keywords: exercise, headache, migraine, physical activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1081309 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Medicine Production
Authors: Yasser Ahmed Mahmoud Ali Helal
The use of CAD (Computer Aided Design) technology is ubiquitous in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. This has led to its inclusion in the curriculum of architecture schools in Nigeria as an important part of the training module. This article examines the ethical issues involved in implementing CAD (Computer Aided Design) content into the architectural education curriculum. Using existing literature, this study begins with the benefits of integrating CAD into architectural education and the responsibilities of different stakeholders in the implementation process. It also examines issues related to the negative use of information technology and the perceived negative impact of CAD use on design creativity. Using a survey method, data from the architecture department of University was collected to serve as a case study on how the issues raised were being addressed. The article draws conclusions on what ensures successful ethical implementation. Millions of people around the world suffer from hepatitis C, one of the world's deadliest diseases. Interferon (IFN) is treatment options for patients with hepatitis C, but these treatments have their side effects. Our research focused on developing an oral small molecule drug that targets hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins and has fewer side effects. Our current study aims to develop a drug based on a small molecule antiviral drug specific for the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Drug development using laboratory experiments is not only expensive, but also time-consuming to conduct these experiments. Instead, in this in silicon study, we used computational techniques to propose a specific antiviral drug for the protein domains of found in the hepatitis C virus. This study used homology modeling and abs initio modeling to generate the 3D structure of the proteins, then identifying pockets in the proteins. Acceptable lagans for pocket drugs have been developed using the de novo drug design method. Pocket geometry is taken into account when designing ligands. Among the various lagans generated, a new specific for each of the HCV protein domains has been proposed.Keywords: drug design, anti-viral drug, in-silicon drug design, hepatitis C virus (HCV) CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAD education, education improvement, small-size contractor automatic pharmacy, PLC, control system, management system, communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 851308 The Efficacy of Pre-Hospital Packed Red Blood Cells in the Treatment of Severe Trauma: A Retrospective, Matched, Cohort Study
Authors: Ryan Adams
Introduction: Major trauma is the leading cause of death in 15-45 year olds and a significant human, social and economic costs. Resuscitation is a stalwart of trauma management, especially in the pre-hospital environment and packed red blood cells (pRBC) are being increasingly used with the advent of permissive hypotension. The evidence in this area is lacking and further research is required to determine its efficacy. Aim: The aim of this retrospective, matched cohort study was to determine if major trauma patients, who received pre-hospital pRBC, have a difference in their initial emergency department cardiovascular status; when compared with injury-profile matched controls. Methods: The trauma databases of the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Royal Children's Hospital (Herston) and Queensland Ambulance Service were accessed and major trauma patient (ISS>12) data, who received pre-hospital pRBC, from January 2011 to August 2014 was collected. Patients were then matched against control patients that had not received pRBC, by their injury profile. The primary outcomes was cardiovascular status; defined as shock index and Revised Trauma Score. Results: Data for 25 patients who received pre-hospital pRBC was accessed and the injury profiles matched against suitable controls. On admittance to the emergency department, a statistically significant difference was seen in the blood group (Blood = 1.42 and Control = 0.97, p-value = 0.0449). However, the same was not seen with the RTS (Blood = 4.15 and Control 5.56, p-value = 0.291). Discussion: A worsening shock index and revised trauma score was associated with pre-hospital administration of pRBC. However, due to the small sample size, limited matching protocol and associated confounding factors it is difficult to draw any solid conclusions. Further studies, with larger patient numbers, are required to enable adequate conclusions to be drawn on the efficacy of pre-hospital packed red blood cell transfusion.Keywords: pre-hospital, packed red blood cells, severe trauma, emergency medicine
Procedia PDF Downloads 3941307 Nutritional Impact in Patients Who Underwent Sleeve-Type Bariatric Surgery
Authors: Melissa Mattos, Camila Lima, Ibraim Castro, Augusto Carioca, Saulo Magalhães, Paula Freitas, Keciany Oliveira
Obesity is a chronic, multifactorial, relapsing disease that has increased dramatically over the years. Its control is considered a public health issue, and more and more treatments and interventions are being studied to reduce its prevalence. When interventions in lifestyle and the use of drugs do not generate lasting results, bariatric procedures emerge as a resource for obesity control. The main guidelines for the treatment of obesity emphasize the need for pre-procedure and post-procedure nutritional monitoring to avoid nutritional deficiencies that may occur. The individual who undergoes bariatric surgery needs to understand the changes that will be necessary for life in view of the intense anatomical and metabolic changes that result from surgical techniques. To assess the nutritional profile of patients who undergo bariatric surgery, we analyzed data from the medical records of all people who underwent sleeve-type bariatric surgery from January to June 2022 at a clinic in the City of Fortaleza. 38 patients were analyzed, 32 women and 6 men in the pre-surgical period, 6 and 12 months after surgery. The data showed an average weight loss of 24.45% at 6 months and 30.85% at 12 months, with a reduction of 21.32% and 30.41%, respectively, in the fat percentage, also indicating that 13.15% used drugs for weight loss during this period, leading to reflection on the isolated long-term efficacy of bariatric surgery, requiring multidisciplinary follow-up for a change in lifestyle. Only 12 individuals, corresponding to 31.57%, reached eutrophic BMI 12 months after surgery, 20 individuals remained overweight, corresponding to 52.63% of the sample, and 6 individuals (15.78%) remained in the BMI obese class I. As for body composition, there was a 52.39% reduction in fat mass and a 12.82% reduction in muscle mass, and 21% of individuals underwent cholecystectomy. Sleeve-type bariatric surgery promoted significant weight loss after 1 year of the procedure, with a reduction in body fat percentage and fat mass. Most patients were still overweight and had a significant reduction in muscle mass.Keywords: bariatric surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, obesity, sleeve
Procedia PDF Downloads 691306 Challenges and Opportunities in Computing Logistics Cost in E-Commerce Supply Chain
Authors: Pramod Ghadge, Swadesh Srivastava
Revenue generation of a logistics company depends on how the logistics cost of a shipment is calculated. Logistics cost of a shipment is a function of distance & speed of the shipment travel in a particular network, its volumetric size and dead weight. Logistics billing is based mainly on the consumption of the scarce resource (space or weight carrying capacity of a carrier). Shipment’s size or deadweight is a function of product and packaging weight, dimensions and flexibility. Hence, to arrive at a standard methodology to compute accurate cost to bill the customer, the interplay among above mentioned physical attributes along with their measurement plays a key role. This becomes even more complex for an ecommerce company, like Flipkart, which caters to shipments from both warehouse and marketplace in an unorganized non-standard market like India. In this paper, we will explore various methodologies to define a standard way of billing the non-standard shipments across a wide range of size, shape and deadweight. Those will be, usage of historical volumetric/dead weight data to arrive at a factor which can be used to compute the logistics cost of a shipment, also calculating the real/contour volume of a shipment to address the problem of irregular shipment shapes which cannot be solved by conventional bounding box volume measurements. We will also discuss certain key business practices and operational quality considerations needed to bring standardization and drive appropriate ownership in the ecosystem.Keywords: contour volume, logistics, real volume, volumetric weight
Procedia PDF Downloads 2691305 Understanding the First Mental Breakdown from the Families’ Perspective Through Metaphors
Authors: Eli Buchbinder
Introduction. Language is the basis to our experience as human being. We use language in describing our experiences and construct meaning and narratives from experiences. Metaphors are a valuable linguistic tool commonly use. Metaphors link two domains that are ordinarily not related. Metaphors achieve simultaneously multi-level integration: abstract and concrete, rational and imaginative, familiar and the unfamiliar, conscious and preconscious/unconscious. As such, metaphors epistemological and ontological tool that are important in social work in every field and domain. Goals and Methods The presentation’s aim is to validate the value of metaphors through the first psychiatric breakdown is a traumatic for families. The presentation is based on two pooled qualitative studies. The first study focused on 12 spouses: 7 women and 5 men, between the ages of 22 and 57, regarding their experiences and meanings of the first psychiatric hospitalization of their partners diagnosed with affective disorders. The second study focused on 10 parents, between the ages of 47 and 62, regarding their experiences and meanings following their child's first psychotic breakdown during young adulthood. Results Two types of major metaphors evolved from the interviews in farming the trauma of the first mental breakdown. The first mode - orientation (spatial) metaphors, reflect symbolic expression of the loss of a secure base, represented in the physical environment, e.g., describing hospitalization as "falling into an abyss." The second mode- ontological metaphors, reflect how parents and spouses present their traumatic experiences of hospitalization in terms of discrete, powerful and coherent entities, e.g., describing the first hospitalization as "swimming against the tide." The two metaphors modes reflect the embodiment of the unpredictability, being mired in distress, shock, intense pain and the experience the collapse of continuity on the life course and cuts off the experience of control. Conclusions Metaphors are important and powerful guide in assessing individuals and families’ phenomenological reality. As such, metaphors are useful for understanding and orientated therapeutic intervening, in the studies above, with the first psychiatric hospitalization experienced, as well as in others social workers’ interventions.Keywords: first mental breakdown, metaphors, family perspective, qualitative research
Procedia PDF Downloads 741304 Digital Transformation of Payment Systems Using Field Service Management
Authors: Hamze Torabian, Mohammad Mehrabioun Mohammadi
Like many other industries, the payment industry has been affected by digital transformation. The importance of digital transformation in the payment industry is very crucial. Because the payment industry is considered a leading industry in digital and emerging technologies, and the digitalization of other industries such as retail, health, and telecommunication, it also depends on the growth rate of digitalized payment systems. One of the technological innovations in service management is Field Service Management (FSM). Despite the widespread use of FSM in various industries such as petrochemical, health, maintenance, etc., this technology can also be recruited in the payment industry, transforming the payment industry into a more agile and efficient one. Accordingly, the present study pays close attention to the application of FSM in the payment industry. Given the importance of merchants' bargaining power in the payment industry, this study aims to use FSM in the digital transformation initiative with a targeted focus on providing real-time services to merchants. The research method consists of three parts. Firstly, conducting the review of past research, applications of FSM in the payment industry are considered. In the next step, merchants' benefits such as emotional, functional, economic, and social benefits in using FSM are identified using in-depth interviews and content analysis methods. The related business model in helping the payment industry transforming into a more agile and efficient industry is considered in the following step. The results revealed the 10 main pillars required to realize the digital transformation of payment systems using FSM.Keywords: digital transformation, field service management, merchant support systems, payment industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 1701303 Charting the Course: Using group Charters to Enhance Engagement and Learning Outcomes
Authors: Angela Knox
Student diversity in postgraduate classes puts major challengesoneducatorsseekingtoencouragestudentengagementand desired learning outcomes. This paper outlines the impact of a set of teaching initiatives aimed at addressing challenges associated with teaching and learning in an environment characterized by diversity in the student cohort. The study examines postgraduate students completing the core capstone unit within a specialized business degree. Although relatively small, the student cohort is highly diverse in terms of cultural backgrounds represented, prior learning and/or qualifications,aswellasdurationandtypeofworkexperiencerelevant to the degree being completed. The wide range of cultures, existing knowledge, and experience create enormous challenges with respect to students’ learning needs and outcomes. Subsequently, a suite of teaching innovations has been adopted to enhance curriculum content/delivery and the design of assessments. This paperexplores the impact of formalized group charters on students’ learning outcomes. Data from surveys and focus groups are used to assess the effectiveness of these practices. The results highlight the effectiveness of formalizedgroup charters in addressing diverse student needs and enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes. Thesefindings suggest that such practices would benefit students’ learning in environments marked by diversity in the student cohort. Specific recommendationsareofferedforothereducatorsworkingwithdiverse classes.Keywords: assessment design, curriculum content, curriculum delivery, group charter, student diversity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1351302 Factors Influencing Agricultural Systems Adoption Success: Evidence from Thailand
Authors: Manirath Wongsim, Ekkachai Naenudorn, Nipotepat Muangkote
Information Technology (IT), play an important role in business management strategies and can provide assistance in all phases of decision making. Thus, many organizations need to be seen as adopting IT, which is critical for a company to organize, manage and operate its processes. In order to implement IT successfully, it is important to understand the underlying factors that influence agricultural system's adoption success. Therefore, this research intends to study this perspective of factors that influence and impact successful IT adoption and related agricultural performance. Case study and survey methodology were adopted for this research. Case studies in two Thai- organizations were carried out. The results of the two main case studies suggested 21 factors that may have an impact on IT adoption in agriculture in Thailand, which led to the development of the preliminary framework. Next, a survey instrument was developed based on the findings from case studies. Survey questionnaires were gathered from 217 respondents from two large-scale surveys were sent to selected members of Thailand farmer, and Thailand computer to test the research framework. The results indicate that the top five critical factors for ensuring IT adoption in agricultural were: 1) network and communication facilities; 2) software; 3) hardware; 4) farmer’s IT knowledge, and; 5) training and education. Therefore, it is now clear which factors are influencing IT adoption and which of those factors are critical success factors for ensuring IT adoption in agricultural organization.Keywords: agricultural systems adoption, factors influencing IT adoption, factors affecting in agricultural adoption
Procedia PDF Downloads 1621301 Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty in the Independent Surveyor Service Industry in Indonesia
Authors: Sufrin Hannan, Budi Suharjo, Rita Nurmalina, Kirbrandoko
The challenge for independent surveyor service companies now is growing with increasing uncertainty in business. Protection from the government for domestic independent surveyor industry from competitor attack, such as entering the global surveyors to Indonesia also no longer exists. Therefore, building customer loyalty becomes very important to create a long-term relationship between an independent surveyor with its customers. This study aims to develop a model that can be used to build customer loyalty by looking at various factors that determine customer loyalty, especially on independent surveyors for coal inspection in Indonesia. The development of this model uses the relationship marketing approach. Testing of the hypothesis is done by testing the variables that determine customer loyalty, either directly or indirectly, which amounted to 10 variables. The data were collected from 200 questionnaires filled by independent surveyor company decision makers from 51 exporting companies and coal trading companies in Indonesia and analyzed using Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results show that customer loyalty of independent surveyors is influenced by customer satisfaction, trust, switching-barrier, and relationship-bond. Research on customer satisfaction shows that customer satisfaction is influenced by the perceived quality and perceived value, while perceived quality is influenced by reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy.Keywords: relationship marketing, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, switching barriers, relationship bonds
Procedia PDF Downloads 1691300 Prevalence of Elder Abuse and Effects of Social Factors on It
Authors: Ezat Vahidian, Babak Eshrati
Introduction: Elder abuse, a very complex issue with diverse definitions and names, has been very slow to capture the public eye and public policy since it is manifested at many levels. It requires the involvement of different types of professionals. While elder abuse is not a new phenomenon, the speed of population ageing world-wide is likely to lead to an increase in its incidence and prevalence. Elder abuse has devastating consequences for older persons such as poor quality of life, psychological distress, and loss of property and security. It is also associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Elder abuse is a problem that manifests itself in both rich and poor countries and at all levels of society. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of elder abuse and effects of social factor on it in Markazi Province. Materials and methods: The society of the study was all of the elders in Markazi Province that were available by geographical address in the table of rural and urban household societies. The study was cross sectional and multi phases in sampling the first one was classification according rural and urban area and the second one was cluster sampling with equal cluster. Estimation of samples were 472 persons and increased by design effect to 1110 persons. Collection data was done by questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS and chi 2 exam. Results: This study showed 70 persons were abused (42/8% male and 57/2% female) mean of ages was 74/7 years. 64% were marred and 31% were widows. There were not any significant meaningful association between elder abuse and area of living (pv=0.299),occupation (p.v=0.104), education (pv=0.358) and age (P.value=0.104) there were significant meaningful association between physical impairment (pv=0.08), and movement impairment (P.value=0.008). Conclusion: Results verify that maltreatment occurred in the aged persons. Analysis of data indicated that elder abuse exist in every socioeconomic group with any context of education in urban area and rural area and in men and women. Prevalence of elder abuse was 6.3% (70 persons) that verify the data of developed countries with limited sample.Keywords: elder abuse, education, occupation, area of living
Procedia PDF Downloads 4041299 Tatak Noy-Pi: The Branding Evolution of Tesoro's Philippine Handicrafts- A Philippines Creative and Cultural Industry
Authors: Regine R. Villanueva
The study looks into how a cultural industry such as Tesoro’s Philippine Handicrafts underwent the brand revitalization process throughout its 70 years of existence in the Philippine market. This study uses a historical approach which analyzes the changes in product development and promotional strategies. Similarly, its brand identity was determined as well in terms of its internal processes and archival data such as history, mission – vision, customer relations, products, and promotions. The product life cycle model and the brand identity planning model were used as theoretical framework for the study. The life cycle was used in historically tracing the company’s developments and changes in terms of its branding, more specifically the products, promotions, and identity. Interviews were conducted among informants who included the CEO and the heads of each department in the business. The researcher also utilized textual analysis to have an in-depth understanding of Tesoro’s’ brand identity portrayal through its advertisements. The results showed how the company has undergone a progressive and innovative transition in its life cycle. With the changing markets and increased competition, the brand started active promotions and engaged in product development. In terms of identity, they are branded as pioneers of the handicraft industry in the Philippines. They started their brand revitalization to be able to imbibe this identity to their consumers through advertisement communication and identifying their segmented markets.Keywords: cultural industry, handicrafts, case study, philippines
Procedia PDF Downloads 6251298 Visualizing the Future of New York’s Southern Tier: Engaging Students to Help Create Sustainable Communities
Authors: William C. Dean
In the pedagogical sequence of the four- and five-year architectural programs at Alfred State, the fourth-year Urban Design Studio constitutes the first course where students directly explore design issues in the urban context. It is the first large-scale, community-based service learning project for most of the participating students. The students learn key lessons that include the benefits of working both individually and in groups of different sizes toward a common goal, accepting - and responding creatively too - criticism from stakeholders at different points in the project, and recognizing the role that local politics and activism can play in planning for community development. Above all, students are exposed to the importance of good planning in relation to preservation and community revitalization. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the use of community-based service-learning projects in undergraduate architectural education to promote student civic engagement as a means of helping communities visualize potential solutions for revitalizing their neighborhoods and business districts. A series of case studies will be presented in terms of challenges that were encountered, opportunities for student engagement and leadership, and the feasibility of sustainable community development resulting from those projects. The reader will be encouraged to consider how they can recognize needs within their own communities that could benefit from the assistance of architecture students and faculty.Keywords: urban design, service-learning, civic engagement, community revitalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 951297 Quality Service Standard of Food and Beverage Service Staff in Hotel
Authors: Thanasit Suksutdhi
This survey research aims to study the standard of service quality of food and beverage service staffs in hotel business by studying the service standard of three sample hotels, Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok, Four Seasons Resort Chiang Mai, and Banyan Tree Phuket. In order to find the international service standard of food and beverage service, triangular research, i.e. quantitative, qualitative, and survey were employed. In this research, questionnaires and in-depth interview were used for getting the information on the sequences and method of services. There were three parts of modified questionnaires to measure service quality and guest’s satisfaction including service facilities, attentiveness, responsibility, reliability, and circumspection. This study used sample random sampling to derive subjects with the return rate of the questionnaires was 70% or 280. Data were analyzed by SPSS to find arithmetic mean, SD, percentage, and comparison by t-test and One-way ANOVA. The results revealed that the service quality of the three hotels were in the international level which could create high satisfaction to the international customers. Recommendations for research implementations were to maintain the area of good service quality, and to improve some dimensions of service quality such as reliability. Training in service standard, product knowledge, and new technology for employees should be provided. Furthermore, in order to develop the service quality of the industry, training collaboration between hotel organization and educational institutions in food and beverage service should be considered.Keywords: service standard, food and beverage department, sequence of service, service method
Procedia PDF Downloads 3521296 Domain-Specific Languages Evaluation: A Literature Review and Experience Report
Authors: Sofia Meacham
In this abstract paper, the Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) evaluation will be presented based on existing literature and years of experience developing DSLs for several domains. The domains we worked on ranged from AI, business applications, and finances/accounting to health. In general, DSLs have been utilised in many domains to provide tailored and efficient solutions to address specific problems. Although they are a reputable method among highly technical circles and have also been used by non-technical experts with success, according to our knowledge, there isn’t a commonly accepted method for evaluating them. There are some methods that define criteria that are adaptations from the general software engineering quality criteria. Other literature focuses on the DSL usability aspect of evaluation and applies methods such as Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and goal modeling. All these approaches are either hard to introduce, such as the goal modeling, or seem to ignore the domain-specific focus of the DSLs. From our experience, the DSLs have domain-specificity in their core, and consequently, the methods to evaluate them should also include domain-specific criteria in their core. The domain-specific criteria would require synergy between the domain experts and the DSL developers in the same way that DSLs cannot be developed without domain-experts involvement. Methods from agile and other software engineering practices, such as co-creation workshops, should be further emphasised and explored to facilitate this direction. Concluding, our latest experience and plans for DSLs evaluation will be presented and open for discussion.Keywords: domain-specific languages, DSL evaluation, DSL usability, DSL quality metrics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1041295 Exaptive Urbanism: Evolutionary Biology and the Regeneration of Mumbai’s Dhobighat
Authors: Piyush Bajpai, Sneha Pandey
Mumbai’s Dhobighat, 150 year old largest open laundry in the world, is the true live-work place and only source of income for some of Mumbai’s highest density ‘urban poor’ residents. The regeneration of Dhobighat, due to its ultra prime location and complex socio-political culture has been a complex issue. This once flourishing urban industrial core has been degrading for the past several decades mainly due to the decline of the open laundry business, the site’s over burdened infrastructure and conflicting socio-political and economic forces. The phenomena of ‘exaptation’ or ‘co-option’ has been observed by evolutionary biologists as a process responsible for producing highly tenacious and resilient offsprings within a species. The reddish egret uses its wings to cast shadow in shallow waters to attract small fish and hunt them. An unrelated feature used opportunistically to produce a very favorable result. How can this idea of co-option be applied to resolve the complex issue of Dhobighat’s regeneration? Our paper proposes a new methodology/approach for the regeneration of Dhobighat through the lens of evolutionary biology. Forces and systems (social, political, economic, cultural and ecological) that seem conflicting or unrelated by nature are opportunistically transformed into symbiotic and complimentary relationships that produce an inclusive, resilient and holistic solution for the regeneration of Dhobighat.Keywords: urban regeneration, exaptation, resilience, Dhobighat, Mumbai
Procedia PDF Downloads 2981294 Effect of Different Phosphorus Levels on Vegetative Growth of Maize Variety
Authors: Tegene Nigussie
Introduction: Maize is the most domesticated of all the field crops. Wild maize has not been found to date and there has been much speculation on its origin. Regardless of the validity of different theories, it is generally agreed that the center of origin of maize is Central America, primarily Mexico and the Caribbean. Maize in Africa is of a recent introduction although data suggest that it was present in Nigeria even before Columbus voyages. After being taken to Europe in 1493, maize was introduced to Africa and distributed (spread through the continent by different routes. Maize is an important cereal crop in Ethiopia in general, it is the primarily stable food, and rural households show strong preference. For human food, the important constituents of grain are carbohydrates (starch and sugars), protein, fat or oil (in the embryo) and minerals. About 75 percent of the kernel is starch, a range of 60.80 percent but low protein content (8-15%). In Ethiopia, the introduction of modern farming techniques appears to be a priority. However, the adoption of modern inputs by peasant farmers is found to be very slow, for example, the adoption rate of fertilizer, an input that is relatively adopted, is very slow. The difference in socio-economic factors lay behind the low rate of technological adoption, including price & marketing input. Objective: The aim of the study is to determine the optimum application rate or level of different phosphorus fertilizers for the vegetative growth of maize and to identify the effect of different phosphorus rates on the growth and development of maize. Methods: The vegetative parameter (above ground) measurement from five plants randomly sampled from the middle rows of each plot. Results: The interaction of nitrogen and maize variety showed a significant at (p<0.01) effect on plant height, with the application of 60kg/ha and BH140 maize variety in combination and root length with the application of 60kg/ha of nitrogen and BH140 variety of maize. The highest mean (12.33) of the number of leaves per plant and mean (7.1) of the number of nodes per plant can be used as an alternative for better vegetative growth of maize. Conclusion and Recommendation: Maize is one of the popular and cultivated crops in Ethiopia. This study was conducted to investigate the best dosage of phosphorus for vegetative growth, yield, and better quality of maize variety and to recommend a level of phosphorus rate and the best variety adaptable to the specific soil condition or area.Keywords: leaf, carbohydrate protein, adoption, sugar
Procedia PDF Downloads 161293 Procedure Model for Data-Driven Decision Support Regarding the Integration of Renewable Energies into Industrial Energy Management
Authors: M. Graus, K. Westhoff, X. Xu
The climate change causes a change in all aspects of society. While the expansion of renewable energies proceeds, industry could not be convinced based on general studies about the potential of demand side management to reinforce smart grid considerations in their operational business. In this article, a procedure model for a case-specific data-driven decision support for industrial energy management based on a holistic data analytics approach is presented. The model is executed on the example of the strategic decision problem, to integrate the aspect of renewable energies into industrial energy management. This question is induced due to considerations of changing the electricity contract model from a standard rate to volatile energy prices corresponding to the energy spot market which is increasingly more affected by renewable energies. The procedure model corresponds to a data analytics process consisting on a data model, analysis, simulation and optimization step. This procedure will help to quantify the potentials of sustainable production concepts based on the data from a factory. The model is validated with data from a printer in analogy to a simple production machine. The overall goal is to establish smart grid principles for industry via the transformation from knowledge-driven to data-driven decisions within manufacturing companies.Keywords: data analytics, green production, industrial energy management, optimization, renewable energies, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4361292 Functioning of a Temporarily Single Parent Family System Due to Migration from the Perspective of Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy
Authors: A. Gagat-Matuła
There is a definite lack – in Poland, as well as around the world – of empirical studies of families raising handicapped child, in which one parent migrates. In diagnostics of the functioning of such families emphasis should be placed not only on the difficulties, but most of all it should be indicated what possibilities are there for the family and how it overcomes the difficulties. Migration of a parent on the one hand is a chance to improve the family’s material situation. In certain circumstances this may only be an “escape” into work from the issues associated with the upbringing and rehabilitation of a handicapped child. The aim of the study was to learn the functioning of a temporarily single parent family system as a result of migration of a parent from the perspective of adolescents with cerebral palsy. The study was conducted in the year 2013 in the area of Eastern Poland. It involved an analysis of 70 persons (with cerebral palsy in an intellectual capacity) from families in which at least one of the parents migrates. The study incorporated the diagnostic survey method. These tools were used: Family Evaluation Scales (SOR) adapted for Poland by Andrzej Margasiński. The explorations in this study indicate, that 47% of studied temporarily single parent families are balanced models. This is evidence of the resources at the disposal of the family which, despite the disability of the child and temporary separation, is able to function properly. The conducted studies show, that 37% of temporarily single parent families are imbalanced models in the perception of adolescents with cerebral palsy. These families experience functional difficulties and require psychological and pedagogical support. There is a need for building skills related to effective coping with family stress. Especially considering, that families of an imbalanced type do not use the internal and external resources of the family system. Such a situation may deepen the disarrangement of family life. In intermediate families (16%) there are also temporary difficulties in functioning. Separation anxiety experienced by mothers may disrupt relations and introduce additional stress factors. For that reason it is important to provide support for women with difficulties coping with the emotions associated with raising handicapped adolescents and migratory separation.Keywords: child with cerebral palsy, family, migration, parents
Procedia PDF Downloads 4191291 A Comparative Analysis of Asymmetric Encryption Schemes on Android Messaging Service
Authors: Mabrouka Algherinai, Fatma Karkouri
Today, Short Message Service (SMS) is an important means of communication. SMS is not only used in informal environment for communication and transaction, but it is also used in formal environments such as institutions, organizations, companies, and business world as a tool for communication and transactions. Therefore, there is a need to secure the information that is being transmitted through this medium to ensure security of information both in transit and at rest. But, encryption has been identified as a means to provide security to SMS messages in transit and at rest. Several past researches have proposed and developed several encryption algorithms for SMS and Information Security. This research aims at comparing the performance of common Asymmetric encryption algorithms on SMS security. The research employs the use of three algorithms, namely RSA, McEliece, and RABIN. Several experiments were performed on SMS of various sizes on android mobile device. The experimental results show that each of the three techniques has different key generation, encryption, and decryption times. The efficiency of an algorithm is determined by the time that it takes for encryption, decryption, and key generation. The best algorithm can be chosen based on the least time required for encryption. The obtained results show the least time when McEliece size 4096 is used. RABIN size 4096 gives most time for encryption and so it is the least effective algorithm when considering encryption. Also, the research shows that McEliece size 2048 has the least time for key generation, and hence, it is the best algorithm as relating to key generation. The result of the algorithms also shows that RSA size 1024 is the most preferable algorithm in terms of decryption as it gives the least time for decryption.Keywords: SMS, RSA, McEliece, RABIN
Procedia PDF Downloads 1651290 Connecting African Ubuntu and Social Work Practices for Human Rights: The Value of Dignity and Worth of a Person
Authors: Meinrad Haule Lembuka
Social work profession one of its primary mission is to restore and maintain human rights where social workers recognise all humanity as equal, and so too the philosophies that have developed across the world’s regions. Ubuntu means African Humanism, where realization of human rights has been a primary role for every member of community to protect other member. Before Universal declaration of human rights, African societies had a long history of embracing human rights through Ubuntu approach model. The article used Ubuntu theory to guide the review process of existing literature since Ubuntu theory since is grounded in African cultural values and ecology, and it was thought that application of Ubuntu theory was relevant to reflect reality of Ubuntu model and indigenization of social work in African context. Results have shown that in realization of human rights, Ubuntu was practiced is termed as model, philosophy, cultural values, way of life or framework originated in sub-sahara Africa and some of remarkably practice model in several African communities such as Angola, (gimuntu), Botswana (muthu), Burkina Faso (maaya), Ghana (biako ye), Malawi (umunthu), Mali (maaya/hadama de ya), Namibia (omundu), Nigeria (mutunchi/iwa/agwa), (bantu), Sierra Leonne (maaya), South Africa (ubuntu/botho) and Tanzania (utu/obuntu/bumuntu). Collective and holistic mechanism of Ubuntu is found through an Ubuntu framework that is contributed by individual, family, community and spirit that is characterised by interconnectedness of all things and beings. Each society has its own name but the practice remained the same and realization of human rights in Africa context was centred through human dignity, Ubuntu is built under cultural values of humanism that brings implications for African social worker to integrate this indigenous model into social work practice in restoring and maintain human rights. Social workers should promote policies and practices that demonstrate respect for human life, difference, support and expansion of cultural knowledge and resources, advocate for programmes and institutions that demonstrate cultural competence and promote policies that safeguard the rights and confirm equity and social justice for all people.Keywords: African ubuntu, indigenous practice, African humanism, African human rights, social work and human rights
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