Search results for: contamination indices
1136 Pin Count Aware Volumetric Error Detection in Arbitrary Microfluidic Bio-Chip
Authors: Kunal Das, Priya Sengupta, Abhishek K. Singh
Pin assignment, scheduling, routing and error detection for arbitrary biochemical protocols in Digital Microfluidic Biochip have been reported in this paper. The research work is concentrating on pin assignment for 2 or 3 droplets routing in the arbitrary biochemical protocol, scheduling and routing in m × n biochip. The volumetric error arises due to droplet split in the biochip. The volumetric error detection is also addressed using biochip AND logic gate which is known as microfluidic AND or mAND gate. The algorithm for pin assignment for m × n biochip required m+n-1 numbers of pins. The basic principle of this algorithm is that no same pin will be allowed to be placed in the same column, same row and diagonal and adjacent cells. The same pin should be placed a distance apart such that interference becomes less. A case study also reported in this paper.Keywords: digital microfludic biochip, cross-contamination, pin assignment, microfluidic AND gate
Procedia PDF Downloads 2771135 Circadian Rhythm and Demographic Incidence
Authors: Behnaz Farahani, Abbas Mirzaei
This study explores association between circadian rhythm pattern and some demographic incidences. The participants targeting 193 (97 females and 96 males between the ages of 20-30 years) Iranian bachelor students from Islamic Azad University who completed the self-reported over the 2nd semester 2011-2012 university year. The questionnaire has been tailored amalgamation of Horn & Östberg Questionnaire (MEQ) and Demographic Incidences Questionnaire in order to measure the students circadian rhythm pattern and their Demographic Incidences. The finding of this quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional analysis confirmed the hypothesis in that 'circadian rhythm pattern' was positively associated with the demographic indices like age, marital status, gender, day in week and month of the birth time, and parent’s age and educational level at the time of the birth of the samples.Keywords: circadian rhythm pattern, demographic incidences, morning type, evening type
Procedia PDF Downloads 5301134 Constant-Roll Warm Inflation within Rastall Gravity
Authors: Rabia Saleem
This research has a recently proposed strategy to find the exact inflationary solution of the Friedman equations in the context of the Rastall theory of gravity (RTG), known as constant-roll warm inflation, including dissipation effects. We establish the model to evaluate the effective potential of inflation and entropy. We develop the inflationary observable like scalar-tensor power spectra, scalar-tensor spectral indices, tensor-to-scalar ratio, and running of spectral-index. The theory parameter $\lambda$ is constrained to observe the compatibility of our model with Planck 2013, Planck TT, TE, EE+lowP (2015), and Planck 2018 bounds. The results are feasible and interesting up to the 2$\sigma$ confidence level.Keywords: modified gravity, warm inflation, constant-roll limit, dissipation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1001133 Development of Polylactic Acid Insert with a Cinnamaldehyde-Betacyclodextrin Complex for Cape Gooseberry (Physalis Peruviana L.) Packed
Authors: Gómez S. Jennifer, Méndez V. Camila, Moncayo M. Diana, Vega M. Lizeth
The cape gooseberry is a climacteric fruit; Colombia is one of the principal exporters in the world. The environmental condition of temperature and relative moisture decreases the titratable acidity and pH. These conditions and fruit maturation result in the fungal proliferation of Botrytis cinerea disease. Plastic packaging for fresh cape gooseberries was used for mechanical damage protection but created a suitable atmosphere for fungal growth. Beta-cyclodextrins are currently implemented as coatings for the encapsulation of hydrophobic compounds, for example, with bioactive compounds from essential oils such as cinnamaldehyde, which has a high antimicrobial capacity. However, it is a volatile substance. In this article, the casting method was used to obtain a polylactic acid (PLA) polymer film containing the beta-cyclodextrin-cinnamaldehyde inclusion complex, generating an insert that allowed the controlled release of the antifungal substance in packed cape gooseberries to decrease contamination by Botrytis cinerea in a latent state during storage. For the encapsulation technique, three ratios for the cinnamaldehyde: beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complex were proposed: (25:75), (40:60), and (50:50). Spectrophotometry, colorimetry in L*a*b* coordinate space and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were made for the complex characterization. Subsequently, two ratios of tween and water (40:60) and (50:50) were used to obtain the polylactic acid (PLA) film. To determine mechanical and physical parameters of colourimetry in L*a*b* coordinate space, atomic force microscopy and stereoscopy were done to determine the transparency and flexibility of the film; for both cases, Statgraphics software was used to determine the best ratio in each of the proposed phases, where for encapsulation it was (50:50) with an encapsulation efficiency of 65,92%, and for casting the ratio (40:60) obtained greater transparency and flexibility that permitted its incorporation into the polymeric packaging. A liberation assay was also developed under ambient temperature conditions to evaluate the concentration of cinnamaldehyde inside the packaging through gas chromatography for three weeks. It was found that the insert had a controlled release. Nevertheless, a higher cinnamaldehyde concentration is needed to obtain the minimum inhibitory concentration for the fungus Botrytis cinerea (0.2g/L). The homogeneity of the cinnamaldehyde gas phase inside the packaging can be improved by considering other insert configurations. This development aims to impact emerging food preservation technologies with the controlled release of antifungals to reduce the affectation of the physico-chemical and sensory properties of the fruit as a result of contamination by microorganisms in the postharvest stage.Keywords: antifungal, casting, encapsulation, postharvest
Procedia PDF Downloads 751132 Modeling the Moment of Resistance Generated by an Ore-Grinding Mill
Authors: Marinka Baghdasaryan, Tigran Mnoyan
The pertinence of modeling the moment of resistance generated by the ore-grinding mill is substantiated. Based on the ranking of technological indices obtained in the result of the survey among the specialists of several beneficiating plants, the factors determining the level of the moment of resistance generated by the mill are revealed. A priori diagram of the ranks is obtained in which the factors are arranged in the descending order of the impact degree on the level of the moment. The obtained model of the moment of resistance shows the technological character of the operation modes of the ore-grinding mill and can be used for improving the operation modes of the system motor-mill and preventing the abnormal mode of the drive synchronous motor.Keywords: model, abnormal mode, mill, correlation, moment of resistance, rotational speed
Procedia PDF Downloads 4521131 Road Systems as Environmental Barriers: An Overview of Roadways in Their Function as Fences for Wildlife Movement
Authors: Rachael Bentley, Callahan Gergen, Brodie Thiede
Roadways have a significant impact on the environment in so far as they function as barriers to wildlife movement, both through road mortality and through resultant road avoidance. Roads have an im-mense presence worldwide, and it is predicted to increase substantially in the next thirty years. As roadways become even more common, it is important to consider their environmental impact, and to mitigate the negative effects which they have on wildlife and wildlife mobility. In a thorough analysis of several related studies, a common conclusion was that roads cause habitat fragmentation, which can lead split populations to evolve differently, for better or for worse. Though some populations adapted positively to roadways, becoming more resistant to road mortality, and more tolerant to noise and chemical contamination, many others experienced maladaptation, either due to chemical contamination in and around their environment, or because of genetic mutations from inbreeding when their population was fragmented too substantially to support a large enough group for healthy genetic exchange. Large mammals were especially susceptible to maladaptation from inbreed-ing, as they require larger areas to roam and therefore require even more space to sustain a healthy population. Regardless of whether a species evolved positively or negatively as a result of their proximity to a road, animals tended to avoid roads, making the genetic diversity from habitat fragmentation an exceedingly prevalent issue in the larger discussion of road ecology. Additionally, the consideration of solu-tions, such as overpasses and underpasses, is crucial to ensuring the long term survival of many wildlife populations. In studies addressing the effectiveness of overpasses and underpasses, it seemed as though animals adjusted well to these sorts of solutions, but strategic place-ment, as well as proper sizing, proper height, shelter from road noise, and other considerations were important in construction. When an underpass or overpass was well-built and well-shielded from human activity, animals’ usage of the structure increased significantly throughout its first five years, thus reconnecting previously divided populations. Still, these structures are costly and they are often unable to fully address certain issues such as light, noise, and contaminants from vehicles. Therefore, the need for further discussion of new, crea-tive solutions remains paramount. Roads are one of the most consistent and prominent features of today’s landscape, but their environmental impacts are largely overlooked. While roads are useful for connecting people, they divide landscapes and animal habitats. Therefore, further research and investment in possible solutions is necessary to mitigate the negative effects which roads have on wildlife mobility and to pre-vent issues from resultant habitat fragmentation.Keywords: fences, habitat fragmentation, roadways, wildlife mobility
Procedia PDF Downloads 1811130 Predicting the Adsorptive Capacities of Biosolid as a Barrier in Soil to Remove Industrial Contaminants
Authors: H. Aguedal, H. Hentit, A. Aziz, D. R. Merouani, A. Iddou
The major environmental risk of soil pollution is the contamination of groundwater by infiltration of organic and inorganic pollutants that can cause a serious pollution. To protect the groundwater, in this study, we proceeded to test the reliability of a bio solid as barrier to prevent the migration of a very dangerous pollutant ‘Cadmium’ through the different soil layers. The follow-up the influence of several parameters, such as: turbidity, pluviometry, initial concentration of cadmium and the nature of soil, allow us to find the most effective manner to integrate this barrier in the soil. From the results obtained, we noted the effective intervention of the barrier. Indeed, the recorded passing quantities are lowest for the highest rainfall; we noted that the barrier has a better affinity towards higher concentrations; the most retained amounts of cadmium has been in the top layer of the two types of soil, while the lowest amounts of cadmium are recorded in the inner layers of soils.Keywords: adsorption of cadmium, barrier, groundwater pollution, protection
Procedia PDF Downloads 3641129 Effect of Melatonin on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Catharanthus roseus under Cadmium Stress
Authors: Rayhaneh Amooaghaie, Masoomeh Nabaei
In this study, 200 µM Cd reduced relative seed germination, root elongation tolerance and seed germination tolerance index of Catharanthus roseus. The melatonin improved seed germination, germination velocity, seedling length and vigor index under Cd stress in a dose-dependent manner and the maximum biological responses obtained by 100 μM melatonin. However, 200-400 μM melatonin and 400 μM SNP had negative effects that evidenced as lower germination indices and poor establishment of seedlings. The cadmium suppressed amylase activity and contents of soluble and reducing sugars in germinating seeds, thereby reduced seed germination and subsequent seedling growth whereas increased electrolyte leakage. These Cd-induced inhibitory effects were ameliorated by melatonin.Keywords: cadmium, Catharanthus roseus, melatonin, seed germination
Procedia PDF Downloads 1801128 New Approach to Interactional Dynamics of E-mail Correspondence
Authors: Olga Karamalak
The paper demonstrates a research about theoretical understanding of writing in the electronic environment as dynamic, interactive, dialogical, and distributed activity aimed at “other-orientation” and consensual domain creation. The purpose is to analyze the personal e-mail correspondence in the academic environment from this perspective. The focus is made on the dynamics of interaction between the correspondents such as contact setting, orientation and co-functions; and the text of an e-letter is regarded as indices of the write’s state or affordances in terms of ecological linguistics. The establishment of consensual domain of interaction brings about a new stage of cognition emergence which may lead to distributed learning. The research can play an important part in the series of works dedicated to writing in the electronic environment.Keywords: consensual domain of interactions, distributed writing and learning, e-mail correspondence, interaction, orientation, co-function
Procedia PDF Downloads 5801127 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Leaves Attacked by the Gall Wasp Leptocybe invasa: A Phyto-Volatile Constituents Study
Authors: Maged El-Sayed Mohamed
Eucalyptus camaldulensis is one on the most well-known species of the genus Eucalyptus in the Middle east, its importance relay on the high production of its unique volatile constituents which exhibits many medicinal and pharmacological activities. The gall-forming wasp (Leptocybe invasa) has recently come into sight as the main pest attacking E. camaldulensis and causing severe injury. The wasp lays its eggs in the petiole and midrib of leaves and stems of young shoots of E. camaldulensis, which leads to gall formation. Gall formation by L. invasa damages growing shoot and leaves of Eucalyptus, resulting in abscission of leaves and drying. AIM: This study is an attempt to investigate the effect of the gall wasp (Leptocybe invasa) attack on the volatile constitutes of E. camaldulensis. This could help in the control of this wasp through stimulating plant defenses or production of a new allelochemicals or insecticide. The study of volatile constitutes of Eucalyptus before and after attack by the wasp can help the re-use and recycle of the infected Eucalyptus trees for new pharmacological and medicinal activities. Methodology: The fresh gall wasp-attacked and healthy leaves (100 g each) were cut and immediately subjected to hydrodistillation using Clevenger-type apparatus for 3 hours. The volatile fractions isolated were analyzed using Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Kovat’s retention indices (RI) were calculated with respect to a set of co-injected standard hydrocarbons (C10-C28). Compounds were identified by comparing their spectral data and retention indices with Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data 10th edition (April 2013), NIST 11 Mass Spectral Library (NIST11/2011/EPA/NIH) and literature data. Results: Fifty-nine components representing 89.13 and 88.60% of the total volatile fraction content respectively were quantitatively analyzed. Twenty-six major compounds at an average concentration greater than 0.1 ± 0.02% have been used for the statistical comparison. From those major components, twenty-one were found in both the attacked and healthy Eucalyptus leaves’ fractions in different concentration and five components, mono terpene p-Mentha-2-4(8) diene and the sesquiterpenes δ-elemene, β-elemene, E-caryophyllene and Bicyclogermacrene, were unique and only produced in the attacked-leaves’ fraction. CONCLUSION: Newly produced components or those commonly found in the volatile fraction and changed in concentration could represent a part of the plant defense mechanisms or might be an element of the plant allelopathic and communication mechanisms. Identification of the components of the gall wasp-damaged leaves can help in their recycling for different physiological, pharmacological and medicinal uses.Keywords: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, eucalyptus recycling, gall wasp, Leptocybe invasa, plant defense mechanisms, Terpene fraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3591126 Speech Perception by Video Hosting Services Actors: Urban Planning Conflicts
Authors: M. Pilgun
The report presents the results of a study of the specifics of speech perception by actors of video hosting services on the material of urban planning conflicts. To analyze the content, the multimodal approach using neural network technologies is employed. Analysis of word associations and associative networks of relevant stimulus revealed the evaluative reactions of the actors. Analysis of the data identified key topics that generated negative and positive perceptions from the participants. The calculation of social stress and social well-being indices based on user-generated content made it possible to build a rating of road transport construction objects according to the degree of negative and positive perception by actors.Keywords: social media, speech perception, video hosting, networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 1491125 Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Kwara state, Nigeria
Authors: Salman Abdulrasaq
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) has been considered as indices for economic development in a country economy. The development of entrepreneurship skills is therefore necessary. This study, seeks to examine the impact of Entrepreneurship on the Growth of Small Businesses Kwara State, Nigeria. The data used were primarily obtained from the questionnaire administered to the randomly selected areas in the state. Regression statistical tool was employed with aid of SPSS to test the validity of the hypothesis formulated in the study. The study therefore concludes that; the qualities of entrepreneur have impact the growth of Small Businesses s in the selected areas of the state. In view of this, the study recommends that; entrepreneurship development would serve as a tool for the growth of small business enterprises.Keywords: entrepreneurship, growth, development, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 4091124 Optimization of Fenton Process for the Treatment of Young Municipal Leachate
Authors: Bouchra Wassate, Younes Karhat, Khadija El Falaki
Leachate is a source of surface water and groundwater contamination if it has not been pretreated. Indeed, due to its complex structure and its pollution load make its treatment extremely difficult to achieve the standard limits required. The objective of this work is to show the interest of advanced oxidation processes on leachate treatment of urban waste containing high concentrations of organic pollutants. The efficiency of Fenton (Fe2+ +H2O2 + H+) reagent for young leachate recovered from collection trucks household waste in the city of Casablanca, Morocco, was evaluated with the objectives of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and discoloration reductions. The optimization of certain physicochemical parameters (initial pH value, reaction time, and [Fe2+], [H2O2]/ [Fe2+] ratio) has yielded good results in terms of reduction of COD and discoloration of the leachate.Keywords: COD removal, color removal, Fenton process, oxidation process, leachate
Procedia PDF Downloads 2871123 Spillovers between Oil and the Gulf Cooperation Council Stock Markets: Fresh Evidence from a Regime-Switching Approach
Authors: Ahmed BenSaïda
This study examines the relationship between crude oil and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region stock markets by employing a regime-switching approach. The methodology provides new insights into how the interrelationship between oil and GCC stock markets may fluctuate in different economic or market regimes, which is crucial for understanding the transmission of oil shocks and tailoring policy responses. Our findings indicate that the spillovers between the underlying assets are asymmetric. Specifically, during the turmoil periods, the connectedness is intense among these assets, whereas during tranquil periods, the linkage is moderate. Furthermore, an increase in oil prices can positively contribute to the profits of firms that are heavily dependent on oil, leading to an increase in the linkage between these countries and crude oil. The findings have important implications for investors and decision-makers in the GCC region.Keywords: GCC indices, oil, regime-switching, spillovers
Procedia PDF Downloads 241122 Foodborne Disease Risk Factors Among Women in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Authors: Abdullah Alsayeqh
The burden of foodborne diseases in Saudi Arabia is currently unknown. The objective of this study was to identify risk factors associated with these diseases among women in Riyadh. A cross-sectional study was carried out from March to July, 2013 where participants’ responses indicated that they were at risk of these diseases through improper food-holding temperature (45.28%), inadequate cooking (35.47%), cross-contamination (32.23%), and food from unsafe sources (22.39%). The claimed food safety knowledge by 22.04% of participants was not evidenced by their reported behaviors (p > 0.05). This is the first study to identify the gap in food safety knowledge among women in Riyadh which needs to be addressed by the concerned authorities in the country by engaging women more effectively in food safety educational campaigns.Keywords: foodborne diseases, risk factors, knowledge, women, Saudi Arabia
Procedia PDF Downloads 5091121 Normalizing Logarithms of Realized Volatility in an ARFIMA Model
Authors: G. L. C. Yap
Modelling realized volatility with high-frequency returns is popular as it is an unbiased and efficient estimator of return volatility. A computationally simple model is fitting the logarithms of the realized volatilities with a fractionally integrated long-memory Gaussian process. The Gaussianity assumption simplifies the parameter estimation using the Whittle approximation. Nonetheless, this assumption may not be met in the finite samples and there may be a need to normalize the financial series. Based on the empirical indices S&P500 and DAX, this paper examines the performance of the linear volatility model pre-treated with normalization compared to its existing counterpart. The empirical results show that by including normalization as a pre-treatment procedure, the forecast performance outperforms the existing model in terms of statistical and economic evaluations.Keywords: Gaussian process, long-memory, normalization, value-at-risk, volatility, Whittle estimator
Procedia PDF Downloads 3541120 Electrokinetic Remediation of Uranium Contaminated Soil by Ion Exchange Membranes
Authors: Z. H. Shi, T. J. Dou, H. Zhang, H. X. Huang, N. Zeng
The contamination of significant quantities of soils and sediments with uranium and other actinide elements as a result of nuclear activity poses many environmental risks. The electrokinetic process is one of the most promising remediation techniques for sludge, sediment, and saturated or unsaturated soils contaminated with heavy metals and radionuclides. However, secondary waste is a major concern for soil contaminated with nuclides. To minimize the generation of secondary wastes, this study used the anion and cation exchange membranes to improve the performance of the experimental apparatus. Remediation experiments of uranium-contaminated soil were performed with different agents. The results show that using acetic acid and EDTA as chelating agents clearly enhances the migration ability of the uranium. The ion exchange membranes (IEMs) used in the experiments not only reduce secondary wastes, but also, keep the soil pH stable.Keywords: electrokinetic remediation, ion exchange membranes, soil, uranium
Procedia PDF Downloads 3521119 Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Salmonella spp. Isolate from Chickens at Slaughterhouses in Northeast of Thailand
Authors: Seree Klaengair, Sunpetch Angkititrakul, Dusadee Phongaran, Chaiyaporn Soikum
The objectives of this study is to determine the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance pattern of Salmonella spp. isolated from chickens at slaughterhouses in northeast of Thailand. During 2015-2016, all samples were isolated and identified by ISO 6579:2002. A total of 604 samples of rectal swab were collected and isolated for the presence of Salmonella. Salmonella was detected in 109 of 604 (18.05%) samples. The most prevalent serovars were Salmonella Kentucky (22.94%), Give (20.18%) and Typhimurium (7.34%). In this study, 66.97% of the isolates were resistant to at least one antimicrobial drug and 38.39% were multidrug resistant. The highest resistances were found in nalidixic acid (49.54%), ampicillin (30.28%), tetracycline (27.52%), amoxicillin (26.61%), ciprofloxacin (23.85) and norfloxacin (19.27%). The results showed high prevalence of Salmonella spp. in chickens and antimicrobial resistance patterns. Prevention and control of Salmonella contamination in chickens should be consumer healthy.Keywords: antimicrobial resistance, Salmonella spp., chicken, slaughterhouse
Procedia PDF Downloads 1721118 Pollutant Dispersion in Coastal Waters
Authors: Sonia Ben Hamza, Sabra Habli, Nejla Mahjoub Saïd, Hervé Bournot, Georges Le Palec
This paper spots light on the effect of a point source pollution on streams, stemming out from intentional release caused by unconscious facts. The consequences of such contamination on ecosystems are very serious. Accordingly, effective tools are highly demanded in this respect, which enable us to come across an accurate progress of pollutant and anticipate different measures to be applied in order to limit the degradation of the environmental surrounding. In this context, we are eager to model a pollutant dispersion of a free surface flow which is ejected by an outfall sewer of an urban sewerage network in coastal water taking into account the influence of climatic parameters on the spread of pollutant. Numerical results showed that pollutant dispersion is merely due to the presence of vortices and turbulence. Hence, it was realized that the pollutant spread in seawater is strongly correlated with climatic conditions in this region.Keywords: coastal waters, numerical simulation, pollutant dispersion, turbulent flows
Procedia PDF Downloads 5141117 Accuracy of Computed Tomography Dose Monitor Values: A Multicentric Study in India
Authors: Adhimoolam Saravana Kumar, K. N. Govindarajan, B. Devanand, R. Rajakumar
The quality of Computed Tomography (CT) procedures has improved in recent years due to technological developments and increased diagnostic ability of CT scanners. Due to the fact that CT doses are the peak among diagnostic radiology practices, it is of great significance to be aware of patient’s CT radiation dose whenever a CT examination is preferred. CT radiation dose delivered to patients in the form of volume CT dose index (CTDIvol) values, is displayed on scanner monitors at the end of each examination and it is an important fact to assure that this information is accurate. The objective of this study was to estimate the CTDIvol values for great number of patients during the most frequent CT examinations, to study the comparison between CT dose monitor values and measured ones, as well as to highlight the fluctuation of CTDIvol values for the same CT examination at different centres and scanner models. The output CT dose indices measurements were carried out on single and multislice scanners for available kV, 5 mm slice thickness, 100 mA and FOV combination used. The 100 CT scanners were involved in this study. Data with regard to 15,000 examinations in patients, who underwent routine head, chest and abdomen CT were collected using a questionnaire sent to a large number of hospitals. Out of the 15,000 examinations, 5000 were head CT examinations, 5000 were chest CT examinations and 5000 were abdominal CT examinations. Comprehensive quality assurance (QA) was performed for all the machines involved in this work. Followed by QA, CT phantom dose measurements were carried out in South India using actual scanning parameters used clinically by the hospitals. From this study, we have measured the mean divergence between the measured and displayed CTDIvol values were 5.2, 8.4, and -5.7 for selected head, chest and abdomen procedures for protocols as mentioned above, respectively. Thus, this investigation revealed an observable change in CT practices, with a much wider range of studies being performed currently in South India. This reflects the improved capacity of CT scanners to scan longer scan lengths and at finer resolutions as permitted by helical and multislice technology. Also, some of the CT scanners have used smaller slice thickness for routine CT procedures to achieve better resolution and image quality. It leads to an increase in the patient radiation dose as well as the measured CTDIv, so it is suggested that such CT scanners should select appropriate slice thickness and scanning parameters in order to reduce the patient dose. If these routine scan parameters for head, chest and abdomen procedures are optimized than the dose indices would be optimal and lead to the lowering of the CT doses. In South Indian region all the CT machines were routinely tested for QA once in a year as per AERB requirements.Keywords: CT dose index, weighted CTDI, volumetric CTDI, radiation dose
Procedia PDF Downloads 2581116 On the Impact of Oil Price Fluctuations on Stock Markets: A Multivariate Long-Memory GARCH Framework
Authors: Manel Youssef, Lotfi Belkacem
This paper employs multivariate long memory GARCH models to simultaneously estimate mean and conditional variance spillover effects between oil prices and different financial markets. Since different financial assets are traded based on these market sector returns, it’s important for financial market participants to understand the volatility transmission mechanism over time and across these series in order to make optimal portfolio allocation decisions. We examine weekly returns from January 1, 2003 to November 30, 2012 and find evidence of significant transmission of shocks and volatilities between oil prices and some of the examined financial markets. The findings support the idea of cross-market hedging and sharing of common information by investors.Keywords: oil prices, stock indices returns, oil volatility, contagion, DCC-multivariate (FI) GARCH
Procedia PDF Downloads 5341115 Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation (Baseline vs. 12 months) for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Meta-Analysis
Authors: Yasmeen Jamal Alabdallat, Almutazballlah Bassam Qablan, Hamza Al-Salhi, Salameh Alarood, Ibraheem Alkhawaldeh, Obada Abunar, Adam Abdallah
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a disorder caused by the repeated collapse of the upper airway during sleep. It is the most common cause of sleep-related breathing disorder, as OSA can cause loud snoring, daytime fatigue, or more severe problems such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease, insulin-resistant diabetes, and depression. The hypoglossal nerve stimulator (HNS) is an implantable medical device that reduces the occurrence of obstructive sleep apnea by electrically stimulating the hypoglossal nerve in rhythm with the patient's breathing, causing the tongue to move. This stimulation helps keep the patient's airways clear while they sleep. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to assess the clinical outcome of hypoglossal nerve stimulation as a treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. A computer literature search of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials was conducted from inception until August 2022. Studies assessing the following clinical outcomes (Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ), Oxygen Desaturation Indices (ODI), (Oxygen Saturation (SaO2)) were pooled in the meta-analysis using Review Manager Software. We assessed the quality of studies according to the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials (RoB2), Risk of Bias In Non-randomized Studies - of Interventions (ROBINS-I), and a modified version of NOS for the non-comparative cohort studies.13 Studies (Six Clinical Trials and Seven prospective cohort studies) with a total of 817 patients were included in the meta-analysis. The results of AHI were reported in 11 studies examining OSA 696 patients. We found that there was a significant improvement in the AHI after 12 months of HNS (MD = 18.2 with 95% CI, (16.7 to 19.7; I2 = 0%); P < 0.00001). Further, 12 studies reported the results of ESS after 12 months of intervention with a significant improvement in the range of sleepiness among the examined 757 OSA patients (MD = 5.3 with 95% CI, (4.75 to 5.86; I2 = 65%); P < 0.0001). Moreover, nine studies involving 699 participants reported the results of FOSQ after 12 months of HNS with a significant reported improvement (MD = -3.09 with 95% CI, (-3.41 to 2.77; I2 = 0%); P < 0.00001). In addition, ten studies reported the results of ODI with a significant improvement after 12 months of HNS among the 817 examined patients (MD = 14.8 with 95% CI, (13.25 to 16.32; I2 = 0%); P < 000001). The Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation showed a significant positive impact on obstructive sleep apnea patients after 12 months of therapy in terms of apnea-hypopnea index, oxygen desaturation indices, manifestations of the behavioral morbidity associated with obstructive sleep apnea, and functional status resulting from sleepiness.Keywords: apnea, meta-analysis, hypoglossal, stimulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1161114 Role of Environmental Focus in Legal Protection and Efficient Management of Wetlands in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Authors: K. R. Balabiyev, A. O. Kaipbayeva
The article discusses the legal framework of the government’s environmental function and analyzes the role of the national policy in protection of wetlands. The problem is of interest for it deals with the most important branch of economy–utilization of Kazakhstan’s natural resources, protection of health and environmental well being of the population. Development of a long-term environmental program addressing the protection of wetlands represents the final stage of the government’s environmental policy, and is a relatively new function for the public administration system. It appeared due to the environmental measures that require immediate decisions to be taken. It is an integral part of the effort in the field of management of state-owned natural resource, as well as of the measures aimed at efficient management of natural resources to avoid their early depletion or contamination.Keywords: environmental focus, government’s environmental function, protection of wetlands, Kazakhstan
Procedia PDF Downloads 3491113 The Use of Drones in Measuring Environmental Impacts of the Forest Garden Approach
Authors: Andrew J. Zacharias
The forest garden approach (FGA) was established by Trees for the Future (TREES) over the organization’s 30 years of agroforestry projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. This method transforms traditional agricultural systems into highly managed gardens that produce food and marketable products year-round. The effects of the FGA on food security, dietary diversity, and economic resilience have been measured closely, and TREES has begun to closely monitor the environmental impacts through the use of sensors mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as 'drones'. These drones collect thousands of pictures to create 3-D models in both the visible and the near-infrared wavelengths. Analysis of these models provides TREES with quantitative and qualitative evidence of improvements to the annual above-ground biomass and leaf area indices, as measured in-situ using NDVI calculations.Keywords: agroforestry, biomass, drones, NDVI
Procedia PDF Downloads 1581112 Microalgae Technology for Nutraceuticals
Authors: Weixing Tan
Production of nutraceuticals from microalgae—a virtually untapped natural phyto-based source of which there are 200,000 to 1,000,000 species—offers a sustainable and healthy alternative to conventionally sourced nutraceuticals for the market. Microalgae can be grown organically using only natural sunlight, water and nutrients at an extremely fast rate, e.g. 10-100 times more efficiently than crops or trees. However, the commercial success of microalgae products at scale remains limited largely due to the lack of economically viable technologies. There are two major microalgae production systems or technologies currently available: 1) the open system as represented by open pond technology and 2) the closed system such as photobioreactors (PBR). Each carries its own unique features and challenges. Although an open system requires a lower initial capital investment relative to a PBR, it conveys many unavoidable drawbacks; for example, much lower productivity, difficulty in contamination control/cleaning, inconsistent product quality, inconvenience in automation, restriction in location selection, and unsuitability for cold areas – all directly linked to the system openness and flat underground design. On the other hand, a PBR system has characteristics almost entirely opposite to the open system, such as higher initial capital investment, better productivity, better contamination and environmental control, wider suitability in different climates, ease in automation, higher and consistent product quality, higher energy demand (particularly if using artificial lights), and variable operational expenses if not automated. Although closed systems like PBRs are not highly competitive yet in current nutraceutical supply market, technological advances can be made, in particular for the PBR technology, to narrow the gap significantly. One example is a readily scalable P2P Microalgae PBR Technology at Grande Prairie Regional College, Canada, developed over 11 years considering return on investment (ROI) for key production processes. The P2P PBR system is approaching economic viability at a pre-commercial stage due to five ROI-integrated major components. They include: (1) optimum use of free sunlight through attenuation (patented); (2) simple, economical, and chemical-free harvesting (patent ready to file); (3) optimum pH- and nutrient-balanced culture medium (published), (4) reliable water and nutrient recycling system (trade secret); and (5) low-cost automated system design (trade secret). These innovations have allowed P2P Microalgae Technology to increase daily yield to 106 g/m2/day of Chlorella vulgaris, which contains 50% proteins and 2-3% omega-3. Based on the current market prices and scale-up factors, this P2P PBR system presents as a promising microalgae technology for market competitive nutraceutical supply.Keywords: microalgae technology, nutraceuticals, open pond, photobioreactor PBR, return on investment ROI, technological advances
Procedia PDF Downloads 1571111 A DFT-Based QSARs Study of Kovats Retention Indices of Adamantane Derivatives
Authors: Z. Bayat
A quantitative structure–property relationship (QSPR) study was performed to develop models those relate the structures of 65 Kovats retention index (RI) of adamantane derivatives. Molecular descriptors derived solely from 3D structures of the molecular compounds. The usefulness of the quantum chemical descriptors, calculated at the level of the DFT theories using 6-311+G** basis set for QSAR study of adamantane derivatives was examined. The use of descriptors calculated only from molecular structure eliminates the need to experimental determination of properties for use in the correlation and allows for the estimation of RI for molecules not yet synthesized. The prediction results are in good agreement with the experimental value. A multi-parametric equation containing maximum Four descriptors at B3LYP/6-31+G** method with good statistical qualities (R2train=0.913, Ftrain=97.67, R2test=0.770, Ftest=3.21, Q2LOO=0.895, R2adj=0.904, Q2LGO=0.844) was obtained by Multiple Linear Regression using stepwise method.Keywords: DFT, adamantane, QSAR, Kovat
Procedia PDF Downloads 3661110 Lecture Video Indexing and Retrieval Using Topic Keywords
Authors: B. J. Sandesh, Saurabha Jirgi, S. Vidya, Prakash Eljer, Gowri Srinivasa
In this paper, we propose a framework to help users to search and retrieve the portions in the lecture video of their interest. This is achieved by temporally segmenting and indexing the lecture video using the topic keywords. We use transcribed text from the video and documents relevant to the video topic extracted from the web for this purpose. The keywords for indexing are found by applying the non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) topic modeling techniques on the web documents. Our proposed technique first creates indices on the transcribed documents using the topic keywords, and these are mapped to the video to find the start and end time of the portions of the video for a particular topic. This time information is stored in the index table along with the topic keyword which is used to retrieve the specific portions of the video for the query provided by the users.Keywords: video indexing and retrieval, lecture videos, content based video search, multimodal indexing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2511109 SEAWIZARD-Multiplex AI-Enabled Graphene Based Lab-On-Chip Sensing Platform for Heavy Metal Ions Monitoring on Marine Water
Authors: M. Moreno, M. Alique, D. Otero, C. Delgado, P. Lacharmoise, L. Gracia, L. Pires, A. Moya
Marine environments are increasingly threatened by heavy metal contamination, including mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd), posing significant risks to ecosystems and human health. Traditional monitoring techniques often fail to provide the spatial and temporal resolution needed for real-time detection of these contaminants, especially in remote or harsh environments. SEAWIZARD addresses these challenges by leveraging the flexibility, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness of printed electronics, with the integration of microfluidics to develop a compact, portable, and reusable sensor platform designed specifically for real-time monitoring of heavy metal ions in seawater. The SEAWIZARD sensor is a multiparametric Lab-on-Chip (LoC) device, a miniaturized system that integrates several laboratory functions into a single chip, drastically reducing sample volumes and improving adaptability. This platform integrates three printed graphene electrodes for the simultaneous detection of Hg, Cd and Pb via square wave voltammetry. These electrodes share the reference and the counter electrodes to improve space efficiency. Additionally, it integrates printed pH and temperature sensors to correct environmental interferences that may impact the accuracy of metal detection. The pH sensor is based on a carbon electrode with iridium oxide electrodeposited while the temperature sensor is graphene based. A protective dielectric layer is printed on top of the sensor to safeguard it in harsh marine conditions. The use of flexible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as the substrate enables the sensor to conform to various surfaces and operate in challenging environments. One of the key innovations of SEAWIZARD is its integrated microfluidic layer, fabricated from cyclic olefin copolymer (COC). This microfluidic component allows a controlled flow of seawater over the sensing area, allowing for significant improved detection limits compared to direct water sampling. The system’s dual-channel design separates the detection of heavy metals from the measurement of pH and temperature, ensuring that each parameter is measured under optimal conditions. In addition, the temperature sensor is finely tuned with a serpentine-shaped microfluidic channel to ensure precise thermal measurements. SEAWIZARD also incorporates custom electronics that allow for wireless data transmission via Bluetooth, facilitating rapid data collection and user interface integration. Embedded artificial intelligence further enhances the platform by providing an automated alarm system, capable of detecting predefined metal concentration thresholds and issuing warnings when limits are exceeded. This predictive feature enables early warnings of potential environmental disasters, such as industrial spills or toxic levels of heavy metal pollutants, making SEAWIZARD not just a detection tool, but a comprehensive monitoring and early intervention system. In conclusion, SEAWIZARD represents a significant advancement in printed electronics applied to environmental sensing. By combining flexible, low-cost materials with advanced microfluidics, custom electronics, and AI-driven intelligence, SEAWIZARD offers a highly adaptable and scalable solution for real-time, high-resolution monitoring of heavy metals in marine environments. Its compact and portable design makes it an accessible, user-friendly tool with the potential to transform water quality monitoring practices and provide critical data to protect marine ecosystems from contamination-related risks.Keywords: lab-on-chip, printed electronics, real-time monitoring, microfluidics, heavy metal contamination
Procedia PDF Downloads 351108 Prevalence of Gastro-Intestinal Helminthes of Farm Animals by Coprological Examination
Authors: Mohammad Saleh Al-Aboody
In the present study 442 fecal samples from cattle, buffaloes, and sheep for contamination with helminthes. Samples were examined from 171 cattle, 128 buffaloes, and 143 sheep. The testing, during the period from May 2014 to April 2015, showed that 81 out of 171cattle were positive for helminthes infection (47.3%), with the rate of infection higher in females (55%) than in males (40%). In buffaloes, 41 of 128 tested were positive, a 32% rate of infection. Again, the infection rate was higher in females (47%) than in males (22%). In sheep, the rate of infection was highest of all three species. The results showed that, the infection rate among cattle were 50.3 % and Trichostrongyle species were the predominant parasites among both cattle and buffaloes. The prevalence rate was much higher in females than males. Regarding seasonal dynamics the highest infection rates with helminthes reported was in spring season.Keywords: helminthes, prevalence, ruminants, trichostrongyle
Procedia PDF Downloads 3781107 Recovery of Food Waste: Production of Dog Food
Authors: K. Nazan Turhan, Tuğçe Ersan
The population of the world is approximately 8 billion, and it increases uncontrollably and irrepressibly, leading to an increase in consumption. This situation causes crucial problems, and food waste is one of these. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) defines food waste as the discarding or alternative utilization of food that is safe and nutritious for the consumption of humans along the entire food supply chain, from primary production to end household consumer level. In addition, according to the estimation of FAO, one-third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted worldwide every year. Wasting food endangers natural resources and causes hunger. For instance, excessive amounts of food waste cause greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global warming. Therefore, waste management has been gaining significance in the last few decades at both local and global levels due to the expected scarcity of resources for the increasing population of the world. There are several ways to recover food waste. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Food Recovery Hierarchy, food waste recovery ways are source reduction, feeding hungry people, feeding animals, industrial uses, composting, and landfill/incineration from the most preferred to the least preferred, respectively. Bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, agricultural fertilizer and animal feed can be obtained from food waste that is generated by different food industries. In this project, feeding animals was selected as a food waste recovery method and food waste of a plant was used to provide ingredient uniformity. Grasshoppers were used as a protein source. In other words, the project was performed to develop a dog food product by recovery of the plant’s food waste after following some steps. The collected food waste and purchased grasshoppers were sterilized, dried and pulverized. Then, they were all mixed with 60 g agar-agar solution (4%w/v). 3 different aromas were added, separately to the samples to enhance flavour quality. Since there are differences in the required amounts of different species of dogs, fulfilling all nutritional needs is one of the problems. In other words, there is a wide range of nutritional needs in terms of carbohydrates, protein, fat, sodium, calcium, and so on. Furthermore, the requirements differ depending on age, gender, weight, height, and species. Therefore, the product that was developed contains average amounts of each substance so as not to cause any deficiency or surplus. On the other hand, it contains more protein than similar products in the market. The product was evaluated in terms of contamination and nutritional content. For contamination risk, detection of E. coli and Salmonella experiments were performed, and the results were negative. For the nutritional value test, protein content analysis was done. The protein contents of different samples vary between 33.68% and 26.07%. In addition, water activity analysis was performed, and the water activity (aw) values of different samples ranged between 0.2456 and 0.4145.Keywords: food waste, dog food, animal nutrition, food waste recovery
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