Search results for: biology experiments
3000 Epileptic Seizure Prediction by Exploiting Signal Transitions Phenomena
Authors: Mohammad Zavid Parvez, Manoranjan Paul
A seizure prediction method is proposed by extracting global features using phase correlation between adjacent epochs for detecting relative changes and local features using fluctuation/deviation within an epoch for determining fine changes of different EEG signals. A classifier and a regularization technique are applied for the reduction of false alarms and improvement of the overall prediction accuracy. The experiments show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and provides high prediction accuracy (i.e., 97.70%) with low false alarm using EEG signals in different brain locations from a benchmark data set.Keywords: Epilepsy, seizure, phase correlation, fluctuation, deviation.
Procedia PDF Downloads 4672999 Utilization of Silk Waste as Fishmeal Replacement: Growth Performance of Cyprinus carpio Juveniles Fed with Bombyx mori Pupae
Authors: Goksen Capar, Levent Dogankaya
According to the circular economy model, resource productivity should be maximized and wastes should be reduced. Since earth’s natural resources are continuously depleted, resource recovery has gained great interest in recent years. As part of our research study on the recovery and reuse of silk wastes, this paper focuses on the utilization of silkworm pupae as fishmeal replacement, which would replace the original fishmeal raw material, namely the fish itself. This, in turn, would contribute to sustainable management of wild fish resources. Silk fibre is secreted by the silkworm Bombyx mori in order to construct a 'room' for itself during its transformation process from pupae to an adult moth. When the cocoons are boiled in hot water, silk fibre becomes loose and the silk yarn is produced by combining thin silk fibres. The remaining wastes are 1) sericin protein, which is dissolved in water, 2) remaining part of cocoon, including the dead body of B. mori pupae. In this study, an eight weeks trial was carried out to determine the growth performance of common carp juveniles fed with waste silkworm pupae meal (SWPM) as a replacement for fishmeal (FM). Four isonitrogenous diets (40% CP) were prepared replacing 0%, 33%, 50%, and 100% of the dietary FM with non-defatted silkworm pupae meal as a dietary protein source for experiments in C. carpio. Triplicate groups comprising of 20 fish (0.92±0.29 g) were fed twice/day with one of the four diets. Over a period of 8 weeks, results showed that the diet containing 50% of its protein from SWPM had significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) growth rates in all groups. The increasing levels of SWPM were resulted in a decrease in growth performance and significantly lower growth (p ≤ 0.05) was observed with diets having 100% SWPM. The study demonstrates that it is practical to replace 50% of the FM protein with SWPM with a significantly better utilization of the diet but higher SWPM levels are not recommended for juvenile carp. Further experiments are under study to have more detailed results on the possible effects of this alternative diet on the growth performance of juvenile carp.Keywords: Bombyx mori, Cyprinus carpio, fish meal, silk, waste pupae
Procedia PDF Downloads 1612998 Solanum tuberosum Ammonium Transporter Gene: Some Bioinformatics Insights
Authors: A. T. Adetunji, F. B. Lewu, R. Mundembe
Plants require nitrogen (N) to support desired production levels. Nitrogen is available to plants in the form of nitrate or ammonium, which are transported into the cell with the aid of various transport proteins. Ammonium transporters (AMTs) play a role in the uptake of ammonium, the form in which nitrogen is preferentially absorbed by plants. Solanum tuberosum AMT1 (StAMT1) was characterized using molecular biology and bioinformatics methods. Nucleotide database sequences were used to design AMT1-specific primers which were used to amplify the AMT1 internal regions. Nucleotide sequencing, alignment and phylogenetic analysis assigned StAMT1 to the AMT1 family. The deduced amino acid sequences showed that StAMT1 is 92%, 83% and 76% similar to Solanum lycopersicum LeAMT1.1, Lotus japonicus LjAMT1.1 and Solanum lycopersicum LeAMT1.2 respectively. StAMT1 fragments were shown to correspond to the 5th - 10th trans-membrane domains. Residue StAMT1 D15 is predicted to be essential for ammonium transport, while mutations of StAMT1 S76A may further enhance ammonium transport.Keywords: ammonium transporter, bioinformatics, nitrogen, primers, Solanum tuberosum
Procedia PDF Downloads 2502997 A Study of Numerical Reaction-Diffusion Systems on Closed Surfaces
Authors: Mei-Hsiu Chi, Jyh-Yang Wu, Sheng-Gwo Chen
The diffusion-reaction equations are important Partial Differential Equations in mathematical biology, material science, physics, and so on. However, finding efficient numerical methods for diffusion-reaction systems on curved surfaces is still an important and difficult problem. The purpose of this paper is to present a convergent geometric method for solving the reaction-diffusion equations on closed surfaces by an O(r)-LTL configuration method. The O(r)-LTL configuration method combining the local tangential lifting technique and configuration equations is an effective method to estimate differential quantities on curved surfaces. Since estimating the Laplace-Beltrami operator is an important task for solving the reaction-diffusion equations on surfaces, we use the local tangential lifting method and a generalized finite difference method to approximate the Laplace-Beltrami operators and we solve this reaction-diffusion system on closed surfaces. Our method is not only conceptually simple, but also easy to implement.Keywords: closed surfaces, high-order approachs, numerical solutions, reaction-diffusion systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 3762996 Shear Strength Characteristics of Sand Mixed with Particulate Rubber
Authors: Firas Daghistani, Hossam Abuel Naga
Waste tyres is a global problem that has a negative effect on the environment, where there are approximately one billion waste tyres discarded worldwide yearly. Waste tyres are discarded in stockpiles, where they provide harm to the environment in many ways. Finding applications to these materials can help in reducing this global problem. One of these applications is recycling these waste materials and using them in geotechnical engineering. Recycled waste tyre particulates can be mixed with sand to form a lightweight material with varying shear strength characteristics. Contradicting results were found in the literature on the inclusion of particulate rubber to sand, where some experiments found that the inclusion of particulate rubber can increase the shear strength of the mixture, while other experiments stated that the addition of particulate rubber decreases the shear strength of the mixture. This research further investigates the inclusion of particulate rubber to sand and whether it can increase or decrease the shear strength characteristics of the mixture. For the experiment, a series of direct shear tests were performed on a poorly graded sand with a mean particle size of 0.32 mm mixed with recycled poorly graded particulate rubber with a mean particle size of 0.51 mm. The shear tests were performedon four normal stresses 30, 55, 105, 200 kPa at a shear rate of 1 mm/minute. Different percentages ofparticulate rubber content were used in the mixture i.e., 10%, 20%, 30% and 50% of sand dry weight at three density states, namely loose, slight dense, and dense state. The size ratio of the mixture,which is the mean particle size of the particulate rubber divided by the mean particle size of the sand, was 1.59. The results identified multiple parameters that can influence the shear strength of the mixture. The parameters were: normal stress, particulate rubber content, mixture gradation, mixture size ratio, and the mixture’s density. The inclusion of particulate rubber tosand showed a decrease to the internal friction angle and an increase to the apparent cohesion. Overall, the inclusion of particulate rubber did not have a significant influenceon the shear strength of the mixture. For all the dense states at the low normal stresses 33 and 55 kPa, the inclusion of particulate rubber showed aslight increase in the shear strength where the peak was at 20% rubber content of the sand’s dry weight. On the other hand, at the high normal stresses 105, and 200 kPa, there was a slight decrease in the shear strength.Keywords: shear strength, direct shear, sand-rubber mixture, waste material, granular material
Procedia PDF Downloads 1332995 Magnetic Lines of Force and Diamagnetism
Authors: Angel Pérez Sánchez
Magnet attraction or repulsion is not a product of a strange force from afar but comes from anchored lines of force inside the magnet as if it were reinforced concrete since you can move a small block by taking the steel rods that protrude from its interior. This approach serves as a basis for studying the behavior of diamagnetic materials. The significance of this study is to unify all diamagnetic phenomena: Movement of grapes, cooper approaching a magnet, Magnet levitation, etc., with a single explanation for all these phenomena. The method followed has consisted of observation of hundreds of diamagnetism experiments (in copper, aluminum, grapes, tomatoes, and bismuth), including the creation of own and new experiments and application of logical deduction product of these observations. Approaching a magnet to a hanging grape, Diamagnetism seems to consist not only of a slight repulsion but also of a slight attraction at a small distance. Replacing the grapes with a copper sphere, it behaves like the grape, pushing and pulling a nearby magnet. Diamagnetism could be redefined in the following way: There are materials that don't magnetize their internal structure when approaching a magnet, as ferromagnetic materials do. But they do allow magnetic lines of force to run through its interior, enhancing them without creating their own lines of force. Magnet levitates on superconducting ceramics because magnet gives lines near poles a force superior to what a superconductor can enhance these lines. Little further from the magnet, enhancing of lines by the superconductor is greater than the strength provided by the magnet due to the distance from the magnet's pole. It is this point that defines the magnet's levitation band. The anchoring effect of lines is what ultimately keeps the magnet and superconductor at a certain distance. The magnet seeks to levitate the area in which magnetic lines are stronger near de magnet's poles. Pouring ferrofluid into a magnet, lines of force are observed coming out of the poles. On other occasions, diamagnetic materials simply enhance the lines they receive without moving their position since their own weight is greater than the strength of the enhanced lines. (This is the case with grapes and copper). Magnet and diamagnetic materials look for a place where the lines of force are most enhanced, and this is at a small distance. Once the ideal distance is established, they tend to keep it by pushing or pulling on each other. At a certain distance from the magnet: the power exerted by diamagnetic materials is greater than the force of lines in the vicinity of the magnet's poles. All Diamagnetism phenomena: copper, aluminum, grapes, tomatoes, bismuth levitation, and magnet levitation on superconducting ceramics can now be explained with the support of magnetic lines of force.Keywords: diamagnetism, magnetic levitation, magnetic lines of force, enhancing magnetic lines
Procedia PDF Downloads 922994 Distangling Biological Noise in Cellular Images with a Focus on Explainability
Authors: Manik Sharma, Ganapathy Krishnamurthi
The cost of some drugs and medical treatments has risen in recent years, that many patients are having to go without. A classification project could make researchers more efficient. One of the more surprising reasons behind the cost is how long it takes to bring new treatments to market. Despite improvements in technology and science, research and development continues to lag. In fact, finding new treatment takes, on average, more than 10 years and costs hundreds of millions of dollars. If successful, we could dramatically improve the industry's ability to model cellular images according to their relevant biology. In turn, greatly decreasing the cost of treatments and ensure these treatments get to patients faster. This work aims at solving a part of this problem by creating a cellular image classification model which can decipher the genetic perturbations in cell (occurring naturally or artificially). Another interesting question addressed is what makes the deep-learning model decide in a particular fashion, which can further help in demystifying the mechanism of action of certain perturbations and paves a way towards the explainability of the deep-learning model.Keywords: cellular images, genetic perturbations, deep-learning, explainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1132993 Synthesis, Spectroscopic and XRD Study of Transition Metal Complex Derived from Low-Schiff Acyl-Hydrazone Ligand
Authors: Mohamedou El Boukhary, Farba Bouyagui Tamboura, A. Hamady Barry, T. Moussa Seck, Mohamed L. Gaye
Nowadays, low-schiff acyl-hydrazone ligands are highly sought after due to their wide applications in various fields of biology, coordination chemistry, and catalysis. They are studied for their antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties. The complexes of transition metals and the lanthanide they derive are well known for their magnetic, optical, and catalytic properties. In this work, we present the synthesis of an acyl-hydrazone (H2L) schiff base and their 3d transition complexes. The ligand (H2L) is characterized by IR, NMR (1H; 13C) spectroscopy. The complexes are characterized by different physic-chemical techniques such as IR, UV-visible, conductivity, measurement of magnetic susceptibility. The study of XRD allowed us to elucidate the crystalline structure of the manganese (Mn) complex. The asymmetric unit of the complex is composed of two molecules of the ligand, one manganese (II) ion, and two coordinate chloride ions; the environment around Mn is described as a pentagonal base bipyramid. In the crystal lattice, the asymmetric unit is bound by hydrogen bonds.Keywords: synthene, acyl-hydrazone, 3D transition metal complex, application
Procedia PDF Downloads 572992 Simulation of Focusing of Diamagnetic Particles in Ferrofluid Microflows with a Single Set of Overhead Permanent Magnets
Authors: Shuang Chen, Zongqian Shi, Jiajia Sun, Mingjia Li
Microfluidics is a technology that small amounts of fluids are manipulated using channels with dimensions of tens to hundreds of micrometers. At present, this significant technology is required for several applications in some fields, including disease diagnostics, genetic engineering, and environmental monitoring, etc. Among these fields, manipulation of microparticles and cells in microfluidic device, especially separation, have aroused general concern. In magnetic field, the separation methods include positive and negative magnetophoresis. By comparison, negative magnetophoresis is a label-free technology. It has many advantages, e.g., easy operation, low cost, and simple design. Before the separation of particles or cells, focusing them into a single tight stream is usually a necessary upstream operation. In this work, the focusing of diamagnetic particles in ferrofluid microflows with a single set of overhead permanent magnets is investigated numerically. The geometric model of the simulation is based on the configuration of previous experiments. The straight microchannel is 24mm long and has a rectangular cross-section of 100μm in width and 50μm in depth. The spherical diamagnetic particles of 10μm in diameter are suspended into ferrofluid. The initial concentration of the ferrofluid c₀ is 0.096%, and the flow rate of the ferrofluid is 1.8mL/h. The magnetic field is induced by five identical rectangular neodymium−iron− boron permanent magnets (1/8 × 1/8 × 1/8 in.), and it is calculated by equivalent charge source (ECS) method. The flow of the ferrofluid is governed by the Navier–Stokes equations. The trajectories of particles are solved by the discrete phase model (DPM) in the ANSYS FLUENT program. The positions of diamagnetic particles are recorded by transient simulation. Compared with the results of the mentioned experiments, our simulation shows consistent results that diamagnetic particles are gradually focused in ferrofluid under magnetic field. Besides, the diamagnetic particle focusing is studied by varying the flow rate of the ferrofluid. It is in agreement with the experiment that the diamagnetic particle focusing is better with the increase of the flow rate. Furthermore, it is investigated that the diamagnetic particle focusing is affected by other factors, e.g., the width and depth of the microchannel, the concentration of the ferrofluid and the diameter of diamagnetic particles.Keywords: diamagnetic particle, focusing, microfluidics, permanent magnet
Procedia PDF Downloads 1302991 Power Generation from Sewage by a Micro-Hydraulic Turbine
Authors: Tomomi Uchiyama, Tomoko Okayama, Yukio Ide
This study is concerned with the development of a micro-hydraulic turbine for power generation installed in sewer pipes. The runner has a circular hollow around the central (rotating) axis so that solid materials included in water can be easily flow through the runner without blocking the turbine. The laboratory experiments are also conducted. The hollow is very effective to make polyester fibers pass through the turbine. The guide vane is useful to heighten the turbine performance. But it is easily blocked by the fibers, making the turbine lose the function.Keywords: micro-hydraulic turbine, power generation, sewage, sewer pipe
Procedia PDF Downloads 3922990 Mechanical Environment of the Aortic Valve and Mechanobiology
Authors: Rania Abdulkareem Aboubakr Mahdaly Ammar
The aortic valve (AV) is a complex mechanical environment that includes flexure, tension, pressure and shear stress forces to blood flow during cardiac cycle. This mechanical environment regulates AV tissue structure by constantly renewing and remodeling the phenotype. In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies have explained that pathological states such as hypertension and congenital defects like bicuspid AV ( BAV ) can potentially alter the AV’s mechanical environment, triggering a cascade of remodeling, inflammation and calcification activities in AV tissue. Changes in mechanical environments are first sent by the endothelium that induces changes in the extracellular matrix, and triggers cell differentiation and activation. However, the molecular mechanism of this process is not very well understood. Understanding these mechanisms is critical for the development of effective medical based therapies. Recently, there have been some interesting studies on characterizing the hemodynamics associated with AV, especially in pathologies like BAV, using different experimental and numerical methods. Here, we review the current knowledge of the local AV mechanical environment and its effect on valve biology, focusing on in vitro and ex vivo approaches.Keywords: aortic valve mechanobiology, bicuspid calcification, pressure stretch, shear stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 3682989 Inverse Mapping of Weld Bead Geometry in Shielded Metal Arc-Welding: Genetic Algorithm Approach
Authors: D. S. Nagesh, G. L. Datta
In the field of welding, various studies had been made by some of the previous investigators to predict as well as optimize weld bead geometric descriptors. Modeling of weld bead shape is important for predicting the quality of welds. In most of the cases, design of experiments technique to postulate multiple linear regression equations have been used. Nowadays, Genetic Algorithm (GA) an intelligent information treatment system with the characteristics of treating complex relationships as seen in welding processes used as a tool for inverse mapping/optimization of the process is attempted.Keywords: smaw, genetic algorithm, bead geometry, optimization/inverse mapping
Procedia PDF Downloads 4542988 Genetic Algorithm Approach for Inverse Mapping of Weld Bead Geometry in Shielded Metal Arc-Welding
Authors: D. S. Nagesh, G. L. Datta
In the field of welding, various studies had been made by some of the previous investigators to predict as well as optimize weld bead geometric descriptors. Modeling of weld bead shape is important for predicting the quality of welds. In most of the cases design of experiments technique to postulate multiple linear regression equations have been used. Nowadays Genetic Algorithm (GA) an intelligent information treatment system with the characteristics of treating complex relationships as seen in welding processes used as a tool for inverse mapping/optimization of the process is attempted.Keywords: SMAW, genetic algorithm, bead geometry, optimization/inverse mapping
Procedia PDF Downloads 4212987 Kinetic Aspect Investigation of Chitosan / Nanohydroxyapatite / Na ₂CO₃ Gel System
Authors: P. S. D. Perera, S. U. Adikary
The gelation behavior of Chitosan/nanohydroxyapatite sol in the presence of a crosslinking agent Na ₂CO₃ was investigated experimentally. In this case, the gelation time(tgel) was determined by the rheological measurements of the final mixture. The tgel has been determined from dynamic viscosity slope experiments. We found that chitosan/nHA sol with 1% nano-hydroxyapatite and 1.6% Na2CO3 required coagulant performance. Hence Na ₂CO₃ and nanohydroxyapatite concentrations remain constant over the experiment. The order of reaction was first order with respect to chitosan and rate constant of the gel system was 9.0 x 10-4 s-1, respectively, depending on the temperature of the system. The gelation temperature was carried out at 37 ⁰C.Keywords: kinetics, gelation, sol-gel system, chitosan/ nHA/ Na ₂CO₃ composite
Procedia PDF Downloads 1672986 Particle Size Distribution Estimation of a Mixture of Regular and Irregular Sized Particles Using Acoustic Emissions
Authors: Ejay Nsugbe, Andrew Starr, Ian Jennions, Cristobal Ruiz-Carcel
This works investigates the possibility of using Acoustic Emissions (AE) to estimate the Particle Size Distribution (PSD) of a mixture of particles that comprise of particles of different densities and geometry. The experiments carried out involved the mixture of a set of glass and polyethylene particles that ranged from 150-212 microns and 150-250 microns respectively and an experimental rig that allowed the free fall of a continuous stream of particles on a target plate which the AE sensor was placed. By using a time domain based multiple threshold method, it was observed that the PSD of the particles in the mixture could be estimated.Keywords: acoustic emissions, particle sizing, process monitoring, signal processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3532985 On an Experimental Method for Investigating the Dynamic Parameters of Multi-Story Buildings at Vibrating Seismic Loadings
Authors: Shakir Mamedov, Tukezban Hasanova
Research of dynamic properties of various materials and elements of structures at shock affecting and on the waves so many scientific works of the Azerbaijani scientists are devoted. However, Experimental definition of dynamic parameters of fluctuations of constructions and buildings while carries estimated character. The purpose of the present experimental researches is definition of parameters of fluctuations of installation of observations. In this case, a mockup of four floor buildings and sixteen floor skeleton-type buildings built in the Baku with the stiffening diaphragm at natural vibrating seismic affectings.Keywords: fluctuations, seismoreceivers, dynamic experiments, acceleration
Procedia PDF Downloads 3992984 Evaluation of Washing Performance of Household Wastewater Purified by Advanced Oxidation Process
Authors: Nazlı Çetindağ, Pelin Yılmaz Çetiner, Metin Mert İlgün, Emine Birci, Gizemnur Yıldız Uysal, Özcan Hatipoğlu, Ehsan Tuzcuoğlu, Gökhan Sır
Stressing the importance of water conservation, emphasizing the need for efficient management of household water, and underlining the significance of alternative solutions are important. In this context, advanced solutions based on technologies such as the advanced oxidation process have emerged as promising methods for treating household wastewater. Evaluating household water usage holds critical importance for the sustainability of water resources. Researchers and experts are examining various technological approaches to effectively treat and reclaim water for reuse. In this framework, the advanced oxidation process has proven to be an effective method for the removal of various organic and inorganic pollutants in the treatment of household wastewater. In this study, performance will be evaluated by comparing it with the reference case. This international criterion simulates the washing of home textile products, determining various performance parameters. The specially designed stain strips, including sebum, carbon black, blood, cocoa, and red wine, used in experiments, represent various household stains. These stain types were carefully selected to represent challenging stain scenarios, ensuring a realistic assessment of washing performance. Experiments conducted under different temperatures and program conditions successfully demonstrate the practical applicability of the advanced oxidation process for treating household wastewater. It is important to note that both adherence to standards and the use of real-life stain types contribute to the broad applicability of the findings. In conclusion, this study strongly supports the effectiveness of treating household wastewater with the advanced oxidation process in terms of washing performance under both standard and practical application conditions. The study underlines the importance of alternative solutions for sustainable water resource management and highlights the potential of the advanced oxidation process in the treatment of household water, contributing significantly to optimizing water usage and developing sustainable water management solutions.Keywords: advanced oxidation process, household water usage, household appliance waste water, modelling, water reuse
Procedia PDF Downloads 652983 An Analytical View to the Habitat Strategies of the Butterfly-Like Insects (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae)
Authors: Hakan Bozdoğan
The goal of this paper is to evaluate the species richness, diversity and structure of in different habitats in the Kahramanmaraş Province in Turkey by using a mathematical program called as Geo-Gebra Software. The Ascalaphidae family comprises the most visually remarkable members of the order Neuroptera due to large dimensions, aerial predatory behaviour and dragonfly-like (or even butterfly-like) habits, allowing an immediate recognition also for occasional observers. Otherwise, they are one of the more poorly known families of the order in respect to biology, ecology and especially larval morphology. This discrepancy appears particularly noteworthy considering that it is a fairly large family (ca. 430 species) widely distributed in tropical and temperate areas of the World. The use of Dynamic Geometry, Analytical Softwares provides researchers a great way of visualising mathematical objects and encourage them to carry out tasks to interact with such objects and add to support of their researching. In this study we implemented; Circle with Center Through Point, Perpendicular Line, Vectors and Rays, Segments and Locus to elucidate the ecological and habitat behaviours of Butterfly-like lacewings in an analytical plane by using Geo-Gebra.Keywords: neuroptera, Ascalaphidae, geo-gebra software, habitat selectivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2792982 Laser Cooling of Internal Degrees of Freedom of Molecules: Cesium Case
Authors: R. Horchani
Optical pumping technique with laser fields combined with photo-association of ultra-cold atoms leads to control on demand the vibrational and/or the rotational population of molecules. Here, we review the basic concepts and main steps should be followed, including the excitation schemes and detection techniques we use to achieve the ro-vibrational cooling of Cs2 molecules. We also discuss the extension of this technique to other molecules. In addition, we present a theoretical model used to support the experiment. These simulations can be widely used for the preparation of various experiments since they allow the optimization of several important experimental parameters.Keywords: cold molecule, photo-association, optical pumping, vibrational and rotational cooling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3022981 Optimal Number and Placement of Vertical Links in 3D Network-On-Chip
Authors: Nesrine Toubaline, Djamel Bennouar, Ali Mahdoum
3D technology can lead to a significant reduction in power and average hop-count in Networks on Chip (NoCs). It offers short and fast vertical links which copes with the long wire problem in 2D NoCs. This work proposes heuristic-based method to optimize number and placement of vertical links to achieve specified performance goals. Experiments show that significant improvement can be achieved by using a specific number of vertical interconnect.Keywords: interconnect optimization, monolithic inter-tier vias, network on chip, system on chip, through silicon vias, three dimensional integration circuits
Procedia PDF Downloads 3052980 Using Mechanical Alloying for Verification of Predicted Glass Forming Composition Range
Authors: F. Saadi, M. Fatahi, M. Heidari
Aim of this work was to determine the approximate glass forming composition range of Ni-Sn system for the alloys produced by mechanical alloying. It was predicted by Miedema semi-empirical model that the composition had to be in the range of 30-60 wt. % tin, while Ni-40Sn had the most susceptibility to produce amorphous alloy. In the next stage, some different compositions of Ni-Sn were mechanically alloyed, where one of them had the proper predicted composition. Products were characterized by XRD analysis. There was a good agreement between calculation and experiments, in which Ni-40Sn alloy had the most amorphization degree.Keywords: Ni-Sn system, mechanical alloying, Amorphous alloy, Miedema model
Procedia PDF Downloads 4402979 Experiments to Study the Vapor Bubble Dynamics in Nucleate Pool Boiling
Authors: Parul Goel, Jyeshtharaj B. Joshi, Arun K. Nayak
Nucleate boiling is characterized by the nucleation, growth and departure of the tiny individual vapor bubbles that originate in the cavities or imperfections present in the heating surface. It finds a wide range of applications, e.g. in heat exchangers or steam generators, core cooling in power reactors or rockets, cooling of electronic circuits, owing to its highly efficient transfer of large amount of heat flux over small temperature differences. Hence, it is important to be able to predict the rate of heat transfer and the safety limit heat flux (critical heat flux, heat flux higher than this can lead to damage of the heating surface) applicable for any given system. A large number of experimental and analytical works exist in the literature, and are based on the idea that the knowledge of the bubble dynamics on the microscopic scale can lead to the understanding of the full picture of the boiling heat transfer. However, the existing data in the literature are scattered over various sets of conditions and often in disagreement with each other. The correlations obtained from such data are also limited to the range of conditions they were established for and no single correlation is applicable over a wide range of parameters. More recently, a number of researchers have been trying to remove empiricism in the heat transfer models to arrive at more phenomenological models using extensive numerical simulations; these models require state-of-the-art experimental data for a wide range of conditions, first for input and later, for their validation. With this idea in mind, experiments with sub-cooled and saturated demineralized water have been carried out under atmospheric pressure to study the bubble dynamics- growth rate, departure size and frequencies for nucleate pool boiling. A number of heating elements have been used to study the dependence of vapor bubble dynamics on the heater surface finish and heater geometry along with the experimental conditions like the degree of sub-cooling, super heat and the heat flux. An attempt has been made to compare the data obtained with the existing data and the correlations in the literature to generate an exhaustive database for the pool boiling conditions.Keywords: experiment, boiling, bubbles, bubble dynamics, pool boiling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3022978 The Examination of Cement Effect on Isotropic Sands during Static, Dynamic, Melting and Freezing Cycles
Authors: Mehdi Shekarbeigi
The consolidation of loose substrates as well as substrate layers through promoting stabilizing materials is one of the most commonly used road construction techniques. Cement, lime, and flax, as well as asphalt emulsion, are common materials used for soil stabilization to enhance the soil’s strength and durability properties. Cement could be simply used to stabilize permeable materials such as sand in a relatively short time threshold. In this research, typical Portland cement is selected for the stabilization of isotropic sand; the effect of static and cyclic loading on the behavior of these soils has been examined with various percentages of Portland cement. Thus, firstly, a soil’s general features are investigated, and then static tests, including direct cutting, density and single axis tests, and California Bearing Ratio, are performed on the samples. After that, the dynamic behavior of cement on silica sand with the same grain size is analyzed. These experiments are conducted on cement samples of 3, 6, and 9 of the same rates and ineffective limiting pressures of 0 to 1200 kPa with 200 kPa steps of the face according to American Society for Testing and Materials D 3999 standards. Also, to test the effect of temperature on molds and frost samples, 0, 5, 10, and 20 are carried out during 0, 5, 10, and 20-second periods. Results of the static tests showed that increasing the cement percentage increases the soil density and shear strength. The single-axis compressive strength increase is higher for samples with higher cement content and lower densities. The results also illustrate the relationship between single-axial compressive strength and cement weight parameters. Results of the dynamic experiments indicate that increasing the number of loading cycles and melting and freezing cycles enhances permeability and decreases the applied pressure. According to the results of this research, it could be stated that samples containing 9% cement have the highest amount of shear modulus and, therefore, decrease the permeability of soil. This amount could be considered as the optimal amount. Also, the enhancement of effective limited pressure from 400 to 800kPa increased the shear modulus of the sample by an average of 20 to 30 percent in small strains.Keywords: cement, isotropic sands, static load, three-axis cycle, melting and freezing cycles
Procedia PDF Downloads 772977 Effect of Surfactant Concentration on Dissolution of Hydrodynamically Trapped Sparingly Soluble Oil Micro Droplets
Authors: Adil Mustafa, Ahmet Erten, Alper Kiraz, Melikhan Tanyeri
Work presented here is based on a novel experimental technique used to hydrodynamically trap oil microdroplets inside a microfluidic chip at the junction of microchannels known as stagnation point. Hydrodynamic trapping has been recently used to trap and manipulate a number of particles starting from microbeads to DNA and single cells. Benzyl Benzoate (BB) is used as droplet material. The microdroplets are trapped individually at stagnation point and their dissolution was observed. Experiments are performed for two concentrations (10mM or 10µM) of AOT surfactant (Docusate Sodium Salt) and two flow rates for each case. Moreover, experimental data is compared with Zhang-Yang-Mao (ZYM) model which studies dissolution of liquid microdroplets in the presence of a host fluid experiencing extensional creeping flow. Industrial processes like polymer blending systems in which heat or mass transport occurs experience extensional flow and an insight into these phenomena is of significant importance to many industrial processes. The experimental technique exploited here gives an insight into the dissolution of liquid microdroplets under extensional flow regime. The comparison of our experimental results with ZYM model reveals that dissolution of microdroplets at lower surfactant concentration (10µM) fits the ZYM model at saturation concentration (Cs) value reported in literature (Cs = 15×10⁻³Kg\m³) while for higher surfactant concentration (10mM) which is also above the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of surfactant (5mM) the data fits ZYM model at (Cs = 45×10⁻³Kg\m³) which is 3X times the value reported in literature. The difference in Cs value from the literature shows enhancement in dissolution rate of sparingly soluble BB microdroplets at surfactant concentrations higher than CMC. Enhancement in the dissolution of sparingly soluble materials is of great importance in pharmaceutical industry. Enhancement in the dissolution of sparingly soluble drugs is a key research area for drug design industry. The experimental method is also advantageous because it is robust and has no mechanical contact with droplets under study are freely suspended in the fluid as compared existing methods used for testing dissolution of drugs. The experiments also give an insight into CMC measurement for surfactants.Keywords: extensional flow, hydrodynamic trapping, Zhang-Yang-Mao, CMC
Procedia PDF Downloads 3462976 Product Separation of Green Processes and Catalyst Recycling of a Homogeneous Polyoxometalate Catalyst Using Nanofiltration Membranes
Authors: Dorothea Voß, Tobias Esser, Michael Huber, Jakob Albert
The growing world population and the associated increase in demand for energy and consumer goods, as well as increasing waste production, requires the development of sustainable processes. In addition, the increasing environmental awareness of our society is a driving force for the requirement that processes must be as resource and energy efficient as possible. In this context, the use of polyoxometalate catalysts (POMs) has emerged as a promising approach for the development of green processes. POMs are bifunctional polynuclear metal-oxo-anion cluster characterized by a strong Brønsted acidity, a high proton mobility combined with fast multi-electron transfer and tunable redox potential. In addition, POMs are soluble in many commonly known solvents and exhibit resistance to hydrolytic and oxidative degradation. Due to their structure and excellent physicochemical properties, POMs are efficient acid and oxidation catalysts that have attracted much attention in recent years. Oxidation processes with molecular oxygen are worth mentioning here. However, the fact that the POM catalysts are homogeneous poses a challenge for downstream processing of product solutions and recycling of the catalysts. In this regard, nanofiltration membranes have gained increasing interest in recent years, particularly due to their relative sustainability advantage over other technologies and their unique properties such as increased selectivity towards multivalent ions. In order to establish an efficient downstream process for the highly selective separation of homogeneous POM catalysts from aqueous solutions using nanofiltration membranes, a laboratory-scale membrane system was designed and constructed. By varying various process parameters, a sensitivity analysis was performed on a model system to develop an optimized method for the recovery of POM catalysts. From this, process-relevant key figures such as the rejection of various system components were derived. These results form the basis for further experiments on other systems to test the transferability to serval separation tasks with different POMs and products, as well as for recycling experiments of the catalysts in processes on laboratory scale.Keywords: downstream processing, nanofiltration, polyoxometalates, homogeneous catalysis, green chemistry
Procedia PDF Downloads 892975 In Silico Analysis of Salivary miRNAs to Identify the Diagnostic Biomarkers for Oral Cancer
Authors: Andleeb Zahra, Itrat Rubab, Sumaira Malik, Amina Khan, Muhammad Jawad Khan, M. Qaiser Fatmi
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Recent studies have highlighted the role of miRNA in disease pathology, indicating its potential use in an early diagnostic tool. miRNAs are small, double stranded, non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression by deregulating mRNAs. miRNAs play important roles in modifying various cellular processes such as cell growth, differentiation, apoptosis, and immune response. Dis-regulated expression of miRNAs is known to affect the cell growth, and this may function as tumor suppressors or oncogenes in various cancers. Objectives: The main objectives of this study were to characterize the extracellular miRNAs involved in oral cancer (OC) to assist early detection of cancer as well as to propose a list of genes that can potentially be used as biomarkers of OC. We used gene expression data by microarrays already available in literature. Materials and Methods: In the first step, a total of 318 miRNAs involved in oral carcinoma were shortlisted followed by the prediction of their target genes. Simultaneously, the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) of oral carcinoma from all experiments were identified. The common genes between lists of DEGs of OC based on experimentally proven data and target genes of each miRNA were identified. These common genes are the targets of specific miRNA, which is involved in OC. Finally, a list of genes was generated which may be used as biomarker of OC. Results and Conclusion: In results, we included some of pathways in cancer to show the change in gene expression under the control of specific miRNA. Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) provided a list of major biomarkers like CDH2, CDK7 and functional enrichment analysis identified the role of miRNA in major pathways like cell adhesion molecules pathway affected by cancer. We observed that at least 25 genes are regulated by maximum number of miRNAs, and thereby, they can be used as biomarkers of OC. To better understand the role of miRNA with respect to their target genes further experiments are required, and our study provides a platform to better understand the miRNA-OC relationship at genomics level.Keywords: biomarkers, gene expression, miRNA, oral carcinoma
Procedia PDF Downloads 3762974 Competitivity in Procurement Multi-Unit Discrete Clock Auctions: An Experimental Investigation
Authors: Despina Yiakoumi, Agathe Rouaix
Laboratory experiments were run to investigate the impact of different design characteristics of the auctions, which have been implemented to procure capacity in the UK’s reformed electricity markets. The experiment studies competition among bidders in procurement multi-unit discrete descending clock auctions under different feedback policies and pricing rules. Theory indicates that feedback policy in combination with the two common pricing rules; last-accepted bid (LAB) and first-rejected bid (FRB), could affect significantly the auction outcome. Two information feedback policies regarding the bidding prices of the participants are considered; with feedback and without feedback. With feedback, after each round participants are informed of the number of items still in the auction and without feedback, after each round participants have no information about the aggregate supply. Under LAB, winning bidders receive the amount of the highest successful bid and under the FRB the winning bidders receive the lowest unsuccessful bid. Based on the theoretical predictions of the alternative auction designs, it was decided to run three treatments. First treatment considers LAB with feedback; second treatment studies LAB without feedback; third treatment investigates FRB without feedback. Theoretical predictions of the game showed that under FRB, the alternative feedback policies are indifferent to the auction outcome. Preliminary results indicate that LAB with feedback and FRB without feedback achieve on average higher clearing prices in comparison to the LAB treatment without feedback. However, the clearing prices under LAB with feedback and FRB without feedback are on average lower compared to the theoretical predictions. Although under LAB without feedback theory predicts the clearing price will drop to the competitive equilibrium, experimental results indicate that participants could still engage in cooperative behavior and drive up the price of the auction. It is showed, both theoretically and experimentally, that the pricing rules and the feedback policy, affect the bidding competitiveness of the auction by providing opportunities to participants to engage in cooperative behavior and exercise market power. LAB without feedback seems to be less vulnerable to market power opportunities compared to the alternative auction designs. This could be an argument for the use of LAB pricing rule in combination with limited feedback in the UK capacity market in an attempt to improve affordability for consumers.Keywords: descending clock auctions, experiments, feedback policy, market design, multi-unit auctions, pricing rules, procurement auctions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2992973 Parameter Fitting of the Discrete Element Method When Modeling the DISAMATIC Process
Authors: E. Hovad, J. H. Walther, P. Larsen, J. Thorborg, J. H. Hattel
In sand casting of metal parts for the automotive industry such as brake disks and engine blocks, the molten metal is poured into a sand mold to get its final shape. The DISAMATIC molding process is a way to construct these sand molds for casting of steel parts and in the present work numerical simulations of this process are presented. During the process green sand is blown into a chamber and subsequently squeezed to finally obtain the sand mould. The sand flow is modelled with the Discrete Element method (DEM) and obtaining the correct material parameters for the simulation is the main goal. Different tests will be used to find or calibrate the DEM parameters needed; Poisson ratio, Young modulus, rolling friction coefficient, sliding friction coefficient and coefficient of restitution (COR). The Young modulus and Poisson ratio are found from compression tests of the bulk material and subsequently used in the DEM model according to the Hertz-Mindlin model. The main focus will be on calibrating the rolling resistance and sliding friction in the DEM model with respect to the behavior of “real” sand piles. More specifically, the surface profile of the “real” sand pile will be compared to the sand pile predicted with the DEM for different values of the rolling and sliding friction coefficients. When the DEM parameters are found for the particle-particle (sand-sand) interaction, the particle-wall interaction parameter values are also found. Here the sliding coefficient will be found from experiments and the rolling resistance is investigated by comparing with observations of how the green sand interacts with the chamber wall during experiments and the DEM simulations will be calibrated accordingly. The coefficient of restitution will be tested with different values in the DEM simulations and compared to video footages of the DISAMATIC process. Energy dissipation will be investigated in these simulations for different particle sizes and coefficient of restitution, where scaling laws will be considered to relate the energy dissipation for these parameters. Finally, the found parameter values are used in the overall discrete element model and compared to the video footage of the DISAMATIC process.Keywords: discrete element method, physical properties of materials, calibration, granular flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 4822972 Efficient Reconstruction of DNA Distance Matrices Using an Inverse Problem Approach
Authors: Boris Melnikov, Ye Zhang, Dmitrii Chaikovskii
We continue to consider one of the cybernetic methods in computational biology related to the study of DNA chains. Namely, we are considering the problem of reconstructing the not fully filled distance matrix of DNA chains. When applied in a programming context, it is revealed that with a modern computer of average capabilities, creating even a small-sized distance matrix for mitochondrial DNA sequences is quite time-consuming with standard algorithms. As the size of the matrix grows larger, the computational effort required increases significantly, potentially spanning several weeks to months of non-stop computer processing. Hence, calculating the distance matrix on conventional computers is hardly feasible, and supercomputers are usually not available. Therefore, we started publishing our variants of the algorithms for calculating the distance between two DNA chains; then, we published algorithms for restoring partially filled matrices, i.e., the inverse problem of matrix processing. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for restoring the distance matrix for DNA chains, and the primary focus is on enhancing the algorithms that shape the greedy function within the branches and boundaries method framework.Keywords: DNA chains, distance matrix, optimization problem, restoring algorithm, greedy algorithm, heuristics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1192971 On Definition of Modulus of Deformation of Ground by Laboratory Method
Authors: Olgha Giorgishvili
The work is mainly concerned with the determination of modulus of deformation by laboratory method. It is known that a modulus of deformation is defining by laboratory and field methods. By laboratory method the modulus of deformation is defined in the compressive devices. Our goal is to conduct experiments by both methods and finally make to interpret the obtained results. In this article is considered the definition by new offered laboratory method of deformation modulus that is closer to the real deformation modulus. Finally, the obtained results gives the possibility to us to raise the issue of change the state norms for determining ground by laboratory method.Keywords: building, soil mechanic, deformation moulus, compression methods
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