Search results for: text mining analysis
22777 Parametric Optimization of High-Performance Electric Vehicle E-Gear Drive for Radiated Noise Using 1-D System Simulation
Authors: Sanjai Sureshkumar, Sathish G. Kumar, P. V. V. Sathyanarayana
For e-gear drivetrain, the transmission error and the resulting variation in mesh stiffness is one of the main source of excitation in High performance Electric Vehicle. These vibrations are transferred through the shaft to the bearings and then to the e-Gear drive housing eventually radiating noise. A parametrical model developed in 1-D system simulation by optimizing the micro and macro geometry along with bearing properties and oil filtration to achieve least transmission error and high contact ratio. Histogram analysis is performed to condense the actual road load data into condensed duty cycle to find the bearing forces. The structural vibration generated by these forces will be simulated in a nonlinear solver obtaining the normal surface velocity of the housing and the results will be carried forward to Acoustic software wherein a virtual environment of the surrounding (actual testing scenario) with accurate microphone position will be maintained to predict the sound pressure level of radiated noise and directivity plot of the e-Gear Drive. Order analysis will be carried out to find the root cause of the vibration and whine noise. Broadband spectrum will be checked to find the rattle noise source. Further, with the available results, the design will be optimized, and the next loop of simulation will be performed to build a best e-Gear Drive on NVH aspect. Structural analysis will be also carried out to check the robustness of the e-Gear Drive.Keywords: 1-D system simulation, contact ratio, e-Gear, mesh stiffness, micro and macro geometry, transmission error, radiated noise, NVH
Procedia PDF Downloads 14922776 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Experimental Evaluation of Two Batch Type Electrocoagulation Stirred Tank Reactors Used in the Removal of Cr (VI) from Waste Water
Authors: Phanindra Prasad Thummala, Umran Tezcan Un
In this study, hydrodynamics analysis of two batch type electrocoagulation stirred tank reactors, used for the electrocoagulation treatment of Cr(VI) wastewater, was carried using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of mixing characteristics on overall performance of electrocoagulation reactor. The CFD simulations were performed using ANSYS FLUENT 14.4 software. The mixing performance of each reactor was evaluated by numerically modelling tracer dispersion in each reactor configuration. The uniformity in tracer dispersion was assumed when 90% of the ratio of the maximum to minimum concentration of the tracer was realized. In parallel, experimental evaluation of both the electrocoagulation reactors for removal of Cr(VI) from wastewater was also carried out. The results of CFD and experimental analysis clearly show that the reactor which can give higher uniformity in lesser time, will perform better as an electrocoagulation reactor for removal of Cr(VI) from wastewater.Keywords: CFD, stirred tank reactors, electrocoagulation, Cr(VI) wastewater
Procedia PDF Downloads 46222775 Analysis of Population and Growth Rate Methanotof Bateria as Reducers Methane Gases Emission in Rice Field
Authors: Maimuna Nontji
The life cycle of rice plant has three phases of growth; they are the vegetative, reproductive and maturation phase. They greatly affect the life of dynamics metanotrof bacterial as reducer methane emissions in the rice field, both of population and on the rate of growth. The aim of this study was to analyze the population and growth rate of methanotrof isolates which has been isolated in previous studies. Isolates were taken at all the life cycle of rice plant. Population of analysis was conducted by standard plate count method and growth rate was analysed by logarithmic calculation. The results showed that each isolate varied in population and growth rate. The highest population was obtained in the isolates Gowa Methanotrof Reproductive (GMR 8) about 7.06 x 10 11 cfu / ml on 3 days of incubation and the lowest population was obtained in the Gowa Methanotrof Maturation (GMP 5) about 0.27 x 10 11 cfu / ml on 7 day of incubation. Some isolate were demonstrated in long growth rate about 5 days of incubation and another are 3 days.Keywords: emission, methanotrof, methane, population
Procedia PDF Downloads 45022774 A Numerical Investigation of Segmental Lining Joints Interactions in Tunnels
Authors: M. H. Ahmadi, A. Mortazavi, H. Zarei
Several authors have described the main mechanism of formation of cracks in the segment lining during the construction of tunnels with tunnel boring machines. A comprehensive analysis of segmental lining joints may help to guarantee a safe construction during Tunneling and serviceable stages. The most frequent types of segment damage are caused by a condition of uneven segment matching due to contact deficiencies. This paper investigated the interaction mechanism of precast concrete lining joints in tunnels. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) was used to analyze a typical segmental lining model consisting of six segment rings. In the analyses, typical segmental lining design parameters of the Ghomrood water conveyance tunnel, Iran were employed in the study. In the conducted analysis, the worst-case scenario of loading faced during the boring of Ghomrood tunnel was considered. This was associated with the existence of a crushed zone dipping at 75 degree at the location of the key segment. In the analysis, moreover, the effect of changes in horizontal stress ratio on the loads on the segment was assessed. The boundary condition associated with K (ratio of the horizontal to the vertical stress) values of 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 were applied to the model and separate analysis was conducted for each case. Important parameters such as stress, moments, and displacements were measured at joint locations and the surrounding rock. Accordingly, the segment joint interactions were assessed and analyzed. Moreover, rock mass properties of the Ghomrood in Ghom were adopted. In this study, the load acting on segments joints are included a crushed zone stratum force that intersect tunnel with 75 slopes in the location of the key segment, gravity force of segments and earth pressures. A numerical investigation was used for different coefficients of stress concentration of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and different geological conditions of saturated crushed zone under the critical scenario. The numerical results also demonstrate that maximum bending moments in longitudinal joints occurred for crushed zone with the weaken strengths (Sandstone). Besides that, increasing the load in segment-stratum interfaces affected radial stress in longitudinal joints and finally the opening of joints occurred.Keywords: joint, interface, segment, contact
Procedia PDF Downloads 25922773 Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Undoped and Fe Doped TiO₂ (Ti₁₋ₓFeₓO₂; X=0.01, 0.02, 0.03) Nanoparticles
Authors: Sudhakar Saroj, Satya Vir Singh
Undoped and Fe doped TiO₂, Ti₁₋ₓFeₓO₂ (x=0.00, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07 and 0.09) have been synthesized by solution combustion method using Titanium (IV) oxide as a precursor, and also were characterized by XRD, DRS, FTIR, XPS, SEM, and EDX. The formation of anatase phase of undoped and Fe TiO₂ nanoparticles were confirmed by XRD, and the average crystallite size was determined by Debye-Scherer's equation. The DRS analysis indicates the shifting of light absorbance in visible region from UV region with increasing the doping concentration in TiO₂. The vibrational band of the Ti-O lattice was confirmed by the FT-IR spectrum. The XPS results confirm the presence of elements of titanium, oxygen and iron in the synthesized samples and determine the binding energy of elements. SEM image of the above-synthesized nanoparticles showed the spherical shape of nanoparticles. The purities of the synthesized nanoparticles were confirmed by EDX analysis. The photocatalytic activities of the synthesized nanoparticles were tested by studying the degradation of dye (Direct Blue 199) in the photocatalytic reactor. The Ti₀.₉₇Fe₀.₀₃O₂ photocatalyst shows highest photodegradation activity among all the synthesized undoped and Fe doped TiO₂ photocatalyst.Keywords: direct blue 199, nanoparticles, TiO₂, photodegradation
Procedia PDF Downloads 23622772 Dynamic Analysis of Mono-Pile: Spectral Element Method
Authors: Rishab Das, Arnab Banerjee, Bappaditya Manna
Mono-pile foundations are often used in soft soils in order to support heavy mega-structures, whereby often these deep footings may undergo dynamic excitation due to many causes like earthquake, wind or wave loads acting on the superstructure, blasting, and unbalanced machines, etc. A comprehensive analytical study is performed to study the dynamics of the mono-pile system embedded in cohesion-less soil. The soil is considered homogeneous and visco-elastic in nature and is analytically modeled using complex springs. Considering the N number of the elements of the pile, the final global stiffness matrix is obtained by using the theories of the spectral element matrix method. Further, statically condensing the intermediate internal nodes of the global stiffness matrix results to a smaller sub matrix containing the nodes experiencing the external translation and rotation, and the stiffness and damping functions (impedance functions) of the embedded piles are determined. Proper plots showing the variation of the real and imaginary parts of these impedance functions with the dimensionless frequency parameter are obtained. The plots obtained from this study are validated by that provided by Novak,1974. Further, the dynamic analysis of the resonator impregnated pile is proposed within this study. Moreover, with the aid of Wood's 1g laboratory scaling law, a proper scaled-down resonator-pile model is 3D printed using PLA material. Dynamic analysis of the scaled model is carried out in the time domain, whereby the lateral loads are imposed on the pile head. The response obtained from the sensors through the LabView software is compared with the proposed theoretical data.Keywords: mono-pile, visco-elastic, impedance, LabView
Procedia PDF Downloads 12022771 The Differences in Organizational Citizenship Behavior Based on Work Status of Hotels Employees in Bali in Terms of Quality of Work Life
Authors: Ni Wayan Sinthia Widiastuti, Komang Rahayu Indrawati
The increasing number of tourists coming to Bali, causing accommodation facilities, such as hotels have increased. The existence of hotel needs will be the source of labor and cost efficiency, so that hotel management employs employees with different working status. The hospitality industry is one of the sectors that require organizational citizenship behavior because, the main goal of every hotel, in general, was to provide the best service and quality to tourists. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in organizational citizenship behavior based on work status of employees at the Hotel in Bali in terms of quality of work life. Research sample was chosen randomly through two-stage cluster sampling which succeeds to obtain 126 samples from 11 hotels in Denpasar, Bali. The subjects consisted of 64 employees with Employment Agreement of Uncertain Time or who is often called a permanent employee and 62 employees with Employment Agreement of Certain Time or better known as contract employees, outsourcing, and daily workers. Instruments in this study were the scale of organizational citizenship behavior and the scale of quality of work life. The results of ANCOVA analysis showed there were differences in organizational citizenship behavior based on employee work status in terms of quality of work life. Differences in organizational citizenship behavior and quality of work life based on work status of employees using comparative test was analysis by independent sample t-test shows there were differences in organizational citizenship behavior and quality of work life between employees with different working status in hotels in Bali. The result of the regression analysis showed the functional relationship between quality of work life and organizational citizenship behavior.Keywords: hotel in Bali, organizational citizenship behavior, quality of work life, work status of employees
Procedia PDF Downloads 28622770 Detroit Latinx Adolescents Depend on Relationships, Recreation, and Internal Homeostasis to Live their Healthiest Lives
Authors: Jenny Clift, Rebeccah Sokol, LaTricia Mitchell, Nicholas Alexander, Karissa Rusnick
Aims: This study sought to identify prevalent promotive factors supporting urban adolescent health and wellbeing, per adolescent and caregiver reports. Setting: The research team conducted online surveys with adolescent (n=520) and caregiver (n=73) respondents from a predominately Latinx urban high school. Methodology: A cross-sectional, qualitative study. Analysis: Inductive thematic analysis was used to analyze responses to open-ended questions. -Findings. Adolescent and caregiver respondents identified promotive factors (eight and six, respectively) that encourage adolescent health and well-being. Supportive relationships were the most frequently reported factor among adolescents (68%) and caregivers (55%). Implications: Health promotion interventions among adolescents should consider how to promote relationships to counteract negative social determinants of health (SDH) and promote optimal quality of life.Keywords: Latinx adolescents, health and wellbeing, social determinants of health, school
Procedia PDF Downloads 8922769 Shooting in The Foot at The Pulpit; An Analysis of Analysis of The Origin and Progression of Conflict Among the Born-Again Churches in Uganda
Authors: Baguma Charles Abwooli
Whereas they profess to be comrades in the fight to save souls, Born Again Churches in Uganda are shooting each other in the foot over yet to be understood reasons. For a long time, churches have sustained a bitter divide among themselves. The country has witnessed pastoral scandals, including church leaders dragging each other to court, setting each other’s churches ablaze, and even plotting assassination against each her. The most dreadful was when one pastor called a chest-thumping press conference at the demise of another. There is even an emergence of church-owned radio stations purposed to fuel this conflict. Worse still, the division among pastors has been transferred to their congregations to extent that at the first meeting, congregants ask each other where they pray from perhaps to know how to deal with each other. This has caused the born-again to maintain factions among themselves and keeping ready to fight in case there is a battle. This is quite a risk to peace and stability in the country. This kind of belligerence not only defeats the very existence of churches but is a threat to national peace and security, especially as the churches mushroom across the country. It is feared that the vice could spread to the rest of Eastern Africa and beyond, given the connectivity. There is already evidence to this. One Pastor was heard to call the late Ghanaian Pastor T. B. Joshua, a witch who has been training witches in Uganda. He said this at his demise while referring to pastors that subscribe to T. B. Joshua’s approach to preaching the Gospel. This is an abomination, especially in Africa! There is, therefore, an urgent need to understand the roots of this conflict and design measures to decisively manageit. The present study employs tools based on conflict resolution theory to conduct a deep qualitative analysis of the origin and progression of the Born-Againconflict in Uganda with intend to make recommendations of appropriate measures to resolve it.Keywords: uganda, shooting, pulpit, born again churches
Procedia PDF Downloads 13022768 Evotrader: Bitcoin Trading Using Evolutionary Algorithms on Technical Analysis and Social Sentiment Data
Authors: Martin Pellon Consunji
Due to the rise in popularity of Bitcoin and other crypto assets as a store of wealth and speculative investment, there is an ever-growing demand for automated trading tools, such as bots, in order to gain an advantage over the market. Traditionally, trading in the stock market was done by professionals with years of training who understood patterns and exploited market opportunities in order to gain a profit. However, nowadays a larger portion of market participants are at minimum aided by market-data processing bots, which can generally generate more stable signals than the average human trader. The rise in trading bot usage can be accredited to the inherent advantages that bots have over humans in terms of processing large amounts of data, lack of emotions of fear or greed, and predicting market prices using past data and artificial intelligence, hence a growing number of approaches have been brought forward to tackle this task. However, the general limitation of these approaches can still be broken down to the fact that limited historical data doesn’t always determine the future, and that a lot of market participants are still human emotion-driven traders. Moreover, developing markets such as those of the cryptocurrency space have even less historical data to interpret than most other well-established markets. Due to this, some human traders have gone back to the tried-and-tested traditional technical analysis tools for exploiting market patterns and simplifying the broader spectrum of data that is involved in making market predictions. This paper proposes a method which uses neuro evolution techniques on both sentimental data and, the more traditionally human-consumed, technical analysis data in order to gain a more accurate forecast of future market behavior and account for the way both automated bots and human traders affect the market prices of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This study’s approach uses evolutionary algorithms to automatically develop increasingly improved populations of bots which, by using the latest inflows of market analysis and sentimental data, evolve to efficiently predict future market price movements. The effectiveness of the approach is validated by testing the system in a simulated historical trading scenario, a real Bitcoin market live trading scenario, and testing its robustness in other cryptocurrency and stock market scenarios. Experimental results during a 30-day period show that this method outperformed the buy and hold strategy by over 260% in terms of net profits, even when taking into consideration standard trading fees.Keywords: neuro-evolution, Bitcoin, trading bots, artificial neural networks, technical analysis, evolutionary algorithms
Procedia PDF Downloads 12422767 Industrial Ecology Perspectives of Food Supply Chains: A Framework of Analysis
Authors: Luciano Batista, Sylvia Saes, Nuno Fouto, Liam Fassam
This paper introduces the theoretical and methodological basis of an analytical framework conceived with the purpose of bringing industrial ecology perspectives into the core of the underlying disciplines supporting analyses in studies concerned with environmental sustainability aspects beyond the product cycle in a supply chain. Given the pressing challenges faced by the food sector, the framework focuses upon waste minimization through industrial linkages in food supply chains. The combination of industrial ecology practice with basic LCA elements, the waste hierarchy model, and the spatial scale of industrial symbiosis allows the standardization of qualitative analyses and associated outcomes. Such standardization enables comparative analysis not only between different stages of a supply chain, but also between different supply chains. The analytical approach proposed contributes more coherently to the wider circular economy aspiration of optimizing the flow of goods to get the most out of raw materials and cuts wastes to a minimum.Keywords: by-product synergy, food supply chain, industrial ecology, industrial symbiosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 42222766 Global Stability Analysis of a Coupled Model for Healthy and Cancerous Cells Dynamics in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Authors: Abdelhafid Zenati, Mohamed Tadjine
The mathematical formulation of biomedical problems is an important phase to understand and predict the dynamic of the controlled population. In this paper we perform a stability analysis of a coupled model for healthy and cancerous cells dynamics in Acute Myeloid Leukemia, this represents our first aim. Second, we illustrate the effect of the interconnection between healthy and cancer cells. The PDE-based model is transformed to a nonlinear distributed state space model (delay system). For an equilibrium point of interest, necessary and sufficient conditions of global asymptotic stability are given. Thus, we came up to give necessary and sufficient conditions of global asymptotic stability of the origin and the healthy situation and control of the dynamics of normal hematopoietic stem cells and cancerous during myelode Acute leukemia. Simulation studies are given to illustrate the developed results.Keywords: distributed delay, global stability, modelling, nonlinear models, PDE, state space
Procedia PDF Downloads 25222765 The Distribution of rs5219 Polymorphism in the Non-Diabetic Elderly Jordanian Subject
Authors: Foad Alzoughool
Conflicting studies on the association between the rs5219 polymorphism and type 2 diabetes, some studies have confirmed a strong relationship between this variant and type2 diabetes, on the other hand, many studies denied the existence of this association. This study aimed to provide evidence about whether the rs5219 polymorphism has or hasn't a role as a risk factor for diabetes and meta-analysis to investigate the role of the control age group in the association. Genotyping of the rs5219 polymorphism was performed in a cohort of 266 healthy elderly subjects with a mean age (60.2 ± 5.1) with no history of diabetes (HbA1c < 6%) using standard Sanger sequencing methods. Lys/Lys alleles were detected in 20 persons (7.5%), Lys/Glu alleles in 96 persons (36.1%), and Glu/Glu in 150 persons (56.4%). The genotype distribution was consistent with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P =0.7). Meta-analysis notably indicates no association between rs5219 polymorphism and type 2 diabetes in all studies used the younger age of the control group compared to the patient's age. In conclusion, our study sheds light on the importance of age factor among the control group recruited in case-control studies.Keywords: Type 2 diabetes, rs5219 polymorphism, E23K, KCNJ11 gene
Procedia PDF Downloads 16022764 Gender Differences in Communication Styles: An Analysis of the Language of Earnings Conference Calls
Authors: Chiara De Amicis, Sonia Falconieri, Mesut Tastan
In this study, we analyze the language employed by Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) during earnings conference calls from a gender perspective. We find evidences that conference calls held by female CEOs and/or CFOs exhibit a higher level of optimism compared to conference calls held by male CEOs and/or CFOs. Moreover, female managers tend to present and discuss firm performances with less vagueness as compared to their male colleagues. We then observe the market reaction around each earnings conference call: while manager optimism is perceived as a good signal by investors, manager vagueness significantly dampens the market reaction around the call. Whether the gender of the CEO and/or the CFO delivering the conference call affects investors’ perceptions about the firm performance is still an open question. Some evidences show that the language employed by female managers conveys more valuable information for market participants as compared to the language employed by their male counterparts. This study contributes to a growing literature in finance and accounting that uses textual analysis to assess the informativeness of corporate disclosure. To our knowledge, this is the first paper that aims at answering the question whether the gender of firm’s top managers does matter when it comes to assess the informativeness of corporate spoken communication. We believe that our results will be of relevance for future research in the field. Moreover, our evidence may be used in support of the debate if a larger participation by women in the management of companies should be encouraged or not.Keywords: conference calls, even study, gender, market reaction, textual analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 19522763 Epstein-Barr Virus-associated Diseases and TCM Syndromes Types: In Search for Correlation
Authors: Xu Yifei, Le Yining, Yang Qingluan, Tu Yanjie
Objective: This study aims to investigate the distribution features of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) syndromes and syndrome elements in Epstein-Barr virus-associated diseases and then explores the relations between TCM syndromes or syndrome elements and laboratory indicators of Epstein-Barr virus-associated diseases. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 70 patients with EBV infection was described. We assessed the diagnostic information and laboratory indicators of these patients from Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University between November 2017 and July 2019. The disease diagnosis and syndrome differentiation were based on the diagnostic criteria of EBV-associated diseases and the theory of TCM respectively. Confidence correlation analysis, logistic regression analysis, cluster analysis, and the Sankey diagram were used to analyze the correlation between the data. Results: The differentiation of the 4 primary TCM syndromes in the collected patients was correlated with the indexes of immune function, liver function, inflammation, and anemia, especially the relationship between Qifen syndrome and high lactic acid dehydrogenase level. The common 11 TCM syndrome elements were associated with the increased CD3+ T cell rate, low hemoglobin level, high procalcitonin level, high lactic acid dehydrogenase level, and low albumin level. Conclusion: The changes in immune function indexes, procalcitonin, and liver function-related indexes in patients with EBV-associated diseases were consistent with the evolution law of TCM syndromes. This study provides a reference for judging the pathological stages of these kinds of diseases, predicting their prognosis, and guiding subsequent treatment strategies based on TCM syndrome type.Keywords: EBV-associated diseases, traditional Chinese medicine syndrome, syndrome element, diagnostics
Procedia PDF Downloads 11022762 Length of Pregnancy and Dental Caries Observation in Relation to BMI
Authors: Edit Xhajanka, Gresa Baboci, Irene Malagnino, Mimoza Canga, Vito Antonio Malagnino
Purpose: This study aimed at identifying dental caries increment or reduction, based on factors such as smoking, the scaling of teeth, BMI before and during pregnancy, carbohydrates consumption in relation to childbirth. Material and method: In this observational study, the sample included a total of 98 pregnant women and their age class was 18-45 years old, with a median age of 31.5 years. The setting of the participants resides in Vlora –Albania. Moreover, 64.4% were from the city and 35.6% were from the nearby villages. The study was conducted in the time period January 2018 –June 2021. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the standard formula (kg/m²). Maternal pre, during and post-pregnancy BMI was collected by using a validated questionnaire. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0. The significance level (α) was set at 0.05, whereas P-value and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to analyze the data. Results: Based on the data analysis, 44.4% of the sample declared that they did smoke before pregnancy and 55.6% not smoked during their pregnancy. As a result, no association was found between smoking and length of pregnancy P=0.95. There is also a strong relation (P=0.000) between the number of teeth with caries before pregnancy and the number of teeth with caries during pregnancy. There is a significant relationship between the scaling of teeth and childbirth, P=0.05. BMI before and during pregnancy in relation to carbohydrates consumption have a significant correlation P=0.004 and P=0.002. The values of BMI before and during pregnancy in relation to childbirth have a strong correlation: P=0.043 and P=0.040, respectively. As a result, obesity was associated with preterm birth. The percentage of children born during 34-36 weeks of pregnancy was 69%, and children born during 32-34 weeks of pregnancy were 31%. CONCLUSION: There was a positive association between dental caries experience, BMI and carbohydrates consumption. Obesity in pregnancy is increasing worldwide; that is why this study suggests the importance of an appropriate weight before and during pregnancy.Keywords: BMI, dental caries, pregnancy, scaling, smoking
Procedia PDF Downloads 19822761 Rapid Discrimination of Porcine and Tilapia Fish Gelatin by Fourier Transform Infrared- Attenuated Total Reflection Combined with 2 Dimensional Infrared Correlation Analysis
Authors: Norhidayu Muhamad Zain
Gelatin, a purified protein derived mostly from porcine and bovine sources, is used widely in food manufacturing, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. However, the presence of any porcine-related products are strictly forbidden for Muslim and Jewish consumption. Therefore, analytical methods offering reliable results to differentiate the sources of gelatin are needed. The aim of this study was to differentiate the sources of gelatin (porcine and tilapia fish) using Fourier transform infrared- attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) combined with two dimensional infrared (2DIR) correlation analysis. Porcine gelatin (PG) and tilapia fish gelatin (FG) samples were diluted in distilled water at concentrations ranged from 4-20% (w/v). The samples were then analysed using FTIR-ATR and 2DIR correlation software. The results showed a significant difference in the pattern map of synchronous spectra at the region of 1000 cm⁻¹ to 1100 cm⁻¹ between PG and FG samples. The auto peak at 1080 cm⁻¹ that attributed to C-O functional group was observed at high intensity in PG samples compared to FG samples. Meanwhile, two auto peaks (1080 cm⁻¹ and 1030 cm⁻¹) at lower intensity were identified in FG samples. In addition, using 2D correlation analysis, the original broad water OH bands in 1D IR spectra can be effectively differentiated into six auto peaks located at 3630, 3340, 3230, 3065, 2950 and 2885 cm⁻¹ for PG samples and five auto peaks at 3630, 3330, 3230, 3060 and 2940 cm⁻¹ for FG samples. Based on the rule proposed by Noda, the sequence of the spectral changes in PG samples is as following: NH₃⁺ amino acid > CH₂ and CH₃ aliphatic > OH stretch > carboxylic acid OH stretch > NH in secondary amide > NH in primary amide. In contrast, the sequence was totally in the opposite direction for FG samples and thus both samples provide different 2D correlation spectra ranged from 2800 cm-1 to 3700 cm⁻¹. This method may provide a rapid determination of gelatin source for application in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products.Keywords: 2 dimensional infrared (2DIR) correlation analysis, Fourier transform infrared- attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR), porcine gelatin, tilapia fish gelatin
Procedia PDF Downloads 25022760 The Effects of Supportive Care Interventions with Psychotherapeutic and Exercise Approaches on Depressive Symptoms Among Patients with Lung Cancer: A Meta-Analysis
Authors: Chia-Chen Hsieh, Fei-Hsiu Hsiao
Objective: To examine the effects of supportive care interventions on depressive symptoms in patients with lung cancer. Methods: The databases of Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Ovid EMBASE, PubMed, and Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS) were searched from their inception until September 2015. We included the studies with randomized controlled trial design that compared standard care with supportive care interventions using psychotherapeutic or exercises approach. The standardized mean differences (SMD) (Cohen’s d) were calculated to estimate the treatment effects. The Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool was used for quality assessment and subgroup analysis was conducted to identify possible sources of heterogeneity. Results: A total of 1472 patients with lung cancer were identified. Compared with standard care, the overall effects of all supportive care interventions significantly reduced depressive symptoms (SMD = -0.74 with 95% CI = -1.07 to -0.41), and the effect was maintained at the 4th, 8th, and 12th weeks of follow-up. Either psychotherapy combined with psychoeducation or exercise alone produced significant improvements in depressive symptoms, while psychoeducation alone did not. The greater improvements in depressive symptoms occurred in lung cancer patients with severe depressive symptoms at baseline, total duration of interventions of less than ten weeks, and intervention provided through face-to-face delivery. Conclusions: Psychotherapy combined with psychoeducation can help patients manage the causes of depressive symptoms, including both symptom distress and psychological trauma due to lung cancer. Exercise can target the impaired respiratory function that is a cause of depressive symptoms in lung cancer patients.Keywords: supportive care intervention, depressive symptoms, lung cancer, meta-analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 31222759 Asymmetric Relation between Earnings and Returns
Authors: Seungmin Chee
This paper investigates which of the two arguments, conservatism or liquidation option, is a true underlying driver of the asymmetric slope coefficient result regarding the association between earnings and returns. The analysis of the relation between earnings and returns in four mutually exclusive settings segmented by ‘profits vs. losses’ and ‘positive returns vs. negative returns’ suggests that liquidation option rather than conservatism is likely to cause the asymmetric slope coefficient result. Furthermore, this paper documents the temporal changes between Basu period (1963-1990) and post-Basu period (1990-2005). Although no significant change in degree of conservatism or value relevance of losses is reported, stronger negative relation between losses and positive returns is observed in the post-Basu period. Separate regression analysis of each quintile based on the rankings of price to sales ratio and book to market ratio suggests that the strong negative relation is driven by growth firms.Keywords: conservatism, earnings, liquidation option, returns
Procedia PDF Downloads 37522758 Performance Analysis of Encased Sand Columns in Different Clayey Soils Using 3D Numerical Method
Authors: Enayatallah Najari, Ali Noorzad, Mehdi Siavoshnia
One of the most decent and low-cost options in soft clayey soil improvement is using stone columns to reduce the settlement and increase the bearing capacity which is used for different ways to do this in various projects with diverse conditions. In the current study, it is tried to evaluate this improvement method in 4 different weak soils with diverse properties like specific gravity, permeability coefficient, over consolidation ratio (OCR), poison’s ratio, internal friction angle and bulk modulus by using ABAQUS 3D finite element software. Increment and decrement impacts of each mentioned factor on settlement and lateral displacement of weak soil beds are analyzed. In analyzed models, the properties related to sand columns and geosynthetic cover are assumed to be constant with their optimum values, and just soft clayey soil parameters are considered to be variable. It’s also demonstrated that OCR value can play a determinant role in soil resistance.Keywords: stone columns, geosynthetic, finite element, 3D analysis, soft soils
Procedia PDF Downloads 36122757 Produced Water Treatment Using Novel Solid Scale Inhibitors Based on Silver Tungstate Loaded Kit-6: Static and Modeling Evaluation
Authors: R. Hosny, Mahmoud F. Mubarak, Heba M. Salem, Asmaa A. Abdelrahman
Oilfield scaling is a major problem in the oil and gas industry. Scale issues cost the industry millions of dollars in damage and lost production every year. One of the main causes of global production decline is scale. In this study, solid scale inhibitors based on silver tungstate loaded KIT-6 were synthesized and evaluated in both static and scale inhibition modeling. The silver tungstate loaded KIT-6 catalysts were synthesized via a simple impregnated method using 3D mesoporous KIT-6 as support. The synthesized materials were characterized using wide and low XRD, N2 adsorption–desorption analysis, TGA analysis, and FTIR, SEM, and XPS analysis. The scale inhibition efficiency of the synthesized materials was evaluated using a static scale inhibition test. The results of this study demonstrate the potential application of silver tungstate-loaded KIT-6 solid scale inhibitors for the oil and gas industry. The results of this study will contribute to the development of new and innovative solid scale inhibitors based on silver tungstate-loaded KIT-6. The inhibition efficiency of the scale inhibitor increases, and calcite scale inhibitor decreases with increasing pH (2 to8), it proposes that the scale inhibitor was more effective under alkaline conditions. An inhibition efficiency of 99% on calcium carbonate can be achieved at the optimal dosage of 7.5 ppm at 55oC, indicating that the scale inhibitor exhibits a relatively good inhibition performance on calcium carbonate. The use of these materials can potentially lead to more efficient and cost-effective solutions for scaling inhibition in various industrial processes.Keywords: produced water treatment, solid scale inhibitors, calcite, silver tungestate, 3 D mesoporous KIT-6, oilfield scales, adsorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 14522756 Guidelines for Sustainable Urban Mobility in Historic Districts from International Experiences
Authors: Tamer ElSerafi
In recent approaches to heritage conservation, the whole context of historic areas becomes as important as the single historic building. This makes the provision of infrastructure and network of mobility an effective element in the urban conservation. Sustainable urban conservation projects consider the high density of activities, the need for a good quality access system to the transit system, and the importance of the configuration of the mobility network by identifying the best way to connect the different districts of the urban area through a complex unique system that helps the synergic development to achieve a sustainable mobility system. A sustainable urban mobility is a key factor in maintaining the integrity between socio-cultural aspects and functional aspects. This paper illustrates the mobility aspects, mobility problems in historic districts, and the needs of the mobility systems in the first part. The second part is a practical analysis for different mobility plans. It is challenging to find innovative and creative conservation solutions fitting modern uses and needs without risking the loss of inherited built resources. Urban mobility management is becoming an essential and challenging issue in the urban conservation projects. Depending on literature review and practical analysis, this paper tries to define and clarify the guidelines for mobility management in historic districts as a key element in sustainability of urban conservation and development projects. Such rules and principles could control the conflict between the socio–cultural and economic activities, and the different needs for mobility in these districts in a sustainable way. The practical analysis includes a comparison between mobility plans which have been implemented in four different cities; Freiburg in Germany, Zurich in Switzerland and Bray Town in Ireland. This paper concludes with a matrix of guidelines that considers both principles of sustainability and livability factors in urban historic districts.Keywords: sustainable mobility, urban mobility, mobility management, historic districts
Procedia PDF Downloads 15922755 Optimization of Hybrid off Grid Energy Station
Authors: Yehya Abdellatif, Iyad M. Muslih, Azzah Alkhalailah, Abdallah Muslih
Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) software was utilized to find the optimum design of a hybrid off-Grid system, by choosing the optimal solution depending on the cost analysis of energy based on different capacity shortage percentages. A complete study for the site conditions and load profile was done to optimize the design and implementation of a hybrid off-grid power station. In addition, the solution takes into consecration the ambient temperature effect on the efficiency of the power generation and the economical aspects of selection depending on real market price. From the analysis of the HOMER model results, the optimum hybrid power station was suggested, based on wind speed, and solar conditions. The optimization function objective is to minimize the Net Price Cost (NPC) and the Cost of Energy (COE) with zero and 10 percentage of capacity shortage.Keywords: energy modeling, HOMER, off-grid system, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 56522754 Calculation Analysis of an Axial Compressor Supersonic Stage Impeller
Authors: Y. Galerkin, E. Popova, K. Soldatova
There is an evident trend to elevate pressure ratio of a single stage of a turbo compressors - axial compressors in particular. Whilst there was an opinion recently that a pressure ratio 1,9 was a reasonable limit, later appeared information on successful modeling tested of stages with pressure ratio up to 2,8. The Authors recon that lack of information on high pressure stages makes actual a study of rational choice of design parameters before high supersonic flow problems solving. The computer program of an engineering type was developed. Below is presented a sample of its application to study possible parameters of the impeller of the stage with pressure ratio π*=3,0. Influence of two main design parameters on expected efficiency, periphery blade speed and flow structure is demonstrated. The results had lead to choose a variant for further analysis and improvement by CFD methods.Keywords: supersonic stage, impeller, efficiency, flow rate coefficient, work coefficient, loss coefficient, oblique shock, direct shock
Procedia PDF Downloads 46722753 Vibration of Gamma Graphyne with an Attached Mass
Authors: Win-Jin Chang, Haw-Long Lee, Yu-Ching Yang
Atomic finite element simulation is applied to investigate the vibration frequency of a single-layer gamma graphyne with an attached mass for the CCCC, SSSS, CFCF, SFSF boundary conditions using the commercial code ANSYS. The fundamental frequencies of the graphyne sheet are compared with the results of the previous study. The results of the comparison are very good in all considered cases. The attached mass causes a shift in the resonant frequency of the graphyne. The frequencies of the single-layer gamma graphyne with an attached mass for different boundary conditions are obtained, and the order based on the boundary condition is CCCC >SSSS > CFCF> SFSF. The highest frequency shift is obtained when the attached mass is located at the center of the graphyne sheet. This is useful for the design of a highly sensitive graphyne-based mass sensor.Keywords: graphyne, finite element analysis, vibration analysis, frequency shift
Procedia PDF Downloads 21222752 The Effect of Virtual Reality Meditation on Science Education Students Academic Achievement
Authors: Cecilia Obi Nja
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of virtual reality meditation on science education undergraduate students’ academic achievement. It was in two parts: it compared the impact of meditation via virtual reality against video, as accessed by students’ mean scores. Secondly, the study examined the usefulness of meditation on the overall well-being of students through video or virtual reality. All the science education undergraduate students of the University of Calabar constituted the population of the study. Two research questions and hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study employed a pretest–posttest design with the participants being randomly assigned to two groups. The sample size was 120. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) results showed that virtual reality meditation had a significantly higher benefit than video meditation. The results of the analysis also indicated that undergraduate students with both meditation techniques employed had decreased pre-exam anxiety. It was concluded that virtual reality meditation plays a major role in students’ academic achievement and test anxiety levels.Keywords: consciousness, academic achievement, meditation, anxiety
Procedia PDF Downloads 6922751 Quantifying Stability of Online Communities and Its Impact on Disinformation
Authors: Victor Chomel, Maziyar Panahi, David Chavalarias
Misinformation has taken an increasingly worrying place in social media. Propagation patterns are closely linked to the structure of communities. This study proposes a method of community analysis based on a combination of centrality indicators for the network and its main communities. The objective is to establish a link between the stability of the communities over time, the social ascension of its members internally, and the propagation of information in the community. To this end, data from the debates about global warming and political communities on Twitter have been collected, and several tens of millions of tweets and retweets have helped us better understand the structure of these communities. The quantification of this stability allows for the study of the propagation of information of any kind, including disinformation. Our results indicate that the most stable communities over time are the ones that enable the establishment of nodes capturing a large part of the information and broadcasting its opinions. Conversely, communities with a high turnover and social ascendancy only stabilize themselves strongly in the face of adversity and external events but seem to offer a greater diversity of opinions most of the time.Keywords: community analysis, disinformation, misinformation, Twitter
Procedia PDF Downloads 14222750 Conducting Glove Leathers Prepared through in-situ Polymerization of Pyrrole
Authors: Wegene Demisie Jima
Leather is a durable and flexible material used for various purposes including clothing, footwear, upholstery and gloves. However, the use of leather for smart product applications is a challenge since it is electrically insulating material. Here, we report a simple method to produce conducting glove leathers using an in-situ polymerization of pyrrole. The concentrations of pyrrole, ferric chloride and anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid sodium salt monohydrate were optimized to produce maximum conductivity in the treated leathers. The coating of polypyrrole in the treated leathers was probed using FT-IR, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopic analysis. FTIR confirms that the formation of polypyrrole on the leather surface as well as presence of prominent N-C stretching band. X-ray diffraction analysis suggests para-crystallinity in the PPy-treated leathers.We further demonstrate that the treated leathers, with maximum conductivity of 7.4 S/cm, can be used for making conductive gloves for operating touch-screen devices apart from other smart product applications.Keywords: electrical conductivity, in-situ polymerization, pyrrole, smart product
Procedia PDF Downloads 19422749 Future Metro Station: Remodeling Underground Environment Based on Experience Scenarios and IoT Technology
Authors: Joo Min Kim, Dongyoun Shin
The project Future Station (FS) seek for a deeper understanding of metro station. The main idea of the project is enhancing the underground environment by combining new architectural design with IoT technology. This research shows the understanding of the metro environment giving references regarding traditional design approaches and IoT combined space design. Based on the analysis, this research presents design alternatives in two metro stations those are chosen for a testbed. It also presents how the FS platform giving a response to travelers and deliver the benefit to metro operators. In conclusion, the project describes methods to build future metro service and platform that understand traveler’s intentions and giving appropriate services back for enhancing travel experience. It basically used contemporary technology such as smart sensing grid, big data analysis, smart building, and machine learning technology.Keywords: future station, digital lifestyle experience, sustainable metro, smart metro, smart city
Procedia PDF Downloads 29922748 Does Level of Countries Corruption Affect Firms Working Capital Management?
Authors: Ebrahim Mansoori, Datin Joriah Muhammad
Recent studies in finance have focused on the effect of external variables on working capital management. This study investigates the effect of corruption indexes on firms' working capital management. A large data set that covers data from 2005 to 2013 from five ASEAN countries, namely, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines, was selected to investigate how the level of corruption in these countries affect working capital management. The results of panel data analysis include fixed effect estimations showed that a high level of countries' corruption indexes encourages managers to shorten the CCC length. Meanwhile, the managers reduce the level of investment in cash and cash equivalents when the levels of corruption indexes increase. Therefore, increasing the level of countries' corruption indexes encourages managers to select conservative working capital strategies by reducing the level of NLB.Keywords: ASEAN, corruption indexes, panel data analysis, working capital management
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