Search results for: everyday life
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 7683

Search results for: everyday life

1203 The Willingness to Pay of People in Taiwan for Flood Protection Standard of Regions

Authors: Takahiro Katayama, Hsueh-Sheng Chang


Due to the global climate change, it has increased the extreme rainfall that led to serious floods around the world. In recent years, urbanization and population growth also tend to increase the number of impervious surfaces, resulting in significant loss of life and property during floods especially for the urban areas of Taiwan. In the past, the primary governmental response to floods was structural flood control and the only flood protection standards in use were the design standards. However, these design standards of flood control facilities are generally calculated based on current hydrological conditions. In the face of future extreme events, there is a high possibility to surpass existing design standards and cause damages directly and indirectly to the public. To cope with the frequent occurrence of floods in recent years, it has been pointed out that there is a need for a different standard called FPSR (Flood Protection Standard of Regions) in Taiwan. FPSR is mainly used for disaster reduction and used to ensure that hydraulic facilities draining regional flood immediately under specific return period. FPSR could convey a level of flood risk which is useful for land use planning and reflect the disaster situations that a region can bear. However, little has been reported on FPSR and its impacts to the public in Taiwan. Hence, this study proposes a quantity procedure to evaluate the FPSR. This study aimed to examine FPSR of the region and public perceptions of and knowledge about FPSR, as well as the public’s WTP (willingness to pay) for FPSR. The research is conducted via literature review and questionnaire method. Firstly, this study will review the domestic and international research on the FPSR, and provide the theoretical framework of FPSR. Secondly, CVM (Contingent Value Method) has been employed to conduct this survey and using double-bounded dichotomous choice, close-ended format elicits households WTP for raising the protection level to understand the social costs. The samplings of this study are citizens living in Taichung city, Taiwan and 700 samplings were chosen in this study. In the end, this research will continue working on surveys, finding out which factors determining WTP, and provide some recommendations for adaption policies for floods in the future.

Keywords: climate change, CVM (Contingent Value Method), FPSR (Flood Protection Standard of Regions), urban flooding

Procedia PDF Downloads 250
1202 Being Reticent for Healing – Singularity and Non-Verbalization in Indigenous Medical Practices in Sri Lanka

Authors: Ayami Umemura


The purpose of this paper is to examine the meaning of verbalization in clinical practice using the keywords silence and singularity. A patient's experience of illness and treatment is singular, irreplaceable, and irreproducible and ultimately cannot be compared with that of others. In his book Difference and Repetition, Gilles Deleuze positioned irreplaceable singularity as the opposite concept of particularity as a generalizable and substitutable property and matched the former with universality. He also said that singularity could not be represented because of its irreplaceable nature. Representation or verbalization is a procedure that converts an irreplaceable, idiosyncratic reality into something that can be substituted. Considering the act of verbalizing medical diagnosis based on this, it can be said that diagnosis is the practice of decontextualizing and generalizing the suffering embedded in the patient's irreplaceable life history as a disease. This paper examines the above with the key concept of the practice of "non-verbalization" in traditional medical practices in Sri Lanka. In the practice of Sri Lankan traditional medicine and the inheritance of medical knowledge and care techniques, there is a tendency to avoid verbalizing specific matters or stating them aloud. Specifically, the following should be avoided. The healer informs the patient of the name of the disease, mentions the name of the herb used in front of the patient, explains the patient's condition to the healer, and referring the names of poisonous animals, such as poisonous snakes that have been damaged. And so on. Furthermore, when passing on medical knowledge and skills, it is also possible to avoid verbalizing knowledge of medicinal herbs and medical treatment methods and explaining them verbally. In addition to the local belief that the soul of language in Sri Lanka is deeply involved in this background, Sri Lankan traditional medicine has a unique view of the human body and personality that is rooted in the singularity that appears in the relationship with the movement of celestial bodies and the supernatural realm. It can be pointed out that it is premised on the view. In other words, the “silence” in Sri Lankan indigenous medicine is the reason for emphasizing specificity. Furthermore, we can say that "non-verbalization" is a practice aimed at healing. Based on these discussions, this paper will focus on the unique relationships between practitioners and patients that become invisible due to verbalization, which is overlooked by clinical medicine, where informed consent, ensuring transparency, and audit culture is dominant. We will examine the experience of treatment and aim to relativize clinical medicine, which is based on audit cultures.

Keywords: audit cultures, indigenous medicine, singularity, verbalization

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1201 Assessment of Incidence and Predictors of Mortality Among HIV Positive Children on Art in Public Hospitals of Harer Town Who Were Enrolled From 2011 to 2021

Authors: Getahun Nigusie Demise


Background; antiretroviral treatment reduce HIV-related morbidity, and prolonged survival of patients however, there is lack of up-to-date information concerning the treatment long term effect on the survival of HIV positive children especially in the study area. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the incidence and predictors of mortality among HIV positive children on antiretroviral therapy (ART) in public hospitals of Harer town who were enrolled from 2011 to 2021. Methodology: Institution based retrospective cohort study was conducted among 429 HIV positive children enrolled in ART clinic from January 1st 2011 to December30th 2021. Data were collected from medical cards by using a data extraction form, Descriptive analyses were used to Summarized the results, and life table was used to estimate survival probability at specific point of time after introduction of ART. Kaplan Meier survival curve together with log rank test was used to compare survival between different categories of covariates, and Multivariate Cox-proportional hazard regression model was used to estimate adjusted Hazard rate. Variables with p-values ≤0.25 in bivariable analysis were candidates to the multivariable analysis. Finally, variables with p-values < 0.05 were considered as significant variables. Results: The study participants had followed for a total of 2549.6 child-years (30596 child months) with an overall mortality rate of 1.5 (95% CI: 1.1, 2.04) per 100 child-years. Their median survival time was 112 months (95% CI: 101–117). There were 38 children with unknown outcome, 39 deaths, and 55 children transfer out to different facility. The overall survival at 6, 12, 24, 48 months were 98%, 96%, 95%, 94% respectively. being in WHO clinical Stage four (AHR=4.55, 95% CI:1.36, 15.24), having anemia(AHR=2.56, 95% CI:1.11, 5.93), baseline low absolute CD4 count (AHR=2.95, 95% CI: 1.22, 7.12), stunting (AHR=4.1, 95% CI: 1.11, 15.42), wasting (AHR=4.93, 95% CI: 1.31, 18.76), poor adherence to treatment (AHR=3.37, 95% CI: 1.25, 9.11), having TB infection at enrollment (AHR=3.26, 95% CI: 1.25, 8.49),and no history of change their regimen(AHR=7.1, 95% CI: 2.74, 18.24), were independent predictors of death. Conclusion: more than half of death occurs within 2 years. Prevalent tuberculosis, anemia, wasting, and stunting nutritional status, socioeconomic factors, and baseline opportunistic infection were independent predictors of death. Increasing early screening and managing those predictors are required.

Keywords: human immunodeficiency virus-positive children, anti-retroviral therapy, survival, treatment, Ethiopia

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1200 Low Carbon Tourism Management: Strategies for Climate-Friendly Tourism of Koh Mak, Thailand

Authors: Panwad Wongthong, Thanan Apivantanaporn, Sutthiwan Amattayakul


Nature-based tourism is one of the fastest growing industries that can bring in economic benefits, improve quality of life and promote conservation of biodiversity and habitats. As tourism develops, substantial socio-economic and environmental costs become more explicit. Particularly in island destinations, the dynamic system and geographical limitations makes the intensity of tourism development and severity of the negative environmental impacts greater. The current contribution of the tourism sector to global climate change is established at approximately 5% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. In all scenarios, tourism is anticipated to grow substantially and to account for an increasingly large share of global greenhouse gas emissions. This has prompted an urgent call for more sustainable alternatives. This study selected a small island of Koh Mak in Thailand as a case study because of its reputation of being laid back, family oriented and rich in biodiversity. Importantly, it is a test platform for low carbon tourism development project supported by the Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (DASTA) in collaboration with the Institute for Small and Medium Enterprises Development (ISMED). The study explores strategies for low carbon tourism management and assesses challenges and opportunities for Koh Mak to become a low carbon tourism destination. The goal is to identify suitable management approaches applicable for Koh Mak which may then be adapted to other small islands in Thailand and the region. Interventions/initiatives to increase energy efficiency in hotels and resorts; cut carbon emissions; reduce impacts on the environment; and promote conservation will be analyzed. Ways toward long-term sustainability of climate-friendly tourism will be recommended. Recognizing the importance of multi-stakeholder involvement in the tourism sector, findings from this study can reward Koh Mak tourism industry with a triple-win: cost savings and compliance with higher standards/markets; less waste, air emissions and effluents; and better capabilities of change, motivation of business owners, staff, tourists as well as residents. The consideration of climate change issues in the planning and implementation of tourism development is of great significance to protect the tourism sector from negative impacts.

Keywords: climate change, CO2 emissions, low carbon tourism, sustainable tourism management

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1199 Internationalization of Higher Education in Malaysia-Rationale for Global Citizens

Authors: Irma Wani Othman


The internationalization of higher education in Malaysia mainly focuses to place the implementation of the strategic, comprehensive and integrated range of stakeholders in order to highlight the visibility of Malaysia as a hub of academic excellence. While the concept of 'global citizenship' is used as a two-pronged strategy of aggressive marketing by universities which includes; (i) the involvement of the academic expatriates in stimulating international activities of higher education and (ii) an increase in international student enrollment capacity for the enculturation of science and the development of first class mentality. In this aspect, aspirations for a transnational social movement through global citizenship status to establish the identity of the university community without borders (borderless universities) - regardless of skin colour, thus rationalize and liberalize the universal principles of life and cultural traditions of a nation. The education system earlier referred by the spirit of nationalism is now progressing due to globalization, hence forming a system of higher education that is relevant and generated by the need of all time. However, debates arose when the involvement of global citizenship is said to threaten the ultimate university autonomy in determining the direction of academic affairs and governance of their human resources. Stemming from this debate, this study aims to explore the experience of 'global citizenship' that the academic expatriates and international students in shaping the university's strategic needs and interests which are in line with the transition of contemporary higher education. The objective of this study is to examine the acculturation experience of the global citizen in the form of transnational higher education system and suggest policy and policing IHE which refers directly to the experience of the global citizen. This study offers a detailed understanding of how the university communities assess their expatriation experience, thus becoming useful information for learning and transforming education. The findings also open an advanced perspective on the international mobility of human resources and the implications on the implementation of the policy of internationalization of higher education. The contribution of this study is expected to give new input, thus shift the focus of contextual literature for the internationalization of the education system. Instead of focusing on the purpose of generating income of a university, to a greater understanding of subjective experience in utilizing international human resources hence contributing to the prominent transnational character of higher education.

Keywords: internationalization, global citizens, Malaysia higher education, academic expatriate, international students

Procedia PDF Downloads 315
1198 Honey Intoxication: A Unique Cause of Sudden Cardiac Collapse

Authors: Bharat Rawat, Shekhar Rajbhandari, Yadav Bhatta, Jay Prakash Jaiswal, Shivaji Bikram Silwal, Rajiv Shrestha, Shova Sunuwar


Introduction: The honey produced by the bees fed on Rhobdodendron species containing grayanotoxin is known as mad honey. Grayanotoxin is found in honey obtained from the nectar of Rhododendron species growing on the mountains of the Black Sea region of Turkey and also in Japan, Nepal, Brazil, parts of North America, and Europe. Although the incidence of grayanotoxin poisoning is rare, there is concern that the number of cases per year will rise with the increasing demand for organic products. Mad honey intoxication might present with mild symptoms of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and neurological systems or might also present with a life-threatening form with AV block and cardiovascular collapse. In this article, we describe the summary of five cases, which came to our hospital with mad honey related cardiac complications. Findings: In last one year, five cases presented in the emergency department with sudden onset of Loss of consciousness, dizziness, shortness of breath. They felt difficulty after the consumption of 1-3 teaspoonful of wild honey. The honey was brought from most of the rural parts of Nepal like khotang. Some of them also came with vomiting, dizziness, and loose stool. On examination, most of them had severe bradycardia and low blood pressure. No abnormalities were detected on systemic examinations. In one patient, ECG and cardiac enzymes showed features of the acute coronary syndrome, but his treadmill test done few days later was normal. All patients were managed with inj. Atropine, I/V normal saline, and other supportive measures and discharged in a stable condition within one or two days. Conclusions: Rhododendrons is the national flower of Nepal. The specific species of rhododendron found in Nepal which contains the toxin is not known. Bees feeding on these rhododendrons are known to transfer the grayanotoxin to the honey they produce. Most symptoms are mild and resolve themselves without medical intervention. Signs and symptoms of grayanotoxin poisoning rarely last more than 24 hours and are usually not fatal. Some signs of mad honey poisoning include Bradycardia, Cardiac arrhythmia, Hypotension, Nausea and Vomiting. They respond to close monitoring and appropriate supportive treatment. Normally, patients recover completely with no residual damage to the heart or its conduction system.

Keywords: rhobdodendron, honey, grayanotoxin, bradycardia

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1197 Exploring Causes of Irregular Migration: Evidence from Rural Punjab, India

Authors: Kulwinder Singh


Punjab is one of the major labour exporting states of India. Every year more than 20,000 youths from Punjab attempt irregular migration. About 84 irregular migrants are from rural areas and 16 per cent from urban areas. Irregular migration could only be achieved if be organized through highly efficient international networks with the countries of origin, transit, and destination. A good number of Punjabis continue to immigrate into the UK for work through unauthorized means entering the country on visit visas and overstaying or getting ‘smuggled into’ the country with the help of transnational networks of agents. Although, the efforts are being made by the government to curb irregular migration through The Punjab Prevention of Human Smuggling Rules (2012, 2014) and Punjab Travel Regulation Act (2012), but yet it exists parallel to regular migration. Despite unprecedented miseries of irregular migrants and strict laws implemented by the state government to check this phenomenon, ‘why do Punjabis migrate abroad irregularly’ is the important question to answer. This study addresses this question through the comparison of irregular migration with regular one. In other words, this analysis reveals major causes, specifically economic ones, of irregular migration from rural Punjab. This study is unique by presenting economics of irregular migration, given previous studies emphasize the role of sociological and psychological factors. Addressing important question “why do Punjabis migrate abroad irregularly?”, the present study reveals that Punjabi, being far-sighted, endeavor irregular migration as it is, though, economically nonviable in short run, but offers lucrative economic gains as gets older. Despite its considerably higher cost viz-a-viz regular migration, it is the better employment option to irregular migrants with higher permanent income than local low paid jobs for which risking life has become the mindset of the rural Punjabis. Although, it carries considerably lower economic benefits as compared to regular migration, but provides the opportunity of migrating abroad to less educated, semi-skilled and language-test ineligible Punjabis who cannot migrate through regular channels. As its positive impacts on source and destination countries are evident, it might not be restricted, rather its effective management, through liberalising restrictive migration policies by destination nations, can protect the interests of all involved stakeholders.

Keywords: cost, migration, income, irregular, regular, remittances

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1196 Online Public Transport Safety Awareness System

Authors: Danny Mwangi, Collins Oduor Ondiek


Mass mobility is one of the most important characteristics of every industrialized civilization. Man must travel about in order to fulfill his commitment to putting food on his table. As a result, movement is an important part of human life. Man must travel from one place to another. This is a natural trait of humans, according to elementary science. Variables in human mobility have arisen as a result of technological advancements over time. Public transit is one of these modes of transportation. When it comes to reducing safety-related risks in the public transport system, awareness is crucial. So much so even when it comes to public transportation in Kenya. Having a system that can be able to keep users updated with real-time traffic updates on the route, they are on and also have the ability to rate drivers after a trip could go a long way in improving safety on Kenyan roads. What this proposed system is intended to accomplish is to reduce occurrences of reckless driving and give matatu drivers the feeling that they are accountable to someone and more so have the incentive to be better drivers who are motivated to follow the law and have passenger safety as a priority. The research was conducted, and the findings show that 95.2% of respondents were not satisfied with the current safety measures in the Kenyan public transport sector. This means that the chances for this system to be accepted in the market are high because it addresses a key issue. 98.8% of the respondents were of the opinion that the implementation of the proposed system would significantly increase safety measures in the public transport sector. During the research, it was clear that the main challenge 77.1% of the respondents face when using public transport is that there is no way to monitor driver safety performance, and 68.7% of the respondent believed the widespread use of unroadworthy public transit vehicles contributed to the lack of safety when using public transport. However, 77.1% of the respondents expect the benefit of creating a sense of accountability for the drivers, and 74.7% of the respondents expect the benefit of increased passenger safety. 63.9% believe that with the implementation of the system, there will be the benefit of monitoring driver performance. This shows that with the implementation of the proposed system, it will be possible to make a lot of progress in terms of making Kenyan roads safer when using public transit. According to the findings, it is recommended that this proposed public transportation safety awareness system be implemented as it will be able to address matatu passengers' safety concerns while also encouraging matatu drivers to drive more carefully. As a result, it's a project with a chance of becoming viable, marketable, and feasible.

Keywords: public safety, public transportation, accountable driving, safe transportation

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1195 Buddhism and Innovative Sustainable Development

Authors: Sraman Sree Mattananda


This present article is an analytical research on ‘Buddhism and Innovative Sustainable Development.' The main purpose of researching is to the better understanding of many social science theories both in politics and in economics. And the understanding of both Buddhism and science is complementary in order to enable any individual to live a full and meaningful human life. How people can avoid conflict, socially, economically, politically and spiritually using Buddhist teachings for a sustainable development. The aim of studying is also to comprehend every human to be aware that peoples’ happiness and sorrow depends on the choices that they had taken to do what was perceptional right and wrong. Everything that happens does have a reason. This study will be supported by the supply of environmental knowledge, philosophy, and experience. Within the domestic and international cultures, this knowledge might provide a significant basis for the contemporary and the future world. Happiness and unsatisfactoriness of mind depend on the consequences of what we had already done. This is to give deep sense to adjust the nature of all that exists and desire not to attach to them and to liberate oneself leaving the reality as it is. An implicit of references will be drawn from the primary sources, secondary sources, internet sources, and other Scholar’s diamond writings, to prove the investigation of philosophical and theoretical analysis. After the investigation of philosophical and theoretical analysis, the article will demonstrate about, what Buddha advised the follows to stop over-exploitation and how to eradicate conflicts to gain a peaceful society. This will be a lively awareness in the approach to the understanding of the Buddhist view of reality and adopt with middle path. The last part of the article will concern with the Buddhist Challenge of sustaining the society and how Buddhist contemporary scholars interpret sustainable development issues. Mahatma Gandhi’s emphasize to use Buddhist Non-Violence will be demonstrating to gain peace, freedom, and security. Twelve things that concern us when we want to explore the issues of sustainability, demonstrated by A Little Book of Hope will be cleared. How individual hearts can implicate to the contemporary globe will be demonstrated to obtain healthy and practical environment. Finally, generating new awareness and care by minimizing the negative impact on earth resources will reduce the degradation of the planet which would pose a challenge to sustain Development.

Keywords: Buddhism, economic, sustainable development, Buddhist ethics

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1194 One Decade Later: The Conundrum of Unrecognized Asherman Syndrome

Authors: Maria Francesca Lavadia-Gumabao, Mary Antoinette Salvamante-Torallo


Introduction: The fibrous intrauterine adhesions forming inside the uterus and/or cervix in Asherman syndrome can obstruct the internal cervical orifice and may present as a case of outflow tract obstruction. Asherman syndrome is often overlooked since it has no specific presentation and is undetectable by routine physical examinations or diagnostic procedures such as an ultrasound. This paper highlights the delay and elusive diagnosis of Asherman syndrome which negatively impacted the patient’s fertility and quality of life. Case presentation: A 33-year-old woman (gravida 3, para 3) who presented with secondary amenorrhea for thirteen years associated with cyclic pelvic pain and secondary infertility sought a consultation at our institution for evaluation and specialty management. The patient had no other well-established risk factors for Asherman syndrome aside from pregnancy. For more than a decade, she delayed seeking medical care. At presentation, history taking, physical examination, and ultrasound were not helpful in identifying the cause of outflow tract obstruction. Diagnostic hysteroscopy was then performed, during which extensive scarring and fibrosis completely obscured the internal cervical orifice were observed, consistent with the diagnosis of Asherman syndrome (Grade 5B). The patient then underwent ultrasound guided hysteroscopy outflow tract dilatation and responded well to the treatment as she had her menstrual period a month after the procedure and no longer had cyclic pelvic pain with a repeat ultrasound finding of an unremarkable uterus. The hispathology result of the tissues retrieved revealed myometrial fragments with associated old hemorrhage benign endometrial stromal tissues, which failed to show endometrial glands. Conclusion: The delay and elusive diagnosis of Asherman syndrome can be brought about by poor health seeking behavior of patients and difficulty in detecting this condition by routine physical examinations or diagnostic procedures such as an ultrasound. It is, therefore, necessary to include Asherman syndrome in the differential diagnosis of secondary amenorrhea and secondary infertility. With expertise in hysteroscopy, early diagnosis, proper classification in the advent of hysteroscopy, and optimal management can improve patient outcomes.

Keywords: Asherman syndrome, outflow tract obstruction, secondary amenorrhea, infertility, hysteroscopy

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1193 Optimization Approach to Integrated Production-Inventory-Routing Problem for Oxygen Supply Chains

Authors: Yena Lee, Vassilis M. Charitopoulos, Karthik Thyagarajan, Ian Morris, Jose M. Pinto, Lazaros G. Papageorgiou


With globalisation, the need to have better coordination of production and distribution decisions has become increasingly important for industrial gas companies in order to remain competitive in the marketplace. In this work, we investigate a problem that integrates production, inventory, and routing decisions in a liquid oxygen supply chain. The oxygen supply chain consists of production facilities, external third-party suppliers, and multiple customers, including hospitals and industrial customers. The product produced by the plants or sourced from the competitors, i.e., third-party suppliers, is distributed by a fleet of heterogenous vehicles to satisfy customer demands. The objective is to minimise the total operating cost involving production, third-party, and transportation costs. The key decisions for production include production and inventory levels and product amount from third-party suppliers. In contrast, the distribution decisions involve customer allocation, delivery timing, delivery amount, and vehicle routing. The optimisation of the coordinated production, inventory, and routing decisions is a challenging problem, especially when dealing with large-size problems. Thus, we present a two-stage procedure to solve the integrated problem efficiently. First, the problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model by simplifying the routing component. The solution from the first-stage MILP model yields the optimal customer allocation, production and inventory levels, and delivery timing and amount. Then, we fix the previous decisions and solve a detailed routing. In the second stage, we propose a column generation scheme to address the computational complexity of the resulting detailed routing problem. A case study considering a real-life oxygen supply chain in the UK is presented to illustrate the capability of the proposed models and solution method. Furthermore, a comparison of the solutions from the proposed approach with the corresponding solutions provided by existing metaheuristic techniques (e.g., guided local search and tabu search algorithms) is presented to evaluate the efficiency.

Keywords: production planning, inventory routing, column generation, mixed-integer linear programming

Procedia PDF Downloads 113
1192 The Representation of the Medieval Idea of Ugliness in Messiaen's Saint François d’Assise

Authors: Nana Katsia


This paper explores the ways both medieval and medievalist conceptions of ugliness might be linked to the physical and spiritual transformation of the protagonists and how it is realised through specific musical rhythm, such as the dochmiac rhythm in the opera. As Eco and Henderson note, only one kind of ugliness could be represented in conformity with nature in the Middle Ages without destroying all aesthetic pleasure and, in turn, artistic beauty: namely, a form of ugliness which arouses disgust. Moreover, Eco explores the fact that the enemies of Christ who condemn, martyr, and crucify him are represented as wicked inside. In turn, the representation of inner wickedness and hostility toward God brings with it outward ugliness, coarseness, barbarity, and rage. Ultimately these result in the deformation of the figure. In all these regards, the non-beautiful is represented here as a necessary phase, which is not the case with classical (the ancient Greek) concepts of Beauty. As we can see, the understanding of disfigurement and ugliness in the Middle Ages was both varied and complex. In the Middle Ages, the disfigurement caused by leprosy (and other skin and bodily conditions) was interpreted, in a somewhat contradictory manner, as both a curse and a gift from God. Some saints’ lives even have the saint appealing to be inflicted with the disease as part of their mission toward true humility. We shall explore that this ‘different concept’ of ugliness (non-classical beauty) might be represented in Messiaen’s opera. According to Messiaen, the Leper and Saint François are the principal characters of the third scene, as both of them will be transformed, and a double miracle will take place in the process. Messiaen mirrors the idea of the true humility of Saint’s life and positions Le Baiser au Lépreux as the culmination of the first act. The Leper’s character represents his physical and spiritual disfigurement, which are healed after the miracle. So, the scene can be viewed as an encounter between beauty and ugliness, and that much of it is spent in a study of ugliness. Dochmiac rhythm is one of the most important compositional elements in the opera. It plays a crucial role in the process of creating a dramatic musical narrative and structure in the composition. As such, we shall explore how Messiaen represents the medieval idea of ugliness in the opera through particular musical elements linked to the main protagonists’ spiritual or physical ugliness; why Messiaen makes reference to dochmiac rhythm, and how they create the musical and dramatic context in the opera for the medieval aesthetic category of ugliness.

Keywords: ugliness in music, medieval time, saint françois d’assise, messiaen

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1191 Enhancing Social Well-Being in Older Adults Through Tailored Technology Interventions: A Future Systematic Review

Authors: Rui Lin, Jimmy Xiangji Huang, Gary Spraakman


This forthcoming systematic review will underscore the imperative of leveraging technology to mitigate social isolation in older adults, particularly in the context of unprecedented global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. With the continual evolution of technology, it becomes crucial to scrutinize the efficacy of interventions and discern how they can alleviate social isolation and augment social well-being among the elderly. This review will strive to clarify the best methods for older adults to utilize cost-effective and user-friendly technology and will investigate how the adaptation and execution of such interventions can be fine-tuned to maximize their positive outcomes. The study will follow the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines to filter pertinent studies. We foresee conducting an analysis of articles and executing a narrative analysis to discover themes and indicators related to quality of life and, technology use and well-being. The review will examine how involving older adults at the community level, applying top practices from community-based participatory research, can establish efficient strategies to implement technology-based interventions designed to diminish social isolation and boost digital use self-efficacy. Applications based on mobile technology and virtual platforms are set to assume a crucial role not only in enhancing connections within families but also in connecting older adults to vital healthcare resources, fostering both physical and mental well-being. The review will investigate how technological devices and platforms can address the cognitive, visual, and auditory requirements of older adults, thus strengthening their confidence and proficiency in digital use—a crucial factor during enforced social distancing or self-isolation periods during pandemics. This review will endeavor to provide insights into the multifaceted benefits of technology for older adults, focusing on how tailored technological interventions can be a beacon of social and mental wellness in times of social restrictions. It will contribute to the growing body of knowledge on the intersection of technology and elderly well-being, offering nuanced understandings and practical implications for developing user-centric, effective, and inclusive technological solutions for older populations.

Keywords: older adults, health service delivery, digital health, social isolation, social well-being

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1190 The Yield of Neuroimaging in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department with Isolated Neuro-Ophthalmological Conditions

Authors: Dalia El Hadi, Alaa Bou Ghannam, Hala Mostafa, Hana Mansour, Ibrahim Hashim, Soubhi Tahhan, Tharwat El Zahran


Introduction: Neuro-ophthalmological emergencies require prompt assessment and management to avoid vision or life-threatening sequelae. Some would require neuroimaging. Most commonly used are the CT and MRI of the Brain. They can be over-used when not indicated. Their yield remains dependent on multiple factors relating to the clinical scenario. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted by reviewing the electronic medical records of patients presenting to the Emergency Department (ED) with isolated neuro-ophthalmologic complaints. For each patient, data were collected on the clinical presentation, whether neuroimaging was performed (and which type), and the result of neuroimaging. Analysis of the performed neuroimaging was made, and its yield was determined. Results: A total of 211 patients were reviewed. The complaints or symptoms at presentation were: blurry vision, change in the visual field, transient vision loss, floaters, double vision, eye pain, eyelid droop, headache, dizziness and others such as nausea or vomiting. In the ED, a total of 126 neuroimaging procedures were performed. Ninety-four imagings (74.6%) were normal, while 32 (25.4%) had relevant abnormal findings. Only 2 symptoms were significant for abnormal imaging: blurry vision (p-value= 0.038) and visual field change (p-value= 0.014). While 4 physical exam findings had significant abnormal imaging: visual field defect (p-value= 0.016), abnormal pupil reactivity (p-value= 0.028), afferent pupillary defect (p-value= 0.018), and abnormal optic disc exam (p-value= 0.009). Conclusion: Risk indicators for abnormal neuroimaging in the setting of neuro-ophthalmological emergencies are blurred vision or changes in the visual field on history taking. While visual field irregularities, abnormal pupil reactivity with or without afferent pupillary defect, or abnormal optic discs, are risk factors related to physical testing. These findings, when present, should sway the ED physician towards neuroimaging but still individualizing each case is of utmost importance to prevent time-consuming, resource-draining, and sometimes unnecessary workup. In the end, it suggests a well-structured patient-centered algorithm to be followed by ED physicians.

Keywords: emergency department, neuro-ophthalmology, neuroimaging, risk indicators

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1189 The Difficulties Male Nurses Facing up Due to the Nurse Degree which has the Meaning of ‘Sister’ in Turkish

Authors: Hacer Erdöl, Merve Aydın, Hacer Kobya Bulut, Kıymet Yeşilçiçek Çalık


Like all occupations, nursing is significantly influenced by the society which it serves and it also affects it. Social structure affects attitudes of nurses, nursing practice, society's attitudes towards nursing and those who have chosen nursing as a profession. People who choose nursing schools take the views of the society’s they live in on nursing to nursing school. Until the 1960s, many nursing schools had not accepted men as students and women had received nursing education and profession had been carried out by women. In our country, in 2007 an amendment to article eight of Nursing Law was passed and with these changes men also began to be able to choose the nursing as a profession. In Turkish, nurse means 'sister'. Hence, in this study to determine the problems that male nursing students likely encounter at the clinic, non-clinical environment and in their private life regarding the title of nurse, among qualitative research methods phenomenological research design was used. Using purpose sampling method, a total of 18 voluntary male students-13 in third grade and 5 in fourth grade at nursing school- were taken to the study. Data were collected through interviews and by the ethical principles much attention was paid to ensure the confidentiality and to protect participants’ identity. During the interviews lasting 30-40 minutes on average, nine pre-configured standard questions were asked and when necessary free questions were also used in order to ensure the clarity of the responses. With pre- configured standard questions, the reasons why students chose the profession, the problems they had in clinical and non-clinical environment and the potential problems they might encounter in their private lives regarding the title of nurse were questioned. Content analysis was performed on data collected and three main themes were obtained. According to the findings of the evaluation of data, it was found that almost all the students preferred the profession due to possible work opportunities, there were students who did not bother nurse title as well as the ones who did bother and as the most important problem they might encounter in their private lives was to feel worried if their kids had to answer "What does your father" question as "my dad is a nurse" and being ridiculed afterwards. The results of this study show that studies should be done to change the social judgment stemmed from the recognition of nursing as a female profession and take advantage of media through creating public spotlight to accomplish this.

Keywords: choice of profession, the title of the profession, title problems, nursing

Procedia PDF Downloads 203
1188 Decision-Tree-Based Foot Disorders Classification Using Demographic Variable

Authors: Adel Khorramrouz, Monireh Ahmadi Bani, Ehsan Norouzi


Background:-Due to the essential role of the foot in movement, foot disorders (FDs) have significant impacts on activity and quality of life. Many studies confirmed the association between FDs and demographic characteristics. On the other hand, recent advances in data collection and statistical analysis led to an increase in the volume of databases. Analysis of patient’s data through the decision tree can be used to explore the relationship between demographic characteristics and FDs. Significance of the study: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between demographic characteristics with common FDs. The second purpose is to better inform foot intervention, we classify FDs based on demographic variables. Methodologies: We analyzed 2323 subjects with pes-planus (PP), pes-cavus (PC), hallux-valgus (HV) and plantar-fasciitis (PF) who were referred to a foot therapy clinic between 2015 and 2021. Subjects had to fulfill the following inclusion criteria: (1) weight between 14 to 150 kilogram, (2) height between 30 to 220, (3) age between 3 to 100 years old, and (4) BMI between 12 to 35. Medical archives of 2323 subjects were recorded retrospectively and all the subjects examined by an experienced physician. Age and BMI were classified into five and four groups, respectively. 80% of the data were randomly selected as training data and 20% tested. We build a decision tree model to classify FDs using demographic characteristics. Findings: Results demonstrated 981 subjects from 2323 (41.9%) of people who were referred to the clinic with FDs were diagnosed as PP, 657 (28.2%) PC, 628 (27%) HV and 213 (9%) identified with PF. The results revealed that the prevalence of PP decreased in people over 18 years of age and in children over 7 years. In adults, the prevalence depends first on BMI and then on gender. About 10% of adults and 81% of children with low BMI have PP. There is no relationship between gender and PP. PC is more dependent on age and gender. In children under 7 years, the prevalence was twice in girls (10%) than boys (5%) and in adults over 18 years slightly higher in men (62% vs 57%). HV increased with age in women and decreased in men. Aging and obesity have increased the prevalence of PF. We conclude that the accuracy of our approach is sufficient for most research applications in FDs. Conclusion:-The increased prevalence of PP in children is probably due to the formation of the arch of the foot at this age. Increasing BMI by applying high pressure on the foot can increase the prevalence of this disorder in the foot. In PC, the Increasing prevalence of PC from women to men with age may be due to genetics and innate susceptibility of men to this disorder. HV is more common in adult women, which may be due to environmental reasons such as shoes, and the prevalence of PF in obese adult women may also be due to higher foot pressure and housekeeping activities.

Keywords: decision tree, demographic characteristics, foot disorders, machine learning

Procedia PDF Downloads 263
1187 Positive Thinking Reexamined: The Reality of the Role of Negativity & Emotions in the Pursuit of Goals

Authors: Lindsay Foreman


Introduction: Goals have become synonymous with the quest for the good life and the pursuit of happiness, with coaching and positive psychology gaining popularity as an approach in recent decades. And yet mental health is on the rise and the leading cause of disability, wellbeing is on the decline, stress is leading to 50-60% of workday absences and the need for action is indisputable and urgent. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to better understand two things we cannot see, but that play the most significant role in these outcomes - what we think and how we feel. With many working on the assumption that positive thinking and an optimistic outlook are necessary or valuable components of goal pursuit, this study uncovers the reality of the ‘inner-game’ from the coachees perspective. Method: With a mixed methods design using a Q Method study of subjectivity to ‘make the unseen seen’. First, a wide-ranging universe of subjective thoughts and feelings experienced during goal pursuit are explored.. These are generated from literature and a Qualtrics survey to create a Q-Set of 40 statements. Then 19 participants in professional and organisational settings offer their perspectives on these 40 Q-Set statements. Each rank them in a semi-forced distribution from ‘most like me’ to ‘least like me’ using Q-Sort software. From these individual perspectives, clusters of perspectives are identified using factor analysis and four distinct viewpoints, have emerged. Findings: These Goal Pursuit Viewpoints offer insight into the states and self-talk experienced by coachees and may not reflect the assumption of positive thinking associated with achieving goals. The four Viewpoints are 1) the Positive View, 2) the Realistic View 3) The Dreamer View and 4) The Conflicted View. With only a quarter of the Dreamer View, and a third of the Positive view going on to achieve their goals, these assumptions need review. And with all the Realistic View going on to achieve their goals, the role of self-doubt, overwhelm and anxiousness in goal achievement cannot be overlooked. Contribution: This study offers greater insight and understanding of people's inner experiences as they pursue goals and highlights the necessary and normal negative states associated with goal achievement. It also offers a practical tool of 40 ‘Clarity Card’ Q-set statements to help coaches and coachees explore the current state and help navigate the journey towards goal achievement. It calls into question whether goals should always be part of coaching, and if values, identity, and purpose may play a greater role than goals

Keywords: self-talk, mental health, inner critic, inner coach

Procedia PDF Downloads 60
1186 Validation of a Placebo Method with Potential for Blinding in Ultrasound-Guided Dry Needling

Authors: Johnson C. Y. Pang, Bo Peng, Kara K. L. Reeves, Allan C. L. Fud


Objective: Dry needling (DN) has long been used as a treatment method for various musculoskeletal pain conditions. However, the evidence level of the studies was low due to the limitations of the methodology. Lack of randomization and inappropriate blinding is potentially the main sources of bias. A method that can differentiate clinical results due to the targeted experimental procedure from its placebo effect is needed to enhance the validity of the trial. Therefore, this study aimed to validate the method as a placebo ultrasound(US)-guided DN for patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Design: This is a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Ninety subjects (25 males and 65 females) aged between 51 and 80 (61.26 ± 5.57) with radiological KOA were recruited and randomly assigned into three groups with a computer program. Group 1 (G1) received real US-guided DN, Group 2 (G2) received placebo US-guided DN, and Group 3 (G3) was the control group. Both G1 and G2 subjects received the same procedure of US-guided DN, except the US monitor was turned off in G2, blinding the G2 subjects to the incorporation of faux US guidance. This arrangement created the placebo effect intended to permit comparison of their results to those who received actual US-guided DN. Outcome measures, including the visual analog scale (VAS) and Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) subscales of pain, symptoms, and quality of life (QOL), were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for time effects and group effects. The data regarding the perception of receiving real US-guided DN or placebo US-guided DN were analyzed by the chi-squared test. The missing data were analyzed with the intention-to-treat (ITT) approach if more than 5% of the data were missing. Results: The placebo US-guided DN (G2) subjects had the same perceptions as the use of real US guidance in the advancement of DN (p<0.128). G1 had significantly higher pain reduction (VAS and KOOS-pain) than G2 and G3 at 8 weeks (both p<0.05) only. There was no significant difference between G2 and G3 at 8 weeks (both p>0.05). Conclusion: The method with the US monitor turned off during the application of DN is credible for blinding the participants and allowing researchers to incorporate faux US guidance. The validated placebo US-guided DN technique can aid in investigations of the effects of US-guided DN with short-term effects of pain reduction for patients with KOA. Acknowledgment: This work was supported by the Caritas Institute of Higher Education [grant number IDG200101].

Keywords: ultrasound-guided dry needling, dry needling, knee osteoarthritis, physiotheraphy

Procedia PDF Downloads 120
1185 The Preliminary Study of the Possible Relationship between Urban Open Space System and Residents' Health Outcome

Authors: Jia-Jin He, Tzu-Yuan Stessa Chao


It is generally accepted that community residents with abundant open space have better health status on average, and thus more and more cities around the world began their pursuit of the greatest possible amount of green space within urban areas through urban planning approach. Nevertheless, only a few studies managed to provide empirical evidence regarding the actual relationship between 'providing' green space and 'improving' human health at city level. There is also lack of evidence of direct positive improvement of health by increasing the amount of green space. For urban planning professional, it is important to understand citizens’ usage behaviour towards green space as a critical evidence for future planning and design strategies. There is a research need to further investigate the amount of green space, user behaviour of green spaces and the health outcome of urban dwellers. To this end, we would like to find out other important factors for urban dwellers’ usage behaviours of green spaces. 'Average green spaces per person' is one of the National well-being Indicators in Taiwan as in many other countries. Through our preliminary research, we collected and analyzed the official data of planned open space coverages, average life expectancy, exercise frequency and obesity ratio in all cities of Taiwan. The study result indicates an interesting finding that Kaohsiung city, the second largest city in Taiwan, tells a completely different story. Citizens in Kaosiung city have more open spaces than any other city through urban planning, yet have relatively unhealthy condition in contrary. Whether it pointed out that the amount of the open spaces per person has would not direct to the health outcome. Therefore, the pre-established view which states that open spaces must have positive effects on human health should be examined more prudently. Hence, this paper intends to explore the relationship between user behaviour of open spaces and citizens’ health conditions by critically analyzing past related literature and collecting selective data from government health database in 2015. We also take Kaohsiung city, as a case study area to conduct statistical analysis first followed by questionnaire survey to gain a better understanding. Finally, we aim to feedback our findings to the current planning system in Taiwan for better health promotion urbanized areas.

Keywords: open spaces, urban planning systems, healthy cities, health outcomes

Procedia PDF Downloads 167
1184 Functional Performance Needs of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Authors: Noor Taleb Ismael, Areej Abd Al Kareem Al Titi, Ala'a Fayez Jaber


Objectives: To investigate self-perceived functional performance among adults with IDD who are Jordanian residential care and rehabilitation centers residents. Also, to investigate their functional abilities (i.e., motor, and cognitive). In addition, to determine the motor and cognitive predictors of their functional performance. Methods: The study utilized a cross-sectional descriptive design; the sample included 180 individuals with IDD (90 males and 90 females) aged 18 to 75 years. The inclusion criteria encompassed: 1) Adults with a confirmed IDD by their physician’s professional and 2) residents in Jordanian Residential Care and Rehabilitation Centers affiliated with the Jordanian Ministry of Social Development. The exclusion criteria were: 1) bedridden or totally dependent on their care providers; 2) who had an accident or acquired neurological conditions. Researchers conducted semi-structured interviews to complete the outcome measures that include the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), the Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE), and the sociodemographic questionnaire. Data analyses consisted of descriptive statistics, analysis of frequencies, correlation, and regression analyses. Result: Individuals with IDD showed low functional performance in all daily life areas, including self-care, productivity, and leisure; there was severe cognitive impairment and poor independence and functional performance. (COPM Performance M= 1.433, SD±.57021, COPM Satisfaction M= 1.31, SD±.54, FIM M= 3.673, SD± 1.7918). Two predictive models were validated for the COPM performance and FIM total scores. First, significant predictors of high self-perceived functional performance on COPM were high scores on FIM Motor sub scores, FIM cognitive sub scores, young age, and having a high school educational level (R2=0.603, p=0.012). Second, significant predictors of high functional capacity on FIM were a high score on the COPM performance subscale, a high MMSE score, and having a cerebral palsy (CP) diagnosis (R2=0.671, p<0.001). Conclusions: Evaluating functional performance and associated factors is important in rehabilitation to provide better services and improve health and QoL for individuals with IDD. This study suggested conducting future studies targeting integrated individuals with IDD who live with their families in the communities.

Keywords: functional performance, intellectual and developmental disabilty, cognitive abilities, motor abilities

Procedia PDF Downloads 49
1183 Analysis of Trends and Challenges of Using Renewable Biomass for Bioplastics

Authors: Namasivayam Navaranjan, Eric Dimla


The world needs more quality food, shelter and transportation to meet the demands of growing population and improving living standard of those who currently live below the poverty line. Materials are essential commodities for various applications including food and pharmaceutical packaging, building and automobile. Petroleum based plastics are widely used materials amongst others for these applications and their demand is expected to increase. Use of plastics has environment related issues because considerable amount of plastic used worldwide is disposed in landfills, where its resources are wasted, the material takes up valuable space and blights communities. Some countries have been implementing regulations and/or legislations to increase reuse, recycle, renew and remanufacture materials as well as to minimise the use of non-environmentally friendly materials such as petroleum plastics. However, issue of material waste is still a concern in the countries who have low environmental regulations. Development of materials, mostly bioplastics from renewable biomass resources has become popular in the last decade. It is widely believed that the potential for up to 90% substitution of total plastics consumption by bioplastics is technically possible. The global demand for bioplastics is estimated to be approximately six times larger than in 2010. Recently, standard polymers like polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), but also high-performance polymers such as polyamides or polyesters have been totally or partially substituted by their renewable equivalents. An example is Polylactide (PLA) being used as a substitute in films and injection moulded products made of petroleum plastics, e.g. PET. The starting raw materials for bio-based materials are usually sugars or starches that are mostly derived from food resources, partially also recycled materials from food or wood processing. The risk in lower food availability by increasing price of basic grains as a result of competition with biomass-based product sectors for feedstock also needs to be considered for the future bioplastic production. Manufacturing of bioplastic materials is often still reliant upon petroleum as an energy and materials source. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of bioplastic products has being conducted to determine the sustainability of a production route. However, the accuracy of LCA depends on several factors and needs improvement. Low oil price and high production cost may also limit the technically possible growth of these plastics in the coming years.

Keywords: bioplastics, plastics, renewable resources, biomass

Procedia PDF Downloads 308
1182 The Paradox of Design Aesthetics and the Sustainable Design

Authors: Asena Demirci, Gozen Guner Aktaş, Nur Ayalp


Nature provides a living space for humans, also in contrast it is destroyed by humans for their personal needs and ambitions. For decreasing these damages against nature, solutions are started to generate and to develop. Moreover, precautions are implemented. After 1960s, especially when the ozone layer got harmed and got thinner by toxic substances coming from man made structures, environmental problems which effected human’s activities of daily living. Thus, this subject about environmental solutions and precautions is becoming a priority issue for scientists. Most of the environmental problems are caused by buildings and factories which are built without any concerns about protecting nature. This situation creates awareness about environmental issues and also the terms like sustainability, Renewable energy show up in building, Construction and architecture sectors to provide environmental protection. In this perspective, the design disciplines also should be respectful to nature and the sustainability. Designs which involve the features like sustainability, renewability and being ecologic have specialties to be less detrimental to the environment rather than the designs which do not involve. Furthermore, these designs produce their own energy for consuming, So they do not use the natural resources. They do not contain harmful substances and they are made of recyclable materials. Thus, they are becoming environmentally friendly structures. There is a common concern among designers about the issue of sustainable design. They believe that the idea of sustainability inhibits the creativity. All works of design resemble each other from the point of aesthetics and technological matters. In addition, there is a concern about design ethics which aesthetic designs cannot be accepted as a priority. For these reasons, there are few designs included the features of being eco-friendly and well-designed and also had design concerns around the world. Despite the other design disciplines, The concept of sustainability is getting more important each day in interior architecture and interior design. As it is known that human being spends 90 % of his life in interior spaces, The importance of that concept in interior spaces is obvious. Aesthetic is another vital concern in interior space design also. Most of the time sustainable materials and sustainable interior design applications conflicts with personal aesthetic parameters. This study aims to discuss the great paradox between the design aesthetic and the sustainable design. Does the sustainable approach in interior design disturbs the design aesthetic? This is one of the most popular questions that have been discussed for a while. With this paper this question will be evaluated with a case study which analyzes the aesthetic perceptions and preferences of the users and designers in sustainable interior spaces.

Keywords: aesthetics, interior design, sustainable design, sustainability

Procedia PDF Downloads 293
1181 Outpatient Pelvic Nerve and Muscle Treatment Reduces Pain and Improves Functionality for Patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain and Erectile Dysfunction

Authors: Allyson Augusta Shrikhande, Alexa Rains, Tayyaba Ahmed, Marjorie Mamsaang, Rakhi Vyas, Janaki Natarajan, Erika Moody, Christian Reutter, Kimberlee Leishear, Yogita Tailor, Sandra Sandhu-Restaino, Lora Liu, Neha James, Rosemarie Filart


Characterized by consistent difficulty getting and keeping an erection firm enough for intercourse, Erectile Dysfunction may affect up to 15% of adult men. Although awareness and access to treatment have improved in recent years, many patients do not actively seek diagnosis or treatment due to the stigma surrounding this condition. Patients who do seek treatment are often dissatisfied by the efficacy of the medication. The condition inhibits patients’ quality of life by worsening mental health and relationships. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of an outpatient neuromuscular treatment protocol in treating the symptoms of Chronic Pelvic Pain and Erectile Dysfunction, improving pain and function. 56 patients ages 20-79 presented to an outpatient clinic for treatment of pelvic pain and Erectile Dysfunction symptoms. These symptoms had persisted for an average of 4 years. All patients underwent external ultrasound-guided hydro-dissection technique targeted at pelvic peripheral nerves in combination with pelvic floor musculature trigger-point injections. To measure the effects of this treatment, a five question Erectile Dysfunction questionnaire was completed by each patient at their first visit to a clinic and three months after treatment began. Answers were summed for a total score of 5-25, with a higher score indicating optimal function. The average score before treatment was 14.125 (SD 5.411) (a=0.05; CI 12.708-15.542), which increased by 18% to an average of 16.625 (SD 6.423) (a=0.05; CI 14.943-18.307) after treatment (P=0.0004). Secondary outcome variables included a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) to measure pelvic pain intensity and the Functional Pelvic Pain Scale (FPPS) to measure function across multiple areas. VAS scores reduced by 51% after three months. Before treatment, the mean VAS score was 5.87, and the posttreatment mean VAS score was 2.89. Pelvic pain functionality improved by 34% after three months. Pretreatment FPPS scores averaged at 7.48, decreasing to 4.91 after treatment. These results indicate that this unique treatment was very effective at relieving pain and increasing function for patients with Erectile Dysfunction.

Keywords: chronic pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction, nonsurgical, outpatient, trigger point injections

Procedia PDF Downloads 91
1180 Targetting T6SS of Klebsiella pneumoniae for Assessment of Immune Response in Mice for Therapeutic Lead Development

Authors: Sweta Pandey, Samridhi Dhyani, Susmita Chaudhuri


Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria is a global threat to human health due to an increase in multi-drug resistance among strains. The hypervirulent strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae is a major trouble due to their association with life-threatening infections in a healthy population. One of the major virulence factors of hyper virulent strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae is the T6SS (Type six secretary system) which is majorly involved in microbial antagonism and causes interaction with the host eukaryotic cells during infections. T6SS mediates some of the crucial factors for establishing infection by the bacteria, such as cell adherence, invasion, and subsequent in vivo colonisation. The antibacterial activity and the cell invasion property of the T6SS system is a major requirement for the establishment of K. pneumoniae infections within the gut. The T6SS can be an appropriate target for developing therapeutics. The T6SS consists of an inner tube comprising hexamers of Hcp (Haemolysin -regulated protein) protein, and at the top of this tube sits VgrG (Valine glycine repeat protein G); the tip of the machinery consists of PAAR domain containing proteins which act as a delivery system for bacterial effectors. For this study, immune response to recombinant VgrG protein was generated to establish this protein as a potential immunogen for the development of therapeutic leads. The immunogenicity of the selected protein was determined by predicting the B cell epitopes by the BCEP analysis tool. The gene sequence for multiple domains of VgrG protein (phage_base_V, T6SS_Vgr, DUF2345) was selected and cloned in pMAL vector in E. coli. The construct was subcloned and expressed as a fusion protein of 203 residue protein with mannose binding protein tag (MBP) to enhance solubility and purification of this protein. The purified recombinant VgrG fusion protein was used for mice immunisation. The antiserum showed reactivity with the recombinant VgrG in ELISA and western blot. The immunised mice were challenged with K. pneumoniae bacteria and showed bacterial clearance in immunised mice. The recombinant VgrG protein can further be used for studying downstream signalling of VgrG protein in mice during infection and for therapeutic MAb development to eradicate K. pneumoniae infections.

Keywords: immune response, Klebsiella pneumoniae, multi-drug resistance, recombinant protein expression, T6SS, VgrG

Procedia PDF Downloads 103
1179 Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Water Mass Flow Rate on the Performance of a CO2 Direct-Expansion Solar Assisted Heat Pump

Authors: Sabrina N. Rabelo, Tiago de F. Paulino, Willian M. Duarte, Samer Sawalha, Luiz Machado


Energy use is one of the main indicators for the economic and social development of a country, reflecting directly in the quality of life of the population. The expansion of energy use together with the depletion of fossil resources and the poor efficiency of energy systems have led many countries in recent years to invest in renewable energy sources. In this context, solar-assisted heat pump has become very important in energy industry, since it can transfer heat energy from the sun to water or another absorbing source. The direct-expansion solar assisted heat pump (DX-SAHP) water heater system operates by receiving solar energy incident in a solar collector, which serves as an evaporator in a refrigeration cycle, and the energy reject by the condenser is used for water heating. In this paper, a DX-SAHP using carbon dioxide as refrigerant (R744) was assembled, and the influence of the variation of the water mass flow rate in the system was analyzed. The parameters such as high pressure, water outlet temperature, gas cooler outlet temperature, evaporator temperature, and the coefficient of performance were studied. The mainly components used to assemble the heat pump were a reciprocating compressor, a gas cooler which is a countercurrent concentric tube heat exchanger, a needle-valve, and an evaporator that is a copper bare flat plate solar collector designed to capture direct and diffuse radiation. Routines were developed in the LabVIEW and CoolProp through MATLAB software’s, respectively, to collect data and calculate the thermodynamics properties. The range of coefficient of performance measured was from 3.2 to 5.34. It was noticed that, with the higher water mass flow rate, the water outlet temperature decreased, and consequently, the coefficient of performance of the system increases since the heat transfer in the gas cooler is higher. In addition, the high pressure of the system and the CO2 gas cooler outlet temperature decreased. The heat pump using carbon dioxide as a refrigerant, especially operating with solar radiation has been proven to be a renewable source in an efficient system for heating residential water compared to electrical heaters reaching temperatures between 40 °C and 80 °C.

Keywords: water mass flow rate, R-744, heat pump, solar evaporator, water heater

Procedia PDF Downloads 176
1178 Forced-Choice Measurement Models of Behavioural, Social, and Emotional Skills: Theory, Research, and Development

Authors: Richard Roberts, Anna Kravtcova


Introduction: The realisation that personality can change over the course of a lifetime has led to a new companion model to the Big Five, the behavioural, emotional, and social skills approach (BESSA). BESSA hypothesizes that this set of skills represents how the individual is thinking, feeling, and behaving when the situation calls for it, as opposed to traits, which represent how someone tends to think, feel, and behave averaged across situations. The five major skill domains share parallels with the Big Five Factor (BFF) model creativity and innovation (openness), self-management (conscientiousness), social engagement (extraversion), cooperation (agreeableness), and emotional resilience (emotional stability) skills. We point to noteworthy limitations in the current operationalisation of BESSA skills (i.e., via Likert-type items) and offer up a different measurement approach: forced choice. Method: In this forced-choice paradigm, individuals were given three skill items (e.g., managing my time) and asked to select one response they believed they were “worst at” and “best at”. The Thurstonian IRT models allow these to be placed on a normative scale. Two multivariate studies (N = 1178) were conducted with a 22-item forced-choice version of the BESSA, a published measure of the BFF, and various criteria. Findings: Confirmatory factor analysis of the forced-choice assessment showed acceptable model fit (RMSEA<0.06), while reliability estimates were reasonable (around 0.70 for each construct). Convergent validity evidence was as predicted (correlations between 0.40 and 0.60 for corresponding BFF and BESSA constructs). Notable was the extent the forced-choice BESSA assessment improved upon test-criterion relationships over and above the BFF. For example, typical regression models find BFF personality accounting for 25% of the variance in life satisfaction scores; both studies showed incremental gains over the BFF exceeding 6% (i.e., BFF and BESSA together accounted for over 31% of the variance in both studies). Discussion: Forced-choice measurement models offer up the promise of creating equated test forms that may unequivocally measure skill gains and are less prone to fakability and reference bias effects. Implications for practitioners are discussed, especially those interested in selection, succession planning, and training and development. We also discuss how the forced choice method can be applied to other constructs like emotional immunity, cross-cultural competence, and self-estimates of cognitive ability.

Keywords: Big Five, forced-choice method, BFF, methods of measurements

Procedia PDF Downloads 95
1177 Conceptualizing Personalized Learning: Review of Literature 2007-2017

Authors: Ruthanne Tobin


As our data-driven, cloud-based, knowledge-centric lives become ever more global, mobile, and digital, educational systems everywhere are struggling to keep pace. Schools need to prepare students to become critical-thinking, tech-savvy, life-long learners who are engaged and adaptable enough to find their unique calling in a post-industrial world of work. Recognizing that no nation can afford poor achievement or high dropout rates without jeopardizing its social and economic future, the thirty-two nations of the OECD are launching initiatives to redesign schools, generally under the banner of Personalized Learning or 21st Century Learning. Their intention is to transform education by situating students as co-enquirers and co-contributors with their teachers of what, when, and how learning happens for each individual. In this focused review of the 2007-2017 literature on personalized learning, the author sought answers to two main questions: “What are the theoretical frameworks that guide personalized learning?” and “What is the conceptual understanding of the model?” Ultimately, the review reveals that, although the research area is overly theorized and under-substantiated, it does provide a significant body of knowledge about this potentially transformative educational restructuring. For example, it addresses the following questions: a) What components comprise a PL model? b) How are teachers facilitating agency (voice & choice) in their students? c) What kinds of systems, processes and procedures are being used to guide the innovation? d) How is learning organized, monitored and assessed? e) What role do inquiry based models play? f) How do teachers integrate the three types of knowledge: Content, pedagogical and technological? g) Which kinds of forces enable, and which impede, personalizing learning? h) What is the nature of the collaboration among teachers? i) How do teachers co-regulate differentiated tasks? One finding of the review shows that while technology can dramatically expand access to information, expectations of its impact on teaching and learning are often disappointing unless the technologies are paired with excellent pedagogies in order to address students’ needs, interests and aspirations. This literature review fills a significant gap in this emerging field of research, as it serves to increase conceptual clarity that has hampered both the theorizing and the classroom implementation of a personalized learning model.

Keywords: curriculum change, educational innovation, personalized learning, school reform

Procedia PDF Downloads 225
1176 Nostalgia in Photographed Books for Children – the Case of Photography Books of Children in the Kibbutz

Authors: Ayala Amir


The paper presents interdisciplinary research which draws on the literary study and the cultural study of photography to explore a literary genre defined by nostalgia – the photographed book for children. This genre, which was popular in the second half of the 20th century, presents the romantic, nostalgic image of childhood created in the visual arts in the 18th century (as suggested by Ann Higonnet). At the same time, it capitalizes on the nostalgia inherent in the event of photography as formulated by Jennifer Green-Lewis: photography frames a moment in the present while transforming it into a past longed for in the future. Unlike Freudian melancholy, nostalgia is an effect that enables representation by acknowledging the loss and containing it in the very experience of the object. The representation and preservation of the lost object (nature, childhood, innocence) are in the center of the genre of children's photography books – a modern version of ancient pastoral. In it, the unique synergia of word and image results in a nostalgic image of childhood in an era already conquered by modernization. The nostalgic effect works both in the representation of space – an Edenic image of nature already shadowed by its demise, and of time – an image of childhood imbued by what Gill Bartholnyes calls the "looking backward aesthetics" – under the sign of loss. Little critical attention has been devoted to this genre with the exception of the work of Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer, who noted the nostalgic effect of the well-known series of photography books by Astrid Lindgren and Anna Riwkin-Brick. This research aims to elaborate Kümmerling-Meibauer's approach using the theories of the study of photography, word-image studies, as well as current studies of childhood. The theoretical perspectives are implemented in the case study of photography books created in one of the most innovative social structures in our time – the Israeli Kibbutz. This communal way of life designed a society where children will experience their childhood in a parentless rural environment that will save them from the fate of the Oedipal fall. It is suggested that in documenting these children in a fictional format, photographers and writers, images and words cooperated in creating nostalgic works situated on the border between nature and culture, imagination and reality, utopia and its realization in history.

Keywords: nostalgia, photography , childhood, children's books, kibutz

Procedia PDF Downloads 144
1175 A Versatile Standing Cum Sitting Device for Rehabilitation and Standing Aid for Paraplegic Patients

Authors: Sasibhushan Yengala, Nelson Muthu, Subramani Kanagaraj


The abstract reports on the design related to a modular and affordable standing cum sitting device to meet the requirements of paraplegic patients of the different physiques. Paraplegic patients need the assistance of an external arrangement to the lower limbs and trunk to help patients adopt the correct posture while standing abreast gravity. This support can be from a tilt table or a standing frame which the patient can use to stay in a vertical posture. Standing frames are devices fitting to support a person in a weight-bearing posture. Commonly, these devices support and lift the end-user in shifting from a sitting position to a standing position. The merits of standing for a paraplegic patient with a spinal injury are numerous. Even when there is limited control on muscles that ordinarily support the user using the standing frame in a vertical position, the standing stance improves the blood pressure, increases bone density, improves resilience and scope of motion, and improves the user's feelings of well-being by letting the patient stand. One limitation with standing frames is that these devices are typically function definitely; cannot be used for different purposes. Therefore, users are often compelled to purchase more than one of these devices, each being purposefully built for definite activities. Another concern frequent in standing frames is manoeuvrability; it is crucial to provide a convenient adjustment scope for all users. Thus, there is a need to provide a standing frame with multiple uses that can be economical for a larger population. There is also a need to equip added readjustment means in a standing frame to lessen the shear and to accommodate a broad range of users. The proposed Versatile Standing cum Sitting Device (VSD) is designed to change from standing to a comfortable sitting position using a series of mechanisms. First, a locking mechanism is provided to lock the VSD in a standing stance. Second, a dampening mechanism is provided to make sure that the VSD shifts from a standing to a sitting position gradually when the lock mechanism gets disengaged. An adjustment option is offered for the height of the headrest via the use of lock knobs. This device can be used in clinics for rehabilitation purposes irrespective of patient's anthropometric data due to its modular adjustments. It can facilitate the patient's daily life routine while in therapy and giving the patient the comfort to sit when tired. The device also provides the availability of rehabilitation to a common person.

Keywords: paraplegic, rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, standing frame

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1174 Effective Apixaban Clearance with Cytosorb Extracorporeal Hemoadsorption

Authors: Klazina T. Havinga, Hilde R. H. de Geus


Introduction: Pre-operative coagulation management of Apixaban prescribed patients, a new oral anticoagulant (a factor Xa inhibitor), is difficult, especially when chronic kidney disease (CKD) causes drug overdose. Apixaban is not dialyzable due to its high level of protein binding. An antidote, Andexanet α, is available but expensive and has an unfavorable short half-life. We report the successful extracorporeal removal of Apixaban prior to emergency surgery with the CytoSorb® Hemoadsorption device. Methods: A 89-year-old woman with CKD, with an Apixaban prescription for atrial fibrillation, was presented at the ER with traumatic rib fractures, a flail chest, and an unstable spinal fracture (T12) for which emergency surgery was indicated. However, due to very high Apixaban levels, this surgery had to be postponed. Based on the Apixaban-specific anti-factor Xa activity (AFXaA) measurements at admission and 10 hours later, complete clearance was expected after 48 hours. In order to enhance the Apixaban removal and reduce the time to operation, and therefore reduce pulmonary complications, CRRT with CytoSorb® cartridge was initiated. Apixaban-specific anti-factor Xa activity (AFXaA) was measured frequently as a substitute for Apixaban drug concentrations, pre- and post adsorber, in order to calculate the adsorber-related clearance. Results: The admission AFXaA concentration, as a substitute for Apixaban drug levels, was 218 ng/ml, which decreased to 157 ng/ml after ten hours. Due to sustained anticoagulation effects, surgery was again postponed. However, the AFXaA levels decreased quickly to sub-therapeutic levels after CRRT (Multifiltrate Pro, Fresenius Medical Care, Blood flow 200 ml/min, Dialysate Flow 4000 ml/h, Prescribed renal dose 51 ml-kg-h) with Cytosorb® connected in series into the circuit was initiated (within 5 hours). The adsorber-related (indirect) Apixaban clearance was calculated every half hour (Cl=Qe * (AFXaA pre- AFXaA post/ AFXaA pre) with Qe=plasma flow rate calculated with Ht=0.38 and system blood flow rate 200 ml-min): 100 ml/min, 72 ml/min and 57 ml/min. Although, as expected, the adsorber-related clearance decreased quickly due to saturation of the beads, still the reduction rate achieved resulted in a very rapid decrease in AFXaA levels. Surgery was ordered and possible within 5 hours after Cytosorb initiation. Conclusion: The CytoSorb® Hemoadsorption device enabled rapid correction of Apixaban associated anticoagulation.

Keywords: Apixaban, CytoSorb, emergency surgery, Hemoadsorption

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