Search results for: simple sequence repeat markers
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 5018

Search results for: simple sequence repeat markers

4418 The Amount of Information Processing and Balance Performance in Children: The Dual-Task Paradigm

Authors: Chin-Chih Chiou, Tai-Yuan Su, Ti-Yu Chen, Wen-Yu Chiu, Chungyu Chen


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of reaction time (RT) or balance performance as the number of stimulus-response choices increases, the amount of information processing of 0-bit and 1-bit conditions based on Hick’s law, using the dual-task design. Eighteen children (age: 9.38 ± 0.27 years old) were recruited as the participants for this study, and asked to assess RT and balance performance separately and simultaneously as following five conditions: simple RT (0-bit decision), choice RT (1-bit decision), single balance control, balance control with simple RT, and balance control with choice RT. Biodex 950-300 balance system and You-Shang response timer were used to record and analyze the postural stability and information processing speed (RT) respectively for the participants. Repeated measures one-way ANOVA with HSD post-hoc test and 2 (balance) × 2 (amount of information processing) repeated measures two-way ANOVA were used to test the parameters of balance performance and RT (α = .05). The results showed the overall stability index in the 1-bit decision was lower than in 0-bit decision, and the mean deflection in the 1-bit decision was lower than in single balance performance. Simple RTs were faster than choice RTs both in single task condition and dual task condition. It indicated that the chronometric approach of RT could use to infer the attention requirement of the secondary task. However, this study did not find that the balance performance is interfered for children by the increasing of the amount of information processing.

Keywords: capacity theory, reaction time, Hick’s law, balance

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4417 Valorization of Waste Reverse Osmosis Desalination Brine and Crystallization Sequence Approach for Kainite Recovery

Authors: Ayoub Bouazza, Ali Faddouli, Said Amal, Rachid Benhida, Khaoula Khaless


Brine waste generated from reverse osmosis (RO) desalination plants contains various valuable compounds, mainly salts, trace elements, and organic matter. These wastes are up to two times saltier than standard seawater. Therefore, there is a strong economic interest in recovering these salts. The current practice in desalination plants is to reject the brine back to the sea, which affects the marine ecosystem and the environment. Our study aims to bring forth a reliable management solution for the valorisation of waste brines. Natural evaporation, isothermal evaporation at 25°C and 50°C, and evaporation using continuous heating were used to crystallize valuable salts from a reverse osmosis desalination plant brine located on the Moroccan Atlantic coast. The crystallization sequence of the brine was studied in comparison with standard seawater. The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) of the precipitated solid phases showed similar results, where halite was the main solid phase precipitated from both the brine and seawater. However, Jänecke diagram prediction, along with FREZCHEM simulations, showed that Kainite should crystallize before Epsomite and Carnallite. As the absence of kainite formation in many experiments in the literature has been related to the metastability of kainite and the critical relative humidity conditions, and the precipitation of K–Mg salts is very sensitive to climatic conditions. An evaporation process is proposed as a solution to achieve the predicted crystallization path and to affirm the recovery of Kainite.

Keywords: salts crystallization, reverse osmosis, solar evaporation, frezchem, ZLD

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4416 Development of Interaction Factors Charts for Piled Raft Foundation

Authors: Abdelazim Makki Ibrahim, Esamaldeen Ali


This study aims at analysing the load settlement behavior and predict the bearing capacity of piled raft foundation a series of finite element models with different foundation configurations and stiffness were established. Numerical modeling is used to study the behavior of the piled raft foundation due to the complexity of piles, raft, and soil interaction and also due to the lack of reliable analytical method that can predict the behavior of the piled raft foundation system. Simple analytical models are developed to predict the average settlement and the load sharing between the piles and the raft in piled raft foundation system. A simple example to demonstrate the applications of these charts is included.

Keywords: finite element, pile-raft foundation, method, PLAXIS software, settlement

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4415 Geoelectrical Investigation Around Bomo Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Authors: B. S. Jatau, Baba Adama, S. I. Fadele


Electrical resistivity investigation was carried out around Bomo area, Zaria, Kaduna state in order to study the subsurface geologic layer with a view of determining the depth to the bedrock and thickness of the geologic layers. Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) using Schlumberger array was carried out at fifteen (15) VES stations. ABEM terrameter (SAS 300) was used for the data acquisition. The field data obtained have been analyzed using computer software (IPI2win) which gives an automatic interpretation of the apparent resistivity. The VES results revealed heterogeneous nature of the subsurface geological sequence. The geologic sequence beneath the study area is composed of hard pan top soil (clayey and sandy-lateritic), weathered layer, partly weathered or fractured basement and fresh basement. The resistivity value for the topsoil layer varies from 40Ωm to 450Ωm with thickness ranging from 1.25 to 7.5 m. The weathered basement has resistivity values ranging from 50Ωm to 593Ωm and thickness between 1.37 and 20.1 m. The fractured basement has resistivity values ranging from 218Ωm to 520Ωm and thickness of between 12.9 and 26.3 m. The fresh basement (bedrock) has resistivity values ranging from 1215Ωm to 2150Ωm with infinite depth. However, the depth of the earth’s surface to the bedrock surface varies between 2.63 and 34.99 m. The study further stressed the importance of the findings in civil engineering structures and groundwater prospecting.

Keywords: electrical resistivity, CERT (CT), vertical electrical sounding (VES), top soil (TP), weathered basement (WB), partly weathered basement (PWB), fresh basement (FB)

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4414 Investigation of the Effects of Simple Heating Processes on the Crystallization of Bi₂WO₆

Authors: Cisil Gulumser, Francesc Medina, Sevil Veli


In this study, the synthesis of photocatalytic Bi₂WO₆ was practiced with simple heating processes and the effects of these treatments on the production of the desired compound were investigated. For this purpose, experiments with Bi(NO₃)₃.5H₂O and H₂WO₄ precursors were carried out to synthesize Bi₂WO₆ by four different combinations. These four combinations were grouped in two main sets as ‘treated in microwave reactor’ and ‘directly filtrated’; additionally these main sets were grouped into two subsets as ‘calcined’ and ‘not calcined’. Calcination processes were conducted at temperatures of 400ᵒC, 600ᵒC, and 800ᵒC. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) analyses were performed in order to investigate the crystal structure of powdered product synthesized with each combination. The highest crystallization of produced compounds was observed for calcination at 600ᵒC from each main group.

Keywords: bismuth tungstate, crystallization, microwave, photocatalysts

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4413 Nanomechanical Devices Vibrating at Microwave Frequencies in Simple Liquids

Authors: Debadi Chakraborty, John E. Sader


Nanomechanical devices have emerged as a versatile platform for a host of applications due to their extreme sensitivity to environmental conditions. For example, mass measurements with sensitivity at the atomic level have recently been demonstrated. Ultrafast laser spectroscopy coherently excite the vibrational modes of metal nanoparticles and permits precise measurement of the vibration characteristics as a function of nanoparticle shape, size and surrounding environment. This study reports that the vibration of metal nanoparticles in simple liquids, like water and glycerol are not described by conventional fluid mechanics, i.e., Navier Stokes equations. The intrinsic molecular relaxation processes in the surrounding liquid are found to have a profound effect on the fluid-structure interaction of mechanical devices at nanometre scales. Theoretical models have been developed based on the non-Newtonian viscoelastic fluid-structure interaction theory to investigate the vibration of nanoparticles immersed in simple fluids. The utility of this theoretical framework is demonstrated by comparison to measurements on single nanowires and ensembles of metal rods. This study provides a rigorous foundation for the use of metal nanoparticles as ultrasensitive mechanical sensors in fluid and opens a new paradigm for understanding extremely high frequency fluid mechanics, nanoscale sensing technologies, and biophysical processes.

Keywords: fluid-structure interaction, nanoparticle vibration, ultrafast laser spectroscopy, viscoelastic damping

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4412 Simplifying Seismic Vulnerability Analysis for Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings

Authors: Maryam Solgi, Behzad Shahmohammadi, Morteza Raissi Dehkordi


One of the main steps for seismic retrofitting of buildings is to determine the vulnerability of structures. While current procedures for evaluating existing buildings are complicated, and there is no limitation between short, middle-high, and tall buildings. This research utilizes a simplified method for assessing structures, which is adequate for existing reinforced concrete buildings. To approach this aim, Simple Lateral Mechanisms Analysis (SLaMA) procedure proposed by NZSEE (New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering) has been carried out. In this study, three RC moment-resisting frame buildings are determined. First, these buildings have been evaluated by inelastic static procedure (Pushover) based on acceptance criteria. Then, Park-Ang Damage Index is determined for the whole members of each building by Inelastic Time History Analysis. Next, the Simple Lateral Mechanisms Analysis procedure, a hand method, is carried out to define the capacity of structures. Ultimately, existing procedures are compared with Peak Ground Acceleration caused to fail (PGAfail). The results of this comparison emphasize that the Pushover procedure and SLaMA method define a greater value of PGAfail than the Park-Ang Damage model.

Keywords: peak ground acceleration caused to fail, reinforced concrete moment-frame buildings, seismic vulnerability analysis, simple lateral mechanisms analysis

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4411 A Strategy for the Application of Second-Order Monte Carlo Algorithms to Petroleum Exploration and Production Projects

Authors: Obioma Uche


Due to the recent volatility in oil & gas prices as well as increased development of non-conventional resources, it has become even more essential to critically evaluate the profitability of petroleum prospects prior to making any investment decisions. Traditionally, simple Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms have been used to randomly sample probability distributions of economic and geological factors (e.g. price, OPEX, CAPEX, reserves, productive life, etc.) in order to obtain probability distributions for profitability metrics such as Net Present Value (NPV). In recent years, second-order MC algorithms have been shown to offer an advantage over simple MC techniques due to the added consideration of uncertainties associated with the probability distributions of the relevant variables. Here, a strategy for the application of the second-order MC technique to a case study is demonstrated to analyze its effectiveness as a tool for portfolio management.

Keywords: Monte Carlo algorithms, portfolio management, profitability, risk analysis

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4410 Amsan Syndrome in Emergency Department

Authors: Okan Cakir, Okan Tatli


Acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN) syndrome usually occurs following a postviral infection in two to four weeks and is a polyneuropathy characterized by axonal and sensorial degeneration as a rare variant of Gullian-Barre syndrome. In our case, we wanted to mention that a rare case of AMSAN Syndrome due to prior surgery. A 61-year-old male case admitted to emergency department with complaints of weakness in feet, numbness and incapability to walk. In his history, it was learned that endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) had applied for abdominal aort aneurysm two weeks ago before admission, his complaints had been for a couple of days increasingly and bilaterally, and there had been no infection disease history for four weeks. In physical examination, general status was good, vital signs were stable, and there was a mild paresis in dorsal flexion of feet in bilaterally lower extremities. No nuchal rigidity was determined. Other system examinations were normal. Urea:52 mg/dL (normal range: 15-44 mg/dL), creatinine: 1,05 mg/dL (normal range: 0,81-1,4 mg/dL), potassium: 3,68 mmol/L (normal range: 3,5-5,5 mmol/L), glycaemia: 142 mg/dL, calcium: 9,71 mg/dL (normal range: 8,5-10,5 mg/dL), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): 74 mm/h (normal range: 0-15 mm/h) were determined in biochemical tests. The case was consulted to neurology department and hospitalized. In performing electromyography, it was reported as a bilateral significant axonal degeneration with sensory-motor polyneuropathy. Normal ranges of glycaemia and protein levels were detected in lumbal punction. Viral markers and bucella, toxoplasma, and rubella markers were in normal range. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was applied as a treatment, physical treatment programme was planned and the case discharged from neurology department. In our case, we mentioned that it should be considered polyneuropathy as an alternative diagnosis in cases admitting symptoms like weakness and numbness had a history of prior surgery.

Keywords: AMSAN Syndrome, emergency department, prior surgery, weakness

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4409 Client Hacked Server

Authors: Bagul Abhijeet


Background: Client-Server model is the backbone of today’s internet communication. In which normal user can not have control over particular website or server? By using the same processing model one can have unauthorized access to particular server. In this paper, we discussed about application scenario of hacking for simple website or server consist of unauthorized way to access the server database. This application emerges to autonomously take direct access of simple website or server and retrieve all essential information maintain by administrator. In this system, IP address of server given as input to retrieve user-id and password of server. This leads to breaking administrative security of server and acquires the control of server database. Whereas virus helps to escape from server security by crashing the whole server. Objective: To control malicious attack and preventing all government website, and also find out illegal work to do hackers activity. Results: After implementing different hacking as well as non-hacking techniques, this system hacks simple web sites with normal security credentials. It provides access to server database and allow attacker to perform database operations from client machine. Above Figure shows the experimental result of this application upon different servers and provides satisfactory results as required. Conclusion: In this paper, we have presented a to view to hack the server which include some hacking as well as non-hacking methods. These algorithms and methods provide efficient way to hack server database. By breaking the network security allow to introduce new and better security framework. The terms “Hacking” not only consider for its illegal activities but also it should be use for strengthen our global network.

Keywords: Hacking, Vulnerabilities, Dummy request, Virus, Server monitoring

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4408 Pale, Firm and Non-Exudative (PFN): An Emerging Major Broiler Breast Meat Group

Authors: Cintia Midori Kaminishikawahara, Fernanda Jéssica Mendonça, Moisés Grespan, Elza Iouko Ida, Massami Shimokomaki, Adriana Lourenço Soares


The quality of broiler breast meat is changing as a result of continuing emphasis on genetically bird’s selection for efficiently higher meat production. The consumer is experiencing a cooked product that is drier and less juicy when consumed. Breast meat has been classified as PSE (pale, soft, exudative), DFD (dark, firm, dry) and normal color meat. However, recently variations of this color have been observed and they are not in line with the specificity of the meat functional properties. Thus, the objective of this work was to report the finding of a new pale meat color group characterized as Pale, Firm and Non-exudative (PFN) based on its pH, color, meat functional properties and micro structural evaluation. Breast meat fillets samples (n=1045) from commercial line were classified into PSE (pH ≤5.8, L* ≥ 53.0), PFN (pH > 5.8 and L* ≥ 53.0) and Normal (pH >5.8 and L* < 53.0), based on pH and L* values. In sequence, a total of 30 samples of each group were analyzed for the water holding capacity (WHC) and shear force (SF). The incidence was 9.1% for PSE meat, 85.7% for PFN and 5.2% for Normal meat. The PSE meat presented lower values of WHC (P ≤ 0.05) followed in sequence by PFN and Normal samples and also the SF values of fresh PFN was higher than PSE meat (P ≤ 0.05) and similar to Normal samples. Under optical microscopy, the cell diameter was 10% higher for PFN in relation to PSE meat and similar to Normal meat. These preliminary results indicate an emerging group of breast meat and it should be considered that the Pale, Firm and Non-exudative should be considered as an ideal broiler breast meat quality.

Keywords: broiler PSE meat, light microscopy, texture, water holding capacity

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4407 The Evaluation of Fuel Desulfurization Performance of Choline-Chloride Based Deep Eutectic Solvents with Addition of Graphene Oxide as Catalyst

Authors: Chiau Yuan Lim, Hayyiratul Fatimah Mohd Zaid, Fai Kait Chong


Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) is used in various applications due to its simplicity in synthesis procedure, biodegradable, inexpensive and easily available chemical ingredients. Graphene Oxide is a popular catalyst that being used in various processes due to its stacking carbon sheets in layer which theoretically rapid up the catalytic processes. In this study, choline chloride based DESs were synthesized and ChCl-PEG(1:4) was found to be the most effective DES in performing desulfurization, which it is able to remove up to 47.4% of the sulfur content in the model oil in just 10 minutes, and up to 95% of sulfur content after repeat the process for six times. ChCl-PEG(1:4) able to perform up to 32.7% desulfurization on real diesel after 6 multiple stages. Thus, future research works should focus on removing the impurities on real diesel before utilising DESs in petroleum field.

Keywords: choline chloride, deep eutectic solvent, fuel desulfurization, graphene oxide

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4406 An Analysis of Mongolian Possessive Markers

Authors: Yaxuan Wang


It has long been a mystery that why the Mongolian possessive suffix, which is constrained by Condition A of binding theory, has the ability to probe a potential antecedent outside of its binding domain. This squib argues that binding theory alone is not sufficient to explain the linguistic facts and proposes an analysis adopting the Agree operation. The current analysis correctly predicts all the possible and impossible structures, with an additional hypothesis that Mongolian possessive suffixes serve as an antecedent for PROs in adjunct. The findings thus provide insights into how Agree operates in Mongolian language.

Keywords: syntax, Mongolian, agreement, possessive particles

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4405 Sequence Polymorphism and Haplogroup Distribution of Mitochondrial DNA Control Regions HVS1 and HVS2 in a Southwestern Nigerian Population

Authors: Ogbonnaya O. Iroanya, Samson T. Fakorede, Osamudiamen J. Edosa, Hadiat A. Azeez


The human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is about 17 kbp circular DNA fragments found within the mitochondria together with smaller fragments of 1200 bp known as the control region. Knowledge of variation within populations has been employed in forensic and molecular anthropology studies. The study was aimed at investigating the polymorphic nature of the two hypervariable segments (HVS) of the mtDNA, i.e., HVS1 and HVS2, and to determine the haplogroup distribution among individuals resident in Lagos, Southwestern Nigeria. Peripheral blood samples were obtained from sixty individuals who are not related maternally, followed by DNA extraction and amplification of the extracted DNA using primers specific for the regions under investigation. DNA amplicons were sequenced, and sequenced data were aligned and compared to the revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS) GenBank Accession number: NC_012920.1) using BioEdit software. Results obtained showed 61 and 52 polymorphic nucleotide positions for HVS1 and HVS2, respectively. While a total of three indels mutation were recorded for HVS1, there were seven for HVS2. Also, transition mutations predominate nucleotide change observed in the study. Genetic diversity (GD) values for HVS1 and HVS2 were estimated to be 84.21 and 90.4%, respectively, while random match probability was 0.17% for HVS1 and 0.89% for HVS2. The study also revealed mixed haplogroups specific to the African (L1-L3) and the Eurasians (U and H) lineages. New polymorphic sites obtained from the study are promising for human identification purposes.

Keywords: hypervariable region, indels, mitochondrial DNA, polymorphism, random match probability

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4404 Coarse-Grained Molecular Simulations to Estimate Thermophysical Properties of Phase Equilibria

Authors: Hai Hoang, Thanh Xuan Nguyen Thi, Guillaume Galliero


Coarse-Grained (CG) molecular simulations have shown to be an efficient way to estimate thermophysical (static and dynamic) properties of fluids. Several strategies have been developed and reported in the literature for defining CG molecular models. Among them, those based on a top-down strategy (i.e. CG molecular models related to macroscopic observables), despite being heuristic, have increasingly gained attention. This is probably due to its simplicity in implementation and its ability to provide reasonable results for not only simple but also complex systems. Regarding simple Force-Fields associated with these CG molecular models, it has been found that the four parameters Mie chain model is one of the best compromises to describe thermophysical static properties (e.g. phase diagram, saturation pressure). However, parameterization procedures of these Mie-chain GC molecular models given in literature are generally insufficient to simultaneously provide static and dynamic (e.g. viscosity) properties. To deal with such situations, we have extended the corresponding states by using a quantity associated with the liquid viscosity. Results obtained from molecular simulations have shown that our approach is able to yield good estimates for both static and dynamic thermophysical properties for various real non-associating fluids. In addition, we will show that on simple (e.g. phase diagram, saturation pressure) and complex (e.g. thermodynamic response functions, thermodynamic energy potentials) static properties, results of our scheme generally provides improved results compared to existing approaches.

Keywords: coarse-grained model, mie potential, molecular simulations, thermophysical properties, phase equilibria

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4403 Microbubbles Enhanced Synthetic Phorbol Ester Degradation by Ozonolysis

Authors: D. Kuvshinov, A. Siswanto, W. Zimmerman


A phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (TPA) is a synthetic analogue of phorbol ester (PE), a natural toxic compound of Euphorbiaceae plant. The oil extracted from plants of this family is useful source for primarily biofuel. However this oil can also be used as a food stock due to its significant nutrition content. The limitations for utilizing the oil as a food stock are mainly due to a toxicity of PE. Nowadays a majority of PE detoxification processes are expensive as include multi steps alcohol extraction sequence. Ozone is considered as a strong oxidative agent. It reaction with PE it attacks the carbon double bond of PE. This modification of PE molecular structure results into nontoxic ester with high lipid content. This report presents data on development of simple and cheap PE detoxification process with water application as a buffer and ozone as reactive component. The core of this new technique is a simultaneous application of new microscale plasma unit for ozone production and patented gas oscillation technology. In combination with a reactor design the technology permits ozone injection to the water-TPA mixture in form of microbubbles. The efficacy of a heterogeneous process depends on diffusion coefficient which can be controlled by contact time and interface area. The low velocity of rising microbubbles and high surface to volume ratio allow fast mass transfer to be achieved during the process. Direct injection of ozone is the most efficient process for a highly reactive and short lived chemical. Data on the plasma unit behavior are presented and influence of the gas oscillation technology to the microbubbles production mechanism has been discussed. Data on overall process efficacy for TPA degradation is shown.

Keywords: microbubble, ozonolysis, synthetic phorbol ester, chemical engineering

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4402 TLR4 Gene Polymorphism and Biochemical Markers as a Tool to Identify Risk of Osteoporosis in Women from Karachi

Authors: Rozeena Baig, R. Rehana Rehman, Rifat Ahmed


Background: Osteoporosis, characterized by low bone mineral density, poses a global health concern. Diagnosis increases the likelihood of developing osteoporosis, a multifactorial disorder marked by low bone mass, elevating the risk of fractures in the lumbar spine, femoral neck, hip, vertebras, and distal forearm, particularly in postmenopausal women due to bone loss influenced by various pathophysiological factors. Objectives: The aim is to investigate the association of serum cytokine, bone turnover marker, bone mineral density and TLR4 gene polymorphism in pre and post-menopausal women and to find if any of these can be the potential predictor of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Material and methods: The study participants consisted of Group A (n=91) healthy pre-menopausal women and Group B (n=102) healthy postmenopausal women having ≥ 5 years’ history of menopause. ELISA was performed for cytokine (TNFα) and bone turnover markers (carboxytelopeptides), respectively. Bone Mineral Density (BMD)was measured through a dual X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan. Toll-like Receptors 4 (TLR4) gene polymorphisms (A896G; Asp299Gly) and (C1196T; Thr399Ile) were investigated by PCR and Sanger sequencing. Results: Statistical analysis reveals a positive correlation of age and BMI with T scores in the premenopausal group, whereas in post-menopausal group found a significant negative correlation between age and T-score at hip (r = - 0.352**), spine (r = - .306**), and femoral neck (r = - 0.344**) and a significant negative correlation of BMI with TNF-α (- 0.316**). No association and significant differences were observed for TLR4 genotype and allele frequencies among studied groups However, both SNPs exhibited significant association with each other. Conclusions: This study concludes that BMI, BMD and TNF-α are the potential predictors of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. However, CTX and TLR4 gene polymorphism did not appear as potential predictors of bone loss in this study and apparently cannot help in predicting bone loss in post-menopausal women.

Keywords: osteoporosis, post-menopausal, pre-menopausal woemn, genetics mutaiont, TLR4 genepolymorphsum

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4401 Investigation of Interlayer Shear Effects in Asphalt Overlay on Existing Rigid Airfield Pavement Using Digital Image Correlation

Authors: Yuechao Lei, Lei Zhang


The interface shear between asphalt overlay and existing rigid airport pavements occurs due to differences in the mechanical properties of materials subjected to aircraft loading. Interlayer contact influences the mechanical characteristics of the asphalt overlay directly. However, the effective interlayer relative displacement obtained accurately using existing displacement sensors of the loading apparatus remains challenging. This study aims to utilize digital image correlation technology to enhance the accuracy of interfacial contact parameters by obtaining effective interlayer relative displacements. Composite structure specimens were prepared, and fixtures for interlayer shear tests were designed and fabricated. Subsequently, a digital image recognition scheme for required markers was designed and optimized. Effective interlayer relative displacement values were obtained through image recognition and calculation of surface markers on specimens. Finite element simulations validated the mechanical response of composite specimens with interlayer shearing. Results indicated that an optimized marking approach using the wall mending agent for surface application and color coding enhanced the image recognition quality of marking points on the specimen surface. Further image extraction provided effective interlayer relative displacement values during interlayer shear, thereby improving the accuracy of interface contact parameters. For composite structure specimens utilizing Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) modified asphalt as the tack coat, the corresponding maximum interlayer shear stress strength was 0.6 MPa, and fracture energy was 2917 J/m2. This research provides valuable insights for investigating the impact of interlayer contact in composite pavement structures on the mechanical characteristics of asphalt overlay.

Keywords: interlayer contact, effective relative displacement, digital image correlation technology, composite pavement structure, asphalt overlay

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4400 Exploiting Charges on Medicinal Synthetic Aluminum Magnesium Silicate's {Al₄ (SiO₄)₃ + 3Mg₂SiO₄ → 2Al₂Mg₃ (SiO₄)₃} Nanoparticles in Treating Viral Diseases, Tumors, Antimicrobial Resistant Infections

Authors: M. C. O. Ezeibe, F. I. O. Ezeibe


Reasons viral diseases (including AI, HIV/AIDS, and COVID-19), tumors (including Cancers and Prostrate enlargement), and antimicrobial-resistant infections (AMR) are difficult to cure are features of the pathogens which normal cells do not have or need (biomedical markers) have not been identified; medicines that can counter the markers have not been invented; strategies and mechanisms for their treatments have not been developed. When cells become abnormal, they acquire negative electrical charges, and viruses are either positively charged or negatively charged, while normal cells remain neutral (without electrical charges). So, opposite charges' electrostatic attraction is a treatment mechanism for viral diseases and tumors. Medicines that have positive electrical charges would mop abnormal (infected and tumor) cells and DNA viruses (negatively charged), while negatively charged medicines would mop RNA viruses (positively charged). Molecules of Aluminum-magnesium silicate [AMS: Al₂Mg₃ (SiO₄)₃], an approved medicine and pharmaceutical stabilizing agent, consist of nanoparticles which have both positive electrically charged ends and negative electrically charged ends. The very small size (0.96 nm) of the nanoparticles allows them to reach all cells in every organ. By stabilizing antimicrobials, AMS reduces the rate at which the body metabolizes them so that they remain at high concentrations for extended periods. When drugs remain at high concentrations for longer periods, their efficacies improve. Again, nanoparticles enhance the delivery of medicines to effect targets. Both remaining at high concentrations for longer periods and better delivery to effect targets improve efficacy and make lower doses achieve desired effects so that side effects of medicines are reduced to allow the immunity of patients to be enhanced. Silicates also enhance the immune responses of treated patients. Improving antimicrobial efficacies and enhancing patients` immunity terminate infections so that none remains that could develop resistance. Some countries do not have natural deposits of AMS, but they may have Aluminum silicate (AS: Al₄ (SiO₄)₃) and Magnesium silicate (MS: Mg₂SiO₄), which are also approved medicines. So, AS and MS were used to formulate an AMS-brand, named Medicinal synthetic AMS {Al₄ (SiO₄)₃ + 3Mg₂SiO₄ → 2Al₂Mg₃ (SiO₄)₃}. To overcome the challenge of AMS, AS, and MS being un-absorbable, Dextrose monohydrate is incorporated in MSAMS-formulations for the simple sugar to convey the electrically charged nanoparticles into blood circulation by the principle of active transport so that MSAMS-antimicrobial formulations function systemically. In vitro, MSAMS reduced (P≤0.05) titers of viruses, including Avian influenza virus and HIV. When used to treat virus-infected animals, it cured Newcastle disease and Infectious bursa disease of chickens, Parvovirus disease of dogs, and Peste des petits ruminants disease of sheep and goats. A number of HIV/AIDS patients treated with it have been reported to become HIV-negative (antibody and antigen). COVID-19 patients are also reported to recover and test virus negative when treated with MSAMS. PSA titers of prostate cancer/enlargement patients normalize (≤4) following treatment with MSAMS. MSAMS has also potentiated ampicillin trihydrate, sulfadimidin, cotrimoxazole, piparazine citrate and chloroquine phosphate to achieve ≥ 95 % infection-load reductions (AMR-prevention). At 75 % of doses of ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, and streptomycin, supporting MSAMS-formulations' treatments with antioxidants led to the termination of even already resistant infections.

Keywords: electrical charges, viruses, abnormal cells, aluminum-magnesium silicate

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4399 Optimization of Assembly and Welding of Complex 3D Structures on the Base of Modeling with Use of Finite Elements Method

Authors: M. N. Zelenin, V. S. Mikhailov, R. P. Zhivotovsky


It is known that residual welding deformations give negative effect to processability and operational quality of welded structures, complicating their assembly and reducing strength. Therefore, selection of optimal technology, ensuring minimum welding deformations, is one of the main goals in developing a technology for manufacturing of welded structures. Through years, JSC SSTC has been developing a theory for estimation of welding deformations and practical activities for reducing and compensating such deformations during welding process. During long time a methodology was used, based on analytic dependence. This methodology allowed defining volumetric changes of metal due to welding heating and subsequent cooling. However, dependences for definition of structures deformations, arising as a result of volumetric changes of metal in the weld area, allowed performing calculations only for simple structures, such as units, flat sections and sections with small curvature. In case of complex 3D structures, estimations on the base of analytic dependences gave significant errors. To eliminate this shortage, it was suggested to use finite elements method for resolving of deformation problem. Here, one shall first calculate volumes of longitudinal and transversal shortenings of welding joints using method of analytic dependences and further, with obtained shortenings, calculate forces, which action is equivalent to the action of active welding stresses. Further, a finite-elements model of the structure is developed and equivalent forces are added to this model. Having results of calculations, an optimal sequence of assembly and welding is selected and special measures to reduce and compensate welding deformations are developed and taken.

Keywords: residual welding deformations, longitudinal and transverse shortenings of welding joints, method of analytic dependences, finite elements method

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4398 Strain Based Failure Criterion for Composite Notched Laminates

Authors: Ibrahim A. Elsayed, Mohamed H. Elalfy, Mostafa M. Abdalla


A strain-based failure criterion for composite notched laminates is introduced where the most critical stress concentration factor for the anisotropic notched laminates could be related to the failure of the corresponding quasi-isotropic laminate and the anisotropy ratio of the laminate. The proposed criterion will simplify the design of composites to meet notched failure requirements by eliminating the need for the detailed specifications of the stacking sequence at the preliminary design stage. The designer will be able to design based on the stiffness of the laminate, then at a later stage, select an appropriate stacking sequence to meet the stiffness requirements. The failure strains for the notched laminates are computed using the material’s Omni-strain envelope. The concept of Omni-strain envelope concerns the region of average strain where the laminate is safe regardless of ply orientation. In this work, we use Hashin’s failure criteria and the strains around the hole are computed using Savin’s analytic solution. A progressive damage analysis study has been conducted where the failure loads for the notched laminates are computed using finite element analysis. The failure strains are computed and used to estimate the concentration factor. It is found that the correlation found using Savin’s analytic solution predicts the same ratio of concentration factors between anisotropic and quasi-isotropic laminates as the more expensive progressive failure analysis.

Keywords: anisotropy ratio, failure criteria, notched laminates, Omni-strain envelope, savin’s solution

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4397 A Study on the Treatment of Municipal Waste Water Using Sequencing Batch Reactor

Authors: Bhaven N. Tandel, Athira Rajeev


Sequencing batch reactor process is a suspended growth process operating under non-steady state conditions which utilizes a fill and draw reactor with complete mixing during the batch reaction step (after filling) and where the subsequent steps of aeration and clarification occur in the same tank. All sequencing batch reactor systems have five steps in common, which are carried out in sequence as follows, (1) fill (2) react (3) settle (sedimentation/clarification) (4) draw (decant) and (5) idle. The study was carried out in a sequencing batch reactor of dimensions 44cmx30cmx70cm with a working volume of 40 L. Mechanical stirrer of 100 rpm was used to provide continuous mixing in the react period and oxygen was supplied by fish tank aerators. The duration of a complete cycle of sequencing batch reactor was 8 hours. The cycle period was divided into different phases in sequence as follows-0.25 hours fill phase, 6 hours react period, 1 hour settling phase, 0.5 hours decant period and 0.25 hours idle phase. The study consisted of two runs, run 1 and run 2. Run 1 consisted of 6 hours aerobic react period and run 2 consisted of 3 hours aerobic react period followed by 3 hours anoxic react period. The influent wastewater used for the study had COD, BOD, NH3-N and TKN concentrations of 308.03±48.94 mg/L, 100.36±22.05 mg/L, 14.12±1.18 mg/L, and 24.72±2.21 mg/L respectively. Run 1 had an average COD removal efficiency of 41.28%, BOD removal efficiency of 56.25%, NH3-N removal efficiency of 86.19% and TKN removal efficiency of 54.4%. Run 2 had an average COD removal efficiency of 63.19%, BOD removal efficiency of 73.85%, NH3-N removal efficiency of 90.74% and TKN removal efficiency of 65.25%. It was observed that run 2 gave better performance than run 1 in the removal of COD, BOD and TKN.

Keywords: municipal waste water, aerobic, anoxic, sequencing batch reactor

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4396 Revolutionizing Product Packaging: The Impact of Transparent Graded Lanes on Ketchup and Edible Oils Containers on Consumer Behavior

Authors: Saeid Asghari


The growing interest in sustainability and healthy lifestyles has stimulated the development of solutions that promote mindful consumption and healthier choices. One such solution is the use of transparent graded lanes in product packaging, which enables consumers to visually track their product consumption and encourages portion control. However, the extent to which this packaging affects consumer behavior, trust, and loyalty towards a product or brand, as well as the effectiveness of messaging on the graded lanes, remains unclear. The research aims to examine the impact of transparent graded lanes on consumer behavior, trust, and loyalty towards products or brands in the context of the Janbo chain supermarket in Tehran, Iran, focusing on Ketchup and edible oils containers. A representative sample of 720 respondents is selected using quota sampling based on sex, age, and financial status. The study assesses the effect of messaging on the graded lanes in enhancing consumer recall and recognition of the product at the time of purchase, increasing repeat purchases, and fostering long-term relationships with customers. Furthermore, the potential outcomes of using transparent graded lanes, including the promotion of healthy consumption habits and the reduction of food waste, are also considered. The findings and results can inform the development of effective messaging strategies for graded lanes and suggest ways to enhance consumer engagement with product packaging. Moreover, the study's outcomes can contribute to the broader discourse on sustainable consumption and healthy lifestyles, highlighting the potential role of packaging innovations in promoting these values. We used four theories (social cognitive theory, self-perception theory, nudge theory, and marketing and consumer behavior) to examine the effect of these transparent graded lanes on consumer behavior. The conceptual model integrates the use of transparent graded lanes, consumer behavior, trust and loyalty, messaging, and promotion of healthy consumption habits. The study aims to provide insights into how transparent graded lanes can promote mindful consumption, increase consumer recognition and recall of the product, and foster long-term relationships with customers. Findings suggest that the use of transparent graded lanes on Ketchup and edible oils containers can have a positive impact on consumer behavior, trust, and loyalty towards a product or brand, as well as promote mindful consumption and healthier choices. The messaging on the graded lanes is also found to be effective in promoting recall and recognition of the product at the time of purchase and encouraging repeat purchases. However, the impact of transparent graded lanes may be limited by factors such as cultural norms, personal values, and financial status. Broadly speaking, the investigation provides valuable insights into the potential benefits and challenges of using transparent graded lanes in product packaging, as well as effective strategies for promoting healthy consumption habits and building long-term relationships with customers.

Keywords: packaging customer behavior, purchase, brand loyalty, healthy consumption

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4395 Electrical Machine Winding Temperature Estimation Using Stateful Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM) and Truncated Backpropagation Through Time (TBPTT)

Authors: Yujiang Wu


As electrical machine (e-machine) power density re-querulents become more stringent in vehicle electrification, mounting a temperature sensor for e-machine stator windings becomes increasingly difficult. This can lead to higher manufacturing costs, complicated harnesses, and reduced reliability. In this paper, we propose a deep-learning method for predicting electric machine winding temperature, which can either replace the sensor entirely or serve as a backup to the existing sensor. We compare the performance of our method, the stateful long short-term memory networks (LSTM) with truncated backpropagation through time (TBTT), with that of linear regression, as well as stateless LSTM with/without residual connection. Our results demonstrate the strength of combining stateful LSTM and TBTT in tackling nonlinear time series prediction problems with long sequence lengths. Additionally, in industrial applications, high-temperature region prediction accuracy is more important because winding temperature sensing is typically used for derating machine power when the temperature is high. To evaluate the performance of our algorithm, we developed a temperature-stratified MSE. We propose a simple but effective data preprocessing trick to improve the high-temperature region prediction accuracy. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method in accurately predicting winding temperature, particularly in high-temperature regions, while also reducing manufacturing costs and improving reliability.

Keywords: deep learning, electrical machine, functional safety, long short-term memory networks (LSTM), thermal management, time series prediction

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4394 Responsibility Attitude and Interpretation in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Authors: Ryotaro Ishikawa


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over. Inflated responsibility attitude and interpretation are central beliefs in a cognitive model of OCD. This study aimed to develop a Japanese version of the Responsibility Attitude Scale (RAS-J) and Responsibility Interpretation Questionnaire (RIQ-J). 98 participants (OCD group = 37; anxiety control group = 24; healthy control group = 37) completed the RAS-J, RIQ-J and other measures to assess the validity of the RAS-J and RIQ-J. As a result of analysis, both scales had adequate concurrent validity, demonstrated by significant correlations with other measures of OCD, anxiety, and depression. Group comparison data using ANOVA with Bonferroni method indicated that RAS-J and RIQ-J scores for the OCD group not only differed from the nonclinical group, but also from the clinically anxious comparison group. In conclusion, this study indicated that the developed RAS-J and RIQ-J effectively measure responsibility attitude and responsibility interpretation in the Japanese population.

Keywords: obsessive-compulsive disorder, responsibility, cognitive theory, anxiety disorder

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4393 Encapsulation of Volatile Citronella Essential oil by Coacervation: Efficiency and Release Kinetic Study

Authors: Rafeqah Raslan, Mastura AbdManaf, Junaidah Jai, Istikamah Subuki, Ana Najwa Mustapa


The volatile citronella essential oil was encapsulated by simple coacervation and complex coacervation using gum Arabic and gelatin as wall material. Glutaraldehyde was used in the methodology as crosslinking agent. The citronella standard calibration graph was developed with R2 equal to 0.9523 for the accurate determination of encapsulation efficiency and release study. The release kinetic was analyzed based on Fick’s law of diffusion for polymeric system and linear graph of log fraction release over log time was constructed to determine the release rate constant, k and diffusion coefficient, n. Both coacervation methods in the present study produce encapsulation efficiency around 94%. The capsules morphology analysis supported the release kinetic mechanisms of produced capsules for both coacervation process.

Keywords: simple coacervation, complex coacervation, encapsulation efficiency, release kinetic study

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4392 Model of Optimal Centroids Approach for Multivariate Data Classification

Authors: Pham Van Nha, Le Cam Binh


Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based stochastic optimization algorithm. PSO was inspired by the natural behavior of birds and fish in migration and foraging for food. PSO is considered as a multidisciplinary optimization model that can be applied in various optimization problems. PSO’s ideas are simple and easy to understand but PSO is only applied in simple model problems. We think that in order to expand the applicability of PSO in complex problems, PSO should be described more explicitly in the form of a mathematical model. In this paper, we represent PSO in a mathematical model and apply in the multivariate data classification. First, PSOs general mathematical model (MPSO) is analyzed as a universal optimization model. Then, Model of Optimal Centroids (MOC) is proposed for the multivariate data classification. Experiments were conducted on some benchmark data sets to prove the effectiveness of MOC compared with several proposed schemes.

Keywords: analysis of optimization, artificial intelligence based optimization, optimization for learning and data analysis, global optimization

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4391 Speech Detection Model Based on Deep Neural Networks Classifier for Speech Emotions Recognition

Authors: Aisultan Shoiynbek, Darkhan Kuanyshbay, Paulo Menezes, Akbayan Bekarystankyzy, Assylbek Mukhametzhanov, Temirlan Shoiynbek


Speech emotion recognition (SER) has received increasing research interest in recent years. It is a common practice to utilize emotional speech collected under controlled conditions recorded by actors imitating and artificially producing emotions in front of a microphone. There are four issues related to that approach: emotions are not natural, meaning that machines are learning to recognize fake emotions; emotions are very limited in quantity and poor in variety of speaking; there is some language dependency in SER; consequently, each time researchers want to start work with SER, they need to find a good emotional database in their language. This paper proposes an approach to create an automatic tool for speech emotion extraction based on facial emotion recognition and describes the sequence of actions involved in the proposed approach. One of the first objectives in the sequence of actions is the speech detection issue. The paper provides a detailed description of the speech detection model based on a fully connected deep neural network for Kazakh and Russian. Despite the high results in speech detection for Kazakh and Russian, the described process is suitable for any language. To investigate the working capacity of the developed model, an analysis of speech detection and extraction from real tasks has been performed.

Keywords: deep neural networks, speech detection, speech emotion recognition, Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients, collecting speech emotion corpus, collecting speech emotion dataset, Kazakh speech dataset

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4390 Genetic Diversity and Molecular Basis of Carbapenem Resistance in Acinetobacter Baumannii Isolates from Cattle

Authors: Minhas Alam, Muhammad Hidayat Rasool, Mohsin Khurshid, Bilal Aslam


Acinetobacter baumannii is a notorious bacterial pathogen that is an emerging nightmare in clinical settings and is mainly involved in severe nosocomial infections. However, the data related to carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii (CRAB) from veterinary settings is limited, especially in developing countries like Pakistan. To investigate the genetic diversity and molecular basis of carbapenem resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii isolates from Cattle, a total of 1960 samples were collected from cattle from Punjab, Pakistan. The isolates were analyzed by routine microbiological procedures and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The isolates were further screened for antimicrobial susceptibility and the presence of multiple antimicrobial-resistant determinants by PCR. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) was performed. The results of the current study revealed that the overall prevalence of A. baumannii in cattle was 3.28% (65/1980). Among cattle 27.7% (18/65) were found CRAB strains. The CRAB isolates harbor class D β- lactamases genes, e-g, blaOXA-23 and blaOXA-51, 94.4% (17/18). CRAB isolates carry class B β- lactamases gene blaIMP, and only one isolate carries the blaNDM-1 gene. The MLST results of CRAB isolates from cattle demonstrated 5 STs and one new ST. The commonly found sequence types in CRAB isolates were ST2 (n=10, 55.5%), followed by ST642 (n=5, 27.8%) and ST600 & ST889 (n=1, 5.55%). The presence of CRAB isolates in cattle indicates an alarming situation in Punjab, Pakistan. Immediate control measures should be taken to stop the transmission of CRAB isolates within cattle, to the environment, and to clinical settings.

Keywords: acinetobacter baumannii, carbapenemases, veterinary, drug resistance

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4389 Bean in Turkey: Characterization, Inter Gene Pool Hybridization Events, Breeding, Utilizations

Authors: Faheem Shahzad Baloch, Muhammad Azhar Nadeem, Muhammad Amjad Nawaz, Ephrem Habyarimana, Gonul Comertpay, Tolga Karakoy, Rustu Hatipoglu, Mehmet Zahit Yeken, Vahdettin Ciftci


Turkey is considered a bridge between Europe, Asia, and Africa and possibly played an important role in the distribution of many crops including common bean. Hundreds of common bean landraces can be found in Turkey, particularly in farmers’ fields, and they consistently contribute to the overall production. To investigate the existing genetic diversity and hybridization events between the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools in the Turkish common bean, 188 common bean accessions (182 landraces and 6 modern cultivars as controls) were collected from 19 different Turkish geographic regions. These accessions were characterized using phenotypic data (growth habit and seed weight), geographic provenance, 12557 high-quality whole-genome DArTseq markers, and 3767 novel DArTseq loci were also identified. The clustering algorithms resolved the Turkish common bean landrace germplasm into the two recognized gene pools, the Mesoamerican and Andean gene pools. Hybridization events were observed in both gene pools (14.36% of the accessions) but mostly in the Mesoamerican (7.97% of the accessions), and was low relative to previous European studies. The lower level of hybridization witnessed the existence of Turkish common bean germplasm in its original form as compared to Europe. Mesoamerican gene pool reflected a higher level of diversity, while the Andean gene pool was predominant (56.91% of the accessions), but genetically less diverse and phenotypically more pure, reflecting farmers greater preference for the Andean gene pool. We also found some genetically distinct landraces and overall, a meaningful level of genetic variability which can be used by the scientific community in breeding efforts to develop superior common bean strains.

Keywords: bean germplasm, DArTseq markers, genotyping by sequencing, Turkey, whole genome diversity

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