Search results for: option to shut down and restart
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 993

Search results for: option to shut down and restart

393 Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Effects of Different Extracts of Fruit Peels Against Three Cancer Cell Lines

Authors: Emad A. Shalaby


Cancer is a disease that causes abnormal cell proliferation and invades nearby tissues. Lung cancer is the second most frequent cancer worldwide. Natural anti-cancer drugs have been developed with low side effects and toxicity. Citrus peels and extracts have been demonstrated to have significant pharmacological and physiological effects as a result of the high concentration of phenolic compounds found in citrus fruits, particularly peels. Tangerine peels can serve as an effective source of bioactive substances such as phenolics, flavonoids, and catechins, which have antioxidant, antibacterial, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. Consequently, this work aims to determine the anticancer activity of ethanol extract of Tangerine peels against the A549 cell line and identify the phenolic compound profile (19 compounds) by using HPLC. Anticancer and antioxidant potentials of the extract were evaluated by MTT assay and TLC- TLC-bioautography sprayed with DPPH reagent, respectively. The obtained results revealed that tangerine peel extract showed significant activity against the A549 cell line with IC50 of 97.66 μg/mL. HPLC analysis proved that the highest concentration is naringenin 464.05 mg/g. More studies indicate that naringenin has significant anticancer potential on A549 cancer cells. The results showed that naringenin binds t0 EGFR protein in A549 with high binding affinity and thus may reduce lung cancer cell migration and enhance the apoptosis of cancer cells. From the obtained results it could be concluded that tangerine peel extract is an effective anti-cancer agent that may potentially serve as a natural therapeutic option for lung cancer treatment.

Keywords: tangerine peel, A549 cell line, anticancer, naringenin, HPLC analysis, naringenin, TLC bioautography

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392 A Compact Via-less Ultra-Wideband Microstrip Filter by Utilizing Open-Circuit Quarter Wavelength Stubs

Authors: Muhammad Yasir Wadood, Fatemeh Babaeian


By developing ultra-wideband (UWB) systems, there is a high demand for UWB filters with low insertion loss, wide bandwidth, and having a planar structure which is compatible with other components of the UWB system. A microstrip interdigital filter is a great option for designing UWB filters. However, the presence of via holes in this structure creates difficulties in the fabrication procedure of the filter. Especially in the higher frequency band, any misalignment of the drilled via hole with the Microstrip stubs causes large errors in the measurement results compared to the desired results. Moreover, in this case (high-frequency designs), the line width of the stubs are very narrow, so highly precise small via holes are required to be implemented, which increases the cost of fabrication significantly. Also, in this case, there is a risk of having fabrication errors. To combat this issue, in this paper, a via-less UWB microstrip filter is proposed which is designed based on a modification of a conventional inter-digital bandpass filter. The novel approaches in this filter design are 1) replacement of each via hole with a quarter-wavelength open circuit stub to avoid the complexity of manufacturing, 2) using a bend structure to reduce the unwanted coupling effects and 3) minimising the size. Using the proposed structure, a UWB filter operating in the frequency band of 3.9-6.6 GHz (1-dB bandwidth) is designed and fabricated. The promising results of the simulation and measurement are presented in this paper. The selected substrate for these designs was Rogers RO4003 with a thickness of 20 mils. This is a common substrate in most of the industrial projects. The compact size of the proposed filter is highly beneficial for applications which require a very miniature size of hardware.

Keywords: band-pass filters, inter-digital filter, microstrip, via-less

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391 Impact of Charging PHEV at Different Penetration Levels on Power System Network

Authors: M. R. Ahmad, I. Musirin, M. M. Othman, N. A. Rahmat


Plug-in Hybrid-Electric Vehicle (PHEV) has gained immense popularity in recent years. PHEV offers numerous advantages compared to the conventional internal-combustion engine (ICE) vehicle. Millions of PHEVs are estimated to be on the road in the USA by 2020. Uncoordinated PHEV charging is believed to cause severe impacts to the power grid; i.e. feeders, lines and transformers overload and voltage drop. Nevertheless, improper PHEV data model used in such studies may cause the findings of their works is in appropriated. Although smart charging is more attractive to researchers in recent years, its implementation is not yet attainable on the street due to its requirement for physical infrastructure readiness and technology advancement. As the first step, it is finest to study the impact of charging PHEV based on real vehicle travel data from National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) and at present charging rate. Due to the lack of charging station on the street at the moment, charging PHEV at home is the best option and has been considered in this work. This paper proposed a technique that comprehensively presents the impact of charging PHEV on power system networks considering huge numbers of PHEV samples with its traveling data pattern. Vehicles Charging Load Profile (VCLP) is developed and implemented in IEEE 30-bus test system that represents a portion of American Electric Power System (Midwestern US). Normalization technique is used to correspond to real time loads at all buses. Results from the study indicated that charging PHEV using opportunity charging will have significant impacts on power system networks, especially whereas bigger battery capacity (kWh) is used as well as for higher penetration level.

Keywords: plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, transportation electrification, impact of charging PHEV, electricity demand profile, load profile

Procedia PDF Downloads 288
390 Understanding the Utilization of Luffa Cylindrica in the Adsorption of Heavy Metals to Clean Up Wastewater

Authors: Akanimo Emene, Robert Edyvean


In developing countries, a low cost method of wastewater treatment is highly recommended. Adsorption is an efficient and economically viable treatment process for wastewater. The utilisation of this process is based on the understanding of the relationship between the growth environment and the metal capacity of the biomaterial. Luffa cylindrica (LC), a plant material, was used as an adsorbent in adsorption design system of heavy metals. The chemically modified LC was used to adsorb heavy metals ions, lead and cadmium, from aqueous environmental solution at varying experimental conditions. Experimental factors, adsorption time, initial metal ion concentration, ionic strength and pH of solution were studied. The chemical nature and surface area of the tissues adsorbing heavy metals in LC biosorption systems were characterised by using electron microscopy and infra-red spectroscopy. It showed an increase in the surface area and improved adhesion capacity after chemical treatment. Metal speciation of the metal ions showed the binary interaction between the ions and the LC surface as the pH increases. Maximum adsorption was shown between pH 5 and pH 6. The ionic strength of the metal ion solution has an effect on the adsorption capacity based on the surface charge and the availability of the adsorption sites on the LC. The nature of the metal-surface complexes formed as a result of the experimental data were analysed with kinetic and isotherm models. The pseudo second order kinetic model and the two-site Langmuir isotherm model showed the best fit. Through the understanding of this process, there will be an opportunity to provide an alternative method for water purification. This will be provide an option, for when expensive water treatment technologies are not viable in developing countries.

Keywords: adsorption, luffa cylindrica, metal-surface complexes, pH

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389 Low-Density Lipoproteins Mediated Delivery of Paclitaxel and MRI Imaging Probes for Personalized Medicine Applications

Authors: Sahar Rakhshan, Simonetta Geninatti Crich, Diego Alberti, Rachele Stefania


The combination of imaging and therapeutic agents in the same smart nanoparticle is a promising option to perform a minimally invasive imaging guided therapy. In this study, Low density lipoproteins (LDL), one of the most attractive biodegradable and biocompatible nanoparticles, were used for the simultaneous delivery of Paclitaxel (PTX), a hydrophobic antitumour drug and an amphiphilic contrast agent, Gd-AAZTA-C17, in B16-F10 melanoma cell line. These cells overexpress LDL receptors, as assessed by Flow cytometry analysis. PTX and Gd-AAZTA-C17 loaded LDLs (LDL-PTX-Gd) have been prepared, characterized and their stability was assessed under 72 h incubation at 37 ◦C and compared to LDL loaded with Gd-AAZTA-C17 (LDL-Gd) and LDL-PTX. The cytotoxic effect of LDL-PTX-Gd was evaluated by MTT assay. The anti-tumour drug loaded into LDLs showed a significantly higher toxicity on B16-F10 cells with respect to the commercially available formulation Paclitaxel Kabi (PTX Kabi) used in clinical applications. It was possible to demonstrate a high uptake of LDL-Gd in B16-F10 cells. As a consequence of the high cell uptake, melanoma cells showed significantly high cytotoxic effect when incubated in the presence of PTX (LDL-PTX-Gd). Furthermore, B16-F10 have been used to perform Magnetic Resonance Imaging. By the analysis of the image signal intensity, it was possible to extrapolate the amount of internalized PTX indirectly by the decrease of relaxation times caused by Gd, proportional to its concentration. Finally, the treatment with PTX loaded LDL on B16-F10 tumour bearing mice resulted in a marked reduction of tumour growth compared to the administration of PTX Kabi alone. In conclusion, LDLs are selectively taken-up by tumour cells and can be successfully exploited for the selective delivery of Paclitaxel and imaging agents.

Keywords: low density lipoprotein, melanoma cell lines, MRI, paclitaxel, personalized medicine application, theragnostic System

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388 Overall Function and Symptom Impact of Self-Applied Myofascial Release in Adult Patients With Fibromyalgia. A Seven-Week Pilot Study

Authors: Domenica Tambasco, Riina Bray, Sophia Jaworski, Gillian Grant, Celeste Corkery


Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and reduced function. Management of symptoms include medications, physical treatments and mindfulness therapies. Myofascial Release is a modality that has been successfully applied in var-ious musculoskeletal conditions. However, to the author’s best knowledge, it is not yet recog-nized as a self-management therapy option in Fibromyalgia. In this study, we investigated whether Self-applied Myofascial Release (SMR) is associated with overall improved function and symptoms in Fibromyalgia. Methods: Eligible adult patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Fibromyalgia at Women’s College Hospital were recruited to SMR. Sessions ran for 1 hour once a week for 7 weeks, led by the same two Physiotherapists knowledgeable in this physical treat-ment modality. The main outcome measure was an overall impact score for function and symp-toms based on the validated assessment tool for Fibromyalgia, the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR), measured pre and post-intervention. Both descriptive and analytical methods were applied and reported. Results: We analyzed results using a paired t-test to deter-mine if there was a statistically significant difference in mean FIQR scores between initial (pre-intervention) and final (post-intervention) scores. A clinically significant difference in FIQR was defined as a reduction in score by 10 or more points. Conclusions: Our pilot study showed that SMR appeared to be a safe and effective intervention for our Fibromyalgia participants and the overall impact on function and symptoms occurred in only 7 weeks. Further studies with larger sample sizes comparing SMR to other physical treatment modalities (such as stretching) in an RCT are recommended.

Keywords: fibromyalgia, myofascial release, physical therapy, FIQR

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387 Development of an Integrated Framework for Life-Cycle Economic, Environmental and Human Health Impact Assessment for Reclaimed Water Use in Water Systems of Various Scales

Authors: Yu-Yao Wang, Xiao-Meng Hu, Joanne Yeung, Xiao-Yan Li


The high private cost and unquantified external cost limit the development of reclaimed water. In this study, an integrated framework comprising life cycle assessment (LCA), quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA), and life cycle costing (LCC) was developed to evaluate both costs of reclaimed water supply in water systems of various scales. LCA assesses the environmental impacts, and QMRA estimates the associated pathogenic impacts. These impacts are monetized as external costs and analyzed with the private cost by LCC to count the total life cycle cost. The framework evaluated the Hong Kong urban water system in the baseline scenario (BS) and five wastewater reuse scenarios (RS). They are RSI: substituting freshwater for toilet flushing only, RSII: substituting both freshwater and seawater for toilet flushing, RSIII: using reclaimed water for all non-potable uses, RSIV: using reclaimed water for all non-potable uses and indirect potable uses, and RSV: non-potable use and indirect potable use by conveying 100% reclaimed water to recharge the reservoirs. The results show that substituting freshwater and seawater for toilet flushing has the least total life cycle cost, exhibiting that it is the most cost-effective option for Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the evaluation results show that the external cost of each scenario is comparable to the corresponding private cost, indicating the importance of the inclusion of comprehensive external cost evaluation in private cost assessment of water systems with reclaimed water supply.

Keywords: life cycle assessment, life cycle costing, quantitative microbial risk assessment, water reclamation, reclaimed water, alternative water resources

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386 Ethical Considerations in In-Utero Gene Editing

Authors: Shruti Govindarajan


In-utero gene editing with CRISPR-Cas9 opens up new possibilities for treating genetic disorders during pregnancy while still in mother’s womb. By targeting genetic mutations in the early stages of fetal development, this approach could potentially prevent severe conditions—like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and muscular dystrophy—from causing harm. CRISPR-Cas9, which allows precise DNA edits, could be delivered into fetal cells through vectors such as adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) or nanoparticles, correcting disease-causing mutations and possibly offering lifelong relief from these disorders. For families facing severe genetic diagnoses, in-utero gene editing could provide a transformative option. However, technical challenges remain, including ensuring that gene editing only targets the intended cells and verifying long-term safety. Ethical considerations are also at the forefront of this technology. The editing of a fetus's genes brings up difficult questions about consent, especially since these genetic changes will affect the child’s entire life without their input. There's also concern over possible unintended side effects, or changes passed down to future generations. Moreover, if used beyond therapeutic purposes, this technology could be misused for ‘enhancements,’ like selecting for certain physical or cognitive traits, raising concerns about inequality and social pressures. In this way, in-utero gene editing brings both exciting potential and complex moral questions. As research progresses, addressing these scientific and ethical concerns will be key to ensuring that this technology is used responsibly, prioritizing safety, fairness, and a focus on alleviating genetic disease. A cautious and inclusive approach, along with clear regulations, will be essential to realizing the benefits of in-utero gene editing while protecting against unintended consequences.

Keywords: in-utero gene editing, CRISPR, bioethics, genetic disorder

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385 Review on the Role of Sustainability Techniques in Development of Green Building

Authors: Ubaid Ur Rahman, Waqar Younas, Sooraj Kumar Chhabira


Environmentally sustainable building construction has experienced significant growth during the past 10 years at international level. This paper shows that the conceptual framework adopts sustainability techniques in construction to develop environment friendly building called green building. Waste occurs during the different construction phases which causes the environmental problems like, deposition of waste on ground surface creates major problems such as bad smell. It also gives birth to different health diseases and produces toxic waste agent which is specifically responsible for making soil infertile. Old recycled building material is used in the construction of new building. Sustainable construction is economical and saves energy sources. Sustainable construction is the major responsibility of designer and project manager. The designer has to fulfil the client demands while keeping the design environment friendly. Project manager has to deliver and execute sustainable construction according to sustainable design. Steel is the most appropriate sustainable construction material. It is more durable and easily recyclable. Steel occupies less area and has more tensile and compressive strength than concrete, making it a better option for sustainable construction as compared to other building materials. New technology like green roof has made the environment pleasant, and has reduced the construction cost. It minimizes economic, social and environmental issues. This paper presents an overview of research related to the material use of green building and by using this research recommendation are made which can be followed in the construction industry. In this paper, we go through detailed analysis on construction material. By making suitable adjustments to project management practices it is shown that a green building improves the cost efficiency of the project, makes it environmental friendly and also meets future generation demands.

Keywords: sustainable construction, green building, recycled waste material, environment

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384 The Study of Blood Consumption for Stem Cell Transplant Patients in Shahid Ghazi Tabatabaei Hospital, Tabriz, Iran

Authors: Naser Shagerdi Esmaeli, Mohsen Hamidpour, Parisa Hasankhani Tehrani


Background And Objective: Haematopoietic stem cell transplant is a potentially curative treatment option in various benign and malignant haematological diseases. Patients undergoing stem cell transplant procedure require blood transfusion on a daily basis. Currently, there is paucity of data from developing countries on transfusion practices. This audit was undertaken to determine the consumption of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) transfusion in the bone marrow transplant unit of the Shahid Ghazi Tabatabaei Hospital, Tabriz, Iran. Subjects And Methods: A retrospective audit was conducted for packed red cell transfusion ordering practice over a period from March 2017 to march 2018. All consecutive patients admitted for stem cell transplant procedure for various underlying diseases were included. Outcome measures used in this study were (i) cross match to transfusion (C: T) ratio and (ii) transfusion trigger. Results: During the study period, n=13 patients underwent a haematopoietic stem cell transplant. There were n=10 males and n=3 females. One patient was less than 15 years of age, while rests were adults. Median age±SD was 26.5±14.5 years (12∼54 years). The underlying diagnosis included Aplastic anemia (n=4), Thalassemia major (n=1), Multiple Myeloma (n=3), Acute leukemia (n=3), Hodgkin's lymphoma (n=1), PRCA (n=1). Grand total consumption of PRBCs during the study period was 204, while 258 products were crossmatch. The C:T ratio was 1.26. The transfusion trigger was Hb level of less than 8 gr/dl. Conclusion: The results of our BMT unit indicate that the C:T ratio and transfusion trigger is comparable to the international criteria and pioneer country in BMT transplantation. Also, we hope that our blood consumption become less than it is now.

Keywords: blood consumption, C: T ratio, PRBCs, stem cell transplant, tabriz, Iran

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383 Graphical Theoretical Construction of Discrete time Share Price Paths from Matroid

Authors: Min Wang, Sergey Utev


The lessons from the 2007-09 global financial crisis have driven scientific research, which considers the design of new methodologies and financial models in the global market. The quantum mechanics approach was introduced in the unpredictable stock market modeling. One famous quantum tool is Feynman path integral method, which was used to model insurance risk by Tamturk and Utev and adapted to formalize the path-dependent option pricing by Hao and Utev. The research is based on the path-dependent calculation method, which is motivated by the Feynman path integral method. The path calculation can be studied in two ways, one way is to label, and the other is computational. Labeling is a part of the representation of objects, and generating functions can provide many different ways of representing share price paths. In this paper, the recent works on graphical theoretical construction of individual share price path via matroid is presented. Firstly, a study is done on the knowledge of matroid, relationship between lattice path matroid and Tutte polynomials and ways to connect points in the lattice path matroid and Tutte polynomials is suggested. Secondly, It is found that a general binary tree can be validly constructed from a connected lattice path matroid rather than general lattice path matroid. Lastly, it is suggested that there is a way to represent share price paths via a general binary tree, and an algorithm is developed to construct share price paths from general binary trees. A relationship is also provided between lattice integer points and Tutte polynomials of a transversal matroid. Use this way of connection together with the algorithm, a share price path can be constructed from a given connected lattice path matroid.

Keywords: combinatorial construction, graphical representation, matroid, path calculation, share price, Tutte polynomial

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382 Built-Own-Lease-Transfer (BOLT): “An Alternative Model to Subsidy Schemes in Public Private Partnership Projects”

Authors: Nirali Shukla, Neel Shah


The World Bank Institute (WBI) is undertaking a review of government interventions aimed at facilitating sustainable investment in public private partnerships (PPPs) in various under developed countries. The study presents best practice for applying financial model to make PPPs financially viable. The lessons presented here, if properly implemented, can help countries use limited funds to attract more private investment, get more infrastructure built and, as a result, achieve greater economic growth. The four countries Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and India in total develop an average of nearly US$50 billion in PPPs per year. There are a range of policies and institutional arrangements governments use to provide subsidies to PPPs. For example, some countries have created dedicated agencies, or ‘funds’, capitalized with money from the national budget to manage and allocate subsidies. Other countries have established well-defined policies for appropriating subsidies on an ad hoc basis through an annual budget process. In this context, subsidies are direct fiscal contributions or grants paid by the government to a project when revenues from user fees are insufficient to cover all capital and operating costs while still providing private investors with a reasonable rate of return. Without subsidies, some infrastructure projects that would provide economic or social gains, but are not financially viable, would go undeveloped. But the Financial model of BOLT (PPP) model described in this study suggests that it is most feasible option rather than going for subsidy schemes for making infrastructure projects financially viable. The major advantage for implementing this model is the government money is saved and can be used for other projects as well as the private investors are getting better rate of return than subsidized schemes.

Keywords: PPP, BOLT, subsidy schemes, financial model

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381 Education of Mothers and Influence on the Development of Intrauterine Growth Restriction

Authors: Sabina Garayeva


To determine the significant risk factors for intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), we carried out a thorough study of the social status of the parents of children with IUGR. We observed 315 mothers who gave birth to children with (IUGR), of which 172 mothers with asymmetric type and 143 mothers with symmetric type of IUGR. Through a detailed survey was gathered detailed information about education of parents. The results show that the majority of mothers with IUGR had secondary education (44,8 ± 2,8%), and fathers - higher education (35,2 ± 2,7%). Whereas in the control group, the largest number of parents had higher education (mother 35,3 ± 4,4%, fathers 42,9 ± 4,5%). Number of mothers with secondary education with IUGR was significantly (p1 <0,01; χ2 = 22,67) differs from the number of mothers with physiological pregnancy with the same level of education. Meanwhile, in the group with a symmetrical embodiment of IUGR mothers with secondary formation of significantly greater 53,1 ± 4,2%, than the asymmetric embodiment IUGR 37,8 ± 3,7% (p2 <0,05; χ2 = 8 06). Among fathers with secondary education significant difference was noted in the symmetric version of IUGR 37,8 ± 4,1% more than in the control group (p1 <0,05), and among parents of children with asymmetric IUGR option prevailed fathers with higher education - 37 2 ± 3,7%. Thus, our results revealed a low educational level of the mother as a risk factor for IUGR, which further help to develop preventive and therapeutic measures to eliminate the severity of its consequences. As seen from the data presented, mothers of children with asymmetric IUGR had a school education and fathers - higher education, while in the symmetric type of both parents had secondary education. It is found that frequency of children, born with IUGR, of mothers - housewives and fathers, engage in physical labor, was high. Thus, the analysis conducted by the social status of the parents with IUGR revealed a low level of education and unemployed mothers as risk factors for this disease, which in the future will help to develop preventive and therapeutic measures to eliminate the severity of its.

Keywords: intrauterine growth restriction, education of mothers, education influence, IUGR

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380 Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta Indonesia as a Potential Destination for Education Tourism

Authors: Henry Prihanto Nugroho


This paper suggests education tourism as an option into developing more sustainable mass tourism. Identifying the potential of education tourism and developing a sustainable packages will have an impact on social economic development in the area. Indonesia especially Yogyakarta can increase their tourism earnings by tapping into this growing market phenomenon. Educational tourism, a growing part in the world tourism market, has attracted great attention because of its direct impact on the community and as an alternative strategy for poverty alleviation. Tourism is considered as one of the main industries and sectors highly contributing to economic development in Indonesia especially in Yogyakarta, this region can be an ideal case for studying the issue of educational tourism in Universitas Gadjah Mada. This paper tries to introduce the educational tourism as an important alternative source of the economy accelerator in the context of Yogyakarta Indonesia. This paper also aims to discuss the education tourism potential at the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Indonesia then to create and established an Education Tourism package at Gadjah Mada University. Education Tourism is a means to empower academics, local community, local businesses, and to improve the economic welfare. Methods: Focus group discussions, direct observation, survey and best practice method. Conclusion: There is a positive relationship between attitude, environmental impact, economic impact, and socio-cultural impacts and practice in the field when the potential is seized. The findings incorporate insights into the socio-cultural and economic potential of education tourism and practices related to community development at the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Indonesia by creating an Education Tourism Packages that will suit the needs of the tourist. Educational tourism can create sustainable development for local communities, academic society, universities, and stakeholders.

Keywords: education tourism, Gadjah Mada, sustainable, tourism

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379 Eosinopenia: Marker for Early Diagnosis of Enteric Fever

Authors: Swati Kapoor, Rajeev Upreti, Monica Mahajan, Abhaya Indrayan, Dinesh Srivastava


Enteric Fever is caused by gram negative bacilli Salmonella typhi and paratyphi. It is associated with high morbidity and mortality worldwide. Timely initiation of treatment is a crucial step for prevention of any complications. Cultures of body fluids are diagnostic, but not always conclusive or practically feasible in most centers. Moreover, the results of cultures delay the treatment initiation. Serological tests lack diagnostic value. The blood counts can offer a promising option in diagnosis. A retrospective study to find out the relevance of leucopenia and eosinopenia was conducted on 203 culture proven enteric fever patients and 159 culture proven non-enteric fever patients in a tertiary care hospital in New Delhi. The patient details were retrieved from the electronic medical records section of the hospital. Absolute eosinopenia was considered as absolute eosinophil count (AEC) of less than 40/mm³ (normal level: 40-400/mm³) using LH-750 Beckman Coulter Automated machine. Leucopoenia was defined as total leucocyte count (TLC) of less than 4 X 10⁹/l. Blood cultures were done using BacT/ALERT FA plus automated blood culture system before first antibiotic dose was given. Case and control groups were compared using Pearson Chi square test. It was observed that absolute eosinophil count (AEC) of 0-19/mm³ was a significant finding (p < 0.001) in enteric fever patients, whereas leucopenia was not a significant finding (p=0.096). Using Receiving Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, it was observed that patients with both AEC < 14/mm³ and TCL < 8 x 10⁹/l had 95.6% chance of being diagnosed as enteric fever and only 4.4% chance of being diagnosed as non-enteric fever. This result was highly significant with p < 0.001. This is a very useful association of AEC and TLC found in enteric fever patients of this study which can be used for the early initiation of treatment in clinically suspected enteric fever patients.

Keywords: absolute eosinopenia, absolute eosinophil count, enteric fever, leucopenia, total leucocyte count

Procedia PDF Downloads 172
378 Performance Measurement by Analytic Hierarchy Process in Performance Based Logistics

Authors: M. Hilmi Ozdemir, Gokhan Ozkan


Performance Based Logistics (PBL) is a strategic approach that enables creating long-term and win-win relations among stakeholders in the acquisition. Contrary to the traditional single transactions, the expected value is created by the performance of the service pertaining to the strategic relationships in this approach. PBL motivates all relevant stakeholders to focus on their core competencies to produce the desired outcome in a collective way. The desired outcome can only be assured with a cost effective way as long as it is periodically measured with the right performance parameters. Thus, defining these parameters is a crucial step for the PBL contracts. In performance parameter determination, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is a multi-criteria decision making methodology for complex cases, was used within this study for a complex system. AHP has been extensively applied in various areas including supply chain, inventory management, outsourcing, and logistics. This methodology made it possible to convert end-user’s main operation and maintenance requirements to sub criteria contained by a single performance parameter. Those requirements were categorized and assigned weights by the relevant stakeholders. Single performance parameter capable of measuring the overall performance of a complex system is the major outcome of this study. The parameter deals with the integrated assessment of different functions spanning from training, operation, maintenance, reporting, and documentation that are implemented within a complex system. The aim of this study is to show the methodology and processes implemented to identify a single performance parameter for measuring the whole performance of a complex system within a PBL contract. AHP methodology is recommended as an option for the researches and the practitioners who seek for a lean and integrated approach for performance assessment within PBL contracts. The implementation of AHP methodology in this study may help PBL practitioners from methodological perception and add value to AHP in becoming prevalent.

Keywords: analytic hierarchy process, performance based logistics, performance measurement, performance parameters

Procedia PDF Downloads 281
377 Duration of the Disease in Systemic Sclerosis and Efficiency of Rituximab Therapy

Authors: Liudmila Garzanova, Lidia Ananyeva, Olga Koneva, Olga Ovsyannikova, Oxana Desinova, Mayya Starovoytova, Rushana Shayahmetova, Anna Khelkovskaya-Sergeeva


Objectives: The duration of the disease could be one of the leading factors in the effectiveness of therapy in systemic sclerosis (SSc). The aim of the study was to assess how the duration of the disease affects the changes of lung function in patients(pts) with interstitial lung disease (ILD) associated with SSc during long-term RTX therapy. Methods: We prospectively included 113pts with SSc in this study. 85% of pts were female. Mean age was 48.1±13years. The diffuse cutaneous subset of the disease had 62pts, limited–40, overlap–11. The mean disease duration was 6.1±5.4years. Pts were divided into 2 groups depending on the disease duration - group 1 (less than 5 years-63pts) and group 2 (more than 5 years-50 pts). All pts received prednisolone at mean dose of 11.5±4.6 mg/day and 53 of them - immunosuppressants at inclusion. The parameters were evaluated over the periods: at baseline (point 0), 13±2.3mo (point 1), 42±14mo (point 2) and 79±6.5mo (point 3) after initiation of RTX therapy. Cumulative mean dose of RTX in group 1 at point 1 was 1.7±0.6 g, at point 2 = 3.3±1.5g, at point 3 = 3.9±2.3g; in group 2 at point 1 = 1.6±0.6g, at point 2 = 2.7±1.5 g, at point 3 = 3.7±2.6 g. The results are presented in the form of mean values, delta(Δ), median(me), upper and lower quartile. Results. There was a significant increase of forced vital capacity % predicted (FVC) in both groups, but at points 1 and 2 the improvement was more significant in group 1. In group 2, an improvement of FVC was noted with a longer follow-up. Diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide % predicted (DLCO) remained stable at point 1, and then significantly improved by the 3rd year of RTX therapy in both groups. In group 1 at point 1: ΔFVC was 4.7 (me=4; [-1.8;12.3])%, ΔDLCO = -1.2 (me=-0.3; [-5.3;3.6])%, at point 2: ΔFVC = 9.4 (me=7.1; [1;16])%, ΔDLCO =3.7 (me=4.6; [-4.8;10])%, at point 3: ΔFVC = 13 (me=13.4; [2.3;25.8])%, ΔDLCO = 2.3 (me=1.6; [-5.6;11.5])%. In group 2 at point 1: ΔFVC = 3.4 (me=2.3; [-0.8;7.9])%, ΔDLCO = 1.5 (me=1.5; [-1.9;4.9])%; at point 2: ΔFVC = 7.6 (me=8.2; [0;12.6])%, ΔDLCO = 3.5 (me=0.7; [-1.6;10.7]) %; at point 3: ΔFVC = 13.2 (me=10.4; [2.8;15.4])%, ΔDLCO = 3.6 (me=1.7; [-2.4;9.2])%. Conclusion: Patients with an early SSc have more quick response to RTX therapy already in 1 year of follow-up. Patients with a disease duration more than 5 years also have response to therapy, but with longer treatment. RTX is effective option for the treatment of ILD-SSc, regardless of the duration of the disease.

Keywords: interstitial lung disease, systemic sclerosis, rituximab, disease duration

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376 Scientific Expedition to Understand the Crucial Issues of Rapid Lake Expansion and Moraine Dam Instability Phenomena to Justify the Lake Lowering Effort of Imja Lake, Khumbu Region of Sagarmatha, Nepal

Authors: R. C. Tiwari, N. P. Bhandary, D. B. Thapa Chhetri, R. Yatabe


The research enlightens the various issues of lake expansion and stability of the moraine dam of Imja lake. The Imja lake considered that the world highest altitude lake (5010m from m.s.l.), located in the Khumbu, Sagarmatha region of Nepal (27.90 N and 86.90 E) was reported as one of the fast growing glacier lakes in the Nepal Himalaya. The research explores a common phenomenon of lake expansion and stability issues of moraine dam to justify the necessity of lake lowering efforts if any in future in other glacier lakes in Nepal Himalaya. For this, we have explored the root causes of rapid lake expansion along with crucial factors responsible for the stability of moraine mass. This research helps to understand the structure of moraine dam and the ice, water and moraine interactions to the strength of moraine dam. The nature of permafrost layer and its effects on moraine dam stability is also studied here. The detail Geo-Technical properties of moraine mass of Imja lake gives a clear picture of the strength of the moraine material and their interactions. The stability analysis of the moraine dam under the consideration of strong ground motion of 7.8Mw 2015 Barpak-Gorkha and its major aftershock 7.3Mw Kodari, Sindhupalchowk-Dolakha border, Nepal earthquakes have also been carried out here to understand the necessity of lake lowering efforts. The lake lowering effort was recently done by Nepal Army by constructing an open channel and lowered 3m. And, it is believed that the entire region is now safe due to continuous draining of lake water by 3m. But, this option does not seem adequate to offer a significant risk reduction to downstream communities in this much amount of volume and depth, lowering as in the 75 million cubic meter water impounded with an average depth of 148.9m.

Keywords: finite element method, glacier, moraine, stability

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375 Numerical Simulation of Flexural Strength of Steel Fiber Reinforced High Volume Fly Ash Concrete by Finite Element Analysis

Authors: Mahzabin Afroz, Indubhushan Patnaikuni, Srikanth Venkatesan


It is well-known that fly ash can be used in high volume as a partial replacement of cement to get beneficial effects on concrete. High volume fly ash (HVFA) concrete is currently emerging as a popular option to strengthen by fiber. Although studies have supported the use of fibers with fly ash, a unified model along with the incorporation into finite element software package to estimate the maximum flexural loads need to be developed. In this study, nonlinear finite element analysis of steel fiber reinforced high strength HVFA concrete beam under static loadings was conducted to investigate their failure modes in terms of ultimate load. First of all, the experimental investigation of mechanical properties of high strength HVFA concrete was done and validates with developed numerical model with the appropriate modeling of element size and mesh by ANSYS 16.2. To model the fiber within the concrete, three-dimensional random fiber distribution was simulated by spherical coordinate system. Three types of high strength HVFA concrete beams were analyzed reinforced with 0.5, 1 and 1.5% volume fractions of steel fibers with specific mechanical and physical properties. The result reveals that the use of nonlinear finite element analysis technique and three-dimensional random fiber orientation exhibited fairly good agreement with the experimental results of flexural strength, load deflection and crack propagation mechanism. By utilizing this improved model, it is possible to determine the flexural behavior of different types and proportions of steel fiber reinforced HVFA concrete beam under static load. So, this paper has the originality to predict the flexural properties of steel fiber reinforced high strength HVFA concrete by numerical simulations.

Keywords: finite element analysis, high volume fly ash, steel fibers, spherical coordinate system

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374 Simulation and Performance Evaluation of Transmission Lines with Shield Wire Segmentation against Atmospheric Discharges Using ATPDraw

Authors: Marcio S. da Silva, Jose Mauricio de B. Bezerra, Antonio E. de A. Nogueira


This paper aims to make a performance analysis of shield wire transmission lines against atmospheric discharges when it is made the option of sectioning the shield wire and verify if the tolerability of the change. As a goal of this work, it was established to make complete modeling of a transmission line in the ATPDraw program with shield wire grounded in all the towers and in some towers. The methodology used to make the proposed evaluation was to choose an actual transmission line that served as a case study. From the choice of transmission line and verification of all its topology and materials, complete modeling of the line using the ATPDraw software was performed. Then several atmospheric discharges were simulated by striking the grounded shield wires in each tower. These simulations served to identify the behavior of the existing line against atmospheric discharges. After this first analysis, the same line was reconsidered with shield wire segmentation. The shielding wire segmentation technique aims to reduce induced losses in shield wires and is adopted in some transmission lines in Brazil. With the same conditions of atmospheric discharge the transmission line, this time with shield wire segmentation was again evaluated. The results obtained showed that it is possible to obtain similar performances against atmospheric discharges between a shield wired line in multiple towers and the same line with shield wire segmentation if some precautions are adopted as verification of the ground resistance of the wire segmented shield, adequacy of the maximum length of the segmented gap, evaluation of the separation length of the electrodes of the insulator spark, among others. As a conclusion, it is verified that since the correct assessment and adopted the correct criteria of adjustment a transmission line with shielded wire segmentation can perform very similar to the traditional use with multiple earths. This solution contributes in a very important way to the reduction of energy losses in transmission lines.

Keywords: atmospheric discharges, ATPDraw, shield wire, transmission lines

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373 Exploring Individual Decision Making Processes and the Role of Information Structure in Promoting Uptake of Energy Efficient Technologies

Authors: Rebecca J. Hafner, Daniel Read, David Elmes


The current research applies decision making theory in order to address the problem of increasing uptake of energy-efficient technologies in the market place, where uptake is currently slower than one might predict following rational choice models. Specifically, in two studies we apply the alignable/non-alignable features effect and explore the impact of varying information structure on the consumers’ preference for standard versus energy efficient technologies. As researchers in the Interdisciplinary centre for Storage, Transformation and Upgrading of Thermal Energy (i-STUTE) are currently developing energy efficient heating systems for homes and businesses, we focus on the context of home heating choice, and compare preference for a standard condensing boiler versus an energy efficient heat pump, according to experimental manipulations in the structure of prior information. In Study 1, we find that people prefer stronger alignable features when options are similar; an effect which is mediated by an increased tendency to infer missing information is the same. Yet, in contrast to previous research, we find no effects of alignability on option preference when options differ. The advanced methodological approach used here, which is the first study of its kind to randomly allocate features as either alignable or non-alignable, highlights potential design effects in previous work. Study 2 is designed to explore the interaction between alignability and construal level as an explanation for the shift in attentional focus when options differ. Theoretical and applied implications for promoting energy efficient technologies are discussed.

Keywords: energy-efficient technologies, decision-making, alignability effects, construal level theory, CO2 reduction

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372 Hydrogen Production at the Forecourt from Off-Peak Electricity and Its Role in Balancing the Grid

Authors: Abdulla Rahil, Rupert Gammon, Neil Brown


The rapid growth of renewable energy sources and their integration into the grid have been motivated by the depletion of fossil fuels and environmental issues. Unfortunately, the grid is unable to cope with the predicted growth of renewable energy which would lead to its instability. To solve this problem, energy storage devices could be used. Electrolytic hydrogen production from an electrolyser is considered a promising option since it is a clean energy source (zero emissions). Choosing flexible operation of an electrolyser (producing hydrogen during the off-peak electricity period and stopping at other times) could bring about many benefits like reducing the cost of hydrogen and helping to balance the electric systems. This paper investigates the price of hydrogen during flexible operation compared with continuous operation, while serving the customer (hydrogen filling station) without interruption. The optimization algorithm is applied to investigate the hydrogen station in both cases (flexible and continuous operation). Three different scenarios are tested to see whether the off-peak electricity price could enhance the reduction of the hydrogen cost. These scenarios are: Standard tariff (1 tier system) during the day (assumed 12 p/kWh) while still satisfying the demand for hydrogen; using off-peak electricity at a lower price (assumed 5 p/kWh) and shutting down the electrolyser at other times; using lower price electricity at off-peak times and high price electricity at other times. This study looks at Derna city, which is located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea (32° 46′ 0 N, 22° 38′ 0 E) with a high potential for wind resource. Hourly wind speed data which were collected over 24½ years from 1990 to 2014 were in addition to data on hourly radiation and hourly electricity demand collected over a one-year period, together with the petrol station data.

Keywords: hydrogen filling station off-peak electricity, renewable energy, off-peak electricity, electrolytic hydrogen

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371 Studying Growth as a Pursuit of Disseminating Social Impact: A Conceptual Study

Authors: Saila Tykkyläinen


The purpose of this study is to pave the way for more focused accumulation of knowledge on social enterprise growth. The body of research touching upon the phenomenon is somewhat fragmented. In order to make an effort to create a solid common ground, this study draws from the theoretical starting points and guidelines developed within small firm growth research. By analyzing their use in social enterprise growth literature, the study offers insights on whether the proven theories and concepts from small firm context could be more systematically applied when investigating growth of social enterprises. Towards this end, the main findings from social enterprise growth research are classified under the three research streams on growth. One of them focuses on factors of growth, another investigates growth as a process and the third is interested in outcomes of growth. During the analysis, special attention is paid on exploring how social mission of the company and the pursuit of augmenting its social impact are dealt within those lines of research. The next step is to scrutinize and discuss some of the central building blocks of growth research, namely the unit of analysis, conceptualization of a firm and operationalizing growth, in relation to social enterprise studies. It appears that the social enterprise growth literature stresses the significance of 'social' both as a main driver and principle outcome of growth. As for the growth process, this emphasis is manifested by special interest in strategies and models tailored to disseminate social impact beyond organizational limits. Consequently, this study promotes more frequent use of business activity as a unit of analysis in the social enterprise context. Most of the times, it is their products, services or programs with which social enterprises and entrepreneurs aim to create the impact. Thus the focus should be placed on activities rather than on organizations. The study also seeks to contribute back to the small firm growth research. Even though the recommendation to think of business activities as an option for unit of analysis stems from there, it is all too rarely used. Social entrepreneurship makes a good case for testing and developing the approach further.

Keywords: conceptual study, growth, scaling, social enterprise

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370 Applying Multiplicative Weight Update to Skin Cancer Classifiers

Authors: Animish Jain


This study deals with using Multiplicative Weight Update within artificial intelligence and machine learning to create models that can diagnose skin cancer using microscopic images of cancer samples. In this study, the multiplicative weight update method is used to take the predictions of multiple models to try and acquire more accurate results. Logistic Regression, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and Support Vector Machine Classifier (SVMC) models are employed within the Multiplicative Weight Update system. These models are trained on pictures of skin cancer from the ISIC-Archive, to look for patterns to label unseen scans as either benign or malignant. These models are utilized in a multiplicative weight update algorithm which takes into account the precision and accuracy of each model through each successive guess to apply weights to their guess. These guesses and weights are then analyzed together to try and obtain the correct predictions. The research hypothesis for this study stated that there would be a significant difference in the accuracy of the three models and the Multiplicative Weight Update system. The SVMC model had an accuracy of 77.88%. The CNN model had an accuracy of 85.30%. The Logistic Regression model had an accuracy of 79.09%. Using Multiplicative Weight Update, the algorithm received an accuracy of 72.27%. The final conclusion that was drawn was that there was a significant difference in the accuracy of the three models and the Multiplicative Weight Update system. The conclusion was made that using a CNN model would be the best option for this problem rather than a Multiplicative Weight Update system. This is due to the possibility that Multiplicative Weight Update is not effective in a binary setting where there are only two possible classifications. In a categorical setting with multiple classes and groupings, a Multiplicative Weight Update system might become more proficient as it takes into account the strengths of multiple different models to classify images into multiple categories rather than only two categories, as shown in this study. This experimentation and computer science project can help to create better algorithms and models for the future of artificial intelligence in the medical imaging field.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, multiplicative weight update, skin cancer

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369 Static Test Pad for Solid Rocket Motors

Authors: Svanik Garg


Static Test Pads are stationary mechanisms that hold a solid rocket motor, measuring the different parameters of its operation including thrust and temperature to better calibrate it for launch. This paper outlines a specific STP designed to test high powered rocket motors with a thrust upwards of 4000N and limited to 6500N. The design includes a specific portable mechanism with cost an integral part of the design process to make it accessible to small scale rocket developers with limited resources. Using curved surfaces and an ergonomic design, the STP has a delicately engineered façade/case with a focus on stability and axial calibration of thrust. This paper describes the design, operation and working of the STP and its widescale uses given the growing market of aviation enthusiasts. Simulations on the CAD model in Fusion 360 provided promising results with a safety factor of 2 established and stress limited along with the load coefficient A PCB was also designed as part of the test pad design process to help obtain results, with visual output and various virtual terminals to collect data of different parameters. The circuitry was simulated using ‘proteus’ and a special virtual interface with auditory commands was also created for accessibility and wide-scale implementation. Along with this description of the design, the paper also emphasizes the design principle behind the STP including a description of its vertical orientation to maximize thrust accuracy along with a stable base to prevent micromovements. Given the rise of students and professionals alike building high powered rockets, the STP described in this paper is an appropriate option, with limited cost, portability, accuracy, and versatility. There are two types of STP’s vertical or horizontal, the one discussed in this paper is vertical to utilize the axial component of thrust.

Keywords: static test pad, rocket motor, thrust, load, circuit, avionics, drag

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368 Solution of Reduced Mass in Solar Glider with Electric Engine

Authors: Piotr Żabicki, Paweł Skutta


The project of a glider with an electric motor charged by solar power is an step toward the future of Polish gliding. Due to the popularity of the SZD-50-3 glider and its type of usage, the project was developed based on this model. By placing an auxiliary engine in the glider, the pilot is guaranteed a safe return to the airport. Since it is a training glider, and routes are mainly flown by student pilots and instructors, the guarantee of returning to the airport allows flights in more challenging thermal conditions, which contributes to better pilot training. In case of worsening weather, the pilot has a reliable return option, which prevents time loss due to field landings and saves money by avoiding delays in training. The glider uses the NOVA 15 LW engine, a solar installation, and technical modifications to reduce the glider's weight. This includes the Misztal spar solution, previously used in the PZL 19 aircraft. Additionally, the use of lighter coverings and materials that handle loads from pulling, straining, and sharing improves the aerodynamic performance of the glider, enhancing its overall efficiency. Every component added to the glider's construction (battery, engine, etc.) has been placed to avoid shifting loads along the axis, thus preventing unintended spins and flat spins. Safety concerns were also addressed. In the event of a battery or engine fire, the pilot's cabin is designed as a detachable part of the structure and is made of composites covered with non-flammable resin. The batteries are also enclosed in separate boxes located in the former "luggage" compartment. Access to the installation connecting the engine, panel, and battery is convenient due to the detachable cabin from the structure and the fact that the entire installation runs under the structure. The batteries also have easy access due to the current closed hatch. Cooling for the battery is provided this way.

Keywords: engineering, girder, glider, solar, spar

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367 Assessment of Multi-Domain Energy Systems Modelling Methods

Authors: M. Stewart, Ameer Al-Khaykan, J. M. Counsell


Emissions are a consequence of electricity generation. A major option for low carbon generation, local energy systems featuring Combined Heat and Power with solar PV (CHPV) has significant potential to increase energy performance, increase resilience, and offer greater control of local energy prices while complementing the UK’s emissions standards and targets. Recent advances in dynamic modelling and simulation of buildings and clusters of buildings using the IDEAS framework have successfully validated a novel multi-vector (simultaneous control of both heat and electricity) approach to integrating the wide range of primary and secondary plant typical of local energy systems designs including CHP, solar PV, gas boilers, absorption chillers and thermal energy storage, and associated electrical and hot water networks, all operating under a single unified control strategy. Results from this work indicate through simulation that integrated control of thermal storage can have a pivotal role in optimizing system performance well beyond the present expectations. Environmental impact analysis and reporting of all energy systems including CHPV LES presently employ a static annual average carbon emissions intensity for grid supplied electricity. This paper focuses on establishing and validating CHPV environmental performance against conventional emissions values and assessment benchmarks to analyze emissions performance without and with an active thermal store in a notional group of non-domestic buildings. Results of this analysis are presented and discussed in context of performance validation and quantifying the reduced environmental impact of CHPV systems with active energy storage in comparison with conventional LES designs.

Keywords: CHPV, thermal storage, control, dynamic simulation

Procedia PDF Downloads 244
366 Arthroscopic Assisted Fibertape Technique For Recurrent MPFL Reconstruction - Case Series Done In The UK Population

Authors: Naufal Ahmed, Michael Lwin


Background: MPFL reconstructions are ideally performed with au-tografts like gracilis semitendinosus tendon, which may be associated with donor site morbidity and complications. In this case series, we have tried to use fiber tape, which avoids the above complications and also keeps the graft virgin. This kind of synthetic graft has been used successfully in rotator cuffs and ACJ reconstructions with good results. Materials and methods: It was a retrospective data analysis of 45 patients who underwent this procedure from 2014-2020 under a single consultant in a DGH . These patiens have been followed up at 6 weeks, 6 months, 1 year, and 1 ½ years with clinical assessment and KOOS scores. We compared the results with the NJR and also with the Belgium report and was found to be satisfactory and comparable with them. Surgical technique : We used Arthrex fiber tape for the reconstruction of MPFL . Initially, two parallel holes drilled over sup aspect of the patella with help of an image intensifier, and then fiber wire passed through them from the medial to the lateral side and back to the medial side. The fiber wire was attached to the schottle point on the femoral side, giving a good extra articular internal brac-ing to the MPFL. All patients were scoped before the procedure, and the final tightening over the femoral side was done directly under vision to see the position of the patella. Results: We had 45 MPFL reconstructions along with 4 additional procedures 1 ACLR, 2 ACL REPAIR, 1 TTT advancement ( revision MPFL ). There were 14 males and 31 females, and their average age was 25 (13-55 ). We did not have any donor site morbidity, no infection, no fractures, no recurrent dislocations, no reoperations yet. Conclusion: Fiber tape is a feasible and appropriate option for MPFL reconstruction. We haven’t seen any re -operation in our 5 year follow up. This technique avoids the use of autograft, which can be used in the future if needed for revision surgeries. We don’t lose anything by following this simple novel technique.

Keywords: arthroscopy, fibertape, MPFL reconstruction, recurrent patella dislocation

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365 Design and Optimization of Spoke Rotor Type Brushless Direct Current Motor for Electric Vehicles Using Different Flux Barriers

Authors: Ismail Kurt, Necibe Fusun Oyman Serteller


Today, with the reduction in semiconductor system costs, Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motors have become widely preferred. Based on rotor architecture, BLDC structures are divided into internal permanent magnet (IPM) and surface permanent magnet (SPM). However, permanent magnet (PM) motors in electric vehicles (EVs) are still predominantly based on interior permanent magnet (IPM) motors, as the rotors do not require sleeves, the PMs are better protected by the rotor cores, and the air-gap lengths can be much smaller. This study discusses the IPM rotor structure in detail, highlighting its higher torque levels, reluctance torque, wide speed range operation, and production advantages. IPM rotor structures are particularly preferred in EVs due to their high-speed capabilities, torque density and field weakening (FW) features. In FW applications, the motor becomes more suitable for operation at torques lower than the rated torque but at speeds above the rated speed. Although V-type and triangular IPM rotor structures are generally preferred in EV applications, the spoke-type rotor structure offers distinct advantages, making it a competitive option for these systems. The flux barriers in the rotor significantly affect motor performance, providing notable benefits in both motor efficiency and cost. This study utilizes ANSYS/Maxwell simulation software to analyze the spoke-type IPM motor and examine its key design parameters. Through analytical and 2D analysis, preliminary motor design and parameter optimization have been carried out. During the parameter optimization phase, torque ripple a common issue, especially for IPM motors has been investigated, along with the associated changes in motor parameters.

Keywords: electric vehicle, field weakening, flux barrier, spoke rotor.

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364 Growth Performance Of fresh Water Microalgae Chlorella sp. Exposed to Carbon Dioxide

Authors: Titin Handayani, Adi Mulyanto, Fajar Eko Priyanto


It is generally recognized, that algae could be an interesting option for reducing CO₂ emissions. Based on light and CO₂, algae can be used for the production various economically interesting products. Current algae cultivation techniques, however, still present a number of limitations. Efficient feeding of CO₂, especially on a large scale, is one of them. Current methods for CO₂ feeding to algae cultures rely on the sparging pure CO₂ or directly from flue gas. The limiting factor in this system is the solubility of CO₂ in water, which demands a considerable amount of energy for an effective gas to liquid transfer and leads to losses to the atmosphere. Due to the current ineffective methods for CO₂ introduction into algae ponds very large surface areas would be required for enough ponds to capture a considerable amount of the CO₂. The purpose of this study is to assess technology to capture carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions generated by industry by utilizing of microalgae Chlorella sp. The microalgae were cultivated in a bioreactor culture pond raceway type. The result is expected to be useful in mitigating the effects of greenhouse gases in reducing the CO₂ emissions. The research activities include: (1) Characterization of boiler flue gas, (2) Operation of culture pond, (3) Sampling and sample analysis. The results of this study showed that the initial assessment absorption of the flue gas by microalgae using 1000 L raceway pond completed by heat exchanger were quite promising. The transfer of CO₂ into the pond culture system was run well. This identified from the success of cooling the boiler flue gas from the temperature of about 200 °C to below ambient temperature. Except for the temperature, the gas bubbles into the culture media were quite fine. Therefore, the contact between the gas and the media was well performed. The efficiency of CO₂ absorption by Chlorella sp reached 6.68 % with an average CO₂ loading of 0.29 g/L/day.

Keywords: Chlorella sp., CO2 emission, heat exchange, microalgae, milk industry, raceway pond

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