Search results for: cellular-based structural health monitoring
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 15385

Search results for: cellular-based structural health monitoring

9295 Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterization of a Copolymer (PANI/PEDOT:PSS) for Application in Supercapacitors

Authors: Naima Boudieb, Mohamed Loucif Seaid, Imad Rati, Imane Benammane


The aim of this study is to synthesis of a copolymer PANI/PEDOT:PSS by electrochemical means to apply in supercapacitors. Polyaniline (PANI) is a conductive polymer; it was synthesized by electrochemical polymerization. It exhibits very stable properties in different environments, whereas PEDOT:PSS is a conductive polymer based on poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and poly(styrene sulfonate)(PSS). It is commonly used with polyaniline to improve its electrical conductivity. Several physicochemical and electrochemical techniques were used for the characterization of PANI/PEDOT:PSS: cyclic voltammetry (VC), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), open circuit potential, SEM, X-ray diffraction, etc. The results showed that the PANI/PEDOT:PSS composite is a promising material for supercapacitors due to its high electrical conductivity and high porosity. Electrochemical and physicochemical characterization tests have shown that the composite has high electrical and structural performances, making it a material of choice for high-performance energy storage applications.

Keywords: energy storage, supercapacitors, SIE, VC, PANI, poly(3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene, PEDOT, polystyrene sulfonate

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9294 Design and Application of NFC-Based Identity and Access Management in Cloud Services

Authors: Shin-Jer Yang, Kai-Tai Yang


In response to a changing world and the fast growth of the Internet, more and more enterprises are replacing web-based services with cloud-based ones. Multi-tenancy technology is becoming more important especially with Software as a Service (SaaS). This in turn leads to a greater focus on the application of Identity and Access Management (IAM). Conventional Near-Field Communication (NFC) based verification relies on a computer browser and a card reader to access an NFC tag. This type of verification does not support mobile device login and user-based access management functions. This study designs an NFC-based third-party cloud identity and access management scheme (NFC-IAM) addressing this shortcoming. Data from simulation tests analyzed with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) suggest that the NFC-IAM not only takes less time in identity identification but also cuts time by 80% in terms of two-factor authentication and improves verification accuracy to 99.9% or better. In functional performance analyses, NFC-IAM performed better in salability and portability. The NFC-IAM App (Application Software) and back-end system to be developed and deployed in mobile device are to support IAM features and also offers users a more user-friendly experience and stronger security protection. In the future, our NFC-IAM can be employed to different environments including identification for mobile payment systems, permission management for remote equipment monitoring, among other applications.

Keywords: cloud service, multi-tenancy, NFC, IAM, mobile device

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9293 Predictors of Sexually Transmitted Infection of Korean Adolescent Females: Analysis of Pooled Data from Korean Nationwide Survey

Authors: Jaeyoung Lee, Minji Je


Objectives: In adolescence, adolescents are curious about sex, but sexual experience before becoming an adult can cause the risk of high probability of sexually transmitted infection. Therefore, it is very important to prevent sexually transmitted infections so that adolescents can grow in healthy and upright way. Adolescent females, especially, have sexual behavior distinguished from that of male adolescents. Protecting female adolescents’ reproductive health is even more important since it is directly related to the childbirth of the next generation. This study, thus, investigated the predictors of sexually transmitted infection in adolescent females with sexual experiences based on the National Health Statistics in Korea. Methods: This study was conducted based on the National Health Statistics in Korea. The 11th Korea Youth Behavior Web-based Survey in 2016 was conducted in the type of anonymous self-reported survey in order to find out the health behavior of adolescents. The target recruitment group was middle and high school students nationwide as of April 2016, and 65,528 students from a total of 800 middle and high schools participated. The study was conducted in 537 female high school students (Grades 10–12) among them. The collected data were analyzed as complex sampling design using SPSS statistics 22. The strata, cluster, weight, and finite population correction provided by Korea Center for Disease Control & Prevention (KCDC) were reflected to constitute complex sample design files, which were used in the statistical analysis. The analysis methods included Rao-Scott chi-square test, complex samples general linear model, and complex samples multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: Out of 537 female adolescents, 11.9% (53 adolescents) had experiences of venereal infection. The predictors for venereal infection of the subjects were ‘age at first intercourse’ and ‘sexual intercourse after drinking’. The sexually transmitted infection of the subjects was decreased by 0.31 times (p=.006, 95%CI=0.13-0.71) for middle school students and 0.13 times (p<.001, 95%CI=0.05-0.32) for high school students whereas the age of the first sexual experience was under elementary school age. In addition, the sexually transmitted infection of the subjects was 3.54 times (p < .001, 95%CI=1.76-7.14) increased when they have experience of sexual relation after drinking alcohol, compared to those without the experience of sexual relation after drinking alcohol. Conclusions: The female adolescents had high probability of sexually transmitted infection if their age for the first sexual experience was low. Therefore, the female adolescents who start sexual experience earlier shall have practical sex education appropriate for their developmental stage. In addition, since the sexually transmitted infection increases, if they have sexual relations after drinking alcohol, the consideration for prevention of alcohol use or intervention of sex education shall be required. When health education intervention is conducted for health promotion for female adolescents in the future, it is necessary to reflect the result of this study.

Keywords: adolescent, coitus, female, sexually transmitted diseases

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9292 Synthesis of Ce Impregnated on Functionalized Graphene Oxide Nanosheets for Transesterification of Propylene Carbonate and Ethanol to Produce Diethyl Carbonate

Authors: Kumar N., Verma S., Park J., Srivastava V. C.


Organic carbonates have the potential to be used as fuels and because of this, their production through non-phosgene routes is a thrust area of research. Di-ethyl carbonate (DEC) synthesis from propylene carbonate (PC) in the presence of alcohol is a green route. In this study, the use of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) based metal oxide catalysts [rGO-MO, where M = Ce] with different amounts of graphene oxide (0.2%, 0.5%, 1%, and 2%) has been investigated for the synthesis of DEC by using PC and ethanol as reactants. The GO sheets were synthesized by an electrochemical process and the catalysts were synthesized using an in-situ method. A theoretical study of the thermodynamics of the reaction was done, which revealed that the reaction is mildly endothermic. The theoretical value of optimum temperature was found to be 420 K. The synthesized catalysts were characterized for their morphological, structural and textural properties using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption/desorption, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and Raman spectroscopy. Optimization studies were carried out to study the effect of different reaction conditions like temperature (140 °C to 180 °C) and catalyst dosage (0.102 g to 0.255 g) on the yield of DEC. Amongst the various synthesized catalysts, 1% rGO-CeO2 gave the maximum yield of DEC.

Keywords: GO, DEC, propylene carbonate, transesterification, thermodynamics

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9291 Effect of Online Mindfulness Training to Tertiary Students’ Mental Health: An Experimental Research

Authors: Abigaile Rose Mary R. Capay, Janne Ly Castillon-Gilpo, Sheila A. Javier


The transition to online learning has been a challenging feat on the mental health of tertiary students. This study investigated whether learning mindfulness strategies online would help in improving students’ imagination, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and emotional stability, as measured by the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) Big Five Factor Markers, as well as their dispositional mindfulness as measured by the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). Fifty-two college students participated in the experiment. The 23 participants assigned to the treatment condition received 6-weekly experiential sessions of online mindfulness training and were advised to follow a daily mindfulness practice, while the 29 participants from the control group only received a 1-hour lecture. Scores were collected at pretest and posttest. Findings show that there was a significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores of students assigned in the treatment group, likewise medium effect sizes in the variables: dispositional mindfulness (t (22) = 2.64, p = 0.015, d = .550), extraversion (t (22) = 2.76, p = 0.011, d = 0.575), emotional stability (t (22) = 2.99, p = 0.007, d = .624), conscientiousness (t (22) = 2.74, p = 0.012, d = .572) and imagination (t (22) = 4.08, p < .001), but not for agreeableness (t (22) = 2.01, p = 0.057, d = .419). No significant differences were observed on the scores of the control group. Educational institutions are recommended to consider teaching basic mindfulness strategies to tertiary students, as a valuable resource in improving their mental health as they navigate through adjustments in online learning.

Keywords: mindfulness, school-based interventions, MAAS, IPIP Big Five Markers, experiment

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9290 The Experiences and Needs of Fathers’ of Children With Cancer in Coping With the Child's Illness

Authors: Karina Lõbus, Silver Muld, Kadri Kööp, Mare Tupits


Aim: The aim of the research is to describe the experiences and needs of fathers’ of children with cancer in coping with the child's disease. Background: Today, about 80% of children diagnosed with malignancy in developed countries survive. Despite the positive statistics, recovery is not always certain, treatment is often very intensive and long-term. Cancer is affecting an increasing number of the population, which is increasing the demand for quality care, but the nature of expected care is currently unclear. This topic is important for the development of professional practice, as nurses complain that their knowledge to deal with the relatives of a patient with a difficult diagnosis is limited and would therefore like additional information to deal with the situation. Design: Qualitative, empirical, descriptive research. Method: The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed by inductive content analysis method. Interviews were conducted during Autumn 2020. 4 subjects participated in the research. Results and Conclusions: The thesis revealed that fathers had different experiences and needs in dealing with the child's illness. Fathers' experiences of coping with child's diseases encompassed experiences with information, social relationships, healthcare, changes in personal health and experiences regarding the child. Regarding information, the respondents pointed out bad experiences with the availability of information and the ability to convey the necessary information. Experiences regarding social relationships included experiences with relatives and strangers. Regarding healthcare, fathers mentioned experiences related to the child's health and healthcare professionals. In regards to personal health, fathers pointed out negative changes in their mental and physical health. In relation to the child, the subjects revealed experiences regarding changed values, way of life and raising the child. According to the research, fathers’ needs in relation to dealing with child's cancer included material, social, and spiritual needs. In regard to material needs, fathers pointed out the need for state assistance and the needs related to the surrounding environment. The needs concerning social belonging involved needs for a driving force and involvement in the treatment process. Regarding spiritual needs, fathers expressed mixed feelings towards the need for outside and professional help.

Keywords: father, coping, cancer, child, experience, need

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9289 Too Well to Die; Too Ill to Live

Authors: Deepak Jugran


The last century has witnessed rapid scientific growth, and social policies mainly targeted to increase the “life expectancy” of the people. As a result of these developments, the aging as well as ailing population, is increasing by every day. Despite an increase in “life expectancy”, we have not recorded compression in morbidity numbers as the age of onset of the majority of health issues has not increased substantially. In recent years, the prevalence of chronic diseases along with the improved treatment has also resulted in the increase of people living with chronic diseases. The last decade has also focused on social policies to increase the life expectancy in the population; however, in recent decades, social policies and biomedical research are gradually shifting on the potential of increasing healthy life or healthspan. In this article, we review the existing framework of lifespan and healthspan and wish to ignite a discussion among social scientists and public health experts to propose a wholistic framework to balance the trade-offs on social policies for “lifespan” and “healthspan”.

Keywords: lifespan, healthspan, chronic diseases, social policies

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9288 Social Integration of Visually Impaired Persons in Georgia

Authors: Vakhtang Nozadze, Luiza Arutinova, Khatuna Martskvishvili


The social empowerment of most needed individuals is a challenging issue, especially for developing countries. The current study explores the effects of visual impairment on individuals’ satisfaction with different aspects of life (i.e. education, job, income, family) and coping strategies. Furthermore, the difference between groups according to health status is revealed. Other demographic variables (education, employment, and marital status) is also considered. The cross-sectional design and self-reported questionnaires were adopted. Seventy-two visually impaired males and females (age range 13-66) and seventy healthy individuals participated in the study. The results reveal the importance of health status on the accessibility of social amenities, individuals’ satisfaction with life, and a diversity of coping strategies, irrespective of the age. The research has an important implication for social integration research and policy.

Keywords: coping strategies, life satisfaction, social integration, visual impairment

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9287 A Quantitative Study Investigating Whether the Internalisation of Adolescent Femininity Ideologies Predicts Depression and Anxiety in Female Adolescents

Authors: Tondani Mudau, Sherine B. Van Wyk, Zuhayr Kafaar, Janan Dietrich


Female adolescents residing in a patriarchal society such as South Africa are more inclined to embrace feminine ideologies. Internalizing these ideologies may expose female adolescents to mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety. This study explored whether the internalisation of adolescent femininity ideologies namely, objectified relationship with own body (ORB) and inauthentic self in relationships (ISR) predicted anxiety and depression in late female adolescents at Stellenbosch University. The sample of the study consisted of 1451 (18-24) female undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled at Stellenbosch University. The mean age of the participants was 20 (SD=1.46), and most participants (39.7%) were first-year students. The study employed a cross-sectional quantitative research design. Data was collected through an online self-completion survey, the survey consisted of three sections, the first section asked biographical questions regarding age, gender, race and family background. The second section measured the internalisation of feminine ideologies by using the adolescent femininity ideology scale which has two subscales namely inauthentic self in relationship with others (ISR) and objectified relationship with one’s own body (ORB). The ISR scale had the Cronbach Alpha of 0.76, and the ORB scale had the Cronbach Alpha of 0.83. The third section measured mental health (depression and anxiety) by using the Hopkins Symptoms 25-checklist which had the Cronbach Alpha of 0.93. Data were analysed through multiple linear regression from IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 24). The overall results of the multiple linear regression showed that The AFIS combination accounted for 14% for anxiety as measured by the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist R² = .142, F (2, 682) = 56.431, p < .001. The combination also accounted for 24% for depression as measured by the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist R² = .239, F (2, 682) = 106.971, p < .0. The findings in this study affirm the objectification and feminist theory contentions that internalising femininity ideologies (ISR and ORB) predict negative mental health in female adolescents.

Keywords: adolescents, anxiety, depression, feminine ideologies, inauthentic self, mental health, self-objectification, South Africa

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9286 Assessment of Water Quality Used for Irrigation: Case Study of Josepdam Irrigation Scheme

Authors: M. A. Adejumobi, J. O. Ojediran


The aim of irrigation is to recharge the available water in the soil. Quality of irrigation water is essential for the yield and quality of crops produced, maintenance of soil productivity and protection of the environment. The analysis of irrigation water arises as a need to know the impact of irrigation water on the yield of crops, the effect, and the necessary control measures to rectify the effect of this for optimum production and yield of crops. This study was conducted to assess the quality of irrigation water with its performance on crop planted, in Josepdam irrigation scheme Bacita, Nigeria. Field visits were undertaken to identify and locate water supply sources and collect water samples from these sources; X1 Drain, Oshin, River Niger loop and Ndafa. Laboratory experiments were then undertaken to determine the quality of raw water from these sources. The analysis was carried for various parameters namely; physical and chemical analyses after water samples have been taken from four sources. The samples were tested in laboratory. Results showed that the raw water sources shows no salinity tendencies with SAR values less than 1me/l and Ecvaules at Zero while the pH were within the recommended range by FAO, there are increase in potassium and sulphate content contamination in three of the location. From this, it is recommended that there should be proper monitoring of the scheme by conducting analysis of water and soil in the environment, preferable test should be carried out at least one year to cover the impact of seasonal variations and to determine the physical and chemical analysis of the water used for irrigation at the scheme.

Keywords: irrigation, salinity, raw water quality, scheme

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9285 Numerical Analysis of Fire Performance of Timber Structures

Authors: Van Diem Thi, Mourad Khelifa, Mohammed El Ganaoui, Yann Rogaume


An efficient numerical method has been developed to incorporate the effects of heat transfer in timber panels on partition walls exposed to real building fires. The procedure has been added to the software package Abaqus/Standard as a user-defined subroutine (UMATHT) and has been verified using both time-and spatially dependent heat fluxes in two- and three-dimensional problems. The aim is to contribute to the development of simulation tools needed to assist structural engineers and fire testing laboratories in technical assessment exercises. The presented method can also be used under the developmental stages of building components to optimize performance in real fire conditions. The accuracy of the used thermal properties and the finite element models was validated by comparing the predicted results with three different available fire tests in literature. It was found that the model calibrated to results from standard fire conditions provided reasonable predictions of temperatures within assemblies exposed to real building fire.

Keywords: Timber panels, heat transfer, thermal properties, standard fire tests

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9284 A False Introduction: Teaching in a Pandemic

Authors: Robert Michael, Kayla Tobin, William Foster, Rachel Fairchild


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruptions in education, particularly in the teaching of health and physical education (HPE). This study examined a cohort of teachers that experienced being a preservice and first-year teacher during various stages of the pandemic. Qualitative data collection was conducted by interviewing six teachers from different schools in the Eastern U.S. over a series of structured interviews. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the data. The pandemic significantly impacted the way HPE was taught as schools shifted to virtual and hybrid models. Findings revealed five major themes: (a) You want me to teach HOW?, (b) PE without equipment and six feet apart, (c) Behind the Scenes, (d) They’re back…I became a behavior management guru, and (e) The Pandemic Crater. Overall, this study highlights the significant challenges faced by preservice and first-year teachers in teaching physical education during the pandemic and underscores the need for ongoing support and resources to help them adapt and succeed in these challenging circumstances.

Keywords: teacher education, preservice teachers, first year teachers, health and physical education

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9283 The Quantitative Analysis of Tourism Carrying Capacity with the Approach of Sustainable Development Case Study: Siahsard Fountain

Authors: Masoumeh Tadayoni, Saeed Kamyabi, Alireza Entezari


Background and goal of the research: In planning and management system, the tourism carrying capacity is used as a holistic approach and supportive instrument. Evaluating the carrying capacity is used in quantitative the resource exploitation in line with sustainable development and as a foundation for identifying the changes in natural ecosystem and for the final evaluation and monitoring the tensions and decays in regressed ecosystem. Therefore, the present research tries to determine the carrying capacity of effective, physical and real range of Siahsard tourism region. Method: In the present research, the quantitative analysis of tourism carrying capacity is studied by used of effective or permissible carrying capacity (EPCC), real carrying capacity (PCC) and physical carrying capacity (RCC) in Siahsard fountain. It is analyzed based on the field survey and various resources were used for collecting information. Findings: The results of the analysis shows that, 3700 people use the Siahsard tourism region every day and 1350500 people use it annually. However, the evaluation of carrying capacity can be annually 1390650 people in this place. It can be an important tourism place along with other places in the region. Results: Siahsard’s tourism region has a little way to reach to its carrying capacity that needs to be analyzed. However, based on the results, some suggestions were offered for sustainable development of this region and as the most logical alternations for tourism management.

Keywords: carrying capacity, evaluation, Siahsard, tourism

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9282 Rural Nurses as a Consistent Resource

Authors: Meirav Eshkol, Miri Blaufeld, Rinat Basal


Aim: The working environment in rural clinics is often isolated and distant from major health centers. In these circumstances, rural health care faces numerous challenges. The hope is that, in the immediate future and in the medium and long range, the rural nursing staff will realize their full professional and personal potential to their own satisfaction and to the health and welfare of their patients. Background: Rural nurses work mostly alone or with very few colleagues, and have the authority to make professional decisions, a fact which often requires them to make critical decisions in pressure situations. In addition, the expectations set for these nurses are extremely high, a fact which requires them to be extremely skilled and to fulfill their professional potential. They are required to provide high-quality and comprehensive care to the individual, the family, and the community and to maintain close interaction with the community. Work in a rural setting requires the flexibility to perform multiple tasks in an isolated setting, often far removed from major health centers. In order to maintain professional satisfaction for the rural nurse, expanded direction and training are required in professional know-how, and in the development of new and existing skills, toward the goal of treating a diverse population and to obtain a comprehensive view of the components of a diagnosis for treatment and to develop an understanding appropriate to the presented reality. Objective: To provide knowledge and to expand and develop professional skills in the prevention and advancement of health in the care of a diverse patient population. The development of strategies and skills for work under pressure alone instills expertise in performing multiple tasks in diverse disciplines. To reduce feelings of stress and burnout. Methodology: This course is the first and one of a kind in Clalit - the biggest health organisation in Israel. Observing and identifying the needs of the nurses in the field relating to the development of professional and personal skills defining goals and objectives, and determining the content of a course designed for rural nurses and kibbutz nurses who are not Clalit employees. Results: 43 nurses participated and 30 answered the feedback questionnaire. The rating of their experience was 4.33 (on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest ranking). 92% indicated the importance of meeting with additional nurses to teach their colleagues. 83% of the nurses indicated an increased sense of organizational belonging. 60% indicated that the course helped to reduce feelings of stress and burnout in becoming a better rural nurse. 80% indicated that the course helped them establish intra-organizational professional cooperation and initiating processes. Conclusion: The course is an instrument which aids in increasing the feeling of organizational belonging, reducing feelings of stress and burnout, creation of relationships and cooperation both within and outside of the organization, increased the realization of the potential of the village nurse.

Keywords: rural nurse, alone, burnout, multiple tasks

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9281 Critical Approach to Define the Architectural Structure of a Health Prototype in a Rural Area of Brazil

Authors: Domenico Chizzoniti, Monica Moscatelli, Letizia Cattani, Luca Preis


A primary healthcare facility in developing countries should be a multifunctional space able to respond to different requirements: Flexibility, modularity, aggregation and reversibility. These basic features could be better satisfied if applied to an architectural artifact that complies with the typological, figurative and constructive aspects of the context in which it is located. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to identify a procedure that can define the figurative aspects of the architectural structure of the health prototype for the marginal areas of developing countries through a critical approach. The application context is the rural areas of the Northeast of Bahia in Brazil. The prototype should be located in the rural district of Quingoma, in the municipality of Lauro de Freitas, a particular place where there is still a cultural fusion of black and indigenous populations. Based on the historical analysis of settlement strategies and architectural structures in spaces of public interest or collective use, this paper aims to provide a procedure able to identify the categories and rules underlying typological and figurative aspects, in order to detect significant and generalizable elements, as well as materials and constructive techniques typically adopted in the rural areas of Brazil. The object of this work is therefore not only the recovery of certain constructive approaches but also the development of a procedure that integrates the requirements of the primary healthcare prototype with its surrounding economic, social, cultural, settlement and figurative conditions.

Keywords: architectural typology, developing countries, local construction techniques, primary health care.

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9280 Using the Technology Acceptance Model to Examine Seniors’ Attitudes toward Facebook

Authors: Chien-Jen Liu, Shu Ching Yang


Using the technology acceptance model (TAM), this study examined the external variables of technological complexity (TC) to acquire a better understanding of the factors that influence the acceptance of computer application courses by learners at Active Aging Universities. After the learners in this study had completed a 27-hour Facebook course, 44 learners responded to a modified TAM survey. Data were collected to examine the path relationships among the variables that influence the acceptance of Facebook-mediated community learning. The partial least squares (PLS) method was used to test the measurement and the structural model. The study results demonstrated that attitudes toward Facebook use directly influence behavioral intentions (BI) with respect to Facebook use, evincing a high prediction rate of 58.3%. In addition to the perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU) measures that are proposed in the TAM, other external variables, such as TC, also indirectly influence BI. These four variables can explain 88% of the variance in BI and demonstrate a high level of predictive ability. Finally, limitations of this investigation and implications for further research are discussed.

Keywords: technology acceptance model (TAM), technological complexity, partial least squares (PLS), perceived usefulness

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9279 The Role of Brand Loyalty in Generating Positive Word of Mouth among Malaysian Hypermarket Customers

Authors: S. R. Nikhashemi, Laily Haj Paim, Ali Khatibi


Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test a hypothesized model explaining Malaysian hypermarket customers’ perceptions of brand trust (BT), customer perceived value (CPV) and perceived service quality (PSQ) on building their brand loyalty (CBL) and generating positive word-of-mouth communication (WOM). Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from 374 Malaysian hypermarket customers from Mydin, Tesco, Aeon Big and Giant in Kuala Lumpur, a metropolitan city of Malaysia. The data strongly supported the model exhibiting that BT, CPV and PSQ are prerequisite factors in building customer brand loyalty, while PSQ has the strongest effect on prediction of customer brand loyalty compared to other factors. Besides, the present study suggests the effect of the aforementioned factors via customer brand loyalty strongly contributes to generate positive word of mouth communication.

Keywords: brand trust, perceived value, Perceived Service Quality, Brand loyalty, positive word of mouth communication

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9278 All Solution-Processed Organic Light Emitting Diode with Low Melting Point Alloy Encapsulation

Authors: Geon Bae, Cheol Hee Moon


Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) are being developed rapidly as next-generation displays due to their self-luminous and flexible characteristics. OLEDs are highly susceptible to moisture and oxygen due to their structural properties. Thus, requiring a high level of encapsulation technology. Recently, encapsulation technology such as Thin Film Encapsulation (TFE) has been developed for OLED, but it is not perfect to prevent moisture permeation on the side. In this study, we propose OLED encapsulation method using Low melting Point Alloy (LMPA). The LMPA line was designed in square box shape on the outer edge of the device and was formed by screen printing method. To determine if LMPA has an effect on OLED, we fabricated solution processed OLEDs with a square-shaped LMPA line and evaluate the I-V-L characteristics of the OLEDs. Also, the resistance characteristic of the LMPA line was observed by repeatedly bending the LMPA line. It is expected that LMPA encapsulation will have a great advantage in shortening the process time and cost reduction.

Keywords: OLED, encapsulation, LMPA, solution process

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9277 Impact Evaluation of Intellectual Capital on Business Performance Using Composite Ratios: Longitudinal Analysis in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania

Authors: Nellija Titova


Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, as Baltic Countries, have gone throughout transformational changes since 90s leading to the high level of economic development. As countries departing Soviet Union with industrialization policy moved to service economies, the issues of intangibles, human capital, structural capital, and innovation capital have gained impetus. Following the growing demand of practitioners and later academia, intellectual capital as a discipline, which appeared in 90s, became fundamental nowadays. Aim of the paper is to analyze the Baltic companies entering stock markets at Nasdaq Baltic from the perspective of Intellectual Capital. Methodology of the research is based on a longitudinal analysis of the companies using composite ratios of Intellectual Capital and Business performance in the period 2012-2019. Data for 2020 as COVID year) were excluded from the analysis. Findings allow concluding there is a pattern of influence and companies clearly experience the systemic impact of IC on business performance, identifying also time effect investing in intangibles.

Keywords: intellectual capital, impact analysis, longitudinal effect, composite ratios

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9276 In the Eyes of Basilyo at Crispin: A Phenomenological Lived Experience of the Filipino Children of Parents with Mental Illness

Authors: Cely D. Magpantay, Geolynne Marie Adel, Cire-rine Mae Concepcion, Dessa Jean Orcajada, Jorgette Andrea Santos, Orian Laurace Canaman


Mental illness initiative is very relevant in promoting the Mental Health Bill act of 2017. In the Philippines alone, the public is more open and receptive to people at risks with a mental condition. Although it is uncommon that parents can become more psychologically unfit compared to their children, research shows that parents who are suffering from mental illness have a more significant negative effect than another family member. The impact of parent’s mental health can put their children more susceptible to acquire the same disorder. The aim of the study is to explore the lived experiences of children whose parents suffered from mental illness. It discusses how their parent's mental condition in, anyway, affects their psychological development. Using Phenomenological Qualitative Research, an in-depth, interview was conducted to five (5) consenting adults who lived with their parents diagnosed with a mental disorder. Results are clustered into four themes. The first theme is the negative emotion towards parents, the second theme is the psychosocial dynamics in caring for the patient, third is accepting the disease, and fourth is a general perspective on the family. Each themes is validated by experts and the participants. This theme generates subcomponent like isolation, shallow relationship and debt of gratitude. Along with these themes comes the fear of having a family emerged. There is a growing need to strengthen the family ties even more because of parent’s mental illness. Therefore, parental mental illness has an effect on the children’s psychological and social development.

Keywords: lived experience in Philippines, mental health, parental mental illness, psychosocial dynamics

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9275 Contamination by Heavy Metals of Some Environmental Objects in Adjacent Territories of Solid Waste Landfill

Authors: D. Kekelidze, G. Tsotadze, G. Maisuradze, L. Akhalbedashvili, M. Chkhaidze


Statement of Problem: The problem of solid wastes -dangerous sources of environmental pollution,is the urgent issue for Georgia as there are no waste-treatment and waste- incineration plants. Urban peripheral and rural areas, frequently along small rivers, are occupied by landfills without any permission. The study of the pollution of some environmental objects in the adjacent territories of solid waste landfill in Tbilisi carried out in 2020-2021, within the framework of project: “Ecological monitoring of the landfills surrounding areas and population health risk assessment”. Research objects: This research had goal to assess the ecological state of environmental objects (soil cover and surface water) in the territories, adjacent of solid waste landfill, on the base of changes heavy metals' (HM) concentration with distance from landfill. An open sanitary landfill for solid domestic waste in Tbilisi locates at suburb Lilo surrounded with densely populated villages. Content of following HM was determined in soil and river water samples: Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, Mn. Methodology: The HM content in samples was measured, using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (spectrophotometer of firm Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 200) in accordance with ISO 11466 and GOST Р 53218-2008. Results and discussion: Data obtained confirmed migration of HM mainly in terms of the distance from the polygon that can be explained by their areal emissions and storage in open state, they could also get into the soil cover under the influence of wind and precipitation. Concentration of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn always increases with approaching to landfill. High concentrations of Pb, Cd are characteristic of the soil covers of the adjacent territories around the landfill at a distance of 250, 500 meters.They create a dangerous zone, since they can later migrate into plants, enter in rivers and lakes. The higher concentrations, compared to the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) for surface waters of Georgia, are observed for Pb, Cd. One of the reasons for the low concentration of HM in river water may be high turbidity – as is known, suspended particles are good natural sorbents that causes low concentration of dissolved forms. Concentration of Cu, Ni, Mn increases in winter, since in this season the rivers are switched to groundwater feeding. Conclusion: Soil covers of the areas adjacent to the landfill in Lilo are contaminated with HM. High concentrations in soils are characteristic of lead and cadmium. Elevated concentrations in comparison with the MPC for surface waters adopted in Georgia are also observed for Pb, Cd at checkpoints along and below (1000 m) of the landfill downstream. Data obtained confirm migration of HM to the adjacent territories of the landfill and to the Lochini River. Since the migration and toxicity of metals depends also on the presence of their mobile forms in water bodies, samples of bottom sediments should be taken too. Bottom sediments reflect a long-term picture of pollution, they accumulate HM and represent a constant source of secondary pollution of water bodies. The study of the physicochemical forms of metals is one of the priority areas for further research.

Keywords: landfill, pollution, heavy metals, migration

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9274 Use of Treated Municipal Wastewater on Artichoke Crop

Authors: G. Disciglio, G. Gatta, A. Libutti, A. Tarantino, L. Frabboni, E. Tarantino


Results of a field study carried out at Trinitapoli (Puglia region, southern Italy) on the irrigation of an artichoke crop with three types of water (secondary-treated wastewater, SW; tertiary-treated wastewater, TW; and freshwater, FW) are reported. Physical, chemical and microbiological analyses were performed on the irrigation water, and on soil and yield samples. The levels of most of the chemical parameters, such as electrical conductivity, total suspended solids, Na+, Ca2+, Mg+2, K+, sodium adsorption ratio, chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand over 5 days, NO3 –N, total N, CO32, HCO3, phenols and chlorides of the applied irrigation water were significantly higher in SW compared to GW and TW. No differences were found for Mg2+, PO4-P, K+ only between SW and TW. Although the chemical parameters of the three irrigation water sources were different, few effects on the soil were observed. Even though monitoring of Escherichia coli showed high SW levels, which were above the limits allowed under Italian law (DM 152/2006), contamination of the soil and the marketable yield were never observed. Moreover, no Salmonella spp. were detected in these irrigation waters; consequently, they were absent in the plants. Finally, the data on the quantitative-qualitative parameters of the artichoke yield with the various treatments show no significant differences between the three irrigation water sources. Therefore, if adequately treated, municipal wastewater can be used for irrigation and represents a sound alternative to conventional water resources.

Keywords: artichoke, soil chemical characteristics, fecal indicators, treated municipal wastewater, water recycling

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9273 Application of Rapid Eye Imagery in Crop Type Classification Using Vegetation Indices

Authors: Sunita Singh, Rajani Srivastava


For natural resource management and in other applications about earth observation revolutionary remote sensing technology plays a significant role. One of such application in monitoring and classification of crop types at spatial and temporal scale, as it provides latest, most precise and cost-effective information. Present study emphasizes the use of three different vegetation indices of Rapid Eye imagery on crop type classification. It also analyzed the effect of each indices on classification accuracy. Rapid Eye imagery is highly demanded and preferred for agricultural and forestry sectors as it has red-edge and NIR bands. The three indices used in this study were: the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), the Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (GNDVI), and the Normalized Difference Red Edge Index (NDRE) and all of these incorporated the Red Edge band. The study area is Varanasi district of Uttar Pradesh, India and Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel was used here for the Support Vector Machines (SVMs) classification. Classification was performed with these three vegetation indices. The contribution of each indices on image classification accuracy was also tested with single band classification. Highest classification accuracy of 85% was obtained using three vegetation indices. The study concluded that NDRE has the highest contribution on classification accuracy compared to the other vegetation indices and the Rapid Eye imagery can get satisfactory results of classification accuracy without original bands.

Keywords: GNDVI, NDRE, NDVI, rapid eye, vegetation indices

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9272 The Effect of Nanoclay on Long Term Performance of Asphalt Concrete Pavement

Authors: A. Khodadadi, Hasani, Salehi


The advantages of using modified asphalt binders are widely recognized—primarily, improved rutting resistance, reduced fatigue cracking and less cold-temperature cracking. Nanoclays are known to enhance the properties of many polymers. Nanoclays are used to improve modulus and tensile strength, flame resistance and thermal and structural properties of many materials. This paper intends to investigate the application and development of nano-technological concepts for bituminous materials and asphalt pavements. The application of nano clay on the fatigue life of asphalt pavement have not been yet thoroughly understood. In this research, two type of highway asphalt materials, dense Marshall specimens, with 2% nano clay and without nano clay, were employed for the fatigue behavior of the asphalt pavement.The effect of nano additive on the performance of flexible pavements has been investigated through the indirect tensile test for the samples prepared with 2% nano clay and without nano clay in four stress levels from 200–500 kPa. The primary results indicated samples with 2% nano clay have almost double or even more fatigue life in most of stress levels.

Keywords: Nano clay, Asphalt, fatigue life, pavement

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9271 Anomalous Behaviors of Visible Luminescence from Graphene Quantum Dots

Authors: Hyunho Shin, Jaekwang Jung, Jeongho Park, Sungwon Hwang


For the application of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) to optoelectronic nanodevices, it is of critical importance to understand the mechanisms which result in novel phenomena of their light absorption/emission. The optical transitions are known to be available up to ~6 eV in GQDs, especially useful for ultraviolet (UV) photodetectors (PDs). Here, we present size-dependent shape/edge-state variations of GQDs and visible photoluminescence (PL) showing anomalous size dependencies. With varying the average size (da) of GQDs from 5 to 35 nm, the peak energy of the absorption spectra monotonically decreases, while that of the visible PL spectra unusually shows nonmonotonic behaviors having a minimum at diameter ∼17 nm. The PL behaviors can be attributed to the novel feature of GQDs, that is, the circular-to-polygonal-shape and corresponding edge-state variations of GQDs at diameter ∼17 nm as the GQD size increases, as demonstrated by high resolution transmission electron microscopy. We believe that such a comprehensive scheme in designing device architecture and the structural formulation of GQDs provides a device for practical realization of environmentally benign, high performance flexible devices in the future.

Keywords: graphene, quantum dot, size, photoluminescence

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9270 Deformation and Strength of Heat-Shielding Materials in a Long-Term Storage of Aircraft

Authors: Lyudmila L. Gracheva


Thermal shield is a multi-layer structure that consists of layers made of different materials. The use of composite materials (CM) reinforced with carbon fibers in rocket technologies (shells, bearings, wings, fairings, inter-step compartments, etc.) is due to a possibility of reducing the weight while increasing a structural strength. Structures made of a unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced plastic based on an epoxy resin are used as load-bearing skins for aircraft fairings. The results of an experimental study of the physical and mechanical properties of epoxy carbon fiber reinforced plastics depending on temperature for different storage times of products are presented. With an increasing temperature, the physical and mechanical properties of CM are determined by the thermal and deformation properties of the components and the geometry of their distribution. Samples for the study were cut from natural skins of the head fairings.

Keywords: composite material, thermal deformation, carbon fiber, heat shield, epoxy resin, thermal expansion

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9269 Finite Element Assessment on Bond Behaviour of FRP-to-Concrete Joints under Cyclic Loading

Authors: F. Atheer, Al-Saoudi, Robin Kalfat, Riadh Al-Mahaidi


Over the last two decades, externally bonded fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites bonded to concrete substrates has become a popular method for strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) highway and railway bridges. Such structures are exposed to severe cyclic loading throughout their lifetime often resulting in fatigue damage to structural components and a reduction in the service life of the structure. Since experimental and numerical results on the fatigue performance of FRP-to-concrete joints are still limited, the current research focuses on assessing the fatigue performance of externally bonded FRP-to-concrete joints using a direct shear test. Some early results indicate that the stress ratio and the applied cyclic stress level have a direct influence on the fatigue life of the externally bonded FRP. In addition, a calibrated finite element model is developed to provide further insight into the influence of certain parameters such as: concrete strength, FRP thickness, number of cycles, frequency and stiffness on the fatigue life of the FRP-to-concrete joints.

Keywords: FRP, concrete bond, control, fatigue, finite element model

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9268 Cosmic Radiation Hazards and Protective Strategies in Space Exploration

Authors: Mehrnaz Mostafavi, Alireza Azani, Mahtab Shabani, Fatemeh Ghafari


While filled with promise and wonder, space exploration also presents significant challenges, one of the foremost being the threat of cosmic radiation to astronaut health. Recent advancements in assessing these risks and developing protective strategies have shed new light on this issue. Cosmic radiation encompasses a variety of high-energy particles originating from sources like solar particle events, galactic cosmic rays, and cosmic rays from beyond the solar system. These particles, composed of protons, electrons, and heavy ions, pose a substantial threat to human health in space due to the lack of Earth's protective atmosphere and magnetic field. Researchers have made significant progress in assessing the risks associated with cosmic radiation exposure. By employing advanced dosimetry techniques and conducting biological studies, they have gained insights into how cosmic radiation affects astronauts' health, including increasing the risk of cancer and radiation sickness. This research has led to personalized risk assessment methods tailored to individual astronaut profiles. Distinctive protection strategies have been proposed to combat the dangers of cosmic radiation. These include developing spacecraft shielding materials and designs to enhance radiation protection. Additionally, researchers are exploring pharmacological interventions such as radioprotective drugs and antioxidant therapies to mitigate the biological effects of radiation exposure and preserve astronaut well-being. The findings from recent research have significant implications for the future of space exploration. By advancing our understanding of cosmic radiation risks and developing effective protection strategies, we pave the way for safer and more sustainable human missions beyond Earth's orbit. This is especially crucial for long-duration missions to destinations like Mars, where astronauts will face prolonged exposure to cosmic radiation. In conclusion, recent research has marked a milestone in addressing the challenges posed by cosmic radiation in space exploration. By delving into the complexities of cosmic radiation exposure and developing innovative protection strategies, scientists are ensuring the health and resilience of astronauts as they venture into the vast expanse of the cosmos. Continued research and collaboration in this area are essential for overcoming the cosmic radiation challenge and enabling humanity to embark on new frontiers of exploration and discovery in space.

Keywords: Space exploration, cosmic radiation, astronaut health, risk assessment, protective strategies

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9267 Study of the Effect of Rotation on the Deformation of a Flexible Blade Rotor

Authors: Aref Maalej, Marwa Fakhfakh, Wael Ben Amira


We present in this work a numerical investigation of fluid-structure interaction to study the elastic behavior of flexible rotors. The principal aim is to provide the effect of the aero/hydrodynamic parameters on the bending deformation of flexible rotors. This study is accomplished using the strong two-way fluid-structure interaction (FSI) developed by the ANSYS Workbench software. This method is used for coupling the fluid solver to the transient structural solver to study the elastic behavior of flexible rotors in water. In this study, we use a moderately flexible rotor modeled by a single blade with simplified rectangular geometry. In this work, we focus on the effect of the rotational frequency on the flapwise bending deformation. It is demonstrated that the blade deforms in the downstream direction, and the amplitude of these deformations increases with the rotational frequencies. Also, from a critical frequency, the blade begins to deform in the upstream direction.

Keywords: numerical simulation, flexible blade, fluid-structure interaction, ANSYS workbench, flapwise deformation

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9266 Crystal Structure, Vibration Study, and Calculated Frequencies by Density Functional Theory Method of Copper Phosphate Dihydrate

Authors: Soufiane Zerraf, Malika Tridane, Said Belaaouad


CuHPO₃.2H₂O was synthesized by the direct method. CuHPO₃.2H₂O crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group P2₁2₁2₁, a = 6.7036 (2) Å, b = 7.3671 (4) Å, c = 8.9749 (4) Å, Z = 4, V = 443.24 (4) ų. The crystal structure was refined to R₁= 0.0154, R₂= 0.0380 for 19018 reflections satisfying criterion I ≥ 2σ (I). The structural resolution shows the existence of chains of ions HPO₃- linked together by hydrogen bonds. The crystalline structure is formed by chains consisting of Cu[O₃(H₂O)₃] deformed octahedral, which are connected to the vertices. The chains extend parallel to b and are mutually linked by PO₃ groups. The structure is closely related to that of CuSeO₃.2H₂O and CuTeO₃.2H₂O. The experimental studies of the infrared and Raman spectra were used to confirm the presence of the phosphate ion and were compared in the (0-4000) cm-1 region with the theoretical results calculated by the density functional theory (DFT) method to provide reliable assignments of all observed bands in the experimental spectra.

Keywords: crystal structure, X-ray diffraction, vibration study, thermal behavior, density functional theory

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