Search results for: service policy
1143 Practice of Developing EFL Coursebooks at Mongolian National University of Education
Authors: Nyamsuren Baljinnyam, Narmandakh Khaltar, Otgonbaatar Olzkhuu
Undergraduate students study English I (elective) and II (compulsory) courses which are included in the General foundation courses in the Teacher Education Curriculum Framework at the Mongolian National University of Education. Teachers at the English Department have designed and developed 2 levels (from pre-intermediate to upper-intermediate) English coursebooks since 2016 and published the second editions of each in 2018 and 2019. Developing coursebooks based on the students’ needs, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction with these instructional materials are essential phenomena in the delivery service of teaching English at the tertiary level. Thus, this study aims at findings from students’ views on English coursebooks which are studied mostly in the first and second semesters of the undergraduate academic program. The purpose of this research project was to determine the overall pedagogical value and suitability of the book to students’ needs and 21st-century teacher education concepts. We have designed a coursebook evaluation checklist with 28 questionnaires, including Morris’s English as a foreign language coursebook evaluation checklist (2017). The study is a 2 phased descriptive survey study that covered 572 and 519 undergraduate students who studied in the spring term of the 2021-2022 academic year and the fall term of the 2022-2023 academic year at 7 branch schools of Mongolian National University of Education (MNUE). Data analysis consists of student responses to each item. Coursebook evaluation data is classified into 3 main categories as “general attributes”, “learning content” and “task evaluation”. Some results of the study indicate the following findings: 97 percent of the total survey participants (in total 1091) have given positive responses to the coursebooks that these are fully aimed at acquiring the students’ language learning skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking; 78 percent responded that the coursebooks were different from the English Textbooks that they learned in secondary schools; and 91 percent answered that the English coursebooks could give motivation to the students to achieve their self-study.Keywords: coursebook evaluation, improving English, student satisfaction and dissatisfaction with coursebooks, language learning materials, language tasks, students’ needs
Procedia PDF Downloads 141142 Gender, Occupational Status, Work-to-Family Conflict, and the Roles of Stressors among Korean Immigrants: Rethinking the Concept of the 'Stress of Higher Status'
Authors: Il-Ho Kim, Samuel Noh, Kwame McKenzie, Cyu-Chul Choi
Introduction: The ‘stress of higher status’ hypothesis suggests that workers with higher-status occupations are more likely to experience work-to-family conflict (WFC) than those with lower-status occupations. Yet, the occupational difference in WFC and its mechanisms have not been explicitly explored within Asian culture. This present study examines (a) the association between occupational status and WFC and (b) the mediating roles of work-related stressors and resources, focused on gender perspectives using a sample of Korean immigrants. Methods: Data were derived from a cross-sectional survey of foreign born Korean immigrants who were currently working at least two years in the Greater Area of Toronto or surrounding towns. The sample was stratified for equivalent presentations of micro-business owners (N=555) and paid employees in diverse occupational categories (N=733). Results: We found gender differences and similarities in the link between occupational status and WFC and the mediating roles of work-related variables. Compared to skilled/unskilled counterparts, male immigrants in professional, service, and microbusiness jobs reported higher levels of WFC, whereas female immigrants in higher-status occupations were more likely to have WFC with the exception of the highest levels of WFC among microbusiness owners. Regardless of gender, both male and female immigrants who have longer weekly work hours, shift work schedule, and high emotional and psychological demands were significantly associated with high levels of WFC. However, skill development was related to WFC only among male immigrants. Regarding the mediating roles of work-related factors, among female immigrants, the occupational difference in WFC was fully mediated by weekly work hours, shift work schedule, and emotional and psychological demands with the exception of the case of microbusiness workers. Among male immigrants, the occupational differences remained virtually unchanged after controlling for these mediators. Conclusions: Our results partially confirmed the ‘stress of higher status’ hypothesis among female immigrants. Additionally, work-related stressors seem to be critical mediators of the link between occupations and WFC only for female immigrants.Keywords: work-to-family conflict, gender, work conditions, job demands, job resources
Procedia PDF Downloads 1881141 The Review and Contribution of Taiwan Government Policies on Environmental Impact Assessment to Water Recycling
Authors: Feng-Ming Fan, Xiu-Hui Wen, Po-Feng Chen, Yi-Ching Tu
Because of inborn natural conditions and man-made sabotage, the water resources insufficient phenomenon in Taiwan is a very important issue needed to face immediately. The regulations and law of water resources protection and recycling are gradually completed now but still lack of specific water recycling effectiveness checking method. The research focused on the industrial parks that already had been certificated with EIA to establish a professional checking system, carry through and forge ahead to contribute one’s bit in water resources sustainable usage. Taiwan Government Policies of Environmental Impact Assessment established in 1994, some development projects were requested to set certain water recycling ratio for water resources effective usage. The water covers and contains everything because all-inclusive companies enter and be stationed. For control the execution status of industrial park water and waste water recycling ratio about EIA commitment effectively, we invited experts and scholars in this filed to discuss with related organs to formulate the policy and audit plan. Besides, call a meeting to set public version water equilibrium diagrams and recycles parameter. We selected nine industrial parks that were requested set certain water recycling ratio in EIA examination stage and then according to the water usage quantity, we audited 340 factories in these industrial parks with spot and documents examination and got fruitful results – the average water usage of unit area per year of all these examined industrial parks is 31,000 tons/hectare/year, the value is just half of Taiwan industries average. It is obvious that the industrial parks with EIA commitment can decrease the water resources consumption effectively. Taiwan government policies of Environmental Impact Assessment took follow though tracking function into consideration at the beginning. The results of this research verify the importance of the implementing with water recycling to save water resources in EIA commitment. Inducing development units to follow EIA commitment to get the balance between environmental protection and economic development is one of the important EIA value.Keywords: Taiwan government policies of environmental impact assessment, water recycling ratio of EIA commitment, water resources sustainable usage, water recycling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2281140 The Risk and Prevention of Peer-To-Peer Network Lending in China
Authors: Zhizhong Yuan, Lili Wang, Chenya Zheng, Wuqi Yang
How to encourage and support peer-to-peer (P2P) network lending, and effectively monitor the risk of P2P network lending, has become the focus of the Chinese government departments, industrialists, experts and scholars in recent years. The reason is that this convenient online micro-credit service brings a series of credit risks and other issues. Avoiding the risks brought by the P2P network lending model, it can better play a benign role and help China's small and medium-sized private enterprises with vigorous development to solve the capital needs; otherwise, it will bring confusion to the normal financial order. As a form of financial services, P2P network lending has injected new blood into China's non-government finance in the past ten years, and has found a way out for idle funds and made up for the shortage of traditional financial services in China. However, it lacks feasible measures in credit evaluation and government supervision. This paper collects a large amount of data about P2P network lending of China. The data collection comes from the official media of the Chinese government, the public achievements of existing researchers and the analysis and collation of correlation data by the authors. The research content of this paper includes literature review; the current situation of China's P2P network lending development; the risk analysis of P2P network lending in China; the risk prevention strategy of P2P network lending in China. The focus of this paper is to try to find a specific program to strengthen supervision and avoid risks from the perspective of government regulators, operators of P2P network lending platform, investors and users of funds. These main measures include: China needs to develop self-discipline organization of P2P network lending industry and formulate self-discipline norms as soon as possible; establish a regular information disclosure system of P2P network lending platform; establish censorship of credit rating of borrowers; rectify the P2P network lending platform in compliance through the implementation of bank deposition. The results and solutions will benefit all the P2P network lending platforms, creditors, debtors, bankers, independent auditors and government agencies of China and other countries.Keywords: peer-to-peer(P2P), regulation, risk prevention, supervision
Procedia PDF Downloads 1671139 A POX Controller Module to Collect Web Traffic Statistics in SDN Environment
Authors: Wisam H. Muragaa, Kamaruzzaman Seman, Mohd Fadzli Marhusin
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a new norm of networks. It is designed to facilitate the way of managing, measuring, debugging and controlling the network dynamically, and to make it suitable for the modern applications. Generally, measurement methods can be divided into two categories: Active and passive methods. Active measurement method is employed to inject test packets into the network in order to monitor their behaviour (ping tool as an example). Meanwhile the passive measurement method is used to monitor the traffic for the purpose of deriving measurement values. The measurement methods, both active and passive, are useful for the collection of traffic statistics, and monitoring of the network traffic. Although there has been a work focusing on measuring traffic statistics in SDN environment, it was only meant for measuring packets and bytes rates for non-web traffic. In this study, a feasible method will be designed to measure the number of packets and bytes in a certain time, and facilitate obtaining statistics for both web traffic and non-web traffic. Web traffic refers to HTTP requests that use application layer; while non-web traffic refers to ICMP and TCP requests. Thus, this work is going to be more comprehensive than previous works. With a developed module on POX OpenFlow controller, information will be collected from each active flow in the OpenFlow switch, and presented on Command Line Interface (CLI) and wireshark interface. Obviously, statistics that will be displayed on CLI and on wireshark interfaces include type of protocol, number of bytes and number of packets, among others. Besides, this module will show the number of flows added to the switch whenever traffic is generated from and to hosts in the same statistics list. In order to carry out this work effectively, our Python module will send a statistics request message to the switch requesting its current ports and flows statistics in every five seconds; while the switch will reply with the required information in a message called statistics reply message. Thus, POX controller will be notified and updated with any changes could happen in the entire network in a very short time. Therefore, our aim of this study is to prepare a list for the important statistics elements that are collected from the whole network, to be used for any further researches; particularly, those that are dealing with the detection of the network attacks that cause a sudden rise in the number of packets and bytes like Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS).Keywords: mininet, OpenFlow, POX controller, SDN
Procedia PDF Downloads 2371138 Price Gouging in Time of Covid-19 Pandemic: When National Competition Agencies are Weak Institutions that Exacerbate the Effects of Exploitative Economic Behaviour
Authors: Cesar Leines
The social effects of the pandemic are significant and diverse, most of those effects have widened the gap of economic inequality. Without a doubt, each country faces difficulties associated with the strengths and weaknesses of its own institutions that can address these causes and consequences. Around the world, pricing practices that have no connection to production costs have been used extensively in numerous markets beyond those relating to the supply of essential goods and services, and although it is not unlawful to adjust pricing considering the increased demand of certain products, shortages and disruption of supply chains, illegitimate pricing practices may arise and these tend to transfer wealth from consumers to producers that affect the purchasing power of the former, making people worse off. High prices with no objective justification indicate a poor state of the competitive process in any market and the impact of those underlying competition issues leading to inefficiency is increased when national competition agencies are weak and ineffective in enforcing competition in law and policy. It has been observed that in those countries where competition authorities are perceived as weak or ineffective, price increases of a wide range of products and services were more significant during the pandemic than those price increases observed in countries where the perception of the effectiveness of the competition agency is high. When a perception is created of a highly effective competition authority, one which enforces competition law and its non-enforcement activities result in the fulfillment of its substantive functions of protecting competition as the means to create efficient markets, the price rise observed in markets under its jurisdiction is low. A case study focused on the effectiveness of the national competition agency in Mexico (COFECE) points to institutional weakness as one of the causes leading to excessive pricing. There are many factors that contribute to its low effectiveness and which, in turn, have led to a very significant price hike, potentiated by the pandemic. This paper contributes to the discussion of these factors and proposes different steps that overall help COFECE or any other competition agency to increase the perception of effectiveness for the benefit of the consumers.Keywords: agency effectiveness, competition, institutional weakness, price gouging
Procedia PDF Downloads 1761137 Enhancing Critical Reflective Practice in Fieldwork Education: An Exploratory Study of the Role of Social Work Agencies in the Welfare Context of Hong Kong
Authors: Yee-May Chan
In recent decades, it is observed that social work agencies have participated actively, and thus, have gradually been more influential in social work education in Hong Kong. The neo-liberal welfare ideologies and changing funding mode have transformed the landscape in social work practice and have also had a major influence on the fieldwork environment in Hong Kong. The aim of this research is to explore the educational role of social work agencies and examine in particular whether they are able to enhance or hinder critical reflective learning in fieldwork. In-depth interviews with 15 frontline social workers and managers in different social work agencies were conducted to collect their views and experience in helping social work students in fieldwork. The overall findings revealed that under the current social welfare context most social workers consider that the most important role of social work agencies in fieldwork is to help students prepare to fit-in the practice requirements and work within agencies’ boundary. The fit-for-purpose and down-to-earth view of fieldwork practice is seen as prevalent among most social workers. This narrow perception of agency’s role seems to be more favourable to competence-based approaches. In contrast, though critical reflection has been seen as important in addressing the changing needs of service users, the role of enhancing critical reflective learning has not been clearly expected or understood by most agency workers. The notion of critical reflection, if considered, has been narrowly perceived in fieldwork learning. The findings suggest that the importance of critical reflection is found to be subordinate to that of practice competence. The lack of critical reflection in the field is somehow embedded in the competence-based social work practice. In general, social work students’ critical reflection has not been adequately supported or enhanced in fieldwork agencies, nor critical reflective practice has been encouraged in fieldwork process. To address this situation, the role of social work agencies in fieldwork should be re-examined. To maximise critical reflective learning in the field, critical reflection as an avowed objective in fieldwork learning should be clearly stated. Concrete suggestions are made to help fieldwork agencies become more prepared to critical reflective learning. It is expected that the research can help social work communities to reflect upon the current realities of fieldwork context and to identify ways to strengthen agencies’ capacities to enhance critical reflective learning and practice of social work students.Keywords: competence-based social work, critical reflective learning, fieldwork agencies, neo-liberal welfare
Procedia PDF Downloads 3221136 Manifestations of Moral Imagination during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Debates of Lithuanian Parliament
Authors: Laima Zakaraite, Vaidas Morkevicius
The COVID-19 pandemic brought important and pressing challenges for politicians around the world. Governments, parliaments, and political leaders had to make quick decisions about containment of the pandemic, usually without clear knowledge about the factual spread of the virus, the possible expected speed of spread, and levels of mortality. Opinions of experts were also divided, as some advocated for ‘herd immunity’ without closing down the economy and public life, and others supported the idea of strict lockdown. The debates about measures of pandemic containment were heated and involved strong moral tensions with regard to the possible outcomes. This paper proposes to study the manifestations of moral imagination in the political debates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Importantly, moral imagination is associated with twofold abilities of a decision-making actor: the ability to discern the moral aspects embedded within a situation and the ability to envision a range of possibilities alternative solutions to the situation from a moral perspective. The concept was most thoroughly investigated in business management studies. However, its relevance for the study of political decision-making is also rather clear. The results of the study show to what extent politicians are able to discern the wide range of moral issues related to a situation (in this case, consequences of COVID-19 pandemic in a country) and how broad (especially, from a moral perspective) are discussions of the possible solutions proposed for solving the problem (situation). Arguably, political discussions and considerations are broader and affected by a wider and more varied range of actors and ideas compared to decision making in the business management sector. However, the debates and ensuing solutions may also be restricted by ideological maxims and advocacy of special interests. Therefore, empirical study of policy proposals and their debates might reveal the actual breadth of moral imagination in political discussions. For this purpose, we carried out the qualitative study of the parliamentary debates related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Lithuania during the first wave (containment of which was considered very successful) and at the beginning and consequent acceleration of the second wave (when the spread of the virus became uncontrollable).Keywords: decision making, moral imagination, political debates, political decision
Procedia PDF Downloads 1491135 “A Watched Pot Never Boils.” Exploring the Impact of Job Autonomy on Organizational Commitment among New Employees: A Comprehensive Study of How Empowerment and Independence Influence Workplace Loyalty and Engagement in Early Career Stages
Authors: Atnafu Ashenef Wondim
In today’s highly competitive business environment, employees are considered a source of competitive advantage. Researchers have looked into job autonomy's effect on organizational commitment and declared superior organizational performance strongly depends on the effort and commitment of employees. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between job autonomy and organizational commitment from newcomer’s point of view. The mediation role of employee engagement (physical, emotional, and cognitive) was also examined in the case of Ethiopian Commercial Banks. An exploratory survey research design with mixed-method approach that included partial least squares structural equation modeling and Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis technique were using to address the sample size of 348 new employees. In-depth interviews with purposive and convenientsampling techniques are conducted with new employees (n=43). The results confirmed that job autonomy had positive, significant direct effects on physical engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement (path coeffs. = 0.874, 0.931, and 0.893).The results showed thatthe employee engagement driver, physical engagement, had a positive significant influence on affective commitment (path coeff. = 0.187) and normative commitment (path coeff. = 0.512) but no significant effect on continuance commitment. Employee engagement partially mediates the relationship between job autonomy and organizational commitment, which means supporting the indirect effects of job autonomy on affective, continuance, and normative commitment through physical engagement. The findings of this study add new perspectives by positioning it within a complex organizational African setting and by expanding the job autonomy and organizational commitment literature, which will benefit future research. Much of the literature on job autonomy and organizational commitment has been conducted within a well-established organizational business context in Western developed countries.The findings lead to fresh information on job autonomy and organizational commitment implementation enablers that can assist in the formulation of a better policy/strategy to efficiently adopt job autonomy and organizational commitment.Keywords: employee engagement, job autonomy, organizational commitment, social exchange theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 331134 Lessons Learned in Implementing Programs to Delay Diabetic Nephropathy Management in Primary Health Care: Case Study in Sakon Nakhon Province
Authors: Sasiwan Tassana-iem, Sumattana Glangkarn
Diabetic nephropathy is a major complication in diabetic patients whom as the glomerular filtration rate falls. The affects their quality of life and results in loss of money for kidney replacement therapy costs. There is an existing intervention, but the prevalence remains high, thus this research aims to study lessons learned in implementing programs to delay diabetic nephropathy management in primary health care. Method: The target settings are, 24 sub-district health promoting hospital in Sakon Nakhon province. Participants included the health care professionals, head of the sub-district health promoting hospital and the person responsible for managing diabetic nephropathy in each hospital (n= 50). There are 400 patients with diabetes mellitus in an area. Data were collected using questionnaires, patient records data, interviews and focus groups and analyzed by statistics and content analysis. Result: Reflection of participants that the interventions to delay diabetic nephropathy management in each area, the Ministry of Public Health has a policy to screen and manage this disease. The implementing programs aimed to provide health education, innovative teaching media used in communication to educate. Patients and caregivers had misunderstanding about the actual causes and prevention of this disease and how to apply knowledge suitable for daily life. Conclusion: The obstacles to the success of the implementing programs to delay diabetic nephropathy management in primary health care were most importantly, the patient needs self-care and should be evaluated for health literacy. This is crucial to promote health literacy; to access and understand health information as well to decide their health-related choices based on health information which will promote and maintain a good health. This preliminary research confirms that situation of diabetic nephropathy still exists. The results of this study will lead to the development of delay in diabetic nephropathy implementation among patients in the province studied.Keywords: diabetic nephropathy, chronic kidney disease, primary health care, implementation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2011133 The Impact of Leadership Style and Sense of Competence on the Performance of Post-Primary School Teachers in Oyo State, Nigeria
Authors: Babajide S. Adeokin, Oguntoyinbo O. Kazeem
The not so pleasing state of the nation's quality of education has been a major area of research. Many researchers have looked into various aspects of the educational system and organizational structure in relation to the quality of service delivery of the staff members. However, there is paucity of research in areas relating to the sense of competence and commitment in relation to leadership styles. Against this backdrop, this study investigated the impact of leadership style and sense of competence on the performance of post-primary school teachers in Oyo state Nigeria. Data were generated across public secondary schools in the city using survey design method. Ibadan as a metropolis has eleven local government areas contained in it. A systematic random sampling technique of the eleven local government areas in Ibadan was done and five local government areas were selected. The selected local government areas are Akinyele, Ibadan North, Ibadan North-East, Ibadan South and Ibadan South-West. Data were obtained from a range of two – three public secondary schools selected in each of the local government areas mentioned above. Also, these secondary schools are a representation of the variations in the constructs under consideration across the Ibadan metropolis. Categorically, all secondary school teachers in Ibadan were clustered into selected schools in those found across the five local government areas. In all, a total of 272 questionnaires were administered to public secondary school teachers, while 241 were returned. Findings revealed that transformational leadership style makes room for job commitment when compared with transactional and laissez-faire leadership styles. Teachers with a high sense of competence are more likely to demonstrate more commitment to their job than others with low sense of competence. We recommend that, it is important an assessment is made of the leadership styles employed by principals and school administrators. This guides administrators and principals in to having a clear, comprehensive knowledge of the style they currently adopt in the management of the staff and the school as a whole; and know where to begin the adjustment process from. Also to make an impact on student achievement, being attentive to teachers’ levels of commitment may be an important aspect of leadership for school principals.Keywords: Ibadan, leadership style, sense of competence, teachers, public secondary schools
Procedia PDF Downloads 2941132 Paradox of Growing Adaptive Capacities for Sustainability Transformation in Urban Water Management in Bangladesh
Authors: T. Yasmin, M. A. Farrelly, B. C. Rogers
Urban water governance in developing countries faces numerous challenges arising from uncontrolled urban population expansion, water pollution, greater economic push and more recently, climate change impact while undergoing transitioning towards a sustainable system. Sustainability transition requires developing adaptive capacities of the socio-ecological and socio-technical system to be able to deal with complexity. Adaptive capacities deliver strategies to connect individuals, organizations, agencies and institutions at multiple levels for dealing with such complexity. Understanding the level of adaptive capacities for sustainability transformation thus has gained significant research attention within developed countries, much less so in developing countries. Filling this gap, this article develops a conceptual framework for analysing the level of adaptive capacities (if any) within a developing context. This framework then applied to the chronological development of urban water governance strategies in Bangladesh for almost two centuries. The chronological analysis of governance interventions has revealed that crisis (public health, food and natural hazards) became the opportunities and thus opened the windows for experimentation and learning to occur as a deviation from traditional practices. Self-organization and networks thus created the platform for development or disruptions to occur for creating change. Leadership (internal or external) is important for nurturing and upscaling theses development or disruptions towards guiding policy vision and targets as well as championing ground implementation. In the case of Bangladesh, the leadership from the international and national aid organizations and targets have always lead the development whereas more often social capital tools (trust, power relations, cultural norms) act as disruptions. Historically, this has been evident in the development pathways of urban water governance in Bangladesh. Overall this research has shown some level of adaptive capacities is growing for sustainable urban growth in big cities, nevertheless unclear regarding the growth in medium and small cities context.Keywords: adaptive capacity, Bangladesh, sustainability transformation, water governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 3951131 Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Land Use Change and Green Cover Index
Authors: Poonam Sharma, Ankur Srivastav
Cities are complex and dynamic systems that constitute a significant challenge to urban planning. The increasing size of the built-up area owing to growing population pressure and economic growth have lead to massive Landuse/Landcover change resulted in the loss of natural habitat and thus reducing the green covers in urban areas. Urban environmental quality is influenced by several aspects, including its geographical configuration, the scale, and nature of human activities occurring and environmental impacts generated. Cities have transformed into complex and dynamic systems that constitute a significant challenge to urban planning. Cities and their sustainability are often discussed together as the cities stand confronted with numerous environmental concerns as the world becoming increasingly urbanized, and the cities are situated in the mesh of global networks in multiple senses. A rapid transformed urban setting plays a crucial role to change the green area of natural habitats. To examine the pattern of urban growth and to measure the Landuse/Landcover change in Gurgoan in Haryana, India through the integration of Geospatial technique is attempted in the research paper. Satellite images are used to measure the spatiotemporal changes that have occurred in the land use and land cover resulting into a new cityscape. It has been observed from the analysis that drastically evident changes in land use has occurred with the massive rise in built up areas and the decrease in green cover and therefore causing the sustainability of the city an important area of concern. The massive increase in built-up area has influenced the localised temperatures and heat concentration. To enhance the decision-making process in urban planning, a detailed and real world depiction of these urban spaces is the need of the hour. Monitoring indicators of key processes in land use and economic development are essential for evaluating policy measures.Keywords: cityscape, geospatial techniques, green cover index, urban environmental quality, urban planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2791130 Diffable’s Aspiration Dreams in Spatial Planning
Authors: Tety Widyaningrum, Sapnah Rahmawati, Abdulmuluk Attim
Space was a container that includes land space, sea space and air space, including space in the earth as a whole region, where humans and other living creatures, operate and maintain its survival. Whereas spatial planning was a form of the structure of space and spatial pattern. At this time, the arrangement of space became a matter of considerable concern because through spatial planning was what will determine how the future city hall, how the welfare of the population that is in it, and how space can be a comfortable space to live. This spatial arrangement became a subject that must be considered not only by the Government as policy makers but also of concern to the entire community in it. As a place to stay, this space should be able to ensure the safety and comfort of the whole community, even people with disabilities, though. For development and spatial planning in Indonesia. It was still very low which was still concerned about the disabled. The spatial arrangement made generalizations. This caused the right for disabled people was less fulfilled. In accordance with the Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities who explains that people with disabilities had the right to be able to facilitate their efforts to become self-sufficient or not depends on the other party. It was also strengthened by According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 4 of 1997 on Persons with Disabilities; disabilities were part of the Indonesian people who had the status, rights, obligations and the same role with other Indonesian community in all aspects of life and livelihood. As observed, during the disabled were still used as objects that hadn’t been involved in the formulation of development planning of space in Indonesia, so the infrastructure space was still very far from the concept of friendly to the disabled. As an example of a sidewalk in Indonesia were still in bad condition, potholes, and uneven and don’t meet the eligibility standards. In addition, there were sidewalks that abused become a trade causing run down and chaotic atmosphere. In addition, pedestrians are also disturbed because the sidewalks were often still used as a parking lot or flowers to decorate the layout of the city, so the legroom was becoming increasingly limited. The development of infrastructure for pedestrians was also still concerned with aspects of aesthetic than functional. Therefore, the participation of disabled people must be involved in spatial planning exist. It aims to achieve spatial and environmentally friendly to the disabled. These dream space activities carried out by giving questionnaires and the dream images to the disabled about how the layout of the space they want what they want and what development was also in line with the principle of their convenience. This then will be taken into consideration for government in planning layout that was friendly to the whole community.Keywords: diffable, aspiration, spatial, planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2951129 The Application of Collision Damage Analysis in Reconstruction of Sedan-Scooter Accidents
Authors: Chun-Liang Wu, Kai-Ping Shaw, Cheng-Ping Yu, Wu-Chien Chien, Hsiao-Ting Chen, Shao-Huang Wu
Objective: This study analyzed three criminal judicial cases. We applied the damage analysis of the two vehicles to verify other evidence, such as dashboard camera records of each accident, reconstruct the scenes, and pursue the truth. Methods: Evidence analysis, the method is to collect evidence and the reason for the results in judicial procedures, then analyze the involved damage evidence to verify other evidence. The collision damage analysis method is to inspect the damage to the vehicles and utilize the principles of tool mark analysis, Newtonian physics, and vehicle structure to understand the relevant factors when the vehicles collide. Results: Case 1: Sedan A turned right at the T junction and collided with Scooter B, which was going straight on the left road. The dashboard camera records showed that the left side of Sedan A’s front bumper collided with the body of Scooter B and rider B. After the analysis of the study, the truth was that the front of the left side of Sedan A impacted the right pedal of Scooter B and the right lower limb of rider B. Case 2: Sedan C collided with Scooter D on the left road at the crossroads. The dashboard camera record showed that the left side of the Sedan C’s front bumper collided with the body of Scooter D and rider D. After the analysis of the study, the truth was that the left side of the Sedan C impacted the left side of the car body and the front wheel of Scooter D and rider D. Case 3: Sedan E collided with Scooter F on the right road at the crossroads. The dashboard camera record showed that the right side of the Sedan E’s front bumper collided with the body of Scooter F and rider F. After the analysis of the study, the truth was that the right side of the front bumper and the right side of the Sedan F impacted the Scooter. Conclusion: The application of collision damage analysis in the reconstruction of a sedan-scooter collision could discover the truth and provide the basis for judicial justice. The cases and methods could be the reference for the road safety policy.Keywords: evidence analysis, collision damage analysis, accident reconstruction, sedan-scooter collision, dashboard camera records
Procedia PDF Downloads 811128 Educating for Acceptance or Action: Bachelor of Social Work Education in Canada
Authors: Elizabeth Radian
In a challenging era of neoliberalism and managerialism in social services, the status of Canadian social work education at the Bachelor of Social Work level (BSW) was examined to determine how prepared students were to practice in a time of resource cutbacks and insecurity. Curricula in BSW programs was the focus as this generalist degree results in the greatest number of social work graduates in Canada, most of whom work at the front lines in service delivery. The study reviewed the practice frameworks that students in BSW programs were exposed to. Traditionally, schools of social work have embraced two major practice frameworks. The person in environment framework is a well-established practice framework taught in most schools. The framework offers some focus on smaller scale social change, tweaking existing arrangements and is more accepting of the status quo. An alternate practice framework taught in fewer schools has been described as a structural, progressive or anti oppressive framework. This latter framework challenges the status quo, is focused on social justice and social transformation, often incorporating social action strategies to ensure marginalized voices are heard. Using a content analysis methodology of keywords and phrases to delineate framework orientation, practice frameworks articulated in the curricula were determined by reviewing the mission/mandate of schools offering a BSW degree, their core course outlines and core course textbooks. Social action, as one strategy for initiating social change and transformation was considered. Initial research for 28 schools was completed in 2000, with follow up replications of the initial study in 2005 and 2014. These earlier studies displayed that the dominant practice framework taught in BSW programs was the person in environment framework. A lesser number of schools were categorized as primarily offering a structural, progressive or anti oppressive framework. The findings from the current study of 39 Canadian schools of social work are considered to determine how prominent structural, progressive and anti oppressive frameworks exist in current BSW curricula. This study can assist in contemplating the question – are we educating future practitioners for acceptance or action.Keywords: social work education and pedagogy, social change, social justice, social services
Procedia PDF Downloads 1931127 Adapting to Rural Demographic Change: Impacts, Challenges and Opportunities for Ageing Farmers in Prachin Buri Province, Thailand
Authors: Para Jansuwan, Kerstin K. Zander
Most people in rural Thailand still depend on agriculture. The rural areas are undergoing changes in their demographic structures with an increasing older population, out migration of younger people and a shift away from work in the agricultural sector towards manufacturing and service provisioning. These changes may lead to a decline in agricultural productivity and food insecurity. Our research aims to examine perceptions of older farmers on how rural demographic change affects them, to investigate how farmers may change their agricultural practices to cope with their ageing and to explore the factors affecting these changes, including the opportunities and challenges arising from them. The data were collected through a household survey with 368 farmers in the Prachin Buri province in central Thailand, the main area for agricultural production. A series of binomial logistic regression models were applied to analyse the data. We found that most farmers suffered from age-related diseases, which compromised their working capacity. Most farmers attempted to reduce labour intense work, by either stopping farming through transferring farmland to their children (41%), stopping farming by giving the land to the others (e.g., selling, leasing out) (28%) and continuing farming with making some changes (e.g., changing crops, employing additional workers) (24%). Farmers’ health and having a potential farm successor were positively associated with the probability of stopping farming by transferring the land to the children. Farmers with a successor were also less likely to stop farming by giving the land to the others. Farmers’ age was negatively associated with the likelihood of continuing farming by making some changes. The results show that most farmers base their decisions on the hope that their children will take over the farms, and that without successor, farmers lease out or sell the land. Without successor, they also no longer invest in expansion and improvement of their farm production, especially adoption of innovative technologies that could help them to maintain their farm productivity. To improve farmers’ quality of life and sustain their farm productivity, policies are needed to support the viability of farms, the access to a pension system and the smooth and successful transfer of the land to a successor of farmers.Keywords: rural demographic change, older farmer, stopping farming, continuing farming, health and age, farm successor, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 1161126 Reducing the Incidence Rate of Pressure Sore in a Medical Center in Taiwan
Authors: Chang Yu Chuan
Background and Aim: Pressure sore is not only the consequence of any gradual damage of the skin leading to tissue defects but also an important indicator of clinical care. If hospitalized patients develop pressure sores without proper care, it would result in delayed healing, wound infection, increase patient physical pain, prolonged hospital stay and even death, which would have a negative impact on the quality of care and also increase nursing manpower and medical costs. This project is aimed at decreasing the incidence of pressure sore in one ward of internal medicine. Our data showed 53 cases (0.61%) of pressure sore in 2015, which exceeded the average (0.5%) of Taiwan Clinical Performance Indicator (TCPI) for medical centers. The purpose of this project is to reduce the incidence rate of pressure sore in the ward. After data collection and analysis from January to December 2016, the reasons of developing pressure sore were found: 1. Lack of knowledge to prevent pressure among nursing staffs; 2. No relevant courses about preventing pressure ulcers and pressure wound care being held in this unit; 3. Low complete rate of pressure sore care education that family members should receive from nursing staffs; 4. Decompression equipment is not enough; 5. Lack of standard procedures for body-turning and positioning care. After team members brainstorming, several strategies were proposed, including holding in-service education, pressure sore care seed training, purchasing decompression mattress and memory pillows, designing more elements of health education tools, such as health education pamphlet, posters and multimedia films of body-turning and positioning demonstration, formulation and promotion of standard operating procedures. In this way, nursing staffs can understand the body-turning and positioning guidelines for pressure sore prevention and enhance the quality of care. After the implementation of this project, the pressure sore density significantly decreased from 0.61%(53 cases) to 0.45%(28 cases) in this ward. The project shows good results and good example for nurses working at the ward and helps to enhance quality of care.Keywords: body-turning and positioning, incidence density, nursing, pressure sore
Procedia PDF Downloads 2671125 Anti-lipidemic and Hematinic Potentials of Moringa Oleifera Leaves: A Clinical Trial on Type 2 Diabetic Subjects in a Rural Nigerian Community
Authors: Ifeoma C. Afiaenyi, Elizabeth K. Ngwu, Rufina N. B. Ayogu
Diabetes has crept into the rural areas of Nigeria, causing devastating effects on its sufferers; most of them could not afford diabetic medications. Moringa oleifera has been used extensively in animal models to demonstrate its antilipidaemic and haematinic qualities; however, there is a scarcity of data on the effect of graded levels of Moringa oleifera leaves on the lipid profile and hematological parameters in human diabetic subjects. The study determined the effect of Moringa oleifera leaves on the lipid profile and hematological parameters of type 2 diabetic subjects in Ukehe, a rural Nigerian community. Twenty-four adult male and female diabetic subjects were purposively selected for the study. These subjects were shared into four groups of six subjects each. The diets used in the study were isocaloric. A control group (diabetics, group 1) was fed diets without Moringa oleifera leaves. Experimental groups 2, 3 and 4 received 20g, 40g and 60g of Moringa oleifera leaves daily, respectively, in addition to the diets. The subjects' lipid profile and hematological parameters were measured prior to the feeding trial and at the end of the feeding trial. The feeding trial lasted for fourteen days. The data obtained were analyzed using the computer program Statistical Product for Service Solution (SPSS) for windows version 21. A Paired-samples t-test was used to compare the means of values collected before and after the feeding trial within the groups and significance was accepted at p < 0.05. There was a non-significant (p > 0.05) decrease in the mean total cholesterol of the subjects in groups 1, 2 and 3 after the feeding trial. There was a non-significant (p > 0.05) decrease in the mean triglyceride levels of the subjects in group 1 after the feeding trial. Groups 1 and 3 subjects had a non-significant (p > 0.05) decrease in their mean low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol after the feeding trial. Groups 1, 2 and 4 had a significant (p < 0.05) increase in their mean high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol after the feeding trial. A significant (p < 0.05) decrease in the mean hemoglobin level was observed only in group 4 subjects. Similarly, there was a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in the mean packed cell volume of group 4 subjects. It was only in group 4 that a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in the mean white blood cells of the subjects was also observed. The changes observed in the parameters assessed were not dose-dependent. Therefore, a similar study of longer duration and more samples is imperative to authenticate these results.Keywords: anemia, diabetic subjects, lipid profile, moringa oleifera
Procedia PDF Downloads 2011124 Voltage and Frequency Regulation Using the Third-Party Mid-Size Battery
Authors: Roghieh A. Biroon, Zoleikha Abdollahi
The recent growth of renewables, e.g., solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles (EVs) in residential and small commercial sectors, has potential impacts on the stability and operation of power grids. Considering approximately 50 percent share of the residential and the commercial sectors in the electricity demand market, the significance of these impacts, and the necessity of addressing them are more highlighted. Utilities and power system operators should manage the renewable electricity sources integration with power systems in such a way to extract the most possible advantages for the power systems. The most common effect of high penetration level of the renewables is the reverse power flow in the distribution feeders when the customers generate more power than their needs. The reverse power flow causes voltage rise and thermal issues in the power grids. To overcome the voltage rise issues in the distribution system, several techniques have been proposed including reducing transformers short circuit resistance and feeder impedance, installing autotransformers/voltage regulators along the line, absorbing the reactive power by distributed generators (DGs), and limiting the PV and battery sizes. In this study, we consider a medium-scale battery energy storage to manage the power energy and address the aforementioned issues on voltage deviation and power loss increase. We propose an optimization algorithm to find the optimum size and location for the battery. The optimization for the battery location and size is so that the battery maintains the feeder voltage deviation and power loss at a certain desired level. Moreover, the proposed optimization algorithm controls the charging/discharging profile of the battery to absorb the negative power flow from residential and commercial customers in the feeder during the peak time and sell the power back to the system during the off-peak time. The proposed battery regulates the voltage problem in the distribution system while it also can play frequency regulation role in islanded microgrids. This battery can be regulated and controlled by the utilities or a third-party ancillary service provider for the utilities to reduce the power system loss and regulate the distribution feeder voltage and frequency in standard level.Keywords: ancillary services, battery, distribution system and optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1311123 Design and Development of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Irrigation Canal Monitoring
Authors: Mamoon Masud, Suleman Mazhar
Indus river basin’s irrigation system in Pakistan is extremely complex, spanning over 50,000 km. Maintenance and monitoring of this demands enormous resources. This paper describes the development of a streamlined and low-cost autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) for the monitoring of irrigation canals including water quality monitoring and water theft detection. The vehicle is a hovering-type AUV, designed mainly for monitoring irrigation canals, with fully documented design and open source code. It has a length of 17 inches, and a radius of 3.5 inches with a depth rating of 5m. Multiple sensors are present onboard the AUV for monitoring water quality parameters including pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and dissolved oxygen. A 9-DOF Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), GY-85, is used, which incorporates an Accelerometer (ADXL345), a Gyroscope (ITG-3200) and a Magnetometer (HMC5883L). The readings from these sensors are fused together using directional cosine matrix (DCM) algorithm, providing the AUV with the heading angle, while a pressure sensor gives the depth of the AUV. 2 sonar-based range sensors are used for obstacle detection, enabling the vehicle to align itself with the irrigation canals edges. 4 thrusters control the vehicle’s surge, heading and heave, providing 3 DOF. The thrusters are controlled using a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) feedback control system, with heading angle and depth being the controller’s input and the thruster motor speed as the output. A flow sensor has been incorporated to monitor canal water level to detect water-theft event in the irrigation system. In addition to water theft detection, the vehicle also provides information on water quality, providing us with the ability to identify the source(s) of water contamination. Detection of such events can provide useful policy inputs for improving irrigation efficiency and reducing water contamination. The AUV being low cost, small sized and suitable for autonomous maneuvering, water level and quality monitoring in the irrigation canals, can be used for irrigation network monitoring at a large scale.Keywords: the autonomous underwater vehicle, irrigation canal monitoring, water quality monitoring, underwater line tracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1481122 The Regulation of Reputational Information in the Sharing Economy
Authors: Emre Bayamlıoğlu
This paper aims to provide an account of the legal and the regulative aspects of the algorithmic reputation systems with a special emphasis on the sharing economy (i.e., Uber, Airbnb, Lyft) business model. The first section starts with an analysis of the legal and commercial nature of the tripartite relationship among the parties, namely, the host platform, individual sharers/service providers and the consumers/users. The section further examines to what extent an algorithmic system of reputational information could serve as an alternative to legal regulation. Shortcomings are explained and analyzed with specific examples from Airbnb Platform which is a pioneering success in the sharing economy. The following section focuses on the issue of governance and control of the reputational information. The section first analyzes the legal consequences of algorithmic filtering systems to detect undesired comments and how a delicate balance could be struck between the competing interests such as freedom of speech, privacy and the integrity of the commercial reputation. The third section deals with the problem of manipulation by users. Indeed many sharing economy businesses employ certain techniques of data mining and natural language processing to verify consistency of the feedback. Software agents referred as "bots" are employed by the users to "produce" fake reputation values. Such automated techniques are deceptive with significant negative effects for undermining the trust upon which the reputational system is built. The third section is devoted to explore the concerns with regard to data mobility, data ownership, and the privacy. Reputational information provided by the consumers in the form of textual comment may be regarded as a writing which is eligible to copyright protection. Algorithmic reputational systems also contain personal data pertaining both the individual entrepreneurs and the consumers. The final section starts with an overview of the notion of reputation as a communitarian and collective form of referential trust and further provides an evaluation of the above legal arguments from the perspective of public interest in the integrity of reputational information. The paper concludes with certain guidelines and design principles for algorithmic reputation systems, to address the above raised legal implications.Keywords: sharing economy, design principles of algorithmic regulation, reputational systems, personal data protection, privacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4671121 EcoLife and Greed Index Measurement: An Alternative Tool to Promote Sustainable Communities and Eco-Justice
Authors: Louk Aourelien Andrianos, Edward Dommen, Athena Peralta
Greed, as epitomized by overconsumption of natural resources, is at the root of ecological destruction and unsustainability of modern societies. Presently economies rely on unrestricted structural greed which fuels unlimited economic growth, overconsumption, and individualistic competitive behavior. Structural greed undermines the life support system on earth and threatens ecological integrity, social justice and peace. The World Council of Churches (WCC) has developed a program on ecological and economic justice (EEJ) with the aim to promote an economy of life where the economy is embedded in society and society in ecology. This paper aims at analyzing and assessing the economy of life (EcoLife) by offering an empirical tool to measure and monitor the root causes and effects of unsustainability resulting from human greed on global, national, institutional and individual levels. This holistic approach is based on the integrity of ecology and economy in a society founded on justice. The paper will discuss critical questions such as ‘what is an economy of life’ and ‘how to measure and control it from the effect of greed’. A model called GLIMS, which stands for Greed Lines and Indices Measurement System is used to clarify the concept of greed and help measuring the economy of life index by fuzzy logic reasoning. The inputs of the model are from statistical indicators of natural resources consumption, financial realities, economic performance, social welfare and ethical and political facts. The outputs are concrete measures of three primary indices of ecological, economic and socio-political greed (ECOL-GI, ECON-GI, SOCI-GI) and one overall multidimensional economy of life index (EcoLife-I). EcoLife measurement aims to build awareness of an economy life and to address the effects of greed in systemic and structural aspects. It is a tool for ethical diagnosis and policy making.Keywords: greed line, sustainability indicators, fuzzy logic, eco-justice, World Council of Churches (WCC)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3211120 Frailty Patterns in the US and Implications for Long-Term Care
Authors: Joelle Fong
Older persons are at greatest risk of becoming frail. As survival to the age of 80 and beyond continues to increase, the health and frailty of older Americans has garnered much recent attention among policy makers and healthcare administrators. This paper examines patterns in old-age frailty within a multistate actuarial model that characterizes the stochastic process of biological ageing. Using aggregate population-level U.S. mortality data, we implement a stochastic aging model to examine cohort trends and gender differences in frailty distributions for older Americans born 1865 – 1894. The stochastic ageing model, which draws from the fields of actuarial science and gerontology, is well-established in the literature. The implications for public health insurance programs are also discussed. Our results suggest that, on average, women tend to be frailer than men at older ages and reveal useful insights about the magnitude of the male-female differential at critical age points. Specifically, we note that the frailty statuses of males and females are actually quite comparable from ages 65 to 80. Beyond age 80, however, the frailty levels start to diverge considerably implying that women are moving quicker into worse states of health than men. Tracking average frailty by gender over 30 successive birth cohorts, we also find that frailty levels for both genders follow a distinct peak-and-trough pattern. For instance, frailty among 85-year old American survivors increased in years 1954-1963, decreased in years 1964-1971, and again started to increase in years 1972-1979. A number of factors may have accounted for these cohort differences including differences in cohort life histories, differences in disease prevalence, differences in lifestyle and behavior, differential access to medical advances, as well as changes in environmental risk factors over time. We conclude with a discussion on the implications of our findings on spending for long-term care programs within the broader health insurance system.Keywords: actuarial modeling, cohort analysis, frail elderly, health
Procedia PDF Downloads 2461119 Effect of the Food Distribution on Household Food Security Status in Iran
Authors: Delaram Ghodsi, Nasrin Omidvar, Hassan Eini-Zinab, Arash Rashidian, Hossein Raghfar
Food supplementary programs are policy approaches that aim to reduce financial barriers to healthy diets and tackle food insecurity. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the supportive section of Multidisciplinary Supplementary Program for Improvement of Nutritional Status of Children (MuPINSC) on households’ food security status and nutritional status of mothers. MuPINSC is a national integrative program in Iran that distributes supplementary food basket to malnourished or growth retarded children living in low-income families in addition to providing health services, including sanitation, growth monitoring, and empowerment of families. This longitudinal study is part of a comprehensive evaluation of the program. The study participants included 359 mothers of children aged 6 to 72 month under coverage of the supportive section of the program in two provinces of Iran (Semnan and Qazvin). Demographic and economic characteristics of families were assessed by a questionnaire. Data on food security of family was collected by locally adapted Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) at the baseline of the study and six month thereafter. Weight and height of mothers were measured at the baseline and end of the study and mother’s BMI was calculated. Data were analysed, using paired t-test, GEE (Generalized Estimating Equation), and Chi-square tests. Based on the findings, at the baseline, only 4.7% of families were food-secure, while 13.1%, 38.7% and, 43.5% were categorized as mild, moderate and severe food insecure. After six months follow up, the distribution of different levels of food security changed significantly (P<0.001) to 7.9%, 11.6%, 42.6%, and 38%, respectively. At the end of the study, the chance of food insecurity was significantly 20% lower than the beginning (OR=0.796; 0.653-0.971). No significant difference was observed in maternal BMI based on food security (P>0.05). The findings show that the food supplementary program for children improved household food security status in the studied households. Further research is needed to assess other factors that affect the effectiveness of this large scale program on nutritional status and household’s food security.Keywords: food security, food supplementary program, household, malnourished children
Procedia PDF Downloads 4021118 Promoting Girls’ and Women’s Right to Education: Challenges and Strategies
Authors: Kwizera Mireille, Kharesh Ahmed Al-Khadher
This paper explores the critical issue of girls' and women's right to education, exploring the challenges they face in accessing and benefiting from quality education. Gender disparities in education have persisted globally, hindering social progress and sustainable development. The fundamental importance of education in empowering individuals and promoting gender equality is acknowledged, making it imperative to address the disparities that hinder girls' and women's educational opportunities. The paper discusses various factors contributing to these disparities, including cultural norms(common in third-world countries), socio-economic constraints, and systemic biases. Drawing on a wide range of scholarly sources, empirical studies, and reports from international organizations, this paper highlights the broader societal benefits of educating girls and women, ranging from improved health outcomes to enhanced economic development and greater social and political participation. The paper further outlines strategies and initiatives aimed at overcoming these challenges. These include policy interventions, community-based programs, and international collaborations that work towards eliminating gender-based discrimination in educational settings. The paper emphasizes the significance of not only ensuring access but also fostering an inclusive and safe learning environment that encourages girls and women to thrive academically and personally. By analyzing successful case studies and best practices from around the world, the paper offers insights into effective approaches that can be adopted to enhance girls' and women's right to education globally. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of raising awareness of girl's and women's education. In conclusion, this paper underscores the urgency of prioritizing and protecting the educational rights of girls and women's right to education as a fundamental human right and catalyst for gender equality. It calls for a concerted effort from governments, NGOs, educational institutions, and society as a whole to create an equitable and empowering educational landscape that contributes to gender equality and sustainable development.Keywords: empowerment, gender equality, inclusive education, right to education
Procedia PDF Downloads 681117 Climate Change Adaptation in the U.S. Coastal Zone: Data, Policy, and Moving Away from Moral Hazard
Authors: Thomas Ruppert, Shana Jones, J. Scott Pippin
State and federal government agencies within the United States have recently invested substantial resources into studies of future flood risk conditions associated with climate change and sea-level rise. A review of numerous case studies has uncovered several key themes that speak to an overall incoherence within current flood risk assessment procedures in the U.S. context. First, there are substantial local differences in the quality of available information about basic infrastructure, particularly with regard to local stormwater features and essential facilities that are fundamental components of effective flood hazard planning and mitigation. Second, there can be substantial mismatch between regulatory Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) as produced by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and other 'current condition' flood assessment approaches. This is of particular concern in areas where FIRMs already seem to underestimate extant flood risk, which can only be expected to become a greater concern if future FIRMs do not appropriately account for changing climate conditions. Moreover, while there are incentives within the NFIP’s Community Rating System (CRS) to develop enhanced assessments that include future flood risk projections from climate change, the incentive structures seem to have counterintuitive implications that would tend to promote moral hazard. In particular, a technical finding of higher future risk seems to make it easier for a community to qualify for flood insurance savings, with much of these prospective savings applied to individual properties that have the most physical risk of flooding. However, there is at least some case study evidence to indicate that recognition of these issues is prompting broader discussion about the need to move beyond FIRMs as a standalone local flood planning standard. The paper concludes with approaches for developing climate adaptation and flood resilience strategies in the U.S. that move away from the social welfare model being applied through NFIP and toward more of an informed risk approach that transfers much of the investment responsibility over to individual private property owners.Keywords: climate change adaptation, flood risk, moral hazard, sea-level rise
Procedia PDF Downloads 1091116 The Reality of Teaching Arabic for Specific Purposes in Educational Institutions
Authors: Mohammad Anwarul Kabir, Fayezul Islam
Language invariably is learned / taught to be used primarily as means of communications. Teaching a language for its native audience differs from teaching it to non-native audience. Moreover, teaching a language for communication only is different from teaching it for specific purposes. Arabic language is primarily regarded as the language of the Quran and the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition). Arabic is, therefore, learnt and spread all over the globe. However, Arabic is also a cultural heritage shared by all Islamic nations which has used Arabic for a long period to record the contributions of Muslim thinkers made in the field of wide spectrum of knowledge and scholarship. That is why the phenomenon of teaching Arabic by different educational institutes became quite rife, and the idea of teaching Arabic for specific purposes is heavily discussed in the academic sphere. Although the number of learners of Arabic is increasing consistently, yet their purposes vary. These include religious purpose, international trade, diplomatic purpose, better livelihood in the Arab world extra. By virtue of this high demand for learning Arabic, numerous institutes have been established all over the world including Bangladesh. This paper aims at focusing on the current status of the language institutes which has been established for learning Arabic for specific purposes in Bangladesh including teaching methodology, curriculum, and teachers’ quality. Such curricula and using its materials resulted in a lot of problems. The least, it confused teachers and students as well. Islamic educationalists have been working hard to professionally meet the need. They are following a systematic approach of stating clear and achievable goals, building suitable content, and applying new technology to present these learning experiences and evaluate them. It also suggests a model for designing instructional systems that responds to the need of non-Arabic speaking Islamic communities and provide the knowledge needed in both linguistic and cultural aspects. It also puts forward a number of suggestions for the improvement of the teaching / learning Arabic for specific purposes in Bangladesh after a detailed investigation in the following areas: curriculum, teachers’ skills, method of teaching and assessment policy.Keywords: communication, Quran, sunnah, educational institutes, specific purposes, curriculum, method of teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 2821115 Effectiveness of Research Promotion Organizations in Higher Education and Research (ESR)
Authors: Jonas Sanon
The valorization of research is becoming a transversal instrument linking different sectors (academic, public and industrial). The practice of valorization seems to impact innovation techniques within companies where, there is often the implementation of industrial conventions of training through research (CIFRE), continuous training programs for employees, collaborations and partnerships around joint research and R&D laboratories focused on the needs of companies to improve or develop more efficient innovations. Furthermore, many public initiatives to support innovation and technology transfer have been developed at the international, European and national levels, with significant budget allocations. Thus, in the context of this work, we tried to analyze the way in which research transfer structures are evaluated within the Saclay ecosystem. In fact, the University-Paris-Saclay is one of the best French universities; it is made up of 10 university components, more than 275 laboratories and is in partnership with the largest French research centers This work mainly focused on how evaluations affected research transfer structures, how evaluations were conducted, and what the managers of research transfer structures thought about assessments. Thus, with the aid of the conducted interviews, it appears that the evaluations do not have a significant impact on the qualitative aspect of research and innovation, but is rather present a directive aspect to allow the structures to benefit or not from the financial resources to develop certain research work, sometimes directed and influenced by the market, some researchers might try to accentuate their research and experimentation work on themes that are not necessarily their areas of interest, but just to comply with the calls for proposed thematic projects. The field studies also outline the primary indicators used to assess the effectiveness of valorization structures as "the number of start-ups generated, the license agreements signed, the structure's patent portfolio, and the innovations of items developed from public research.". Finally, after mapping the actors, it became clear that the ecosystem of the University of Paris-Saclay benefits from a richness allowing it to better value its research in relation to the three categories of actors it has (internal, external and transversal), united and linked by a relationship of proximity of sharing and endowed with a real opportunity to innovate openly.Keywords: research valorization, technology transfer, innovation, evaluation, impacts and performances, innovation policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 751114 Application of Bundle Care to Reduce Invasive Catheter-Associated Infection in High Risk Units at a Medical Center
Authors: Hsin-Hsin Chang, Jann-Tay Wang, Wang-Huei Sheng
Background: Hospital-associated infections (HAIs) have significant medical and social resource consumption. In view of medical technology change rapidly and the prolonged average life expectancy, the patients' chances of receiving invasive medical devices have also increased. As well as the potential disease of the patients, the aging, and immune dysfunction makes the disease more serious, raising the risk of HAIs. In our adult intensive care units, catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) have an average of 4.6% in 2014, which is much higher than that of the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). Therefore, we started the intervention of CAUTI bundle care. Methods: This 3-year intervention was conducted in adults’ intensive care units (ICUs) during January 2015 to December 2017. The implementation of CAUTI bundle care in order to reduce invasive catheter-associated infections were built on evidence-based infection control measures. Prospective surveillance was performed on all patients admitted to hospital. The four major directions are 'Leader Engagement', 'Educate Personnel', 'Executive Multidisciplinary Teamwork', 'Innovation and Improvement of Tools'. Results: During the intervention period, there were 167,024 patient-days with a total of 508 episodes of CAUTIs in the entire adult ICUs identified. The incidence of CAUTIs in adult ICU was significantly decreased in the intervention period (from 2015 to 2017), from 4.6 to 3.6 per 1000 catheter days (p=0.05). Conclusion: The necessity for the implementation of CAUTI bundle care in the health care system plays an important role in the quality and policy of infection control. Multidisciplinary teamwork, education, a comprehensive checklist and from time to time audit feedback to improve healthcare workers’ compliance are the keys to success.Keywords: bundle care, hospital-associated infections, leader engagement, multidisciplinary team work
Procedia PDF Downloads 155