Search results for: sound absorption
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Paper Count: 2406

Search results for: sound absorption

1836 PM10 Chemical Characteristics in a Background Site at the Universidad Libre Bogotá

Authors: Laura X. Martinez, Andrés F. Rodríguez, Ruth A. Catacoli


One of the most important factors for air pollution is that the concentrations of PM10 maintain a constant trend, with the exception of some places where that frequently surpasses the allowed ranges established by Colombian legislation. The community that surrounds the Universidad Libre Bogotá is inhabited by a considerable number of students and workers, all of whom are possibly being exposed to PM10 for long periods of time while on campus. Thus, the chemical characterization of PM10 found in the ambient air at the Universidad Libre Bogotá was identified as a problem. A Hi-Vol sampler and EPA Test Method 5 were used to determine if the quality of air is adequate for the human respiratory system. Additionally, quartz fiber filters were utilized during sampling. Samples were taken three days a week during a dry period throughout the months of November and December 2015. The gravimetric analysis method was used to determine PM10 concentrations. The chemical characterization includes non-conventional carcinogenic pollutants. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) was used for the determination of metals and VOCs were analyzed using the FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) method. In this way, concentrations of PM10, ranging from values of 13 µg/m3 to 66 µg/m3, were obtained; these values were below standard conditions. This evidence concludes that the PM10 concentrations during an exposure period of 24 hours are lower than the values established by Colombian law, Resolution 610 of 2010; however, when comparing these with the limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO), these concentrations could possibly exceed permissible levels.

Keywords: air quality, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, gas chromatography, particulate matter

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1835 Spectral Responses of the Laser Generated Coal Aerosol

Authors: Tibor Ajtai, Noémi Utry, Máté Pintér, Tomi Smausz, Zoltán Kónya, Béla Hopp, Gábor Szabó, Zoltán Bozóki


Characterization of spectral responses of light absorbing carbonaceous particulate matter (LAC) is of great importance in both modelling its climate effect and interpreting remote sensing measurement data. The residential or domestic combustion of coal is one of the dominant LAC constituent. According to some related assessments the residential coal burning account for roughly half of anthropogenic BC emitted from fossil fuel burning. Despite of its significance in climate the comprehensive investigation of optical properties of residential coal aerosol is really limited in the literature. There are many reason of that starting from the difficulties associated with the controlled burning conditions of the fuel, through the lack of detailed supplementary proximate and ultimate chemical analysis enforced, the interpretation of the measured optical data, ending with many analytical and methodological difficulties regarding the in-situ measurement of coal aerosol spectral responses. Since the gas matrix of ambient can significantly mask the physicochemical characteristics of the generated coal aerosol the accurate and controlled generation of residential coal particulates is one of the most actual issues in this research area. Most of the laboratory imitation of residential coal combustion is simply based on coal burning in stove with ambient air support allowing one to measure only the apparent spectral feature of the particulates. However, the recently introduced methodology based on a laser ablation of solid coal target opens up novel possibilities to model the real combustion procedure under well controlled laboratory conditions and makes the investigation of the inherent optical properties also possible. Most of the methodology for spectral characterization of LAC is based on transmission measurement made of filter accumulated aerosol or deduced indirectly from parallel measurements of scattering and extinction coefficient using free floating sampling. In the former one the accuracy while in the latter one the sensitivity are liming the applicability of this approaches. Although the scientific community are at the common platform that aerosol-phase PhotoAcoustic Spectroscopy (PAS) is the only method for precise and accurate determination of light absorption by LAC, the PAS based instrumentation for spectral characterization of absorption has only been recently introduced. In this study, the investigation of the inherent, spectral features of laser generated and chemically characterized residential coal aerosols are demonstrated. The experimental set-up and its characteristic for residential coal aerosol generation are introduced here. The optical absorption and the scattering coefficients as well as their wavelength dependency are determined by our state-of-the-art multi wavelength PAS instrument (4λ-PAS) and multi wavelength cosinus sensor (Aurora 3000). The quantified wavelength dependency (AAE and SAE) are deduced from the measured data. Finally, some correlation between the proximate and ultimate chemical as well as the measured or deduced optical parameters are also revealed.

Keywords: absorption, scattering, residential coal, aerosol generation by laser ablation

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1834 Development and Characterization of Castor Oil-Based Biopolyurethanes for High-Performance Coatings and Waterproofing Applications

Authors: Julie Anne Braun, Leonardo D. da Fonseca, Gerson C. Parreira, Ricardo J. E. Andrade


Polyurethanes (PU) are multifunctional polymers used across various industries. In construction, thermosetting polyurethanes are applied as coatings for flooring, paints, and waterproofing. They are widely specified in Brazil for waterproofing concrete structures like roof slabs and parking decks. Applied to concrete, they form a fully adhered membrane, providing a protective barrier with low water absorption, high chemical resistance, impermeability to liquids, and low vapor permeability. Their mechanical properties, including tensile strength (1 to 35 MPa) and Shore A hardness (83 to 88), depend on resin molecular weight and functionality, often using Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate. PU production, reliant on fossil-derived isocyanates and polyols, contributes significantly to carbon emissions. Sustainable alternatives, such as biopolyurethanes from renewable sources, are needed. Castor oil is a viable option for synthesizing sustainable polyurethanes. As a bio-based feedstock, castor oil is extensively cultivated in Brazil, making it a feasible option for the national market and ranking third internationally. This study aims to develop and characterize castor oil-based biopolyurethane for high-performance waterproofing and coating applications. A comparative analysis between castor oil-based PU and polyether polyol-based PU was conducted. Mechanical tests (tensile strength, Shore A hardness, abrasion resistance) and surface properties (contact angle, water absorption) were evaluated. Thermal, chemical, and morphological properties were assessed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results demonstrated that both polyurethanes exhibited high mechanical strength. Specifically, the tensile strength for castor oil-based PU was 19.18 MPa, compared to 12.94 MPa for polyether polyol-based PU. Similarly, the elongation values were 146.90% for castor oil-based PU and 135.50% for polyether polyol-based PU. Both materials exhibited satisfactory performance in terms of abrasion resistance, with mass loss of 0.067% for castor oil PU and 0.043% for polyether polyol PU and Shore A hardness values of 89 and 86, respectively, indicating high surface hardness. The results of the water absorption and contact angle tests confirmed the hydrophilic nature of polyether polyol PU, with a contact angle of 58.73° and water absorption of 2.53%. Conversely, the castor oil-based PU exhibited hydrophobic properties, with a contact angle of 81.05° and water absorption of 0.45%. The results of the FTIR analysis indicated the absence of a peak around 2275 cm-1, which suggests that all of the NCO groups were consumed in the stoichiometric reaction. This conclusion is supported by the high mechanical test results. The TGA results indicated that polyether polyol PU demonstrated superior thermal stability, exhibiting a mass loss of 13% at the initial transition (around 310°C), in comparison to castor oil-based PU, which experienced a higher initial mass loss of 25% at 335°C. In summary, castor oil-based PU demonstrated mechanical properties comparable to polyether polyol PU, making it suitable for applications such as trafficable coatings. However, its higher hydrophobicity makes it more promising for watertightness. Increasing environmental concerns necessitate reducing reliance on non-renewable resources and mitigating the environmental impacts of polyurethane production. Castor oil is a viable option for sustainable polyurethanes, aligning with emission reduction goals and responsible use of natural resources.

Keywords: polyurethane, castor oil, sustainable, waterproofing, construction industry

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1833 Solid-State Synthesis Approach and Optical study of Red Emitting Phosphors Li₃BaSrxCa₁₋ₓEu₂.₇Gd₀.₃(MoO₄)₈ for White LEDs

Authors: Priyansha Sharma, Sibani Mund, Sivakumar Vaidyanathan


Solid-state synthesis methods were used for the synthesis of pure red emissive Li¬3BaSrxCa(1-x)Eu2.7Gd0.3(MoO4)8 (x = 0.0 to 1.0) phosphors, XRD, SEM, and FTIR spectra were used to characterize the materials, and their optical properties were thoroughly investigated. PL studies were examined at different excitations 230 nm, 275nm, 465nm, and 395 nm. All the spectra show similar emissions with the highest transition at 616 nm due to ED transition. The given phosphor Li¬3BaSr0.25Ca0.75Eu2.7Gd0.3(MoO4)8 shows the highest intensity and is thus chosen for the temperature-dependent and Quantum yield study. According to the PL investigation, the phosphor-containing Eu3+ emits red light due to the (5D0 7F2) transition. The excitation analysis shows that all of the Eu3+ activated phosphors exhibited broad absorption due to the charge transfer band, O2-Mo6+, O2-Eu3+ transition, as well as narrow absorption bands related to the Eu3+ ion's 4f-4f electronic transition. Excitation spectra show Charge transfer band at 275 nm shows the highest intensity. The primary band in the spectra refers to Eu3+ ions occupying the lattice's non-centrosymmetric location. All of the compositions are monoclinic crystal structures with space group C2/c and match with reference powder patterns. The thermal stability of the 3BaSr0.25Ca0.75Eu2.7Gd0.3(MoO4)8 phosphor was investigated at (300 k- 500 K) as well as at low temperature from (20 K to 275 K) to be utilized for red and white LED fabrication. The Decay Lifetime of all the phosphor was measured. The best phosphor was used for White and Red LED fabrication.

Keywords: PL, phosphor, quantum yield, white LED

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1832 Simulation and Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Separation by Piperazine Blended Solutions Using E-NRTL and Peng-Robinson Models: Study of Regeneration Heat Duty

Authors: Arash Esmaeili, Zhibang Liu, Yang Xiang, Jimmy Yun, Lei Shao


A high-pressure carbon dioxide (CO₂) absorption from a specific off-gas in a conventional column has been evaluated for the environmental concerns by the Aspen HYSYS simulator using a wide range of single absorbents and piperazine (PZ) blended solutions to estimate the outlet CO₂ concentration, CO₂ loading, reboiler power supply, and regeneration heat duty to choose the most efficient solution in terms of CO₂ removal and required heat duty. The property package, which is compatible with all applied solutions for the simulation in this study, estimates the properties based on the electrolyte non-random two-liquid (E-NRTL) model for electrolyte thermodynamics and Peng-Robinson equation of state for vapor phase and liquid hydrocarbon phase properties. The results of the simulation indicate that piperazine, in addition to the mixture of piperazine and monoethanolamine (MEA), demands the highest regeneration heat duty compared with other studied single and blended amine solutions, respectively. The blended amine solutions with the lowest PZ concentrations (5wt% and 10wt%) were considered and compared to reduce the cost of the process, among which the blended solution of 10wt%PZ+35wt%MDEA (methyldiethanolamine) was found as the most appropriate solution in terms of CO₂ content in the outlet gas, rich-CO₂ loading, and regeneration heat duty.

Keywords: absorption, amine solutions, aspen HYSYS, CO₂ loading, piperazine, regeneration heat duty

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1831 Soil Macronutrients Sensing for Precision Agriculture Purpose Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

Authors: Hossein Navid, Maryam Adeli Khadem, Shahin Oustan, Mahmoud Zareie


Among the nutrients needed by the plants, three elements containing nitrate, phosphorus and potassium are more important. The objective of this research was measuring these nutrient amounts in soil using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in range of 400- 4000 cm-1. Soil samples for different soil types (sandy, clay and loam) were collected from different areas of East Azerbaijan. Three types of fertilizers in conventional farming (urea, triple superphosphate, potassium sulphate) were used for soil treatment. Each specimen was divided into two categories: The first group was used in the laboratory (direct measurement) to extract nitrate, phosphorus and potassium uptake by colorimetric method of Olsen and ammonium acetate. The second group was used to measure drug absorption spectrometry. In spectrometry, the small amount of soil samples mixed with KBr and was taken in a small pill form. For the tests, the pills were put in the center of infrared spectrometer and graphs were obtained. Analysis of data was done using MINITAB and PLSR software. The data obtained from spectrometry method were compared with amount of soil nutrients obtained from direct drug absorption using EXCEL software. There were good fitting between these two data series. For nitrate, phosphorus and potassium R2 was 79.5%, 92.0% and 81.9%, respectively. Also, results showed that the range of MIR (mid-infrared) is appropriate for determine the amount of soil nitrate and potassium and can be used in future research to obtain detailed maps of land in agricultural use.

Keywords: nitrate, phosphorus, potassium, soil nutrients, spectroscopy

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1830 Sheathed Cotton Fibers: Material for Oil-Spill Cleanup

Authors: Benjamin M Dauda, Esther Ibrahim, Sylvester Gadimoh, Asabe Mustapha, Jiyah Mohammed


Despite diverse optimization techniques on natural hydrophilic fibers, hydrophobic synthetic fibers are still the best oil sorption materials. However, these hydrophobic fibers are not biodegradable, making their disposal problematic. To this end, this work sets out to develop Nonwoven sorbents from epoxy-coated Cotton fibers. As a way of improving the compatibility of the crude oil and reduction of moisture absorption, cotton fibers were coated with epoxy resin by immersion in acetone-thinned epoxy solution. A needle-punching machine was used to convert the fibers into coherent nonwoven sheets. An oil sorption experiment was then carried out. The result indicates that the developed epoxy-modified sorbent has a higher crude oil-sorption capacity compared with those of untreated cotton and commercial polypropylene sorbents. Absorption Curves show that the coated fiber and polypropylene sorbent saturated faster than the uncoated cotton fiber pad. The result also shows that the coated cotton sorbent adsorbed crude faster than the polypropylene sorbent, and the equilibrium exhaustion was also higher. After a simple mechanical squeezing process, the Nonwoven pads could be restored to their original form and repeatedly recycled for oil/water separation. The results indicate that the cotton-coated non-woven pads hold promise for the cleanup of oil spills. Our data suggests that the sorption behaviors of the epoxy-coated Nonwoven pads and their crude oil sorption capacity are relatively stable under various environmental conditions compared to the commercial sheet.

Keywords: oil spill, adsorption, cotton, epoxy, nonwoven

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1829 Nonlinear Internal Waves in Rotating Ocean

Authors: L. A. Ostrovsky, Yu. A. Stepanyants


Effect of Earth rotation on nonlinear waves is a practically important and theoretically challenging problem of fluid mechanics and geophysics. Whereas the large-scale, geostrophic processes such as Rossby waves are a classical object of oceanic and atmospheric physics, rotation effects on mesoscale waves are not well studied. In particular, the Coriolis force can radically modify the behavior of nonlinear internal gravity waves in the ocean having spatial scales of 1-10 kilometers and time durations of few hours. In the last decade, such a non-trivial behavior was observed more than once. Similar effects are possible for magnetic sound in the ionosphere. Here we outline the main physical peculiarities in the behavior of nonlinear internal waves due to the rotation effect and present some results of our recent studies. The consideration is based on the fourth-order equation derived by one of the authors as a rotation-modified Korteweg–de Vries (rKdV) equation which includes two types of dispersion: one is responsible for the finiteness of depth as in the classical KdV equation; another is due to the Coriolis effect. This equation is, in general, non-integrable; moreover, under the conditions typical of oceanic waves (positive dispersion parameter), it does not allow solitary solutions at all. In the opposite case (negative dispersion) which is possible for, e.g., magnetic sound, solitary solutions do exist and can form complex bound states (multisoliton). Another non-trivial properties of nonlinear internal waves with rotation include, to name a few, the ‘terminal’ damping of the initial KdV soliton disappearing in a finite time due to radiation losses caused by Earth’s rotation, and eventual transformation of a KdV soliton into a wave packet (an envelope soliton). The new results to be discussed refer to the interaction of a soliton with a long background wave. It is shown, in particular, that in this case internal solitons can exist since the radiation losses are compensated by energy pumping from the background wave. Finally, the relevant oceanic observations of rotation effect on internal waves are briefly described.

Keywords: Earth rotation, internal waves, nonlinear waves, solitons

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1828 Case Study Approach Using Scenario Analysis to Analyze Unabsorbed Head Office Overheads

Authors: K. C. Iyer, T. Gupta, Y. M. Bindal


Head office overhead (HOOH) is an indirect cost and is recovered through individual project billings by the contractor. Delay in a project impacts the absorption of HOOH cost allocated to that particular project and thus diminishes the expected profit of the contractor. This unabsorbed HOOH cost is later claimed by contractors as damages. The subjective nature of the available formulae to compute unabsorbed HOOH is the difficulty that contractors and owners face and thus dispute it. The paper attempts to bring together the rationale of various HOOH formulae by gathering contractor’s HOOH cost data on all of its project, using case study approach and comparing variations in values of HOOH using scenario analysis. The case study approach uses project data collected from four construction projects of a contractor in India to calculate unabsorbed HOOH costs from various available formulae. Scenario analysis provides further variations in HOOH values after considering two independent situations mainly scope changes and new projects during the delay period. Interestingly, one of the findings in this study reveals that, in spite of HOOH getting absorbed by additional works available during the period of delay, a few formulae depict an increase in the value of unabsorbed HOOH, neglecting any absorption by the increase in scope. This indicates that these formulae are inappropriate for use in case of a change to the scope of work. Results of this study can help both parties in deciding on an appropriate formula more objectively, considering the events on a project causing the delay and contractor's position in respect of obtaining new projects.

Keywords: absorbed and unabsorbed overheads, head office overheads, scenario analysis, scope variation

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1827 Synthesis and Characterization of Lactic Acid Grafted TiO2 Nanocomposites

Authors: Qasar Saleem


The aim of this project was to synthesize and analyze Polylactic acid-grafted TiO2 nanocomposite. When dispersed at the nanoscale TiO2 can behave as see through transparent UV filters and thermomechanical materials. The synthesis plan involved three stages. First, dispersion of TiO2 white powder in water/ethanol solvent system. Second grafting TiO2 surface by oligomers of lactic acid aimed at changing its surface features. Third polymerization of lactic acid monomer with grafted TiO2 in the presence of anhydrous stannous chloride as a catalyst. Polylactic acid grafted-TiO2 nanocomposite was synthesized by melt polycondensation in situ of lactic acid onto titanium oxide (TiO2) nanoparticles surface. The product was characterized by TGA, DSC, FTIR, and UV analysis and degradation observation. An idea regarding bonds between the grafting polymer and surface modified titanium oxide nanoparticles. Characteristics peaks of Ti–carbonyl bond, the related intensities of the Fourier transmission absorption peaks of graft composite, the melt and decomposition behavior stages of Polylactic acid-grafted TiO2 nanocomposite convinced that oligomers of polylactic acid were chemically bonded on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles. Through grafting polylactic acid, the Polylactic acid grafted -TiO2 sample shown good absorption in UV region and degradation behavior under normal atmospheric conditions. Regaining transparency of degraded white opaque Polylactic acid-grafted TiO2 nanocomposite on heating was another character. Polylactic acid-grafted TiO2 nanocomposite will be a potential candidate in future for biomedical, UV shielding and environment friendly material.

Keywords: condensation, nanocomposites, oligomers, polylactic

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1826 Contamination with Heavy Metals of Frozen Fish Sold in Open Markets in Ondo City, Southwest Nigeria

Authors: Adebisi M. Tiamiyu, Adewale F. Adeyemi, Olu-Ayobamikale V. Irewunmi


Fish consumption has increased in recent years in both developing and advanced countries, owing to increased awareness of its nutritional and therapeutic benefits and its availability and affordability relative to other animal protein sources. Fish and fish products, however, are extremely prone to contamination by a wide range of hazardous organic and inorganic substances. This study assessed the levels of three heavy metals, copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn), in frozen fish imported into Nigeria and sold in Ondo City for their safety for human consumption as recommended by WHO and FEPA. Three species of frozen fish (Scombrus scombrus, Merluccius merluccius, and Clupea harengus) were purchased, and the wet tissues (gills, muscles, and liver) were digested using a 3:1 mixture of nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCL). An atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) was used to detect the amount of metal in the tissues. The levels of heavy metals in different fish species' organs varied. The fish had Zn > Fe > Cu heavy metal concentrations in that order. While the concentration of Cu and Fe in the tissues of all three fish species studied were within the WHO and FEPA prescribed limits for food fish, the concentration of Zn in the muscles of M. merluccius (0.262±0.052), C. harengus harengus (0.327±0.099), and S. scombrus (0.362±0.119) was above the prescribed limit (0.075 ppm) set by FEPA. An excessive amount of zinc in the body can cause nausea, headaches, decreased immunity, and appetite loss.

Keywords: heavy metal, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, fish, agencies

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1825 Nitrogen/Platinum Co-Doped TiO₂ for Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Brilliant Black

Authors: Sarre Nzaba, Bulelwa Ntsendwana, Bekkie Mamba, Alex Kuvarega


Elimination of toxic organic compounds from wastewater is currently one of the most important subjects in water pollution control. The discharge of azo dyes such as Brilliant black (BB) into the water bodies has carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on humankind and the ecosystem. Conventional water treatment techniques fail to degrade these dyes completely thereby posing more problems. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are promising technologies in solving the problem. Anatase type nitrogen-platinum (N,Pt) co-doped TiO₂ photocatalyts were prepared by a modified sol-gel method using amine terminated polyamidoamine generation 1 (PG1) as a template and source of nitrogen. SEM/ EDX, TEM, XRD, XPS, TGA, FTIR, RS, PL and UV-Vis were used to characterize the prepared nanomaterials. The synthesized photocatalysts exhibited lower band gap energies as compared to the commercial TiO₂ revealing a shift in band gap towards the visible light absorption region. Photocatalytic activity of N,Pt co-doped TiO₂ was measured by the reaction of photocatalytic degradation of BB dye. Enhanced photodegradation efficiency of BB was achieved after 180 min reaction time with initial concentration of 50 ppm BB solution. This was attributed to the rod-like shape of the materials, larger surface area, and enhanced absorption of visible light induced by N,Pt co-doping. The co-doped N,Pt also exhibited pseudo-first order kinetic behaviour with half-life and rate constant of 0.37 min 0.1984 min⁻¹ and respectively. N doped TiO₂ and N,Pt co-doped TiO₂ exhibited enhanced photocatalytic performances for the removal of BB from water.

Keywords: N, Pt co-doped TiO₂, dendrimer, photodegradation, visible-light

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1824 Environmental Effects on Coconut Coir Fiber Epoxy Composites Having TiO₂ as Filler

Authors: Srikanth Korla, Mahesh Sharnangat


Composite materials are being widely used in Aerospace, Naval, Defence and other branches of engineering applications. Studies on natural fibers is another emerging research area as they are available in abundance, and also due to their eco-friendly in nature. India being one of the major producer of coir, there is always a scope to study the possibilities of exploring coir as reinforment, and with different combinations of other elements of the composite. In present investigation effort is made to utilize properties possessed by natural fiber and make them enable with polymer/epoxy resin. In natural fiber coconut coir is used as reinforcement fiber in epoxy resin with varying weight percentages of fiber and filler material. Titanium dioxide powder (TiO2) is used as filler material with varying weight percentage including 0%, 2% and 4% are considered for experimentation. Environmental effects on the performance of the composite plate are also studied and presented in this project work; Moisture absorption test for composite specimens is conducted using different solvents including Kerosene, Mineral Water and Saline Water, and its absorption capacity is evaluated. Analysis is carried out in different combinations of Coir as fiber and TiO2 as filler material, and the best suitable composite material considering the strength and environmental effects is identified in this work. Therefore, the significant combination of the composite material is with following composition: 2% TiO2 powder 15% of coir fibre and 83% epoxy, under unique mechanical and environmental conditions considered in the work.

Keywords: composite materials, moisture test, filler material, natural fibre composites

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1823 Electrospun Alginate Nanofibers Containing Spirulina Extract Double-Layered with Polycaprolactone Nanofibers

Authors: Seon Yeong Byeon, Hwa Sung Shin


Nanofibrous sheets are of interest in the beauty industries due to the properties of moisturizing, adhesion to skin and delivery of nutrient materials. The benefit and function of the cosmetic products should not be considered without safety thus a non-toxic manufacturing process is ideal when fabricating the products. In this study, we have developed cosmetic patches consisting of alginate and Spirulina extract, a marine resource which has antibacterial and antioxidant effects, without addition of harmful cross-linkers. The patches obtained their structural stabilities by layer-upon-layer electrospinning of an alginate layer on a formerly spread polycaprolactone (PCL) layer instead of crosslinking method. The morphological characteristics, release of Spirulina extract, water absorption, skin adhesiveness and cytotoxicity of the double-layered patches were assessed. The image of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the addition of Spirulina extract has made the fiber diameter of alginate layers thinner. Impregnation of Spirulina extract increased their hydrophilicity, moisture absorption ability and skin adhesive ability. In addition, wetting the pre-dried patches resulted in releasing the Spirulina extract within 30 min. The patches were detected to have no cytotoxicity in the human keratinocyte cell-based MTT assay, but rather showed increased cell viability. All the results indicate the bioactive and hydro-adhesive double-layered patches have an excellent applicability to bioproducts for personal skin care in the trend of ‘A mask pack a day’.

Keywords: alginate, cosmetic patch, electrospun nanofiber, polycaprolactone, Spirulina extract

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1822 A Comparison between TM: TM Co Doped and TM: RE Co Doped ZnO Based Advanced Materials for Spintronics Applications; Structural, Optical and Magnetic Property Analysis

Authors: V. V. Srinivasu, Jayashree Das


Owing to the industrial and technological importance, transition metal (TM) doped ZnO has been widely chosen for many practical applications in electronics and optoelectronics. Besides, though still a controversial issue, the reported room temperature ferromagnetism in transition metal doped ZnO has added a feather to its excellence and importance in current semiconductor research for prospective application in Spintronics. Anticipating non controversial and improved optical and magnetic properties, we adopted co doping method to synthesise polycrystalline Mn:TM (Fe,Ni) and Mn:RE(Gd,Sm) co doped ZnO samples by solid state sintering route with compositions Zn1-x (Mn:Fe/Ni)xO and Zn1-x(Mn:Gd/Sm)xO and sintered at two different temperatures. The structure, composition and optical changes induced in ZnO due to co doping and sintering were investigated by XRD, FTIR, UV, PL and ESR studies. X-ray peak profile analysis (XPPA) and Williamson-Hall analysis carried out shows changes in the values of stress, strain, FWHM and the crystallite size in both the co doped systems. FTIR spectra also show the effect of both type of co doping on the stretching and bending bonds of ZnO compound. UV-Vis study demonstrates changes in the absorption band edge as well as the significant change in the optical band gap due to exchange interactions inside the system after co doping. PL studies reveal effect of co doping on UV and visible emission bands in the co doped systems at two different sintering temperatures, indicating the existence of defects in the form of oxygen vacancies. While the TM: TM co doped samples of ZnO exhibit ferromagnetism at room temperature, the TM: RE co doped samples show paramagnetic behaviour. The magnetic behaviours observed are supported by results from Electron Spin resonance (ESR) study; which shows sharp resonance peaks with considerable line width (∆H) and g values more than 2. Such values are usually found due to the presence of an internal field inside the system giving rise to the shift of resonance field towards the lower field. The g values in this range are assigned to the unpaired electrons trapped in oxygen vacancies. TM: TM co doped ZnO samples exhibit low field absorption peaks in their ESR spectra, which is a new interesting observation. We emphasize that the interesting observations reported in this paper may be considered for the improved futuristic applications of ZnO based materials.

Keywords: co-doping, electro spin resonance, microwave absorption, spintronics

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1821 Effect of Joule Heating on Chemically Reacting Micropolar Fluid Flow over Truncated Cone with Convective Boundary Condition Using Spectral Quasilinearization Method

Authors: Pradeepa Teegala, Ramreddy Chetteti


This work emphasizes the effects of heat generation/absorption and Joule heating on chemically reacting micropolar fluid flow over a truncated cone with convective boundary condition. For this complex fluid flow problem, the similarity solution does not exist and hence using non-similarity transformations, the governing fluid flow equations along with related boundary conditions are transformed into a set of non-dimensional partial differential equations. Several authors have applied the spectral quasi-linearization method to solve the ordinary differential equations, but here the resulting nonlinear partial differential equations are solved for non-similarity solution by using a recently developed method called the spectral quasi-linearization method (SQLM). Comparison with previously published work on special cases of the problem is performed and found to be in excellent agreement. The influence of pertinent parameters namely Biot number, Joule heating, heat generation/absorption, chemical reaction, micropolar and magnetic field on physical quantities of the flow are displayed through graphs and the salient features are explored in detail. Further, the results are analyzed by comparing with two special cases, namely, vertical plate and full cone wherever possible.

Keywords: chemical reaction, convective boundary condition, joule heating, micropolar fluid, spectral quasilinearization method

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1820 Production and Quality Assessment of Antioxidant-Rich Biscuit Produced from Pearl Millet and Orange Peel Flour Blends

Authors: Oloniyo Rebecca Olajumoke


The unstable free radicals molecules oxidize cells throughout the body to cause oxidative stress, which has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases. Thus, the consumption of antioxidant-rich snacks could help to reduce the production of these free radicals in the body. This study aimed at producing antioxidant–rich biscuits from an underutilized pearl millet and agricultural waste from orange peel flour (PMF and OPF, respectively) blends. Biscuits were produced from PMF, and OPF blends using various proportions (95:05; 90:10; 85:15; 80:20 with 100% PMF as control. The functional properties of the flours, as well as the antioxidant properties, physical evaluation, and consumer acceptability of the biscuits, were evaluated. The functional properties of the composite flour showed an increase in oil absorption capacity (7.73-8.80 g/ml), water absorption capacity (6.82-7.21 g/ml), foaming (3.91-5.88 g/ml), and emulsification (52.85-58.82 g/ml) properties. The increased addition of OPF significantly (p<0.05) increased the antioxidant properties of the biscuits produced from the composite flour. For instance, the ferric reducing properties (0.10-0.4 mgAAE/g), total flavonoid (1.20-8.12 mg QE/g), and ABTS radical scavenging (1.17-2.19 mmol/TEAC/g) of the composite flours were increasingly comparable to those of 100% PMF. The physical parameters of the biscuit were significantly different (p<0.05) from one another. The addition of OPF into PMF reduced the weight, diameter, and spread ratio of biscuits produced while contrarily increasing the height of the biscuit. The incorporation of OPF at 5% (95:05) substitution yielded a consumedly acceptable biscuit product. The significant increase in antioxidant properties with an increase in OPF during the production of biscuits would therefore increase the nutritional value and potential health benefits.

Keywords: orange peel, biscuit, antioxidant, pearl millet

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1819 Effect of Rare Earth Elements on Liquidity and Mechanical Properties of Phase Formation Reaction Change in Cast Iron by Cooling Curve Analysis

Authors: S. Y. Park, S. M. Lee, S. H. Lee, K. M. Lim


In this research analyzed the effects that phase formation reaction change in the grey cast iron makes on characteristics of microstructures, liquidity, and mechanical properties through cooling curve when adding rare earth elements (R.E). This research was analyzed with comparison between the case of not adding the rare earth elements (R.E) into the grey cast iron with the standard composition (as 3.3%C-2.1%Si-0.7%Mn-0.1%S) and the case of adding 0.3% rare earth elements (R.E). The thermal analysis parameters have been drawn through eutectic temperature theoretically calculated, recalescence temperature, and undercooling temperature measured from start of eutectic reaction to end of solidification in the cooling curve obtained by thermal analysis to analyze formation behavior of graphite, and the effects by addition of rare earth elements on this have been reviewed. When adding rare earth elements (R.E), the cause of liquidity slowdown was analyzed trough the solidification starting temperature and change of solidification ending temperature. The strength and hardness have been measured to evaluate the mechanical properties, and the sound tensile strength has been evaluated through quality coefficient after measuring relative hardness and normality degree of tensile strength by calculating theoretical tensile strength and theoretical hardness. The change of Pearlite Inter-lamellar Spacing of matrix microstructure and eutectic cell count of macrostructure was measured to analyze the effects of the rare earth elements on the sound tensile strength. The change of eutectic cell count has been clarified through activation of the eutectic reaction, and the cause of pearlite inter-lamellar spacing clarified through eutectoid reaction temperature.

Keywords: cooling curve, element, grey cast iron, thermal analysis, rare earth element

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1818 Numerical Simulation of the Dynamic Behavior of a LaNi5 Water Pumping System

Authors: Miled Amel, Ben Maad Hatem, Askri Faouzi, Ben Nasrallah Sassi


Metal hydride water pumping system uses hydrogen as working fluid to pump water for low head and high discharge. The principal operation of this pump is based on the desorption of hydrogen at high pressure and its absorption at low pressure by a metal hydride. This work is devoted to study a concept of the dynamic behavior of a metal hydride pump using unsteady model and LaNi5 as hydriding alloy. This study shows that with MHP, it is possible to pump 340l/kg-cycle of water in 15 000s using 1 Kg of LaNi5 at a desorption temperature of 360 K, a pumping head equal to 5 m and a desorption gear ratio equal to 33. This study reveals also that the error given by the steady model, using LaNi5 is about 2%.A dimensional mathematical model and the governing equations of the pump were presented to predict the coupled heat and mass transfer within the MHP. Then, a numerical simulation is carried out to present the time evolution of the specific water discharge and to test the effect of different parameters (desorption temperature, absorption temperature, desorption gear ratio) on the performance of the water pumping system (specific water discharge, pumping efficiency and pumping time). In addition, a comparison between results obtained with steady and unsteady model is performed with different hydride mass. Finally, a geometric configuration of the reactor is simulated to optimize the pumping time.

Keywords: dynamic behavior, LaNi5, performance of water pumping system, unsteady model

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1817 Electrochemical Synthesis of ZnTe and Cu-ZnTe Thin Films for Low Resistive Ohmic Back Contact for CdS/CdTe Solar Cells

Authors: Shivaji M. Sonawane, N. B. Chaure


ZnTe is direct band gap, the P-type semiconductor with the high absorption coefficient of the order of 104cm-1 is suitable for solar cell development. It can be used as a low resistive ohmic contact to CdS/CdTe or tandem solar cell application. ZnTe and Cu-ZnTe thin film have been electrochemically synthesized on to fluorine-doped tin oxide coated glass substrates using three electrode systems containing Ag/AgCl, graphite and FTO as reference, counter and working electrode respectively were used to deposit the thin films. The aqueous electrolytic solution consist of 0.5M TeO2, 0.2M ZnSO4, and 0.1M Na3C6H5O7:2H2O, 0.1MC6H8O7:H2O and 0.1mMCuSO4 with PH 2.5 at room temperature was used. The reaction mechanism is studied in the cyclic voltammetry to identify the deposition potentials of ZnTe and Cu-ZnTe.The potential was optimized in the range -0,9 to -1,1 V. Vs Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The effect of deposition potential on the structural properties was studied by using X-ray diffraction. The X-ray diffraction result reveled cubic crystal structure of ZnTe with preferential (111) orientation with cubic structure. The surface morphology and film composition were analyzed by means of Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Analysis of X- Rays (EDAX). The optical absorption measurement has been analyzed for the band gap determination of deposited layers about 2.26 eV by UV-Visible spectroscopy. The drastic change in resistivity has been observed due to incorporation of copper probably due to the diffusion of Cu into grain boundaries.

Keywords: ohmic back contact, zinc telluride, electrodeposition, photovoltaic devices

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1816 Photoluminescence and Energy Transfer Studies of Dy3+ Ions Doped Lithium Lead Alumino Borate Glasses for W-LED and Laser Applications

Authors: Nisha Deopa, A. S. Rao


Lithium Lead Alumino Borate (LiPbAlB) glasses doped with different Dy3+ ions concentration were synthesized to investigate their viability in solid state lighting (SSL) technology by melt quenching techniques. From the absorption spectra, bonding parameters (ð) were investigated to study the nature of bonding between Dy3+ ions and its surrounding ligands. Judd-Ofelt (J-O) intensity parameters (Ω = 2, 4, 6), estimated from the experimental oscillator strengths (fex) of the absorption spectral features were used to evaluate the radiative parameters of different transition levels. From the decay curves, experimental lifetime (τex) were measured and coupled with the radiative lifetime to evaluate the quantum efficiency of the as-prepared glasses. As Dy3+ ions concentration increases, decay profile changes from exponential to non-exponential through energy transfer mechanism (ETM) in turn decreasing experimental lifetime. In order to investigate the nature of ETM, non-exponential decay curves were fitted to Inkuti–Hirayama (I-H) model which further confirms dipole-dipole interaction. Among all the emission transition, 4F9/2  6H15/2 transition (483 nm) is best suitable for lasing potentialities. By exciting titled glasses in n-UV to blue regions, CIE chromaticity coordinates and Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) were calculated to understand their capability in cool white light generation. From the evaluated radiative parameters, CIE co-ordinates, quantum efficiency and confocal images it was observed that glass B (0.5 mol%) is a potential candidate for developing w-LEDs and lasers.

Keywords: energy transfer, glasses, J-O parameters, photoluminescence

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1815 The Effect of Pozzolan Addition on the Physico-Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Mortars Based on Cement Resistant to Sulfate (CRS)

Authors: L. Belagraa, A. Belguendouz, Y. Rouabah, A. Bouzid, A. Noui, O. Kessal


The use of cements CRS in aggressive environments showed a lot of benefits as like good mechanical responses and therefore better durability, however, their manufacturing consume a lot of clinker, which leads to the random hazardous deposits, the shortage of natural resources and the gas and the dust emissions mainly; (CO2) with its ecological negative impact on the environment. Technical, economic and environmental benefits by the use of blended cements have been reported and being considered as a research area of great interest. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of the substitution of natural pozzolan on the physico-chemical properties of the new formulated binder and the mechanical behavior of mortar containing this binary cement. Hence, the pozzolan replacement is composed with different proportions (0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%). The physico-chemical properties of cement resistant to sulfate (CRS) alternative composition were investigated. Further, the behavior of the mortars based on this binder is studied. These characteristics includes chemical composition, density and fineness, consistency, setting time, shrinkage, absorption and the mechanical response. The results obtained showed that the substitution of pozzolan at the optimal ratio of 5% has a positive effect on the resulting cement, greater specific surface area, reduced water demand, accelerating the process of hydration, a better mechanical responses and decreased absorption. Therefore, economic and ecological cement based on mineral addition like pozzolan could be possible as well as advantageous to the formulation of environmental mortars.

Keywords: Cement Resistant to Sulfate (CRS), environmental mortars mechanical response, physico-chemical properties, pozzolan

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1814 An Exploration of The Patterns of Transcendence in Indian and Hopkins’s Aesthetics

Authors: Lima Antony


In G. M. Hopkins’s poetics and aesthetics there is scope for a comparative study with Indian discourses on aesthetics, an area not adequately explored so far. This exploration will enrich the field of comparative study of diverse cultural expressions and their areas of similarity. A comparative study of aesthetic and religious experiences in diverse cultures will open up avenues for the discovery of similarities in self-experiences and their transcendence. Such explorations will reveal similar patterns in aesthetic and religious experiences. The present paper intends to prove this in the theories of Hopkins and Indian aesthetics. From the time of the Vedas Indian sages have believed that aesthetic enjoyment could develop into a spiritual realm. From the Natyasastra of Bharata, Indian aesthetics develops and reaches its culmination in later centuries into a consciousness of union with the mystery of the Ultimate Being, especially in Dhvanaāloka of Anandavardhana and Locana of Abhinavagupta. Dhvanyaloka elaborates the original ideas of rasa (mood or flavor) and dhvani (power of suggestion) in Indian literary theory and aesthetics. Hopkins was successful, like the ancient Indian alankarikas, in creating aesthetically superb patterns at various levels of sound and sense for which he coined the term ‘inscape’. So Hopkins’s aesthetic theory becomes suitable for transcultural comparative study with Indian aesthetics especially the dhvani theories of Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta. Hopkins’s innovative approach to poetics and his selection of themes are quite suitable for analysis in the light of Indian literary theories. Indian philosophy views the ultimate reality called Brahman, as the 'soul,' or inner essence, of all reality. We see in Hopkins also a search for the essence of things and the chiming of their individuality with the Ultimate Being in multidimensional patterns of sound, sense and ecstatic experience. This search culminates in the realization of a synthesis of the individual self with the Ultimate Being. This is achieved through an act of surrender of the individuality of the self before the Supreme Being. Attempts to reconcile the immanent and transcendent aspects of the Ultimate Being can be traced in the Indian as well as Hopkins’s aesthetics which can contribute to greater understanding and harmony between cultures.

Keywords: Dhvani, Indian aesthetics, transcultural studies, Rasa

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1813 “Self” and “The Other” in Dunkirk (2017)

Authors: Ebtesam Dessouki, Yasaman Mousavi


Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk (2017) is not a conventional war film. He invites the audience to see the war from within, from the characters’ experiences, through suspense and fear, with the help of talented sound designers and musicians such as Hans Zimmer for an extra dimension creating those feelings. This experience of being among the surviving soldiers makes room for an interpretation of this film using the concept of the Self and the Other. The Self is the soldiers and the audience who try to make sense of their reality given limited information about the enemy and their situation, and the Other is the faceless enemy. However, this film can be taken under an even more detailed analysis theorizing that the Other also exists on different occasions in the film. Overall, Nolan leaves a lot of cues for the audience to track the Other and sometimes breaks the rules for the Other.

Keywords: film, Dunkirk, other, self

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1812 Sound Quality Analysis of Sloshing Noise from a Rectangular Tank

Authors: Siva Teja Golla, B. Venkatesham


The recent technologies in hybrid and high-end cars have subsided the noise from major sources like engines and transmission systems. This resulted in the unmasking of the previously subdued noises. These noises are becoming noticeable to the passengers, causing annoyance to them and affecting the perceived quality of the vehicle. Sloshing in the fuel tank is one such source of noise. Sloshing occurs due to the excitations undergone by the fuel tank due to the vehicle's movement. Sloshing noise occurs due to the interaction of the fluid with the surrounding tank walls or with the fluid itself. The noise resulting from the interaction of the fluid with the structure is ‘Hit noise’, and the noise due to fluid-fluid interaction is ‘Splash noise’. The type of interactions the fluid undergoes inside the tank, and the type of noise generated depends on a variety of factors like the fill level of the tank, type of fluid, presence of objects like baffles inside the tank, type and strength of the excitation, etc. There have been studies done to understand the effect of each of these parameters on the generation of different types of sloshing noises. But little work is done in the psychoacoustic aspect of these sounds. The psychoacoustic study of the sloshing noises gives an understanding of the level of annoyance it can cause to the passengers and helps in taking necessary measures to address it. In view of this, the current paper focuses on the calculation of the psychoacoustic parameters like loudness, sharpness, roughness and fluctuation strength for the sloshing noise. As the noise generation mechanisms for the hit and splash noises are different, these parameters are calculated separately for them. For this, the fluid flow regimes that predominantly cause the hit-and-splash noises are to be separately emulated inside the tank. This is done through a reciprocating test rig, which imposes reciprocating excitation to a rectangular tank filled with the fluid. By varying the frequency of excitation, the fluid flow regimes with the predominant generation of hit-and-splash noises can be separately created inside the tank. These tests are done in a quiet room and the noise generated is captured using microphones and is used for the calculation of psychoacoustic parameters of the sloshing noise. This study also includes the effect of fill level and the presence of baffles inside the tank on these parameters.

Keywords: sloshing, hit noise, splash noise, sound quality

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1811 Normal Coordinate Analysis, Molecular Structure, Vibrational, Electronic Spectra, and NMR Investigation of 4-Amino-3-Phenyl-1H-1,2,4-Triazole-5(4H)-Thione by Ab Initio HF and DFT Method

Authors: Khaled Bahgat


In the present work, the characterization of 4-Amino-3-phenyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole-5(4H)-thione (APTT) molecule was carried out by quantum chemical method and vibrational spectral techniques. The FT-IR (4000–400 cm_1) and FT-Raman (4000–100 cm_1) spectra of APTT were recorded in solid phase. The UV–Vis absorption spectrum of the APTT was recorded in the range of 200–400 nm. The molecular geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies and bonding features of APTT in the ground state have been calculated by HF and DFT methods using 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. The complete vibrational frequency assignments were made by normal coordinate analysis (NCA) following the scaled quantum mechanical force field methodology (SQMF). The molecular stability and bond strength were investigated by applying the natural bond orbital analysis (NBO) and natural localized molecular orbital (NLMO) analysis. The electronic properties, such as excitation energies, absorption wavelength, HOMO and LUMO energies were performed by time depended DFT (TD-DFT) approach. The 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift of the molecule were calculated using the gauge-including atomic orbital (GIAO) method and compared with experimental results. Finally, the calculation results were analyzed to simulate infrared, FT-Raman and UV spectra of the title compound which shows better agreement with observed spectra.

Keywords: 4-amino-3-phenyl-1H-1, 2, 4-triazole-5(4H)-thione, vibrational assignments, normal coordinate analysis, quantum mechanical calculations

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1810 The Production of Reinforced Insulation Bricks out of the Concentration of Ganoderma lucidum Fungal Inoculums and Cement Paste

Authors: Jovie Esquivias Nicolas, Ron Aldrin Lontoc Austria, Crisabelle Belleza Bautista, Mariane Chiho Espinosa Bundalian, Owwen Kervy Del Rosario Castillo, Mary Angelyn Mercado Dela Cruz, Heinrich Theraja Recana De Luna, Chriscell Gipanao Eustaquio, Desiree Laine Lauz Gilbas, Jordan Ignacio Legaspi, Larah Denise David Madrid, Charles Linelle Malapote Mendoza, Hazel Maxine Manalad Reyes, Carl Justine Nabora Saberdo, Claire Mae Rendon Santos


In response to the global race in discovering the next advanced sustainable material that will reduce our ecological footprint, the researchers aimed to create a masonry unit which is competent in physical edifices and other constructional facets. From different proven researches, mycelium has been concluded that when dried can be used as a robust and waterproof building material that can be grown into explicit forms, thus reducing the processing requirements. Hypothesizing inclusive measures to attest fungi’s impressive structural qualities and absorbency, the researchers projected to perform comparative analyses in creating mycelium bricks from mushroom spores of G. lucidum. Three treatments were intended to classify the most ideal concentration of clay and substrate fixings. The substrate bags fixed with 30% clay and 70% mixings indicated highest numerical frequencies in terms of full occupation of fungal mycelia. Subsequently, sorted parts of white portions from the treatment were settled in a thermoplastic mold and burnt. Three proportional concentrations of cultivated substrate and cement were also prioritized to gather results of variation focused on the weights of the bricks in the Water Absorption Test and Durability Test. Fungal inoculums with solutions of cement showed small to moderate amounts of decrease and increase in load. This proves that the treatments did not show any significant difference when it comes to strength, efficiency and absorption capacity. Each of the concentration is equally valid and could be used in supporting the worldwide demands of creating numerous bricks while also taking into consideration the recovery of our nature.

Keywords: mycelium, fungi, fungal mycelia, durability test, water absorption test

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1809 Bioincision of Gmelina Arborea Roxb. Heartwood with Inonotus Dryophilus (Berk.) Murr. for Improved Chemical Uptake and Penetration

Authors: A. O. Adenaiya, S. F. Curling, O. Y. Ogunsanwo, G . A. Ormondroyd


Treatment of wood with chemicals in order to prolong its service life may prove difficult in some refractory wood species. This impermeability in wood is usually due to biochemical changes which occur during heartwood formation. Bioincision, which is a short-term, controlled microbial decomposition of wood, is one of the promising approaches capable of improving the amenability of refractory wood to chemical treatments. Gmelina Arborea, a mainstay timber species in Nigeria, has impermeable heartwood due to the excessive tyloses which occlude its vessels. Therefore, the chemical uptake and penetration in Gmelina arborea heartwood bioincised with Inonotus dryophilus fungus was investigated. Five mature Gmelina Arborea trees were harvested at the Departmental plantation in Ajibode, Ibadan, Nigeria and a bolt of 300 cm was obtained from the basal portion of each tree. The heartwood portion of the bolts was extracted and converted into dimensions 20 mm x 20 mm x 60 mm and subsequently conditioned (200C at 65% Relative Humidity). Twenty wood samples each were bioincised with the white-rot fungus Inonotus dryophilus (ID, 999) for 3, 5, 7 and 9 weeks using standard procedure, while a set of sterile control samples were prepared. Ten of each bioincised and control sample were pressure-treated with 5% tanalith preservative, while the other ten of each bioincised and control samples were pressure-treated with a liquid dye for easy traceability of the chemical in the wood, both using a full cell treatment process. The bioincised and control samples were evaluated for their Weight Loss before chemical treatment (WL, %), Preservative Absorption (PA, Kg/m3), Preservative Retention (PR, Kg/m3), Axial Absorption (AA, Kg/m3), Lateral Absorption (LA, Kg/m3), Axial Penetration Depth (APD, mm), Radial Penetration Depth (RPD, mm), and Tangential Penetration Depth (TPD, mm). The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA at α0.05. Results show that the weight loss was least in the samples bioincised for three weeks (0.09%) and highest after 7 weeks of bioincision (0.48%). The samples bioincised for 3 weeks had the least PA (106.72 Kg/m3) and PR (5.87 Kg/m3), while the highest PA (134.9 Kg/m3) and PR were observed after 7 weeks of bioincision (7.42 Kg/m3). The AA ranged from 27.28 Kg/m3 (3 weeks) to 67.05 Kg/m3 (5 weeks), while the LA was least after 5 weeks of incubation (28.1 Kg/m3) and highest after 9 weeks (71.74 Kg/m3). Significantly lower APD was observed in control samples (6.97 mm) than in the samples bioincised after 9weeks (19.22 mm). The RPD increased from 0.08 mm (control samples) to 3.48 mm (5 weeks), while TPD ranged from 0.38 mm (control samples) to 0.63 mm (9 weeks), implying that liquid flow in the wood was predominantly through the axial pathway. Bioincising G. arborea heartwood with I. dryophilus fungus for 9 weeks is capable of enhancing chemical uptake and deeper penetration of chemicals in the wood through the degradation of the occluding vessel tyloses, which is accompanied by a minimal degradation of the polymeric wood constituents.

Keywords: Bioincision, chemical uptake, penetration depth, refractory wood, tyloses

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1808 Effects of Stokes Shift and Purcell Enhancement in Fluorescence Assisted Radiative Cooling

Authors: Xue Ma, Yang Fu, Dangyuan Lei


Passive daytime radiative cooling is an emerging technology which has attracted worldwide attention in recent years due to its huge potential in cooling buildings without the use of electricity. Various coating materials with different optical properties have been developed to improve the daytime radiative cooling performance. However, commercial cooling coatings comprising functional fillers with optical bandgaps within the solar spectral range suffers from severe intrinsic absorption, limiting their cooling performance. Fortunately, it has recently been demonstrated that introducing fluorescent materials into polymeric coatings can covert the absorbed sunlight to fluorescent emissions and hence increase the effective solar reflectance and cooling performance. In this paper, we experimentally investigate the key factors for fluorescence-assisted radiative cooling with TiO2-based white coatings. The surrounding TiO2 nanoparticles, which enable spatial and temporal light confinement through multiple Mie scattering, lead to Purcell enhancement of phosphors in the coating. Photoluminescence lifetimes of two phosphors (BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ and (Sr, Ba)SiO4:Eu2+) exhibit significant reduction of ~61% and ~23%, indicating Purcell factors of 2.6 and 1.3, respectively. Moreover, smaller Stokes shifts of the phosphors are preferred to further diminish solar absorption. Field test of fluorescent cooling coatings demonstrate an improvement of ~4% solar reflectance for the BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+-based fluorescent cooling coating. However, to maximize solar reflectance, a white appearance is introduced based on multiple Mie scattering by the broad size distribution of fillers, which is visually pressurized and aesthetically bored. Besides, most colored pigments absorb visible light significantly and convert it to non-radiative thermal energy, offsetting the cooling effect. Therefore, current colored cooling coatings are facing the compromise between color saturation and cooling effect. To solve this problem, we introduced colored fluorescent materials into white coating based on SiO2 microspheres as a top layer, covering a white cooling coating based on TiO2. Compared with the colored pigments, fluorescent materials could re-emit the absorbed light, reducing the solar absorption introduced by coloration. Our work investigated the scattering properties of SiO2 dielectric spheres with different diameters and detailly discussed their impact on the PL properties of phosphors, paving the way for colored fluorescent-assisted cooling coting to application and industrialization.

Keywords: solar reflection, infrared emissivity, mie scattering, photoluminescent emission, radiative cooling

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1807 Generative Design of Acoustical Diffuser and Absorber Elements Using Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing

Authors: Saqib Aziz, Brad Alexander, Christoph Gengnagel, Stefan Weinzierl


This paper explores a generative design, simulation, and optimization workflow for the integration of acoustical diffuser and/or absorber geometry with embedded coupled Helmholtz-resonators for full-scale 3D printed building components. Large-scale additive manufacturing in conjunction with algorithmic CAD design tools enables a vast amount of control when creating geometry. This is advantageous regarding the increasing demands of comfort standards for indoor spaces and the use of more resourceful and sustainable construction methods and materials. The presented methodology highlights these new technological advancements and offers a multimodal and integrative design solution with the potential for an immediate application in the AEC-Industry. In principle, the methodology can be applied to a wide range of structural elements that can be manufactured by additive manufacturing processes. The current paper focuses on a case study of an application for a biaxial load-bearing beam grillage made of reinforced concrete, which allows for a variety of applications through the combination of additive prefabricated semi-finished parts and in-situ concrete supplementation. The semi-prefabricated parts or formwork bodies form the basic framework of the supporting structure and at the same time have acoustic absorption and diffusion properties that are precisely acoustically programmed for the space underneath the structure. To this end, a hybrid validation strategy is being explored using a digital and cross-platform simulation environment, verified with physical prototyping. The iterative workflow starts with the generation of a parametric design model for the acoustical geometry using the algorithmic visual scripting editor Grasshopper3D inside the building information modeling (BIM) software Revit. Various geometric attributes (i.e., bottleneck and cavity dimensions) of the resonator are parameterized and fed to a numerical optimization algorithm which can modify the geometry with the goal of increasing absorption at resonance and increasing the bandwidth of the effective absorption range. Using Rhino.Inside and LiveLink for Revit, the generative model was imported directly into the Multiphysics simulation environment COMSOL. The geometry was further modified and prepared for simulation in a semi-automated process. The incident and scattered pressure fields were simulated from which the surface normal absorption coefficients were calculated. This reciprocal process was repeated to further optimize the geometric parameters. Subsequently the numerical models were compared to a set of 3D concrete printed physical twin models, which were tested in a .25 m x .25 m impedance tube. The empirical results served to improve the starting parameter settings of the initial numerical model. The geometry resulting from the numerical optimization was finally returned to grasshopper for further implementation in an interdisciplinary study.

Keywords: acoustical design, additive manufacturing, computational design, multimodal optimization

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