Search results for: particle velocity
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 3110

Search results for: particle velocity

2540 Ultrasound Assisted Extraction and Microwave Assisted Extraction of Carotenoids from Melon Shells

Authors: A. Brinda Lakshmi, J. Lakshmi Priya


Cantaloupes (muskmelon and watermelon) contain biologically active molecules such as carotenoids which are natural pigments used as food colorants and afford health benefits. ß-carotene is the major source of carotenoids present in muskmelon and watermelon shell. Carotenoids were extracted using Microwave assisted extraction (MAE) and Ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) utilising organic lipophilic solvents such as acetone, methanol, and hexane. Extraction conditions feed-solvent ratio, microwave power, ultrasound frequency, temperature and particle size were varied and optimized. It was found that the yield of carotenoids was higher using UAE than MAE, and muskmelon had the highest yield of carotenoids when was ethanol used as a solvent for 0.5 mm particle size.

Keywords: carotenoids, extraction, muskmelon shell, watermelon shell

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2539 Particle Filter Supported with the Neural Network for Aircraft Tracking Based on Kernel and Active Contour

Authors: Mohammad Izadkhah, Mojtaba Hoseini, Alireza Khalili Tehrani


In this paper we presented a new method for tracking flying targets in color video sequences based on contour and kernel. The aim of this work is to overcome the problem of losing target in changing light, large displacement, changing speed, and occlusion. The proposed method is made in three steps, estimate the target location by particle filter, segmentation target region using neural network and find the exact contours by greedy snake algorithm. In the proposed method we have used both region and contour information to create target candidate model and this model is dynamically updated during tracking. To avoid the accumulation of errors when updating, target region given to a perceptron neural network to separate the target from background. Then its output used for exact calculation of size and center of the target. Also it is used as the initial contour for the greedy snake algorithm to find the exact target's edge. The proposed algorithm has been tested on a database which contains a lot of challenges such as high speed and agility of aircrafts, background clutter, occlusions, camera movement, and so on. The experimental results show that the use of neural network increases the accuracy of tracking and segmentation.

Keywords: video tracking, particle filter, greedy snake, neural network

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2538 [Keynote Talk]: Monitoring of Ultrafine Particle Number and Size Distribution at One Urban Background Site in Leicester

Authors: Sarkawt M. Hama, Paul S. Monks, Rebecca L. Cordell


Within the Joaquin project, ultrafine particles (UFP) are continuously measured at one urban background site in Leicester. The main aims are to examine the temporal and seasonal variations in UFP number concentration and size distribution in an urban environment, and to try to assess the added value of continuous UFP measurements. In addition, relations of UFP with more commonly monitored pollutants such as black carbon (BC), nitrogen oxides (NOX), particulate matter (PM2.5), and the lung deposited surface area(LDSA) were evaluated. The effects of meteorological conditions, particularly wind speed and direction, and also temperature on the observed distribution of ultrafine particles will be detailed. The study presents the results from an experimental investigation into the particle number concentration size distribution of UFP, BC, and NOX with measurements taken at the Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) monitoring site in Leicester. The monitoring was performed as part of the EU project JOAQUIN (Joint Air Quality Initiative) supported by the INTERREG IVB NWE program. The total number concentrations (TNC) were measured by a water-based condensation particle counter (W-CPC) (TSI model 3783), the particle number concentrations (PNC) and size distributions were measured by an ultrafine particle monitor (UFP TSI model 3031), the BC by MAAP (Thermo-5012), the NOX by NO-NO2-NOx monitor (Thermos Scientific 42i), and a Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor (NSAM, TSI 3550) was used to measure the LDSA (reported as μm2 cm−3) corresponding to the alveolar region of the lung between November 2013 and November 2015. The average concentrations of particle number concentrations were observed in summer with lower absolute values of PNC than in winter might be related mainly to particles directly emitted by traffic and to the more favorable conditions of atmospheric dispersion. Results showed a traffic-related diurnal variation of UFP, BC, NOX and LDSA with clear morning and evening rush hour peaks on weekdays, only an evening peak at the weekends. Correlation coefficients were calculated between UFP and other pollutants (BC and NOX). The highest correlation between them was found in winter months. Overall, the results support the notion that local traffic emissions were a major contributor of the atmospheric particles pollution and a clear seasonal pattern was found, with higher values during the cold season.

Keywords: size distribution, traffic emissions, UFP, urban area

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2537 Nonlinear Response of Infinite Beams on a Multilayer Tensionless Extensible Geosynthetic – Reinforced Earth Bed under Moving Load

Authors: K. Karuppasamy


In this paper analysis of an infinite beam resting on multilayer tensionless extensible geosynthetic reinforced granular fill - poor soil system overlying soft soil strata under moving the load with constant velocity is presented. The beam is subjected to a concentrated load moving with constant velocity. The upper reinforced granular bed is modeled by a rough membrane embedded in Pasternak shear layer overlying a series of compressible nonlinear Winkler springs representing the underlying the very poor soil. The multilayer tensionless extensible geosynthetic layer has been assumed to deform such that at the interface the geosynthetic and the soil have some deformation. Nonlinear behavior of granular fill and the very poor soil has been considered in the analysis by means of hyperbolic constitutive relationships. Governing differential equations of the soil foundation system have been obtained and solved with the help of appropriate boundary conditions. The solution has been obtained by employing finite difference method by means of Gauss-Siedel iterative scheme. Detailed parametric study has been conducted to study the influence of various parameters on the response of soil – foundation system under consideration by means of deflection and bending moment in the beam and tension mobilized in the geosynthetic layer. These parameters include the magnitude of applied load, the velocity of the load, damping, the ultimate resistance of the poor soil and granular fill layer. The range of values of parameters has been considered as per Indian Railways conditions. This study clearly observed that the comparisons of multilayer tensionless extensible geosynthetic reinforcement with poor foundation soil and magnitude of applied load, relative compressibility of granular fill and ultimate resistance of poor soil has significant influence on the response of soil – foundation system. However, for the considered range of velocity, the response has been found to be insensitive towards velocity. The ultimate resistance of granular fill layer has also been found to have no significant influence on the response of the system.

Keywords: infinite beams, multilayer tensionless extensible geosynthetic, granular layer, moving load and nonlinear behavior of poor soil

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2536 The Method for Synthesis of Chromium Oxide Nano Particles as Increasing Color Intensity on Industrial Ceramics

Authors: Bagher Aziz Kalantari, Javad Rafiei, Mohamad Reza Talei Bavil Olyai


Disclosed is a method of preparing a pigmentary chromium oxide nano particles having 50 percent particle size less than about 100nm. According to the disclosed method, a substantially dry solid composition of potassium dichromate and carbon active is heated in CO2 atmosphere to a temperature of about 600ºc for 1hr. Thereafter, the solid Cr2O3 product was washed twice with distilled water. The other aim of this study is to assess both the colouring performance and the potential of nano-pigments in the ceramic tile decoration. The rationable consists in nano-pigment application in several ceramics, including a comparison of colour performance with conventional micro-pigments.

Keywords: green chromium oxide, nano particles, colour performances, particle size

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2535 A Weighted Sum Particle Swarm Approach (WPSO) Combined with a Novel Feasibility-Based Ranking Strategy for Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization of Compact Heat Exchangers

Authors: Milad Yousefi, Moslem Yousefi, Ricarpo Poley, Amer Nordin Darus


Design optimization of heat exchangers is a very complicated task that has been traditionally carried out based on a trial-and-error procedure. To overcome the difficulties of the conventional design approaches especially when a large number of variables, constraints and objectives are involved, a new method based on a well-stablished evolutionary algorithm, particle swarm optimization (PSO), weighted sum approach and a novel constraint handling strategy is presented in this study. Since, the conventional constraint handling strategies are not effective and easy-to-implement in multi-objective algorithms, a novel feasibility-based ranking strategy is introduced which is both extremely user-friendly and effective. A case study from industry has been investigated to illustrate the performance of the presented approach. The results show that the proposed algorithm can find the near pareto-optimal with higher accuracy when it is compared to conventional non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II). Moreover, the difficulties of a trial-and-error process for setting the penalty parameters is solved in this algorithm.

Keywords: Heat exchanger, Multi-objective optimization, Particle swarm optimization, NSGA-II Constraints handling.

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2534 Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Based on Fuzzy Logical Relationships, PSO Technique, and Automatic Clustering Algorithm

Authors: A. K. M. Kamrul Islam, Abdelhamid Bouchachia, Suang Cang, Hongnian Yu


Forecasting model has a great impact in terms of prediction and continues to do so into the future. Although many forecasting models have been studied in recent years, most researchers focus on different forecasting methods based on fuzzy time series to solve forecasting problems. The forecasted models accuracy fully depends on the two terms that are the length of the interval in the universe of discourse and the content of the forecast rules. Moreover, a hybrid forecasting method can be an effective and efficient way to improve forecasts rather than an individual forecasting model. There are different hybrids forecasting models which combined fuzzy time series with evolutionary algorithms, but the performances are not quite satisfactory. In this paper, we proposed a hybrid forecasting model which deals with the first order as well as high order fuzzy time series and particle swarm optimization to improve the forecasted accuracy. The proposed method used the historical enrollments of the University of Alabama as dataset in the forecasting process. Firstly, we considered an automatic clustering algorithm to calculate the appropriate interval for the historical enrollments. Then particle swarm optimization and fuzzy time series are combined that shows better forecasting accuracy than other existing forecasting models.

Keywords: fuzzy time series (fts), particle swarm optimization, clustering algorithm, hybrid forecasting model

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2533 Optimal Injected Current Control for Shunt Active Power Filter Using Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Brahim Berbaoui


In this paper, a new particle swarm optimization (PSO) based method is proposed for the implantation of optimal harmonic power flow in power systems. In this algorithm approach, proportional integral controller for reference compensating currents of active power filter is performed in order to minimize the total harmonic distortion (THD). The simulation results show that the new control method using PSO approach is not only easy to be implanted, but also very effective in reducing the unwanted harmonics and compensating reactive power. The studies carried out have been accomplished using the MATLAB Simulink Power System Toolbox.

Keywords: shunt active power filter, power quality, current control, proportional integral controller, particle swarm optimization

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2532 Cavitating Flow through a Venturi Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Authors: Imane Benghalia, Mohammed Zamoum, Rachid Boucetta


Hydrodynamic cavitation is a complex physical phenomenon that appears in hydraulic systems (pumps, turbines, valves, Venturi tubes, etc.) when the fluid pressure decreases below the saturated vapor pressure. The works carried out in this study aimed to get a better understanding of the cavitating flow phenomena. For this, we have numerically studied a cavitating bubbly flow through a Venturi nozzle. The cavitation model is selected and solved using a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code. The obtained results show the effect of the inlet pressure (10, 7, 5, and 2 bars) of the Venturi on pressure, the velocity of the fluid flow, and the vapor fraction. We found that the inlet pressure of the Venturi strongly affects the evolution of the pressure, velocity, and vapor fraction formation in the cavitating flow.

Keywords: cavitating flow, CFD, phase change, venturi

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2531 The Critical Velocity and Heat of Smoke Outflow in Z-shaped Passage Fires Under Weak Stack Effect

Authors: Zekun Li, Bart Merci, Miaocheng Weng, Fang Liu


The Z-shaped passage, widely used in metro entrance/exit passageways, inclined mining laneways, and other applications, features steep slopes and a combination of horizontal and inclined sections. These characteristics lead to notable differences in airflow patterns and temperature distributions compared to conventional confined passages. In fires occurring within Z-shaped passages under natural ventilation with a weak stack effect, the induced airflow may be insufficient to fully confined smoke downstream of the fire source. This can cause smoke back-layering upstream, with the possibility of smoke escaping from the lower entrance located upstream of the fire. Consequently, not all the heat from the fire source contributes to the stack effect. This study combines theoretical analysis and fire simulations to examine the influence of various heat release rates (HRR), passage structures, and fire source locations on the induced airflow velocity driven by the stack effect. An empirical equation is proposed to quantify the strength of the stack effect under different conditions. Additionally, predictive models have been developed to determine the critical induced airflow and to estimate the heat of smoke escaping from the lower entrance of the passage.

Keywords: stack effect, critical velocity, heat outflow, numerical simulation

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2530 Optimization of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Parameters Based on Modified Particle Swarm Algorithms

Authors: M. Dezvarei, S. Morovati


In recent years, increasing usage of electrical energy provides a widespread field for investigating new methods to produce clean electricity with high reliability and cost management. Fuel cells are new clean generations to make electricity and thermal energy together with high performance and no environmental pollution. According to the expansion of fuel cell usage in different industrial networks, the identification and optimization of its parameters is really significant. This paper presents optimization of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) parameters based on modified particle swarm optimization with real valued mutation (RVM) and clonal algorithms. Mathematical equations of this type of fuel cell are presented as the main model structure in the optimization process. Optimized parameters based on clonal and RVM algorithms are compared with the desired values in the presence and absence of measurement noise. This paper shows that these methods can improve the performance of traditional optimization methods. Simulation results are employed to analyze and compare the performance of these methodologies in order to optimize the proton exchange membrane fuel cell parameters.

Keywords: clonal algorithm, proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), particle swarm optimization (PSO), real-valued mutation (RVM)

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2529 The Effect of Action Potential Duration and Conduction Velocity on Cardiac Pumping Efficacy: Simulation Study

Authors: Ana Rahma Yuniarti, Ki Moo Lim


Slowed myocardial conduction velocity (CV) and shortened action potential duration (APD) due to some reason are associated with an increased risk of re-entrant excitation, predisposing to cardiac arrhythmia. That is because both of CV reduction and APD shortening induces shortening of wavelength. In this study, we investigated quantitatively the cardiac mechanical responses under various CV and APD using multi-scale computational model of the heart. The model consisted of electrical model coupled with the mechanical contraction model together with a lumped model of the circulatory system. The electrical model consisted of 149.344 numbers of nodes and 183.993 numbers of elements of tetrahedral mesh, whereas the mechanical model consisted of 356 numbers of nodes and 172 numbers of elements of hexahedral mesh with hermite basis. We performed the electrical simulation with two scenarios: 1) by varying the CV values with constant APD and 2) by varying the APD values with constant CV. Then, we compared the electrical and mechanical responses for both scenarios. Our simulation showed that faster CV and longer APD induced largest resultants wavelength and generated better cardiac pumping efficacy by increasing the cardiac output and consuming less energy. This is due to the long wave propagation and faster conduction generated more synchronous contraction of whole ventricle.

Keywords: conduction velocity, action potential duration, mechanical contraction model, circulatory model

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2528 Wind Speed Prediction Using Passive Aggregation Artificial Intelligence Model

Authors: Tarek Aboueldahab, Amin Mohamed Nassar


Wind energy is a fluctuating energy source unlike conventional power plants, thus, it is necessary to accurately predict short term wind speed to integrate wind energy in the electricity supply structure. To do so, we present a hybrid artificial intelligence model of short term wind speed prediction based on passive aggregation of the particle swarm optimization and neural networks. As a result, improvement of the prediction accuracy is obviously obtained compared to the standard artificial intelligence method.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, neural networks, particle swarm optimization, passive aggregation, wind speed prediction

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2527 Wood Dust and Nanoparticle Exposure among Workers during a New Building Construction

Authors: Atin Adhikari, Aniruddha Mitra, Abbas Rashidi, Imaobong Ekpo, Jefferson Doehling, Alexis Pawlak, Shane Lewis, Jacob Schwartz


Building constructions in the US involve numerous wooden structures. Woods are routinely used in walls, framing floors, framing stairs, and making of landings in building constructions. Cross-laminated timbers are currently being used as construction materials for tall buildings. Numerous workers are involved in these timber based constructions, and wood dust is one of the most common occupational exposures for them. Wood dust is a complex substance composed of cellulose, polyoses and other substances. According to US OSHA, exposure to wood dust is associated with a variety of adverse health effects among workers, including dermatitis, allergic respiratory effects, mucosal and nonallergic respiratory effects, and cancers. The amount and size of particles released as wood dust differ according to the operations performed on woods. For example, shattering of wood during sanding operations produces finer particles than does chipping in sawing and milling industries. To our knowledge, how shattering, cutting and sanding of woods and wood slabs during new building construction release fine particles and nanoparticles are largely unknown. General belief is that the dust generated during timber cutting and sanding tasks are mostly large particles. Consequently, little attention has been given to the generated submicron ultrafine and nanoparticles and their exposure levels. These data are, however, critically important because recent laboratory studies have demonstrated cytotoxicity of nanoparticles on lung epithelial cells. The above-described knowledge gaps were addressed in this study by a novel newly developed nanoparticle monitor and conventional particle counters. This study was conducted in a large new building construction site in southern Georgia primarily during the framing of wooden side walls, inner partition walls, and landings. Exposure levels of nanoparticles (n = 10) were measured by a newly developed nanoparticle counter (TSI NanoScan SMPS Model 3910) at four different distances (5, 10, 15, and 30 m) from the work location. Other airborne particles (number of particles/m3) including PM2.5 and PM10 were monitored using a 6-channel (0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10 µm) particle counter at 15 m, 30 m, and 75 m distances at both upwind and downwind directions. Mass concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 (µg/m³) were measured by using a DustTrak Aerosol Monitor. Temperature and relative humidity levels were recorded. Wind velocity was measured by a hot wire anemometer. Concentration ranges of nanoparticles of 13 particle sizes were: 11.5 nm: 221 – 816/cm³; 15.4 nm: 696 – 1735/cm³; 20.5 nm: 879 – 1957/cm³; 27.4 nm: 1164 – 2903/cm³; 36.5 nm: 1138 – 2640/cm³; 48.7 nm: 938 – 1650/cm³; 64.9 nm: 759 – 1284/cm³; 86.6 nm: 705 – 1019/cm³; 115.5 nm: 494 – 1031/cm³; 154 nm: 417 – 806/cm³; 205.4 nm: 240 – 471/cm³; 273.8 nm: 45 – 92/cm³; and 365.2 nm: Keywords: wood dust, industrial hygiene, aerosol, occupational exposure

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2526 Rheological Behavior of Fresh Activated Sludge

Authors: Salam K. Al-Dawery


Despite of few research works on municipal sludge, still there is a lack of actual data. Thus, this work was focused on the conditioning and rheology of fresh activated sludge. The effect of cationic polyelectrolyte has been investigated at different concentrations and pH values in a comparative fashion. Yield stress is presented in all results indicating the minimum stress that necessary to reach flow conditions. Connections between particle-particle is the reason for this yield stress, also, the addition of polyelectrolyte causes strong bonds between particles and water resulting in the aggregation of particles which required higher shear stress in order to flow. The results from the experiments indicate that the cationic polyelectrolytes have significant effluence on the sludge characteristic and water quality such as turbidity, SVI, zone settling rate and shear stress.

Keywords: rheology, polyelectrolyte, settling volume index, turbidity

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2525 Computational Investigation of Gas-Solid Flow in High Pressure High Temperature Filter

Authors: M. H. Alhajeri, Hamad M. Alhajeri, A. H. Alenezi


This paper reports a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) investigation for a high-temperature high-pressure filtration (ceramic candle filter). However, parallel flow to the filter is considered in this study. Different face (filtration) velocities are examined using the CFD code, FLUENT. Different sizes of particles are tracked through the domain to find the height at which the particles will impinge on the filter surface. Furthermore, particle distribution around the filter (or filter cake) is studied to design efficient cleaning mechanisms. Gravity effect to the particles with various inlet velocities and pressure drop are both considered. In the CFD study, it is found that the gravity influence should not be ignored if the particle sizes exceed 1 micron.

Keywords: fluid flow, CFD, filtration, HTHP

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2524 Mechanical Properties of Lithium-Ion Battery at Different Packing Angles Under Impact Loading

Authors: Wei Zhao, Yuxuan Yao, Hao Chen


In order to find out the mechanical properties and failure behavior of lithium-ion batteries, drop hammer impact experiments and finite element simulations are carried out on batteries with different packed angles. Firstly, a drop hammer impact experiment system, which is based on the DHR-1808 drop hammer and oscilloscope, is established, and then a drop test of individual batteries and packed angles of 180 ° and 120 ° are carried out. The image of battery deformation, force-time curve and voltage-time curve are recorded. Secondly, finite element models of individual batteries and two packed angles are established, and the results of the test and simulation are compared. Finally, the mechanical characteristics and failure behavior of lithium-ion battery modules with the packed arrangement of 6 * 6 and packing angles of 180 °, 120 °, 90 ° and 60 ° are analyzed under the same velocity with different battery packing angles, and the same impact energy with different impact velocity and different packing angles. The result shows that the individual battery is destroyed completely in the drop hammer impact test with an initial impact velocity of 3m/s and drop height of 459mm, and the voltage drops to close to 0V when the test ends. The voltage drops to 12V when packed angle of 180°, and 3.6V when packed angle of 120°. It is found that the trend of the force-time curve between simulation and experiment is generally consistent. The difference in maximum peak value is 3.9kN for a packing angle of 180° and 1.3kN for a packing angle of 120°. Under the same impact velocity and impact energy, the strain rate of the battery module with a packing angle of 180° is the lowest, and the maximum stress can reach 26.7MPa with no battery short-circuited. The research under our experiment and simulation shows that the lithium-ion battery module with a packing angle of 180 ° is the least likely to be damaged, which can sustain the maximum stress under the same impact load.

Keywords: battery module, finite element simulation, power battery, packing angle

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2523 Self-Organizing Control Systems for Unstable and Deterministic Chaotic Processes

Authors: Mamyrbek A. Beisenbi, Nurgul M. Kissikova, Saltanat E. Beisembina, Salamat T. Suleimenova, Samal A. Kaliyeva


The paper proposes a method for constructing a self-organizing control system for unstable and deterministic chaotic processes in the class of catastrophe “hyperbolic umbilic” for objects with m-inputs and n-outputs. The self-organizing control system is investigated by the universal gradient-velocity method of Lyapunov vector functions. The conditions for self-organization of the control system in the class of catastrophes “hyperbolic umbilic” are shown in the form of a system of algebraic inequalities that characterize the aperiodic robust stability in the stationary states of the system.

Keywords: gradient-velocity method of Lyapunov vector-functions, hyperbolic umbilic, self-organizing control system, stability

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2522 1D Klein-Gordon Equation in an Infinite Square Well with PT Symmetry Boundary Conditions

Authors: Suleiman Bashir Adamu, Lawan Sani Taura


We study the role of boundary conditions via -symmetric quantum mechanics, where denotes parity operator and denotes time reversal operator. Using the one-dimensional Schrödinger Hamiltonian for a free particle in an infinite square well, we introduce symmetric boundary conditions. We find solutions of the 1D Klein-Gordon equation for a free particle in an infinite square well with Hermitian boundary and symmetry boundary conditions, where in both cases the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunction, respectively, are obtained.

Keywords: Eigenvalues, Eigenfunction, Hamiltonian, Klein- Gordon equation, PT-symmetric quantum mechanics

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2521 The Application of to Optimize Pellet Quality in Broiler Feeds

Authors: Reza Vakili


The aim of this experiment was to optimize the effect of moisture, the production rate, grain particle size and steam conditioning temperature on pellet quality in broiler feed using Taguchi method and a 43 fractional factorial arrangement was conducted. Production rate, steam conditioning temperatures, particle sizes and moisture content were performed. During the production process, sampling was done, and then pellet durability index (PDI) and hardness evaluated in broiler feed grower and finisher. There was a significant effect of processing parameters on PDI and hardness. Based on the results of this experiment Taguchi method can be used to find the best combination of factors for optimal pellet quality.

Keywords: broiler, feed physical quality, hardness, processing parameters, PDI

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2520 The Physical Impact of Nano-Layer Due to Dispersions of Carbon Nano-Tubes through an Absorbent Channel: A Numerical Nano-Fluid Flow Model

Authors: Muhammad Zubair Akbar Qureshi, Abdul Bari Farooq


The intention of the current study to analyze the significance of nano-layer in incompressible magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) flow of a Newtonian nano-fluid consisting of carbon nano-materials has been considered through an absorbent channel with moving porous walls. Using applicable similarity transforms, the governing equations are converted into a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations which are solved by using the 4th-order Runge-Kutta technique together with shooting methodology. The phenomena of nano-layer have also been modeled mathematically. The inspiration behind this segment is to reveal the behavior of involved parameters on velocity and temperature profiles. A detailed table is presented in which the effects of involved parameters on shear stress and heat transfer rate are discussed. Specially presented the impact of the thickness of the nano-layer and radius of the particle on the temperature profile. We observed that due to an increase in the thickness of the nano-layer, the heat transfer rate increases rapidly. The consequences of this research may be advantageous to the applications of biotechnology and industrial motive.

Keywords: carbon nano-tubes, magneto-hydrodynamics, nano-layer, thermal conductivity

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2519 Prediction of Boundary Shear Stress with Flood Plains Enlargements

Authors: Spandan Sahu, Amiya Kumar Pati, Kishanjit Kumar Khatua


The river is our main source of water which is a form of open channel flow and the flow in the open channel provides with many complex phenomena of sciences that need to be tackled such as the critical flow conditions, boundary shear stress, and depth-averaged velocity. The development of society, more or less solely depends upon the flow of rivers. The rivers are major sources of many sediments and specific ingredients which are much essential for human beings. During floods, part of a river is carried by the simple main channel and rest is carried by flood plains. For such compound asymmetric channels, the flow structure becomes complicated due to momentum exchange between the main channel and adjoining flood plains. Distribution of boundary shear in subsections provides us with the concept of momentum transfer between the interface of the main channel and the flood plains. Experimentally, to get better data with accurate results are very complex because of the complexity of the problem. Hence, CES software has been used to tackle the complex processes to determine the shear stresses at different sections of an open channel having asymmetric flood plains on both sides of the main channel, and the results are compared with the symmetric flood plains for various geometrical shapes and flow conditions. Error analysis is also performed to know the degree of accuracy of the model implemented.

Keywords: depth average velocity, non prismatic compound channel, relative flow depth, velocity distribution

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2518 Orbit Determination from Two Position Vectors Using Finite Difference Method

Authors: Akhilesh Kumar, Sathyanarayan G., Nirmala S.


An unusual approach is developed to determine the orbit of satellites/space objects. The determination of orbits is considered a boundary value problem and has been solved using the finite difference method (FDM). Only positions of the satellites/space objects are known at two end times taken as boundary conditions. The technique of finite difference has been used to calculate the orbit between end times. In this approach, the governing equation is defined as the satellite's equation of motion with a perturbed acceleration. Using the finite difference method, the governing equations and boundary conditions are discretized. The resulting system of algebraic equations is solved using Tri Diagonal Matrix Algorithm (TDMA) until convergence is achieved. This methodology test and evaluation has been done using all GPS satellite orbits from National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) precise product for Doy 125, 2023. Towards this, two hours of twelve sets have been taken into consideration. Only positions at the end times of each twelve sets are considered boundary conditions. This algorithm is applied to all GPS satellites. Results achieved using FDM compared with the results of NGA precise orbits. The maximum RSS error for the position is 0.48 [m] and the velocity is 0.43 [mm/sec]. Also, the present algorithm is applied on the IRNSS satellites for Doy 220, 2023. The maximum RSS error for the position is 0.49 [m], and for velocity is 0.28 [mm/sec]. Next, a simulation has been done for a Highly Elliptical orbit for DOY 63, 2023, for the duration of 6 hours. The RSS of difference in position is 0.92 [m] and velocity is 1.58 [mm/sec] for the orbital speed of more than 5km/sec. Whereas the RSS of difference in position is 0.13 [m] and velocity is 0.12 [mm/sec] for the orbital speed less than 5km/sec. Results show that the newly created method is reliable and accurate. Further applications of the developed methodology include missile and spacecraft targeting, orbit design (mission planning), space rendezvous and interception, space debris correlation, and navigation solutions.

Keywords: finite difference method, grid generation, NavIC system, orbit perturbation

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2517 The Effect of Honeycomb Core Thickness on the Repeated Low-Velocity Impact Behavior of Sandwich Beams

Authors: S. H. Abo Sabah, A. B. H. Kueh, M. A. Megat Johari, T. A. Majid


In a recent study, a new bio-inspired honeycomb sandwich beam (BHSB) mimicking the head configuration of the woodpecker was developed. The beam consists of two carbon/epoxy composite face sheets, aluminum honeycomb core, and rubber core to enhance the repeated low-velocity impact resistance of sandwich structures. This paper aims to numerically enhance the repeated low-velocity impact resistance of the BHSB via optimizing the aluminum honeycomb core thickness. The beam was investigated employing three core thicknesses: 20 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mm at three impact energy levels (13.5 J, 15.55 J, 21.43 J). The results revealed that increasing the thickness of the aluminum honeycomb core to a certain level enhances the sandwich beam stiffness. The beam with the 25 mm honeycomb core thickness was the only beam that can sustain five repeated impacts achieving the highest impact resistance efficiency index, especially at high energy levels. Furthermore, the bottom face sheet of this beam developed the lowest stresses indicating that this thickness has a relatively better performance during impact events since it allowed minimal stress to reach the bottom face sheet. Overall, increasing the aluminum core thickness will increase the height of its cells subjecting it to buckling phenomenon. Therefore, this study suggests that the optimal thickness of the aluminum honeycomb core should be 65 % of the overall thickness of the sandwich beam to have the best impact resistance.

Keywords: sandwich beams, core thickness, impact behavior, finite element analysis, modeling

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2516 Comparison of Number of Waves Surfed and Duration Using Global Positioning System and Inertial Sensors

Authors: João Madureira, Ricardo Lagido, Inês Sousa, Fraunhofer Portugal


Surf is an increasingly popular sport and its performance evaluation is often qualitative. This work aims at using a smartphone to collect and analyze the GPS and inertial sensors data in order to obtain quantitative metrics of the surfing performance. Two approaches are compared for detection of wave rides, computing the number of waves rode in a surfing session, the starting time of each wave and its duration. The first approach is based on computing the velocity from the Global Positioning System (GPS) signal and finding the velocity thresholds that allow identifying the start and end of each wave ride. The second approach adds information from the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) of the smartphone, to the velocity thresholds obtained from the GPS unit, to determine the start and end of each wave ride. The two methods were evaluated using GPS and IMU data from two surfing sessions and validated with similar metrics extracted from video data collected from the beach. The second method, combining GPS and IMU data, was found to be more accurate in determining the number of waves, start time and duration. This paper shows that it is feasible to use smartphones for quantification of performance metrics during surfing. In particular, detection of the waves rode and their duration can be accurately determined using the smartphone GPS and IMU.

Keywords: inertial measurement unit (IMU), global positioning system (GPS), smartphone, surfing performance

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2515 First Experimental Evidence on Feasibility of Molecular Magnetic Particle Imaging of Tumor Marker Alpha-1-Fetoprotein Using Antibody Conjugated Nanoparticles

Authors: Kolja Them, Priyal Chikhaliwala, Sudeshna Chandra


Purpose: The purpose of this work is to examine possibilities for noninvasive imaging and identification of tumor markers for cancer diagnosis. The proposed method uses antibody conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles and multicolor Magnetic Particle Imaging (mMPI). The method has the potential for radiation exposure free real-time estimation of local tumor marker concentrations in vivo. In this study, the method is applied to human Alpha-1-Fetoprotein. Materials and Methods: As tracer material AFP antibody-conjugated Dendrimer-Fe3O4 nanoparticles were used. The nanoparticle bioconjugates were then incubated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) to block any possible nonspecific binding sites. Parts of the resulting solution were then incubated with AFP antigen. MPI measurements were done using the preclinical MPI scanner (Bruker Biospin MRI GmbH) and the multicolor method was used for image reconstruction. Results: In multicolor MPI images the nanoparticles incubated only with BSA were clearly distinguished from nanoparticles incubated with BSA and AFP antigens. Conclusion: Tomographic imaging of human tumor marker Alpha-1-Fetoprotein is possible using AFP antibody conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles in presence of BSA. This opens interesting perspectives for cancer diagnosis.

Keywords: noninvasive imaging, tumor antigens, antibody conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles, multicolor magnetic particle imaging, cancer diagnosis

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2514 Polarization Effects in Cosmic-Ray Acceleration by Cyclotron Auto-Resonance

Authors: Yousef I. Salamin


Theoretical investigations, analytical as well as numerical, have shown that electrons can be accelerated to GeV energies by the process of cyclotron auto-resonance acceleration (CARA). In CARA, the particle would be injected along the lines of a uniform magnetic field aligned parallel to the direction of propagation of a plane-wave radiation field. Unfortunately, an accelerator based on CARA would be prohibitively too long and too expensive to build and maintain. However, the process stands a better chance of success near the polar cap of a compact object (such as a neutron star, a black hole or a magnetar) or in an environment created in the wake of a binary neutron-star or blackhole merger. Dynamics of the nuclides ₁H¹, ₂He⁴, ₂₆Fe⁵⁶, and ₂₈Ni⁶², in such astrophysical conditions, have been investigated by single-particle calculations and many-particle simulations. The investigations show that these nuclides can reach ZeV energies (1 ZeV = 10²¹ eV) due to interaction with super-intense radiation of wavelengths = 1 and 10 m and = 50 pm and magnetic fields of strengths at the mega- and giga-tesla levels. Examples employing radiation intensities in the range 10³²-10⁴² W/m² have been used. Employing a two-parameter model for representing the radiation field, CARA is analytically generalized to include any state of polarization, and the basic working equations are derived rigorously and in closed analytic form.

Keywords: compact objects, cosmic-ray acceleration, cyclotron auto-resonance, polarization effects, zevatron

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2513 Fractional, Component and Morphological Composition of Ambient Air Dust in the Areas of Mining Industry

Authors: S.V. Kleyn, S.Yu. Zagorodnov, А.А. Kokoulina


Technogenic emissions of the mining and processing complex are characterized by a high content of chemical components and solid dust particles. However, each industrial enterprise and the surrounding area have features that require refinement and parameterization. Numerous studies have shown the negative impact of fine dust PM10 and PM2.5 on the health, as well as the possibility of toxic components absorption, including heavy metals by dust particles. The target of the study was the quantitative assessment of the fractional and particle size composition of ambient air dust in the area of impact by primary magnesium production complex. Also, we tried to describe the morphology features of dust particles. Study methods. To identify the dust emission sources, the analysis of the production process has been carried out. The particulate composition of the emissions was measured using laser particle analyzer Microtrac S3500 (covered range of particle size is 20 nm to 2000 km). Particle morphology and the component composition were established by electron microscopy by scanning microscope of high resolution (magnification rate - 5 to 300 000 times) with X-ray fluorescence device S3400N ‘HITACHI’. The chemical composition was identified by X-ray analysis of the samples using an X-ray diffractometer XRD-700 ‘Shimadzu’. Determination of the dust pollution level was carried out using model calculations of emissions in the atmosphere dispersion. The calculations were verified by instrumental studies. Results of the study. The results demonstrated that the dust emissions of different technical processes are heterogeneous and fractional structure is complicated. The percentage of particle sizes up to 2.5 micrometres inclusive was ranged from 0.00 to 56.70%; particle sizes less than 10 microns inclusive – 0.00 - 85.60%; particle sizes greater than 10 microns - 14.40% -100.00%. During microscopy, the presence of nanoscale size particles has been detected. Studied dust particles are round, irregular, cubic and integral shapes. The composition of the dust includes magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, chlorine. On the base of obtained results, it was performed the model calculations of dust emissions dispersion and establishment of the areas of fine dust РМ 10 and РМ 2.5 distribution. It was found that the dust emissions of fine powder fractions PM10 and PM2.5 are dispersed over large distances and beyond the border of the industrial site of the enterprise. The population living near the enterprise is exposed to the risk of diseases associated with dust exposure. Data are transferred to the economic entity to make decisions on the measures to minimize the risks. Exposure and risks indicators on the health are used to provide named patient health and preventive care to the citizens living in the area of negative impact of the facility.

Keywords: dust emissions, еxposure assessment, PM 10, PM 2.5

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2512 The Effect of Particle Porosity in Mixed Matrix Membrane Permeation Models

Authors: Z. Sadeghi, M. R. Omidkhah, M. E. Masoomi


The purpose of this paper is to examine gas transport behavior of mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) combined with porous particles. Main existing models are categorized in two main groups; two-phase (ideal contact) and three-phase (non-ideal contact). A new coefficient, J, was obtained to express equations for estimating effect of the particle porosity in two-phase and three-phase models. Modified models evaluates with existing models and experimental data using Matlab software. Comparison of gas permeability of proposed modified models with existing models in different MMMs shows a better prediction of gas permeability in MMMs.

Keywords: mixed matrix membrane, permeation models, porous particles, porosity

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2511 Impacts on the Modification of a Two-Blade Mobile on the Agitation of Newtonian Fluids

Authors: Abderrahim Sidi Mohammed Nekrouf, Sarra Youcefi


Fluid mixing plays a crucial role in numerous industries as it has a significant impact on the final product quality and performance. In certain cases, the circulation of viscous fluids presents challenges, leading to the formation of stagnant zones. To overcome this issue, stirring devices are employed for fluid mixing. This study focuses on a numerical analysis aimed at understanding the behavior of Newtonian fluids when agitated by a two-blade agitator in a cylindrical vessel. We investigate the influence of the agitator shape on fluid motion. Bi-blade agitators of this type are commonly used in the food, cosmetic, and chemical industries to agitate both viscous and non-viscous liquids. Numerical simulations were conducted using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software to obtain velocity profiles, streamlines, velocity contours, and the associated power number. The obtained results were compared with experimental data available in the literature, validating the accuracy of our numerical approach. The results clearly demonstrate that modifying the agitator shape has a significant impact on fluid motion. This modification generates an axial flow that enhances the efficiency of the fluid flow. The various velocity results convincingly reveal that the fluid is more uniformly agitated with this modification, resulting in improved circulation and a substantial reduction in stagnant zones.

Keywords: Newtonian fluids, numerical modeling, two blade., CFD

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