Search results for: mastery goal orientation
3646 Wrinkling Prediction of Membrane Composite of Varying Orientation under In-Plane Shear
In this article, the wrinkling failure of orthotropic composite membranes due to in-plane shear deformation is investigated using nonlinear finite element analyses. A nonlinear post-buckling analysis is performed to show the evolution of shear-induced wrinkles. The method of investigation is based on the post-buckling finite element analysis adopted from commercial FEM code; ANSYS. The resulting wrinkling patterns, their amplitude and their wavelengths under the prescribed loads and boundary conditions were confirmed by experimental results. Our study reveals that wrinkles develop when both the magnitudes and coverage of the minimum principal stresses in the laminated composite laminates are sufficiently large to trigger wrinkling.Keywords: composite, FEM, membrane, wrinkling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2773645 Small Community’s Proactive Thinking to Move from Zero to 100 Percent Water Reuse
Authors: Raj Chavan
The City of Jal serves a population of approximately 3,500 people, including 2,100 permanent inhabitants and 1,400 oil and gas sector workers and RV park occupants. Over the past three years, Jal's population has increased by about 70 percent, mostly due to the oil and gas industry. The City anticipates that the population will exceed 4,200 by 2020, necessitating the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) because the old plant (aerated lagoon system) cannot accommodate such rapid population expansion without major renovations or replacement. Adhering to discharge permit restrictions has been challenging due to aging infrastructure and equipment replacement needs, as well as increasing nutrient loading to the wastewater collecting system from the additional oil and gas residents' recreational vehicles. The WWTP has not been able to maintain permit discharge standards for total nitrogen of less than 20 mg N/L and other characteristics in recent years. Based on discussions with the state's environmental department, it is likely that the future permit renewal would impose stricter conditions. Given its location in the dry, western part of the country, the City must rely on its meager groundwater supplies and scant annual precipitation. The city's groundwater supplies will be depleted sooner than predicted due to rising demand from the growing population for drinking, leisure, and other industrial uses (fracking). The sole type of reuse the city was engaging in (recreational reuse for a golf course) had to be put on hold because of an effluent water compliance issue. As of right now, all treated effluent is evaporated. The city's long-term goal is to become a zero-waste community that sends all of its treated wastewater effluent either to the golf course, Jal Lake, or the oil and gas industry for reuse. Hydraulic fracturing uses a lot of water, but if the oil and gas industry can use recycled water, it can reduce its impact on freshwater supplies. The City's goal of 100% reuse has been delayed by the difficulties of meeting the constraints of the regular discharge permit due to the large rise in influent loads and the aging infrastructure. The City of Jal plans to build a new WWTP that can keep up with the city's rapid population increase due to the oil and gas industry. Several treatment methods were considered in light of the City's needs and its long-term goals, but MBR was ultimately chosen recommended since it meets all of the permit's requirements while also providing 100 percent beneficial reuse. This talk will lay out the plan for the city to reach its goal of 100 percent reuse, as well as the various avenues for funding the small community that have been considered.Keywords: membrane bioreactor, nitrogent, reuse, small community
Procedia PDF Downloads 893644 Environmental Resilience in Sustainability Outcomes of Spatial-Economic Model Structure on the Topology of Construction Ecology
Authors: Moustafa Osman Mohammed
The resilient and sustainable of construction ecology is essential to world’s socio-economic development. Environmental resilience is crucial in relating construction ecology to topology of spatial-economic model. Sustainability of spatial-economic model gives attention to green business to comply with Earth’s System for naturally exchange patterns of ecosystems. The systems ecology has consistent and periodic cycles to preserve energy and materials flow in Earth’s System. When model structure is influencing communication of internal and external features in system networks, it postulated the valence of the first-level spatial outcomes (i.e., project compatibility success). These instrumentalities are dependent on second-level outcomes (i.e., participant security satisfaction). These outcomes of model are based on measuring database efficiency, from 2015 to 2025. The model topology has state-of-the-art in value-orientation impact and correspond complexity of sustainability issues (e.g., build a consistent database necessary to approach spatial structure; construct the spatial-economic model; develop a set of sustainability indicators associated with model; allow quantification of social, economic and environmental impact; use the value-orientation as a set of important sustainability policy measures), and demonstrate environmental resilience. The model is managing and developing schemes from perspective of multiple sources pollutants through the input–output criteria. These criteria are evaluated the external insertions effects to conduct Monte Carlo simulations and analysis for using matrices in a unique spatial structure. The balance “equilibrium patterns” such as collective biosphere features, has a composite index of the distributed feedback flows. These feedback flows have a dynamic structure with physical and chemical properties for gradual prolong of incremental patterns. While these structures argue from system ecology, static loads are not decisive from an artistic/architectural perspective. The popularity of system resilience, in the systems structure related to ecology has not been achieved without the generation of confusion and vagueness. However, this topic is relevant to forecast future scenarios where industrial regions will need to keep on dealing with the impact of relative environmental deviations. The model attempts to unify analytic and analogical structure of urban environments using database software to integrate sustainability outcomes where the process based on systems topology of construction ecology.Keywords: system ecology, construction ecology, industrial ecology, spatial-economic model, systems topology
Procedia PDF Downloads 213643 An Automatic Bayesian Classification System for File Format Selection
Authors: Roman Graf, Sergiu Gordea, Heather M. Ryan
This paper presents an approach for the classification of an unstructured format description for identification of file formats. The main contribution of this work is the employment of data mining techniques to support file format selection with just the unstructured text description that comprises the most important format features for a particular organisation. Subsequently, the file format indentification method employs file format classifier and associated configurations to support digital preservation experts with an estimation of required file format. Our goal is to make use of a format specification knowledge base aggregated from a different Web sources in order to select file format for a particular institution. Using the naive Bayes method, the decision support system recommends to an expert, the file format for his institution. The proposed methods facilitate the selection of file format and the quality of a digital preservation process. The presented approach is meant to facilitate decision making for the preservation of digital content in libraries and archives using domain expert knowledge and specifications of file formats. To facilitate decision-making, the aggregated information about the file formats is presented as a file format vocabulary that comprises most common terms that are characteristic for all researched formats. The goal is to suggest a particular file format based on this vocabulary for analysis by an expert. The sample file format calculation and the calculation results including probabilities are presented in the evaluation section.Keywords: data mining, digital libraries, digital preservation, file format
Procedia PDF Downloads 4993642 The Effect Training Program on Mixed Contractions on Both the Maximum Force and Explosive Force of the Lower Limbs Conducted Study to the Football Players Under the Age of 17 Years-Tiaret, Algeria
Authors: Saidia Houari
The game of football is one of the global sports activities that have witnessed a remarkable development in recent years in the physical, technical, rhetorical and psychological aspects, so the modern play in different teams and international teams quickly and forcefully in the exact technical performance, and this is due to the interest of international coaches. The good training of the players during the youth stage at the level of various aspects to develop all the techniques that have a great effectiveness in competitions according to scientific methods studied. The muscle strength plays a very important role achieving the performance player during the game and it is clear the need for the player in many situations, especially when jumping to hit the ball head or the goal on the goal or long passes of different types and in the performance of various skills by force and speed appropriate to the possession of the ball or the control of the court of the court while overcoming the body weight during the game it is known that the stronger the muscles of the athlete and the reduced joints injuries, and the strength increases energy saving such as Latin phosphate and glycogen, and develop the player for a game football volitional qualities of the most important of courage, determination And self-confidence. There are also some skill movements that can not be performed without a certain level of strength, so the development of power may affect the effectiveness of the long-term training system.Keywords: trainning program, maximum force and expolosive force, lowers limbs, under 17 years
Procedia PDF Downloads 1043641 Advancing Our Understanding of Age-Related Changes in Executive Functions: Insights from Neuroimaging, Genetics and Cognitive Neurosciences
Authors: Yasaman Mohammadi
Executive functions are a critical component of goal-directed behavior, encompassing a diverse set of cognitive processes such as working memory, cognitive flexibility, and inhibitory control. These functions are known to decline with age, but the precise mechanisms underlying this decline remain unclear. This paper provides an in-depth review of recent research investigating age-related changes in executive functions, drawing on insights from neuroimaging, genetics, and cognitive neuroscience. Through an interdisciplinary approach, this paper offers a nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between neural mechanisms, genetic factors, and cognitive processes that contribute to executive function decline in aging. Here, we investigate how different neuroimaging methods, like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET), have helped scientists better understand the brain bases for age-related declines in executive function. Additionally, we discuss the role of genetic factors in mediating individual differences in executive functions across the lifespan, as well as the potential for cognitive interventions to mitigate age-related decline. Overall, this paper presents a comprehensive and integrative view of the current state of knowledge regarding age-related changes in executive functions. It underscores the need for continued interdisciplinary research to fully understand the complex and dynamic nature of executive function decline in aging, with the ultimate goal of developing effective interventions to promote healthy cognitive aging.Keywords: executive functions, aging, neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience, working memory, cognitive training
Procedia PDF Downloads 683640 Knowledge Management Efficiency of Personnel in Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya Songkhla, Thailand
Authors: Nongyao Intasaso, Atchara Rattanama, Navarat Pewnual
This research is survey research purposed to study the factor affected to knowledge management efficiency of personnel in Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, and study the problem of knowledge management affected to knowledge development of personnel in the university. The tool used in this study is structures questioner standardize rating scale in 5 levels. The sample selected by purposive sampling and there are 137 participation calculated in 25% of population. The result found that factor affected to knowledge management efficiency in the university included (1) result from the organization factor found that the university provided project or activity that according to strategy and mission of knowledge management affected to knowledge management efficiency in highest level (x̅ = 4.30) (2) result from personnel factor found that the personnel are eager for knowledge and active to learning to develop themselves and work (Personal Mastery) affected to knowledge management efficiency in high level (x̅ = 3.75) (3) result from technological factor found that the organization brought multimedia learning aid to facilitate learning process affected to knowledge management efficiency in high level (x̅ = 3.70) and (4) the result from learning factor found that the personnel communicated and sharing knowledge and opinion based on acceptance to each other affected to knowledge management efficiency in high level (x̅ = 3.78). The problem of knowledge management in the university included the personnel do not change their work behavior, insufficient of collaboration, lack of acceptance in knowledge and experience to each other, and limited budget. The solutions to solve these problems are the university should be support sufficient budget, the university should follow up and evaluate organization development based on knowledge using, the university should provide the activity emphasize to personnel development and assign the committee to process and report knowledge management procedure.Keywords: knowledge management, efficiency, personnel, learning process
Procedia PDF Downloads 3013639 Nigeria's Distressed Economy and Achievement of Child-Friendly School Model
Authors: Onyeke Paul Chuks
Nigeria is ranked among the developing nations and a country with a low income per capita. The consequences of this economic situation have led to the low achievement records below UN benchmark especially in the area of basic education for her citizens. The country is, however, making relentless efforts at arresting the situation by making budgetary allocations to ensure the realization of Millennium Development Goal No. 2 which is achieving universal basic education, her distressed economy notwithstanding. Basic education which comprises primary and lower secondary education as well as pre-primary and/or adult literacy programs have suffered serious setbacks orchestrated by the dwindling of the nation’s economy. This category of education being the bedrock of all other levels of education is regarded as a priority by developing countries and also the focus of the Education for All Movement led by UNESCO. The introduction of child-friendly school model is one of the strategies designed by UNESCO to achieving this all important MDGs goal No. 2. Child-friendly education model is aimed at replacing the out-dated, mundane, regimented and officious school administrative model where the basic rights of school children are trampled upon with impunity and community participation in school activities is viewed as unnecessary interference by school managers. This paper ex-rayed the potential obstacles likely to impinge on the implementation of child-friendly school model in Nigeria especially from the angle of her distressed economy and the colossal effects of the corrupt practices bedeviling the nation. The paper as well outlines prospects for the successful implementation of the child-friendly school model in Nigeria.Keywords: child-friendly school, distressed economy, model, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 2833638 Numerical Modeling of Determination of in situ Rock Mass Deformation Modulus Using the Plate Load Test
Authors: A. Khodabakhshi, A. Mortazavi
Accurate determination of rock mass deformation modulus, as an important design parameter, is one of the most controversial issues in most engineering projects. A 3D numerical model of standard plate load test (PLT) using the FLAC3D code was carried to investigate the mechanism governing the test process. Five objectives were the focus of this study. The first goal was to employ 3D modeling in the interpretation of PLT conducted at the Bazoft dam site, Iran. The second objective was to investigate the effect of displacements measuring depth from the loading plates on the calculated moduli. The magnitude of rock mass deformation modulus calculated from PLT depends on anchor depth, and in practice, this may be a cause of error in the selection of realistic deformation modulus for the rock mass. The third goal of the study was to investigate the effect of testing plate diameter on the calculated modulus. Moreover, a comparison of the calculated modulus from ISRM formula, numerical modeling and calculated modulus from the actual PLT carried out at right abutment of the Bazoft dam site was another objective of the study. Finally, the effect of plastic strains on the calculated moduli in each of the loading-unloading cycles for three loading plates was investigated. The geometry, material properties, and boundary conditions on the constructed 3D model were selected based on the in-situ conditions of PLT at Bazoft dam site. A good agreement was achieved between numerical model results and the field tests results.Keywords: deformation modulus, numerical model, plate loading test, rock mass
Procedia PDF Downloads 1713637 Reimagining Financial Inclusion in the Post COVID-19 World: The Case of Grameen America
Authors: Rania Mousa, Peterson Ozili
A key agenda of policymakers in developed and developing countries is to increase the level of financial inclusion. Microlending institutions have been recognized as important agents of financial inclusion, which have the potential to achieve this objective and help move toward a more accessible, inclusive, and equitable path to financial sustainability. In that respect, this case study attempts to identify and assess the key initiatives undertaken by Grameen America as it responded to the COVID-19 pandemic within the framework of selected United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals (UN’s SD Goals). This study goes beyond the stated objective by using the vulnerable group theory and special agent theory of financial inclusion to support the analysis of financial and non-financial information collected from Grameen America’s Annual Reports and audited financial statements. The study follows a qualitative content analysis method to precisely gauge the shift in Grameen’s strategy and focus, as well as to assess the impact of its initiatives on the small business community before and after the pandemic. The findings showcase that Grameen’s longstanding mission to alleviate poverty is in line with the UN’s Sustainability Development Goal 1. Furthermore, Grameen’s commitment to creating partnerships with external organizations to offer credit and non-credit services and support is consistent with UN’s Sustainability Development Goal 17. The study suggests that policymakers should foster the creation of more member-based financial and non-financial institutions which are ethically and morally responsible to their members in both good and bad times.Keywords: COVID-19, financial inclusion, microfinance, sustainable development, microlending
Procedia PDF Downloads 703636 The Impact of Metacognitive Knowledge and Experience on Top Management Team Diversity and Small to Medium Enterprises Performance
Authors: Jo Rhodes, Peter Lok, Zahra Sadeghinejad
The aim of this study is to determine the impact of metacognition on top management team members and firm performance based on full team integration. A survey of 1500 small to medium enterprises (SMEs) was initiated and 140 firms were obtained in this study (with response rate of 9%). The result showed that different metacognitive abilities of managers [knowledge and experience] could enhance team decision-making and problem solving, resulting in greater firm performance. This is a significant finding for SMEs because these organisations have small teams with owner leadership and entrepreneurial orientation.Keywords: metacognition, behavioural integration, top management team (TMT), performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 3773635 Factors Associated with Weight Loss Maintenance after an Intervention Program
Authors: Filipa Cortez, Vanessa Pereira
Introduction: The main challenge of obesity treatment is long-term weight loss maintenance. The 3 phases method is a weight loss program that combines a low carb and moderately high-protein diet, food supplements and a weekly one-to-one consultation with a certified nutritionist. Sustained weight control is the ultimate goal of phase 3. Success criterion was the minimum loss of 10% of initial weight and its maintenance after 12 months. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with successful weight loss maintenance after 12 months at the end of 3 phases method. Methods: The study included 199 subjects that achieved their weight loss goal (phase 3). Weight and body mass index (BMI) were obtained at the baseline and every week until the end of the program. Therapeutic adherence was measured weekly on a Likert scale from 1 to 5. Subjects were considered in compliance with nutritional recommendation and supplementation when their classification was ≥ 4. After 12 months of the method, the current weight and number of previous weight-loss attempts were collected by telephone interview. The statistical significance was assumed at p-values < 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS TM software v.21. Results: 65.3% of subjects met the success criterion. The factors which displayed a significant weight loss maintenance prediction were: greater initial percentage weight loss (OR=1.44) during the weight loss intervention and a higher number of consultations in phase 3 (OR=1.10). Conclusion: These findings suggest that the percentage weight loss during the weight loss intervention and the number of consultations in phase 3 may facilitate maintenance of weight loss after the 3 phases method.Keywords: obesity, weight maintenance, low-carbohydrate diet, dietary supplements
Procedia PDF Downloads 1513634 Positive Incentives to Reduce Private Car Use: A Theory-Based Critical Analysis
Authors: Rafael Alexandre Dos Reis
Research has shown a substantial increase in the participation of Conventionally Fuelled Vehicles (CFVs) in the urban transport modal split. The reasons for this unsustainable reality are multiple, from economic interventions to individual behaviour. The development and delivery of positive incentives for the adoption of more environmental-friendly modes of transport is an emerging strategy to help in tackling the problem of excessive use of conventionally fuelled vehicles. The efficiency of this approach, like other information-based schemes, can benefit from the knowledge of their potential impacts in theoretical constructs of multiple behaviour change theories. The goal of this research is to critically analyse theories of behaviour that are relevant to transport research and the impacts of positive incentives on the theoretical determinants of behaviour, strengthening the current body of evidence about the benefits of this approach. The main method to investigate this will involve a literature review on two main topics: the current theories of behaviour that have empirical support in transport research and the past or ongoing positive incentives programs that had an impact on car use reduction. The reviewed programs of positive incentives were the following: The TravelSmart®; Spitsmijden®; Incentives for Singapore Commuters® (INSINC); COMMUTEGREENER®; MOVESMARTER®; STREETLIFE®; SUPERHUB®; SUNSET® and the EMPOWER® project. The theories analysed were the heory of Planned Behaviour (TPB); The Norm Activation Theory (NAM); Social Learning Theory (SLT); The Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour (TIB); The Goal-Setting Theory (GST) and The Value-Belief-Norm Theory (VBN). After the revisions of the theoretical constructs of each of the theories and their influence on car use, it can be concluded that positive incentives schemes impact on behaviour change in the following manners: -Changing individual’s attitudes through informational incentives; -Increasing feelings of moral obligations to reduce the use of CFVs; -Increase the perceived social pressure to engage in more sustainable mobility behaviours through the use of comparison mechanisms in social media, for example; -Increase the perceived control of behaviour through informational incentives and training incentives; -Increasing personal norms with reinforcing information; -Providing tools for self-monitoring and self-evaluation; -Providing real experiences in alternative modes to the car; -Making the observation of others’ car use reduction possible; -Informing about consequences of behaviour and emphasizing the individual’s responsibility with society and the environment; -Increasing the perception of the consequences of car use to an individual’s valued objects; -Increasing the perceived ability to reduce threats to environment; -Help establishing goals to reduce car use; - iving personalized feedback on the goal; -Increase feelings of commitment to the goal; -Reducing the perceived complexity of the use of alternatives to the car. It is notable that the emerging technique of delivering positive incentives are systematically connected to causal determinants of travel behaviour. The preliminary results of the reviewed programs evidence how positive incentives might strengthen these determinants and help in the process of behaviour change.Keywords: positive incentives, private car use reduction, sustainable behaviour, voluntary travel behaviour change
Procedia PDF Downloads 3413633 The Interactions of Attentional Bias for Food, Trait Self-Control, and Motivation: A Model Testing Study
Authors: Hamish Love, Navjot Bhullar, Nicola Schutte
Self-control and related psychological constructs have been shown to have a large role in the improvement and maintenance of healthful dietary behaviour. However, self-control for diet, and related constructs such as motivation, level of conflict between tempting desires and dietary goals, and attentional bias for tempting food, have not been studied together to establish their relationships, to the author’s best knowledge. Therefore the aim of this paper was to conduct model testing on these constructs and evaluate how they relate to affect dietary outcomes. 400 Australian adult participants will be recruited via the Qualtrics platform and will be representative across age and gender. They will complete survey and reaction timing surveys to gather data on the five target constructs: Trait Self-control, Attentional Bias for Food, Dietary Goal-Desire Incongruence, Motivation for Dietary Self-control, and Satisfaction with Dietary Behaviour. A model of moderated mediation is predicted, whereby the initial predictor (Dietary Goal-Desire Incongruence) predicts the level of the outcome variable, Satisfaction with Dietary Behaviour. We hypothesise that the relationship between these two variables will be mediated by Trait Self-Control and that the extent that Trait Self-control is allowed to mediate dietary outcome is moderated by both Attentional Bias for Food and Motivation for Dietary Self-control. The analysis will be conducted using the PROCESS module in SPSS 23. The results of model testing in this current study will be valuable to direct future research and inform which constructs could be important targets for intervention to improve dietary outcomes.Keywords: self-control, diet, model testing, attentional bias, motivation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1743632 Intracommunity Attitudes Toward the Gatekeeping of Asexuality in the LGBTQ+ Community on Tumblr
Authors: A.D. Fredline, Beverly Stiles
This is a qualitative investigation that examines the social media site, Tumblr, for the goal of analyzing the controversy regarding the inclusion of asexuality in the LGBTQ+ community. As platforms such as Tumblr permit the development of communities for marginalized groups, social media serves as a core component to exclusionary practices and boundary negotiations for community membership. This research is important because there is a paucity of research on the topic and a significant gap in the literature with regards to intracommunity gatekeeping. However, discourse on the topic is blatantly apparent on social media platforms. The objectives are to begin to bridge the gap in the literature by examining attitudes towards the inclusion of asexuality within the LGBTQ+ community. In order to analyze the attitudes developed towards the inclusion of asexuality in the LGBTQ+ community, eight publicly available blogs on were selected from both the “inclusionist” and “exclusionist” perspectives. Blogs selected were found through a basic search for “inclusionist” and “exclusionist” on the Tumblr website. Out of the first twenty blogs listed for each set of results, those centrally focused on asexuality discourse were selected. For each blog, the fifty most recent postings were collected. Analysis of the collected postings exposed three central themes from the exclusionist perspective as well as for the inclusionist perspective. Findings indicate that from the inclusionist perspective, asexuality belongs to the LGBTQ+ community. One primary argument from this perspective is that asexual individuals face opposition for their identity just as do other identities included in the community. This opposition is said to take a variety of forms, such as verbal shaming, assumption of illness and corrective rape. Another argument is that the LGBTQ+ community and asexuals face a common opponent in cisheterosexism as asexuals struggle with the assumed and expected sexualization. A final central theme is that denying asexual inclusion leads to the assumption of heteronormativity. Findings also indicate that from the exclusionist perspective, asexuality does not belong to the LGBTQ+ community. One central theme from this perspective is the equivalization of cisgender heteroromantic asexuals with cisgender heterosexuals. As straight individuals are not allowed in the community, exclusionists argue that asexuals engaged in opposite gender partnerships should not be included. Another debate is that including asexuality in the community sexualizes all other identities by assuming sexual orientation is inherently sexual rather than romantic. Finally, exclusionists also argue that asexuality encourages childhood labeling and forces sexual identities on children, something not promoted by the LGBTQ+ community. Conclusions drawn from analyzing both perspectives is that integration may be a possibility, but complexities add another layer of discourse. For example, both inclusionists and exclusionists agree that privileged identities do not belong to the LGBTQ+ community. The focus of discourse is whether or not asexuals are privileged. Clearly, both sides of the debate have the same vision of what binds the community together. The question that remains is who belongs to that community.Keywords: asexuality, exclusionists, inclusionists, Tumblr
Procedia PDF Downloads 1883631 Internal and External Influences on the Firm Objective
Authors: A. Briseno, A, Zorrilla
Firms are increasingly responding to social and environmental claims from society. Practices oriented to attend issues such as poverty, work equality, or renewable energy, are being implemented more frequently by firms to address impacts on sustainability. However, questions remain on how the responses of firms vary across industries and regions between the social and the economic objectives. Using concepts from organizational theory and social network theory, this paper aims to create a theoretical framework that explains the internal and external influences that make a firm establish its objective. The framework explains why firms might have a different objective orientation in terms of its economic and social prioritization.Keywords: organizational identity, social network theory, firm objective, value maximization, social responsibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 3103630 An Approach for Association Rules Ranking
Authors: Rihab Idoudi, Karim Saheb Ettabaa, Basel Solaiman, Kamel Hamrouni
Medical association rules induction is used to discover useful correlations between pertinent concepts from large medical databases. Nevertheless, ARs algorithms produce huge amount of delivered rules and do not guarantee the usefulness and interestingness of the generated knowledge. To overcome this drawback, we propose an ontology based interestingness measure for ARs ranking. According to domain expert, the goal of the use of ARs is to discover implicit relationships between items of different categories such as ‘clinical features and disorders’, ‘clinical features and radiological observations’, etc. That’s to say, the itemsets which are composed of ‘similar’ items are uninteresting. Therefore, the dissimilarity between the rule’s items can be used to judge the interestingness of association rules; the more different are the items, the more interesting the rule is. In this paper, we design a distinct approach for ranking semantically interesting association rules involving the use of an ontology knowledge mining approach. The basic idea is to organize the ontology’s concepts into a hierarchical structure of conceptual clusters of targeted subjects, where each cluster encapsulates ‘similar’ concepts suggesting a specific category of the domain knowledge. The interestingness of association rules is, then, defined as the dissimilarity between corresponding clusters. That is to say, the further are the clusters of the items in the AR, the more interesting the rule is. We apply the method in our domain of interest – mammographic domain- using an existing mammographic ontology called Mammo with the goal of deriving interesting rules from past experiences, to discover implicit relationships between concepts modeling the domain.Keywords: association rule, conceptual clusters, interestingness measures, ontology knowledge mining, ranking
Procedia PDF Downloads 3223629 A Battle of Identity(ies): Deconstructing Spaces of Belonging in Saleem Haddad’s Guapa and Hasan Namir’s God in Pink
Authors: Nour Aladdin
This paper explores the interconnectedness of belonging, space, and identity in Anglo Arab literature, particularly Saleem Haddad’s Guapa and Hasan Namir’sGod in Pink. This paper suggest that Rasa and Ramy, the queer Arab characters respectively, do not belong in either the Middle East or the West. Using Amin Maalouf’s analysis of the Arab identity, specifically his argument that an individual identifies strongly with the aspect of their identity that is under attack, this paper argues that all of Rasa and Ramy’s spaces are politically charged - a term that denotes that all values and beliefs instilled in Arabs and their spaces are heavily influenced by Arab politics, culture, and, often times religion. Therefore, the politically charged environments Rasa and Ramy inhabit will always be against one part of their identity, which is why they cannot identify as queer and Arab simultaneously. For Rasa, the unnamed Middle Eastern country, his home environment, as well as the so-called safe space nightclub, condemn his queerness, leading him to connect more to his sexual orientation. However, Rasa associates himself with his Arab roots when he migrates to America, a different form of politically charged space that minoritizes his ethnicity. Similarly, Ramy’s spaces are naturally religiopolitical after Islam heightened in Iraq during the Iraq War; as a result, Ramy’s home environment, Sheikh Ammar’s house, the mosque, and the nightclub are influenced by the religiopolitics and bombard his ability to identify as not only a queer Arab but a queer Arab Muslim. Ultimately, because Rasa and Ramy are constantly in movement, their identity attributes are also in movement. This paper is divided into three sections. The first section focuses on Guapa and the Arab Spring’s politics, mainly its influence on queer Arabs in and around the Middle East. Drawing from a number of queer and Arab gender theories, I analyze all of Rasa’s spaces as politically charged that prevent him from the means to be queer and Arab. The second section examines God in Pink in close connection to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Ramy’s spaces are religiopolitically charged, that prevent him to embrace all of his identity attributes – nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and religious affiliation – concomitantly. The last section considers the rapid use of technology and social media in the Middle East as a means to provide deviant heterotopic spaces for queer Arabs. With the rise of subtle and covert queer heterotopias, there is a slow and steady shift of queer tolerance in the Arab world.Keywords: belonging, identity, spaces, queer, arabness, middle east, orientalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1153628 A Methodological Approach to Development of Mental Script for Mental Practice of Micro Suturing
Authors: Vaikunthan Rajaratnam
Intro: Motor imagery (MI) and mental practice (MP) can be an alternative to acquire mastery of surgical skills. One component of using this technique is the use of a mental script. The aim of this study was to design and develop a mental script for basic micro suturing training for skill acquisition using a low-fidelity rubber glove model and to describe the detailed methodology for this process. Methods: This study was based on a design and development research framework. The mental script was developed with 5 expert surgeons performing a cognitive walkthrough of the repair of a vertical opening in a rubber glove model using 8/0 nylon. This was followed by a hierarchal task analysis. A draft script was created, and face and content validity assessed with a checking-back process. The final script was validated with the recruitment of 28 participants, assessed using the Mental Imagery Questionnaire (MIQ). Results: The creation of the mental script is detailed in the full text. After assessment by the expert panel, the mental script had good face and content validity. The average overall MIQ score was 5.2 ± 1.1, demonstrating the validity of generating mental imagery from the mental script developed in this study for micro suturing in the rubber glove model. Conclusion: The methodological approach described in this study is based on an instructional design framework to teach surgical skills. This MP model is inexpensive and easily accessible, addressing the challenge of reduced opportunities to practice surgical skills. However, while motor skills are important, other non-technical expertise required by the surgeon is not addressed with this model. Thus, this model should act a surgical training augment, but not replace it.Keywords: mental script, motor imagery, cognitive walkthrough, verbal protocol analysis, hierarchical task analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1043627 The Escalation of Incivility in the Light of Social Constructions that Conceal Inequalities
Authors: J. M. B. Mendonça, M. V. S. Siqueira, A. Soares, M. A. F. Santos
The purpose of this article is to understand the dynamics of the increase in incivility through social relations (gender, race, class, sexual orientation, etc.), which hide inequalities in the form of treatment and opportunities within the organizational sphere. For this, we will examine works that address incivility at work, as well as studies that deviate from the mainstream, bringing more obscure organizational facets to light in connection with a critical approach to this issue. Next, some results of a bibliometric study shall be exposed, to analyze contributions connected to the theme and demonstrate gaps for future research. Then, models that facilitate reflection on the dynamics of violence shall be discussed. Finally, a broader concept of incivility in interpersonal relationships in the workplace shall be exposed considering the multiple approaches discussed.Keywords: incivility, inequalities, organization reflections, preventing violence
Procedia PDF Downloads 3223626 The Gray Dance - An Analysis of Ageism in Dance
Authors: Paula Higa
This paper briefly examines age and its impact on a dancer’s performance career. An investigation into the possible reasons why audiences don’t regularly see veteran dancers on stage (termed as the Gray Dancer) supports the research. This analysis reflects some of the social dynamics that shape perceptions of the aging body in the U.S., as well as the correlation between the meaning of old and decay in Western culture. The primary question addressed in this research asks, who has the prerogative to determine when a dancer should stop dancing - society or the dancer themselves The aging process can significantly shorten a performer's professional career. The body has less endurance and is more susceptible to injuries, fatigue, etc. It also becomes less flexible and loses muscular strength and tone. A reduction in physical skills may usher gray dancers to embrace an ideology of shorter careers. However, in today’s age of diversity, equity, and inclusion, the realm of dance performance should reflect the times in which it is rooted; a multi-generational environment where people interact and participate in all of life's events. Overall, this study champions the inclusion of gray dancers as representations of mastery and wisdom akin to those traits associated with age and experience across various professions. Dance is an art form that transcends the assumptions of youthful beauty and physical ability. It serves as a conduit for conveying a lifetime of experiences, emotions, and ideas through the expressive vehicle of the body. Furthermore, it presents audiences with a medium to perceive and comprehend both themselves and life itself, echoing Noverre's insightful contemplation. The essay underscores the importance of valuing, sensing, and appreciating the richness that gray dancers bring to the stage by delving into segments of dance history and analyzing the possible influence of curators, directors, audiences, and society in general on ageism in dance.Keywords: dance, ageism, politics in dance, curatorial process
Procedia PDF Downloads 793625 Sustainable Practices through Organizational Internal Factors among South African Construction Firms
Authors: Oluremi I. Bamgbade, Oluwayomi Babatunde
Governments and nonprofits have been in the support of sustainability as the goal of businesses especially in the construction industry because of its considerable impacts on the environment, economy, and society. However, to measure the degree to which an organisation is being sustainable or pursuing sustainable growth can be difficult as a result of the clear sustainability strategy required to assume their commitment to the goal and competitive advantage. This research investigated the influence of organisational culture and organisational structure in achieving sustainable construction among South African construction firms. A total of 132 consultants from the nine provinces in South Africa participated in the survey. The data collected were initially screened using SPSS (version 21) while Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were employed to test the hypothesised paths. The empirical evidence also supported the hypothesised direct effects of organisational culture and organisational structure on sustainable construction. Similarly, the result regarding the relationship between organisational culture and organisational structure was supported. Therefore, construction industry can record a considerable level of construction sustainability and establish suitable cultures and structures within the construction organisations. Drawing upon organisational control theory, these findings supported the view that these organisational internal factors have a strong contingent effect on sustainability adoption in construction project execution. The paper makes theoretical, practical and methodological contributions within the domain of sustainable construction especially in the context of South Africa. Some limitations of the study are indicated, suggesting opportunities for future research.Keywords: organisational culture, organisational structure, South African construction firms, sustainable construction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2893624 Effect of Boric Acid Content on the Structural and Optical Properties of In2O3 Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis Technique
Authors: Mustafa Öztas, Metin Bedir, Yahya Özdemir
Boron doped of In2O3 films were prepared by spray pyrolysis technique at 350 °C substrate temperature, which is a low cost and large area technique to be well-suited for the manufacture of solar cells, using boric acid (H3BO3) as dopant source, and their properties were investigated as a function of doping concentration. X-ray analysis showed that the films were polycrystalline fitting well with a hexagonal structure and have preferred orientation in (220) direction. The changes observed in the energy band gap and structural properties of the films related to the boric acid concentration are discussed in detail.Keywords: spray pyrolysis, In2O3, boron, optical properties, boric acid
Procedia PDF Downloads 5873623 Practical Problems as Tools for the Development of Secondary School Students’ Motivation to Learn Mathematics
Authors: M. Rodionov, Z. Dedovets
This article discusses plausible reasoning use for solution to practical problems. Such reasoning is the major driver of motivation and implementation of mathematical, scientific and educational research activity. A general, practical problem solving algorithm is presented which includes an analysis of specific problem content to build, solve and interpret the underlying mathematical model. The author explores the role of practical problems such as the stimulation of students' interest, the development of their world outlook and their orientation in the modern world at the different stages of learning mathematics in secondary school. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of those problems which were systematized and presented in the conclusions.Keywords: mathematics, motivation, secondary school, student, practical problem
Procedia PDF Downloads 2993622 Implementing Learner-Centered Teaching Approach In Iraqi Higher Education
Authors: Iman Ali Ahmed Al-Rashed
This paper directs attention to the limitations of the teacher-centered strategy in teaching. The aim of this study is to draw more educational attention to learner-centered strategy in order to shift the emphasis from the traditional concept of teaching to a new concept in teaching. To begin bridging the traditional concept of teaching and the new concept, the study will explore the new concept of teaching to support teaching in Arab World generally and in Iraq specifically. A qualitative case study orientation was used to collect data in the form of classroom observations, interviews and field notes. The teaching practices used by three university instructors are investigated and according to the findings, some explanations and recommendations are made.Keywords: case study, learner-centered strategy, qualitative study, teacher-centered strategy, traditional teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 5483621 Quantitative Analysis of Camera Setup for Optical Motion Capture Systems
Authors: J. T. Pitale, S. Ghassab, H. Ay, N. Berme
Biomechanics researchers commonly use marker-based optical motion capture (MoCap) systems to extract human body kinematic data. These systems use cameras to detect passive or active markers placed on the subject. The cameras use triangulation methods to form images of the markers, which typically require each marker to be visible by at least two cameras simultaneously. Cameras in a conventional optical MoCap system are mounted at a distance from the subject, typically on walls, ceiling as well as fixed or adjustable frame structures. To accommodate for space constraints and as portable force measurement systems are getting popular, there is a need for smaller and smaller capture volumes. When the efficacy of a MoCap system is investigated, it is important to consider the tradeoff amongst the camera distance from subject, pixel density, and the field of view (FOV). If cameras are mounted relatively close to a subject, the area corresponding to each pixel reduces, thus increasing the image resolution. However, the cross section of the capture volume also decreases, causing reduction of the visible area. Due to this reduction, additional cameras may be required in such applications. On the other hand, mounting cameras relatively far from the subject increases the visible area but reduces the image quality. The goal of this study was to develop a quantitative methodology to investigate marker occlusions and optimize camera placement for a given capture volume and subject postures using three-dimension computer-aided design (CAD) tools. We modeled a 4.9m x 3.7m x 2.4m (LxWxH) MoCap volume and designed a mounting structure for cameras using SOLIDWORKS (Dassault Systems, MA, USA). The FOV was used to generate the capture volume for each camera placed on the structure. A human body model with configurable posture was placed at the center of the capture volume on CAD environment. We studied three postures; initial contact, mid-stance, and early swing. The human body CAD model was adjusted for each posture based on the range of joint angles. Markers were attached to the model to enable a full body capture. The cameras were placed around the capture volume at a maximum distance of 2.7m from the subject. We used the Camera View feature in SOLIDWORKS to generate images of the subject as seen by each camera and the number of markers visible to each camera was tabulated. The approach presented in this study provides a quantitative method to investigate the efficacy and efficiency of a MoCap camera setup. This approach enables optimization of a camera setup through adjusting the position and orientation of cameras on the CAD environment and quantifying marker visibility. It is also possible to compare different camera setup options on the same quantitative basis. The flexibility of the CAD environment enables accurate representation of the capture volume, including any objects that may cause obstructions between the subject and the cameras. With this approach, it is possible to compare different camera placement options to each other, as well as optimize a given camera setup based on quantitative results.Keywords: motion capture, cameras, biomechanics, gait analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3103620 Electrochemical Synthesis and Morphostructural Study of the Cuprite Thin Film
Authors: M. El Hajji, A. Hallaoui, L. Bazzi, A. Benlhachemi, Lh. Bazzi, M. Hilali, O. Jbara, A. Tara, B. Bakiz
The cathodic electro deposition of the cuprite Cu2O by chrono potentiometry is performed on two types of electrodes "titanium and stainless steel", in a basic medium containing the precursor of copper. The plot produced vs SCE, shows the formation of a brown layer on the electrode surface. The chrono potentiometric recording made between - 0.2 and - 1 mA/cm2, has allowed us to have a deposit having different morphologies and structural orientation obtained as a function of the variation of many parameters. The morphology, the size of crystals, and the phase of the deposits produced were studied by conventional techniques of analysis of the solid, particularly the X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy analysis (SEM) and quantitative chemical analysis (EDS). The results will be presented and discussed, they show that the majority of deposits are pure and uniform.Keywords: cathodic electrodeposition, cuprite Cu2O, XRD, SEM, EDS analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4203619 Software Improvements of the Accuracy in the Air-Electronic Measurement Systems for Geometrical Dimensions
Authors: Miroslav H. Hristov, Velizar A. Vassilev, Georgi K. Dukendjiev
Due to the constant development of measurement systems and the aim for computerization, unavoidable improvements are made for the main disadvantages of air gauges. With the appearance of the air-electronic measuring devices, some of their disadvantages are solved. The output electrical signal allows them to be included in the modern systems for measuring information processing and process management. Producer efforts are aimed at reducing the influence of supply pressure and measurement system setup errors. Increased accuracy requirements and preventive error measures are due to the main uses of air electronic systems - measurement of geometric dimensions in the automotive industry where they are applied as modules in measuring systems to measure geometric parameters, form, orientation and location of the elements.Keywords: air-electronic, geometrical parameters, improvement, measurement systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 2283618 Passive Solar Water Concepts for Human Comfort
Authors: Eyibo Ebengeobong Eddie
Taking advantage of the sun's position to design buildings to ensure human comfort has always been an important aspect in an architectural design. Using cheap and less expensive methods and systems for gaining solar energy, heating and cooling has always been a great advantage to users and occupants of a building. As the years run by, daily techniques and methods have been created and more are being discovered to help reduce the energy demands of any building. Architects have made effective use of a buildings orientation, building materials and elements to achieve less energy demand. This paper talks about the various techniques used in solar heating and passive cooling of buildings and through water techniques and concepts to achieve thermal comfort.Keywords: comfort, passive, solar, water
Procedia PDF Downloads 4603617 Integrated Framework for Establishing Born-Global Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa
Authors: Nonso Ochinanwata, Patrick Oseloka Ezepue
This paper explores the process of creating and capturing born-global firm opportunities. It reviews the key constructs that underpin the establishment of born-global firms in sub-Saharan Africa. These include entrepreneurial orientation, resources and capabilities, collaboration, and contextual influences. The paper discusses how individuals and entrepreneurs in sub-Saharan Africa can establish home-based born-global firms that seek early international markets from inception. The paper suggests that sub-Saharan African governments should make a favourable microeconomics policy that will enable entrepreneurs and firms to acquire some certain minimal resources and capabilities, in order to develop global products and services.Keywords: born global-firms, collaboration, internationalisation, dynamic capabilities, entrepreneurship, sub-Saharan Africa
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