Search results for: Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Zamani
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 1804

Search results for: Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Zamani

1234 The Effect of Linear Low-Density Polyethylene Cross-Contamination by Other Plastic Types on Bitumen Modification

Authors: Nioushasadat Haji Seyed Javadi, Ailar Hajimohammadi, Nasser Khalili


Currently, the recycling of plastic wastes has been the subject of much research attention, especially in pavement constructions, where virgin polymers can be replaced by recycled plastics for asphalt binder modification. Among the plastic types, recycled linear low-density polyethylene (RLLDPE) has been one of the common and largely available plastics for bitumen modification. However, it is important to note that during the recycling process, LLDPE can easily be contaminated with other plastic types, especially with low-density polyethylene (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and polypropylene (PP). The cross-contamination of LLDPE with other plastics lowers its quality and, consequently, can affect the asphalt modification process. This study aims to assess the effect of LLDPE cross-contamination on bitumen modification. To do so, samples of bitumen modified with LLDPE and blends of LLDPE with LDPE, HDPE, and PP were prepared and compared through physical and rheological evaluations. The experimental tests, including softening point, penetration, viscosity at 135 °C, and dynamic shear rheometer, were conducted. The results indicated that the effect of cross-contamination on softening point and rutting resistance was negligible. On the other side, penetration and viscosity were highly impacted. The results also showed that among contamination of LLDPE with the other plastic types, PP had the highest influence in comparison with HDPE and LDPE on changing the properties of the LLDPE- modified bitumen.

Keywords: recycled polyethylene, polymer cross-contamination, waste plastic, bitumen, rutting resistance

Procedia PDF Downloads 129
1233 Determining the Relationship Between Maternal Stress and Depression and Child Obesity: The Mediating Role of Maternal Self-efficacy

Authors: Alireza Monzavi Chaleshtori, Mahnaz Aliakbari Dehkordi, Maryam Aliakbari, Solmaz Seyed Mostafaii


Objective: Considering the growing obesity among children and the role of mother's psychological factors as well as the need to prevent childhood obesity, this study aimed to investigate the mediating role of mother's self-efficacy in the relationship between mother's stress and depression and child obesity. Method: For this purpose, in a descriptive-correlation study, 222 mothers and children aged 1 to 5 years in Tehran, who had the opportunity to answer an online questionnaire, were selected by random sampling and to the depression scales of the Kroenke and Spitzer Patient Health Questionnaire, Cohen's stress and Self-efficacy of Berkeley mothers answered. Pearson correlation test and path analysis were used for data analysis. Findings: The findings showed that maternal depression had an indirect and significant effect on child obesity, and the effect of stress and depression on child obesity was indirect and non-significant. Therefore, the model has a good fit with the research data, and stress and depression indirectly predicted child obesity with the mediating role of self-efficacy. Conclusion: The hypothesized model tested based on mother's stress and depression with the mediating role of mother's self-efficacy was a good model in explaining the prediction of child obesity. Based on the findings of this research, a practical framework can be provided to explain the psychological factors of the mother in relation to child obesity and its treatment.

Keywords: stress, self-efficacy, child obesity, depression

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1232 Phonetic Variability of Arabic /x/, /ɣ/

Authors: Mohammad Anani


In Jordanian Arabic, the phonetic realization of the Arabic voiceless velar fricative /x/ and the voiced velar fricative /ɣ/ is highly context-sensitive and is largely influenced by the preceding or following consonants. In particular, the place of articulation, viz. velar or uvular, is determined by co-occurrence restrictions and mutual dependency between various ‘emphatic’/’non-emphatic’ consonantal and vocalic articulations. Anticipation of an upcoming ‘emphatic’ consonant: a uvular plosive or a voiced alveolar trill alters the place of articulation of the fricative so that it becomes uvular. On the other hand, the anticipation of an upcoming ‘non-emphatic’ consonant entails constraints of a different order than those relevant to the ‘emphatics.’

Keywords: Arabic velar/ uvular articulation dependency, emphatic/non-emphatic environment, lip protrusion and positioning of tongue, vowel formant frequencies values

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1231 Interaction of Low-Impact Development Techniques and Urban River Flooding on the Zoning – Case Study Qomroud

Authors: Mohammad Reza Kavianpour, Arsalan Behzadifard Pour, Ali Aghazadeh Cloudy, Abolfazl Moqimi


In recent decades, and with increasing of urban population and development of the city, the amount of impermeable surfaces has been increased. This cause urban runoff enhancement. This enhancement, especially in cities with urban river, increases the possibility of urban flooding caused by the river flooding interaction and urban runoff. In this research, we tried SWMM utilizes software development methods and practices that seek to reduce the impact of runoff to the river flows to reduce Qomroud and Effects using Arc GIS and HEC-RAS software on how we see the flood zone.

Keywords: flood management, SWMM, runoff, flood zone

Procedia PDF Downloads 614
1230 Extracting the Antioxidant Compounds of Medicinal Plant Limoniastrum guyonianum

Authors: Assia Belfar, Mohamed Hadjadj, Messaouda Dakmouche, Zineb Ghiaba, Mahdi Belguidoum


Introduction: This study aims to phytochemical screening; Extracting the active compounds and estimate the effectiveness of antioxidant in Medicinal plants desert Limoniastrum guyonianum (Zeïta) from South Algeria. Methods: Total phenolic content and total flavonoid content using Folin-Ciocalteu and aluminum chloride colorimetric methods, respectively. The total antioxidant capacity was estimated by the following methods: DPPH (1.1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical) and reducing power assay. Results: Phytochemical screening of the plant part reveals the presence of phenols, saponins, flavonoids and tannins. While alkaloids and Terpenoids were absent. The Methanolic extract of L. guyonianum was extracted successively with ethyl acetate and butanol. Extraction of yield varied widely in the L. guyonianum ranging from (1.315 % to 4.218%). butanol fraction had the highest yield. The higher content of phenols was recorded in butanol fraction (311.81 ± 0.02mg GAE/g DW), the higher content of flavonoids was found in butanol fraction (9.58 ± 0.33mg QE/g DW). IC50 of inhibition of radical DPPH in ethyl acetate fraction was (0.05 ± 0.01µg/ml) Equal effectiveness with BHT, All extracts showed good activity of ferric reducing power, the higher power was in butanol fraction (16.16 ± 0.05mM). Conclusions: Demonstrated this study that the Methanolic extract of L. guyonianum contain a considerable quantity of phenolic compounds and possess a good antioxidant activity. It can be used as an easily accessible source of Natural Antioxidants and as a possible food supplement and in pharmaceutical industry.

Keywords: flavonoid compound, l. guyonianum, medicinal plants, phenolic compounds, phytochemical screening

Procedia PDF Downloads 305
1229 An Interesting Case of Management of Life Threatening Calcium Disequilibrium in a Patient with Parathyroid Tumor

Authors: Rajish Shil, Mohammad Ali Houri, Mohammad Milad Ismail, Fatimah Al Kaabi


The clinical presentation of Primary hyperparathyroidism can vary from simple asymptomatic hypercalcemia to severe life-threatening hypercalcemic crisis with multi-organ dysfunction, which can be due to parathyroid adenoma or sometimes with malignant cancer. This cascade of clinical presentation can lead to a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for treating the disease. We are presenting a case of severe hypercalcemic crisis due to parathyroid adenoma with an emphasis on early management, diagnosis, and interventions to prevent any lifelong complications and any permanent organ dysfunction. A 30 years old female with a history of primary Infertility, admitted to Al Ain Hospital critical care unit with Acute Severe Necrotizing Pancreatitis. She initially had a 1-month history of abdominal pain on and off, for which she was treated conservatively with no much improvement, and later on, she developed life-threatening severe pancreatitis, which required her to be admitted to the critical care unit. She was transferred from a private healthcare facility, where she was found to have a very high level of calcium up to 15mmol/L. She received systemic Zoledronic Acid, which lowered her calcium level transiently and later was increased again. She went on to develop multiple end-organ damages along with multiple electrolytes disturbances. She was found to have high levels of Parathyroid hormone, which was correlated with a parathyroid mass on the neck via radiological imaging. After a long course of medical treatment to lower the calcium to a near-normal level, parathyroidectomy was done, which showed parathyroid adenoma on histology. She developed hungry bone syndrome after the surgery and pancreatic pseudocyst after resolving of pancreatitis. She required aggressive treatment with Intravenous calcium for her hypocalcemia as she received zoledronic acid at the beginning of the disease. Later on, she was discharged on long term calcium and other electrolytes supplements. In patients presenting with hypercalcemia, it is prudent to investigate and start treatment early to prevent complications and end-organ damage from hypercalcemia and also to treat the primary cause of the hypercalcemia, with conscious follow up to prevent hypocalcemic complications after treatment. It is important to follow up patients with parathyroid adenomas for a long period in order to detect any recurrence of the tumor or to make sure if the primary tumor is either benign or malignant.

Keywords: hypercalcemia, pancreatitis, hypocalcemia, hyperparathyroidism

Procedia PDF Downloads 123
1228 Islamic Transaction: An Alternative for Customer Satisfaction in the Islamic Banking

Authors: Mohammad Iqbal Maiik


Islamic marketing ethics combines the principle of value maximization with the principles of equity and justice for the welfare of the society. Adherence to the Islamic ethics in the Islamic banking industry can help elevate the standards of both behavior and living of bankers and customers alike. In a rapidly changing marketing environment, the need to be customer-focused has never been as important as it is today. At present where customers are becoming more demanding and increasingly mobile between competing financial providers, being customer-focused is not enough. Islamic banks and more specifically their customer-contact employees (customer relation advisers or officers) need to be perceived by their customers as being Islamic. This study represents an initial step in analyzing the role of Islamic ethical sales behavior as it may be perceived by the customers of Islamic Banks.

Keywords: Islam, ethics, marketing, Islamic banks

Procedia PDF Downloads 424
1227 Using Convergent and Divergent Thinking in Creative Problem Solving in Mathematics

Authors: Keng Keh Lim, Zaleha Ismail, Yudariah Mohammad Yusof


This paper aims to find out how students using convergent and divergent thinking in creative problem solving to solve mathematical problems creatively. Eight engineering undergraduates in a local university took part in this study. They were divided into two groups. They solved the mathematical problems with the use of creative problem solving skills. Their solutions were collected and analyzed to reveal all the processes of problem solving, namely: problem definition, ideas generation, ideas evaluation, ideas judgment, and solution implementation. The result showed that the students were able to solve the mathematical problem with the use of creative problem solving skills.

Keywords: convergent thinking, divergent thinking, creative problem solving, creativity

Procedia PDF Downloads 351
1226 Influence of Canola Oil and Lysine Supplementation Diets on Growth Performance and Fatty Acid Composition of Meat in Broiler Chicks

Authors: Ali Kiani, Seyed Davod. Sharifi, Shokoufeh Ghazanfari


A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of diets containing different levels of lysine and canola oil on growth performance and fatty acid composition of meat of broilers chicks. 240-day old Ross broiler chicks were used in a 3×2 factorial arrangement with canola oil (1, 3, and 5%) and lysine (recommended, and 25% more than recommended by Ross broiler manual) in completely randomized design with four replicates and 10 birds per each. The experimental diets were iso-caloric and iso-nitrogenous. Feed intake and body weight gain were recorded at the end of starter (10 d), grower (24 d) and finisher (42 d) periods, and feed conversion ratio was calculated. The results showed that the weight gain of chickens fed diets containing 5% canola oil were greater than those of birds fed on other diets (P<0.05). The dietary lysine had significant effect on feed intake and diets with 25% more than recommended, increased feed intake significantly (P<0.05). The canola oil×lysine interaction effects on performance were not significant. Among all treatment birds, those fed diets containing 5% canola oil had the highest meristic acid and oleic acid content in their meat. Broilers fed diets containing 3 or 5% canola oil possessed the higher content of linolenic acid and lower content of arachidonic acid in their meat (P<0.05). The results of the present experiment indicated that the diets containing canola oil (5%) and lysine at 25% higher than requirement, improve the growth performance, carcass and breast yield of broiler, and increase the accumulation of Omega-3 fatty acids in breast meat.

Keywords: broiler, canola oil. lysine, fatty acid

Procedia PDF Downloads 293
1225 The Reasons for the Continuous Decline in the Quality of Higher Education in Iran, with a Case Study of Students at Tehran University Law School

Authors: Mohammad Matin


Nowadays, one of the basic problems of higher education is a significant decline in the quality of education and reduction in efficiency of training. These research and studies are aiming to assess affecting factors of the erosion of academic quality, including educational environmental and content, social and economic factors, elements of the training, elements of education, family factors, from the perspective of students. The result of such improper competition, totally, has led to the decline of education quality in higher education centers, and in many aspects. The results showed a significant difference between male and female students' perspective for two areas of social and economic factors.

Keywords: higher education, decline, the quality of education, student

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1224 Physical, Morphological, and Rheological Properties of Polypropylene Modified Bitumen

Authors: Nioushasadat Haji Seyed Javadi, Ailar Hajimohammadi, Nasser Khalili


The common method to improve the performance of asphalt binders is through modification. The utilization of recycled plastics for asphalt modification has been the subject of research studies due to their environmental and economic benefits over using commercial polymers. Polypropylene (PP) is one of the most available recycled plastics in Australia. Unlike other plastics, its contamination with other plastics during the recycling process is negligible. Therefore, the quality of recycled plastic is high, which makes it a good candidate for road construction applications. To assess its effectiveness for bitumen modification, three different grades of PP were selected. The PP grades were compared for blendability with bitumen, and the best suitable grade was chosen for further studies. The PP-modified bitumen and the base bitumen were then compared through physical and rheological properties. The stability of the PP-modified bitumen at elevated temperatures was measured, and the morphology of the samples before and after the storage stability was characterized by fluorescent microscopy. The results showed that PP had a significant influence on reducing the penetration and increasing the viscosity and the rutting resistance of the virgin bitumen. Storage stability test results indicated that the difference between the softening point of the top and bottom section of the tube sample is below the defined limit, which means the PP-modified bitumen is storage stable. However, the fluorescence microscopy results showed that the distribution of the PP particles in the bitumen matrix in the top and bottom sections of the tube are significantly different, which is an indicator of poor storage stability.

Keywords: polypropylene, waste plastic, bitumen, road pavements, storage stability, fluorescent microscopy, morphology

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1223 Conflicts and Similarities among Energy Law, Environmental Law and Economic Aspects

Authors: Bahareh Arghand, Seyed Abbas Poorhashemi, Ramin Roshandel


Nowadays, Economic growth and the increasing use of fossil fuel have caused major damages to environment. Therefore, international law has tried to codify the rules and regulations and identify legal principles to decrease conflict of interests between energy law and environmental law. The open relationship between energy consumption and the law of nature has been ignored for years, because the focus of energy law has been on an affordable price of a reliable supply of energy; while the focus of environmental law was on protection of the nature. In fact, the legal and overall policies of energy are based on Sic Omnes and inter part for governments whereas environmental law is based on common interests and Erga Omnes. The relationship between energy law, environmental law and economic aspects is multilateral, complex and important. Moreover, they influence each other. There are similarities in the triangle of energy, environment and economic aspects and in some cases there are conflict of interest but their conflicts are in goals not in practice and their legal jurisdiction is in international law. The development of national and international rules and regulations relevant to energy-environment has been done by separate sectors, whereas sustainable development principle, especially in the economic sector, requires environmental considerations. It is an important turning point to integrate and decrease conflict of interest among energy law, environmental law and economic aspects. The present study examines existing legal principles on energy and the environment and identifies the similarities and conflicts based on the descriptive-analytic study. The purpose of investigating these legal principles is to integrate and decrease conflict of interest between energy law and environmental law.

Keywords: energy law, environmental law, erga omnes, sustainable development

Procedia PDF Downloads 385
1222 Sinapic Acid Attenuation of Cyclophosphamide-Induced Liver Toxicity in Mice by Modulating Oxidative Stress, Nf-κB, and Caspase-3

Authors: Shiva Rezaei, Seyed Jalal Hosseinimehr, Abbasali Karimpour Malekshah, Mansooreh Mirzaei, Fereshteh Talebpour Amiri, Mehryar Zargari


Objective(s): Cyclophosphamide (CP), as an antineoplastic drug, is widely used in cancer patients, and liver toxicity is one of its complications. Sinapic acid (SA), as a natural phenylpropanoid, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. Materials and Methods: The purpose of the current study was to determine the protective effect of SA versus CP-induced liver toxicity. In this research, BALB/c mice were treated with SA (5 and 10 mg/kg) orally for one week, and CP (200 mg/kg) was injected on day 3 of the study. Oxidative stress markers, serum liver-specific enzymes, histopathological features, caspase-3, and nuclear factor kappa-B cells were then checked. Results: CP induced hepatotoxicity in mice and showed structural changes in liver tissue. CP significantly increased liver enzymes and lipid peroxidation and decreased glutathione. The immunoreactivity of caspase-3 and nuclear factor kappa-B cells was significantly increased. Administration of SA significantly maintained histochemical parameters and liver function enzymes in mice treated with CP. Immunohistochemical examination showed SA reduced apoptosis and inflammation. Conclusion: The data confirmed that SA with anti-apoptotic, anti-oxidative, and anti-inflammatory activities was able to preserve CP-induced liver injury in mice.

Keywords: apoptosis, cyclophosphamide, liver injury, inflammation, oxidative stress, sinapic acid

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1221 Evaluating the Seismic Stress Distribution in the High-Rise Structures Connections with Optimal Bracing System

Authors: H. R. Vosoughifar, Seyedeh Zeinab. Hosseininejad, Nahid Shabazi, Seyed Mohialdin Hosseininejad


In recent years, structure designers advocate further application of energy absorption devices for lateral loads damping. The Un-bonded Braced Frame (UBF) system is one of the efficient damping systems, which is made of a smart combination of steel and concrete or mortar. In this system, steel bears the earthquake-induced axial force as compressive or tension forces without loss of strength. Concrete or mortar around the steel core acts as a constraint for brace and prevents brace buckling during seismic axial load. In this study, the optimal bracing system in the high-rise structures has been evaluated considering the seismic stress distribution in the connections. An actual 18-story structure was modeled using the proper Finite Element (FE) software where braced with UBF, Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBF) and Concentrically Braced Frame (CBF) systems. Nonlinear static pushover and time-history analyses are then performed so that the acquired results demonstrate that the UBF system reduces drift values in the high-rise buildings. Further statistical analyses show that there is a significant difference between the drift values of UBF system compared with those resulted from the EBF and CBF systems. Hence, the seismic stress distribution in the connections of the proposed structure which braced with UBF system was investigated.

Keywords: optimal bracing system, high-rise structure, finite element analysis (FEA), seismic stress

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1220 An Investigation into Fraud Detection in Financial Reporting Using Sugeno Fuzzy Classification

Authors: Mohammad Sarchami, Mohsen Zeinalkhani


Always, financial reporting system faces some problems to win public ear. The increase in the number of fraud and representation, often combined with the bankruptcy of large companies, has raised concerns about the quality of financial statements. So, investors, legislators, managers, and auditors have focused on significant fraud detection or prevention in financial statements. This article aims to investigate the Sugeno fuzzy classification to consider fraud detection in financial reporting of accepted firms by Tehran stock exchange. The hypothesis is: Sugeno fuzzy classification may detect fraud in financial reporting by financial ratio. Hypothesis was tested using Matlab software. Accuracy average was 81/80 in Sugeno fuzzy classification; so the hypothesis was confirmed.

Keywords: fraud, financial reporting, Sugeno fuzzy classification, firm

Procedia PDF Downloads 250
1219 The Comparison of Movement and Physical Fitness in Secondary Male Students in Altitude and Coastal Areas

Authors: Esmaeil Zabihi, Seyed Hossein Alavi


The purpose of this study is a comparison of movement and physical fitness in athlete's male students in altitude and sea-level. The samples consist of 450 subjects in altitude and sea-level in Iran in years of 2013 which were selected randomly from the population. We investigated the effect of high altitude on the tests activity profile of youth high altitude and sea level residents. Methods 450 Sea Level (Mahmood Abad) and 450 Altitude-resident (Shahre-Kord) athlete students tests of physical fitness near sea level (-5 m) and in Altitude (2100 m). This study is Descriptive Research (causal-comparative research). The tests of physical fitness include pull-ups test, sit-ups test, agility test(4 9), 45 sprint test, 1600 m running, long jump, and flexibility test. For determining of different between the physical fitness of altitude and sea-level students was used t-test (P ≤ 0.05). The result of this study show that there is no significant difference between the average of pull-ups test, flexibility, 45 sprints, and agility (4 9) test of students in sea-level and altitude. But there is a significant difference between the average of sit-ups, 1600 m running and long jump in altitude. The students of altitude have higher power rather than sea-level. But the students of sea-level have stronger abdominal muscles and cardio-respiratory endurance rather than altitude. High altitude reduces the distance covered by youth athlete students during tests. Neither acclimatisation nor lifelong residence at high altitude protects against detrimental effects of altitude on tests activity profile.

Keywords: physical fitness, sea level, altitude areas, AAHPERD test

Procedia PDF Downloads 441
1218 Survey of Rate and Causes of Literacy Preservation in Adult Newly Learners

Authors: Mohammad Narimani, Zahra Rostamoghli


The main objective of this study is the survey of rate and causes of literacy preservation in adult newly learners. Statistical sample consists of 384 adults who are newly learners of literacy, at 2002, who were selected by stratified sampling method. This is a correlation cross-sectional survey research, in which authors-constructed measures were used for data collection. Results of survey showed that learners' literacy preservation rate after two years was 70%, 61% and 57%, in reading, dictation and mathematic tests, respectively.Following can be noted as factors correlated with literacy preservation; repetition of subjects and learners' subjective review, access to and using the library and publications, feeling of need to and interest in educated matters, socio cultural class of learners, and literacy level of learners' family.

Keywords: literacy preservation, new learner, literacy improvement movement, mathematic test

Procedia PDF Downloads 478
1217 Ultrafast Transistor Laser Containing Graded Index Separate Confinement Heterostructure

Authors: Mohammad Hosseini


Ultrafast transistor laser investigated here has the graded index separate confinement heterostructure (GRIN-SCH) in its base region. Resonance-free optical frequency response with -3dB bandwidth of more than 26 GHz has been achieved for a single quantum well transistor laser by using graded index layers of AlξGa1-ξAs (ξ: 0.1→0) on the left side of the quantum well and AlξGa1-ξAs (ξ: 0.05→0) in the right side of quantum well. All required parameters, including quantum well and base transit time, optical confinement factor and spontaneous recombination lifetime, have been calculated using a self-consistent charge control model.

Keywords: transistor laser, ultrafast, GRIN-SCH, -3db optical bandwidth, AlξGa1-ξAs

Procedia PDF Downloads 156
1216 Importance of Cryptosporidiosis in Dairy Calves

Authors: Mohammad Asadpour


Cryptosporidium spp. is zoonotic pathogens transmissible from a variety of animals to humans and is a considerable public health concern. Calves have been identified in numerous reports as a major source of environmental contamination with this pathogen. Parasite has a different species that are the cases of zoonotic disease in immunodeficient people and neonatal calves. Cryptosporidium oocysts are extremely resistant to chlorine and other physical cases that commonly used in drinking water. Reproduction of resistant oocytes is a way for this monoxenous parasite to remain in the environment. Cryptosporidium parvum is the most important species that has human and cattle genotypes. Cryptosporidium is one of the most important causes of diarrhea in neonatal calves and also, one of the four causes of diarrhea symptoms in pre-weaned calves. Because of the incompetent immune system in calves, Cryptosporidium infection is the cause of a lot of problems in raising farms.

Keywords: Cryptosporidium spp, dairy calves, importance, veterinary medicine

Procedia PDF Downloads 584
1215 Influence of the Substitution of C for Mg and Ni on the Microstructure and Hydrogen Storage Characteristics of Mg2Ni Alloys

Authors: Sajad Haghanifar, Seyed-Farshid Kashani Bozorg


Nano-crystalline Mg2Ni-based powder was produced by mechanical alloying technique using binary and ternary powder mixtures with stoichiometric compositions of Mg2Ni, Mg1.9C0.1Ni and Mg2C0.1Ni0.9. The structures and morphologies of the milled products were studied by XRD, SEM and HRTEM. Their electrochemical hydrogen storage characteristics were investigated in 6 M KOH solution. X-Ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy of the milled products showed the formation of Mg2Ni-based nano-crystallites after 5, 15 and 30 h of milling using the initial powder mixtures of Mg1.9C0.1Ni, Mg2Ni and Mg2C0.1Ni0.9, respectively. It was found that partial substitution of C for Mg has beneficial effect on the formation kinetic of nano-crystalline Mg2Ni. Contrary to this, partial substitution of C for Ni was resulted in retardation of formation kinetic of nano-crystalline Mg2Ni. In addition, the negative electrode made from Mg1.9C0.1Ni ternary milled product after 30 hour of milling exhibited the highest initial discharge capacity and longest discharge life. Thus, partial substitution of C for Mg is beneficial to electrode properties of the Mg2Ni-based crystallites. The relation between the discharge capacity and cycling number of mechanically alloyed products was proposed on the basis of the fact that the degradation of discharge capacity was mainly caused by the oxidation of magnesium and nickel. The experimental data fitted the deduced equation well.

Keywords: Mg2Ni, hydrogen absorbing materials, electrochemical properties, nano-crystalline, amorphous, mechanical alloying, carbon

Procedia PDF Downloads 435
1214 Development of a Large-Scale Cyclic Shear Testing Machine Under Constant Normal Stiffness

Authors: S. M. Mahdi Niktabara, K. Seshagiri Raob, Amit Kumar Shrivastavac, Jiří Ščučkaa


The presence of the discontinuity in the form of joints is one of the most significant factors causing instability in the rock mass. On the other hand, dynamic loads, including earthquake and blasting induce cyclic shear loads along the joints in rock masses; therefore, failure of rock mass exacerbates along the joints due to changing shear resistance. Joints are under constant normal load (CNL) and constant normal stiffness (CNS) conditions. Normal stiffness increases on the joints with increasing depth, and it can affect shear resistance. For correct assessment of joint shear resistance under varying normal stiffness and number of cycles, advanced laboratory shear machine is essential for the shear test. Conventional direct shear equipment has limitations such as boundary conditions, working under monotonic movements only, or cyclic shear loads with constant frequency and amplitude of shear loads. Hence, a large-scale servo-controlled direct shear testing machine was designed and fabricated to perform shear test under the both CNL and CNS conditions with varying normal stiffness at different frequencies and amplitudes of shear loads. In this study, laboratory cyclic shear tests were conducted on non-planar joints under varying normal stiffness. In addition, the effects of different frequencies and amplitudes of shear loads were investigated. The test results indicate that shear resistance increases with increasing normal stiffness at the first cycle, but the influence of normal stiffness significantly decreases with an increase in the number of shear cycles. The frequency of shear load influences on shear resistance, i.e. shear resistance increases with increasing frequency. However, at low shear amplitude the number of cycles does not affect shear resistance on the joints, but it decreases with higher amplitude.

Keywords: cyclic shear load, frequency of load, amplitude of displacement, normal stiffness

Procedia PDF Downloads 153
1213 FWGE Production From Wheat Germ Using Co-culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus plantarum

Authors: Valiollah Babaeipour, Mahdi Rahaie


food supplements are rich in specific nutrients and bioactive compounds that eliminate free radicals and improve cellular metabolism. The major bioactive compounds are found in bran and cereal sprouts. Secondary metabolites of these microorganisms have antioxidant properties that can be used alone or in combination with chemotherapy and radiation therapy to treat cancer. Biologically active compounds such as benzoquinone derivatives extracted from fermented wheat germ extract (FWGE) have several positive effects on the overall state of human health and strengthen the immune system. The present work describes the discontinuous fermentation of raw wheat germ for FWGE production through the simultaneous culture process using the probiotic strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus plantarum, and the possibility of using solid waste. To increase production efficiency, first to select important factors in the optimization of each fermentation process, using a factorial statistical scheme of stirring fraction (120 to 200 rpm), dilution of solids to solvent (1 to 8-12), fermentation time (16 to 24 hours) and strain to wheat germ ratio (20% to 50%) were studied and then simultaneous culture was performed to increase the yields of 2 and 6 dimethoxybenzoquinone (2,6-DMBQ). Since 2 and 6 dimethoxy benzoquinone were fermented as the main biologically active compound in wheat germ extract, UV-Vis analysis was performed to confirm the presence of 2 and 6 dimethoxy benzoquinone in the final product. In addition, 2,6-DMBQ of some products was isolated in a non-polar C-18 column and quantified using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Based on our findings, it can be concluded that the increase of 2 and 6 dimethoxybenzoquinone in the simultaneous culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Lactobacillus plantarum compared to pure culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (from 1.89 mg / g) to 28.9% (2.66 mg / g) Increased.

Keywords: wheat germ, FWGE, saccharomyces cerevisiae, lactobacillus plantarum, co-culture, 2, 6-DMBQ

Procedia PDF Downloads 131
1212 Overview and Future Opportunities of Sarcasm Detection on Social Media Communications

Authors: Samaneh Nadali, Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad, Nurfadhlina Mohammad Sharef


Sarcasm is a common phenomenon in social media which is a nuanced form of language for stating the opposite of what is implied. Due to the intentional ambiguity, analysis of sarcasm is a difficult task not only for a machine but even for a human. Although sarcasm detection has an important effect on sentiment, it is usually ignored in social media analysis because sarcasm analysis is too complicated. While there is a few systems exist which can detect sarcasm, almost no work has been carried out on a study and the review of the existing work in this area. This survey presents a nearly full image of sarcasm detection techniques and the related fields with brief details. The main contributions of this paper include the illustration of the recent trend of research in the sarcasm analysis and we highlight the gaps and propose a new framework that can be explored.

Keywords: sarcasm detection, sentiment analysis, social media, sarcasm analysis

Procedia PDF Downloads 458
1211 InfoMiracles in the Qur’an and a Mathematical Proof to the Existence of God

Authors: Mohammad Mahmoud Mandurah


The existence of InfoMiracles in scripture is evidence that the scripture has a divine origin. It is also evidence to the existence of God. An InfoMiracle is an information-based miracle. The basic component of an InfoMiracle is a piece of information that could not be obtained by a human except through a divine channel. The existence of a sufficient number of convincing InfoMiracles in a scripture necessitates the existence of the divine source to these InfoMiracles. A mathematical equation is developed to prove that the Qur’an has a divine origin, and hence, prove the existence of God. The equation depends on a single variable only, which is the number of InfoMiracles in the Qur’an. The Qur’an is rich with InfoMiracles. It is shown that the existence of less than 30 InfoMiracles in the Qur’an is sufficient proof to the existence of God and that the Qur’an is a revelation from God.

Keywords: InfoMiracle, God, mathematical proof, miracle, probability

Procedia PDF Downloads 218
1210 Assessing Pain Using Morbid Motion Monitor System in the Pain Management of Nurse Practitioner

Authors: Mohammad Reza Dawoudi


With the increasing rate of patients suffering from chronic pain, several methods for evaluating of chronic pain are suggested. Motion of morbid has been defined as the rate of pine and it is linked with various co-morbid conditions. This study provides a summary of procedure useful to statistics performing direct behavioral observation in hospital settings. We describe the need for and usefulness of comprehensive “morbid motions” observations; provide a primer on the identification, definition, and assessment of morbid behaviors; and outline and discuss specific statistical procedures, including formulating referral motions, describing and conducting the observation. We also provide practical devices for observing and analyzing the obtained information into a report that guides clinical intervention.

Keywords: assessing pain, DNA modeling, image matching technique, pain scale

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1209 Deformation and Energy Absorption of Corrugated Tubes

Authors: Mohammad R. Rahim, Shagil Akhtar, Prem K. Bharti, Syed Muneeb Iqbal


Deformation and energy absorption studies with corrugated tubes where corrugation is perpendicular to the line of action which coincides exactly with the unstrained axis of the tubes. In the present study, several specimens with various geometric parameters are prepared and compressed quasi-statistically in ANSYS Workbench. It is observed that tubes with perpendicular corrugation alters the deformation condition considerably and culminates in a substantial escalation in energy absorption scope in juxtaposed with the tubes having a circular cross-section. This study will help automotive, aerospace and various other industries to design superior components with perpendicular corrugated tubes and will reduce the experimental trials by conducting the numerical simulations.

Keywords: ANSYS Workbench, deformation and energy absorption, corrugated tubes, quasi-static compression

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1208 Hydrogen Production Through Thermocatalytic Decomposition of Methane Over Biochar

Authors: Seyed Mohamad Rasool Mirkarimi, David Chiaramonti, Samir Bensaid


Catalytic methane decomposition (CMD, reaction 4) is a one-step process for hydrogen production where carbon in the methane molecule is sequestered in the form of stable and higher-value carbon materials. Metallic catalysts and carbon-based catalysts are two major types of catalysts utilized for the CDM process. Although carbon-based catalysts have lower activity compared to metallic ones, they are less expensive and offer high thermal stability and strong resistance to chemical impurities such as sulfur. Also, it would require less costly separation methods as some of the carbon-based catalysts may not have an active metal component in them. Since the regeneration of metallic catalysts requires burning of the C on their surfaces, which emits CO/CO2, in some cases, using carbon-based catalysts would be recommended because regeneration can be completely avoided, and the catalyst can be directly used in other processes. This work focuses on the effect of biochar as a carbon-based catalyst for the conversion of methane into hydrogen and carbon. Biochar produced from the pyrolysis of poplar wood and activated biochar are used as catalysts for this process. In order to observe the impact of carbon-based catalysts on methane conversion, methane cracking in the absence and presence of catalysts for a gas stream with different levels of methane concentration should be performed. The results of these experiments prove conversion of methane in the absence of catalysts at 900 °C is negligible, whereas in the presence of biochar and activated biochar, significant growth has been observed. Comparing the results of the tests related to using char and activated char shows the enhancement obtained in BET surface area of the catalyst through activation leads to more than 10 vol.% methane conversion.

Keywords: hydrogen production, catalytic methane decomposition, biochar, activated biochar, carbon-based catalyts

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1207 Effect of Signal Acquisition Procedure on Imagined Speech Classification Accuracy

Authors: M.R Asghari Bejestani, Gh. R. Mohammad Khani, V.R. Nafisi


Imagined speech recognition is one of the most interesting approaches to BCI development and a lot of works have been done in this area. Many different experiments have been designed and hundreds of combinations of feature extraction methods and classifiers have been examined. Reported classification accuracies range from the chance level to more than 90%. Based on non-stationary nature of brain signals, we have introduced 3 classification modes according to time difference in inter and intra-class samples. The modes can explain the diversity of reported results and predict the range of expected classification accuracies from the brain signal accusation procedure. In this paper, a few samples are illustrated by inspecting results of some previous works.

Keywords: brain computer interface, silent talk, imagined speech, classification, signal processing

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1206 Learning Compression Techniques on Smart Phone

Authors: Farouk Lawan Gambo, Hamada Mohammad


Data compression shrinks files into fewer bits than their original presentation. It has more advantage on the internet because the smaller a file, the faster it can be transferred but learning most of the concepts in data compression are abstract in nature, therefore, making them difficult to digest by some students (engineers in particular). This paper studies the learning preference of engineering students who tend to have strong, active, sensing, visual and sequential learning preferences, the paper also studies the three shift of technology-aided that learning has experienced, which mobile learning has been considered to be the feature of learning that will integrate other form of the education process. Lastly, we propose a design and implementation of mobile learning application using software engineering methodology that will enhance the traditional teaching and learning of data compression techniques.

Keywords: data compression, learning preference, mobile learning, multimedia

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1205 A New Approach for Generalized First Derivative of Nonsmooth Functions Using Optimization

Authors: Mohammad Mehdi Mazarei, Ali Asghar Behroozpoor


In this paper, we define an optimization problem corresponding to smooth and nonsmooth functions which its optimal solution is the first derivative of these functions in a domain. For this purpose, a linear programming problem corresponding to optimization problem is obtained. The optimal solution of this linear programming problem is the approximate generalized first derivative. In fact, we approximate generalized first derivative of nonsmooth functions as tailor series. We show the efficiency of our approach by some smooth and nonsmooth functions in some examples.

Keywords: general derivative, linear programming, optimization problem, smooth and nonsmooth functions

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