Search results for: thickness dependence
1784 Diversifying Nigeria's Economy Using Tourism as a Richer Alternative to Oil
Authors: Aly Audu Fada
The mono-economic structure of Nigerian economy has made it depend on oil for so many years. Apart from the negative effect of its exploitation, relying solely on oil as the major source of revenue for peddling the ship of development is myopic. The crumbling oil price in the world market is one proof of the dangers of this over-dependence. This paper highlights the consequences of the oil-driven economy and explores the various opportunities that are accessible in tourism through a contextual analysis. It is recommended that those at the helm of affairs should initiate collaboration between the public and private sectors to explore and harness the rich tourism resources naturally dispersed across the country to achieve the objectives of economic transformation agenda of the Federal Government.Keywords: diversifying, economic, tourism, oil
Procedia PDF Downloads 3971783 Geological Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Potential of M’Rar Formation Within NC-210, Atshan Saddle Ghadamis-Murzuq Basins, Libya
Authors: Sadeg M. Ghnia, Mahmud Alghattawi
The NC-210 study area is located in Atshan Saddle between both Ghadamis and Murzuq basins, west Libya. The preserved Palaeozoic successions are predominantly clastics reaching thickness of more than 20,000 ft in northern Ghadamis Basin depocenter. The Carboniferous series consist of interbedded sandstone, siltstone, shale, claystone and minor limestone deposited in a fluctuating shallow marine to brackish lacustrine/fluviatile environment which attain maximum thickness of over 5,000ft in the area of Atshan Saddle and recorded 3,500 ft. in outcrops of Murzuq Basin flanks. The Carboniferous strata was uplifted and eroded during Late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic time in northern Ghadamis Basin and Atshan Saddle. The M'rar Formation age is Tournaisian to Late Serpukhovian based on palynological markers and contains about 12 cycles of sandstone and shale deposited in shallow to outer neritic deltaic settings. The hydrocarbons in the M'rar reservoirs possibly sourced from the Lower Silurian and possibly Frasinian radioactive hot shales. The M'rar Formation lateral, vertical and thickness distribution is possibly influenced by the reactivation of Tumarline Strik-Slip fault and its conjugate faults. A pronounced structural paleohighs and paleolows, trending SE & NW through the Gargaf Saddle, is possibly indicative of the present of two sub-basins in the area of Atshan Saddle. A number of identified seismic reflectors from existing 2D seismic covering Atshan Saddle reflect M’rar deltaic 12 sandstone cycles. M’rar7, M’rar9, M’rar10 and M’rar12 are characterized by high amplitude reflectors, while M’rar2 and M’rar6 are characterized by medium amplitude reflectors. These horizons are productive reservoirs in the study area. Available seismic data in the study area contributed significantly to the identification of M’rar potential traps, which are prominently 3- way dip closure against fault zone. Also seismic data indicates the presence of a significant strikeslip component with the development of flower-structure. The M'rar Formation hydrocarbon discoveries are concentrated mainly in the Atshan Saddle located in southern Ghadamis Basin, Libya and Illizi Basin in southeast of Algeria. Significant additional hydrocarbons may be present in areas adjacent to the Gargaf Uplift, along structural highs and fringing the Hoggar Uplift, providing suitable migration pathways.Keywords: hydrocarbon potential, stratigraphy, Ghadamis basin, seismic, well data integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 741782 Investigating the Characteristics of Multi-Plastic Composites Prepared from a Mixture of Silk Fibers and Recycled Polycarbonate
Authors: Razieh Shamsi, Mehdi Faezipour, Ali Abdolkhani
In this research, the characteristics of composites prepared from waste silk fibers and recycled polycarbonate polymer (used compacted boards) at four levels of 0, 10, 20, and 30% (silk fibers) and using 2% N- 2-Aminoethyl-3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane was investigated as a coupling agent and melt process method. Silk fibers (carpet weaving waste) with dimensions of 8-18 mm were prepared, and recycled polymer with 9 mesh grading was ground. Production boards in 3 thicknesses, 3 mm (tensile test samples), 5 mm (bending test samples, water absorption, and thickness shrinkage), 7 mm (impact resistance test samples) ) with a specific weight of 1 gram per cubic centimeter, hot pressing time and temperature of 12 minutes and 190 degrees Celsius with a pressure of 130 bar, cold pressing time of 6 minutes with a pressure of 50 bar and using the coupling agent N- (2- Aminoethyl)-3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane was prepared in a constant amount of 2% of the dry weight of the filler. The results showed that, in general, by adding silk fibers to the base polymer, compared to the control samples (pure recycled polycarbonate polymer) and also by increasing the amount of silk fibers, almost all the resistances increased. The amount of water absorption of the constructed composite increased with the increase in the amount of silk fibers, and the thickness absorption was equal to 0% even after 72 hours of immersion in water. The thermal resistance of the pure recycled polymer was higher than the prepared composites, and by adding silk fibers to the base polymer and also by increasing the amount of silk fibers from 10 to 30%, the thermal resistance of the composites decreased.Keywords: wood composite, recycled polycarbonate, silk fibers, polymer
Procedia PDF Downloads 931781 Peculiarities of Absorption near the Edge of the Fundamental Band of Irradiated InAs-InP Solid Solutions
Authors: Nodar Kekelidze, David Kekelidze, Elza Khutsishvili, Bela Kvirkvelia
The semiconductor devices are irreplaceable elements for investigations in Space (artificial Earth satellite, interplanetary space craft, probes, rockets) and for investigation of elementary particles on accelerators, for atomic power stations, nuclear reactors, robots operating on heavily radiation contaminated territories (Chernobyl, Fukushima). Unfortunately, the most important parameters of semiconductors dramatically worsen under irradiation. So creation of radiation-resistant semiconductor materials for opto and microelectronic devices is actual problem, as well as investigation of complicated processes developed in irradiated solid states. Homogeneous single crystals of InP-InAs solid solutions were grown with zone melting method. There has been studied the dependence of the optical absorption coefficient vs photon energy near fundamental absorption edge. This dependence changes dramatically with irradiation. The experiments were performed on InP, InAs and InP-InAs solid solutions before and after irradiation with electrons and fast neutrons. The investigations of optical properties were carried out on infrared spectrophotometer in temperature range of 10K-300K and 1mkm-50mkm spectral area. Radiation fluencies of fast neutrons was equal to 2·1018neutron/cm2 and electrons with 3MeV, 50MeV up to fluxes of 6·1017electron/cm2. Under irradiation, there has been revealed the exponential type of the dependence of the optical absorption coefficient vs photon energy with energy deficiency. The indicated phenomenon takes place at high and low temperatures as well at impurity different concentration and practically in all cases of irradiation by various energy electrons and fast neutrons. We have developed the common mechanism of this phenomenon for unirradiated materials and implemented the quantitative calculations of distinctive parameter; this is in a satisfactory agreement with experimental data. For the irradiated crystals picture get complicated. In the work, the corresponding analysis is carried out. It has been shown, that in the case of InP, irradiated with electrons (Ф=1·1017el/cm2), the curve of optical absorption is shifted to lower energies. This is caused by appearance of the tails of density of states in forbidden band due to local fluctuations of ionized impurity (defect) concentration. Situation is more complicated in the case of InAs and for solid solutions with composition near to InAs when besides noticeable phenomenon there takes place Burstein effect caused by increase of electrons concentration as a result of irradiation. We have shown, that in certain conditions it is possible the prevalence of Burstein effect. This causes the opposite effect: the shift of the optical absorption edge to higher energies. So in given solid solutions there take place two different opposite directed processes. By selection of solid solutions composition and doping impurity we obtained such InP-InAs, solid solution in which under radiation mutual compensation of optical absorption curves displacement occurs. Obtained result let create on the base of InP-InAs, solid solution radiation-resistant optical materials. Conclusion: It was established the nature of optical absorption near fundamental edge in semiconductor materials and it was created radiation-resistant optical material.Keywords: InAs-InP, electrons concentration, irradiation, solid solutions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2021780 Correlation Analysis of Reactivity in the Oxidation of Para and Meta-Substituted Benzyl Alcohols by Benzimidazolium Dichromate in Non-Aqueous Media: A Kinetic and Mechanistic Aspects
Authors: Seema Kothari, Dinesh Panday
An observed correlation of the reaction rates with the changes in the nature of substituent present on one of the reactants often reveals the nature of transition state. Selective oxidation of organic compounds under non-aqueous media is an important transformation in synthetic organic chemistry. Inorganic chromates and dichromates being drastic oxidant and are generally insoluble in most organic solvents, a number of different chromium (VI) derivatives have been synthesized. Benzimidazolium dichromate (BIDC) is one of the recently reported Cr(VI) reagents which is neither hygroscopic nor light sensitive being, therefore, much stable. Not many reports on the kinetics of the oxidations by BIDC are seemed to be available in the literature. In the present investigation, the kinetics and mechanism of benzyl alcohol (BA) and a number of para- and meta-substituted benzyl alcohols by benzimidazolium dichromate (BIDC), in dimethyl sulphoxide, is reported. The reactions were followed spectrophotometrically at 364 nm by monitoring the decrease in [BIDC] for up to 85-90% reaction, the temperature being constant. The observed oxidation product is the corresponding benzaldehyde. The reactions were of first order with respect to each the alcohol and BIDC. The reactions are catalyzed by proton, and the dependence is of the form: kobs = a + b[H+]. The reactions thus follow both, an acid-dependent and acid-independent paths. The oxidation of [1,1 2H2]benzyl alcohol exhibited the presence of a substantial kinetic isotope effect ( kH/kD = 6.20 at 298 K ). This indicated the cleavage of a α-C-H bond in the rate-determining step. An analysis of the temperature dependence of the deuterium isotope effect showed that the loss of hydrogen proceeds through a concerted cyclic process. The rate of oxidation of BA was determined in 19 organic solvents. An analysis of the solvent effect by Swain’s equation indicated that though both the anion and cation-solvating powers of the solvent contribute to the observed solvent effect, the role of cation-solvation is major. The rates of the para and meta compounds, at 298 K, failed to exhibit a significant correlation in terms of Hammett or Brown's substituent constants. The rates were then subjected to analyses in terms of dual substituent parameter (DSP) equations. The rates of oxidation of the para-substituted benzyl alcohols show an excellent correlation with Taft's σI and σRBA values. However, the rates for the meta-substituted benzyl alcohols show an excellent correlation with σI and σR0. The polar reaction constants are negative indicating an electron-deficient transition state. Hence the overall mechanism is proposed to involve the formation of a chromate ester in a fast pre-equilibrium and then a decomposition of the ester in a subsequent slow step via a cyclic concerted symmetrical transition state, involving hydride-ion transfer, leading to the product. The first order dependence on alcohol may be accounted in terms of the small value of the formation constant of the ester intermediate. An another reaction mechanism accounting the acid-catalysis involve the formation of a protonated BIDC prior to formation of an ester intermediate which subsequently decomposes in a slow step leading to the product.Keywords: benzimidazolium dichromate, benzyl alcohols, correlation analysis, kinetics, oxidation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3441779 Reliability of Dissimilar Metal Soldered Joint in Fabrication of Electromagnetic Interference Shielded Door Frame
Authors: Rehan Waheed, Hasan Aftab Saeed, Wasim Tarar, Khalid Mahmood, Sajid Ullah Butt
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) shielded doors made from brass extruded channels need to be welded with shielded enclosures to attain optimum shielding performance. Control of welding induced distortion is a problem in welding dissimilar metals like steel and brass. In this research, soldering of the steel-brass joint has been proposed to avoid weld distortion. The material used for brass channel is UNS C36000. The thickness of brass is defined by the manufacturing process, i.e. extrusion. The thickness of shielded enclosure material (ASTM A36) can be varied to produce joint between the dissimilar metals. Steel sections of different gauges are soldered using (91% tin, 9% zinc) solder to the brass, and strength of joint is measured by standard test procedures. It is observed that thin steel sheets produce a stronger bond with brass. The steel sections further require to be welded with shielded enclosure steel sheets through TIG welding process. Stresses and deformation in the vicinity of soldered portion is calculated through FE simulation. Crack formation in soldered area is also studied through experimental work. It has been found that in thin sheets deformation produced due to applied force is localized and has no effect on soldered joint area whereas in thick sheets profound cracks have been observed in soldered joint. The shielding effectiveness of EMI shielded door is compromised due to these cracks. The shielding effectiveness of the specimens is tested and results are compared.Keywords: dissimilar metal, EMI shielding, joint strength, soldering
Procedia PDF Downloads 1631778 Improvment Efficiency of Fitness Clubs Operation
Authors: E. V. Kuzmicheva
An attention is concentrated on a service quality estimation of sport services. A typical mathematical model was developed at the base of the «general economic theory of mass service» accounting pedagogical requirements of fitness services. Also it took into account a dependence of the club member number versus on a value of square of sport facilities. Final recommendations were applied to the fitness club resulted in some improvement of the quality sport service, an increasing of the revenue from club members and profit of clubs.Keywords: fitness club, efficiency of operation, facilities, service quality, mass service
Procedia PDF Downloads 5111777 Synthesis and Characterization of Cassava Starch-Zinc Nanocomposite Film for Food Packaging Application
Authors: Adeshina Fadeyibi
Application of pure thermoplastic film in food packaging is greatly limited because of its poor service performance, often enhanced by the addition of organic or inorganic particles in the range of 1–100 nm. Thus, this study was conducted to develop cassava starch zinc-nanocomposite films for applications in food packaging. Three blending ratios of 1000 g cassava starch, 45–55 % (w/w) glycerol and 0–2 % (w/w) zinc nanoparticles were formulated, mixed and mechanically homogenized to form the nanocomposite. Thermoplastic were prepared, from a dispersed mixture of 24 g of the nanocomposite and 600 ml of distilled water, and heated to 90oC for 30 minutes. Plastic molds of 350 ×180 mm dimension and 8, 10 and 12 mm depths were used for film casting and drying at 60oC and 80 % RH for 24 hour. The average thicknesses of the dried films were found to be 15, 16 and 17 µm. The films were characterized based on their barrier, thermal, mechanical and structural properties. The results show that the oxygen and water vapor barrier properties increased with glycerol concentration and decreased with thickness; but the full width at half maximum (FWHM) and d- spacing increased with thickness. The higher degree of d- spacing obtained is a consequence of higher polymer intercalation and exfoliation. Also, only 2 % weight degradation was observed when the films were exposed to temperature between 30–60oC; indicating that they are thermally stable and can be used for packaging applications in the tropics. The mechanical properties of the film were higher than that of the pure thermoplastic but comparable with the LDPE films. The information on the characterized attributes and optimization of the cassava starch zinc-nanocomposite films justifies their alternative application to pure thermoplastic and conventional films for food packaging.Keywords: synthesis, characterization, casaava Starch, nanocomposite film, packaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201776 Effect of Fuel Type on Design Parameters and Atomization Process for Pressure Swirl Atomizer and Dual Orifice Atomizer for High Bypass Turbofan Engine
Authors: Mohamed K. Khalil, Mohamed S. Ragab
Atomizers are used in many engineering applications including diesel engines, petrol engines and spray combustion in furnaces as well as gas turbine engines. These atomizers are used to increase the specific surface area of the fuel, which achieve a high rate of fuel mixing and evaporation. In all combustion systems reduction in mean drop size is a challenge which has many advantages since it leads to rapid and easier ignition, higher volumetric heat release rate, wider burning range and lower exhaust concentrations of the pollutant emissions. Pressure atomizers have a different configuration for design such as swirl atomizer (simplex), dual orifice, spill return, plain orifice, duplex and fan spray. Simplex pressure atomizers are the most common type of all. Among all types of atomizers, pressure swirl types resemble a special category since they differ in quality of atomization, the reliability of operation, simplicity of construction and low expenditure of energy. But, the disadvantages of these atomizers are that they require very high injection pressure and have low discharge coefficient owing to the fact that the air core covers the majority of the atomizer orifice. To overcome these problems, dual orifice atomizer was designed. This paper proposes a detailed mathematical model design procedure for both pressure swirl atomizer (Simplex) and dual orifice atomizer, examines the effects of varying fuel type and makes a clear comparison between the two types. Using five types of fuel (JP-5, JA1, JP-4, Diesel and Bio-Diesel) as a case study, reveal the effect of changing fuel type and its properties on atomizers design and spray characteristics. Which effect on combustion process parameters; Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD), spray cone angle and sheet thickness with varying the discharge coefficient from 0.27 to 0.35 during takeoff for high bypass turbofan engines. The spray atomizer performance of the pressure swirl fuel injector was compared to the dual orifice fuel injector at the same differential pressure and discharge coefficient using Excel. The results are analyzed and handled to form the final reliability results for fuel injectors in high bypass turbofan engines. The results show that the Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) in dual orifice atomizer is larger than Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) in pressure swirl atomizer, the film thickness (h) in dual orifice atomizer is less than the film thickness (h) in pressure swirl atomizer. The Spray Cone Angle (α) in pressure swirl atomizer is larger than Spray Cone Angle (α) in dual orifice atomizer.Keywords: gas turbine engines, atomization process, Sauter mean diameter, JP-5
Procedia PDF Downloads 1671775 Light and Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies on Corneal Ontogeny in Buffalo
Authors: M. P. S. Tomar, Neelam Bansal
Histomorphological, histochemical and scanning electron microscopic observations were recorded in developing cornea of buffalo fetuses. The samples from fetal cornea were collected in appropriate fixative from slaughter house and Veterinary Clinics, GADVASU, Ludhiana. The microscopic slides were stained for detailed histomorphological and histochemical studies. The scanning electron microscopic studies were performed at Electron microscopy & Nanobiology Lab, PAU Ludhiana. In present study, it was observed that, in 36 days (d) fetus, the corneal epithelium was well marked single layered structure which was placed on stroma mesenchyme. Cornea appeared as the continuation of developing sclera. The thickness of cornea and its epithelium increased as well as the epithelium started becoming double layered in 47d fetus at corneo-scleral junction. The corneal thickness in this stage suddenly increased thus easily distinguished from developing sclera. The separation of corneal endothelium from stroma was evident as a single layered epithelium. The stroma possessed numerous fibroblasts in 49d stage eye. Descemet’s membrane was appeared at 52d stage. The limbus area was separated by a depression from the developing cornea in 61d stage. In 65d stage, the Bowman’s layer was more developed. Fibroblasts were arranged parallel to each other as well as parallel to the surface of developing cornea in superficial layers. These fibroblasts and fibers were arranged in wavy pattern in the center of stroma. Corneal epithelium started to be stratified as a double layered epithelium was present in this age of fetal eye. In group II (>120 Days), the corneal epithelium was stratified towards a well marked irido-corneal angle. The stromal fibroblasts followed a complete parallel arrangement in its entire thickness. In full term fetuses, a well developed cornea was observed. It was a fibrous layer which had five distinct layers. From outside to inwards were described as the outer most layer was the 7-8 layered corneal epithelial, subepithelial basement membrane (Bowman’s membrane), substantia propria or stroma, posterior limiting membrane (Descemet’s membrane) and the posterior epithelium (corneal endothelium). The corneal thickness and connective tissue elements were continued to be increased. It was 121.39 + 3.73µ at 36d stage which increased to 518.47 + 4.98 µ in group III fetuses. In fetal life, the basement membrane of corneal epithelium and endothelium depicted strong to intense periodic Acid Schiff’s (PAS) reaction. At the irido-corneal angle, the endothelium of blood vessels was also positive for PAS activity. However, cornea was found mild positive for alcian blue reaction. The developing cornea showed strong reaction for basic proteins in outer epithelium and the inner endothelium layers. Under low magnification scanning electron microscope, cornea showed two types of cells viz. light cells and dark cells. The light cells were smaller in size and had less number of microvilli in their surface than in the dark cells. Despite these surface differences between light and dark cells, the corneal surface showed the same general pattern of microvilli studding all exposed surfaces out to the cell margin. which were long (with variable height), slight tortuous slender and possessed a micro villus shaft with a very prominent knob.Keywords: buffalo, cornea, eye, fetus, ontogeny, scanning electron microscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1501774 Left Ventricular Adaptations of Elite Volleyball Players Based on the Playing Position
Authors: Shihab Aldin Al Riyami, Khosrow Ebrahim, Sajad Ahmadizad
Hemodynamic changes and ventricular loading during exercise lead to left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy. In athletes, volume load induces enlargement of the LV internal diameter and a proportional increase of wall thickness; while, pressure load would induce thickening of the ventricular wall. These adaptations are not similar in all athletes and are related to the types of sport. Volleyball players have different types of activity and roles based on their playing. Therefore, their physiological adaptations and requirements are different. The aim of the current study was to investigate the LV adaptationsinelite volleyball players based on their playing position. Sixty male elite volleyball players (age, 30.55±3.64 years)from Brazil, Serbia, Poland, Iran, Colombia, Cameroon, Japan, Egypt, Qatar, and Tunisia were investigated (from all five volleyball play positions). All participants had the experience of at least 3 years of participation at a professional level and international tournaments. LV characteristics were evaluated and measured using the echocardiography technique. Statistical analyses revealed significant differences (P<0.05)among the five groups of players forLV internal dimension (LVID), posterior wall thickness (PWT), and intact ventricular septum (IVS). Post-hoc analysis showed that opposite position players had significant higher value of LVID, PWT, and IVS when compared with other players, including outside hitter, middle blocker, setter, and libero (p<0.05). Additionally, in libero players, PWT was significantly lower when compared with other players (p<0.05). Based on the findings of the present study, it is concluded that LV adaptations in volleyball players are related to their playing position and that the opposite players had the highest LV adaptations when compared to other positions.Keywords: athletes, cardiac adaptations, echocardio graphy, heart, sport
Procedia PDF Downloads 2751773 Optically Active Material Based on Bi₂O₃@Yb³⁺, Nd³⁺ with High Intensity of Upconversion Luminescence in Red and Green Region
Authors: D. Artamonov, A. Tsibulnikova, I. Samusev, V. Bryukhanov, A. Kozhevnikov
The synthesis and luminescent properties of Yb₂O₃, Nd₂O₃@Bi₂O₃ complex with upconversion generation are discussed in this work. The obtained samples were measured in the visible region of the spectrum under excitation with a wavelength of 980 nm. The studies showed that the obtained complexes have a high degree of stability and intense luminescence in the wavelength range of 400-750 nm. Consideration of the time dependence of the intensity of the upconversion luminescence allowed us to conclude that the enhancement of the intensity occurs in the time interval from 5 to 30 min, followed by the appearance of a stationary mode.Keywords: lasers, luminescence, upconversion photonics, rare earth metals
Procedia PDF Downloads 851772 Repositioning Sodium Valproate for Amelioration of Bleomycin-induced Scleroderma: The Role of Oxidative Stress, Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1, and the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin
Authors: Ahmed M. Kabel, Maaly A. Abd Elmaaboud
Scleroderma is one of the connective tissue disorders characterized by skin and systemic fibrosis. Its pathogenesis involves multiple interrelated processes of autoimmunity, vasculopathy, inflammation, and oxidative stress. This study was a trial to explore the possible ameliorative effects of sodium valproate on an experimental model of skin fibrosis induced by bleomycin. Forty male BALB/c mice were divided into four equal groups as follows: control group; bleomycin group; bleomycin + sodium valproate group, and sodium valproate group. Mice were assessed for their body weight every four days throughout the whole study. Skin tissues were used to evaluate the oxidative stress parameters, transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 15, and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Skin fibrosis was evaluated by measuring dermal thickness and staining the skin tissues with Masson trichrome stain. Also, the skin tissues were immunostained with alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). Administration of sodium valproate to bleomycin-treated mice resulted in the restoration of the body weight with a significant decrease in the dermal thickness, amelioration of oxidative stress, suppression of TGF-β1 and mTOR expression, and significant reduction of the percentage of α-SMA immunostaining and the proinflammatory cytokine levels compared to mice treated with bleomycin alone. In conclusion, sodium valproate has an antifibrotic effect on skin fibrosis which may represent a beneficial therapeutic modality for the management of scleroderma.Keywords: scleroderma, bleomycin, sodium valproate, skin fibrosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 831771 Optical Properties of TlInSe₂<AU> Si̇ngle Crystals
Authors: Gulshan Mammadova
This paper presents the results of studying the surface microrelief in 2D and 3D models and analyzing the spectroscopy of a three-junction TlInSe₂Keywords: optical properties, dielectric permittivity, real and imaginary dielectric permittivity, optical electrical conductivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 631770 Chemical Leaching of Metals from Landfill’s Fine Fraction
Authors: E. Balkauskaitė, A. Bučinskas, R. Ivanauskas, M. Kriipsalu, G. Denafas
Leaching of heavy metals (chromium, zinc, copper) from the fine fraction of the Torma landfill (Estonia) was investigated. The leaching kinetics studies have determined the dependence of some metal’s concentration on the leaching time. Metals were leached with Aqua Regia, distilled water and EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid); process was most intensive 2 hours after the start of the experiment, except for copper with EDTA (0.5 h) and lead with EDTA (4 h). During leaching, steady concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cd and Pb were fully stabilized after 8 h; however concentrations of Cu and Ni were not stabilized after 10 h.Keywords: fine fraction, landfills, leached metals, leaching kinetics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1351769 Efficient Utilization of Biomass for Bioenergy in Environmental Control
Authors: Subir Kundu, Sukhendra Singh, Sumedha Ojha, Kanika Kundu
The continuous decline of petroleum and natural gas reserves and non linear rise of oil price has brought about a realisation of the need for a change in our perpetual dependence on the fossil fuel. A day to day increased consumption of crude and petroleum products has made a considerable impact on our foreign exchange reserves. Hence, an alternate resource for the conversion of energy (both liquid and gas) is essential for the substitution of conventional fuels. Biomass is the alternate solution for the present scenario. Biomass can be converted into both liquid as well as gaseous fuels and other feedstocks for the industries.Keywords: bioenergy, biomass conversion, biorefining, efficient utilisation of night soil
Procedia PDF Downloads 4071768 Study of Motion of Impurity Ions in Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) from View Point of Microstructure of Polymer Solid
Authors: Yuichi Anada
Electrical properties of polymer solid is characterized by dielectric relaxation phenomenon. Complex permittivity shows a high dependence on frequency of external stimulation in the broad frequency range from 0.1mHz to 10GHz. The complex-permittivity dispersion gives us a lot of useful information about the molecular motion of polymers and the structure of polymer aggregates. However, the large dispersion of permittivity at low frequencies due to DC conduction of impurity ions often covers the dielectric relaxation in polymer solid. In experimental investigation, many researchers have tried to remove the DC conduction experimentally or analytically for a long time. On the other hand, our laboratory chose another way of research for this problem from the point of view of a reversal in thinking. The way of our research is to use the impurity ions in the DC conduction as a probe to detect the motion of polymer molecules and to investigate the structure of polymer aggregates. In addition to the complex permittivity, the electric modulus and the conductivity relaxation time are strong tools for investigating the ionic motion in DC conduction. In a non-crystalline part of melt-crystallized polymers, free spaces with inhomogeneous size exist between crystallites. As the impurity ions exist in the non-crystalline part and move through these inhomogeneous free spaces, the motion of ions reflects the microstructure of non-crystalline part. The ionic motion of impurity ions in poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) is investigated in this study. Frequency dependence of the loss permittivity of PVDF shows a characteristic of the direct current (DC) conduction below 1 kHz of frequency at 435 K. The electric modulus-frequency curve shows a characteristic of the dispersion with the single conductivity relaxation time. Namely, it is the Debye-type dispersion. The conductivity relaxation time analyzed from this curve is 0.00003 s at 435 K. From the plot of conductivity relaxation time of PVDF together with the other polymers against permittivity, it was found that there are two group of polymers; one of the group is characterized by small conductivity relaxation time and large permittivity, and another is characterized by large conductivity relaxation time and small permittivity.Keywords: conductivity relaxation time, electric modulus, ionic motion, permittivity, poly(vinylidene fluoride), DC conduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1721767 Mechanical Properties of Ternary Metal Nitride Ti1-xTaxN Alloys from First-Principles
Authors: M. Benhamida, Kh. Bouamama, P. Djemia
We investigate by first-principles pseudo-potential calculations the composition dependence of lattice parameter, hardness and elastic properties of ternary disordered solid solutions Ti(1-x)Ta(x)N (1>=x>=0) with B1-rocksalt structure. Calculations use the coherent potential approximation with the exact muffin-tin orbitals (EMTO) and hardness formula for multicomponent covalent solid solution proposed. Bulk modulus B shows a nearly linear behaviour whereas not C44 and C’=(C11-C12)/2 that are not monotonous. Influences of vacancies on hardness of off-stoichiometric transition-metal nitrides TiN(1−x) and TaN(1−x) are also considered.Keywords: transition metal nitride materials, elastic constants, hardness, EMTO
Procedia PDF Downloads 4301766 The Effect of Bath Composition for Hot-Dip Aluminizing of AISI 4140 Steel
Authors: Aptullah Karakas, Murat Baydogan
Hot-dip aluminizing (HDA) is one of the several aluminizing methods to form a wear-, corrosion- and oxidation-resistant aluminide layers on the surface. In this method, the substrate is dipped into a molten aluminum bath, hold in the bath for several minutes, and cooled down to the room temperature in air. A subsequent annealing after the HDA process is generally performed. The main advantage of HDA is its very low investment cost in comparison with other aluminizing methods such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD), pack aluminizing and metalizing. In the HDA process, Al or Al-Si molten baths are mostly used. However, in this study, three different Al alloys such as Al4043 (Al-Mg), Al5356 (Al-Si) and Al7020 (Al-Zn) were used as the molten bath in order to see their effects on morphological and mechanical properties of the resulting aluminide layers. AISI 4140 low alloyed steel was used as the substrate. Parameters of the HDA process were bath composition, bath temperature, and dipping time. These parameters were considered within a Taguchi L9 orthogonal array. After the HDA process and subsequent diffusion annealing, coating thickness measurement, microstructural analysis and hardness measurement of the aluminide layers were conducted. The optimum process parameters were evaluated according to coating morphology, such as cracks, Kirkendall porosity and hardness of the coatings. According to the results, smooth and clean aluminide layer with less Kirkendall porosity and cracks were observed on the sample, which was aluminized in the molten Al7020 bath at 700 C for 10 minutes and subsequently diffusion annealed at 750 C. Hardness of the aluminide layer was in between 1100-1300 HV and the coating thickness was approximately 400 µm. The results were promising such that a hard and thick aluminide layer with less Kirkendall porosity and cracks could be formed. It is, therefore, concluded that Al7020 bath may be used in the HDA process of AISI 4140 steel substrate.Keywords: hot-dip aluminizing, microstructure, hardness measurement, diffusion annealing
Procedia PDF Downloads 761765 Characterization of an Extrapolation Chamber for Dosimetry of Low Energy X-Ray Beams
Authors: Fernanda M. Bastos, Teógenes A. da Silva
Extrapolation chambers were designed to be used as primary standard dosimeter for measuring absorbed dose in a medium in beta radiation and low energy x-rays. The International Organization for Standardization established series of reference x-radiation for calibrating and determining the energy dependence of dosimeters that are to be reproduced in metrology laboratories. Standardization of the low energy x-ray beams with tube potential lower than 30 kV may be affected by the instrument used for dosimetry. In this work, parameters of a 23392 model PTW extrapolation chamber were determined aiming its use in low energy x-ray beams as a reference instrument.Keywords: extrapolation chamber, low energy x-rays, x-ray dosimetry, X-ray metrology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3961764 Application of the Shallow Seismic Refraction Technique to Characterize the Foundation Rocks at the Proposed Tushka New City Site, South Egypt
Authors: Abdelnasser Mohamed, R. Fat-Helbary, H. El Khashab, K. EL Faragawy
Tushka New City is one of the proposed new cities in South Egypt. It is located in the eastern part of the western Desert of Egypt between latitude 22.878º and 22.909º N and longitude 31.525º and 31.635º E, about 60 kilometers far from Abu Simble City. The main target of the present study is the investigation of the shallow subsurface structure conditions and the dynamic characteristics of subsurface rocks using the shallow seismic refraction technique. Forty seismic profiles were conducted to calculate the P- and S-waves velocity at the study area. P- and SH-waves velocities can be used to obtain the geotechnical parameters and also SH-wave can be used to study the vibration characteristics of the near surface layers, which are important for earthquakes resistant structure design. The output results of the current study indicated that the P-waves velocity ranged from 450 to 1800 m/sec and from 1550 to 3000 m/sec for the surface and bedrock layer respectively. The SH-waves velocity ranged from 300 to 1100 m/sec and from 1000 to 1800 m/sec for the surface and bedrock layer respectively. The thickness of the surface layer and the depth to the bedrock layer were determined along each profile. The bulk density ρ of soil layers that used in this study was calculated for all layers at each profile in the study area. In conclusion, the area is mainly composed of compacted sandstone with high wave velocities, which is considered as a good foundation rock. The south western part of the study area has minimum values of the computed P- and SH-waves velocities, minimum values of the bulk density and the maximum value of the mean thickness of the surface layer.Keywords: seismic refraction, Tushak new city, P-waves, SH-waves
Procedia PDF Downloads 3811763 MRI Quality Control Using Texture Analysis and Spatial Metrics
Authors: Kumar Kanudkuri, A. Sandhya
Typically, in a MRI clinical setting, there are several protocols run, each indicated for a specific anatomy and disease condition. However, these protocols or parameters within them can change over time due to changes to the recommendations by the physician groups or updates in the software or by the availability of new technologies. Most of the time, the changes are performed by the MRI technologist to account for either time, coverage, physiological, or Specific Absorbtion Rate (SAR ) reasons. However, giving properly guidelines to MRI technologist is important so that they do not change the parameters that negatively impact the image quality. Typically a standard American College of Radiology (ACR) MRI phantom is used for Quality Control (QC) in order to guarantee that the primary objectives of MRI are met. The visual evaluation of quality depends on the operator/reviewer and might change amongst operators as well as for the same operator at various times. Therefore, overcoming these constraints is essential for a more impartial evaluation of quality. This makes quantitative estimation of image quality (IQ) metrics for MRI quality control is very important. So in order to solve this problem, we proposed that there is a need for a robust, open-source, and automated MRI image control tool. The Designed and developed an automatic analysis tool for measuring MRI image quality (IQ) metrics like Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Signal to Noise Ratio Uniformity (SNRU), Visual Information Fidelity (VIF), Feature Similarity (FSIM), Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), slice thickness accuracy, slice position accuracy, High contrast spatial resolution) provided good accuracy assessment. A standardized quality report has generated that incorporates metrics that impact diagnostic quality.Keywords: ACR MRI phantom, MRI image quality metrics, SNRU, VIF, FSIM, GLCM, slice thickness accuracy, slice position accuracy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1731762 Utilization of Extracted Spirogyra sp. Media Fermented by Gluconacetobacter Xylinum for Cellulose Production as Raw Material for Paper Product
Authors: T. S. Desak Ketut, A.n. Isna, A.a. Ayu, D. P. Ririn, Suharjono Hadiatullah
The requirement of paper from year to year rise rapidly. The raising of cellulose requirement in paper production caused increasing of wood requirement with the effect that limited forest areal because of deforestation. Alternative cellulose that can be used for making paper is microbial cellulose. The objective of this research are to know the effectivity fermentation media Spirogyra sp. by Gluconacetobacter xylinum for cellulose production as material for the making of paper and to know effect composition bacterial cellulose composite product of Gluconacetobacter xylinum in Spirogyra sp. The method, was used, is as follow, 1) the effect assay from variation composition of fermentation media to bacterial cellulose production by Gluconacetobacter xylinum. 2) The effect assay of composition bacterial cellulose fermentation producted by Gluconacetobacter xylinum in extracted Spirogyra media to paper quality. The result of this research is variation fermentation media Spirogyra sp. affect to production of cellulose by Gluconacetobacter xylinum. Thus, result showed by the highest value and significantly different in thickness parameter, dry weight and wet weight of nata in sucrose concentration 7,5 % and urea 0,75 %. Composition composite of bacterial cellulose from fermentation product by Gluconacetobacter xylinum in media Spirogyra sp. affect to paper quality from wet nata and dry nata. Parameters thickness, weight, water absorpsion, density and gramatur showed highest result in sucrose concentration 7,5 % and urea concentration 0,75 %, except paper density from dry nata had highest result in sucrose and urea concentration 0%.Keywords: cellulose, fermentation media, , Gluconacetobacter xylinum, paper, Spirogyra sp.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3441761 Greywater Reuse for Sunflower Irrigation Previously Radiated with Helium-Neon Laser: Evaluation of Growth, Flowering, and Chemical Constituents
Authors: Sami Ali Metwally, Bedour Helmy Abou-Leila, Hussien Ibrahim Abdel-Shafy
This study was carried out at the pilot plant area in the National Research Centre during the two successive seasons, 2020 and 2022. The aim is to investigate the response of vegetative growth and chemical constituents of sunflowers plants irrigated by two types of wastewater, namely: black wastewater W1 (Bathroom) and grey wastewater W1, under irradiation conditions of helium-neon (He-Ne) laser. The examined data indicated that irrigation of W1 significantly increased the growth and flowering parameters (plant height, leaves number, leaves area, leaves fresh and dry weight, flower diameter, flower stem length, flower stem thickness, number of days to flower, and total chlorophyll). Treated sunflower plants with 0 to 10 min. recorded an increase in the fresh weight and dry weight of leaves. However, the superiority of increasing vase life and delaying flowers were recorded by prolonging exposure time by up to 10 min. Regarding the effect of interaction treatments, the data indicated that the highest values on almost growth parameters were obtained from plants treated with W1+0 laser followed by W2+10 min. laser, compared with all interaction treatments. As for flowering parameters, the interactions between W2+2 min. time exposure, W1+0 time, w1+10 min., and w1+2 min. exposures recorded the highest values on flower diameter, flower stem length, flower stem thickness, vase life, and delaying flowering.Keywords: greywater, sunflower plant, water reuse, vegetative growth, laser radiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 841760 Drying Effect on the Proximate Composition and Functional Properties of Cocoyam Flour
Authors: K. Maliki, A. Ajayi, O. M. Makanjuola, O. J. Adebowale
Cocoyam is herbaceous perennial plant which belongs to the family Araceae and genus xanthosoma or cococasia is mostly cultivated as food crop. It is very rich in Vitamin B6, Magnesium and also in dietary fiber. Matured cocoyam is eaten boiled, Fried or roasted in Nigeria. It can also be dried and used to make flour. Food drying is a method of food preservation in which food is dried, thus inhibit the growth of bacteria yeast and mold through the removal of water. Drying effect on the proximate composition and functional properties of cocoyam flour were investigated. Freshly harvested cocoyam cultivars at matured level were washed with portable water, peeled, sliced into 0.3mm thickness blanch in boiling water at 100°C for 15 minutes and dried using sun drying oven and cabinet dryers. The blanched slices were divided into three lots and were subjected to different drying methods. The dried cocoyam slices were milled into flour using Apex mill and packed into Low Density Polyethylene Film (LDPE) 75 Micron 4 thickness and kept for four months under ambient temperature before analysis. The results showed that the moisture content, ash, crude fiber, fat, protein and carbohydrate ranged from 7.35% to 13.89%, 1.45% to 3.3%, 1.2% to 3.41%, 2.1% to 3.1%, 6.30% to 9.1% and 66% to 82% respectively. The functional properties of the cocoyam flour ranged from 1. 65ml/g to 4.24ml/g water absorption capacity, 0.85ml/g to 2.11ml/g oil absorption capacity 0.56ml/g and 0.78ml/g bulk density and 4.91% to 6.80% swelling capacity. The result showed that there was not significant difference (P ≥ 0.5) across the various drying methods used. Cabinet drying method was found to have the best quality characteristic values than the other drying methods. In conclusion, drying of cocoyam could be used for value addition and provide extension to shelf-life.Keywords: cocoyam flour, drying, cabinet dryer, oven dryer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2481759 Calculation Of Energy Gap Of (Ga,Mn)As Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor From The Eight-Band k.p Model
Authors: Khawlh A. Alzubaidi, Khadijah B. Alziyadi, Amor M. Alsayari
Now a days (Ga, Mn) is one of the most extensively studied and best understood diluted magnetic semiconductors. Also, the study of (Ga, Mn)As is a fervent research area since it allows to explore of a variety of novel functionalities and spintronics concepts that could be implemented in the future. In this work, we will calculate the energy gap of (Ga, Mn)As using the eight-band model. In the Hamiltonian, the effects of spin-orbit, spin-splitting, and strain will be considered. The dependence of the energy gap on Mn content, and the effect of the strain, which is varied continuously from tensile to compressive, will be studied. Finally, analytical expressions for the (Ga, Mn)As energy band gap, taking into account both parameters (Mn concentration and strain), will be provided.Keywords: energy gap, diluted magnetic semiconductors, k.p method, strain
Procedia PDF Downloads 1241758 Affect of Reservoir Fluctuations on an Active Landslide in the Xiangjiaba Reservoir Area, Southwest China
Authors: Javed Iqbal
Filling of Xiangjiaba Reservoir Lake in Southwest China triggered and re-activated numerous landslides due to water fluctuation. In order to understand the relationship between reservoirs and slope instability, a typical reservoir landslide (Dasha landslide) at right bank of Jinsha River was selected as a case study for in-depth investigations. The detailed field investigations were carried out in order to identify the landslide with respect to its surroundings and to find out the slip-surface. Boreholes were drilled in order to find out the subsurface lithology and the depth of failure of Dasha landslide. The in-situ geotechnical tests were performed, and the soil samples from exposed slip surface were retrieved for geotechnical laboratory analysis. Finally, stability analysis was done using 3D strength reduction method under different conditions of reservoir water level fluctuations and rainfall conditions. The in-depth investigations show that the Dasha landslide is a bedding rockslide which was once activated in 1986. The topography of Dasha landslide is relatively flat, while the back scarp and local terrain are relatively steep. The landslide area is about 29 × 104 m², and the maximum thickness of the landslide deposits revealed by drilling is about 40 m with the average thickness being about 20 m, and the volume is thus estimated being about 580 × 10⁴ m³. Bedrock in the landslide area is composed of Suining Formation of Jurassic age. The main rock type is silty mudstone with sandstone, and bedding orientation is 300~310° ∠ 7~22°. The factor of safety (FOS) of Dasha landslide obtained by 3D strength reduction cannot meet the minimum safety requirement under the working condition of reservoir level fluctuation as designed, with effect of rainfall and rapid drawdown.Keywords: Dasha landslide, Xiangjiaba reservoir, strength reduction method, bedding rockslide
Procedia PDF Downloads 1621757 Estimate of Maximum Expected Intensity of One-Half-Wave Lines Dancing
Authors: A. Bekbaev, M. Dzhamanbaev, R. Abitaeva, A. Karbozova, G. Nabyeva
In this paper, the regression dependence of dancing intensity from wind speed and length of span was established due to the statistic data obtained from multi-year observations on line wires dancing accumulated by power systems of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The lower and upper limitations of the equations parameters were estimated, as well as the adequacy of the regression model. The constructed model will be used in research of dancing phenomena for the development of methods and means of protection against dancing and for zoning plan of the territories of line wire dancing.Keywords: power lines, line wire dancing, dancing intensity, regression equation, dancing area intensity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3131756 Experimental Study of Vibration Isolators Made of Expanded Cork Agglomerate
Authors: S. Dias, A. Tadeu, J. Antonio, F. Pedro, C. Serra
The goal of the present work is to experimentally evaluate the feasibility of using vibration isolators made of expanded cork agglomerate. Even though this material, also known as insulation cork board (ICB), has mainly been studied for thermal and acoustic insulation purposes, it has strong potential for use in vibration isolation. However, the adequate design of expanded cork blocks vibration isolators will depend on several factors, such as excitation frequency, static load conditions and intrinsic dynamic behavior of the material. In this study, transmissibility tests for different static and dynamic loading conditions were performed in order to characterize the material. Since the material’s physical properties can influence the vibro-isolation performance of the blocks (in terms of density and thickness), this study covered four mass density ranges and four block thicknesses. A total of 72 expanded cork agglomerate specimens were tested. The test apparatus comprises a vibration exciter connected to an excitation mass that holds the test specimen. The test specimens under characterization were loaded successively with steel plates in order to obtain results for different masses. An accelerometer was placed at the top of these masses and at the base of the excitation mass. The test was performed for a defined frequency range, and the amplitude registered by the accelerometers was recorded in time domain. For each of the signals (signal 1- vibration of the excitation mass, signal 2- vibration of the loading mass) a fast Fourier transform (FFT) was applied in order to obtain the frequency domain response. For each of the frequency domain signals, the maximum amplitude reached was registered. The ratio between the amplitude (acceleration) of signal 2 and the amplitude of signal 1, allows the calculation of the transmissibility for each frequency. Repeating this procedure allowed us to plot a transmissibility curve for a certain frequency range. A number of transmissibility experiments were performed to assess the influence of changing the mass density and thickness of the expanded cork blocks and the experimental conditions (static load and frequency of excitation). The experimental transmissibility tests performed in this study showed that expanded cork agglomerate blocks are a good option for mitigating vibrations. It was concluded that specimens with lower mass density and larger thickness lead to better performance, with higher vibration isolation and a larger range of isolated frequencies. In conclusion, the study of the performance of expanded cork agglomerate blocks presented herein will allow for a more efficient application of expanded cork vibration isolators. This is particularly relevant since this material is a more sustainable alternative to other commonly used non-environmentally friendly products, such as rubber.Keywords: expanded cork agglomerate, insulation cork board, transmissibility tests, sustainable materials, vibration isolators
Procedia PDF Downloads 3331755 Composition Dependence of Ni 2p Core Level Shift in Fe1-xNix Alloys
Authors: Shakti S. Acharya, V. R. R. Medicherla, Rajeev Rawat, Komal Bapna, Deepnarayan Biswas, Khadija Ali, K. Maiti
The discovery of invar effect in 35% Ni concentration Fe1-xNix alloy has stimulated enormous experimental and theoretical research. Elemental Fe and low Ni concentration Fe1-xNix alloys which possess body centred cubic (bcc) crystal structure at ambient temperature and pressure transform to hexagonally close packed (hcp) phase at around 13 GPa. Magnetic order was found to be absent at 11K for Fe92Ni8 alloy when subjected to a high pressure of 26 GPa. The density functional theoretical calculations predicted substantial hyperfine magnetic fields, but were not observed in Mossbaur spectroscopy. The bulk modulus of fcc Fe1-xNix alloys with Ni concentration more than 35%, is found to be independent of pressure. The magnetic moment of Fe is also found be almost same in these alloys from 4 to 10 GPa pressure. Fe1-xNix alloys exhibit a complex microstructure which is formed by a series of complex phase transformations like martensitic transformation, spinodal decomposition, ordering, mono-tectoid reaction, eutectoid reaction at temperatures below 400°C. Despite the existence of several theoretical models the field is still in its infancy lacking full knowledge about the anomalous properties exhibited by these alloys. Fe1-xNix alloys have been prepared by arc melting the high purity constituent metals in argon ambient. These alloys have annealed at around 3000C in vacuum sealed quartz tube for two days to make the samples homogeneous. These alloys have been structurally characterized by x-ray diffraction and were found to exhibit a transition from bcc to fcc for x > 0.3. Ni 2p core levels of the alloys have been measured using high resolution (0.45 eV) x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Ni 2p core level shifts to lower binding energy with respect to that of pure Ni metal giving rise to negative core level shifts (CLSs). Measured CLSs exhibit a linear dependence in fcc region (x > 0.3) and were found to deviate slightly in bcc region (x < 0.3). ESCA potential model fails correlate CLSs with site potentials or charges in metallic alloys. CLSs in these alloys occur mainly due to shift in valence bands with composition due to intra atomic charge redistribution.Keywords: arc melting, core level shift, ESCA potential model, valence band
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