Search results for: real excess portfolio returns
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 6240

Search results for: real excess portfolio returns

5730 Importance of Human Capital Development and Management in Industries

Authors: Birce Boga Bakirli


In this paper, we investigate ideas on human capital development and management in industries. We structured a model to be able to gather the data from the interviews conducted with worker, specialists and owners of companies. Different aspects of the situation are found in these interviews, and we used the information to model the benefit of the business owners and workers perspectives. These are modelled as a bi-level programming problem. Several instances of the generic cases are solved. The results show the importance of education within and out of the company for workers, and it returns for the company.

Keywords: bi-level programming, corporate strategy, cost tradeoffs, human capital, mixed integer programming, Stackelberg game, supplier relations, strategic planning

Procedia PDF Downloads 355
5729 Predicting the Product Life Cycle of Songs on Radio - How Record Labels Can Manage Product Portfolio and Prioritise Artists by Using Machine Learning Techniques

Authors: Claus N. Holm, Oliver F. Grooss, Robert A. Alphinas


This research strives to predict the remaining product life cycle of a song on radio after it has been played for one or two months. The best results were achieved using a k-d tree to calculate the most similar songs to the test songs and use a Random Forest model to forecast radio plays. An 82.78% and 83.44% accuracy is achieved for the two time periods, respectively. This explorative research leads to over 4500 test metrics to find the best combination of models and pre-processing techniques. Other algorithms tested are KNN, MLP and CNN. The features only consist of daily radio plays and use no musical features.

Keywords: hit song science, product life cycle, machine learning, radio

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5728 Prediction of Rolling Forces and Real Exit Thickness of Strips in the Cold Rolling by Using Artificial Neural Networks

Authors: M. Heydari Vini


There is a complicated relation between effective input parameters of cold rolling and output rolling force and exit thickness of many mathematical models, the effect of some rolling parameters have been ignored and the outputs have not a desirable accuracy. In the other hand, there is a special relation among input thickness of strips,the width of the strips,rolling speeds,mandrill tensions and the required exit thickness of strips with rolling force and the real exit thickness of the rolled strip. First of all, in this paper the effective parameters of cold rolling process modeled using an artificial neural network according to the optimum network achieved by using a written program in MATLAB,it has been shown that the prediction of rolling stand parameters with different properties and new dimensions attained from prior rolled strips by an artificial neural network is applicable.

Keywords: cold rolling, artificial neural networks, rolling force, real rolled thickness of strips

Procedia PDF Downloads 506
5727 Energy-Aware Scheduling in Real-Time Systems: An Analysis of Fair Share Scheduling and Priority-Driven Preemptive Scheduling

Authors: Su Xiaohan, Jin Chicheng, Liu Yijing, Burra Venkata Durga Kumar


Energy-aware scheduling in real-time systems aims to minimize energy consumption, but issues related to resource reservation and timing constraints remain challenges. This study focuses on analyzing two scheduling algorithms, Fair-Share Scheduling (FFS) and Priority-Driven Preemptive Scheduling (PDPS), for solving these issues and energy-aware scheduling in real-time systems. Based on research on both algorithms and the processes of solving two problems, it can be found that Fair-Share Scheduling ensures fair allocation of resources but needs to improve with an imbalanced system load, and Priority-Driven Preemptive Scheduling prioritizes tasks based on criticality to meet timing constraints through preemption but relies heavily on task prioritization and may not be energy efficient. Therefore, improvements to both algorithms with energy-aware features will be proposed. Future work should focus on developing hybrid scheduling techniques that minimize energy consumption through intelligent task prioritization, resource allocation, and meeting time constraints.

Keywords: energy-aware scheduling, fair-share scheduling, priority-driven preemptive scheduling, real-time systems, optimization, resource reservation, timing constraints

Procedia PDF Downloads 119
5726 Yield, Economics and ICBR of Different IPM Modules in Bt Cotton in Maharashtra

Authors: N. K. Bhute, B. B. Bhosle, D. G. More, B. V. Bhede


The field experiments were conducted during kharif season of the year 2007-08 at the experimental farm of the Department of Agricultural Entomology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Studies on evaluation of different IPM modules for Bt cotton in relation to yield economics and ICBR revealed that MAU and CICR IPM modules proved superior. It was, however, on par with chemical control. Considering the ICBR and safety to natural enemies, an inference can be drawn that Bt cotton with IPM module is the most ideal combination. Besides reduction in insecticide use, it is also expected to ensure favourable ecological and economic returns in contrast to the adverse effects due to conventional insecticides. The IPM approach, which takes care of varying pest situation, appears to be essential for gaining higher advantage from Bt cotton.

Keywords: yield, economics, ICBR, IPM Modules, Bt cotton

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5725 Formalizing a Procedure for Generating Uncertain Resource Availability Assumptions Based on Real Time Logistic Data Capturing with Auto-ID Systems for Reactive Scheduling

Authors: Lars Laußat, Manfred Helmus, Kamil Szczesny, Markus König


As one result of the project “Reactive Construction Project Scheduling using Real Time Construction Logistic Data and Simulation”, a procedure for using data about uncertain resource availability assumptions in reactive scheduling processes has been developed. Prediction data about resource availability is generated in a formalized way using real-time monitoring data e.g. from auto-ID systems on the construction site and in the supply chains. The paper focuses on the formalization of the procedure for monitoring construction logistic processes, for the detection of disturbance and for generating of new and uncertain scheduling assumptions for the reactive resource constrained simulation procedure that is and will be further described in other papers.

Keywords: auto-ID, construction logistic, fuzzy, monitoring, RFID, scheduling

Procedia PDF Downloads 516
5724 Visual Text Analytics Technologies for Real-Time Big Data: Chronological Evolution and Issues

Authors: Siti Azrina B. A. Aziz, Siti Hafizah A. Hamid


New approaches to analyze and visualize data stream in real-time basis is important in making a prompt decision by the decision maker. Financial market trading and surveillance, large-scale emergency response and crowd control are some example scenarios that require real-time analytic and data visualization. This situation has led to the development of techniques and tools that support humans in analyzing the source data. With the emergence of Big Data and social media, new techniques and tools are required in order to process the streaming data. Today, ranges of tools which implement some of these functionalities are available. In this paper, we present chronological evolution evaluation of technologies for supporting of real-time analytic and visualization of the data stream. Based on the past research papers published from 2002 to 2014, we gathered the general information, main techniques, challenges and open issues. The techniques for streaming text visualization are identified based on Text Visualization Browser in chronological order. This paper aims to review the evolution of streaming text visualization techniques and tools, as well as to discuss the problems and challenges for each of identified tools.

Keywords: information visualization, visual analytics, text mining, visual text analytics tools, big data visualization

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5723 Effectiveness of Research Promotion Organizations in Higher Education and Research (ESR)

Authors: Jonas Sanon


The valorization of research is becoming a transversal instrument linking different sectors (academic, public and industrial). The practice of valorization seems to impact innovation techniques within companies where, there is often the implementation of industrial conventions of training through research (CIFRE), continuous training programs for employees, collaborations and partnerships around joint research and R&D laboratories focused on the needs of companies to improve or develop more efficient innovations. Furthermore, many public initiatives to support innovation and technology transfer have been developed at the international, European and national levels, with significant budget allocations. Thus, in the context of this work, we tried to analyze the way in which research transfer structures are evaluated within the Saclay ecosystem. In fact, the University-Paris-Saclay is one of the best French universities; it is made up of 10 university components, more than 275 laboratories and is in partnership with the largest French research centers This work mainly focused on how evaluations affected research transfer structures, how evaluations were conducted, and what the managers of research transfer structures thought about assessments. Thus, with the aid of the conducted interviews, it appears that the evaluations do not have a significant impact on the qualitative aspect of research and innovation, but is rather present a directive aspect to allow the structures to benefit or not from the financial resources to develop certain research work, sometimes directed and influenced by the market, some researchers might try to accentuate their research and experimentation work on themes that are not necessarily their areas of interest, but just to comply with the calls for proposed thematic projects. The field studies also outline the primary indicators used to assess the effectiveness of valorization structures as "the number of start-ups generated, the license agreements signed, the structure's patent portfolio, and the innovations of items developed from public research.". Finally, after mapping the actors, it became clear that the ecosystem of the University of Paris-Saclay benefits from a richness allowing it to better value its research in relation to the three categories of actors it has (internal, external and transversal), united and linked by a relationship of proximity of sharing and endowed with a real opportunity to innovate openly.

Keywords: research valorization, technology transfer, innovation, evaluation, impacts and performances, innovation policy

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5722 Dietary Quality among U.S. Adults with Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Age-Specific Associations from NHANES 2011-2022

Authors: Oluwafunmibi Omotayo Fasanya, Augustine Kena Adjei


Limited research has examined the variations in dietary quality among U.S. adults diagnosed with chronic conditions like diabetes mellitus (DM), osteoarthritis (OA), and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), particularly across different age groups. Understanding how diet differs in relation to these conditions is crucial to developing targeted nutritional interventions. This cross-sectional study analyzed data from adult participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between 2011 and 2021. Dietary quality was measured using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI)-2015 scores, encompassing both total and component scores for different dietary factors. Self-reported disease statuses for DM, OA, and RA were obtained, with age groups stratified into younger adults (20–59 years, n = 10,050) and older adults (60 years and older, n = 5,200). Logistic regression models, adjusted for demographic factors like sex, race/ethnicity, education, income, weight status, physical activity, and smoking, were used to examine the relationship between disease status and dietary quality, accounting for NHANES' complex survey design. Among younger adults, 8% had DM, 10% had OA, and 4% had RA. Among older adults, 22% had DM, 35% had OA, and 7% had RA. The results showed a consistent association between excess added sugar intake and DM in both age groups. In younger adults, excess sodium intake was also linked to DM, while low seafood and plant protein intake was associated with a higher prevalence of RA. Among older adults, a poor overall dietary pattern was strongly associated with RA, while OA showed varying associations depending on the intake of specific nutrients like fiber and saturated fats. The dietary quality of U.S. adults with DM, OA, and RA varies significantly by age group and disease type. Younger adults with these conditions demonstrated more specific dietary inadequacies, such as high sodium and low protein intake, while older adults exhibited a broader pattern of poor dietary quality, particularly in relation to RA. These findings suggest that personalized nutritional strategies are needed to address the unique dietary challenges faced by individuals with chronic conditions in different age groups.

Keywords: dietary, diabetes, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, logistic regression

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5721 Real Time Acquisition and Psychoacoustic Analysis of Brain Wave

Authors: Shweta Singh, Dipali Bansal, Rashima Mahajan


Psychoacoustics has become a potential area of research due to the growing interest of both laypersons and medical and mental health professionals. Non-invasive brain computer interface like Electroencephalography (EEG) is widely being used in this field. An attempt has been made in this paper to examine the response of EEG signals to acoustic stimuli further analysing the brain electrical activity. The real time EEG is acquired for 6 participants using a cost effective and portable EMOTIV EEG neuron headset. EEG data analysis is further done using EMOTIV test bench, EDF browser and EEGLAB (MATLAB Tool) application software platforms. Spectral analysis of acquired neural signals (AF3 channel) using these software platforms are clearly indicative of increased brain activity in various bands. The inferences drawn from such an analysis have significant correlation with subject’s subjective reporting of the experiences. The results suggest that the methodology adopted can further be used to assist patients with sleeping and depressive disorders.

Keywords: OM chant, spectral analysis, EDF browser, EEGLAB, EMOTIV, real time acquisition

Procedia PDF Downloads 283
5720 EverPro as the Missing Piece in the Plant Protein Portfolio to Aid the Transformation to Sustainable Food Systems

Authors: Aylin W Sahin, Alice Jaeger, Laura Nyhan, Gregory Belt, Steffen Münch, Elke K. Arendt


Our current food systems cause an increase in malnutrition resulting in more people being overweight or obese in the Western World. Additionally, our natural resources are under enormous pressure and the greenhouse gas emission increases yearly with a significant contribution to climate change. Hence, transforming our food systems is of highest priority. Plant-based food products have a lower environmental impact compared to their animal-based counterpart, representing a more sustainable protein source. However, most plant-based protein ingredients, such as soy and pea, are lacking indispensable amino acids and extremely limited in their functionality and, thus, in their food application potential. They are known to have a low solubility in water and change their properties during processing. The low solubility displays the biggest challenge in the development of milk alternatives leading to inferior protein content and protein quality in dairy alternatives on the market. Moreover, plant-based protein ingredients often possess an off-flavour, which makes them less attractive to consumers. EverPro, a plant-protein isolate originated from Brewer’s Spent Grain, the most abundant by-product in the brewing industry, represents the missing piece in the plant protein portfolio. With a protein content of >85%, it is of high nutritional value, including all indispensable amino acids which allows closing the protein quality gap of plant proteins. Moreover, it possesses high techno-functional properties. It is fully soluble in water (101.7 ± 2.9%), has a high fat absorption capacity (182.4 ± 1.9%), and a foaming capacity which is superior to soy protein or pea protein. This makes EverPro suitable for a vast range of food applications. Furthermore, it does not cause changes in viscosity during heating and cooling of dispersions, such as beverages. Besides its outstanding nutritional and functional characteristics, the production of EverPro has a much lower environmental impact compared to dairy or other plant protein ingredients. Life cycle assessment analysis showed that EverPro has the lowest impact on global warming compared to soy protein isolate, pea protein isolate, whey protein isolate, and egg white powder. It also contributes significantly less to freshwater eutrophication, marine eutrophication and land use compared the protein sources mentioned above. EverPro is the prime example of sustainable ingredients, and the type of plant protein the food industry was waiting for: nutritious, multi-functional, and environmentally friendly.

Keywords: plant-based protein, upcycled, brewers' spent grain, low environmental impact, highly functional ingredient

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5719 Limits Problem Solving in Engineering Careers: Competences and Errors

Authors: Veronica Diaz Quezada


In this article, the performance and errors are featured and analysed in the limit problems solving of a real-valued function, in correspondence to competency-based education in engineering careers, in the south of Chile. The methodological component is contextualised in a qualitative research, with a descriptive and explorative design, with elaboration, content validation and application of quantitative instruments, consisting of two parallel forms of open answer tests, based on limit application problems. The mathematical competences and errors made by students from five engineering careers from a public University are identified and characterized. Results show better performance only to solve routine-context problem-solving competence, thus they are oriented towards a rational solution or they use a suitable problem-solving method, achieving the correct solution. Regarding errors, most of them are related to techniques and the incorrect use of theorems and definitions of real-valued function limits of real variable.

Keywords: engineering education, errors, limits, mathematics competences, problem solving

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5718 Hardware Implementation and Real-time Experimental Validation of a Direction of Arrival Estimation Algorithm

Authors: Nizar Tayem, AbuMuhammad Moinuddeen, Ahmed A. Hussain, Redha M. Radaydeh


This research paper introduces an approach for estimating the direction of arrival (DOA) of multiple RF noncoherent sources in a uniform linear array (ULA). The proposed method utilizes a Capon-like estimation algorithm and incorporates LU decomposition to enhance the accuracy of DOA estimation while significantly reducing computational complexity compared to existing methods like the Capon method. Notably, the proposed method does not require prior knowledge of the number of sources. To validate its effectiveness, the proposed method undergoes validation through both software simulations and practical experimentation on a prototype testbed constructed using a software-defined radio (SDR) platform and GNU Radio software. The results obtained from MATLAB simulations and real-time experiments provide compelling evidence of the proposed method's efficacy.

Keywords: DOA estimation, real-time validation, software defined radio, computational complexity, Capon's method, GNU radio

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5717 Corporate Social Media: Understanding the Impact of Service Quality and Social Value on Customer Behavior

Authors: Regina Connolly, Murray Scott, William DeLone


Social media are revolutionary technologies that are transforming the way we communicate, the way we collaborate and the way we influence. Companies are making major investments in platforms such as Facebook and Twitter because they realize that social media are an influential force on customer perceptions and behavior. However, to date there is little guidance on what constitutes an effective deployment of social media and there is no empirical evidence that social medial investments are yielding positive returns. This research develops and validates the components of an effective corporate social media platform in order to examine the impact of effective social media on customer intentions and behavior.

Keywords: service quality, social value, social media, IS success, Web 2.0, customer behaviour

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5716 Housing Price Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms: The Case of Melbourne City, Australia

Authors: The Danh Phan


House price forecasting is a main topic in the real estate market research. Effective house price prediction models could not only allow home buyers and real estate agents to make better data-driven decisions but may also be beneficial for the property policymaking process. This study investigates the housing market by using machine learning techniques to analyze real historical house sale transactions in Australia. It seeks useful models which could be deployed as an application for house buyers and sellers. Data analytics show a high discrepancy between the house price in the most expensive suburbs and the most affordable suburbs in the city of Melbourne. In addition, experiments demonstrate that the combination of Stepwise and Support Vector Machine (SVM), based on the Mean Squared Error (MSE) measurement, consistently outperforms other models in terms of prediction accuracy.

Keywords: house price prediction, regression trees, neural network, support vector machine, stepwise

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5715 Using Deep Learning Real-Time Object Detection Convolution Neural Networks for Fast Fruit Recognition in the Tree

Authors: K. Bresilla, L. Manfrini, B. Morandi, A. Boini, G. Perulli, L. C. Grappadelli


Image/video processing for fruit in the tree using hard-coded feature extraction algorithms have shown high accuracy during recent years. While accurate, these approaches even with high-end hardware are computationally intensive and too slow for real-time systems. This paper details the use of deep convolution neural networks (CNNs), specifically an algorithm (YOLO - You Only Look Once) with 24+2 convolution layers. Using deep-learning techniques eliminated the need for hard-code specific features for specific fruit shapes, color and/or other attributes. This CNN is trained on more than 5000 images of apple and pear fruits on 960 cores GPU (Graphical Processing Unit). Testing set showed an accuracy of 90%. After this, trained data were transferred to an embedded device (Raspberry Pi gen.3) with camera for more portability. Based on correlation between number of visible fruits or detected fruits on one frame and the real number of fruits on one tree, a model was created to accommodate this error rate. Speed of processing and detection of the whole platform was higher than 40 frames per second. This speed is fast enough for any grasping/harvesting robotic arm or other real-time applications.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, computer vision, deep learning, fruit recognition, harvesting robot, precision agriculture

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5714 Real-Time Course Recommendation System for Online Learning Platforms

Authors: benabbess anja


This research presents the design and implementation of a real-time course recommendation system for online learning platforms, leveraging user competencies and expertise levels. The system begins by extracting and classifying the complexity levels of courses from Udemy datasets using semantic enrichment techniques and resources such as WordNet and BERT. A predictive model assigns complexity levels to each course, adding columns that represent the course category, sub-category, and complexity level to the existing dataset. Simultaneously, user profiles are constructed through questionnaires capturing their skills, sub-skills, and proficiency levels. The recommendation process involves generating embeddings with BERT, followed by calculating cosine similarity between user profiles and courses. Courses are ranked based on their relevance, with the BERT model delivering the most accurate results. To enable real-time recommendations, Apache Kafka is integrated to track user interactions (clicks, comments, time spent, completed courses, feedback) and update user profiles. The embeddings are regenerated, and similarities with courses are recalculated to reflect users' evolving needs and behaviors, incorporating a progressive weighting of interactions for more personalized suggestions. This approach ensures dynamic and real-time course recommendations tailored to user progress and engagement, providing a more personalized and effective learning experience. This system aims to improve user engagement and optimize learning paths by offering courses that precisely match users' needs and current skill levels.

Keywords: recommendation system, online learning, real-time, user skills, expertise level, personalized recommendations, dynamic suggestions

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5713 Reverse Logistics Network Optimization for E-Commerce

Authors: Albert W. K. Tan


This research consolidates a comprehensive array of publications from peer-reviewed journals, case studies, and seminar reports focused on reverse logistics and network design. By synthesizing this secondary knowledge, our objective is to identify and articulate key decision factors crucial to reverse logistics network design for e-commerce. Through this exploration, we aim to present a refined mathematical model that offers valuable insights for companies seeking to optimize their reverse logistics operations. The primary goal of this research endeavor is to develop a comprehensive framework tailored to advising organizations and companies on crafting effective networks for their reverse logistics operations, thereby facilitating the achievement of their organizational goals. This involves a thorough examination of various network configurations, weighing their advantages and disadvantages to ensure alignment with specific business objectives. The key objectives of this research include: (i) Identifying pivotal factors pertinent to network design decisions within the realm of reverse logistics across diverse supply chains. (ii) Formulating a structured framework designed to offer informed recommendations for sound network design decisions applicable to relevant industries and scenarios. (iii) Propose a mathematical model to optimize its reverse logistics network. A conceptual framework for designing a reverse logistics network has been developed through a combination of insights from the literature review and information gathered from company websites. This framework encompasses four key stages in the selection of reverse logistics operations modes: (1) Collection, (2) Sorting and testing, (3) Processing, and (4) Storage. Key factors to consider in reverse logistics network design: I) Centralized vs. decentralized processing: Centralized processing, a long-standing practice in reverse logistics, has recently gained greater attention from manufacturing companies. In this system, all products within the reverse logistics pipeline are brought to a central facility for sorting, processing, and subsequent shipment to their next destinations. Centralization offers the advantage of efficiently managing the reverse logistics flow, potentially leading to increased revenues from returned items. Moreover, it aids in determining the most appropriate reverse channel for handling returns. On the contrary, a decentralized system is more suitable when products are returned directly from consumers to retailers. In this scenario, individual sales outlets serve as gatekeepers for processing returns. Considerations encompass the product lifecycle, product value and cost, return volume, and the geographic distribution of returns. II) In-house vs. third-party logistics providers: The decision between insourcing and outsourcing in reverse logistics network design is pivotal. In insourcing, a company handles the entire reverse logistics process, including material reuse. In contrast, outsourcing involves third-party providers taking on various aspects of reverse logistics. Companies may choose outsourcing due to resource constraints or lack of expertise, with the extent of outsourcing varying based on factors such as personnel skills and cost considerations. Based on the conceptual framework, the authors have constructed a mathematical model that optimizes reverse logistics network design decisions. The model will consider key factors identified in the framework, such as transportation costs, facility capacities, and lead times. The authors have employed mixed LP to find the optimal solutions that minimize costs while meeting organizational objectives.

Keywords: reverse logistics, supply chain management, optimization, e-commerce

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5712 The Contact Behaviors of Seals Under Combined Normal and Tangential Loading: A Multiscale Finite Element Contact Analysis

Authors: Runliang Wang, Jianhua Liu, Duo Jia, Xiaoyu Ding


The contact between sealing surfaces plays a vital role in guaranteeing the sealing performance of various seals. To date, analyses of sealing structures have rarely considered both structural parameters (macroscale) and surface roughness information (microscale) of sealing surfaces due to the complex modeling process. Meanwhile, most of the contact analyses applied to seals were conducted only under normal loading, which still existssome distance from real loading conditions in engineering. In this paper, a multiscale rough contact model, which took both macrostructural parameters of seals and surface roughness information of sealing surfaces into consideration for the cone-cone seal, was established. By using the finite element method (FEM), the combined normal and tangential loading was applied to the model to simulate the assembly process of the cone-cone seal. The evolution of the contact behaviors during the assembly process, such as the real contact area (RCA), the distribution of contact pressure, and contact status, are studied in detail. The results showed the non-linear relationship between the RCA and the load, which was different from the normal loading cases. In addition, the evolution of the real contact area of cone-cone seals with isotropic and anisotropic rough surfaces are also compared quantitatively.

Keywords: contact mechanics, FEM, randomly rough surface, real contact area, sealing

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5711 Human Resource Development and Social Entrepreneurship: A Pan-African Perspective

Authors: Leon C. Prieto, Simone T. A. Phipps


There is a need to promote social entrepreneurship in order to solve some of the complex problems facing various countries in Africa (poverty, unemployment, crime, HIV, etc.). For example, one possible consequence of the HIV/AIDS crisis in Zimbabwe and elsewhere is a deterioration in the educational opportunities for orphans and other vulnerable children. Given that high returns are associated with education, the loss of education for a large segment of the population would likely worsen the already dire economic consequences of the HIV/AIDS crisis. Using a systems approach, this paper argues that social entrepreneurship can be used as a vehicle to promote national human resource development, which will assist in the alleviation of societal ills on the national level as well as throughout Africa.

Keywords: human resource development, pan-african, social entrepreneurship, social enterprise

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5710 Virtual Reality and Avatars in Education

Authors: Michael Brazley


Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D videos are the most current generation of learning technology today. Virtual Reality and 3D videos are being used in professional offices and Schools now for marketing and education. Technology in the field of design has progress from two dimensional drawings to 3D models, using computers and sophisticated software. Virtual Reality is being used as collaborative means to allow designers and others to meet and communicate inside models or VR platforms using avatars. This research proposes to teach students from different backgrounds how to take a digital model into a 3D video, then into VR, and finally VR with multiple avatars communicating with each other in real time. The next step would be to develop the model where people from three or more different locations can meet as avatars in real time, in the same model and talk to each other. This research is longitudinal, studying the use of 3D videos in graduate design and Virtual Reality in XR (Extended Reality) courses. The research methodology is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The qualitative methods begin with the literature review and case studies. The quantitative methods come by way of student’s 3D videos, survey, and Extended Reality (XR) course work. The end product is to develop a VR platform with multiple avatars being able to communicate in real time. This research is important because it will allow multiple users to remotely enter your model or VR platform from any location in the world and effectively communicate in real time. This research will lead to improved learning and training using Virtual Reality and Avatars; and is generalizable because most Colleges, Universities, and many citizens own VR equipment and computer labs. This research did produce a VR platform with multiple avatars having the ability to move and speak to each other in real time. Major implications of the research include but not limited to improved: learning, teaching, communication, marketing, designing, planning, etc. Both hardware and software played a major role in project success.

Keywords: virtual reality, avatars, education, XR

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5709 Development of Real Time System for Human Detection and Localization from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Optical and Thermal Sensor and Visualization on Geographic Information Systems Platform

Authors: Nemi Bhattarai


In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) in search and rescue (SAR) operations, disaster management, and many more areas where information about the location of human beings are important. This research will primarily focus on the use of optical and thermal camera via UAV platform in real-time detection, localization, and visualization of human beings on GIS. This research will be beneficial in disaster management search of lost humans in wilderness or difficult terrain, detecting abnormal human behaviors in border or security tight areas, studying distribution of people at night, counting people density in crowd, manage people flow during evacuation, planning provisions in areas with high human density and many more.

Keywords: UAV, human detection, real-time, localization, visualization, haar-like, GIS, thermal sensor

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5708 Hardware-in-the-Loop Test for Automatic Voltage Regulator of Synchronous Condenser

Authors: Ha Thi Nguyen, Guangya Yang, Arne Hejde Nielsen, Peter Højgaard Jensen


Automatic voltage regulator (AVR) plays an important role in volt/var control of synchronous condenser (SC) in power systems. Test AVR performance in steady-state and dynamic conditions in real grid is expensive, low efficiency, and hard to achieve. To address this issue, we implement hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) test for the AVR of SC to test the steady-state and dynamic performances of AVR in different operating conditions. Startup procedure of the system and voltage set point changes are studied to evaluate the AVR hardware response. Overexcitation, underexcitation, and AVR set point loss are tested to compare the performance of SC with the AVR hardware and that of simulation. The comparative results demonstrate how AVR will work in a real system. The results show HiL test is an effective approach for testing devices before deployment and is able to parameterize the controller with lower cost, higher efficiency, and more flexibility.

Keywords: automatic voltage regulator, hardware-in-the-loop, synchronous condenser, real time digital simulator

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5707 GPU Based Real-Time Floating Object Detection System

Authors: Jie Yang, Jian-Min Meng


A GPU-based floating object detection scheme is presented in this paper which is designed for floating mine detection tasks. This system uses contrast and motion information to eliminate as many false positives as possible while avoiding false negatives. The GPU computation platform is deployed to allow detecting objects in real-time. From the experimental results, it is shown that with certain configuration, the GPU-based scheme can speed up the computation up to one thousand times compared to the CPU-based scheme.

Keywords: object detection, GPU, motion estimation, parallel processing

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5706 A NoSQL Based Approach for Real-Time Managing of Robotics's Data

Authors: Gueidi Afef, Gharsellaoui Hamza, Ben Ahmed Samir


This paper deals with the secret of the continual progression data that new data management solutions have been emerged: The NoSQL databases. They crossed several areas like personalization, profile management, big data in real-time, content management, catalog, view of customers, mobile applications, internet of things, digital communication and fraud detection. Nowadays, these database management systems are increasing. These systems store data very well and with the trend of big data, a new challenge’s store demands new structures and methods for managing enterprise data. The new intelligent machine in the e-learning sector, thrives on more data, so smart machines can learn more and faster. The robotics are our use case to focus on our test. The implementation of NoSQL for Robotics wrestle all the data they acquire into usable form because with the ordinary type of robotics; we are facing very big limits to manage and find the exact information in real-time. Our original proposed approach was demonstrated by experimental studies and running example used as a use case.

Keywords: NoSQL databases, database management systems, robotics, big data

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5705 Housing Price Dynamics: Comparative Study of 1980-1999 and the New Millenium

Authors: Janne Engblom, Elias Oikarinen


The understanding of housing price dynamics is of importance to a great number of agents: to portfolio investors, banks, real estate brokers and construction companies as well as to policy makers and households. A panel dataset is one that follows a given sample of individuals over time, and thus provides multiple observations on each individual in the sample. Panel data models include a variety of fixed and random effects models which form a wide range of linear models. A special case of panel data models is dynamic in nature. A complication regarding a dynamic panel data model that includes the lagged dependent variable is endogeneity bias of estimates. Several approaches have been developed to account for this problem. In this paper, the panel models were estimated using the Common Correlated Effects estimator (CCE) of dynamic panel data which also accounts for cross-sectional dependence which is caused by common structures of the economy. In presence of cross-sectional dependence standard OLS gives biased estimates. In this study, U.S housing price dynamics were examined empirically using the dynamic CCE estimator with first-difference of housing price as the dependent and first-differences of per capita income, interest rate, housing stock and lagged price together with deviation of housing prices from their long-run equilibrium level as independents. These deviations were also estimated from the data. The aim of the analysis was to provide estimates with comparisons of estimates between 1980-1999 and 2000-2012. Based on data of 50 U.S cities over 1980-2012 differences of short-run housing price dynamics estimates were mostly significant when two time periods were compared. Significance tests of differences were provided by the model containing interaction terms of independents and time dummy variable. Residual analysis showed very low cross-sectional correlation of the model residuals compared with the standard OLS approach. This means a good fit of CCE estimator model. Estimates of the dynamic panel data model were in line with the theory of housing price dynamics. Results also suggest that dynamics of a housing market is evolving over time.

Keywords: dynamic model, panel data, cross-sectional dependence, interaction model

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5704 Design and Development of a Platform for Analyzing Spatio-Temporal Data from Wireless Sensor Networks

Authors: Walid Fantazi


The development of sensor technology (such as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), wireless communications, embedded systems, distributed processing and wireless sensor applications) has contributed to a broad range of WSN applications which are capable of collecting a large amount of spatiotemporal data in real time. These systems require real-time data processing to manage storage in real time and query the data they process. In order to cover these needs, we propose in this paper a Snapshot spatiotemporal data model based on object-oriented concepts. This model allows saving storing and reducing data redundancy which makes it easier to execute spatiotemporal queries and save analyzes time. Further, to ensure the robustness of the system as well as the elimination of congestion from the main access memory we propose a spatiotemporal indexing technique in RAM called Captree *. As a result, we offer an RIA (Rich Internet Application) -based SOA application architecture which allows the remote monitoring and control.

Keywords: WSN, indexing data, SOA, RIA, geographic information system

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5703 Challenges of the Implementation of Real Time Online Learning in a South African Context

Authors: Thifhuriwi Emmanuel Madzunye, Patricia Harpur, Ephias Ruhode


A review of the pertinent literature identified a gap concerning the hindrances and opportunities accompanying the implementation of real-time online learning systems (RTOLs) in rural areas. Whilst RTOLs present a possible solution to teaching and learning issues in rural areas, little is known about the implementation of digital strategies among schools in isolated communities. This study explores associated guidelines that have the potential to inform decision-making where Internet-based education could improve educational opportunities. A systematic literature review has the potential to consolidate and focus on disparate literature served to collect interlinked data from specific sources in a structured manner. During qualitative data analysis (QDA) of selected publications via the application of a QDA tool - ATLAS.ti, the following overarching themes emerged: digital divide, educational strategy, human factors, and support. Furthermore, findings from data collection and literature review suggest that signiant factors include a lack of digital knowledge, infrastructure shortcomings such as a lack of computers, poor internet connectivity, and handicapped real-time online may limit students’ progress. The study recommends that timeous consideration should be given to the influence of the digital divide. Additionally, the evolution of educational strategy that adopts digital approaches, a focus on training of role-players and stakeholders concerning human factors, and the seeking of governmental funding and support are essential to the implementation and success of RTOLs.

Keywords: communication, digital divide, digital skills, distance, educational strategy, government, ICT, infrastructures, learners, limpopo, lukalo, network, online learning systems, political-unrest, real-time, real-time online learning, real-time online learning system, pass-rate, resources, rural area, school, support, teachers, teaching and learning and training

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5702 The Impacts of Natural Resources-Funded Infrastructure Investment in Africa: Evidence from Guinea-Bissau

Authors: Julio Vicente Cateia


This study aims to analyze the economic impacts of infrastructure investment in Africa, focusing on the Guinea-Bissau economy. Through a dynamic CGE model, we find that the natural resource revenues (or aid)-funded infrastructure investments generate externalities that increase factor returns. The private investment improvements propagate externalities effects on GDP and job opportunities outcomes. Household income and consumption were positively impacted, though the poorer benefited the most. The income inequality has reduced. However, funding by the mix of debt and direct taxes produces opposite effects. We suggest a potential pro-poor growth agenda in Africa.

Keywords: infrastructure investment, poverty alleviation, CGE modeling, African economies, applied economics

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5701 Evaluation of Real Time PCR Methods for Food Safety

Authors: Ergun Sakalar, Kubra Bilgic


In the last decades, real-time PCR has become a reliable tool preferred to use in many laboratories for pathogen detection. This technique allows for monitoring target amplification via fluorescent molecules besides admit of quantitative analysis by enabling of convert outcomes of thermal cycling to digital data. Sensitivity and traceability of real-time PCR are based on measuring of fluorescence that appears only when fluorescent reporter dye bound to specific target DNA.The fluorescent reporter systems developed for this purpose are divided into two groups. The first group consists of intercalator fluorescence dyes such as SYBR Green, EvaGreen which binds to double-stranded DNA. On the other hand, the second group includes fluorophore-labeled oligonucleotide probes that are separated into three subgroups due to differences in mechanism of action; initial primer-probes such as Cyclicons, Angler®, Amplifluor®, LUX™, Scorpions, and the second one hydrolysis probes like TaqMan, Snake assay, finally hybridization probes, for instance, Molecular Beacons, Hybprobe/FRET, HyBeacon™, MGB-Eclipse, ResonSense®, Yin-Yang, MGB-Pleiades. In addition nucleic acid analogues, an increase of probe affinity to target site is also employed with fluorescence-labeled probes. Consequently, abundant real-time PCR detection chemistries are chosen by researcher according to the field of application, mechanism of action, advantages, and proper structures of primer/probes.

Keywords: fluorescent dye, food safety, molecular probes, nucleic acid analogues

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