Search results for: delay time
18139 Analyzing the Impact of DCF and PCF on WLAN Network Standards 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g
Authors: Amandeep Singh Dhaliwal
Networking solutions, particularly wireless local area networks have revolutionized the technological advancement. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) have gained a lot of popularity as they provide location-independent network access between computing devices. There are a number of access methods used in Wireless Networks among which DCF and PCF are the fundamental access methods. This paper emphasizes on the impact of DCF and PCF access mechanisms on the performance of the IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g standards. On the basis of various parameters viz. throughput, delay, load etc performance is evaluated between these three standards using above mentioned access mechanisms. Analysis revealed a superior throughput performance with low delays for 802.11g standard as compared to 802.11 a/b standard using both DCF and PCF access methods.Keywords: DCF, IEEE, PCF, WLAN
Procedia PDF Downloads 42618138 Basic Calibration and Normalization Techniques for Time Domain Reflectometry Measurements
Authors: Shagufta Tabassum
The study of dielectric properties in a binary mixture of liquids is very useful to understand the liquid structure, molecular interaction, dynamics, and kinematics of the mixture. Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) is a powerful tool for studying the cooperation and molecular dynamics of the H-bonded system. In this paper, we discuss the basic calibration and normalization procedure for time-domain reflectometry measurements. Our approach is to explain the different types of error occur during TDR measurements and how these errors can be eliminated or minimized.Keywords: time domain reflectometry measurement techinque, cable and connector loss, oscilloscope loss, and normalization technique
Procedia PDF Downloads 20718137 An excessive Screen Time of High School Students in Their Free Time Promotes Our Young People’s Risk of Obesity
Authors: Susana Aldaba Yaben, Marga Echauri Ozcoidi, Rosario Osinaga Cenoz
It was decided to make a diagnosis with students of Berriozar High School between 12 and 15 years (both included) for their lifestyles in relation to eating habits, BMI (Body Mass Index), physical activity, drugs, interpersonal relationships and screen time. The aim of this survey is identifying needs of this population and depending on the results, we could program socio-educational activities. This action is part of the Community Health Promotion Programme and healthy lifestyles in childhood and youth of Berriozar. The eating habits, a lack of physical activity and an excessive screen time are causes of 26,75% of obese or overweight young people. First of all, many of them have got a diet enriched in saturated fats and sugars. Secondly, most of them do not practise physical exercise daily and finally, their screen time are higher than the recommendation (until 2 hours a day).Keywords: lifestyle, diet, BMI, physical activity, screen time, education, youth
Procedia PDF Downloads 57418136 A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Evaluation of Real-Time Disaster Relief Demand and Network Condition
Authors: Ali Nadi, Ali Edrissi
Relief demand and transportation links availability is the essential information that is needed for every natural disaster operation. This information is not in hand once a disaster strikes. Relief demand and network condition has been evaluated based on prediction method in related works. Nevertheless, prediction seems to be over or under estimated due to uncertainties and may lead to a failure operation. Therefore, in this paper a stochastic programming model is proposed to evaluate real-time relief demand and network condition at the onset of a natural disaster. To address the time sensitivity of the emergency response, the proposed model uses reinforcement learning for optimization of the total relief assessment time. The proposed model is tested on a real size network problem. The simulation results indicate that the proposed model performs well in the case of collecting real-time information.Keywords: disaster management, real-time demand, reinforcement learning, relief demand
Procedia PDF Downloads 31918135 Project Time Prediction Model: A Case Study of Construction Projects in Sindh, Pakistan
Authors: Tauha Hussain Ali, Shabir Hussain Khahro, Nafees Ahmed Memon
Accurate prediction of project time for planning and bid preparation stage should contain realistic dates. Constructors use their experience to estimate the project duration for the new projects, which is based on intuitions. It has been a constant concern to both researchers and constructors to analyze the accurate prediction of project duration for bid preparation stage. In Pakistan, such study for time cost relationship has been lacked to predict duration performance for the construction projects. This study is an attempt to explore the time cost relationship that would conclude with a mathematical model to predict the time for the drainage rehabilitation projects in the province of Sindh, Pakistan. The data has been collected from National Engineering Services (NESPAK), Pakistan and regression analysis has been carried out for the analysis of results. Significant relationship has been found between time and cost of the construction projects in Sindh and the generated mathematical model can be used by the constructors to predict the project duration for the upcoming projects of same nature. This study also provides the professionals with a requisite knowledge to make decisions regarding project duration, which is significantly important to win the projects at the bid stage.Keywords: BTC Model, project time, relationship of time cost, regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 38218134 Subjective Temporal Resources: On the Relationship Between Time Perspective and Chronic Time Pressure to Burnout
Authors: Diamant Irene, Dar Tamar
Burnout, conceptualized within the framework of stress research, is to a large extent a result of a threat on resources of time or a feeling of time shortage. In reaction to numerous tasks, deadlines, high output, management of different duties encompassing work-home conflicts, many individuals experience ‘time pressure’. Time pressure is characterized as the perception of a lack of available time in relation to the amount of workload. It can be a result of local objective constraints, but it can also be a chronic attribute in coping with life. As such, time pressure is associated in the literature with general stress experience and can therefore be a direct, contributory burnout factor. The present study examines the relation of chronic time pressure – feeling of time shortage and of being rushed, with another central aspect in subjective temporal experience - time perspective. Time perspective is a stable personal disposition, capturing the extent to which people subjectively remember the past, live the present and\or anticipate the future. Based on Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources Theory, it was hypothesized that individuals with chronic time pressure would experience a permanent threat on their time resources resulting in relatively increased burnout. In addition, it was hypothesized that different time perspective profiles, based on Zimbardo’s typology of five dimensions – Past Positive, Past Negative, Present Hedonistic, Present Fatalistic, and Future, would be related to different magnitudes of chronic time pressure and of burnout. We expected that individuals with ‘Past Negative’ or ‘Present Fatalist’ time perspectives would experience more burnout, with chronic time pressure being a moderator variable. Conversely, individuals with a ‘Present Hedonistic’ - with little concern with the future consequences of actions, would experience less chronic time pressure and less burnout. Another temporal experience angle examined in this study is the difference between the actual distribution of time (as in a typical day) versus desired distribution of time (such as would have been distributed optimally during a day). It was hypothesized that there would be a positive correlation between the gap between these time distributions and chronic time pressure and burnout. Data was collected through an online self-reporting survey distributed on social networks, with 240 participants (aged 21-65) recruited through convenience and snowball sampling methods from various organizational sectors. The results of the present study support the hypotheses and constitute a basis for future debate regarding the elements of burnout in the modern work environment, with an emphasis on subjective temporal experience. Our findings point to the importance of chronic and stable temporal experiences, as time pressure and time perspective, in occupational experience. The findings are also discussed with a view to the development of practical methods of burnout prevention.Keywords: conservation of resources, burnout, time pressure, time perspective
Procedia PDF Downloads 17718133 Keyloggers Prevention with Time-Sensitive Obfuscation
Authors: Chien-Wei Hung, Fu-Hau Hsu, Chuan-Sheng Wang, Chia-Hao Lee
Nowadays, the abuse of keyloggers is one of the most widespread approaches to steal sensitive information. In this paper, we propose an On-Screen Prompts Approach to Keyloggers (OSPAK) and its analysis, which is installed in public computers. OSPAK utilizes a canvas to cue users when their keystrokes are going to be logged or ignored by OSPAK. This approach can protect computers against recoding sensitive inputs, which obfuscates keyloggers with letters inserted among users' keystrokes. It adds a canvas below each password field in a webpage and consists of three parts: two background areas, a hit area and a moving foreground object. Letters at different valid time intervals are combined in accordance with their time interval orders, and valid time intervals are interleaved with invalid time intervals. It utilizes animation to visualize valid time intervals and invalid time intervals, which can be integrated in a webpage as a browser extension. We have tested it against a series of known keyloggers and also performed a study with 95 users to evaluate how easily the tool is used. Experimental results made by volunteers show that OSPAK is a simple approach.Keywords: authentication, computer security, keylogger, privacy, information leakage
Procedia PDF Downloads 12318132 Intelligent and Optimized Placement for CPLD Devices
Authors: Abdelkader Hadjoudja, Hajar Bouazza
The PLD/CPLD devices are widely used for logic synthesis since several decades. Based on sum of product terms (PTs) architecture, the PLD/CPLD offer a high degree of flexibility to support various application requirements. They are suitable for large combinational logic, finite state machines as well as intensive I/O designs. CPLDs offer very predictable timing characteristics and are therefore ideal for critical control applications. This paper describes how the logic synthesis techniques, such as 1) XOR detection, 2) logic doubling, 3) complement of a Boolean function are combined, applied and used to optimize the CPLDs devices architecture that is based on PAL-like macrocells. Our goal is to use these techniques for minimizing the number of macrocells required to implement a circuit and minimize the delay of mapped circuit.Keywords: CPLD, doubling, optimization, XOR
Procedia PDF Downloads 28218131 The Use of Electrical Resistivity Measurement, Cracking Test and Ansys Simulation to Predict Concrete Hydration Behavior and Crack Tendency
Authors: Samaila Bawa Muazu
Hydration process, crack potential and setting time of concrete grade C30, C40 and C50 were separately monitored using non-contact electrical resistivity apparatus, a novel plastic ring mould and penetration resistance method respectively. The results show highest resistivity of C30 at the beginning until reaching the acceleration point when C50 accelerated and overtaken the others, and this period corresponds to its final setting time range, from resistivity derivative curve, hydration process can be divided into dissolution, induction, acceleration and deceleration periods, restrained shrinkage crack and setting time tests demonstrated the earliest cracking and setting time of C50, therefore, this method conveniently and rapidly determines the concrete’s crack potential. The highest inflection time (ti), the final setting time (tf) were obtained and used with crack time in coming up with mathematical models for the prediction of concrete’s cracking age for the range being considered. Finally, ANSYS numerical simulations supports the experimental findings in terms of the earliest crack age of C50 and the crack location that, highest stress concentration is always beneath the artificially introduced expansion joint of C50.Keywords: concrete hydration, electrical resistivity, restrained shrinkage crack, setting time, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 21118130 An Attempt to Measure Afro-Polychronism Empirically
Authors: Aïda C. Terblanché-Greeff
Afro-polychronism is a unique amalgamated cultural value of social self-construal and time orientation. As such, the construct Afro-polychronism is conceptually analysed by focusing on the aspects of Ubuntu as collectivism and African time as polychronism. It is argued that these cultural values have a reciprocal and thus inseparable relationship. As it is general practice to measure cultural values empirically, the author conducted empirically engaged philosophy and aimed to develop a scale to measure Afro-polychronism based on its two dimensions of Ubuntu as social self-construal and African time as time orientation. From the scale’s psychometric properties, it was determined that the scale was, in fact, not reliable and valid. It was found that the correlation between the Ubuntu dimension and the African time is moderate (albeit statistically significant). In conclusion, the author abduced why this cultural value cannot be empirically measured based on its theoretical definition and indicated which different path would be more promising.Keywords: African time, Afro-polychronism, empirically engaged African philosophy, Ubuntu
Procedia PDF Downloads 14818129 Converting Scheduling Time into Calendar Date Considering Non-Interruptible Construction Tasks
Authors: Salman Ali Nisar, Suzuki Koji
In this paper we developed a new algorithm to convert the project scheduling time into calendar date in order to handle non-interruptible activities not to be split by non-working days (such as weekend and holidays). In a construction project some activities might require not to be interrupted even on non-working days, or to be finished on the end day of business days. For example, concrete placing work might be required to be completed by the end day of weekdays i.e. Friday, and curing in the weekend. This research provides an algorithm that imposes time constraint for start and finish times of non-interruptible activities. The algorithm converts working days, which is obtained by Critical Path Method (CPM), to calendar date with consideration of the start date of a project. After determining the interruption by non-working days, the start time of a certain activity should be postponed, if there is enough total float value. Otherwise, the duration is shortened by hiring additional resources capacity or/and using overtime work execution. Then, time constraints are imposed to start time and finish time of the activity. The algorithm is developed in Excel Spreadsheet for microcomputer and therefore we can easily get a feasible, calendared construction schedule for such a construction project with some non-interruptible activities.Keywords: project management, scheduling, critical path method, time constraint, non-interruptible tasks
Procedia PDF Downloads 50218128 Investigation on Performance of Change Point Algorithm in Time Series Dynamical Regimes and Effect of Data Characteristics
Authors: Farhad Asadi, Mohammad Javad Mollakazemi
In this paper, Bayesian online inference in models of data series are constructed by change-points algorithm, which separated the observed time series into independent series and study the change and variation of the regime of the data with related statistical characteristics. variation of statistical characteristics of time series data often represent separated phenomena in the some dynamical system, like a change in state of brain dynamical reflected in EEG signal data measurement or a change in important regime of data in many dynamical system. In this paper, prediction algorithm for studying change point location in some time series data is simulated. It is verified that pattern of proposed distribution of data has important factor on simpler and smother fluctuation of hazard rate parameter and also for better identification of change point locations. Finally, the conditions of how the time series distribution effect on factors in this approach are explained and validated with different time series databases for some dynamical system.Keywords: time series, fluctuation in statistical characteristics, optimal learning, change-point algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 42818127 Barriers towards Effective Participation in Physically Oriented Leisure Time Activities: A Case Study of Federal College of Education, Pankshin Plateau State, Nigeria
Authors: Mulak Moses Yokdi
Correct use of leisure time has suffered neglect in our society and the people ignorantly think that the trend does not matter. The researcher felt concerned about the issue and went on to find out why using FCE, Pankshin workers as a case study. Four hypotheses were used, considering such variables as leadership, traditional activities, stress due to work pressure and time constraint. The participants selected for the study were one hundred and ten members of FCE, Pankshin staff. A self-developed questionnaire was the instrument used. Chi-square (x2) was employed to test the hypotheses at P = 0.005; df = 3. The statistics of percentages was also used to describe the situation as implicated by the data. The results showed that all hypotheses were significant (P = 0.05). It was concluded that the four variables were impediments to effective participation in physically oriented leisure time activities among the FCE, Staff. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the FCE should get good leadership, create good awareness for people to understand why they should be effectively involved in physically oriented leisure time activities.Keywords: barriers, effective participation, leisure time, physically oriented, work pressure, time constraint
Procedia PDF Downloads 37018126 Long-Term Modal Changes in International Traffic - Example of the Polish Eastern Border
Authors: Tomasz Komornicki
The possibilities of cross-border traffic depend on the degree of permeability of a given border as well as the state of the existing transport infrastructure. The aim of this paper is to identify the impact of economic transformation, EU accession, and infrastructure development on modal shifts in border traffic through the Polish eastern boundary. In the 1980s railway was still the main mode of cross-border transport in Poland. At the beginning of the 1990s, the role of the road and rail transborder passenger traffic was similar, but since 1993, the role of rail was decreasing. The general decline in rail infrastructure in Poland continued uninterruptedly until accession to the European Union. The slow opposite trend can be observed later as a result of the inflow of European funds. In the countries neighbouring Poland from the east, these processes took place with some delay, and the loss of railway position was not so drastic. Therefore, cross-border railway connections have been maintained for quite a long time since the break-up of the USSR. However, finally, cross-border rail transport proved to be completely inflexible in relation to both economic, geopolitical, and transport transformations. It has been shown that the current modal split of the passenger border traffic was shaped by the following factors: a) closure of many transborder railway lines, especially local ones; b) the signing of an agreement on minor border traffic with Ukraine; c) rapidly growing number of citizens of Ukraine working in Poland (unofficial transportation of workers by car directly to their workplaces in Poland); d) the emergence of low-cost air connections between Ukraine and Poland and the growing role of air transport in the Russia-Poland relationship. The summary points to the possibility of a renewed increase in the importance of rail transport on the eastern border of the European Union.Keywords: modal change, border, rail transport, Poland
Procedia PDF Downloads 20018125 Lead-Time Estimation Approach Using the Process Capability Index
Authors: Abdel-Aziz M. Mohamed
This research proposes a methodology to estimate the customer order lead time in the supply chain based on the process capability index. The cases when the process output is normally distributed and when it is not are considered. The relationships between the system capability indices in both service and manufacturing applications, delivery system reliability and the percentages of orders delivered after their promised due dates are presented. The proposed method can be used to examine the current process capability to deliver the orders before the promised lead-time. If the system was found to be incapable, the method can be used to help revise the current lead-time to a proper value according to the service reliability level selected by the management. Numerical examples and a case study describing the lead time estimation methodology and testing the system capability of delivering the orders before their promised due date are illustrated.Keywords: lead-time estimation, process capability index, delivery system reliability, statistical analysis, service achievement index, service quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 55718124 Enhancement of coupler-based delay line filters modulation techniques using optical wireless channel and amplifiers at 100 Gbit/s
Authors: Divya Sisodiya, Deepika Sipal
Optical wireless communication (OWC) is a relatively new technology in optical communication systems that allows for high-speed wireless optical communication. This research focuses on developing a cost-effective OWC system using a hybrid configuration of optical amplifiers. In addition to using EDFA amplifiers, a comparison study was conducted to determine which modulation technique is more effective for communication. This research examines the performance of an OWC system based on ASK and PSK modulation techniques by varying OWC parameters under various atmospheric conditions such as rain, mist, haze, and snow. Finally, the simulation results are discussed and analyzed.Keywords: OWC, bit error rate, amplitude shift keying, phase shift keying, attenuation, amplifiers
Procedia PDF Downloads 13318123 Modification Encryption Time and Permutation in Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm
Authors: Dalal N. Hammod, Ekhlas K. Gbashi
Today, cryptography is used in many applications to achieve high security in data transmission and in real-time communications. AES has long gained global acceptance and is used for securing sensitive data in various industries but has suffered from slow processing and take a large time to transfer data. This paper suggests a method to enhance Advance Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm based on time and permutation. The suggested method (MAES) is based on modifying the SubByte and ShiftRrows in the encryption part and modification the InvSubByte and InvShiftRows in the decryption part. After the implementation of the proposal and testing the results, the Modified AES achieved good results in accomplishing the communication with high performance criteria in terms of randomness, encryption time, storage space, and avalanche effects. The proposed method has good randomness to ciphertext because this method passed NIST statistical tests against attacks; also, (MAES) reduced the encryption time by (10 %) than the time of the original AES; therefore, the modified AES is faster than the original AES. Also, the proposed method showed good results in memory utilization where the value is (54.36) for the MAES, but the value for the original AES is (66.23). Also, the avalanche effects used for calculating diffusion property are (52.08%) for the modified AES and (51.82%) percentage for the original AES.Keywords: modified AES, randomness test, encryption time, avalanche effects
Procedia PDF Downloads 24918122 Nineteenth Century Colonial Discourse and Marxist Theory
Authors: Nikolaos Mavropoulos
Imperialism and colonialism had and still have a predominantly negative nuisance. In many ways the two terms are synonyms of racist behavior, exploitation, and oppression, imposed by the supposedly civilized West at Africa’s and Asia’s expense. Paradoxically enough, imperialism was not thoroughly negative for some Marxist scholars. For them, in reality, it served a historical necessity as the only mean to liberate the backward societies from their millennial stagnation and to introduce them to industrialization and progress. To Marx as immoral and cruel the imposition of imperial rule and the eradication of traditional structures may have been, the process is still a progressive step towards the formation of class consciousness, global revolution and socialism in a world scale. Overlooking the fact that imperialism could actually delay and put an end to capitalist development, some Marxists proponents considered it as a positive development for the colonized peoples.Keywords: Colonialism, , Marxist theory, Modern history, , 19th century Imperialism,
Procedia PDF Downloads 12618121 Pedestrian Behavior at Signalized Intersections in Izmir, Turkey
Authors: Pelin Onelcin, Yalcin Alver
This paper investigates the walking speed and delays of pedestrians at two signalized intersections where the vehicle speed limits are different. Data was collected during afternoon and evening peak hours on November 15, 2013 and on December 6, 2013. Observational surveys were conducted by video recording technique. Pedestrians were categorized according to their gender, group size, stuff carrying condition and age. Results showed that individuals walked fastest when the group size is taken into consideration. The smallest 15th percentile walking speed was seen in the oldest age group (over 60 years old). Pedestrians experienced high delays both at roadsides and at medians. Factors affecting the pedestrian walking speed were analyzed by ANOVA.Keywords: pedestrian delay, pedestrian walking speed, signalized crosswalk, ANOVA
Procedia PDF Downloads 39518120 Repair Workshop Queue System Modification Using Priority Scheme
Authors: C. Okonkwo Ugochukwu, E. Sinebe Jude, N. Odoh Blessing, E. Okafor Christian
In this paper, a modification on repair workshop queuing system using multi priority scheme was carried out. Chi square goodness of fit test was used to determine the random distribution of the inter arrival time and service time of crankshafts that come for maintenance in the workshop. The chi square values obtained for all the prioritized classes show that the distribution conforms to Poisson distribution. The mean waiting time in queue results of non-preemptive priority for 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes show 0.066, 0.09, and 0.224 day respectively, while preemptive priority show 0.007, 0.036 and 0.258 day. However, when non priority is used, which obviously has no class distinction it amounts to 0.17 days. From the results, one can observe that the preemptive priority system provides a very dramatic improvement over the non preemptive priority as it concerns arrivals that are of higher priority. However, the improvement has a detrimental effect on the low priority class. The trend of the results is similar to the mean waiting time in the system as a result of addition of the actual service time. Even though the mean waiting time for the queue and that of the system for no priority takes the least time when compared with the least priority, urgent and semi-urgent jobs will terribly suffer which will most likely result in reneging or balking of many urgent jobs. Hence, the adoption of priority scheme in this type of scenario will result in huge profit to the Company and more customer satisfaction.Keywords: queue, priority class, preemptive, non-preemptive, mean waiting time
Procedia PDF Downloads 39818119 Parallelizing the Hybrid Pseudo-Spectral Time Domain/Finite Difference Time Domain Algorithms for the Large-Scale Electromagnetic Simulations Using Massage Passing Interface Library
Authors: Donggun Lee, Q-Han Park
Due to its coarse grid, the Pseudo-Spectral Time Domain (PSTD) method has advantages against the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method in terms of memory requirement and operation time. However, since the efficiency of parallelization is much lower than that of FDTD, PSTD is not a useful method for a large-scale electromagnetic simulation in a parallel platform. In this paper, we propose the parallelization technique of the hybrid PSTD-FDTD (HPF) method which simultaneously possesses the efficient parallelizability of FDTD and the quick speed and low memory requirement of PSTD. Parallelization cost of the HPF method is exactly the same as the parallel FDTD, but still, it occupies much less memory space and has faster operation speed than the parallel FDTD. Experiments in distributed memory systems have shown that the parallel HPF method saves up to 96% of the operation time and reduces 84% of the memory requirement. Also, by combining the OpenMP library to the MPI library, we further reduced the operation time of the parallel HPF method by 50%.Keywords: FDTD, hybrid, MPI, OpenMP, PSTD, parallelization
Procedia PDF Downloads 14818118 Comparative Analysis of Data Gathering Protocols with Multiple Mobile Elements for Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Bhat Geetalaxmi Jairam, D. V. Ashoka
Wireless Sensor Networks are used in many applications to collect sensed data from different sources. Sensed data has to be delivered through sensors wireless interface using multi-hop communication towards the sink. The data collection in wireless sensor networks consumes energy. Energy consumption is the major constraints in WSN .Reducing the energy consumption while increasing the amount of generated data is a great challenge. In this paper, we have implemented two data gathering protocols with multiple mobile sinks/elements to collect data from sensor nodes. First, is Energy-Efficient Data Gathering with Tour Length-Constrained Mobile Elements in Wireless Sensor Networks (EEDG), in which mobile sinks uses vehicle routing protocol to collect data. Second is An Intelligent Agent-based Routing Structure for Mobile Sinks in WSNs (IAR), in which mobile sinks uses prim’s algorithm to collect data. Authors have implemented concepts which are common to both protocols like deployment of mobile sinks, generating visiting schedule, collecting data from the cluster member. Authors have compared the performance of both protocols by taking statistics based on performance parameters like Delay, Packet Drop, Packet Delivery Ratio, Energy Available, Control Overhead. Authors have concluded this paper by proving EEDG is more efficient than IAR protocol but with few limitations which include unaddressed issues likes Redundancy removal, Idle listening, Mobile Sink’s pause/wait state at the node. In future work, we plan to concentrate more on these limitations to avail a new energy efficient protocol which will help in improving the life time of the WSN.Keywords: aggregation, consumption, data gathering, efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 49918117 Sleep Scheduling Schemes Integrating Relay Node and User Equipment in LTE-A
Authors: Chun-Chuan Yang, Jeng-Yueng Chen, Yi-Ting Mai, Hsieh-Hua Liu
By introduction of Relay Nodes (RNs), LTE-Advanced can provide enhanced coverage and capacity at cell edges and hot-spot areas. The authors have been researching the issue of power saving in mobile communications technology such as WiMax and LTE for some years. Based on the idea of Load-Based Power Saving (LBPS), three efficient power saving schemes for the user equipment (UE) were proposed in the authors’ previous work. In this paper, three revised schemes of the previous work in order to integrate RN and UE in power saving are proposed. Simulation study shows the proposed schemes can achieve significantly better power saving efficiency than the standard based scheme at the cost of moderately increased delay.Keywords: DRX, LTE-A, power saving, RN
Procedia PDF Downloads 52518116 Cooperative CDD Scheme Based On Hierarchical Modulation in OFDM System
Authors: Seung-Jun Yu, Yeong-Seop Ahn, Young-Min Ko, Hyoung-Kyu Song
In order to achieve high data rate and increase the spectral efficiency, multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system has been proposed. However, multiple antennas are limited by size and cost. Therefore, recently developed cooperative diversity scheme, which profits the transmit diversity only with the existing hardware by constituting a virtual antenna array, can be a solution. However, most of the introduced cooperative techniques have a common fault of decreased transmission rate because the destination should receive the decodable compositions of symbols from the source and the relay. In this paper, we propose a cooperative cyclic delay diversity (CDD) scheme that uses hierarchical modulation. This scheme is free from the rate loss and allows seamless cooperative communication.Keywords: MIMO, cooperative communication, CDD, hierarchical modulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 55018115 Real-Time Online Tracking Platform
Authors: Denis Obrul, Borut Žalik
We present an extendable online real-time tracking platform that can be used to track a wide variety of location-aware devices. These can range from GPS devices mounted inside a vehicle, closed and secure systems such as Teltonika and to mobile phones running multiple platforms. Special consideration is given to decentralized approach, security and flexibility. A number of different use cases are presented as a proof of concept.Keywords: real-time, online, gps, tracking, web application
Procedia PDF Downloads 35418114 Real Time Detection, Prediction and Reconstitution of Rain Drops
Authors: R. Burahee, B. Chassinat, T. de Laclos, A. Dépée, A. Sastim
The purpose of this paper is to propose a solution to detect, predict and reconstitute rain drops in real time – during the night – using an embedded material with an infrared camera. To prevent the system from needing too high hardware resources, simple models are considered in a powerful image treatment algorithm reducing considerably calculation time in OpenCV software. Using a smart model – drops will be matched thanks to a process running through two consecutive pictures for implementing a sophisticated tracking system. With this system drops computed trajectory gives information for predicting their future location. Thanks to this technique, treatment part can be reduced. The hardware system composed by a Raspberry Pi is optimized to host efficiently this code for real time execution.Keywords: reconstitution, prediction, detection, rain drop, real time, raspberry, infrared
Procedia PDF Downloads 42018113 Modeling Driving Distraction Considering Psychological-Physical Constraints
Authors: Yixin Zhu, Lishengsa Yue, Jian Sun, Lanyue Tang
Modeling driving distraction in microscopic traffic simulation is crucial for enhancing simulation accuracy. Current driving distraction models are mainly derived from physical motion constraints under distracted states, in which distraction-related error terms are added to existing microscopic driver models. However, the model accuracy is not very satisfying, due to a lack of modeling the cognitive mechanism underlying the distraction. This study models driving distraction based on the Queueing Network Human Processor model (QN-MHP). This study utilizes the queuing structure of the model to perform task invocation and switching for distracted operation and control of the vehicle under driver distraction. Based on the assumption of the QN-MHP model about the cognitive sub-network, server F is a structural bottleneck. The latter information must wait for the previous information to leave server F before it can be processed in server F. Therefore, the waiting time for task switching needs to be calculated. Since the QN-MHP model has different information processing paths for auditory information and visual information, this study divides driving distraction into two types: auditory distraction and visual distraction. For visual distraction, both the visual distraction task and the driving task need to go through the visual perception sub-network, and the stimuli of the two are asynchronous, which is called stimulus on asynchrony (SOA), so when calculating the waiting time for switching tasks, it is necessary to consider it. In the case of auditory distraction, the auditory distraction task and the driving task do not need to compete for the server resources of the perceptual sub-network, and their stimuli can be synchronized without considering the time difference in receiving the stimuli. According to the Theory of Planned Behavior for drivers (TPB), this study uses risk entropy as the decision criterion for driver task switching. A logistic regression model is used with risk entropy as the independent variable to determine whether the driver performs a distraction task, to explain the relationship between perceived risk and distraction. Furthermore, to model a driver’s perception characteristics, a neurophysiological model of visual distraction tasks is incorporated into the QN-MHP, and executes the classical Intelligent Driver Model. The proposed driving distraction model integrates the psychological cognitive process of a driver with the physical motion characteristics, resulting in both high accuracy and interpretability. This paper uses 773 segments of distracted car-following in Shanghai Naturalistic Driving Study data (SH-NDS) to classify the patterns of distracted behavior on different road facilities and obtains three types of distraction patterns: numbness, delay, and aggressiveness. The model was calibrated and verified by simulation. The results indicate that the model can effectively simulate the distracted car-following behavior of different patterns on various roadway facilities, and its performance is better than the traditional IDM model with distraction-related error terms. The proposed model overcomes the limitations of physical-constraints-based models in replicating dangerous driving behaviors, and internal characteristics of an individual. Moreover, the model is demonstrated to effectively generate more dangerous distracted driving scenarios, which can be used to construct high-value automated driving test scenarios.Keywords: computational cognitive model, driving distraction, microscopic traffic simulation, psychological-physical constraints
Procedia PDF Downloads 9318112 Design of Real Time Early Response Systems for Natural Disaster Management Based on Automation and Control Technologies
Authors: C. Pacheco, A. Cipriano
A new concept of response system is proposed for filling the gap that exists in reducing vulnerability during immediate response to natural disasters. Real Time Early Response Systems (RTERSs) incorporate real time information as feedback data for closing control loop and for generating real time situation assessment. A review of the state of the art works that fit the concept of RTERS is presented, and it is found that they are mainly focused on manmade disasters. At the same time, in response phase of natural disaster management many works are involved in creating early warning systems, but just few efforts have been put on deciding what to do once an alarm is activated. In this context a RTERS arises as a useful tool for supporting people in their decision making process during natural disasters after an event is detected, and also as an innovative context for applying well-known automation technologies and automatic control concepts and tools.Keywords: disaster management, emergency response system, natural disasters, real time
Procedia PDF Downloads 44618111 Emergency Surgery in the Elderly, What Particularities
Authors: Mekroud Amel
Introduction The rate of use by the elderly of emergency departments, operating rooms and intensive care units has increased worldwide. Emergency surgery is a context where evaluation is often insufficient, with incomplete information gathering. The aim of this work is to shed light on the frequent use of emergency surgeries by the elderly and their characteristics, as well as on the lack of geriatric assessment scores in the emergency room. Material : Prospective, observational and descriptive, monocentric study. Patients aged 65 and over, admitted for emergency surgery in the operating room, were counted. Emergency operating room including visceral surgery, urology, traumatology and neurosurgery. Parameters studied: Patient characteristics, degree of autonomy, type of surgical pathology, operative management times, preoperative evaluation, postoperative outcome Results : 192 patients were identified over 12 months, from 09.01.2017 to 08.31.2018 Age from 65 to 101 years, 79.81 years +/- 8.38. With predominance of the age group between [65-75 years] 41.1% Female predominance, Sexratio = 0.81 Elderly subjects with total motor autonomy are in the majority at 57.8% Subjects without pathological ATCD represent 12.5% of cases Those who are on only one type of medication or without any treatment are at 36.9% Discussion : The emergency operative care of the elderly patient for a surgical or traumatological pathology is characterized by many specificities linked first to the emergency context, where the evaluation is often insufficient, besides the fact that the elderly patient has particularities requiring reception in centers with experience in the care of this category of patient, or, failing that, a center which uses the minimum of geriatric evaluation scores which are simplified for the emergency departments. In our hospital, we have not yet made this evaluation routine in the emergency room and this delay in the introduction of these scores can be directly attributed to the covid 19 pandemic. Besides the standard preoperative assessment, only 43.2% of patients were assessed in the preoperative period by an anesthesiologist. Traumatological emergencies come first 68.2% followed by visceral emergencies 19.2% (including proctological, urological emergencies), neurosurgical emergencies 7.8% and finally peripheral emergency surgery all acts combined 4.7%. Hospital stay at 9.6 +/- 16.8 days, average operability time of 4.5 +/- 3 days. Death rate at 7.29% Conclusion This work has demonstrated the major impact of emergency surgery, which remains curable for the most part, on the elderly patient despite total motor and cognitive autonomy preoperatively. The improvement of the preoperative evaluation, the reduction of the operating time and enhanced recovery after surgery, with personalized protocols, are the only guarantee for the resumption of preoperative autonomy in these patients.Keywords: emergency surgery, elderly patients, preoperative geriatric scores, curable emergency surgical pathologies
Procedia PDF Downloads 7918110 The Effect of Temperature, Contact Time and Agitation Speed During Pre-Treatment on Elution of Gold
Authors: T. P. Oladele, C. A. Snyders, S. M. Bradshaw, G. Akdogan
The effect of temperature, contact time and agitation during pre-treatment was investigated on the elution of gold from granular activated carbon at fixed caustic-cyanide concentration and elution conditions. It was shown that there are interactions between parameters during pre-treatment. At 80oC, recovery is independent of the contact time while the maximum recovery is obtained in the absence of agitation (0rpm). Increase in agitation speed from 0 rev/min to 1200 rev/min showed a decrease in recovery of approximately 20 percent at 80°C. Recovery with increased time from 15 minutes to 45 minutes is only pronounced at 25°C with approximately 4 percent increase at all agitation speeds. The results from elution recovery are aimed to give insight into the mechanisms of pre-treatment under the combinations of the chosen parameters.Keywords: gold, temperature, contact time, agitation speed, recovery
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