Search results for: molecular mechanisms of cancer
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 6294

Search results for: molecular mechanisms of cancer

954 Analysis of the Annual Proficiency Testing Procedure for Intermediate Reference Laboratories Conducted by the National Reference Laboratory from 2013 to 2017

Authors: Reena K., Mamatha H. G., Somshekarayya, P. Kumar


Objectives: The annual proficiency testing of intermediate reference laboratories is conducted by the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) to assess the efficiency of the laboratories to correctly identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis and to determine its drug susceptibility pattern. The proficiency testing results from 2013 to 2017 were analyzed to determine laboratories that were consistent in reporting quality results and those that had difficulty in doing so. Methods: A panel of twenty cultures were sent out to each of these laboratories. The laboratories were expected to grow the cultures in their own laboratories, set up drug susceptibly testing by all the methods they were certified for and report the results within the stipulated time period. The turnaround time for reporting results, specificity, sensitivity positive and negative predictive values and efficiency of the laboratory in identifying the cultures were analyzed. Results: Most of the laboratories had reported their results within the stipulated time period. However, there was enormous delay in reporting results from few of the laboratories. This was mainly due to improper functioning of the biosafety level III laboratory. Only 40% of the laboratories had 100% efficiency in solid culture using Lowenstein Jensen medium. This was expected as a solid culture, and drug susceptibility testing is not used for diagnosing drug resistance. Rapid molecular methods such as Line probe assay and Genexpert are used to determine drug resistance. Automated liquid culture system such as the Mycobacterial growth indicator tube is used to determine prognosis of the patient while on treatment. It was observed that 90% of the laboratories had achieved 100% in the liquid culture method. Almost all laboratories had achieved 100% efficiency in the line probe assay method which is the method of choice for determining drug-resistant tuberculosis. Conclusion: Since the liquid culture and line probe assay technologies are routinely used for the detection of drug-resistant tuberculosis the laboratories exhibited higher level of efficiency as compared to solid culture and drug susceptibility testing which are rarely used. The infrastructure of the laboratory should be maintained properly so that samples can be processed safely and results could be declared on time.

Keywords: annual proficiency testing, drug susceptibility testing, intermediate reference laboratory, national reference laboratory

Procedia PDF Downloads 182
953 Readability Facing the Irreducible Otherness: Translation as a Third Dimension toward a Multilingual Higher Education

Authors: Noury Bakrim


From the point of view of language morphodynamics, interpretative Readability of the text-result (the stasis) is not the external hermeneutics of its various potential reading events but the paradigmatic, semantic immanence of its dynamics. In other words, interpretative Readability articulates the potential tension between projection (intentionality of the discursive event) and the result (Readability within the syntagmatic stasis). We then consider that translation represents much more a metalinguistic conversion of neurocognitive bilingual sub-routines and modular relations than a semantic equivalence. Furthermore, the actualizing Readability (the process of rewriting a target text within a target language/genre) builds upon the descriptive level between the generative syntax/semantic from and its paradigmatic potential translatability. Translation corpora reveal the evidence of a certain focusing on the positivist stasis of the source text at the expense of its interpretative Readability. For instance, Fluchere's brilliant translation of Miller's Tropic of cancer into French realizes unconsciously an inversion of the hierarchical relations between Life Thought and Fable: From Life Thought (fable) into Fable (Life Thought). We could regard the translation of Bernard Kreiss basing on Canetti's work die englischen Jahre (les annees anglaises) as another inversion of the historical scale from individual history into Hegelian history. In order to describe and test both translation process and result, we focus on the pedagogical practice which enables various principles grounding in interpretative/actualizing Readability. Henceforth, establishing the analytical uttering dynamics of the source text could be widened by other practices. The reversibility test (target - source text) or the comparison with a second translation in a third language (tertium comparationis A/B and A/C) point out the evidence of an impossible event. Therefore, it doesn't imply an uttering idealistic/absolute source but the irreducible/non-reproducible intentionality of its production event within the experience of world/discourse. The aim of this paper is to conceptualize translation as the tension between interpretative and actualizing Readability in a new approach grounding in morphodynamics of language and Translatability (mainly into French) within literary and non-literary texts articulating theoretical and described pedagogical corpora.

Keywords: readability, translation as deverbalization, translation as conversion, Tertium Comparationis, uttering actualization, translation pedagogy

Procedia PDF Downloads 166
952 Nurses as Being Participants of Sexual Health of Women

Authors: Malika Turganova, Aigul Abduldayeva


Modern conditions require nursing innovations at the primary ambulatory stage in the health system of Kazakhstan. There is a growing need for nurses involved in before-doctor attendance for preventive interview with a female population about reproductive health. We conducted questionnaire survey of the population of Astana in 2015. Questionnaires were drawn up according to the criteria of sexual health of World Health Organization. 3593 respondents out of 8000 questionnaires agreed to answer the questions anonymously, mM=±2,1. The average age of women comprised 37,4±11,2, Ме=31,7 years of age. Analysis of awareness about marriage hygiene revealed that 72,7% of respondents did not receive information about marriage hygiene and 89,1% respondents consider it more advisable before marriage. 45,9% of respondents specified the internet as a source of information on marriage hygiene issues, 24,5% of respondents pointed out friends, and 21,5% specified doctor. Comparing female age groups under and after 40 years old we see that proportion of cases when parents provide information about marriage hygiene issues comprises 4.3% (χ2 =9.8, p<0.05). The most important factor of preservation of women reproductive health is handling a problem of unwanted pregnancy. The responsibility lies equally in men and women. Data analysis of contraceptive methods by ranking showed three most frequently used methods: contraception sheath – 29.3%, then coitus interruptus – 18.7% and hormonal preparations – 16.9%. The most important factor of women's reproductive health preservation is a solving of the problem of unwanted pregnancy, and in this respect, the responsibility lies equally in men and women. Analyzing obtained data on contraceptive methods by ranking three of the most frequently used methods are condoms – 29,3%, then coitus interruptus – 18,7% and hormonal preparations – 16,9%. Additional oral survey of the population showed a low level of informational support of female population by family physicians, health care professionals of educational organizations (schools, universities, and colleges) about hormonal contraceptive. Females of both age groups used to think that hormonal contraceptives cause collateral damage such as blastoma, cancer, increased body weight, varix dilatation of lower limbs. Satisfaction with the frequency of sexual relations of the respondents comprised 57,6%. At that, women under 40 years of age are the most satisfied women among age groups (χ2 =5,8, p<0,05).

Keywords: nurse, public health service of Kazakhstan, reproductive and sexual health, trust of population

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951 Flow Boiling Heat Transfer at Low Mass and Heat Fluxes: Heat Transfer Coefficient, Flow Pattern Analysis and Correlation Assessment

Authors: Ernest Gyan Bediako, Petra Dancova, Tomas Vit


Flow boiling heat transfer remains an important area of research due to its relevance in thermal management systems and other applications. Despite the enormous work done in the field of flow boiling heat transfer over the years to understand how flow parameters such as mass flux, heat flux, saturation conditions and tube geometries influence the characteristics of flow boiling heat transfer, there are still many contradictions and lack of agreement on the actual mechanisms controlling heat transfer and how flow parameters impact the heat transfer. This work thus seeks to experimentally investigate the heat transfer characteristics and flow patterns at low mass fluxes, low heat fluxes and low saturation pressure conditions which are of less attention in literature but prevalent in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump applications. In this study, flow boiling experiment was conducted for R134a working fluid in a 5 mm internal diameter stainless steel horizontal smooth tube with mass flux ranging from 80- 100 kg/m2 s, heat fluxes ranging from 3.55kW/m2 - 25.23 kW/m2 and saturation pressure of 460 kPa. Vapor quality ranged from 0 to 1. A well-known flow pattern map created by Wojtan et al. was used to predict the flow patterns noticed during the study. The experimental results were correlated with well-known flow boiling heat transfer correlations in literature. The findings show that, heat transfer coefficient was influenced by both mass flux and heat fluxes. However, for an increasing heat flux, nucleate boiling was observed to be the dominant mechanism controlling the heat transfer especially at low vapor quality region. For an increasing mass flux, convective boiling was the dominant mechanism controlling the heat transfer especially in the high vapor quality region. Also, the study observed an unusual high heat transfer coefficient at low vapor qualities which could be due to periodic wetting of the walls of the tube due to slug flow pattern and stratified wavy flow patterns. The flow patterns predicted by Wojtan et al. flow pattern map were mixture of slug and stratified wavy, purely stratified wavy and dry out. Statistical assessment of the experimental data with various well-known correlations from literature showed that, none of the correlations reported in literature could predicted the experimental data with enough accuracy.

Keywords: flow boiling, heat transfer coefficient, mass flux, heat flux.

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950 Dermatophytoses: Spectrum Evolution of Dermatophytes in Sfax, Tunisia, Between 1999 and 2019

Authors: Khemakhem Nahed, Hammami Fatma, Trabelsi Houaida, Neji Sourour, Sellami Hayet, Makni Fattouma, Turki Hamida, Ayadi Ali


Dermatophytoses are considered a public health problem and represent 10% of dermatological consultations in our region. Their epidemiology is influenced by various factors, such as lifestyle, human migration patterns, changes in the environment and the host relationship. The understanding of epidemiology has a major impact on their prevention and treatment. The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence pattern of aetiological agents and to describe the clinical characteristics of dermatophytoses between 1999 and 2019. Out of 65 059 subjects suspected to have superficial mycoses, 36 220 (55.67%) were affected with dermatophytoses. The mean age was 40.1 years (range: 10 days to 99 years). The sex ratio was 0.8. Our patients were from urban regions in 80.9% of cases. The most common type of infection was onychomycosis (42.64%), followed by tinea pedis (20.8%), intertrigo (18.3%), tinea corporis (8.48%) and tinea capitis (7.87%). The most isolated dermatophyte was Trichophyton rubrum (76.5%), followed by T. mentagrophytes complex (6.3%), Microsporum canis (5.8%), T. violaceum (5.3%), T. verrucosum (0.83%) and Epidermophyton floccosum (0.3%). Zoophilic agents have become more prevalent and their frequency has been increased from 6.46% in 1999 to 13% in 2019. It is interesting to note that M. canis has been on the rise since 2010 and it was the first etiological agent of tinea capitis (48%), while infections caused by T. violaceum continued to decrease from 1999 (16.2%) to 2019 (4.7%). Other dermatophytes have been rarely isolated: T. tonsurans (9 cases), T. schoenleinii (3 cases), T. soudanense (2 cases), M. fulvum (1 case), M. audouinii (1 case) and M. ferrugineum (2 cases).T. mentagrophytes var. quinckeanum was isolated from an inflammatory tinea capitis lesion in an a-3-year-old girl. T. mentagrophytes var. erinacei was isolated from the first case of tinea manuum, in-a-10-year-old girl. The same fungus was isolated from the hair and scales of the hedgehog. Our study showed significant changes in the dermatophytes spectrum in our region. The prevalence of zoophilic species increased in recent years due to people's behavioral changes with the adoption of pets and animal husbandry in urban settings. Molecular methods are often crucial that help us to refine the identification strains of dermatophytes and to identify their origin of the contamination.

Keywords: dermatophytoses, PCR-sequencing, spectrum, Sfax, Tunisia

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949 Association of Sleep Duration and Insomnia with Body Mass Index Among Brazilian Adults

Authors: Giovana Longo-Silva, Risia Cristina Egito de Menezes, Renan Serenini, Márcia de Oliveira Lima, Júlia Souza de Melo, Larissa de Lima Soares


Introduction: Sleep duration and quality have been increasingly recognized as important factors affecting overall health and well-being, including their potential impact on body weight and composition. Previous research has shown inconsistent results regarding the association between sleep patterns and body mass index (BMI), particularly among diverse populations such as Brazilian adults. Understanding these relationships is crucial for developing targeted interventions to address obesity and related health issues. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the association between sleep duration, insomnia, and BMI among Brazilian adults using data from a large national survey focused on chronic nutrition and sleep habits. Materials and Methods: The study included 2050 participants from a population-based virtual survey. BMI was calculated using self-reported weight and height measurements. Participants also reported usual bedtime and wake time on weekdays and weekends and whether they experienced symptoms of insomnia. The average sleep duration across the entire week was calculated as follows: [(5×sleep duration on weekdays) + (2×sleep duration on weekends)]/7. Linear regression analyses were conducted to assess the association between sleep duration, insomnia, and BMI, adjusting for potential confounding factors, including age, sex, marital status, physical exercise duration, and diet quality. Results: After adjusting for confounding variables, the study found that BMI decreased by 0.19 kg/m² for each additional hour of sleep duration (95% CI = -0.37, -0.02; P = 0.03). Conversely, individuals with insomnia had a higher BMI, with an increase of 0.75 kg/m² (95% CI = 0.28, 1.22; P = 0.002) compared to those without insomnia. Conclusions: The findings suggest a significant association between sleep duration, insomnia, and BMI among Brazilian adults. Longer sleep duration was associated with lower BMI, while insomnia was associated with higher BMI. These results underscore the importance of considering sleep patterns in strategies aimed at preventing and managing obesity in this population. Further research is needed to explore the underlying mechanisms and potential interventions targeting sleep-related factors to promote healthier body weight outcomes.

Keywords: sleep, obesity, chronobiology, nutrition

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948 Engineering C₃ Plants with SbtA, a Cyanobacterial Transporter, for Enhancing CO₂ Fixation

Authors: Vandana Deopanée Tomar, Gurpreet Kaur Sidhu, Panchsheela Nogia, Rajesh Mehrotra, Sandhya Mehrotra


The cyanobacterial CO₂ concentrating mechanism (CCM) operates to raise the levels of CO₂ in the vicinity of the main carboxylation enzyme Rubisco which is encapsulated in protein micro compartments called carboxysomes. Thus, due to the presence of CCM, cyanobacterial cells are able to work with high photosynthetic efficiency even at low Ci conditions and can accumulate 1000 folds high internal concentrations of Ci than external environment. Engineering of some useful CCM components into higher plants is one of the plausible approaches to improve their photosynthetic performance. The first step and the simplest approach for attaining this objective would be the transfer of cyanobacterial bicarbonate transporter such as SbtA to inner chloroplast envelope of C₃ plants. For this, SbtA transporter gene from Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 was fused to a transit peptide element to generate chimeric constructs in order to direct it to chloroplast inner envelope. Two transit peptides namely, TnaXTP (transit peptide from AT3G56160) and TMDTP (transit peptide from AT2G02590) were shortlisted from Arabidopsis thaliana genome and cloned in plant expression vector pCAMBIA1302 having mgfp5 as a reporter gene. Plant transformation was done by agro infiltration and Agrobacterium mediated co-culture. DNA, RNA, and protein were isolated from the leaves four days post infiltration, and the presence of transgene was confirmed by gene specific PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) analysis and by RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction). The expression was confirmed at the protein level by western blotting using anti-GFP primary antibody and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated secondary antibody. The localization of the protein was detected by confocal microscopy of isolated protoplasts. We observed chloroplastic expression for both the fusion constructs which suggest that the transit peptide sequences are capable of taking the cargo protein to the chloroplasts. These constructs are now being used to generate stable transgenic plants by Agrobacterium mediated transformation. The stability of transgene expression will be analyzed from T₀ to T₂ generation.

Keywords: agro infiltration, bicarbonate transporter, carbon concentrating mechanisms, cyanobacteria, SbtA

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947 Screening of Phytochemicals Compounds from Chasmanthera dependens and Carissa edulis as Potential Inhibitors of Carbonic Anhydrases CA II (3HS4) Receptor using a Target-Based Drug Design

Authors: Owonikoko Abayomi Dele


Epilepsy is an unresolved disease that needs urgent attention. It is a brain disorder that affects over sixty-five (65) million people around the globe. Despite the availability of commercial anti-epileptic drugs, the war against this unmet condition is yet to be resolved. Most epilepsy patients are resistant to available anti-epileptic medications thus the need for affordable novel therapy against epilepsy is a necessity. Numerous phytochemicals have been reported for their potency, efficacy and safety as therapeutic agents against many diseases. This study investigated 99 isolated phytochemicals from Chasmanthera dependens and Carissa edulis against carbonic anhydrase (ii) drug target. The absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADMET) of the isolated compounds were examined using admet SAR-2 web server while Swiss ADME was used to analyze the oral bioavailability, drug-likeness and lead-likeness properties of the selected leads. PASS web server was used to predict the biological activities of selected leads while other important physicochemical properties and interactions of the selected leads with the active site of the target after successful molecular docking simulation with the pyrx virtual screening tool were also examined. The results of these study identified seven lead compounds; C49- alpha-carissanol (-7.6 kcal/mol), C13- Catechin (-7.4 kcal/mol), C45- Salicin (-7.4 kcal/mol), C6- Bisnorargemonine (-7.3 kcal/mol), C36- Pallidine (-7.1 kcal/mol), S4- Lacosamide (-7.1 kcal/mol), and S7- Acetazolamide (-6.4 kcal/mol) for CA II (3HS4 receptor). These leads compounds are probable inhibitors of this drug target due to the observed good binding affinities and favourable interactions with the active site of the drug target, excellent ADMET profiles, PASS Properties, drug-likeness, lead-likeness and oral bioavailability properties. The identified leads have better binding energies as compared to the binding energies of the two standards. Thus, seven identified lead compounds can be developed further towards the development of new anti-epileptic medications.

Keywords: drug-likeness, phytochemicals, carbonic anhydrases, metalloeazymes, active site, ADMET

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946 Wireless Gyroscopes for Highly Dynamic Objects

Authors: Dmitry Lukyanov, Sergey Shevchenko, Alexander Kukaev


Modern MEMS gyroscopes have strengthened their position in motion control systems and have led to the creation of tactical grade sensors (better than 15 deg/h). This was achieved by virtue of the success in micro- and nanotechnology development, cooperation among international experts and the experience gained in the mass production of MEMS gyros. This production is knowledge-intensive, often unique and, therefore, difficult to develop, especially due to the use of 3D-technology. The latter is usually associated with manufacturing of inertial masses and their elastic suspension, which determines the vibration and shock resistance of gyros. Today, consumers developing highly dynamic objects or objects working under extreme conditions require the gyro shock resistance of up to 65 000 g and the measurement range of more than 10 000 deg/s. Such characteristics can be achieved by solid-state gyroscopes (SSG) without inertial masses or elastic suspensions, which, for example, can be constructed with molecular kinetics of bulk or surface acoustic waves (SAW). Excellent effectiveness of this sensors production and a high level of structural integration provides basis for increased accuracy, size reduction and significant drop in total production costs. Existing principles of SAW-based sensors are based on the theory of SAW propagation in rotating coordinate systems. A short introduction to the theory of a gyroscopic (Coriolis) effect in SAW is provided in the report. Nowadays more and more applications require passive and wireless sensors. SAW-based gyros provide an opportunity to create one. Several design concepts incorporating reflective delay lines were proposed in recent years, but faced some criticism. Still, the concept is promising and is being of interest in St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University. Several experimental models were developed and tested to find the minimal configuration of a passive and wireless SAW-based gyro. Structural schemes, potential characteristics and known limitations are stated in the report. Special attention is dedicated to a novel method of a FEM modeling with piezoelectric and gyroscopic effects simultaneously taken into account.

Keywords: FEM simulation, gyroscope, OOFELIE, surface acoustic wave, wireless sensing

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945 Silver-Curcumin Nanoparticle Eradicate Enterococcus faecalis in Human ex vivo Dentine Model

Authors: M. Gowri, E. K. Girija, V. Ganesh


Background and Significance: Among the dental infections, inflammation and infection of the root canal are common among all age groups. Currently, the management of root canal infections involves cleaning the canal with powerful irrigants followed by intracanal medicament application. Though these treatments have been in vogue for a long time, root canal failures do occur. Treatment for root canal infections is limited due to the anatomical complexity in terms of small micrometer volumes and poor penetration of drugs. Thus, infections of the root canal seem to be a challenge that demands development of new agents that can eradicate E. faecalis. Methodology: In the present study, we synthesized and screened silver-curcumin nanoparticle against E. faecalis. Morphological cell damage and antibiofilm activity of silver-curcumin nanoparticle on E. faecalis was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Biochemical evidence for membrane damage was studied using flow cytometry. Further, the antifungal activity of silver-curcumin nanoparticle was evaluated in an ex vivo dentinal tubule infection model. Results: Screening data showed that silver-curcumin nanoparticle was active against E. faecalis. silver-curcumin nanoparticle exerted time kill effect. Further, SEM images of E. faecalis showed that silver-curcumin nanoparticle caused membrane damage and inhibited biofilm formation. Biochemical evidence for membrane damage was confirmed by increased propidium iodide (PI) uptake in flow cytometry. Further, the antifungal activity of silver-curcumin nanoparticle was evaluated in an ex vivo dentinal tubule infection model, which mimics human tooth root canal infection. Confocal laser scanning microscopy studies showed eradication of E. faecalis and reduction in colony forming unit (CFU) after 24 h treatment in the infected tooth samples in this model. Further, silver-curcumin nanoparticle was found to be hemocompatible, not cytotoxic to normal mammalian NIH 3T3 cells and non-mutagenic. Conclusion: The results of this study can pave the way for developing new antibacterial agents with well deciphered mechanisms of action and can be a promising antibacterial agent or medicament against root canal infection.

Keywords: ex vivo dentine model, inhibition of biofilm formation, root canal infection, silver-curcumin nanoparticle

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944 Use of Pig as an Animal Model for Assessing the Differential MicroRNA Profiling in Kidney after Aristolochic Acid Intoxication

Authors: Daniela E. Marin, Cornelia Braicu, Gina C. Pistol, Roxana Cojocneanu-Petric, Ioana Berindan Neagoe, Mihail A. Gras, Ionelia Taranu


Aristolochic acid (AA) is a carcinogenic, mutagenic, and nephrotoxic compound commonly found in the Aristolochiaceae family of plants. AA is frequently associated with urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract in human and animals and is considered as being responsible for Balkan Endemic Nephropathy. The pig provides a good animal model because the porcine urological system is very similar to that of humans, both in aspects of physiology and anatomy. MicroRNA (miRNA) are small non-coding RNAs that have an impact on a wide range of biological processes by regulating gene expression at post-transcriptional level. The objective of this study was to analyze the miRNA profiling in the kidneys of AA intoxicated swine. For this purpose, ten TOPIGS-40 crossbred weaned piglets, 4-week-old, male and females with an initial average body weight of 9.83 ± 0.5 kg were studied for 28 days. They were given ad libitum access to water and feed and randomly allotted to one of the following groups: control group (C) or aristolochic acid group (AA). They were fed a maize-soybean-meal-based diet contaminated or not with 0.25mgAA/kg. To profile miRNA in the kidneys of pigs, microarrays and bioinformatics approaches were applied to analyze the miRNA in the kidney of control and AA intoxicated pigs. After normalization, our results have shown that a total of 5 known miRNAs and 4 novel miRNAs had different profiling in the kidney of intoxicated animals versus control ones. Expression of miR-32-5p, miR-497-5p, miR-423-3p, miR-218-5p, miR-128-3p were up-regulated by 0.25mgAA/kg feed, while the expression of miR-9793-5p, miR-9835-3p, miR-9840-3p, miR-4334-5p was down-regulated. The microRNA profiling in kidney of intoxicated animals was associated with modified expression of target genes as: RICTOR, LASP1, SFRP2, DKK2, BMI1, RAF1, IGF1R, MAP2K1, WEE1, HDGF, BCL2, EIF4E etc, involved in cell division cycle, apoptosis, cell differentiation and cell migration, cell signaling, cancer etc. In conclusion, this study provides new data concerning the microRNA profiling in kidney after aristolochic acid intoxications with important implications for human and animal health.

Keywords: aristolochic acid, kidney, microRNA, swine

Procedia PDF Downloads 285
943 Reduction of Nitrogen Monoxide with Carbon Monoxide from Gas Streams by 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/Activated Carbon

Authors: K. L. Pan, M. B. Chang


Nitrogen oxides (NOₓ) is regarded as one of the most important air pollutants. It not only causes adverse environmental effects but also harms human lungs and respiratory system. As a post-combustion treatment, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) possess the highest NO removal efficiency ( ≥ 85%), which is considered as the most effective technique for removing NO from gas streams. However, injection of reducing agent such as NH₃ is requested, and it is costly and may cause secondary pollution. Reduction of NO with carbon monoxide (CO) as reducing agent has been previously investigated. In this process, the key step involves the NO adsorption and dissociation. Also, the high performance mainly relies on the amounts of oxygen vacancy on catalyst surface and redox ability of catalyst, because oxygen vacancy can activate the N-O bond to promote its dissociation. Additionally, perfect redox ability can promote the adsorption of NO and oxidation of CO. Typically, noble metals such as iridium (Ir), platinum (Pt), and palladium (Pd) are used as catalyst for the reduction of NO with CO; however, high cost has limited their applications. Recently, transition metal oxides have been investigated for the reduction of NO with CO, especially CuₓOy, CoₓOy, Fe₂O₃, and MnOₓ are considered as effective catalysts. However, deactivation is inevitable as oxygen (O₂) exists in the gas streams because active sites (oxygen vacancies) of catalyst are occupied by O₂. In this study, Cu-Ce-Fe-Co is prepared and supported on activated carbon by impregnation method to form 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/activated carbon catalyst. Generally, addition of activated carbon on catalyst can bring several advantages: (1) NO can be effectively adsorbed by interaction between catalyst and activated carbon, resulting in the improvement of NO removal, (2) direct NO decomposition may be achieved over carbon associated with catalyst, and (3) reduction of NO could be enhanced by a reducing agent over carbon-supported catalyst. Therefore, 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/activated carbon may have better performance for reduction of NO with CO. Experimental results indicate that NO conversion achieved with 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/activated carbon reaches 83% at 150°C with 300 ppm NO and 10,000 ppm CO. As temperature is further increased to 200°C, 100% NO conversion could be achieved, implying that 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/activated carbon prepared has good activity for the reduction of NO with CO. In order to investigate the effect of O₂ on reduction of NO with CO, 1-5% O₂ are introduced into the system. The results indicate that NO conversions still maintain at ≥ 90% with 1-5% O₂ conditions at 200°C. It is worth noting that effect of O₂ on reduction of NO with CO could be significantly improved as carbon is used as support. It is inferred that carbon support can react with O₂ to produce CO₂ as O₂ exists in the gas streams. Overall, 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/activated carbon is demonstrated with good potential for reduction of NO with CO, and possible mechanisms will be elucidated in this paper.

Keywords: nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), carbon monoxide (CO), reduction of NO with CO, carbon material, catalysis

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942 Predictability of Thermal Response in Housing: A Case Study in Australia, Adelaide

Authors: Mina Rouhollahi, J. Boland


Changes in cities’ heat balance due to rapid urbanization and the urban heat island (UHI) have increased energy demands for space cooling and have resulted in uncomfortable living conditions for urban residents. Climate resilience and comfortable living spaces can be addressed through well-designed urban development. The sustainable housing can be more effective in controlling high levels of urban heat. In Australia, to mitigate the effects of UHIs and summer heat waves, one solution to sustainable housing has been the trend to compact housing design and the construction of energy efficient dwellings. This paper analyses whether current housing configurations and orientations are effective in avoiding increased demands for air conditioning and having an energy efficient residential neighborhood. A significant amount of energy is consumed to ensure thermal comfort in houses. This paper reports on the modelling of heat transfer within the homes using the measurements of radiation, convection and conduction between exterior/interior wall surfaces and outdoor/indoor environment respectively. The simulation was tested on selected 7.5-star energy efficient houses constructed of typical material elements and insulation in Adelaide, Australia. The chosen design dwellings were analyzed in extremely hot weather through one year. The data were obtained via a thermal circuit to accurately model the fundamental heat transfer mechanisms on both boundaries of the house and through the multi-layered wall configurations. The formulation of the Lumped capacitance model was considered in discrete time steps by adopting a non-linear model method. The simulation results focused on the effects of orientation of the solar radiation on the dynamic thermal characteristics of the houses orientations. A high star rating did not necessarily coincide with a decrease in peak demands for cooling. A more effective approach to avoid increasing the demands for air conditioning and energy may be to integrate solar–climatic data to evaluate the performance of energy efficient houses.

Keywords: energy-efficient residential building, heat transfer, neighborhood orientation, solar–climatic data

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941 Approximate Spring Balancing for Swimming Pool Lift Mechanism to Reduce Actuator Torque

Authors: Apurva Patil, Sujatha Srinivasan


Reducing actuator loads is important for applications in which human effort is required for actuation. The potential benefit of applying spring balancing to rehabilitation devices which work against gravity on a nonhorizontal plane is well recognized, but practical applications have been elusive. Although existing methods provide exact spring balance, they require additional masses or auxiliary links, or all the springs used originate from the ground, which makes the resulting device bulky and space-inefficient. This paper uses a method of static balancing of mechanisms with conservative loads such as gravity and spring loads using non-zero-free-length springs and no auxiliary links. Application of this method to a manually operated swimming pool lift mechanism which lowers and raises the physically challenged users into or out of the swimming pool is presented here. Various possible configurations using extension and compression springs as well as gas spring in the mechanism are compared. This work involves approximate spring balancing of the mechanism using minimization of potential energy variance. It uses the approach of flattening the potential energy distribution over the workspace and fuses it with numerical optimization. The results show the considerable reduction in actuator torque requirement with practical spring design and arrangement. Although the method provides only an approximate balancing, it is versatile, flexible in choosing appropriate control variables that are relevant to the design problem and easy to implement. The true potential of this technique lies in the fact that it uses a very simple optimization to find the spring constant, free length of the spring and the optimal attachment points subject to the optimization constraints. Also, it uses physically realizable non-zero-free-length springs directly, thereby reducing the complexity involved in simulating zero-free-length springs from non-zero-free-length springs. This method allows springs to be attached inside the mechanism, which makes the implementation of spring balancing practical. Because auxiliary linkages can be avoided, the resultant swimming pool lift mechanism is compact. The cost benefits and reduced complexity can be significant advantages in the development of this user-actuated swimming pool lift for developing countries.

Keywords: gas spring, rehabilitation device, spring balancing, swimming pool lift

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940 Investigation of Dry-Blanching and Freezing Methods of Fruits

Authors: Epameinondas Xanthakis, Erik Kaunisto, Alain Le-Bail, Lilia Ahrné


Fruits and vegetables are characterized as perishable food matrices due to their short shelf life as several deterioration mechanisms are being involved. Prior to the common preservation methods like freezing or canning, fruits and vegetables are being blanched in order to inactivate deteriorative enzymes. Both conventional blanching pretreatments and conventional freezing methods hide drawbacks behind their beneficial impacts on the preservation of those matrices. Conventional blanching methods may require longer processing times, leaching of minerals and nutrients due to the contact with the warm water which in turn leads to effluent production with large BOD. An important issue of freezing technologies is the size of the formed ice crystals which is also critical for the final quality of the frozen food as it can cause irreversible damage to the cellular structure and subsequently to degrade the texture and the colour of the product. Herein, the developed microwave blanching methodology and the results regarding quality aspects and enzyme inactivation will be presented. Moreover, heat transfer phenomena, mass balance, temperature distribution, and enzyme inactivation (such as Pectin Methyl Esterase and Ascorbic Acid Oxidase) of our microwave blanching approach will be evaluated based on measurements and computer modelling. The present work is part of the COLDμWAVE project which aims to the development of an innovative environmentally sustainable process for blanching and freezing of fruits and vegetables with improved textural and nutritional quality. In this context, COLDµWAVE will develop tailored equipment for MW blanching of vegetables that has very high energy efficiency and no water consumption. Furthermore, the next steps of this project regarding the development of innovative pathways in MW assisted freezing to improve the quality of frozen vegetables, by exploring in depth previous results acquired by the authors, will be presented. The application of MW assisted freezing process on fruits and vegetables it is expected to lead to improved quality characteristics compared to the conventional freezing. Acknowledgments: COLDμWAVE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grand agreement No 660067.

Keywords: blanching, freezing, fruits, microwave blanching, microwave

Procedia PDF Downloads 267
939 Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Lytic Bacteriophage against Carbapenem Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae

Authors: Guna Raj Dhungana, Roshan Nepal, Apshara Parajuli, , Archana Maharjan, Shyam K. Mishra, Pramod Aryal, Rajani Malla


Introduction: Klebsiella pneumoniae is a well-known opportunistic human pathogen, primarily causing healthcare-associated infections. The global emergence of carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniaeis a major public health burden, which is often extensively multidrug resistant.Thus, because of the difficulty to treat these ‘superbug’ and menace and some term as ‘apocalypse’ of post antibiotics era, an alternative approach to controlling this pathogen is prudent and one of the approaches is phage mediated control and/or treatment. Objective: In this study, we aimed to isolate novel bacteriophage against carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniaeand characterize for potential use inphage therapy. Material and Methods: Twenty lytic phages were isolated from river water using double layer agar assay and purified. Biological features, physiochemical characters, burst size, host specificity and activity spectrum of phages were determined. One most potent phage: Phage TU_Kle10O was selected and characterized by electron microscopy. Whole genome sequences of the phage were analyzed for presence/absence of virulent factors, and other lysin genes. Results: Novel phage TU_Kle10O showed multiple host range within own genus and did not induce any BIM up to 5th generation of host’s life cycle. Electron microscopy confirmed that the phage was tailed and belonged to Caudovirales family. Next generation sequencing revealed its genome to be 166.2 Kb. bioinformatical analysis further confirmed that the phage genome ‘did not’ contain any ‘bacterial genes’ within phage genome, which ruled out the concern for transfer of virulent genes. Specific 'lysin’ enzyme was identified phages which could be used as 'antibiotics'. Conclusion: Extensively multidrug resistant bacteria like carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniaecould be treated efficiently by phages.Absence of ‘virulent’ genes of bacterial origin and presence of lysin proteins within phage genome makes phages an excellent candidate for therapeutics.

Keywords: bacteriophage, Klebsiella pneumoniae, MDR, phage therapy, carbapenemase,

Procedia PDF Downloads 191
938 Sensing Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Virus-Based Structural Colour Nanostructure

Authors: Lee Yujin, Han Jiye, Oh Jin-Woo


The adverse effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has attracted considerable public interests. The benzene-like EDCs structure mimics the mechanisms of hormones naturally occurring in vivo, and alters physiological function of the endocrine system. Although, some of the most representative EDCs such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and phthalates compounds already have been prohibited to produce and use in many countries, however, PCBs and phthalates in plastic products as flame retardant and plasticizer are still circulated nowadays. EDCs can be released from products while using and discarding, and it causes serious environmental and health issues. Here, we developed virus-based structurally coloured nanostructure that can detect minute EDCs concentration sensitively and selectively. These structurally coloured nanostructure exhibits characteristic angel-independent colors due to the regular virus bundle structure formation through simple pulling technique. The designed number of different colour bands can be formed through controlling concentration of virus solution and pulling speed. The virus, M-13 bacteriophage, was genetically engineered to react with specific ECDs, typically PCBs and phthalates. M-13 bacteriophage surface (pVIII major coat protein) was decorated with benzene derivative binding peptides (WHW) through phage library method. In the initial assessment, virus-based color sensor was exposed to several organic chemicals including benzene, toluene, phenol, chlorobenzene, and phthalic anhydride. Along with the selectivity evaluation of virus-based colour sensor, it also been tested for sensitivity. 10 to 300 ppm of phthalic anhydride and chlorobenzene were detected by colour sensor, and showed the significant sensitivity with about 90 of dissociation constant. Noteworthy, all measurements were analyzed through principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discrimination analysis (LDA), and exhibited clear discrimination ability upon exposure to 2 categories of EDCs (PCBs and phthalates). Because of its easy fabrication, high sensitivity, and the superior selectivity, M-13 bacteriophage-based color sensor could be a simple and reliable portable sensing system for environmental monitoring, healthcare, social security, and so on.

Keywords: M-13 bacteriophage, colour sensor, genetic engineering, EDCs

Procedia PDF Downloads 244
937 Low Plastic Deformation Energy to Induce High Superficial Strain on AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet

Authors: Emigdio Mendoza, Patricia Fernandez, Cristian Gomez


Magnesium alloys have generated great interest for several industrial applications because their high specific strength and low density make them a very attractive alternative for the manufacture of various components; however, these alloys present a limitation with their hexagonal crystal structure that limits the deformation mechanisms at room temperature likewise the molding components alternatives, it is for this reason that severe plastic deformation processes have taken a huge relevance recently because these, allow high deformation rates to be applied that induce microstructural changes where the deficiency in the sliding systems is compensated with crystallographic grains reorientations or crystal twinning. The present study reports a statistical analysis of process temperature, number of passes and shear angle with respect to the shear stress in severe plastic deformation process denominated 'Equal Channel Angular Sheet Drawing (ECASD)' applied to the magnesium alloy AZ31B through Python Statsmodels libraries, additionally a Post-Hoc range test is performed using the Tukey statistical test. Statistical results show that each variable has a p-value lower than 0.05, which allows comparing the average values of shear stresses obtained, which are in the range of 7.37 MPa to 12.23 MPa, lower values in comparison to others severe plastic deformation processes reported in the literature, considering a value of 157.53 MPa as the average creep stress for AZ31B alloy. However, a higher stress level is required when the sheets are processed using a shear angle of 150°, due to a higher level of adjustment applied for the shear die of 150°. Temperature and shear passes are important variables as well, but there is no significant impact on the level of stress applied during the ECASD process. In the processing of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheets, ECASD technique is evidenced as a viable alternative in the modification of the elasto-plastic properties of this alloy, promoting the weakening of the basal texture, which means, a better response to deformation, whereby, during the manufacture of parts by drawing or stamping processes the formation of cracks on the surface can be reduced, presenting an adequate mechanical performance.

Keywords: plastic deformation, strain, sheet drawing, magnesium

Procedia PDF Downloads 110
936 China and the Criminalization of Aggression. The Juxtaposition of Justice and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security

Authors: Elisabetta Baldassini


Responses to atrocities are always unique and context-dependent. They cannot be foretold nor easily prompted. However, the events of the twentieth century had set the scene for the international community to explore new and more robust systems in response to war atrocities, with the ultimate goal being the restoration and maintenance of peace and security. The outlawry of war and the attribution of individual liability for international crimes were two major landmarks that set the roots for the development of international criminal law. From the London Conference (1945) for the establishment of the first international military tribunal in Nuremberg to Rome at the inauguration of the first permanent international criminal court, the development of international criminal law has shaped in itself a fluctuating degree of tensions between justice and maintenance of international peace and security, the cardinal dichotomy of this article. The adoption of judicial measures to achieve peace indeed set justice as an essential feature at the heart of the new international system. Blackhole of this dichotomy is the crime of aggression. Aggression was at first the key component of a wide body of peace projects prosecuted under the charges of crimes against peace. However, the wide array of controversies around aggression mostly related to its definition, determination and the involvement of the Security Council silenced, partly, a degree of efforts and agreements. Notwithstanding the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC), jurisdiction over the crime of aggression was suspended until an agreement over the definition and the conditions for the Court’s exercise of jurisdiction was reached. Compromised over the crime was achieved in Kampala in 2010 and the Court’s jurisdiction over the crime of aggression was eventually activated on 17 July 2018. China has steadily supported the advancement of international criminal justice together with the establishment of a permanent international judicial body to prosecute grave crimes and has proactively participated at the various stages of the codification and development of the crime of aggression. However, China has also expressed systematic reservations and setbacks. With the use of primary and secondary sources, including semi-structured interviews, this research aims at analyzing the role that China has played throughout the substantive historical development of the crime of aggression, demonstrating a sharp inclination in the maintenance of international peace and security. Such state behavior seems to reflect national and international political mechanisms that gravitate around a distinct rationale that involves a share of culture and tradition.

Keywords: maintenance of peace and security, cultural expression of justice, crime of aggression, China

Procedia PDF Downloads 228
935 Solomon Islands Decentralization Efforts

Authors: Samson Viulu, Hugo Hebala, Duddley Kopu


Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is a controversial fund that has existed in the Solomon Islands since the early 90s to date. It is largely controversial because it is directly handled by members of parliament (MPs) of the Solomon Islands legislation chamber. It is commonly described as a political slash fund because only voters of MPs benefit from it to retain loyalty. The CDF was established by a legislative act in 2013; however, it does not have any subsidiary regulations to it, therefore, very weak governance. CDF is purposely to establish development projects in the rural areas of the Solomon Islands to spur economic growth. Although almost USD500M was spent in CDF in the last decade, there has been no growth in the economy of the Solomon Islands; rather, a regress. Solomon Islands has now formulated a first home-grown policy aimed at guiding the overall development of the fifty constituencies, improving delivery mechanisms of the CDF, and strengthening its governance through the regulation of the CDF Act 2013. The Solomon Islands Constituency Development Policy is the first for the country since gaining independence in 1978 and gives strong emphasis on a cross-sectoral approach through effective partnerships and collaborations and decentralizing government services to the isolated rural areas of the country. The new policy is driving the efforts of the political government to decentralize government services to isolated rural communities to encourage the participation of rural dwellers in economic activities. The decentralization will see the establishment of constituency offices within all constituencies and the piloting of townships in constituencies that have met the statutory requirements of the state. It also encourages constituencies to become development agents of the national government than being mere political boundaries. The decentralization will go in line with the establishment of the Solomon Islands Special Economic Zones (SEZ), where investors will be given special privileges and exemptions from government taxes and permits to attract tangible development to occur in rural constituencies. The design and formulation of the new development policy are supported by the UNDP office in the Solomon Islands. The new policy is promoting a reorientation on the allocation of resources more toward the productive and resource sectors, making access to finance easier for entrepreneurs and encouraging growth in rural entrepreneurship in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, down streaming, and tourism across the Solomon Islands. This new policy approach will greatly assist the country to graduate from the least developed countries status in a few years’ time.

Keywords: decentralization, constituency development fund, Solomon Islands constituency development policy, partnership, entrepreneurship

Procedia PDF Downloads 87
934 Obese and Overweight Women and Public Health Issues in Hillah City, Iraq

Authors: Amean A. Yasir, Zainab Kh. A. Al-Mahdi Al-Amean


In both developed and developing countries, obesity among women is increasing, but in different patterns and at very different speeds. It may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. This research studied the age distribution among obese women, the types of overweight and obesity, and the extent of the problem of overweight/obesity and the obesity etiological factors among women in Hillah city in central Iraq. A total of 322 overweight and obese women were included in the study, those women were randomly selected. The Body Mass Index was used as indicator for overweight/ obesity. The incidence of overweight/obesity among age groups were estimated, the etiology factors included genetic, environmental, genetic/environmental and endocrine disease. The overweight and obese women were screened for incidence of infection and/or diseases. The study found that the prevalence of 322 overweight and obese women in Hillah city in central Iraq was 19.25% and 80.78%, respectively. The obese women types were recorded based on BMI and WHO classification as class-1 obesity (29.81%), class-2 obesity (24.22%) and class-3 obesity (26.70%), the result was discrepancy non-significant, P value < 0.05. The incidence of overweight in women was high among those aged 20-29 years (90.32%), 6.45% aged 30-39 years old and 3.22% among ≥ 60 years old, while the incidence of obesity was 20.38% for those in the age group 20-29 years, 17.30% were 30-39 years, 23.84% were 40-49 years, 16.92% were 50-59 years group and 21.53% were ≥ 60 years age group. These results confirm that the age can be considered as a significant factor for obesity types (P value < 0.0001). The result also showed that the both genetic factors and environmental factors were responsible for incidents of overweight or obesity (84.78%) p value < 0.0001. The results also recorded cases of different repeated infections (skin infection, recurrent UTI and influenza), cancer, gallstones, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and infertility. Weight stigma and bias generally refers to negative attitudes; Obesity can affect quality of life, and the results of this study recorded depression among overweight or obese women. This can lead to sexual problems, shame and guilt, social isolation and reduced work performance. Overweight and Obesity are real problems among women of all age groups and is associated with the risk of diseases and infection and negatively affects quality of life. This result warrants further studies into the prevalence of obesity among women in Hillah City in central Iraq and the immune response of obese women.

Keywords: obesity, overweight, Iraq, body mass index

Procedia PDF Downloads 386
933 Cysteine Proteases of Plants That Act on the Coagulation Cascade: Approach from Bioinformatics

Authors: Tapiwa Brine Mutsauri


The MEROPS system is an information resource for proteases that classifies them into clans according to their catalytic type. Within the Plant kingdom, cysteine ​​proteases are one of the best known, as they are the catalytic type on which the first studies on plant proteases were focused. Plant cysteine ​​proteases have a similar mechanism of action to serine proteases, and some are known to have activity on factors of the blood coagulation cascade, such as a potent antithrombotic effect, and also cause increased fibrinolysis. Of a few plant cysteine ​​proteases, the three-dimensional structure is known, so a method of interest to be able to predict their potential activity on the factors of the coagulation cascade would be to know their structure. Phylogenetics is the study of the evolutionary relationships between biological entities, often species, individuals, or genes (which can be called taxa). It is essential to identify the evolutionary position and the possible distribution of these enzymes in the plant kingdom, particularly those that act on coagulation factors. Bioinformatic tools, such as Clustal Omega / Jalview and Mega6, can be used to create phylogenetic trees. From the results of the alignment, it can be seen that although there is a certain degree of conservation (Conservation) and consensus (Consensus) among the eleven sequences, the functionally important motifs (those corresponding to the active site), the degree of conservation and consensus is very low. We could then infer that although activity on coagulation is reported for these enzymes, linked to their structural and mechanistic similarity with serine proteases, this activity may not have a direct or primary relationship with the proteolytic activity associated with their common, poorly conserved active site in this case. This ultimately could be related to modifications in the reaction mechanism of several of the enzymes studied, which would require more detailed study. Also, below, we will deal with factors that may have a greater influence on this result. The results of this work enrich the understanding of how species (and molecular sequences in general) evolve. Through phylogenetics, we learn not only how sequences came to be the way they are today but also the general principles that allow us to predict how they will change in the future. For pharmaceutical sciences, phylogenetic selection of biologically related species can help identify closely related members of a species with compounds of pharmacological importance, such as plant cysteine ​​proteases, in addition to identifying structural features that may influence their pharmacological activity and which can be valuable for drug design.

Keywords: computational simulation, proteases, coagulation, bioinformatics

Procedia PDF Downloads 23
932 Improved Intracellular Protein Degradation System for Rapid Screening and Quantitative Study of Essential Fungal Proteins in Biopharmaceutical Development

Authors: Patarasuda Chaisupa, R. Clay Wright


The selection of appropriate biomolecular targets is a crucial aspect of biopharmaceutical development. The Auxin-Inducible Degron Degradation (AID) technology has demonstrated remarkable potential in efficiently and rapidly degrading target proteins, thereby enabling the identification and acquisition of drug targets. The AID system also offers a viable method to deplete specific proteins, particularly in cases where the degradation pathway has not been exploited or when the adaptation of proteins, including the cell environment, occurs to compensate for the mutation or gene knockout. In this study, we have engineered an improved AID system tailored to deplete proteins of interest. This AID construct combines the auxin-responsive E3 ubiquitin ligase binding domain, AFB2, and the substrate degron, IAA17, fused to the target genes. Essential genes of fungi with the lowest percent amino acid similarity to human and plant orthologs, according to the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), were cloned into the AID construct in S. cerevisiae (AID-tagged strains) using a modular yeast cloning toolkit for multipart assembly and direct genetic modification. Each E3 ubiquitin ligase and IAA17 degron was fused to a fluorescence protein, allowing for real-time monitoring of protein levels in response to different auxin doses via cytometry. Our AID system exhibited high sensitivity, with an EC50 value of 0.040 µM (SE = 0.016) for AFB2, enabling the specific promotion of IAA17::target protein degradation. Furthermore, we demonstrate how this improved AID system enhances quantitative functional studies of various proteins in fungi. The advancements made in auxin-inducible protein degradation in this study offer a powerful approach to investigating critical target protein viability in fungi, screening protein targets for drugs, and regulating intracellular protein abundance, thus revolutionizing the study of protein function underlying a diverse range of biological processes.

Keywords: synthetic biology, bioengineering, molecular biology, biotechnology

Procedia PDF Downloads 92
931 Re-identification Risk and Mitigation in Federated Learning: Human Activity Recognition Use Case

Authors: Besma Khalfoun


In many current Human Activity Recognition (HAR) applications, users' data is frequently shared and centrally stored by third parties, posing a significant privacy risk. This practice makes these entities attractive targets for extracting sensitive information about users, including their identity, health status, and location, thereby directly violating users' privacy. To tackle the issue of centralized data storage, a relatively recent paradigm known as federated learning has emerged. In this approach, users' raw data remains on their smartphones, where they train the HAR model locally. However, users still share updates of their local models originating from raw data. These updates are vulnerable to several attacks designed to extract sensitive information, such as determining whether a data sample is used in the training process, recovering the training data with inversion attacks, or inferring a specific attribute or property from the training data. In this paper, we first introduce PUR-Attack, a parameter-based user re-identification attack developed for HAR applications within a federated learning setting. It involves associating anonymous model updates (i.e., local models' weights or parameters) with the originating user's identity using background knowledge. PUR-Attack relies on a simple yet effective machine learning classifier and produces promising results. Specifically, we have found that by considering the weights of a given layer in a HAR model, we can uniquely re-identify users with an attack success rate of almost 100%. This result holds when considering a small attack training set and various data splitting strategies in the HAR model training. Thus, it is crucial to investigate protection methods to mitigate this privacy threat. Along this path, we propose SAFER, a privacy-preserving mechanism based on adaptive local differential privacy. Before sharing the model updates with the FL server, SAFER adds the optimal noise based on the re-identification risk assessment. Our approach can achieve a promising tradeoff between privacy, in terms of reducing re-identification risk, and utility, in terms of maintaining acceptable accuracy for the HAR model.

Keywords: federated learning, privacy risk assessment, re-identification risk, privacy preserving mechanisms, local differential privacy, human activity recognition

Procedia PDF Downloads 13
930 Human Rights Legislations and Evolution Effect on Attitudes

Authors: Sherin Kamal Zaki Kallini


The ratification of an global human rights prison instrument affords signatory States with an opportunity to count on a hard and fast of obligations and rights for the gain of their residents, imparting expanded possibilities, possibilities, and manner to access an improved best of existence – to be, to appear, and to become. developed countries commonly experience cultural, political, social, monetary, prison, and regulatory alterations in reaction to this transition. In a methodologically proactive technique, mechanisms undergo a visible and understandable manner of qualitative and quantitative exchange. Conversely, in countries undergoing improvement, the response to such ratification varies. some display high quality coverage modifications, whilst others stay stagnant or regress. Cameroon falls into the second one category, no matter efforts, as it legally prohibits 50% of its populace with disabilities from obtaining the reputation of a person with a incapacity. The overarching goal of this communique is to spotlight those deficiencies and their adverse outcomes on various components of existence, fostering recognition among beneficiaries and advocating for extra inclusive alterations within the united states. Our task employs a popular and participatory methodological approach by related to beneficiaries and their groups in its training. it is also inclusive, representing the diversity of disabilities and tasty natural and criminal folks from numerous backgrounds. active consultations occur at all tiers of the sports. anticipated consequences include raising focus globally among countries, worldwide cooperation businesses, NGOs, and other inclusive improvement actors. We are looking for their support for nearby advocacy efforts to absolutely enforce the United countries convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities (CRPD). concurrently, we hope they specific harmony with the sufferers in Cameroon who have been left behind and endorse legal reforms to align domestic and global rules with the promotion and safety of incapacity rights.

Keywords: sustainable development, human rights, the right to development, the human rights-based approach to development, environmental rights, economic development, social sustainability human rights protection, human rights violations, workers’ rights, justice, security.

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929 The Creation of Calcium Phosphate Coating on Nitinol Substrate

Authors: Kirill M. Dubovikov, Ekaterina S. Marchenko, Gulsharat A. Baigonakova


NiTi alloys are widely used as implants in medicine due to their unique properties such as superelasticity, shape memory effect and biocompatibility. However, despite these properties, one of the major problems is the release of nickel after prolonged use in the human body under dynamic stress. This occurs due to oxidation and cracking of NiTi implants, which provokes nickel segregation from the matrix to the surface and release into living tissues. As we know, nickel is a toxic element and can cause cancer, allergies, etc. One of the most popular ways to solve this problem is to create a corrosion resistant coating on NiTi. There are many coatings of this type, but not all of them have good biocompatibility, which is very important for medical implants. Coatings based on calcium phosphate phases have excellent biocompatibility because Ca and P are the main constituents of the mineral part of human bone. This fact suggests that a Ca-P coating on NiTi can enhance osteogenesis and accelerate the healing process. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the structure of Ca-P coating on NiTi substrate. Plasma assisted radio frequency (RF) sputtering was used to obtain this film. This method was chosen because it allows the crystallinity and morphology of the Ca-P coating to be controlled by the sputtering parameters. It allows us to obtain three different NiTi samples with Ca-P coating. XRD, AFM, SEM and EDS were used to study the composition, structure and morphology of the coating phase. Scratch tests were carried out to evaluate the adhesion of the coating to the substrate. Wettability tests were used to investigate the hydrophilicity of the different coatings and to suggest which of them had better biocompatibility. XRD showed that the coatings of all samples were hydroxyapatite, but the matrix was represented by TiNi intermetallic compounds such as B2, Ti2Ni and Ni3Ti. The SEM shows that the densest and defect-free coating has only one sample after three hours of sputtering. Wettability tests show that the sample with the densest coating has the lowest contact angle of 40.2° and the largest free surface area of 57.17 mJ/m2, which is mostly disperse. A scratch test was carried out to investigate the adhesion of the coating to the surface and it was shown that all coatings were removed by a cohesive mechanism. However, at a load of 30N, the indenter reached the substrate in two out of three samples, except for the sample with the densest coating. It was concluded that the most promising sputtering mode was the third, which consisted of three hours of deposition. This mode produced a defect-free Ca-P coating with good wettability and adhesion.

Keywords: biocompatibility, calcium phosphate coating, NiTi alloy, radio frequency sputtering.

Procedia PDF Downloads 73
928 Ethanol Precipitation and Characterization of L-Asparaginase from Aspergillus oryzae

Authors: L. L. Tundisi, A. Pessoa Jr., E. B. Tambourgi, E. Silveira, P. G. Mazzola


L-asparaginase (L-ASNase) is the gold standard treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia that mainly affects pediatric patients; treatment increases survival from 20% to 90%. The characterization of other L-Asparaginases, apart from the most used from Escherichia coli and Erwinia chrysanthemi, has been reported, but the choice of the most appropriate is still under debate. This choice should be based on its pharmacokinetics, immune hypersensitivity, doses, prices, pharmacodynamics. The main factors influencing the antileukemic activity of ASNase are enzymatic activity, Km, glutaminase activity, clearance of the enzyme and development of resistance. However, most of the commercialized enzyme present an intrinsic glutaminase activity, which is responsible for some side effects. In this study, glutaminase free asparaginase produced from Aspergillus oryzae was precipitated in different percentages of ethanol (0–80%), until optimum ethanol concentration of 60% (w/w) was found. Following, precipitation of crude L-ASNase was performed in a single step, using 60% (w/w) ethanol, under constant agitation and temperature. It presented activity of 135.45 U/mg and after gel filtration chromatography with Sephadex G-the enzymatic activity was 322.02 U/mg. The apparent molecular mass of the purified L-ASNase fraction was estimated by 10% SDS-PAGE. Proteins were stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250. The molar mass range was from 10 kDa to 250 kDa. L-ASNase from Aspergillus oryzae was characterized aiming possible therapeutic use. Four different buffers (phosphate-citrate buffer pH 2.6 to 5.8; phosphate buffer pH 5.8 to 7.4; Tris - HCl pH 7.4 to 9.0; and carbonate buffer pH 9.8 to 10.6) were used to measure the optimum pH for L-ASNase activity. The optimum temperature for enzyme activity was measured at optimal pH conditions (Tris-HCl and phosphate buffer, pH 7.4) at different temperatures ranging from 5 to 55°C. All activities were calculated by quantifying the free ammonia, using the Nessler reagent. The kinetic parameters calculation, e.g. Michaelis-Menten constant (Km), maximum velocity (Vmax) and Hills coefficient (n), were performed by incubating the enzyme in different concentrations of the substrate at optimum conditions of pH and fitted on Hill’s equation. This glutaminase free asparaginase showed a low Km (3.39 mM and 3.81 mM) and enzymatic activity of 135.45 U/mg after precipitation with ethanol. After gel filtration chromatography it rose to 322.02 U/mg. Optimum activity was found between pH 5.8 - 9.0, best activity results with phosphate buffer pH 7.4 and Tris-HCl pH 7.4 and showed activity from 5°C to 55°C. These results indicate that L-ASNase from A. oryzae has the potential for human use.

Keywords: biopharmaceuticals, bioprocessing, bioproducts, biotechnology, enzyme activity, ethanol precipitation

Procedia PDF Downloads 292
927 Bone Mineral Density and Trabecular Bone Score in Ukrainian Women with Obesity

Authors: Vladyslav Povoroznyuk, Nataliia Dzerovych, Larysa Martynyuk, Tetiana Kovtun


Obesity and osteoporosis are the two diseases whose increasing prevalence and high impact on the global morbidity and mortality, during the two recent decades, have gained a status of major health threats worldwide. Obesity purports to affect the bone metabolism through complex mechanisms. Debated data on the connection between the bone mineral density and fracture prevalence in the obese patients are widely presented in literature. There is evidence that the correlation of weight and fracture risk is site-specific. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) in the obese Ukrainian women. We examined 1025 40-89-year-old women, divided them into the groups according to their body mass index: Group a included 360 women with obesity whose BMI was ≥30 kg/m2, and Group B – 665 women with no obesity and BMI of < 30 kg/m2. The BMD of total body, lumbar spine at the site L1-L4, femur and forearm were measured by DXA (Prodigy, GEHC Lunar, Madison, WI, USA). The TBS of L1-L4 was assessed by means of TBS iNsight® software installed on our DXA machine (product of Med-Imaps, Pessac, France). In general, obese women had a significantly higher BMD of lumbar spine, femoral neck, proximal femur, total body, and ultradistal forearm (p<0.001) in comparison with women without obesity. The TBS of L1-L4 was significantly lower in obese women compared to non-obese women (p<0.001). The BMD of lumbar spine, femoral neck and total body differed to a significant extent in women of 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70-79 years (p<0.05). At same time, in women aged 80-89 years the BMD of lumbar spine (p=0.09), femoral neck (p=0.22) and total body (p=0.06) barely differed. The BMD of ultradistal forearm was significantly higher in women of all age groups (p<0.05). The TBS of L1-L4 in all the age groups tended to reveal the lower parameters in obese women compared with the non-obese; however, those data were not statistically significant. By contrast, a significant positive correlation was observed between the fat mass and the BMD at different sites. The correlation between the fat mass and TBS of L1-L4 was also significant, although negative. Women with vertebral fractures had a significantly lower body weight, body mass index and total body fat mass in comparison with women without vertebral fractures in their anamnesis. In obese women the frequency of vertebral fractures was 27%, while in women without obesity – 57%.

Keywords: obesity, trabecular bone score, bone mineral density, women

Procedia PDF Downloads 444
926 Beta-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes for Antifungal Food Packaging Applications

Authors: Cristina Munoz-Shuguli, Francisco Rodriguez, Julio Bruna, M. Jose Galotto, Abel Guarda


The microbial contamination in fruits due to the presence of fungal is the most important cause of their deterioration and loss. The development of active food packaging materials with antifungal properties has been proposed as an innovative strategy in order to prevent this problem. In this way, natural compounds as the essential oils or their derivatives, also called volatile compounds (VC), can be incorporated in the food packaging materials to control the fungal growth during fruit packaging. However, if the VC is incorporated directly in the packaging material, it is released very fast due to VC high volatility. For this reason, the formation of inclusion complexes through the encapsulation of VC into beta-cyclodextrin (β-CD) and their incorporation in package materials is an alternative to maintain an antifungal atmosphere around the packaged fruits for longer times. In this context, the aim of this work was to develop inclusion complexes based in β-CD and VC (β-CD:VC) for further application in the antifungal food packaging materials development. β-CD:VC inclusion complexes were obtained with two different molar ratios 2:1 and 1:1, through co-precipitation method. The entrapment efficiency of β-CD:VC as well the release of antifungal compound from inclusion complexes exposed to different relative humidity (25, 50, and 97 %) to headspace were determined by gaseous chromatography (GC). Also, thermal and antimicrobial properties of β-CD:VC were determined through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and antifungal assays against Botrytis cinerea, respectively. GC results showed that β-CD:VC 2:1 had a higher entrapment efficiency than β-CD:VC 1:1, with values of 75.5 ± 3.71 % and 59.6 ± 1.51 %, respectively. It was probably because during the synthesis of β-CD:VC 1:1, there was less molecular space to the movement of VC molecules. Furthermore, the release of VC from β-CD:VC was directly related with the relative humidity. High amount of VC was released when the inclusion complexes were exposed to high humidity, possibly due to the interactions between the water molecules and the β-CD hydrophilic wall. On the other hand, a better thermal stability of VC in inclusion complexes allowed to verify its effective encapsulation into β-CD. Finally, antimicrobial assays showed that the inclusion complexes had a high antifungal activity at very low concentrations. Therefore, the results obtained in this work allow suggesting the β-CD:VC inclusion complexes as potential candidates to the development of fruit antifungal packaging materials, which activity is relative humidity dependent.

Keywords: Botrytis cinerea, fruit packaging, headspace release, volatile compounds

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925 Association between Noise Levels, Particulate Matter Concentrations and Traffic Intensities in a Near-Highway Urban Area

Authors: Mohammad Javad Afroughi, Vahid Hosseini, Jason S. Olfert


Both traffic-generated particles and noise have been associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases, especially in near-highway environments. Although noise and particulate matters (PM) have different mechanisms of dispersion, sharing the same emission source in urban areas (road traffics) can result in a similar degree of variability in their levels. This study investigated the temporal variation of and correlation between noise levels, PM concentrations and traffic intensities near a major highway in Tehran, Iran. Tehran particulate concentration is highly influenced by road traffic. Additionally, Tehran ultrafine particles (UFP, PM<0.1 µm) are mostly emitted from combustion processes of motor vehicles. This gives a high possibility of a strong association between traffic-related noise and UFP in near-highway environments of this megacity. Hourly average of equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq), total number concentration of UFPs, mass concentration of PM2.5 and PM10, as well as traffic count and speed were simultaneously measured over a period of three days in winter. Additionally, meteorological data including temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction were collected in a weather station, located 3 km from the monitoring site. Noise levels showed relatively low temporal variability in near-highway environments compared to PM concentrations. Hourly average of Leq ranged from 63.8 to 69.9 dB(A) (mean ~ 68 dB(A)), while hourly concentration of particles varied from 30,800 to 108,800 cm-3 for UFP (mean ~ 64,500 cm-3), 41 to 75 µg m-3 for PM2.5 (mean ~ 53 µg m-3), and 62 to 112 µg m-3 for PM10 (mean ~ 88 µg m-3). The Pearson correlation coefficient revealed strong relationship between noise and UFP (r ~ 0.61) overall. Under downwind conditions, UFP number concentration showed the strongest association with noise level (r ~ 0.63). The coefficient decreased to a lesser degree under upwind conditions (r ~ 0.24) due to the significant role of wind and humidity in UFP dynamics. Furthermore, PM2.5 and PM10 correlated moderately with noise (r ~ 0.52 and 0.44 respectively). In general, traffic counts were more strongly associated with noise and PM compared to traffic speeds. It was concluded that noise level combined with meteorological data can be used as a proxy to estimate PM concentrations (specifically UFP number concentration) in near-highway environments of Tehran. However, it is important to measure joint variability of noise and particles to study their health effects in epidemiological studies.

Keywords: noise, particulate matter, PM10, PM2.5, ultrafine particle

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