Search results for: service policy
2043 The Relationships between Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions, Energy Consumption and GDP per capita for Oman: Time Series Analysis, 1980–2010
Authors: Jinhoa Lee
The relationships between environmental quality, energy use and economic output have created growing attention over the past decades among researchers and policy makers. Focusing on the empirical aspects of the role of CO2 emissions and energy use in affecting the economic output, this paper is an effort to fulfil the gap in a comprehensive case study at a country level using modern econometric techniques. To achieve the goal, this country-specific study examines the short-run and long-run relationships among energy consumption, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and gross domestic product (GDP) for Oman using time series analysis from the year 1980-2010. To investigate the relationships between the variables, this paper employs the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test for stationary, Johansen maximum likelihood method for co-integration and a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) for both short- and long-run causality among the research variables for the sample. All the variables in this study show very strong significant effects on GDP in the country for the long term. The long-run equilibrium in the VECM suggests positive long-run causalities from CO2 emissions to GDP. Conversely, negative impacts of energy consumption on GDP are found to be significant in Oman during the period. In the short run, there exist negative unidirectional causalities among GDP, CO2 emissions and energy consumption running from GDP to CO2 emissions and from energy consumption to CO2 emissions. Overall, the results support arguments that there are relationships among environmental quality, energy use and economic output in Oman over of period 1980-2010.Keywords: CO2 emissions, energy consumption, GDP, Oman, time series analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4622042 Decline in Melon Yield and Its Contribution to Young Farmers' Diversification into Watermelon Farming in Oyo State, Nigeria
Authors: Oyediran Wasiu Oyeleke
Melon is a popular economic cucurbit in Southwest, Nigeria. In recent time, many young farmers are shifting from melon to watermelon farming due to poor yield and low monetary returns. Hence, this study was carried out to assess the decline in melon yield and its contribution to young farmers’ diversification into watermelon farming in Oyo state, Nigeria. Purposive sampling technique was used in selecting 75 respondents from five villages in Ibarapa block of the Oyo State Agricultural Development Project (ADP). Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC). Results show that majority of the respondents (77.3%) were between 31-40 years of age and 46.70% had secondary school education. Most of the respondents (80%) cultivated more than 3 ha of land for watermelon. Majority of the respondents (74.7%) intercropped melon with other crops while watermelon was cultivated as a sole crop. None of the respondents either grew improved melon seeds (certified seeds) or applied fertilizers but all respondents cultivated treated watermelon seeds, applied fertilizers, and agro-chemicals. The average yields of melon fell from 376.53kg/ha in 2009 to 280.70kg/ha in 2011. However, the respondents were shifting into watermelon production because of available quality seeds and its early maturity, easy harvest, and high sales. There was a significant relationship between melon output and young farmers’ diversification to watermelon in the study area at p < 0.05. The study concluded that decline in the melon yield discouraged youth to continue melon farming in the study area. It is hereby recommended that certified melon seeds should be made available while extension service providers should provide training support for the young farmers in order to reposition and boost melon production in the study area.Keywords: decline, melon yield, contribution, watermelon, diversification, young farmers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1882041 Strategy in Controlling Rice-Field Conversion in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Authors: Nurliani, Ida Rosada
The national rice consumption keeps increasing along with raising income of the households and the rapid growth of population. However, food availability, particularly rice, is limited. Impacts of rice-field conversion have run cumulatively, as we can see on potential losses of rice and crops production, as well as work opportunity that keeps increasing year-by-year. Therefore, it requires policy recommendation to control rice-field conversion through economic, social, and ecological approaches. The research was a survey method intended to: (1) Identify internal factors; quality and productivity of the land as the cause of land conversion, (2) Identify external factors of land conversion, value of the rice-field and the competitor’s land, workforce absorption, and regulation, as well as (3) Formulate strategies in controlling rice-field conversion. Population of the research was farmers who applied land conversion at Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi. Samples were determined using the incidental sampling method. Data analysis used productivity analysis, land quality analysis, total economic value analysis, and SWOT analysis. Results of the research showed that the quality of rice-field was low as well as productivity of the grains (unhulled-rice). So that, average productivity of the grains and quality of rice-field were low as well. Total economic value of rice-field was lower than the economic value of the embankment. Workforce absorption value on rice-field was higher than on the embankment. Strategies in controlling such rice-field conversion can be done by increasing rice-field productivity, improving land quality, applying cultivation technique of specific location, improving the irrigation lines, and socializing regulation and sanction about the transfer of land use.Keywords: land conversion, quality of rice-field, productivity, land economic value.
Procedia PDF Downloads 2762040 Iot-Based Interactive Patient Identification and Safety Management System
Authors: Jonghoon Chun, Insung Kim, Jonghyun Lim, Gun Ro
We believe that it is possible to provide a solution to reduce patient safety accidents by displaying correct medical records and prescription information through interactive patient identification. Our system is based on the use of smart bands worn by patients and these bands communicate with the hybrid gateways which understand both BLE and Wifi communication protocols. Through the convergence of low-power Bluetooth (BLE) and hybrid gateway technology, which is one of short-range wireless communication technologies, we implement ‘Intelligent Patient Identification and Location Tracking System’ to prevent medical malfunction frequently occurring in medical institutions. Based on big data and IOT technology using MongoDB, smart band (BLE, NFC function) and hybrid gateway, we develop a system to enable two-way communication between medical staff and hospitalized patients as well as to store locational information of the patients in minutes. Based on the precise information provided using big data systems, such as location tracking and movement of in-hospital patients wearing smart bands, our findings include the fact that a patient-specific location tracking algorithm can more efficiently operate HIS (Hospital Information System) and other related systems. Through the system, we can always correctly identify patients using identification tags. In addition, the system automatically determines whether the patient is a scheduled for medical service by the system in use at the medical institution, and displays the appropriateness of the medical treatment and the medical information (medical record and prescription information) on the screen and voice. This work was supported in part by the Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs (TIPA) grant funded by the Korean Small and Medium Business Administration (No. S2410390).Keywords: BLE, hybrid gateway, patient identification, IoT, safety management, smart band
Procedia PDF Downloads 3112039 ChaQra: A Cellular Unit of the Indian Quantum Network
Authors: Shashank Gupta, Iteash Agarwal, Vijayalaxmi Mogiligidda, Rajesh Kumar Krishnan, Sruthi Chennuri, Deepika Aggarwal, Anwesha Hoodati, Sheroy Cooper, Ranjan, Mohammad Bilal Sheik, Bhavya K. M., Manasa Hegde, M. Naveen Krishna, Amit Kumar Chauhan, Mallikarjun Korrapati, Sumit Singh, J. B. Singh, Sunil Sud, Sunil Gupta, Sidhartha Pant, Sankar, Neha Agrawal, Ashish Ranjan, Piyush Mohapatra, Roopak T., Arsh Ahmad, Nanjunda M., Dilip Singh
Major research interests on quantum key distribution (QKD) are primarily focussed on increasing 1. point-to-point transmission distance (1000 Km), 2. secure key rate (Mbps), 3. security of quantum layer (device-independence). It is great to push the boundaries on these fronts, but these isolated approaches are neither scalable nor cost-effective due to the requirements of specialised hardware and different infrastructure. Current and future QKD network requires addressing different sets of challenges apart from distance, key rate, and quantum security. In this regard, we present ChaQra -a sub-quantum network with core features as 1) Crypto agility (integration in the already deployed telecommunication fibres), 2) Software defined networking (SDN paradigm for routing different nodes), 3) reliability (addressing denial-of-service with hybrid quantum safe cryptography), 4) upgradability (modules upgradation based on scientific and technological advancements), 5) Beyond QKD (using QKD network for distributed computing, multi-party computation etc). Our results demonstrate a clear path to create and accelerate quantum secure Indian subcontinent under the national quantum mission.Keywords: quantum network, quantum key distribution, quantum security, quantum information
Procedia PDF Downloads 582038 Early Childhood Care and Education in the North-West of Nigeria: Trends and Challenges
Authors: Muhammad Adamu Kwankwaso
Early childhood is a critical period of rapid physical, cognitive and psycho-social development of a child. The quality of care and Education which a child receives at this crucial age will determine to a great extent the level of his/her physical and cognitive development in the future. In Nigeria, Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is a fundamental aspect or form of Education for children between the age of 3-6. It was started after independence as pre-primary Education or early child development as contained in the 1977 National Policy on Education. The trends towards ECCE in Nigeria and the northwestern part of the country in particular keep up changing as in the case of other part of the world. The current trends are now towards expansions, inclusiveness, redefinition, early literacy, increased government participation and the unprecedented societal response and awareness towards the Education of the younger children. While all hands are on deck to ensure successful implementation of the ECCE programme, it is unfortunate that, ECCE is facing some challenges. This paper therefore, examines the trends in Early Childhood Care and Education and the major challenges in the north west of Nigeria. Some of the major challenges include, inadequate trained ECCE teachers, lack of unified curriculum, teacher pupil’s ratio, and the medium of instructions and inadequate infrastructural and teaching facilities respectively. To improve the situation the paper offered the following recommendations; establishment of more ECCE classes, enforcement for the use of mothers’ tongue or the languages of the immediate community as a medium of instructions, and adequate provision of infrastructural facilities and the unified curriculum across the northwestern States of Nigeria.Keywords: early childhood care, education, trends, challenges
Procedia PDF Downloads 4782037 Machine Learning Based Anomaly Detection in Hydraulic Units of Governors in Hydroelectric Power Plants
Authors: Mehmet Akif Bütüner, İlhan Koşalay
Hydroelectric power plants (HEPPs) are renewable energy power plants with the highest installed power in the world. While the control systems operating in these power plants ensure that the system operates at the desired operating point, it is also responsible for stopping the relevant unit safely in case of any malfunction. While these control systems are expected not to miss signals that require stopping, on the other hand, it is desired not to cause unnecessary stops. In traditional control systems including modern systems with SCADA infrastructure, alarm conditions to create warnings or trip conditions to put relevant unit out of service automatically are usually generated with predefined limits regardless of different operating conditions. This approach results in alarm/trip conditions to be less likely to detect minimal changes which may result in serious malfunction scenarios in near future. With the methods proposed in this research, routine behavior of the oil circulation of hydraulic governor of a HEPP will be modeled with machine learning methods using historical data obtained from SCADA system. Using the created model and recently gathered data from control system, oil pressure of hydraulic accumulators will be estimated. Comparison of this estimation with the measurements made and recorded instantly by the SCADA system will help to foresee failure before becoming worse and determine remaining useful life. By using model outputs, maintenance works will be made more planned, so that undesired stops are prevented, and in case of any malfunction, the system will be stopped or several alarms are triggered before the problem grows.Keywords: hydroelectric, governor, anomaly detection, machine learning, regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 992036 Impact of Drought in Farm Level Income in the United States
Authors: Anil Giri, Kyle Lovercamp, Sankalp Sharma
Farm level incomes fluctuate significantly due to extreme weather events such as drought. In the light of recent extreme weather events it is important to understand the implications of extreme weather events, flood and drought, on farm level incomes. This study examines the variation in farm level incomes for the United States in drought and no- drought years. Factoring heterogeneity in different enterprises (crop, livestock) and geography this paper analyzes the impact of drought in farm level incomes at state and national level. Livestock industry seems to be affected more by the lag in production of input feed for production, crops, as preliminary results show. Furthermore, preliminary results also show that while crop producers are not affected much due to drought, as price and quantity effect worked on opposite direction with same magnitude, that was not the case for livestock and horticulture enterprises. Results also showed that even when price effect was not as high the crop insurance component helped absorb much of shock for crop producers. Finally, the effect was heterogeneous for different states more on the coastal states compared Midwest region. This study should generate a lot of interest from policy makers across the world as some countries are actively seeking to increase subsidies in their agriculture sector. This study shows how subsidies absorb the shocks for one enterprise more than others. Finally, this paper should also be able to give an insight to economists to design/recommend policies such that it is optimal given the production level of different enterprises in different countries.Keywords: farm level income, United States, crop, livestock
Procedia PDF Downloads 2842035 Comprehensive Evaluation of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology in "COVID-19"
Authors: Sahar Heidary, Ramin Ghasemi Shayan
The recent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) occurrence has carried considerabletrials to the world health system, comprising the training of dental and maxillofacial radiology (DMFR). DMFR will keep avital role in healthcare throughout this disaster. Severe acute breathing disease coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus producing the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, is not only extremely contagious but can make solemn consequences in susceptible persons comprising dental patients and dental health care personnel (DHCPs). Reactions to COVID-19 have been available by the Cores for Infection Switch and Inhibition and the American Dental Association, but a more detailed answer is necessary for the harmless preparation of oral and maxillofacial radiology. Our goal is to evaluation the existing information just how the illness threatens patients and DHCPs and how to define which patients are possible to be SARS-CoV-2 infected; study how the usage of private shielding utensils and contamination control measures based on recent top observes, and knowledge can decrease the danger of virus spread in radiologic trials; and scrutinize how intraoral radiography, with its actually superior danger of scattering the infection, might be changed by extraoralradiographic methods for definite diagnostic jobs. In the pandemic, teleradiology has been extensively recycled for diagnostic determinations of COVID-19 patients, for discussions with radiologists in crisis cases, or managing of distance among radiology clinics. Dentists can have the digital radiographic images of their emergency patients through online service area also by electronic message or messaging applications to view in their smart phones, laptops, or other electronic devices.Keywords: radiology, dental, oral, COVID-19, infection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1732034 Game-Theory-Based on Downlink Spectrum Allocation in Two-Tier Networks
Authors: Yu Zhang, Ye Tian, Fang Ye Yixuan Kang
The capacity of conventional cellular networks has reached its upper bound and it can be well handled by introducing femtocells with low-cost and easy-to-deploy. Spectrum interference issue becomes more critical in peace with the value-added multimedia services growing up increasingly in two-tier cellular networks. Spectrum allocation is one of effective methods in interference mitigation technology. This paper proposes a game-theory-based on OFDMA downlink spectrum allocation aiming at reducing co-channel interference in two-tier femtocell networks. The framework is formulated as a non-cooperative game, wherein the femto base stations are players and frequency channels available are strategies. The scheme takes full account of competitive behavior and fairness among stations. In addition, the utility function reflects the interference from the standpoint of channels essentially. This work focuses on co-channel interference and puts forward a negative logarithm interference function on distance weight ratio aiming at suppressing co-channel interference in the same layer network. This scenario is more suitable for actual network deployment and the system possesses high robustness. According to the proposed mechanism, interference exists only when players employ the same channel for data communication. This paper focuses on implementing spectrum allocation in a distributed fashion. Numerical results show that signal to interference and noise ratio can be obviously improved through the spectrum allocation scheme and the users quality of service in downlink can be satisfied. Besides, the average spectrum efficiency in cellular network can be significantly promoted as simulations results shown.Keywords: femtocell networks, game theory, interference mitigation, spectrum allocation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1582033 Rethinking Social Work Practice with Immigrants in Child Welfare Services: The Case of Norway
Authors: Ayan Handulle, Memory J. Tembo-Pankuku
The social work profession utilizes Western and Eurocentric perspectives on social structures, culture, history, belief systems, and education. This affects social work practice with indigenous groups as well as other minorities who have different perspectives. Some of the challenges that characterize social work with families, especially immigrants in western countries, are a result of different world views on child-rearing practices in the global north and the global south. A shift towards cultural sensitivity and the promotion of cultural competence has been a move towards addressing some of the challenges in child welfare practice with immigrants. However, emphasis on cultural differences presents other challenges of stereotyping and discrimination, which call for the examination of current practices to fit other groups of people. In this paper, we introduce the need for emancipatory social work in child welfare practice with immigrant parents. Emancipatory social work is directed at heightening awareness of external sources of oppression and/or privilege that hold the possibility of increasing self-esteem and courage to confront structural sources of marginalization, oppression, and exclusion. This paper draws on two research projects, respectively, “Immigrant parents’ perceptions and experiences of the welfare system” and “Norwegian- Somali parents’ fears of the Norwegian Child welfare service. The first data set comprises 15 in-depth interviews with 18 nonWestern immigrant parents, representing 10 families. The second data set consists of nine months of ethnography, seven months in Oslo, and two months in Somalia among returnees from Norway. Based on these data sets, we explore how immigrant parents’ child-rearing practices might be perceived through a racialized lens.Keywords: child welfare, immigrants, racialization, social work
Procedia PDF Downloads 752032 A “Best Practice” Model for Physical Education in the BRICS Countries
Authors: Vasti Oelofse, Niekie van der Merwe, Dorita du Toit
This study addresses the need for a unified best practice model for Physical Education across BRICS nations, as current research primarily offers individual country recommendations. Drawing on relevant literature within the framework of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, as well as data from open-ended questionnaires completed by Physical Education experts from the BRICS countries, , the study develops a best practice model based on identified challenges and effective practices in Physical Education. A model is proposed that incorporates flexible and resource-efficient strategies tailored to address PE challenges specific to these countries, enhancing outcomes for learners, empowering teachers, and fostering systemic collaboration among BRICS members. The proposed model comprises six key areas: “Curriculum and policy requirements”, “General approach”, “Theoretical basis”, “Strategies for presenting content”, “Teacher training”, and “Evaluation”. The “Strategies for presenting program content” area addresses both well-resourced and poorly resourced schools, adapting curriculum, teaching strategies, materials, and learner activities for varied socio-economic contexts. The model emphasizes a holistic approach to learner development, engaging environments, and continuous teacher training. A collaborative approach among BRICS countries, focusing on shared best practices and continuous improvement, is vital for the model's successful implementation, enhancing Physical Education programs and outcomes across these nations.Keywords: BRICS countries, physical education, best practice model, ecological systems theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 152031 Open Access in the Economic Sphere: A Framework Interpreting the Rise of the UK, US and China at Different Historical Times
Authors: Guanghua Yu
This article has examined the rise of the UK, US, and China at different historical times to explain the argument that it is open access in the economic sphere, as well as institutional building related to the protection of property rights, contract enforcement, financial market, the rule of law, and human resource accumulation that determine economic and human development. Both the UK, after the Glorious Revolution in the seventeenth century, and China, after its adoption of the open door policy at the end of the 1970s, follow such a path of development. The difference between the UK and China in moving toward that path is the different coordination of elites. While the coordination of elites in the UK through parliament played important roles in forcing the government to consider the wider encompassing interest in society after the Glorious Revolution, the coordination of elites in China has mainly been achieved by the Communist Party of China such that the Chinese Government has started to pay greater deal of attention to the wider encompassing interest in the country from 1978. The article has also examined the rise of the US following colonial settlement to independence and institutional building thereafter. The US case is similarly consistent with the argument that open access in the economic sphere and institutional building matter the most to economic development. More decentralized methods of the coordination of elites in the US among colonies (states), the federal governments, and other political groups similarly shaped the path towards open access in the economic sphere and institutional building. As such, open access in the political sphere plays an indirect role in development at best. If that is correct, there are possibilities that different political systems are able to achieve coordination of elites so that governments will turn their attention to development.Keywords: open access, interconnected institutions, democracy, development
Procedia PDF Downloads 802030 Compliance of Systematic Reviews in Plastic Surgery with the PRISMA Statement: A Systematic Review
Authors: Seon-Young Lee, Harkiran Sagoo, Katherine Whitehurst, Georgina Wellstead, Alexander Fowler, Riaz Agha, Dennis Orgill
Introduction: Systematic reviews attempt to answer research questions by synthesising the data within primary papers. They are an increasingly important tool within evidence-based medicine, guiding clinical practice, future research and healthcare policy. We sought to determine the reporting quality of recent systematic reviews in plastic surgery. Methods: This systematic review was conducted in line with the Cochrane handbook, reported in line with the PRISMA statement and registered at the ResearchRegistry (UIN: reviewregistry18). MEDLINE and EMBASE databases were searched in 2013 and 2014 for systematic reviews by five major plastic surgery journals. Screening, identification and data extraction was performed independently by two teams. Results: From an initial set of 163 articles, 79 met the inclusion criteria. The median PRISMA score was 16 out of 27 items (59.3%; range 6-26, 95% CI 14-17). Compliance between individual PRISMA items showed high variability. It was poorest for items related to the use of review protocol (item 5; 5%) and presentation of data on risk of bias of each study (item 19; 18%), while being the highest for description of rationale (item 3; 99%) and sources of funding and other support (item 27; 95%), and for structured summary in the abstract (item 2; 95%). Conclusion: The reporting quality of systematic reviews in plastic surgery requires improvement. ‘Hard-wiring’ of compliance through journal submission systems, as well as improved education, awareness and a cohesive strategy among all stakeholders is called for.Keywords: PRISMA, reporting quality, plastic surgery, systematic review, meta-analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2952029 Novel Use of a Quality Assurance Tool for Integrating Technology to HSE
Authors: Ragi Poyyara, V. Vivek, Ashish Khaparde
The Product Development Process (PDP) in the technology group plays a very important role in the launch of any product. While a manufacturing process encourages the use of certain measures to reduce Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) risks on the shop floor, the PDP concentrates on the use of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) to develop a flawless design. Furthermore, PDP distributes and coordinates activities between different departments such as marketing, purchasing, and manufacturing. However, it is seldom realized that PDP makes a significant contribution to developing a product that reduces HSE risks by encouraging the Technology group to use effective GD&T. The GD&T is a precise communication tool that uses a set of symbols, rules, and definitions to mathematically define parts to be manufactured. It is a quality assurance method widely used in the oil and gas sector. Traditionally it is used to ensure the interchangeability of a part without affecting its form, fit, and function. Parts that do not meet these requirements are rejected during quality audits. This paper discusses how the Technology group integrates this quality assurance tool into the PDP and how the tool plays a major role in helping the HSE department in its goal towards eliminating HSE incidents. The PDP involves a thorough risk assessment and establishes a method to address those risks during the design stage. An illustration shows how GD&T helped reduce safety risks by ergonomically improving assembling operations. A brief discussion explains how tolerances provided on a part help prevent finger injury. This tool has equipped Technology to produce fixtures, which are used daily in operations as well as manufacturing. By applying GD&T to create good fits, HSE risks are mitigated for operating personnel. Both customers and service providers benefit from reduced safety risks.Keywords: HSE risks, product development process, geometric dimensioning and tolerances, mechanical engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 2262028 Understanding the Issue of Reproductive Matters among Urban Women: A Study of Four Cities in India from National Family Health Survey-4
Authors: Priyanka Dixit
Reproductive health problem is an important public health issue in most of the developing countries like India. It is a common problem in India for women in the reproductive age group to suffer from reproductive illnesses and not seek care. Existing literatures tell us very little about the several dimensions of reproductive morbidity. In addition the general perception says, metros have better medical infrastructure, so its residents should lead a healthier life. However some of the studies reveal a very different picture. Therefore, the present study is conducted with the specific objectives to find out the prevalence of reproductive health problem and treatment seeking behavior of currently married women in four metro cities in India namely; Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata. In addition, this paper also examines the effect of socio-economic and demographic factors on self-reported reproductive health problems. Bi-variate and multivariate regression have been applied to achieve the proposed objectives. Study is based on National Family Health Survey 2015-16 data. The analysis shows that the prevalence of any reproductive health problem among women is the highest in Mumbai followed by Delhi, Chennai, and Kolkata. A bulk of women in all four metro cities has reported abdominal pain, itching and burning sensation as the major problems while urinating. However, in spite of the high prevalence of reproductive health problems, a huge proportion of such women in all these cities do not seek any advice or treatment for these problems. This study also investigates determinants that affect the prevalence of reproductive health problem to policy makers plan for proper interventions for improving women’s reproductive health.Keywords: reproductive health, India, national family health survey-4, city
Procedia PDF Downloads 2142027 A Fact-Finding Analysis on the Expulsions Made under Title 42 in Us
Authors: Avi Shrivastava
Title 42, an emergency health decree, has forced the federal authorities to turn away asylum seekers and all other border crossers since last year. When Title 42 was first deployed in immigration detention centers, where many migrants are held when they arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border, the Trump administration embraced it as a strategy. Expulsions Policy and New Border Challenges will be examined in regard to Title 42 concerns. Humanitarian measures for refugees arriving at the US-Mexico border are the focus of this article. To a large extent, this article addresses the implications of the United States' use of Title 42 in expelling refugees and the possible ramifications of doing away with it. A secondary data collecting strategy was used to gather the information for this study, allowing researchers to examine a large number of previously collected data sets. Information about Title 42 may be found in a variety of places, such as scholarly publications, newspapers, books, and the internet. The inquiry employed qualitative and explanatory research approaches. The claim that 1.7 million individuals were forced to leave the country as a result of it was withdrawn. Since CBP and ICE were limited in their ability to process deportees, it employed a very random patchwork technique in selecting the expelled individuals. As a consequence, repeat offenders, particularly those who were single, got a reduced punishment. The government will be compelled to focus on long-overdue but vital border enhancements if expulsions are halted. Title 42 provisions may help expedite the processing of asylum and other types of humanitarian relief. The government is prepared for an increase in arrivals, but ending the program would lead to a return to arrival levels seen during the Title 42 period.Keywords: migrants, refugees, title 42, medical, trump administration
Procedia PDF Downloads 872026 Future Prospects of Female Journalists in Mass Media of Bangladesh
Authors: M. Nurus Safa, Jiang Jinzhang, Akter Tahera
This study explores the female are overcoming the odds and doing well as journalist during the last decade in Bangladesh. Female journalists are contributing to the society for economic prosperity and changing the attitude towards the development concept and process. But the path is not smooth for involving women in journalism. The findings are female journalist facing many barriers like family pressure, Society problem, pay-allowances, gender discrimination, sexual harassment and even lack of workplace. According to their skill and merit, they face problems in getting maternity leave and assignments. But their role in this sector cannot be neglected. It is possible to survive if have the passion, professionalism, and love on this profession. Day by day, the female participation in journalism sector is increasing in Bangladesh. Despite the barriers, female journalists are showing strong interest in journalism as a career. As much gender balance in Mass media as the women's freedom and scope will increase. As a result, the spread of female’s workplace in the media will spread. Good number of female journalists is working in different policy making positions of the organization. In future, experienced female journalists will be more because now day's they taking challenges and working religiously according to the company and public need. In recent time Bangladesh is encouraging her women to work outside of home. Currently, a significant change has come into the social attitude which represents by women’s advancement in journalism sector of Bangladesh. This study uses the survey method and 6 depth interview to find out a fruitful result. As a sampling, the study uses purposive sampling technique to collect the data from the 120 female respondents of television, online and print media journalists.Keywords: attitude, Bangladesh, challenges, female journalists, prospects
Procedia PDF Downloads 2212025 Advancements in Autonomous Drones for Enhanced Healthcare Logistics
Authors: Bhaargav Gupta P., Vignesh N., Nithish Kumar R., Rahul J., Nivetha Ruvah D.
Delivering essential medical supplies to rural and underserved areas is challenging due to infrastructure limitations and logistical barriers, often resulting in inefficiencies and delays. Traditional delivery methods are hindered by poor road networks, long distances, and difficult terrains, compromising timely access to vital resources, especially in emergencies. This paper introduces an autonomous drone system engineered to optimize last-mile delivery. By utilizing advanced navigation and object-detection algorithms, such as region-based convolutional neural networks (R-CNN), our drones efficiently avoid obstacles, identify safe landing zones, and adapt dynamically to varying environments. Equipped with high-precision GPS and autonomous capabilities, the drones effectively navigate complex, remote areas with minimal dependence on established infrastructure. The system includes a dedicated mobile application for secure order placement and real-time tracking, and a secure payload box with OTP verification ensures tamper-resistant delivery to authorized recipients. This project demonstrates the potential of automated drone technology in healthcare logistics, offering a scalable and eco-friendly approach to enhance accessibility and service delivery in underserved regions. By addressing logistical gaps through advanced automation, this system represents a significant advancement toward sustainable, accessible healthcare in remote areas.Keywords: region-based convolutional neural network, one time password, global positioning system, autonomous drones, healthcare logistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 162024 The role of Financial Development and Institutional Quality in Promoting Sustainable Development through Tourism Management
Authors: Hashim Zameer
Effective tourism management plays a vital role in promoting sustainability and supporting ecosystems. A common principle that has been in practice over the years is “first pollute and then clean,” indicating countries need financial resources to promote sustainability. Financial development and the tourism management both seems very important to promoting sustainable development. However, without institutional support, it is very difficult to succeed. In this context, it seems prominently significant to explore how institutional quality, tourism development, and financial development could promote sustainable development. In the past, no research explored the role of tourism development in sustainable development. Moreover, the role of financial development, natural resources, and institutional quality in sustainable development is also ignored. In this regard, this paper aims to investigate the role of tourism development, natural resources, financial development, and institutional quality in sustainable development in China. The study used time-series data from 2000–2021 and employed the Bayesian linear regression model because it is suitable for small data sets. The robustness of the findings was checked using a quantile regression approach. The results reveal that an increase in tourism expenditures stimulates the economy, creates jobs, encourages cultural exchange, and supports sustainability initiatives. Moreover, financial development and institution quality have a positive effect on sustainable development. However, reliance on natural resources can result in negative economic, social, and environmental outcomes, highlighting the need for resource diversification and management to reinforce sustainable development. These results highlight the significance of financial development, strong institutions, sustainable tourism, and careful utilization of natural resources for long-term sustainability. The study holds vital insights for policy formulation to promote sustainable tourism.Keywords: sustainability, tourism development, financial development, institutional quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 832023 A Conceptual Framework of Impact of Lean on the Performance of Construction Industry
Authors: Jaber Shurrab, Matloub Hussain
The rapid pace of changes in the construction industry, technological advancements, and rising costs present tremendous challenges for project managers. Project managers are under severe pressure to minimize the waste, improve the efficiency of the entire operations and the philosophy of ‘lean thinking’ so that ‘more could be achieved with less’ is becoming very popular. Though, lean management has strong roots in manufacturing industry and over the last decade lean philosophy has started gaining attention in the service industry as well. However, little has been known in the context of waste minimization and lean implementation in the construction industry and this paper deals with this important issue. The primary objective of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework for the exploration of appropriate lean techniques applicable to medium and large construction companies and measure their impact on the competitiveness and economic performance of construction companies of United Arab Emirates (UAE). To this end, a comprehensive literature review and interviews with eight project managers of medium and large construction companies of UAE have been conducted. It has been found that competitive, reduce waste and costs are critical to the construction industry. This is an ongoing research in lean management, giving project managers a practical framework for improving the efficiency of their project through various lean techniques. Originality/value: Research significance emphasizes increasing the effectiveness of the construction industry, influences the development of lean construction framework which improves lean construction practices using the lean techniques. This contributes to the effort of applying lean techniques in the construction industry. Limited publications were done in the construction industry mainly in United Arab Emirates (UAE) compared to the lean manufacturing. This research will recommend a systematic approach for the implementing of the anticipated framework within a cyclical look-ahead period and emphasizes the practical implications of the proposed approach.Keywords: construction, lean, lean manufacturing, waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 2862022 Research on the Evolutionary Character of Capital in Rural Areas and Counter-Measure of Planning
Authors: Han Song, Tingting Wei, Dong Chen
The combination of capital and rural areas in China has shown its great significance in promoting urban-rural integration and new-style urbanization, enhancing regional capacity for sustainable rural development and optimizing human settlement environment. The purpose of this study is to find capital operation mechanism in rural area and rural planning guidance in China. Based on case studies in Chinese rural areas, two types of capital operation mechanism in rural areas are summed up: intervention in the field of agriculture promoting the upgrading and innovation of agricultural industry chain, intervention in rural life and leisure areas updating rural connotation and form. In the light of experiences in Japan and Taiwan, it is proposed that government's norms and guidance, rural investment intensity and rural self-organization are three important factors for capital to drive rural development. It is also found that the unique land tenure and rural governance tradition are two important factors effecting the combination of capital and rural regions in China, which requires full attention in rational policy-making and rural planning. It comes to a conclusion as four directions of the overall reform of the rural planning: targeting at enhancing the viability of rural and sustainable capacity, encouraging differences in investment incentives and planning policies, providing land usage in the rural areas with planning support and reforming the village system. Directional guidance is also made for different types of capital investments, suggesting that capital should be rooted in agriculture and rural land to benefit farmers and update human settlements.Keywords: capital, rural areas, rural planning, rural governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 4462021 Functional Analysis of Barriers in Disability Care Research: An Integrated Developmental Approach
Authors: Asma Batool
Immigrant families raising a child with developmental disabilities in Canada encounter many challenges during the process of disability care. Starting from the early screening of their child for diagnosis followed by challenges associated with treatment, access and service utilization. A substantial amount of research focuses on identifying barriers. However, the functional aspects of barriers in terms of their potential influences on parents and children with disabilities are unexplored yet. This paper presents functional analysis of barriers in disability care research by adopting a method of integrated approach. Juxtaposition of two developmental approaches, Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model and parents ‘transformational process model is generating multiple hypotheses to be considered while empirically investigating causal relationships and mediating or moderating factors among various variables related with disability care research. This functional analysis suggests that barriers have negative impacts on the physical and emotional development of children with disabilities as well as on the overall quality of family life (QOFL). While, barriers have facilitating impacts on parents, alternatively, the process of transformation in parents expedite after experiencing barriers. Consequently, parents reconstruct their philosophy of life and experience irreversible but continuous developmental change in terms of transformations simultaneously with their developing child and may buffer the expected negative impacts of barriers on disabled child and QOFL. Overall, this paper is suggesting implications for future research and parents’ transformations are suggesting potential pathways to minimize the negative influences of barriers that parents experience during disability care, hence improving satisfaction in QOFL in general.Keywords: barriers in disability care, developmental disabilities, parents’ transformations, quality of family life
Procedia PDF Downloads 4062020 A Randomized Control Trial Intervention to Combat Childhood Obesity in Negeri Sembilan: The Hebat! Program
Authors: Siti Sabariah Buhari, Ruzita Abdul Talib, Poh Bee Koon
This study aims to develop and evaluate an intervention to improve eating habits, active lifestyle and weight status of overweight and obese children in Negeri Sembilan. The H.E.B.A.T! Program involved children, parents, and school and focused on behaviour and environment modification to achieve its goal. The intervention consists of H.E.B.A.T! Camp, parent’s workshop and school-based activities. A total of 21 children from intervention school and 22 children from control school who had BMI for age Z-score ≥ +1SD participated in the study. Mean age of subjects was 10.8 ± 0.3 years old. Four phases were included in the development of the intervention. Evaluation of intervention was conducted through process, impact and outcome evaluation. Process evaluation found that intervention program was implemented successfully with minimal modification and without having any technical problems. Impact and outcome evaluation was assessed based on dietary intake, average step counts, BMI for age z-score, body fat percentage and waist circumference at pre-intervention (T0), post-intervention 1 (T1) and post-intervention 2 (T2). There was significant reduction in energy (14.8%) and fat (21.9%) intakes (at p < 0.05) at post-intervention 1 (T1) in intervention group. By controlling for sex as covariate, there was significant intervention effect for average step counts, BMI for age z-score and waist circumference (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the intervention made an impact on positive behavioural intentions and improves weight status of the children. It is expected that the HEBAT! Program could be adopted and implemented by the government and private sector as well as policy-makers in formulating childhood obesity intervention.Keywords: childhood obesity, diet, obesity intervention, physical activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2922019 Sustainable Agriculture of Tribal Farmers: An Analysis in Koraput and Malkangiri Districts of Odisha, India
Authors: Amrita Mishra, Tushar Kanti Das
Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of Odisha. Sustainability of agriculture holds the key for the development of Odisha. The Sustainable Development Goals are a framework of 17 goals and 169 targets across social, economical and environmental areas of sustainable development. Among all the seventeen goals the second goal is focusing on the promotion of Sustainable Agriculture. In this research our main aim is also to contribute an understanding of effectiveness of sustainable agriculture as a tool for rural development in the selected tribal district (i.e. Koraput and Malkangiri) of Odisha. These two districts are comes under KBK districts of Odisha which are identified as most backward districts of Odisha. The objectives of our study are to investigate the effect of sustainable agriculture on the lives of tribal farmers, to study whether the farmers are empowered by their participation in sustainable agriculture initiatives to move towards their own vision of development and to study the investment and profit ratio in sustainable agriculture. This research will help in filling the major gaps in sociological studies of sustainable agriculture. This information will helpful for farmers, development organisations, donors and policy makers in formulating the development of effective initiatives and policies to support the development of sustainable agriculture. In this study, we have taken 210 respondents and used various statistical techniques like chi-square test, one-way ANOVA and percentage analysis. This research shows that sustainable agriculture is an effective development strategy that benefits the tribal farmers to move towards their own vision of Good Fortune. The poor farmers who struggle to feed their families and maintain viable livelihoods on shrinking land for them sustainable agriculture are really benefited. The farmers are using homemade pesticides, manure and also getting the seeds from different development organisations and Government. So the investment in Sustainable Agriculture is very less. All farmers said their lives are now better than before. The creation of farmers groups for training and marketing for the produces was shown to be very important for empowerment.Keywords: sustainable, agriculture, tribal farmers, development, empowerment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1762018 Energy Transition and Investor-State Disputes: Scientific Knowledge as a Solution to the Burden for Climate Policy-Making
Authors: Marina E. Konstantinidi
It is now well-established that the fight against climate change and its consequences, which are a threat to mankind and to life on the planet Earth, requires that global temperature rise be kept under 1,5°C. It is also well-established that this requires humanity to put an end to the use of fossil fuels in the next decades, at the latest. However, investors in the fossil energy sector have brought or threatened to bring investment arbitration claims against States which put an end to their activity for the purpose of reaching their climate change policies’ objectives. Examples of such claims are provided by the cases of WMH v. Canada, Lone Pine v. Canada, Uniper v. Netherlands and RWE v. Netherlands. Irrespective of the outcome of the arbitration proceedings, the risk of being ordered to pay very substantial damages may have a ‘chilling effect’ on States, meaning that they may hesitate to implement the energy transition measures needed to fight climate change and its consequences. Although mitigation action is a relatively recent phenomenon, knowledge about the negative impact of fossil fuels has existed for a long time ago. In this paper, it is argued that structured documentation of evidence of knowledge about climate change may influence the adjudication of investment treaty claims and, consequently, affect the content of energy transition regulations that will be implemented. For example, as concerns investors, evidence that change in the regulatory framework towards environmental protection could have been predicted would refute the argument concerning legitimate expectations for legislative stability. By reference to relevant case law, it attempted to explore how pre-existing knowledge about climate change can be used in the adjudication of investor-State disputes and resulting from green energy transition policies.Keywords: climate change, energy transition, international investment law, knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 1012017 The Increase of Adolescent Obesity Rates after the COVID-19 Pandemic and Possible Obesity Prevention Programs for Implementation
Authors: Tatiana Pratt, Benyamin Hanasabzadeh, Panayiota Courelli
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the largest global public health issues of this current century. COVID-19 puts people diagnosed with obesity at higher risk of not only contracting the virus but also being hospitalized and dying, making this a vital time to implement obesity prevention programs. However, COVID-19 is predicted to rapidly increase the obesity rate in the United States due to the mandatory sedentary lifestyle the pandemic demands; this is especially harmful to adolescent-aged children because it creates lifelong unhealthy habits and behaviors. Adolescent obesity prevention programs have been rigorously implemented throughout the last century to help diminish the ever-increasing adolescent obesity rate. Since the pandemic kept adolescents inside and away from in-person school, many programs have now become ineffective due to their in-person participation. Examples of in-person participation programs include school lunch programs, OSNAP and New Moves. Therefore, online programs or remote intervention measures are now more essential. This leads to programs such as Time2bHealthy, HEALTH[e]TEEN, and SWITCH should be looked at with more vitality. Adolescents have intertwined their lives with technology and screen usage. Therefore, online and remote prevention programs will continue to play a large role in the post-pandemic era. This literature review will be reviewing past and current adolescent obesity prevention programs and their effectiveness with the new remote, sedentary lifestyle adolescents. Furthermore, it will suggest new ways to more productively decrease adolescent obesity rates by analyzing the harmful factors that COVID-19 introduced into their lifestyles.Keywords: adolescent, obesity, overweight, COVID-19, preventative care, public health, public policy, obesity prevention programs, online programs
Procedia PDF Downloads 2392016 Relationship Between tcdA and tcdB Genes of Clostridium difficile with Duration of Diarrhea in Elderly Patients
Authors: Ni Luh Putu Harta Wedari
Background: Clostridium difficile has two main virulence factors, namely TcdA and TcdB. TcdA encoded by the tcdA gene acts as an enterotoxin, pro-inflammatory and fluid accumulation, while TcdB encoded by the tcdB gene is cytotoxic, causes disruption of the actin cytoskeleton, and causes disruption of tight junctions in colon cells. This study aims to explore the relationship between the tcdA and tcdB genes and the duration of diarrhea in elderly patients. Method: This research was an observational analytic with a prospective cross-sectional with samples of elderly diarrhea patients who met the inclusion criteria in Denpasar City health service facilities from 1 December 2022 until 30 June 2023, and then their feces were analyzed using the real-time PCR method. Results: In this study, 40 elderly diarrhea patients met the inclusion criteria and in accordance with the minimum sample size, 28 (70%) men and 12 (30%) women. 5 patients (12.5%) had a history of azithromycin, 4 (10%) levofloxacin, 17 (42.5%) ciprofloxacin, 8 (20%) metronidazole, 1 (2.5%) cefoperazone, 5 (12, 5%) doxycycline. Comorbids, namely 13 (32.5%) type II diabetes mellitus, 4 (10%) chronic kidney disease, 10 (25%) malignancies, 7 (17.5%) urinary tract infections, 3 (7.5%) %) immunocompromised, 2 (5%) cardiac heart failure, and 1 (2.5%) acute on chronic kidney disease. The overall diarrhea duration average was 5 days. 8 samples (20%) were positive for 16s rRNA, and there was no significant difference in diarrhea duration with negative samples (p=0.166). The relationship between the tcdA gene and the duration of diarrhea could not be performed because all samples were negative. Likewise, relationship analysis between the coexistence of tcdA and tcdB could not be performed. There was no significant difference between tcdB positive 3 (7.5%) and negative with diarrhea duration (p=0.739). Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between the presence of the 16s rRNA and tcdB C. difficile genes with the duration of diarrhea in elderly patients.Keywords: clostridium, difficile, diarrhea, elderly, tcdA, tcdB
Procedia PDF Downloads 882015 Predictive Modeling of Bridge Conditions Using Random Forest
Authors: Miral Selim, May Haggag, Ibrahim Abotaleb
The aging of transportation infrastructure presents significant challenges, particularly concerning the monitoring and maintenance of bridges. This study investigates the application of Random Forest algorithms for predictive modeling of bridge conditions, utilizing data from the US National Bridge Inventory (NBI). The research is significant as it aims to improve bridge management through data-driven insights that can enhance maintenance strategies and contribute to overall safety. Random Forest is chosen for its robustness, ability to handle complex, non-linear relationships among variables, and its effectiveness in feature importance evaluation. The study begins with comprehensive data collection and cleaning, followed by the identification of key variables influencing bridge condition ratings, including age, construction materials, environmental factors, and maintenance history. Random Forest is utilized to examine the relationships between these variables and the predicted bridge conditions. The dataset is divided into training and testing subsets to evaluate the model's performance. The findings demonstrate that the Random Forest model effectively enhances the understanding of factors affecting bridge conditions. By identifying bridges at greater risk of deterioration, the model facilitates proactive maintenance strategies, which can help avoid costly repairs and minimize service disruptions. Additionally, this research underscores the value of data-driven decision-making, enabling better resource allocation to prioritize maintenance efforts where they are most necessary. In summary, this study highlights the efficiency and applicability of Random Forest in predictive modeling for bridge management. Ultimately, these findings pave the way for more resilient and proactive management of bridge systems, ensuring their longevity and reliability for future use.Keywords: data analysis, random forest, predictive modeling, bridge management
Procedia PDF Downloads 242014 Sports Business Services Model: A Research Model Study in Reginal Sport Authority of Thailand
Authors: Siriraks Khawchaimaha, Sangwian Boonto
Sport Authority of Thailand (SAT) is the state enterprise, promotes and supports all sports kind both professional and athletes for competitions, and administer under government policy and government officers and therefore, all financial supports whether cash inflows and cash outflows are strictly committed to government budget and limited to the planned projects at least 12 to 16 months ahead of reality, as results of ineffective in sport events, administration and competitions. In order to retain in the sports challenges around the world, SAT need to has its own sports business services model by each stadium, region and athletes’ competencies. Based on the HMK model of Khawchaimaha, S. (2007), this research study is formalized into each 10 regional stadiums to details into the characteristics root of fans, athletes, coaches, equipments and facilities, and stadiums. The research designed is firstly the evaluation of external factors: hardware whereby competition or practice of stadiums, playground, facilities, and equipments. Secondly, to understand the software of the organization structure, staffs and management, administrative model, rules and practices. In addition, budget allocation and budget administration with operating plan and expenditure plan. As results for the third step, issues and limitations which require action plan for further development and support, or to cease that unskilled sports kind. The final step, based on the HMK model and modeling canvas by Alexander O and Yves P (2010) are those of template generating Sports Business Services Model for each 10 SAT’s regional stadiums.Keywords: HMK model, not for profit organization, sport business model, sport services model
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