Search results for: wireless mesh network (WMN)
5126 Aerodynamic Analysis and Design of Banners for Remote-Controlled Aircraft
Authors: Peyman Honarmandi, Mazen Alhirsh
Banner towing is a major form of advertisement. It consists of a banner showing a logo or a selection of words or letters being towed by an aircraft. Traditionally bush planes have been used to tow banners given their high thrust capabilities; however, with the development of remote-controlled (RC) aircraft, they could be a good replacement as RC planes mitigate the risk of human life and can be easier to operate. This paper studies the best banner design to be towed by an RC aircraft. This is done by conducting wind tunnel testing on an array of banners with different materials and designs. A pull gauge is used to record the drag force during testing, which is then used to calculate the coefficient of drag, Cd. The testing results show that the best banner design would be a hybrid design with a solid and mesh material. The design with the lowest Cd of 0.082 was a half ripstop nylon half polyester mesh design. On the other hand, the design with the highest Cd of 0.305 involved incorporating a tail chute to decrease fluttering.Keywords: aerodynamics of banner, banner design, banner towing, drag coefficients of banner, RC aircraft banner
Procedia PDF Downloads 2425125 Finite Element Modelling and Analysis of Human Knee Joint
Authors: R. Ranjith Kumar
Computer modeling and simulation of human movement is playing an important role in sports and rehabilitation. Accurate modeling and analysis of human knee join is more complex because of complicated structure whose geometry is not easily to represent by a solid model. As part of this project, from the number of CT scan images of human knee join surface reconstruction is carried out using 3D slicer software, an open source software. From this surface reconstruction model, using mesh lab (another open source software) triangular meshes are created on reconstructed surface. This final triangular mesh model is imported to Solid Works, 3D mechanical CAD modeling software. Finally this CAD model is imported to ABAQUS, finite element analysis software for analyzing the knee joints. The results obtained are encouraging and provides an accurate way of modeling and analysis of biological parts without human intervention.Keywords: solid works, CATIA, Pro-e, CAD
Procedia PDF Downloads 1255124 How to Modernise the European Competition Network (ECN)
Authors: Dorota Galeza
This paper argues that networks, such as the ECN and the American network, are affected by certain small events which are inherent to path dependence and preclude the full evolution towards efficiency. It is advocated that the American network is superior to the ECN in many respects due to its greater flexibility and longer history. This stems in particular from the creation of the American network, which was based on a small number of cases. Such a structure encourages further changes and modifications which are not necessarily radical. The ECN, by contrast, was established by legislative action, which explains its rigid structure and resistance to change. This paper is an attempt to transpose the superiority of the American network on to the ECN. It looks at concepts such as judicial cooperation, harmonisation of procedure, peer review and regulatory impact assessments (RIAs), and dispute resolution procedures.Keywords: antitrust, competition, networks, path dependence
Procedia PDF Downloads 3175123 Enhanced Constraint-Based Optical Network (ECON) for Enhancing OSNR
Authors: G. R. Kavitha, T. S. Indumathi
With the constantly rising demands of the multimedia services, the requirements of long haul transport network are constantly changing in the area of optical network. Maximum data transmission using optimization of the communication channel poses the biggest challenge. Although there has been a constant focus on this area from the past decade, there was no evidence of a significant result that has been accomplished. Hence, after reviewing some potential design of optical network from literatures, it was understood that optical signal to noise ratio was one of the elementary attributes that can define the performance of the optical network. In this paper, we propose a framework termed as ECON (Enhanced Constraint-based Optical Network) that primarily optimize the optical signal to noise ratio using ROADM. The simulation is performed in Matlab and optical signal to noise ratio is extracted considering the system matrix. The outcome of the proposed study shows that optimized OSNR as compared to the existing studies.Keywords: component, optical network, reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer, optical signal-to-noise ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 4885122 Intrabody Communication Using Different Ground Configurations in Digital Door Lock
Authors: Daewook Kim, Gilwon Yoon
Intrabody communication (IBC) is a new way of transferring data using human body as a medium. Minute current can travel though human body without any harm. IBC can remove electrical wires for human area network. IBC can be also a secure communication network system unlike wireless networks which can be accessed by anyone with bad intentions. One of the IBC systems is based on frequency shift keying modulation where individual data are transmitted to the external devices for the purpose of secure access such as digital door lock. It was found that the quality of IBC data transmission was heavily dependent on ground configurations of electronic circuits. Reliable IBC transmissions were not possible when both of the transmitter and receiver used batteries as circuit power source. Transmission was reliable when power supplies were used as power source for both transmitting and receiving sites because the common ground was established through the grounds of instruments such as power supply and oscilloscope. This was due to transmission dipole size and the ground effects of floor and AC power line. If one site used battery as power source and the other site used the AC power as circuit power source, transmission was possible.Keywords: frequency shift keying, ground, intrabody, communication, door lock
Procedia PDF Downloads 4205121 Twitter Ego Networks and the Capital Markets: A Social Network Analysis Perspective of Market Reactions to Earnings Announcement Events
Authors: Gregory D. Saxton
Networks are everywhere: lunch ties among co-workers, golfing partnerships among employees, interlocking board-of-director connections, Facebook friendship ties, etc. Each network varies in terms of its structure -its size, how inter-connected network members are, and the prevalence of sub-groups and cliques. At the same time, within any given network, some network members will have a more important, more central position on account of their greater number of connections or their capacity as “bridges” connecting members of different network cliques. The logic of network structure and position is at the heart of what is known as social network analysis, and this paper applies this logic to the study of the stock market. Using an array of data analytics and machine learning tools, this study will examine 17 million Twitter messages discussing the stocks of the firms in the S&P 1,500 index in 2018. Each of these 1,500 stocks has a distinct Twitter discussion network that varies in terms of core network characteristics such as size, density, influence, norms and values, level of activity, and embedded resources. The study’s core proposition is that the ultimate effect of any market-relevant information is contingent on the characteristics of the network through which it flows. To test this proposition, this study operationalizes each of the core network characteristics and examines their influence on market reactions to 2018 quarterly earnings announcement events.Keywords: data analytics, investor-to-investor communication, social network analysis, Twitter
Procedia PDF Downloads 1235120 Seamless Mobility in Heterogeneous Mobile Networks
Authors: Mohab Magdy Mostafa Mohamed
The objective of this paper is to introduce a vertical handover (VHO) algorithm between wireless LANs (WLANs) and LTE mobile networks. The proposed algorithm is based on the fuzzy control theory and takes into consideration power level, subscriber velocity, and target cell load instead of only power level in traditional algorithms. Simulation results show that network performance in terms of number of handovers and handover occurrence distance is improved.Keywords: vertical handover, fuzzy control theory, power level, speed, target cell load
Procedia PDF Downloads 3545119 A Review of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc NETworks (MANET)
Authors: Hafiza Khaddija Saman, Muhammad Sufyan
The increase in availability and popularity of mobile wireless devices has led researchers to develop a wide variety of Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (MANET) protocols to exploit the unique communication opportunities presented by these devices. Devices are able to communicate directly using the wireless spectrum in a peer-to-peer fashion, and route messages through intermediate nodes, however, the nature of wireless shared communication and mobile devices result in many routing and security challenges which must be addressed before deploying a MANET. In this paper, we investigate the range of MANET routing protocols available and discuss the functionalities of several ranging from early protocols such as DSDV to more advanced such as MAODV, our protocol study focuses upon works by Perkins in developing and improving MANET routing. A range of literature relating to the field of MANET routing was identified and reviewed, we also reviewed literature on the topic of securing AODV based MANETs as this may be the most popular MANET protocol. The literature review identified a number of trends within research papers such as exclusive use of the random waypoint mobility model, excluding key metrics from simulation results and not comparing protocol performance against available alternatives.Keywords: protocol, MANET, ad-Hoc, communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 2645118 An Investigation of Performance Versus Security in Cognitive Radio Networks with Supporting Cloud Platforms
Authors: Kurniawan D. Irianto, Demetres D. Kouvatsos
The growth of wireless devices affects the availability of limited frequencies or spectrum bands as it has been known that spectrum bands are a natural resource that cannot be added. Many studies about available spectrum have been done and it shows that licensed frequencies are idle most of the time. Cognitive radio is one of the solutions to solve those problems. Cognitive radio is a promising technology that allows the unlicensed users known as secondary users (SUs) to access licensed bands without making interference to licensed users or primary users (PUs). As cloud computing has become popular in recent years, cognitive radio networks (CRNs) can be integrated with cloud platform. One of the important issues in CRNs is security. It becomes a problem since CRNs use radio frequencies as a medium for transmitting and CRNs share the same issues with wireless communication systems. Another critical issue in CRNs is performance. Security has adverse effect to performance and there are trade-offs between them. The goal of this paper is to investigate the performance related to security trade-off in CRNs with supporting cloud platforms. Furthermore, Queuing Network Models with preemptive resume and preemptive repeat identical priority are applied in this project to measure the impact of security to performance in CRNs with or without cloud platform. The generalized exponential (GE) type distribution is used to reflect the bursty inter-arrival and service times at the servers. The results show that the best performance is obtained when security is disable and cloud platform is enable.Keywords: performance vs. security, cognitive radio networks, cloud platforms, GE-type distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 3475117 CERD: Cost Effective Route Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Authors: Anuradha Banerjee
A mobile ad hoc network is an infrastructure less network, where nodes are free to move independently in any direction. The nodes have limited battery power; hence, we require energy efficient route discovery technique to enhance their lifetime and network performance. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient route discovery technique CERD that greatly reduces the number of route requests flooded into the network and also gives priority to the route request packets sent from the routers that has communicated with the destination very recently, in single or multi-hop paths. This does not only enhance the lifetime of nodes but also decreases the delay in tracking the destination.Keywords: ad hoc network, energy efficiency, flooding, node lifetime, route discovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 3485116 mm-Wave Wearable Edge Computing Module Hosted by Printed Ridge Gap Waveguide Structures: A Physical Layer Study
Authors: Matthew Kostawich, Mohammed Elmorsy, Mohamed Sayed Sifat, Shoukry Shams, Mahmoud Elsaadany
6G communication systems represent the nominal future extension of current wireless technology, where its impact is extended to touch upon all human activities, including medical, security, and entertainment applications. As a result, human needs are allocated among the highest priority aspects of the system design and requirements. 6G communications is expected to replace all the current video conferencing with interactive virtual reality meetings involving high data-rate transmission merged with massive distributed computing resources. In addition, the current expansion of IoT applications must be mitigated with significant network changes to provide a reasonable Quality of Service (QoS). This directly implies a high demand for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) through mobile computing modules in future wireless communication systems. This article proposes the utilization of a Printed Ridge Gap Waveguide (PRGW) to host the wearable nodes. To the best of our knowledge, we propose for the first time a physical layer analysis within the context of a complete architecture. A thorough study is provided on the impact of the distortion of the guiding structure on the overall system performance. The proposed structure shows small latency and small losses, highlighting its compatibility with future applications.Keywords: ridge gap waveguide, edge computing module, 6G, multimedia IoT applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 745115 Optimisation of the Hydrometeorological-Hydrometric Network: A Case Study in Greece
Authors: E. Baltas, E. Feloni, G. Bariamis
The operation of a network of hydrometeorological-hydrometric stations is basic infrastructure for the management of water resources, as well as, for flood protection. The assessment of water resources potential led to the necessity of adoption management practices including a multi-criteria analysis for the optimum design of the region’s station network. This research work aims at the optimisation of a new/existing network, using GIS methods. The planning of optimum network stations is based on the guidelines of international organizations such as World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The uniform spatial distribution of the stations, the drainage basin for the hydrometric stations and criteria concerning the low terrain slope, the accessibility to the stations and proximity to hydrological interest sites, were taken into consideration for its development. The abovementioned methodology has been implemented for two different areas the Florina municipality and the Argolis area in Greece, and comparison of the results has been conducted.Keywords: GIS, hydrometeorological, hydrometric, network, optimisation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2875114 Improved Predictive Models for the IRMA Network Using Nonlinear Optimisation
Authors: Vishwesh Kulkarni, Nikhil Bellarykar
Cellular complexity stems from the interactions among thousands of different molecular species. Thanks to the emerging fields of systems and synthetic biology, scientists are beginning to unravel these regulatory, signaling, and metabolic interactions and to understand their coordinated action. Reverse engineering of biological networks has has several benefits but a poor quality of data combined with the difficulty in reproducing it limits the applicability of these methods. A few years back, many of the commonly used predictive algorithms were tested on a network constructed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) to resolve this issue. The network was a synthetic network of five genes regulating each other for the so-called in vivo reverse-engineering and modeling assessment (IRMA). The network was constructed in S. cereviase since it is a simple and well characterized organism. The synthetic network included a variety of regulatory interactions, thus capturing the behaviour of larger eukaryotic gene networks on a smaller scale. We derive a new set of algorithms by solving a nonlinear optimization problem and show how these algorithms outperform other algorithms on these datasets.Keywords: synthetic gene network, network identification, optimization, nonlinear modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 1595113 Wireless Capsule Endoscope - Antenna and Channel Characterization
Authors: Mona Elhelbawy, Mac Gray
Traditional wired endoscopy is an intrusive process that requires a long flexible tube to be inserted through the patient’s mouth while intravenously sedated. Only images of the upper 4 feet of stomach, colon, and rectum can be captured, leaving the remaining 20 feet of small intestines. Wireless capsule endoscopy offers a painless, non-intrusive, efficient and effective alternative to traditional endoscopy. In wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE), ingestible vitamin-pill-shaped capsules with imaging capabilities, sensors, batteries, and antennas are designed to send images of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in real time. In this paper, we investigate the radiation performance and specific absorption rate (SAR) of a miniature conformal capsule antenna operating at the Medical Implant Communication Service (MICS) frequency band in the human body. We perform numerical simulations using the finite element method based commercial software, high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS) and the ANSYS human body model (HBM). We also investigate the in-body channel characteristics between the implantable capsule and an external antenna placed on the surface of the human body.Keywords: IEEE 802.15.6, MICS, SAR, WCE
Procedia PDF Downloads 1275112 Proposing an Algorithm to Cluster Ad Hoc Networks, Modulating Two Levels of Learning Automaton and Nodes Additive Weighting
Authors: Mohammad Rostami, Mohammad Reza Forghani, Elahe Neshat, Fatemeh Yaghoobi
An Ad Hoc network consists of wireless mobile equipment which connects to each other without any infrastructure, using connection equipment. The best way to form a hierarchical structure is clustering. Various methods of clustering can form more stable clusters according to nodes' mobility. In this research we propose an algorithm, which allocates some weight to nodes based on factors, i.e. link stability and power reduction rate. According to the allocated weight in the previous phase, the cellular learning automaton picks out in the second phase nodes which are candidates for being cluster head. In the third phase, learning automaton selects cluster head nodes, member nodes and forms the cluster. Thus, this automaton does the learning from the setting and can form optimized clusters in terms of power consumption and link stability. To simulate the proposed algorithm we have used omnet++4.2.2. Simulation results indicate that newly formed clusters have a longer lifetime than previous algorithms and decrease strongly network overload by reducing update rate.Keywords: mobile Ad Hoc networks, clustering, learning automaton, cellular automaton, battery power
Procedia PDF Downloads 4125111 Using Game Engines in Lightning Shielding: The Application of the Rolling Spheres Method on Virtual As-Built Power Substations
Authors: Yuri A. Gruber, Matheus Rosendo, Ulisses G. A. Casemiro, Klaus de Geus, Rafael T. Bee
Lightning strikes can cause severe negative impacts to the electrical sector causing direct damage to equipment as well as shutdowns, especially when occurring in power substations. In order to mitigate this problem, a meticulous planning of the power substation protection system is of vital importance. A critical part of this is the distribution of shielding wires through the substation, which creates a 3D imaginary protection mesh similar to a circus tarpaulin. Equipment enclosed in the volume defined by that 3D mesh is considered protected against lightning strikes. The use of traditional methods of longitudinal cutting analysis based on 2D CAD tools makes the process laborious and the results obtained may not guarantee satisfactory protection of electrical equipment. This work describes the application of a Game Engine to the problem of lightning protection of power substations providing the visualization of the 3D protection mesh, the amount of protected components and the highlight of equipment which remain unprotected. In addition, aspects regarding the implementation and the advantages of approaching the problem using Unreal® Engine 4 are described. In order to validate results, a comparison with traditional 2D methods is applied to the same case study to which the proposed technique has been applied. Finally, a comparative study involving different levels of protection using the technique developed in this work is presented, showing that modern game engines can be a powerful accessory for simulations in several areas of engineering.Keywords: game engine, rolling spheres method, substation protection, UE4, Unreal Engine 4
Procedia PDF Downloads 5285110 Neural Network in Fixed Time for Collision Detection between Two Convex Polyhedra
Authors: M. Khouil, N. Saber, M. Mestari
In this paper, a different architecture of a collision detection neural network (DCNN) is developed. This network, which has been particularly reviewed, has enabled us to solve with a new approach the problem of collision detection between two convex polyhedra in a fixed time (O (1) time). We used two types of neurons, linear and threshold logic, which simplified the actual implementation of all the networks proposed. The study of the collision detection is divided into two sections, the collision between a point and a polyhedron and then the collision between two convex polyhedra. The aim of this research is to determine through the AMAXNET network a mini maximum point in a fixed time, which allows us to detect the presence of a potential collision.Keywords: collision identification, fixed time, convex polyhedra, neural network, AMAXNET
Procedia PDF Downloads 4255109 Intelligent Rainwater Reuse System for Irrigation
Authors: Maria M. S. Pires, Andre F. X. Gloria, Pedro J. A. Sebastiao
The technological advances in the area of Internet of Things have been creating more and more solutions in the area of agriculture. These solutions are quite important for life, as they lead to the saving of the most precious resource, water, being this need to save water a concern worldwide. The paper proposes the creation of an Internet of Things system based on a network of sensors and interconnected actuators that automatically monitors the quality of the rainwater that is stored inside a tank in order to be used for irrigation. The main objective is to promote sustainability by reusing rainwater for irrigation systems instead of water that is usually available for other functions, such as other productions or even domestic tasks. A mobile application was developed for Android so that the user can control and monitor his system in real time. In the application, it is possible to visualize the data that translate the quality of the water inserted in the tank, as well as perform some actions on the implemented actuators, such as start/stop the irrigation system and pour the water in case of poor water quality. The implemented system translates a simple solution with a high level of efficiency and tests and results obtained within the possible environment.Keywords: internet of things, irrigation system, wireless sensor and actuator network, ESP32, sustainability, water reuse, water efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 1515108 A Performance Model for Designing Network in Reverse Logistic
Authors: S. Dhib, S. A. Addouche, T. Loukil, A. Elmhamedi
In this paper, a reverse supply chain network is investigated for a decision making. This decision is surrounded by complex flows of returned products, due to the increasing quantity, the type of returned products and the variety of recovery option products (reuse, recycling, and refurbishment). The most important problem in the reverse logistic network (RLN) is to orient returned products to the suitable type of recovery option. However, returned products orientations from collect sources to the recovery disposition have not well considered in performance model. In this study, we propose a performance model for designing a network configuration on reverse logistics. Conceptual and analytical models are developed with taking into account operational, economic and environmental factors on designing network.Keywords: reverse logistics, network design, performance model, open loop configuration
Procedia PDF Downloads 4355107 The Load Balancing Algorithm for the Star Interconnection Network
Authors: Ahmad M. Awwad, Jehad Al-Sadi
The star network is one of the promising interconnection networks for future high speed parallel computers, it is expected to be one of the future-generation networks. The star network is both edge and vertex symmetry, it was shown to have many gorgeous topological proprieties also it is owns hierarchical structure framework. Although much of the research work has been done on this promising network in literature, it still suffers from having enough algorithms for load balancing problem. In this paper we try to work on this issue by investigating and proposing an efficient algorithm for load balancing problem for the star network. The proposed algorithm is called Star Clustered Dimension Exchange Method SCDEM to be implemented on the star network. The proposed algorithm is based on the Clustered Dimension Exchange Method (CDEM). The SCDEM algorithm is shown to be efficient in redistributing the load balancing as evenly as possible among all nodes of different factor networks.Keywords: load balancing, star network, interconnection networks, algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 3205106 A Study of Traffic Assignment Algorithms
Authors: Abdelfetah Laouzai, Rachid Ouafi
In a traffic network, users usually choose their way so that it reduces their travel time between pairs origin-destination. This behavior might seem selfish as it produces congestions in different parts of the network. The traffic assignment problem (TAP) models the interactions between congestion and user travel decisions to obtain vehicles flows over each axis of the traffic network. The resolution methods of TAP serve as a tool allows predicting users’ distribution, identifying congesting points and affecting the travelers’ behavior in the choice of their route in the network following dynamic data. In this article, we will present a review about specific resolution approach of TAP. A comparative analysis is carried out on those approaches so that it highlights the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each.Keywords: network traffic, travel decisions, approaches, traffic assignment, flows
Procedia PDF Downloads 4745105 Solving the Quadratic Programming Problem Using a Recurrent Neural Network
Authors: A. A. Behroozpoor, M. M. Mazarei
In this paper, a fuzzy recurrent neural network is proposed for solving the classical quadratic control problem subject to linear equality and bound constraints. The convergence of the state variables of the proposed neural network to achieve solution optimality is guaranteed.Keywords: REFERENCES [1] Xia, Y, A new neural network for solving linear and quadratic programming problems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 7(6), 1996, pp.1544–1548. [2] Xia, Y., & Wang, J, A recurrent neural network for solving nonlinear convex programs subject to linear constraints. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 16(2), 2005, pp. 379–386. [3] Xia, Y., H, Leung, & J, Wang, A projection neural network and its application to constrained optimization problems. IEEE Transactions Circuits and Systems-I, 49(4), 2002, pp.447–458.B. [4] Q. Liu, Z. Guo, J. Wang, A one-layer recurrent neural network for constrained seudoconvex optimization and its application for dynamic portfolio optimization. Neural Networks, 26, 2012, pp. 99-109.
Procedia PDF Downloads 6455104 Cooperative CDD scheme Based on Adaptive Modulation in Wireless Communiation System
Authors: Seung-Jun Yu, Hwan-Jun Choi, Hyoung-Kyu Song
Among spatial diversity scheme, orthogonal space-time block code (OSTBC) and cyclic delay diversity (CDD) have been widely studied for the cooperative wireless relaying system. However, conventional OSTBC and CDD cannot cope with change in the number of relays owing to low throughput or error performance. In this paper, we propose a cooperative cyclic delay diversity (CDD) scheme that use hierarchical modulation at the source and adaptive modulation based on cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code at the relays.Keywords: adaptive modulation, cooperative communication, CDD, OSTBC
Procedia PDF Downloads 4315103 Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in Vehicular Adhoc Networks
Authors: Salman Naseer, Usman Zafar, Iqra Zafar
This study explores the implication of Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) - in the rural and urban scenarios that is one domain of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET). VANET provides wireless communication between vehicle to vehicle and also roadside units. The Federal Commission Committee of United States of American has been allocated 75 MHz of the spectrum band in the 5.9 GHz frequency range for dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) that are specifically designed to enhance any road safety applications and entertainment/information applications. There are several vehicular related projects viz; California path, car 2 car communication consortium, the ETSI, and IEEE 1609 working group that have already been conducted to improve the overall road safety or traffic management. After the critical literature review, the selection of routing protocols is determined, and its performance was well thought-out in the urban and rural scenarios. Numerous routing protocols for VANET are applied to carry out current research. Its evaluation was conceded with the help of selected protocols through simulation via performance metric i.e. throughput and packet drop. Excel and Google graph API tools are used for plotting the graphs after the simulation results in order to compare the selected routing protocols which result with each other. In addition, the sum of the output from each scenario was computed to undoubtedly present the divergence in results. The findings of the current study present that DSR gives enhanced performance for low packet drop and high throughput as compared to AODV and DSDV in an urban congested area and in rural environments. On the other hand, in low-density area, VANET AODV gives better results as compared to DSR. The worth of the current study may be judged as the information exchanged between vehicles is useful for comfort, safety, and entertainment. Furthermore, the communication system performance depends on the way routing is done in the network and moreover, the routing of the data based on protocols implement in the network. The above-presented results lead to policy implication and develop our understanding of the broader spectrum of VANET.Keywords: AODV, DSDV, DSR, Adhoc network
Procedia PDF Downloads 2875102 Problems of Innovation Development of Wireless Data Transfer Branch in the Cellular Market of Kazakhstan
Authors: Yessengeldy Kuanyshpayev
Now in some countries of the world the cellular market is on the point of saturation, in others - positive dynamics of development kept on. The reasons for it are also different, but there are united by their general susceptibility to innovation changes, if they are really innovative. If to take as an example the cellular market of Kazakhstan it is defined by the low percent of smart phones at consumers, the low population density, undercapacity of the 3G channel, and absence of universal access to the LTE technology that limits dynamical growth of this branch. These moments are aggravated by failures of starting commercial projects by private companies which prevent to be implemented and widely adopted to a new product among consumers. The object of the research is possible integration of wireless and program technologies at which introduction the idea can regenerate in an innovation. The analysis of existing projects in the market and the possible union of the technologies through a prism of theoretical bases of innovative activity shows that efficiency of the company by development and introduction of innovations is possible only thanks to strict observance of all terms and conditions of the innovative process which main term is profit. Despite that fact that on a global scale the innovativeness issue of companies is very popular, there are no research about possibility of innovative breaks in the field of wireless access to the Internet in the cellular market of Kazakhstan.Keywords: innovation, the effectiveness of company, commercialization, cellular market
Procedia PDF Downloads 3945101 A Network Approach to Analyzing Financial Markets
Authors: Yusuf Seedat
The necessity to understand global financial markets has increased following the unfortunate spread of the recent financial crisis around the world. Financial markets are considered to be complex systems consisting of highly volatile move-ments whose indexes fluctuate without any clear pattern. Analytic methods of stock prices have been proposed in which financial markets are modeled using common network analysis tools and methods. It has been found that two key components of social network analysis are relevant to modeling financial markets, allowing us to forecast accurate predictions of stock prices within the financial market. Financial markets have a number of interacting components, leading to complex behavioral patterns. This paper describes a social network approach to analyzing financial markets as a viable approach to studying the way complex stock markets function. We also look at how social network analysis techniques and metrics are used to gauge an understanding of the evolution of financial markets as well as how community detection can be used to qualify and quantify in-fluence within a network.Keywords: network analysis, social networks, financial markets, stocks, nodes, edges, complex networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 1925100 Mobile Number Portability
Authors: R. Geetha, J. Arunkumar, P. Gopal, D. Loganathan, K. Pavithra, C. Vikashini
Mobile Number Portability is an attempt to switch over from one network to another network facility for mobile based on applications. This facility is currently not available for mobile handsets. This application is intended to assist the mobile network and its service customers in understanding the criteria; this will serve as a universal set of requirements which must be met by the customers. This application helps the user's network portability. Accessing permission from the network provider to enable services to the user and utilizing the available network signals. It is enabling the user to make a temporary switch over to other network. The main aim of this research work is to adapt multiple networks at the time of no network coverage. It can be accessed at rural and geographical areas. This can be achieved by this mobile application. The application is capable of temporary switch over between various networks. With this application both the service provider and the network user are benefited. The service provider is benefited by charging a minimum cost for utilizing other network. It provides security in terms of password that is unique to avoid unauthorized users and to prevent loss of balance. The goal intended to be attained is a complete utilization of available network at significant situations and to provide feature that satisfy the customer needs. The temporary switch over is done to manage emergency calls when user is in rural or geographical area, where there will be a very low network coverage. Since people find it trend in using Android mobile, this application is designed as an Android applications, which can be freely downloaded and installed from Play store. In the current scenario, the service provider enables the user to change their network without shifting their mobile network. This application affords a clarification for users while they are jammed in a critical situation. This application is designed by using Android 4.2 and SQLite Version3.Keywords: mobile number, random number, alarm, imei number, call
Procedia PDF Downloads 3635099 Integrated Free Space Optical Communication and Optical Sensor Network System with Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Authors: Yibeltal Chanie Manie, Zebider Asire Munyelet
5G and 6G technology offers enhanced quality of service with high data transmission rates, which necessitates the implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) in 5G/6G architecture. In this paper, we proposed the integration of free space optical communication (FSO) with fiber sensor networks for IoT applications. Recently, free-space optical communications (FSO) are gaining popularity as an effective alternative technology to the limited availability of radio frequency (RF) spectrum. FSO is gaining popularity due to flexibility, high achievable optical bandwidth, and low power consumption in several applications of communications, such as disaster recovery, last-mile connectivity, drones, surveillance, backhaul, and satellite communications. Hence, high-speed FSO is an optimal choice for wireless networks to satisfy the full potential of 5G/6G technology, offering 100 Gbit/s or more speed in IoT applications. Moreover, machine learning must be integrated into the design, planning, and optimization of future optical wireless communication networks in order to actualize this vision of intelligent processing and operation. In addition, fiber sensors are important to achieve real-time, accurate, and smart monitoring in IoT applications. Moreover, we proposed deep learning techniques to estimate the strain changes and peak wavelength of multiple Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors using only the spectrum of FBGs obtained from the real experiment.Keywords: optical sensor, artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, free-space optics
Procedia PDF Downloads 645098 Effect of Thickness and Solidity on the Performance of Straight Type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Authors: Jianyang Zhu, Lin Jiang, Tixian Tian
Inspired by the increasing interesting on the wind power associated with production of clear electric power, a numerical experiment is applied to investigate the aerodynamic performance of straight type vertical axis wind turbine with different thickness and solidity, where the incompressible Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations coupled with dynamic mesh technique is solved. By analyzing the flow field, as well as energy coefficient of different thickness and solidity turbine, it is found that the thickness and solidity can significantly influence the performance of vertical axis wind turbine. For the turbine under low tip speed, the mean energy coefficient increase with the increasing of thickness and solidity, which may improve the self starting performance of the turbine. However for the turbine under high tip speed, the appropriate thickness and smaller solidity turbine possesses better performance. In addition, delay stall and no interaction of the blade and previous separated vortex are observed around appropriate thickness and solidity turbine, therefore lead better performance characteristics.Keywords: vertical axis wind turbine, N-S equations, dynamic mesh technique, thickness, solidity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2665097 Identifying Network Subgraph-Associated Essential Genes in Molecular Networks
Authors: Efendi Zaenudin, Chien-Hung Huang, Ka-Lok Ng
Essential genes play an important role in the survival of an organism. It has been shown that cancer-associated essential genes are genes necessary for cancer cell proliferation, where these genes are potential therapeutic targets. Also, it was demonstrated that mutations of the cancer-associated essential genes give rise to the resistance of immunotherapy for patients with tumors. In the present study, we focus on studying the biological effects of the essential genes from a network perspective. We hypothesize that one can analyze a biological molecular network by decomposing it into both three-node and four-node digraphs (subgraphs). These network subgraphs encode the regulatory interaction information among the network’s genetic elements. In this study, the frequency of occurrence of the subgraph-associated essential genes in a molecular network was quantified by using the statistical parameter, odds ratio. Biological effects of subgraph-associated essential genes are discussed. In summary, the subgraph approach provides a systematic method for analyzing molecular networks and it can capture useful biological information for biomedical research.Keywords: biological molecular networks, essential genes, graph theory, network subgraphs
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