Search results for: seismic resistance
282 Estimation of the Temperatures in an Asynchronous Machine Using Extended Kalman Filter
Authors: Yi Huang, Clemens Guehmann
In order to monitor the thermal behavior of an asynchronous machine with squirrel cage rotor, a 9th-order extended Kalman filter (EKF) algorithm is implemented to estimate the temperatures of the stator windings, the rotor cage and the stator core. The state-space equations of EKF are established based on the electrical, mechanical and the simplified thermal models of an asynchronous machine. The asynchronous machine with simplified thermal model in Dymola is compiled as DymolaBlock, a physical model in MATLAB/Simulink. The coolant air temperature, three-phase voltages and currents are exported from the physical model and are processed by EKF estimator as inputs. Compared to the temperatures exported from the physical model of the machine, three parts of temperatures can be estimated quite accurately by the EKF estimator. The online EKF estimator is independent from the machine control algorithm and can work under any speed and load condition if the stator current is nonzero current system.Keywords: asynchronous machine, extended Kalman filter, resistance, simulation, temperature estimation, thermal model
Procedia PDF Downloads 285281 How to Modernise the ECN
Authors: Dorota Galeza
This paper argues that networks, such as the ECN and the American network, are affected by certain small events which are inherent to path dependence and preclude the full evolution towards efficiency. It is advocated that the American network is superior to the ECN in many respects due to its greater flexibility and longer history. This stems in particular from the creation of the American network, which was based on a small number of cases. Such structure encourages further changes and modifications which are not necessarily radical. The ECN, by contrast, was established by legislative action, which explains its rigid structure and resistance to change. It might be the case that the ECN is subject not so much to path dependence but to past dependence. It might have to be replaced, as happened to its predecessor. This paper is an attempt to transpose the superiority of the American network on to the ECN. It looks at concepts such as judicial cooperation, harmonization of procedure, peer review and regulatory impact assessments (RIAs), and dispute resolution procedures. The aim is to adopt these concepts into the EU setting without recourse to legal transplantation. The major difficulty is that many of these concepts have been tested only in the US and it is difficult to tell whether they could be modified to meet EU standards. Concepts such as judicial cooperation might be difficult due to different language traditions in EU member states. It is hoped that greater flexibility, as in the American network, would boost legitimacy and transparency.Keywords: ECN, networks, regulation, competition
Procedia PDF Downloads 430280 Immunoliposomes Conjugated with CD133 Antibody for Targeting Melanoma Cancer Stem Cells
Authors: Chuan Yin
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) represent a subpopulation of cancer cells that possess the characteristics associated with normal stem cells. CD133 is a phenotype of melanoma CSCs responsible for melanoma metastasis and drug resistance. Although adriamycin (ADR) is commonly used drug in melanoma therapy, but it is ineffective in the treatment of melanoma CSCs. In this study, we constructed CD133 antibody conjugated ADR immunoliposomes (ADR-Lip-CD133) to target CD133+ melanoma CSCs. The results showed that the immunoliposomes possessed a small particle size (~150 nm), high drug encapsulation efficiency (~90%). After 72 hr treatment on the WM266-4 melanoma tumorspheres, the IC50 values of the drug formulated in ADR-Lip-CD133, ADR-Lip (ADR liposomes) and ADR are found to be 24.42, 57.13 and 59.98 ng/ml respectively, suggesting that ADR-Lip-CD133 was more effective than ADR-Lip and ADR. Significantly, ADR-Lip-CD133 could almost completely abolish the tumorigenic ability of WM266-4 tumorspheres in vivo, and showed the best therapeutic effect in WM266-4 melanoma xenograft mice. It is noteworthy that ADR-Lip-CD133 could selectively kill CD133+ melanoma CSCs of WM266-4 cells both in vitro and in vivo. ADR-Lip-CD133 represent a potential approach in targeting and killing CD133+ melanoma CSCs.Keywords: cancer stem cells, melanoma, immunoliposomes, CD133
Procedia PDF Downloads 382279 The Immunology Evolutionary Relationship between Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription Genes from Three Different Shrimp Species in Response to White Spot Syndrome Virus Infection
Authors: T. C. C. Soo, S. Bhassu
Unlike the common presence of both innate and adaptive immunity in vertebrates, crustaceans, in particular, shrimps, have been discovered to possess only innate immunity. This further emphasizes the importance of innate immunity within shrimps in pathogenic resistance. Under the study of pathogenic immune challenge, different shrimp species actually exhibit varying degrees of immune resistance towards the same pathogen. Furthermore, even within the same shrimp species, different batches of challenged shrimps can have different strengths of immune defence. Several important pathways are activated within shrimps during pathogenic infection. One of them is JAK-STAT pathway that is activated during bacterial, viral and fungal infections by which STAT(Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription) gene is the core element of the pathway. Based on theory of Central Dogma, the genomic information is transmitted in the order of DNA, RNA and protein. This study is focused in uncovering the important evolutionary patterns present within the DNA (non-coding region) and RNA (coding region). The three shrimp species involved are Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Penaeus monodon and Litopenaeus vannamei which all possess commercial significance. The shrimp species were challenged with a famous penaeid shrimp virus called white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) which can cause serious lethality. Tissue samples were collected during time intervals of 0h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 36h and 48h. The DNA and RNA samples were then extracted using conventional kits from the hepatopancreas tissue samples. PCR technique together with designed STAT gene conserved primers were utilized for identification of the STAT coding sequences using RNA-converted cDNA samples and subsequent characterization using various bioinformatics approaches including Ramachandran plot, ProtParam and SWISS-MODEL. The varying levels of immune STAT gene activation for the three shrimp species during WSSV infection were confirmed using qRT-PCR technique. For one sample, three biological replicates with three technical replicates each were used for qRT-PCR. On the other hand, DNA samples were important for uncovering the structural variations within the genomic region of STAT gene which would greatly assist in understanding the STAT protein functional variations. The partially-overlapping primers technique was used for the genomic region sequencing. The evolutionary inferences and event predictions were then conducted through the Bayesian Inference method using all the acquired coding and non-coding sequences. This was supplemented by the construction of conventional phylogenetic trees using Maximum likelihood method. The results showed that adaptive evolution caused STAT gene sequence mutations between different shrimp species which led to evolutionary divergence event. Subsequently, the divergent sites were correlated to the differing expressions of STAT gene. Ultimately, this study assists in knowing the shrimp species innate immune variability and selection of disease resistant shrimps for breeding purpose. The deeper understanding of STAT gene evolution from the perspective of both purifying and adaptive approaches not only can provide better immunological insight among shrimp species, but also can be used as a good reference for immunological studies in humans or other model organisms.Keywords: gene evolution, JAK-STAT pathway, immunology, STAT gene
Procedia PDF Downloads 151278 CMOS Positive and Negative Resistors Based on Complementary Regulated Cascode Topology with Cross-Coupled Regulated Transistors
Authors: Kittipong Tripetch, Nobuhiko Nakano
Two types of floating active resistors based on a complementary regulated cascode topology with cross-coupled regulated transistors are presented in this paper. The first topology is a high swing complementary regulated cascode active resistor. The second topology is a complementary common gate with a regulated cross coupled transistor. The small-signal input resistances of the floating resistors are derived. Three graphs of the input current versus the input voltage for different aspect ratios are designed and plotted using the Cadence Spectre 0.18-µm Rohm Semiconductor process. The total harmonic distortion graphs are plotted for three different aspect ratios with different input-voltage amplitudes and different input frequencies. From the simulation results, it is observed that a resistance of approximately 8.52 MΩ can be obtained from supply voltage at ±0.9 V.Keywords: floating active resistor, complementary common gate, complementary regulated cascode, current mirror
Procedia PDF Downloads 259277 The Efficiency of the Resin for Steel Concrete Adhesion
Authors: Oualid Benyamina Douma
Repair is always the result of the appearance of apparent disorder or aggravation of a mass. Which had hitherto been considered minor if not negligible: The work was not done according to plan. So; the examination of causes can lead to thinking about repair. While the application of the epoxy resin has become a hot topic. In this context, we conducted an experimental campaign (48 specimens are tested beakout) whose objective is based on three points: 1- Highlight the importance and influence of important parameters (compressive strength of concrete anchorage length and diameter of the steel bar) on routes (steel-concrete and steel–concrete epoxy resin) 2- Understanding the influence of the parameters mentioned above on the relationship that may exist between the peel strength and slippage. 3- Faces of cracks and failure modes. This study shows that passage of a compressive strength of 40 MPa to 62 MPa increases the adhesion between the steel bar and concrete and for specimens with or without epoxy resin. The loading force was increased form 40 to 81 kM kN, a rate if increase in loading over 100% In addition, for specimens with and without epoxy resin. increased breakout force through a specimen without a specimen with resin ranging from 20% to 32%.Keywords: epoxy resin, peel strength, anchors, slip diameter steel rod, anchor plain concrete and concrete with moderate resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 434276 Conceptional Design of a Hyperloop Capsule with Linear Induction Propulsion System
Authors: Ahmed E. Hodaib, Samar F. Abdel Fattah
High-speed transportation is a growing concern. To develop high-speed rails and to increase high-speed efficiencies, the idea of Hyperloop was introduced. The challenge is to overcome the difficulties of managing friction and air-resistance which become substantial when vehicles approach high speeds. In this paper, we are presenting the methodologies of the capsule design which got a design concept innovation award at SpaceX competition in January, 2016. MATLAB scripts are written for the levitation and propulsion calculations and iterations. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used to simulate the air flow around the capsule considering the effect of the axial-flow air compressor and the levitation cushion on the air flow. The design procedures of a single-sided linear induction motor are analyzed in detail and its geometric and magnetic parameters are determined. A structural design is introduced and Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to analyze the stresses in different parts. The configuration and the arrangement of the components are illustrated. Moreover, comments on manufacturing are made.Keywords: high-speed transportation, hyperloop, railways transportation, single-sided linear induction Motor (SLIM)
Procedia PDF Downloads 276275 Investigation of Tribological Behavior of Electrodeposited Cr, Co-Cr and Co-Cr/Tio2 Nano-Composite Coatings
Authors: S. Mahdavi, S.R. Allahkaram
Electrodeposition is a simple and economic technique for precision coating of different shaped substrates with pure metal, alloy or composite films. Dc electrodeposition was used to produce Cr, Co-Cr and Co-Cr/TiO2 nano-composite coatings from Cr(III) based electrolytes onto 316L SS substrates. The effects of TiO2 nano-particles concentration on co-deposition of these particles along with Cr content and microhardness of the coatings were investigated. Morphology of the Cr, Co-Cr and Co-Cr/TiO2 coatings besides their tribological behavior were studied. The results showed that increment of TiO2 nano-particles concentration from 0 to 30 g L-1 in the bath increased their co-deposition and Cr content of the coatings from 0 to 3.5 wt.% and from 23.7 to 31.2 wt.%, respectively. Microhardness of Cr coating was about 920 Hv which was higher than Co-Cr and even Co-Cr/TiO2 films. Microhardness of Co-Cr and Co-Cr/TiO2 coatings were improved by increasing their Cr and TiO2 content. All the coatings had nodular morphology and contained microcracks. Nodules sizes and the number of microcracks in the alloy and composite coatings were lower than the Cr film. Wear results revealed that the Co-Cr/TiO2 coating had the lowest wear loss between all the samples, while the Cr film had the worst wear resistance.Keywords: Co-Cr alloy, electrodeposition, nano-composite, tribological behavior, trivalent chromium
Procedia PDF Downloads 489274 Drought Stress and the Importance of Osmotic Adjustment
Authors: Hooman Rowshanaie
The majority of green plants have 70%-90% water, this amount depend on age of plants, species, tissues of plants and also the environmental conditions that plants growth and development on it. Because of intense plant demanding to achieve the available water for growing and developing, always plants need a water sources and also mechanisms to retention the water and reduction water loss under critical situation and water deficit conditions otherwise the yield of plants would be decreased. Decreasing the yield depend on genotypes, intense of water deficit and also growth stage. Recently the mechanisms and also compound that have major role to water stress adaption of plants would be consideration. Osmotic adjustment is one of the most important mechanisms in terms of this field that many valuable researches focused on it because the majority of organic and inorganic solutes directly or even indirectly have pivotal role in this phenomenon. The contribution of OA to prevent water loss in response to water deficit and resistance to water stress taken to consideration recently and also the organic and inorganic compounds to OA tended has a high rate of significant.Keywords: water deficit, drought stress, osmotic adjustment, organic compound, inorganic compound, solute
Procedia PDF Downloads 421273 Disposable Coffee Cups Recycling
Authors: Sasan Mohammadi
Due to our passion for coffee, we use 16 billion throwaway coffee cups yearly. Coffee lovers throughout the globe have discovered the hard way that their paper cups are not recyclable, despite what coffee businesses have repeatedly assured them [1] A disposable, single-use coffee cup comprises a paper and polyethylene layer. Polyethylene is a typical material used to fill a coffee cup's inside to keep its structure and provide water and heat resistance. In addition, the polyethylene layer prevents recycling since it is difficult to separate the plastic liner from the paper layer [2]. In addition, owing to the plastic membrane lining many of these cups, they cannot be recycled and may take up to 30 years to biodegrade [3]. Most of researcher try to separate plastic part ,but it is not economical and easy.For this purposes,it is not yet happen. In our research we don't separate plastic, just we make a homogeneous pulp with cold water.then fix it in mold and dry it,after completely drying cycle we heated the product in 100 degree of centigrade this cause a sintering effect by plastic particle between paper fibers.This method increase 30 percent the strength of product.This product has a good sound proof and thermal isolation. This means we can use it as insulator.with low density we can control the the density by percentage of air solved in pulp.Keywords: recycling, disposable coffee cup, insolator, low density
Procedia PDF Downloads 77272 Corrosion Characterization of Al6061, Quartz Metal Matrix Composites in Alkali Medium
Authors: Radha H. R., Krupakara P. V.
Metal matrix composites are attracting today's manufacturers of many automobile parts so that they lost longer and their properties can be tailored according to the requirement. In this paper an attempt has been made to study the corrosion characteristics of Aluminium 6061 / quartz metal matrix composites in alkali medium like sodium hydroxide solutions. Metal matrix composites are heterogeneous mixtures of a matrix and reinforcement. In this work the matrix selected is Aluminium 6061 alloy which is commercially available and the reinforcement selected is quartz particulates of 50-80 micron size which is available in plenty in and around Bangalore district, India. Composites containing Aluminium 6061 with 2, 4 and 6 weight percent of quartz are manufactured by liquid melt metallurgy technique using vortex method. Corrosion tests like static weight loss and open circuit potential tests are conducted in different concentrated solutions of sodium hydroxide. To compare the results the matrix Aluminium 6061 is also casted in the same way. Specimens for the test are prepared according to ASTM standards. In all the tests the metal matrix composites showed better corrosion resistance than matrix alloy.Keywords: aluminium 6061, corrosion, quartz, vortex
Procedia PDF Downloads 409271 Fracture Energy Corresponding to the Puncture/Cutting of Nitrile Rubber by Pointed Blades
Authors: Ennouri Triki, Toan Vu-Khanh
Resistance to combined puncture/cutting by pointed blades is an important property of gloves materials. The purpose of this study is to propose an approach derived from the fracture mechanics theory to calculate the fracture energy associated to the puncture/cutting of nitrile rubber. The proposed approach is also based on the application of a sample pre-strained during the puncture/cutting test in order to remove the contribution of friction. It was validated with two different pointed blade angles of 22.5° and 35°. Results show that the applied total fracture energy corresponding to puncture/cutting is controlled by three energies, one is the fracture energy or the intrinsic strength of the material, the other reflects the friction energy between a pointed blade and the material. For an applied pre-strain energy (or tearing energy) of high value, the friction energy is completely removed. Without friction, the total fracture energy is constant. In that case, the fracture contribution of the tearing energy is marginal. Growth of the crack is thus completely caused by the puncture/cutting by a pointed blade. Finally, results suggest that the value of the fracture energy corresponding to puncture/cutting by pointed blades is obtained at a frictional contribution of zero.Keywords: elastomer, energy, fracture, friction, pointed blades
Procedia PDF Downloads 307270 Irrigation and Thermal Buffering Mathematical Modeling
Authors: Yara Elborolosy, Harsho Sanyal, Joseph Cataldo
Two methods of irrigation, drip and sprinkler, were studied to determine the response of the Javits green roof to irrigation. The control study were dry unirrigated plots. Drip irrigation consisted of irrigation tubes running through the green roof that would water the soil throughout, and sprinkler irrigation used a sprinkler system to irrigate the green roof from above. In all cases, the irrigated roofs had increased the soil moisture, reduced temperatures of both the upper and lower surfaces, reduced growing medium temperatures and reduced air temperatures above the green roof relative to the unirrigated roof. The buffered temperature fluctuations were also studied via air conditioner energy consumption. There was a 28% reductionin air conditioner energy consumption and 33% reduction in overall energy consumption between dry and irrigated plots. Values of thermal resistance or S were determined for accuracy, and for this study, there was little change which is ideal. A series of infra-red and thermal probe measurements were used to determine temperatures in the air and sedum. It was determined that the sprinkler irrigation did a better job than the drip irrigation in keeping cooler temperatures within the green roof.Keywords: green infrastructure, black roof, thermal buffering, irrigation
Procedia PDF Downloads 72269 Performance of Flat Plate Loop Heat Pipe for Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Battery in Electric Vehicle Application
Authors: Bambang Ariantara, Nandy Putra, Rangga Aji Pamungkas
The development of electric vehicle batteries has resulted in very high energy density lithium-ion batteries. However, this progress is accompanied by the risk of thermal runaway, which can result in serious accidents. Heat pipes are heat exchangers that are suitable to be applied in electric vehicle battery thermal management for their lightweight, compact size and do not require external power supply. This paper aims to examine experimentally a flat plate loop heat pipe (FPLHP) performance as a heat exchanger in the thermal management system of the lithium-ion battery for electric vehicle application. The heat generation of the battery was simulated using a cartridge heater. Stainless steel screen mesh was used as the capillary wick. Distilled water, alcohol and acetone were used as working fluids with a filling ratio of 60%. It was found that acetone gives the best performance that produces the thermal resistance of 0.22 W/°C with 50 °C evaporator temperature at heat flux load of 1.61 W/cm2.Keywords: electric vehicle, flat-plate loop heat pipe, lithium-ion battery, thermal management system
Procedia PDF Downloads 353268 Electrochemical Coagulation of Synthetic Textile Dye Wastewater
Authors: H. B. Rekha, Usha N. Murthy, Prashanth, Ashoka
Dyes are manufactured to have high chemical resistance because they are normally species, very difficult to degrade (reactive dyes). It damages flora and fauna. Furthermore, coloured components are highly hazardous. So removal of dyes becomes a challenge for both textile industry and water treatment facility. Dyeing wastewater is usually treated by conventional methods such as biological oxidation and adsorption but nowadays them becoming in-adequate because of large variability of composition of waste water. In the present investigation, mild steel electrodes of varying surface area were used for treatment of synthetic textile dye. It appears that electro-chemical coagulation could be very effective in removing coloured from wastewater; it could also be used to remove other parameters like chlorides, COD, and solids to some extent. In the present study, coloured removal up to 99% was obtained for surface area of mild steel electrode of 80 cm2 and 96% of surface area of mild steel electrode of 50 cm2. The findings from this study could be used to improve the design of electro-chemical treatment systems and modify existing systems to improve efficiency.Keywords: electrochemical coagulation, mild steel, colour, environmental engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 307267 Early Design Prediction of Submersible Maneuvers
Authors: Hernani Brinati, Mardel de Conti, Moyses Szajnbok, Valentina Domiciano
This study brings a mathematical model and examples for the numerical prediction of submersible maneuvers in the horizontal and in the vertical planes. The geometry of the submarine is here taken as a body of revolution plus a sail, two horizontal and two vertical rudders. The model includes the representation of the hull resistance and of the propeller thrust and torque, what enables to consider the variation of the longitudinal component of the velocity of the ship when maneuvering. The hydrodynamic forces are represented through power series expansions of the acceleration and velocity components. The hydrodynamic derivatives for the body of revolution are mostly estimated based on fundamental principles applicable to the flow around airplane fuselages in the subsonic regime. The hydrodynamic forces for the sail and rudders are estimated based on a finite aspect ratio wing theory. The objective of this study is to build an expedite model for submarine maneuvers prediction, based on fundamental principles, which may be convenient in the early stages of the ship design. This model is tested against available numerical and experimental data.Keywords: submarine maneuvers, submarine, maneuvering, dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 638266 An Improved Tie Force Method for Progressive Collapse Resistance Design of Precast Concrete Cross Wall Structures
Authors: M. Tohidi, J. Yang, C. Baniotopoulos
Progressive collapse of buildings typically occurs when abnormal loading conditions cause local damages, which leads to a chain reaction of failure and ultimately catastrophic collapse. The tie force (TF) method is one of the main design approaches for progressive collapse. As the TF method is a simplified method, further investigations on the reliability of the method is necessary. This study aims to develop an improved TF method to design the cross wall structures for progressive collapse. To this end, the pullout behavior of strands in grout was firstly analyzed; and then, by considering the tie force-slip relationship in the friction stage together with the catenary action mechanism, a comprehensive analytical method was developed. The reliability of this approach is verified by the experimental results of concrete block pullout tests and full scale floor-to-floor joints tests undertaken by Portland Cement Association (PCA). Discrepancies in the tie force between the analytical results and codified specifications have suggested the deficiency of TF method, hence an improved model based on the analytical results has been proposed to address this concern.Keywords: cross wall, progressive collapse, ties force method, catenary, analytical
Procedia PDF Downloads 469265 Bearing Capacity of Sheet Hanger Connection to the Trapezoidal Metal Sheet
Authors: Kateřina Jurdová
Hanging to the trapezoidal sheet by decking hanger is a very widespread solution used in civil engineering to lead the distribution of energy, sanitary, air distribution system etc. under the roof or floor structure. The trapezoidal decking hanger is usually a part of the whole installation system for specific distribution medium. The leading companies offer installation systems for each specific distribution e.g. pipe rings, sprinkler systems, installation channels etc. Every specific part is connected to the base connector which is decking hanger. The own connection has three main components: decking hanger, threaded bar with nuts and web of trapezoidal sheet. The aim of this contribution is determinate the failure mechanism of each component in connection. Load bearing capacity of most components in connection could be calculated by formulas in European codes. This contribution is focused on problematic of bearing resistance of threaded bar in web of trapezoidal sheet. This issue is studied by experimental research and numerical modelling. This contribution presented the initial results of experiment which is compared with numerical model of specimen.Keywords: decking hanger, concentrated load, connection, load bearing capacity, trapezoidal metal sheet
Procedia PDF Downloads 392264 Uses and Manufacturing of Beech Corrugated Plywood
Authors: Prochazka Jiri, Beranek Tomas, Podlena Milan, Zeidler Ales
The poster deals with the issue of ISO shipping containers’ sheathing made of corrugated plywood instead of traditional corrugated metal sheets. It was found that the corrugated plywood is a suitable material for the sheathing due to its great flexural strength perpendicular to the course of the wave, sufficient impact resistance, surface compressive strength and low weight. Three sample sets of different thicknesses 5, 8 and 10 mm were tested in the experiments. The tests have shown that the 5 cm corrugated plywood is the most suitable thickness for sheathing. Experiments showed that to increase bending strength at needed value, it was necessary to increase the weight of the timber only by 1.6%. Flat cash test showed that 5 mm corrugated plywood is sufficient material for sheathing from a mechanical point of view. Angle of corrugation was found as a very important factor which massively affects the mechanical properties. The impact strength test has shown that plywood is relatively tough material in direction of corrugation. It was calculated that the use of corrugated plywood sheathing for the containers can reduce the weight of the walls up to 75%. Corrugated plywood is also suitable material for web of I-joists and wide interior design applications.Keywords: corrugated plywood, veneer, beech plywood, ISO shipping container, I-joist
Procedia PDF Downloads 338263 Modeling of Polyethylene Particle Size Distribution in Fluidized Bed Reactors
Authors: R. Marandi, H. Shahrir, T. Nejad Ghaffar Borhani, M. Kamaruddin
In the present study, a steady state population balance model was developed to predict the polymer particle size distribution (PSD) in ethylene gas phase fluidized bed olefin polymerization reactors. The multilayer polymeric flow model (MPFM) was used to calculate the growth rate of a single polymer particle under intra-heat and mass transfer resistance. The industrial plant data were used to calculate the growth rate of polymer particle and the polymer PSD. Numerical simulations carried out to describe the influence of effective monomer diffusion coefficient, polymerization rate and initial catalyst size on the catalyst particle growth and final polymer PSD. The results present that the intra-heat and mass limitation is important for the ethylene polymerization, the growth rate of particle and the polymer PSD in the fluidized bed reactor. The effect of the agglomeration on the PSD is also considered. The result presents that the polymer particle size distribution becomes broader as the agglomeration exits.Keywords: population balance, olefin polymerization, fluidized bed reactor, particle size distribution, agglomeration
Procedia PDF Downloads 333262 The Excess Loop Delay Calibration in a Bandpass Continuous-Time Delta Sigma Modulators Based on Q-Enhanced LC Filter
Authors: Sorore Benabid
The Q-enhanced LC filters are the most used architecture in the Bandpass (BP) Continuous-Time (CT) Delta-Sigma (ΣΔ) modulators, due to their: high frequencies operation, high linearity than the active filters and a high quality factor obtained by Q-enhanced technique. This technique consists of the use of a negative resistance that compensate the ohmic losses in the on-chip inductor. However, this technique introduces a zero in the filter transfer function which will affect the modulator performances in term of Dynamic Range (DR), stability and in-band noise (Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)). In this paper, we study the effect of this zero and we demonstrate that a calibration of the excess loop delay (ELD) is required to ensure the best performances of the modulator. System level simulations are done for a 2ndorder BP CT (ΣΔ) modulator at a center frequency of 300MHz. Simulation results indicate that the optimal ELD should be reduced by 13% to achieve the maximum SNR and DR compared to the ideal LC-based ΣΔ modulator.Keywords: continuous-time bandpass delta-sigma modulators, excess loop delay, on-chip inductor, Q-enhanced LC filter
Procedia PDF Downloads 329261 Investigating the Behavior of Underground Structures in the Event of an Earthquake
Authors: Davoud Beheshtizadeh, Farzin Malekpour
The progress of technology and producing new machinery have made a big change in excavation operations and construction of underground structures. The limitations of space and some other economic, politic and military considerations gained the attention of most developed and developing countries towards the construction of these structures for mine, military, and development objectives. Underground highways, tunnels, subways, oil reservoir resources, fuels, nuclear wastes burying reservoir and underground stores are increasingly developing and being used in these countries. The existence and habitability of the cities depend on these underground installations or in other words these vital arteries. Stopping the flow of water, gas leakage and explosion, collapsing of sewage paths, etc., resulting from the earthquake are among the factors that can severely harm the environment and increase the casualty. Lack of sewage network and complete stoppage of the flow of water in Bam (Iran) is a good example of this kind. In this paper, we investigate the effect of wave orientation on structures and deformation of them and the effect of faulting on underground structures, and then, we study resistance of reinforced concrete against earthquake, simulate two different samples, analyze the result and point out the importance of paying attention to underground installations.Keywords: underground structures, earthquake, underground installations, axial deformations
Procedia PDF Downloads 194260 Modification and Surface Characterization of the Co20Cr15W10Ni Alloy for Application as Biomaterial
Authors: Fernanda A. Vechietti, Natália O. B. Muniz, Laura C. Treccani, Kurosch. Rezwan, Luis Alberto dos Santos
CoCr alloys are widely used in prosthetic implants due to their excellent mechanical properties, such as good tensile strength, elastic modulus and wear resistance. Their biocompatibility and lack of corrosion are also prominent features of this alloy. One of the most effective and simple ways to protect metal’s surfaces are treatments, such as electrochemical oxidation by passivation, which is used as a protect release of metallic ions. Another useful treatment is the electropolishing, which is used to reduce the carbide concentration and protrusion at the implanted surface. Electropolishing is a cheap and effective method for treatment of implants, which generally has complex geometries. The purpose of this study is surface modification of the alloy CoCr(ASTM F90-09) by different methods: polishing, electro polishing, passivation and heat treatment for application as biomaterials. The modification of the surface was studied and characterized by SEM, profilometry, wettability and compared to the surface of the samples untreated. The heat treatment and of passivation increased roughness (0.477 µm and 0.825 µm) the samples in relation the sample electropolished and polished(0.131 µm and 0.274 µm) and were observed the improve wettability’s with the increase the roughness.Keywords: biomaterial, CoCr, surface treatment, heat treatment, roughness
Procedia PDF Downloads 545259 An Experimental Study of Downstream Structures on the Flow-Induced Vibrations Energy Harvester Performances
Authors: Pakorn Uttayopas, Chawalit Kittichaikarn
This paper presents an experimental investigation for the characteristics of an energy harvesting device exploiting flow-induced vibration in a wind tunnel. A stationary bluff body is connected with a downstream tip body via an aluminium cantilever beam. Various lengths of aluminium cantilever beam and different shapes of downstream tip body are considered. The results show that the characteristics of the energy harvester’s vibration depend on both the length of the aluminium cantilever beam and the shape of the downstream tip body. The highest ratio between vibration amplitude and bluff body diameter was found to be 1.39 for an energy harvester with a symmetrical triangular tip body and L/D1 = 5 at 9.8 m/s of flow speed (Re = 20077). Using this configuration, the electrical energy was extracted with a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) piezoelectric beam with different load resistances, of which the optimal value could be found on each Reynolds number. The highest power output was found to be 3.19 µW, at 9.8 m/s of flow speed (Re = 20077) and 27 MΩ of load resistance.Keywords: downstream structures, energy harvesting, flow-induced vibration, piezoelectric material, wind tunnel
Procedia PDF Downloads 234258 An Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Laminates Used for Pipe Applications
Authors: Tasnim Kallel, Rim Taktak
In this experimental work, fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite laminates were manufactured using hand lay-up technique. The unsaturated polyester (UP) and vinylester (VE) were considered as resins reinforced with different woven fabrics (bidirectional and quadriaxial rovings). The mechanical behaviour of the resulting composites was studied and then compared. A focus was essentially done on the evaluation of the effect of E-Glass fiber and ply orientation on the mechanical properties such as tensile strength, flexural strength, and hardness of the studied composite laminates. Also, crack paths and fracture surfaces were examined, and failure mechanisms were analyzed. From the main results, it was found that the quadriaxial composite laminates (QA/VE and QA/UP) with stacking sequences of [0°, +45°, 90°, -45°] present a very ductile tensile behaviour. The other laminate samples (R500/VE, RM/VE, R500/UP and RM/UP) show a very brittle behaviour whatever the used resin. The intrinsic toughness KIC of QA/VE laminate, obtained in fracture tests, are found more important than that of RM/VE composite. Thus, the QA/VE samples, as multidirectional laminate, presents the highest interlaminar fracture resistance.Keywords: crack growth, fiber orientation, fracture behavior, e-glass fiber fabric, laminate composite, mechanical behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 250257 Chemical and Physical Modification of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers Based on Thermoplastic Acrylic Resin
Authors: Kamil Dydek, Szymon Demski, Kamil Majchrowicz, Paulina Kozera, Bogna Sztorch, Dariusz Brząkalski, Zuzanna Krawczyk, Robert Przekop, Anna Boczkowska
Thanks to their excellent properties, i.e. high stiffness and strength in relation to their weight, corrosion resistance, and low thermal expansion, Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) are a group of materials readily used in many industrial sectors, e.g. aviation, automotive, wind energy. Conventional CFRPs also have their disadvantages, namely, relatively low electrical conductivity and brittle cracking. To counteract this, a thermoplastic acrylic resin was proposed, which was further modified by the addition of organosilicon compounds and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The addition of the organosilicon compounds was aimed at improving the dispersion of the MWCNTs and obtaining good adhesion between the resin and the carbon fibre, where the MWCNTs were used as a conductive filler. In addition, during the fabrication of laminates using the infusion method, thermoplastic nonwovens doped with MWCNTs were placed between the carbon reinforcement layers to achieve a synergistic effect with an increase in electrical and mechanical properties.Keywords: CFRP, acrylic resin, organosilicon compounds, mechanical properties, electrical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 129256 Application of Flexi-Wall in Noise Barriers Renewal
Authors: B. Daee, H. M. El Naggar
This paper presents an experimental study on structural performance of an innovative noise barrier consisting of poly-block, light polyurethane foam (LPF) and polyurea. This wall system (flexi-wall) is intended to be employed as a vertical extension to existing sound barriers in an accelerated construction method. To aid in the wall design, several mechanical tests were conducted on LPF specimens and two full-scale walls were then fabricated employing the same LPF material. The full-scale walls were subjected to lateral loading in order to establish their lateral resistance. A cyclic fatigue test was also performed on a full-scale flexi-wall in order to evaluate the performance of the wall under a repetitive loading condition. The result of the experiments indicated the suitability of flexi-wall in accelerated construction and confirmed that the structural performance of the wall system under lateral loading is satisfactory for the sound barrier application. The experimental results were discussed and a preliminary design procedure for application of flexi-wall in sound barrier applications was also developed.Keywords: noise barrier, polyurethane foam, accelerated construction, full-scale experiment
Procedia PDF Downloads 293255 Diagrid Structural System
Authors: K. Raghu, Sree Harsha
The interrelationship between the technology and architecture of tall buildings is investigated from the emergence of tall buildings in late 19th century to the present. In the late 19th century early designs of tall buildings recognized the effectiveness of diagonal bracing members in resisting lateral forces. Most of the structural systems deployed for early tall buildings were steel frames with diagonal bracings of various configurations such as X, K, and eccentric. Though the historical research a filtering concept is developed original and remedial technology- through which one can clearly understand inter-relationship between the technical evolution and architectural esthetic and further stylistic transition buildings. Diagonalized grid structures – “diagrids” - have emerged as one of the most innovative and adaptable approaches to structuring buildings in this millennium. Variations of the diagrid system have evolved to the point of making its use non-exclusive to the tall building. Diagrid construction is also to be found in a range of innovative mid-rise steel projects. Contemporary design practice of tall buildings is reviewed and design guidelines are provided for new design trends. Investigated in depths are the behavioral characteristics and design methodology for diagrids structures, which emerge as a new direction in the design of tall buildings with their powerful structural rationale and symbolic architectural expression. Moreover, new technologies for tall building structures and facades are developed for performance enhancement through design integration, and their architectural potentials are explored. By considering the above data the analysis and design of 40-100 storey diagrids steel buildings is carried out using E-TABS software with diagrids of various angle to be found for entire building which will be helpful to reduce the steel requirement for the structure. The present project will have to undertake wind analysis, seismic analysis for lateral loads acting on the structure due to wind loads, earthquake loads, gravity loads. All structural members are designed as per IS 800-2007 considering all load combination. Comparison of results in terms of time period, top storey displacement and inter-storey drift to be carried out. The secondary effect like temperature variations are not considered in the design assuming small variation.Keywords: diagrid, bracings, structural, building
Procedia PDF Downloads 387254 Light Emission Enhancement of Silicon Nanocrystals by Gold Layer
Authors: R. Karmouch
A thin gold metal layer was deposited on the top of silicon oxide films containing embedded Si nanocrystals (Si-nc). The sample was annealed in gas containing nitrogen, and subsequently characterized by photoluminescence. We obtained 3-fold enhancement of photon emission from the Si-nc embedded in silicon dioxide covered with a Gold layer as compared with an uncovered sample. We attribute this enhancement to the increase of the spontaneous emission rate caused by the coupling of the Si-nc emitters with the surface plasmons (SP). The evolution of PL emission with laser irradiated time was also collected from covered samples, and compared to that from uncovered samples. In an uncovered sample, the PL intensity decreases with time, approximately with two decay constants. Although the decrease of the initial PL intensity associated with the increase of sample temperature under CW pumping is still observed in samples covered with a gold layer, this film significantly contributes to reduce the permanent deterioration of the PL intensity. The resistance to degradation of light-emitting silicon nanocrystals can be increased by SP coupling to suppress the permanent deterioration. Controlling the permanent photodeterioration can allow to perform a reliable optical gain measurement.Keywords: photodeterioration, silicon nanocrystals, ion implantation, photoluminescence, surface plasmons
Procedia PDF Downloads 421253 Crystal Nucleation in 3D Printed Polymer Scaffolds in Tissue Engineering
Authors: Amani Alotaibi
3D printing has emerged as a pivotal technique for scaffold development, particularly in the field of bone tissue regeneration, due to its ability to customize scaffolds to fit complex geometries of bone defects. Among the various methods available, fused deposition modeling (FDM) is particularly promising as it avoids the use of solvents or toxic chemicals during fabrication. This study investigates the effects of three key parameters, extrusion temperature, screw rotational speed, and deposition speed, on the crystallization and mechanical properties of polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds. Three extrusion temperatures (70°C, 80°C, and 90°C), three screw speeds (10 RPM, 15 RPM, and 20 RPM), and three deposition speeds (8 mm/s, 10 mm/s, and 12 mm/s) were evaluated. The scaffolds were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and tensile testing to assess changes in crystallinity and mechanical properties. Additionally, the scaffolds were analyzed for crystal size and biocompatibility. The results demonstrated that increasing the extrusion temperature to 80°C, combined with a screw speed of 15 RPM and a deposition speed of 10 mm/s, significantly improved the crystallinity, compressive modulus, and thermal resistance of the PCL scaffolds. These findings suggest that by fine-tuning basic 3D printing parameters, it is possible to modulate the structural and mechanical properties of the scaffold, thereby enhancing its suitability for bone tissue regeneration.Keywords: 3D printing, polymer, scaffolds, tissue engineering, crystallization
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