Search results for: labour appeal court
517 Chinese Undergraduates’ Trust in And Usage of Machine Translation: A Survey
Authors: Bi Zhao
Neural network technology has greatly improved the output of machine translation in terms of both fluency and accuracy, which greatly increases its appeal for young users. The present exploratory study aims to find out how the Chinese undergraduates perceive and use machine translation in their daily life. A survey is conducted to collect data from 100 undergraduate students from multiple Chinese universities and with varied academic backgrounds, including arts, business, science, engineering, and medicine. The survey questions inquire about their use (including frequency, scenarios, purposes, and preferences) of and attitudes (including trust, quality assessment, justifications, and ethics) toward machine translation. Interviews and tasks of evaluating machine translation output are also employed in combination with the survey on a sample of selected respondents. The results indicate that Chinese undergraduate students use machine translation on a daily basis for a wide range of purposes in academic, communicative, and entertainment scenarios. Most of them have preferred machine translation tools, but the availability of machine translation tools within a certain scenario, such as the embedded machine translation tool on the webpage, is also the determining factor in their choice. The results also reveal that despite the reportedly limited trust in the accuracy of machine translation output, most students lack the ability to critically analyze and evaluate such output. Furthermore, the evidence is revealed of the inadequate awareness of ethical responsibility as machine translation users among Chinese undergraduate students.Keywords: Chinese undergraduates, machine translation, trust, usage
Procedia PDF Downloads 139516 Evolution of Approaches to Cost Calculation in the Conditions of the Modern Russian Economy
Authors: Elena Tkachenko, Vladimir Kokh, Alina Osipenko, Vladislav Surkov
The modern period of development of Russian economy is fraught with a number of problems related to limitations in the use of traditional planning and financial management tools. Restrictions in the use of foreign software when performing an order of the Russian Government, on the one hand, and sanctions limiting the support of the major ERP and MRP II systems in the Russian Federation, on the other hand, entail the necessity to appeal to the basics of developing budgeting and analysis systems for industrial enterprises. Thus, cost calculation theory becomes the theoretical foundation for the development of industrial cost management systems. Based on the foregoing, it would be fair to make an assumption that the development of a working managerial accounting model on an industrial enterprise using an automated enterprise resource management system should rest upon the concept of the inevitability of alterations of business processes. On the other hand, optimized business processes make the architecture of financial analytics more transparent and permit the use of all the benefits of data cubes. The metrics and indicator slices provide online assessment of the state of key business processes at a given moment of time, which improves the quality of managerial decisions considerably. Therefore, the bilateral sanctions situation boosted the development of corporate business analytics and took industrial companies to the next level of understanding of business processes.Keywords: cost culculation, ERP, OLAP, modern Russian economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 223515 Labor Migration: An Anthropological Study of Migrants Socio-Economic Development and Exploitation
Authors: Usman Khan
The article discusses mass migration, which has been a problem throughout history. People moved for a variety of reasons, including better job opportunities, prosperous, healthy lifestyles, and other basic needs. This research focuses on the issues and challenges that immigrants face when they arrive at their destination countries especially Saudi Arab. Among these issues are the Kapala system, irregular salaries, living conditions, document seizure, and so on. The primary data sources for this qualitative anthropological study include in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs). The research was carried out in the villages of Zulam and Shagokas in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Dir Lower District. The article concludes by stating that the agents and employers treated labor migrants/workers inhumanely. Throughout the process, they have been subjected to severe exploitation and suffering. Finally, the migrants sent back remittances that aided the region's economic and infrastructure development.Keywords: Migration, Exploitation, labour, Middle East, Kafala and Tanazol System.
Procedia PDF Downloads 76514 Using VR as a Training Tool in the Banking Industry
Authors: Bjørn Salskov, Nicolaj Bang, Charlotte Falko
Future labour markets demand employees that can carry out a non-linear task which is still not possible for computers. This means that employees must have well-developed soft-skills to perform at high levels in such a work environment. One of these soft-skills is presenting a message effectively. To be able to present a message effectively, one needs to practice this. To practice effectively, the trainee needs feedback on the current performance. Here VR environments can be used as a practice tool because it gives the trainee a sense of presence and reality. VR environments are becoming a cost-effective training method since it does not demand the presence of an expert to provide this feedback. The research article analysed in this study suggests that VR environment can be used and are able to provide the necessary feedback to the trainee which in turn will help the trainee become better at the task. The research analysed in this review does, however, show that there is a need for a study with larger sample size and a study which runs over a longer period.Keywords: training, presentation, presentation skills, VR training, VR as a training tool, VR and presentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 122513 The Duty of Application and Connection Providers Regarding the Supply of Internet Protocol by Court Order in Brazil to Determine Authorship of Acts Practiced on the Internet
Authors: João Pedro Albino, Ana Cláudia Pires Ferreira de Lima
Humanity has undergone a transformation from the physical to the virtual world, generating an enormous amount of data on the world wide web, known as big data. Many facts that occur in the physical world or in the digital world are proven through records made on the internet, such as digital photographs, posts on social media, contract acceptances by digital platforms, email, banking, and messaging applications, among others. These data recorded on the internet have been used as evidence in judicial proceedings. The identification of internet users is essential for the security of legal relationships. This research was carried out on scientific articles and materials from courses and lectures, with an analysis of Brazilian legislation and some judicial decisions on the request of static data from logs and Internet Protocols (IPs) from application and connection providers. In this article, we will address the determination of authorship of data processing on the internet by obtaining the IP address and the appropriate judicial procedure for this purpose under Brazilian law.Keywords: IP address, digital forensics, big data, data analytics, information and communication technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 124512 Pre-Operative Tool for Facial-Post-Surgical Estimation and Detection
Authors: Ayat E. Ali, Christeen R. Aziz, Merna A. Helmy, Mohammed M. Malek, Sherif H. El-Gohary
Goal: Purpose of the project was to make a plastic surgery prediction by using pre-operative images for the plastic surgeries’ patients and to show this prediction on a screen to compare between the current case and the appearance after the surgery. Methods: To this aim, we implemented a software which used data from the internet for facial skin diseases, skin burns, pre-and post-images for plastic surgeries then the post- surgical prediction is done by using K-nearest neighbor (KNN). So we designed and fabricated a smart mirror divided into two parts a screen and a reflective mirror so patient's pre- and post-appearance will be showed at the same time. Results: We worked on some skin diseases like vitiligo, skin burns and wrinkles. We classified the three degrees of burns using KNN classifier with accuracy 60%. We also succeeded in segmenting the area of vitiligo. Our future work will include working on more skin diseases, classify them and give a prediction for the look after the surgery. Also we will go deeper into facial deformities and plastic surgeries like nose reshaping and face slim down. Conclusion: Our project will give a prediction relates strongly to the real look after surgery and decrease different diagnoses among doctors. Significance: The mirror may have broad societal appeal as it will make the distance between patient's satisfaction and the medical standards smaller.Keywords: k-nearest neighbor (knn), face detection, vitiligo, bone deformity
Procedia PDF Downloads 167511 The Application of King IV by Rugby Clubs Affiliated to a Rugby Union in South Africa
Authors: Anouschka Swart
In 2023, sport faces a plethora of challenges including but not limited to match-fixing, corruption and doping to its integrity that, threatens both the commercial and public appeal. The continuous changes and commercialisation that has occurred within sport have led to a variety of consequences resulting in the need for ethics to be revived, as it used to be in the past to ensure sport is not in danger. In order to understand governance better, the Institute of Directors in Southern Africa, a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services, outlined a process explaining all elements with regards to corporate governance. This process illustrates a governing body’s responsibilities as strategy, policy, oversight and accountability. These responsibilities are further elucidated to 16 governing principles which are highlighted as essential for all organisations in order to achieve and deliver on effective governance outcomes. These outcomes are good ethical culture, good performance, effective control and legitimacy therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate the general state of governance within the clubs affiliated with a rugby club in South Africa by utilizing the King IV Code as the framework. The results indicated that the King Code IV principles are implemented by these rugby clubs to ensure they demonstrate commitment to corporate governance to both internal and external stakeholders. It is however evident that a similar report focused solely on sport is a necessity in the industry as this will provide more clarity on sport specific problems.Keywords: South Africa, sport, King IV, responsibilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 73510 The Effects of the Convergence of Common Law and Civil Law on the Judicial Practice
Authors: István Erdős
The convergence of common law and civil law systems is a defining phenomenon in current legal development, which has an effect on the practice of law. One cause of this convergence is the growing importance of international private law due to international trade, as well as the growing importance of EU law. However, it is unclear how this process alters the judicial practice in civil law countries where common law elements have been adopted. This research focuses on the introduction of the limited precedent system in Hungary, which swiftly changed the practice of law by introducing common law features. The study analyzes key decisions of the Curia of Hungary (the Supreme Court) utilizing structural content analysis (SCA) to understand the effects of this convergence phenomenon. A key conceptual contribution of the study concerns the link between adjudication theory and judicial practice. The study finds that adjudication theory and practice shifted. Based on the findings, the study makes suggestions about the changes required by the participants of the legal world to proactively adapt to the changing legal environment.Keywords: international convergence, judicial practice, limited precedent system, structural content analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 7509 Protection towards Investor: Enforcement of the Authorities of Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) during Capital Market Integration
Authors: Muhammad Ilham Agus Salim, Muhammad Ikbal
The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) was set up in 2003 with the objectives of creating a single market and production base, enhancing equitable economic development as well as facilitating the integration into the global economy. The AEC involves liberalization and facilitation of trade in goods, skilled labour, services, and investment, as well as protection and promotion of investment. The thesis outlines the AEC Blueprint actions in scope of globalization of investment and capital market. Free flows of investment and freer flows of capital market urge countries in South East Asia to coordinate and to collaborate in securing the interest of public, and this leads to the importance of financial services authorities in ASEAN to prepare the mechanism of guarding the flows of investment. There is no exception, especially for Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) as one of the authorized body in capital market supervision, to enforce its authorities as supervisory body.Keywords: AEC blueprint, OJK, capital market, integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 314508 Employee Commitment as a Means of Revitalising the Hospitality Industry post-Covid: Considering the Impact of Psychological Contract and Psychological Capital
Authors: Desere Kokt
Hospitality establishments worldwide are bearing the brunt of the effects of Covid-19. As the hospitality industry is looking to recover, emphasis is placed on rejuvenating the industry. This is especially pertinent for economic development in areas of high unemployment, such as the Free State province of South Africa. The province is not a main tourist area and thus depends on the influx of tourists. The province has great scenic beauty with many accommodation establishments that provide job opportunities to the local population. The two main economic hubs of the Free State province namely Bloemfontein and Clarens, were the focus of the investigation. The emphasis was on graded accommodation establishments as they must adhere to the quality principles of the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa (TGCSA) to obtain star grading. The hospitality industry is known for being labour intensive, and employees need to be available to cater for the needs of paying customers. This is referred to as ‘emotional labour’ and implies that employees need to manage their feelings and emotions as part of performing their jobs. The focus of this study was thus on psychological factors related to working in the hospitality industry – specifically psychological contract and psychological capital and its impact on the commitment of employees in graded accommodation establishments. Employee commitment can be explained as a psychological state that binds the individual to the organisation and involves a set of psychological relationships that include affective (emotions), normative (perceived obligation) and continuance (staying with the organisation) dimensions. Psychological contract refers to the reciprocal beliefs and expectations between the employer and the employee and consists of transactional and rational contracts. Transactional contracts are associated with the economic exchange, and contractional issues related to the employment contract and rational contracts relate to the social exchange between the employee and the organisation. Psychological capital refers to an individual’s positive psychology state of development that is characterised by self-efficiency (having confidence in doing one’s job), optimism (being positive and persevering towards achieving one’s goals), hope (expectations for goals to succeed) and resilience (bouncing back to attain success when beset by problems and adversity). The study employed a quantitative research approach, and a structured questionnaire was used to gather data from respondents. The study was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic, which hampered the data gathering efforts of the researchers. Many accommodation establishments were either closed or temporarily closed, which meant that data gathering was an intensive and laborious process. The main researcher travelled to the various establishments to collect the data. Nine hospitality establishments participated in the study, and around 150 employees were targeted for data collection. Ninety-two (92) questionnaires were completed, which represents a response rate of 61%. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics, and partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was applied to examine the relationship between the variables.Keywords: employee commitment, hospitality industry, psychological contract, psychological capital
Procedia PDF Downloads 107507 The Communication Effect of the Emotional Storytelling on Non-Profit Organizations: The Moderating Effect of Social Distance
Authors: ZhangRun, Yi-Fang Chiang, Li-Shia Huang
The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of emotional story marketing on the fundraising effectiveness of non-profit organizations and to further clarify the communication effectiveness of emotional story types by using "social distance" which reflects individual differences, as an intervening variable in two experiments. The quasi-experimental design of the development experiment (positive warmth of the story v.s. negative sadness of the story) × social distance (near v.s. far) to clarify the effects of social distance. In this study, we designed the experimental advertising situation ourselves, and data were collected through a questionnaire survey. A total of 391 questionnaires were distributed, and data analysis and hypothesis verification were conducted through variance analysis. According to the analysis results of this study, the use of positive emotional appeals in the design of non-profit organization advertisements on issues related to the loss of children will increase the willingness of listeners to donate. For those with close social distance, there is no significant difference between the positive and "warm" emotional story ads and the negative and "sad" emotional story ads. For those with far social distance, there is a significant difference between the positive and "warm" emotional story ads and the negative and "sad" emotional story ads, with the positive and "warm" emotional appeals improving their willingness to donate. Therefore, this study suggests that NPOs should use more positive and warm emotional stories in their advertising design to enhance the fundraising effectiveness of NPO story marketing.Keywords: story marketing, emotional appeal, social distance, willingness to donate
Procedia PDF Downloads 32506 Inculcating the Reading and Writing Approaches through Community-Based Teacher Workshops: A Case of Primary Schools in Limpopo Province
Authors: Tsebe Wilfred Molotja, Mahlapahlapane Themane, Kgetja Maruma
It is globally accepted that reading in the primary schools serves as a foundational basis for good reading skills. This is evident in the students’ academic success throughout their studying life. However, the PIRLS (2016) report on Literacy performance found that primary school learners are not able to read as fluently as expected. The results from ANA (2012) also indicated that South African learners achieved the lowest as compared to other global ones. The purpose of this study is to investigate the approaches employed by educators in developing learners’ reading and writing skills and to workshop them on the best reading and writing approaches to be implemented. The study adopted an explorative qualitative design where 27 educators from primary schools around the University of Limpopo were purposefully sampled to participate in this study. Data was collected through interviews and classroom observation during class visits facilitated by research assistants. The study found that teachers are aware of different approaches to developing learners’ reading and writing skills even thou these are not aligned with the curriculum. However, the problem is with implementation, as the conditions in the classrooms are not conducive for such. The study recommends that more workshops on capacitating teachers with the pedagogical approaches to teaching reading be held. The appeal is also made to the Department of Basic Education that it makes the classrooms to be conducive for teaching and learning to take place.Keywords: academic success, reading and writing, community based, approaches
Procedia PDF Downloads 98505 The Role of Entrepreneurship Education in Enhancing Self-Employment: Students' Perspective
Authors: Stanley Fore, Gaetan Ngabonziza
In spite of the need for skilled labour in South Africa, tertiary education graduates are increasingly faced with unemployment, which poses a serious obstacle to the economic growth of the country. This paper is an outcome of the study that investigated students’ perceptions on the role of entrepreneurship education in enhancing graduates’ self-employment. The study was descriptive in nature and used a survey questionnaire to answer questions pertaining to the extent to which entrepreneurship education is important in enhancing self-employment endeavours. Collected data were analysed using of the statistical software for social science (SPSS) for descriptive statistics in the form of tables and charts. The study found that entrepreneurship education is critical in providing knowledge and skills that are required to succeed in self-employment. As one module of entrepreneurship does not ensure self-employment orientation or more positive expectations about entrepreneurial abilities and careers, this study suggests that students, irrespective of their field of study, should be given entrepreneurship modules in every academic year. This will help in reminding them that their success does not solely rely on their ability to find a better-paying employment but also on their ability to employ themselves.Keywords: entrepreneurship, education, self-employment, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 255504 Using Computerized Analogical Reasoning Tasks as a Way to Improve Literacy Skills in Children with Mild Intellectual Disability
Authors: Caroline Denaes
The ability to read is crucial for a successful path in school and in a social and professional context. Children with mild intellectual disability are confronted to serious difficulties in literacy. A lot of them do not read or are illiterate. Only one child out of five is able to acquire basic reading skills, which increases the likelihood to misfit in society, especially when these children grow up and cannot manage themselves in situations requiring higher reading levels. One way to help these children acquiring basic reading skills is to use analogical reasoning, as some researchers demonstrated that this mechanism is fundamental for any reading process. For this purpose, we developed computerized analogies displayed on a touch screen tablet. Analogies are comparisons that give children a framework they can use to understand new information. They work by comparing one thing to another in order to emphasize some mutual quality. If one of the items is unfamiliar, that mutual quality can help make it understandable, or it can cause the children to consider something familiar in some new way, such as transferring what they know about familiar words to help them identify unfamiliar words. In addition, using touch screen tablets represents several advantages: the ease of use, the relevance to this specific population and the appeal of a self-directed activity gives individuals and practitioners a modern tool that differs from the traditional paper-and-pencil material. In addition, the touch screen dimension is especially appropriate for children as assistive technology has been found to be more motivating that any other types of devices and improves the children’ attention span.Keywords: literacy, intellectual disabilities, touch screen techonology, literacy skill
Procedia PDF Downloads 271503 Biosensors as Analytical Tools in Legume Processing
Authors: S. V. Ncube, A. I. O. Jideani, E. T. Gwata
The plight of food insecurity in developing countries has led to renewed interest in underutilized legumes. Their nutritional versatility, desirable functionality, pharmaceutical value and inherent bioactive compounds have drawn the attention of researchers. This has provoked the development of value added products with the aim of commercially exploiting their full potential. However processing of these legumes leads to changes in nutritional composition as affected by processing variables like pH, temperature and pressure. There is therefore a need for process control and quality assurance during production of the value added products. However, conventional methods for microbiological and biochemical identification are labour intensive and time-consuming. Biosensors offer rapid and affordable methods to assure the quality of the products. They may be used to quantify nutrients and anti-nutrients in the products while manipulating and monitoring variables such as pH, temperature, pressure and oxygen that affect the quality of the final product. This review gives an overview of the types of biosensors used in the food industry, their advantages and disadvantages and their possible application in processing of legumes.Keywords: legume processing, biosensors, quality control, nutritional versatility
Procedia PDF Downloads 493502 Conceptual Metaphors of Responsibility in Arabic to English Translation of Political Speeches: A Corpus-Based Study
Authors: Amr Anany
This study offers a corpus-based analysis of the conceptual metaphors of RESPONSIBILITY inherent in the Arabic political speeches of King Abdulla II and their English translations rendered by the translators of the Royal Hashemite Court ("RHC translators"). In view of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), the current study aims to uncover the extent to which the dominant ideology in the source Arabic speeches of King Abdulla II is conveyed into the target English translation. The study explores a bilingual corpus, including eleven authentic Arabic speeches delivered by King Abdulla II and their English translations. The study finds that both Arabic and English share several metaphorical expressions of RESPONSIBILITY that are based on bodily experience such as RESPONSIBILITY IS UP, RESPONSIBILITY IS AN OBJECT, and RESPONSIBILITY IS AN HONOR. Apparently, the study concludes that RHC translators succeed to convey the dominant ideology from the source Arabic speeches to the English ones using specific translation strategies.Keywords: cognitive linguistics, CDA, conceptual metaphor theory, ideology, responsibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 72501 Understanding Racial Disparate Treatment of Juvenile Interpersonal Violent Offenders in the Juvenile Justice System Using Focal Concerns Theory
Authors: Suzanne Overstreet-Juenke
Disproportionate minority contact (DMC) is a salient issue that has been found at every stage of the decision-making process in the juvenile justice system. Existing research indicates that DMC influences adjudication for drug, property, and personal crimes. Because intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major public health problem and global concern, the current study examines DMC at adjudication among youth charged for crimes of interpersonal violence. This research uses administrative, Court Designated Worker (CDW) data collected from 2014 to 2016. The results are contextualized using Steffensmeier’s version of focal concerns theory of judicial decision-making. This study assesses race and two seriousness of offense measures to establish whether a link exists between race and adjudication. The results of the study is similar to prior research on the topic. These results are discussed in terms of policy implications, limitations, and future research.Keywords: race, disproportionate minority contact, focal concerns theory, juvenile
Procedia PDF Downloads 78500 mRNA Biomarkers of Mechanical Asphyxia-Induced Death in Cardiac Tissue
Authors: Yan Zeng, Li Tao, Liujun Han, Tianye Zhang, Yongan Yu, Kaijun Ma, Long Chen
Mechanical asphyxia is one of the main cause of death; however, death by mechanical asphyxia may be difficult to prove in court, particularly in cases in which corpses exhibit no obvious signs of asphyxia. To identify a credible biomarker of asphyxia, we first examined the expression levels of all the mRNAs in human cardiac tissue specimens subjected to mechanical asphyxia and compared these expression levels with those of the corresponding mRNAs in specimens subjected to craniocerebral injury. A total of 119 differentially expressed mRNAs were selected and the expression levels of these mRNAs were examined in 44 human cardiac tissue specimens subjected to mechanical asphyxia, craniocerebral injury, hemorrhagic shock and other causes of death. We found that DUSP1 and KCNJ2 were up-regulated in tissue specimens of mechanical asphyxia compared with control tissues, with no significant correlation between age, environmental temperature and PMI, indicating that DUSP1 and KCNJ2 may associate with mechanical asphyxia-induced death and can thus serve as useful biomarkers of death by mechanical asphyxia.Keywords: mechanical asphyxia, biomarkers, DUSP1, KCNJ2, cardiac tissue
Procedia PDF Downloads 295499 Is Materiality Determination the Key to Integrating Corporate Sustainability and Maximising Value?
Authors: Ruth Hegarty, Noel Connaughton
Sustainability reporting has become a priority for many global multinational companies. This is associated with ever-increasing expectations from key stakeholders for companies to be transparent about their strategies, activities and management with regard to sustainability issues. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) encourages reporters to only provide information on the issues that are really critical in order to achieve the organisation’s goals for sustainability and manage its impact on environment and society. A key challenge for most reporting organisations is how to identify relevant issues for sustainability reporting and prioritise those material issues in accordance with company and stakeholder needs. A recent study indicates that most of the largest companies listed on the world’s stock exchanges are failing to provide data on key sustainability indicators such as employee turnover, energy, greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), injury rate, pay equity, waste and water. This paper takes an indepth look at the approaches used by a select number of international sustainability leader corporates to identify key sustainability issues. The research methodology involves performing a detailed analysis of the sustainability report content of up to 50 companies listed on the 2014 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). The most recent sustainability report content found on the GRI Sustainability Disclosure Database is then compared with 91 GRI Specific Standard Disclosures and a small number of GRI Standard Disclosures. Preliminary research indicates significant gaps in the information disclosed in corporate sustainability reports versus the indicator content specified in the GRI Content Index. The following outlines some of the key findings to date: Most companies made a partial disclosure with regard to the Economic indicators of climate change risks and infrastructure investments, but did not focus on the associated negative impacts. The top Environmental indicators disclosed were energy consumption and reductions, GHG emissions, water withdrawals, waste and compliance. The lowest rates of indicator disclosure included biodiversity, water discharge, mitigation of environmental impacts of products and services, transport, environmental investments, screening of new suppliers and supply chain impacts. The top Social indicators disclosed were new employee hires, rates of injury, freedom of association in operations, child labour and forced labour. Lesser disclosure rates were reported for employee training, composition of governance bodies and employees, political contributions, corruption and fines for non-compliance. The reporting on most other Social indicators was found to be poor. In addition, most companies give only a brief explanation on how material issues are defined, identified and ranked. Data on the identification of key stakeholders and the degree and nature of engagement for determining issues and their weightings is also lacking. Generally, little to no data is provided on the algorithms used to score an issue. Research indicates that most companies lack a rigorous and thorough methodology to systematically determine the material issues of sustainability reporting in accordance with company and stakeholder needs.Keywords: identification of key stakeholders, material issues, sustainability reporting, transparency
Procedia PDF Downloads 308498 A Comparation Analysis of Islamic Bank Efficiency in the United Kingdom and Indonesia during Eurozone Crisis Using Data Envelopment Analysis
Authors: Nisful Laila, Fatin Fadhilah Hasib, Puji Sucia Sukmaningrum, Achsania Hendratmi
The purpose of this study is to determine and comparing the level of efficiency of Islamic Banks in Indonesia and United Kingdom during eurozone sovereign debt crisis. This study using a quantitative non-parametric approach with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) VRS assumption, and a statistical tool Mann-Whitney U-Test. The samples are 11 Islamic Banks in Indonesia and 4 Islamic Banks in England. This research used mediating approach. Input variable consists of total deposit, asset, and the cost of labour. Output variable consists of financing and profit/loss. This study shows that the efficiency of Islamic Bank in Indonesia and United Kingdom are varied and fluctuated during the observation period. There is no significant different the efficiency performance of Islamic Banks in Indonesia and United Kingdom.Keywords: data envelopment analysis, efficiency, eurozone crisis, islamic bank
Procedia PDF Downloads 326497 Energy Use, Emissions, Economic Growth and Trade: Evidence from Mauritius
Authors: B. Seetanah, H. Neeliah
This paper investigates the relationship among energy, emissions and economic growth in Mauritius in the presence of trade activities, with capital and labour as other control variables. Using annual data from 1960 to 2011, it is found that the variables are non-stationary and cointegrated. The relationship among the various variables are thus examined in a dynamic VECM framework. Our empirical results comply with the growth hypothesis. Output elasticities of 0.17, 0.25 and 0.43 show that increases in energy consumption cause increases in economic growth, capital accumulation and trade in the long run. We also found that CO2 negatively affects output, but has no significant effect on trade. Findings for the long-run generally tend to tally with those in the short-run. Interestingly we found that energy consumption has a significant impact on CO2 emissions. Our results tend to suggest that implementing energy conservation strategies to mitigate the negative impact of CO2 emissions can dent economic growth, and that promoting cleaner energy production could be a better alternative for Mauritius.Keywords: energy, emissions, economic growth, export, VECM
Procedia PDF Downloads 479496 A Study on Micro-Renewal of Mountainous Urban Communities Based on Child-Friendliness
Authors: Zipei Yin
Community space is the main place for children's daily outdoor activities. The mountain community space has the typical characteristics of a closed natural environment, a scattered population layout with height differences, and a relatively independent group structure. This has resulted in special limitations on children's outdoor activities in terms of safety, accessibility, and appropriateness, which urgently makes it necessary to explore how to construct children's activity spaces in mountainous societies under the special limitations. This study investigated the activity spaces for children aged 3-11 years old in typical old communities in Chongqing and evaluated them based on the dimensions of spatial characteristics, environmental safety, and connectivity to summarise three typical patterns of children's outdoor activity spaces in old communities in mountainous cities. Then, under the framework of the appeal of the child-friendly urban environment, taking advantage of the characteristics of the old community in mountain cities compared with the plain urban community, such as complex social form, diversified functional positioning, and good foundation of autonomy, this paper explores the micro-renewal path and strategy of the compound utilization of community public space from the two levels of design and governance, so as to further promote the research and practice of the healthy development of mountain urban community environment.Keywords: child-friendly, healthy community, community public space, mountainous urban community, community renewal
Procedia PDF Downloads 62495 Hegemonic Salaryman Masculinity: Case Study of Transitional Male Gender Roles in Today's Japan
Authors: D. Norton
This qualitative study focuses on the lived experience and displacement of young white-collar masculinities in Japan. In recent years, the salaryman lifestyle has undergone significant disruption - increased competition for regular employment, rise in non-regular structurings of labour across public/private sectors, and shifting role expectations within the home. Despite this, related scholarship hints at a continued reinforcement of the traditional male gender role - that the salaryman remains a key benchmark of Japanese masculine identity. For those in structural proximity to these more ‘normative’ performativities, interest lies their engagement with such narratives - how they make sense of their masculinity in response to stated changes. In light of the historical emphasis on labour and breadwinning logics, notions of respective security or precarity generated as a result remain unclear. Similarly, concern extends to developments within the private sphere - by what means young white-collar men construct ideas of singlehood and companionship according to traditional gender ideologies or more contemporary, flexible readings. The influence of these still-emergent status distinctions on the logics of the social group in question is yet to be explored in depth by gender scholars. This project, therefore, focuses on a salaryman archetype as hegemonic - its transformation amidst these changes and socialising mechanisms that continue to legitimate unequal gender hierarchies. For data collection, a series of ethnographic interviews were held over a period of 12 months with university-educated, white-collar male employees from both Osaka and the Greater Tokyo Area. Findings suggest a modern salaryman ideal reflecting both continuities and shifts within white-collar employment. Whilst receptive to more contemporary workplace practices, the narratives of those interviewed remain imbued with logics supporting patterns of internal hegemony. Regular/non-regular distinction emerged as the foremost variable for both material and discursive patterns of white-collar stratification, with variants of displacement for each social group. Despite the heightened valorisation of stable employment, regular workers articulated various concerns over a model of corporate masculinity seen to be incompatible with recent socioeconomic developments. Likewise, non-regular employees face detachment owing to a still-inflexible perception of their working masculinity as marginalized amidst economic precarity. In seeking to negotiate respective challenges, those interviewed demonstrated an engagement with various concurrent social changes that would often either accommodate, reinforce, or expand upon traditional role behaviours. Few of these narratives offered any notable transgression of said ideal, however, suggesting that within the spectre of white-collar employment in Japan for the near future, any substantive transformation of corporate masculinity remains dependant upon economic developments, less so the agency of those involved.Keywords: gender ideologies, hegemonic masculinity, Japan, white-collar employment
Procedia PDF Downloads 128494 Satire of Victorian Mores in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations
Authors: Nagwa Abouserie Soliman
The Victorian era, which started with the reign of Queen Victoria from June 1837 to January 1901, could be considered as one of the most significant eras that had a crucial impact which formed contemporary British life despite the fact that with the rise of the British empire many negative aspects surfaced, namelysocial inequalities such as class differences, child labor, population increase and poverty due to the industrial revolution. Charles Dickens was one of the most prominent writers of the Victorian era who perceived the hypocrisy of the Victorian mores. The appropriate researchstyle that was chosen for this literary analysis is a qualitative research method in which the researcher used the conceptual approach to analyse theDickensian characterisation andwriting style through diction, narrative voice, and images. The aim of this paper is to argue that Charles Dickens inGreat Expectations (1861) was highly satirical of the Victorian mores, as he uses a lot of sharp irony-to satirize various Victorian traditions such as class divisions, the justice system, the poor working class, and the upper-class snobbery that he thought are inhumane and unjust.Keywords: victorian, child labour, poverty, class division, snobbery
Procedia PDF Downloads 124493 Tracing Economic Policies to Ancient Indian Economic Thought
Authors: Satish Y. Deodhar
Science without history is like a man without memory. The colossal history of India stores many ideas on economic ethics and public policy, which have been forgotten in the course of time. This paper is an attempt to bring to the fore contributions from ancient Indian treatises. In this context, the paper briefly summarizes alternative economic ideas such as communism, capitalism, and the holistic approach of ancient Indian writings. Thereafter, the idea of a welfare brick for an individual consisting of three dimensions -Purusharthas, Ashramas, and Varnas is discussed. Given the contours of the welfare brick, the concept of the state, its economic policies, markets, prices, interest rates, and credit are covered next. This is followed by delving into the treatment of land, property rights, guilds, and labour relations. The penultimate section summarises the economic advice offered to the head of a household in the treatise Shukranitisara. Finally, in concluding comments, the relevance of ancient Indian writings for modern times is discussed -both for pedagogy and economic policies.Keywords: ancient Indian treatises, history of economic thought, science of political economy, Sanskrit
Procedia PDF Downloads 100492 Settlements of Disputes in the Context of Islamic (Sharia) Economics in Indonesia and Egypt: A Comparative Analysis
Authors: Gemala Dewi, Wirdyaningsih, Farida Prihatini
The development of sharia business activities at present has solidified its societal mark and has crossed influence between several nations. In the practice, there may be disputes, breaches and other forms of conflict that occurred along the way. In the meantime, alternative settlements of disputes are utilized differently between nations in the context of their political, social, economic, legal and infrastructural (technology and transportation) scope. Besides the various conditions, there is a common driving factor, which is a consequence of the need for businesses to settle conflicts in an efficient and cost-efficient manner. This factor is paired symbiotically with the limitations of the court and legal processes. Knowing this, Indonesia and Egypt represent countries that have similar social, political, economic and legal conditions. This academic research establishes a normative analysis that looks and compares the rules that regulate the prospects and challenges in the regards of dispute settlements in reference to sharia economics in Indonesia and Egypt. This work recommends that sharia economics dispute settlement is significant to be incorporated in both Indonesian and Egyptian legal systems.Keywords: sharia economics, dispute resolution, Indonesia, Egypt
Procedia PDF Downloads 339491 Modern Technologies and Equipment for Modular-Aggregate Installation of Shipborne Equipment
Authors: A. O. Mikhailov, N. I. Gerasimov, K. N. Morozov, I. V. Grachev
The most advanced method of onboard equipment installation on the world shipbuilding practice is modular method, or modularization. The main idea of this is assembly of equipment, pipelines and hull structures in so called assembly units yet at the shopfloor. Those assembly units are thereafter loaded and installed inside the ship's hull. This allows to reduce labour intensiveness and significantly improve assembly quality, due to the fact that a good part of installation work is performed in the shops, instead of restricted onboard premises. Also, this method allows performing equipment installation at very early stages of hull erection. This practice is widely spread in naval submarines building. However, in merchant shipbuilding, equipment is installed mostly individually. To implement modular principles of equipment installation in designing and construction of civil ships and marine rigs, some new technologies are being developed in the following areas. The paper contains main principles and already achieved results in the above mentioned areas.Keywords: assembly and installation technology, onboard equipment installation, large-scale assembly units, modular method
Procedia PDF Downloads 660490 Producer’s Liability for Defective Medical Devices in Light of Council Directive 85/374/EEC
Authors: Vera Lúcia Raposo
Medical devices are products used for medical purposes and aimed to operate in the human body, sometimes even inside the human body. Therefore, they can become particularly risky products, and some of the injuries caused by medical devices can have serious effects on the person’s health or body, even leading to death. Because they fit in the category of 'products' as described in Article 2 of Council Directive 85/374/EEC of 25 July 1985, concerning liability for defective products, the liability of the manufacturer of medical devices follows the rules of strict liability as long as one of the defects covered by the directive is at stake. The directive is not concerned with the product’s efficiency, but instead with the product’s safety, although in what regards medical devices (the same being valid for drugs) the two concepts frequently go together, and a lack of efficiency can result in a lack of safety. In the particular case of medical devices, the most debatable defects are the ones related with erroneous or non-existing information and the so-called development defects. This paper analyses how directive 85/374/EEC applies to medical devices, which defects are covered by its regulation, and which criteria can be used to evaluate the product’s safety. Some issues are still to be clarified, even though the decisions from the European Court of Justice and from national courts are valuable tools to understand the scope of directive 85/374/EEC in what regards medical devices.Keywords: medical devices, producer’s liability, product safety, strict liability
Procedia PDF Downloads 325489 'Detective Chinatown' Series: Writing and Rewriting of Orientalism through the Lens of Culture Industry
Authors: Cai Yiting
As China's globalization has accelerated, Chinese films have begun to explore and express foreign cultures with greater frequency while simultaneously disseminating Chinese culture. Films shot abroad, including Finding Mr. Right (2013), Somewhere Only We Know (2015), and Wolf Warrior 2 (2017), and others, can be viewed as a reflection of how Chinese cinema conceptualizes and represents foreign countries in the context of globalization. Furthermore, they facilitate the exchange of Chinese and foreign cultures in the context of China's ‘going out’ policy and the Belt and Road Initiative. Nevertheless, it is apparent that these films are primarily motivated by commercial considerations with regard to their initial release. The consistent placement of the Chinatown Detective' film series in the Chinese New Year slot is indicative of the significant influence of the cultural industry on the series' creation. Moreover, the series represents Chen Sicheng's inaugural venture into filming in a multitude of international locations. This paper examines the film series Detective Chinatown through the lens of the cultural industry, analyzing how its production and presentation cater to the demands of the cultural industry by presenting Orientalism and contributing new connotations to it. The series, a product of standardized mass production, commodification and global appeal, reflects Orientalist representations through the exoticization of Chinese culture and the stereotypical and commercial-oriented imagination of Bangkok, New York and Tokyo. This study provides an understanding of the film series' role in contributing to contemporary Orientalism in the context of the culture industry.Keywords: orientalism, culture industry, Chinese globalisation, Detective Chinatown
Procedia PDF Downloads 20488 The Miseducation of Color: Examining Racialized Experiences of Students of Color at Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs)
Authors: Sonia Darshini Singh
Recently, the Supreme Court and the federal government made affirmative action illegal. Colleges and universities are no longer allowed to consider race in admissions policies. Colleges and universities had the opportunity to increase racial diversity through affirmative action. Instead, a recent educational outlook has emerged where this race-conscious affirmative action is banned, and elitism is prioritized, thus altering the collegiate experience of students of color. While the statute restricts the consideration of race as a facet in admissions, this prohibition should not allow for the gravity of race and structural racism in the lives of marginalized students to diminish, nor should it limit further efforts to establish equitable access and outcomes for students of color. Not much is known about the racialized experiences of students of color who attend predominantly white institutions in the post-affirmative action era. The purpose of this ethnographic study will be to understand the racialized experiences of students who attend predominantly white institutions (PWI) in New York. This also aims to examine the potential data triangulation between what students wrote about to get into college and their actual racialized experience.Keywords: higher education, predominantly white institution, equity, accessibility, affirmative action
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