Search results for: urban public
3775 Characterization of Complex Electromagnetic Environment Created by Multiple Sources of Electromagnetic Radiation
Authors: Clement Temaneh-Nyah, Josiah Makiche, Josephine Nujoma
This paper considers the characterisation of a complex electromagnetic environment due to multiple sources of electromagnetic radiation as a five-dimensional surface which can be described by a set of several surface sections including: instant EM field intensity distribution maps at a given frequency and altitude, instantaneous spectrum at a given location in space and the time evolution of the electromagnetic field spectrum at a given point in space. This characterization if done over time can enable the exposure levels of Radio Frequency Radiation at every point in the analysis area to be determined and results interpreted based on comparison of the determined RFR exposure level with the safe guidelines for general public exposure given by recognised body such as the International commission on non-ionising radiation protection (ICNIRP), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the National Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA).Keywords: complex electromagnetic environment, electric field strength, mathematical models, multiple sources
Procedia PDF Downloads 3693774 BigCrypt: A Probable Approach of Big Data Encryption to Protect Personal and Business Privacy
Authors: Abdullah Al Mamun, Talal Alkharobi
As data size is growing up, people are became more familiar to store big amount of secret information into cloud storage. Companies are always required to need transfer massive business files from one end to another. We are going to lose privacy if we transmit it as it is and continuing same scenario repeatedly without securing the communication mechanism means proper encryption. Although asymmetric key encryption solves the main problem of symmetric key encryption but it can only encrypt limited size of data which is inapplicable for large data encryption. In this paper we propose a probable approach of pretty good privacy for encrypt big data using both symmetric and asymmetric keys. Our goal is to achieve encrypt huge collection information and transmit it through a secure communication channel for committing the business and personal privacy. To justify our method an experimental dataset from three different platform is provided. We would like to show that our approach is working for massive size of various data efficiently and reliably.Keywords: big data, cloud computing, cryptography, hadoop, public key
Procedia PDF Downloads 3223773 Web 2.0 in Higher Education: The Instructors’ Acceptance in Higher Educational Institutes in Kingdom of Bahrain
Authors: Amal M. Alrayes, Hayat M. Ali
Since the beginning of distance education with the rapid evolution of technology, the social network plays a vital role in the educational process to enforce the interaction been the learners and teachers. There are many Web 2.0 technologies, services and tools designed for educational purposes. This research aims to investigate instructors’ acceptance towards web-based learning systems in higher educational institutes in Kingdom of Bahrain. Questionnaire is used to investigate the instructors’ usage of Web 2.0 and the factors affecting their acceptance. The results confirm that instructors had high accessibility to such technologies. However, patterns of use were complex. Whilst most expressed interest in using online technologies to support learning activities, learners seemed cautious about other values associated with web-based system, such as the shared construction of knowledge in a public format. The research concludes that there are main factors that affect instructors’ adoption which are security, performance expectation, perceived benefits, subjective norm, and perceived usefulness.Keywords: Web 2.0, higher education, acceptance, students' perception
Procedia PDF Downloads 3383772 Reinforced Concrete Slab under Static and Dynamic Loading
Authors: Aaron Aboshio, Jianqiao Ye
In this study, static and dynamic responses of a typical reinforced concrete flat slab, designed to British Standard (BS 8110, 1997) and under self and live loadings for dance halls are reported. Linear perturbation analysis using finite element method was employed for modal, impulse loading and frequency response analyses of the slab under the aforementioned loading condition. Results from the static and dynamic analyses, comprising of the slab fundamental frequencies and mode shapes, dynamic amplification factor, maximum deflection, stress distributions among other valuable outcomes are presented and discussed. These were gauged with the limiting provisions in the design code with a view to optimise the structure and ensure both adequate strength and economical section for large clear span slabs. This is necessary owing to the continued increase in cost of erecting building structures and the squeeze on public finance globally.Keywords: economical design, finite element method, modal dynamics, reinforced concrete, slab
Procedia PDF Downloads 3233771 Computational Thinking Based Coding Environment for Coding and Free Semester Mathematics Education in Korea
Authors: Han Hyuk Cho, Hanik Jo
In recent years, coding education has been globally emphasized, and the Free Semester System and coding education were introduced to the public schools from the beginning of 2016 and 2018 respectively in Korea. With the introduction of the Free Semester System and the rising demand of Computational Thinking (CT) capacity, this paper aims to design ‘Coding Environment’ and Minecraft-like Turtlecraft in which learners can design and construct mathematical objects through mathematical symbolic expressions. Students can transfer the constructed mathematical objects to the Turtlecraft environment (open-source codingmath website), and also can print them out through 3D printers. Furthermore, we design learnable mathematics and coding curriculum by representing the figurate numbers and patterns in terms of executable expression in the coding context and connecting them to algebraic symbols, which will allow students to experience mathematical patterns and symbolic coding expressions.Keywords: coding education, computational thinking, mathematics education, TurtleMAL and Turtlecraft
Procedia PDF Downloads 2073770 Robust Pattern Recognition via Correntropy Generalized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
Authors: Yulong Wang, Yuan Yan Tang, Cuiming Zou, Lina Yang
This paper presents a novel sparse representation method for robust pattern classification. Generalized orthogonal matching pursuit (GOMP) is a recently proposed efficient sparse representation technique. However, GOMP adopts the mean square error (MSE) criterion and assign the same weights to all measurements, including both severely and slightly corrupted ones. To reduce the limitation, we propose an information-theoretic GOMP (ITGOMP) method by exploiting the correntropy induced metric. The results show that ITGOMP can adaptively assign small weights on severely contaminated measurements and large weights on clean ones, respectively. An ITGOMP based classifier is further developed for robust pattern classification. The experiments on public real datasets demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.Keywords: correntropy induced metric, matching pursuit, pattern classification, sparse representation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3573769 Teaching Vietnamese as the Official Language for Indigenous Preschool Children in Lai Chau, Vietnam: Exploring Teachers' Beliefs about Second Language Acquisition
Authors: Thao Thi Vu, Libby Lee-Hammond, Andrew McConney
In Vietnam, the Vietnamese language is normally used as the language of instruction. The dominance of this language places children who have a different first language such as Indigenous children at a disadvantage when commencing school. This study explores preschool teachers’ beliefs about second language acquisition in Lai Chau provinces where is typical of highland provinces of Vietnam and the proportion of Indigenous minority groups in high. Data were collected from surveys with both closed-end questions and opened-end questions. The participants in this study were more than 200 public preschool teachers who come from eight different districts in Lai Chau. An analysis of quantitative data survey is presented to indicate several practical implications, such as the connection between teachers’ knowledge background that gained from their pre-service and in-service teacher education programs regarding second language teaching for Indigenous children and their practice. It also explains some factors that influence teachers’ beliefs and perspective about Indigenous children and pedagogies in their classes.Keywords: indigenous children, learning Vietnamese, preschool, teachers’ beliefs
Procedia PDF Downloads 4273768 Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Mapping of Malaria in Thailand
Authors: Krisada Lekdee, Sunee Sammatat, Nittaya Boonsit
This paper proposes a GLMM with spatial and temporal effects for malaria data in Thailand. A Bayesian method is used for parameter estimation via Gibbs sampling MCMC. A conditional autoregressive (CAR) model is assumed to present the spatial effects. The temporal correlation is presented through the covariance matrix of the random effects. The malaria quarterly data have been extracted from the Bureau of Epidemiology, Ministry of Public Health of Thailand. The factors considered are rainfall and temperature. The result shows that rainfall and temperature are positively related to the malaria morbidity rate. The posterior means of the estimated morbidity rates are used to construct the malaria maps. The top 5 highest morbidity rates (per 100,000 population) are in Trat (Q3, 111.70), Chiang Mai (Q3, 104.70), Narathiwat (Q4, 97.69), Chiang Mai (Q2, 88.51), and Chanthaburi (Q3, 86.82). According to the DIC criterion, the proposed model has a better performance than the GLMM with spatial effects but without temporal terms.Keywords: Bayesian method, generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), malaria, spatial effects, temporal correlation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4563767 Greyscale: A Tree-Based Taxonomy for Grey Literature Published by Fisheries Agencies
Authors: Tatiana Tunon, Gottfried Pestal
Government agencies responsible for the management of fisheries resources publish many types of grey literature, and these materials are increasingly accessible to the public on agency websites. However, scope and quality vary considerably, and end-users need meta-data about the report series when deciding whether to use the information (e.g. apply the methods, include the results in a systematic review), or when prioritizing materials for archiving (e.g. library holdings, reference databases). A proposed taxonomy for these report series was developed based on a review of 41 report series from 6 government agencies in 4 countries (Canada, New Zealand, Scotland, and United States). Each report series was categorized according to multiple criteria describing peer-review process, content, and purpose. A robust classification tree was then fitted to these descriptions, and the resulting taxonomic groups were used to compare agency output from 4 countries using reports available in their online repositories.Keywords: classification tree, fisheries, government, grey literature
Procedia PDF Downloads 2863766 Examining Litter Distributions in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, Using Citizen Science and GIS Methods: OpenLitterMap App and Story Maps
Authors: Tali Neta
Humans’ impact on the environment has been incredibly brutal, with enormous plastic- and other pollutants (e.g., cigarette buds, paper cups, tires) worldwide. On land, litter costs taxpayers a fortune. Most of the litter pollution comes from the land, yet it is one of the greatest hazards to marine environments. Due to spatial and temporal limitations, previous litter data covered very small areas. Currently, smartphones can be used to obtain information on various pollutants (through citizen science), and they can greatly assist in acknowledging and mitigating the environmental impact of litter. Litter app data, such as the Litterati, are available for study through a global map only; these data are not available for download, and it is not clear whether irrelevant hashtags have been eliminated. Instagram and Twitter open-source geospatial data are available for download; however, these are considered inaccurate, computationally challenging, and impossible to quantify. Therefore, the resulting data are of poor quality. Other downloadable geospatial data (e.g., Marine Debris Tracker8 and Clean Swell10) are focused on marine- rather than terrestrial litter. Therefore, accurate terrestrial geospatial documentation of litter distribution is needed to improve environmental awareness. The current research employed citizen science to examine litter distribution in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, using the OpenLitterMap (OLM) app. The OLM app is an application used to track litter worldwide, and it can mark litter locations through photo georeferencing, which can be presented through GIS-designed maps. The OLM app provides open-source data that can be downloaded. It also offers information on various litter types and “hot-spots” areas where litter accumulates. In this study, Lethbridge College students collected litter data with the OLM app. The students produced GIS Story Maps (interactive web GIS illustrations) and presented these to school children to improve awareness of litter's impact on environmental health. Preliminary results indicate that towards the Lethbridge Coulees’ (valleys) East edges, the amount of litter significantly increased due to shrubs’ presence, that acted as litter catches. As wind generally travels from west to east in Lethbridge, litter in West-Lethbridge often finds its way down in the east part of the coulees. The students’ documented various litter types, while the majority (75%) included plastic and paper food packaging. The students also found metal wires, broken glass, plastic bottles, golf balls, and tires. Presentations of the Story Maps to school children had a significant impact, as the children voluntarily collected litter during school recess, and they were looking into solutions to reduce litter. Further litter distribution documentation through Citizen Science is needed to improve public awareness. Additionally, future research will be focused on Drone imagery of highly concentrated litter areas. Finally, a time series analysis of litter distribution will help us determine whether public education through Citizen Science and Story Maps can assist in reducing litter and reaching a cleaner and healthier environment.Keywords: citizen science, litter pollution, Open Litter Map, GIS Story Map
Procedia PDF Downloads 803765 VCloud: A Security Framework for VANET
Authors: Wiseborn Manfe Danquah, D. Turgay Altilar
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is an integral component of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) that has enjoyed a lot of attention from the research community and the automotive industry. This is mainly due to the opportunities and challenges it presents. Vehicular Ad-hoc Network being a class of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) has all the security concerns existing in traditional MANET as well as new security and privacy concerns introduced by the unique vehicular communication environment. This paper provides a survey of the possible attacks in vehicular environment, as well as security and privacy concerns in VANET. It also provides an insight into the development of a comprehensive cloud framework to provide a more robust and secured communication among vehicular nodes and road side units. Our proposal, a Metropolitan Based Public Interconnected Vehicular Cloud (MIVC) infrastructure seeks to provide a more reliable and secured vehicular communication network.Keywords: mobile Ad-hoc networks, vehicular ad hoc network, cloud, ITS, road side units (RSU), metropolitan interconnected vehicular cloud (MIVC)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3563764 Applying ASHRAE Standards on the Hospital Buildings of UAE
Authors: Hanan M. Taleb
Energy consumption associated with buildings has a significant impact on the environment. To that end, and as a transaction between the inside and outside and between the building and urban space, the building skin plays an especially important role. It provides protection from the elements; demarcates private property and creates privacy. More importantly, it controls the admission of solar radiation. Therefore, designing the building skin sustainably will help to achieve optimal performance in terms of both energy consumption and thermal comfort. Unfortunately, with accelerating construction expansion, many recent buildings do not pay attention to the importance of the envelope design. This piece of research will highlight the importance of this part of the creation of buildings by providing evidence of a significant reduction in energy consumption if the envelopes are redesigned. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to enhance the performance of the hospital envelope in order to achieve sustainable performance. A hospital building sited in Abu Dhabi, in the UAE, has been chosen to act as a case study. A detailed analysis of the annual energy performance of the case study will be performed with the use of a computerised simulation; this is in order to explore their energy performance shortcomings. The energy consumption of the base case will then be compared with that resulting from the new proposed building skin. The results will inform architects and designers of the savings potential from various strategies.Keywords: ASHREA, building skin, building envelopes, hospitals, Abu Dhabi, UAE, IES software
Procedia PDF Downloads 3643763 Experimental Study on Modified Double Slope Solar Still and Modified Basin Type Double Slope Multiwick Solar Still
Authors: Piyush Pal, Rahul Dev
Water is essential for life and fresh water is a finite resource that is becoming scarce day by day even though it is recycled by hydrological cycle. The fresh water reserves are being polluted due to expanding irrigation, industries, urban population and its development. Contaminated water leads to several health problems. With the increasing demand of fresh water, solar distillation is an alternate solution which uses solar energy to evaporate water and then to condense it, thereby collecting distilled water within or outside the same system to use it as potable water. The structure that houses the process is known as a 'solar still'. In this paper, ‘Modified double slope solar still (MDSSS)’ & 'Modified double slope basin type multiwick solar still (MDSBMSS)' have been designed to convert saline, brackish water into drinking water. In this work two different modified solar stills are fabricated to study the performance of these solar stills. For modification of solar stills, Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) and Acrylic sheets are used. The experiments in MDSBMSS and MDSSS was carried on 10 September 2015 & 5 November 2015 respectively. Performances of the stills were investigated. The amount of distillate has been found 3624 Ml/day in MDSBMSS on 10 September 2015 and 2400 Ml/day in MDSSS on 5 November 2015.Keywords: contaminated water, conventional solar still, modified solar still, wick
Procedia PDF Downloads 4323762 Development and Psychometric Properties of the Relational Mobility Scale for the Indonesian Population
Authors: Sukaesi Marianti
This study aims to develop the Relational Mobility Scale for the Indonesian population and to investigate its psychometric properties. New items of the scale were created taking into account the Indonesian population which consists of two parallel forms (A and A’). This study uses 30 newly orchestrated items while keeping in mind the characteristics of the targeted population. The scale was administered to 433 public high school students in Malang, Indonesia. Construct validity of its factor structure was demonstrated using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The result exhibits that he model fits the data, and that the delayed alternate form method shows acceptable result. Results yielded that 21 items of the three-dimensional Relational Mobility Scale is suitable for measuring relational mobility in high school students of Indonesian population.Keywords: confirmatory factor analysis, delayed alternate form, Indonesian population, relational mobility scale
Procedia PDF Downloads 2703761 Tools for Transparency: The Role of Civic Technology in Increasing the Transparency of the State
Authors: Rebecca Rumbul
The operation of the state can often appear opaque to citizens wishing to access official information, who have to negotiate a path through numerous levels of bureaucracy rationalized through institutional policy to acquire what information they want. Even where individual states have 'Right to Information' legislation guaranteeing citizen access to information, public sector conformity to such laws vary between states and between state organizations. In response to such difficulties in bringing citizens and information together, many NGO's around the world have begun designing and hosting digital portals to facilitate the requesting and receiving of official information. How then, are these 'civic technology' tools affecting the behavior of the state? Are they increasing the transparency of the state? This study looked at 5 Right to Information civic technology sites in Chile, Uruguay, Ukraine, Hungary and the UK, and found that such sites were providing a useful platform to publish official information, but that states were still reluctant to comply with all requests. It concludes that civic technology can be an important tool in increasing the transparency of the state, but that the state must have an institutional commitment to information rights for this to be fully effective.Keywords: digital, ICT, transparency, civic technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 6633760 Combating Fake News: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis of Organizational Stakeholder Trust in Social Media Communication during Crisis
Authors: Todd R. Walton
Social media would seem to be an ideal mechanism for crisis communication, yet it has been met with varied results. Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, provide a slow moving view of how social media can be leveraged to guide stakeholders and the public through a crisis. Crisis communication managers have struggled to reach target audiences with credible messaging. This Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) analyzed the findings of eight studies published in the last year to determine how organizations effectively utilize social media for crisis communication. Additionally, the evidence was analyzed to note strategies for establishing credibility in a medium fraught with misinformation. Studies indicated wide agreement on the use of multiple social media channels in addition to frequent accurate messaging in order to establish credibility. Studies indicated mixed agreement on the use of text based emergency notification systems. The findings in this QES will help crisis communication professionals plan for social media use for crisis communication.Keywords: crisis communication, crisis management, emergency response, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 2103759 The Effect of User Comments on Traffic Application Usage
Authors: I. Gokasar, G. Bakioglu
With the unprecedented rates of technological improvements, people start to solve their problems with the help of technological tools. According to application stores and websites in which people evaluate and comment on the traffic apps, there are more than 100 traffic applications which have different features with respect to their purpose of usage ranging from the features of traffic apps for public transit modes to the features of traffic apps for private cars. This study focuses on the top 30 traffic applications which were chosen with respect to their download counts. All data about the traffic applications were obtained from related websites. The purpose of this study is to analyze traffic applications in terms of their categorical attributes with the help of developing a regression model. The analysis results suggest that negative interpretations (e.g., being deficient) does not lead to lower star ratings of the applications. However, those negative interpretations result in a smaller increase in star rate. In addition, women use higher star rates than men for the evaluation of traffic applications.Keywords: traffic app, real–time information, traffic congestion, regression analysis, dummy variables
Procedia PDF Downloads 4303758 Thyroid Hormones and Thyrotropin Status in Nepalese Postmenopausal Women
Authors: S. A. Khan, B. Mishra, O. Sherchan
Background and Aims: Thyroid disorder is the most common endocrine disorder after diabetes mellitus. Females are more vulnerable to this disease, and old age is an important risk factor. This study was undertaken to investigate the burden of thyroid disorder in Nepalese postmenopausal women. Methods: In the present cross-sectional study, we included 271 post-menopausal women. Three ml of blood was collected following standard protocol after taking the written consent. Serum was separated and analyzed for free T3, free T4, and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) by Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) method in Snibe Maglumi 1000 analyzer. Data obtained was analyzed in SPSS Version 21. P < 0.05 was set for statistical significant at 95% Confidence Interval (CI). Results: Majority of the participants belong to Janjati (46.5%) ethnicity, followed by Brahmin/Chhetri (41.7%), residing either in urban or suburban locality. Most of them were non-vegetarian, non-smoker, and non-alcoholic. Subjects were divided into hyperthyroid (TSH < 0.3 uIU/ml), hypothyroid (TSH > 4.5 uIU/ml), and euthyroid (TSH=0.3-4.5 uIU/ml) based on TSH value. We reported 10.3% hyperthyroid and 29.2% hypothyroid cases. TSH was significantly correlated with T3 (r=-0.244; p < 0.001) T4 (r=-0.398; p < 0.001); age (r=-0.138; p=0.023) and BMI (r=0.123; p=0.043). Multiple linear regression model for TSH reveals only T3 and T4 were significantly associated with TSH (p < 0.001; p=0.001). Conclusion: To conclude, nearly 39.5% of the postmenopausal women had thyroid disorder. Postmenopausal women are vulnerable to thyroid disorder; therefore, requires regular thyroid monitoring.Keywords: thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH, T3, T4, thyroid disorder
Procedia PDF Downloads 1313757 Competence-Based Human Resources Selection and Training: Making Decisions
Authors: O. Starineca, I. Voronchuk
Human Resources (HR) selection and training have various implementation possibilities depending on an organization’s abilities and peculiarities. We propose to base HR selection and training decisions about on a competence-based approach. HR selection and training of employees are topical as there is room for improvement in this field; therefore, the aim of the research is to propose rational decision-making approaches for an organization HR selection and training choice. Our proposals are based on the training development and competence-based selection approaches created within previous researches i.e. Analytic-Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Linear Programming. Literature review on non-formal education, competence-based selection, AHP form our theoretical background. Some educational service providers in Latvia offer employees training, e.g. motivation, computer skills, accounting, law, ethics, stress management, etc. that are topical for Public Administration. Competence-based approach is a rational base for rational decision-making in both HR selection and considering HR training.Keywords: competence-based selection, human resource, training, decision-making
Procedia PDF Downloads 3383756 The Impact of Leadership Culture on Motivation, Efficiency, and Performance of Customs Employees: A Case Study of Iran Customs
Authors: Kazem Samadi
In today’s world, public agencies like customs have become vital institutions in international trade processes and in maintaining national economic security due to increasing economic and commercial complexities. In this regard, human resource management (HRM) is crucial to achieving organizational goals. This research employed a descriptive survey method, in which the statistical population consisted of all customs employees. Using Cochran's formula, 300 employees were selected from the central customs office. A researcher-made questionnaire was used as the data collection tool, with content validity and reliability confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The collected data were analyzed through structural modeling using SPSS and AMOS 24. The results indicated that leadership culture significantly affected employee motivation, efficiency, and performance in customs. Customs managers and leaders in Iran can improve organizational productivity by fostering this culture, thereby facilitating individual and organizational development for their staff.Keywords: leadership culture, organizational culture, employee performance, customs
Procedia PDF Downloads 263755 Infodemic and Misinformation in the Era of Coronavirus: An Analysis of Selected Rhetoric from Africa
Authors: Kunle Oparinde
The Covid-19 pandemic has seen several rumors and conspiracy theories overtake the truth in many online platforms across several African countries. Just as the coronavirus has travelled widely, misinformation has equally spread. Thus, it is important to launch investigations into these conspiracy theories in order to detect them early and as a result, implore health practitioners and agencies to be more proactive in repelling misinformation while at the same time provide the general populace with purely undiluted information regarding the virus. Through social media posts on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp, as well as online platforms such as Google, this study intends to draw as many instances as possible of infodemic and misinformation by reviewing and analyzing these texts and the resulting implication if the misinformation continues to gain popularity. The study discovers the use of conspiracy theories, rumors, hyperbolism, and unverified claims as elements of infodemic used during the coronavirus pandemic. Importantly, the findings of the study will assist the public to be cautious and vigilant against false information that are being peddled as original.Keywords: infodemic, miscommunication, accuracy, social media, rumors, conspiracy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1933754 Polarization as a Proxy of Misinformation Spreading
Authors: Michela Del Vicario, Walter Quattrociocchi, Antonio Scala, Ana Lucía Schmidt, Fabiana Zollo
Information, rumors, and debates may shape and impact public opinion heavily. In the latest years, several concerns have been expressed about social influence on the Internet and the outcome that online debates might have on real-world processes. Indeed, on online social networks users tend to select information that is coherent to their system of beliefs and to form groups of like-minded people –i.e., echo chambers– where they reinforce and polarize their opinions. In this way, the potential benefits coming from the exposure to different points of view may be reduced dramatically, and individuals' views may become more and more extreme. Such a context fosters misinformation spreading, which has always represented a socio-political and economic risk. The persistence of unsubstantiated rumors –e.g., the hypothetical and hazardous link between vaccines and autism– suggests that social media do have the power to misinform, manipulate, or control public opinion. As an example, current approaches such as debunking efforts or algorithmic-driven solutions based on the reputation of the source seem to prove ineffective against collective superstition. Indeed, experimental evidence shows that confirmatory information gets accepted even when containing deliberately false claims while dissenting information is mainly ignored, influences users’ emotions negatively and may even increase group polarization. Moreover, confirmation bias has been shown to play a pivotal role in information cascades, posing serious warnings about the efficacy of current debunking efforts. Nevertheless, mitigation strategies have to be adopted. To generalize the problem and to better understand social dynamics behind information spreading, in this work we rely on a tight quantitative analysis to investigate the behavior of more than 300M users w.r.t. news consumption on Facebook over a time span of six years (2010-2015). Through a massive analysis on 920 news outlets pages, we are able to characterize the anatomy of news consumption on a global and international scale. We show that users tend to focus on a limited set of pages (selective exposure) eliciting a sharp and polarized community structure among news outlets. Moreover, we find similar patterns around the Brexit –the British referendum to leave the European Union– debate, where we observe the spontaneous emergence of two well segregated and polarized groups of users around news outlets. Our findings provide interesting insights into the determinants of polarization and the evolution of core narratives on online debating. Our main aim is to understand and map the information space on online social media by identifying non-trivial proxies for the early detection of massive informational cascades. Furthermore, by combining users traces, we are finally able to draft the main concepts and beliefs of the core narrative of an echo chamber and its related perceptions.Keywords: information spreading, misinformation, narratives, online social networks, polarization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2923753 Visual Analytics in K 12 Education: Emerging Dimensions of Complexity
Authors: Linnea Stenliden
The aim of this paper is to understand emerging learning conditions, when a visual analytics is implemented and used in K 12 (education). To date, little attention has been paid to the role visual analytics (digital media and technology that highlight visual data communication in order to support analytical tasks) can play in education, and to the extent to which these tools can process actionable data for young students. This study was conducted in three public K 12 schools, in four social science classes with students aged 10 to 13 years, over a period of two to four weeks at each school. Empirical data were generated using video observations and analyzed with help of metaphors by Latour. The learning conditions are found to be distinguished by broad complexity characterized by four dimensions. These emerge from the actors’ deeply intertwined relations in the activities. The paper argues in relation to the found dimensions that novel approaches to teaching and learning could benefit students’ knowledge building as they work with visual analytics, analyzing visualized data.Keywords: analytical reasoning, complexity, data use, problem space, visual analytics, visual storytelling, translation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3773752 Time Series Analysis of Air Pollution in Suceava County ( Nord- East of Romania)
Authors: Lazurca Liliana Gina
Different time series analysis of yearly air pollution at Suceava County, Nord-East of Romania, has been performed in this study. The trends in the atmospheric concentrations of the main gaseous and particulate pollutants in urban, industrial and rural environments across Suceava County were estimated for the period of 2008-2014. The non-parametric Mann-Kendall test was used to determine the trends in the annual average concentrations of air pollutants (NO2, NO, NOx, SO2, CO, PM10, O3, C6H6). The slope was estimated using the non-parametric Sen’s method. Trend significance was assumed at the 5% significance level (p < 0.05) in the current study. During the 7 year period, trends in atmospheric concentrations may not have been monotonic, in some instances concentrations of species increased and subsequently decreased. The trend in Suceava County is to keep a low concentration of pollutants in ambient air respecting the limit values.All the results that we obtained show that Romania has taken a lot of regulatory measures to decrease the concentrations of air pollutants in the last decade, in Suceava County the air quality monitoring highlight for the most part of the analyzed pollutants decreasing trends. For the analyzed period we observed considerable improvements in background air in Suceava County.Keywords: pollutant, trend, air quality monitoring, Mann-Kendall
Procedia PDF Downloads 3683751 Optimizing the Residential Design Process Using Automated Technologies and AI
Authors: Milena Nanova, Martin Georgiev, Radul Shishkov, Damyan Damov
Modern residential architecture is increasingly influenced by rapid urbanization, technological advancements, and growing investor expectations. The integration of AI and digital tools such as CAD and BIM (Building Information Modelling) are transforming the design process by improving efficiency, accuracy, and speed. However, urban development faces challenges, including the high competition for viable sites and the time-consuming nature of traditional investment feasibility studies and architectural planning. Finding and analysing suitable sites for residential development is complicated by intense competition and rising investor demands. Investors require quick assessments of property potential to avoid missing opportunities, while traditional architectural design processes are relying on experience of the team and can be time consuming, adding pressure to make fast, effective decisions. The widespread use of CAD tools has sped up the drafting process, enhancing both accuracy and efficiency. Digital tools allow designers to manipulate drawings quickly, reducing the time spent on revisions. BIM further advances this by enabling native 3D modelling, where changes to a design in one view are automatically reflected in all others, minimizing errors and saving time. AI is becoming an integral part of architectural design software. While AI is currently being incorporated into existing programs like AutoCAD, Revit, and ArchiCAD, its full potential is reached in parametric modelling. In this process, designers define parameters (e.g., building size, layout, and materials), and the software generates multiple design variations based on those inputs. This method accelerates the design process by automating decisions and enabling quick generation of alternative solutions. The study utilizes generative design, a specific application of parametric modelling which uses AI to explore a wide range of design possibilities based on predefined criteria. It optimizes designs through iterations, testing many variations to find the best solutions. This process is particularly beneficial in the early stages of design, where multiple options are explored before refining the best ones. AI’s ability to handle complex mathematical tasks allows it to generate unconventional yet effective designs that a human designer might overlook. Residential architecture, with its anticipated and typical layouts and modular nature, is especially suitable for generative design. The relationships between rooms and the overall organization of apartment units follow logical patterns, making it an ideal candidate for parametric modelling. Using these tools, architects can quickly explore various apartment configurations, considering factors like apartment sizes, types, and circulation patterns, and identify the most efficient layout for a given site. Parametric modelling and generative design offer significant benefits to residential architecture by streamlining the design process, enabling faster decision-making, and optimizing building layouts. These technologies allow architects and developers to analyse numerous design possibilities, improving outcomes while responding to the challenges of urban development. By integrating AI-driven generative design, the architecture industry can enhance creativity, efficiency, and adaptability in residential projects.Keywords: architectural design, residential buildings, generative design, parametric models, workflow optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 43750 Traditional Terms, Spaces, Forms and Artifacts in Cultural Semiotics of Southwest Nigeria
Authors: Ajibade Adeyemo
The paper examined local terms used for spaces, forms and building practices in southwest Nigeria as cultural semiotics. Housing has more cultural meaning than mere shelter as shown in building terms such as ‘roof over my head’. The study is significant in the study area because its people were traditionally orally centered until ‘culture contact’ led to graphical presentation and appreciation in the form of drawings which is a modern language of architecture. This semiotic study will facilitate the understanding of the wholesomeness of traditional building practices and thoughts. This is in the culture of the traditional multi-sensory appreciation of architecture, urban design and the arts. It will analyze traditional aphoristic words and terms which are like proverbs which are significant in language because of their metaphorical essence. Many of such terms in the dominant Yoruba language of the study area are oftentimes phenomenal reducing universal terms like the earth and heaven to the simple module of housing. These words could be worth investigating because they are symbolic serve as codes which are cultural tool of regional ethnic significance. Sassure’s and Pierce’s concepts of Semiotics in line with Eco’s concept of semiotics of metaphor shall be deployed.Keywords: traditional terms, spaces, forms, artifacts, cultural semiotics, southwest
Procedia PDF Downloads 2783749 Contribution of Geomatics Technology in the Capability to Implement an On-Demand Transport in Oran Wilaya (the Northwestern of Algeria)
Authors: Brahmia Nadjet
The growing needs of displacements led advanced countries in this field install new specific transport systems, able to palliate any deficiencies, especially when regular public transport does not adequately meet the requests of users. In this context, on-demand transport systems (ODT) are very efficient. They rely on techniques based on the location of trip generators which should be assured effectively with the use of operators responsible for the advance reservation, planning and organization, and studying the different ODT criteria (organizational, technical, geographical, etc.). As the advanced countries in the field of transport, some developing countries are involved in the adaptation of the new technologies to reduce the deficit in their communication system. This paper presents the study of an ODT implementation in the west of Algeria, by developing the geomatics side of the study. This part requires the use of specific systems such as Geographic Information System (GIS), Road Database Management System (RDBMS). So, we developed the process through an application in an environment of mobility by using the computer tools dedicated to the management of the entities related to the transport field.Keywords: ODT, geomatics, GIS, transport systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 4723748 Study and Design of Solar Inverter System
Authors: Khaled A. Madi, Abdulalhakim O. Naji, Hassouna A. Aalaoh, Elmahdi Eldeeb
Solar energy is one of the cleanest energy sources with no environmental impact. Due to rapid increase in industrial as well as domestic needs, solar energy becomes a good candidate for safe and easy to handle energy source, especially after it becomes available due to reduction of manufacturing price. The main part of the solar inverter system is the inverter where the DC is inverted to AC, where we try to minimize the loss of power to the minimum possible level by the use of microcontroller. In this work, a deep investigation is made experimentally as well as theoretically for a microcontroller based variable frequency power inverter. The microcontroller will provide the variable frequency Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal that will control the switching of the gate of the Insulating Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) with less harmonics at the output of power inverter which can be fed to the public grid at high quality. The proposed work for single phase as well as three phases is also simulated using Matlab/Simulink where we found a good agreement between the simulated and the practical results, even though the experimental work were done in the laboratory of the academy.Keywords: solar, inverter, PV, solar inverter system
Procedia PDF Downloads 4633747 Effective Design Factors for Bicycle-Friendly Streets
Authors: Zohreh Asadi-Shekari, Mehdi Moeinaddini, Muhammad Zaly Shah, Amran Hamzah
Bicycle level of service (BLOS) is a measure for evaluating street conditions for cyclists. Currently, various methods are proposed for BLOS. These analytical methods however have some drawbacks: they usually assume cyclists as users that can share street facilities with motorized vehicles, it is not easy to link them to design process and they are not easy to follow. In addition, they only support a narrow range of cycling facilities and may not be applicable for all situations. Along this, the current paper introduces various effective design factors for bicycle-friendly streets. This study considers cyclists as users of streets who have special needs and facilities. Therefore, the key factors that influence BLOS based on different cycling facilities that are proposed by developed guidelines and literature are identified. The combination of these factors presents a complete set of effective design factors for bicycle-friendly streets. In addition, the weight of each factor in existing BLOS models is estimated and these effective factors are ranked based on these weights. These factors and their weights can be used in further studies to propose special bicycle-friendly street design model.Keywords: bicycle level of service, bicycle-friendly streets, cycling facilities, rating system, urban streets
Procedia PDF Downloads 4883746 Polite Request Strategies in Commuter Discourse in Xhosa
Authors: Mawande Dlali
This paper examines the request strategies in commuter discourse involving taxi drivers and passengers in Khayelitsha as well as the responses to these requests. The present study considers requests in commuter transport as face threatening acts (FTAs), hence the need for the commuter crew to strategically shape their communicative actions to achieve their overall discourse goal of getting passengers to perform actions that are in their own interest with minimum resistance or confrontation. The crew presents itself by using communicative devices that prompt the passengers to evaluate it positively as warm, friendly, and respectful. However, the passengers' responses to requests range from compliance to resistance depending on their interpretation of the speaker’s motive and the probable social consequences. Participant observation by the researcher was the main method of collecting examples of requests and responses to the requests. Unstructured interviews and informal discussions were made with randomly selected taxi drivers and commuters. The findings and explanations presented in this article revealed the predominance of polite requests as speech acts in taxi discourse in Khayelitsha. This research makes a contribution to the contemporary pragmatics study of African languages in urban context.Keywords: face threatening acts, speech acts, request strategies, discourse
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