Search results for: safety science
1043 Health Effect of the Central European Diet in Postmenopausal Women with Increased Waist Circumference: A Preliminary Study
Authors: Joanna Bajerska, Agata Chmurzyńska, Agata Muzsik, Patrycja Krzyżanowska, Klaudia Łochocka, Jarosław Walkowiak
The Mediterranean diet (MED) is regarded as beneficial in the therapy of central obesity-associated metabolic abnormalities. However, in the traditional diet of the Central European countries, food items with positive nutritional profiles (rye bread, oats, buckwheat, herrings, linseed and rapeseed oil, berries, apples, plums, root vegetables etc.) are also used. We hypothesized that the Central European Diet (CED) may be comparatively effective in reducing symptoms of central obesity as MED. We tested the health effects of the CED, which is an environmentally friendly regional diet and the traditional MED diet in a group of postmenopausal centrally obese women. A total 58 with a mean age of 60 y (50-70y), body mass index (in kg/m(2)) of 33.4 (22.6-47.3), and waist circumference of 105 cm (87.5-137 cm) were randomly assigned to receive either the diet based on food items commonly used in Central Europe (the CED group; n = 29) or the Mediterranean diet (the MED group; n = 29) for 15 weeks. Body mass and body composition were measured with a Bod Pod (Cosmed, Italy). A non-elastic flexible measuring tape was used to measure waist circumference. Additionally, blood pressure, plasma lipid and glucose levels were assessed with the use of a biochemical analyzer. A total of 50 subjects [86% (CED 83%; MED 90%)] completed the intervention. A high dietary compliance for both described diets was achieved. The mean (±SEM) weight and waist circumference changes were -7.4 ± 0.7 kg; -8.3 ± 0.7 cm and -8.1 ± 0.5 kg; -7.1 ± 0.6 cm for the CED and MED groups, respectively. Moreover, there were no differences between the effectiveness of the diets used in terms of the influence on fat mass, blood pressure, and biochemical parameters. The preliminary data suggest that both described diets may be successfully used for improving central obesity-associated metabolic abnormalities. The project was financed by the National Science Centre awarded based on the number of decision DEC-013/09/B/NZ9/02365Keywords: central european diet, central obesity, Mediterranean diet, metabolic abnormalities
Procedia PDF Downloads 4291042 Assimilating Remote Sensing Data Into Crop Models: A Global Systematic Review
Authors: Luleka Dlamini, Olivier Crespo, Jos van Dam
Accurately estimating crop growth and yield is pivotal for timely sustainable agricultural management and ensuring food security. Crop models and remote sensing can complement each other and form a robust analysis tool to improve crop growth and yield estimations when combined. This study thus aims to systematically evaluate how research that exclusively focuses on assimilating RS data into crop models varies among countries, crops, data assimilation methods, and farming conditions. A strict search string was applied in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, and 497 potential publications were obtained. After screening for relevance with predefined inclusion/exclusion criteria, 123 publications were considered in the final review. Results indicate that over 81% of the studies were conducted in countries associated with high socio-economic and technological advancement, mainly China, the United States of America, France, Germany, and Italy. Many of these studies integrated MODIS or Landsat data into WOFOST to improve crop growth and yield estimation of staple crops at the field and regional scales. Most studies use recalibration or updating methods alongside various algorithms to assimilate remotely sensed leaf area index into crop models. However, these methods cannot account for the uncertainties in remote sensing observations and the crop model itself. l. Over 85% of the studies were based on commercial and irrigated farming systems. Despite a great global interest in data assimilation into crop models, limited research has been conducted in resource- and data-limited regions like Africa. We foresee a great potential for such application in those conditions. Hence facilitating and expanding the use of such an approach, from which developing farming communities could benefit.Keywords: crop models, remote sensing, data assimilation, crop yield estimation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1321041 Assimilating Remote Sensing Data into Crop Models: A Global Systematic Review
Authors: Luleka Dlamini, Olivier Crespo, Jos van Dam
Accurately estimating crop growth and yield is pivotal for timely sustainable agricultural management and ensuring food security. Crop models and remote sensing can complement each other and form a robust analysis tool to improve crop growth and yield estimations when combined. This study thus aims to systematically evaluate how research that exclusively focuses on assimilating RS data into crop models varies among countries, crops, data assimilation methods, and farming conditions. A strict search string was applied in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, and 497 potential publications were obtained. After screening for relevance with predefined inclusion/exclusion criteria, 123 publications were considered in the final review. Results indicate that over 81% of the studies were conducted in countries associated with high socio-economic and technological advancement, mainly China, the United States of America, France, Germany, and Italy. Many of these studies integrated MODIS or Landsat data into WOFOST to improve crop growth and yield estimation of staple crops at the field and regional scales. Most studies use recalibration or updating methods alongside various algorithms to assimilate remotely sensed leaf area index into crop models. However, these methods cannot account for the uncertainties in remote sensing observations and the crop model itself. l. Over 85% of the studies were based on commercial and irrigated farming systems. Despite a great global interest in data assimilation into crop models, limited research has been conducted in resource- and data-limited regions like Africa. We foresee a great potential for such application in those conditions. Hence facilitating and expanding the use of such an approach, from which developing farming communities could benefit.Keywords: crop models, remote sensing, data assimilation, crop yield estimation
Procedia PDF Downloads 821040 Coupling Random Demand and Route Selection in the Transportation Network Design Problem
Authors: Shabnam Najafi, Metin Turkay
Network design problem (NDP) is used to determine the set of optimal values for certain pre-specified decision variables such as capacity expansion of nodes and links by optimizing various system performance measures including safety, congestion, and accessibility. The designed transportation network should improve objective functions defined for the system by considering the route choice behaviors of network users at the same time. The NDP studies mostly investigated the random demand and route selection constraints separately due to computational challenges. In this work, we consider both random demand and route selection constraints simultaneously. This work presents a nonlinear stochastic model for land use and road network design problem to address the development of different functional zones in urban areas by considering both cost function and air pollution. This model minimizes cost function and air pollution simultaneously with random demand and stochastic route selection constraint that aims to optimize network performance via road capacity expansion. The Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) link impedance function is used to determine the travel time function in each link. We consider a city with origin and destination nodes which can be residential or employment or both. There are set of existing paths between origin-destination (O-D) pairs. Case of increasing employed population is analyzed to determine amount of roads and origin zones simultaneously. Minimizing travel and expansion cost of routes and origin zones in one side and minimizing CO emission in the other side is considered in this analysis at the same time. In this work demand between O-D pairs is random and also the network flow pattern is subject to stochastic user equilibrium, specifically logit route choice model. Considering both demand and route choice, random is more applicable to design urban network programs. Epsilon-constraint is one of the methods to solve both linear and nonlinear multi-objective problems. In this work epsilon-constraint method is used to solve the problem. The problem was solved by keeping first objective (cost function) as the objective function of the problem and second objective as a constraint that should be less than an epsilon, where epsilon is an upper bound of the emission function. The value of epsilon should change from the worst to the best value of the emission function to generate the family of solutions representing Pareto set. A numerical example with 2 origin zones and 2 destination zones and 7 links is solved by GAMS and the set of Pareto points is obtained. There are 15 efficient solutions. According to these solutions as cost function value increases, emission function value decreases and vice versa.Keywords: epsilon-constraint, multi-objective, network design, stochastic
Procedia PDF Downloads 6481039 Economic Impact of Rana Plaza Collapse
Authors: Md. Omar Bin Harun Khan
The collapse of the infamous Rana Plaza, a multi-storeyed commercial building in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh has brought with it a plethora of positive and negative consequences. Bangladesh being a key player in the export of clothing, found itself amidst a wave of economic upheaval following this tragic incident that resulted in numerous Bangladeshis, most of whom were factory workers. This paper compares the consequences that the country’s Ready Made Garments (RMG) sector is facing now, two years into the incident. The paper presents a comparison of statistical data from study reports and brings forward perspectives from all dimensions of Labour, Employment and Industrial Relations in Bangladesh following the event. The paper brings across the viewpoint of donor organizations and donor countries, the impacts of several initiatives taken by foreign organizations like the International Labour Organization, and local entities like the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) in order to reinforce compliance and stabilize the shaky foundation that the RMG sector had found itself following the collapse. Focus of the paper remains on the stance taken by the suppliers in Bangladesh, with inputs from buying houses and factories, and also on the reaction of foreign brands. The paper also focuses on the horrific physical, mental and financial implications sustained by the victims and their families, and the consequent uproar from workers in general regarding compliance with work safety and workers’ welfare conditions. The purpose is to get across both sides of the scenario: the economic impact that suppliers / factories/ sellers/ buying houses/exporters have faced in Bangladesh as a result of complete loss of reliability on them regarding working standards; and also to cover the aftershock felt on the other end of the spectrum by the importers/ buyers, particularly the foreign entities, in terms of the sudden accountability of being affiliated with non- compliant factories. The collapse of Rana Plaza has received vast international attention and strong criticism. Nevertheless, the almost immediate strengthening of labourrights and the wholesale reform undertaken on all sides of the supply chain, evidence a move of all local and foreign stakeholders towards greater compliance and taking of precautionary steps for prevention of further disasters. The tragedy that Rana Plaza embodies served as a much-needed epiphany for the soaring RMG Sector of Bangladesh. Prompt co-operation on the part of all stakeholders and regulatory bodies now show a move towards sustainable development, which further ensures safeguarding against any future irregularities and pave the way for steady economic growth.Keywords: economy, employment standards, Rana Plaza, RMG
Procedia PDF Downloads 3391038 Application of Response Surface Methodology to Assess the Impact of Aqueous and Particulate Phosphorous on Diazotrophic and Non-Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria Associated with Harmful Algal Blooms
Authors: Elizabeth Crafton, Donald Ott, Teresa Cutright
Harmful algal blooms (HABs), more notably cyanobacteria-dominated HABs, compromise water quality, jeopardize access to drinking water and are a risk to public health and safety. HABs are representative of ecosystem imbalance largely caused by environmental changes, such as eutrophication, that are associated with the globally expanding human population. Cyanobacteria-dominated HABs are anticipated to increase in frequency, magnitude, and are predicted to plague a larger geographical area as a result of climate change. The weather pattern is important as storm-driven, pulse-input of nutrients have been correlated to cyanobacteria-dominated HABs. The mobilization of aqueous and particulate nutrients and the response of the phytoplankton community is an important relationship in this complex phenomenon. This relationship is most apparent in high-impact areas of adequate sunlight, > 20ᵒC, excessive nutrients and quiescent water that corresponds to ideal growth of HABs. Typically the impact of particulate phosphorus is dismissed as an insignificant contribution; which is true for areas that are not considered high-impact. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of a simulated storm-driven, pulse-input of reactive phosphorus and the response of three different cyanobacteria assemblages (~5,000 cells/mL). The aqueous and particulate sources of phosphorus and changes in HAB were tracked weekly for 4 weeks. The first cyanobacteria composition consisted of Planktothrix sp., Microcystis sp., Aphanizomenon sp., and Anabaena sp., with 70% of the total population being non-diazotrophic and 30% being diazotrophic. The second was comprised of Anabaena sp., Planktothrix sp., and Microcystis sp., with 87% diazotrophic and 13% non-diazotrophic. The third composition has yet to be determined as these experiments are ongoing. Preliminary results suggest that both aqueous and particulate sources are contributors of total reactive phosphorus in high-impact areas. The results further highlight shifts in the cyanobacteria assemblage after the simulated pulse-input. In the controls, the reactors dosed with aqueous reactive phosphorus maintained a constant concentration for the duration of the experiment; whereas, the reactors that were dosed with aqueous reactive phosphorus and contained soil decreased from 1.73 mg/L to 0.25 mg/L of reactive phosphorus from time zero to 7 days; this was higher than the blank (0.11 mg/L). Suggesting a binding of aqueous reactive phosphorus to sediment, which is further supported by the positive correlation observed between total reactive phosphorus concentration and turbidity. The experiments are nearly completed and a full statistical analysis will be completed of the results prior to the conference.Keywords: Anabaena, cyanobacteria, harmful algal blooms, Microcystis, phosphorous, response surface methodology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1681037 "Empowering Minds and Unleashing Curiosity: DIY Biotechnology for High School Students in the Age of Distance Learning"
Authors: Victor Hugo Sanchez Rodriguez
Amidst the challenges posed by pandemic-induced lockdowns, traditional educational models have been disrupted. To bridge the distance learning gap, our project introduces an innovative initiative focused on teaching high school students basic biotechnology techniques. We aim to empower young minds and foster curiosity by encouraging students to create their own DIY biotechnology laboratories using easily accessible materials found at home. This abstract outlines the key aspects of our project, highlighting its importance, methodology, and evaluation approach.In response to the pandemic's limitations, our project targets the delivery of biotechnology education at a distance. By engaging students in hands-on experiments, we seek to provide an enriching learning experience despite the constraints of remote learning. The DIY approach allows students to explore scientific concepts in a practical and enjoyable manner, nurturing their interest in biotechnology and molecular biology. Originally designed to assess professional-level research programs, we have adapted the URSSA to suit the context of biotechnology and molecular biology synthesis for high school students. By applying this tool before and after the experimental sessions, we aim to gauge the program's impact on students' learning experiences and skill development. Our project's significance lies not only in its novel approach to teaching biotechnology but also in its adaptability to the current global crisis. By providing students with a stimulating and interactive learning environment, we hope to inspire educators and institutions to embrace creative solutions during challenging times. Moreover, the insights gained from our evaluation will inform future efforts to enhance distance learning programs and promote accessible science education.Keywords: DIY biotechnology, high school students, distance learning, pandemic education, undergraduate research student self-assessment (URSSA)
Procedia PDF Downloads 681036 Elucidating Microstructural Evolution Mechanisms in Tungsten via Layerwise Rolling in Additive Manufacturing: An Integrated Simulation and Experimental Approach
Authors: Sadman Durlov, Aditya Ganesh-Ram, Hamidreza Hekmatjou, Md Najmus Salehin, Nora Shayesteh Ameri
In the field of additive manufacturing, tungsten stands out for its exceptional resistance to high temperatures, making it an ideal candidate for use in extreme conditions. However, its inherent brittleness and vulnerability to thermal cracking pose significant challenges to its manufacturability. This study explores the microstructural evolution of tungsten processed through layer-wise rolling in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing, utilizing a comprehensive approach that combines advanced simulation techniques with empirical research. We aim to uncover the complex processes of plastic deformation and microstructural transformations, with a particular focus on the dynamics of grain size, boundary evolution, and phase distribution. Our methodology employs a combination of simulation and experimental data, allowing for a detailed comparison that elucidates the key mechanisms influencing microstructural alterations during the rolling process. This approach facilitates a deeper understanding of the material's behavior under additive manufacturing conditions, specifically in terms of deformation and recrystallization. The insights derived from this research not only deepen our theoretical knowledge but also provide actionable strategies for refining manufacturing parameters to improve the tungsten components' mechanical properties and functional performance. By integrating simulation with practical experimentation, this study significantly enhances the field of materials science, offering a robust framework for the development of durable materials suited for challenging operational environments. Our findings pave the way for optimizing additive manufacturing techniques and expanding the use of tungsten across various demanding sectors.Keywords: additive manufacturing, layer wise rolling, refractory materials, in-situ microstructure modifications
Procedia PDF Downloads 611035 Digitally Mapping Aboriginal Journey Ways
Authors: Paul Longley Arthur
This paper reports on an Australian Research Council-funded project utilising the Australian digital research infrastructure the ‘Time-Layered Cultural Map of Australia’ (TLCMap) ( [1]. This resource has been developed to help researchers create digital maps from cultural, textual, and historical data, layered with datasets registered on the platform. TLCMap is a set of online tools that allows humanities researchers to compile humanities data using spatio-temporal coordinates – to upload, gather, analyse and visualise data. It is the only purpose-designed, Australian-developed research tool for humanities and social science researchers to identify geographical clusters and parallel journeys by sight. This presentation discusses a series of Aboriginal mapping and visualisation experiments using TLCMap to show how Indigenous knowledge can reconfigure contemporary understandings of space including the urbanised landscape [2, 3]. The research data being generated – investigating the historical movements of Aboriginal people, the distribution of networks, and their relation to land – lends itself to mapping and geo-spatial visualisation and analysis. TLCMap allows researchers to create layers on a 3D map which pinpoint locations with accompanying information, and this has enabled our research team to plot out traditional historical journeys undertaken by Aboriginal people as well as to compile a gazetteer of Aboriginal place names, many of which have largely been undocumented until now [4]. The documented journeys intersect with and overlay many of today’s urban formations including main roads, municipal boundaries, and state borders. The paper questions how such data can be incorporated into a more culturally and ethically responsive understanding of contemporary urban spaces and as well as natural environments [5].Keywords: spatio-temporal mapping, visualisation, Indigenous knowledge, mobility and migration, research infrastructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 211034 Influencing Factors and Mechanism of Patient Engagement in Healthcare: A Survey in China
Authors: Qing Wu, Xuchun Ye, Kirsten Corazzini
Objective: It is increasingly recognized that patients’ rational and meaningful engagement in healthcare could make important contributions to their health care and safety management. However, recent evidence indicated that patients' actual roles in healthcare didn’t match their desired roles, and many patients reported a less active role than desired, which suggested that patient engagement in healthcare may be influenced by various factors. This study aimed to analyze influencing factors on patient engagement and explore the influence mechanism, which will be expected to contribute to the strategy development of patient engagement in healthcare. Methods: On the basis of analyzing the literature and theory study, the research framework was developed. According to the research framework, a cross-sectional survey was employed using the behavior and willingness of patient engagement in healthcare questionnaire, Chinese version All Aspects of Health Literacy Scale, Facilitation of Patient Involvement Scale and Wake Forest Physician Trust Scale, and other influencing factor related scales. A convenience sample of 580 patients was recruited from 8 general hospitals in Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, and Zhejiang Province. Results: The results of the cross-sectional survey indicated that the mean score for the patient engagement behavior was (4.146 ± 0.496), and the mean score for the willingness was (4.387 ± 0.459). The level of patient engagement behavior was inferior to their willingness to be involved in healthcare (t = 14.928, P < 0.01). The influencing mechanism model of patient engagement in healthcare was constructed by the path analysis. The path analysis revealed that patient attitude toward engagement, patients’ perception of facilitation of patient engagement and health literacy played direct prediction on the patients’ willingness of engagement, and standard estimated values of path coefficient were 0.341, 0.199, 0.291, respectively. Patients’ trust in physician and the willingness of engagement played direct prediction on the patient engagement, and standard estimated values of path coefficient were 0.211, 0.641, respectively. Patient attitude toward engagement, patients’ perception of facilitation and health literacy played indirect prediction on patient engagement, and standard estimated values of path coefficient were 0.219, 0.128, 0.187, respectively. Conclusions: Patients engagement behavior did not match their willingness to be involved in healthcare. The influencing mechanism model of patient engagement in healthcare was constructed. Patient attitude toward engagement, patients’ perception of facilitation of engagement and health literacy posed indirect positive influence on patient engagement through the patients’ willingness of engagement. Patients’ trust in physician and the willingness of engagement had direct positive influence on the patient engagement. Patient attitude toward engagement, patients’ perception of physician facilitation of engagement and health literacy were the factors influencing the patients’ willingness of engagement. The results of this study provided valuable evidence on guiding the development of strategies for promoting patient rational and meaningful engagement in healthcare.Keywords: healthcare, patient engagement, influencing factor, the mechanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1571033 A National Systematic Review on Determining Prevalence of Mobbing Exposure in Turkish Nurses
Authors: Betül Sönmez, Aytolan Yıldırım
Objective: This systematic review aims to methodically analyze studies regarding mobbing behavior prevalence, individuals performing this behavior and the effects of mobbing on Turkish nurses. Background: Worldwide reports on mobbing cases have increased in the past years, a similar trend also observable in Turkey. It has been demonstrated that among healthcare workers, mobbing is significantly widespread in nurses. The number of studies carried out in this regard has also increased. Method: The main criteria for choosing articles in this systematic review were nurses located in Turkey, regardless of any specific date. In November 2014, a search using the keywords 'mobbing, bullying, psychological terror/violence, emotional violence, nurses, healthcare workers, Turkey' in PubMed, Science Direct, Ebscohost, National Thesis Centre database and Google search engine led to 71 studies in this field. 33 studies were not met the inclusion criteria specified for this study. Results: The findings were obtained using the results of 38 studies carried out in the past 13 years in Turkey, a large sample consisting of 8,877 nurses. Analysis of the incidences of mobbing behavior revealed a broad spectrum, ranging from none-slight experiences to 100% experiences. The most frequently observed mobbing behaviors include attacking personality, blocking communication and attacking professional and social reputation. Victims mostly experienced mobbing from their managers, the most common consequence of these actions being psychological effects. Conclusions: The results of studies with various scales indicate exposure of nurses to similar mobbing behavior. The high frequency of exposure of nurses to mobbing behavior in such a large sample highlights the importance of considering this issue in terms of individual and institutional consequences that adversely affect the performance of nurses.Keywords: mobbing, bullying, workplace violence, nurses, Turkey
Procedia PDF Downloads 2771032 Red Herring Innovation: Twelve Paradoxes of Innovation Ecosystem in a Closed Society
Authors: Mohammad Hossein Badamchi
In Iran as well as other developing countries instituting innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems by government around the universities is the new imported fashion of modernization and development in the 21st century. In recent decade various statesmen, policy makers, university administrations, economists and development theorists are emphasizing excitingly about the new “start-ups” which are going to solve all economic problems and backwardness of the country. However, critical study of modernization practices in Iran implies that this new trend is suffering from conventional deficiency of modernization planning in 20th century. This article is going to depict the misunderstandings of a situation which we can name “Pseudo-innovation in a closed society” by presenting these 12 paradoxes of this new system, actually happening in Iran: (1) Innovation without freedom? Fiction of innovation in a patriarchal state (2) Entrepreneurship without free market? Fiction of entrepreneurship in a rentier-state. (3) Ecosystem or a state-glasshouse? Is it possible to make and plan an innovation? (4) Innovation; epistemic or practical? How academic innovation could happen abstractly out of context? (5) Risk and Lucre: innovation to protect power and property?! (6) Silicon-valley mirage: what is in common between American-Iranian polity? (7) Information or Communication? ICT startups to restrict the internet (8) The elite paradox: new proletariat of private sector, new governmental clerk or a new path of brain drain? (9) Innovation or commercialization? Revisiting Schumpeterian creative destruction (10) The friendship of Jungle and fire: paradox of public science and market (11) Innovation and revolution: top-down or bottom-up paradox in an Iranian experience (12) Technology instead of civil society: ultimate result of innovation in a closed society. Through explaining these paradoxes we can gradually penetrate the real rationality of Pseudo-innovation ecosystem in a closed society, which can be understood as new-Neopatriarchy reconstruction of traditional patriarchal politics, economy and culture in Iran.Keywords: innovation, critical sociology, modernisation, Iran, closed society
Procedia PDF Downloads 761031 Influence of Strain on the Corrosion Behavior of Dual Phase 590 Steel
Authors: Amit Sarkar, Jayanta K. Mahato, Tushar Bhattacharya, Amrita Kundu, P. C. Chakraborti
With increasing the demand for safety and fuel efficiency of automobiles, automotive manufacturers are looking for light weight, high strength steel with excellent formability and corrosion resistance. Dual-phase steel is finding applications in automotive sectors, because of its high strength, good formability, and high corrosion resistance. During service automotive components suffer from environmental attack and thereby gradual degradation of the components occurs reducing the service life of the components. The objective of the present investigation is to assess the effect of deformation on corrosion behaviour of DP590 grade dual phase steel which is used in automotive industries. The material was received from TATA Steel Jamshedpur, India in the form of 1 mm thick sheet. Tensile properties of the steel at strain rate of 10-3 sec-1: 0.2 % Yield Stress is 382 MPa, Ultimate Tensile Strength is 629 MPa, Uniform Strain is 16.30% and Ductility is 29%. Rectangular strips of 100x10x1 mm were machined keeping the long axis of the strips parallel to rolling direction of the sheet. These strips were longitudinally deformed at a strain rate at 10-3 sec-1 to a different percentage of strain, e.g. 2.5, 5, 7.5,10 and 12.5%, and then slowly unloaded. Small specimens were extracted from the mid region of the unclamped portion of these deformed strips. These small specimens were metallographic polished, and corrosion behaviour has been studied by potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectra, and cyclic polarization and potentiostatic tests. Present results show that among three different environments, the 3.5 pct NaCl solution is most aggressive in case of DP 590 dual-phase steel. It is observed that with the increase in the amount of deformation, corrosion rate increases. With deformation, the stored energy increases and leads to enhanced corrosion rate. Cyclic polarization results revealed highly deformed specimen are more prone to pitting corrosion as compared to the condition when amount of deformation is less. It is also observed that stability of the passive layer decreases with the amount of deformation. With the increase of deformation, current density increases in a passive zone and passive zone is also decreased. From Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study it is found that with increasing amount of deformation polarization resistance (Rp) decreases. EBSD results showed that average geometrically necessary dislocation density increases with increasing strain which in term increased galvanic corrosion as dislocation areas act as the less noble metal.Keywords: dual phase 590 steel, prestrain, potentiodynamic polarization, cyclic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectra
Procedia PDF Downloads 4301030 Challenges in Achieving Profitability for MRO Companies in the Aviation Industry: An Analytical Approach
Authors: Nur Sahver Uslu, Ali̇ Hakan Büyüklü
Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) costs are significant in the aviation industry. On the other hand, companies that provide MRO services to the aviation industry but are not dominant in the sector, need to determine the right strategies for sustainable profitability in a competitive environment. This study examined the operational real data of a small medium enterprise (SME) MRO company where analytical methods are not widely applied. The company's customers were divided into two categories: airline companies and non-airline companies, and the variables that best explained profitability were analyzed with Logistic Regression for each category and the results were compared. First, data reduction was applied to the transformed variables that went through the data cleaning and preparation stages, and the variables to be included in the model were decided. The misclassification rates for the logistic regression results concerning both customer categories are similar, indicating consistent model performance across different segments. Less profit margin is obtained from airline customers, which can be explained by the variables part description, time to quotation (TTQ), turnaround time (TAT), manager, part cost, and labour cost. The higher profit margin obtained from non-airline customers is explained only by the variables part description, part cost, and labour cost. Based on the two models, it can be stated that it is significantly more challenging for the MRO company, which is the subject of our study, to achieve profitability from Airline customers. While operational processes and organizational structure also affect the profit from airline customers, only the type of parts and costs determine the profit for non-airlines.Keywords: aircraft, aircraft components, aviation, data analytics, data science, gini index, maintenance, repair, and overhaul, MRO, logistic regression, profit, variable clustering, variable reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 351029 Response Surface Methodology for the Optimization of Radioactive Wastewater Treatment with Chitosan-Argan Nutshell Beads
Authors: Fatima Zahra Falah, Touria El. Ghailassi, Samia Yousfi, Ahmed Moussaif, Hasna Hamdane, Mouna Latifa Bouamrani
The management and treatment of radioactive wastewater pose significant challenges to environmental safety and public health. This study presents an innovative approach to optimizing radioactive wastewater treatment using a novel biosorbent: chitosan-argan nutshell beads. By employing Response Surface Methodology (RSM), we aimed to determine the optimal conditions for maximum removal efficiency of radioactive contaminants. Chitosan, a biodegradable and non-toxic biopolymer, was combined with argan nutshell powder to create composite beads. The argan nutshell, a waste product from argan oil production, provides additional adsorption sites and mechanical stability to the biosorbent. The beads were characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) to confirm their structure and composition. A three-factor, three-level Box-Behnken design was utilized to investigate the effects of pH (3-9), contact time (30-150 minutes), and adsorbent dosage (0.5-2.5 g/L) on the removal efficiency of radioactive isotopes, primarily focusing on cesium-137. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted using synthetic radioactive wastewater with known concentrations of these isotopes. The RSM analysis revealed that all three factors significantly influenced the adsorption process. A quadratic model was developed to describe the relationship between the factors and the removal efficiency. The model's adequacy was confirmed through analysis of variance (ANOVA) and various diagnostic plots. Optimal conditions for maximum removal efficiency were pH 6.8, a contact time of 120 minutes, and an adsorbent dosage of 0.8 g/L. Under these conditions, the experimental removal efficiency for cesium-137 was 94.7%, closely matching the model's predictions. Adsorption isotherms and kinetics were also investigated to elucidate the mechanism of the process. The Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second-order kinetic model best described the adsorption behavior, indicating a monolayer adsorption process on a homogeneous surface. This study demonstrates the potential of chitosan-argan nutshell beads as an effective and sustainable biosorbent for radioactive wastewater treatment. The use of RSM allowed for the efficient optimization of the process parameters, potentially reducing the time and resources required for large-scale implementation. Future work will focus on testing the biosorbent's performance with real radioactive wastewater samples and investigating its regeneration and reusability for long-term applications.Keywords: adsorption, argan nutshell, beads, chitosan, mechanism, optimization, radioactive wastewater, response surface methodology
Procedia PDF Downloads 381028 Exploring Management of the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation in a Product Driven Startup Company
Authors: Dmitry K. Shaytan, Georgy D. Laptev
In our research we aimed to test a managerial approach for the fuzzy front end (FFE) of innovation by creating controlled experiment/ business case in a breakthrough innovation development. The experiment was in the sport industry and covered all aspects of the customer discovery stage from ideation to prototyping followed by patent application. In the paper we describe and analyze mile stones, tasks, management challenges, decisions made to create the break through innovation, evaluate overall managerial efficiency that was at the considered FFE stage. We set managerial outcome of the FFE stage as a valid product concept in hand. In our paper we introduce hypothetical construct “Q-factor” that helps us in the experiment to distinguish quality of FFE outcomes. The experiment simulated for entrepreneur the FFE of innovation and put on his shoulders responsibility for the outcome of valid product concept. While developing managerial approach to reach the outcome there was a decision to look on product concept from the cognitive psychology and cognitive science point of view. This view helped us to develop the profile of a person whose projection (mental representation) of a new product could optimize for a manager or entrepreneur FFE activities. In the experiment this profile was tested to develop breakthrough innovation for swimmers. Following the managerial approach the product concept was created to help swimmers to feel/sense water. The working prototype was developed to estimate the product concept validity and value added effect for customers. Based on feedback from coachers and swimmers there were strong positive effect that gave high value for customers, and for the experiment – the valid product concept being developed by proposed managerial approach for the FFE. In conclusions there is a suggestion of managerial approach that was derived from experiment.Keywords: concept development, concept testing, customer discovery, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial management, idea generation, idea screening, startup management
Procedia PDF Downloads 4461027 Corrosion Protection and Failure Mechanism of ZrO₂ Coating on Zirconium Alloy Zry-4 under Varied LiOH Concentrations in Lithiated Water at 360°C and 18.5 MPa
Authors: Guanyu Jiang, Donghai Xu, Huanteng Liu
After the Fukushima-Daiichi accident, the development of accident tolerant fuel cladding materials to improve reactor safety has become a hot topic in the field of nuclear industry. ZrO₂ has a satisfactory neutron economy and can guarantee the fission chain reaction process, which enables it to be a promising coating for zirconium alloy cladding. Maintaining a good corrosion resistance in primary coolant loop during normal operations of Pressurized Water Reactors is a prerequisite for ZrO₂ as a protective coating on zirconium alloy cladding. Research on the corrosion performance of ZrO₂ coating in nuclear water chemistry is relatively scarce, and existing reports failed to provide an in-depth explanation for the failure causes of ZrO₂ coating. Herein, a detailed corrosion process of ZrO₂ coating in lithiated water at 360 °C and 18.5 MPa was proposed based on experimental research and molecular dynamics simulation. Lithiated water with different LiOH solutions in the present work was deaerated and had a dissolved oxygen concentration of < 10 ppb. The concentration of Li (as LiOH) was determined to be 2.3 ppm, 70 ppm, and 500 ppm, respectively. Corrosion tests were conducted in a static autoclave. Modeling and corresponding calculations were operated on Materials Studio software. The calculation of adsorption energy and dynamics parameters were undertaken by the Energy task and Dynamics task of the Forcite module, respectively. The protective effect and failure mechanism of ZrO₂ coating on Zry-4 under varied LiOH concentrations was further revealed by comparison with the coating corrosion performance in pure water (namely 0 ppm Li). ZrO₂ coating provided a favorable corrosion protection with the occurrence of localized corrosion at low LiOH concentrations. Factors influencing corrosion resistance mainly include pitting corrosion extension, enhanced Li+ permeation, short-circuit diffusion of O²⁻ and ZrO₂ phase transformation. In highly-concentrated LiOH solutions, intergranular corrosion, internal oxidation, and perforation resulted in coating failure. Zr ions were released to coating surface to form flocculent ZrO₂ and ZrO₂ clusters due to the strong diffusion and dissolution tendency of α-Zr in the Zry-4 substrate. Considering that primary water of Pressurized Water Reactors usually includes 2.3 ppm Li, the stability of ZrO₂ make itself a candidate fuel cladding coating material. Under unfavorable conditions with high Li concentrations, more boric acid should be added to alleviate caustic corrosion of ZrO₂ coating once it is used. This work can provide some references to understand the service behavior of nuclear coatings under variable water chemistry conditions and promote the in-pile application of ZrO₂ coating.Keywords: ZrO₂ coating, Zry-4, corrosion behavior, failure mechanism, LiOH concentration
Procedia PDF Downloads 861026 Dietary Intake and the Risk of Hypertriglyceridemia in Adults: Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study
Authors: Parvin Mirmiran, Zahra Bahadoran, Sahar Mirzae, Fereidoun Azizi
Background and aim: Lifestyle factors, especially dietary intakes play an important role in metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins. In this study, we assessed the association between dietary factors and 3-year changes of serum triglycerides (TG), HDL-C and the atherogenic index of plasma among Iranian adults. This longitudinal study was conducted on 1938 subjects, aged 19-70 years, who participated in the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study. Demographics, anthropometrics and biochemical measurements including serum TG were assessed at baseline (2006-2008) and after a 3-year follow-up (2009-2011). Dietary data were collected by using a 168-food item, validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire at baseline. The risk of hypertriglyceridemia in the quartiles of dietary factors was evaluated using logistic regression models with adjustment for age, gender, body mass index, smoking, physical activity and energy intakes. Results: Mean age of the participants at baseline was 41.0±13.0 y. Mean TG and HDL-C at baseline was 143±86 and 42.2±10.0 mg/dl, respectively. Three-year change of serum TG were inversely related energy intake from phytochemical rich foods, whole grains, and legumes (P<0.05). Higher intakes compared to lower ones of dietary fiber and phytochemical-rich foods had similar impact on decreased risk of hyper-triglyceridemia (OR=0.58, 95% CI=0.34-1.00). Higher- compared to lower-dietary sodium to potassium ratios (Na/K ratio) increased the risk of hypertriglyceridemia by 63% (OR=0.1.63, 95% CI= 0.34-1.00). Conclusion: Findings showed that higher intakes of fiber and phytochemical rich foods especially whole grain and legumes could have protective effects against lipid disorders; in contrast higher sodium to potassium ratio had undesirable effect on triglycerides.Keywords: lipid disorders, hypertriglyceridemia, diet, food science
Procedia PDF Downloads 4681025 Effectiveness of Health Education Interventions to Improve Malaria Knowledge and ITN Ownership Among Populations of Sub-Saharan Africa: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Opara Monica Onyinyechi, Ahmad Iqmer Nashriq Mohd Nazan, Suriani Ismail
Introduction: Global estimates of malaria indicate that at least 3.3 billion people are at risk of being infected with malaria and 1.2 billion are at high risk. The review investigates the effectiveness of health education strategies to increase the level of malaria knowledge and ITN ownership among the populations of sub-Sahara African countries. Methods: A literature search was conducted using Science direct, CINAHL, PubMed, Prisma, Pico, Cochrane library and PsycINFO databases to retrieve articles published between 2000 until 2020. Eleven studies that reported on malaria prevention and intervention using health education strategies conducted in sub-Saharan Africa were included in the final review. Results: Four studies used educational interventions to teach appropriate ITN strategies and promote ITN usage. Two others focused on improving knowledge of malaria transmission, prevention, treatment, and its signs and symptoms. The remaining five studies assessed both ITN use and malaria knowledge. Of these, 10 were eligible for meta-analysis. On average, health education interventions significantly increase the odds of a person in the intervention group to report better malaria knowledge (odds ratio 1.30, 95% CI: 1.00 to 1.70, P= 0.05) and higher ITN ownership (odds ratio 1.53, 95% CI: 1.02 to 2.29, P= 0.004) compared to those in the control group. The odds of ITN ownership also substantially increases when the intervention was based on a theory or model (odds ratio 5.27, 95% CI: 3.24 to 8.58, P= 0.05). Conclusion: Our review highlights the various health education strategies used in sub-Saharan Africa to curb malaria over the past two decades. Meta-analysis findings show that health education intervention is moderately effective in improving malaria knowledge and ITN ownership and has contributed to the effort of global malaria strategy.Keywords: malaria, health education, insecticide treated nets, sub-Saharan Africa, meta-analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 871024 Antibiofilm Activities of Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles against Human Pathogenic Bacteria
Authors: Muhammad Shahzad Tufail, Iram Liaqat, Umer Sohail Meer, Muhammad Ishtaiq, Muhammad Sattar
Nanotechnology is a vibrant field with numerous applications in many different branches of science and technology. Several methods are used to synthesize nanoparticles (NPs), which have multiple range of applications. Comparatively, the biogenic synthesis of NPs is a more economical and environmentally favourable method than the traditional chemical method. The current study aims to synthesize biogenically silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using bacterial isolates. Four bacterial strains Escherichia coli (MT448673), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MN900691), Bacillus subtilis (MN900684) and Bacillus licheniformis (MN900686) were used for the synthesis of AgNPs from silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution. The biofilm time kinetics of four bacterial isolates (P. aeruginosa, E. coli, B. licheniformis and B. subtilis) was analysed by incubating bacterial cultures at 37◦C in test tubes over a period of different time intervals i.e., 2, 3, 5 and 7 days following crystal violet staining method. All the four strains had ability to form strong biofilms between 48 to 72 hours of incubation. Two strains (B. subtilis and B. licheniformis) formed significant (p < 0.05) biofilm after 3 days of incubation period. The other two strains (E. coli and P. aeruginosa) showed strong biofilm formation after 2 days of incubation. Next, the antibiofilm activity of biogenically synthesized AgNPs (10 - 100 µgmL-1) was analysed against biofilm forming human pathogenic bacteria. Findings of the work revealed that 60-90% inhibition was observed at 60 µgmL-1 of AgNPs, while maximum inhibition (i.e.,100%) was found at highest concentration (90 µgmL-1). It was evident that highly significant (p < 0.05) decrease in biofilm formation was observed with increasing concentration of AgNPs.Keywords: antibiofilm, biofilm formation, nanotechnology, pathogenic bacteria, silver nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 1071023 The Mechanisms of Peer-Effects in Education: A Frame-Factor Analysis of Instruction
Authors: Pontus Backstrom
In the educational literature on peer effects, attention has been brought to the fact that the mechanisms creating peer effects are still to a large extent hidden in obscurity. The hypothesis in this study is that the Frame Factor Theory can be used to explain these mechanisms. At heart of the theory is the concept of “time needed” for students to learn a certain curricula unit. The relations between class-aggregated time needed and the actual time available, steers and hinders the actions possible for the teacher. Further, the theory predicts that the timing and pacing of the teachers’ instruction is governed by a “criterion steering group” (CSG), namely the pupils in the 10th-25th percentile of the aptitude distribution in class. The class composition hereby set the possibilities and limitations for instruction, creating peer effects on individual outcomes. To test if the theory can be applied to the issue of peer effects, the study employs multilevel structural equation modelling (M-SEM) on Swedish TIMSS 2015-data (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study; students N=4090, teachers N=200). Using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in the SEM-framework in MPLUS, latent variables are specified according to the theory, such as “limitations of instruction” from TIMSS survey items. The results indicate a good model fit to data of the measurement model. Research is still in progress, but preliminary results from initial M-SEM-models verify a strong relation between the mean level of the CSG and the latent variable of limitations on instruction, a variable which in turn have a great impact on individual students’ test results. Further analysis is required, but so far the analysis indicates a confirmation of the predictions derived from the frame factor theory and reveals that one of the important mechanisms creating peer effects in student outcomes is the effect the class composition has upon the teachers’ instruction in class.Keywords: compositional effects, frame factor theory, peer effects, structural equation modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 1351022 Hepatoprotective Assessment of L-Ascorbate 1-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-4,6-Dimethyl-1, 2-Dihydropyrimidine-2-on in Toxic Liver Damage Test
Authors: Vladimir Zobov, Nail Nazarov, Alexandra Vyshtakalyuk, Vyacheslav Semenov, Irina Galyametdinova, Vladimir Reznik
The aim of this study was to investigate hepatoprotective properties of the Xymedon derivative L-ascorbate 1- (2-hydroxyethyl)-4,6-dimethyl-1,2-dihydropyrimidine-2-one (XD), which exhibits high efficiency as actoprotector. The study was carried out on 68 male albino rats weighing 250-400 g using preventive exposure to the test preparation. Effectiveness of XD win comparison with effectiveness of Xymedon (original substance) after administration of the compounds in identical doses. Maximum dose was 20 mg/kg. The animals orally received Xymedon or its derivative in doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg over 4 days. In 1-1.5 h after drug administration, CCl4 in vegetable oil (1:1) in a dose of 2 ml/kg. Controls received CCl4 but without hepatoprotectors. Intact control group consisted of rats, not receiving CCl4 or other compounds. The next day after the last administration of CCl4 and compounds under study animals were dehematized under ether anesthesia, blood and liver samples were taken for biochemical and histological analysis. Xymedon and XD administered according to the preventice scheme, exerted hepatoprotective effects: Xymedon — in the dose of 20 mg/kg, XD — in doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg. The drugs under study had different effects on liver condition, affected by induction with CCl4. Xymedon had a more pronounced effect both on the ALT level, which can be elevated not only due to destructive changes in hepatocytes, but also as a cholestasis manifestation, and on the serum total protein level, which reflects protein synthesis in liver. XD had a more pronounced effect on AST level, which is one of the markers of hepatocyte damage. Lower effective dose of XD — 10 mg/kg, compared to Xymedon effective according to, and its pronounced effect on AST, the hepatocyte cytolysis marker, is indicative of its higher preventive effectiveness, compared to Xymedon. This work was performed with the financial support of Russian Science Foundation (grant No: 14-50-00014).Keywords: hepatoprotectors, pyrimidine derivatives, toxic liver damage, xymedon
Procedia PDF Downloads 3041021 The Meaningful Pixel and Texture: Exploring Digital Vision and Art Practice Based on Chinese Cosmotechnics
Authors: Xingdu Wang, Charlie Gere, Emma Rose, Yuxuan Zhao
The study introduces a fresh perspective on the digital realm through an examination of the Chinese concept of Xiang, elucidating how it can build an understanding of pixels and textures on screens as digital trigrams. This concept attempts to offer an outlook on the intersection of digital technology and the natural world, thereby contributing to discussions about the harmonious relationship between humans and technology. The study looks for the ancient Chinese theory of Xiang as a key to establishing the theories and practices to respond to the problem of Contemporary Chinese technics. Xiang is a Chinese method of understanding the essentials of things through appearances, which differs from the method of science in the Westen. Xiang, the basement of Chinese visual art, is rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy and connected to the eight trigrams. The discussion of Xiang connects art, philosophy, and technology. This paper connects the meaning of Xiang with the 'truth appearing' philosophically through the analysis of the concepts of phenomenon and noumenon and the unique Chinese way of observing. Hereafter, the historical interconnection between ancient painting and writing in China emphasizes their relationship between technical craftsmanship and artistic expression. In digital, the paper blurs the traditional boundaries between images and text on digital screens in theory. Lastly, this study identified an ensemble concept relating to pixels and textures in computer vision, drawing inspiration from AI image recognition in Chinese paintings. In art practice, by presenting a fluid visual experience in the form of pixels, which mimics the flow of lines in traditional calligraphy and painting, it is hoped that the viewer will be brought back to the process of the truth appearing as defined by the 'Xiang’.Keywords: Chinese cosmotechnics, computer vision, contemporary Neo-Confucianism, texture and pixel, Xiang
Procedia PDF Downloads 661020 Social Value of Travel Time Savings in Sub-Saharan Africa
Authors: Richard Sogah
The significance of transport infrastructure investments for economic growth and development has been central to the World Bank’s strategy for poverty reduction. Among the conventional surface transport infrastructures, road infrastructure is significant in facilitating the movement of human capital goods and services. When transport projects (i.e., roads, super-highways) are implemented, they come along with some negative social values (costs), such as increased noise and air pollution for local residents living near these facilities, displaced individuals, etc. However, these projects also facilitate better utilization of existing capital stock and generate other observable benefits that can be easily quantified. For example, the improvement or construction of roads creates employment, stimulates revenue generation (toll), reduces vehicle operating costs and accidents, increases accessibility, trade expansion, safety improvement, etc. Aside from these benefits, travel time savings (TTSs) which are the major economic benefits of urban and inter-urban transport projects and therefore integral in the economic assessment of transport projects, are often overlooked and omitted when estimating the benefits of transport projects, especially in developing countries. The absence of current and reliable domestic travel data and the inability of replicated models from the developed world to capture the actual value of travel time savings due to the large unemployment, underemployment, and other labor-induced distortions has contributed to the failure to assign value to travel time savings when estimating the benefits of transport schemes in developing countries. This omission of the value of travel time savings from the benefits of transport projects in developing countries poses problems for investors and stakeholders to either accept or dismiss projects based on schemes that favor reduced vehicular operating costs and other parameters rather than those that ease congestion, increase average speed, facilitate walking and handloading, and thus save travel time. Given the complex reality in the estimation of the value of travel time savings and the presence of widespread informal labour activities in Sub-Saharan Africa, we construct a “nationally ranked distribution of time values” and estimate the value of travel time savings based on the area beneath the distribution. Compared with other approaches, our method captures both formal sector workers and individuals/people who work outside the formal sector and hence changes in their time allocation occur in the informal economy and household production activities. The dataset for the estimations is sourced from the World Bank, the International Labour Organization, etc.Keywords: road infrastructure, transport projects, travel time savings, congestion, Sub-Sahara Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 1101019 From Stigma to Solutions: Harnessing Innovation and Local Wisdom to Tackle Harms Associated with Menstrual Seclusion (Chhaupadi) in Nepal
Authors: Sara E. Baumann, Megan A. Rabin, Mary Hawk, Bhimsen Devkota, Kajol Upadhyaya, Guna Raj Shrestha, Brigit Joseph, Annika Agarwal, Jessica G. Burke
In Nepal, prevailing sociocultural norms associated with menstruation prompt adherence to stringent rules that limit participation in daily activities. Chhaupadi is a specific menstrual tradition in Nepal in which women and girls segregate themselves and follow a series of restrictions during menstruation. Despite having numerous physical and mental health implications, extant interventions have yet to sustainably address the harms associated with chhaupadi. In this study, the authors describe insights garnered from a collaboration with community members in Dailekh district, who formulated their own approaches to mitigate the adverse facets of chhaupadi. Envisaged as an entry point to improve women’s menstrual health experiences, this investigation employed an approach that uses Human-centered Design and a community-engaged approach. The authors conducted a four-day design workshop which unfolded in two phases: The Discovery Phase, to uncover chhaupadi context and key stakeholders, and the Design Phase, to design contextually relevant interventions. Diverse community-members, including those with lived experience practicing chhaupadi, developed five intervention concepts: 1) harnessing Female Community Health Volunteers as role models, for counseling, and raising awareness; 2) focusing on mothers and mother’s groups to instigate behavioral shifts; 3) engaging the broader community in behavior change efforts; 4) empowering fathers to effect change in their homes through counseling and education; and 5) training and emboldening youth to advocate for positive change through advocacy in their schools and homes. This research underscores the importance of employing multi-level approaches tailored to specific stakeholder groups, given Nepal’s rich cultural diversity. The engagement of Female Community Health Volunteers emerged as a promising yet underexplored intervention concept for chhaupadi, warranting broader implementation. Crucially, it is also imperative for interventions to prioritize tackling deleterious aspects of the chhaupadi tradition, emphasizing safety considerations, all while acknowledging chhaupadi’s entrenched cultural history; for some, there are positive aspects of the tradition that women and girls wish to preserve.Keywords: human-centered design, menstrual health, Nepal, community-engagement, intervention development, women's health, rural health
Procedia PDF Downloads 701018 Infant and Young Child Dietary Diversification Using Locally Available Foods after Nutrition Education in Rural Malawi
Authors: G. C. Phiri, E. A. Heil, A. A. Kalimbira, E. Muehlhoff, C. Masangano, B. M. Mtimuni, J. Herrmann, M. B. Krawinkel, I. Jordan
Background and objectives: High prevalence of undernutrition in Malawi is caused by poor complementary foods. Lack of knowledge of age appropriate food within the household might affect utilization of available resources. FAO-Malawi implemented nutrition education (NE) sessions in 200 villages in Kasungu and Mzimba districts from December 2012 to April 2013 targeting 15 caregivers per village of children aged 6-18 months, grandmothers, spouses and community leaders. Two trained volunteers per village facilitated 10 NE sessions on breastfeeding, food safety and hygiene and complementary feeding using locally available resources. This study assessed the reported dietary diversification practices of infant and young child after nutrition education and the factors that influenced adoption of the practice. Methodology: Questionnaire-based interviews with caregivers were conducted in 16 randomly selected villages (n=108) before training-(t1) and seven months after training-(t2). Knowledge score (KS) was calculated on the indicators breastfeeding, hygiene and complementary feeding. Count regression was performed using SPSS 22. Eight focus group discussions (FGDs) were separately conducted among caregivers and grandmothers in 4 villages. Content analysis was used to analyze FGDs data. Results: Following NE, caregivers' KS significantly increased (p<0.001) between t1 and t2 for breastfeeding (7.7 vs. 9.8, max=18), hygiene (3.8 vs. 5.9, max=7) and complementary feeding (10.2 vs. 16.2, max=26). Caregivers indicated that they stopped preparation of plain-refined maize meal porridge after they gained knowledge on dietary diversification of complementary foods. They learnt mushing and pounding of ingredients for enriched porridge. Whole-maize meal or potatoes were often enriched with vegetables, legumes, small fish or eggs and cooking oil. Children liked the taste of enriched porridge. Amount of enriched porridge consumed at each sitting increase among previously fussy-eater children. Meal frequency increased by including fruits as snacks in child’s diet. Grandmothers observed preparation of enriched porridge among the mothers using locally available foods. Grandmothers liked the taste of enriched porridge and not the greenish color of the porridge. Both grandmothers and mothers reported that children were playing independently after consuming enriched porridge and were strong and healthy. These motivated adoption of the practice. Conclusion: Increased knowledge and skill of preparation and utilisation of locally available foods promoted children’s dietary diversification. Children liking the enriched porridge motivated adoption of dietary diversification.Keywords: behaviour change, complementary feeding, dietary diversification, IYCN
Procedia PDF Downloads 4731017 Effects of Anti-FGL2 Monoclonal Antibody SPF89 on Vascular Inflammation
Authors: Ying Sun, Biao Cheng, Qing Lu, Xuefei Tao, Xiaoyu Lai, Cheng Guo, Dan Wang
Fibrinogen-like protein 2 (FGL2) has recently been identified to play an important role in inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis through a thrombin-dependent manner. Here, a murine monoclonal antibody was raised against the critical residue Ser(89) of FGL2, and the effects of the anti-FGL2 mAb (SPF89) were analyzed in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and THP-1 cells. Firstly, it was proved that SPF89, which belongs to the IgG1 subtype with a KD value of 44.5 pM, could specifically show the expression levels of protein FGL2 in different cell lines of known target gene status. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-mediated endothelial cell proliferation was significantly inhibited with a decline of phosphorylation nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in a dose-dependent manner after SPF89 treatment. Furthermore, SPF89 reduced LPS-induced expression of adhesion molecules and inflammatory cytokines such as vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, tumor necrosis factor-α, Matrix metalloproteinase MMP-2, Integrin αvβ3, and interleukin-6 in HUVECs. In macrophage-like THP-1 cells, SPF89 effectively inhibited LPS and low-density lipoprotein-induced foam cell formation. However, these anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic effects of anti-FGL2 mAb in HUVECs and THP-1 cells were significantly reduced after treatment with an NF-κB inhibitor PDTC. All the above suggest, by efficiently inhibiting LPS-induced pro-inflammatory effects in vascular endothelial cells by attenuating NF-κB dependent pathway, the new anti-FGL2 mAb SPF89 could to be a potential therapeutic candidate for protecting the vascular endothelium against inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis. This work was supported by the Program of Sichuan Science and Technology Department (2017FZ0069) and Collaborative Innovation Program of Sichuan for Elderly Care and Health(YLZBZ1511).Keywords: monoclonal antibody, fibrinogen like protein 2, inflammation, endothelial cells
Procedia PDF Downloads 2711016 The Incorporation of Themes Related to Islandness in Tourism Branding among Cold-Water, Warm-Water, and Temperate-Water Islands
Authors: Susan C. Graham
Islands have a long established allure for travellers the world over. From earliest accounts of human history, travellers were drawn by the sense of islandness embodied by these destinations. The concept of islandness describes the essence of what makes islands unique relative to non-islands and extends beyond geographic interpretations by attempting to capture the specific sense of self-exhibited by islanders in relation to their connection to place. The themes most strongly associated with islandness include a) a strong connection to water as both the life blood and a physical barrier, b) a unique culture and robust arts community that is deeply linked to both the island and islanders, c) an appreciation of and for nature, d) a rich sense of history and tradition connected to the place, e) a sense of community and belonging that arose through shared triumphs and struggles, and f) a profound awareness of independence, separateness, and uniqueness derived from both physical and social experience. The island brand, like all brands, is a marketing tactic designed to succinctly express a specific value proposition in simplistic ways which might include a brand symbol, logo, slogan, or representation meant to distinguish one brand from another. If a value proposition is the identification of attributes that separate one brand from another by highlighting the brand’s uniqueness, then presumably island brands may, at least in part, emphasize islandness as part of the destination brand. Yet it may in naïve to expect all islands to brand themselves using similar themes when islands can differ so substantially in terms of population, geography, political climate, economy, culture, and history. Of particular interest is the increased focus on tourism among 'cold-water' islands. This paper will examine the incorporation of themes related to islandness in tourism branding among cold-water, warm-water, and temperate-water islands. The tourism logos of 83 islands were collected and assessed for the use of themes related to islandness, namely water, arts and culture, nature, history and tradition, community and belongingness, and independence, separateness, and uniqueness. The ratings for each theme related to islandness for each of the 83 island destinations were then analyzed to identify if differences exist between cold-water, warm-water, and temperate-water islands. A general consensus of what constitutes 'cold-water' destinations is lacking, therefore a water temperature of 15C was adopted using the guidelines from the National Center for Cold Water Safety. Among these 83 islands, the average high and average low water temperatures of 196 specific locations, including the capital, northern, and southern most points of each island, was recorded to determine if the location was a cold-water (average high and low below 15C), warm-water (average high and low above 15C), or temperate-water (average high above 15C and low below 15C) location.Keywords: branding, cold-water, islands, tourism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2241015 Fabrication of High-Aspect Ratio Vertical Silicon Nanowire Electrode Arrays for Brain-Machine Interfaces
Authors: Su Yin Chiam, Zhipeng Ding, Guang Yang, Danny Jian Hang Tng, Peiyi Song, Geok Ing Ng, Ken-Tye Yong, Qing Xin Zhang
Brain-machine interfaces (BMI) is a ground rich of exploration opportunities where manipulation of neural activity are used for interconnect with myriad form of external devices. These research and intensive development were evolved into various areas from medical field, gaming and entertainment industry till safety and security field. The technology were extended for neurological disorders therapy such as obsessive compulsive disorder and Parkinson’s disease by introducing current pulses to specific region of the brain. Nonetheless, the work to develop a real-time observing, recording and altering of neural signal brain-machine interfaces system will require a significant amount of effort to overcome the obstacles in improving this system without delay in response. To date, feature size of interface devices and the density of the electrode population remain as a limitation in achieving seamless performance on BMI. Currently, the size of the BMI devices is ranging from 10 to 100 microns in terms of electrodes’ diameters. Henceforth, to accommodate the single cell level precise monitoring, smaller and denser Nano-scaled nanowire electrode arrays are vital in fabrication. In this paper, we would like to showcase the fabrication of high aspect ratio of vertical silicon nanowire electrodes arrays using microelectromechanical system (MEMS) method. Nanofabrication of the nanowire electrodes involves in deep reactive ion etching, thermal oxide thinning, electron-beam lithography patterning, sputtering of metal targets and bottom anti-reflection coating (BARC) etch. Metallization on the nanowire electrode tip is a prominent process to optimize the nanowire electrical conductivity and this step remains a challenge during fabrication. Metal electrodes were lithographically defined and yet these metal contacts outline a size scale that is larger than nanometer-scale building blocks hence further limiting potential advantages. Therefore, we present an integrated contact solution that overcomes this size constraint through self-aligned Nickel silicidation process on the tip of vertical silicon nanowire electrodes. A 4 x 4 array of vertical silicon nanowires electrodes with the diameter of 290nm and height of 3µm has been successfully fabricated.Keywords: brain-machine interfaces, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), nanowire, nickel silicide
Procedia PDF Downloads 4351014 Review and Analysis of Parkinson's Tremor Genesis Using Mathematical Model
Authors: Pawan Kumar Gupta, Sumana Ghosh
Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a long-term neurodegenerative movement disorder of the central nervous system with vast symptoms related to the motor system. The common symptoms of PD are tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia/akinesia, and postural instability, but the clinical symptom includes other motor and non‐motor issues. The motor symptoms of the disease are consequence of death of the neurons in a region of the midbrain known as substantia nigra pars compacta, leading to decreased level of a neurotransmitter known as dopamine. The cause of this neuron death is not clearly known but involves formation of Lewy bodies, an abnormal aggregation or clumping of the protein alpha-synuclein in the neurons. Unfortunately, there is no cure for PD, and the management of this disease is challenging. Therefore, it is critical for a patient to be diagnosed at early stages. A limited choice of drugs is available to improve the symptoms, but those become less and less effective over time. Apart from that, with rapid growth in the field of science and technology, other methods such as multi-area brain stimulation are used to treat patients. In order to develop advanced techniques and to support drug development for treating PD patients, an accurate mathematical model is needed to explain the underlying relationship of dopamine secretion in the brain with the hand tremors. There has been a lot of effort in the past few decades on modeling PD tremors and treatment effects from a computational point of view. These models can effectively save time as well as the cost of drug development for the pharmaceutical industry and be helpful for selecting appropriate treatment mechanisms among all possible options. In this review paper, an effort is made to investigate studies on PD modeling and analysis and to highlight some of the key advances in the field over the past centuries with discussion on the current challenges.Keywords: Parkinson's disease, deep brain stimulation, tremor, modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 140