Search results for: quickest change detection
5335 A Survey on Ambient Intelligence in Agricultural Technology
Despite the advances made in various new technologies, application of these technologies for agriculture still remains a formidable task, as it involves integration of diverse domains for monitoring the different process involved in agricultural management. Advances in ambient intelligence technology represents one of the most powerful technology for increasing the yield of agricultural crops and to mitigate the impact of water scarcity, climatic change and methods for managing pests, weeds, and diseases. This paper proposes a GPS-assisted, machine to machine solutions that combine information collected by multiple sensors for the automated management of paddy crops. To maintain the economic viability of paddy cultivation, the various techniques used in agriculture are discussed and a novel system which uses ambient intelligence technique is proposed in this paper. The ambient intelligence based agricultural system gives a great scope.Keywords: ambient intelligence, agricultural technology, smart agriculture, precise farming
Procedia PDF Downloads 6075334 Visual Template Detection and Compositional Automatic Regular Expression Generation for Business Invoice Extraction
Authors: Anthony Proschka, Deepak Mishra, Merlyn Ramanan, Zurab Baratashvili
Small and medium-sized businesses receive over 160 billion invoices every year. Since these documents exhibit many subtle differences in layout and text, extracting structured fields such as sender name, amount, and VAT rate from them automatically is an open research question. In this paper, existing work in template-based document extraction is extended, and a system is devised that is able to reliably extract all required fields for up to 70% of all documents in the data set, more than any other previously reported method. The approaches are described for 1) detecting through visual features which template a given document belongs to, 2) automatically generating extraction rules for a given new template by composing regular expressions from multiple components, and 3) computing confidence scores that indicate the accuracy of the automatic extractions. The system can generate templates with as little as one training sample and only requires the ground truth field values instead of detailed annotations such as bounding boxes that are hard to obtain. The system is deployed and used inside a commercial accounting software.Keywords: data mining, information retrieval, business, feature extraction, layout, business data processing, document handling, end-user trained information extraction, document archiving, scanned business documents, automated document processing, F1-measure, commercial accounting software
Procedia PDF Downloads 1315333 Emergence of Carbapenemase Escherichia Coli Isolates from the Little Egret (Egretta Garzetta) in Algeria
Authors: Bouaziz Amira, Zaatout Nawel
Background: Antimicrobial resistance is an urgent global health challenge in human and veterinary medicine, where migratory birds play a major role in the dissemination of multi-drug-resistant bacteria. The aim of this study was to screen for the presence of carbapenemase-producing Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) in the little egret (Egrettagarzetta) migratory bird stools in Algeria. Materials/Methods: In January 2014, 12 feacal samples were collected in Garaet El-Tarf, Oum El-Bouaghi city, Algeria. Samples were subjected to selective isolation of carbapenem-resistant GNB. Representative colonies were identified using the VITEK system. The obtained isolates were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing using the disc-diffusion method as well as carbapenemase production was verified by the modified Carba NP test. Results: In total, ten E. coli were obtained and were resistant to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (100%), ertapenem (70%), cefoxitin (60%) cefotaxime (20%), cefepime (20%), ciprofloxacin (20%) and aztreonam (10%). The phenotypic detection results revealed that six out of the obtained strains were positive for the modified Carba NP test. Conclusion: The present study suggests that the little egret (Egretta garzetta) could be considered a reservoir of carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria.Keywords: antimicrobial resistance, E. coli, Egretta garzetta, carbapenem resistance, dissemination
Procedia PDF Downloads 135332 Choking among Babies, Toddlers and Children with Special Needs: A Review of Mechanisms, Implications, Incidence, and Recommendations of Professional Prevention Guidelines
Authors: Ella Abaev, Shany Segal, Miri Gabay
Background: Choking is a blockage of airways that prevents efficient breathing and air flow to the lungs. Choking may be partial or full and is an emergency situation. Complete or prolonged choking leads to apnea, lack of oxygen in the tissues of the body and brain, and can cause death. There are three mechanisms of choking: obstruction of internal respiratory tracts by food or object aspiration, any material that blocks or covers external air passages, external pressure on the neck or trapping between objects. Children's airways are narrower than that of adults and therefore the risk of choking is greater, due to the aspiration of food and other foreign bodies into the lungs. In the Child Development Center at Safra Children’s Hospital, Tel Hashomer in Israel are treated infants, toddlers, and children aged 0-18 years with various developmental disabilities. Due to the increase in reports of ‘almost an event’ of choking in the past year and the serious consequences of choking event, it was decided to give an emphasis to the issue. Incidence and methods: The number of reports of ‘almost an event’ or a choking event was examined at the center during the years 2013-2018 and a thorough research work was conducted on the subject in order to build a prevention program. Findings: Between 2013 and 2018 the center reported about ten cases of ‘almost choking events’. In the middle of 2018 alone three cases of ‘almost an event’ were reported. Objective: Providing knowledge leads to awareness raise, change of perception, change in behavior and prevention. The center employs more than 130 staff members from various sectors so that it is the work of multi-professional teams to promote the quality and safety of the treatment. The familiarity of the staff with risk factors, prevention guidelines, identification of choking signs, and treatment are most important and significant in determining the outcome of a choking event. Conclusions and recommendations: After in-depth research work was carried out in cooperation with the Risk Management Unit on the subject of choking, which include a description of the definitions, mechanisms, risk factors, treatment methods and extensive recommendations for prevention (e.g. using treatment and stimulation accessories with standards association stamps and adjustment of the type of food and the way it is served to match to the child's age and the ability to swallow). The expected stages of development and emphasis on the population of children with special needs were taken into account. The research findings will be published by the staff and parents of the patients, professional publications, and lectures and there is an expectation to decrease the number of choking events in the next years.Keywords: children with special needs, choking, educational system, prevention guidelines
Procedia PDF Downloads 1805331 A Q-Methodology Approach for the Evaluation of Land Administration Mergers
Authors: Tsitsi Nyukurayi Muparari, Walter Timo De Vries, Jaap Zevenbergen
The nature of Land administration accommodates diversity in terms of both spatial data handling activities and the expertise involved, which supposedly aims to satisfy the unpredictable demands of land data and the diverse demands of the customers arising from the land. However, it is known that strategic decisions of restructuring are in most cases repelled in favour of complex structures that strive to accommodate professional diversity and diverse roles in the field of Land administration. Yet despite of this widely accepted knowledge, there is scanty theoretical knowledge concerning the psychological methodologies that can extract the deeper perceptions from the diverse spatial expertise in order to explain the invisible control arm of the polarised reception of the ideas of change. This paper evaluates Q methodology in the context of a cadastre and land registry merger (under one agency) using the Swedish cadastral system as a case study. Precisely, the aim of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of Q methodology towards modelling the diverse psychological perceptions of spatial professionals who are in a widely contested decision of merging the cadastre and land registry components of Land administration using the Swedish cadastral system as a case study. An empirical approach that is prescribed by Q methodology starts with the concourse development, followed by the design of statements and q sort instrument, selection of the participants, the q-sorting exercise, factor extraction by PQMethod and finally narrative development by logic of abduction. The paper uses 36 statements developed from a dominant competing value theory that stands out on its reliability and validity, purposively selects 19 participants to do the Qsorting exercise, proceeds with factor extraction from the diversity using varimax rotation and judgemental rotation provided by PQMethod and effect the narrative construction using the logic abduction. The findings from the diverse perceptions from cadastral professionals in the merger decision of land registry and cadastre components in Sweden’s mapping agency (Lantmäteriet) shows that focus is rather inclined on the perfection of the relationship between the legal expertise and technical spatial expertise. There is much emphasis on tradition, loyalty and communication attributes which concern the organisation’s internal environment rather than innovation and market attributes that reveals customer behavior and needs arising from the changing humankind-land needs. It can be concluded that Q methodology offers effective tools that pursues a psychological approach for the evaluation and gradations of the decisions of strategic change through extracting the local perceptions of spatial expertise.Keywords: cadastre, factor extraction, land administration merger, land registry, q-methodology, rotation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1965330 Study of Temperature and Precipitation Changes Based on the Scenarios (IPCC) in the Caspian Sea City: Case Study in Gillan Province
Authors: Leila Rashidian, Mina Rajabali
Industrialization has made progress and comfort for human beings in many aspects. It is not only achievement for the global environment but also factor for destruction and disruption of the Earth's climate. In this study, we used LARS.WG model and down scaling of general circulation climate model HADCM-3 daily precipitation amounts, minimum and maximum temperature and daily sunshine hours. These data are provided by the meteorological organization for Caspian Sea coastal station such as Anzali, Manjil, Rasht, Lahijan and Astara since their establishment is from 1982 until 2010. According to the IPCC scenarios, including series A1b, A2, B1, we tried to simulate data from 2010 to 2040. The rainfall pattern has changed. So we have a rainfall distribution inappropriate in different months.Keywords: climate change, Lars.WG, HADCM3, Gillan province, climatic parameters, A2 scenario
Procedia PDF Downloads 2855329 Fabrication of Gold Nanoparticles Self-Assembled Functionalized Improved Graphene on Carbon Paste Electrode for Electrochemical Determination of Levodopa in the Presence of Ascorbic Acid
Authors: Mohammad Ali Karimi, Hossein Tavallali, Abdolhamid Hatefi-Mehrjardi
In this study, an electrochemical sensor based on gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) functionalized improved graphene (AuNPs-IGE) was fabricated for selective determination of L-dopa in the presence of ascorbic acid by a novel self-assembly method. The AuNP IGE modified carbon paste electrode (AuNPs-IGE/CPE) utilized for investigation of the electrochemical behavior of L-dopa in phosphate buffer solution. Compared to bare CPE, AuNPs-IGE/CPE shows novel properties towards the electrochemical redox of levodopa (L-dopa) in phosphate buffer solution at pH 4.0. The oxidation potential of L-dopa shows a significant decrease at the AuNPs-IGE/CPE. The oxidation current of L-dopa is higher than that of the unmodified CPE. AuNPs-IG/CPE shows excellent electrocatalytic activity for the oxidation of ascorbic acid (AA). Using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) method, the oxidation current is well linear with L-dopa concentration in the range of 0.4–50 µmol L-1, with a detection limit of about 1.41 nmol L-1 (S/N = 3). Therefore, it was applied to measure L-dopa from real samples that recoveries are 94.6-106.2%. The proposed electrode can also effectively avoid the interference of ascorbic acid, making the proposed sensor suitable for the accurate determination of L-dopa in both pharmaceutical preparations and human body fluids.Keywords: gold nanoparticles, improved graphene, L-dopa, self-assembly
Procedia PDF Downloads 2215328 Advancing Food System Resilience by Pseudocereals Utilization
Authors: Yevheniia Varyvoda, Douglas Taren
At the aggregate level, climate variability, the rising number of active violent conflicts, globalization and industrialization of agriculture, the loss in diversity of crop species, the increase in demand for agricultural production, and the adoption of healthy and sustainable dietary patterns are exacerbating factors of food system destabilization. The importance of pseudocereals to fuel and sustain resilient food systems is recognized by leading organizations working to end hunger, particularly for their critical capability to diversify livelihood portfolios and provide plant-sourced healthy nutrition in the face of systemic shocks and stresses. Amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa are the most promising and used pseudocereals for ensuring food system resilience in the reality of climate change due to their high nutritional profile, good digestibility, palatability, medicinal value, abiotic stress tolerance, pest and disease resistance, rapid growth rate, adaptability to marginal and degraded lands, high genetic variability, low input requirements, and income generation capacity. The study provides the rationale and examples of advancing local and regional food systems' resilience by scaling up the utilization of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa along all components of food systems to architect indirect nutrition interventions and climate-smart approaches. Thus, this study aims to explore the drivers for ancient pseudocereal utilization, the potential resilience benefits that can be derived from using them, and the challenges and opportunities for pseudocereal utilization within the food system components. The PSALSAR framework regarding the method for conducting systematic review and meta-analysis for environmental science research was used to answer these research questions. Nevertheless, the utilization of pseudocereals has been slow for a number of reasons, namely the increased production of commercial and major staples such as maize, rice, wheat, soybean, and potato, the displacement due to pressure from imported crops, lack of knowledge about value-adding practices in food supply chain, limited technical knowledge and awareness about nutritional and health benefits, absence of marketing channels and limited access to extension services and information about resilient crops. The success of climate-resilient pathways based on pseudocereal utilization underlines the importance of co-designed activities that use modern technologies, high-value traditional knowledge of underutilized crops, and a strong acknowledgment of cultural norms to increase community-level economic and food system resilience.Keywords: resilience, pseudocereals, food system, climate change
Procedia PDF Downloads 825327 Analysis of the Influence of Support Failure on the Dynamic Effect of Bridge Structure
Authors: Sun Fan, Wu Xiaoguang, Fang Miaomiao, Wei Chi
The degree of damage to the support is simulated by finite element software, and its influence on the static and dynamic effects of the bridge structure is analyzed. Four working conditions are selected for the study of bearing damage impact: the bearing is intact (condition 1), the bearing damage coefficient is 0.8 (condition 2), the bearing damage coefficient is 0.6 (condition 3), and the bearing damage coefficient is 0.4 (Working Condition 4). The effect value of the bridge structure under each working condition is calculated, and the simple-supported girder bridge and continuous girder bridge with typical spans are taken as examples to analyze the overall change of the bridge structure after the bearing completely fails.Keywords: bridge bearing damage, dynamic response, finite element analysis, load conditions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2305326 An Integrated Framework for Engaging Stakeholders in the Circular Economy Processes Using Building Information Modeling and Virtual Reality
Authors: Erisasadat Sahebzamani, Núria Forcada, Francisco Lendinez
Global climate change has become increasingly problematic over the past few decades. The construction industry has contributed to greenhouse gas emissions in recent decades. Considering these issues and the high demand for materials in the construction industry, Circular Economy (CE) is considered necessary to keep materials in the loop and extend their useful lives. By providing tangible benefits, Construction 4.0 facilitates the adoption of CE by reducing waste, updating standard work, sharing knowledge, and increasing transparency and stability. This study aims to present a framework for integrating CE and digital tools like Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Virtual Reality (VR) to examine the impact on the construction industry based on stakeholders' perspectives.Keywords: circular economy, building information modeling, virtual reality, stakeholder engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1115325 Correlation between Microalbuminuria and Hypertension in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Authors: Alia Ali, Azeem Taj, Muhammed Joher Amin, Farrukh Iqbal, Zafar Iqbal
Background: Hypertension is commonly found in patients with Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD). Microalbuminuria is the first clinical sign of involvement of kidneys in patients with type 2 diabetes. Uncontrolled hypertension induces a higher risk of cardiovascular events, including death, increasing proteinuria and progression to kidney disease. Objectives: To determine the correlation between microalbuminuria and hypertension and their association with other risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients. Methods: One hundred and thirteen type 2 diabetic patients were screened for microalbuminuria and raised blood pressure, attending the diabetic clinic of Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. The study was conducted from November 2012 to June 2013. Results: Patients were divided into two groups. Group 1, those with normoalbuminuria (n=63) and Group 2, those having microalbuminuria (n=50). Group 2 patients showed higher blood pressure values as compared to Group 1. The results were statistically significant and showed poor glycemic control as a contributing risk factor. Conclusion: The study concluded that there is high frequency of hypertension among type 2 diabetics but still much higher among those having microalbuminuria. So, early recognition of renal dysfunction through detection of microalbuminuria and to start treatment without any delay will confer future protection from end-stage renal disease as well as hypertension and its complications in type 2 diabetic patients.Keywords: hypertension, microalbuminuria, diabetic kidney disease, type 2 Diabetes mellitus
Procedia PDF Downloads 3995324 Genotyping of Salmonella enterica Collected from Poultry Farms Located in Riyadh, KSA by Multiplex-PCR
Authors: Moussa I. Mohamed, Turki, K. A. Al-Faraj, Abdullah A. Al-Arfaj, Ashgan M. Hessain
The objective of the present study is to detect the incidences of Salmonella enterica from different poultry farms located in Egypt on molecular basis. During the summer of 2012, a total of 1800 cloacal swabs were collected from poultry farms located I Cairo, Egypt to be subjected for isolation of Salmonella enteric. Moreover, a total of 300 samples of poultry and poultry products were collected from different retail establishment markets in Cairo, Egypt including, 150 local whole frozen chickens, 50 imported whole frozen chickens, 100 local chicken cut samples. The highest rate of isolation 8% was obtained from imported frozen chickens and local chicken cuts, followed by local frozen chickens 6.66% and finally rectal swabs from apparently health chickens 6.4 %. Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis were most frequent among the total Salmonella isolates. Multiplex-PCR for the rapid detection of Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis from field samples especially after pre-enrichment on Rappaport-Vassiliadis (RV) selective broth (PCR-RV), revealed the same positive samples. Therefore PCR-RV technique is rabid, time saving and applicable to detect Salmonella serovars directly from chicken samples. Moreover, detecting Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis by this assay was carried out within 2 days opposed to 5–6 d by the bacteriological and serological methods.Keywords: Salmonella enterica, Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella enteritidis enrichment, multiplex-PCR
Procedia PDF Downloads 3755323 Systematic Exploration and Modulation of Nano-Bio Interactions
Authors: Bing Yan
Nanomaterials are widely used in various industrial sectors, biomedicine, and more than 1300 consumer products. Although there is still no standard safety regulation, their potential toxicity is a major concern worldwide. We discovered that nanoparticles target and enter human cells1, perturb cellular signaling pathways2, affect various cell functions3, and cause malfunctions in animals4,5. Because the majority of atoms in nanoparticles are on the surface, chemistry modification on their surface may change their biological properties significantly. We modified nanoparticle surface using nano-combinatorial chemistry library approach6. Novel nanoparticles were discovered to exhibit significantly reduced toxicity6,7, enhance cancer targeting ability8, or re-program cellular signaling machineries7. Using computational chemistry, quantitative nanostructure-activity relationship (QNAR) is established and predictive models have been built to predict biocompatible nanoparticles.Keywords: nanoparticle, nanotoxicity, nano-bio, nano-combinatorial chemistry, nanoparticle library
Procedia PDF Downloads 4095322 Analysis of the Strip Shape and Microstructure with Consideration of Roll Crossing and Shifting
Authors: Z. Y. Jiang, H. B. Tibar, A. Aljabri
Optimisation of the physical and mechanical properties of cold rolled thin strips is achieved by controlling the rolling parameters. In this paper, the factors affecting the asymmetrical cold rolling of thin low carbon steel strip have been studied at a speed ratio of 1.1 without lubricant applied. The effect of rolling parameters on the resulting microstructure was also investigated. It was found that under dry condition, work roll shifting and work roll cross angle can improve the strip profile, and the result is more significant with an increase of work roll cross angle rather than that of work roll shifting. However, there was no obvious change in microstructure. In addition, effects of rolling parameters on strip profile and microstructure have also been discussed.Keywords: rolling speed ratio, microstructure, work roll cross angle, work roll shifting
Procedia PDF Downloads 4265321 Lossless Secret Image Sharing Based on Integer Discrete Cosine Transform
Authors: Li Li, Ahmed A. Abd El-Latif, Aya El-Fatyany, Mohamed Amin
This paper proposes a new secret image sharing method based on integer discrete cosine transform (IntDCT). It first transforms the original image into the frequency domain (DCT coefficients) using IntDCT, which are operated on each block with size 8*8. Then, it generates shares among each DCT coefficients in the same place of each block, that is, all the DC components are used to generate DC shares, the ith AC component in each block are utilized to generate ith AC shares, and so on. The DC and AC shares components with the same number are combined together to generate DCT shadows. Experimental results and analyses show that the proposed method can recover the original image lossless than those methods based on traditional DCT and is more sensitive to tiny change in both the coefficients and the content of the image.Keywords: secret image sharing, integer DCT, lossless recovery, sensitivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 4005320 Graphene Oxide Fiber with Different Exfoliation Time and Activated Carbon Particle
Authors: Nuray Uçar, Mervin Ölmez, Özge Alptoğa, Nilgün K. Yavuz, Ayşen Önen
In recent years, research on continuous graphene oxide fibers has been intensified. Therefore, many factors of production stages are being studied. In this study, the effect of exfoliation time and presence of activated carbon particle (ACP) on graphene oxide fiber’s properties has been analyzed. It has been seen that cross-sectional appearance of sample with ACP is harsh and porous because of ACP. The addition of ACP did not change the electrical conductivity. However, ACP results in an enormous decrease of mechanical properties. Longer exfoliation time results to higher crystallinity degree, C/O ratio and less d space between layers. The breaking strength and electrical conductivity of sample with less exfoliation time is some higher than sample with high exfoliation time.Keywords: activated carbon, coagulation by wet spinning, exfoliation, graphene oxide fiber
Procedia PDF Downloads 3435319 Robotics Education Continuity from Diaper Age to Doctorate
Authors: Vesa Salminen, Esa Santakallio, Heikki Ruohomaa
Introduction: The city of Riihimäki has decided robotics on well-being, service and industry as the main focus area on their ecosystem strategy. Robotics is going to be an important part of the everyday life of citizens and present in the working day of the average citizen and employee in the future. For that reason, also education system and education programs on all levels of education from diaper age to doctorate have been directed to fulfill this ecosystem strategy. Goal: The objective of this activity has been to develop education continuity from diaper age to doctorate. The main target of the development activity is to create a unique robotics study entity that enables ongoing robotics studies from preprimary education to university. The aim is also to attract students internationally and supply a skilled workforce to the private sector, capable of the challenges of the future. Methodology: Education instances (high school, second grade, Universities on all levels) in a large area of Tavastia Province have gradually directed their education programs to support this goal. On the other hand, applied research projects have been created to make proof of concept- phases on areal real environment field labs to test technology opportunities and digitalization to change business processes by applying robotic solutions. Customer-oriented applied research projects offer for students in robotics education learning environments to learn new knowledge and content. That is also a learning environment for education programs to adapt and co-evolution. New content and problem-based learning are used in future education modules. Major findings: Joint robotics education entity is being developed in cooperation with the city of Riihimäki (primary education), Syria Education (secondary education) and HAMK (bachelor and master education). The education modules have been developed to enable smooth transitioning from one institute to another. This article is introduced a case study of the change of education of wellbeing education because of digitalization and robotics. Riihimäki's Elderly citizen's service house, Riihikoti, has been working as a field lab for proof-of-concept phases on testing technology opportunities. According to successful case studies also education programs on various levels of education have been changing. Riihikoti has been developed as a physical learning environment for home care and robotics, investigating and developing a variety of digital devices and service opportunities and experimenting and learn the use of equipment. The environment enables the co-development of digital service capabilities in the authentic environment for all interested groups in transdisciplinary cooperation.Keywords: ecosystem strategy, digitalization and robotics, education continuity, learning environment, transdisciplinary co-operation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1765318 Adopting Collaborative Business Processes to Prevent the Loss of Information in Public Administration Organisations
Authors: A. Capodieci, G. Del Fiore, L. Mainetti
Recently, the use of web 2.0 tools has increased in companies and public administration organizations. This phenomenon, known as "Enterprise 2.0", has, de facto, modified common organizational and operative practices. This has led “knowledge workers” to change their working practices through the use of Web 2.0 communication tools. Unfortunately, these tools have not been integrated with existing enterprise information systems, a situation that could potentially lead to a loss of information. This is an important problem in an organizational context, because knowledge of information exchanged within the organization is needed to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the organization. In this article we demonstrate that it is possible to capture this knowledge using collaboration processes, which are processes of abstraction created in accordance with design patterns and applied to new organizational operative practices.Keywords: business practices, business process patterns, collaboration tools, enterprise 2.0, knowledge workers
Procedia PDF Downloads 3625317 The Impact of Space Charges on the Electromechanical Constraints in HVDC Power Cable Containing Defects
Authors: H. Medoukali, B. Zegnini
Insulation techniques in high-voltage cables rely heavily on chemically synapsed polyethylene. The latter may contain manufacturing defects such as small cavities, for example. The presence of the cavity affects the distribution of the electric field at the level of the insulating layer; this change in the electric field is affected by the presence of different space charge densities within the insulating material. This study is carried out by performing simulations to determine the distribution of the electric field inside the insulator. The simulations are based on the creation of a two-dimensional model of a high-voltage cable of 154 kV using the COMSOL Multiphysics software. Each time we study the effect of changing the space charge density of on the electromechanical Constraints.Keywords: COMSOL multiphysics, electric field, HVDC, microcavities, space charges, XLPE
Procedia PDF Downloads 1365316 Drivers and Barriers for Implementing Environmental Management in Beverage Processors: A Case of Thailand
Authors: Auttasuriyanan Pakpoom, Setthasakko Watchaneeporn
The main purpose of this study is to gain a clearer understanding of key determinants that drive environmental management and barriers that hinder its development. The study employs semi-structured interviews with key informants accompanied by site observations. Key informants include production, environmental and plant managers of six beverage companies, including three Thai and three multinational companies in Thailand. It is found that corporate image, government subsidies, top management leadership and education institutes are four primary factors influencing the implementation of environmental management in the beverage processors. No demand from Asian buyers, employee resistance to change and lack of environmental knowledge are identified as barriers.Keywords: environmental management, beverage, government subsidies, education institutes, employee resistance, environmental knowledge, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 2535315 Towards the Rapid Synthesis of High-Quality Monolayer Continuous Film of Graphene on High Surface Free Energy Existing Plasma Modified Cu Foil
Authors: Maddumage Don Sandeepa Lakshad Wimalananda, Jae-Kwan Kim, Ji-Myon Lee
Graphene is an extraordinary 2D material that shows superior electrical, optical, and mechanical properties for the applications such as transparent contacts. Further, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique facilitates to synthesizing of large-area graphene, including transferability. The abstract is describing the use of high surface free energy (SFE) and nano-scale high-density surface kinks (rough) existing Cu foil for CVD graphene growth, which is an opposite approach to modern use of catalytic surfaces for high-quality graphene growth, but the controllable rough morphological nature opens new era to fast synthesis (less than the 50s with a short annealing process) of graphene as a continuous film over conventional longer process (30 min growth). The experiments were shown that high SFE condition and surface kinks on Cu(100) crystal plane existing Cu catalytic surface facilitated to synthesize graphene with high monolayer and continuous nature because it can influence the adsorption of C species with high concentration and which can be facilitated by faster nucleation and growth of graphene. The fast nucleation and growth are lowering the diffusion of C atoms to Cu-graphene interface, which is resulting in no or negligible formation of bilayer patches. High energy (500W) Ar plasma treatment (inductively Coupled plasma) was facilitated to form rough and high SFE existing (54.92 mJm-2) Cu foil. This surface was used to grow the graphene by using CVD technique at 1000C for 50s. The introduced kink-like high SFE existing point on Cu(100) crystal plane facilitated to faster nucleation of graphene with a high monolayer ratio (I2D/IG is 2.42) compared to another different kind of smooth morphological and low SFE existing Cu surfaces such as Smoother surface, which is prepared by the redeposit of Cu evaporating atoms during the annealing (RRMS is 13.3nm). Even high SFE condition was favorable to synthesize graphene with monolayer and continuous nature; It fails to maintain clean (surface contains amorphous C clusters) and defect-free condition (ID/IG is 0.46) because of high SFE of Cu foil at the graphene growth stage. A post annealing process was used to heal and overcome previously mentioned problems. Different CVD atmospheres such as CH4 and H2 were used, and it was observed that there is a negligible change in graphene nature (number of layers and continuous condition) but it was observed that there is a significant difference in graphene quality because the ID/IG ratio of the graphene was reduced to 0.21 after the post-annealing with H2 gas. Addition to the change of graphene defectiveness the FE-SEM images show there was a reduction of C cluster contamination of the surface. High SFE conditions are favorable to form graphene as a monolayer and continuous film, but it fails to provide defect-free graphene. Further, plasma modified high SFE existing surface can be used to synthesize graphene within 50s, and a post annealing process can be used to reduce the defectiveness.Keywords: chemical vapor deposition, graphene, morphology, plasma, surface free energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2445314 Integrated Machine Learning Framework for At-Home Patients Personalized Risk Prediction Using Activities, Biometric, and Demographic Features
Authors: Claire Xu, Welton Wang, Manasvi Pinnaka, Anqi Pan, Michael Han
Hospitalizations account for one-third of the total health care spending in the US. Early risk detection and intervention can reduce this high cost and increase the satisfaction of both patients and physicians. Due to the lack of awareness of the potential arising risks in home environment, the opportunities for patients to seek early actions of clinical visits are dramatically reduced. This research aims to offer a highly personalized remote patients monitoring and risk assessment AI framework to identify the potentially preventable hospitalization for both acute as well as chronic diseases. A hybrid-AI framework is trained with data from clinical setting, patients surveys, as well as online databases. 20+ risk factors are analyzed ranging from activities, biometric info, demographic info, socio-economic info, hospitalization history, medication info, lifestyle info, etc. The AI model yields high performance of 87% accuracy and 88 sensitivity with 20+ features. This hybrid-AI framework is proven to be effective in identifying the potentially preventable hospitalization. Further, the high indicative features are identified by the models which guide us to a healthy lifestyle and early intervention suggestions.Keywords: hospitalization prevention, machine learning, remote patient monitoring, risk prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2375313 Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: Fostering Innovation and Sustainability
Authors: Naziema Begum Jappie
Leadership and entrepreneurship in higher education have become critical components in navigating the evolving landscape of academia in the 21st century. This abstract explores the multifaceted relationship between leadership and entrepreneurship within the realm of higher education, emphasizing their roles in fostering innovation and sustainability. Higher education institutions, often characterized as slow-moving and resistant to change, are facing unprecedented challenges. Globalization, rapid technological advancements, changing student demographics, and financial constraints necessitate a reimagining of traditional models. Leadership in higher education must embrace entrepreneurial thinking to effectively address these challenges. Entrepreneurship in higher education involves cultivating a culture of innovation, risk-taking, and adaptability. Visionary leaders who promote entrepreneurship within their institutions empower faculty and staff to think creatively, seek new opportunities, and engage with external partners. These entrepreneurial efforts lead to the development of novel programs, research initiatives, and sustainable revenue streams. Innovation in curriculum and pedagogy is a central aspect of leadership and entrepreneurship in higher education. Forward-thinking leaders encourage faculty to experiment with teaching methods and technology, fostering a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for an ever-changing job market. Entrepreneurial leadership also facilitates the creation of interdisciplinary programs that address emerging fields and societal challenges. Collaboration is key to entrepreneurship in higher education. Leaders must establish partnerships with industry, government, and non-profit organizations to enhance research opportunities, secure funding, and provide real-world experiences for students. Entrepreneurial leaders leverage their institutions' resources to build networks that extend beyond campus boundaries, strengthening their positions in the global knowledge economy. Financial sustainability is a pressing concern for higher education institutions. Entrepreneurial leadership involves diversifying revenue streams through innovative fundraising campaigns, partnerships, and alternative educational models. Leaders who embrace entrepreneurship are better equipped to navigate budget constraints and ensure the long-term viability of their institutions. In conclusion, leadership and entrepreneurship are intertwined elements essential to the continued relevance and success of higher education institutions. Visionary leaders who champion entrepreneurship foster innovation, enhance the student experience, and secure the financial future of their institutions. As academia continues to evolve, leadership and entrepreneurship will remain indispensable tools in shaping the future of higher education. This abstract underscores the importance of these concepts and their potential to drive positive change within the higher education landscape.Keywords: entrepreneurship, higher education, innovation, leadership
Procedia PDF Downloads 715312 ParkedGuard: An Efficient and Accurate Parked Domain Detection System Using Graphical Locality Analysis and Coarse-To-Fine Strategy
Authors: Chia-Min Lai, Wan-Ching Lin, Hahn-Ming Lee, Ching-Hao Mao
As world wild internet has non-stop developments, making profit by lending registered domain names emerges as a new business in recent years. Unfortunately, the larger the market scale of domain lending service becomes, the riskier that there exist malicious behaviors or malwares hiding behind parked domains will be. Also, previous work for differentiating parked domain suffers two main defects: 1) too much data-collecting effort and CPU latency needed for features engineering and 2) ineffectiveness when detecting parked domains containing external links that are usually abused by hackers, e.g., drive-by download attack. Aiming for alleviating above defects without sacrificing practical usability, this paper proposes ParkedGuard as an efficient and accurate parked domain detector. Several scripting behavioral features were analyzed, while those with special statistical significance are adopted in ParkedGuard to make feature engineering much more cost-efficient. On the other hand, finding memberships between external links and parked domains was modeled as a graph mining problem, and a coarse-to-fine strategy was elaborately designed by leverage the graphical locality such that ParkedGuard outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of both recall and precision rates.Keywords: coarse-to-fine strategy, domain parking service, graphical locality analysis, parked domain
Procedia PDF Downloads 4095311 Research on Urban Thermal Environment Climate Map Based on GIS: Taking Shapingba District, Chongqing as an Example
Authors: Zhao Haoyue
Due to the combined effects of climate change, urban expansion, and population growth, various environmental issues, such as urban heat islands and pollution, arise. Therefore, reliable information on urban environmental climate is needed to address and mitigate the negative effects. The emergence of urban climate maps provides a practical basis for urban climate regulation and improvement. This article takes Shapingba District, Chongqing City, as an example to study the construction method of urban thermal environment climate maps based on GIS spatial analysis technology. The thermal load, ventilation potential analysis map, and thermal environment comprehensive analysis map were obtained. Based on the classification criteria obtained from the climate map, corresponding protection and planning mitigation measures have been proposed.Keywords: urban climate, GIS, heat island analysis, urban thermal environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1145310 The Role of State in Promoting the Green Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities in Taiwan
Authors: Po-Kun Tsai
The issue of climate change is essential in the 21st century. State governments have launched types of strategic industrial policies to encourage more widespread R&D in green technology. Research also indicates that technology is an essential tool to mitigate some of extreme situations. However, one could learn from several prominent cases in international trade area that they have been easily argued and disputed by the foreign counterparts. Thus, how to justify the public sector’s R&D measures under the current world trading system and how to promote the transfer of environmentally sound technologies (EST) to developing states are crucial. The study is to undertake a preliminary examination of the current R&D research area in green technology in Taiwan. Through selective interviews and comparative approach, it tries to identify the loopholes under the current legal framework in Taiwan. It would be, as a basis, for further legal and policy recommendations for the benefits of mankind.Keywords: government, R&D, innovation, environmentally sound technology (EST)
Procedia PDF Downloads 4815309 Evaluation of Geotechnical Parameters at Nubian Habitations in Kurkur Area, Aswan, Egypt
Authors: R. E. Fat-Helbary, A. A. Abdel-latief, M. S. Arfa, Alaa Mostafa
The Egyptian Government proposed a general plan, aiming at constructing new settlements for Nubian in south Aswan in different places around Nasser Lake, one of these settlements in Kurkur area. The Nubian habitations in Wadi Kurkur are located around 30 km southwest of Aswan City. This area are affecting by near distance earthquakes from Kalabsha faults system. The shallow seismic refraction technique was conducted at the study area, to evaluate the soil and rock material quality and geotechnical parameters, in addition to the detection of the subsurface ground model under the study area. The P and S-wave velocities were calculated. The surface layer has P-wave, velocity ranges from 900 m/sec to 1625 m/sec and S-wave velocity ranges from 650 m/sec to 1400 m/sec. On the other hand the bedrock has P-wave velocity ranges from 1300 m/sec to 1980 m/sec and S-wave velocity ranges from 1050 m/sec to1725 m/sec. Measuring Vp and Vs velocities together with bulk density are calculated and used to extract the mechanical properties and geotechnical parameters of the foundation material at the study area. Output of this study is very important for solving the problems, which associated with the construction of various civil engineering purposes, for land use planning and for earthquakes resistant structure design.Keywords: shallow seismic refraction technique, Kurkur area, p and s-wave velocities, geotechnical parameters, bulk density, Kalabsha faults
Procedia PDF Downloads 4275308 Machining Stability of a Milling Machine with Different Preloaded Spindle
Authors: Jui-Pin Hung, Qiao-Wen Chang, Kung-Da Wu, Yong-Run Chen
This study was aimed to investigate the machining stability of a spindle tool with different preloaded amount. To this end, the vibration tests were conducted on the spindle unit with different preload to assess the dynamic characteristics and machining stability of the spindle unit. Current results demonstrate that the tool tip frequency response characteristics and the machining stabilities in X and Y direction are affected to change for spindle with different preload. As can be found from the results, a high preloaded spindle tool shows higher limited cutting depth at mid position, while a spindle with low preload shows a higher limited depth. This implies that the machining stability of spindle tool system is affected to vary by the machine frame structure. Besides, such an effect is quite different and varied with the preload of the spindle.Keywords: bearing preload, dynamic compliance, machining stability, spindle
Procedia PDF Downloads 3865307 Pharmacokinetic Study of Clarithromycin in Human Female of Pakistani Population
Authors: Atifa Mushtaq, Tanweer Khaliq, Hafiz Alam Sher, Asia Farid, Anila Kanwal, Maliha Sarfraz
The study was designed to assess the various pharmacokinetic parameters of a commercially available clarithromycin Tablet (Klaricid® 250 mg Abbot, Pakistan) in plasma sample of healthy adult female volunteers by applying a rapid, sensitive and accurate HPLC-UV analytical method. The human plasma samples were evaluated by using an isocratic High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system of Sykam consisted of a pump with a column C18 column (250×4.6mn, 5µm) UV-detector. The mobile phase comprises of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (50 mM, pH 6.8, contained 0.7% triethylamine), methanol and acetonitrile (30:25:45, v/v/v) was delivered with injection volume of 20µL at flow rate of 1 mL/min. The detection was performed at λmax 275 nm. By applying this method, important pharmacokinetic parameters Cmax, Tmax, Area under curve (AUC), half-life (t1/2), , Volume of distribution (Vd) and Clearance (Cl) were measured. The parameters of pharmacokinetics of clarithromycin were calculated by software (APO) pharmacological analysis. Maximum plasma concentrations Cmax 2.78 ±0.33 µg/ml, time to reach maximum concentration tmax 2.82 ± 0.11 h and Area under curve AUC was 20.14 h.µg/ml. The mean ± SD values obtained for the pharmacokinetic parameters showed a significant difference in pharmacokinetic parameters observed in previous literature which emphasizes the need for dose adjustment of clarithromycin in Pakistani population.Keywords: Pharmacokinetc, Clarothromycin, HPLC, Pakistan
Procedia PDF Downloads 1085306 Effect of Perioperative Multimodal Analgesia on Postoperative Opioid Consumption and Complications in Elderly Traumatic Hip Fracture Patients: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials
Authors: Raheel Shakoor Siddiqui, Shahbaz Malik, Manikandar Srinivas Cheruvu, Sanjay Narayana Murthy, Livio DiMascio
Background: elderly traumatic hip fracture patients frequently present to trauma services globally. Rising low energy falls amongst an osteoporotic aging population is the commonest cause for injury. Hip fractures in this population are a major cause for severe pain, morbidity and mortality. The term hip fracture is interchangeable with neck of femur fracture, fractured neck of femur or proximal femur fracture. Hip fracture pain management protocols and guidelines suggest conventional analgesia, nerve block and opioid based treatment as rescue analgesia. There is a current global opioid crisis with overuse, abuse and dependence. Adverse opioid related complications in vulnerable elderly patients further adds to morbidity and mortality. Systematic reviews in literature have evidenced superiority of multimodal analgesia in osteoarthritic primary joint replacements compared to opioids however, this has not yet been conducted for elderly traumatic hip fracture patients. Aims: The primary aim of this systematic review is to provide standardised evidence following Cochrane and PRISMA guidance in determining advantages of perioperative multimodal analgesia over conventional opioid based treatments in elderly traumatic hip fractures. Methods: 5 databases were searched from January 2000-2023 which identified 8 randomised controlled trials and 446 total participants. These trials met defined PICOS eligibility criteria of patient mean age ≥ 65 years presenting with a unilateral traumatic fractured neck of femur for operative intervention. Analgesic intervention with perioperative multimodal analgesia has been compared to conventional opioid based analgesia. Outcomes of interest include, primarily, the change in postoperative opioid consumption within a 0-30 postoperative period and secondarily, the change in postoperative adverse events and complications. A qualitative synthesis has been performed due to clinical heterogenicity and variance amongst trials. Results: GRADE evidence of moderate quality supports perioperative multimodal analgesia leads to a reduction in postoperative opioid consumption however, low quality evidence supports a reduction of adverse effects and complications. Conclusion: Perioperative multimodal analgesia whether used preoperative, intraoperative and/or postoperative leads to a reduction in postoperative opioid consumption for elderly traumatic hip fracture patients. This review recommends the use of perioperative multimodal analgesia as part of hip fracture pain protocols however, caution and clinical judgement should be used as the risk of adverse effects may not be lower.Keywords: trauma, orthopaedics, hip, fracture, neck of femur fracture, analgesia, multimodal analgesia, opioid
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