Search results for: quantitative measurement
1274 Human Resources Development and Management: A Guide to School Owners
Authors: Charita B. Lasala, Lakambini G. Reluya
The human factor composing the organization is an asset that needs to be managed conscientiously and to be in tuned with the organization’s need. Thus, the human resources add value to the organization by using their talents, skills and knowledge in transforming the other resources of the organization to either produce or to deliver products and services that generate profits or other valued forms for return. Keeping these kinds of employees has always been the main goal of each Human Resources Department in every company worldwide; regardless of the work being done. They are the most important resource a company can have and treating them well will make them priceless assets that can help make a business a success. Larmen de Guia Memorial College (LGMC) and Royal Oaks International School (ROIS) is one of the many organizations that seek ways to keep the human factor and are in the process of formalization and that people management is on the top of the list thus, this study was made since there was a need for the creation of the Human Resources Department due to its absence in the organization and to help the organization in keeping these valued employees. The study was anchored on the concept that human resources consist of people who perform its activities and that all decisions that affect the workforce concern the organization’s human resources functions. In conducting this study, it made use of the mixed method using both the qualitative and quantitative approaches with focus group discussions. The design has three stages namely: problem conceptualization, case analysis, and output. The output from the survey and interviews tells the abstracted ideas on the proposed HR program for the said institution. Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the personnel in the institution is not in the correct perspective, much more that the personnel has no specific job descriptions. The hiring procedure is not extensive, nor the personnel was given the chance to be exposed to training that would aid them in job development and enhancement of their skills and talents. The compensation package offered by the institution does not commensurate to their services rendered. Lastly, it is concluded that in the opinion/decision rendered by the grievance committee is not fair and that the institution failed to give good motivation/initiative for the employees to be more productive.Keywords: employee benefits, employee relations, human resources and management, people management, recruitment, trainings
Procedia PDF Downloads 3181273 Broadband Ultrasonic and Rheological Characterization of Liquids Using Longitudinal Waves
Authors: M. Abderrahmane Mograne, Didier Laux, Jean-Yves Ferrandis
Rheological characterizations of complex liquids like polymer solutions present an important scientific interest for a lot of researchers in many fields as biology, food industry, chemistry. In order to establish master curves (elastic moduli vs frequency) which can give information about microstructure, classical rheometers or viscometers (such as Couette systems) are used. For broadband characterization of the sample, temperature is modified in a very large range leading to equivalent frequency modifications applying the Time Temperature Superposition principle. For many liquids undergoing phase transitions, this approach is not applicable. That is the reason, why the development of broadband spectroscopic methods around room temperature becomes a major concern. In literature many solutions have been proposed but, to our knowledge, there is no experimental bench giving the whole rheological characterization for frequencies about a few Hz (Hertz) to many MHz (Mega Hertz). Consequently, our goal is to investigate in a nondestructive way in very broadband frequency (A few Hz – Hundreds of MHz) rheological properties using longitudinal ultrasonic waves (L waves), a unique experimental bench and a specific container for the liquid: a test tube. More specifically, we aim to estimate the three viscosities (longitudinal, shear and bulk) and the complex elastic moduli (M*, G* and K*) respectively longitudinal, shear and bulk moduli. We have decided to use only L waves conditioned in two ways: bulk L wave in the liquid or guided L waves in the tube test walls. In this paper, we will present first results for very low frequencies using the ultrasonic tracking of a falling ball in the test tube. This will lead to the estimation of shear viscosity from a few mPa.s to a few Pa.s (Pascal second). Corrections due to the small dimensions of the tube will be applied and discussed regarding the size of the falling ball. Then the use of bulk L wave’s propagation in the liquid and the development of a specific signal processing in order to assess longitudinal velocity and attenuation will conduct to the longitudinal viscosity evaluation in the MHz frequency range. At last, the first results concerning the propagation, the generation and the processing of guided compressional waves in the test tube walls will be discussed. All these approaches and results will be compared to standard methods available and already validated in our lab.Keywords: nondestructive measurement for liquid, piezoelectric transducer, ultrasonic longitudinal waves, viscosities
Procedia PDF Downloads 2651272 The AU Culture Platform Approach to Measure the Impact of Cultural Participation on Individuals
Authors: Sendy Ghirardi, Pau Rausell Köster
The European Commission increasingly pushes cultural policies towards social outcomes and local and regional authorities also call for culture-driven strategies for local development and prosperity and therefore, the measurement of cultural participation becomes increasingly more significant for evidence-based policy-making processes. Cultural participation involves various kinds of social and economic spillovers that combine social and economic objectives of value creation, including social sustainability and respect for human values. Traditionally, from the economic perspective, cultural consumption is measured by the value of financial transactions in purchasing, subscribing to, or renting cultural equipment and content, addressing the market value of cultural products and services. The main sources of data are the household spending survey and merchandise trade survey, among others. However, what characterizes the cultural consumption is that it is linked with the hedonistic and affective dimension rather than the utilitarian one. In fact, nowadays, more and more attention is being paid to the social and psychological dimensions of culture. The aim of this work is to present a comprehensive approach to measure the impacts of cultural participation and cultural users’ behaviour, combining both socio-psychological and economic approaches. The model combines contingent evaluation techniques with the individual characteristic and perception analysis of the cultural experiences to evaluate the cognitive, aesthetic, emotive and social impacts of cultural participation. To investigate the comprehensive approach to measure the impact of the cultural events on individuals, the research has been designed on the basis of prior theoretical development. A deep literature methodology has been done to develop the theoretical model applied to the web platform to measure the impacts of cultural experience on individuals. The developed framework aims to become a democratic tool for evaluating the services that cultural or policy institutions can adopt through the use of an interacting platform that produces big data benefiting academia, cultural management and policies. The Au Culture is a prototype based on an application that can be used on mobile phones or any other digital platform. The development of the AU Culture Platform has been funded by the Valencian Innovation Agency (Government of the Region of Valencia) and it is part of the Horizon 2020 project MESOC.Keywords: comprehensive approach, cultural participation, economic dimension, socio-psychological dimension
Procedia PDF Downloads 1151271 Cu₂(ZnSn)(S)₄ Electrodeposition from a Single Bath for Photovoltaic Applications
Authors: Mahfouz Saeed
Cu₂(ZnSn)(S)₄ (CTZS) offers potential advantages over CuInGaSe₂ (CIGS) as solar thin film because to its higher band gap. Preparing such photovoltaic materials by electrochemical techniques is particularly attractive due to the lower processing cost and the high throughput of such techniques. Several recent publications report CTZS electroplating; however, the electrochemical process still facing serious challenges such as a sulfur atomic ration which is about 50% of the total alloy. We introduce in this work an improved electrolyte composition which enables the direct electrodeposition of CTZS from a single bath. The electrolyte is significantly more dilute in comparison to common baths described in the literature. The bath composition we introduce is: 0.0032 M CuSO₄, 0.0021 M ZnSO₄, 0.0303 M SnCl₂, 0.0038 M Na₂S₂O₃, and 0.3 mM Na₂S₂O3. PHydrion is applied to buffer the electrolyte to pH=2, and 0.7 M LiCl is applied as supporting electrolyte. Electrochemical process was carried at a rotating disk electrode which provides quantitative characterization of the flow (room temperature). Comprehensive electrochemical behavior study at different electrode rotation rates are provided. The effects of agitation on atomic composition of the deposit and its adhesion to the molybdenum back contact are discussed. The post treatment annealing was conducted under sulfur atmosphere with no need for metals addition from the gas phase during annealing. The potential which produced the desired atomic ratio of CTZS at -0.82 V/NHE. Smooth deposit, with uniform composition across the sample surface and depth was obtained at 500 rpm rotation speed. Final sulfur atomic ratio was adjusted to 50.2% in order to have the desired atomic ration. The final composition was investigated using Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy technique (EDS). XRD technique used to analyze CTZS crystallography and thickness. Complete and functional CTZS PV devices were fabricated by depositing all the required layers in the correct order and the desired optical properties. Acknowledgments: Case Western Reserve University for the technical help and for using their instruments.Keywords: photovoltaic, CTZS, thin film, electrochemical
Procedia PDF Downloads 2441270 Selling Skills to Effect Customer Satisfaction in Digital Era
Authors: Teerapong Lorchitamnuay, Thirarut Worapishet
In the present digital age, today's customers explore various channels before finalizing a purchase, with abundant options and information at their disposal. Despite this, there is a strong digital interconnectedness. With just a few mouse clicks, customers can gather comprehensive information about a product, free from the influence of a salesperson. Salespeople must embrace cutting-edge technology to truly redefine the essence of selling if they are to thrive in this digital era. The significance of customer-salesperson communication in companies is becoming increasingly evident. It prompts the inquiry of how companies can modify or reshape their sales teams' approaches to effectively respond to evolving customer preferences and effectively manage external shifts, all in pursuit of sustaining and expanding their enterprises. Research highlights that digital and intercultural skills are the latest competencies sought by customers from salespeople in today's fast-paced world prior to making purchases of products and services. This study seeks to examine the pivotal influences of these salesperson skills in achieving customer satisfaction. The research design encompasses the analysis of descriptive statistics and quantitative data through a regression model. Data were gathered from an online convenience survey involving 260 respondents who are customers of an air express service provider in Thailand and who engage with salespeople in a traditional manner. The findings underscore that intercultural skills have a substantial impact on customer satisfaction in the digital era, particularly concerning adaptability, foreign language proficiency, active listening, and empathy skills. Organizations should focus on nurturing beneficial habits among their salespeople; since it signifies this effort, it should extend beyond just the frontline but should extend to encompass backline units and high-level management, ensuring that everyone possesses the same customer-oriented skills. The conclusions drawn from this research provide valuable insights, affirming that digital and intercultural skills can empower organizations to optimize their workforce's competencies, thereby achieving customer satisfaction in the digital age.Keywords: customer behavior, customer satisfaction, digital era, digital skill, intercultural skill
Procedia PDF Downloads 841269 Towards Sustainable Concrete: Maturity Method to Evaluate the Effect of Curing Conditions on the Strength Development in Concrete Structures under Kuwait Environmental Conditions
Authors: F. Al-Fahad, J. Chakkamalayath, A. Al-Aibani
Conventional methods of determination of concrete strength under controlled laboratory conditions will not accurately represent the actual strength of concrete developed under site curing conditions. This difference in strength measurement will be more in the extreme environment in Kuwait as it is characterized by hot marine environment with normal temperature in summer exceeding 50°C accompanied by dry wind in desert areas and salt laden wind on marine and on shore areas. Therefore, it is required to have test methods to measure the in-place properties of concrete for quality assurance and for the development of durable concrete structures. The maturity method, which defines the strength of a given concrete mix as a function of its age and temperature history, is an approach for quality control for the production of sustainable and durable concrete structures. The unique harsh environmental conditions in Kuwait make it impractical to adopt experiences and empirical equations developed from the maturity methods in other countries. Concrete curing, especially in the early age plays an important role in developing and improving the strength of the structure. This paper investigates the use of maturity method to assess the effectiveness of three different types of curing methods on the compressive and flexural strength development of one high strength concrete mix of 60 MPa produced with silica fume. This maturity approach was used to predict accurately, the concrete compressive and flexural strength at later ages under different curing conditions. Maturity curves were developed for compressive and flexure strengths for a commonly used concrete mix in Kuwait, which was cured using three different curing conditions, including water curing, external spray coating and the use of internal curing compound during concrete mixing. It was observed that the maturity curve developed for the same mix depends on the type of curing conditions. It can be used to predict the concrete strength under different exposure and curing conditions. This study showed that concrete curing with external spray curing method cannot be recommended to use as it failed to aid concrete in reaching accepted values of strength, especially for flexural strength. Using internal curing compound lead to accepted levels of strength when compared with water cuing. Utilization of the developed maturity curves will help contactors and engineers to determine the in-place concrete strength at any time, and under different curing conditions. This will help in deciding the appropriate time to remove the formwork. The reduction in construction time and cost has positive impacts towards sustainable construction.Keywords: curing, durability, maturity, strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 3061268 Thermodynamic Analysis of Surface Seawater under Ocean Warming: An Integrated Approach Combining Experimental Measurements, Theoretical Modeling, Machine Learning Techniques, and Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Climate Change Assessment
Authors: Nishaben Desai Dholakiya, Anirban Roy, Ranjan Dey
Understanding ocean thermodynamics has become increasingly critical as Earth's oceans serve as the primary planetary heat regulator, absorbing approximately 93% of excess heat energy from anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. This investigation presents a comprehensive analysis of Arabian Sea surface seawater thermodynamics, focusing specifically on heat capacity (Cp) and thermal expansion coefficient (α) - parameters fundamental to global heat distribution patterns. Through high-precision experimental measurements of ultrasonic velocity and density across varying temperature (293.15-318.15K) and salinity (0.5-35 ppt) conditions, it characterize critical thermophysical parameters including specific heat capacity, thermal expansion, and isobaric and isothermal compressibility coefficients in natural seawater systems. The study employs advanced machine learning frameworks - Random Forest, Gradient Booster, Stacked Ensemble Machine Learning (SEML), and AdaBoost - with SEML achieving exceptional accuracy (R² > 0.99) in heat capacity predictions. the findings reveal significant temperature-dependent molecular restructuring: enhanced thermal energy disrupts hydrogen-bonded networks and ion-water interactions, manifesting as decreased heat capacity with increasing temperature (negative ∂Cp/∂T). This mechanism creates a positive feedback loop where reduced heat absorption capacity potentially accelerates oceanic warming cycles. These quantitative insights into seawater thermodynamics provide crucial parametric inputs for climate models and evidence-based environmental policy formulation, particularly addressing the critical knowledge gap in thermal expansion behavior of seawater under varying temperature-salinity conditions.Keywords: climate change, arabian sea, thermodynamics, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 171267 A Meta-Analysis of the Academic Achievement of Students With Emotional/Behavioral Disorders in Traditional Public Schools in the United States
Authors: Dana Page, Erica McClure, Kate Snider, Jenni Pollard, Tim Landrum, Jeff Valentine
Extensive research has been conducted on students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) and their rates of challenging behavior. In the past, however, less attention has been given to their academic achievement and outcomes. Recent research examining outcomes for students with EBD has indicated that these students receive lower grades, are less likely to pass classes, and experience higher rates of school dropout than students without disabilities and students with other high incidence disabilities. Given that between 2% and 20% of the school-age population is likely to have EBD (though many may not be identified as such), this is no small problem. Despite the need for increased examination of this population’s academic achievement, research on the actual performance of students with EBD has been minimal. This study reports the results of a meta-analysis of the limited research examining academic achievement of students with EBD, including effect sizes of assessment scores and discussion of moderators potentially impacting academic outcomes. Researchers conducted a thorough literature search to identify potentially relevant documents before screening studies for inclusion in the systematic review. Screening identified 35 studies that reported results of academic assessment scores for students with EBD. These studies were then coded to extract descriptive data across multiple domains, including placement of students, participant demographics, and academic assessment scores. Results indicated possible collinearity between EBD disability status and lower academic assessment scores, despite a lack of association between EBD eligibility and lower cognitive ability. Quantitative analysis of assessment results yielded effect sizes for academic achievement of student participants, indicating lower performance levels and potential moderators (e.g., race, socioeconomic status, and gender) impacting student academic performance. In addition to discussing results of the meta-analysis, implications and areas for future research, policy, and practice are discussed.Keywords: students with emotional behavioral disorders, academic achievement, systematic review, meta-analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 701266 DFT Theoretical Investigation for Evaluating Global Scalar Properties and Validating with Quantum Chemical Based COSMO-RS Theory for Dissolution of Bituminous and Anthracite Coal in Ionic Liquid
Authors: Debanjan Dey, Tamal Banerjee, Kaustubha Mohanty
Global scalar properties are calculated based on higher occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lower unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy to study the interaction between ionic liquids with Bituminous and Anthracite coal using density function theory (DFT) method. B3LYP/6-31G* calculation predicts HOMO-LUMO energy gap, electronegativity, global hardness, global softness, chemical potential and global softness for individual compounds with their clusters. HOMO-LUMO interaction, electron delocalization, electron donating and accepting is the main source of attraction between individual compounds with their complexes. Cation used in this study: 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium [BMPYR], 1-methyl -3-propylimmidazolium [MPIM], Tributylmethylammonium [TMA] and Tributylmethylphosphonium [MTBP] with the combination of anion: bis(trifluromethylsulfonyl)imide [Tf2N], methyl carbonate [CH3CO3], dicyanamide [N(CN)2] and methylsulfate [MESO4]. Basically three-tier approach comprising HOMO/LUMO energy, Scalar quantity and infinite dilution activity coefficient (IDAC) by sigma profile generation with COSMO-RS (Conductor like screening model for real solvent) model was chosen for simultaneous interaction. [BMPYR]CH3CO3] (1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium methyl carbonate) and [MPIM][CH3CO3] (1-methyl -3-propylimmidazolium methyl carbonate ) are the best effective ILs on the basis of HOMO-LUMO band gap for Anthracite and Bituminous coal respectively and the corresponding band gap is 0.10137 hartree for Anthracite coal and 0.12485 hartree for Bituminous coal. Further ionic liquids are screened quantitatively with all the scalar parameters and got the same result based on CH-π interaction which is found for HOMO-LUMO gap. To check our findings IDAC were predicted using quantum chemical based COSMO-RS methodology which gave the same trend as observed our scalar quantity calculation. Thereafter a qualitative measurement is doing by sigma profile analysis which gives complementary behavior between IL and coal that means highly miscible with each other.Keywords: coal-ionic liquids cluster, COSMO-RS, DFT method, HOMO-LUMO interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3061265 Shoulder Range of Motion Measurements using Computer Vision Compared to Hand-Held Goniometric Measurements
Authors: Lakshmi Sujeesh, Aaron Ramzeen, Ricky Ziming Guo, Abhishek Agrawal
Introduction: Range of motion (ROM) is often measured by physiotherapists using hand-held goniometer as part of mobility assessment for diagnosis. Due to the nature of hand-held goniometer measurement procedure, readings often tend to have some variations depending on the physical therapist taking the measurements (Riddle et al.). This study aims to validate computer vision software readings against goniometric measurements for quick and consistent ROM measurements to be taken by clinicians. The use of this computer vision software hopes to improve the future of musculoskeletal space with more efficient diagnosis from recording of patient’s ROM with minimal human error across different physical therapists. Methods: Using the hand-held long arm goniometer measurements as the “gold-standard”, healthy study participants (n = 20) were made to perform 4 exercises: Front elevation, Abduction, Internal Rotation, and External Rotation, using both arms. Assessment of active ROM using computer vision software at different angles set by goniometer for each exercise was done. Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) using 2-way random effects model, Box-Whisker plots, and Root Mean Square error (RMSE) were used to find the degree of correlation and absolute error measured between set and recorded angles across the repeated trials by the same rater. Results: ICC (2,1) values for all 4 exercises are above 0.9, indicating excellent reliability. Lowest overall RMSE was for external rotation (5.67°) and highest for front elevation (8.00°). Box-whisker plots showed have showed that there is a potential zero error in the measurements done by the computer vision software for abduction, where absolute error for measurements taken at 0 degree are shifted away from the ideal 0 line, with its lowest recorded error being 8°. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the use of computer vision software is valid and reliable to use in clinical settings by physiotherapists for measuring shoulder ROM. Overall, computer vision helps improve accessibility to quality care provided for individual patients, with the ability to assess ROM for their condition at home throughout a full cycle of musculoskeletal care (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) without the need for a trained therapist.Keywords: physiotherapy, frozen shoulder, joint range of motion, computer vision
Procedia PDF Downloads 1071264 Assessment of the Masticatory Muscle Function in Young Adults Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Authors: Mimoza Canga, Edit Xhajanka, Irene Malagnino
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant influence on the lives of millions of people and is a threat to public health. SARS-CoV-2 infection has been associated with a number of health problems, including damage to the lungs and central nervous system damage. Additionally, it can also cause oral health problems, such as pain and weakening of the chewing muscles. The purpose of the study is the assessment of the masticatory muscle function in young adults between 18 and 29 years old following SARS-CoV-2 infection. Materials and methods: This study is quantitative cross-sectional research conducted in Albania between March 2023 and September 2023. Our research involved a total of 104 students who participated in our research, of which 64 were female (61.5%) and 40 were male (38.5%). They were divided into four age groups: 18-20, 21-23, 24-26, and 27-29 years old. In this study, the students willingly consented to take part in this study and were guaranteed that their participation would remain anonymous. The study recorded no dropouts, and it was carried out in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Statistical analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 23.0 on Microsoft Windows Linux, Chicago, IL, USA. Data were evaluated utilizing analysis of variance (ANOVA), with a significance level set at P ≤ 0.05. Results: 80 (76.9%) of the participants who had passed COVID-19 reported chronic masticatory muscle pain (P < 0.0001) and masticatory muscle spasms (P = 0.002). According to data analysis, 70 (67.3%) of the participants had a sore throat (P=0.007). 74% of the students reported experiencing weakness in their chewing muscles (P=0.003). The participants reported having undergone the following treatments: azithromycin (500 mg daily), prednisolone sodium phosphate (15 mg/5 mL daily), Augmentin tablets (625 mg), vitamin C (1000 mg), magnesium sulfate (4 g/100 mL), oral vitamin D3 supplementation of 5000 IU daily, ibuprofen (400 mg every 6 hours), and tizanidine (2 mg every 6 hours). Conclusion: This study, conducted in Albania, has limitations, but it can be concluded that COVID-19 directly affects the functioning of the masticatory muscles.Keywords: Albania, chronic pain, COVID-19, cross-sectional study, masticatory muscles, spasm
Procedia PDF Downloads 351263 Challenges of Skill Training among Women with Intellectual Disability: Stakeholders' Perspective
Authors: Jayanti Pujari
The present study attempts to find out the barriers faced by adult women with an Intellectual disability during their training at vocational training centres offered by rehabilitation institutes. As economic independence is the ultimate aim of rehabilitation, this study tries to focus on the barriers which restrict the adult women with intellectual disability in equipping themselves in required skill which can really empower them and help them in independent living. The objectives of the study are (1) To find out the barriers perceived by job coaches during training given to women with intellectual disability (2) To find out the barriers perceived by the parents of women with intellectual disability who are undergoing vocational training and (3) To find out the barriers perceived by the women with intellectual disabilities during the vocational training. The barriers have been operationalised in the present study from three perspectives such as behavioural barriers, competency related barriers and accessibility barriers. For the present study three groups of participants(N=60) have been selected through purposive nonprobability sampling procedure to generate the data. They are( 20) job coaches who are working at vocational centres, (20) parents of women with intellectual disabilities, (20) adult women with intellectual disabilities. The study followed a descriptive research design and data are generated through self developed questionnaire. Three sets of self-developed and face validated questionnaires were used as the tool to gather the data from the three categories of sample. The questionnaire has 30 close ended questions and the respondents have to answer on a three point scale (yes, no, need help). Both qualitative and quantitative analysis was conducted to test the hypothesis. The major findings of the study depict that the 87% of the women with intellectual disability perceived highest barriers related to competency whereas barriers related to behaviour and accessibility are perceived lowest. 92% of job coaches perceived barriers related to competencies and accessibility are highest which hinder the effectiveness of skill development of women with intellectual disability and 74% of the parents of adult women with intellectual disability also opines that the barriers related to competencies and accessibility are highest. In conclusion, it is stressed that there is need to create awareness among the stakeholders about the training and management strategies of skill training and positive behaviour support which will surely enable the adult women with intellectual disability to utilise their residual skill and acquire training to become economically independent.Keywords: economic independence, intellectual disability, skill development, training barrier
Procedia PDF Downloads 2261262 The Influencing Factors of Export Performance Amongst Halal Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia
Authors: Shanorfizah Mohd Safar, Shaizatulaqma Kamalul Ariffin
Internationalization of halal small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is necessary for SMEs to become more involved in regional trade and business cooperation. By internationalization, SMEs' profit can increase, and market expansion of SMEs is basic for rising economies of countries to contend all around in the halal industry globally. There are several modes of internationalization; exporting is one of the first steps for internationalization with less capital needed. The study examines the influential factors of export performance amongst halal SMEs in Malaysia. Specifically, this study examines the positive and significant relationships amongst human capital, managerial capability, Halal Assurance Management System (HAMS), digital transformation, government support, and networking capability on halal SMEs' export performance toward SMEs' competitive advantage. In addition, this study will examine innovation capabilities as a moderator in the relationship between independence variables and competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is the most compelling perspective that drives the export performance of halal SMEs in Malaysia. A quantitative method will be used: an online questionnaire survey distributed through emails and face-to-face toward selected halal-certificated SMEs registered in JAKIM, MATRADE website and SME Corp Malaysia website. Nevertheless, whether the halal SMEs practice global business, they will still be the potential respondents. The data were examined and obtained using the statistical software Smart PLS. The analysis used is reliability, correlation, and regression analysis to meet the research objectives. This study contributes significantly to the theory by integrating Resource Based View (RBV) theory, Technology–Organization–Environment (TOE) framework and Networking theory. In addition, this research extends the RBV by extending a variable, the Halal Assurance Management System. This study also examines a moderating role of innovation capabilities in the framework and competitive advantage as a mediator. This research aims to analyze the factors that will impact the internationalization of halal SMEs.Keywords: internationalization, halal SMEs, competitive advantage, export performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 761261 Higher Education Leadership and Creating Sites of Institutional Belonging: A Global Case Study
Authors: Lisa M. Coleman
The focus on disability, LGBTQ+, and internationalization has certainly been the subject of much research and programmatic across higher education. Many universities have entered into global partnerships with varying success and challenges across the various areas, including laws and policies. Attentiveness to the specific nuances of global inclusion, diversity, equity, belonging, and access (GIDBEA) and the leadership to support these efforts is crucial to the development of longstanding success across the programs. There have been a number of shifts related to diversification across student and alumni bodies. These shifts include but are not limited to how people identify gender, race, and sexuality (and the intersections across such identities), as well as trends across emerging and diverse disability communities. NYU is the most international campus in the United States, with the most campuses and sites outside of its county of origin and the most international students and exchange programs than any other university. As a result, the ongoing work related to GIDEBA is at the center of much of the leadership, administrative, and research efforts. Climate assessment work across NYU’s diverse global campus landscape will serve as the foundation to exemplify best practices related to data collection and dissemination, community and stakeholder engagement, and effective implementation of innovative strategies to close gap areas as identified. The data (quantitative and qualitative) and related research findings represent data collected from close to 22,000 stakeholders across the NYU campuses. The case study centers on specific methodological considerations, data integrity, stakeholder engagement from across student-faculty, staff, and alumni constituencies, and tactics to advance specific GIDBEA initiatives related to navigating shifting landscapes. Design thinking, incubation, and co-creation strategies have been employed to expand, leverage, actualize, and implement GIDBEA strategies that are – concrete, measurable, differentiated, and specific to global sites and regions and emerging trends.Keywords: disability, LGBTQ+, DEI, research, case studies
Procedia PDF Downloads 1061260 Measuring Fluctuating Asymmetry in Human Faces Using High-Density 3D Surface Scans
Authors: O. Ekrami, P. Claes, S. Van Dongen
Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) has been studied for many years as an indicator of developmental stability or ‘genetic quality’ based on the assumption that perfect symmetry is ideally the expected outcome for a bilateral organism. Further studies have also investigated the possible link between FA and attractiveness or levels of masculinity or femininity. These hypotheses have been mostly examined using 2D images, and the structure of interest is usually presented using a limited number of landmarks. Such methods have the downside of simplifying and reducing the dimensionality of the structure, which will in return increase the error of the analysis. In an attempt to reach more conclusive and accurate results, in this study we have used high-resolution 3D scans of human faces and have developed an algorithm to measure and localize FA, taking a spatially-dense approach. A symmetric spatially dense anthropometric mask with paired vertices is non-rigidly mapped on target faces using an Iterative Closest Point (ICP) registration algorithm. A set of 19 manually indicated landmarks were used to examine the precision of our mapping step. The protocol’s accuracy in measurement and localizing FA is assessed using simulated faces with known amounts of asymmetry added to them. The results of validation of our approach show that the algorithm is perfectly capable of locating and measuring FA in 3D simulated faces. With the use of such algorithm, the additional captured information on asymmetry can be used to improve the studies of FA as an indicator of fitness or attractiveness. This algorithm can especially be of great benefit in studies of high number of subjects due to its automated and time-efficient nature. Additionally, taking a spatially dense approach provides us with information about the locality of FA, which is impossible to obtain using conventional methods. It also enables us to analyze the asymmetry of a morphological structures in a multivariate manner; This can be achieved by using methods such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA) or Factor Analysis, which can be a step towards understanding the underlying processes of asymmetry. This method can also be used in combination with genome wide association studies to help unravel the genetic bases of FA. To conclude, we introduced an algorithm to study and analyze asymmetry in human faces, with the possibility of extending the application to other morphological structures, in an automated, accurate and multi-variate framework.Keywords: developmental stability, fluctuating asymmetry, morphometrics, 3D image processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1421259 Characterizing Solid Glass in Bending, Torsion and Tension: High-Temperature Dynamic Mechanical Analysis up to 950 °C
Authors: Matthias Walluch, José Alberto Rodríguez, Christopher Giehl, Gunther Arnold, Daniela Ehgartner
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is a powerful method to characterize viscoelastic properties and phase transitions for a wide range of materials. It is often used to characterize polymers and their temperature-dependent behavior, including thermal transitions like the glass transition temperature Tg, via determination of storage and loss moduli in tension (Young’s modulus, E) and shear or torsion (shear modulus, G) or other testing modes. While production and application temperatures for polymers are often limited to several hundred degrees, material properties of glasses usually require characterization at temperatures exceeding 600 °C. This contribution highlights a high temperature setup for rotational and oscillatory rheometry as well as for DMA in different modes. The implemented standard convection oven enables the characterization of glass in different loading modes at temperatures up to 950 °C. Three-point bending, tension and torsional measurements on different glasses, with E and G moduli as a function of frequency and temperature, are presented. Additional tests include superimposing several frequencies in a single temperature sweep (“multiwave”). This type of test results in a considerable reduction of the experiment time and allows to evaluate structural changes of the material and their frequency dependence. Furthermore, DMA in torsion and tension was performed to determine the complex Poisson’s ratio as a function of frequency and temperature within a single test definition. Tests were performed in a frequency range from 0.1 to 10 Hz and temperatures up to the glass transition. While variations in the frequency did not reveal significant changes of the complex Poisson’s ratio of the glass, a monotonic increase of this parameter was observed when increasing the temperature. This contribution outlines the possibilities of DMA in bending, tension and torsion for an extended temperature range. It allows the precise mechanical characterization of material behavior from room temperature up to the glass transition and the softening temperature interval. Compared to other thermo-analytical methods, like Dynamic Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) where mechanical stress is neglected, the frequency-dependence links measurement results (e.g. relaxation times) to real applicationsKeywords: dynamic mechanical analysis, oscillatory rheometry, Poisson's ratio, solid glass, viscoelasticity
Procedia PDF Downloads 851258 Safety Profile of Anti-Retroviral Medicine in South Africa Based on Reported Adverse Drug Reactions
Authors: Sarah Gounden, Mukesh Dheda, Boikhutso Tlou, Elizabeth Ojewole, Frasia Oosthuizen
Background: Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been effective in the reduction of mortality and resulted in an improvement in the prognosis of HIV-infected patients. However, treatment with antiretrovirals (ARVs) has led to the development of many adverse drug reactions (ADRs). It is, therefore, necessary to determine the safety profile of these medicines in a South African population in order to ensure safe and optimal medicine use. Objectives: The aim of this study was to quantify ADRs experienced with the different ARVs currently used in South Africa, to determine the safety profile of ARV medicine in South Africa based on reported ADRs, and to determine the ARVs with the lowest risk profile based on specific patient populations. Methodology: This was a quantitative study. Individual case safety reports for the period January 2010 – December 2013 were obtained from the National Pharmacovigilance Center; these reports contained information on ADRs, ARV medicine, and patient demographics. Data was analysed to find associations that may exist between ADRs experienced, ARV medicines used and patient demographics. Results: A total of 1916 patient reports were received of which 1534 met the inclusion criteria for the study. The ARV with the lowest risk of ADRs were found to be lamivudine (0.51%, n=12), followed by lopinavir/ritonavir combination (0.8%, n=19) and abacavir (0.64%, n=15). A higher incidence of ADRs was observed in females compared to males. The age group 31–50 years and the weight group 61–80 kg had the highest incidence of ADRs reported. Conclusion: This study found that the safest ARVs to be used in a South African population are lamivudine, abacavir, and the lopinavir/ritonavir combination. Gender differences play a significant role in the occurrence of ADRs and both anatomical and physiological differences account for this. An increased BMI (body mass index) in both men and women showed an increase in the incidence of ADRs associated with ARV therapy.Keywords: adverse drug reaction, antiretrovirals, HIV/AIDS, pharmacovigilance, South Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 3531257 Aquatic Therapy Improving Balance Function of Individuals with Stroke: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis
Authors: Wei-Po Wu, Wen-Yu Liu, Wei−Ting Lin, Hen-Yu Lien
Introduction: Improving balance function for individuals after stroke is a crucial target in physiotherapy. Aquatic therapy which challenges individual’s postural control in an unstable fluid environment may be beneficial in enhancing balance functions. The purposes of the systematic review with meta-analyses were to validate the effects of aquatic therapy in improving balance functions for individuals with strokes in contrast to conventional physiotherapy. Method: Available studies were explored from three electronic databases: PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. During literature search, the published date of studies was not limited. The study design of the included studies should be randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and the studies should contain at least one outcome measurement of balance function. The PEDro scale was adopted to assess the quality of included studies, while the 'Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine 2011 Levels of Evidence' was used to evaluate the level of evidence. After the data extraction, studies with same outcome measures were pooled together for meta-analysis. Result: Ten studies with 282 participants were included in analyses. The research qualities of the studies were ranged from fair to good (4 to 8 points). Levels of evidence of the included studies were graded as level 2 and 3. Finally, scores of Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Eye closed force plate center of pressure velocity (anterior-posterior, medial-lateral axis) and Timed up and Go test were pooled and analyzed separately. The pooled results shown improvement in balance function (BBS mean difference (MD): 1.39 points; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.05-2.29; p=0.002) (Eye closed force plate center of pressure velocity (anterior-posterior axis) MD: 1.39 mm/s; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.93-1.86; p<0.001) (Eye closed force plate center of pressure velocity (medial-lateral) MD: 1.48 mm/s; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.15-2.82; p=0.03) and mobility (MD: 0.9 seconds; 95% CI: 0.07-1.73; p=0.03) of stroke individuals after aquatic therapy compared to conventional therapy. Although there were significant differences between two treatment groups, the differences in improvement were relatively small. Conclusion: The aquatic therapy improved general balance function and mobility in the individuals with stroke better than conventional physiotherapy.Keywords: aquatic therapy, balance function, meta-analysis, stroke, systematic review
Procedia PDF Downloads 2021256 Urban Noise and Air Quality: Correlation between Air and Noise Pollution; Sensors, Data Collection, Analysis and Mapping in Urban Planning
Authors: Massimiliano Condotta, Paolo Ruggeri, Chiara Scanagatta, Giovanni Borga
Architects and urban planners, when designing and renewing cities, have to face a complex set of problems, including the issues of noise and air pollution which are considered as hot topics (i.e., the Clean Air Act of London and the Soundscape definition). It is usually taken for granted that these problems go by together because the noise pollution present in cities is often linked to traffic and industries, and these produce air pollutants as well. Traffic congestion can create both noise pollution and air pollution, because NO₂ is mostly created from the oxidation of NO, and these two are notoriously produced by processes of combustion at high temperatures (i.e., car engines or thermal power stations). We can see the same process for industrial plants as well. What have to be investigated – and is the topic of this paper – is whether or not there really is a correlation between noise pollution and air pollution (taking into account NO₂) in urban areas. To evaluate if there is a correlation, some low-cost methodologies will be used. For noise measurements, the OpeNoise App will be installed on an Android phone. The smartphone will be positioned inside a waterproof box, to stay outdoor, with an external battery to allow it to collect data continuously. The box will have a small hole to install an external microphone, connected to the smartphone, which will be calibrated to collect the most accurate data. For air, pollution measurements will be used the AirMonitor device, an Arduino board to which the sensors, and all the other components, are plugged. After assembling the sensors, they will be coupled (one noise and one air sensor) and placed in different critical locations in the area of Mestre (Venice) to map the existing situation. The sensors will collect data for a fixed period of time to have an input for both week and weekend days, in this way it will be possible to see the changes of the situation during the week. The novelty is that data will be compared to check if there is a correlation between the two pollutants using graphs that should show the percentage of pollution instead of the values obtained with the sensors. To do so, the data will be converted to fit on a scale that goes up to 100% and will be shown thru a mapping of the measurement using GIS methods. Another relevant aspect is that this comparison can help to choose which are the right mitigation solutions to be applied in the area of the analysis because it will make it possible to solve both the noise and the air pollution problem making only one intervention. The mitigation solutions must consider not only the health aspect but also how to create a more livable space for citizens. The paper will describe in detail the methodology and the technical solution adopted for the realization of the sensors, the data collection, noise and pollution mapping and analysis.Keywords: air quality, data analysis, data collection, NO₂, noise mapping, noise pollution, particulate matter
Procedia PDF Downloads 2121255 Research on the Effectiveness of Online Guided Case Teaching in Problem-Based Learning: A Preschool Special Education Course
Authors: Chen-Ya Juan
Problem-Based Learning uses vague questions to guide student thinking and enhance their self-learning and collaboration. Most teachers implement PBL in a physical classroom, where teachers can monitor and evaluate students’ learning progress and guide them to search resources for answers. However, the prevalence of the Covid-19 in the world had changed from physical teaching to distance teaching. This instruction used many cases and applied Problem-Based Learning combined on the distance teaching via the internet for college students. This study involved an experimental group with PBL and a control group without PBL. The teacher divided all students in PBL class into eight groups, and 7~8 students in each group. The teacher assigned different cases for each group of the PBL class. Three stages of instruction were developed, including background knowledge of Learning, case analysis, and solving problems for each case. This study used a quantitative research method, a two-sample t-test, to find a significant difference in groups with PBL and without PBL. Findings indicated that PBL incased the average score of special education knowledge. The average score was improved by 20.46% in the PBL group and 15.4% without PBL. Results didn’t show significant differences (0.589>0.05) in special education professional knowledge. However, the feedback of the PBL students implied learning more about the application, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking. PBL students were more likely to apply professional knowledge on the actual case, find questions, resources, and answers. Most of them understood the importance of collaboration, working as a team, and communicating with other team members. The suggestions of this study included that (a) different web-based teaching instruments influenced student’s Learning; (b) it is difficult to monitor online PBL progress; (c) online PBL should be implemented flexible and multi-oriented; (d) although PBL did not show a significant difference on the group with PBL and without PBL, it did increase student’s problem-solving skills and critical thinking.Keywords: problem-based learning, college students, distance learning, case analysis, problem-solving
Procedia PDF Downloads 1301254 Effect of Different Phosphorus Levels on Vegetative Growth of Maize Variety
Authors: Tegene Nigussie
Introduction: Maize is the most domesticated of all the field crops. Wild maize has not been found to date and there has been much speculation on its origin. Regardless of the validity of different theories, it is generally agreed that the center of origin of maize is Central America, primarily Mexico and the Caribbean. Maize in Africa is of a recent introduction although data suggest that it was present in Nigeria even before Columbus voyages. After being taken to Europe in 1493, maize was introduced to Africa and distributed (spread through the continent by different routes. Maize is an important cereal crop in Ethiopia in general, it is the primarily stable food, and rural households show strong preference. For human food, the important constituents of grain are carbohydrates (starch and sugars), protein, fat or oil (in the embryo) and minerals. About 75 percent of the kernel is starch, a range of 60.80 percent but low protein content (8-15%). In Ethiopia, the introduction of modern farming techniques appears to be a priority. However, the adoption of modern inputs by peasant farmers is found to be very slow, for example, the adoption rate of fertilizer, an input that is relatively adopted, is very slow. The difference in socio-economic factors lay behind the low rate of technological adoption, including price & marketing input. Objective: The aim of the study is to determine the optimum application rate or level of different phosphorus fertilizers for the vegetative growth of maize and to identify the effect of different phosphorus rates on the growth and development of maize. Methods: The vegetative parameter (above ground) measurement from five plants randomly sampled from the middle rows of each plot. Results: The interaction of nitrogen and maize variety showed a significant at (p<0.01) effect on plant height, with the application of 60kg/ha and BH140 maize variety in combination and root length with the application of 60kg/ha of nitrogen and BH140 variety of maize. The highest mean (12.33) of the number of leaves per plant and mean (7.1) of the number of nodes per plant can be used as an alternative for better vegetative growth of maize. Conclusion and Recommendation: Maize is one of the popular and cultivated crops in Ethiopia. This study was conducted to investigate the best dosage of phosphorus for vegetative growth, yield, and better quality of maize variety and to recommend a level of phosphorus rate and the best variety adaptable to the specific soil condition or area.Keywords: leaf, carbohydrate protein, adoption, sugar
Procedia PDF Downloads 161253 An Investigation of the Structural and Microstructural Properties of Zn1-xCoxO Thin Films Applied as Gas Sensors
Authors: Ariadne C. Catto, Luis F. da Silva, Khalifa Aguir, Valmor Roberto Mastelaro
Zinc oxide (ZnO) pure or doped are one of the most promising metal oxide semiconductors for gas sensing applications due to the well-known high surface-to-volume area and surface conductivity. It was shown that ZnO is an excellent gas-sensing material for different gases such as CO, O2, NO2 and ethanol. In this context, pure and doped ZnO exhibiting different morphologies and a high surface/volume ratio can be a good option regarding the limitations of the current commercial sensors. Different studies showed that the sensitivity of metal-doped ZnO (e.g. Co, Fe, Mn,) enhanced its gas sensing properties. Motivated by these considerations, the aim of this study consisted on the investigation of the role of Co ions on structural, morphological and the gas sensing properties of nanostructured ZnO samples. ZnO and Zn1-xCoxO (0 < x < 5 wt%) thin films were obtained via the polymeric precursor method. The sensitivity, selectivity, response time and long-term stability gas sensing properties were investigated when the sample was exposed to a different concentration range of ozone (O3) at different working temperatures. The gas sensing property was probed by electrical resistance measurements. The long and short-range order structure around Zn and Co atoms were investigated by X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurement was performed in order to identify the elements present on the film surface as well as to determine the sample composition. Microstructural characteristics of the films were analyzed by a field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). Zn1-xCoxO XRD patterns were indexed to the wurtzite ZnO structure and any second phase was observed even at a higher cobalt content. Co-K edge XANES spectra revealed the predominance of Co2+ ions. XPS characterization revealed that Co-doped ZnO samples possessed a higher percentage of oxygen vacancies than the ZnO samples, which also contributed to their excellent gas sensing performance. Gas sensor measurements pointed out that ZnO and Co-doped ZnO samples exhibit a good gas sensing performance concerning the reproducibility and a fast response time (around 10 s). Furthermore, the Co addition contributed to reduce the working temperature for ozone detection and improve the selective sensing properties.Keywords: cobalt-doped ZnO, nanostructured, ozone gas sensor, polymeric precursor method
Procedia PDF Downloads 2481252 Micromechanical Compatibility Between Cells and Scaffold Mediates the Efficacy of Regenerative Medicine
Authors: Li Yang, Yang Song, Martin Y. M. Chiang
Objective: To experimentally substantiate the micromechanical compatibility between cell and scaffold, in the regenerative medicine approach for restoring bone volume, is essential for phenotypic transitions Methods: Through nanotechnology and electrospinning process, nanofibrous scaffolds were fabricated to host dental follicle stem cells (DFSCs). Blends (50:50) of polycaprolactone (PCL) and silk fibroin (SF), mixed with various content of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC, up to 5% in weight), were electrospun to prepare nanofibrous scaffolds with heterogeneous microstructure in terms of fiber size. Colloidal probe atomic force microscopy (AFM) and conventional uniaxial tensile tests measured the scaffold stiffness at the micro-and macro-scale, respectively. The cell elastic modulus and cell-scaffold adhesive interaction (i.e., a chemical function) were examined through single-cell force spectroscopy using AFM. The quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was used to determine if the mechanotransduction signal (i.e., Yap1, Wwr2, Rac1, MAPK8, Ptk2 and Wnt5a) is upregulated by the scaffold stiffness at the micro-scale (cellular scale). Results: The presence of CNC produces fibrous scaffolds with a bimodal distribution of fiber diameter. This structural heterogeneity, which is CNC-composition dependent, remarkably modulates the mechanical functionality of scaffolds at microscale and macroscale simultaneously, but not the chemical functionality (i.e., only a single material property is varied). In in vitro tests, the osteogenic differentiation and gene expression associated with mechano-sensitive cell markers correlate to the degree of micromechanical compatibility between DFSCs and the scaffold. Conclusion: Cells require compliant scaffolds to encourage energetically favorable interactions for mechanotransduction, which are converted into changes in cellular biochemistry to direct the phenotypic evolution. The micromechanical compatibility is indeed important to the efficacy of regenerative medicine.Keywords: phenotype transition, scaffold stiffness, electrospinning, cellulose nanocrystals, single-cell force spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1911251 Promoting Self-Esteem and Social Integration in Secondary German Schools: An Evaluation Study
Authors: Susanne Manes, Anni Glaeser, Katharina Wick, Bernhard Strauss, Uwe Berger
Introduction: Over the last decades growing rates of mental health concerns among children and adolescents have been observed. At the same time, physical well-being of children and adolescents becomes increasingly impaired as well. Schools play an important role in preventing mental and physical disorders and in promoting well-being. Self-esteem, as well as social integration, are vital influence factors for mental and physical well-being. The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate the program 'VorteilJena' for secondary schools in Germany focusing on self-esteem and social integration to improve mental and physical well-being. Method: The school-based health promotion program was designed for students in 5th grade and higher. It consists of several short pedagogical exercises instructed by a teacher and were integrated into the regular class over the course of ten weeks. The exercises focused on fostering social integration using either tasks improving team spirit or exercises that increase tolerance and sense of belonging. Other exercises focused on strengthening the self-esteem of the students. Additionally, the program included a poster exhibition titled 'Belonging' which was put up in the school buildings. The exhibition comprised ten posters which addressed relevant risk factors and resources related to social integration and self-esteem. The study was a randomized controlled sequential study with a pre and post measurement conducted in ten German schools. A total of 1642 students (44% male) were recruited. Their age ranged from 9 to 21 years (M=12.93 years; SD= 2.11). The program was conducted in classes ranging from 5th to 12th grade. Results: The program improved wellbeing, self-esteem and social integration of the involved students compared to the control group. Differential effects depending on implementation rates or age of the students will be analyzed. Moreover, implications for future school-based health promotion programs targeting self-esteem and social integration will be discussed. Conclusion: Social integration considerably influences self-esteem and well-being of students and can be targeted by school-based programs including short and modest exercises. Since a sufficient implementation of health promotion programs is essential, the present program due to its practicability represents a good opportunity to install health promotion focusing on social integration in schools.Keywords: social integration, well-being, health promotion in schools, self-esteem
Procedia PDF Downloads 1991250 Investigating the Editing's Effect of Advertising Photos on the Virtual Purchase Decision Based on the Quantitative Electroencephalogram (EEG) Parameters
Authors: Parya Tabei, Maryam Habibifar
Decision-making is an important cognitive function that can be defined as the process of choosing an option among available options to achieve a specific goal. Consumer ‘need’ is the main reason for purchasing decisions. Human decision-making while buying products online is subject to various factors, one of which is the quality and effect of advertising photos. Advertising photo editing can have a significant impact on people's virtual purchase decisions. This technique helps improve the quality and overall appearance of photos by adjusting various aspects such as brightness, contrast, colors, cropping, resizing, and adding filters. This study, by examining the effect of editing advertising photos on the virtual purchase decision using EEG data, tries to investigate the effect of edited images on the decision-making of customers. A group of 30 participants were asked to react to 24 edited and unedited images while their EEG was recorded. Analysis of the EEG data revealed increased alpha wave activity in the occipital regions (O1, O2) for both edited and unedited images, which is related to visual processing and attention. Additionally, there was an increase in beta wave activity in the frontal regions (FP1, FP2, F4, F8) when participants viewed edited images, suggesting involvement in cognitive processes such as decision-making and evaluating advertising content. Gamma wave activity also increased in various regions, especially the frontal and parietal regions, which are associated with higher cognitive functions, such as attention, memory, and perception, when viewing the edited images. While the visual processing reflected by alpha waves remained consistent across different visual conditions, editing advertising photos appeared to boost neural activity in frontal and parietal regions associated with decision-making processes. These Findings suggest that photo editing could potentially influence consumer perceptions during virtual shopping experiences by modulating brain activity related to product assessment and purchase decisions.Keywords: virtual purchase decision, advertising photo, EEG parameters, decision Making
Procedia PDF Downloads 531249 Experimental Study on the Heating Characteristics of Transcritical CO₂ Heat Pumps
Authors: Lingxiao Yang, Xin Wang, Bo Xu, Zhenqian Chen
Due to its outstanding environmental performance, higher heating temperature and excellent low-temperature performance, transcritical carbon dioxide (CO₂) heat pumps are receiving more and more attention. However, improperly set operating parameters have a serious negative impact on the performance of the transcritical CO₂ heat pump due to the properties of CO₂. In this study, the heat transfer characteristics of the gas cooler are studied based on the modified “three-stage” gas cooler, then the effect of three operating parameters, compressor speed, gas cooler water-inlet flowrate and gas cooler water-inlet temperature, on the heating process of the system are investigated from the perspective of thermal quality and heat capacity. The results shows that: In the heat transfer process of gas cooler, the temperature distribution of CO₂ and water shows a typical “two region” and “three zone” pattern; The rise in the cooling pressure of CO₂ serves to increase the thermal quality on the CO₂ side of the gas cooler, which in turn improves the heating temperature of the system; Nevertheless, the elevated thermal quality on the CO₂ side can exacerbate the mismatch of heat capacity on both sides of the gas cooler, thereby adversely affecting the system coefficient of performance (COP); Furthermore, increasing compressor speed mitigates the mismatch in heat capacity caused by elevated thermal quality, which is exacerbated by decreasing gas cooler water-inlet flowrate and rising gas cooler water-inlet temperature; As a delegate, the varying compressor speed results in a 7.1°C increase in heating temperature within the experimental range, accompanied by a 10.01% decrease in COP and an 11.36% increase in heating capacity. This study can not only provide an important reference for the theoretical analysis and control strategy of the transcritical CO₂ heat pump, but also guide the related simulation and the design of the gas cooler. However, the range of experimental parameters in the current study is small and the conclusions drawn are not further analysed quantitatively. Therefore, expanding the range of parameters studied and proposing corresponding quantitative conclusions and indicators with universal applicability could greatly increase the practical applicability of this study. This is also the goal of our next research.Keywords: transcritical CO₂ heat pump, gas cooler, heat capacity, thermal quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 241248 Using Business Intelligence Capabilities to Improve the Quality of Decision-Making: A Case Study of Mellat Bank
Authors: Jalal Haghighat Monfared, Zahra Akbari
Today, business executives need to have useful information to make better decisions. Banks have also been using information tools so that they can direct the decision-making process in order to achieve their desired goals by rapidly extracting information from sources with the help of business intelligence. The research seeks to investigate whether there is a relationship between the quality of decision making and the business intelligence capabilities of Mellat Bank. Each of the factors studied is divided into several components, and these and their relationships are measured by a questionnaire. The statistical population of this study consists of all managers and experts of Mellat Bank's General Departments (including 190 people) who use commercial intelligence reports. The sample size of this study was 123 randomly determined by statistical method. In this research, relevant statistical inference has been used for data analysis and hypothesis testing. In the first stage, using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the normalization of the data was investigated and in the next stage, the construct validity of both variables and their resulting indexes were verified using confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, using the structural equation modeling and Pearson's correlation coefficient, the research hypotheses were tested. The results confirmed the existence of a positive relationship between decision quality and business intelligence capabilities in Mellat Bank. Among the various capabilities, including data quality, correlation with other systems, user access, flexibility and risk management support, the flexibility of the business intelligence system was the most correlated with the dependent variable of the present research. This shows that it is necessary for Mellat Bank to pay more attention to choose the required business intelligence systems with high flexibility in terms of the ability to submit custom formatted reports. Subsequently, the quality of data on business intelligence systems showed the strongest relationship with quality of decision making. Therefore, improving the quality of data, including the source of data internally or externally, the type of data in quantitative or qualitative terms, the credibility of the data and perceptions of who uses the business intelligence system, improves the quality of decision making in Mellat Bank.Keywords: business intelligence, business intelligence capability, decision making, decision quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1131247 Quantitative on Fatty Acid Profiles, Lipid Contents and Fat-Soluble Vitamin A of Freshwater Fish Species in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia
Authors: Sengly Sroy, Elodie Arnaud, Adrien Servent, Sokneang In, Sylvie Avallone
In Cambodia, fish plays an important role for local community in term of food habits, preference and contribution to several nutritional intakes. Consumed on a daily basis, fishes and their derivatives products are good sources of proteins, essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. They mainly obtain from the Tonle Sap Lake but, during the last decade, the fish population decreased drastically due to climate change and human activities as well. Contamination by agricultural residues and heavy metals were identified. However, fishes are currently used in several nutrition programs for children and pregnant women to improve their nutritional status. The aim of our work was to characterize the nutritional profile and contamination of 10 fish species consumed near the Tonle Sap Lake with a special attention to fatty acid and fat-soluble vitamin profiles. Fish samples were analyzed for their nutritional profiles (AOAC methods for macronutrients and micronutrients), their lipid content (Folch modified method), their Fatty acid (FAME method), their vitamin A (HPLC) and their heavy metals (ICP-MS). The total lipid contents ranged from 1.43 to 10.00% according to fish species. Lipid profile was mainly dominated by saturated fat (from 47.95 to 57.32%) but some fish species were particularly rich in ω-3 and ω-6 especially eicosapentaenoic acid EPA (3.05%) and docosahexaenoic acid DHA (2.82%). The more the fishes were fats, the more they contained vitamin A, DHA and EPA. Vitamin A is particularly abundant in small fishes (250.10 μg RE/100 g) compare to big ones (13.77 μg RE/100 g) because they are consumed as a whole with their organs (liver) and head. However, the contents of heavy metal in some species are higher than the maximum permitted level (MPL) from codex alimentarius, especially Mn. The results obtained provided important information on the most interesting fish in term of human nutrition and the potential risk of contaminants. The fatty acids are important for child development and pregnant women. These data are useful for supply chain stakeholders and the people in charge of nutrition program.Keywords: fat-soluble vitamin, fatty acid, freshwater fish, lipid content, Tonle Sap Lake
Procedia PDF Downloads 1531246 Drivers of Liking: Probiotic Petit Suisse Cheese
Authors: Helena Bolini, Erick Esmerino, Adriano Cruz, Juliana Paixao
The currently concern for health has increased demand for low-calorie ingredients and functional foods as probiotics. Understand the reasons that infer on food choice, besides a challenging task, it is important step for development and/or reformulation of existing food products. The use of appropriate multivariate statistical techniques, such as External Preference Map (PrefMap), associated with regression by Partial Least Squares (PLS) can help in determining those factors. Thus, this study aimed to determine, through PLS regression analysis, the sensory attributes considered drivers of liking in probiotic petit suisse cheeses, strawberry flavor, sweetened with different sweeteners. Five samples in same equivalent sweetness: PROB1 (Sucralose 0.0243%), PROB2 (Stevia 0.1520%), PROB3 (Aspartame 0.0877%), PROB4 (Neotame 0.0025%) and PROB5 (Sucrose 15.2%) determined by just-about-right and magnitude estimation methods, and three commercial samples COM1, COM2 and COM3, were studied. Analysis was done over data coming from QDA, performed by 12 expert (highly trained assessors) on 20 descriptor terms, correlated with data from assessment of overall liking in acceptance test, carried out by 125 consumers, on all samples. Sequentially, results were submitted to PLS regression using XLSTAT software from Byossistemes. As shown in results, it was possible determine, that three sensory descriptor terms might be considered drivers of liking of probiotic petit suisse cheese samples added with sweeteners (p<0.05). The milk flavor was noticed as a sensory characteristic with positive impact on acceptance, while descriptors bitter taste and sweet aftertaste were perceived as descriptor terms with negative impact on acceptance of petit suisse probiotic cheeses. It was possible conclude that PLS regression analysis is a practical and useful tool in determining drivers of liking of probiotic petit suisse cheeses sweetened with artificial and natural sweeteners, allowing food industry to understand and improve their formulations maximizing the acceptability of their products.Keywords: acceptance, consumer, quantitative descriptive analysis, sweetener
Procedia PDF Downloads 4461245 [Keynote Talk]: Mental Health Challenges among Women in Dubai, Mental Health Needs Assessment for Dubai (2015), Public Health and Safety Department - Dubai Health Authority (DHA)
Authors: Kadhim Alabady
Purpose: Mental health problems affect women and men equally, but some are more common among women. To Provide a baseline of the current picture of major mental health challenges among women in Dubai. which can then be used to measure the impact of interventions or service development. Method: We have used mixed methods evaluation approaches. This was used to increase the validity of findings by using a variety of data collection techniques. We have integrated qualitative and quantitative methods in this piece of work. Conducting the two approaches is to explore issues that might not be highlighted enough through one method. Results: The key findings are: The prevalence of people who suffer from different types of mental disorders remains largely unknown, many women are unwilling to seek professional help because of lack of awareness or the stigma attached to it. -It is estimated there were around 2,928–4,392 mothers in Dubai (2014) suffering from postnatal depression of which 858–1,287, early intervention can be effective. -The system for managing health care for women with mental illness is fragmented and contains gaps and duplications. -It is estimated 1,029 girl aged 13–19 years affected with anorexia nervosa and there would be an estimated 1,029 girl aged 13–19 years affected with anorexia nervosa. Recommendations: -Work is required with primary health care in order to identify women with undiagnosed mental illnesses. Further work is undertaken within primary health care to assess disease registries with the aim of helping GP practices to improve their disease registers. -It is important to conduct local psychiatric morbidity surveys in Dubai to obtain data and assess the prevalence of essential mental health symptoms and conditions that are not routinely collected to get a clear sense of what is needed and to assist decision and policy making in getting a complete picture on what services are required. -Emergency Mental Health Care – there is a need for a crisis response team to respond to emergencies in the community. -Continuum of care – a significant gap in the services for women once they diagnosed with mental disorder.Keywords: mental health, depression, schizophrenia, women
Procedia PDF Downloads 210