Search results for: waste management strategies
15339 Studies on Mechanical Properties of Concrete and Mortar Containing Waste Glass Aggregate
Authors: Nadjoua Bourmatte, Hacène Houari
Glass has been indispensable to men’s life due to its properties, including pliability to take any shape with ease, bright surface, resistance to abrasion, reasonable safety and durability. Waste glass creates serious environmental problems, mainly due to the inconsistency of waste glass streams. With increasing environmental pressure to reduce solid waste and to recycle as much as possible, the concrete industry has adopted a number of methods to achieve this goal. The object of this research work is to study the effect of using recycled glass waste, as a partial replacement of fine aggregate, on the fresh and hardened properties of concrete. Recycled glass was used to replace fine aggregate in proportions of 0%, 25% and 50%. We could observe that the Glass waste aggregates are lighter than natural aggregates and they show a very low water absorption. The experimental results showed that the slump flow increased with the increase of recycled glass content. On the other hand, the compressive strength and tensile strength of recycled glass mixtures decreased with the increase in the recycled glass content. The results showed that recycled glass aggregate can successfully be used with limited level for producing concrete. The standard sand was substituted with aggregates based on glass waste for manufacturing mortars, Mortar based on glass shows a compressive strength and low bending with a 1/2 ratio with control mortar strength.Keywords: concrete, environment, glass waste, recycling
Procedia PDF Downloads 23315338 Assessment of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Perlite Mortars with Recycled Cement
Authors: Saca Nastasia, Radu Lidia, Dobre Daniela, Calotă Razvan
In order to achieve the European Union's sustainable and circular economy goals, strategies for reducing raw material consumption, reusing waste, and lowering CO₂ emissions have been developed. In this study, expanded perlite mortars with recycled cement (RC) were obtained and characterized. The recycled cement was obtained from demolition concrete waste. The concrete waste was crushed in a jaw and grinded in a horizontal ball mill to reduce the material's average grain size. Finally, the fine particles were sieved through a 125 µm sieve. The recycled cement was prepared by heating demolition concrete waste at 550°C for 3 hours. At this temperature, the decarbonization does not occur. The utilization of recycled cement can minimize the negative environmental effects of demolished concrete landfills as well as the demand for natural resources used in cement manufacturing. Commercial cement CEM II/A-LL 42.5R was substituted by 10%, 20%, and 30% recycled cement. By substituting reference cement (CEM II/A-LL 42.5R) by RC, a decrease in cement aqueous suspension pH, electrical conductivity, and Ca²⁺ concentration was observed for all measurements (2 hours, 6 hours, 24 hours, 4 days, and 7 days). After 2 hours, pH value was 12.42 for reference and conductivity of 2220 µS/cm and decreased to 12.27, respectively 1570 µS/cm for 30% RC. The concentration of Ca²⁺ estimated by complexometric titration was 20% lower in suspension with 30% RC in comparison to reference for 2 hours. The difference significantly diminishes over time. The mortars have cement: expanded perlite volume ratio of 1:3 and consistency between 140 mm and 200 mm. The density of fresh mortar was about 1400 kg/m3. The density, flexural and compressive strengths, water absorption, and thermal conductivity of hardened mortars were tested. Due to its properties, expanded perlite mortar is a good thermal insulation material.Keywords: concrete waste, expanded perlite, mortar, recycled cement, thermal conductivity, mechanical strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 9015337 Evaluation of Environmental Management System Implementation of Construction Projects in Turkey
Authors: Aydemir Akyürek, Osman Nuri Ağdağ
Construction industry is in a rapid development for many years around the world and especially in Turkey. In the last three years sector has 10% growth and provides significant support on Turkey’s national economy. Many construction projects are on-going at urban and rural areas of Turkey which have substantial environmental impacts. Environmental impacts during construction phase are quite diversified and widespread. Environmental impacts of construction industry cannot be inspected properly in all cases and negative impacts may occur frequently in many projects in Turkey. In this study, implementation of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) in construction plants is evaluated. In the beginning stage quality management systems generally reviewed and ISO 14001 EMS is selected for implementation. Standard requirements are examined first and implementation of every standard requirement is elaborated for the selected construction plant in the following stage. Key issues and common problems, gained benefits by execution of this type of international EMS standard are examined. As can be seen in sample projects, construction projects are being completed very fast and contractors are working in a highly competitive environment with low profit ratios in our country and mostly qualified work force cannot be accessible. Addition to this there are deficits on waste handling and environmental infrastructure. Besides construction companies which have substantial investments on EMSs can be faced with difficulties on competitiveness in domestic market, however professional Turkish contractors which implementing managements systems in larger scale at international projects are gaining successful results. Also the concept of ‘construction project management’ which is being implemented in successful projects worldwide cannot be implemented except larger projects in Turkey. In case of nonexistence of main management system (quality) implementation of EMSs cannot be managed. Despite all constraints, EMSs that will be implemented in this industry with commitment of top managements and demand of customers will be an enabling, facilitating tool to determine environmental aspects and impacts of construction sites, will provide higher compliance levels for environmental legislation, to establish best available methods for operational control on waste management, chemicals management etc. and to plan monitoring and measurement, to prioritize environmental aspects for investment schedules and waste management.Keywords: environmental management system, construction projects, ISO 14001, quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 36215336 Using Sugar Mill Waste for Biobased Epoxy Composites
Authors: Ulku Soydal, Mustafa Esen Marti, Gulnare Ahmetli
In this study, precipitated calcium carbonate lime waste (LW) from sugar beet process was recycled as the raw material for the preparation of composite materials. Epoxidized soybean oil (ESO) was used as a co-matrix in 50 wt% with DGEBA type epoxy resin (ER). XRD was used for characterization of composites. Effects of ESO and LW filler amounts on mechanical properties of neat ER were investigated. Modification of ER with ESO remarkably enhanced plasticity of ER.Keywords: epoxy resin, biocomposite, lime waste, properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 31515335 Catalytic Production of Hydrogen and Carbon Nanotubes over Metal/SiO2 Core-Shell Catalyst from Plastic Wastes Gasification
Authors: Wei-Jing Li, Ren-Xuan Yang, Kui-Hao Chuang, Ming-Yen Wey
Nowadays, plastic product and utilization are extensive and have greatly improved our life. Yet, plastic wastes are stable and non-biodegradable challenging issues to the environment. Waste-to-energy strategies emerge a promising way for waste management. This work investigated the co-production of hydrogen and carbon nanotubes from the syngas which was from the gasification of polypropylene. A nickel-silica core-shell catalyst was applied for syngas reaction from plastic waste gasification in a fixed-bed reactor. SiO2 were prepared through various synthesis solvents by Stöber process. Ni plays a role as modified SiO2 support, which were synthesized by deposition-precipitation method. Core-shell catalysts have strong interaction between active phase and support, in order to avoid catalyst sintering. Moreover, Fe or Co metal acts as promoter to enhance catalytic activity. The effects of calcined atmosphere, second metal addition, and reaction temperature on hydrogen production and carbon yield were examined. In this study, the catalytic activity and carbon yield results revealed that the Ni/SiO2 catalyst calcined under H2 atmosphere exhibited the best performance. Furthermore, Co promoted Ni/SiO2 catalyst produced 3 times more than Ni/SiO2 on carbon yield at long-term operation. The structure and morphological nature of the calcined and spent catalysts were examined using different characterization techniques including scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction. In addition, the quality and thermal stability of the nano-carbon materials were also evaluated by Raman spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis.Keywords: plastic wastes, hydrogen, carbon nanotube, core-shell catalysts
Procedia PDF Downloads 31915334 Collaborative Governance for Social Change and Environmental Sustainability: A Case Study of Campania Region
Authors: Zubair Ahmad
The emphasis on collaborative governance and effective leadership to bring any social change is gaining prominence among researchers. This article aims to investigate the role of leadership and collaborative governance in bringing social change concerning waste management in the Campania region. The single-case study of a multi-site, qualitative approach is used in this study. Interviews of relevant politicians, public managers, citizens, waste management organizations and academics were conducted (2023-2024). This research uses the lens of multiple theoretical frameworks such as collaborative governance, network agency and transformational leadership to explore different dynamics of the research. Moreover, several obstacles in the way of achieving social change in Campania concerning waste management and environmental sustainability are identified. The findings of this study added to the theoretical understanding of collaborative governance and social change. Practically, it highlights five interconnected forms from interviews of leadership that civic leaders and managers must establish to promote positive social change: Difficulties in leadership effectiveness, civic potential unused, media mobilization, hope for a miracle, and stakeholder engagement diversification. The public value framework is used to analyze the potential role of leadership in bringing change in society. The research findings are replicable and can be applied to a similar set of circumstances. This research shows how can states effectively improve a social challenge to achieve a greater public good and how leadership help in achieving sustainability. Italy's government has green-lighted projects to make these activities more visible while downplaying their negative impacts on the environment and public health. This study provides an overview of the growing body of research on (un)sustainability practices by demonstrating how states might successfully tackle sustainability-related business difficulties in the service of a higher public good.Keywords: collaborative governance, transformational leadership, network agency, public value framework, social change, waste management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1015333 Effect of Waste Bottle Chips on Strength Parameters of Silty Soil
Authors: Seyed Abolhasan Naeini, Hamidreza Rahmani
Laboratory consolidated undrained triaxial (CU) tests were carried out to study the strength behavior of silty soil reinforced with randomly plastic waste bottle chips. Specimens mixed with plastic waste chips in triaxial compression tests with 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, and 1.25% by dry weight of soil and tree different length including 4, 8, and 12 mm. In all of the samples, the width and thickness of plastic chips were kept constant. According to the results, the amount and size of plastic waste bottle chips played an important role in the increasing of the strength parameters of reinforced silt compared to the pure soil. Because of good results, the suggested method of soil improvement can be used in many engineering problems such as increasing the bearing capacity and settlement reduction in foundations.Keywords: reinforcement, silt, soil improvement, triaxial test, waste bottle chips
Procedia PDF Downloads 28515332 Model Studies on Use of Coal Mine Waste and Modified Clay Soil as Fill Material for Embankments and Foundations
Authors: K. Suresh, M. Padmavathi, N. Darga Kumar
The objective of this study is to investigate the significance of coal mine waste and improved clay soil when used as a fill and for the construction of embankment. To determine the bearing capacities of coal mine waste and improved clay soil, tests are conducted apart from laboratory experiments. PLAXIS 2D software is used to make the analysis simpler. Depending upon the bearing capacities obtained for different cases, a conclusion can be drawn. Load carrying capacities are determined for coal mine waste, clay and by altering their height ratio when clay (H2) is at the bottom, and coal mine waste (H1) is on the top with three different cases (H = 0.25H1 + 0.75H2, 0.5H1 + 0.5H2, 0.75H1 + 0.25H2) in addition to this bearing capacity of improved clay soil (by replacing clay with 10% CMW, 30% CMW and 50% CMW in addition polycom) is also determined. The safe height of the embankment that can be constructed with the improved clay for different slopes, i.e., for 1:1, 1.5: 1, 2: 1 is also determined by using PLAXIS 2D software by limiting the factor of safety to 1.5.Keywords: cohesion, angle of shearing resistance, elastic modulus, coefficient of consolidation, coal mine waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 2115331 Empowering Leaders: Strategies for Effective Management in a Changing World
Authors: Shahid Ali
Leadership and management are essential components of running successful organizations. Both concepts are closely related but serve different purposes in the overall management of a company. Leadership focuses on inspiring and motivating employees towards a common goal, while management involves coordinating and directing resources to achieve organizational objectives efficiently. Objectives of Leadership and Management: Inspiring and motivating employees: A key objective of leadership is to inspire and motivate employees to work towards achieving the organization’s goals. Effective leaders create a vision that employees can align with and provide the necessary motivation to drive performance. Setting goals and objectives: Both leadership and management play a crucial role in setting goals and objectives for the organization. Leaders create a vision for the future, while managers develop plans to achieve specific objectives within the given timeframe. Implementing strategies: Leaders come up with innovative strategies to drive the organization forward, while managers are responsible for implementing these strategies effectively. Together, leadership and management ensure that the organization’s plans are executed efficiently. Contributions of Leadership and Management: Employee Engagement: Effective leadership and management can increase employee engagement and satisfaction. When employees feel motivated and inspired by their leaders, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and contribute to the organization’s success. Organizational Success: Good leadership and management are essential for navigating the challenges and changes that organizations face. By setting clear goals, inspiring employees, and making strategic decisions, leaders and managers can drive organizational success. Talent Development: Leaders and managers are responsible for identifying and developing talent within the organization. By providing feedback, training, and coaching, they can help employees reach their full potential and contribute effectively to the organization. Research Type: The research on leadership and management is typically quantitative and qualitative in nature. Quantitative research involves the collection and analysis of numerical data to understand the impact of leadership and management practices on organizational outcomes. This type of research often uses surveys, questionnaires, and statistical analysis to measure variables such as employee satisfaction, performance, and organizational success. Qualitative research, on the other hand, involves exploring the subjective experiences and perspectives of individuals related to leadership and management. This type of research may include interviews, observations, and case studies to gain a deeper understanding of how leadership and management practices influence organizational behavior and outcomes. In conclusion, leadership and management play a critical role in the success of organizations. Through effective leadership and management practices, organizations can inspire and motivate employees, set goals, and implement strategies to achieve their objectives. Research on leadership and management helps to understand the impact of these practices on organizational outcomes and provides valuable insights for improving leadership and management practices in the future.Keywords: empowering, leadership, management, adaptability
Procedia PDF Downloads 5115330 Effect of Pulverised Burnt Clay Waste Fineness on the Compressive Strength of Concrete
Authors: Emmanuel Onaivi Ajayi, Adewumi John Babafemi
The use of supplementary cementitious materials as partial replacement for cement is steadily increasing in the construction industry. Concrete produced with these materials has shown significant improvement in durability compared to conventional concrete. However, blended cement concretes produced using these supplementary materials typically gain compressive strength at later ages beyond the 28-day, and this does not favour its use when early age strength is required. Improving the fineness of the supplementary materials could be a way to improving the strength performance of its blended cement concrete. In this paper, the effect of pulverised burnt clay waste fineness on the compressive strength of concrete has been investigated. Two different fineness of pulverised burnt clay waste classified as coarse and fine portions were obtained by sieving the original pulverised burnt clay waste portion through sieve sizes No. 100 (150 µm) and No. 200 (75 µm), respectively. Pulverised burnt clay waste dosages of 0% (control), 10% and 20% by weight of binder were used in producing the concrete mixtures. It is found that the compressive strength of the concrete depends on the fineness and proportion of pulverised burnt clay waste. The result shows improvement in compressive strength at all curing ages with the fine portion pulverised burnt clay waste having the highest strength and improved early age compressive strength.Keywords: pulverized burnt clay waste, supplementary cementitious materials, compressive strength, pozzolans, fineness
Procedia PDF Downloads 36115329 Exploring the Concept of Fashion Waste: Hanging by a Thread
Authors: Timothy Adam Boleratzky
The goal of this transformative endeavour lies in the repurposing of textile scraps, heralding a renaissance in the creation of wearable art. Through a judicious fusion of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodologies and cutting-edge techniques, this research embarks upon a voyage of exploration, unraveling the intricate tapestry of environmental implications woven into the fabric of textile waste. Delving deep into the annals of empirical evidence and scholarly discourse, the study not only elucidates the urgent imperative for waste reduction strategies but also unveils the transformative potential inherent in embracing circular economy principles within the hallowed halls of fashion. As the research unfurls its sails, guided by the compass of sustainability, it traverses uncharted territories, charting a course toward a more enlightened and responsible fashion ecosystem. The canvas upon which this journey unfolds is richly adorned with insights gleaned from the crucible of experimentation, laying bare the myriad pathways toward waste minimisation and resource optimisation. From the adoption of recycling strategies to the cultivation of eco-friendly production techniques, the research endeavours to sculpt a blueprint for a more sustainable future, one stitch at a time. In this unfolding narrative, the role of wearable art emerges as a potent catalyst for change, transcending the boundaries of conventional fashion to embrace a more holistic ethos of sustainability. Through the alchemy of creativity and craftsmanship, discarded textile scraps are imbued with new life, morphing into exquisite creations that serve as both a testament to human ingenuity and a rallying cry for environmental preservation. Each thread, each stitch, becomes a silent harbinger of change, weaving together a tapestry of hope in a world besieged by ecological uncertainty. As the research journey culminates, its echoes resonate far beyond the confines of academia, reverberating through the corridors of industry and beyond. In its wake, it leaves a legacy of empowerment and enlightenment, inspiring a generation of designers, entrepreneurs, and consumers to embrace a more sustainable vision of fashion. For in the intricate interplay of threads and textiles lies the promise of a brighter, more resilient future, where beauty coexists harmoniously with responsibility and where fashion becomes not merely an expression of style but a celebration of sustainability.Keywords: fabric-manipulation, sustainability, textiles, waste, wearable-art
Procedia PDF Downloads 4615328 Associated Problems with the Open Dump Site and Its Possible Solutions
Authors: Pangkaj Kumar Mahanta, Md. Rafizul Islam
The rapid growth of the population causes a substantial amount of increase in household waste all over the world. Waste management is becoming one of the most challenging phenomena in the present day. The most environmentally friendly final disposal process of waste is sanitary landfilling, which is practiced in most developing countries. However, in Southeast Asia, most of the final disposal point is an open dump site. Due to the ignominy of proper management of waste and monitoring, the surrounding environment gets polluted more by the open dump site in comparison with a sanitary landfill. Khulna is 3rd largest metropolitan city in Bangladesh, having a population of around 1.5 million and producing approximately 450 tons per day of Municipal Solid Waste. The Municipal solid waste of Khulna city is disposed of in Rajbandh open dump site. The surrounding air is being polluted by the gas produced in the open dump site. Also, the open dump site produces leachate, which contains various heavy metals like Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb), Manganese (Mn), Mercury (Hg), Strontium (Sr), etc. Leachate pollutes the soil as well as the groundwater of the open dump site and also the surrounding area through seepage. Moreover, during the rainy season, the surface water is polluted by leachate runoff. Also, the plastic waste flowing out from the open dump site through various drivers pollutes the nearby environment. The health risk assessment associated with heavy metals was carried out by computing the chronic daily intake (CDI), hazard quotient (HQ), and hazard index (HI) via different exposure pathways following the USEPA guidelines. For ecological risk, potential contamination index (Cp), Contamination factor (CF), contamination load index (PLI), numerical integrated contamination factor (NICF), enrichment factor (EF), ecological risk index (ER), and potential ecological risk index (PERI) were computed. The health risk and ecological risk assessment results reveal that some heavy metals possess strong health and ecological risk. In addition, the child faces higher harmful health risks from several heavy metals than the adult for all the exposure pathways and media. The conversion of an open dump site into a sanitary landfill and a proper management system can reduce the problems associated with an open dump site. In the sanitary landfill, the produced gas will be managed properly to save the surrounding atmosphere from being polluted. The seepage of leachate can be minimized by installing a compacted clay layer (CCL) as a baseline and leachate collection in a sanitary landfill to save the underlying soil layer and surrounding water bodies from leachate. Another important component of a sanitary landfill is the conversion of plastic waste to energy will minimize the plastic pollution in the landfill area and also the surrounding soil and water bodies. Also, in the sanitary landfill, the bio-waste can be used to make compost to reduce the volume of bio-waste and proper utilization of the landfill area.Keywords: ecological risk, health risk, open dump site, sanitary landfill
Procedia PDF Downloads 19515327 Generalized Linear Modeling of HCV Infection Among Medical Waste Handlers in Sidama Region, Ethiopia
Authors: Birhanu Betela Warssamo
Background: There is limited evidence on the prevalence and risk factors for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among waste handlers in the Sidama region, Ethiopia; however, this knowledge is necessary for the effective prevention of HCV infection in the region. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among randomly selected waste collectors from October 2021 to 30 July 2022 in different public hospitals in the Sidama region of Ethiopia. Serum samples were collected from participants and screened for anti-HCV using a rapid immunochromatography assay. Socio-demographic and risk factor information of waste handlers was gathered by pretested and well-structured questionnaires. The generalized linear model (GLM) was conducted using R software, and P-value < 0.05 was declared statistically significant. Results: From a total of 282 participating waste handlers, 16 (5.7%) (95% CI, 4.2 – 8.7) were infected with the hepatitis C virus. The educational status of waste handlers was the significant demographic variable that was associated with the hepatitis C virus (AOR = 0.055; 95% CI = 0.012 – 0.248; P = 0.000). More married waste handlers, 12 (75%), were HCV positive than unmarried, 4 (25%) and married waste handlers were 2.051 times (OR = 2.051, 95%CI = 0.644 –6.527, P = 0.295) more prone to HCV infection, compared to unmarried, which was statistically insignificant. The GLM showed that exposure to blood (OR = 8.26; 95% CI = 1.878–10.925; P = 0.037), multiple sexual partners (AOR = 3.63; 95% CI = 2.751–5.808; P = 0.001), sharp injury (AOR = 2.77; 95% CI = 2.327–3.173; P = 0.036), not using PPE (AOR = 0.77; 95% CI = 0.032–0.937; P = 0.001), contact with jaundiced patient (AOR = 3.65; 95% CI = 1.093–4.368; P = 0 .0048) and unprotected sex (AOR = 11.91; 95% CI = 5.847–16.854; P = 0.001) remained statistically significantly associated with HCV positivity. Conclusions: The study revealed that there was a high prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among waste handlers in the Sidama region, Ethiopia. This demonstrated that there is an urgent need to increase preventative efforts and strategic policy orientations to control the spread of the hepatitis C virus.Keywords: Hepatitis C virus, risk factors, waste handlers, prevalence, Sidama Ethiopia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1615326 Biodiesel Production From Waste Cooking Oil Using g-C3N4 Photocatalyst
Authors: A. Elgendi, H. Farag, M. E. Ossman, M. Abd-Elfatah
This paper explores the using of waste cooking oil (WCO) as an attractive option to reduce the raw material cost for the biodiesel production. This can be achieved through two steps; esterification using g-C3N4photocatalyst and then alkali transesterification. Several parameters have been studied to determine the yield of the biodiesel produced such as: Reaction time (2-6 hrs), catalyst concentration (0.3-1.5 wt.%), number of UV lamps (1or 3 lamps) and methanol: oil ratio (6:1-12:1). From the obtained results, the highest percentage yield was obtained using methanol: Oil molar ratio of 12:1, catalyst dosage 0.3%, time of 4 hrs and using 1 lamp. From the results it was clear that the produced biodiesel from waste cooking oil can be used as fuel.Keywords: biodiesel, heterogeneous catalyst, photocatalytic esterification, waste cooking oil
Procedia PDF Downloads 52815325 Mechanical, Physical and Durability Properties of Cement Mortars Added with Recycled PP/PE-Based Food Packaging Waste Material
Authors: Livia Guerini, Christian Paglia
In Switzerland, only a fraction of plastic waste from food packaging is collected and recycled for further use in the food industry. Therefore, reusing these waste plastics for building applications can be an attractive alternative to disposal in order to reduce the problem of waste management and to make up for the depletion of raw materials needed for construction. In this study, experiments were conducted on the mechanical properties (compressive and flexural strength, elastic modulus), physical properties (density, workability, porosity, and water permeability) and durability (freeze/thaw resistance) of cementitious mortars with additions of recycled low-/high-density polyethylene (LDPE/HDPE)/ polypropylene (PP) regrind (addition of 5% and 10% by weight) and LDPE sheets (addition of 0.5% and 1.5% by weight) coming from food packaging. The results show that as the addition of plastic material increases, the density and mechanical properties of the mortars decrease compared to conventional ones. Porosity is similar in all the mixtures made, while the workability and the permeability are affected not only by the amount added but also by the shape of the plastic aggregate. Freeze/thaw resistance, on the other hand, is significantly higher in mortars with plastic aggregates than in traditional mortar. This feature may be interesting for the realization of outdoor mortars in cold environments.Keywords: food packaging waste, durability properties, mechanical properties, mortar, recycled PE, recycled PP
Procedia PDF Downloads 14515324 The Use of Geographic Information System for Selecting Landfill Sites in Osogbo
Authors: Nureni Amoo, Sunday Aroge, Oluranti Akintola, Hakeem Olujide, Ibrahim Alabi
This study investigated the optimum landfill site in Osogbo so as to identify suitable solid waste dumpsite for proper waste management in the capital city. Despite an increase in alternative techniques for disposing of waste, landfilling remains the primary means of waste disposal. These changes in attitudes in many parts of the world have been supported by changes in laws and policies regarding the environment and waste disposal. Selecting the most suitable site for landfill can avoid any ecological and socio-economic effects. The increase in industrial and economic development, along with the increase of population growth in Osogbo town, generates a tremendous amount of solid waste within the region. Factors such as the scarcity of land, the lifespan of the landfill, and environmental considerations warrant that the scientific and fundamental studies are carried out in determining the suitability of a landfill site. The analysis of spatial data and consideration of regulations and accepted criteria are part of the important elements in the site selection. This paper presents a multi-criteria decision-making method using geographic information system (GIS) with the integration of the fuzzy logic multi-criteria decision making (FMCDM) technique for landfill suitability site evaluation. By using the fuzzy logic method (classification of suitable areas in the range of 0 to 1 scale), the superposing of the information layers related to drainage, soil, land use/land cover, slope, land use, and geology maps were performed in the study. Based on the result obtained in this study, five (5) potential sites are suitable for the construction of a landfill are proposed, two of which belong to the most suitable zone, and the existing waste disposal site belonged to the unsuitable zone.Keywords: fuzzy logic multi-criteria decision making, geographic information system, landfill, suitable site, waste disposal
Procedia PDF Downloads 14415323 Recycling Motivations and Barriers in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Authors: Jasmine Adela Mutang, Rosnah Ismail, Chua Bee Seok, Ferlis Bahari, Lailawati Madlan, Walton Wider, Rickless Das
Waste projection is increasing and most landfills in Malaysia are running out of space. Due to that, waste management is now becoming a major challenge. The most sustainable solution is by practicing sustainable practices such as recycling. Since 1993 the government has launched several recycling campaigns and implemented the National Recycling Policy. However, public participation is still very low. Only 10.5% of solid waste was recycled up to now which is far below than of in developed countries. Nevertheless the government is optimistic that the target of 22% recycling by 2020 will be achieved if there is a positive flow pattern in sustainable practices in particular recycling behavior among Malaysian. Understanding public motivations towards recycling domestic waste are important to improve current recycling rate. Thus this study attempts to identify what are the possible motivations and hindrances for the public to recycle. Open-ended questions format were administered to 484 people in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Two specific questions we asked to explore their general determinants and barriers in practicing recycling: “What motivates you to recycle?” and “What are the barriers you encountered in doing recycling activities?” Thematic analysis was conducted on the open-ended questions in which themes were created with the raw comments. It was found that the underlying recycling motivations are awareness’ towards the environment, benefits to the society and individual, and social influence. Non participations are influence by attitudes, commitment, facilities, knowledge, inconvenience, and enforcement.Keywords: recycling motivation, recycling barrier, sustainable, household waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 55415322 Phenols and Manganese Removal from Landfill Leachate and Municipal Waste Water Using the Constructed Wetland
Authors: Amin Mojiri, Lou Ziyang
Constructed wetland (CW) is a reasonable method to treat waste water. Current study was carried out to co-treat landfill leachate and domestic waste water using a CW system. Typha domingensis was transplanted to CW, which encloses two substrate layers of adsorbents named ZELIAC and zeolite. Response surface methodology and central composite design were employed to evaluate experimental data. Contact time (h) and leachate to waste water mixing ratio (%; v/v) were selected as independent factors. Phenols and manganese removal were selected as dependent responses. At optimum contact time (48.7 h) and leachate to waste water mixing ratio (20.0%), removal efficiencies of phenols and manganese removal efficiencies were 90.5%, and 89.4%, respectively.Keywords: constructed wetland, Manganese, phenols, Thypha domingensis
Procedia PDF Downloads 32215321 The Effect of Sustainable Supply Chain Management on Performance of Agricultural Firms in Nigeria
Authors: Haruna Daddau
This study investigates the effect of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) on the performance of agricultural firms in Nigeria. Green packaging, product design, waste reduction and supply chain design were examined. The ecological modernization theory, which suggests the economic benefit of the environment, was used to underpin the study. The research is quantitative in nature, and a survey research method was adopted where information was obtained using questionnaires distributed directly to the top managers of 6 agricultural firms in Nigeria. STATA and SPSS were used for the data analysis, and regression analysis was used to examine the effects. Findings showed that SSCM positively improves the performance of the firms. Also, detailed information about the study’s selected variables' effect on performance was provided. Additionally, the significant role of SSCM in accelerating the firms’ performance was highlighted. It is recommended that SSCM should be given serious attention by integrating it into the overall firm's business strategy.Keywords: sustainable supply chain management, green packaging, product design, waste reduction, supply chain design and performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 4815320 Improving Energy Efficiency through Industrial Symbiosis: A Conceptual Framework of Energy Management in Energy-Intensive Industries
Authors: Yuanjun Chen, Yongjiang Shi
Rising energy prices have drawn a focus to global energy issues, and the severe pollution that has resulted from energy-intensive industrial sectors has yet to be addressed. By combining Energy Efficiency with Industrial Symbiosis, the practices of efficient energy utilization and improvement can be not only enriched at the factory level but also upgraded into “within and/or between firm level”. The academic contribution of this paper provides a conceptual framework of energy management through IS. The management of waste energy within/between firms can contribute to the reduction of energy consumption and provides a solution to the environmental issues.Keywords: energy efficiency, energy management, industrial symbiosis, energy-intensive industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 43815319 Optimization of Organic Rankine Cycle System for Waste Heat Recovery from Excavator
Authors: Young Min Kim, Dong Gil Shin, Assmelash Assefa Negash
This study describes the application of a single loop organic Rankine cycle (ORC) for recovering waste heat from an excavator. In the case of waste heat recovery of the excavator, the heat of hydraulic oil can be used in the ORC system together with the other waste heat sources including the exhaust gas and engine coolant. The performances of four different cases of single loop ORC systems were studied at the main operating condition, and critical design factors are studied to get the maximum power output from the given waste heat sources. The energy and exergy analysis of the cycles are performed concerning the available heat source to determine the best fluid and system configuration. The analysis demonstrates that the ORC in the excavator increases 14% of the net power output at the main operating condition with a simpler system configuration at a lower expander inlet temperature than in a conventional vehicle engine without the heat of the hydraulic oil.Keywords: engine, excavator, hydraulic oil, organic Rankine cycle (ORC), waste heat recovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 30615318 Nonparametric Path Analysis with a Truncated Spline Approach in Modeling Waste Management Behavior Patterns
Authors: Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes, Usriatur Rohma
Nonparametric path analysis is a statistical method that does not rely on the assumption that the curve is known. The purpose of this study is to determine the best truncated spline nonparametric path function between linear and quadratic polynomial degrees with 1, 2, and 3 knot points and to determine the significance of estimating the best truncated spline nonparametric path function in the model of the effect of perceived benefits and perceived convenience on behavior to convert waste into economic value through the intention variable of changing people's mindset about waste using the t test statistic at the jackknife resampling stage. The data used in this study are primary data obtained from research grants. The results showed that the best model of nonparametric truncated spline path analysis is quadratic polynomial degree with 3 knot points. In addition, the significance of the best truncated spline nonparametric path function estimation using jackknife resampling shows that all exogenous variables have a significant influence on the endogenous variables.Keywords: nonparametric path analysis, truncated spline, linear, kuadratic, behavior to turn waste into economic value, jackknife resampling
Procedia PDF Downloads 5215317 Is there Anything Useful in That? High Value Product Extraction from Artemisia annua L. in the Spent Leaf and Waste Streams
Authors: Anike Akinrinlade
The world population is estimated to grow from 7.1 billion to 9.22 billion by 2075, increasing therefore by 23% from the current global population. Much of the demographic changes up to 2075 will take place in the less developed regions. There are currently 54 countries which fall under the bracket of being defined as having ‘low-middle income’ economies and need new ways to generate valuable products from current resources that is available. Artemisia annua L is well used for the extraction of the phytochemical artemisinin, which accounts for around 0.01 to 1.4 % dry weight of the plant. Artemisinin is used in the treatment of malaria, a disease rampart in sub-Saharan Africa and in many other countries. Once artemisinin has been extracted the spent leaf and waste streams are disposed of as waste. A feasibility study was carried out looking at increasing the biomass value of A. annua, by designing a biorefinery where spent leaf and waste streams are utilized for high product generation. Quercetin, ferulic acid, dihydroartemisinic acid, artemisinic acid and artemsinin were screened for in the waste stream samples and the spent leaf. The analytical results showed that artemisinin, artemisinic acid and dihydroartemisinic acid were present in the waste extracts as well as camphor and arteannuin b. Ongoing effects are looking at using more industrially relevant solvents to extract the phytochemicals from the waste fractions and investigate how microwave pyrolysis of spent leaf can be utilized to generate bio-products.Keywords: high value product generation, bioinformatics, biomedicine, waste streams, spent leaf
Procedia PDF Downloads 34915316 Proposing a Strategic Management Maturity Model for Continues Innovation
Authors: Ferhat Demir
Even if strategic management is highly critical for all types of organizations, only a few maturity models have been proposed in business literature for the area of strategic management activities. This paper updates previous studies and presents a new conceptual model for assessing the maturity of strategic management in any organization. Strategic management maturity model (S-3M) is basically composed of 6 maturity levels with 7 dimensions. The biggest contribution of S-3M is to put innovation into agenda of strategic management. The main objective of this study is to propose a model to align innovation with business strategies. This paper suggests that innovation (breakthrough new products/services and business models) is the only way of creating sustainable growth and strategy studies cannot ignore this aspect. Maturity models should embrace innovation to respond dynamic business environment and rapidly changing customer behaviours.Keywords: strategic management, innovation, business model, maturity model
Procedia PDF Downloads 19415315 Urban Corridor Management Strategy Based on Intelligent Transportation System
Authors: Sourabh Jain, Sukhvir Singh Jain, Gaurav V. Jain
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is the application of technology for developing a user–friendly transportation system for urban areas in developing countries. The goal of urban corridor management using ITS in road transport is to achieve improvements in mobility, safety, and the productivity of the transportation system within the available facilities through the integrated application of advanced monitoring, communications, computer, display, and control process technologies, both in the vehicle and on the road. This paper attempts to present the past studies regarding several ITS available that have been successfully deployed in urban corridors of India and abroad, and to know about the current scenario and the methodology considered for planning, design, and operation of Traffic Management Systems. This paper also presents the endeavor that was made to interpret and figure out the performance of the 27.4 Km long study corridor having eight intersections and four flyovers. The corridor consisting of 6 lanes as well as 8 lanes divided road network. Two categories of data were collected on February 2016 such as traffic data (traffic volume, spot speed, delay) and road characteristics data (no. of lanes, lane width, bus stops, mid-block sections, intersections, flyovers). The instruments used for collecting the data were video camera, radar gun, mobile GPS and stopwatch. From analysis, the performance interpretations incorporated were identification of peak hours and off peak hours, congestion and level of service (LOS) at mid blocks, delay followed by the plotting speed contours and recommending urban corridor management strategies. From the analysis, it is found that ITS based urban corridor management strategies will be useful to reduce congestion, fuel consumption and pollution so as to provide comfort and efficiency to the users. The paper presented urban corridor management strategies based on sensors incorporated in both vehicles and on the roads.Keywords: congestion, ITS strategies, mobility, safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 44415314 A Study of Food Waste Behaviours in Restaurants
Authors: Ching-Hsu Huang, Si-Qing Hong
The main purpose of this study is to understand the consumers’ perceptions and attitudes toward food waste in restaurants. The questionnaires were conducted as a research tool to collect data to understand consumers’ food waste behaviors and the most food wasted in terms of their preparation in the restaurant. The subjects were the consumers in the restaurants and asked to fill out the questionnaire, including social responsibility, attitude, behavioral intention and food waste behaviors. 89 questionnaires were collected and the data were analyzed by reliability, descriptive analysis, t-test and ANOVA. The five hypotheses were examined and the results showed there is a significant relationship between social responsibility and behavioral intention; social responsibility and attitude, attitude and behavioral intention. The suggestions and implications were addressed for restauranteurs and further research.Keywords: food waste behaviors (FWB), social responsibility, consumer attitude, behavioral intention, restaurants
Procedia PDF Downloads 17415313 A Molecular-Level Study of Combining the Waste Polymer and High-Concentration Waste Cooking Oil as an Additive on Reclamation of Aged Asphalt Pavement
Authors: Qiuhao Chang, Liangliang Huang, Xingru Wu
In the United States, over 90% of the roads are paved with asphalt. The aging of asphalt is the most serious problem that causes the deterioration of asphalt pavement. Waste cooking oils (WCOs) have been found they can restore the properties of aged asphalt and promote the reuse of aged asphalt pavement. In our previous study, it was found the optimal WCO concentration to restore the aged asphalt sample should be in the range of 10~15 wt% of the aged asphalt sample. After the WCO concentration exceeds 15 wt%, as the WCO concentration increases, some important properties of the asphalt sample can be weakened by the addition of WCO, such as cohesion energy density, surface free energy density, bulk modulus, shear modulus, etc. However, maximizing the utilization of WCO can create environmental and economic benefits. Therefore, in this study, a new idea about using the waste polymer is another additive to restore the WCO modified asphalt that contains a high concentration of WCO (15-25 wt%) is proposed, which has never been reported before. In this way, both waste polymer and WCO can be utilized. The molecular dynamics simulation is used to study the effect of waste polymer on properties of WCO modified asphalt and understand the corresponding mechanism at the molecular level. The radial distribution function, self-diffusion, cohesion energy density, surface free energy density, bulk modulus, shear modulus, adhesion energy between asphalt and aggregate are analyzed to validate the feasibility of combining the waste polymer and WCO to restore the aged asphalt. Finally, the optimal concentration of waste polymer and WCO are determined.Keywords: reclaim aged asphalt pavement, waste cooking oil, waste polymer, molecular dynamics simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 22215312 Invisible to Invaluable - How Social Media is Helping Tackle Stigma and Discrimination Against Informal Waste Pickers of Bengaluru
Authors: Varinder Kaur Gambhir, Neema Gupta, Sonal Tickoo Chaudhuri
Bengaluru, a rapidly growing metropolis in India, with a population of 12.5 million citizens, generates 5,757 metric tonnes of solid waste per day. Despite their invaluable contribution to waste management, society and the economy, waste pickers face significant stigma, suspicion and contempt and are left with a sense of shame about their work. In this context, BBC Media Action was funded by the H&M Foundation to develop a 3-year multi-phase social media campaign to shift perceptions of waste picking and informal waste pickers amongst the Bengaluru population. Research has been used to inform project strategy and adaptation, at all stages. Formative research to inform campaign strategy used mixed methods– 14 focused group discussions followed by 406 online surveys – to explore people’s knowledge of, and attitudes towards waste pickers, and identify potential barriers and motivators to changing perceptions. Use of qualitative techniques like metaphor maps (using bank of pictures rather than direct questions to understand mindsets) helped establish the invisibility of informal waste pickers, and the quantitative research enabled audience segmentation based on attitudes towards informal waste pickers. To pretest the campaign idea, eight I-GDs (individual interaction followed by group discussions) were conducted to allow interviewees to first freely express their feelings individually, before discussing in a group. Robert Plucthik’s ‘wheel of emotions’ was used to understand audience’s emotional response to the content. A robust monitoring and evaluation is being conducted (baseline and first phase of monitoring already completed) using a rotating longitudinal panel of 1,800 social media users (exposed and unexposed to the campaign), recruited face to face and representative of the social media universe of Bengaluru city. In addition, qualitative in-depth interviews are being conducted after each phase to better understand change drivers. The research methodology and ethical protocols for impact evaluation have been independently reviewed by an Institutional Review Board. Formative research revealed that while waste on the streets is visible and is of concern to the public, informal waste pickers are virtually ‘invisible’, for most people in Bengaluru Pretesting research revealed that the creative outputs evoked emotions like acceptance and gratitude towards waste-pickers, suggesting that the content had the potential to encourage attitudinal change. After the first phase of campaign, social media analytics show that #Invaluables content reached at least 2.6 million unique people (21% of the Bengaluru population) through Facebook and Instagram. Further, impact monitoring results show significant improvements in spontaneous awareness of different segments of informal waste pickers ( such as sorters at scrap shops or dry waste collection centres -from 10% at baseline to 16% amongst exposed and no change amongst unexposed), recognition that informal waste pickers help the environment (71% at baseline to 77% among exposed and no change among unexposed) and greater discussion about informal waste pickers among those exposed (60%) as against not exposed (49%). Using the insights from this research, the planned social media intervention is designed to increase the visibility of and appreciation for the work of waste pickers in Bengaluru, supporting a more inclusive society.Keywords: awareness, discussion, discrimination, informal waste pickers, invisibility, social media campaign, waste management
Procedia PDF Downloads 10815311 Linkages between Postponement Strategies and Flexibility in Organizations
Authors: Polycarpe Feussi
Globalization, technological and customer increasing changes, amongst other drivers, result in higher levels of uncertainty and unpredictability for organizations. In order for organizations to cope with the uncertain and fast-changing economic and business environment, these organizations need to innovate in order to achieve flexibility. In simple terms, the organizations must develop strategies leading to the ability of these organizations to provide horizontal information connections across the supply chain to create and deliver products that meet customer needs by synchronization of customer demands with product creation. The generated information will create efficiency and effectiveness throughout the whole supply chain regarding production, storage, and distribution, as well as eliminating redundant activities and reduction in response time. In an integrated supply chain, spanning activities include coordination with distributors and suppliers. This paper explains how through postponement strategies, flexibility can be achieved in an organization. In order to achieve the above, a thorough literature review was conducted via the search of online websites that contains material from scientific journal data-bases, articles, and textbooks on the subject of postponement and flexibility. The findings of the research are found in the last part of the paper. The first part introduces the concept of postponement and its importance in supply chain management. The second part of the paper provides the methodology used in the process of writing the paper.Keywords: postponement strategies, supply chain management, flexibility, logistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 19315310 The Impact of China’s Waste Import Ban on the Waste Mining Economy in East Asia
Authors: Michael Picard
This proposal offers to shed light on the changing legal geography of the global waste economy. Global waste recycling has become a multi-billion-dollar industry. NASDAQ predicts the emergence of a worldwide 1,296G$ waste management market between 2017 and 2022. Underlining this evolution, a new generation of preferential waste-trade agreements has emerged in the Pacific. In the last decade, Japan has concluded a series of bilateral treaties with Asian countries, and most recently with China. An agreement between Tokyo and Beijing was formalized on 7 May 2008, which forged an economic partnership on waste transfer and mining. The agreement set up International Recycling Zones, where certified recycling plants in China process industrial waste imported from Japan. Under the joint venture, Chinese companies salvage the embedded value from Japanese industrial discards, reprocess them and send them back to Japanese manufacturers, such as Mitsubishi and Panasonic. This circular economy is designed to convert surplus garbage into surplus value. Ever since the opening of Sino-Japanese eco-parks, millions of tons of plastic and e-waste have been exported from Japan to China every year. Yet, quite unexpectedly, China has recently closed its waste market to imports, jeopardizing Japan’s billion-dollar exports to China. China notified the WTO that, by the end of 2017, it would no longer accept imports of plastics and certain metals. Given China’s share of Japanese waste exports, a complete closure of China’s market would require Japan to find new uses for its recyclable industrial trash generated domestically every year. It remains to be seen how China will effectively implement its ban on waste imports, considering the economic interests at stake. At this stage, what remains to be clarified is whether China's ban on waste imports will negatively affect the recycling trade between Japan and China. What is clear, though, is the rapid transformation in the legal geography of waste mining in East-Asia. For decades, East-Asian waste trade had been tied up in an ‘ecologically unequal exchange’ between the Japanese core and the Chinese periphery. This global unequal waste distribution could be measured by the Environmental Stringency Index, which revealed that waste regulation was 39% weaker in the Global South than in Japan. This explains why Japan could legally export its hazardous plastic and electronic discards to China. The asymmetric flow of hazardous waste between Japan and China carried the colonial heritage of international law. The legal geography of waste distribution was closely associated to the imperial construction of an ecological trade imbalance between the Japanese source and the Chinese sink. Thus, China’s recent decision to ban hazardous waste imports is a sign of a broader ecological shift. As a global economic superpower, China announced to the world it would no longer be the planet’s junkyard. The policy change will have profound consequences on the global circulation of waste, re-routing global waste towards countries south of China, such as Vietnam and Malaysia. By the time the Berlin Conference takes place in May 2018, the presentation will be able to assess more accurately the effect of the Chinese ban on the transboundary movement of waste in Asia.Keywords: Asia, ecological unequal exchange, global waste trade, legal geography
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