Search results for: qualitative meta-analysis
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Search results for: qualitative meta-analysis

4397 Outreach Intervention Addressing Crack Cocaine Addiction in Users with Co-Occurring Opioid Use Disorder

Authors: Louise Penzenstadler, Tiphaine Robet, Radu Iuga, Daniele Zullino


Context: The outpatient clinic of the psychiatric addiction service of Geneva University Hospital has been providing support to individuals affected by various narcotics for 30 years. However, the increasing consumption of crack cocaine in Geneva has presented a new challenge for the healthcare system. Research Aim: The aim of this research is to evaluate the impact of an outreach intervention on crack cocaine addiction in users with co-occurring opioid use disorder. Methodology: The research utilizes a combination of quantitative and qualitative retrospective data analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the outreach intervention. Findings: The data collected from October 2023 to December 2023 show that the outreach program successfully made 1,071 contacts with drug users and led to 15 new requests for care and enrollment in treatment. Patients expressed high satisfaction with the intervention, citing easy and rapid access to treatment and social support. Theoretical Importance: This research contributes to the understanding of the challenges and specific needs of a complex group of drug users who face severe health problems. It highlights the importance of outreach interventions in establishing trust, connecting users with care, and facilitating medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction. Data Collection: Data was collected through the outreach program's interactions with drug users, including street outreach interventions and presence at locations frequented by users. Patient satisfaction surveys were also utilized. Analysis Procedures: The collected data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative analysis involved examining the number of contacts made, new requests for care, and treatment enrollment. The qualitative analysis focused on patient satisfaction and their perceptions of the intervention. Questions Addressed: The research addresses the following questions: What is the impact of an outreach intervention on crack cocaine addiction in users with co-occurring opioid use disorder? How effective is the outreach program in connecting drug users with care and initiating medication-assisted treatment? Conclusion: The outreach program has proven to be an effective intervention in establishing trust with crack users, connecting them with care, and initiating medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction. It has also highlighted the importance of addressing the specific challenges faced by this group of drug users.

Keywords: crack addiction, outreach treatment, peer intervention, polydrug use

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4396 Using Possibility Books to Develop Creativity Mindsets - a New Pedagogy for Learning Science, Math, and Engineering

Authors: Michael R. Taber, Kristin Stanec


This paper presents year-two of a longitudinal study on implementing Possibility Books into undergraduate courses to develop a student's creativity mindset: tolerating ambiguity, willingness to risk failure, curiosity, and openness to embrace possibility thinking through unexpected connections. Courses involved in this research span disciplines in the natural and social sciences and the humanities. Year one of the project developed indices from which baseline data could be analyzed. The two significant indices ( > 0.7) were "creativity mindset" and "intentional interactions." Preliminary qualitative and quantitative data analysis indicated that students found the new pedagogical intervention as a safe space to learn new strategies, recognize patterns, and define structures through innovative notetaking forms. Possibility Books in Natural Science courses were designed to develop students' conceptualization of science and math. Using Possibility Books in all disciplines provided a space for students to practice divergent thinking (i.e.,Possibilities), convergent thinking (i.e., forms that express meaning), and risk-taking (i.e., the vulnerability associated with expression). Qualitative coding of open responses on a post-survey revealed two major themes: 1) Possibility Books provided a mind space for learning about self, and 2) provided a calming opportunity to connect concepts. Quantitative analysis indicated significant correlations between focused headspace and notetaking (r = 0.555, p < 0.001), focused headspace, and connecting with others (r = 0.405, p < 0.001).

Keywords: pedagogy, science education, learning methods, creativity mindsets

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4395 Towards Renewable Energy: A Qualitative Study of Biofuel Development Policy in Indonesia

Authors: Arie Yanwar Kapriadi


This research is aiming to develop deeper understanding of the scale of power that shaped the biofuel policy. This research is important for the following reasons. Firstly, this research will enrich the body of literature within the field of political ecology, scale and environmental governance. Secondly, by focussing on energy transition policies, this research offers a critical perspective on how government policy, aimed at delivering low carbon sustainable energy systems, being scaled and implemented through multi variate stakeholders. Finally, the research could help the government of Indonesia as a policy evaluation on delivering low carbon sustainable energy systems at the macro level that (possibility) being unable to be delivered at different scale and instead being perceived differently by different stakeholders. Qualitative method is applied particularly an in depth interview with government officials as well as policy stakeholders outside of government and people in positions of responsibility with regards to policy delivery. There are 4 field study location where interview took place as well as sites visit to some biofuel refining facilities. There are some major companies which involve on the production and distribution of biofuel and its relation with biofuel feedstock industry as the source of data. The research investigates how the government biofuel policies correlated with other policy issues such as land reclassification and carbon emission reduction which also influenced plantations expansion as well as its impact on the local people. The preliminary result shows tension of power between governing authorities caused the Indonesian biofuel policy being unfocused which led to failing to meet its mandatory blending target despite the abundance of its feedstock.

Keywords: biofuel, energy transition, renewable energy, political ecology

Procedia PDF Downloads 199
4394 Aesthetic Preference and Consciousness in African Theatre: A Performance Appraisal of Tyrone Terrence's a Husband's Wife

Authors: Oluwatayo Isijola


The destructive influence of Europe on Africa has also taken a tow on the aesthetic essence of the African Art, which centres on morality and value for human life. In a parallel vein, the adverse turn of this influence on the dramaturgy of some contemporary African plays, poses impedance to audience consciousness in performance engagements. Through the spectrum of African Aesthetics, this study attempts a performance appraisal of A Husband’s wife; an unpublished play written by Tyrone Terence for the African audience. The researcher proffers two variant textual interpretations of the play to evaluate performance engagement in its default realistic mode, which holds an unresolved 'Medean-impulse', and another wherein the resolution is treated to a paradigm shift for aesthetic preference. The investigation employs the mixed method, which combines the quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Keen observation on the reactions and responses of audience members that were engaged in both performances, and on-the-spot interview with selected audience members, were the primary sources for the qualitative data. However, quantitative data was captured in an on-the-spot survey with the instrument of the questionnaire served to a sample population of the audience. The study observes that the preference for African aesthetics as exemplified in the second performance which deployed a paradigm shift did enhance audience consciousness. Hinging on performance aesthetic theory, the paper recommends that all such African plays bestowed with the shortcoming of African aesthetics, should be appropriately treated to paradigm shifts for performance engagement, in the interest of enhancing audience consciousness in the Nigerian Theatre.

Keywords: African aesthetics, audience consciousness, paradigm shift, median-impulse

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4393 Understanding the Manifestation of Psychosocial Difficulties in Children with Developmental Language Disorder, with a Focus on Anxiety and Social Frustration

Authors: Annabel Burnley, Michelle St. Clair, Charlotte Dack, Yvonne Wren


Children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) are well documented to experience social and emotional difficulties. Despite this, there is little consensus as to how these difficulties manifest, without which the ability to develop prevention initiatives is limited. An online survey was completed by 107 parents of either child with DLD (‘DLD sample’; n=57), or typically developing children (‘typical sample’; n=50), all aged 6-12 years old. Psychosocial symptom measures were used, alongside 11 psychosocial statements generated from previous qualitative work. Qualitative interviews were then held to understand the manifestation of key difficulties in more depth (n=4). The DLD sample scored significantly higher on all psychosocial statements than the typical sample. Experiencing anxiety (80.7%), requiring routine and sameness (75.4%) and struggling to regulate their emotions (75.4%) were the most common difficulties for a majority of children with DLD. For this DLD sample, family communication and coping styles were found not to contribute to the manifestation of these difficulties. Two separate mediation models were run to understand the role of other psychosocial difficulties in the manifestation of (1) anxiety and (2) social frustration. ‘Intolerance of uncertainty was found to strongly mediate the relationship between DLD diagnosis and symptoms of anxiety. Emotion regulation was found to moderately mediate the relationship between DLD diagnosis and social frustration. Parents appear to cope well with their children’s complex psychosocial needs, but further external intervention is needed. Intervention focussing on intolerance of uncertainty and emotion dysregulation may help the management of anxiety and social frustration. Further research is needed to understand the children’s routined behaviors.

Keywords: psychosocial difficulties, developmental language disorder, specific language impairment, parent, anxiety

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4392 Prevalence and Influencing Factors of Type 2 Diabetes among Obese Patients (Diabesity) among Patients Attending Selected Healthcare Facilities in Calabar, Nigeria

Authors: Anietie J. Atangwho, Udeme E. Asibong, Item J. Atangwho, Ndifreke E. Udonwa


Diabesity, a syndrome where diabetes and obesity occur simultaneously in a single patient, has emerged as a recent challenge to the medical world and is already at epidemic proportion in some countries. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the prevalence of diabesity among adult patients attending the General Outpatient clinic of three healthcare facilities in Calabar in a bid to improve healthcare delivery to patients at risk. A cross-sectional descriptive study design was employed using a mixed method approach that comprised quantitative and qualitative components i.e., Focused Group Discussion (FGD) and Key Informant Interview (KII). One hundred and ninety (190) participants aged 18 to 72 years and body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30kg/m2 were recruited as the study population for the quantitative study using systematic random sampling technique and analysed using SPSS version 25. The qualitative component performed 4 FGDs and 3 KIIs. Results of sociodemographic variables showed respondents aged 35 – 44 as highest in number (37.3%). Of this number, 83.7% were females, 76.8% married, and 3.7% earned USD1,110.00 monthly. Whereas majority of the participants (65.8 %) were within class 1 obesity, only 38% considered themselves obese. Diabesity occurrence was found to be 12.6% (i.e. BMI ≥ 30 to 45.2kg/m2 vs FBS ≥ 7.0 – 14.8mmo/l), with 38% of them being previously undiagnosed. About 48.4 % of the respondents ate two meals only per day; with 90.5% eating between meals. Snacking was predominant, mostly pastries (67.9%), with 58.9% taking cola drinks alongside. Sixty-one percent participated in one form of exercise or the other, with walking/trekking as the most common; 34.4 % had no regular exercise schedule. Only about 39.5% of the participants spent less than an hour on devices like phone, television, and laptops. Additionally, previously known and newly diagnosed hypertensive patients were 27.9% and 7.2%, respectively. Qualitative assessment with KII and FGDs showed eating unhealthy diets and lack of exercise as major factors responsible for diabesity. The bivariate analysis revealed significant association between diabesity with marital status and hypertension (p = 0.007 and p = 0.005, respectively). Also, positive association with diabesity were eating snacking (p = 0.017) and number of times a respondent snacks per day (p = 0.035). Overall, the study has revealed the occurrence of diabesity in Calabar at 12.6 % of the study population, with 38 % of them previously undiagnosed; it identified unhealthy diets and lack of exercise as causative factors as well as hypertension as snacking associatory indicators of diabesity.

Keywords: diabesity, obesity, diabetes, unhealthy diet

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4391 A Corpus-Based Study of Subtitling Religious Words into Arabic

Authors: Yousef Sahari, Eisa Asiri


Hollywood films are produced in an open and liberal context, and when subtitling for a more conservative and closed society such as an Arabic society, religious words can pose a thorny challenge for subtitlers. Using a corpus of 90 Hollywood films released between 2000 and 2018 and applying insights from Descriptive Translation Studies (Toury, 1995, 2012) and the dichotomy of domestication and foreignization, this paper investigates three main research questions: (1) What are the dominant religious terms and functions in the English subtitles? (2) What are the dominant translation strategies used in the translation of religious words? (3) Do these strategies tend to be SL-oriented or TL-oriented (domesticating or foreignising)? To answer the research questions above, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the corpus is conducted, in which the researcher adopts a self-designed, parallel, aligned corpus of ninety films and their Arabic subtitles. A quantitative analysis is performed to compare the frequencies and distribution of religious words, their functions, and the translation strategies employed by the subtitlers of ninety films, with the aim of identifying similarities or differences in addition to identifying the impact of functions of religious terms on the use of subtitling strategies. Based on the quantitative analysis, a qualitative analysis is performed to identify any translational patterns in Arabic translations of religious words and the possible reasons for subtitlers’ choices. The results show that the function of religious words has a strong influence on the choice of subtitling strategies. Also, it is found that foreignization strategies are applied in about two-thirds of the total occurrences of religious words.

Keywords: religious terms, subtitling, audiovisual translation, modern standard arabic, subtitling strategies, english-arabic subtitling

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4390 Scientific Development as Diffusion on a Social Network: An Empirical Case Study

Authors: Anna Keuchenius


Broadly speaking, scientific development is studied in either a qualitative manner with a focus on the behavior and interpretations of academics, such as the sociology of science and science studies or in a quantitative manner with a focus on the analysis of publications, such as scientometrics and bibliometrics. Both come with a different set of methodologies and few cross-references. This paper contributes to the bridging of this divide, by on the on hand approaching the process of scientific progress from a qualitative sociological angle and using on the other hand quantitative and computational techniques. As a case study, we analyze the diffusion of Granovetter's hypothesis from his 1973 paper 'On The Strength of Weak Ties.' A network is constructed of all scientists that have referenced this particular paper, with directed edges to all other researchers that are concurrently referenced with Granovetter's 1973 paper. Studying the structure and growth of this network over time, it is found that Granovetter's hypothesis is used by distinct communities of scientists, each with their own key-narrative into which the hypothesis is fit. The diffusion within the communities shares similarities with the diffusion of an innovation in which innovators, early adopters, and an early-late majority can clearly be distinguished. Furthermore, the network structure shows that each community is clustered around one or few hub scientists that are disproportionately often referenced and seem largely responsible for carrying the hypothesis into their scientific subfield. The larger implication of this case study is that the diffusion of scientific hypotheses and ideas are not the spreading of well-defined objects over a network. Rather, the diffusion is a process in which the object itself dynamically changes in concurrence with its spread. Therefore it is argued that the methodology presented in this paper has potential beyond the scientific domain, in the study of diffusion of other not well-defined objects, such as opinions, behavior, and ideas.

Keywords: diffusion of innovations, network analysis, scientific development, sociology of science

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4389 Development of the Religious Out-Group Aggression Scale

Authors: Rylle Evan Gabriel Zamora, Micah Dennise Malia, Abygail Deniese Villabona


When examining studies on aggression, the studies about individual aggression vastly outnumbers those studies on group aggression. Given the nature of aggression to be violent and cyclical, and the amount violent events that have occurred in the near present, the study of group aggression is relevant now more than ever. This discrepancy is parallel with the number of valid and reliable psychological tests that measure group aggression. Throughout history, one of the biggest causes of group based violence and aggression is religion. This is particularly true within the context of the Philippines as there are a large number of religious groups. Thus, this study aimed to develop a standardized test that measures an individual’s tendency to be aggressive to those who are in conflict with his or her religious beliefs. This study employs a test development design that employs a qualitative phase to ensure the validity of the scale. Thus, the study was divided into three phases. First is a pilot test wherein an instrument was designed from existing literature which was then administered to 173 respondents from the four largest religious groups in the Philippines. After extensive factor analysis and reliability testing, new items were then formed from the qualitative data collected from eight participants, consisting of two individuals per religious group. The final testing integrates all statistically significant items from the first phase, and the newly formed items from the second phase, which was then administered to 200 respondents. The results were then tested further for reliability using Cronbach’s alpha and validity through factor analysis. The items that were proven to be significant were then combined to create a final instrument that may be used by future studies.

Keywords: religious aggression, group aggression, test development, psychological assessment, social psychology

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4388 Psycho-Social Problems Faced by Transgenders in Pakistani Society: A Qualitative Study

Authors: Amna bibi, Hina Rana


In the social, behavioral, and medical sciences, and particularly in Pakistani popular culture and political discourse, transgender issues are a relatively recent subject of research. The present study aimed to explore the lived experiences related to psycho-social issues faced by transgenders in Pakistani society. In this qualitative study, phenomenology research design was used. The purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used for data collection and in-depth interviews were conducted with N= 8 transgenders belonging to Lahore city, Pakistan. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed properly. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to generate results in terms of themes. The results of the current study revealed different major themes such as psychological, social, and financial problems. Several emergent and sub-themes were also generated such as insomnia, suicidal ideation, stress, physical abuse, social rejection, discrimination at work workplace, less job opportunities, and harassment. Current study indicate that transgender suffer from different problems and struggle hard for their daily living. It was concluded that there should be a step taken at government level for the betterment of this community. The findings of the present study can help out transgender communities and activist to uncover their problem and empowering transgender individuals through education, skill development, and opportunities for growth. Their abilities can be utilized by providing education, polishing their skills, and employment opportunities. The data provides the knowledge that there should be strategies at family, society and government level for the betterment of transgenders.

Keywords: psychological issues, social issues, financial issues, transgender, Pakistani society

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4387 Psycho-Social Problems Faced by Transgenders in Pakistani Society: A Qualitative Study”

Authors: Amna Bibi, Hina Rana


In the social, behavioral, and medical sciences, and particularly in Pakistani popular culture and political discourse, transgender issues are a relatively recent subject of research. The present study aimed to explore the lived experiences related to psycho-social issues faced by transgenders in Pakistani society. In this qualitative study, phenomenology research design was used. The purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used for data collection and in-depth interviews were conducted with N= 8 transgenders belonging to Lahore city, Pakistan. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed properly. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to generate results in terms of themes. The results of the current study revealed different major themes such as psychological, social, and financial problems. Several emergent and sub-themes were also generated such as insomnia, suicidal ideation, stress, physical abuse, social rejection, discrimination at work workplace, less job opportunities, and harassment. Current study indicate that transgender suffer from different problems and struggle hard for their daily living. It was concluded that there should be a step taken at government level for the betterment of this community. The findings of the present study can help out transgender communities and activist to uncover their problem and empowering transgender individuals through education, skill development, and opportunities for growth. Their abilities can be utilized by providing education, polishing their skills, and employment opportunities. The data provides the knowledge that there should be strategies at family, society and government level for the betterment of transgenders.

Keywords: psychological issues, social issues, financial issues, transgender, Pakistani society

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4386 Practicing Inclusion for Hard of Hearing and Deaf Students in Regular Schools in Ethiopia

Authors: Mesfin Abebe Molla


This research aims to examine the practices of inclusion of the hard of hearing and deaf students in regular schools. It also focuses on exploring strategies for optimal benefits of students with Hard of Hearing and Deaf (HH-D) from inclusion. Concurrent mixed methods research design was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The instruments used to gather data for this study were questionnaire, semi- structured interview, and observations. A total of 102 HH-D students and 42 primary and High School teachers were selected using simple random sampling technique and used as participants to collect quantitative data. Non-probability sampling technique was also employed to select 14 participants (4-school principals, 6-teachers and 4-parents of HH-D students) and they were interviewed to collect qualitative data. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques (independent sample t-test, one way ANOVA and Multiple regressions) were employed to analyze quantitative data. Qualitative data were also analyzed qualitatively by theme analysis. The findings reported that there were individual principals’, teachers’ and parents’ strong commitment and efforts for practicing inclusion of HH-D students effectively; however, most of the core values of inclusion were missing in both schools. Most of the teachers (78.6 %) and HH-D students (75.5%) had negative attitude and considerable reservations about the feasibility of inclusion of HH-D students in both schools. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant difference of attitude toward to inclusion between the two school’s teachers and the teachers’ who had taken and had not taken additional training on IE and sign language. The study also indicated that there was a statistically significant difference of attitude toward to inclusion between hard of hearing and deaf students. However, the overall contribution of the demographic variables of teachers and HH-D students on their attitude toward inclusion is not statistically significant. The finding also showed that HH-D students did not have access to modified curriculum which would maximize their abilities and help them to learn together with their hearing peers. In addition, there is no clear and adequate direction for the medium of instruction. Poor school organization and management, lack of commitment, financial resources, collaboration and teachers’ inadequate training on Inclusive Education (IE) and sign language, large class size, inappropriate assessment procedure, lack of trained deaf adult personnel who can serve as role model for HH-D students and lack of parents and community members’ involvement were some of the major factors that affect the practicing inclusion of students HH-D. Finally, recommendations are made to improve the practices of inclusion of HH-D students and to make inclusion of HH-D students an integrated part of Ethiopian education based on the findings of the study.

Keywords: deaf, hard of hearing, inclusion, regular schools

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4385 Analysis of Exploitation Damages of the Frame Scaffolding

Authors: A. Robak, M. Pieńko, E. Błazik-Borowa, J. Bęc, I. Szer


The analyzes and classifications presented in the article were based on the research carried out in year 2016 and 2017 on a group of nearly one hundred scaffoldings assembled and used on construction sites in different parts of Poland. During scaffolding selection process efforts were made to maintain diversification in terms of parameters such as scaffolding size, investment size, type of investment, location and nature of conducted works. This resulted in the research being carried out on scaffoldings used for church renovation in a small town or attached to the facades of classic apartment blocks, as well as on scaffoldings used during construction of skyscrapers or facilities of the largest power plants. This variety allows to formulate general conclusions about the technical condition of used frame scaffoldings. Exploitation damages of the frame scaffolding elements were divided into three groups. The first group includes damages to the main structural components, which reduce the strength of the scaffolding elements and hence the whole structure. The qualitative analysis of these damages was made on the basis of numerical models that take into account the geometry of the damage and on the basis of computational nonlinear static analyzes. The second group focuses on exploitation damages such as the lack of a pin on the guardrail bolt which may cause an imminent threat to people using scaffolding. These are local damages that do not affect the bearing capacity and stability of the whole structure but are very important for safe use. The last group consider damages that reduce only aesthetic values and do not have direct impact on bearing capacity and safety of use. Apart from qualitative analyzes the article will present quantitative analyzes showing how frequently given type of damage occurs.

Keywords: scaffolding, damage, safety, numerical analysis

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4384 Determining Factors for Successful Blended Learning in Higher Education: A Qualitative Study

Authors: Pia Wetzl


The learning process of students can be optimized by combining online teaching with face-to-face sessions. So-called blended learning offers extensive flexibility as well as contact opportunities with fellow students and teachers. Furthermore, learning can be individualized and self-regulated. The aim of this article is to investigate which factors are necessary for blended learning to be successful. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with students (N = 60) and lecturers (N = 21) from different disciplines at two German universities. The questions focused on the perception of online, face-to-face and blended learning courses. In addition, questions focused on possible optimization potential and obstacles to practical implementation. The results show that on-site presence is very important for blended learning to be successful. If students do not get to know each other on-site, there is a risk of loneliness during the self-learning phases. This has a negative impact on motivation. From the perspective of the lecturers, the willingness of the students to participate in the sessions on-site is low. Especially when there is no obligation to attend, group work is difficult to implement because the number of students attending is too low. Lecturers would like to see more opportunities from the university and its administration to enforce attendance. In their view, this is the only way to ensure the success of blended learning. In addition, they see the conception of blended learning courses as requiring a great deal of time, which they are not always willing to invest. More incentives are necessary to keep the lecturers motivated to develop engaging teaching material. The study identifies factors that can help teachers conceptualize blended learning. It also provides specific implementation advice and identifies potential impacts. This catalogue has great value for the future-oriented development of courses at universities. Future studies could test its practical use.

Keywords: blended learning, higher education, teachers, student learning, qualitative research

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4383 A Qualitative Study to Explore the Experiences of Muslim Nurses Working in an Acute Setting During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Authors: Sujatha Shanmugasundaram


Background: It has been since one year that COVID-19 has emerged into the world. Since then, healthcare professionals facing a great challenge in to fight against this deadly virus. According to World Health Organization (WHO) 2021, it is estimated that more than 131 million confirmed cases and 2million deaths around the world due to this pandemic. Nurses are the frontline workers who play a major role in safeguarding the lives of the people in acute care settings. Evidence suggests that there are numbers of research have been carried out on nurses' and healthcare provider’s experiences during the pandemic. But, unfortunately, there are no or little evidence available on Muslim nurse’s perspective. Hence, this research will investigate the experiences of Muslim nurses working in an acute care setting during the pandemic. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore the experiences of Muslim nurses working in an acute setting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research Methods: A qualitative research approach will be utilized for the study. Semi-structured interview schedule will be used to collect the data. Face to face interviews will be conducted. All interviews will be conducted in Arabic, and it will be audio recorded. Verbatim will be noted. Muslim nurses working in an acute setting will be included in the study. Convenient sampling technique will be used to recruit the participants. Ethical approval will be obtained from the study sites. Strauss and Corbin's thematic analysis will be used to analyze the data. Conclusion: Considering that nurses are the frontline workers, they have a significant role in dealing with this COVID-19. It is a great challenge for the nurses working in an acute care setting. Thus, this study will bring out significant findings that will impact the nursing practice.

Keywords: acute care, COVID-19, experiences, muslim nurses

Procedia PDF Downloads 196
4382 Perceptions of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Physiotherapy Management for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Qualitative Exploration of Stakeholder Views

Authors: Latifa Alenezi, Liz Croot, Janet Harris


Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) is one of the most common and recurrent musculoskeletal problems that causes patients to access health care services frequently. The Bio-psychosocial Model emphasises that psychological, behavioural and social factors contribute to the development and persistence of CLBP. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a psychological pain management strategy that can be used by physiotherapists treating chronic low back pain. However, evidence of the effectiveness of CBT for CLBP varies between different studies. The proposed study was preceded by a mixed methods systematic review that found that CBT has a beneficial effect for CLBP patients when compared to waiting list or other treatments; however, there is variation in effectiveness across different settings. Little is known about how CBT is applied by physiotherapists in physiotherapy settings. The interest of this study is directed towards generating an explanation and understanding of why, when, and how some physiotherapists make decisions and choose to apply CBT for CLBP patients, whereas others do not. Also, how and for what type of CLBP patients does CBT work, and for whom might CBT not work? Therefore, the study will take a qualitative approach to explore CLBP patients’, physiotherapists’ and managers’ perceptions of CBT and how it is used in physiotherapy to enable a deeper understanding and richer explanation of CBT effectiveness and help to inform research and practice. The study will use grounded theory approach to generate an explanatory theory of the clinical application of CBT for CLBP in physiotherapy settings. Physiotherapists, patients and managers of physiotherapy services will be interviewed. Grounded theory techniques will be used to analyse the data. The presentation will describe findings from the interviews and the emerging theory. This research will help to further inform RCTs about the effectiveness of CBT for CLBP in physiotherapy.

Keywords: CBT, CLBP, perception, physiotherapy, theory

Procedia PDF Downloads 233
4381 Ways to Sustaining Self-Care of Thai Community Women to Achieve Future Healthy Aging

Authors: Manee Arpanantikul, Pennapa Unsanit, Dolrat Rujiwatthanakorn, Aporacha Lumdubwong


In order to continuously perform self-care based on the sufficiency economy philosophy for the length of women’s lives is not easy. However, there are different ways that women can use to carry out self-care activities regularly. Some women individually perform self-care while others perform self-care in groups. Little is known about ways to sustaining self-care of women based on the fundamental principle of Thai culture. The purpose of this study was to investigate ways to sustaining self-care based on the sufficiency economy philosophy of Thai middle-aged women living in the community in order to achieve future healthy aging. This study employed a qualitative research design. Twenty women who were willing to participate in this study were recruited. Data collection were conducted through in-depth interviews with tape recording, doing field notes, and observation. All interviews were transcribed verbatim, and data were analyzed by using content analysis. The findings showed ways to sustaining self-care of Thai community women to achieve future healthy aging consisting of 7 themes: 1) having determination, 2) having a model, 3) developing a leader, 4) carrying on performing activities, 5) setting up rules, 6) building self-care culture, and 7) developing a self-care group/network. The findings of this study suggested that in order to achieve self-care sustainability women should get to know themselves, have intention and belief, together with having the power of community and support. Therefore, having self-care constantly will prevent disease and promote healthy in women’s lives.

Keywords: qualitative research, sufficiency economy philosophy, Thai middle-aged women, ways to sustaining self-care

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4380 A Qualitative Investigation into Street Art in an Indonesian City

Authors: Michelle Mansfield


Introduction: This paper uses the work of Deleuze and Guattari to consider the street art practice of youth in the Indonesian city of Yogyakarta, a hub of arts and culture in Central Java. Around the world young people have taken to city streets to populate the new informal exhibition spaces outside the galleries of official art institutions. However, rarely is the focus outside the urban metropolis of the ‘Global North.' This paper looks at these practices in a ‘Global South’ Asian context. Space and place are concepts central to understanding youth cultural expression as it emerges on the streets. Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of assemblage enriches understanding of this complex spatial and creative relationship. Yogyakarta street art combines global patterns and motifs with local meanings, symbolism, and language to express local youth voices that convey a unique sense of place on the world stage. Street art has developed as a global urban youth art movement and is theorised as a way in which marginalised young people reclaim urban space for themselves. Methodologies: This study utilised a variety of qualitative methodologies to collect and analyse data. This project took a multi-method approach to data collection, incorporating the qualitative social research methods of ethnography, nongkrong (deep hanging out), participatory action research, online research, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Both interviews and focus groups employed photo-elicitation methodology to stimulate rich data gathering. To analyse collected data, rhizoanalytic approaches incorporating discourse analysis and visual analysis were utilised. Street art practice is a fluid and shifting phenomenon, adding to the complexity of inquiry sites. A qualitative approach to data collection and analysis was the most appropriate way to map the components of the street art assemblage and to draw out complexities of this youth cultural practice in Yogyakarta. Major Findings: The rhizoanalytic approach devised for this study proved a useful way of examining in the street art assemblage. It illustrated the ways in which the street art assemblage is constructed. Especially the interaction of inspiration, materials, creative techniques, audiences, and spaces operate in the creations of artworks. The study also exposed the generational tensions between the senior arts practitioners, the established art world, and the young artists. Conclusion: In summary, within the spatial processes of the city, street art is inextricably linked with its audience, its striving artistic community and everyday life in the smooth rather than the striated worlds of the state and the official art world. In this way, the anarchic rhizomatic art practice of nomadic urban street crews can be described not only as ‘becoming-artist’ but as constituting ‘nomos’, a way of arranging elements which are not dependent on a structured, hierarchical organisation practice. The site, streets, crews, neighbourhood and the passers by can all be examined with the concept of assemblage. The assemblage effectively brings into focus the complexity, dynamism, and flows of desire that is a feature of street art practice by young people in Yogyakarta.

Keywords: assemblage, Indonesia, street art, youth

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4379 Becoming a Teacher in Kazakhstan

Authors: D. Shamatov


Becoming a teacher is a journey with significant learning experiences. Exploring teachers’ lives and experiences can provide much-needed insights into the multiple realities of teaching. Teachers’ stories through qualitative narrative studies help understand and appreciate the complexities of the socio-political, economic and practical realities facing teachers. Events and experiences, both past and present, that take place at home, school, and in the broader social sphere help to shape these teachers’ lives and careers. Researchers and educators share the responsibility of listening to these teachers’ stories and life experiences and being sensitive to their voices in order to develop effective models for teacher development. A better understanding of how teachers learn to become teachers can help teacher educators prepare more effective teacher education programs. This paper is based on qualitative research which includes individual and focus group interviews, as well as auto-biography stories of Master of Science in School Leadership students at Graduate School of Education of Nazarbayev University. Twenty five MSc students from across Kazakhstan reflected on their professional journey and wrote their professional autobiographies as teachers. Their autobiographies capture the richness of their experiences and beliefs as a teacher, but also serve as window to understand broader socio-economic and political contexts where these teachers live and work. The study also provides an understanding of the systemic and socio-economic challenges of teachers in the context of post-Soviet Kazakhstan. It helps the reader better understand how wider societal forces interact and frame the development of teachers. The paper presents the findings from these stories of MSc students and offers some practical and policy implications for teacher preparation and teacher development.

Keywords: becoming a teacher, Kazakhstan, teacher stories, teacher development

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4378 Psycho-Social Problems Faced by Transgenders in Pakistani Society: A Qualitative Study

Authors: Amna Bibi, Hina Rana


In the social, behavioral, and medical sciences, and particularly in Pakistani popular culture and political discourse, transgender issues are a relatively recent subject of research. The present study aimed to explore the lived experiences related to psycho-social issues faced by transgenders in Pakistani society. In this qualitative study, phenomenology research design was used. The purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used for data collection, and in-depth interviews were conducted with N= 8 transgenders belonging to Lahore city, Pakistan. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed properly. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to generate results in terms of themes. The results of the current study revealed different major themes, such as psychological, social, and financial problems. Several emergent and sub-themes were also generated, such as insomnia, suicidal ideation, stress, physical abuse, social rejection, discrimination at work workplace, fewer job opportunities, and harassment. Current studies indicate that transgender suffer from different problems and struggle hard for their daily living. It was concluded that there should be a step taken at the government level for the betterment of this community. The findings of the present study can help out transgender communities and activists uncover their problems and empower transgender individuals through education, skill development, and opportunities for growth. Their abilities can be utilized by providing education, polishing their skills, and employment opportunities. The data provides the knowledge that there should be strategies at the family, society and government level for the betterment of transgenders.

Keywords: psychological issues, social issues, financial issues, transgender, Pakistani society

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4377 Needs for Primary Prevention in Families with Mentally Ill Parents

Authors: Patricia Wahl, Dirk Bruland, Albert Lenz


Children of mentally ill parents are a large high risk group for mental disorders which is hardly reached by preventive programs. The children inherit a heightened risk to develop a mental disorder themselves during their lifetime, but they and their parents are often rejecting to seek help. To elicit the factors determining this prevention dilemma, an explorative qualitative interview study is conducted in 25 families with mentally ill parents and yet unaffected children. Inclusion criteria are the children’s age (7 to 14 years old) and that these children live together with the affected parent. With regard to the concept of Mental Health Literacy the following research questions are leading the Qualitative Content Analysis: What are the needs of families with mentally ill parents? How can their help-seeking behaviour be described? What are their subjective illness theories? And which influences do gender, ethnicity and socio-economic status have on needs, help-seeking and illness theories? Mental Health Literacy relates to the knowledge and attitudes towards mental disorders influencing the recognition, management or prevention of these disorders. The concept seems to be an interesting starting point for our analysis with the aim to understand antecedences and processes in the families more deeply. Results of an extensive literature review serve as deductive framework for our analysis, first findings from the interviews will be available up to the time of the conference and can be presented. They hopefully will give inside in the families’ living environment and help to adapt/develop interventions and in the long term reduce health inequalities. The project at hand is part of the Health Literacy in Childhood and Adolescence (HLCA) Research Consortium financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Keywords: children of mentally ill parents, help-seeking behaviour, mental health literacy, prevention dilemma

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4376 The Use of Information and Communication Technology within and between Emergency Medical Teams during a Disaster: A Qualitative study

Authors: Badryah Alshehri, Kevin Gormley, Gillian Prue, Karen McCutcheon


In a disaster event, sharing patient information between the pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Emergency Department (ED) hospitals is a complex process during which important information may be altered or lost due to poor communication. The aim of this study was to critically discuss the current evidence base in relation to communication between pre- EMS hospital and ED hospital professionals by the use of Information and Communication Systems (ICT). This study followed the systematic approach; six electronic databases were searched: CINAHL, Medline, Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, and IEEE Xplore Digital Library were comprehensively searched in January 2018 and a second search was completed in April 2020 to capture more recent publications. The study selection process was undertaken independently by the study authors. Both qualitative and quantitative studies were chosen that focused on factors that are positively or negatively associated with coordinated communication between pre-hospital EMS and ED teams in a disaster event. These studies were assessed for quality, and the data were analyzed according to the key screening themes which emerged from the literature search. Twenty-two studies were included. Eleven studies employed quantitative methods, seven studies used qualitative methods, and four studies used mixed methods. Four themes emerged on communication between EMTs (pre-hospital EMS and ED staff) in a disaster event using the ICT. (1) Disaster preparedness plans and coordination. This theme reported that disaster plans are in place in hospitals, and in some cases, there are interagency agreements with pre-hospital and relevant stakeholders. However, the findings showed that the disaster plans highlighted in these studies lacked information regarding coordinated communications within and between the pre-hospital and hospital. (2) Communication systems used in the disaster. This theme highlighted that although various communication systems are used between and within hospitals and pre-hospitals, technical issues have influenced communication between teams during disasters. (3) Integrated information management systems. This theme suggested the need for an integrated health information system that can help pre-hospital and hospital staff to record patient data and ensure the data is shared. (4) Disaster training and drills. While some studies analyzed disaster drills and training, the majority of these studies were focused on hospital departments other than EMTs. These studies suggest the need for simulation disaster training and drills, including EMTs. This review demonstrates that considerable gaps remain in the understanding of the communication between the EMS and ED hospital staff in relation to response in disasters. The review shows that although different types of ICTs are used, various issues remain which affect coordinated communication among the relevant professionals.

Keywords: emergency medical teams, communication, information and communication technologies, disaster

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4375 The Practice of Integrating Sustainable Elements into the Housing Industry in Malaysia

Authors: Wong Kean Hin, Kumarason A. L. V. Rasiah


A building provides shelter and protection for an individual to live, work, sleep, procreate or engage in leisurely activities comfortably. Currently, a very popular term related to building was often stated by many parties, which is sustainability. A sustainable building is environmental friendly, healthy to the occupants, as well as efficient in electricity and water. This particular research is important to any parties that are involved in the construction industry. This research will provide the awareness and acceptability of Malaysian public towards sustainable residential building. It will also provide the developers about which sustainable features that the people usually want so that the developers can build a sustainable housing that suits the needs of people. Then, propose solutions to solve the difficulties of implementing sustainability in Malaysian housing industry. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used throughout the process of data collection. The quantitative research method was distribution of questionnaires to 100 Malaysian public and 50 individuals that worked in developer companies. Then, the qualitative method was an interview session with experienced personnel in Malaysian construction industry. From the data collected, there is increasingly Malaysian public and developers are aware about the existence of sustainability. Moreover, the public is willing to invest on sustainable residential building with minimum additional cost. However, there is a mismatch in between sustainable elements provided by developers and the public needs. Some recommendations to improve the progression of sustainability had been proposed in this study, which include laws enforcement, cooperation between the both government sector with private sector, and private sector with private sector, and learn from modern countries. These information will be helpful and useful for the future of sustainability development in Malaysia.

Keywords: acceptability, awareness, Malaysian housing industry, sustainable elements, green building index

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4374 An Evaluative Study of Services Provided in Community Based Rehabilitation Centres in Jordan

Authors: Wesam Darawsheh


Purpose: There is an absence of studies directed to evaluate the effectiveness of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) programs in Jordan. This research study is aimed at investigating the effectiveness of the services of CBR programmes in Jordan. Method: A questionnaire anonymized survey was carried out with forty-seven participants (stakeholders and volunteers) from four CBR centres in Jordan. It comprised eighteen questions that collected both qualitative and quantitative data with both closed- and open-ended questions. The survey assessed participants’ knowledge of CBR and perception of the effectiveness of services provided. The quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS Version 22.0 (2016, IBM Corporation New York). Qualitative data were analyzed through thematic content and analysis and open coding to identify emergent themes. Results: The ROC curve revealed that the AUC for questions of the survey to be (AUC=0.846) which indicated a good specificity and sensitivity of the questions of the survey. The MANOVA revealed insignificant results in the effect of the CBR site (p= 0.157), and the level of education of participants (p=0.549), on the perception of the effectiveness of CBR services. There were insignificant differences between the scores of PWDs and volunteers (p=0.781). 40.4% evaluated the effectiveness of CBR services to be low. This mainly stemmed out from the lack of efforts of the CBR programmes to raise the knowledge of the local community about CBR, disability and the role toward PWDs. Conclusions: A speculation for priorities of CBR programmes in Jordan was offered where efforts need to be directed at promoting livelihood and the empowerment components, in order to actualize the main three principles of CBR mainly by promoting multispectral collaboration as a way of operation.

Keywords: community based rehabilitation (CBR), people with disabilities (PWDS), CBR centres, rehabilitation services, Jordan, mixed-methods, evaluative study

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4373 Multi-Dimensional (Quantatative and Qualatative) Longitudinal Research Methods for Biomedical Research of Post-COVID-19 (“Long Covid”) Symptoms

Authors: Steven G. Sclan


Background: Since December 2019, the world has been afflicted by the spread of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Corona Virus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is responsible for the condition referred to as Covid-19. The illness has had a cataclysmic impact on the political, social, economic, and overall well-being of the population of the entire globe. While Covid-19 has had a substantial universal fatality impact, it may have an even greater effect on the socioeconomic, medical well-being, and healthcare planning for remaining societies. Significance: As these numbers illustrate, many more persons survive the infection than die from it, and many of those patients have noted ongoing, persistent symptoms after successfully enduring the acute phase of the illness. Recognition and understanding of these symptoms are crucial for developing and arranging efficacious models of care for all patients (whether or not having been hospitalized) surviving acute covid illness and plagued by post-acute symptoms. Furthermore, regarding Covid infection in children (< 18 y/o), although it may be that Covid “+” children are not major vectors of infective transmission, it now appears that many more children than initially thought are carrying the virus without accompanying obvious symptomatic expression. It seems reasonable to wonder whether viral effects occur in children – those children who are Covid “+” and now asymptomatic – and if, over time, they might also experience similar symptoms. An even more significant question is whether Covid “+” asymptomatic children might manifest increased multiple health problems as they grow – i.e., developmental complications (e.g., physical/medical, metabolic, neurobehavioral, etc.) – in comparison to children who had been consistently Covid “ - ” during the pandemic. Topics Addressed and Theoretical Importance: This review is important because of the description of both quantitative and qualitative methods for clinical and biomedical research. Topics reviewed will consider the importance of well-designed, comprehensive (i.e., quantitative and qualitative methods) longitudinal studies of Post Covid-19 symptoms in both adults and children. Also reviewed will be general characteristics of longitudinal studies and a presentation of a model for a proposed study. Also discussed will be the benefit of longitudinal studies for the development of efficacious interventions and for the establishment of cogent, practical, and efficacious community healthcare service planning for post-acute covid patients. Conclusion: Results of multi-dimensional, longitudinal studies will have important theoretical implications. These studies will help to improve our understanding of the pathophysiology of long COVID and will aid in the identification of potential targets for treatment. Such studies can also provide valuable insights into the long-term impact of COVID-19 on public health and socioeconomics.

Keywords: COVID-19, post-COVID-19, long COVID, longitudinal research, quantitative research, qualitative research

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4372 Stimulating Young Children Social Interaction Behaviour through Computer Play Activities: The Role of Teachers and Parents Support

Authors: Mahani Razali, Nordin Mamat


The purpose of the study is to explore how computer technology is integrated into pre-school activities and its relationship with children’s social interaction behaviour in pre-school classroom. The major question of interest in the present study is to investigate the social interaction behaviour of children when using computers in the Malaysian pre-school classroom. This research is based on three main objectives which are to identify children`s social interaction during computer play activities, teacher’s role and parent’s participation to develop children`s social interaction. This qualitative study was carried out among 25 pre-school children, three teachers and three parents as the research sample. On the other hand, parent’s support was obtained from their discussions, supervisions and communication at home. The data collection procedures involved structured observation which was to identify social interaction behaviour among pre-school children through computer play activities; as for semi-structured interviews, it was done to study the perception of the teachers and parents on the acquired social interaction behaviour among the children. Besides, documentation analysis method was used as to triangulate acquired information with observations and interviews. In this study, the qualitative data analysis was tabulated in descriptive manner with frequency and percentage format. This study primarily focused on social interaction behaviour elements among the pre-school children. Findings revealed that the children showed positive outcomes on the social interaction behaviour during their computer play. This research summarizes that teacher’s role and parent’s support can improve children`s social interaction behaviour through computer play activities. As a whole, this research highlighted the significance of computer play activities as to stimulate social interaction behavior among the pre-school children.

Keywords: early childhood, emotional development, parent support, play

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4371 Digital Leadership and HR practices

Authors: Joanna Konstantinou


Due to the pandemic, we have recently witnessed an explosion of HR Tech offering a variety of solutions for digital transformation, as well as a large number of HR practices implemented by professionals both in data science and occupational psychology. The aim of this study is to explore the impact of these practices and their effectiveness and to develop an understanding of digital leadership. The study will be based on semi-structured interviews using qualitative research methods and tools.

Keywords: HR practices, digital trasformation, pandemic, digital leadership

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4370 Exploring the Formation of High School Students’ Science Identity: A Qualitative Study

Authors: Sitong. Chen, Bing Wei


As a sociocultural concept, identity has increasingly gained attention in educational research, and the notion of students’ science identity has been widely discussed in the field of science education. Science identity was proved to be a key indicator of students’ learning engagement, persistence, and career intentions in science-related and STEM fields. Thus, a great deal of educational effort has been made to promote students’ science identity in former studies. However, most of this research was focused on students’ identity development during undergraduate and graduate periods, except for a few studies exploring high school students’ identity formation. High school has been argued as a crucial period for promoting science identity. This study applied a qualitative method to explore how high school students have come to form their science identities in previous learning and living experiences. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 8 newly enrolled undergraduate students majoring in science-related fields. As suggested by the narrative data from interviews, students’ formation of science identities was driven by their five interrelated experiences: growing self-recognition as a science person, achieving success in learning science, getting recognized by influential others, being interested in science subjects, and informal science experiences in various contexts. Specifically, students’ success and achievement in science learning could facilitate their interest in science subjects and others’ recognition. And their informal experiences could enhance their interest and performance in formal science learning. Furthermore, students’ success and interest in science, as well as recognition from others together, contribute to their self-recognition. Based on the results of this study, some practical implications were provided for science teachers and researchers in enhancing high school students’ science identities.

Keywords: high school students, identity formation, learning experiences, living experiences, science identity

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4369 Text Analysis to Support Structuring and Modelling a Public Policy Problem-Outline of an Algorithm to Extract Inferences from Textual Data

Authors: Claudia Ehrentraut, Osama Ibrahim, Hercules Dalianis


Policy making situations are real-world problems that exhibit complexity in that they are composed of many interrelated problems and issues. To be effective, policies must holistically address the complexity of the situation rather than propose solutions to single problems. Formulating and understanding the situation and its complex dynamics, therefore, is a key to finding holistic solutions. Analysis of text based information on the policy problem, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Text analysis techniques, can support modelling of public policy problem situations in a more objective way based on domain experts knowledge and scientific evidence. The objective behind this study is to support modelling of public policy problem situations, using text analysis of verbal descriptions of the problem. We propose a formal methodology for analysis of qualitative data from multiple information sources on a policy problem to construct a causal diagram of the problem. The analysis process aims at identifying key variables, linking them by cause-effect relationships and mapping that structure into a graphical representation that is adequate for designing action alternatives, i.e., policy options. This study describes the outline of an algorithm used to automate the initial step of a larger methodological approach, which is so far done manually. In this initial step, inferences about key variables and their interrelationships are extracted from textual data to support a better problem structuring. A small prototype for this step is also presented.

Keywords: public policy, problem structuring, qualitative analysis, natural language processing, algorithm, inference extraction

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4368 Challenge Appraisal Job, Hindrance Appraisal Job, and Negative Work-Life Interaction with the Mediating Role of Distress: A Survey on Sabah Public Secondary School Teachers

Authors: Pan Lee Ching, Chua Bee Seok


The experience of negative work-life interaction often confronted with work related stress includes workload. The appraisal of challenge and hindrance jobs depend on the type of workload to stimulate stress response. Nevertheless, the effects of challenge and hindrance jobs on distress and negative work-life interaction are scarcely explored. Thus, research objective was to examine the relationship among challenge appraisal job (qualitative workload), hindrance appraisal job (quantitative workload), and negative work-life interaction with the mediating role of distress. A survey with random sampling method was performed on current serving public secondary school teachers in Sabah. Collected data showed 447 respondents completed three questionnaires, namely Challenge-hindrance Appraisal Scale, Stress Professional Positive and Negative Questionnaire, and Survey Work-home Interaction-Nijmegan. Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyse mediation effect. Results showed distress fully mediates the relationship between challenge appraisal job (qualitative workload) and negative work-life interaction. The indirect effect was significant and negative. While distress partially mediates the relationship between hindrance appraisal job (quantitative workload) and negative work-life interaction. The indirect effect was significant and positive. The study implied that challenge appraisal job could be a positive resource for teacher to facilitate work and life, whereas hindrance appraisal job could disengage the facilitation. Hence, strengthen challenge appraisal job and control hindrance appraisal job could curb distress at work and underpin life interaction among the teachers.

Keywords: challenge-hindrance job, distress, work-life, workload

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