Search results for: pattern recognition approach
16827 Lip Localization Technique for Myanmar Consonants Recognition Based on Lip Movements
Authors: Thein Thein, Kalyar Myo San
Lip reading system is one of the different supportive technologies for hearing impaired, or elderly people or non-native speakers. For normal hearing persons in noisy environments or in conditions where the audio signal is not available, lip reading techniques can be used to increase their understanding of spoken language. Hearing impaired persons have used lip reading techniques as important tools to find out what was said by other people without hearing voice. Thus, visual speech information is important and become active research area. Using visual information from lip movements can improve the accuracy and robustness of a speech recognition system and the need for lip reading system is ever increasing for every language. However, the recognition of lip movement is a difficult task because of the region of interest (ROI) is nonlinear and noisy. Therefore, this paper proposes method to detect the accurate lips shape and to localize lip movement towards automatic lip tracking by using the combination of Otsu global thresholding technique and Moore Neighborhood Tracing Algorithm. Proposed method shows how accurate lip localization and tracking which is useful for speech recognition. In this work of study and experiments will be carried out the automatic lip localizing the lip shape for Myanmar consonants using the only visual information from lip movements which is useful for visual speech of Myanmar languages.Keywords: lip reading, lip localization, lip tracking, Moore neighborhood tracing algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 35316826 A Discovery on the Symmetrical Pattern of Mirror Primes in P²: Applications in the Formal Proof of the Goldbach Conjecture
Authors: Yingxu Wang
The base 6 structure and properties of mirror primes are discovered in this work towards the proof of Goldbach Conjecture. This paper reveals a fundamental pattern on pairs of mirror primes adjacent to any even number nₑ > 2 with symmetrical distances on both sides determined by a methodology of Mirror Prime Decomposition (MPD). MPD leads to a formal proof of the Goldbach conjecture, which states that the conjecture holds because any pivot even number, nₑ > 2, is a sum of at least an adjacent pair of primes divided by 2. This work has not only revealed the analytic pattern of base 6 primes but also proven the infinitive validation of the Goldbach conjecture.Keywords: number theory, primes, mirror primes, double recursive patterns, Goldbach conjecture, formal proof, mirror-prime decomposition, applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 5216825 Drug Sensitivity Pattern of Organisms Causing Suppurative Otitis Media
Authors: Nagat M. Saeed, Mabruka S. Elashheb, Fatma M. Ben Rabaha, Aisha M Edrah
The aim of the study was to determine the type and pattern of antibiotic susceptibility of the pathogenic microorganisms causing chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), which could lead to better therapeutic decisions and consequently avoidance of appearance of resistance to specific antibiotics. Most frequently isolated agents were Pseudomonas aeruginosa 28.5%; followed by Staphylococcus aureus 18.2%; proteus mirabilis 13.9%; Providencia stuartti 6.7%; Bacteroides melaninogenicus, Aspergillus sp., candida sp., 4.2% each; and other microorganisms were represented in 3-0.2%. Drug sensitivities pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed that ciprofloxacin was active against the majority of isolates (93.9%) followed by ceftazidime 86.2%, amikacin 76.2% and gentamicin 40.8%. However, Staphylococcus aureus isolates were resistant to penicillin 72.7%, erythromycin 28.6%, cephalothin 18.2%, cloxacillin 8.3% and ciprofloxacin was active against 96.2% of isolates. The resistance pattern of proteus mirabilis was 55.6% to ampicillin, 47.1% to carbencillin, 29.4% to cephalothin, 14.3% to gentamicin and 4.8% to amikacin while 100% were sensitive to ciprofloxacin. We conclude that ciprofloxacin is the best drug of choice in the treatment of CSOM caused by the common microorganisms.Keywords: otitis media, chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), microorganisms, drug sensitivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 34716824 Difficulties in the Emotional Processing of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators
Authors: Javier Comes Fayos, Isabel RodríGuez Moreno, Sara Bressanutti, Marisol Lila, Angel Romero MartíNez, Luis Moya Albiol
Given the great impact produced by gender-based violence, its comprehensive approach seems essential. Consequently, research has focused on risk factors for violent behaviour, linking various psychosocial variables, as well as cognitive and neuropsychological deficits with the aggressors. However, studies on affective processing are scarce, so the present study investigates possible emotional alterations in men convicted of gender violence. The participants were 51 aggressors, who attended the CONTEXTO program with sentences of less than two years, and 47 men with no history of violence. The sample did not differ in age, socioeconomic level, education, or alcohol and other substances consumption. Anger, alexithymia and facial recognition of other people´s emotions were assessed through the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI-2), the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) and Reading the mind in the eyes (REM), respectively. Men convicted of gender-based violence showed higher scores on the anger trait and temperament dimensions, as well as on the anger expression index. They also scored higher on alexithymia and in the identification and emotional expression subscales. In addition, they showed greater difficulties in the facial recognition of emotions by having a lower score in the REM. These results seem to show difficulties in different affective areas in men condemned for gender violence. The deficits are reflected in greater difficulty in identifying and expressing emotions, in processing anger and in recognizing the emotions of others. All these difficulties have been related to the use of violent behavior. Consequently, it is essential and necessary to include emotional regulation in intervention programs for men who have been convicted of gender-based violence.Keywords: alexithymia, anger, emotional processing, emotional recognition, empathy, intimate partner violence
Procedia PDF Downloads 20216823 Relationship between Right Brain and Left Brain Dominance and Intonation Learning
Authors: Mohammad Hadi Mahmoodi, Soroor Zekrati
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between hemispheric dominance and intonation learning of Iranian EFL students. In order to gain this goal, 52 female students from three levels of beginner, elementary and intermediate in Paradise Institute, and 18 male university students at Bu-Ali Sina University constituted the sample. In order to assist students learn the correct way of applying intonation to their everyday speech, the study proposed an interactive approach and provided students with visual aid through which they were able to see the intonation pattern on computer screen using 'Speech Analyzer' software. This software was also used to record subjects’ voice and compare them with the original intonation pattern. Edinburg Handedness Questionnaire (EHD), which ranges from –100 for strong left-handedness to +100 for strong right-handedness was used to indicate the hemispheric dominance of each student. The result of an independent sample t-test indicated that girls learned intonation pattern better than boys, and that right brained students significantly outperformed the left brained ones. Using one-way ANOVA, a significant difference between three proficiency levels was also found. The posthoc Scheffer test showed that the exact difference was between intermediate and elementary, and intermediate and beginner levels, but no significant difference was observed between elementary and beginner levels. The findings of the study might provide researchers with some helpful implications and useful directions for future investigation into the domain of the relationship between mind and second language learning.Keywords: intonation, hemispheric dominance, visual aid, language learning, second language learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 51916822 Input Data Balancing in a Neural Network PM-10 Forecasting System
Authors: Suk-Hyun Yu, Heeyong Kwon
Recently PM-10 has become a social and global issue. It is one of major air pollutants which affect human health. Therefore, it needs to be forecasted rapidly and precisely. However, PM-10 comes from various emission sources, and its level of concentration is largely dependent on meteorological and geographical factors of local and global region, so the forecasting of PM-10 concentration is very difficult. Neural network model can be used in the case. But, there are few cases of high concentration PM-10. It makes the learning of the neural network model difficult. In this paper, we suggest a simple input balancing method when the data distribution is uneven. It is based on the probability of appearance of the data. Experimental results show that the input balancing makes the neural networks’ learning easy and improves the forecasting rates.Keywords: artificial intelligence, air quality prediction, neural networks, pattern recognition, PM-10
Procedia PDF Downloads 23316821 Re-identification Risk and Mitigation in Federated Learning: Human Activity Recognition Use Case
Authors: Besma Khalfoun
In many current Human Activity Recognition (HAR) applications, users' data is frequently shared and centrally stored by third parties, posing a significant privacy risk. This practice makes these entities attractive targets for extracting sensitive information about users, including their identity, health status, and location, thereby directly violating users' privacy. To tackle the issue of centralized data storage, a relatively recent paradigm known as federated learning has emerged. In this approach, users' raw data remains on their smartphones, where they train the HAR model locally. However, users still share updates of their local models originating from raw data. These updates are vulnerable to several attacks designed to extract sensitive information, such as determining whether a data sample is used in the training process, recovering the training data with inversion attacks, or inferring a specific attribute or property from the training data. In this paper, we first introduce PUR-Attack, a parameter-based user re-identification attack developed for HAR applications within a federated learning setting. It involves associating anonymous model updates (i.e., local models' weights or parameters) with the originating user's identity using background knowledge. PUR-Attack relies on a simple yet effective machine learning classifier and produces promising results. Specifically, we have found that by considering the weights of a given layer in a HAR model, we can uniquely re-identify users with an attack success rate of almost 100%. This result holds when considering a small attack training set and various data splitting strategies in the HAR model training. Thus, it is crucial to investigate protection methods to mitigate this privacy threat. Along this path, we propose SAFER, a privacy-preserving mechanism based on adaptive local differential privacy. Before sharing the model updates with the FL server, SAFER adds the optimal noise based on the re-identification risk assessment. Our approach can achieve a promising tradeoff between privacy, in terms of reducing re-identification risk, and utility, in terms of maintaining acceptable accuracy for the HAR model.Keywords: federated learning, privacy risk assessment, re-identification risk, privacy preserving mechanisms, local differential privacy, human activity recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 1316820 Multimodal Database of Emotional Speech, Video and Gestures
Authors: Tomasz Sapiński, Dorota Kamińska, Adam Pelikant, Egils Avots, Cagri Ozcinar, Gholamreza Anbarjafari
People express emotions through different modalities. Integration of verbal and non-verbal communication channels creates a system in which the message is easier to understand. Expanding the focus to several expression forms can facilitate research on emotion recognition as well as human-machine interaction. In this article, the authors present a Polish emotional database composed of three modalities: facial expressions, body movement and gestures, and speech. The corpora contains recordings registered in studio conditions, acted out by 16 professional actors (8 male and 8 female). The data is labeled with six basic emotions categories, according to Ekman’s emotion categories. To check the quality of performance, all recordings are evaluated by experts and volunteers. The database is available to academic community and might be useful in the study on audio-visual emotion recognition.Keywords: body movement, emotion recognition, emotional corpus, facial expressions, gestures, multimodal database, speech
Procedia PDF Downloads 34916819 On the Importance of Quality, Liquidity Level and Liquidity Risk: A Markov-Switching Regime Approach
Authors: Tarik Bazgour, Cedric Heuchenne, Danielle Sougne
We examine time variation in the market beta of portfolios sorted on quality, liquidity level and liquidity beta characteristics across stock market phases. Using US stock market data for the period 1970-2010, we find, first, the US stock market was driven by four regimes. Second, during the crisis regime, low (high) quality, high (low) liquidity beta and illiquid (liquid) stocks exhibit an increase (a decrease) in their market betas. This finding is consistent with the flight-to-quality and liquidity phenomena. Third, we document the same pattern across stocks when the market volatility is low. We argue that, during low volatility times, investors shift their portfolios towards low quality and illiquid stocks to seek portfolio gains. The pattern observed in the tranquil regime can be, therefore, explained by a flight-to-low-quality and to illiquidity. Finally, our results reveal that liquidity level is more important than liquidity beta during the crisis regime.Keywords: financial crises, quality, liquidity, liquidity risk, regime-switching models
Procedia PDF Downloads 40416818 Simulation of Glass Breakage Using Voronoi Random Field Tessellations
Authors: Michael A. Kraus, Navid Pourmoghaddam, Martin Botz, Jens Schneider, Geralt Siebert
Fragmentation analysis of tempered glass gives insight into the quality of the tempering process and defines a certain degree of safety as well. Different standard such as the European EN 12150-1 or the American ASTM C 1048/CPSC 16 CFR 1201 define a minimum number of fragments required for soda-lime safety glass on the basis of fragmentation test results for classification. This work presents an approach for the glass breakage pattern prediction using a Voronoi Tesselation over Random Fields. The random Voronoi tessellation is trained with and validated against data from several breakage patterns. The fragments in observation areas of 50 mm x 50 mm were used for training and validation. All glass specimen used in this study were commercially available soda-lime glasses at three different thicknesses levels of 4 mm, 8 mm and 12 mm. The results of this work form a Bayesian framework for the training and prediction of breakage patterns of tempered soda-lime glass using a Voronoi Random Field Tesselation. Uncertainties occurring in this process can be well quantified, and several statistical measures of the pattern can be preservation with this method. Within this work it was found, that different Random Fields as basis for the Voronoi Tesselation lead to differently well fitted statistical properties of the glass breakage patterns. As the methodology is derived and kept general, the framework could be also applied to other random tesselations and crack pattern modelling purposes.Keywords: glass breakage predicition, Voronoi Random Field Tessellation, fragmentation analysis, Bayesian parameter identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 16116817 Enhancing Traditional Saudi Designs Pattern Cutting to Integrate Them Into Current Clothing Offers
Authors: Faizah Almalki, Simeon Gill, Steve G. Hayes, Lisa Taylor
A core element of cultural identity is the traditional costumes that provide insight into the heritage that has been acquired over time. This heritage is apparent in the use of colour, the styles and the functions of the clothing and it also reflects the skills of those who created the items and the time taken to produce them. Modern flat pattern drafting methods for making garment patterns are simple in comparison to the relatively laborious traditional approaches that would require personal interaction with the wearer throughout the production process. The current study reflects on the main elements of the pattern cutting system and how this has evolved in Saudi Arabia to affect the design of the Sawan garment. Analysis of the traditional methods for constructing Sawan garments was undertaken through observation of the practice and the garments and consulting documented guidance. This provided a foundation through which to explore how modern technology can be applied to improve the process. In this research, modern methods are proposed for producing traditional Saudi garments more efficiently while retaining elements of the conventional style and design. The current study has documented the vital aspects of Sawan garment style. The result showed that the method had been used to take the body measurements and pattern making was elementary and offered simple geometric shape and the Sawan garment is composed of four pieces. Consequently, this research allows for classical pattern shapes to be embedded in garments now worn in Saudi Arabia and for the continuation of cultural heritage.Keywords: traditional Sawan garment technique, modern pattern cutting technique, the shape of the garment and software, Lectra Modaris
Procedia PDF Downloads 13316816 Enhanced Planar Pattern Tracking for an Outdoor Augmented Reality System
Authors: L. Yu, W. K. Li, S. K. Ong, A. Y. C. Nee
In this paper, a scalable augmented reality framework for handheld devices is presented. The presented framework is enabled by using a server-client data communication structure, in which the search for tracking targets among a database of images is performed on the server-side while pixel-wise 3D tracking is performed on the client-side, which, in this case, is a handheld mobile device. Image search on the server-side adopts a residual-enhanced image descriptors representation that gives the framework a scalability property. The tracking algorithm on the client-side is based on a gravity-aligned feature descriptor which takes the advantage of a sensor-equipped mobile device and an optimized intensity-based image alignment approach that ensures the accuracy of 3D tracking. Automatic content streaming is achieved by using a key-frame selection algorithm, client working phase monitoring and standardized rules for content communication between the server and client. The recognition accuracy test performed on a standard dataset shows that the method adopted in the presented framework outperforms the Bag-of-Words (BoW) method that has been used in some of the previous systems. Experimental test conducted on a set of video sequences indicated the real-time performance of the tracking system with a frame rate at 15-30 frames per second. The presented framework is exposed to be functional in practical situations with a demonstration application on a campus walk-around.Keywords: augmented reality framework, server-client model, vision-based tracking, image search
Procedia PDF Downloads 27516815 Cross Attention Fusion for Dual-Stream Speech Emotion Recognition
Authors: Shaode Yu, Jiajian Meng, Bing Zhu, Hang Yu, Qiurui Sun
Speech emotion recognition (SER) is for recognizing human subjective emotions through audio data in-depth analysis. From speech audios, how to comprehensively extract emotional information and how to effectively fuse extracted features remain challenging. This paper presents a dual-stream SER framework that embraces both full training and transfer learning of different networks for thorough feature encoding. Besides, a plug-and-play cross-attention fusion (CAF) module is implemented for the valid integration of the dual-stream encoder output. The effectiveness of the proposed CAF module is compared to the other three fusion modules (feature summation, feature concatenation, and feature-wise linear modulation) on two databases (RAVDESS and IEMO-CAP) using different dual-stream encoders (full training network, DPCNN or TextRCNN; transfer learning network, HuBERT or Wav2Vec2). Experimental results suggest that the CAF module can effectively reconcile conflicts between features from different encoders and outperform the other three feature fusion modules on the SER task. In the future, the plug-and-play CAF module can be extended for multi-branch feature fusion, and the dual-stream SER framework can be widened for multi-stream data representation to improve the recognition performance and generalization capacity.Keywords: speech emotion recognition, cross-attention fusion, dual-stream, pre-trained
Procedia PDF Downloads 7916814 Predicting Medical Check-Up Patient Re-Coming Using Sequential Pattern Mining and Association Rules
Authors: Rizka Aisha Rahmi Hariadi, Chao Ou-Yang, Han-Cheng Wang, Rajesri Govindaraju
As the increasing of medical check-up popularity, there are a huge number of medical check-up data stored in database and have not been useful. These data actually can be very useful for future strategic planning if we mine it correctly. In other side, a lot of patients come with unpredictable coming and also limited available facilities make medical check-up service offered by hospital not maximal. To solve that problem, this study used those medical check-up data to predict patient re-coming. Sequential pattern mining (SPM) and association rules method were chosen because these methods are suitable for predicting patient re-coming using sequential data. First, based on patient personal information the data was grouped into … groups then discriminant analysis was done to check significant of the grouping. Second, for each group some frequent patterns were generated using SPM method. Third, based on frequent patterns of each group, pairs of variable can be extracted using association rules to get general pattern of re-coming patient. Last, discussion and conclusion was done to give some implications of the results.Keywords: patient re-coming, medical check-up, health examination, data mining, sequential pattern mining, association rules, discriminant analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 64216813 Algorithm for Path Recognition in-between Tree Rows for Agricultural Wheeled-Mobile Robots
Authors: Anderson Rocha, Pedro Miguel de Figueiredo Dinis Oliveira Gaspar
Machine vision has been widely used in recent years in agriculture, as a tool to promote the automation of processes and increase the levels of productivity. The aim of this work is the development of a path recognition algorithm based on image processing to guide a terrestrial robot in-between tree rows. The proposed algorithm was developed using the software MATLAB, and it uses several image processing operations, such as threshold detection, morphological erosion, histogram equalization and the Hough transform, to find edge lines along tree rows on an image and to create a path to be followed by a mobile robot. To develop the algorithm, a set of images of different types of orchards was used, which made possible the construction of a method capable of identifying paths between trees of different heights and aspects. The algorithm was evaluated using several images with different characteristics of quality and the results showed that the proposed method can successfully detect a path in different types of environments.Keywords: agricultural mobile robot, image processing, path recognition, hough transform
Procedia PDF Downloads 14716812 A Comparative Study of Natural Language Processing Models for Detecting Obfuscated Text
Authors: Rubén Valcarce-Álvarez, Francisco Jáñez-Martino, Rocío Alaiz-Rodríguez
Cybersecurity challenges, including scams, drug sales, the distribution of child sexual abuse material, fake news, and hate speech on both the surface and deep web, have significantly increased over the past decade. Users who post such content often employ strategies to evade detection by automated filters. Among these tactics, text obfuscation plays an essential role in deceiving detection systems. This approach involves modifying words to make them more difficult for automated systems to interpret while remaining sufficiently readable for human users. In this work, we aim at spotting obfuscated words and the employed techniques, such as leetspeak, word inversion, punctuation changes, and mixed techniques. We benchmark Named Entity Recognition (NER) using models from the BERT family as well as two large language models (LLMs), Llama and Mistral, on XX_NER_WordCamouflage dataset. Our experiments evaluate these models by comparing their precision, recall, F1 scores, and accuracy, both overall and for each individual class.Keywords: natural language processing (NLP), text obfuscation, named entity recognition (NER), deep learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1016811 Deep Learning Application for Object Image Recognition and Robot Automatic Grasping
Authors: Shiuh-Jer Huang, Chen-Zon Yan, C. K. Huang, Chun-Chien Ting
Since the vision system application in industrial environment for autonomous purposes is required intensely, the image recognition technique becomes an important research topic. Here, deep learning algorithm is employed in image system to recognize the industrial object and integrate with a 7A6 Series Manipulator for object automatic gripping task. PC and Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) are chosen to construct the 3D Vision Recognition System. Depth Camera (Intel RealSense SR300) is employed to extract the image for object recognition and coordinate derivation. The YOLOv2 scheme is adopted in Convolution neural network (CNN) structure for object classification and center point prediction. Additionally, image processing strategy is used to find the object contour for calculating the object orientation angle. Then, the specified object location and orientation information are sent to robotic controller. Finally, a six-axis manipulator can grasp the specific object in a random environment based on the user command and the extracted image information. The experimental results show that YOLOv2 has been successfully employed to detect the object location and category with confidence near 0.9 and 3D position error less than 0.4 mm. It is useful for future intelligent robotic application in industrial 4.0 environment.Keywords: deep learning, image processing, convolution neural network, YOLOv2, 7A6 series manipulator
Procedia PDF Downloads 25016810 Faster Pedestrian Recognition Using Deformable Part Models
Authors: Alessandro Preziosi, Antonio Prioletti, Luca Castangia
Deformable part models achieve high precision in pedestrian recognition, but all publicly available implementations are too slow for real-time applications. We implemented a deformable part model algorithm fast enough for real-time use by exploiting information about the camera position and orientation. This implementation is both faster and more precise than alternative DPM implementations. These results are obtained by computing convolutions in the frequency domain and using lookup tables to speed up feature computation. This approach is almost an order of magnitude faster than the reference DPM implementation, with no loss in precision. Knowing the position of the camera with respect to horizon it is also possible prune many hypotheses based on their size and location. The range of acceptable sizes and positions is set by looking at the statistical distribution of bounding boxes in labelled images. With this approach it is not needed to compute the entire feature pyramid: for example higher resolution features are only needed near the horizon. This results in an increase in mean average precision of 5% and an increase in speed by a factor of two. Furthermore, to reduce misdetections involving small pedestrians near the horizon, input images are supersampled near the horizon. Supersampling the image at 1.5 times the original scale, results in an increase in precision of about 4%. The implementation was tested against the public KITTI dataset, obtaining an 8% improvement in mean average precision over the best performing DPM-based method. By allowing for a small loss in precision computational time can be easily brought down to our target of 100ms per image, reaching a solution that is faster and still more precise than all publicly available DPM implementations.Keywords: autonomous vehicles, deformable part model, dpm, pedestrian detection, real time
Procedia PDF Downloads 28216809 Impairments Correction of Six-Port Based Millimeter-Wave Radar
Authors: Dan Ohev Zion, Alon Cohen
In recent years, the presence of short-range millimeter-wave radar in civil application has increased significantly. Autonomous driving, security, 3D imaging and high data rate communication systems are a few examples. The next challenge is the integration inside small form-factor devices, such as smartphones (e.g. gesture recognition). The main challenge is implementation of a truly low-power, low-complexity high-resolution radar. The most popular approach is the Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar, with an analog multiplication front-end. In this paper, we present an approach for adaptive estimation and correction of impairments of such front-end, specifically implemented using the Six-Port Device (SPD) as the multiplier element. The proposed algorithm was simulated and implemented on a 60 GHz radar lab prototype.Keywords: radar, FMCW Radar, IQ mismatch, six port
Procedia PDF Downloads 15216808 Automatic Moment-Based Texture Segmentation
Authors: Tudor Barbu
An automatic moment-based texture segmentation approach is proposed in this paper. First, we describe the related work in this computer vision domain. Our texture feature extraction, the first part of the texture recognition process, produces a set of moment-based feature vectors. For each image pixel, a texture feature vector is computed as a sequence of area moments. Second, an automatic pixel classification approach is proposed. The feature vectors are clustered using some unsupervised classification algorithm, the optimal number of clusters being determined using a measure based on validation indexes. From the resulted pixel classes one determines easily the desired texture regions of the image.Keywords: image segmentation, moment-based, texture analysis, automatic classification, validation indexes
Procedia PDF Downloads 41716807 A Computational Cost-Effective Clustering Algorithm in Multidimensional Space Using the Manhattan Metric: Application to the Global Terrorism Database
Authors: Semeh Ben Salem, Sami Naouali, Moetez Sallami
The increasing amount of collected data has limited the performance of the current analyzing algorithms. Thus, developing new cost-effective algorithms in terms of complexity, scalability, and accuracy raised significant interests. In this paper, a modified effective k-means based algorithm is developed and experimented. The new algorithm aims to reduce the computational load without significantly affecting the quality of the clusterings. The algorithm uses the City Block distance and a new stop criterion to guarantee the convergence. Conducted experiments on a real data set show its high performance when compared with the original k-means version.Keywords: pattern recognition, global terrorism database, Manhattan distance, k-means clustering, terrorism data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 38616806 Facial Recognition Technology in Institutions of Higher Learning: Exploring the Use in Kenya
Authors: Samuel Mwangi, Josephine K. Mule
Access control as a security technique regulates who or what can access resources. It is a fundamental concept in security that minimizes risks to the institutions that use access control. Regulating access to institutions of higher learning is key to ensure only authorized personnel and students are allowed into the institutions. The use of biometrics has been criticized due to the setup and maintenance costs, hygiene concerns, and trepidations regarding data privacy, among other apprehensions. Facial recognition is arguably a fast and accurate way of validating identity in order to guard protected areas. It guarantees that only authorized individuals gain access to secure locations while requiring far less personal information whilst providing an additional layer of security beyond keys, fobs, or identity cards. This exploratory study sought to investigate the use of facial recognition in controlling access in institutions of higher learning in Kenya. The sample population was drawn from both private and public higher learning institutions. The data is based on responses from staff and students. Questionnaires were used for data collection and follow up interviews conducted to understand responses from the questionnaires. 80% of the sampled population indicated that there were many security breaches by unauthorized people, with some resulting in terror attacks. These security breaches were attributed to stolen identity cases, where staff or student identity cards were stolen and used by criminals to access the institutions. These unauthorized accesses have resulted in losses to the institutions, including reputational damages. The findings indicate that security breaches are a major problem in institutions of higher learning in Kenya. Consequently, access control would be beneficial if employed to curb security breaches. We suggest the use of facial recognition technology, given its uniqueness in identifying users and its non-repudiation capabilities.Keywords: facial recognition, access control, technology, learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 12716805 Detecting and Secluding Route Modifiers by Neural Network Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: C. N. Vanitha, M. Usha
In a real world scenario, the viability of the sensor networks has been proved by standardizing the technologies. Wireless sensor networks are vulnerable to both electronic and physical security breaches because of their deployment in remote, distributed, and inaccessible locations. The compromised sensor nodes send malicious data to the base station, and thus, the total network effectiveness will possibly be compromised. To detect and seclude the Route modifiers, a neural network based Pattern Learning predictor (PLP) is presented. This algorithm senses data at any node on present and previous patterns obtained from the en-route nodes. The eminence of any node is upgraded by their predicted and reported patterns. This paper propounds a solution not only to detect the route modifiers, but also to seclude the malevolent nodes from the network. The simulation result proves the effective performance of the network by the presented methodology in terms of energy level, routing and various network conditions.Keywords: neural networks, pattern learning, security, wireless sensor networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 40516804 Crater Pattern on the Moon and Origin of the Moon
Authors: Xuguang Leng
The crater pattern on the Moon indicates the Moon was captured by Earth in the more recent years, disproves the theory that the Moon was born as a satellite to the Earth. The Moon was tidal locked since it became the satellite of the Earth. Moon’s near side is shielded by Earth from asteroid/comet collisions, with the center of the near side most protected. Yet the crater pattern on the Moon is fairly random, with no distinguishable empty spot/strip, no distinguishable difference near side vs. far side. Were the Moon born as Earth’s satellite, there would be a clear crater free spot, or strip should the tial lock shifts over time, on the near side; and far more craters on the far side. The nonexistence of even a vague crater free spot on the near side of the Moon indicates the capture was a more recent event. Given Earth’s much larger mass and sphere size over the Moon, Earth should have collided with asteroids and comets in much higher frequency, resulting in significant mass gain over the lifespan. Earth’s larger mass and magnetic field are better at retaining water and gas from solar wind’s stripping effect, thus accelerating the mass gain. A dwarf planet Moon can be pulled closer and closer to the Earth over time as Earth’s gravity grows stronger, eventually being captured as a satellite. Given enough time, it is possible Earth’s mass would be large enough to cause the Moon to collide with Earth.Keywords: moon, origin, crater, pattern
Procedia PDF Downloads 9816803 Face Recognition Using Eigen Faces Algorithm
Authors: Shweta Pinjarkar, Shrutika Yawale, Mayuri Patil, Reshma Adagale
Face recognition is the technique which can be applied to the wide variety of problems like image and film processing, human computer interaction, criminal identification etc. This has motivated researchers to develop computational models to identify the faces, which are easy and simple to implement. In this, demonstrates the face recognition system in android device using eigenface. The system can be used as the base for the development of the recognition of human identity. Test images and training images are taken directly with the camera in android device.The test results showed that the system produces high accuracy. The goal is to implement model for particular face and distinguish it with large number of stored faces. face recognition system detects the faces in picture taken by web camera or digital camera and these images then checked with training images dataset based on descriptive features. Further this algorithm can be extended to recognize the facial expressions of a person.recognition could be carried out under widely varying conditions like frontal view,scaled frontal view subjects with spectacles. The algorithm models the real time varying lightning conditions. The implemented system is able to perform real-time face detection, face recognition and can give feedback giving a window with the subject's info from database and sending an e-mail notification to interested institutions using android application. Face recognition is the technique which can be applied to the wide variety of problems like image and film processing, human computer interaction, criminal identification etc. This has motivated researchers to develop computational models to identify the faces, which are easy and simple to implement. In this , demonstrates the face recognition system in android device using eigenface. The system can be used as the base for the development of the recognition of human identity. Test images and training images are taken directly with the camera in android device.The test results showed that the system produces high accuracy. The goal is to implement model for particular face and distinguish it with large number of stored faces. face recognition system detects the faces in picture taken by web camera or digital camera and these images then checked with training images dataset based on descriptive features. Further this algorithm can be extended to recognize the facial expressions of a person.recognition could be carried out under widely varying conditions like frontal view,scaled frontal view subjects with spectacles. The algorithm models the real time varying lightning conditions. The implemented system is able to perform real-time face detection, face recognition and can give feedback giving a window with the subject's info from database and sending an e-mail notification to interested institutions using android application.Keywords: face detection, face recognition, eigen faces, algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 36116802 Improved K-Means Clustering Algorithm Using RHadoop with Combiner
Authors: Ji Eun Shin, Dong Hoon Lim
Data clustering is a common technique used in data analysis and is used in many applications, such as artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, economics, ecology, psychiatry and marketing. K-means clustering is a well-known clustering algorithm aiming to cluster a set of data points to a predefined number of clusters. In this paper, we implement K-means algorithm based on MapReduce framework with RHadoop to make the clustering method applicable to large scale data. RHadoop is a collection of R packages that allow users to manage and analyze data with Hadoop. The main idea is to introduce a combiner as a function of our map output to decrease the amount of data needed to be processed by reducers. The experimental results demonstrated that K-means algorithm using RHadoop can scale well and efficiently process large data sets on commodity hardware. We also showed that our K-means algorithm using RHadoop with combiner was faster than regular algorithm without combiner as the size of data set increases.Keywords: big data, combiner, K-means clustering, RHadoop
Procedia PDF Downloads 44016801 Similar Script Character Recognition on Kannada and Telugu
Authors: Gurukiran Veerapur, Nytik Birudavolu, Seetharam U. N., Chandravva Hebbi, R. Praneeth Reddy
This work presents a robust approach for the recognition of characters in Telugu and Kannada, two South Indian scripts with structural similarities in characters. To recognize the characters exhaustive datasets are required, but there are only a few publicly available datasets. As a result, we decided to create a dataset for one language (source language),train the model with it, and then test it with the target language.Telugu is the target language in this work, whereas Kannada is the source language. The suggested method makes use of Canny edge features to increase character identification accuracy on pictures with noise and different lighting. A dataset of 45,150 images containing printed Kannada characters was created. The Nudi software was used to automatically generate printed Kannada characters with different writing styles and variations. Manual labelling was employed to ensure the accuracy of the character labels. The deep learning models like CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and Visual Attention neural network (VAN) are used to experiment with the dataset. A Visual Attention neural network (VAN) architecture was adopted, incorporating additional channels for Canny edge features as the results obtained were good with this approach. The model's accuracy on the combined Telugu and Kannada test dataset was an outstanding 97.3%. Performance was better with Canny edge characteristics applied than with a model that solely used the original grayscale images. The accuracy of the model was found to be 80.11% for Telugu characters and 98.01% for Kannada words when it was tested with these languages. This model, which makes use of cutting-edge machine learning techniques, shows excellent accuracy when identifying and categorizing characters from these scripts.Keywords: base characters, modifiers, guninthalu, aksharas, vattakshara, VAN
Procedia PDF Downloads 5416800 Automated Recognition of Still’s Murmur in Children
Authors: Sukryool Kang, James McConnaughey, Robin Doroshow, Raj Shekhar
Still’s murmur, a vibratory heart murmur, is the most common normal innocent murmur of childhood. Many children with this murmur are unnecessarily referred for cardiology consultation and testing, which exacts a high cost financially and emotionally on the patients and their parents. Pediatricians to date are not successful at distinguishing Still’s murmur from murmurs of true heart disease. In this paper, we present a new algorithmic approach to distinguish Still’s murmur from pathological murmurs in children. We propose two distinct features, spectral width and signal power, which describe the sharpness of the spectrum and the signal intensity of the murmur, respectively. Seventy pediatric heart sound recordings of 41 Still’s and 29 pathological murmurs were used to develop and evaluate our algorithm that achieved a true positive rate of 97% and false positive rate of 0%. This approach would meet clinical standards in recognizing Still’s murmur.Keywords: AR modeling, auscultation, heart murmurs, Still's murmur
Procedia PDF Downloads 37016799 Burnout Recognition for Call Center Agents by Using Skin Color Detection with Hand Poses
Authors: El Sayed A. Sharara, A. Tsuji, K. Terada
Call centers have been expanding and they have influence on activation in various markets increasingly. A call center’s work is known as one of the most demanding and stressful jobs. In this paper, we propose the fatigue detection system in order to detect burnout of call center agents in the case of a neck pain and upper back pain. Our proposed system is based on the computer vision technique combined skin color detection with the Viola-Jones object detector. To recognize the gesture of hand poses caused by stress sign, the YCbCr color space is used to detect the skin color region including face and hand poses around the area related to neck ache and upper back pain. A cascade of clarifiers by Viola-Jones is used for face recognition to extract from the skin color region. The detection of hand poses is given by the evaluation of neck pain and upper back pain by using skin color detection and face recognition method. The system performance is evaluated using two groups of dataset created in the laboratory to simulate call center environment. Our call center agent burnout detection system has been implemented by using a web camera and has been processed by MATLAB. From the experimental results, our system achieved 96.3% for upper back pain detection and 94.2% for neck pain detection.Keywords: call center agents, fatigue, skin color detection, face recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 29516798 Development of an EEG-Based Real-Time Emotion Recognition System on Edge AI
Authors: James Rigor Camacho, Wansu Lim
Over the last few years, the development of new wearable and processing technologies has accelerated in order to harness physiological data such as electroencephalograms (EEGs) for EEG-based applications. EEG has been demonstrated to be a source of emotion recognition signals with the highest classification accuracy among physiological signals. However, when emotion recognition systems are used for real-time classification, the training unit is frequently left to run offline or in the cloud rather than working locally on the edge. That strategy has hampered research, and the full potential of using an edge AI device has yet to be realized. Edge AI devices are computers with high performance that can process complex algorithms. It is capable of collecting, processing, and storing data on its own. It can also analyze and apply complicated algorithms like localization, detection, and recognition on a real-time application, making it a powerful embedded device. The NVIDIA Jetson series, specifically the Jetson Nano device, was used in the implementation. The cEEGrid, which is integrated to the open-source brain computer-interface platform (OpenBCI), is used to collect EEG signals. An EEG-based real-time emotion recognition system on Edge AI is proposed in this paper. To perform graphical spectrogram categorization of EEG signals and to predict emotional states based on input data properties, machine learning-based classifiers were used. Until the emotional state was identified, the EEG signals were analyzed using the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) technique, which is a supervised learning system. In EEG signal processing, after each EEG signal has been received in real-time and translated from time to frequency domain, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique is utilized to observe the frequency bands in each EEG signal. To appropriately show the variance of each EEG frequency band, power density, standard deviation, and mean are calculated and employed. The next stage is to identify the features that have been chosen to predict emotion in EEG data using the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) technique. Arousal and valence datasets are used to train the parameters defined by the KNN technique.Because classification and recognition of specific classes, as well as emotion prediction, are conducted both online and locally on the edge, the KNN technique increased the performance of the emotion recognition system on the NVIDIA Jetson Nano. Finally, this implementation aims to bridge the research gap on cost-effective and efficient real-time emotion recognition using a resource constrained hardware device, like the NVIDIA Jetson Nano. On the cutting edge of AI, EEG-based emotion identification can be employed in applications that can rapidly expand the research and implementation industry's use.Keywords: edge AI device, EEG, emotion recognition system, supervised learning algorithm, sensors
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